Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 37 - Strider Returns, Modern Art, Skechers

Episode Date: September 26, 2018

In episode 37, Strider comes back in to join the squad and we dive deep as all hell.  Topics include boning in front of modern art, Strider's bleached hair debacle, religion, traveling, being suave, ...and a bunch of other good things.  This is our longest episode yet, Stokers.  Enjoy! For bonus content, check out our patreon: www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep Check out our reddit: www.reddit.com/r/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with episode 37 something like that 30 something you're just losing track of uh going deep in chad jt podcast my name is chad i'm here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas. What's up? What's up, guys? How's it going, Stokers? And we are joined today by our favorite guest, Strider. Everyone's favorite guest.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Dude, what up? Just freaking stoked to be in the house right now, hanging out with my bros, dude. Ready to freaking cut it up and flesh it out, dude. Dude, you have such a good energy. Because already I'm smiling. Me too, dude. Ready to freaking cut it up and flush it out, dude. Dude, you have such a good energy. Because already I'm smiling. Me too, dude. You just came in hot, just prepared to pot. I'm pumped, dude. We all just showed up simultaneous, ready
Starting point is 00:00:53 to go, dude. Freaking stoked to have the day off, so energy's up. Dude, I feel good. And the car over three doors down came on the radio, and I was like, it's gonna be a good fucking day. Yeah, that's the tempo. Anytime a DJ throws on three doors down, I'm like, dude, you fucking's gonna be a good fucking day yeah that's the tempo anytime a dj throws on three doors down i'm like dude you fucking know yeah i wish they played that more at the clubs like when i'm grinding yeah they just threw on like a uh a three doors down song or a
Starting point is 00:01:16 papa roach song and everybody was like what time to get some different emotions and energy out yeah a lot of the rap is so aggro these days i I'm like, it's kind of hard to grind to this. It's kind of negative vibes. But if you throw on Creed higher, you get in touch with God. For sure, dude. I mean, it's over, dude. And when I'm freak dancing, dude, I'm focused and I'm in the zone. Yes, I'm having fun. But on my face, it says I'm on a mission, dude.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Usually, it's not to nut too early or look uncoordinated out on the floor, but honestly, dude, I'm just trying to feel the rhythm and feel good. Creed definitely takes me there, dude. Papa Roach, Sum 41. Dude, but you're underplaying your freak game skills because I remember being in Tijuana with you when we were at that Aztec club.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Yeah, dude. And you were grinding with that girl and she um she was super cool and then she um exposed her neck to you and my dog strider saw the neck and just went got you dude and then came down and put his mouth on her neck i was dancing with no chicks at the time i was being very self-conscious and i just remember watching strider and i was like when when like when we were all younger strider was like not capable of that move and i literally saw him in this evening like level up like i saw him go to the
Starting point is 00:02:33 next stage of his um sexual confidence and development dude no question i mean when you're south of the border dude i mean things are gonna like get going you know you're in tijuana you're chilling this was like early college years i think you know this was in uh under 21 club dude we were like all 18 whatever dude just freaking going out there trying to have a good time bring the energy and yeah dude i mean like if i was on a coffee date with a chick like it'd be over dude like i'd be probably trying to text you or just think thinking where my dogs are at yeah because i'm bombing this date dude because i like you know not comfortable with my own personality at that stage dude yeah but on the dance floor dude when freaking some 41s on or probably like a kevin little something like that dude or some cisco's going i'm feeling it dude and plus maybe it was an aztec
Starting point is 00:03:17 themed club i'm thinking dust till dawn dude i'm going vampire style dude i'm a freaking mac and cheese on that neck dude dude mac and cheese on the neck fuck yeah dude that must be why they have dances at such a young age they're like these kids don't know how to talk to each other but let's make it carnal and you you do have like a very focused face when you're grinding and you're such like a tall body that it's like there's like two sections there's like focus and then there's just like your hips going haywire very true i'm i got very tight hips dude been doing yoga with the gf to get that loosened up in fact my gf told me the other day i actually told you bros this that um during lovemaking dude like my face is a little too focused up kind of throws her out of her
Starting point is 00:03:54 rhythm which is my bad um but honestly like i'm trying to do a good job and look if the end results are there um meaning like that i'm my nut, she's getting the lady nut, that it's all good, dude. So you just got to focus up and get it done. Two nuts make a right. Two nuts make a right. So you have such a good energy. When you come into a room or into a crew, I feel like you're always a value add.
Starting point is 00:04:21 I saw you gambling in Vegas that time with just a random group of dudes and like they were so happy to have you like you were like you could tell you you leveled up the crew and then um but uh but sometimes people show up who like don't level up the crew they kind of um yeah dude schmoles dude oh great call those guys schmoles and gotta boke the schmoles dude what's that out of the group dude what's that short for uh just fucking lame dude fucking just not chill i think like schmoles like fucking not chill oh sick yeah but so if a schmole is like hey like are you and the boys kicking it i'm coming over or like if they like spot you somewhere and then they just like you know attach is there any way to not let that happen or do you just kind of have to like accept that this is part of the human condition that some dudes who maybe aren't your cup of tea are
Starting point is 00:05:17 gonna try to you know make the tea into shit dude i think yeah i think there's no question i'm agreeing with what you're throwing out there and it's like when you've got such a solid squad of bros like we have you step into any situation whether it's crushing poke bowls for lunch or freaking pre-gaming for a rager dude like people want a part of that energy when they see that dude especially seeing how bronze they are how flows are going like a lot of dudes are going to want to get in on that. You've got to realize they just want to be bros, dude. Let them show for a little bit.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Why not just one time? But what's going to keep you on the squad is you've got to be legit, dude. You've got to be value-add. It's tough having such a tight squad because people are going to want to join. Schmoles are everywhere. True. And I think we're all kind of we're nice dudes we're pleasers and then when a schmole comes in and he's like
Starting point is 00:06:11 you know what are you guys doing are you gonna go eat lasagna can i join or do they say like that they say like i like i like lasagna yeah i like lasagna what are you guys doing i don't want to you know do your thing but i like lasagna what are you supposed to say like actually we don't anymore so we're gonna go eat i've seen that happen that's pretty brutal yeah yeah so i don't know what to do in those situations yeah i guess it's just you got to do the good thing which is to like let them kick it even if it comes at at the expense of 15% of the laughs, 20% of the deep talk, and just 30% of the comfortable silence.
Starting point is 00:06:55 And 100% of the enjoyment of the lasagna. Yeah, that's true. It's just so much harder to... Not that I would ever eat lasagna by the way i'm just thinking of past examples but it's just so much harder to eat delicious food when negative vibes are coming in true dude i remember one time um there's this dank joint called a's burger and dude i was out there crushing a breakfast burrito and um one of my bros at the time dude freaking touched my burrito with his one of my bros at the time dude
Starting point is 00:07:25 freaking touched my burrito with his finger and was like yo are you done with that unchilled dude who's that bob dude it's bob bob you're my dog and I love you dude and he's still my bro but you act like a schmoll that day and I almost had to boke you out of hazeburger dude but dude here's the thing you paused before you said bob yeah dude because you knew i haven't talked to him about this dude bob would be the guy to do it oh for sure dude he's excessive for sure dude he's a good guy how does that happen like how do you become a dude that just like half haphazardly um touches burritos other guys burritos i mean dude i think um it comes down to how you're raised and the values that have been instilled by you not only
Starting point is 00:08:15 by your parents but more importantly by siblings dude i think it is very difficult to become dank if you're an only child dude like you gotta have an older bro like dude if i made any free choice like dude if i got a freaking new pair of airwalks and a haircut on the same day my brother was gonna punch me dude like it was a fact dude like you went and you love them for it yeah dude and i needed that dude because i was like feeling too confident immediately they just like saw that confident energy on me and were like nah you just got put in check remember one time jt dude you might remember this dude, came as like freshman year of high school, dude.
Starting point is 00:08:48 He had a freaking new pair of shoes, fresh haircut, and like a new shirt on. Honestly, dude, and the squad's hard on each other, but it's for their own good. Dude, it's coming from a place of love, but we were like, you had a mall day with your mom, dude. And we had to like, honestly, dude, we gave you a hard day. I want to apologize for that, but also say you're welcome for that dude because you're danker for it i'm just gonna stick with you're welcome dude you guys roasted me so good one time too i got a penis haircut you know like i came dude i came out of this might be a different time but i was driving home with my
Starting point is 00:09:20 dad and i was driving and my dad was in the passenger seat and i was crying and i was like why the fuck did you force me to go to that haircut place i was so mad i was like you piece of shit you fucked up my day you fucked up my life i did not want to go there for my fucking haircut but i was like hey let's go to fantastic sam's together or something i was like no i'm good he's like come on you're coming with me i was like i don't want he's like you need a haircut come with me i got the worst fucking haircut in my life. Penis haircut. I was literally, as I was driving my dad home, I was like, I should drive this fucking car into a wall, dude. I was like, fuck this dude and fuck everything. So I got home and to preemptively, like to make
Starting point is 00:09:56 the penis haircut, not as big of a deal. The next day I put up an away message, like on instant messenger. I was like, Hey, I got a penis haircut. I'm so mad. So people would be braced for it the next day but then the next day everyone was like don't be a fucking pussy and try to like tell us about your penis haircuts we won't nail you for it you look like a fucking idiot oh good dude yes good yeah oh yeah dude speaking of uh domes and haircuts dude you guys uh good on you dudes for freaking supporting uh, dude. Dude, anything for Coral, man. Coral is like my number one. Bad ocean equals bad.
Starting point is 00:10:31 You don't even want to know. For sure. Yeah, it's heavy stuff on the other side. Yeah. Yeah, we're stoked, dude. People seem to be pretty amped on it. Even the people in our lives have been pretty cool about the hair. And Stokers, I went on the date with the hair and it went great so i think uh just um thank you thank you
Starting point is 00:10:52 just like like chad was saying like if you can own it that's really cool so even though i look like a moron if i still treat myself with respect it works out dude i'm. Dude, I'm used to it now. I think you look great. You've been so optimistic the whole time. I appreciate it. I think there's something to it. When you show up to a date with it, and they're like, whoa, what's going on here?
Starting point is 00:11:18 And you're like, it's for Coral. And they're like, their respect for you doubles down. Because of the commitment? Yeah, it's like you split kings and you got two more kings oh nice dude yeah yeah oh yeah we should talk a little bit about that well first yeah are you gonna bleach your dome dude i mean freaking i talked to robert the shift manager about it at benihana dude he said like this is not the image we're looking for here at benihana. Plus dude, I found
Starting point is 00:11:45 out that, um, at his old location, they had a fish tank there and the coral was like not healthy and stuff. And so I think, I think he doesn't dig on coral, dude. So I'm not saying he's a bad guy, but like, I mean, he's got that like fricking Mike Shanahan, permanent, like sunburn look going on because of scotch, dude. I'm like, is that the image we're going for here dude so i mean right now dude because i gotta keep making fat tips and freaking making dough like i gotta chill on on my dome for a second dude but i'm freaking with you guys dude um i think both of you look like dank assassins or like um maybe like youth leaders or something like that oh thank you like maybe an assassin who his disguise is being a youth leader um which i think is a chill freaking a freaking chill is there ever in a movie where
Starting point is 00:12:30 an assassin living a double life ends up liking the the second life more probably oh dude there's gotta be dude because he usually has like a family i'm thinking john claude van damme's gotta have a movie like that wait so i'm sorry though but to say, so you're not going to bleach your hair? I mean, dude, I want to. Robert, so what's like Robert, so he doesn't respect coral. No, dude. He doesn't respect your Friday nights. No, dude.
Starting point is 00:13:03 I told him, dude, he's's like what is even coral it's just rocks my dude they're freaking alive rocks it's freaking that dude like it's alive yeah a big part of what we did was anthropomorphizing the struggle of a living creature yeah dude just because it doesn't look like freaking what we would recognize as alive it's still alive dude you should hand back it's called a polyp dude it's complex as fuck thing i love about coral is it's down to earth it's humble it looks like rock but underneath it's complex as fuck power to the bound yeah and dude other freaking living things make their homes in there so it's like you've that if that's gone then other living things are gone dude it's a
Starting point is 00:13:41 great point dude it's a it's a domino effect i mean it houses a huge percentage of the ocean's sea life for sure and it's freaking created so many bomb family experiences during snorkeling trips dude dude unbelievable so crazy can you imagine if there's like no color on like if you go on like the body glove boat in maui and you go snorkel and it's just like white underneath. You're like, I could have, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:07 looked at a frigging bathroom and saw porcelain been just as impressed. Yeah. I didn't come here for winter. I came here for summer. Exactly, dude. Exactly. Color is the essence of life.
Starting point is 00:14:19 And when they advertise like the Caribbean or, or Belize or wherever, you know, it's like a snorkeling spot. They always show off the color of the place. You know what I mean? They're never like, they're like, come here and you'll see a bright rainbow under the ocean. You're like, all right, yeah, I'm into that.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Yeah. But then if they were like, come look at this pale, decrepit coral, you'd be like, nah. I think I'm going to Switzerland. Yeah. I'd rather go to the Matterhorn. Deutschland. Yeah, dude. I'm going to freaking, yeah, I'm not going to freaking Switzerland to snorkel, dude.
Starting point is 00:14:59 I'm going there for some dank chocolate skiing. Dude, what if he just showed up with a bleached dome and just said robert i did it for coral and uh why don't you do it for your ford your mercury whatever tracer i mean dude honestly like i'm throwing robert harden into the bus right now dude and i love my gf dude she's my freaking coral see that dude like hell she's a rock. She's my rock, but alive, dude. You know? She builds upon herself and more support. Correct, dude. She's coral over a rock. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Dude, Jesus should have said, I built my church upon this coral instead of upon this rock. That would have been dank of him, dude. But who knows if they knew about coral? Probably not. Maybe not yet, dude. I don't think there was coral back then. They didn't snorkel in olden times, dude. Blaspheming, too, dude. Rewriting it rewriting it that's true dude i can't do that dude i mean look it's still a dank verse gets the message across but like i don't know could have been danker but there's
Starting point is 00:15:54 alt lines that they could have ran with it might have given it a bigger appeal in other parts of the world for sure if the next king james decides to do a new edit, like King James III, for sure, dude, I'm going to submit that. Yeah, if King James went snorkeling, it would have changed his life, dude. No doubt, dude. Can I ask you something else, Strider? What up? What did you feel when Robert told you that you couldn't bleach your hair? Dude, I felt controlled.
Starting point is 00:16:20 I felt like a choice had been taken from me and my own liberties, dude, because of a business. But at the same time, dude, I'm thinking that's maybe the sacrifice we make to create dank tips, dude, and a nice lifestyle for me and my GF to enjoy. You know what I mean? Like, I could probably go work at, like, a less dank spot like Cheesecake Factory and have a freaking bleached lid and it'd probably look good in those all white uniforms. But I don't know, dude. I've got clout there, dude.
Starting point is 00:16:53 I feel like I'm moving up the ladder. I could even be shift manager one day. Oh, fuck. Yeah, dude. What kind of tips do shift managers get? Oh, shift managers are salary, dude. So they're straight up legit benefits salary full-time and uh they can influence people dude do they get to meet mr benihana dude i would imagine
Starting point is 00:17:14 so so if if uh if you have that kind of ambition how do you um sharpen that i think just probably the freaking taking in all forms of knowledge dude through like life experience meeting and talking to people freaking reading books dude freaking writing down poetry and drawing and uh just listening to my surroundings dude do you guys have a favorite building in the world or it could be any kind of architecture. It could be a castle. It could be, um,
Starting point is 00:17:50 you know, like a church or it could be like a skyscraper, but do you guys have like a building that's kind of like, what's, what's your favorite like structure, I guess? Um, I'd have to go with the Hollywood tower hotel in Disneyland,
Starting point is 00:18:04 AKA the tower of Terror. Because not only is it like a hotel, not only is it well-staffed, but it also has a sweet ride. And it's also haunted. So that's like killing 10 birds with like 100 stones. And it's just really a great experience every time and makes me feel okay with eating ch hundred stones. Um, and it's just really a great experience every time and makes me feel okay with eating churros.
Starting point is 00:18:29 What about you guys? Great answer. That's freaking dank answer, dude. Thanks dude. Dude, with architecture, um,
Starting point is 00:18:36 you're always fighting the battle of form and function, dude. Like, you know, you have to put bathrooms in a freaking piece of art cause people got to use it. You know, did you got to put board meetings inside of like an empire state building you know because people got to like
Starting point is 00:18:47 use those dude you know what i mean so i'm gonna go a different direction other than like you know a classic dank building like the chrysler building or whatever like that probably just say the snack shack at salt creek beach dude um they had, freaking bomb fried apple flautas, dude. And just for how freaking functional that was for creating dankness in me and my bros. Dude, you can freaking pop out of the water, dude. Me, not in there too long, dude. I can't shred that hard and I'm sensitive skin to salt. But, like, dude, fucking crushing flautas nonstop at the beach, dude.
Starting point is 00:19:22 So, probably a snack shack, dude. That snack shack. that's snack shack that's legit i guess my favorite like kind of building is like a one-story hacienda yeah i love like a huge one-story house you know what i mean that just has like because it feels like uh sexy it's sexy dude yes and it also feels like there's a lot that you don't see like every time you're in there you never feel like you're getting the full picture of what's going on in there like there could be like completely the different energies and actions happening all over that place you know what i mean no doubt and i like that kind of like, yeah, just like feeling like you need, it makes you want to explore. I could definitely see you in like a Hacienda style house like that.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Come on. Yeah, I could see you living there with me, dog. Oh, dude. Are you describing heaven right now, dude? Dude, compound, dude. Up to 180 people before people start being selfish. Up until that point, communal sharing can work. Legit, dude.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Just freaking, everyone's in a freaking unbuttoned linen shirt barefoot dude with bleach toms yes dude it's like the line between a cult and just like a good chill is not that big you know what i mean yeah like cults they don't have to be bad like if we were espousing good values and not taking advantage of the situation because that's what always happens with the cult the cult leader ends up like having sex with everybody's wife and you're like well dude we're kind of seeing through it right now like i don't believe you as much yeah that's always a tough tough one when you're like are you gonna bone my wife and he like. It's what our God wants. Yeah, and I drink the Kool-Aid.
Starting point is 00:21:07 And you're like. Yeah. But you boned her. Yeah. That changes things a little bit, dude. I mean, you know, sometimes like group stuff could be cool and chill if everyone's down for it, you know. For sure. You know. Sometimes group stuff could be cool and chill if everyone's down for it. For sure. But if you're going to do a mass suicide and then the guy who's organizing it bones your wife,
Starting point is 00:21:35 it would make me a little bit more bummed to kill myself. I wouldn't go into it pumped. True. Also, dude, does your wife want to get boned by this guy you know what i mean she into it maybe i guess she's in the cult too that would really fuck with my noggin yeah i hope she's not into it i mean i hope it doesn't happen you know dude if i was a cult leader you just got to clear the hopper dude just whack it every morning dude you know what i mean dude just so this way you're not going in super horny dude just gotta wake up and whack it and uh this way
Starting point is 00:22:08 you can be chill and make freaking conscious decisions without freaking uh you know bias put that in your schedule dude have one of your minions be like like guard your room and be like he's unleashing so he doesn't like pound all our wives yeah you can't make decisions until you clear the hopper sir yeah i gotta say like probably the best kings like he like cups his balls and he's like too heavy sir unload at least a court true like dude i bet you marcus aurelius freaking uh caesar was kind of crazy but a legit dude but like all these like you know um i don't know dude like ottoman leaders and stuff dude probably we're all whacking it dude just where they can make good choices you know absolutely abe lincoln guaranteed whacked it hell yeah maybe i'm being a little blasphemous
Starting point is 00:22:55 blasphemous today dude well no but i mean there's definitely leaders who it seems like had huge sexual appetites yeah i think that's more common than it's uncommon you know even in that like um documentary cartel land about that doctor in mexico who started up like a vigilante group to like uh fight the cartels out of cities that they had taken over like he's like this like noble warrior and then by the end he's like in like a 22 year old's apartment and they just have the audio and he's like please i have so much responsibility i need you now and you're like oh man yeah like this leadership comes at a at a cost and the way men have been dealing with that kind of anxiety for a long time is by dropping loads for sure
Starting point is 00:23:38 man yeah it's it's interesting that like the church will say like don't don't cream your sheets because you know people i don't know as long as you're thinking positive thoughts while doing it dude yeah like interesting like helping your neighbor or something like that like or like not being too whack in your dome yeah you know so you mean your actual thoughts while you're relieving yourself yeah maybe you should be like hyper positive you know like i'm gonna freaking do 50 push-ups after this and read a book later right so you're you have a good reason for why you're doing it exactly rather than like oh dude i was at the supermarket in that one chick blah blah dude you know right that's a little uh
Starting point is 00:24:33 maybe a little creepy dude yeah yeah i think if you're inside any guy's head while he's doing that it's probably not the we're not at our best yeah it, it might not be the cheeriest, coolest, laid-back story. It could be like being a good Samaritan. You see someone on the side of the road, and you give them some water, and you just explode. Yeah. I like that. Yeah, I think it's good if the quality you're attracted to in your partner is their good heart. Dude, for sure. You were so nice to people today
Starting point is 00:25:06 you treat everybody with so much respect today thank you babe dude yeah dude even when i see my gf my coral holding down a freaking nice conversation dude be an attentive listener and just freaking drilling it in social settings or whatever dude i'm like dude i'm lucky to be around this babe dude i'm lucky that she's choosing me to be her coral dude so just freaking that's very dank dude and um yeah i'll take that those thoughts and ideas into the love making later yeah yeah try it out i noticed you were wearing sketchers yeah dude yeah um shape ups dude realized being on my feet for a lot of hours at a time dude um uh just really also dude like feel like wearing sketchers like that dude can do my gf some favors because uh i can sculpt and mold my uh my butt
Starting point is 00:25:52 dude so it looks nice and dank and pleasurable to the female gaze you know what i mean dude so just doing my part like that taking care of my feet laird hamilton style and also sculpting my butt for my babe dude i heard the butts like the most underrated body part that is actually like a huge, like is one of the more important ones to the opposite sex. For sure. And dude. Having a nice can. That's your motor, dude.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Your can is your motor, dude. Like that's the, the glutes are the biggest muscles on the body. Your core and your glutes and your freaking traps, dude. But dude. That's so true man i didn't even know like subconsciously that's what i've always been most worried about developing my butt and my traps basically dude yeah and you freaking throw it on the kettlebells like a boss because that's where moving stuff comes from it comes from those groups that's your that's your motor dude that's where the action is initiated yeah you always see you always see good good pectorals and like movies and stuff but i remember in the first
Starting point is 00:26:54 tomb raider daniel craig comes out with a solid can i was like that's the end game there's been some great male asses in movies where he's like fuck yeah dude fuck yes chenning tatum nice can arnold schwarzenegger and like the first couple of terminators when he walks out naked yeah that pose that he's doing like the freaking rodan thinker pose remember that dude he's just kind of like all naked dude just got blasted through time and space freaking legit can but do you think sketchers can do that do you don't mean that i'm making a little bit of progress they're comfortable in my feet as far as my cans goes like i haven't noticed any changes but i feel good and um i i just like total respect for your decision but but like I just, I don't know, dude.
Starting point is 00:27:47 It sort of pains me to see you not wearing bands. Yeah, dude, that's my bad, dude. I don't like to cause my dogs any pain or anything like that, dude. I guess I should just come out and say and confess right now. Like I've also traded in my rainbows for a full strap around taverua sandals um yeah dude because um when i'm hiking dude like sometimes my gf and i will go by the tide pools just really make it comfortable for me to walk on the rocks and stuff you know not worry about getting my sketchers wet you trading in your rainbows for taverua strap around sandals
Starting point is 00:28:25 yeah dude they're a nice sport sandal dude um i can really be active in them and comfortable dude they support my arches dude and um who took that trade yeah who who took them oh i mean i just put them like up in my closet oh she still got them yeah got them? Yeah, yeah, I still got them. But you don't have any interest in wearing them? No, no, I mean, the Tavaroos are really getting the job done for me right now from the active walking that I'm doing with my GF, dude. Is there any fear that if you change all of the articles of clothes you were wearing when we were dogs that maybe you won't be our dog anymore?
Starting point is 00:29:01 No, dude, because I think in my heart heart you're always my dogs dude even though like you know my my favorite hoodie now i can't really find it which bums me out but honestly dude i got a freaking my gf got me this cardigan i ripped my lid off my shirt i mean it's a good call my shirt off yeah i feel more comfortable did you guys hear uh henry cavill is out as superman why i don't know he had some comments during mission impossible that were unfavorable dude remember he said something about like it's ridiculous he's like um i can't even i'm paraphrasing here probably getting a little bit wrong but it's something all along along the lines of like i don't even know how
Starting point is 00:29:42 i can like woo a woman anymore without her thinking that like i'm gonna do something like sexually nefarious or something like that to her and it's like i don't know dude you're a super hot actor dude wait why did he say that because the superman no it was like during a press interview for mission impossible oh because like me too stuff yeah yeah i was like during a press interview he said something like that oh but so you think that's why they they took away superman from him i thought it was like during a press interview, he said something like that. Oh, but so you think that's why they took away Superman from him? Probably, I guess. I thought it was just because maybe the movies weren't that popular.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Yeah, they're terrible movies also, dude. They're horrible. Yeah. Dude, the way they added in Marvel joke banter into these later Batman or Justice League movies is so awfully executed. Like they make jokes where like Aquaman's like, why are you standing here to Batman?
Starting point is 00:30:29 And then Batman like tries to act like kind of like awkward and stuff. And he's like, uh, I don't know. Am I not allowed to stand here? You're like, why are you talking like that? Batman?
Starting point is 00:30:40 Yeah. Oh yeah. Batman, Batman like has like moments of insecurity. Yeah. You're like, what? Yeah. And they're like awkward. And he's playing it like Jim has like moments of insecurity yeah you're like what yeah they're like awkward and he's playing it like jim halpert from the office you're like what the fuck am i watching and he gives that look like yeah i guess i won't bone pam yeah and you're like you shoot lasers out of your eyes and you have like a steel cock yeah and you're fighting like a
Starting point is 00:31:03 500 foot like yeti yeah i don't like how they bring like all this like humility to these superheroes yeah like batman was so cool because he's so flawed but it's in like a cool way but like yeah a goofy ass superman fuck out of here so true too true dude they had too much goofiness that's what they're doing me and christopher nolan to come in there dark. Yeah, it just didn't fit either. Like, it was, like, all these, like, dark, moody colors, and they were, like, the world's ending. And then there's, like, this, like, snark, and you're like, what the hell?
Starting point is 00:31:33 Yeah. I mean, it works with, like, Iron Man and stuff or, like, Thor. He does it well. But they, like, it feels more authentic. Yeah. But, yeah, Cavill's out as Superman. I guess I'd have to rate his superman run as a awful one yeah i think it's a hard hard to his credit though i think it's hard shoes to fill well
Starting point is 00:31:54 maybe we could parlay we could extend this into who is your favorite superhero all time superhero yeah i can go iron man nice because of his charm tony stark yeah fire charisma absolutely not because of his suit because of his charisma yeah yeah like even just tony stark is your favorite superhero yeah i'd probably say tony stark yeah that's a good call dude i'd probably go with gambit dude from the x-men because one he probably is a freaking legit gambler um and i freaking love gambling dude it's one of my vices that my gf doesn't know about dude and you gotta de-stress somehow dude and i feel like it's a lesser vice and i'm playing with my fat tips so i gotta have some liberties also he's freaking got a sick ass look that like capri trench coat thing dude like he kind of looks like one of the
Starting point is 00:32:52 villains from rumble in the bronx which is a dank movie with jackie chan and uh yeah dude i just remember being a kid watching the x-men cartoon like this guy like i don't even know what my brain was thinking but i knew i was probably thinking like this guy can bone hell yeah boning dude i think my favorite was um it's either magneto as played by michael fosbender in x-men first class because they kind of like have them dressed like a James Bond character. Like, he's very suave. I like how suave and debonair he is, you know? You love that scene when he goes to Argentina.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Yeah. And I like suave dudes, you know? Like Thomas Crown Affair. Yeah, dude. George Clooney in Out of Sight. Just, like, guys who, like, are real cool and they don't like add much extra they like they only say what's like necessary or something like that you know and it's always like every time i say something like whoa you were holding all that coolness in and you
Starting point is 00:33:57 weren't revealing it that's cool dude honestly when people ask like oh what superpower could you have or something i'm always like what could get me to the nba you know what i mean like super speed or strength like navigate myself on the low block or just be freaking and a great backcourt player with speed like i don't even care like i mean is it selfish that i wouldn't go save people maybe i would go save people but dude look at lebron dude guy's freaking legend yeah i'm gonna throw this out there that's a great point sorry i'm gonna throw this out there i think you're the tim duncan of our squad whoa that's so honorable thank you i appreciate that dude um i especially appreciate that because tim tim duncan's a freaking legit paintballer dude what really the paintball yeah
Starting point is 00:34:40 dude god you imagine a seven footer on the freaking out there on the course dude just freaking later sniping because he can throw down so much fire from an angle that nobody else can i bet he banks his paintballs dude and freaking hits people dude right off the bank shot yeah dude he fucking has butter post moves when he's behind a bunker dude just like bang pops out everyone's like dude textbook tony parker's probably a little bitch out there sorry to say that dude not a tony parker fan dude dude tony parker fucked his teammates wife yeah not chill did he yeah brent barry's wife damn and everyone's like he's a legend he was a great teammate i'm like not for a couple years there that would make the
Starting point is 00:35:22 huddle uncomfortable yeah dude his brother be like brother. He'd huddle up and be like, I don't really want to. Yeah, good. No, Coach, I'll just do this one on my own. Thanks. I'll think about it. Just tell me the plan and I'll think about it over here. Is Tony in there? Fuck.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Just holding the ball, staring at Tony on the court rather than dribbling or passing. She's like, what up, dude? You going to talk to me about this? You going to apologize? He starts scoring on his own team. Yeah. I won't stop until you fucking apologize. Dude, throwing it back to what you were saying about,
Starting point is 00:35:54 you brought up Thomas Crown Affair, dude, which is a dank movie. And do you think that when you become rich or a billionaire, it's the biggest sign of success, more than how many zeros in your bank account or how many like times you've boned standing up in front of modern art like do you think it's being able to use a glider dude yes strider yes the glider scene dude because they they stole it for the 50 shades exactly dude he's like a billionaire yeah there is something about the glider that is like it's elegant adrenaline you know elegant adrenaline yeah i love that it's like he's wearing a turtleneck but he's flying a plane without an
Starting point is 00:36:39 engine at 100 and bajillion miles an hour through the air air with a hot chick in there yes and she's getting horny from it oh yeah dude she likes the way he flies the glide is it like it away is it metaphorical he's taking control but in a smooth way but he's also i think letting go of control you're right yeah and there's always the scene where it's like you take the controls yeah she does it and like she's like no and then she's exhilarated and instantly good at it, dude. Yes. Love that. Dude, we talked a lot.
Starting point is 00:37:09 That's what we should be whacking off to. Oh, yeah. That's what we should be whacking off to. Sexy. Glider scenes. Rare experience. Yep. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Until Nina Simone in the background. Oh, man. I'm cinnamon. Oh, no. Yeah, cinnamon. Yeah, dude. Oh, yeah. Cinnamon. Yeah. Cinnamoroll. Yeah, dude. Oh, I got a cover of Cinnamoroll.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Yeah, legit song. Dude, we talked about what our favorite, what our superpower would be on the last time we did a pod together. So when I'm with you dudes, I just get like, thinking about superheroes a lot. I get jacked up, dude. And props to Gliders for like beating out, boning in front of modern art.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Yeah. That's not bad though. If you had to bone in front of one piece of modern art yeah that's not bad though if you had to bone in front of one piece of modern art which would it be probably oath to the horatii it's a large painting located in the louvre it's about 15 by 10 which could be considered gaudy because it's a large piece i mean you know when you don't know what to paint go big is what the academy would say but um honestly dude the way they capture angles, it's the perfect triangle. Often argued, you know, amongst luncheon on the grass
Starting point is 00:38:09 to be the first actual modern painting. And also it's about like dudes, you know, fighting battle and like, dude, the chicks are there like, oh, later, don't go. But they're like, nah, we'll protect you. And I think that's a good message for lovemaking. Oh, dude, great explanation. Thank you. And I'd like's a good message for lovemaking. Oh, dude. Great explanation. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:38:26 And I'd like to do it in the Louvre, but when it's closed. I don't have the confidence to bone in public, dude. I think just feeling like a weirdo right now, you know, and expressing that through my sexuality. I might go with, like, a Lucian Freud, like, kind of grotesque. One of his, like, grotesque naked portraits of like an oversized person like that. Dang. I feel you.
Starting point is 00:38:53 I feel you on that, dude. I always guess I was being a little aggressive. You, which I admire about you, you would like to internalize the piece and then use it. You're being a true artist. Well, I want us to be part of one, us, the people involved in the coitus, and the art itself to be part of the exchange together. Yeah. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Makes perfect sense. Otherwise, why do it? Indeed, I mean, my bad for doing this right now, but like quick instant joke would be a Salvador Dali drip painting. You know? Dude, yeah. Because when you nut. Like, nut.
Starting point is 00:39:27 It's like, it drips. Yeah. And, like, the clock, for me at least, would be a quick clock. Like, the clock would be, like, maybe if I start at midnight, the second hand would get to, like, 27. Dude, or I would do one in front of unique forms of continuity in space by Umberto Boccion at the moma yeah that's nice and dude you know poetry in motion did your love make yeah it's becoming one dude wow dude i think i'd have to go i maybe two i think first one i'd have to do it like suspended from the sistine chapel because it's so intricate and just like,
Starting point is 00:40:07 I think I like to apply that to my lovemaking. I just like to put a lot of detail in it. And taboo, you dirty. And taboo. Yeah. Like, like all the priests would be like watching.
Starting point is 00:40:16 They'd be like, Oh fuck. Like, this is no bueno. Right. Be like, well, I got to finish.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Cause like I hooked up the whole suspension thing and like it took a lot of work. So I'm not just going to like start and then like, well, I got to finish because I hooked up the whole suspension thing and it took a lot of work. So I'm actually just going to start and then not start the drip, to quote Salvador Dali. For sure, dude. Or I would go with Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon. Oh, dude. Yeah. The female form. That'd be a great one for a menage.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Yeah, like the Vikings team. Remember we talked about that a while back? Yeah. We always come. When the crew's together, we always talk about what superheroes would be and what it would be like if we all had sex together. Yeah. I mean, we're thinking.
Starting point is 00:40:56 We're tight, dude. We're just homies, dude. I think it'd be a lot of fun. Yeah. I mean, dude. I think we would really get along. Yeah, for sure. You know, we get a nice food like, food spread going like that,
Starting point is 00:41:07 you know, some hors d'oeuvres. Really make it nice and classy, dude. Yeah. That's what's up. Yeah, I just want to put this on record. I really want to bone with you guys. Yeah, I appreciate that. Yeah, I'm not afraid of that idea.
Starting point is 00:41:30 I'm intimidated by you guys doing it. I mean, I'm i'm i'm nervous too i'm you know like i want everything to go great but i'm not afraid of being near you when you're there chad who is your babe of the week? My babe of the week is Van Shoes. Van Shoes, I've been with you from the beginning. And you're a babe because you make me feel like a babe. Ever since I put on my first pair of Vans, I felt like the man I was supposed to be. I felt like I was in my destiny. I felt like I was riding the waves of style that I was meant to ride. I put on my Vans for the first time, and I knew I would never take these off.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Van shoes, you guys tapped into something that's divine, I think, in terms of footwear. And I just want to give you guys major, major props. I can wear whatever I want on top of my legs and my torso and my noggin, but as long as I have Vans on, I feel good. I went to a wedding. I wore Kenneth Cole shoes. My mojo was off. My hips felt tight.
Starting point is 00:42:37 And I put on Vans, and I was like, this is the way you're supposed to rock a suit. You know, look, I like very simple style. And you guys just dominate in that field. And I don't see you stopping at all. I want to be buried with Van's shoes. Because I think Van's shoes sum up who I am more than anything. And that's why they're my babe of the week.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Nice. Legit. Strider, who is your babe of the week? Dude, my babe of the week's going to be my girlfriend, dude. Honestly, dude, my buddy got married this weekend, and, dude, when she showed up, dude, I was in the wedding, dude, freaking honored, dude. Such a dank wedding, so beautiful, so gorgeous.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Jess is beautiful and gorgeous as my GF look, dude. I mean, dude, she got all dressed up nice, dude, for herself so beautiful so gorgeous um jess is beautiful and gorgeous as my gf look dude i mean dude she got all dressed up nice dude for herself and for me and for the event and honestly do you just looking beautiful dude so uh yeah it's gotta be my gf dude she's so dank um plus um uh she got me this uh gift this week of um it's a map of the city dude because she knows that i'm into maps because that's masculine and you know like where to be and stuff and um she said i can put whatever frame i want on that dude so i'll be framing that up with maybe some freaking red oak or um maybe not mahogany dude a little pricey dude but like maybe something some faux mahogany dude you know so i love it that's awesome pumped on that pumped on my gf dude plus you got a promotion at work dude just freaking yes dude that's awesome
Starting point is 00:44:11 yeah so she's drilling it dude definitely my babe of the week dude she's awesome thank you dude my freaking coral uh my babe of the week is um analytics and sports you know using like math to evaluate a player more so than your eye um you know it's been a constant fight in sports and it's you know been crystallized in movies like moneyball which was so good and um you know has its origins with bill james and sabermetrics but i just love like finding new ways to explain like what's actually happening on the field versus what your like mind might be telling you is happening on the field. And like, I think the best example of it is like Derek Jeter, like Derek Jeter is a legend for so many reasons, like clutch plays, super good looking New York Yankee plays shortstop,
Starting point is 00:44:58 you know, high profile position, high profile organization. And he, you know, he, he always delivered. He just seemed like a cool dude and like he had a lot of defensive highlights where he'd be like going to his right to get the ball he'd put it in his glove and then he'd jump in the air and throw it across to first base and it looked dazzling but there was this uh statistical analysis about the edge of someone's range that found out that like Derek Jeter was actually making the play look harder than it was because he could barely get there with his athleticism,
Starting point is 00:45:31 so he had to jump like that and throw it. But a better shortstop defensively, like Andrelton Simmons, who plays for the Angels, would just have been there in place to get the ball and would have made the throw easily. And none of us would think he was as good as Jeter because it looked easy. But if you actually marked out how far they traveled for the ball, it have made the throw easily and none of us would think he was as good as jeter because it looked easy but if you actually marked out how far they traveled for the ball it'd be the same so without analytics like we'd the razzle dazzle would have told us that jeter was the
Starting point is 00:45:54 better defender but because of the analytics we know not andrelton simmons can cover way more ground than him and can make like 30 more outs from from that position. I just think that's like, it's fire that it's so informative and that it's so, and that someone did that work. You know what I mean? Because it was a human instinct that made them think to do that, but then it was taking away human bias that allowed them to get to that conclusion, I guess. For sure.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Like, because he looks the part. Like, sometimes looking the part makes you think that this person's better at the job than they are like jim trussell at ohio state like he was a good coach but because he wore a sweatshirt and a tie i was always like he's a good man yeah you know what i mean i just bought into those like signifiers you know what i mean dude it's like we had air jordan and he could dunk and people were like, Oh man, look, he's flying up there. You know, it's like he stays in the air longer. Right.
Starting point is 00:46:48 But what he would do is he would put his body to more of a, an angle that was a little more parallel to like the ground when he was going. And I think even Dominic Wilkins could jump higher than Jordan and like, maybe even harder, but like Jordan just looked good doing it. The way he cut through the air. Him and Dr.
Starting point is 00:47:04 J just looked good. Dude, that's so interesting because back in the day, they used to genuinely put that into NBA scouting reports. Like he has incredible hang time. Like they didn't think jumping and being able to stay in the air were the same thing, which they are. You just stay in the air as long as you can jump up in the air. But they literally thought some players were better at hanging in the air.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Maybe they are because of the aerodynamics thing like you're saying but i think that'd be like negligible right yeah and i mean maybe like when what you do with that airtime like a russell westbrook or something dude right he's freaking he's manipulating up there dude dude all right dude chad who is your legend of the week my legend of the week is uh my dog giordano giordano c from college what up giordano what up dude aka g my dog this guy dude he's just a fucking tank the best guy to party with you know just because so funny the funniest guy ever and but always just like so much fun but also really hard working really smart you know he really went after it he really he he was like an honor student he's doing really well now
Starting point is 00:48:11 and uh i believe he's an accountant you know which uh i think he's dominating in that field i'm not familiar with it at all but i know he's doing well and he looks good on his instagram he's still jacked still throwing footballs and And, um, you know, it's just like, honestly, one of the funniest dudes ever. Uh, but I just want to cite one time that I think really spoke to his character. Um, so one time there was like a little scuffle, you know, because there's like, there's this girl, Stephanie and, uh, ass clown was, you know, they were starting to become romantically involved but stephanie had an ex justin who uh didn't want to let her go and he was not amped
Starting point is 00:48:53 on it and he went and ass clown was in her room and they were you know they were getting intimate and uh and then justin comes storms into the house and he starts banging on the door. He's like, he's in our room. He's in our room. He's in our room. And Ascon's in there like, what the fuck, dude? And then Justin's dogs came and got him. They're like, Justin, don't do this, man.
Starting point is 00:49:17 You got this. And so he's just like, after like an hour, he eventually, they get Justin to leave, and Ascon was just holed up in there. Probably still stoked because he was with Stephanie. And Justin's leaving. And I walk by Justin. He's like kind of like sniveling. He's like, she was in a room.
Starting point is 00:49:36 She was in a room. Or no, he was in a room. He was in a room. And he looks at me. He's like, you, you're friends with him. You're friends with him.'re friends with him and g comes in right rips his shirt off and he's like no one likes the tuna here and like justin like all scared and just like walked off dude great line yeah you gotta go off off the center dude
Starting point is 00:50:01 just threw it out there no No one likes the tuna here. And just dominated Justin. Later, Justin. And so Ass Clown and I prevailed because of G.Ordano. So you're my legend of the week. Love that, dude. Great legend. Love that.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Great move, G. Yep. In the moment, dude. Just not even thinking about it. Like, hey, should I say this line from Fast and the Furious? Just pure instinct. No one, like it was like straight from like the limbic system or whatever. He's like, no one likes the tuna here.
Starting point is 00:50:33 I don't think you remember saying it. It was so just like it felt like it came from like the core of the earth. He should never fear being comatose. You know, God forbid that happens because a lot of times the limbic system is accessed during that state. And so, dude, honestly, you should look forward to it, dude. Imagine just being in a coma straight up repeating that line forever, dude. Dude. It's not a bad line to repeat forever, dude.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Hell yeah. Fuck yeah, dude. You know what I mean, dude? And he's from San Jose, so there's one video he made that I love where he's just pumped to be back in San Jose. So I think that was just like Dude, amazing Pure animal stuff Yeah, he's so present Strider, who is your Legend of the week?
Starting point is 00:51:32 Alright, dude My legend of the week's Gotta be my GF, dude Honestly, dude Freaking I know I mentioned earlier She looked beautiful at the wedding, dude And got a promotion at work, dude
Starting point is 00:51:42 And she's allowing me to get Some dank frames for my desk area In our apartment But honestly, dude Also, at a promotion at work dude and she's allowing me to get some dank frames for my desk area in my apartment but um honestly dude also the same time dude um she she realized uh made me realize that uh how important it is to be wearing the right sunscreen dude and got me this freaking dank sunscreen that smells dank forget what it's called dude but um i've been using neutrogena because i got sensitive. But she introduced me to that, dude, and I'm really just feeling good, dude. Freaking not afraid to step outside and feeling nice and feeling good. And that was a pretty legendary move of her to not only have my back if my freaking shirt's off, but mainly my neck, top of my ears, my face.
Starting point is 00:52:19 So she's just been a legend looking out for me, dude. That's awesome. That's what's up. She's awesome. Yeah. All right, dude, my legend of the week is Ed Reed. she's just been a legend looking out for me dude that's awesome she's awesome yeah all right dude my legend of the week is ed reed for my money the best safety in football history and this is coming from a steelers fan you know i love paul amalu i used to love watching his do go sideline to sideline bouncing in the air and he made some plays that i don't think any other player could
Starting point is 00:52:44 have but the way that ed reed played center field and just took away the deep pass from opposing goes sideline to sideline, bouncing in the air, and he made some plays that I don't think any other player could have. But the way that Ed Reed played center field and just took away the deep pass from opposing QBs and the way he could read QBs, get in their head, and manipulate QBs is unparalleled, dude. There's a clip of Bill Belichick doing analysis on Ed Reed with Tom Brady and the videos from when they played the Colts and Peyton Manning. And at the top of the play, Peyton Manning says,
Starting point is 00:53:09 Hayek, Ed Reed runs to the left and then without thinking or looking, well, I'm sure he was doing both, but it doesn't look like it. Peyton Manning throws to the other side of the field and Ed Reed breaks to the other side of the field and picks off the ball. Like he ran to the left at the top of the play because he knew that would incite Peyton Manning to throw to the other side of the field. And he just knew that. He knew if he took a step this way that the other guy would take a step in that direction. And he just like he played him and got the ball.
Starting point is 00:53:38 And it's just like that kind of instinctive thing. It's kind of like G, you know what I mean? Where someone just makes a choice in the moment. You're like, you're a genius. Yeah. And then I think Ed Reed was just like, he's always been a beast. Like when he was in college on what I think is the best college football team of all time,
Starting point is 00:53:52 the Oh one Miami hurricanes. He was basically the coach of the team. If you watch like the 30 for 30 on them, there's also a clip of him at like halftime of a game that was tight where he's like, don't ask me if I'm all right. I'm hurting dog. I'm fucking hurting. Now let's go. And like, it's not a very good speech, but you can feel the respect from the teammates around him. tight where he's like don't ask me if i'm all right i'm hurting dog i'm fucking hurting now
Starting point is 00:54:05 let's go and like it's not a very good speech but you can feel the respect from the teammates around him and he just made plays that year where you're like oh my god dude like this guy is literally a football genius like they were down at the end of the game and a defensive lineman got the ball and was running it back for a tug but ed reed ran up to him was like hey you're not gonna be fast enough grabbed the ball from him and ran it in for a touchdown and then in the back for a tug, but Ed Reed ran up to him and was like, hey, you're not going to be fast enough. Grabbed the ball from him and ran it in for a touchdown. And then in the pros, he had 200-yard-plus returns for touchdowns on interceptions. He has the most return yards off of interceptions of any player. When he got the ball, he was trying to score every time, even for the defensive side.
Starting point is 00:54:37 He was good at blocking punts. He was such a football genius. He was good at all these different dimensions of football that you don't even think about when evaluating a safety. And Ed Reed, dude, I just loved your work ethic i loved your skill i love watching you ball and um yeah man i think you're the best to ever do it at the safety position so you are my legend of the week epic love it dude guys legit all right dude chad who is your beef of the week um my beef of the week i don't know if I've done this before.
Starting point is 00:55:05 Has it been comfort? Have I done that? I don't think so, but I agree with you, dude. Yeah, my beef of the week is with comfort. You deceitful twat. Comfort is not good, guys. Don't let it fool you, you know? Yeah, it's Monday.
Starting point is 00:55:24 You want to have a brew to let the stress go away don't do it you want to take a warm shower don't do it you want to do something else that's comfortable do not do it you know jt and i were talking about this yesterday jt started taking cold showers i'm taking cold showers now and i love them dude because yeah because like doing something that sucks does something good for you it builds your self-esteem you're like oh i do shitty things that make me better yeah like jt and i were out a little bit late last night i hopped in i hopped in a cold shower this morning i didn't want to do it i hopped in and i felt so good i was just like i was like i'm gonna take control of this day
Starting point is 00:56:05 fuck you comfort i'm scared i won't be able to do it every time they're like every time i take a cold shower i'm like this is the last one because tomorrow i'm gonna want to like i can't think of my life as always taking cold showers but just one day at a time yeah but once you hop once you get in it oh it feels good it feels good those breaths too you just gotta take that step yeah and i think with anything in life too whenever like an opportunity comes up that scares the fuck out of you but you know it's good you gotta say yes you know don't stay in your comfort level because you gotta grow you gotta always reach towards discomfort you know you see a group of people you don't want to talk to go talk to them yeah dudes just move away from comfort because it's no bueno. Because you know why?
Starting point is 00:56:46 There's something better than comfort. It's that feeling of ecstasy when you do something tough and you grow and you learn. And then that next day you're just like, fuck, yeah, I'm a better dude than I was yesterday. But if you just hang back, knock back those Cheetos, kick back that lazy chair, hang back knock back those cheetos kick back that lazy chair and then watch you know a fucking vanderpump dick weeds you're not gonna feel good the next day nah dude we all grew up comfortable
Starting point is 00:57:16 you know what i mean yeah and you can sit in that comfort forever and not try stuff but your self-esteem will plummet dude but if you can get out there and challenge yourself a lot and fail a lot and and just be like oh you know what i love to fail i love to do stuff i'm not good at and get better at it or i love to ask for like you know more responsibility at work or for a promotion even if they say no fuck it i said i asked you know what i mean dude for sure or trying a new hobby that seems corny like do it yeah you want to cobble shoes do it yeah they're gonna suck for a long time. Yeah. Fuck it. Start cobbling.
Starting point is 00:57:48 You're going to have failure before you have success, dude. You just got to go through that failure. That's the learning point, dude. Oh, straight up Harry Stamper from Armageddon style, dude. I have never missed my mark. Get through it, dude. Drill. I've never missed my mark. Dank movie, dude.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Harry, I love you. You're like a father to me. You're like a father to me like a father to me harry harry it's my job push the button stamper your job's looking after my little girl your job's looking after my little girl harry no i'll be damn proud to have you as a son oh damn proud what a movie dude and then the line dude i'm sure we've done it as our quote of the week though but permission to shake hands with the daughter of the bravest man I ever met. Like, that needs to happen to my daughter, dude.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Like, 100%, I'm having a daughter, and someone's going to say that to her. Someone's going to walk up and say that to her at my grave. Your dad is par? Yeah. Holy fuck. Dude, yeah. Permission to shake hands with the guy I saw chug more beer bongs than anyone i ever met my daughter starts crying i'm like i'm in heaven i'm just like there's she has a painting
Starting point is 00:58:52 of you as a centaur yeah there's a painting of you as a centaur in her house you just put paintings like that of yourself all over you it's just mystical animals all over the house your kids are walking around like terrified they're like what the fuck dude who does my dad think he is just you like on an eagle body you as a lion you as fucking half horse everywhere no subtlety dude i'll like sit around the dinner table literally words i'm powerful on the paintings dude like yeah i do good shit fear me yeah fear the arbiter of justice yeah all right dude who is your beef of the week? Dude, my beef of the week, as you guys know,
Starting point is 00:59:29 I've been trying to gain a lot of knowledge recently, dude, freaking just like listening to people's conversations and stuff like that, dude. And so my beef of the week is on eavesdropping, dude. Oh, interesting. Honestly, dude, like, yeah, you got to be conscious of what you're doing and when to steppping, dude. Oh, interesting. Honestly, dude, like, yeah, you got to be conscious of what you're doing and when to step out, dude. But dude, a lot of times I'll be listening
Starting point is 00:59:51 to people's convos, dude, just like at work or like bussing tables. And some people are saying some legit stuff to each other, a lot of positivity, dude. And just taking that positivity and putting it in my own life, dude. Now where it comes into fed, like, yeah, I'm not going to come in and be like, oh, dude, sorry, I overheard you say that.
Starting point is 01:00:09 I mean, you could if you step in in the right way, but e-dropping gets a bad rap, dude. If you're using technology to do it, probably on chill. You don't want to do it Russian style, dude. If you're doing it on like an X or for any nefarious reasons, dude. Also, I've used nefarious twice in this podcast dude i recently read that word in one of my books dude and it's a freaking dank word dude great use of it i don't what does it mean oh it means unchill dude oh okay yeah and um honestly dude so eavesdropping
Starting point is 01:00:37 yeah it's a bad rap um and people will probably like think that you're some sort of schmole and try to poke you out out of their social setting. But I think you can learn a lot from it, dude, and a lot from observing and watching others, dude. Legit. So if you're at a bar, like cocktail hour or something like that. Oh, you hear great shit from people. You hear great shit. And, dude, that's kind of like you post up at the bar or whatever, dude. You got yourself a freaking Rona or a Modelo, dude,
Starting point is 01:01:05 and you're just like, you're cruising, you're chilling, you're not, you know, you're checking your freaking fantasy lineup, dude, or like me reading freaking legit quotes or texting your GF freaking smooches and snugs, dude. And yeah, dude, I mean, fucking, it's just legit. I'm not hurting anyone, dude. I'm just learning. That's what's up.
Starting point is 01:01:24 Yeah, dude. All right, dude. My B for the week is not Strider, even though we're playing each other this week in fantasy football. Because I'm not worried about it enough to make it my B for the week. Oh, dude. Sorry, dude. Sorry, dog. That was good, dude.
Starting point is 01:01:39 I mean, I've got a lot of injuries on my team, so I get it. I understand. But, dude. Dude, no. I think, yeah, I'm probably going to beat you. Oh, dude. a lot of injuries on my team so i get it i understand but dude dude no i think i think i think yeah i'm probably gonna beat you um dude and the fantasy football threads dude they're so alive dude yeah humor and burns yes it is it is the thread. It is a coral of a thread, dude, if you know what I'm saying. It is very much organic.
Starting point is 01:02:10 My actual beef of the week is with Shaquille O'Neal. Whoa. Stoker asked me to clarify because I said, I talked about him in a positive light where I said I used to really hate him because he was mean to me. But at the end of it all, I realized it was actually good having him in my life because he provided so much experience and feeling in me. And that's always a good thing. But the story of why we initially beefed is that I went to my first Laker game when I was five years old. And after the game, we waited out by the tunnel to get autographs. And Shaq came out and didn't sign in. He came out in his truck out and didn't sign it he came out in his truck he didn't sign any
Starting point is 01:02:48 autographs and he pulled out and it was me and like a mob of kids like with like paper and pens probably 100 kids we're like autographs autographs autographs and shack just drives right by with his driver and his big suv he gets the edge of the parking lot he rolls down his window he goes come on like come over like to over, like to get the signatures, to get the autographs. So me and like a hundred kids just start running. We're like, oh, oh, Shaq, Shaq. We run up to the car. And then right when we get close, he drives away again.
Starting point is 01:03:18 And then he drives like 50 yards down the road, stops. And we're like, what? What's he doing? What's he doing? What's he going to do? And then he sticks his arm out the window he waves us on and then so we all go oh oh the grass from shack we all run like 50 yards right when we get close me and the mob of kids he drives away again and then i'm like what's he doing like what's going on car stops i'm like no opens the window, waves the song, like, come on. And then me and like 90 kids, like 10 kids dropped off.
Starting point is 01:03:47 We're like, ah, autographs. But then we got there and I was like kind of wary. And then he drove away again. And then I was like, I turned to my bro and I was like, he's fucking with this dude. Let's bail. So he walked away and then he kept doing it down the road. So, I mean, in a lot of ways, i think some of those kids are probably still chasing him and then i i got back to my mom and she was like he's such a piece of shit fuck him fuck shaquille o'neal he's an asshole and i was like you know my mom's a
Starting point is 01:04:15 passionate lady but she's 100 right that was a bullshit move shaq and um that from then on we beefed and even though i was a oc boy i was like I'm not down with the Lakers because Shaq did me dirty, and I got too much pride. So that was the beef. I mean, I've since come around, but that is the origin of the beef with Shaq. Can I go on record here? What up?
Starting point is 01:04:39 That's one of the most fucked up things I've ever heard. Thank you, dude. Dude, to play devil's advocate here, fucked up things i've ever heard thank you dude dude to play devil's advocate here do you think shaq kept doing that cruel and unnecessary trick but do you think after kids dropped off and dropped off there was like one kid who wanted the autograph bad enough whoa and then he gave him like a fucking jersey or a fucking like i don't know dude why are you making me grow as a person right now dude with your rashomon version of events dude and was him like a fucking jersey or a fucking like, I don't know. Dude, why are you making me grow as a person right now, dude, with your Rashomon version of events, dude? And was this like a lesson, dude? And like, I don't know how this road is.
Starting point is 01:05:13 And do you think some kid persisted and won it so bad? And that's what Shaq was seeing. And then Shaq rolled down the window and he was like, I respect the way you kept after your goals and you didn't give up like all those little schmoles. Let me sign that for you. Dude, I appreciate that so much. I could also see him, though, just as easily because you're imbuing the story with a natural sense of optimism. I could also say that he waited until there was that last kid he rolled down the window and said,
Starting point is 01:05:40 Hey, kid, you earned it. No autograph. And then he drove away. Could have done that that we'll never know dude well here's the other thing what up you love Shaq too much I love Shaq dude oh I'm a Shaq apologist that's that's the thing you kind of buried the lead dude because one time I was like Kobe or MJ and then Strider was like oh well Phil says Shaq like he went with Shaq above those two dudes
Starting point is 01:06:06 and I was like wow yeah he's like who would you form a team around Kobe or MJ and Phil was like Shaq I'm a Carl Malone man myself
Starting point is 01:06:14 beast dude nice dude Vlade Divac Vlade's big I've seen Vlade in real life dude large man absolutely yeah dude
Starting point is 01:06:22 impressive impressive to look at dude all right should we do an ad real quick yeah guys um i'm gonna be vulnerable here for a second boning is sacred it's an important part of life it's how you create romantic intimate relationships it's how you life it's how you create romantic intimate relationships it's how you put physical expression of love into your dong and when you bone you need to do it right you need to treat yourself to the best experience you can because you need to reach that level of consciousness that's above that was something and you need to bone smooth and that's why you should use douglas lubricant The best in the business.
Starting point is 01:07:06 One of our favorite sponsors. They come through in the clutch with so many good flavors. They come through strawberry, orange, pineapple, anal, original. And it's just organic, smooth boning. And that's what we want for you, Stokers. We want you to get in there and do the job right. You'll get tingling sensations and your partner will know that you care. So when you bone, bone right with Douglas. Real quick, I just want to give a shout out and an endorsement to UCI Baseball and my friend Danny B. I've talked about him before, but it's worth saying again, he's ripped,
Starting point is 01:07:43 he's honorable, and the guy knows baseball. So if you're a young prodigy and you're looking for a college to kind of grow your skills at, look no further than UCI. They should call it UC Newport Beach because it's right there. It's right there. Do you want to do an endorsement for any kind of company or personhood or something? Oh, for sure, dude. I'd like to throw out an endorsement for my GF's Pinterest page. Dude, so tasteful.
Starting point is 01:08:13 She uses so many artists who are independent women, dude, just independent artists of all types. And her page is so legit, so cheerful to visit, dude. artists of all types. And her page is so legit, so cheerful to visit, dude. She's got a lot of dank ideas on there for how to design apartments and other facets of life, dude. So just really endorsing my GF's creative eye. Beautiful. All right, let's get into some questions. Dog, what's up? Bennett here. So I've been trying to score with this chick. I sent her a DM asking if she blazes and then a solid photo of me smiling then i sent her a sweet vid of me dancing with the caption good dancing equals good fucking with a wink face emoji i add fire emojis to my messages anyways no answers yet what should my next message be
Starting point is 01:08:59 maybe words dude um you know you don't want to rely too much on the image bennett um send a photo of you with your squad you know just to show that you have a squad and that other dudes think you're legit um and just say maybe something like do you have a squad that will start a good conversation. Yeah. And, dude, a little bit of a false message in the good dancing means good boning. I'm a pretty good dancer, dude, and I'm not a skilled boner. But, dude, I try hard and I will get the job done, but it's not with much style. But on the dance floor, like we were saying earlier in the podcast, dude, I got some moves when freaking.
Starting point is 01:09:44 And I can bring it. But, yeah, dude, so just be careful you're not in the podcast, dude, I got some moves when freaking and I can bring it. But yeah, dude, so just be careful you're not lying by accident, dude. Dude, I think the next message to this person should not happen. I think you've already kind of like taken your swing. Good call. Hey, dudes, Corey here. I'm worried my little brother sucks. Kid is 12 and doesn't blaze still plays with legos and thought mission impossible is whack should i give him edibles or shame him into being cool dude i think you need an older brother um to keep you in check a little
Starting point is 01:10:18 bit my dude um the kid's 12 he'll blaze when when time comes to it dude don't need to start too young to be chill also maybe your squad's a little lacking dude because you're trying to force hang out with your little bro i mean i remember when i was growing up my little bro i was like he's got to get his own squad dude i mean yeah sure he can chill for a second dude but later dude when it's time for the squad to roll so um yeah dude i'd think if i was you i'd probably work on yourself a little bit dude not worry about your bro as much sounds like he's a good kid maybe you should pick up a book dude or a hobby sorry to come down hard on you dude but i kind of want to boke you right now dude whoa nice
Starting point is 01:10:58 uh yeah dude i fully concur uh fully concur fully fully um dude you're placing too much pressure on your little bro let him be a little bro let him let him find himself you know maybe he's not into blazing maybe he's not in the mission impossible movies you know maybe he's uh into the mummy you know let him let him be himself you know and it trying to force your little bro to be cool it's like you're like one of those dudes who like goes up to people and it's like do you blaze and you end up like oh sure and it's like but do you blaze and you pull out like this huge bong out of your bag and you're like do you carry that everywhere like what are you trying to prove yeah like that's what you're like it's it's not even your, your personality doesn't add
Starting point is 01:11:45 things. It's like, you literally bring things. You're like, I'm this guy. Yeah. Yeah. This is my personality in a bag right here. Dude, that's, he's the guy who wears the backpack to the party, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:54 It's like, you gotta chill out, dude. It's like, way to bring props to show how cool you are. Yeah, dude. Dude, this cornball, like, wannabe gangster kid who, like, I went to private school with my whole life one time, tried to pick a fight with me. And I was just like, nah, I haven't. I haven't i was like dude whatever you're like an idiot and then he i didn't hear this but he was talking shit to me and he was talking shit to like our whole collective of friends he goes dude i will out fight out fuck and out deal you dude and then my brother was like but i was like no dude fuck you you won't out deal me and the guy
Starting point is 01:12:25 was like what no i will for sure i'll deal you dude i'm moving pills dude my brother was like not as much as me dude and the guy was like what the fuck dude what the fuck like seriously threatened i moved pills dude i think i remember i was there dude I think that kid was like 5 3 1 0 8 yeah it was like I'm like the golf team at the country club yeah he was selling uh pills to like the banquets uh employees at the country club dude that's like it was probably Bayer and aspirin dude and dude Corey I would just say this like just be the change you want in other people bro be Gandhi dude like you can't just i heard someone say about a teacher that they're not a person who disseminates information they're a person who
Starting point is 01:13:11 shows a template of how life can be lived and so you know be a teacher to your bro dude give him a good template what up dude so i need some expert advice from you vets i was raging hard last week with the squad shout out squad and i got too smashed off the beer bong. I remember this jabroni questioned my stoke and I wasn't feeling the hate. So I swung hard. I made major league contact, but I blacked out right after. When I woke up, my hand was messed up. So I got it checked by the doc.
Starting point is 01:13:36 He said I broke it and I couldn't hit the gym for six weeks. Bro, what do I do in a time of such desperation? I need the gym or I'll go soft and turn beta. I'm an alpha bro and depend on my high levels of stove please help bros jay dude you gotta make lemonade from lemons dude you have a perfect excuse to do legs to get into sprinting exactly dude and legs pump testosterone through the whole body dude your upper body's gonna be jacked because of this dude um hit those legs my dude hit those legs like you were hitting that beer bong and you are going to be freaking teed up
Starting point is 01:14:10 testosterone up yeah just do lunges whenever you walk just straight lunges yeah dude i think we're all seeing the silver lining in this god closes the door he opens a window man and let you pop out that window you're gonna find yourself at a squat rack that might be tough with a broken hand but you're gonna find yourself on some hills running some sprints dude and that's you're not gonna lose much muscle doing that yeah and dude use your left hand for shit you know yeah and maybe try to get more muscles jack that you went normally that maybe like your neck like maybe you should try to get like a huge fucking neck a strong fucking dude that's such a critical thing like if a pro boxer hit me i'd die because i just don't have the durability and the strength built up in like my neck and shoulder muscles you know what i mean it's hard to say but
Starting point is 01:14:52 it's the truth and like like try to get your neck wider than your head do you get hit by a car you're fine you got that super strong neck do you ever see what the ideal human body looks like that would survive like a car impact oh it's like it's like a super stocky freaking thing yeah it's like t-rex arms with just like a gigantic neck and then like a pretty like uh matted up dome any dong shot on that didn't see the dick piece dude they were trying to like keep it away from that entire like like uh idea sex didn't even matter yeah they are actually because they know they knew we would have fixated on the dick if they would probably be like that's the perfect dick for a car accident yeah but you know just a fucking cho dude i would imagine being a chode yeah
Starting point is 01:15:31 you took the words right out of my mouth man i was like it has to be a chode it's got to be a chode if he had if he had a big hog that would get fucked up in the wreck dude that's a funny way to like defend yourself in high school if everyone like you're on the air in the locker room and someone's like hey nice chode you're like oh yeah you guys all think billy's got such fucked up in the wreck. Dude, that's a funny way to defend yourself in high school. You're in the locker room and everyone's like, hey, nice chode. You're like, oh yeah,
Starting point is 01:15:47 you guys all think Billy's got such a big dick. Good luck with that thing if you ever get into a car wreck, buddy. This dick's impact proof. Scooter wreck though, dude? Maybe a skinny dick.
Starting point is 01:15:57 Oh yeah. Well dude, a large hog in a car wreck could be lethal to other passengers if it gets whipped around. I wouldn't want to get in a car wreck with joe it like swings around your neck helicopter style like uncle joe's got a fucking rig and you know that thing is gonna do damage
Starting point is 01:16:14 like like a fucking wrecking ball yeah dude at high velocity living with two dudes with huge pieces man you just constantly feel safe though. Like you're like, Oh man, like am I scared? You're like, no, both my roommates have huge dicks. I'm good. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:16:29 no doubt, dude. Yeah. If you got in a car wreck with me, you guys would be fine, dude. I do not have a large dick, dude.
Starting point is 01:16:34 All right, dude. Sup JT. Sup Chad. J Mel with a question. What do you call two chicks that have slept with the same dudes? Dude's got Eskimo bros and wiener cousins. Do girls have a version like pizza pocket cousins thanks jamel from canada interesting question
Starting point is 01:16:47 practical practical boners dude like practical magic dude yeah what up to my main stokers it's max me and one of my close bros have been raging with the upperclassmen while we've been having a great time one of the upperclassmen said my dog was all over his girlfriend he thinks my dog is trying to bone his girl and since this accusation my boy can't hang out with the upperclassmen i have been invited and wanted by the other group to chill with them they're a lot of fun and i love raging with them but i don't know i don't know if i go have a great time with them or stay loyal to my bro and miss out on the fun times please help me regain my stoke ps's podcast has improved all of my dogs
Starting point is 01:17:23 partying and we love the pod keep up the stellar work oh dude happy to help my dog legend dude this sounds like a predicament dude i mean you want to rage these upperclassmen sound like pretty uh legit just dudes you know i mean i like that they're letting the little dudes rage with them we did that we had the little dudes crew come in and rage and we loved it dude it added new energy it was much needed and they brought the heat dude and some babes which was nice and in a lot of ways they were they showed us a lot of things that we didn't know how to do like every crew has its own unique strengths and and weaknesses and the younger crew was definitely like on its own level when it came to like verbal ferocity yep they're wily dude yeah when it came to like the length of the parting it seemed like they could go for longer i mean they definitely had they were formidable you know what
Starting point is 01:18:10 i mean yep yeah dude the younger squad's always solid and and for this guy it's a bummer you're in that pickle i would i would maybe you know i would try to i don't know if i'd stand in solidarity with your dog i would try try to maybe mend the wound. Just kick it with the older guys and be like, look, I really don't think he did that. Maybe he did, and that's a whole other story. But I think picking sides, it's like I think you're putting too much pressure on yourself.
Starting point is 01:18:40 I totally agree. I appreciate the inner conflict he's feeling, but I don't think it's necessary. It's not an absolute thing where you have to pick one or the other you know they say only a sith deals in absolutes and i think that's absolutely true man like all this stuff is just about you know shades of gray and you know the calibration between helping this person and also still having fun for yourself it's just nuanced dog so like still kick it with these other people but try and you know build a road to get this guy back into the upperclassmen crew and you can just tell them like hey i'm gonna go party with these people i'm sorry they're being rude to you but we're
Starting point is 01:19:12 gonna work it out my dog and that should be sufficient i love that dude maybe even take these each of these bros aside dude maybe the upperclassmen is beef and be like dude you want to come over and just shotgun to be all smooth shotgun it dude and talk to him and go look bro have you talked to your girlfriend dude i think saw it with you guys dude you know what's what's where she's standing all this you know I mean you gotta ask that dude yeah who does she like is it real or is it in the upperclassman's head because he's just like overprotective or he or this underclassman's like a good looking dude and he's just you know kind of instinctively threatened by that because that's real too you know for sure dude so there's some guys they walk into a room
Starting point is 01:19:43 I'm like watch out for this guy it's just like some insecurity in me where I'm like, I don't like him, but it's just because I'm scared he's going to take what's mine. For sure, dude. You know what I mean? For sure. And that's not fair to him because a lot of times these people haven't even shown that yet. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:54 All right. All right. Last one. And then we got to get into our quotes of the week. Hey, fellas, huge fan from Canada, East Coast. Love you guys. Keep on doing the Lord's work. I'm going through a bit of a quarter life crisis and could use some counsel.
Starting point is 01:20:03 Me and my boys used to be party gods back in uni, but we're now all graduating and climbing the corporate ladder. We're also all shacked up with our girls. And as life responsibilities increase, the raging and overall sense of community has decreased significantly. My question is this, is it possible to be a party god as well as a responsible grownup? Jimbo. Oh, dude, let me step in on this one, dude, because I also have a GF. And dude, I think you can absolutely shred, dude, when you're ladied up with a nice GF who's your rock, dude, let me step in on this one, dude, because I also have a GF. And, dude, I think you can absolutely shred, dude, when you're ladied up with a nice GF who's your rock, dude. You just find new ways to shred, dude. Freaking crack yourself open up plenty of the elder, dude.
Starting point is 01:20:35 It's a nice, high-potency IPA, dude. And get creative with you and your GF, dude. Maybe have a game night, dude, with you and your boys playing guessing games or charades dude really steps up the fun dude for relationships um go out and get a nice breakfast on the weekend dude you know what i'm saying dude something healthy dude some freaking egg white spinach omelets with your gf and maybe invite another couple along dude this may not feel like raging to you but trust dude you're gonna get the same stoke from it, dude. I love it, man. Yeah, I think you can do both.
Starting point is 01:21:13 You don't want to be too much one or the other. That's boring. You don't want to be way too much of a party guy. You don't want to be way too much of an adult. You want to mix and match. Take those days to party. Take those days to work hard dominate life i mean dude some people think it's a shallow philosophy but i've seen it lived right and i know it's possible work hard play hard i mean my dad and mom were
Starting point is 01:21:38 that motto to a t i mean they raged my parents raged dude i'm talking drugs i'm talking alcohol i'm talking lots of friends and i'm talking drugs i'm talking alcohol i'm talking lots of friends and i'm talking about some other stuff that i can't talk about but they got after it dude and you know it did uh scare me sometimes and it made my mind a little it made the house a little chaotic at times but it also opened me up to a lot of different things and exposed me to kind of like, uh, you know, the, the full spectrum of, of, of being a person. And, uh, yeah, dude, I think you can rage. I really do. I mean, you're going to have to cut it down. It's not going to be like in uni when it's five nights a week, it's going to be, you know, this adult raging where it's, it's one or two,
Starting point is 01:22:18 you know what I mean? And you don't want to go too hard on those one or two. So you're going to have to learn how to like, you know, put out the energy in a little bit more responsible way while still cutting loose it's it's gonna take a little more finesse and a little more maturity but you can still rage my friend you know just make sure you're taking care of those bottom line priorities the family the job you know and your own health but but you can check those boxes and still fucking crush jaeger bombs do the occasional you know drug maybe you know and then and just, and just, uh, and live it up, dude. Cause, cause if you're not partying, you're not living as much, dude. And I need you to be living. I need you to be getting that in. Amen, dude. All right, guys,
Starting point is 01:22:55 what is your quote of the week? Okay. So my quote of the week is from the film point break. It has so many great quotes. You know, you could go almost anywhere with it. Like, you know, I take the skin off my chicken or they only live to get radical so they'll never understand the gift. But I'm going with a smaller one, but an iconic one nonetheless. When Angelo Pappas, played beautifully by Gary Busey,
Starting point is 01:23:19 is staking out a bank with Johnny Utah, the one and only Johnny Utah, played by Keanu Reeves. And he says that there's a meatball sub place across the street that has the best meatball subs. And he tells Johnny, you know, who hasn't been on the force as long, to go grab it for him. And so Johnny is like, are you serious? And he's like, yeah. So Johnny's like,
Starting point is 01:23:35 alright, I'll be a good dude. I'll go get you the meatball sub. As Johnny's running across the street to get it, Angelo sticks his head out the window and goes, hey Utah! Utah! Get me two! Get me two, me two dude this guy's staking out a bank looking out for some badass robbers who could cause all sorts of problems for him and what's he thinking about one meatball subs not enough let me get two this is like the guy who's asking if he can still party while he's older. Dude, that's partying. Let me get two, dude.
Starting point is 01:24:06 In the moment. Don't ever let anything get in the way of getting two. Get two. Give me two, Utah. Go for it. Go crazy. Dude, last night, we went to a diner late night. I got a milkshake and I got a beer.
Starting point is 01:24:23 That's respect, dude. I respect that. Not to be cockyy or arrogant but that's how i'm feeling after doing something i feel good dude i got a milkshake give me two i looked yeah i should have just looked at the waiter and been like give me two dude give me two hey you talk give me two that's something when you're young you don't even think about dude like what that's gonna do on busey's digestive system dude it's gonna be huge dude, it's going to be huge, dude. But he's going, you know what? I don't even give a fuck, dude. Those meatball subs are dangles, and I'm going to enjoy that, dude. It's a great point, dude, because you're just throwing caution to the wind,
Starting point is 01:24:53 and you've got to do that once in a while with your body. I mean, you know, in balance, dude. Take the cold showers, but have the two meatball subs. Amen, dude. Ying and yang, dude. Hey, you tell it. Give me two. Love that.
Starting point is 01:25:03 All right, what's your quote of the week? Dude, from a movie I recently watched that was on TV, dude, dude. Hey, you tell, give me two. Love that. All right. What's your quote of the week? Um, dude, from a movie, uh, recently watched was on TV, dude. Uh,
Starting point is 01:25:10 I'm just going to stay the quote and see if you guys can get it, dude. Is that fun? Yeah. All right, here we go, dude. Happy look out.
Starting point is 01:25:18 Happy Gilmore. Yeah, dude. Happy look out. I'll Julie Bowen, dude. Great actress, smoke show.
Starting point is 01:25:24 Um, honestly kind of resembles my GF a little bit and dude just how much love she has for Happy Gilmore when that one dude
Starting point is 01:25:31 who's getting paid by Shooter McGavin to run him over with a slug bug we're friends right yeah I love that line we're friends right
Starting point is 01:25:37 oh yeah we're friends yeah hey Red Lobster my treat honestly dude not the strongest quote from that movie but I just loved
Starting point is 01:25:43 how much love was in Happy's future GF and wife, I would imagine. So I really love that. And what a dank movie. Brings me back to dank times and dank memories with my boys, dude. Also, one of my favorite lines is, Hey, Shooter. Hey, Happy.
Starting point is 01:25:58 Shooter's going to choke the gold jacket's yours. Or also, I believe that belongs to Mr. Gilmore. Dude, the metronome delivery of the gold jacket's yours line is... It's yours. Yeah. Or also I believe that belongs to Mr. Gilmore. Dude, the, the like, what's the metronome delivery of the, the gold jackets. Yours line is it's unreal. I've never heard another line delivered like it in a movie. That's the only line reading I've heard like that in a movie before. And the cut to him.
Starting point is 01:26:15 I mean, just genius. It's genius. Yeah. Cause it's so weird, but it fits. Yup. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:21 It's great, dude. Hell yeah. Um, I think my quotes's got to be from Tropic Thunder. Robert Downey Jr. Because he just lays down truth bombs that entire movie. And I think the biggest one is when the director explodes from the mine. Someone's like, where is he?
Starting point is 01:26:40 And he goes, where is he? No. And Ben Stiller goes, wherever you are. Robert De Niro goes, wherever he is. Looks like he's all over the place. And it's just like, I really appreciated that honesty. For sure. He just said what happened.
Starting point is 01:26:59 The dude exploded in a million pieces. And I just think that was very admirable to like say like dude he's everywhere like his body parts are on my face all right dudes dude strider thank you so much for coming back in you're a legend strider dude you guys are legends freaking stoked to be in here dude spending time with the with my boys dude stoking it up thank you dude stoked stoked dude guys that'll be it for episode 30 something of the going deep dude stoking it up thank you dude stoke stoke dude guys that'll be it for episode 30 something of the going deep in chat and jt podcast thank you guys so much for writing if you have questions chad goes deep podcast at gmail.com um oh fuck a review oh we
Starting point is 01:27:38 got to do our review of the week sorry we'll be out in like one minute. This one comes from Berkgage3. Nuff said. Juh-bow. Beautiful review, man. Thank you for putting your heart on the line and delivering that intel to us. Thank you, dude. And guys,
Starting point is 01:27:55 check out the Patreon for bonus content. Patreon.com slash ChadGoesDeep. Leave us a review and just keep being awesome, Stokers. You're the best. Later. being awesome, Stokers. You're the best.
Starting point is 01:28:06 Later. Boom clap, Stokers. Late. That was fun. That was good. Super fun. If you need advice, these guys are really nice. You want to know what to do and where to go.
Starting point is 01:28:27 When you need someone to guide you to have the world beside you. Go with me. Go with me. Let's get deep. I'm going deep I'm going deep

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