Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 329 - Strider Wilson

Episode Date: February 13, 2024

Today we are joined by the Legend who has the most guest appearances in Going Deep history. You know him, You love him... Its Strider Wilson. We get a serious call from our brother who is stuck in th...e mud and can't find his way out. We also discuss Drake's Hog and compare photos. IF you enjoyed this ep, leave a like or a comment!  Check out Striders Pod - History is Dank! https://www.youtube.com/@UCTL7nlAndqWlwjgZR7pchtw  Grab some dank merch here:https://shop.chadandjt.com/ Come see us on Tour! FLORDIA (Tampa, Orlando, Dania Beach UP NEXT) - TIX HERE: http://www.chadandjt.com Call us, leave a 60 sec voicemail with your issue or question: 323-418-2019or write in to chadgoesdeeppodccast(at)gmail.com(Start with where you're from and name for best possible advice) Check out the reddit for some dank convo: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep/ Episode Sponsored by: JoyMode: Go to https://www.usejoymode.com and use code GODEEP at checkout for 20% off plus free shipping!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, guys? Welcome to the podcast. We have, this is one of the most fun times I've had in an episode. I'm so stoked for you guys to listen. But first, we got a new sponsor. We got Joy Mode in the house. And guys, I want to talk to you about sex, all right? This ad is all about boning. Do you want to increase your performance? Do you want to get the top bone possible? Well, Joy Mode does that. And okay, so Joy Mode mode is like a it's like pre-workout for your hog so basically they use like in other products like viagra cialis they use like kind of gnarly chemicals this is al natural to increase blood flow to your thing and uh 15 minutes or less is great um but not when you're referring to your performance in the
Starting point is 00:00:46 bedroom. So, go to usejoymode.com, get 20% off with code GODIP at checkout. That's 20% off and free shipping with code GODIP at usejoymode.com. We are also in Florida this week. We are going to be in Orlando. We are in Orlando tonight. We are in Tampa tomorrow. We are in Dania Beach Friday. Striders with us. Super fun shows. Get your tickets at ChadJT.com. Let's start the show.
Starting point is 00:01:29 I can't explain I got a feeling that I just I can't erase Just a feeling that I won't Won't leave behind Because it's something that is on It's on my mind I guess it goes like Nah, nah, nah
Starting point is 00:01:42 Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah what's going on stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep chad jd podcast i'm here with my compadre sean thomas what up read the books your father read and we're here with the tongue dart tyrant strider wilson what up boys fired up to be back in the studio dude let's do this good energy good sexual energy in here today i don't know what it is but there's i mean you got this miami vibe to you right now and it's it's doing a lot of the heavy sexual lifting right now i put on cologne today actually you did yeah giorgio nice armani yeah very nice is it the one that comes in the bottle that looks like a man's physique? The blue one? Absolutely. It's a great one. I have that one too. Oh you do? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:29 I bust it out usually on the weekend when the wife comes home from work on a Friday. She sniffs that along with the pheromones. You better believe some boning takes place after that. Can you walk us through like the whole oh yeah the whole scene i bump out usually i'll i'll facetime one of my boys sometimes jt he'll watch me bump out maybe a good wad so i'll get a nice pump happy to participate love that him having my back jt's getting it we get a sweat in that always gets my endorphins going you know give him a virtual dap later then after that i take a shower walk the dog, make sure he's fed. Then I save his TREAT for later for when my wife and I can enjoy.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Then after I'm showered and walked, so I have a little sweat going, that same sweat base for my pheromones, I put a little Armonio right there under where the jawline meets the neck right there, like where a vampire would get you right there um and then i sit i put on my best blazer and tie no bottom completely butt naked but also dress shoes wow i have sensitive feet i have fat plantar fasciitis so i wear my nice dress shoes with insoles oh beautiful and then i stand at the entryway and one time a vedex guy did show up and he did see he did see my ass but he did he respected it because up top i was business what were you getting delivered that was actually um some protein shakes yeah i switched over from uh dude honestly dude big confession i'm off muscle milk now now i do these plant-based ones
Starting point is 00:04:02 smart i'm full la now i bet the fedex guy was like package recognized package yeah he did for sure he did he saw me he goes exactly dude what is your wife wear to correspond with your outfit so this is a great question she comes home in her regular work clothes you know classy work clothes she sees me naked she goes hold on one second because she can see my little dink starting to rise she goes hold on one second she goes into the room immediately changes in to a snowboard gear i actually like when she wears kind of a broey it is hot on chicks dude i know isn't that nice yeah she puts on a full gator it's his la it's usually 95 board boots as well she'll put the boots on which is thank god she doesn't ski because otherwise the downstairs neighbors will be pissed. Yeah. Yeah. But no pants. Of course, no pants.
Starting point is 00:04:46 So, like, four layers up top, helmet, goggles, gaiter, boots, and you don't wear a condom. No, no, we're married. Nice. Yeah. Where do you bust? Typically, I don't. I'm just over-busting now. It's just sort of this new optimization thing I'm trying.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I'm on the same thing. That's why sort of this new optimization thing i'm trying i'm on the same thing that's why i call myself one of the start boys whoa actually i was just talking about that this morning with our buddy pat we're start boys i love that what is that we just had our own finish line oh wow that's beautiful the start boys beautiful that's beautiful in the past you start me up i'll never stop it's like a fight you ain't gonna start it but you're gonna finish it on your terms except i don't i like that i've noticed uh you guys have an extra glow about you and now i know it's the chi from the extra cum and my isle of paradise fake tanning drops exactly dude it looks fantastic and you know what dude i'm cumogenic and you know what, dude? Non-comogenic. And you know what, dude? Our health guru, Troy, he says if you know FAP, if you hold in your load for long enough,
Starting point is 00:05:50 the load will travel up your spine and activate your pineal gland and you'll have a fat DMT trip. Whoa. Now I do have to let you know, I do drill myself and absolutely blow loads. Yeah, I still masturbate a lot and actually i got troy's instructions backwards uh-huh and for a while i wasn't pissing but i was drinking my cum oh yeah dude honestly that's when you really got um backed me with some notes really quickly you
Starting point is 00:06:18 i was pretty happy yeah yeah my emails were So it worked. I think anytime you're just dedicated to getting better, it's going to help. Right. Interesting. You know what I've been doing lately? It's that, it's sort of not new, but you want to activate those like mammalian adrenal gland instincts. You need to feel like you're going to die. So what I do is I sleep on the ledge of my balcony at night.
Starting point is 00:06:44 And if I roll over i'll fall three stories off but if i wake up the next day i find myself really productive sending a lot of nice emails yeah that's really clarifying yeah it's really smart i'll uh i'll do the same thing i fist fight my dad wow good yeah yeah classic and then i just go you know hang out with my kids and work right it's nice you know what i did the other day that felt great uh my dad was about to make a point on the phone and i said hold on hold on gotta run real quick i had nowhere to go just hung up on him you know what i've been our move big beef move i've been taking a bath lately and
Starting point is 00:07:20 having my girlfriend dangle the blow dryer over it really i mean that really uh it tightens the pores and it puts the pressure on her in a way where you're like don't fail me yeah i think that's important for trust we we've bonded extra hard that's yeah i've continued coming but now i maybe uh maybe i'll preserve it uh for my own self i've been news i know where all the sex offenders live in my neighborhood and sometimes i'll go over uh for my own self i've been news i know where all the sex offenders live in my neighborhood and sometimes i'll go over to their house and i'll pick them up and bring them over and then i'll just sit at the table with them oh smart wow and wait for them to make a move wow really smart what i do is um i'll go buy drugs downtown um and then tell the drug dealer where i
Starting point is 00:08:03 live say hey come pick up the money later, leave a door unlocked, and just sort of see what happens. Is he going to come by? Is he not going to come by? And I find that the next day, I'm really getting two to three more reps in my workout. You know, there's a rattlesnake behind my house, and I'll wrangle the rattlesnake. You know, you can do it with just like a little uh i use a hanger i put it in the bathroom and i put it in there and i meditate
Starting point is 00:08:33 and if you can meditate to the rattle of a rattlesnake that's known to activate your phycological origin um which helps you access flow state you normally need the sun for that you know what else i'll do i'll um i'll call random numbers like i'm leaving a message for elon musk oh wow that's good i'll go to a local middle school pickup area and just be like hey kids hop in um see what's going on and i've really found um i've been able to get a few babysitting gigs out of that which is nice Because parents will pay me for that. You got to work for free. You got to be preemptive.
Starting point is 00:09:07 You got to show people you want the job. Yeah. I'll call an LA Times journalist sometimes and call him or her the R word. Just to, you know, the threat of cancellation helps me focus on my career. Smart. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, honestly honestly no notes we're all i guess in to some eyes crushing it things are good cruise cruise we had a pretty uh good game of call of duty the other night dude it's fun the new update okay well before the update though we played the best we've ever played.
Starting point is 00:09:45 That's the one I'm talking about. Yeah, that was amazing, dude. We put up 37 kills, bro. Eight, right? Oh, seven. Nine. You're right. No, you had nine.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Yeah, 37 kills. And then my bro, and then, was it Greg? Greg had 10. He just had 10. I love that we all had a lot of bags. That was nice. Bro. You guys are doing bags?
Starting point is 00:10:04 Body bags. Body bags. Ah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. i love that we all had a lot of bags that was nice bro you guys are doing bags body bags ah yeah oh yeah it's back to fortunes keep what's what's body bags for you just general question i think if i drop more than six i feel pretty good about my game if i drop more than eight i'm like all right i was i was slamming some people that's pretty good that's really good yeah yeah we go based off like damage most of the time because one guy will have like eight and only have like 1500 and you're like bro clearly you were stealing kills exactly right but um so we go highest frag based on damage oh cool and what's a good damage for you like 2500 is like legit and then other other than that uh no like like 5k is
Starting point is 00:10:44 like like you're doing great that's a ton of damage yeah it's pretty good that means you're getting like 12 kills no no like 8 to 10 potentially we're poachers yeah but we're but we're aggressive poachers i would average like two three well you're not repping you're you got to be in the gym yeah you got it you're a murderer dude you got that rage in you yeah that's in there that's in there you know what you know what actually pisses me off more than anything i've learned in my relationship just in life this is not just contained in my relationship but just life when people tell me to heat up my food you know people like heat that up you should heat that up i'm like i know how i like
Starting point is 00:11:25 my food don't tell me how to eat my food you know like no you should heat it up and i'm like i'm telling you i shouldn't i like it cold i don't like when people try to dictate or tell me the temperature of my food and how i should like it thank you yeah you know what i mean no thank you for telling me you're right you know what though i'm very guilty of this i do this to my wife all the time i go do you want some sauce for that you should do that and i'm like so she's called me out enough to now where we joke around i go you're eating wrong i just yeah and then we laugh about it and yeah it's but it was a process to get there it's a process anytime someone tells me to change how i'm doing something my brain instantly goes through our entire history and I'm like, have I ever asked this person
Starting point is 00:12:06 to change what they're doing? And either I have and they didn't or I haven't. Yeah. My girlfriend was like, would you get mad at your mom if she asked you? I'm like, anyone. That's a good question. Anyone.
Starting point is 00:12:19 No, my mom will come. Yeah, I'll just fucking get, I'll fuck her up. Swear to God. Dude, they still think they still think i mean look we love our moms but they still telling me how to do everything you know what i mean yeah dude my mom did we're sponsored by like a soft drink or something and i love it and i was really excited because like sometimes you get sponsored by stuff you don't like as much right so i was like mom check this out they're sponsoring us it's so good then my mom goes oh no it has the bad sugar in it. It's really bad for people's stomachs. And then I let her go, oh, I guess I'll just go fuck myself.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Yeah, yuck and yums. It's so, yuck and yums is, I think as you grow older, it's the temptation to yuck yums. You learn about that temptation because it's it's yucking yums and and also trying to make people feel sorry for you you feel like that's gonna give you a boost like when you like point out the truth to someone you're like actually that's not how it went down or actually you know that's really bad sugar for you you know stuff like that that you think that it's gonna make you feel good but it does nothing for all parties involved yeah it's more negative overall for sure also when you when you're like well
Starting point is 00:13:32 here's the traumatic thing that happened to me and people are like okay it's an addiction to talk about it yes i feel it in myself and then you get you get a little hit when you say it but then afterwards you crash you're like why the fuck can do that yeah i remember when i was in a teen i was like i just felt compelled to drop this bomb on people be like my parents are divorced like they would respect me or like me more because i just and it's just they're like okay you know what i mean yeah they treat you like you were harry potter or something like that yeah exactly that's that's such a good analogy like oh you're the boy who lived i'm like yeah i also like having no follow-up on it there's a nice move yeah i did go to an east coast boarding school people don't people don't take that shit well i'm just being
Starting point is 00:14:19 like my parents are divorced and then they they look at you for more and you're like yeah yeah cool dude so are you gonna play soccer or so when study hall that is true sometimes yeah you say stuff and i'm just like i don't know what i was gonna say next but i'm happy i was talking to people do you guys ever catch yourself you're just talking and then after a while you're like oh i'm still talking you're more clipped than i am in conversation like you don't meander in conversation as much as i do no but i babble i i'd say i'm more in the opposite thing i clam up more where i just don't talk i've been making a point and then disagree with the point i was making like halfway through i'm like actually i totally disagree with what i'm saying right now but i have to but i have to
Starting point is 00:15:01 just finish this sentence so we can move on with life will you say it out loud or just in your mind no like i'll figure it out like i'll be talking to like a co-worker or something about it and like being like this is this this and then my and then i'll realize i'm like actually that's kind of stupid no i shouldn't say that what are you guys discussing right now i can't i can't i've just happened to be like a few instances serious stuff or no more like menial no no stuff just kind of like he's like look dude you should respect you know your wife and your elders and i'll be saying that and then i'll disagree with it right when i hear it i'm like no they're stupid folks you know what i mean like do you have you uh discerned anything about the the next generation dude it's funny i was thinking about this uh i like that they keep me intact and sort of plugged into what's going on.
Starting point is 00:15:47 We were just talking about that. Yeah, and it's like, it's nice. Dude, it's all the same type of shit. Like, they're all doing the same, feel like the same stuff that we would do. And it's young guys, mainly who I'm talking to.
Starting point is 00:15:59 And, you know, they like vaping. They party. Like, they, and these guys have jobs, which is nice. You know, they work hard and uh but it all seems like the same regular shit like i saw i thought about it because i saw this article i didn't even see an article i saw like an instagram post about an article that i didn't read and uh it was like study shows that gen z actually want meaningful
Starting point is 00:16:21 long-lasting relationships where it's like we're supposed to like, as the older generation, like figure out what they're into. Like they're not all poly was basically like the tone of it or whatever. But it's like, maybe we're not supposed to understand. Like maybe our parents' generation didn't understand like the era of free love or whatever. And like, maybe it's just, they'll figure it out. I feel like there's always the same level of polyamory.
Starting point is 00:16:44 It's just are we at a cultural moment where you're allowed to disclose it yeah comfortably like as people have always been cheating the numbers on that are consistent yeah so now it's just like is it agreed upon or is it still do you think there was a moment in time where we had it right no no it's always bad it's just how you look at it there's something i was gonna say i totally forget though but uh i don't know that your parents are divorced oh dude yeah so i'm sorry to hear that fuck well here's the thing guys my parents are divorced you know what let's practice it like like you know do it yeah yeah um my parents are divorced oh my god chad i totally misperceived you i thought you were a happy-go-lucky guy but now i
Starting point is 00:17:33 see still waters run deep and that it had a profound effect on you i've had trauma you have and i'm sorry people haven't taken that seriously is there anything i can do whether it be lend you an ear or suck you off that would make you feel right in this situation i think just letting everyone you know know that i'm deep and i've been through some stuff even if it looks like i've had a charm life but just let people know hey um he may have it may look like he's had a charm life but his parents are divorced so next time you see him you should probably suck him off smash cut and uh sir one more thing no no oh sorry sorry i thought we were cutting to right after i blew you yes yes yes and sir one more thing yes before i let you go chad's parents are divorced oh my goodness oh my goodness um look i was gonna walk out of this honda dealership today
Starting point is 00:18:40 without buying a car but i'm gonna have to buy not only the Honda CRV, but I want the sport package with the moon roof as well. I'm happy to hear that. Is, is Chad okay? Will it, will the car have a speakerphone so I can call him and check in on him regularly? And then smash cut you with you and your wife. Hey that was amazing despite the fact i didn't nut um did you know that chad's parents are divorced oh my god yeah his parents are divorced yeah should you and i both suck him off in tandem exactly exactly smash cut back to you after you've had like 100 bjs oh oh thank you that was like a conga line of just blowies thank you so much and thank you guys for head yeah um hey man just checking in um it's my first blow job i gave it to you under the
Starting point is 00:19:48 understanding that your parents would be doing better and you'd be doing better after i blew you how they doing how are you doing let me call them i it still hurts really yeah hey was i good at sucking your dick? I mean, dude, you were the first TMB I ever had. Hey-o. I didn't even think I'd have that with JT, but this guy can suck. Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma. Yeah, dude. Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Sorry about your parents' divorce, by the way. Oh, thanks, man. Yeah. Actually, I didn't hear an apology from you. Oh, I'm sorry. Sorry for what? Sorry I didn't suck your dick good enough dude well you know that and oh i'm sorry your parents are divorced thanks well apologize in a good way
Starting point is 00:20:33 suck that fucking you're right you're right conga line ahead is gonna be the name of something yeah conga line fandom that's your first stand-up album the cover's just wait jake can we watch the touch and bust video real quick just to get us amped i ain't gonna lie to you if you got that you gotta think football think sports think some completely opposite of if you're in listen if you're in the ue you got to think football think sports think some completely opposite of what you're doing let me help you last longer hey i'm telling you if you got that ue i'm mr tnb i'm sorry it's your fault it's your fault. Be mad at yourself because you got that scunion. Be mad at yourself.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Oh, you're going to end up in the group chat. That's all right. What you want me to do? If you got that we, man, you know you ain't lasting no long. You ain't lasting long with that we. I'm telling you, that's why I told you what to do. It's a mind thing. You got to be able to
Starting point is 00:21:45 play mind games. You got to eliminate where you at and take your mind somewhere else. I'll tell you what my mind is. If the first thing, if you hear, God damn, it's over. That's it for me. Okay, that's it.
Starting point is 00:22:00 I'm sorry. Okay. Same time tomorrow. He's hilarious that's is that their whole podcast it is a lot of that dude that's amazing that's great before uh before having to call you showed me i think you showed me andy elliott oh dude yes andy elliott i sent in an andy elliott clip to jake jake do you want to do you have that oh this guy's great dude this is andy elliott's latest clip andy elliott's uh he's a i think a car salesman motivational coach yeah and uh he's taking the internet look at yourself dude you gave up you completely eat garbage you don't take care of yourself. You're negative. You complain.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Come on, man. You go and drink. Why? I can go dance. I don't need to drink. I need to stay elite. If you don't believe in you right now, I swear I will come through this camera.
Starting point is 00:23:00 I will throw you through a freaking window. Take your shirt off. Dude, yes. He's like if Alex Hormozy got like lost in the desert for a season. Dude, yeah. Dude, it's amazing. He's so jacked, which is great. And there is some nice stuff.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Like, you know, there is some stuff to glean from what he says. Like, it is good. Believe in yourself in that. But, dude, he'll make dudes at conferences literally take their shirts off yeah and he's been he's the dude who said like basically like if you don't have a six-pack you don't work for me yeah and he's like he's like he'll he'll call out guys he'll be like tough for the endomorphs he's like if you don't have a six-pack you won't work for me look at this guy he'll call out some guy he's like look at this guy he's average looking you
Starting point is 00:23:42 know and this guy i'll take this guy shred him down to six percent body fat because right now no one wants to hang out with you dude i'm not being negative but you look like everyone else yeah yeah but when you look at me you're interested why because i'm shredded dude my favorite one is he goes he goes you don't think when i walk up at the car dealership to someone and he sees that vein pulsating out of my bicep he says that he goes you don't think that they clock that you don't think they're gonna respect what i say more and the thing is he actually is right about that like i do respect a jack dude like a jack dude walks up to me i'm
Starting point is 00:24:13 like fuck yeah tell me some more stuff instead of like to buy optics to buy a car too yeah you can feel a jack guy walks in you buy oh dude i'm getting the off-road package dude absolutely like there's no question like there's truth to it but also at the same time it's like not everyone's gonna get jacked like like it's just i don't know it's hilarious dude and it's just like just goes to show like on social media how hard you need to lean into one direction to like stand out where he's like i bet you he probably he probably doesn't believe half the shit that he's saying maybe he does i don't know but like the content he's putting out he's like i gotta push it more and more and more yeah it's it's made everyone verbalize every thought yeah where he might have in the past
Starting point is 00:24:54 just been like a cool jack dude who was pretty good at selling cars but now it has to be like a industry yeah and do think about if you get like a buddy of yours at a car disrupts like turn around start working out together and stuff that's rad yeah like dude you got your bro on the gym like if you do that like on a on a micro scale like that's really sick trying to take anything like that that's like intimate or somewhat benevolent and then make it macro and make money off of it it's like it's gonna become icky yeah yeah and you have to like there's gonna be incongruencies that you can't put into the videos like there's parts of him that he can't allow people to see because it would undermine the
Starting point is 00:25:30 sales pitch yeah and then even more so there are vulnerable parts that will be controlled vulnerability that will reach out where it's like you know actually andy uh you know at one point like i don't like i was low on sales in december one time and it's because you know my iguana died or whatever it is he's gonna say and then it's like oh man well andy is deep like that happens to me too yeah he's gonna like feedback test his vulnerabilities to see which ones are actually effective and which ones are too damaging correct because if he was like oh i you know used to uh be addicted to getting pounded in my ass by hookers, people might say, oh, that's too big of a pill to swallow. But if instead he reframes it as, oh, I had problems with infidelity,
Starting point is 00:26:13 everyone's like, oh, he was probably, he has too many hot girl options, so of course he made some mistakes, but at least now he's on the straight and narrow. Correct. Yeah, exactly. Let his audience do the heavy lifting as opposed to what the details are. Smart. JT, you could start a marketing company like that. That'd be nice. I could. Smart, perceptive. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:34 I love that. Should we hop in the first call? Yeah. What's a scunion? Hello? Hey, man. How are you? Good. How about you, dude? Doing dude doing well dude what's going on just chilling brother we got strider in the building what up sir oh no shit what's going on dude chilling dude uh i just pulled up to the gym about to get a fucking sick lift in let's go oh yeah what are you hitting uh i think i'm doing back and bys today. Just a typical bro dude lift.
Starting point is 00:27:08 It's the best day. It's a great day, dude. It's a great day. Do you at least get on that leg press, though, to boost that T through your body? I mean, just do a little warm-up on the leg press. Just every day you should be doing that. I say I'm going to, but I never end up doing it. That's right.
Starting point is 00:27:23 That's right. How often are you working out? six days a week I Try to get there four to five days. I got a tough schedule so but I try nice nice. So what ails you brother? Alright, so I got some big beef. I got some beef with my bros You know, this is not as bad of a problem as the dude's beef with his girlfriend from last week. I guess he had trouble eating box. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:27:49 I got beef with my bros. Basically, we're all police officers down here in Metro Atlanta. It's like a friend group of like four to five dudes. They live about 45 minutes away from me, so it's always a hike getting down to see them. But I try to get down here like every other week uh we usually hit downtown and smash some brews together um out of the friend group i'm closest with one dude but the other three to four dudes they got beef because i have a tendency of irish exiting are you guys familiar with that term oh yeah yeah so they like to
Starting point is 00:28:25 party super, super hard. And, uh, I mean, by the end of the night, usually 11 or 12, I have, I have to make that trip back home. And I have a, I have the issue of not liking to sleep in any other bed, but my own bed. So, uh, they like to force me or try to force me to stay out. And it makes me need to Irish exit. i'm always having an irish exit so that way i can get home to get my own bed and what happens if you tell them you're leaving i mean they physically detain me they put their hands on me and make me stay wow and these are cops they got cuffs what's that they got cuffs on them um i mean it's i wouldn't put it past them to put me in cuffs uh but i mean it's uh it's a lot of pressure do they do they call you names like
Starting point is 00:29:14 like bailer or pussy those are some of the terms they've used for sure yeah damn so when you when you irish exit what happens are you bombarded with texts or what's what's going on my strategy as of late is i try to just you know sneak off to the bathroom i'll let them know hey i gotta i gotta let it rip uh so i'll sneak off to the bathroom i'll act as if i'm going over there or i'll go over there then i'll just find a way out the back now there's this one guy that i'm closest with he has a tendency to iris x that even though he he lives over there with them um but he always supports it so it's kind of like a i pull him aside saying and say hey i'm i'm about to get out of here and he always gives me the approval but once everyone else finds out
Starting point is 00:30:01 i mean the group chat i just get eaten alive yeah i got i got an idea for you dude i got an idea here's what you do you still don't tell them you're gonna say bye because it's annoying you're gonna they're gonna fucking go oh dude stay blah blah you go to the bar you send your boys who are staying around okay you have the message delivered from that person. And then what you also have to do is to justify your goodbyes. You need to get some sort of pet, get a pet, like a fish or a lizard, something like that, that you need to get home and feed and check on. Now a dog would be good, that's a huge investment. I won't tell you to go get a dog, but get a relatively sustainable pet and be like, Hey, I got to go check in on it or hey the power when
Starting point is 00:30:45 you know something that you need to go and be back at a certain time by and they'll respect that a little bit more and also if you send them around then what are they complaining about smart dude i don't know these guys are pretty stubborn it's really really tough i usually my pet i hate to say it but i always use my girlfriend as an excuse, and they're not for it. No, don't do that. She's a part of the friend group, but they're never for it. So there's no excuse good enough. Have you gone on the offensive?
Starting point is 00:31:16 I tried, but these guys are so... Listen, they're all type A type personalities. They're all super fucking stubborn. When I say there's nothing I can do There's literally nothing I can do and I just want to get home and get to my own bed And I can't my other thing is is they want to go hard in the paint all night and you know drink like there's no tomorrow But I still have that 45 45 minute trip home and I just can't get hammered on a Tuesday night. Have you ever called in like, uh, say like, Hey, dispatch reached out. There's a murder. I gotta go take care of it. I've used that excuse, but I mean, they, I mean,
Starting point is 00:31:58 they know that we all know everyone, so it wouldn't take them that long to confirm whether something actually happened or not. Right right because they know how to investigate exactly unfortunately yeah what if you just accepted that you are yeah gonna catch shit for the rest of your life i've i've certainly given in a lot more than i originally did um but i mean it's just a lot of pressure. It almost makes me not want to go out, despite how much I love going out and just getting after it with the guys. Because, I mean, I need that, especially with the job I work and all that. But it's like it's always lingering in my head. It's like, well, you know what?
Starting point is 00:32:41 Come 12, come 1 o'clock, I'm going to get shit. And I'm not going to hear the end of it for the next week are any of them married none of us are married that's the thing you got to get them married you got to you got to invite out uh like a girl's crossfit team because i want them to be able to match up well with your gung-ho brothers bring those gals out make sure everyone's you know match fit for one another get them porking get them invested and get them locked down and then you don't even have to do the job some broad with some sweet kumani and a better heart can make them right how do i get in contact with a really hot entire girls crossfit team you join a crossfit gym my
Starting point is 00:33:34 bro you go to they call them boxes you go in there dude you go into there and you're you're in good shape dude you know you're elite this might take a week or two to build a relationship you say come out with me my buddies were going out guys and it's not like you're seeing one anyway all you guys come on out let's go and i think to get them hooked as well this is a strategy that the boys have been using lately tell them to stop coming yeah because then they'll be kind of hooked so smart yeah and once they once they you know bust then they're kind of like all right let's go rage but if they're containing their load they're gonna want to get married yep that's freaking genius
Starting point is 00:34:16 i mean it's the call dude it's the call and if you can't get crossfit gyms you know this is atlanta you guys got a lot of strip clubs down there you go you pay you know you pay you get to get some girls out there you know the almighty dollar crossfit stripper club orange theory oh there's there's definitely plenty of those to go around i'll tell you right now yeah can you tell us about like your most interesting uh arrest you've had to make oh this is tough the shit i have to deal with on the daily it's tough right everyone who calls you is having the worst day of their life is that the maxim yeah pretty much you know what i'll give you guys this story to end on and
Starting point is 00:35:01 it wasn't an arrest but it's definitely funny as shit uh we got called out to an apartment because a door dash driver was concerned that he heard uh someone inside the apartment uh screaming for help so obviously uh you know in those circumstances uh if we can try to make contact to the door um or if we can't make contact to the door it would be exigent enough to actually kick in the door or go inside because someone's life could be at risk. So we show up, the door dash driver shows us, you know, the apartment that they're hearing the noises coming from. And we go up to it, we put our ear up to the door. And I mean, we can literally hear someone screaming help. It was like, help, help, help.
Starting point is 00:35:38 And it was just constant. So we're knocking on the door saying, police, are you there? You know, you need help. And we were getting no responses. knocking on the door saying police are you there you know you need help and we were getting no responses so we didn't know if it was maybe an elderly lady that had fallen and couldn't get up or you know maybe a small child that didn't really know how to communicate uh so we made the decision just based off what we were hearing that we uh we're going to kick the door in so we gave it a few good kicks we couldn't get it in so we finally used a battering ram to just bust open the door
Starting point is 00:36:03 and we went inside and no one was there we couldn't we didn't see anyone but we kept hearing help help help so uh we went into one of the bedroom closets and what do you know there was a uh there was a beagle dog uh in a like a crate and for some reason the noise that it was making sounded exactly like someone saying help we had to explain to the homeowners why we because they had cameras in their apartment and they came home pretty quickly why we decided that battering ram their door down for their beagle yeah come to find out this beagle was 15 years old and it was blind and deaf oh yeah so you know that was an interesting uh explanation to our chief why we you know
Starting point is 00:36:54 kick someone's door down for a dog maybe like your your ring camera and you just just come in the apartment well they they come up and they're like This guy the homeowner The apartment owner he came up with like a gun in his hand He's like I just saw a bunch of people like In our apartment and he shows us The you know the video footage And it's just us going in with our friggin
Starting point is 00:37:17 Guns drawn and our gun lights on And we're like looking around and we can't find anything Until we stumble across this blind and deaf Beagle Hilarious deaf beagle. Hilarious. That beagle has no idea how close it came. Dude.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Dude. Literally. Yeah. Before you go, I had another idea leading up to when you get all your boys married. You can make a deal with them. Be like, once a month, I will empty the tank with you guys. And I will, like, stay out. And then the rest of the time, you can be like, dude, I have that one night. And then, you know, you can't give me shit for the other nights because I give you that one night a month.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Maybe you could try that. That's a fair compromise. I just, you know, I just have this, like I said, I have this super extreme issue where I can only sleep in my own bed. And I just, you know, I hate, I'm too old. I mean, maybe not, I'm 25 years old, but I'm just, I feel like I'm too old to be sleeping on the couch at this point in my life. Like I really prioritize comfort because 99% of the time I'm just not comfortable. I think that's like a good indicator of when you've hit like a maturity. Yeah, I would say so. I don't know. They're just, those guys are on a different level and i'm just i'm here to try to make them happy but sometimes it seems like it's you know it's never gonna
Starting point is 00:38:29 happen you know what man you sound like a good dude i'm glad you're on the streets i appreciate it guys i love that next time you got to plant a weapon on the beagle a little knife something like that you know you put the gun in the beagle's paw and pull the trigger twice yeah you fired twice as we entered the door get forensics in there match the paw prints sir this is a golden retriever yeah oh then you take all of his treats for your dog yeah it's like training day oh that's solid guys thanks man thanks for calling in later bro all right absolutely i appreciate you guys you guys are the best so are you quick q irish exit is that a regional thing
Starting point is 00:39:14 yeah that's interesting versus irish goodbye i've always heard irish goodbye yeah i don't know i love the irish goodbye it's a great man i think at a certain point it just becomes so much more functional than saying goodbye to everyone yeah and now that you have a text you can just text the group so they don't worry about you like hey what happened this guy like is he literally black like it can get hairy like if you're traveling in cabo or another country but it's like hey i went home with the lady or hey cruising back tired like yeah i think two people perceive it as like not cowardice but like oh you don't have the guts to like tell us you're leaving and it's like I'm just saving myself a half hour of
Starting point is 00:39:49 nonsense and who even really remembers no one remembers no one and like yeah like what do they think the whole group is like when they leave like oh man Darren he's not here yeah it's like no dude I mean maybe these these like this rare, but isn't it, it could also be argued that it's more selfish if you go up and you're like, hey guys, bye. Yeah. Hey guys, just so you know, I'm not going to be here any longer. So try to keep having fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:16 You know, some people like getting ghosted more than getting told I'm not into you. Whoa. The uncertainty might be a little bit more comforting. Yeah. And they almost think it's like if some people i like being told or i did like hey i'm not into you i liked hearing that because it was just final but some people think like you're presupposing that they're very into you and so it's almost rude to break up with them because it wasn't that serious to them right it's probably a certain amount of times like a have you boned like more than a few times yeah have you made each other dinner yes yeah that's even a better brahmana have you done
Starting point is 00:40:49 anything yeah very intimate like that pick them up from the airport oh if you do that i mean that's huge gone to a funeral for one of their nuclear family members it's the sexual energy that we talked about we let it we let the audience know when they started listening yeah there's a sexual energy to this podcast that's just innate and undeniable and today it's cranked up to an 11 yeah and and also this other thing my parents are divorced whoa dude what are you serious you know here's the thing though it surprises me not because i think you've had an easy life but because you're so well adjusted and when I see you come through The door I can tell you're someone who has experienced life on life's terms, but has never let it Dent their optimism or their compassion for other people. That's exactly what I was looking for when I said that. Oh, thank you
Starting point is 00:41:40 Sorry if I got sexual there, too No, I loved it. That was beautiful. Hey, you too, brother. Thank you. Hey, you too. Hey, did you know something about me? What?
Starting point is 00:41:54 I know that Chad's parents are divorced. You knew that? I knew that. And you carried that burden? Yeah. That must have been so heavy for you. You know what? I wanted to tell a lot of people, yeah. I'm surprised by that.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Not because I'm surprised that you've been through difficult things but because you carried it with such selflessness thank you can I tell you guys something mm-hmm I'm the reason Chad's parents got divorced hey you know what? Did you know that this whole time? I knew that I had had... You blew Chad's dad? Yeah. That was you? Can I tell you something?
Starting point is 00:42:39 No, Chad, you go ahead. Tell him something. We always thought it was the lunch lady. That's what your dad used to call me because i gave him those sloppy blows dude that's a nice shamalan twist right there that would be crazy dude if i found out one of you guys fucked my dad dude look that's my favorite line in american wedding better yet go blow your dad my dad great movies dude american wedding yeah american pie too yeah pretty amazing rewash it recently the whole like scene where the chicks are getting them to make out it's like that's like a 12 minute sequence that's like that's the whole movie they made it longer in the dvd did oh dude smart it's probably more more breast shots like mom dad we need to buy this it's so funny you're like
Starting point is 00:43:34 pitching the movie you're like and then here's the kicker you're gonna have a 12 minute lesbian scene yeah exactly it's gonna everyone's gonna go nuts for it i watched that movie in theaters with my mom oh dude yeah i saw varsity blues with my mom oh you did yeah nice well i was watching the movie oh do you remember that it's othello but like in high school with josh hartman and mckay pfeiffer is julia styles in there yeah exactly and her and mckay pfeiffer have like a really intense sex scene where he's like way too aggressive with her and i was watching with my mom and dad and my mom at one point goes i'm getting uncomfortable i have to change it and me and my dad both went hey get away from the controller yeah if you can't handle it leave yeah 14 no no no no no did you hear that um yeah this is it yeah put some of this in the thing
Starting point is 00:44:22 i think you know they had to postpone this movie because Columbine happened. Oh. Maybe that's why they called it Oh. And there's teenage shooting in it, so they bumped it. I don't think it ever got a theater release. Did you hear that everyone's up in arms because Jenna Ortega has a sex scene with... I think it's John Lithgow? Whoa.
Starting point is 00:44:49 Whoa. What? Or maybe it's the hobbit guy ian mckellen ian mckellen oh martin freeman martin freeman dude it's more hilarious if it's john lithgow or sir ian mckellen dude i'm like this is genius oh they're 31 years older whoa i mean look they're acting she agreed to it i don't i don't see the issue yeah i mean this is a it's a movie aaron taylor johnson the actor i know it's different i don't think it's the same guy to gal gal to guy like there is a movie. Aaron Taylor Johnson, the actor, I know it's different. I don't think it's the same guy to gal to guy. Like there is a difference in the gender responsibility somewhat in these age gap relationships. But he was 18. He started dating.
Starting point is 00:45:34 And you know what? People aren't okay with that either. And they made a big deal of it. So my point's mute. Never mind. See, that's what happens to me sometimes. That's what I was talking about earlier. You started talking through it.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Then you realize. Yeah, because I had a reaction to it that was emotional then i she catches tons of shit for being married to him and people think he's in a you know unfair kind of manipulated position look if this movie takes place at a steakhouse in miami it makes perfect sense yeah it's like that's every steakhouse in miami yeah like come on yeah so he's gonna crush there dude also kind of crazy super tangential the daily today it was about one of these speaking of the uh column i think the kid in michigan who shot up his school his parents are gonna get charged with uh i saw that like uh negligent manslaughter or something i got convicted right whoa but then i was some of the i only
Starting point is 00:46:25 picked it up from my girlfriend but she's real good with details she was saying like the mom got warnings like they have text messages this is all me second-handing it but i'm just gonna let her rip so guys don't take it too seriously but look into it yourself the mom got like text from the sun where he'd be like mom i think i hear demons in the wall like is everything okay and she wouldn't respond for like two days oh really and she left like the gun safe open and the counselor warned her and she didn't like take it seriously but i almost think it's it's they're putting they're making a criminal to be a bad parent and i think they're just making an example of them hoping that other people will who are in similar situation like all right i better get on top of this or i could go to jail yeah yeah i mean that's got to be uh i wonder as a parent if you like how to how
Starting point is 00:47:10 to really sort of come to terms with the fact that you're like my kid might be a school shooter and to like call the authorities and all that kind of stuff like i think it definitely should have done something here but there's two movies about it where that's the sitch. We need to talk about Kevin's one of them where Tilda Swinton's like kid is a, that kind of person and she doesn't want to address it. Cause parents are so, we all know those parents when you're growing up who like, they have kind of a shit heel kid who's just got it like a bad thing in them where he's just sneaky and mean and like kind of likes when
Starting point is 00:47:45 other people are hurting and the parents just don't want to yeah look at it it's tough dude therapy dude therapy yeah i'm so cynical i'm like can i fix it i don't know i think electricity oh yeah electric shock all right let's get to the next caller sorry that's a heavy ass article do you do the elliot guy diys it at home he just puts two theraguns to his kid's temple and i'm gonna massage that evil fascia out of you go sell subarus dude you need to focus on dude yeah send them to andy dude send them to andy that's the what's the other movie rip them up and make a movie the other one's uh i think it's called rudderless but it's like a twist on that one so
Starting point is 00:48:34 i was a little reluctant to say one but it's cool because i'll just give it away the movie's smart william h macy directed at the beginning you think his kid died in a school shooting and so he starts recording all of his kids unreleased like music he starts making songs out of it and then the band gets big and they realize no his kid was actually the shooter oh and he's doing his music i kind of dug it i think it's good and the songs are good rhetoricless yeah it's with billy crudup he's really i think he's like one of the best actors he rips i like billy crudup yeah he's a great actor it's hot so you get really a musician he's been in quite a few musical movies.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Do you know who was supposed to be his part in Almost Famous? Who? Brad Pitt. Whoa. Almost good to not cast him because when they make the t-shirt, you're like, yeah, bro, he should be the fucking thing of the band. Like, come on, bro. Yeah, Brad Pitt would almost be too obvious.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Yeah, exactly. He's like, duh. And with Crudup, he on, bro. Yeah, Brad Pitt would almost be too obvious as a star. Yeah, exactly. Like, duh. And with Crudup, he's close enough. Mm-hmm. Russell. I love drugs. Do you guys go Almost Famous or Jerry Maguire? Jam, baby.
Starting point is 00:49:37 I go Jerry Maguire, I think. But I love both movies. I haven't watched Almost Famous in a while. It's good. They're both amazing dude before the next call i just like i know your parents are divorced and everything but uh i broke my jaw twice so i think i've been in more pain but i'm trying to say you can't blow them well my parents are also divorced so do i get blown or oh wow jake i had no idea you've gone through that um i've broken
Starting point is 00:50:09 my wrist before though wow my parents aren't divorced but they are separated they just don't want to go through the hassle of splitting up their stuff and i have herpes but i'd still like to get blown i can do that for you yeah i can do that i get cold sores so i could give you like double herpes it sounds safe guys i'm interrupting this podcast once again to let you know about our new sponsor joy mode guys this product is epic okay it's i'm pretty sure it's the first of its kind. I mean, you've heard of sexual enhancers at the gas station. You've heard of Viagra and Cialis. The thing about those is they have gnarly chemicals and then you can get dependent on them. And there's just a lot of side effects and all that kind of stuff. Joy Mode
Starting point is 00:50:59 nixes all of that because they have alnaturale ingredients. It's like a pre-workout for your hog so if you want to increase blood flow to your thing so you can get freaking rock solid erections joy mode is awesome dude i used to take cialis and bagger i would feel like crud the next day it really wiped me out um this stuff i can tell from the ingredient profile i'm gonna feel uh top of the line so i'm gonna i'm gonna give it a dabble dude yeah i mean arganine nitrate people take that for for working out gives you a bigger pump so it's like taking that bicep pump but putting it in your dick yeah so that's the so the founder was taking um caffeine free uh pre-workout and he's like wow i'm having
Starting point is 00:51:42 like massive boners yeah and so they use that formula using the arganine nitrate and all that kind of stuff to do that so basically you can take this every day and it's not you know you won't be well you'll you will have like a really solid strong hard yeah right as in if you don't have a boner we guarantee you a boner we'll get you hard yeah and this is all natural science backed and it's like i mean is there anything better than having a boner no it's like the best dude when you have a big strong boner and you like look down on especially if someone else is like you're like you see that i mean dude i've been flying recently and i've been having boners while flying i was talking about that today yeah yeah it's awesome yeah there's some
Starting point is 00:52:21 of the circulation yeah and it's like i want I want to have that feeling all the time. If I'm sitting with my girlfriend just popping boners. That's great. She loves it. Yeah. Guys, there's no downside to taking this product. There's no downside to boners. I mean, if you want boners, use Joy Mode. Call the product Boners.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Yeah. God, I love this thing. Boner Mode. call the product boners yeah god i love this thing boner mode guys go to usejoymode.com get 20 off with code go deep at checkout that's 20 off and free shipping with code go deep at use j-o-y-m-o-d-e.com also we are in florida tonight orlando tampa dania beach this week if you're in the florida area come see us we got strider with us get your tickets at chadjt.com let's get back to the show hello hello this is chad jt and you got strider on the line who are we speaking with or do you want to stay in on sorry sorry sorry now i got it and now i got it all right what's good what up you got chad jt you got chad jt and strider
Starting point is 00:53:33 oh man i got strider oh that's a real gift what up dude strider you're the man dude back at you bro what's going down dude the other two guys as well but they already know that man goes without say with these two strider strider capital m man big time thank you dude so what ails you my friend oh it's a it's a weird one uh i've been trying to figure out how to deal with my mom's volatile love life. Hmm. I said, can you tell us more about her love life? Well, um, she dated, I mean, not dated, but she was married to my dad, which is how I was created but about like uh five years ago she started leaning into
Starting point is 00:54:27 the ladies which uh i've full i have full support of but the ladies she picks are just the worst in the world you know can you give us the greatest hits on what's bad about them all right i'll go through the three ladies real quick all right so the first lady uh almost made us also my name's adam in case anyone's wondering what up thank you uh but the first lady almost made us sell our house. Like, I got close to selling my childhood home because this lady was just like, we got a, it felt like what you do when, like, you just want to ruin everything and take everything away, like an exodus. That's what it felt like. She got a dumpster brought into my driveway And just started throwing away all my shit
Starting point is 00:55:27 It was terrible It was horrendous That's brutal How old were you? I was about 20 Okay Sorry, sorry I'm trying to hear you guys too
Starting point is 00:55:43 It sounds kind of weird on my end as well. No, you're doing great, man. Just keep chugging along. Let's get into the other gals. All right. But, yeah, she threw away a bunch of shit, and she also inadvertently made my... Somebody used to be friends with my mom,
Starting point is 00:56:04 and she lived at our house, and she was kind of like my babysitter she advised my mom not to talk to her and this lady was in a weird mental space for her not to be talked to by my mom which was her friend kind of i personally think led to her suicide was a huge bummer but but they this lady tried to throw all of her belongings into a dumpster and just like get rid of them all so i literally dug through the dumpster and grabbed all of her shit and threw them into my car which i didn't have very good relations with this lady either but throwing away her belongings rather than giving her to her family is not something i could be with so i i did that at least and so how long has your mom been been going into these relationships like how long has this been occurring
Starting point is 00:57:07 it i think it's been about five to six years like she she she was with my dad who's like a legit bro like one of the best dudes i've ever met in my life. And this first lady, she sucked so bad. And does your mom have a current partner? That's the problem, that we don't have enough of a strong relationship anymore that she knows I don't want her to be with this person. And she still is, but she doesn't feel comfortable talking to me about it. So it's kind of messing up the whole mother son relationship. Cause, cause you do, is it, do you feel hurt that your mom kind of picked this lady over you when she knows that you don't approve of this lady and kind of think her morality is, is lacking.
Starting point is 00:58:06 That's a part of it, but that's a part of it. But it's also that like, like two out of three of these ladies have actually hurt my mom. Like they've physically touched her, like physically like hurt her. And that's the problem with her being like, I have all the all the improvement in the world for gay people but like a woman and a woman i don't know what i do there
Starting point is 00:58:33 i really don't what do you mean like he could probably fight a dude like it was a dude roughing up his mom he'd go and like beat up the dude's ass but strider exactly strider exactly strider is on that which is probably good because you probably don't want to fight a dude's ass but strider exactly strider exactly strider is on that which is probably good because you probably don't want to fight a dude's ass anyway or whatever no i do but i do no yeah i know you want to but i don't know if it's the best but no i would i promise i believe you dude have you uh what's what's the clearest conversation your mom have had on this it's pretty much me saying mom you know how this has gone bad in the past so why would you want to do this again i and like i i am the reason here like it's it's three ladies in a row i swear it's three ladies in a row and it's different in weird ways but it's not different in other ways but all three women she's talked to have
Starting point is 00:59:26 literally been terrible all three um she's got a pattern dude you got to help your mom recognize her pattern i don't know how to do that and be like hey no i i don't even know if it's a pattern i just kind of i guys how do i make her straight again i feel like a man wouldn't do this they might i'd look i think i think the common denominator is is is your mom she has a preference for volatile relationships and and look i know people who have been in that no no no no no no no no my dad is the nicest guy in the world that was the guy before all these uh all these ladies and i'm i'm happy for a lesbian relationship but i mean well but who initiated the breakup with the dad
Starting point is 01:00:11 uh i think my mom did but what my what my dad did was he gave her the house that i now live in and uh he was like the nicest dude in the world but your mom didn't want that no my mom wanted to break up with my dad which sucks but and i don't say over the house no i think your dad sounds like a great guy and and i'm sure your mom's a good person too and she's mixed up but i guess what i'm trying to say is, and I don't know, like you can do therapy with your mom and you can talk to her. But in most instances. There's no way I'm ever going to do therapy with my mom.
Starting point is 01:00:58 She's like a wicked spiritual person. She's a healer. She works in a yurt. It's all a bit too much for me. I support my mom forever, but doing therapy with my mom sounds crazy. If you could tell your mom what to change, what would you tell her to change? Just finding better partners? No, no. I would ask her to actually listen to me because it's been three in a row and I've given the same advice and it just keeps on coming back to the same thing.
Starting point is 01:01:35 I think as a son, right? I think when you're telling someone, when you're, when someone, I guess when you're talking to your mom and you're saying these partners are bad for you these are bad patterns blah blah she might not hear it as much but if you were to say these relationships that you're getting into these partners that you're choosing they're hurting me and they're hurting the. I think that might affect her a little bit more, seeing that it's not just hurting her, it's also hurting her son. And I think maybe that might speak to her a little bit more. Chad, I would hope that that would happen, but about three years ago, we kind of got disconnected by our entire family,
Starting point is 01:02:24 and I spent my fucking thanksgiving at my mom's girlfriend's house and it was the worst thanksgiving i've ever had well so i dude uh you're angry and that's justified and and i'm i'm angry at my parents a lot of people are i think you can't expect your mom to change. You have to detach with love, and you can still be close to your mom, but you have to learn to be your own parent and move on in your own life and be the change you wish she would have made. All right, well, let me add in a couple details. Well, I still live at my mom's house, like in a fucking house in the back. And my mom has done this for like three years, like five years in a row so and and they they've like actually hit my mom like multiple girlfriends have hit my mom so i don't know what to do because i can't hit a lady you got to move out make me
Starting point is 01:03:32 move out and leave my mom with these fucking abusive women absolutely not well then the alternative is is that you stay protecting your mom forever your mom that doesn't sound that doesn't sound that awful to me you know i would that's okay i think that's very honorable but then you but you have to but you have to go in knowing that your mom might not change i know she's this literally she's literally the sweetest woman in the entire world she works doing uh healing and fucking massages in a yurt in my backyard she's the best lady in the world and she's just too nice and people take advantage of her so i can't leave her alone you know what i mean what do you do for work i'm like a vendor for uh food and beverages and grocery stores so
Starting point is 01:04:30 this weekend's gonna suck super bowl i mean i think uh i think it's honorable that you want to protect your mom so much and that you're being a good son but you're also putting yourself in a precarious situation like jt said where you're having to protect her all for the rest of your life and i think one thing is you have to you have to recognize she's an adult who is capable who is responsible for herself and chad chad chad she's been hit if it was a bro i would absolutely deck that motherfucker but since it's a lady i don't know what to do well right but it's not up to you to do something it's up to your mom your mom has to break up with these people your mom has to have boundaries and enforce those boundaries it's not the responsibility of her son yeah but have you ever met a person that's too nice no i haven't
Starting point is 01:05:30 really no i've met people who like being mistreated somehow because they feel comfortable in it because it's what they're used to and because their self-esteem my mom my mom is like a peaceful healer looking for the best in everybody type of lady. She's just like, my mom used to run out into her yurt and sleep there because the other person in the house made her so fearful she didn't feel comfortable in her own home. That's just fucked up. Have you ever called the cops when she's being abused? I mean, that just makes shit, like like that's my mom's place of business so it just makes you weird but but see i think you're creating a psychology i'll just be totally brass tacks and it might be yeah but like you're creating a situation where there is no solution
Starting point is 01:06:19 and where it can't get better and where you guys are just stuck. And the truth is there is a way out, but it just sucks. And it's up to you to decide what's tolerable. If this is what you want and you feel happy in it, then you have to stay with it and you'll just have more conversations like this. And that's okay. But it's,
Starting point is 01:06:38 it's, you'll never be able to understand why people make the mistakes they do. It's there's no, it's just what feels, it's just what they're used to and they're doing the mistakes they do it's there's no it's just what feels it's just what they're used to and they're doing the best they can yeah i mean i can deal with that but it just it hurts really bad when she just won't listen to me when i've seen this happen for the past two girlfriends you know the third one is just as bad i've been there man i know it hurts a lot
Starting point is 01:07:05 and it's traumatic for you it's that's that's the problem is it's traumatic for you and it's hurting you and that that's why i get upset because it because i know it's costing you part of your life and we can say it's not but it is it's hard for you to go through that it's brutal and you don't deserve i 100 i 100 agree that it is costing me a bit of my life. It's also caused me to get more into the booze. This shit used to make me so mad. I just would freak out at the end of every night. We can't do that. We can't have you hurting yourself because someone else won't look out for themselves.
Starting point is 01:07:38 You got to look out for yourself, man. It doesn't make you a bad son. I know, but the someone else is my mom. I know how you think about your mom jt is very important but i but i've done this stuff with my mom i have i'm not speaking from a i'm not throwing stones in a glass house i've had these hard conversations with people in my family and i've detached before too it doesn't mean you i know with your exact mom yes yeah all right believe believe believe believe i'm telling you brother i've been uh it's all it's all overlap i've been there
Starting point is 01:08:15 i'm just saying with two of my mom's ex-girlfriends that have hit her it's like what do i do if it was a bro i would would have fucking stabbed him by now. But with a lady, I can't do it. I just call her a cunt or something. Bummer. Is she in an abusive relationship right now? I wouldn't call it abusive, but I find it abusive to my own mental because my mom tells me she doesn't talk to this lady anymore. And then I see on her phone that she's talking to her i walk in in the morning and then she just walks away from me
Starting point is 01:08:49 because she's on the phone i'm like oh damn that sucks wait so your mom is saying she's not in a relationship with someone but she's hiding it but she actually is and she's hiding it from you yeah yeah the lady that she's with lives in New York. Maybe cut that. I don't know. But she lives in a place, and she always goes to this place and says she's going on a business trip.
Starting point is 01:09:18 And then it's just like there's no trust. There's literally zero trust at all. But see, you're in like a codependent relationship with your mom. Do you have a girlfriend? Never have. It's because you're married to your mom. Oh, JT, I take that as an insult. I don't like that.
Starting point is 01:09:40 No, but I've been through it myself, man. It's like you become the husband that you wish she had. No, I mean, you know, it's a weird, you know, it's a weird scenario that they probably not many things happen. Like my mom and my dad who are divorced live on the same street and they're both like good friends and they're both in a good relationship and they're taking me out to dinner like this uh sunday yeah they love you there's good to it too yeah i know but like i just wish my mom kind of was straight because it feels like gay relationships suck i don't think it's the i
Starting point is 01:10:24 don't think it's that alignment that's the issue but brother no they get violent they get violent when they're not cooperative they they do gay men and women when it's a gay relationship they get weirdly violent i think sorry go ahead oh no i just had a thought if her mom's starting to hide things from you then i think that's a clear sign that you need to detach because maybe things are getting a little bit suffocated chad i live in the back and i don't have enough money to leave well you're not paying rent right uh i i just redid my entire bathroom for my own money, and it's my mom's place, so I would consider that rent. Why did you do that? Save the money and go get an apartment. And get a girlfriend. Get busy living or get busy dying.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Oh, come on now. I'm redoing it so I can get a girlfriend to live in a house behind my mom's place. No! No! no no that ain't gonna happen brother no we're not doing that can i get a strider opinion here guys you guys are killing me can i get a strider opinion yeah dude you got to uh let me tell you what it is not an attractive uh lure for a lady to be like yeah I live back behind the house of my mom. It's like, no, you got to be, ladies want an independent guy who's going to be able to, you know, who do you want your mom to be with?
Starting point is 01:11:51 Are you killing me? You are killing me. You know, sometimes the truth, it hurts, but it will set you free, brother. It's going to hurt first. So I think what you can control is your life. You got to move out. You know, obviously you stay in contact with your mom as best you can, but get an apartment. You got the job.
Starting point is 01:12:10 You save the dough. And then you meet the girl. And, you know, once you have your own meaningful, not the relationship with your mom isn't meaningful, but your own interpersonal, independent relationships, you're going to find yourself growing and able to make more balanced, gathered decisions when it comes to your mom and family. So it's tough, man. And how old are you? Mid-20s? Maybe he hung up. Adam?
Starting point is 01:12:42 Hang in there, bro. Yeah, we love you, man. If you're listening to this pod we love you we do i he oh he dropped his phone and clicked the mute button oh okay okay he's a sweetheart of a guy but see like even what he's writing here yeah yeah like see he's he's he's resigned himself to it's fine yeah and and it's not that i haven't felt that way but like you hate to see that in someone like you're like dude you it's not gonna be perfect but you can make it closer to what you want and what you deserve for sure for sure he's addicted to that exactly you get used to it yeah the devil you know yeah it's uh it makes life what is that makes life not boring gives you
Starting point is 01:13:21 some i don't know it's some kind of excitement that he's addicted to and you get a pride you're like i'm helping i mean i'm yeah i'm there for someone but there's an anger in him too you could hear the anger he's pissed yeah i mean to say yeah it's frustrating yeah yeah uh i haven't looked into it but drake did drake show his oh dude great shout yes i don't know i don't know what happened what what happened yeah jay can you give us a legit look at drake show oh dude great shout yes i don't know i don't know what happened what what happened yeah jake can you give us a legit look at drake's penis i saw one where he had like a big bendy banana cock and uh it's people are saying i don't know if that's the right one though so i haven't been able to really know that i'm seeing it but everyone's saying it's gigantic
Starting point is 01:14:00 which is awesome more life more cock he sent a dick pic to the world dude so who leaked it like he sent it to a girl or something like that and then she put it on the internet or so there's a video out there is it a video like he sent to a girl that's what i don't know i don't know i was asking that i've only seen a photo and he's just holding it like this on bed and it's a big uh like bendy huh wow is it scrubbed off the net already this is unbelievable that they were able to scrub this off the web like who's in charge of this they're doing an unbelievable job of wiping drake's fat one yeah dude dude hilarious drake unbothered by alleged leaked video that's page six new york pussy dude so great he's like yep why would he be bothered yep i've got a fat fat penis
Starting point is 01:14:51 you know what the thing is too have you guys taken photos of yourself with your hard up hard one in your hand some daily some pics really yeah that's awesome gotta check in but what do you say some pics what i've taken good ones and bad ones like there's ones where if they got leaked i'd be like that's right and there's other ones where i'm like please no one ever see this dude so it's lighting you know what i mean it's all yeah it's perspective dude this is la baby you know do you do it like that like you hold it it? Mm-hmm. Some of them. I was at the Shudder's bathroom, hotel bathroom, and I took a really nice one of myself. Shudder's has good lighting.
Starting point is 01:15:29 Yeah. I put mine next to a roll of dimes just so my wife can remember what, just frame of reference. That's fire. I put mine next to a Bic lighter. There it is. Whoa! Oh, yeah. Dude, he's got like a banana a banana cock wait what was the top of that article it was someone estimating the sizes i'm curious just about that person's personality that was pretty huge it's huge okay so how does that change your perception of drake
Starting point is 01:15:59 uh it doesn't you don't like understand him more or think he's cooler you know the thing is i don't i i can't give a good answer because i don't follow drake i don't listen to his music i don't know anything about him really so i can't say i even think about it i know he's huge both popularity wise career wise and hog wise but i just don't really pay attention it's actually very average this is the top reddit it's so funny it's actually very average looking people are fooled by the start of the video his hand is on the balls not the shaft the shaft you see is his full size and it's probably not even six inches long look near the end of the video when he holds the shaft his dick is most likely shorter than six inches given when his hand is on it near the end of the video when he holds the shaft his dick is most likely shorter than six inches
Starting point is 01:16:45 given when his hand is on it near the end uh here barely any space at the bottom top oh my gosh i don't know that i think that's bigger than six inches yeah it's like six inches around it looks eight inches long it's long i mean i see that and i'm like can some people really have it all i know yeah but he's probably a bad hang one-on-one isn't he like kind of not chill i don't know i think he's funny too like when he hosted the espies and stuff or when he does this now i think he's he's a pretty intelligent guy and i like his song i don't know but the new stuff but just hold on we're going home yeah oh dude yeah and then and then um uh i didn't
Starting point is 01:17:26 watch the bobby altoff pod but the fact that he's willing to go on a podcast like that shows he has a sense of humor i think yeah so does he like to hook up with bobby altoff dude it is convenient timing of when it was uh when she when her husband said they got divorced was like two weeks after she was with drake yeah i mean that's tough man it's like uh you know if you're a media personality you it does help a lot if people are attracted to you if the people you're talking to if you have some kind of you know tension and uh as someone's partner i i think it is harder for dudes because like if you're if you're a wife of one of the guys it's kind of like it boosts your status but if it's your wife it doesn't do the same people start to feel bad for you so i'm sure there's a lot for him and i don't think he knew she was
Starting point is 01:18:17 going to try and be a celebrity right like when they got together so that that's a ton to kind of i've seen that too like on the other both sides of relationship where they meet before the person even decides to try and become a famous person and then when they become a famous person it's like you know you have totally different just day-to-day desires yeah does she uh did she do like stand-up or anything before her podcast i don't jake you know more about her than us uh she was like she's actually a tiktok star for like two years before she got mainstream us uh she was like she's actually a tiktok star for like two years before she got mainstream famous and she was basically just making videos about like
Starting point is 01:18:49 breastfeeding her kids and like oh that's being a parent when she was like young so her husband was actually in quite a bit of the content and also i had that all wrong he's like uh no i mean it could technically be true i guess but um he also is like a huge ceo of a tech giant like he's like oh he's into tech so some people were at the beginning were saying like her success was based off him like with analytics and things like that i don't know that for sure i don't that's like people say amy schumer made it big because she's like somehow related to chuck schumer yeah it's like no she's hilarious dude she was so funny out the gates and like i do not think chuck schumer's calling like skyline comedy in appleton and he's like you better book amy yeah exactly i know
Starting point is 01:19:38 they're like oh well he puts pressure on the agents and stuff like i'm like no you bobby bobby's good like when i first saw one of her clips i was like this person has it yeah he calls uh judd apatow he's like look you got to put my niece in the movie he's like oh done he called pepsi she needs to do the ads yeah dude also tough content shift for the husband being like hey babe uh my new podcast is going to take place in a bed with celebrities you can't be there when we record yeah uh it's like oh okay our friend ari is like a majority of the reason she's famous honestly because he was letting her record at melrose and it would be like no famous people no like guests she would just be in there riffing and that's how she got
Starting point is 01:20:25 started so shout out ari he's funny dude guys check him out now he's just always on the move dude it's funny i went back to the these are comments on the drake hawk photo it's actually very javid he's grabbing his hand on his balls not the sham that's dude when they say like the prusen the putin like whenever someone calls it very average looking there's about two other paragraphs describing why they think that yeah and when one person's like it's huge it just goes it's huge like duh dude it'd be fine fucking big what do you say oh my god can you imagine the guy see i want to see video of the guy typing that and then just being like enter that's amazing dude uh should we take a call yeah let's do it chad is there anything you want to tell us yeah no sure nothing's going on already oh
Starting point is 01:21:22 thank you before we hop into this call uh my parents are divorced jake can you ring it hello hello hello Ring it. Hello? Hello? Hello? What's up? This is Chad JT, and you've got Strider. Dude. Dude. Wait, no way.
Starting point is 01:21:54 Wait, really? Way, dude. What up? Dude. My heart is bursting out of my chest like my first date with my wife, dude. This is crazy. Let's go. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 01:22:04 What up? You guys are such legends bro i've been listening to y'all since like day one back however many years ago that was oh thank you man dude i love you guys dude uh correct me if i'm wrong are you located in florida oh yeah i am i love florida man i'm dressed in florida garb right now it's like my favorite state dude florida is legit i was so stoked when you were like hopping on the jaguars bandwagon dude i was like let's go dude yeah go jacks go jacks fuck yeah dude yeah dude next year's our year i've been saying that for 10 years now but this time it's for real. It's true. It's true. It's for real. But yeah, no.
Starting point is 01:22:47 So yeah, I was texting you guys in because I had a little bit of a quandary at my fire station. Nice. We had a cop. Now we got a firefighter. This is beautiful. Oh, what? No way. I'll box this guy. We'll go. We'll do a charity match. That's what I'm saying, dude. They used to have a show like that, like cops versus firefighters.
Starting point is 01:23:04 Sick. Dude, that's sick. I would lose a boxing match. That's what I'm saying, dude. They used to have a show like that, like cops versus firefighters. Sick. Dude, that's sick. I would lose a boxing match, by the way, but I would raise money for charity. That makes it even sicker that you were down to throw, though. Yeah, no, I'm down to get vulnerable, dude. I'll just be out there with my mustache and like, hey, dude, I'll talk trash and just not back it up at all. I love it. Just wearing it on the stash, dude. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 01:23:24 But no, so real quick just had a quick question for you guys so at our fire station here in florida we like to do like group workouts you know you know get buff and be able to pick up hot chicks out of fires and stuff and carry them out in slow motion so like beautiful we try to do workouts together so one day we um we got a new tv for the station so we put it up in our gym. And I was like, oh, dude, I have the perfect thing to get all the boys here amped. So I turned it on, and I did a compilation of all the Rocky training montages because Rocky's like my hero, dude.
Starting point is 01:23:58 And they were all clowning on me for turning it on. They were like, dude, get this shit off. We don't want to watch this while we're working out. And, dude, that cut me to my core dude to my core i was like bro does this not get you amps i was like watching sylvester stallone overhead press a freaking wheelbarrow with three people in it he's just like screaming dude i was like i was so jacked on the assault bike here and they were all just like laughing at me like who put this on i was like i did man so like i don't know how to like proceed like i've kind of just been not working out with them and
Starting point is 01:24:31 work out on my off days and then when i come to the station just like take it like a rest day but i don't know how to like you know move forward from this have they not seen rocky dude who are these guys dude are they how old are they well okay that that might be a thing i'm 24 and they're all like late 30s early 30s okay so they should like it even more yeah that's what i'm saying the thing is they love watching top gun like inside and like chilling after like dinner put on a movie maybe if we're not running calls but i was like dude how are you loving top gun but not rocky what's going on top gun or the old top gun both okay are they arnold guys are they still into that rivalry i don't know did they grow up
Starting point is 01:25:30 like in the eastern block where american art wasn't allowed did you know what that might be it yeah do they watch top gun because they cheer for the mig fighters and the next gen fighters yeah do they watch top gun because they cheer for the mig fighters and the next gen fighters they actually cheered they watch rocky four and look at it as a tragedy that called dude i'm not called drago what's his name character ivan ivan that he lost dude you know what that might be it you know what you should do maybe get a creed compilation going That might be it. You know what you should do? Maybe get a Creed compilation going.
Starting point is 01:26:06 Oh, dude. Like with the Michael B. Jordan. There's a good training montage in Creed 2. It's not a good movie, but there's a pretty sick little training montage in that you can draw from. Oh, dude. Yeah, when he's fighting in the desert. Is that the desert one? Yes. He's in the tire, and the big dude's just wailing on him, and he's like,
Starting point is 01:26:22 I can't take it. And then by the end of the montage, he's dominating exactly are they jealous of you i mean there's not really much to be jealous of but i don't know here's the thing the problem is very clearly not with you it's with them because putting on rocky for your boys to work out with seems like a very nice thing to do yeah i mean i mean i thought it was nice but i mean again i don't know how they work out i only see them like every third day so i mean i don't know if they have their own workout routine but i didn't know if i was like being assertive and like trying to push this on them but i was like dude this is like sick but i don't know i guess it just backfired could you change stations
Starting point is 01:27:11 dude i don't know if i could do that as much as like this whole rocky dilemma is messing with my head i do love these boys right it's fine sometimes fine. Sometimes you got to set them free. If you love something, you set them free. That's true. Because there's taste and then there's values. Word. Or do you think maybe I should just play it every day until they just love it? I think Guantanamo. the proof is in the pudding if you work out
Starting point is 01:27:47 and you work out without the rocky video playing and say you're putting up i don't know 225 on bench and then with the rocky video playing you bump that up to 250 uh the results are undeniable why are they not going to want it on let me ask you a question bro what's your bmi what's my bmi body mass index did you not know what bmi was no i did i just it sounded a little cut cut you off guard oh no you did for sure no my bmi is like i think it's like 20 percent dude it's not good here's the thing you're gonna work out on your own watching rocky montages and you're gonna shred yourself down to six percent body fat you're gonna roll back up to the station wearing a suit and tie
Starting point is 01:28:40 no pants and you're free my doll yeah tell them hey fellas here's a hose for you and you're gonna be like they're gonna be like and they're gonna see your aura
Starting point is 01:28:56 your glow and they're gonna be like what changed about you and you're like I watch Rocky mhm dude
Starting point is 01:29:04 you know what I think I'm gonna just have to do that just every day just play hearts on fire soul desire dude and just work out hard dude it's beautiful you know you don't need to put it on repeat was it on repeat is that the thing no i fired it up and they were like kind of watching it during like rocky one training montage but as soon as the second one came on they were like ah nah and they told me to turn it off have you played the notebook i have not that's a good idea just like as freaking ryan gosling is asking the chick like what do you want and I'm just crushing bicep curls. I mean, maybe, does crying make you work out harder? That's the exact
Starting point is 01:29:50 scene I was talking about where his voice kind of goes up on, what do you want? Dude, vulnerability. Question, did you sneak in old high schooling wrestling highlights into this Rocky video that you cut yourself? Just have to, to you know need full
Starting point is 01:30:05 disclosure something i would do i did not okay okay so then there's no problem he's a straight shooter okay uh uh this is gonna hurt but i think i know what you have to do lay it on me man you gotta become a cop oh dude no dude get out. Dude, get out of here, man. I was going from a first responder to a second responder. Dude. Take that, dude. That was a test, brother. You're a true firefighter.
Starting point is 01:30:36 All right. Yeah, that was a test. Dude, to the bone, man. My grandpa was a firefighter in Brooklyn. Oh, that's awesome. Let's go. When everything was made of wood. That's nice. Yeah, dudeer in Brooklyn. That's awesome. When everything was made of wood. Yeah, dude. Everything
Starting point is 01:30:47 burned. It's crazy. They put out fires with guns. Shoot that thing. That's intense. But one last thing, if I can ask you guys. I feel bad taking up too much time, but I just got married
Starting point is 01:31:03 back in October, so now i have a pink ass wife fuck yeah dude thank you boys i was thinking uh what what should i do for our first valentine's day being married oh i love that dude i mean that rocky montage might work in the bedroom too you know you pop that on i don't know how anyone's not going to be in the mood um you know if if you when it comes to sealing the deal but i always think valentine's day and you're a firefighter correct me if i'm wrong can you can probably cook in my experience all firefighters cook well oh yeah i cook i can i can throw together some stuff exactly you got your go-to's you know instead of going unless she to go out, if you guys don't go out for dinner a lot, I would say go out for a nice
Starting point is 01:31:48 dinner. Keep it nice and cliche. You're in Florida, get yourself, I don't know, what type of crab do they eat down there? Those big old stone crabs or whatever? Oh yeah, dude. All the crabs. Yeah, bro. I like to cook for my dank-ass wife on Valentine's Day. Only because her birthday is the day
Starting point is 01:32:03 before, so we go out on her birthday. Stay in on Valentine's. Cook. So I think cook. day before, so we go out on her birthday, staying on Valentine's, cook. So I think cook, put on a little music, dance, make a little love, get down tonight. Sounds nice to me. It is. Maybe a little, maybe you throw a theme to it. Like you said, when you picked up this call,
Starting point is 01:32:18 your heart skipped like the first date you went on with your wife. Where'd you guys go on your first date? Maybe you relive that a little bit. You know, if it was go-karting or something take her go-karting nah dude it was cliche we went to a movie what movie black hawk venom venom dude nice i love the way you laugh dude you either get a venom suit you surprise her sexually with the venom suit dude. Dude, that could be tight.
Starting point is 01:32:46 Bro, you buy a Venom suit, you take that off. Yeah, and you recreate the Spider-Man kiss. You go upside down and have her pull down your thing as the hose drops water on you. And dude, do you see Venom's tongue? You could dart with that. If the suit comes with a nice Venom tongue dart. Dude, Venom munches box.
Starting point is 01:33:00 Yeah, get the Venom suit and dress up in that and wear that when you guys do the thing that couples do dude that's solid you know what to do yeah no I think I can take it from there I think that's the move
Starting point is 01:33:18 get in the venom suit you can get anything on Amazon order it today though like right now do it honestly before you hang up. And send us a photo of you in the Venom suit on Valentine's Day. We won't share it with anybody. It'll just be a group text kind of thing. Oh, dude, for sure.
Starting point is 01:33:34 Do you guys know why Venom kind of bombed reviews-wise? Why? They didn't show much in box. Yeah. Like, that's half the comic. Yeah, how hungry is he? Oh, we're looking on amazon right now bro and there's venom suits dude there's even a sexy girl one dude oh oh dude he spreads her with that
Starting point is 01:33:55 they look like they're mostly in kid sizes have you told her you love her already uh yeah dude we've been married since october i told her you love her already? Yeah, dude. We've been married since October. I told her I loved her a lot. That's sick. Nice. Dude, have you told her that you loved her in a Venom voice? I love you. How does Venom talk?
Starting point is 01:34:14 No, I haven't. I feel like that might startle her a little bit. You need that. I'm down to try it. Keep it fresh, dude. You're married. You got to keep it fresh, dude. One married man to another.
Starting point is 01:34:24 If you dress as Ven is venom could she dress as madame webb or like someone from the via cong oh yeah what does he go there in that movie i haven't seen it i thought that maybe sequences take place no i think he's in New York. Yeah. That wasn't really my point, though. I don't remember that part of the movie. Maybe I could do all that stuff sometime in the morning because in the evening we're actually coming to see you guys in Orlando.
Starting point is 01:35:04 Oh, dude. Party time, dude. sometime in the morning because uh in the evening we're actually coming to see you guys in orlando party time dude oh wait you nailed it dude we're gonna have so much fun we're gonna shout you out dude that's awesome dude and we're gonna be safe yeah dude you better come in your venom outfit oh no bro i'm serious if you don't have one, I'm bringing a fucking Venom outfit to the show with us. I'll seriously bring one. This is a vehicle. Just gonna do that, dude. Wait, can all you bros
Starting point is 01:35:34 get Venom costumes and then we can all hang out in our Venom costumes together as a group? For sure. Be sick, dude. You like group stuff dude you want the fire station with you dude i love this and dude we'll do a oh and we'll do something like we'll do like handstand push-ups together rocky style hell yeah oh dude i'm down to try i don't know if i can do dude you me chad and jt will get in a barrel and you'll have to squat us
Starting point is 01:36:00 just like rocky montage i have thick thighs nice love that beautiful all right man you're the man dude we're gonna see you in orlando we're so fired up thanks for the call dude of course thank you guys for talking to me man this has been fucking enriching i love it dude thank you and be safe out there bro all right you too boys i love you guys love you too, boys. I love you guys. Love you, too. Love you, bro. Dude, this is... What? What? Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:36:33 See, that's a nice call. Yin and yang, dude. I mean, we got squad dynamics. Life is everything. It's true. You guys want to do one more quick one? Yeah, sure, sure, sure. I got to leave at 10.
Starting point is 01:36:44 Yeah, so we'll do this one. What up? You're here with Chad, JC, and Strider. Oh, my gosh. So good to talk to you guys. I've been a fan for like seven, eight years. You're the man, dude. My heart's racing right now.
Starting point is 01:37:00 I love you guys. Love you, too. Shout out to my boy, D-Thor. He's one of my fellow listeners. I told him I love you too um shout out to my my boy d thor he's one of my fellow listeners so i told him i'd give him a shout out so what up d thor let's go dude great name yeah dude sounds like like your boy's like a cleaning agent or something like that you know something you can't get rid of d thor's in the house yeah it also sounds like a black dude you'd hire to slam your wife oh dude that's the theme of this episode
Starting point is 01:37:29 for sure totally so what anyways dude yeah dude so um Thor's brother D-Thor dude comes from Valhalla to make your wife cum yeah dude D-Thor's cum T-Thor's hammer
Starting point is 01:37:45 T-Thor's hammer cock he just rolls in from Asgard where she at yeah 10 minutes later alright I'll see you later that was nice toss me a coke
Starting point is 01:38:01 anyways sorry dude what ails you go baby go so um i'll give you the short version and then i'll give you some backstory after that but i'm gonna remain a non because you know just out of respect for my now ex you know sure um so yeah i recently broke up my girlfriend on like tuesday and uh sorry on, like, Tuesday. And the following week, her car broke down. So, like, for two weeks, she hasn't really had a car. And she's kind of, like, been, like, just kind of, you know, staying at my place, trying to find a ride to get to work. And then she lives out of state.
Starting point is 01:38:47 to work and then she she lives out of state uh i live in like somewhere in california i'll say that like uh in between san francisco and los angeles and her her brother decided to give her his old car her his old car so he drove it all the way down and and he was going to meet us in san francisco which is like four hours away from me and uh so i, so I was like, Oh, this is going to be, I'll drive you up with, we'll be a good weekend out of it. Um, and I'll ask my mom because my mom, my mom's boyfriend is like crazy rich and he has like this $5 million place across the street from the giants place, giant stadium. And, uh, and it was all going to work out and it was all going to be fine. We're like, Oh sweet, we can stay here. We'll make a
Starting point is 01:39:29 fun weekend out of it. But I'm also a coach and the game wouldn't end till like eight 30. So it would be a late night drive. And so I like tell them, I'm like, Hey, and I sent a message to her brother and she's a twin. And so she's like, Oh, can my twin come to? And I'm like hey and I sent a message to her brother and she's a twin and so she's like oh can my twin come too and I'm like of course they'll be awesome I'll hang out with you and your your two siblings and and so then I sent him a message let him know like how to get in and everything and then no response and then later the the next the day before we were going to leave she sends me a text while I'm at work and goes, hey, me and my sister got bus tickets and we're going to go up earlier and you can meet us there after your game. And I went, no, like, I'm not going to do that.
Starting point is 01:40:18 Like, I'm not going to drive up alone, you know. And so that was like, I drew a line you know like i'm not i'm not gonna go if you why would you take the bus like you know that makes that seems kind of outrageous to me and so i tried to be calm and cool really we were really good with communication and stuff but you know i'm human so emotions kind of come out and I probably didn't say it as best as I could and you know and so I didn't go and then my mom wasn't cool with them staying there without me there yeah and so they had to get a hotel and it just kind of blew up and all this is happening I haven't even seen her we haven't even like seen each other it's just all through texting and
Starting point is 01:41:04 calling and she couldn't like make time to like figure it out with me you know before we go anyways then she comes back from her trip and I guess it was just uh you know it was it was kind of the icing on the cake you know there was like a bigger underlying issue and that was kind of the reason why we ended things and uh so yeah i just want to know like if i was in the right you know for brother i'm gonna slide in here 100 there's nothing here you're good you handled a perfect man all good yeah dude no nothing bad uh it's not even a big thing just gotta do shit like this you're good it's like dude you were gonna help her got to do shit like this. You good?
Starting point is 01:41:45 It's like, dude, you were going to help her go get a car, then she should have just taken the bus in the first place since you guys were already broken up with. It was already nice of you. Oh, no, no. We were together. We were together. During this, you were together. Oh, this is what led to you breaking up. You shouldn't even be calling in
Starting point is 01:42:02 about this. What? No, that was like uh i was just kind of butthurt that she would like take the bus up without me you know no man who cares you gotta move on no take the bus dude she's gotta take the bus you just gotta move on clean and dry i don't even know what we're talking about what the fuck are we even talking about i love you to death but like come on man no she's a little selfish she did the right thing fucking move on she talked to her friend oh it's awkward we're in the car we're broken up blah blah blah they probably wanted to do whatever dude no she's gonna go stay at your mom's house we were together we we broke up after the trip yeah this is part
Starting point is 01:42:33 of why you guys broke up she does annoying things you got to be done with it you got to move on don't even don't don't ever don't ever call back about something like this again you've got to be way beefier way beefier man we got listeners man come on all right well i guess i'm just overplaying it in my head but no you for sure because you're a good guy you're a good dude no you are very nice yeah i thought you were doing this all when you already broke up i was like what are you doing all this i was i was waiting for a huge twist i was like there better be a twist and then you were like so what's up yeah here's what you do man you call in dethor yeah and let him take care of business yeah let dethor bite the bullet on this one next time and then you move on yeah and you know i'm doing all the right things
Starting point is 01:43:17 you know but you know it's uh it's hard when you put your whole self into something you know and then uh that's 100 but you'll do it again. Yeah. You're a fully committed brother, and you get in there. And I like the tone. By the tone of your voice, you seem like a lighthearted, optimistic dude that attacks life, and I would maintain that because you seem like a really solid dude that I'd want to hang out with. You hungry for more life?
Starting point is 01:43:41 I appreciate you. Yeah, dude, you know, I'm still hitting the gym hard every day you know trying to trying to keep busy but you know the baseline now is it's no longer it's kind of like a sadness you know just trying to get over it oh dude you'll power through you'll find someone way better i promise and uh just keep living going to giants games you know i used to go giants games i'd get a cafe mocha whoa nice it does like do you want hot chocolate i'm like i'll one-up you i'm gonna do a cafe mocha get a cafe mocha a hot dog and you know meet someone oh getting a kayak out in the water
Starting point is 01:44:19 behind the park meet i'm sure you'll meet your next girlfriend out there catch a homer and then be like oh what's up lisa hell yeah dude yeah and it's also like i guess like we kind of created like a friend group you know uh-huh and uh now it's like both of our friends were are like we share the same friends so it's kind of like you know what i found with that No one really gives that much of a shit. Unless someone like cheat on someone or did something, whatever. Like if you break up, they're your friends. Like if they're your friends and if they're your real friends, like they're going to be there. Their brains aren't binary.
Starting point is 01:44:55 They're going to understand there's complexities. It's fine. Unless like one of you went out and slept around and lied to like everyone, which doesn't sound like that happened. No, not at all. It was cool. You know all it was cool you know it was clean break we were very cordial so yeah nice yeah for christmas send her a greyhound gift certificate dude that's a good one dude declan thanks for calling in thank you and also i just want to say like i love that you guys are so funny but it's also super
Starting point is 01:45:25 deep like in your tv show like when you you and chad and jt were having like a therapy session and it was just so funny but it was also so deep at the same time you know just the the way you guys were talking to each other and like your whole like gun control video that you have it's just like so funny like i just feel so great holding this assault rifle gun, you know, but you like see the craziness behind it too. So I just think what you guys are doing is so awesome. So thanks, man. I appreciate that, dude.
Starting point is 01:45:57 And Strider, I love you too, dude. I love you, bro. You're so funny. And thank you guys for always, you you know messaging me back on instagram and stuff whenever i text you guys thank you i love you man and do whatever team you're coaching if you need a player i'm down like i'm just looking to get competitive you know and i want to be part of something so i don't know what age group or whatever it is but i can forge documents if you need me you hang in there that's not so difficult time oh yeah thank you dude
Starting point is 01:46:25 alright well appreciate you guys appreciate you man you're a great guy I wonder if he made his his ex take coach
Starting point is 01:46:33 on the bus dude since he's a coach dude see that have you guys seen have you heard Armisen when he says I had a divorce
Starting point is 01:46:42 it was immediately amicable really that was a thing no way hey hey man are you vietcong i'm going full v i'm wearing a straw hat to this show i'm gonna be hiding you're not gonna know you're dressed as a vietcong what i'm going full all right that was it that was fun guys yeah that was fun that was fun starter thanks for hopping in dude you're the best thank you
Starting point is 01:47:07 back at you boys love you guys this was so much fun love you too man hey Orlando Tampa Dania
Starting point is 01:47:14 however you say that Dania Dania we're there this week so we're in Orlando tonight Tampa tomorrow
Starting point is 01:47:22 Dania Friday that's right tickets chat at jT.com.

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