Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 333 - Rob Huebel

Episode Date: March 13, 2024

Today we are joined by one of our most requested guests. After a stellar first appearance in EP 119, stokers have been asking for a another visit for almost 4 years! We pitch Rob a few show ideas and ...run a few characters to test the waters. We talk about JT's green screen role in Dune 2, having kids and what makes them laugh. He also Challenges the Montana Boyz to a Lip Sync battle!  If you enjoyed this ep, leave a like or comment :)  Check out more Rob Here: https://www.instagram.com/robhuebel/ Grab some of our dank merch here:https://shop.chadandjt.com/ Come see us on Tour! We just added 20 NEW CITIES!!!! - TIX HERE: http://www.chadandjt.com Call us, leave a 60 sec voicemail with your issue or question: 323-418-2019or write in to chadgoesdeeppodccast(at)gmail.com(Start with where you're from and name for best possible advice) Check out the reddit for some dank convo: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep/

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Guys, we got a huge event coming Saturday, March 24th, San Diego. It's at noon. JT, what is going down? We're going to do the largest group perineum sunning session in the history of civilization. We're looking to get 250 heads of folk flipping their feet over their domes and putting their sphincters straight towards the sun in a huge movement for public health it's the biggest holistical movement that will ever take place and we want you to be a part of it so come out to blacks beach it's nude beach in san diego march 24th at noon we'll see you there we're getting ballistic with holistic also guys we are thinking of actually we're not thinking we are going to start a uh twitch stream oh yeah it's
Starting point is 00:00:45 so basically we have our recordings right that's on youtube on all the audio things but also we want to give like a live stream basically you can watch the recording happen live i think what's cool about is like those ones are going to be totally unedited so there'll be mistakes and boring periods which sounds not exciting but actually it's very authentic so if that excites you check it out and then we'll do like a cleaner polished director's cut for wednesday on youtube so it'll be distinct but you'll get to see the process a little bit yeah and you can be in the chat you could like ask to call in it's gonna be like heavy call-ins so uh yeah it's interactive which is sick interactive we'll see you in real
Starting point is 00:01:24 time and we'll be you in real time and we'll be talking and you guys will be giving us topics to talk about so if you're ever like yelling at the thing when you're listening to us and you're like oh i wish they would mention this or talk about that well we'll see it this time yeah and now we'll talk about it and also if you have a problem like that day like if your boss is yelling at you at that moment you could be like my boss is yelling at me uh let me call you guys so you can chat with him something like that exactly um also so the twitch the handle hasn't been created yet but i assume it's probably going to be going deep with chan jt uh but huge assumption we don't know that yet we don't know
Starting point is 00:01:56 that's sick yeah but there's gonna be a link in the description because jake will have made it by then shout out jake he's a legend jake and you can click that link and you can follow it. I learned that it's not subscribe. It's follow on Twitch. Oh, that's cooler. We're new to the space. Yeah, subscribe is kind of scholastic. Yeah. And also, on top of that, excited to have you guys on there.
Starting point is 00:02:14 On top of that, we're on tour. We're going to be in Sacramento next. We're going to be in San Francisco next. We're going to be in Fort Worth, Texas. We're going to be in Tempe, Arizona. We're going to be in Arlington, Virginia. That's basically D.C. Santa Cruz. That's a new one.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Ventura. And then the Netflix is a joke shows. Oh, you know what? I'm going to start plugging this too. Guys, Strider Wilson, our dearest friend, the greatest dog amongst the the hounds. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:47 He's filming his special, and we're going to start selling tickets for it. It's going to be on the 1st of April, April Fool's, and we're going to be shooting it at Water Village. More details to come, but stay on the lookout for that because we want to pack it out, and we want to make sure Strider has the best special recording that's ever happened. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:03:02 It all comes down to you guys being there, supporting him in the audience, and also, he's so fun to watch he's a lot of fun his stand-up i mean you guys all know strider you love him and he's just the best so it's uh it's up to all of us to help make his special bang and chad's gonna be opening it up yeah dude you have to have him nervous yeah you'll freaking kill it uh but yeah i'm psyched jt's directing it i'm excited for that too that's gonna be awesome huge so i uh be on the lookout for that ticket link and uh dude uh also we have just a great pot so fun with rob what a great guy yeah enjoy yeah especially when the homies start promoting stuff even my friends who like when they once
Starting point is 00:03:54 like when they first started getting regular jobs and i heard their answering machine change i got really upset like hey this is mike from state farm if you need help with your insurance and i was like hey who the fuck's that guy on your answering machine dude tell him to shut up that's totally true well you said your buddies were plugging stuff on call of duty like on the comms dude it's crazy man like we'll be pushing a house you know at a shiki and like we need to be dialed in we need to be focused and you know it's a full squad we're going up against then someone's like you know come down to tire max and we'll you know spin you right and make sure you're locked in i'm like dude what are you doing yeah while you're playing video games people just start like i mean i've gotten a
Starting point is 00:04:34 victory one time actually i got second place and you know in call of duty that's not a victory dude i know i know it's actually the opposite he dropped a lot of bodies yeah and i was trying i would say that that's the opposite of a victory well i was trying to impress you but i i was trying to impress you and i felt bad about lying so that's impressive that you just said all that yeah there was a lot of things going on but uh when people when you get second place the people who win they get like a little blip of audio okay and so the guy who won was like brought to you by pepsi was he a sponsored guy or was he just like aspirational i think he's aspirational i don't know you get it i don't know enough about um the industry to know is that how it like are people sponsored by like guys that play call of duty and have full i'm an idiot no bs jake
Starting point is 00:05:24 sorry and maybe jake's right jake how much i don't know that you guys are in like i never know if you guys are fucking with me i don't know if i'm fucking with you yeah so actually there's jake so jake is our main guy and he travels with us on the road and he produces and and edits all of our stuff where he's essential but he uh he's big into streaming he doesn't watch movies or television okay and so he's been explaining this world to us yeah and he'll throw out numbers that are astronomical. Like he'll say that there's, Jake, how much money was going into streaming advertising? Didn't you say like a billion dollars?
Starting point is 00:05:53 Yeah, yeah. I'm trying to find the exact. Well, I mean, you know, I'm aware that. A billion. Yeah, I'm aware that streaming advertising is big, but I'm talking about like just guys, like just gamer, like. That's what I'm talking about like just guys like just gamer like that's what i'm talking like dr disrespect zlatan okay i know i'm speaking greek right now no you're not i mean i know i know what you are saying i don't know those guys they i think they will like
Starting point is 00:06:17 what's that energy drink g fuel they'll like have on their stream they'll have like you know their energy drinks like lined up okay or i don't even know if the stream will be like brought to you by like uh sports uh draft book or whatever yeah yeah draft kings oh man but i think i think it is to that level i was uh almost the almost in second place uh thank you to get the to get to be the voice of draft kings on their commercials oh wow i was so bummed and i was really conflicted i was like you know that's like it's probably not the best thing for the world you know because everyone like it's just so addictive but then i was like i do like money yeah you know it's tough it's very american i think there's i i've read about that stuff too but i think there's i i've read about that stuff too
Starting point is 00:07:05 but i think there's been a loosening of american values when it comes to like putting your name on hedonistic things i think you're right i think you're right i think you can promote anything like i almost feel like all bets are off because i mean you know the world's ending like exactly we we have like and like las vegas has sports teams now three years do you remember like 20 years ago that was unfathomable that they were like no we you remember like 20 years ago that was unfathomable? They were like, no, we can't let Vegas have a sports team. Great use of the word unfathomable. I almost blew it halfway through.
Starting point is 00:07:32 I think you almost got it. Oh, I did blow it? No, I think you almost got it. Did I get second place on unfathomable? I'm really struggling with that one. Unfathomable. I think. But you can't make that much of a meal. You nailed it, but you took time on the much of a meal you nailed it but you took
Starting point is 00:07:45 time on the syllabus you got to be casual with it but to say unfathomable well is almost well when you say it you turn heads you know people go or or people just clock it internally they go that guy that guy's got it i flex a little too hard that way too with the language i'll try real hard do you really my vocab i i try to always be thrown i think your vocab is tuple dollar words really i i've always thought that about both you guys i think i've always me too i think so i mean i i when i think of people that are well-spoken guys uh i always think of you guys wait i really dude are you taking me for a ride no no i no, no. I really do. I really do. Because that means a lot.
Starting point is 00:08:26 I really do. I feel like you, especially in pressure situations. I've seen you guys go to like town halls and city council meetings and stuff like that and not blow it, which is like really, you know, that is like high stakes. We feel the pressure. I don't want to be braggy, but I dropped colloquial. Colloquial?oquial you do it do it drop it again sorry i feel like an old like colloquial english professor colloquial um okay yeah you know am i just learning now that i did it correctly i think i
Starting point is 00:09:03 think you i think you use the q colloquial again there are people listening to this are we recording yeah there are people and i think this conversation is going to cause a lot of conflict i mean this is also people love grammar incendiary yeah especially your fans they love they don't i'm a big grammar guy that's what you got other dickheads dictionary people yeah is that a term dickheads yeah god dick shenary how how just to go back to language and then we'll get off of it all together guys that are listening don't worry we're gonna dumb it down um how often do you guys come across a word where you're like, whoa, like I have not,
Starting point is 00:09:47 you know what I mean? Like where you hear like a term, it doesn't have to be like a, I don't mean like a smarty pants word. I mean like a, like a cool street term, you know, like,
Starting point is 00:09:55 or something in sort of like, yeah, like hip language where you're like, oh, I got to, is it the sound and look of the word or is it what the word's describing? Cause for me, I have one that fits the latter.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Like zesty for when someone moves kind of funky, I think is real fun. I like that a lot. But so are you kind of always on the lookout for new words and new language? Not as sharp as I used to be. Okay. But still probably better than, you know, people in my bracket. Okay. Yeah, I wouldn't sell yourself short.
Starting point is 00:10:23 I think you're the top dog really yeah there's so much pressure there though that's like mike tyson you know once he became the champ he felt like he wasn't the champ anymore i feel stronger when i'm on the up yeah i think that's a better place to be i think you're right about that in general i think like when you're everybody wants a shot at the champ you know like so everybody always would i think probably start to try yeah they want to like fight mike tyson so they could say like yeah i i took down the champ or i whatever i got a cheap shot and i knocked him out yeah heavy is the head that wears the crown oh shit that's a good one i guess jake paul's fighting like tyson is that crazy you
Starting point is 00:10:59 know jake paul personally does he live in past dude he lives in pasadena he lives on my street um i i know i i know of him i don't know him um i did a little movie with one of them and i don't remember i don't remember which one it was probably logan uh probably logan yeah i i i met them espion yeah okay i met him before they were like jacked like now they're really jacked yeah they got good rigs and they can move really well you know jake paul he was at the improv the other night and i was just hanging with joey avery and he hung out with him got a photo with him and he said he was pretty cool he said he's the same guy off camera like he's very much the center of everything and keeps up that energy but i don't know i don't even really
Starting point is 00:11:42 know their personas like are they what is their troll well actually logan's not but jake is like a troll he's kind of playing the villain in real life all the time and i think this is actually a perfect move that way because he's gonna fight mike tyson who's how old's mike tyson 57 why would mike tyson do this i mean just money or yeah i think so and i think he you know it probably keeps him focused because he fought roy jones a couple years ago and i think with mike tyson when he's not fighting or training he's probably just getting super high okay and maybe this will keep him i mean he had a cartoon i think he had a show on adult swim yeah he did a one-man show yeah he had a broadway show yeah but i think he needs something like that some sort of project yeah yeah because he's got a lot just do a podcast does he have a podcast he does it's pretty good please don't tell mike tyson this
Starting point is 00:12:28 i know you guys hang out i think he's not gonna win that fight no i feel like he he looks he does not look like that guy in that picture right there he you know he looks like an older guy i mean and you're talking to i have white hair mean, I look old too, but he looks pretty old. I think he's been vocal about wanting to beat Jake's ass. He said he could too. He said he could. He called his shot. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:12:55 But I think Jake is going to knock him out. And I think that's an ultimate villain move by Jake to knock out a 57-year-old that we all, that is like beloved at yeah cowboy stadium what if he kills him yeah just beating the shit out of an old guy because his last fight got no pub so now he's like i got to do something crazy so i'm gonna beat up a hero i don't know if i could do it fight mike dyson no jed i mean i know i know i could beat his ass don't sell yourself yeah if it's kicks and knees if it's only hands maybe he's got you but if it's like full mma you're gonna work i would just take him down but i i just don't know if i could access that oh because you love him yeah because i love oh you wouldn't want to damage him no i wouldn't want to be because you're iron like mike but your heart is gentle like
Starting point is 00:13:36 water yeah where does your like rage come from that's a good question when you get in there rage come from that's a good question when you get in there in the in the ring yeah or yeah posers so that's what you think about to get like you know i think of guys wearing flip-flops with socks and then you just fucking go nuts what do you want to do to those guys just i don't get him pissed off man i just but i want to i want to feel it a little bit but but we can contain it i feel i feel envy feel jealousy that they can walk around with that amount of confidence and then i want to kill him that is not what i thought at all i thought you were upset at their choice to wear so that's that's it too but i think the more complicated feelings are like first it's like i hate that guy i want to knock his head off i want to you know just beat the fuck out of him and then i'll be like i'm so jealous of him because he's so
Starting point is 00:14:31 confident in everything about him his his obliviousness to his own lameness yes that's what you envy the the power to be lame and not observe it so do you feel pressure to be cool all the time yeah and that pisses you off yeah go deeper yeah i just my mom told me i'd never be cool geez this just feels like a lot to win a fight it feels like a lot yeah to go to that dark to go through to get to get psyched you know it seems just like a lot that's go to that dark to go through to get to get psyched you know it seems just like a lot that's the fighter lifestyle though i just remember growing up and i asked my mom for a pair of vans and she's like this isn't dog town you're not j adams this isn't
Starting point is 00:15:14 dog town you're not j adams you'll never be that guy and i was like i'm pretty sure i can't be i blonde streaks in my hair did she say at least like maybe stacy peralta no she well that was kind of her dick she's like you're more of a stacy peralta corporate i'm like he's kind of the bitch in lords of dogtown yeah does your is your mom familiar with with lords of dogtown i don't think she ever saw it she's a huge dog she's a doghead she's a big dog man well yeah don't don't tell mike tyson i said that but i don't think that's gonna end well for him i'm actually worried about him right now and then i think what jake's gonna do after he knocks him out is he's gonna be like oh you guys feel bad because you love mike tyson well mike tyson went to jail and he's gonna bring up all the
Starting point is 00:15:58 fucked up shit oh mike tyson didn't make us feel bad for rooting for mike tyson he's smart like that wow how did how do you get your body that jacked because he wasn't always like that they're good athletes they were both good competitive wrestlers in high school i'm sure they're on some sauce okay i think that like the the kind that we just had they're on the magic mind that's all you need to take if you guys are out there and you want to look like logan paul and look good grappling with paulo costa take magic mind you'll be buff i just drank one i i don't feel uh yet uh that much more buff you look shredded yeah thank you i think you're probably just hard on yourself dude i'll take that note i mean your mind though i mean you start using bigger words.
Starting point is 00:16:45 My mind is shredded. Brain looks yoked. Yeah. The whites of your eyes are popping. Thank you. Thank you. Were you like the wordsmith of your crew back in the grow up? Not at all.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Not at all. Because you were with some learned fools, huh? I was way back. I used to roll with a tough, crowd for sure for sure um but uh nowadays i surround myself with you know my wife and child who intellectually honestly are bringing me down honestly not challenging me i feel that too my little kiddos i'll talk to how old is your kid seven months two of them seven months dumb dumb dumb that's the dumb age and they do bro they they present average sometimes where you have you have two that are seven months twins why are you laughing because that's that's
Starting point is 00:17:38 what you already thought well i mean i assume that if they were both seven months old they would because you don't think i'm capable of knocking up two different chicks at the same time no it's not that man you guys come so hard at me i'm sorry man i just assumed i don't know why i registered that as disrespect that's crazy on my part i'm sorry you guys are constantly scanning for disrespect well that's his source of rage yeah that's people thinking people that fuck oh really they people don't think i can fuck they think when i do fuck i don't fuck right and that's not true why who said that to you my dad your dad told you that you don't fuck right yeah my dad used to see me watching porn and he'd be like you'll never have a dick that big you'll never make a girl squirt like that
Starting point is 00:18:18 you'll never be in a reverse gangbang jeez and my dad your dad and your mom are really they did a number on you guys i saw it i witnessed it and you know because sometimes we'd be watching porn with the homies and my dad would just drop downstairs and just start unloading on yeah he's like jt you think you can dp can never dp he's like all these guys would best best you in a dp right in front of my friends saying that they're better at the dp oh fuck in front of all your friends that is brutal but that's what well that's not where i was that's not where i was coming from i was just coming from a place of oh that's awesome you have two seven-year-old twins seven months old seven sorry seven month old twins but to go back to what we're saying they i'll bet you that they are dumb and what makes them laugh is like
Starting point is 00:19:01 they do like when i pretend to have a shotgun and shoot them, I go, but in real life, that would not be funny. That's true. So that's how dumb they are. Whoa. Right. I mean, think about it.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Like if you're laughing at that, like bro, if you got shot, would you laugh? No, that's not funny. No, but they're laughing at that.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Like, it's just not smart. Do you think they're laughing? that like it's just not do you think they're laughing because they don't think i'll actually do it i think they're disrespecting you that feels like disrespect i'm wondering if your twins think that you can't fuck you think they already think that i think that it's very possible that they may look at each other and go i mean he did it once but could he do it again they might not even think they're mine i don't want to interject here even though they look like me are we on are we on thin ice are we getting no i'm just gonna say i know they think he can't fuck this is some g yeah just like from looks or from the like google gaga well when i first met your son he looked at me and it's you
Starting point is 00:20:03 know you can like kind of kids have like more of like a sixth sense where they have more access to past lives and for sure they're brand new and they're they just came out of a different being probably yeah like i'm doing like telepathy yeah and he's like my dad can't fuck and uh that was just in my mind yeah don't say that to me dude well you gotta learn that you gotta i'll get hot i'll walk out i would address it when you get home later i would address it you know what you do for you to put your name on that i'll walk out dude i know rob's here and this is i don't walk out i drove all the way downtown that was all right i found parking i came up like a sketchy elevator i'm in some guy's apartment who i don't know
Starting point is 00:20:46 right by the highway like there's so many cars you are you're right we are pretty lucky are we in the building are we in the building that has the billboard on the side that said if you lived here you'd be home by now like i think that's where we are i think we're in that building yeah if anyone's in la and you drive if you're stuck in traffic in downtown la just like look at a building and that's where this podcast comes from um well here's how i would solve that problem with your kids you have a you have a two boys or a boy and a girl oh man that's awesome a boy and a girl so are you done are you gonna have more kids i don't know see how they turn out all right but you are gonna fuck more oh absolutely okay i never stopped okay the
Starting point is 00:21:36 doctors tried to put a moratorium on that for like a month and i just was like haha western medicine you said that to the doctor yeah like her like baby doctor you went through and they're like you know it's probably a good time jd for you to like not have intercourse with your wife and you said haha western medicine yeah and what did she say i said look if you want to give me some prescription from your western medicine then shoot me some of those blue diamonds other than that get out of my way so i think by blue diamonds you're talking about viagra yeah now i don't know much about medicine but i don't think that uh gynecologists prescribe viagra they don't i don't think so then what's the point i don't know how you're gonna be a vagina doctor if you don't prescribe what makes vaginas
Starting point is 00:22:24 feel good yeah tell them i'm sorry great question these are all great questions i apologize i didn't go to medical school so i don't know the answer to that that's fair that's fair yeah what did you ever did i ever have sex yeah i did yeah do you fuck i do yeah nice yeah are you good at it do you oh oh am i should we no no we didn't talk before the show we didn't say what we should or should not bring up like the it seemed to me like this was like a no holds barred type of thing nothing's out of bounds but this is like getting in the ring with your brain okay but should we not go into that whether or not chad fucks i'm curious you don't you mean you you don't know i'm saying it's up to you to say it right now dog i mean you saw i did a set the other night and the whole time i was just yelling at the crowd i fuck i fuck
Starting point is 00:23:15 and you did crush yeah they loved it but hey there's performative fucking and then there's down in the dirt one-on-one it's just you and the other person can you do it well hold on hold on first of all i we don't know that the audience was laughing because they may have been laughing at you at the absurdity of you proclaiming i fuck i fuck and they might be thinking this guy does not 250 that's why this is so funny get a load of this right exactly you know this is absurdly yeah so is that why they were laughing ha ha ha i mean to be honest i don't know whoa if i'm being real and this is the going deep to real podcast i don't know if i can fuck rob and you know what sometimes i feel like a bitch because i don't know
Starting point is 00:24:12 that just changed the whole temperature of the room in a good way because the level of the level of honesty that we have got to i mean how far into the show are we were like 12 minutes 12 minutes look how real look where we are what could be more real than prison i mean i'm thinking right now the last time my girlfriend and i i thought we fucked and you know every time afterwards i'll stand up and i'll kind of like square up and i'll be like did you come and she was like yeah she says it like that kind of lackluster can you do it one more time the way she says it yeah i guess which i thought was like she's being coy because i fucked so hard where she's like in like a daze she was like exhausted it's like when you sit next to like
Starting point is 00:25:04 prince william on a plane you act like you don't know he's a prince yeah dude great analogy dude perfect analogy because how many times you get on a plane a commercial flight and you see prince who do you say prince prince william prince andrew is the rapist guy okay but either way knowing you two you guys probably fly virgin you're coming at us we're getting just right sorry dude that's so but you didn't answer if you if i fuck i do fuck yeah all right that's all i want do i like the fuck am i good at fucking yeah i i because we got a lot of questions from listeners about it when we told him we were coming on oh okay great um i do like to fuck am i good at it sometimes i am sometimes i am lately if i'm being totally honest and just because you were honest i'll be as honest i don't know if lately i've i've been as good i feel like i have maybe not been as good i mean look do i feel good yes you think you've been selfish
Starting point is 00:26:06 you're a greedy lover um the kisses are for you i would say i'm just a fast lover lately oh okay so you're busy you're efficient i think i just get i think i got too like overly excited and it didn't last as long as other people would have wanted and i'm not going to say my wife but we all know that i'm talking about my wife yeah so i think that's respectful yeah you're kind of the guy who's like let's do a quickie at my standing desk while i my my treadmill desk yeah yeah so yeah and she walks ahead of me on the treadmill and you're sending emails you know it didn't last long because the apple watch is saying not many cows were burned exactly you can track it you can't and it also track your
Starting point is 00:26:52 recovery time you know like yeah your fractory period right so you take like a minute in between sets if you're trying to get that hypertrophy bone the what kind of bone so like you take a one minute break between i feel like now you're just flex get that hypertrophy bone the what kind of bone so like you take a one minute break between i feel like now you're just flexing because we were because earlier i'm talking about hypertrophy so i'm literally flexing but i'm talking about vocabulary usage because we were saying earlier that you i was saying that i think you guys have great vocabularies and now i feel like it's just becoming like a show show and tell yeah i'm probably spraying a bit too much i think i could coil it up put a bag over it
Starting point is 00:27:30 and just like also it's hyper trophy oh fuck man finally got that first place with that dude you are alpha you just i'll see you by magic mind i'm telling you magic mind now i feel it yeah i really do feel it i really do feel it i just saw stars when i looked at you i feel like a different energy around me i feel like there's probably like some kind of camera you could put on me like one of those like uh i don't know like ghost like the last dragon you're moving and there's like a glow around like there's like an aura around me who's the master right like rick james yeah yeah um so we talked about fucking yeah i'm glad we covered that yeah are we moving on well we don't have to do you think your parents fucked oh yeah really yeah why did you say it like that because like that was a ridiculous
Starting point is 00:28:26 question a lot of parents i don't i caught i know i have two brothers and myself so i know my parents had sex at least three times i caught my parents more than three times having sex and at a certain point i was like you know doors have locks you had to tell them that yeah i was like teenagers i was like if you don't want to get caught don't ask me to come in the room because you need something from me wait they would start fucking and then go jt come here we need something yeah because my dad was just like this titan of industry so not dissimilar to you when he was boning he still needed stuff to get done but i always felt like the underneath of that was he wanted me to see him and flagrante
Starting point is 00:29:07 he has a performer gene in him that wants everything he does he wants it to be seen especially if he's doing something that society would deem cool geez that's a lot where sometimes i'm never prepared for the i'm confused how real we go on the show yeah because there's a lot of podcasts that really are superficial but that's not this one i i'd like to think of our podcast is kind of like john bernthal's where he like looks i try to emulate this where you look intently say do you fuck that's real yeah too real do you think your parents had sex no did they make love uh different question i found chocolate in my dad's bedside drawer sometimes so i don't know what that means could it be a blood sugar thing oh yeah he is diabetic
Starting point is 00:30:06 so he was like what did you suppose it was i thought he's putting it on his dick but apparently it's for his blood sugar levels that was a big that's a real leap i know and i went on him hard about it you found a chocolate bar in your dad's bedside table was there like a hole in the middle and you just assumed he was putting it on his dick i was just like i was like why do you keep telling me to make s'mores like you know i thought it was kind of like inferring that i should like s'more up my dick oh right i exploded camping no that's why i was you know i was right okay did you ever camp with your dad all the time really oh nice well so you guys had fun too yeah one time uh all this talk about our dads really just brought up a troublesome memory for me one time i was throwing the football with my dad as we the best is the best it's the best way for a father and son to bond but um i
Starting point is 00:31:07 wasn't looking or i threw him the ball and i kind of looked away and my dad put some mustard on it and threw it at me and it hit me right in the neck like right in the adam's apple and i was like like i could not breathe and my dad and my brothers thought it was hilarious but i was like you know that felt like child abuse like you were like at death's door yeah but they but i don't think they realized the um you know they all thought it was funny i you know isn't weird how you remember shit like that i do i think about stuff like that all the time and i've almost come around to the other side where i think they were actually doing you a service by not taking it serious. Cause I think.
Starting point is 00:31:48 You're right. I think you're right. Yeah. Otherwise you end up with someone that's just like so sensitive to like every little thing. Yeah. I was watching Dune 2 and there was like a scene where I wrote it down afterwards. I was like, oh, sometimes your parents poison you to cure you. Wait a second.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Are we plugging Dune 2 on this show i thought dude honestly i was more nervous i was doing the big s on it oh uh i haven't seen dune 2 that's what i mean but is that was that vague enough to like uh was that a spoiler no okay yeah i'm still gonna see it is it good oh know what? I didn't like the first one. I thought it was too slow, too much table setting. Okay. Ended kind of anticlimactically. This next one. This guy with the words.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Dude, this next one is a rip roar from the start. Oh, great. It's a lot of fun. It's cool. It's epic. Oh, great. And the dialogue's not great, but I think that's kind of the point. It's a little like Star Wars where it's like, no, no, we want the dialogue to be simple,
Starting point is 00:32:42 easy to understand understand works any culture any generation it's just we're just trying to tell a huge friggin story about like epic intergalactic battle and it does that great wow chad have you seen it i have not yeah you don't seem very stoked about it uh i'm sorry arms are crossed uh because jt and i are getting paid a lot of money to mention dune 2 on this oh. Oh, my bad. I'm boys with Denise. So for that, I got to serve it up for my dog. Oh, I didn't know that. No, I'm... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Dune 2. Sickest movie I've ever seen. Dude, Austin Butler. Great. Look at that kid. Look at Timothee Chalamet, dude. That is an actor. He's so hot.
Starting point is 00:33:22 Can we take a quick two minute while this vacuum goes by? I think we're okay. We'll just push through and the listener will just have to suffer. Well, yeah, as long as it's not bugging you through your headphones. No, we're good. What's your take on Dune 2? Yeah. By the way, this says Dune Part 2.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Oh. You called it Dune 2. No, I think you called it Dune 2. We'll have to rewind this podcast when I get home. I called it dune 2 no i think you called it dune 2 oh well i'll have to rewind this podcast i called it dp2 dp2 um are you guys going to be vacuuming the whole show or just part of the show that's actually an ad we're doing for our friends uh just underneath vacuuming they'll clean your bottom floor if you live in a two-story place. Their vacuum's so good, they can't bring it upstairs. It doesn't move that way.
Starting point is 00:34:10 It's like a cow. But your bottom floor will be spic and span. The best in the biz. Man. Yeah, use code CHADNJT if you want to get 20% off. Go deep. They're paying us 500 bucks. Why are you guys laughing?
Starting point is 00:34:24 I don't know. Who'd you say you were boys with in this that's 14 haircuts i'm friends with denise the director slash writer yeah i know i just don't like the way you're saying his name how do you say it i say dennis well that's because you're american yeah so is he do you not kiss on cheeks when you meet people i not all the time should i i just think it's a big flex when people do that because they're saying like look my passport i'm definitely european here's a question when people do that do they do they go like this do they move their mouth so the lips don't touch or do they do lips touch it's more of a cheek sitch right there's another little trick you can do sometimes people don't like it you you kind of set it up like you're gonna do that but then you go straight for the mouth
Starting point is 00:35:16 you know i mean and then you act like you oh i bungled it right but then you got a freak oh yeah i thought you were going right and i was going left yeah we both went just straight down the barrel right yeah yeah and you get a free kiss so when you do the accidental but let's do it kiss do you finish it off or do you leave it open what do you mean like do you just hit open lips but never seal it or do once you make lip to lip do you give them a little like up or down uh are you doing tongue what are you doing there do you do like a camera tilt with your mouth on their lips a camera tilt like does your mouth is everything you're so hollywood everything is camera angles i mean at a certain point when you've been in the biz for a while i mean copy this switch to two i got something to say go to two everybody go to two back to one and go to
Starting point is 00:36:06 two um the i would say if you're gonna do that little trick like i'm from europe or i just came back from europe and you do a kiss and then but you want to i think you can kind of do a light kiss and then see if there's any reception to it. You know what I mean? Because you sort of can act like, oh, it was an accident. Ha ha ha. But then you kind of see, like, what do you think? Right? Do you hear that sound?
Starting point is 00:36:35 That sounds like Dune 2 soundtrack. I think it's just that we're right by the highway. It's really just the thousands and thousands of people in los angeles right driving somewhere why do they keep doing that going going places yeah it's getting old yeah i mean you see i've seen it since like the 70s they've been doing it cars yeah i mean you figured by now yeah just since the 70s what What a run cars have had, too. Cars are crushing. What other fad has lasted this long?
Starting point is 00:37:08 When are we going to get some sort of thing like we were promised? You know, like some sort of personal aerial vehicle. Yeah, you can levitate. Yeah, my part would be going airborne. Like, Elon's not far enough ahead.'s blowing it i mean that's what i'm looking at right there look at that oh wow he's flying cars whoa so people are actually trying to produce that dude there's one called the um there's a cool one called like the fly i think or um uh some sort of like it looks like a little bug.
Starting point is 00:37:45 When these start becoming a reality, do you have to get a pilot's license? Well, right now, you can buy one of these and you can fly it, but you can't fly it over certain parts of town. Like you can't fly it in a crowded area. You have to live out in the country or something. you have to go like palm desert yeah so you do not have to have a pilot's license for some of them right but um you know i'm sure the first week like when we all get those yeah it's just gonna be chaos it's just gonna be fucking you know collisions and fires i mean can you imagine flying your car and someone's not taking the left
Starting point is 00:38:25 fast enough and you're like beeping yeah yeah come on man bank left bank and i don't know what after you're like lowering you're like dude i'm gonna rush yeah my girlfriend's gonna she always runs out of gas yeah if you run out of gas in a flying car do you just die yeah great question these are all questions for uh the future we don't know does your girlfriend run out of gas in her automobile you say that so uh casually that happens a lot uh every week is that that's not true well it's called being an optimist yeah she thinks that she can uh you guys is this something you guys have talked about on the show a million times? It's just something we kind of believe.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Okay. So, you know, they say people who are late often are late because they're optimists. I did not know that. They believe that they'll get there on time. They're dreamers. That's so great to me. Because I am late sometimes. This really makes me feel good.
Starting point is 00:39:24 It's Hollywood. Everyone's late in Hollywood, right? It's the land of dreamers land of optimists um you know it's hollywood we're always late because everyone's like no i'll get there i'll get there everything's gonna work out i'm gonna get doomed too i will get cast in dune 2 i think i will yeah well i don't think you will i can almost guarantee that you will not be cast in dune but you sound like all the other haters i've grown up with who just didn't believe in me i'm just telling you that they've already shot the movie unless there's like a home release where they're gonna maybe do some pickup shots for you know and i don't even think they would do that like what why would they insert a new
Starting point is 00:40:05 character just for the home video i i mean i don't know if they would for anyone but i think if you like really give it everything you have they have no choice well you said you're you were boys with the director denise yeah you love to say his name like that i bet even he pronounces it dennis i wouldn't know he's your boy right yeah no i know so but you you think that he might cast you retroactively for the movie yeah so i've been sending him me against a green screen so it's easier for him oh so you're shooting scene like pickup scenes that he could just casually insert into the movie yeah like it's like me being like that boy can't ride a sandworm that was really good that was pretty convincing i don't know where they would drop that in right so i tried like obviously there's a huge sequence
Starting point is 00:40:58 where someone's riding a sandworm and then they would just cut to a guy in a hoodie and a baseball hat that says that dude can't ride a sandworm and all my lines are button lines they all go at the end of a scene so they're easy to plug in okay because i'm like because like i i didn't just like arbitrate like i picked yeah i saw his one scene he goes you can do it son hey son you got this yeah is that how they talk in the movie no i'd be the only one but that's how you stand out what is the what type of language do like how what is there sort of like there's harkening there's our treaties there's the fremen and then there's me wait those are the names of the characters the cultures the population so but do they speak the way that we're
Starting point is 00:41:42 speaking right now or do they speak like kind of you know a different like it's kind of like that like uh shakespearean like deadwood yeah of like fancy flowery totally it's like we're in a grand epic yeah oh that would be exhausting but you know they have different worlds like in star wars they have like tatooine they have like endor we you know jt's character comes from so calarian so it would be fine he could he is it's just bros okay yeah it's a planet of bros i have a coffee in my hand and all my takes yeah it's like a lot of times i i don't know the scenes yet but there's one where timothy chow may wins a fight and it's just green screens and he goes that was tight he's on a scooter so sick bro that's sick dude so sick they don't do that enough moves you don't
Starting point is 00:42:35 know how the people on the perimeter feel yeah that's true they never get their reactions of like the the onlookers just the random locs who yeah have some color to contribute a passerby who has an opinion that's always bothered me it's like kind of like a people's history of of the future of movies that's a yeah they should they should do that we'll talk to your boy denise for sure i'll keep texting him yeah does he hit you back when you text him well he's like he's busy i did that i actually did that the other day i had some audition for something it's not you know and i was like oh i know this director um should this is so stupid i was like i know him like i'm kind of buddies with him should i text him
Starting point is 00:43:19 and my manager was like yeah sure go sure. Go ahead and text it. Like totally called my bluff. I was like, oh man, I haven't texted this guy in years. Like I texted him, did not hear back. Did not hear back. He probably appreciated it. Sometimes people are just on the move, but a little part of your soul does die. You know, I just practice. I send five text messages out every day that I know aren't coming back. Do you really?
Starting point is 00:43:43 Just to stay hard. I don't why would oh to stay like uh emotionally emotionally hard that's like my david goggins i gotcha i gotcha do you um ever call people on your phone yes i'm genuinely i'm a big phone caller are you really yeah i'll call friends like once a month just to catch a whoa how about you chad i'm a big texter yeah i'm a texter yeah yeah that's why we're tight yeah you call me and i don't i don't call you back yeah so yeah i've noticed that yeah which is all good because you're biz but i didn't understand the second level that you guys have been texting we text yeah we dm each other too on various social media platforms yeah but uh that's awesome daily no i just figured you didn't want to be in on it like we i said like is does jt want to go on the camp out and he said i don't think jt even camps out and i said all right well what
Starting point is 00:44:38 about the beach trip you know he said he doesn't really like the beach and i said well we're going to be surfing and he said he doesn't really know how to surf and i said well what about this we'll do some skateboarding he said he doesn't skateboard i'll skate that good but i like to hang out oh my god i know this pod was about getting real but i know you're gonna get that real well it's funny too because you came back from those trips and you mentioned you went on trips you didn't mention who you went with what time uh what time is it i do have to go this is just a there's a level of no you can dip but we're going to talk about this just a level of like uncomfortability no it's uncomfortable uncomfortability is that a word uncomfortability you know what is unfathomable the way that you
Starting point is 00:45:18 guys would betray me like this see the way anger just made me nail that word well i mean it's not even a betrayal it's just really like a oversight i i thought dude that there's a like a tone right there by calling it an oversight like that like what that i'm not even thought about is that what you're trying to say i think you sound a little bit like a pessimizer like the texts back are coming you just haven't received them yet but But they exist. I was trying to think of what to say back to you. Like you called me. I didn't want to pick up the call because that's not the way I communicate.
Starting point is 00:45:53 But I thought, well, I will text you back. But I was thinking about what I wanted to say. But now I don't feel bad about not calling you or texting you. Just because of the level of like toxicity this is what i was talking about what do you mean are you guys gaslamping me i don't know if that's a word i don't think it is but uh why did you guys sometimes we have phone calls at night to talk about dealing like how to deal with you how to manage you but you know how much i like phone calls but we like we prefer to call each other yeah i and not because uh because sometimes
Starting point is 00:46:34 when like you try to dominate the conversation i've noticed and chad and i just like to kind of yeah i'm a beast yeah i'm sure a beast i mean well you're a phone beast i eat all the words you eat too many words where when i do pick up you'll be like hey bro i'm going to legislate your ass and i don't know i don't remember saying that i just can't remember big words i even that's why it's tough you might be, but I don't remember saying that at all. That's how you respond. I even sent Chad an idea for a video that you did. And it worked out great.
Starting point is 00:47:26 But I didn't feel like it would be appropriate to send you anything. And I don't know. I guess it's just because you're a phone beast. I guess I just like, uh, your word selection is like, like cutting me. I'm not trying to like, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:47:39 what would be, what would be inappropriate about us being boys? I guess it's just like harder to be boys with you. Yeah. That's cool. You know, I mean, this guy is just like, the vibes are just easier. It's cool as a cucumber. For sure.
Starting point is 00:47:59 Are you tearing up? There is some moisture. Yeah. There's definitely some moist. No, it's like, it's it's yeah there's ocular moisture i'm i'm about to cry but it's only because i'm like so happy for you to it could also just be your eyes are irritated from traffic whizzing whizzing by the highway from the small air wait um can we can we show rob kristin cavalieri and the montana boys oh yeah i saw this oh you did on one of your social social i covered it it's kristin with a k sorry jake i met her one time way back and the montana boys I didn't meet the Montana boys.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Way, way when she had her show on MTV. Like 2007? Yeah. Wow. That's when we were doing Human Giant on MTV like a million years ago. And we met them. We met all of those people at a party. And they were not impressed by us at all.
Starting point is 00:49:00 It was like some. Were you impressed by that? Well, they were just like so i don't even what was the show that she was on the hills the hills yeah so they um at the time the mtv people thought that they would try the second one jake they would try to get all of the mtv people together at like this malibu party so we went out to this party me and and Paul Scheer and Aziz. And we were trying to do a dumb comedy show. And they were very reality stars. So they take themselves very seriously.
Starting point is 00:49:35 It was just we didn't have much to talk about, I don't think. I'm sure they're nice. Are you a big Hollywood party guy? Are you sure they're nice? Let me think about that first part. Am I a big Hollywood party guy? No you sure they're nice? Let me think about that first part. Am I a big Hollywood party guy? No, I'm not. No.
Starting point is 00:49:48 I'm not. And I'm not sure they're nice. No, I'm not positive they're nice. Respect. Yeah, can we watch them perform? cajun lunatic from brunswick juicy john jim peach with a thick southern drawl sexy swinging i'm they're beautiful wait a second fuck all right i just have to kind of assess what the montana boys are doing here it appears that they are lip-syncing is that what the Montana boys are doing here. It appears that they are lip syncing. Is that what the Montana boys are famous for?
Starting point is 00:50:29 Can we see some other Montana boys videos just to give Rob some clarification on this? It's Montana boys with a Z. Of all the guys that she could date, she was like, who's the best lip syncer? And then, yeah, let's just click these most viewed ones because this is them at their best calling you i said i was through but i'm dying inside got my head in a mess
Starting point is 00:50:53 that's my favorite montana boy that last one was my favorite montana oh derrick he's the freshest is that derek yes derek how many montana boys are there are you boys with the boys oh yeah yeah oh they're growing yeah jt his dad lives out is that true my dad's on bozeman so my dad's gonna be in some of the videos because they're trying to hit different i don't know what's real on this show um if that's true and i've overstepped my because i was sort of shitting on them and now i feel i'm worried that you know you should because my dad deserves to get pooed on are you surprised that their names are caleb with a k and cade with a k wow not surprised that doesn't surprise me so there's just three of them but then the other guys were just like because i feel like they live in
Starting point is 00:51:45 they live in tennessee but they're legit montana hilarious they um i feel like they're are we beefing with the montana boys i just think it's worth talking about i don't know that the montana boys have a good sense of humor are you afraid of them coming after us do they know that we're right by the 101 in downtown la i think they know that do they know that if they lived here they'd be home by now do you think they had uh do you think they had like a casting call for the montana boys they're like maybe hot hold on montana dude you gotta run is this mechanical is this what they is this all they do yeah just lip sync other people's songs rob can we or jake can we go to tiktok and give rob some more clarification on that how much clarification click the second pinned video i think this one also kind of is a good distillation.
Starting point is 00:52:46 Well, they already did this one. Well, right. So they do like kind of remixes, I guess you could call it. And that guy's trying to steal his thunder. Sneaking up in the background. I mean, yeah, I think you can feel the turmoil brewing between the guys. These guys are going to shoot each other. They're going to kill each other in a murder-suicide.
Starting point is 00:53:12 It's going to get some dark metal, like, varg kind of situation. They're so hot. They are hot guys, and their bodies are insane. Do you think that's part of the appeal? There's no reason why we shouldn't stage some sort of fight with these guys. For clicks. Yeah. You know what i mean yeah like we'll let we should start a beef with them but then actually fight them like logan paul is fighting mike tyson i have a name for is that jake paul or logan paul jake okay i have a name for our group you ready yeah the fuck boys yes with a z yes two z's two z's because they already have one z
Starting point is 00:53:46 maybe just to see which guys we'd fight can we get one more of their videos just for some clarification who we match up dude there's so much clarification are you i just feel like there's a little meat on the bone in terms of misunderstanding yeah just click let's go to the pinned one to the right no not that one no we already saw this one. Sorry. I have a real question. Do they have more followers than you guys on social media? They're more popular. Oh, yeah. That one top left that has the 908.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Yeah, that one. All they're doing is lip syncing country songs. Yeah. Well, they're athletes. Oh. That one was actually pretty dynamic okay so this is hip-hop so they that guy almost friendly with african-american i don't know about white guys lip-syncing hip-hop you see he almost dropped the m-bomb there but he drove off before
Starting point is 00:54:40 he could say it yeah he thought twice about that that's not gonna fly in the future or he did it and he just edited it out what'd you take that out for man there's the morality of the shoot and then there's the morality to edit and they're two different things right do a good call so if we should we fight these guys are they do they ever do pay-per-view fights would they fight us we'll see a full card? Should we? I mean, let's have the listeners of the podcast respond to us. Not to them. Do not mention us to Montana boys.
Starting point is 00:55:14 But hit us back and let us know if you want us to fight the Montana boys. Yeah. I mean, don't antagonize them. But, you know, if you guys want to fight them for us. That's a better way to go. If you guys want to fight them for us. That's a better way to go. If you guys want to fight the Montana boys, let us know and we'll set that up. I guess I was thinking they could reach out to them and say, Rob Hubel wants to fight you. Don't do that.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Put your name on it, dude. I have a family. I have a child. Yeah, the clout, bro. You could move so much merch. I would get a lot of followers maybe it's worth it these are the these are the this is the dilemma that we live in in america like dude what what to what links you would go to what links would you go to for followers and clicks yeah
Starting point is 00:55:58 capitalism has like reduced us to just eating attention and guess what baby we're hungry and these montana boys they're feasting jeez okay i think you could fuck them up dude oh i know it physically yes totally so it's more do you want to do something like that i could uh i would totally fuck these guys that ass up wait wait wait what are you talking about i'm just talking about being vicious about like getting in there just your full face and just digging in as deep as you can go and like making them feel it. Okay. Like just your whole, like just the power part of your visage, just your lips, just full thrust. Like, are you talking about like, I was talking about like a physical fight. I feel like there might've been a miscommunication.
Starting point is 00:56:45 There's other ways to control someone. All right. Now I think I see what you're... It's a different pay-per-view. But maybe if people will pay for it... I meant fighting. These guys are going to be like, hey, man, these guys in LA want to fuck us.
Starting point is 00:57:01 There's a group of guys called the fuck boys that are right off the 101 110 yeah yeah i think uh the way we could start we could make a video or we could just start commenting just say you're not montana uh rob we're about to let you out can we do one call before we get you on the road i think a quick hitter will be good right uh yeah wait wait i just want to see if anything blew up i do have to do a little bit of business sorry guys i was doing some great bits with my boys the montana boys you're doing bits with other guys when you're here with us i sorry there's just uh where are you i don't want to huh are you with the montana boys
Starting point is 00:57:39 why would you even say that i saw you lip syncing into your camera i was checking my phone to see how i was doing on time and i had some messages from the montana boys but it's a different by wife and child do you mean kade and caleb i guess what you're asking me is um i guess it's one of those hard truths in life of um you know it seemed like it was fun to make fun of the montana boys but in real life you know i edit this out later but i'm dear friends with kade and caleb and uh they they are tired of people talking shit about them and they're tired of people in la saying that they want to fuck them and so they said i hope they stay tired sorry i i would just i'm telling you that they sent me here to infiltrate the pod that's what i've done just like call of duty okay take it all back to call
Starting point is 00:58:41 of duty jt's pissed he's leaving the pod right now. I'm pissed too. He took his cans off. He wasn't even wearing cans. Never put his cans on. So what? I'm a mole for the Montana boys. Is your name even Rob? Or is it Kyle?
Starting point is 00:58:59 No, my name is also Caleb. Is your name Rob with a K? It's Rob with a K. K-R-O-B. i just walked over and then i just lip synced about being betrayed wow we should make a video we should start lip syncing their videos yeah just like straight homage yeah yes that might shirts off maybe not no i'm down do we have to fly to montana to do it t Tennessee, but we're straight Montana. So they filmed this in Tennessee, but they say they're from Montana.
Starting point is 00:59:28 They're legit Montana. They're full Montana. Are we going to take, what do we do? Do we take calls? We do a live call with someone. Let's do it. And sometimes they get heavy, but sometimes they're just fun. Wait, how are people on the, they're just waiting for this to happen?
Starting point is 00:59:42 Yeah. Dude, Jake's the man. Jake, what are you telling them? They're just like like hold on guys they're talking about the montana boys still we'll get you on soon i know do a lip sync video that'd be pretty fun dude yeah it's fun to make fun of the montana boys let's lip sync there like let's just do yeah that would be great all of our shirts off uh dude you're here with uh rob hubel and me and chad what ails you brother what's going on guys so i'm at a pretty big crossroads in my life right now um after college i moved to houston to follow my girlfriend of six years and um we just broke up like back in august so i'm now i'm kind of in a place where I don't love the city I'm in,
Starting point is 01:00:28 but I really love my job. And I'm kind of thinking it might be time to make a change. So there's kind of two places I'm thinking about going, either Denver or Dallas. I grew up in Dallas, and there's like a girl back there that I've kind of been talking to since we broke up and then Denver I mean I've wanted to live there since I was like
Starting point is 01:00:52 seven like I love the mountains love ripping it up on the slopes my family's there now so I'm kind of going back and forth on what I should do what's your job? I'm a civil engineer i'm doing land development awesome you guys don't even know what that is i do totally what what does a civil engineer do that's like bridges oh shit is that true i thought it had to do with civil war yeah are you engineering
Starting point is 01:01:21 a civil war uh no civil wars i do deal a lot with land boundaries and stuff so if there engineering a civil war? No civil wars. I do deal a lot with land boundaries and stuff. So if there were a civil war, I could probably have some part in that. Wow. That's a cool job. So, so really you're just, first of all, my condolences. That is really tough. I will tell you this.
Starting point is 01:01:42 The exact same thing happened to me like right after college. I was dating this girl all through college, true story. And I think she thought like, maybe we're going to get married. And I was like, I got it. I wanted to. So I was not at that point. And so I moved to Aspen, Colorado so I could ski and snowboard for a year. And she quickly dumped me and got engaged to another guy and is like still married to that guy. And I remember, I'm sorry, what's your name, man?
Starting point is 01:02:17 It's Matt. Matt. So I called my mom. I was so upset. I called my mom and she was like, you need to get on a plane and go see your ex-girlfriend and try to get her back, which God bless my mom was terrible advice. Terrible advice. So I flew to go see this girl and she had just moved on.
Starting point is 01:02:39 It was like she just ghosted me. It was so painful. So I feel for you, Matt, but you're a young dude, and you got so much better days ahead. And so all you got to do now is choose where you want to live. You got good options. What do you like about Dallas? So that's kind of like where I grew up. I lived in the same house my whole life
Starting point is 01:03:06 growing up uh so like i know the area uh but really like all my family's kind of moved on from there a lot of my friends have moved on from there really kind of the only thing that's drawing me to dallas is this girl that i've kind of like reconnected with um since you know the breakup and everything might be that's kind of might be a little bold to move there so early with that situation am i wrong about that i totally agree yeah i was thinking the same thing i think and also like at this point in your hero's journey i think it's too early to return home and i also think like we haven't learned maybe all the things we need to learn about ourselves post the first breakup so jumping to another person is kind of looking at them to fulfill the answers that you might need to find on your own so i think going somewhere
Starting point is 01:03:54 new like denver sounds very exciting to me super fun place to be tons of cool stuff to do outdoors happy people happy people brand new life they just got rid of russell wilson they're totally psyched 85 million on that yeah just leave dude i uh yeah i think um you wanted to live in denver sounds like your whole life i think you got to give it a shot i just flew through that airport, man. It was delightful. Yeah. I ate it. Who's the guy that owns the Broncos?
Starting point is 01:04:29 John Elway. He has a chain of restaurants. Really? Oh, dude. He's a titan of industry. Yeah. To coin your term. Hell yeah. And yeah, he's got a big restaurant at the airport.
Starting point is 01:04:39 It was fucking very average. I mean, you got Matt. matt you gotta check it out but matt you should go to the denver airport and try out john elway's restaurant it's not it sounds like uh it sounds like you're doing well too man i think you just probably love deeply so the heart's gonna you know mend and in the when you look back you'll be it won't feel as hard as it feels now yeah that's definitely true i definitely am a lover not a fighter like it you know i kind of saw it coming it hadn't really worked out since we moved to houston and we both were kind of in a place where we were like planning on like in the future we're
Starting point is 01:05:19 going to get married and then it just wasn't working so i think y'all are probably right like there's a good chance i was just trying to fill that void but maybe it's time that i should figure out what's best for me yeah go on an adventure yeah man adventure time it's scary but it's a great time for an adventure man and then you'll you'll fall in love with yourself yeah that's gonna be your great romance for the next couple whatever's and then you're not talking about like masturbation are you i was yeah i've got that pretty well taken care of right now that's this podcast just took a turn man now it's just a bunch of dudes talking about jacking off that's what i've been talking about the whole episode that's what i've been talking
Starting point is 01:06:05 about the whole episode it's kind of the thing the whole thing yeah this whole time i i was talking about other i didn't realize that's what we're talking about dune 2 is dune 2 even that was back jerking off yeah and all the sandworm the montana boys all that yeah i mean jerking off it's all stuff i either want to be in jacking off or stuff i jack off too too yeah all right matt what do you think what's your what's your gut telling you my gut's kind of telling me that i should probably go out to denver and do something new and experience some some big change and see what comes of it hell yeah that's man here's what i think like give anything a year you know what i mean just like i i was living in atlanta when i uh uh after i moved to colorado to aspen i moved to
Starting point is 01:06:51 atlanta and i lived there for a few years and then uh i always wanted to like try to get into comedy but i didn't know anybody i had no connections to it at all and then a friend of mine was like you should move to new york and and they were going up there for the weekend. They're like, come up with me to New York just for the weekend. So I went to New York just for a weekend and had the best time. And I was like, fuck it, man. At the time I was like 25 or something. And I was like, I'm just going to move to New York for one year. I'll try it for one year. It's totally suck. I ended up of course, loving it. I lived there like 11 years, had the best time of my life. Um, so my point is just try it, man, try and commit to it for like a year, you know? Yeah, definitely. I think that might also be
Starting point is 01:07:38 something I'm afraid of is I've, you know, I've lived in Texas my whole life, never left the state really for an extended period of time so i'm kind of just nervous about starting somewhere new you know it's good if you're nervous you should be going where i think you should a little bit not like you got to be doing things that are uncertain or brand new and that you don't know how they're going to go that's like a good part of life you're not moving to like vietnam or so you know you're moving to it's so you know there's strip malls there there's you know it's a good they got chilies they got yeah i've been to denver don't look that different from everywhere else in america i mean colorado loves texas like i i
Starting point is 01:08:18 went skiing recently in colorado and everyone there was from texas like everyone um yeah a lot of people from california a lot of my friends from california moved out to to denver as well it's just a great place to live yeah yeah i i said go towards the fear whenever you go towards the fear usually good things come out of that's where you grow yeah that's where you get bigger and that's where you're less afraid of stuff and then you'll look back at this and be like i can't believe i was afraid of that yeah everything is bigger in texas but sounds like everything's also more comfortable and maybe you need to go to elways yeah dude if you were in friday night lights you're not uh riggins you're the qb who got
Starting point is 01:08:55 paralyzed and then went on to be an agent in new york yeah whoa i mean that's a very specific reference yeah very specific i'm not sure that matt Matt is steeped in the lore of Friday Night Lights. Dig this. Matt, did you know what I was talking about? Friday Night Lights is pretty well known in Texas, so I know exactly what he's talking about. Yeah. Awesome. Texas forever, brother, but from Denver.
Starting point is 01:09:20 Texas forever, but moved to Denver. But moved to Denver. It's in your heart. If you go to denver too you might reconsider the civil war stuff yeah to be clear he's not plotting a civil war oh okay i'm almost positive oh i thought we okay i think it's i think it is bridges it sounded like he was oh you know sorry man measuring plots of land yeah you know oil projects yeah yeah i'm not planning the next civil war i just want to put
Starting point is 01:09:46 that out there good good news i'm not planning that if there is a civil war maybe your ex dies in it jeez i don't want to be on this pod right now damn i don't want to be implicated he doesn't pull the trigger but it happens because there's you know a lot of this podcast advocate murder i i can't be an accomplice that was another jack off thing oh yeah i meant i meant yeah oh okay yeah i just can't get off to the thought i can't go back to jail matt you still there i'm still here sorry now we're riffing and running but we we do we love you man and i do think we're all in agreement here we think making the bold move is the best move.
Starting point is 01:10:25 And you got this, man. You're doing great. You're a smart guy. You just feel things deeply, but yeah. And that's all good stuff. Stay strong,
Starting point is 01:10:32 man. I appreciate it guys. Love y'all. Love the pod. Thanks for the advice. Yeah. Love you, man.
Starting point is 01:10:38 Man, that was really real. It's good. The last time I was on the show, uh, I don't think we took calls. This is a new feature. This is really real the last time i was on the show uh i don't think we took calls this is a new feature with jake this is really real it's jake why didn't we start with this this is the we did like an hour of talking about jacking off when i didn't even know we were talking about that
Starting point is 01:10:57 i sat through like 45 minutes of montana boys and then like this is like the the great part of the podcast right we surprised you with our depth well we knew that was a sex joke what that was yeah let's do one more or for me and then i have to go but you guys i give you permission to keep podcasting wait do you want to do or do you have to go um let me see how long it is. I think that's a good place to end. I think we kind of crushed it. Yeah. Really? Don't you? Don't your people want more than one?
Starting point is 01:11:30 No, I think that was such a good call. I think you gave such good advice, too. Okay. I do need to. And there's this adage in entertainment. It says, leave them wanting more. Always leave them wanting more. Jeez.
Starting point is 01:11:40 So you've heard it. Don't throw out an adage and then fucking stumble through it, man. But do you? Yes. This is why we didn't ever call him. And it's Adage too. Yeah. Well, I bid you a da.
Starting point is 01:11:59 Not even. That didn't sting one bit. Did not sting. I was saying later. I i know but it just didn't rob and i are gonna go podcast that's his next are you guys doing more calls after this without we have a side we have a side pod yeah he's like map i saw his maps it was to your address yeah he all he also sound engineer, Blake. C or K at the end.
Starting point is 01:12:30 That was a good call. I was surprised at the sincerity. I mean, this is a new feature on the pod. We get pretty sincere. Actually, a lot of times when we talk, we get pretty sincere, too. I love it. I love it. Did you just abbreviate feature?
Starting point is 01:12:41 Yeah. Only because I'm here. I've never heard that. That's awesome. But if my wife hears this, she's going to beat me up. My wife beats the shit out of me. She hits you? In the face and head.
Starting point is 01:12:52 Whoa. Yeah. And neck. Please help me. So all the places where people can see the damage. She wants people to know that she's hitting you. She hits me right in my moneymaker. Yeah. This is how I make a living.
Starting point is 01:13:03 And then you show up to hair and makeup and you're like, oh my god again rob what are you gonna i fell down the stairs like fell down the stairs um yeah she really she beats me up does that do you like that at all though is there a party that is attracted to that no it's terrifying well man you got to make a brother call into the pod right now i will what's the number 949 okay 62 3 48 59 hold on that was too fast 949 i made that one up you can actually call in there okay hold on do you guys give out this number yeah 323-418-2019 call in guys uh especially if you got positive things to say about Magic Mind or Easy Rider it's going to voicemail
Starting point is 01:13:50 it's going to voicemail thank you for calling the Stoke Nation hotline we look forward to answering all your dank ass questions in the upcoming podcast you should work at Universal Studios when did I record that? hey what's up JT, Chad, Rob Hubel big fan of the podcast i'd love to get
Starting point is 01:14:06 on there sometime uh just quick question my wife does uh hit me uh repeatedly around the face and head and neck area uh so what should i do about that all right love you guys uh also should i move to denver let me know bye wow all right man thanks for the call stoked to hear from you you know a lot of times when spousal abuse is going on people are quick to say you know get out of there it's it's unfixable but i think a lot of times it's a miscommunication issue so like have you not been doing things that would make your wife not want to hit you that sounds like victim blaming i have have i not been doing the things that make my wife not want to hit me yeah and even if those things correct yes to word it another way have i been annoying my wife so much that she hits me yes yeah like whether i probably do deserve it
Starting point is 01:14:59 not doing the errands you said you'd run or communicating in a way that she finds you know prickly or or not you know productive or even just by virtue of existing is that upsetting her and are those things you could you know work on i'm trying yes i'm trying to i i will and i'll try harder i mean i feel like this coming here to do the show is kind of doing the work a little bit i'm not saying that i'm like fixed and that it made me like cured but uh i feel like it made work a little bit. I'm not saying that I'm like fixed and that it made me like cured, but I feel like it made me a little bit better. Let's go. Show her the Montana boys.
Starting point is 01:15:30 All right. All right. I got to go. Thanks for hopping on. Thanks. Oh, wait. Anyone plug before we go?
Starting point is 01:15:37 Uh, no. Okay. Montana, Montana boys, my upcoming pay-per-view fight with the Montana boys. If you need advice, My upcoming pay-per-view fight with the Montana boys. To God you Such a half-hearted Son of God I'm going free I'm going free
Starting point is 01:16:12 Let's get deep I'm going deep I'm getting deep

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