Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 344 - Classic SOLO w/ CHAD and JT

Episode Date: May 29, 2024

What up Legends?!?! Today is another classic solo episode. Chad starts off the pod with a huge confessh about his latest bust. We take some great calls. One man needs family help after his mom was inv...olved in a crazy day and he wants to know how to move forward. Another bro calls in about how his athletic career is shifting now that he is in his 30's. This is a FIRE ep with a lot of great riffs and life stories. IF you enjoyed, LEAVE A LIKE OR COMMENT BELOW!  We are streaming the BTS, Fully unedited version of the pod on Twitch, if you want to chat with us while we're recording, follow here: https://www.twitch.tv/chadandjtgodeep Grab some dank merch here:https://shop.chadandjt.com/ Come see us on Tour! Boston and Philadelphia are the NEXT STOPS.TIX on http://www.chadandjt.com If you need advice and want to chat with us, TEXT us with your issue or question at 323-418-2019 and we will add you to the list! (Start with where you're from and name for best possible advice) Check out the reddit for some dank convo: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep/

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up guys welcome to the podcast guys before we begin we are streaming these on twitch so when we're recording we're streaming live it's so much fun we have chat come in and uh it's fun to like get to interact live so if you want to catch a live recording follow our twitch twitch.tv slash chad and jt go deep we're also on tour we're next coming up we are going to be in also on tour we're next coming up we are going to be in philadelphia and boston 12th and 13th of june and then we're going to be in san diego 27th through the 29th get your tickets chadjt.com um and uh stoked for those shows for sure yeah and stoked for this episode it was a fun one it was fun yeah so dive on in let's twist my gerbils and call uh call my uncle because what's up stokers of stoke nationokernation? Welcome to the Going Deep Chat and JT Podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:06 I'm here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas. What up? Boom clap, Stokers. My given Fs are on vacation. Beautiful. Beautiful. How long are they on vacay? Dude, TBD.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Where'd they go? Russia. Oh, exotic. Somewhere tough, challenging. where'd they go Russia oh exotic somewhere tough challenging yeah Spartan
Starting point is 00:01:30 yeah would you go to Russia I would like to would you yeah I think it'd be cool I'd like to see the the Kremlin
Starting point is 00:01:42 see what's going on with that can we google if it's still in it's original form and what that form ever was oh it's been there for a remarkable amount of time and I don't say remarkable lightly rebuilt using white stone
Starting point is 00:02:00 so it was built originally out of wood and later in the 14th century well so it was built before that and then the 14th century was rebuilt using white stone Wow click the Wikipedia for it Donny Cain you're at Disneyland and you're on watching the pod what what a combo dude it's really beautiful yeah i guess italian architects worked on the uh latest version i trust their input most things style wise i think you feel safe if it's an Italiano. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Do you wish you were Italian? Not actively. I wouldn't turn it down if I had the option in some sort of reincarnation. Mm-hmm. What about you? Which nationality do you aspire to? Italian all day. Well, you're very white.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Mm-hmm. So is that why you like it because it's exotic but not quite black dude i think you nailed it right on the head uh yeah dude i think i think all of my ethnicities lack passion um what are you i'm english you're ice yeah ice man uh english german some french french have some passion but it's more kind of passion about being rude right you know what i mean you think it's about snobbery the their energy gets funneled through arrogance yeah i think they came up with the phrase you call that a blah blah blah like you call that a baguette you call that a can can or a 540 dude yeah you call that a melon grab most of snide commentary in extreme sports originates in the frenchlands the x-coms the x-coms x-coms
Starting point is 00:04:09 uh they're like yeah you call that a you call that a christ air you're not even getting the good good enough splage you know i just made up that word but i think it would work in announcing that'd be sick yeah you gotta have spin tonnage and splayage in equal measure to hit a nice score what's the uh you were talking about the kicker there's the booter the money booter the money booter that's down towards the bottom and that's where like your last major huck when was the last time you hit the money booter in life oh i mean i got my girlfriend pregnant pretty quick that's what i was thinking thank you uh that was a big time money booter and i think the announcers were like oh jt thrown depositing the nut well before they have an
Starting point is 00:05:00 established amount of time together that's a hugely risky maneuver and i don't know if i stomped the landing but i landed it yeah i think you stomped it oh thanks man that's uh well with with kids when you're when you're when you're hitting the money booter on kids that's like a continual stomp you don't you don't just stomp it i was gonna say the run's not over for like 25 years right yeah you're still you're still like you're still like you're not even reached you haven't reached peak height air you're still ascending with a fat melon grab i'm still strapped in yeah what what would you say is the last time you threw the uh the life money booter uh hit the money booter hit the huck on a money boot uh dude i why i i guess this morning i'm starting a new journey of uh exploring martial arts so that's kind of my new money booter uh and what what sparked this uh because for a long time it
Starting point is 00:05:59 wasn't your thing and now you're into it well i i've always loved the idea of boxing like conditioning and uh i just never you know what it was well first off what sparked it is my brother was like you're too easy to kill and i was like shut up he's like you are and i was like okay so i'm trying to prove to him that i'm not easy to kill and i want to beat his ass next time i see him has will mark wrestle you next time you guys make contact well i'm gonna engage so he better defend himself smart um so yeah so basically he's like you're too easy to kill you need to start doing mma so i went to a boxing class this morning and i'm thinking i'm gonna try jujitsu and like muay thai or krav maga or krav maga is more kind of like deadly force i don't think people really trust that one as much
Starting point is 00:06:52 as a fighting system because there's no like uh real sport for it so it's not as battle tested i know that like the military doesn't and stuff but i think uh with muay thai and jujitsu and boxing we've seen it kind of work itself out in combat in like combat sport right and i i did boxing this morning already addicted i love it it's so fun what was the class it was like a conditioning class so i basically i did some like i did jump rope i did like some cardio body workout stuff then i hit the mitts and then i would do sets hitting the bag but it'd be like i'd you know would do like um hit the bag 20 times and then do a couple burpees and stuff like that nice uh but it was really fun hitting the mitts it's great and uh and then just learning punching technique and defending uh but but as i was doing it i was
Starting point is 00:07:43 like i need i need to round out this skill set with grappling i think 100 you know because someone if someone comes in they grapple me i won't know what to do all the only thing i'll have are my dukes they say like 80 of fights go to the ground yeah what what's your what's your protocol when it comes to martial arts i box with vertries do you still do it once in a while yeah just did it on tuesday with them we're gonna do it today but my schedule changed uh and i'm not great at it i always say i'm like a competent novice i love doing it though the mitts are great yeah they feel so good when you're hitting them good and you got your combinations dialed
Starting point is 00:08:20 what do you do when you when you box with him we just do the mitts now yeah mostly and then we'll do like some shadow boxing and then a little bit of conditioning yeah we used to hit the heavy bag and the speed bag and the crazy bag a little bit uh all which was really cool and fun um and then we used to spar a little bit too he'd throw me in there with some guys which was fun yeah get a nice headache and now i do jujitsu too a couple times a week but that i don't know it you don't know it no how long does that take to learn i don't know i know people have done it like for like nine months and they're pretty they have like a base but i think to really get good at it probably takes a while right i mean i know like what the techniques are called but like when i'm
Starting point is 00:09:02 actively sparring with someone i'm confused a lot like they'll reach and like you know pin one of my arms and i'm like oh i'll probably just leave it there right and then next thing i know i'm getting flipped over and it's like i'm getting choked out with it right interesting with your own arm yeah they do that a lot yeah damn they'll put it up like this and then they'll kind of triangle around it wow or they'll twist it back across so do our jiu-jitsu classes you just go in and you start wrestling with someone basically kind of or do they teach you techniques then you apply them they'll teach you a couple depends where you go to school but like they'll come in and be like today we're doing a like back take so all right guy get on the get
Starting point is 00:09:41 on off like turtle up next guy roll him down all right now you're gonna hold that arm down now now strap your ankle around it keep his arm pinned now slide your arm up don't give him any space all right slide that behind now cinch it into your your elbow pocket right now come back across now squeeze and breathe into it and then yeah you do that and then they're like all right run that like five times with your partner you'll do that they'll teach you another move and then at the end of the class you're like all right now do some rounds and you just actively grapple wow damn i think i feel like i'd prefer boxing but i'll give it a shot they're both really fun but i think for me the jujitsu is more grueling is it it hurts more it hurts more for sure like in terms of tiring you out or just like actually sparring like grappling with someone yeah interesting you wear a gi i don't like doing
Starting point is 00:10:32 the gi one yeah because the gi is like heavy you got to wash it all the time and then also i just feel like i do want it for real world application and most of the time i've never seen nobody wearing a gi out in the in the world you could start that's true yeah and you can use your own gi to help like choke someone which is kind of cool but um yeah i think the people argue about it a lot i think the reason you get so tired is because your joints are bending in so many different ways like when you're on the ground so when you stand up your body's just like what the fuck just happened right where's like boxing you're just like throwing jabs swinging uh where's like grappling you're really getting bent around yeah and it's a different kind of tired like
Starting point is 00:11:14 boxing you get tired because you're if you're sparring your brain is so like worried about getting hit right you literally just like get tired right from just like like one round and you're like man i'm. Because you're just tight. Yeah. Interesting. But are you enjoying it? So you like the boxing? I loved it, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:31 That's awesome. Yeah. I want to be just a little bald muscle. That'd be sick. Yeah. But I don't know. I guess I never did it because I was like, dude, for a while, I was like, I want to get my face fucked up.
Starting point is 00:11:46 But then it's something where it's like i always wanted to try it but i just never really took the step i would always have excuses i'd be like oh it's too like expensive or whatever but now i'm just like no i gotta get in there so i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna get rid of my gym membership and do like hot yoga and martial arts beautiful yeah that's awesome i think that's a combo it's always good to switch it up too yeah it's fun dude it was funny my uh the guy who teaches me the instructor he had a fight on saturday yeah and so i was like hey i'll text you on sunday to see what your schedule is this week and uh i texted him on sunday i didn't ask him about the fight because i was worried what if he lost and then he didn't respond he i saw that he saw it and he didn't respond for a day and i'm
Starting point is 00:12:33 like oh shit he might have got his ass kicked yeah so then we he gets back to me like two days later we schedule it i go in and see him i'm like all right well he was being a little more distant than normal it's probably because he lost he doesn't know how to talk about it so don't ask about it but maybe what i was thinking is when i got in there i was like i'll tell him about a big mistake i made last week and i'll be very vulnerable yeah and then afterwards he'll feel comfortable being vulnerable about his loss so for like 10 minutes i'm like i really messed up it's a bad thing it could have changed the trajectory of, you know, people's lives that I care about.
Starting point is 00:13:06 And I have to deal with that error and really think about the mistake I made and never do it again. And it really made me question myself as a man. I go, how are you doing? He goes, oh, dude, I won my fight in one minute. Dude, isn't it crazy how you can misinterpret texts? Yeah. You misinterpret them.
Starting point is 00:13:24 I misinterpret them i misinterpret them so much like uh where you're just like sometimes you'll get a text and it's just people a lot of times people are just like busy and they're just you know but you'll get like a text back here but fuck's his problem you know what i mean you know it's funny is a good example is is um strider's so joyful but he can be you know curt with his text sure and i'll be like sometimes i know he's not because he's strider and he's the man but i'll be like i'm like is he pissed right now you know what i mean it is tough i think we all are kind of in our heads thinking about what everybody else is thinking yeah you know what i try to remind myself but i don't do a good job of it and i don't even know if it's someone to aspire to but i'm always like would the singer prince be worried about this right no he wouldn't
Starting point is 00:14:17 even text no he'd be like a phone no i can't put my hands on that. Mm-mm. It'd be bad for my music. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And he, dude, that guy, it seemed like that guy just had one continuous long orgasm. Oh. He was just a giant penis. Yeah, he was almost like. Just tingling. It was almost like, yeah, his whole body had turned into a sexual organ yeah like his elbow was eroticized it's a good way to live yeah sensitive to the touch dude speaking of which
Starting point is 00:14:57 i've been i've been uh skeeting quicker than usual with your lady yeah i think that's natural because as as you date someone longer i'm gonna make a few assumptions here as you date someone longer you bone less so then when you do bone you bust quicker right i i've never had that happen to me Never had that happen to me. Yeah, dude. I'm just, I'm like, I just, you know, I was in a rage. She's like, what's wrong? I'm like, I skated.
Starting point is 00:15:36 I skated so quick. You know, and just flip the table. I mean, that's so cool that you're even having sex. Right. It is cool yeah i guess you just want to you know pound puss every time right for sure i don't i don't know if women want their pussies pounded every time no they do really that's a cool chick that That's what I hear. That sounds like a dude. Well, my girlfriend didn't tell me that, but my buddy Rick did, so. Rick.
Starting point is 00:16:12 He's got like three podcasts. He does. I'm in that oo-wee. That's for damn sure. Oh, yeah, that's true. Oh, I'm in that oo-wee. You're touching bust, baby. Yeah, dude, I'm becoming touching bust. You can always do the uh the oral switch right where you switch you like pump a few times oh ah and then you slide down
Starting point is 00:16:34 and you're like all right i've never done that i honestly i don't think most girls like that either. Yeah. I don't think most girls like sex. Right. It is crazy. You're like, you're tired or you're not in the mood. I'm like, I'm like, I can, you know. I'm ready. Yeah. Dude, the keys are in the ignition. Say the word.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Yeah. I'm literally like an automatic transmission. You just put it in drive yeah girls would be like oh man i wanted to have sex and i realized we're out of cereal yeah yeah and then you're in your head you're like should i go to the store now and get it right they're like no it's all right you offer yeah i think it's about to close in five minutes i can cruise i'll run to stater brothers i'll grab all the cereal yeah i'll get like lucky charms no problem we'll get all the cereal raisin bran no it's not that i don't want i don't need cereal the cereal's not here so i'm just not gonna be in the mood i'm just gonna keep thinking about
Starting point is 00:17:34 how there's not cereal in the house but he said tonight we could bone i'm just like you know what just let's just knock it off let's just say it's not on the table i need to shower first what this is this is when it drives me nutty is when it's like they're in the mood but then they want to do something beforehand and i'm like no we need to act now what's an example like like that like uh it's like oh i'm feeling horny i'm like yeah let's do this and you're like oh but let me take a shower first i'm like no because you're you're going to be a different person when you come out of the shower yeah we need to go now yeah a lot of times let me do the dishes first and i'm like no and then there's an assumption that i'm still going to be in the mood after the i i'm i'm a human being too yeah
Starting point is 00:18:34 or i like to think i am well you know what the thing you know what the thing is that you know what it is is they'll be like if you're not in the mood they'll be like is something wrong with you no their feelings get hurt but you know they have so many specificities where they're like they're like a fickle surf spot they're like mundaka in spain that only turns on once a year and it's a firing left don't get me wrong huge barrel oh the best dude nice tight almond barrel i literally agreed to ride it for the rest of my life yeah and but you're like oh it only turns on uh when there's a northwest swell in the fall um dude 100 that's it is it is nuts like they'll, like, if you don't try to be Captain Munch, they'll be like, what's wrong?
Starting point is 00:19:28 Are you not attracted to me anymore? And then I'm like, no, let's munch. And then they're like, I can't. And then I'm like, all right, well, so what are we doing here? You just like, you just want to know that the captain wants to munch, but you got no real intention of putting him into service. to munch but you got no real intention of putting him into service well you're it's a huge pickle too because you're like you know finally the bright moment the moment the magical moment comes along and then you skeet in under a minute and you just like all that for that yeah i'm going
Starting point is 00:20:00 longer than a minute don't even dude you know how many guys are gonna be like thanks chad when chad when you said you busted quick yeah i was driving to work and like i felt like okay about my life because the truth is i bust fast sometimes skiing like 30 seconds yeah they're like oh where's lieutenant chubin it's like well you know he got decommissioned, so he's not in fighting shape anymore. Yeah. Man. I don't know. Are you investing in NVIDIA? What's up?
Starting point is 00:20:33 The AI chip manufacturer? No, are you? I mean, the stock is booming. I've never even heard of it. It's huge. What is this? They're making all the AI chips, but all the companies are going to start making their own. So are you investing?
Starting point is 00:20:51 Yeah, I'm in. How do you invest? You either got a guy or you don't. Did alert me face off soft to spray in 45 seconds. I'm with you brother some people think there's a i saw this term there's an issue with an air pocket in their sails oh i thought you're talking about queefing um maybe sorry an air pocket in their sales what does that mean i have no clue they've deflated worries of it though okay
Starting point is 00:21:33 see that's a nice that's a nice happening industry to be in don't you think it's funny how whenever we talk finance or business we go right into the jargon i think that's part of the appeal right for me at least it's always been huge if there wasn't jargon if there wasn't like a a margin or i'd have good margins um p.e ratio roi sunk costs investment bias ibida earnings before income tax deduction something 60 billion nvidia but do you think investing in these companies, you know, putting money into these companies, putting, propping up AI could be like putting money into the future devil? I think that's always how you make money. To quote the film Inside Man, when there's blood on the street, buy property.
Starting point is 00:22:48 When there's blood on the street, property when there's blood on the street don't be quick to skeet um that's probably true man ai you know what's crazy about tech companies too is they're always the most boosted stock price but then you look at their revenue and it's buku but it's never there's a couple in there but it's mostly not top 10 like the top 10 is like walmart and oil companies they're just not as sexy no it's almost like if you're producing an adam sandler project or a gerard carmichael one like the carmichael one might cost more because it's like the sexy tech stock but then when you get into the revenue you're like it's not even there and people are like yeah but it's sexy and cool and like it means something and then you're like yeah but sandler's walmart it's doing like
Starting point is 00:23:40 crazy numbers but people are like yeah but it's like not as sexy and cool but then you're like in 20 years though is that still going to be the one right it's a good question i mean what do you think the top dogs will be in 20 years you think walmart will still reign supreme what's going to happen to um what's going to happen to brick and mortar in 20 years i get sad about it that's why i tell people enjoy malls while you got them like people like oh let's go to the river i'm like they're gonna be there yeah i love brick and mortar as a sentence too brick and mortar is great does that make remind you a cock uh brick and mortar yeah now it does but then before
Starting point is 00:24:23 is are you the brick and she's the mortar um i think uh i guess that's how it has to be how's your family they're good good yeah my brother's a little bit nervous because i told him i was gonna fight him that's fun. Yeah. Have you attacked him out of rage before? No. Have I? One time I whipped him in grade school with a belt.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Put a nice welt on his ass. That's fun. Yeah. No. How's your family? They're good. They're rock they're rock solid trying to think have you attacked your brother out of rage yeah well the best fist fight we had was because um it's new year's eve i gave him a haircut it was awesome and uh he only said thank you once and i said say thanks again he said no i'm not
Starting point is 00:25:28 doing it said say thanks again he said no and i said you're a bitch and he's okay tough guy i was like stand up i'll show you how tough you are just started punching each other i tried to go to the gym afterwards i had the worst headache i just sat there with ice on my face i will say to me and my brother's credit as i we we never tried to kill each other we just beat the hell out of each other and then we'd stop and as i was leaving the room i go i'm sorry he goes i'm sorry too squashed is he uh was it a good haircut you gave him it was a really good haircut how did you use scissors? Did you shave it? I trimmed the sides and I did some scissors on top.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Say thank you. How old were you? I was like 17. Oh, amazing. That's hilarious. Isn't that kind of crazy he only said thanks once? Probably not that crazy. Probably pretty...
Starting point is 00:26:27 I mean, you're full of testosterone and ego at that age thanks for the haircut say thanks thanks asshole he already said thanks bitch yeah well okay you can give yourself a haircut next time he's like yeah i probably could all right let's fucking fight then dude i gave strider a haircut one time he always says uh i gave him a nice haircut and then uh i was like let me do the sides because i got this trimmer i can do on the sides and shard's like no it looks good don't do the sides i go come on man let me do the sides and he's like i really don't want you to i'm like please i got the new trimmer so i put this thing on and i van goghed him that's what he called it i shaved like to the bone right above his ear.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Then he was cool about it. But he's like, dude, you totally fucked it up. When were you giving him a haircut? I just, I got into it. I just had like the trimmers and stuff. And I, for like a year, I liked doing, cutting my own hair and cutting other people's hair. Was this in high school? Yeah. And it was just easier because, you know, 18 year olds, we don't want to go to a salon
Starting point is 00:27:22 or nothing. Right. It's just all a pain in the butt. So I'm like, just come over and hang. I'll cut your hair for you. I Van Gogh'd him. I remember one time, I think I've told this story on the pod. In high school, we were shaving lines into our eyebrows
Starting point is 00:27:35 because we thought it looked tough. It is a good look. And this hockey player, Zach, from Canada, he asked this kid, George, he's like, shave a line in my in my eyebrow and for some reason george i don't know why but he was putting a line down like the half of it then shaved the rest off the look on his face and then he's like well you have to do the other one to match it so he said two tiny eyebrows not true you look like mr potato head yeah i had a friend he passed out drunk at a party and they shaved his eyebrows
Starting point is 00:28:15 oh god and he was late to school on monday to try to wear a beanie yeah when he was getting his late pass in the in the principal's office there was like 20 kids late they're like take your beanie off you're not allowed we went to private you're not allowed to wear a beanie she's like please go all right take your beanie off he took it off everyone started laughing at him that's pretty cruel to shave the eyebrows off oh yeah it was um you know it's funny the guy who did it is the same guy we talked about on the draft episode who put those two girls into a bone coma. Oh, that guy? He was just a little bit of a sadist. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:48 And if you passed out drunk around him, he was going to do something to you. Should we call this guy? Oh, what's up, dude? How you doing? Doing well. How are you? I'm good. How's it going, brother?
Starting point is 00:29:10 It's going good. Who am i talking to right now chad and jt oh dude that's freaking crazy what's up what's up dude so tell us what's going on uh dude all right so to be honest i don't know know how much I can say just because I was told that, like, I'm not allowed to talk about a lot of it until, like, the court cases and stuff are done. But pretty much my – oh, shit, dude. Hang on. I'm also on the shitter right now so oh nice dude do you need a side yeah uh no no no no i'm good um just like if i pause for a second you know what's going on um but uh yeah dude so my uh i got kind of a weird predicament like my parents uh went to the uh went to the oh shit i'm so distracted pooping right now um but they were at the January 6th, uh, like storm in the Capitol.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Whoa. Yeah. The pretty crazy. Uh, and then they, uh, they had the FBI like show up to their house a couple months ago and like arrested them. And, and like, so there's a bunch of like shit going on with that. And, uh, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:54 I don't know, man, it's, it's a tough situation for me. Like, cause, um, I'm kind of like, to be honest, I'm like a mama's boy. And so, you know, I support my mom through like everything, but like, uh, I don't think it's really cool that they went to that. Um, and, uh, and like, yeah, I just like, I don't know. Like I have like a weird, like, I don't know how to like handle my relationship with them, you know, like from this point, you know? Um, so so i guess like i guess like my question for you guys is like is like i don't know i feel like there's a lot more like backstory that needs to
Starting point is 00:31:33 go here you guys might throw in some questions or something but um what what do you think is the backstory we needed to know what do i backstory yeah so um my mom is my mom's married to to a guy who's not my dad but uh so like my stepdad and i like we never really had a good relationship um and like to be honest i don't think she would have gotten into shit like this if it weren't for him uh and so it's just kind of like uh i don't know like it's just like a like a tough situation because like like i told her like i don't want to like have a relationship with that dude you know like i'm kind of done with that shit but like you know i don't want to like lose my mom or anything and And, like, sorry, man. I guess I'm a little emotional.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Shit, dude. It's okay, man. Thanks for being so open with us. No, yeah. And we also don't want you to incriminate your mom or anybody she's closely associated with. Yeah. Yeah, they got to go to court um in dc we're down in florida but uh yeah they have to go all the way to dc for for court cases and shit
Starting point is 00:32:54 and uh and like potentially looking at like prison time and like i guess i should tell you like what kind of the story of like what happened up there They're not like the crazy people wearing the bison hats and shit, going inside and whatever and doing the crazy stuff. But from what I know or what I've heard, basically they were there. They kind of tell me they were there for like peaceful protesting or whatever. And then, uh, and then, but somehow they were, they were inside the Capitol. Like there's pictures of them and there's like, you know, just like, there's, there's kind of a weird case built against them. Um, and the pictures look pretty bad to be honest, but, um, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:43 so it's, it's, it's kind of hard to like know what to trust as far as like what that story really looks like um but but yeah so i mean like she's she's potentially looking at like prison time um and that's tough because i do believe them you know that like they weren't out there doing anything violent or anything they're just not those kind of people but like you know i just think like like like i don't know man like you got to be like aware of what you're what you're involved in you know like yeah like you lay down with dogs you you get up with fleas right totally yeah totally and i think, look, I can't imagine what it was like to be there in the moment
Starting point is 00:34:27 and to get swept up in that kind of energy. I'm sure it was very, very powerful for them. And look, it's your mom. So what's done is done. Cannot change the past, but you get one mom and you got to have her back. So just be supportive of her as she goes through the i'm this is not groundbreaking advice but you know just be supportive of her as she goes through this process and there's plenty of time and space for you to work on your own feelings around it i
Starting point is 00:34:57 am curious what uh what do people who storm the capital call that day? Do they call it the day we storm the Capitol? I mean, all that I've heard from them is peaceful protest. Oh, they call it January 6th, the day of peaceful protest. Yeah, I don't really know. They don't really call it anything. I mean, they just kind of, like, fight the, what do they call it, insurrection. That word, they hate hearing that word. You know, it's just like, that's not what happened. That's not what happened. Which, I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Like, you look up the definition, I think it's kind of exactly what it was. But we don't need to get, like, too political. I know your podcast doesn't really like that but um yeah i don't know i mean they don't they just were you texting with her on the day oh dude so i i can't say where i worked but i was at work um and i I start getting, my phone is just like blowing up, like vibrating nonstop. And, uh, so I'm like, well, shit, I can't really take phone calls, but I took it. Cause I was like, clearly there's something crazy going on. Um, I didn't even know they were up there, but, um, I, I was getting phone calls from like my uncle being her brother and from, like, my grandparents.
Starting point is 00:36:27 And they were like, do you know where she is? Like, is she safe? Do you know what's going on? Like, have you seen the news? All this stuff. And I had no idea what was going on. Didn't know anything happened. And then, like, I get home and I'm just like, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Like, are they okay? You know, like, I don't know what happened. Like, what happened? Like, where are my parents? Are they still up there? Like, you know, whatever. And I finally, like, heard from them. And they were supposed to, like, stay up there for a little while, for, like, a few days.
Starting point is 00:37:02 And they decided to just, like, come back right away. stay up there for a little while for like a few days and they decided to just like come back right away um but yeah that day was just like weird like i didn't really know like what to feel about it i didn't know like you know i like i like to know all the details and i didn't know literally what the whole situation was. A little bad reception. It's the cops. Yeah, dude, honestly, bro, I mean, they might be blocking this phone call. This FBI, yeah?
Starting point is 00:37:34 Yeah, dude, the FBI is like, yeah. Have you checked with anyone if any of this is incriminating to talk about? is incriminating to talk about? Yeah, I got no idea. Yeah, I guess. I don't know. I just figured if I didn't give any details or anything.
Starting point is 00:38:03 We're losing you, man. But we appreciate it, man. man yeah thank you for calling in and uh we can call you later too if you want to like i don't know clarify or or or not um we can not call you later too oh okay yeah yeah i might switch spots or something but all right man hey but feel better, man. Hang in there. And if you need some therapy around this, I think this qualifies for something that, you know, could use more talking about and expressing your, I don't know, anger, fear, all that stuff around it.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Yeah, man. Like, I think as I learn more about it, I it i'd love to you know catch up with you guys and let you know more of the story for sure so sounds great man yeah all right well thanks for calling in and good luck with the rest of that deuce thanks man i love you brother see you guys what have you been listening to lately uh mgk turned that on yesterday i've listened i saw this band the amity affliction um in florida they're kind of like remember brian christopher's yeah yeah kind of like that style oh like screamo screamo yeah it's just fun man yeah how about you i've been listening to uh a lot of country yeah you're big on country now who you've been listening to all the heavy hitters the whalens and the zacks and the the childresses and the
Starting point is 00:39:39 is morgan whalen he's he's the biggest one right now? I think, I feel like him and Zach Bryan are going blow for blow, but probably the most earworm-y. I should get on it. I haven't listened to the Beyonce thing. I'm such a slut for Top 40. Yeah. My whole life, I've just been getting pounded by Top 40. It's so much fun. It's life, I've just been getting pounded by Top 40.
Starting point is 00:40:06 It's so much fun. It's easy. I love Stapleton. You know, he's a little bit more of the protein side, but Waylon is just straight, tasty dessert. It's like our whole culture. Why did they make it Top 40 out to be like, it's like lame that you listen to Top 40? I think people just think it's like wayne that you listen to top 40 i think people just
Starting point is 00:40:25 think it's uh not substantive yeah that it's all kind of produced by the same people there's not much imagination or creativity in it and that it's uh easily replicable uh is lona's ex a country artist he's done country well he his first hit was country right wasn't it with uh billy cyrus he did like a horseback riding cowboy song oh really yeah i'm in the ballpark but off um you know what song i do like this country is uh talladega that's a great one eric church yeah that song rips yeah talladega yeah someone said eric church there we go old town road old town road you know i'm in a roundabout way i was gonna i was wondering did you listen to the terrence howard joe rogan episode dude i i've been trying uh as soon as he
Starting point is 00:41:20 starts getting into the um the periodic chart i'm like i don't know what's going on did you listen to it i've been watching clips and what do you think i think he's a really good actor yeah uh his his science bona fides it sounds like word salad to me well so is he not he's not acting anymore he's in science is that what's going on i guess so full disclosure i have been arguing with people on the internet about him really i think half the country is believing it hook line and sinker so what he's a genius so yeah so i basically i the amount that I listen to, he basically comes on and he's like, look, I remember being in the womb.
Starting point is 00:42:12 I'm a genius. I went into this huge mansion in my dreams and I got all of the knowledge and I've known all of the knowledge since I've been seven years old. You're doing a good job yeah that's what he said and then he starts getting in the periodic chart i'm like i have no idea what's going on here and he's pulling you know pythagorean theorem stephen hawking law of
Starting point is 00:42:35 conservation i mean he's pulling from different fields of physics smashing them together in one paragraph yeah and it sounds amazing beautiful to the ears yeah and i think most people are like that's so and and he and he does the great thing where he says everything you've been taught is wrong they want to trick you they want to keep you stagnant and lazy but these ideas can free you and are the next evolution of thought underneath what they taught us is the real subconscious truth that connects to the material world and everyone's like yes yeah you know who else and then and then they'll go you know who else thought like that tesla and socrates i'm like well these people were professionals in the field
Starting point is 00:43:16 of that kind of thinking right whereas terence howard is an actor he so you don't think he's the next tesla i would be surprised i'm not i don't have the bona fides to know for sure but i'd be fucking super surprised well dude i saw one where he's like look we are all one organism and we're just sub parts of the organism experiencing itself but we are all one which is like you hear that shit all the time now they're like it's so funny that it's always uh it's always famous actors who've been really successful like jim carrey he's like i'm just wearing a mask and this is my personality you know and be like yeah he figured it out and then they find like one thing in like string
Starting point is 00:44:03 theory and quantum like physics that like kind of supports that idea in a totally different way yeah it's just like a way that they use to describe their like uh material observation and then people are like that's really about feelings and emotion and being in love yeah i'm like is it or are they well i think what's really attracted to people is when someone says that they're being tricked and they're like I thought I've been being tricked like you're being tricked here's the truth here's the truth and they're like that's the truth you know what I mean it's and then they connect it to every contrarian thinker yeah throughout history as if that's all you need
Starting point is 00:44:38 to be in common with them is that you think something's wrong about the way we've been taught right which i you know i i will admit it you know with uh the way our society and the system is set up with corporations and marketing and all that kind of stuff it does feel like you know there's some deception going on or there's like you know everyone's you know social media companies are trying to take your attention and like all that kind of stuff. So, I think people have their reason to feel that way. But then, you know. But is Terrence Howard the one with the answers? I think he is, dude.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Then people are like, he has patents. Yeah. Oh, yeah. And it's been proven by my 900 patents i got i'm like what are your patents and then you look into it and it's like he's applied for him and they're like design patents which i didn't really know about and then i looked into it's like you get a design patent for just like drawing something like this is a lego or like a coke bottle it's not like any kind of like functional thing that works it's just like what if i made blocks that were magnetized like you can have that but yeah was he was he canceled i think he was and i don't even want to go ad hominem bring all that
Starting point is 00:45:55 stuff into it but yeah he's had a a life he's a look he's a look i've acted i just saw me in unstable yeah i'm a bad actor. We watched Unstable? I watched, yeah, I watched me and you and, you're great. I watched, I'm a- How is it? It's good, but I'm a bad actor. You think so?
Starting point is 00:46:14 Yes. And Terrence Howard is a phenomenal, he's a genius actor. Like, I've watched movies my whole life. I think he's so brilliant at it. He, I think there's probably skills he has that I don't even know about. But I just think, when I saw him in one thing, he's at like Oxford. And someone goes, what's one times zero? And he goes, one.
Starting point is 00:46:44 He goes, because you cannot, because here's the problem. You have a one and you're multiplying it by zero and then you have zero. What happened to the one? You cannot destroy the intrinsic value of the one.
Starting point is 00:46:58 That goes against the law of conservation. I'm like, well, now you're talking about like thermodynamics and you're mixing it up with like, I don't even know this stuff, but just like my brain, like I'm a mess up here, but like you're mixing it up with like i don't even know this stuff but just like my brain like i'm a mess up here but like you're messing that up with
Starting point is 00:47:07 arithmetic like all someone's saying is in your time staples is if you have zero ones you have zero yeah and turns howard takes it into like crazy gobbledygook land where he's like but what is a one yeah what is the soul and life and spirit and energy of a one? I'm like, no, dude, I'm just talking about if you're trading at like some, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:30 a post and you're like, all right, Hey, I got, I got zero corn. No one's like, but you have corn. Cause you said the word corn, what happened to the word and the value of that corn?
Starting point is 00:47:39 It's like, no, I have zero corn. Yeah. And then at the end of the clip, sorry, I've been like fired up on this. At the end of the clip sorry i've been like fired up on this at the end of the clip the girl goes so do you think one times five is six and he goes yes yeah i'm sure people will disagree with me well can you say what you've been saying in the in the arguments or do you want to keep that? No, yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:48:05 I just tell people, I'm like, they're like, no, he is a genius and you're a comedian. And I go, so they're like, stick to comedy. I'm like, he's literally talking to Joe Rogan, who's a comedian, and he's an actor. I'm like, if anything, I'm saying we should leave this stuff to scientists and that they'll have more valid perspectives on what we're missing in science and then people are like you're not funny you're a comedian stick to your lane bro you've been so tricked by society and i'm like you guys were tricked by a two-hour interview with an actor talking about 30 different realms of things that he has no background in yeah my
Starting point is 00:48:47 thing is more just how people react to it like all love to him for wanting to like expand into different realms but like people are like you know people thought tesla was wrong too people thought einstein was wrong like first of all who thought that you're just saying that yeah and then second of all like that's the only thing they have in common is that people think they were wrong so that makes him right now he's a genius yeah it's just people just throw that around they're just like i'm just like who else do you think is a genius like what if paltrow dude she's a genius baby they're they're they're good talkers they're beautiful talkers when did celebrities start owning so many companies and stuff is that new yeah ryan
Starting point is 00:49:32 reynolds is a billionaire like starting all these like it is it because it's is it because like acting isn't paying as much that they're like well i'll just start a gin brand i'll start a you know i know what's going on i think it's i think they get bored and then i always remember like tom cruise before he became an actor was almost a priest oh that's right and i think to be to that level of stardom you're chasing more than just uh how good it feels to say lines on set you want significance right and that's why he's in like scientology where they'll say hey you're like number two to miss cabbage and like super powerful yeah and
Starting point is 00:50:09 like you're an entity that can help the world right i think they need to feel like uh the juice of that to feel like real people and that then that howard probably gets that from thinking he's a you know in league with einstein and neil bohr and so when did you watch unstable uh because they gave us the password to check it out i just never watched it when did you check it out a couple days ago and i i think people in the chat think i'm being like super hard on myself there's things i love and i love creating and i love getting the opportunity to act. I just, as someone who watches a lot of movies, I can tell I'm not a very good actor, which I'm okay with.
Starting point is 00:50:53 It was tough to watch. No, it wasn't like you were great. You pop. No, it wasn't, it wasn't tough to watch. I was just watching.
Starting point is 00:51:02 I was like, yeah, you're just not that great of an actor, but I've always of known that i don't like i don't like doing scripted stuff that much right i mean i like it it's fun and i love the opportunity i love being on set but uh i uh when i watch myself do it i'm like yeah maybe i'll get better too i'm super happy to keep trying but i'm like you're just not a great actor which is kind of liberating right yeah just uh yeah i just i just i haven't watched it yet so i can't tell hey you just check it out
Starting point is 00:51:40 yeah it's tough for me to watch once you well it's tough to like break the seal to like watch yourself once you watch it then you're like fine but it's like the actual act of doing it it's so tough maybe it's not maybe i'm just saying that well because you always used to tell me the samuel jackson quote right where you gotta like to watch yeah yeah and there are things i like to watch myself yeah yeah um but i and i like when you told me that that changed my thinking on it but then there's actors on the other side like joaquin phoenix that never watch themselves and they find the whole process like excruciating yeah joaquin i wonder what it's like spending a day with him
Starting point is 00:52:18 just talking about like you know cow rights yeah, yeah. He's super into that stuff, huh? That's what dedicated his Oscar speech to. That's right. What did he say again? He's like, could you imagine the punishment to find a new baby cow and then to just murder its mother? It's so funny. Like there are cows being killed. they're like yeah good job in the joker yeah exactly yeah actors in the cross pollination dude it's severe
Starting point is 00:52:54 um yeah dude did you know that the helicopter that the iranian president died in was american for real they're using our choppers shouldn't they like wouldn't you think they if they're gonna beef with us they'd be like hey we got our own choppers but no they buy our stuff like dude i mean that's like tony stark and iron man when he's like why are my large stark industry weapons all over this this war criminals you know camp and they're like that's how we do business brother i i just mean even from like a ransom perspective you think they'd be we don't need you you guys suck right no but can we have a helicopter can we get one of your choppers yeah yeah well we bought it through
Starting point is 00:53:34 you know russia so it doesn't even count dude after going to the spy museum do you think that maybe america maybe just cut some wires here and there and it was like let's take this dude out we did use stuxnet on him where we were using like programs to blow up their nuclear like facilities so who knows i mean it was analog that the chopper is from like vietnam time which isn't a very you know really yeah it was old damn uh i i've been i've been listening to this author annie jacobson i do i've been into it now since you told me she's awesome i'm listening to her book on area 51 but she has another book called surprise kill vanish about assassins which i want to listen to because she writes about exciting stuff yeah she does area 51 nuclear war uh operation paperclip yeah this is a good factoid iran bought it when we were allies pre-revolution
Starting point is 00:54:28 like 79 that's why it makes sense it's from that era right damn that he he didn't he couldn't get a new chopper you think he ever walked out there he's like you know i'm flying to meet all these people this thing's a rusted bucket yeah what was this from the 69 goddamn they're like fixing the screwdrivers and tape you know not to make light of his death but they put a new paint job on it wait so keep going on uh jacobson oh just about how you know there's a whole branch of government that like are you know people who take out you know the bad guys like uh you know our our assassins who they go in and and i think this stuff is happening all the time that we're just unaware of where people are just going in different countries and taking out you know adversaries and just going in with a knife and just you know
Starting point is 00:55:29 i'm surprised we don't kill more of them i think we kill more than we think when i watched the stuxnet doc we did blow up a lot of their top nuclear scientists right or killed them in various ways but hey have a nice drive to work. Boom. Well, right. And you know who they, we're lucky that those governments haven't killed Terrence Howard yet. He's probably target number one. I mean, after that JRE pod, he's high on the list. He put a target on his back. This guy knows all the secrets.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Who knew? They're like, guys, we got a top new guy. Terrence Howard, the guy from hustle and flow iran and russia like if we don't take this guy out and he destroys gravity yeah the united states will dominate all of us um uh yeah so um but then there's a moral you know the moral the morality question is it good to have assassins prevent the wars by killing the guy
Starting point is 00:56:30 or to let it play out and have soldiers go to war I mean my mind says if we could have killed Hitler before it all popped off that would have been the move but I also know what the result of him being in power was.
Starting point is 00:56:48 Maybe if, had we killed him and that ever got connected back to the United States or England or whoever did it, maybe that would have created another ripple effect that was worse than World War II, but that's hard to imagine. Yeah. World War II is bad.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Yeah. So I don't know. I think, yeah, killing bad leaders is probably a good thing but i don't think you can say that yeah but like i was thinking this if you knew someone was going to do something fucked up to you would you start being really nice to them uh to prevent it yeah you're thinking you knew they were gonna do that in the future
Starting point is 00:57:27 like if you just had like an instinct that you're like oh i think this person's gonna like beat my ass would you just start being nice to them i'd get away from them right i don't know yeah can you do is that an option if it's like high school it's kind of not an option. Right. Dude, why don't you think NBA players from Melbourne can shoot? From Melbourne? Australia?
Starting point is 00:57:54 They can't shoot. It's too far south. Gravity's all messed up. Hello? Hey, what's up, man? Yo, what's up, guys?'s up guys how you living pretty good man i really appreciate you guys uh calling back and everything taking the time you guys are awesome for sure of course all right dudes if we colonize mars do you think there will be wars on mars but then we
Starting point is 00:58:21 those same countries will not fight on earth at the same time you're asking me and chat i think if we colonize on mars you're saying will we also want to fight over here on earth still like let's say mars and let's say the U.S. and Russia have camps on Mars and they start fighting, going to war. Do you think the U.S. and Russia would actually stay not fighting on Earth? And I think at the end of the day, humans are just too greedy and someone's just going to want all of it. And somebody will always just want all of it. But it's almost like how you have more sex on vacation. So you think we'll relegate wars to Mars?
Starting point is 00:59:18 It makes a lot of sense to me. He is the god of war. That'd be nice if we just had wars on mars and then no more wars here yeah yeah why would you colonize the planet that's all about war when you could have gone to venus and it would have been straight orgies dude damn do you think we'll be able to bone on venus in our lifetimes yeah wow what do you think caller what a time to be alive man do you think if you could bone on venus would you do it oh in a heartbeat even if you had to do it with a suit on and there was no kisses
Starting point is 00:59:57 yeah just for the story alone it's worth it yeah just thinking of the environmental uh havoc that's going on there are you saying that when you bone to like you bone through your wiener goes in like a space suit condom and then the vagina is like in a space suit there's like a docking tube right that you like put your wiener through and and then it compresses as you get closer right so that it can stay like airtight and then you enter and smush together right so so it syncs up sort of like a ship docking with the international space station yeah so that's the woman is the space station right so you guide your wiener in yeah and then the two modules lock up they pressurize and then some like smoke comes out
Starting point is 01:00:53 and then you just start pumping it right and you're gonna probably need a little length to extend beyond your suit right or it's gonna be more of a friction thing right you won't be able to really penetrate yeah depth is not gonna be what it is like on earth doggy do you think your hog gets longer with the gravity there bro that's such a fire call because you grow about two inches in space yeah so you think you get two inches on your hog i hope so i wonder but i if i'm being honest i want to say yes but i i don't think the effects of gravity would probably make your dong longer because it's pulling down on your penis do you think it'd make it harder to get bricked up i think it might make your penis smaller oh
Starting point is 01:01:41 call are you still there oh yeah i'm here boy what's been going on with you man what's going on oh um well uh pretty pretty much what i was calling for uh what's going on in my life right now uh you guys asking like what ails me right yes sir um so my whole life what's always got me fired up uh what's always like been my passion like uh my go-to hobby i guess you could say has been uh basketball i've always loved it um it's always been like something pretty consistent in my life that i've stuck with to like stay in shape and then always you know get those endorphins flowing and just like a healthy hobby but for the past year like I find myself like falling out of love with it and it's like these leagues I play in are become more of like chores and it's like now no longer really like a stress
Starting point is 01:02:37 reliever and it's like more of something that's like it's become a task and it's almost like added to my stress and it's just kind of don't really like the person it's making me become and it's kind of like created this void and uh i don't know it's just uh it's it's something i've never thought i would ever have to deal with it's always been the one consistent thing that i've always been passionate about and loved more than anything that I could always no matter what I'm going through in life I could run up and down the court for a few hours and feel better but it's can't really rely on it anymore and it's kind of got me bummed out just quick question so you're in a bunch of leagues right now yeah yeah I'm 31 so i i play in like men's league and stuff like that yeah okay um
Starting point is 01:03:27 i would say this dude congratulations you've uh had a great love you guys taught each other a lot but you're going in different directions and you're ready for the next thing it's like an inside out there's like the pillars of our personality, of our identity. They're not supposed to stay the same throughout our life. Like a snake shedding its skin, your basketball is coming apart and out of it will be born. That's going to crack like an egg and something new will flow out of it. And that'll grow and develop into a brand new experience,
Starting point is 01:04:04 passion and learning experience. Like, I mean, and it's sports. So your body wasn't going to cooperate the whole time. Now you're more busy. You don't want to be in all these leagues. You know, maybe your game is shifting and it's not giving you the same rewards. That's good, dude. Let it go.
Starting point is 01:04:19 Move into the next thing. I think, you know, we feel so much pain over our attachments but once they stop serving us that's our body telling us time for something else brother what else do you like to do you know i mean it really has consumed so much but um lately uh i uh i got a mandolin i'm thinking about getting into playing the mandolin you know like a musical instrument um and then uh let me know what you guys think about this but uh for like the past few months i've been really intrigued and and wanting to get into uh some fly fishing oh my god this guy's the man i live in uh connecticut so we have a lot of streams and rivers and stuff and it's like a thing that i see a lot of people doing you know what and it's like a thing that I see a lot
Starting point is 01:05:05 of people doing you know what I mean that seems fucking cool I don't know and uh you know you're so right like I need to embrace the fact that this is opening a new door I think it's just like it's hard to let it go you know it's just well it's always gonna be there sorry no yeah I do I think very true very true I think you got to switch it up a little bit you've been doing it for you've been in routine for so long it's become uh you know you need to you need to take a break you need to try out these new passions i guarantee if you take some time away from basketball and then you come back to it you'll be stoked on it again and then we got guys in the chat here like nut gargler 69 69 says what about coaching you know pass on your knowledge and find
Starting point is 01:05:53 new stoke um yeah you know i i gave that a shot and it um it was i found it to be a lot different from playing well cream jeans just said lol because he gets it too you know sometimes the best players don't enjoy coaching because the players don't do it the right way i think there's a lot in that repetitive motion in fly fishing that's going to tie you to your athletic self where you're just going to love to zero that in and feel the flow and uh and and you're going to be getting surprises out of it which basketball isn't giving you anymore right i do that you're going to be getting surprises out of it, which basketball hasn't given you anymore. Right. Yeah, you're so right, man.
Starting point is 01:06:31 And there's, especially something like fly fishing, there's nothing better than finding something new to learn that you're excited about. Like, I just took my first boxing class this morning, and I'm so stoked on it. All I want to do is martial arts now. I've had that with surfing, though, where I get bored of surfing. Like, I have a buddy who, he wants to go surf all the time. And to me, I'm like, you know, it's, I lost kind of the passion for doing long drives to go do it and all that kind of stuff and there was probably like a point
Starting point is 01:07:05 in your life where you were like up at like 3 4 a.m ready to go all the time yeah just yeah it was it was my whole identity i was following surfing all the time i was watching surfing all the time and then uh but then whenever i go back to it you know i still go probably like twice a week whenever i go back to it i'm like oh i love this but i think i just give it a little bit more space i'm not forcing it sounds like you're forcing it uh a little bit i really am you're right it really it's become a force it's it's really become like uh like like i'm like fighting with myself you know yeah do you ever do you have a girlfriend i do yeah she's she's the best she's great awesome i was gonna say you might find a gal fly fishing but it sounds like you already
Starting point is 01:07:54 caught the one you want to put on your wall she's down to do anything with me she's the sweetest she would she would give it a shot and she's even like i've expressed how i feel about all of this too and she's just like she's so sweet she like we watch nba games and she'll be like i don't know i feel like you're just as good as these guys i'm like no no no no no like you're you're just you're just being nice that is nice she sounds cool yes all right well good sweetest um good luck out there man i just wanted to say one thing to you guys really quick while I got you here. I used to live in California. I was working on the wildfires out there. I was fighting the wildfires.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Wow. And I got exposed to some pretty tragic stuff. I was in a really dark place when I was out there, actually. And I got to say, that was when I found your guys' podcast. And on all my off days, I found myself listening to your guys' podcast. And it really helped me in a dark time in my life, boys. I know you guys are comedians, and you make everything fun and funny, but there's a lot of wisdom that you guys view at your fans.
Starting point is 01:09:01 And I really appreciate it. You guys are great. Oh, thank you, man. Thanks, man. I appreciate that. You're a good dude. Absolutely. Yeah, you sound like a great guy. few at your fans and uh i really appreciate it you guys are great oh thank you man i appreciate that you're a good dude absolutely yeah you sound like a great guy and you'll uh dude i'm excited for you to find that first trout just hook it dude i'm pumped man if you guys ever come out to the uh comedy club in stanford connecticut i'll be there dude i want to do like long long island and stuff we want to hit the Northeast
Starting point is 01:09:25 I'm not far from there either If you guys are ever out here Next time you're on the East Coast I live in Connecticut New York, CT, that area I'll make it out I think we'll be in New York in November We got Boston and Philly coming up
Starting point is 01:09:39 We're in Jersey this weekend We're in Jersey yeah This weekend? Come to Jersey city dude jersey city jersey no shit yeah my girl's got a place uh her family's got a place in cape may perfect dude we're in atlantic city the next night no shit well let me talk to her about it man maybe i'll be uh seeing you guys soon sounds good yeah we'll get a slice yeah let us know if you're coming we'll say hi yeah i'll say what up sounds good man yeah i'll shoot this uh number of text imagine all right later guys really appreciate it sure later dude yeah some of the names in chat are really just delightful
Starting point is 01:10:18 so creative jake can you go back to chat and just scroll up? There's another one that I really liked. Scroll up on the chat. Knuckargler's good. L. Booty Warrior. Yeah. Good guy. Dude, I just saw a study that said anger is bad for your body. They're like, yeah, people who are angry, their blood doesn't travel as well through their vessels.
Starting point is 01:10:43 How do they measure that? Are they just like, think about something that pisses you off yeah terence howard figured that out i think the whole medical establishment is so afraid of him because they know he's just gonna completely revolutionize health mm-hmm well you know I mean he taught himself guitar of course he understands science and medicine I know I did teach himself guitar he figured out cold fusion he just has yes to patent it I mean people are saying oh you know the patents didn't actually go through because he didn't follow up like that's technicalities and they didn't want him to follow up it's bureaucracy it's crazy and then like
Starting point is 01:11:30 okay did he say he has a phd in chemistry and actually that's provably false well to prove something that's false is a contradiction because for something to be false it cannot exist so then to prove it you have created something that is in fact positive by virtue of existing that's how energy moves through our language well on top of that he you know he says i got a phd in physics And people are like, no, you didn't. And he's like, well, on this plane of existence. But he has the ability to transcend 3D. He's in 4D.
Starting point is 01:12:14 He's in 5D. He's in the transeptor of black holes like you see in the Christopher Nolan movie. Right. In movie. Right. Inception. That's, yes. That's the thing. He got his PhD in a frequency of time that the university wasn't attuned to.
Starting point is 01:12:36 So they're going to find out in the future that he got his requisite credits. They just don't know it yet. He, the multiverse theory first off he created it second he has the ability to travel through that because we as humans we believe that we are this physical body i'm stuck inside that thought and he has the ability like he knew when he was in the womb he has the ability to take his mind to take his consciousness to other universes where there's another terrence howard at oxford university where there's in another universe where there's a tower terrence
Starting point is 01:13:17 howard at harvard and he's just simultaneously learning all of this knowledge in all of these universes. And he's bringing it back to our universe to benefit us. But the powers that be don't want him to do that. Marvel made him War Machine. He's Doctor Strange. But they didn't want us to see that. Because Benedict Cumberbatch had more earning power at the box office. Which is its own thing.
Starting point is 01:14:04 You know, I had a dream that Terrence Howard... I saw it I saw you did I watch your dreams every night you're welcome kids continue you already know I like hearing you say it though do you want to tell them you had a dream it was pure sound and it was it was underneath see people get attached to the meaning of words but that's its own limitation that's been applied through human pressure. But if you delve under that and it's just the sound, that's where actual meaning, according to Euclides, can be weighed. Yeah. That's exactly it.
Starting point is 01:14:59 So I saw your dream and it was sound. But as Terrenceard would say those who can see sound can see all you see we think that our eyes see light but you talk to someone who's blind they can see sound so it's just transcending the photons to reach the neurons well that's the electrons are constantly in motion so we're blind people that's it for this week guys come back next week we're gonna pick it up right where we left off um cream jeans what's your take on that dude bob lazar okay so you know who's also into aliens and stuff is um our uh uh dan lucchese director of our show he thinks bob lazar is full of shit bob lazar for those who don't know is he he's a whistleblower from the late 80s, early 90s,
Starting point is 01:16:07 who said he worked at Area 51, who said that we have aliens, and that we're reverse engineering crafts that have anti-gravity capabilities. But there's a lot of people are saying he went to MIT. There's no record of it. But there is record of him working in that Nevada-Tessai area. I always go back to the Ronson piece on
Starting point is 01:16:31 Alex Jones, where Alex Jones told him that he was at a high school party and some version of the Dallas Illuminati conspired against him, and he had to fight off 10 attackers, and he beat them all to a bloody pulp before he escaped he went back to some of his high school classmates and they were like yeah alex was really
Starting point is 01:16:51 annoying four guys tried to beat the shit out of him alex did legitimately beat the hell out of four guys so there was a small scale conspiracy against him and he did beat the hell out of four guys which is pretty incredible but then his brain just has to ramp things up and make them even bigger yeah i feel like that's lazar i feel like that's t howard uh interesting yeah i uh um that's yeah i uh i'm sorry was that wrong no no did i insult lazar i didn't i didn't know i know you guys are great i was just i mean yeah he's a great guy but you know you're open to your opinion when you guys are golfing entitled what does he talk about oh dude we talk about i'm dude the guy loves tits it's crazy like you see the new sports illustrated swimsuit
Starting point is 01:17:44 i'm like no i didn't even know they sold the magazine still and he's like oh yeah you show me the whole time and he's like that kate upton she's got some bazoongas i was that that tracks for me totally different fields but when we met wim hof a lot of a lot of horniness that guy is a boner non-stop he would that's what he said to us yeah sure that's true um i uh what was i gonna say well they say that you know the government area 51 specifically they they push forward disinformation to try and confuse us. Because Area 51 started as a, they're testing airplanes out. You know, that's where they test all the new technology, all the new airplanes.
Starting point is 01:18:34 So they're like, oh yeah, that's totally, that's UFO. They like that. Oh. Because it keeps us distracted over here while the real ish is happening over here? Yeah, and they don't want our enemies to catch on. Because if we enter a new war, then we got the stealth bomber V10 coming in hot. And they're like, where the fuck did that come from? Yeah, you want to surprise them with what you got, with what you're packing.
Starting point is 01:19:00 Yeah. It's almost like you want to tell a girl you don't have a very you're bad at sex so then when you do have it yeah she's like whoa yeah you know like yeah the opposite so let's say you went to a hog war and you're going up against pete davidson you're gonna bring a tori hanzo katana because you know that guy's got a wrench but if he were to go to war against us with his hog he'd be he wouldn't even flinch he'd be like he's like oh they have small dongs little does he know we're more than prepared are the cicadas ever going to show up that's the question that we're all trying to answer they people keep talking about them where are they they're in the ground dude they're kicking it wait did we transition
Starting point is 01:19:50 from uh pete davidson's dick to circadias oh no i i was i was almost trying to distract you from the dick i was going to pull out on davidson oh but i am curious people have been talking about these guys for years and they i feel like every year is the year of the circadian they never they never pop they're just like waiting what are they waiting for i've never seen one the right moment are they coming in 2024 will we be in any states when they're here no haven't you been hearing about it for like a while? Yeah. I've been hearing about it for a dog's age.
Starting point is 01:20:30 I got family members, aunts, uncles, friends from the nearby watering holes, the guy who does our toilet. They're all like, oh, the cicadias, the cicadias. It makes sense for the toilet guy. Well, it's supposed to be like right around mid-May when the soil gets warm enough and stay through late june it should be now in iowa where i grew up these things are nuts like you'll hear them all night long just the same like level of for literally like eight hours straight there's just hundreds of thousands of them in the woods surrounding the house uh they are boning uh i'm not sure if they're boning what i do know is that they shed their body
Starting point is 01:21:12 so like they look like this after they bone uh no i don't think if the if the noise they're making is them boning i I'm more okay with it. Are they scary? They look weird. They look alien-like for sure. Would they hit you a bunch? See, so this right here, they literally come out of the shell.
Starting point is 01:21:41 They initially look like this, like a beetle. And then they come out of the shell and they have green wings. Is that just when they're going to festivals? No, not festivals. I don't think they like music much. I think they're more of a... They like making the noise.
Starting point is 01:21:56 Yeah, exactly. Dude, look at this. This guy's supposed to be the next Prime Minister of England. Yeah, he looks great. Keir Stommer. Keir Stommer? Is he related to Johnny Dahmer or whatever his name is? Oh.
Starting point is 01:22:20 They say he's boring, so I don't think so. I like a boring leader. That's what England's like, hey hey let's bring it back yeah they're like we did our brexit we had covid we had our fun let's chill let's chill let's get these let's get some boring people up in front yeah it's cruch that's what we need right yeah we've had some friggin exciting people who was a great boring leader i thought cruise chef and then i looked him up and i guess he was pretty boisterous oh for real how was uh how's eisenhower How was Eisenhower?
Starting point is 01:23:06 I think he was chill. Yeah. I think America was booming then, because, you know, it's just a good time. 50s? 50s. Charles Barkley for president. That'd be sick. Dude, I sense a little bit of anxiety in Barkley right now.
Starting point is 01:23:21 Why? Because I think TNT lost the rights to the NBA. And I think that means it's going to be end of that show. And Ernie Johnson's like real closely associated with TNT. So I don't think he'd go with them. And it's just going to all good things come to an end, but I can feel when he's talking about it, like when he's on there now, I just sense like he can see the end.
Starting point is 01:23:47 So he's like a little spicier in moments. He's not as comfortable. He's, it's just, something's off. Yeah. And, and like,
Starting point is 01:23:55 he always makes jokes about like one more year. We can say that for one more year. But I mean, they'd have to be insane. Whoever bought the NBA to not have Barkley. They might bring him, but I just don't think it'll be the same team. And, like, Ernie Johnson, the dude who, like, kind of hosts the show, I think he's also the producer. And I just, it was like a, he was like a perfect point guard for Barkley.
Starting point is 01:24:22 But, I mean, who knows? It could work. It'll just, I don't know, it'll feel different to me, I think. Like, it'll be a different set. We'll see. I hope not, but all things end. Guys, thank you so much for tuning in to the podcast. Thank you guys for calling in.
Starting point is 01:24:40 Thank you, chat. You know, shout out to everyone in chat. Shout out to Nut Gargler. Shout out to Cream Je chat. Shout out to Nut Gargler. Shout out to Cream Jeans. Shout out to El Booty Warrior. Shout out to Pickled Used Underwear. What time is your flight? We have an early flight, right?
Starting point is 01:24:55 Dude, some Singapore flight just had the worst turbulence in like 30 years. I saw that. Terrifying. They're always like, turbulence can't do anything. Then I'm like, well, it looks like it can. Someone died. Someone died. terrifying they're always like turbulence can't do anything but then i'm like it looks like it can someone died someone died and someone's water bottle got stuck in the like the roof of the plane how does that happen i think the co-pilot didn't see like a red warning for weather which you're like supposed to avoid at all costs and uh they just got into it too late and the plane
Starting point is 01:25:23 i don't know fell like 500 went up 500 feet and fell 500 feet in a blink. Keep your seatbelt on. You know when they say that on airplanes? Yeah. Keep it on. Yeah, it forecasts its busiest Memorial Day weekend ever. That's going to suck. Alright guys, thank you for tuning in.
Starting point is 01:25:49 If you are listening to a recording of this, check out the Twitch. We go live on Twitch when we record. Twitch.tv slash Chad and JT go deep. It's so much fun. We love talking to the chat. Also, our number for Collins is 323-418-2019. Guys, thank you to everyone for tuning in.
Starting point is 01:26:10 Thank you to just everyone. You guys are all legends. Stay stoked. Later. Later. If you need advice, these guys are really nice.

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