Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 40 - Chris Joins, Coconuts, Unintentional Acid Trips

Episode Date: October 17, 2018

Our dawg Chris G joins us on this fire pod.  We discuss the craziness of coconuts, the way we established our bond with Chris, the aftermath of the Conor Mcgregor/Khabib fight, and Chris's unintentio...nal acid trip with some of our dogs.  As always, there's babes, beefs, and legends of the week. Check out the subreddit: www.reddit.com/r/chadgoesdeep Check out our Patreon for bonus content: www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up Stokers of Stoked Nation this is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast this is episode 40 yes sir episode 40 of going deep i'm here with my compadre jean thomas what up what up stokers boom clap and today we are joined by another guest our dog chris gardner what up what up how you doing dude i'm doing good man especially with this uh this goddamn juice jt off for me man this shit he's amazing oh hell yeah dude. Yeah man it's very revitalizing. Yeah it's always good to dine juice before bonding with your boys. Yeah man. That ginger kicks in and it just amps you up. That ginger kick is a beast. It's crazy to get such a natural kick from something that doesn't have like
Starting point is 00:00:59 caffeine or stimulant properties. Sugar, a bunch of sugar and shit like it's just like yeah just pure and they got dandelion up in here too i think this is my first time what consuming dandelion damn i heard it was good for you but i never had it before dandelion i'm all about it though man a lot of people hate on kale like oh kale so gross i'm like i feel good as fuck yeah man that's that's you know if you feel good that's what matters at the end of the day I deal with some nastiness If I'ma feel better after it Food is fuel Food is fuel
Starting point is 00:01:31 God damn right I don't need I don't need taste every time I'll eat broccoli raw baby I be doing that shit too I remember man I used to be at work And I would fucking
Starting point is 00:01:44 I would carry around a bag of raw spinach And I would just be eating that shit too. I remember, man, I used to be at work, and I would carry around a bag of raw spinach, and I would just be eating that shit throughout the day like potato chips. Some straight spinach. People thought I was crazy. Like, you're eating straight spinach? Crazy? Maybe healthy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:57 You get used to it. Like, your taste buds get used to it. Then it's nothing. You know what I mean? No, I eat, like, broccoli and beef every night. That's it's nothing. You know what I mean? No, I eat like broccoli and beef every night. That's it. You know like in The Matrix when they're eating their food
Starting point is 00:02:10 and he's like, what's this goop? And he's like, everything the body needs. Exactly. I'm like, I wish food was like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:18 He has a lot of amino acids. Yeah. He's like, let me just eat this goop. That'd be the official name of it. Goop. Hey, I fuck with everything coconut flavored, man. Yeah?
Starting point is 00:02:29 I fuck with everything coconut flavored, and I fuck with everything banana flavored. Yeah. Banana cream pie is delicious. Oh, man. Oh, hell yeah. Yeah. That shit's beautiful. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Dude, yeah, coconut. To be honest, coconut's always been kind of a weird one for me i'll eat it i'm like i can't the the sweetness is it's too uh foreign to me i don't know that's fair that's fair uh i like tanginess tangy is good yeah i don't i don't care that much for actual coconuts you know what i mean but i like coconut flavored things yeah coconut meat's not very good yeah coconut meat is whatever i eat it because it's healthy you know what i'm saying but uh but i'm not like i'm not crazy about coconuts yeah and it took me a while man i wasn't really messing with coconut water like that at first but as i continued to drink it i kind of developed a
Starting point is 00:03:19 taste for it yeah so yeah a good coconut water is very refreshing How long do you think it took before humans discovered that you could eat coconuts? Because the coconuts were like dude. Yeah, do not get inside me. I have a bunch of shells. Fuck you Yeah, dude like a whoop cuz they hide a tree in your heart as hell So like who thought there's something inside of this like I have a green shit and I have a brown cover of this like i have green green shit and i have a brown cover oh man you're gonna need to invent a machete before you get inside right it's so difficult to bust open like yeah i don't know how are you meant to eat something that's so difficult that's so difficult to get to yeah like there's fruits all over that tree and he's like no let me get this hard ass green goddamn coconut man you got apples oranges pears all type of fruits you can just straight bite into yeah maybe a little layer
Starting point is 00:04:08 of skin you got to peel off but the coconut is you know what i mean that's crazy that's god playing a harsh trick he's like this will hydrate you more than anything but fuck you well i think like the stronger guys all get like the lower hanging fruit and like they don't let the weak guys get any of it and then so the weak guys like all right the lower hanging fruit and like they don't let the weak guys get any of it and then so the weak guys like all right well if i'm gonna eat i gotta like climb up the tall tree and get it where no one else is gonna get it i gotta get my climbing skills yeah i think it's desperation yeah survival good call i can see it it's nerd fruit yeah but smart nerds. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Resourceful nerds. All the big tips are like, no, these are apples. Yeah, they're like, go have fun with that hard thing. Yeah. And then the nerd's like, this hard thing's delicious. And those big guys are like, fuck. It is delicious. They're like, let us have some.
Starting point is 00:04:59 He's like, no. And then in reality, they kill him. Yeah, we're going to take those too. In my version, well, now in real life, the nerd monopolizes the coconuts, owns the whole coconut market, and becomes a billionaire and gets a hotter chick than the burly dude's ever had. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hopefully.
Starting point is 00:05:15 The nerd's like, it's actually great for hangovers. Oh, dude, let me get some of that. Nah. You had your chance. Yeah, you could have had it. Maybe if you studied. You hoarded all the granny smiths. Maybe if you studied coding, you would get this.
Starting point is 00:05:27 No shit. Should we dive into our backstory? How you became part of the squad? Yeah, Chris. So we met you because you were working at a boys and girls club helping the youth of America. And then Chad and I went in there to motivate them. And we just were kindred spirits.
Starting point is 00:05:46 We liked your energy so much. Yeah, I was like, yo, man, these are some cool dudes. I can get down with these cats, you know, outside of here, man. So we just started chopping it up. How long have you been working there? Like nine years, man. I've been there for quite some time. Nice.
Starting point is 00:05:59 I don't work there as much no more. I kind of dip in and out as I please. What's your big takeaway from it If you have one What have you learned about kids from working there Ah man It's pretty broad what I'm asking It's broad man
Starting point is 00:06:13 It's a lot of takeaways You just learn to approach people different You look at these kids These kids They'd be annoying They'd be assholes They'd be they'd be annoying they'd be assholes uh they'd be disrespectful at times right and it'd drive you crazy but you look at their background you'd be like oh that makes sense you know what i'm saying right so then you start to apply that to people to period to grown
Starting point is 00:06:38 ups period yeah you know what i'm saying so sometimes somebody no i'm not saying you ain't got to check people sometime but sometimes people you, you know, I behave in certain ways. You're just like, okay, some shit there. Which doesn't make it okay or whatever, but it's like, okay, there's some shit there. But it calms you down. It calms me down. Because it's not personal to you then. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:55 It's something that's going on with them all the time. Oh, yeah. A lot of shit. You know, someone might be coming at you with something, but it really ain't got nothing to do with you. It's just tension they're getting off. Yeah. And you kind of there. You know what I'm saying? So like, okay, what you're going through right now it really ain't got nothing to do with you. It's just tension ain't getting off. Yeah. And you kind of there. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:07:05 So like, okay, what you going through right now? I was saying got shit to do with me. But how long did it take you to learn that? Like at first for you, like, fuck you to the kids. I was never, you do have staff that are like that. Like, yo, who the fuck you talk to like that? I was never that dude. Cause that just wasn't my energy naturally.
Starting point is 00:07:20 You know what I'm saying? But in my mind, I'd be'd be like yo fuck this kid man but then you learn like oh like he's a victim of some shit that causes him to victimize people yeah does that make sense yeah of course yeah so what kind of dude i got mad at some i was at a wedding this weekend with like my dad's side of the family and two of my little cousins are like the cutest, like whip smart little girls, you know? But they talk so much shit.
Starting point is 00:07:50 And after the wedding, everybody was on the bus shuttle and they just kept making fun of me. And at first it was hilarious, but at a certain time it just kept going and I couldn't show it to the rest of the adults, but I wanted to be like, shut the fuck up. Like I'll, I'll fucking destroy you two girls.
Starting point is 00:08:05 You know what I mean? But it wouldn't have gone over well. So I had to just be like shut the fuck up like i'll i'll fucking destroy you two girls you know what i mean but it wouldn't have gone over well so i had to just be like haha but inside i was like this is unfair yeah and like i'm i'm feeling like bullied you know what i mean yo man man kids can be merciless dude yes and they be smart asses man they're smart dude like i got like dude i got i got nieces man i got four nieces and all of them are assholes man yeah dude yeah like i'm a grown-ass man i'm like man like they say shit to me sometimes i'm like dude i remember i was fighting with my cousin one time because he was younger than me and he wanted to be i was like what do you want to be professionally he's like i want to be a downhill skateboarder and i was like well there's no future in that and then he was like there's no future in being like an activist or like podcast host i was like i was
Starting point is 00:08:51 like i mean but there's famous podcasters like there's successful there's no famous downhill skateboarders and he was like whatever bitch and i was just like you motherfucker damn yeah i posted it i posted a goofy ass video on uh yeah i got a goofy mind so i'm posting all kind of weird shit i posted a goofy ass video on instagram and then uh one of my nieces was like they saw it and when he saw me it's like chris this is why you don't have a girlfriend like why would you say something so cruel you don't think it's goofy oh girl i'm creative i'm an artist you don't understand yeah what um what was the craziest experience you had with one of the kids oh man that's a lot uh recently some staff found these uh
Starting point is 00:09:32 they found these letters i guess in a kid's locker space or something like it turns out two of the boys had been fucking each other and they was writing letters oh damn uh back to back and uh i can't say these names because it's confidential of course how old were they like a teenage age kids 16 probably 16 17 year old boys oh that's kind of sweet and uh but the thing is one of the one of the boys is hella gay he's hella gay he out there with he just hella gay feminine black kid he just yeah but the other one you know i'm saying it's like nobody uh nobody thought he was gay you know what i mean he never spoke about being gay he exports you talk about girls you know what i mean but then it came up they was fucking he was like
Starting point is 00:10:15 oh okay i think that happens a lot you know i can see it did you say anything or did you like interact with him at all when it's going down what you mean did i yeah I? Yeah, like, was he just like, so you were doing this? He was like, yeah. Oh, no, I don't talk to him about it. It's just an unspoken thing that everybody knows. Everybody knows he's gay. Well, yeah, they can't be in trouble for it if they're just too. Well, the trouble aspect was for, I mean, the kids are there to get, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:40 rehabilitation and treatment and stuff like that. They're not supposed to be. And it's all boys. They're not supposed to be fucking each other. Yeah, but if they're both consenting, it's tough, right? It's good they're consenting. That's good they're consenting. And if they like each other, maybe they'll stay together.
Starting point is 00:10:51 They were sneaking out of the units and stuff like that. Oh, right, right. Yeah, you can't let high school kids fuck. They're not breaking rules. Yeah, yeah. I'm conflating letting them be gay with also letting them fuck, but those are two different things. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:01 It's like you can be gay all the time, but you can't fuck at school, basically. Exactly. Even gay school basically exactly even gay male female whatever yeah we just can't allow fuck dude you won't y'all can't do it right here though i'm like i'm like so like fantasy liberal minded i'm like like i imagine the staff come up to me like boys this is beautiful we're so happy you two are fucking oh you know i hear you like that go see jt about this we're guys no it's like y'all gay that's cool but we're glad you guys found out who you are i hear you like that go see jt about this we're guys no it's like y'all gay that's cool but we're glad you guys found out who you are and that you found somebody else on your level yeah in one of the letters he wrote uh i didn't see it like the staff different staff
Starting point is 00:11:36 passes on to me he said uh i miss the way you make my booty swell oh that's nice such detail but i could i don't you like uh you i mean you tell girls you love the way their pussies feel right yeah yeah yeah i guess yeah i guess the same thing yeah you're an articulate divulging dude it's funny too because i i told the girl i've been seeing that i talked about her on the pod and then i I was like, but don't listen to it. But then, of course, she's going to listen to it. And then I was like, no, but don't, but don't, but don't. She was like, okay, I won't.
Starting point is 00:12:11 And then, like, the next day she was like, I just feel bad because I was like, I was very nice, but, like, and I meant it. But it's just there's so many details in there that are pretty personal to me. How'd she feel about it? She said I was really sweet oh yeah is this a different chick or the chick he was with no we broke up okay okay yeah i haven't seen in a minute i remember y'all told me i was arguing all the time yeah yeah so that ended up being the reason we broke up yeah but we've actually had some nice conversations since then
Starting point is 00:12:40 i've been listening to uh the stars born a lot with the windows down, just blasting it. Is that all Lady Gaga? It's Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. Oh, really? Yeah, he's like half the soundtrack. How's his singing shit? I think his voice is lacking a little bit, but it's pretty good. Yeah. And you can tell he worked really hard on it. And the songs are beautiful.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Really? Wow. So fucking beautiful. And I've just been listening to them. They're like these huge bombastic love ballads. Oh, wow. And i just drive with the windows down and just make eye contact with people while i listen wow yeah i make people address my emotions publicly bradley cooper was he uh has he been involved in music no dude this is his first foray into it and he did like a huge musical where he's like singing with lady god that's why i like it so much because it's such like a fucking big swing you know what i mean like you could look so stupid making a movie like that fuck it yeah exactly yeah i saw it is it good oh it's amazing i cried the whole fucking time
Starting point is 00:13:34 yeah it's beautiful i saw with my brother he cried legitimately my brother's girlfriend yeah yeah i i love crying during movies especially if i watch them on an airplane but they it was on airplane no no i'm just that's just like where i they seem to emotionally affect me the most i heard that's a thing they did like a this american life about it but um yeah i get real emotional during movies probably more so than any other thing it was crazy man uh crying is very cathartic man for sure i haven't cried since 2011 on shrooms it's been that long 2011 was the first time i had like a legitimate cry i'm trying to i'm trying to cry more it's tough i have a wall man let me tell you something i have a big wall man after that cry dude i felt fucking amazing yeah i felt so good i felt just all the stress
Starting point is 00:14:21 and tension i mean i'm not a stressed out dude or ain't got no anxiety no shit like that but all the stress and tension in my body was just gone the next day like dude i've seen you on psychedelics too you're a force to be reckoned with on psychedelics oh my gosh dude i was with you at the park one time and you were straight up talking to a squirrel oh man you were on you were on troops and you were like see the squirrel right here i was like yeah i seen you were like i'll tell you what this squirrel's thinking right now and then you like did dialogue between the squirrel and like the bird and yourself and like i swear you were locked in with the animals yeah i did that dude it was hilarious i go i go in man yeah you go and i was with you and i we've done we've done psychedelics a couple times yeah we've
Starting point is 00:15:04 gone deep and we've done like light. Yeah, yeah. We've had like fun with boys and then we've had like, yeah, like we're really burrowing through our consciousness. Feeling back some layers. Yeah. Yeah, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:16 One time I got in trouble because I feel bad about we did acid at the beach and I was laughing at you because you were tweaking out on the sand. And I was like. And then the other guys, our buddy Rishi, who's like a very like wise man, especially when it comes to psychedelics and like respects the code of doing psychedelics with each other. He was like, JT, stop laughing at him. That's the worst thing you could do.
Starting point is 00:15:37 And I'm like, I'm sorry. And then I just let you stay on. I'll do it for the camera. You're going like this. No, I wasn't. Dude, you turned into like a lizard person yeah you were like voldemort dude damn yeah i don't even know you weren't like voldemort you were like the guy who takes like the juice that turns him into another person in the harry potter
Starting point is 00:15:54 thing so his tongue keeps making moves because you know you don't you don't see yourself no yeah i don't think you knew you were doing it because i knew i knew i was looking at i was tripping out on the sand because i was seeing like every grain individually you know what i mean i was like yo just like every every grain a sand looks different it's like a slightly different color and different shape i was tripping out on it right and there's nine what trillion of them just in like the 10 foot radius yeah the sheer quantity of like some of them look like tiny shells some they just look like all types of different yeah things man i heard the story about um you took something that you didn't realize it was acid it was that it was that trip tell this story it's so funny
Starting point is 00:16:35 ah man all right so uh rishi the indian homie uh he hit me up one day and he was like uh yo man you want to do he hit me like you want to do a skit on Saturday? I was like, yeah, I'm down to do a skit, you know what I'm saying, shoot a funny video. Cool. He was like, all right, be to the house Saturday morning. We're going to do them at Santa Monica Beach. I'm like, all right. I get to the house Saturday morning, man.
Starting point is 00:17:00 I walk in. JT handed me a fucking sugar cube, man. And I was like, what the fuck you give me a sugar cube for but we were at this italian dude's house stefano so chris just thought it was like an italian custom to like eat a sugar cube when you go into an italian guy's house i was like whatever we all friends you know stefano's italian so i just i didn't even ask no questions i just kind of roll with it yeah and. And then we get in the car, man, and JT goes, Oh, Chris, I'm glad you're doing this acid with us, man. I'm like, oh, we doing acid today?
Starting point is 00:17:35 Dude, he rolled with it. So I go, you ever done acid before? He goes, what do you mean? I go, the sugar cubes, they had acid. And he goes, oh, I just did acid. He goes, oh, well, I've always wanted to do acid. I was like, dude, that is the best attitude you can have for life. And also, I didn't have nothing planned for that night.
Starting point is 00:17:54 You know what I'm saying? I was like, all right, cool, baby, do an acid. I'm with it. This is Saturday. Yeah. It's a good day. So, yeah, man, I just did. Yeah, man, I did those fucking acid and the goddamn sugar cube, man.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Ended up, you know, on Santa Monica beach for 12 hours and uh yeah man i remember we was walking around santa monica jt uh kept walking past kept walking past like random ass people and going we're on acid we're on acid i'm like why are you telling everybody they were getting mad at me because i would walk into a like a coffee bean and they'd like the barista be like how you doing i go i'm doing great we're all on acid it's been really fun and then they'd be grabbing me they're like you're gonna get us arrested i just like i was like who would arrest us we're being so nice yeah it was fun man all right should we dive into the topics oh man i forgot about those all right did you guys uh see what happened at ufc 229 this weekend i did you did yeah connor and uh khabib yeah big grudge match you know it had been
Starting point is 00:18:51 brewing for months connor um was out of the sport for a while and when khabib had a big fight coming up he uh kind of picked on one of connor's buddies backstage so connor flew over on a private jet attacked the bus that khabib was on threw a dolly through it i think we talked about on the podcast could have killed someone it was way over the line i remember that and then didn't really get any punishment for it just built up the grudge match and they settled it this saturday or well or they it's probably been extended though and after could be mauled him beat his ass like a lot of people thought he would he's a great wrestler but then after the fight he was so still pissed off at all the shit connor said about his because connor talks shit about his dad about his religion about his country like he went to all the third rail topics and hit him hard khabib jumped over
Starting point is 00:19:33 the corner and tried to beat up his jujitsu coach who's kind of a troll online damn and then khabib's people came in and connor actually threw the punch first i think when they've gone through all the video but then another skirmish broke out and it was just a fucking scene straight yeah but i mean it's also like i mean my overreaction to it is like what do you expect when you talk about a guy's dad and his country and his religion yeah talk talk shit man but have some kind of goddamn barrier right but it builds up the fight you know what it does it does it does people i mean people have been crossing the line and fights for years talking about people so yeah yeah i i feel like the usc secretly loves it because it brings all this attention to them and it's just and also
Starting point is 00:20:15 it just amps up their whole like these are just raw fighters you know right it makes it personal so yeah like i wouldn't have given that much of a fuck about it if it wasn't for the whole chaos that ensued. So I think it gets everyone into it, you know. I don't really see the damage that will be done. No, I don't think it's – I think the Dolly thing is too far. Yeah, I'm talking about the fight this weekend. I'm with you, too. I don't think it's too far.
Starting point is 00:20:39 I think Khabib going over the ring and trying to, like, jump his jiu-jitsu coach. His jump, too? Dude, he came in. He's like an action movie. Just like feet up. Flung himself at him. It was a pretty ballsy attack move, dude. That's one of those things where it's like, all right, man.
Starting point is 00:20:55 That's true. That was a pretty great move by Khabib. Dude, he flew. To attack a guy like that? It looked like he came off like a trampoline or something. All that anger. It's like, man, maybe he's doing too much, but this is really cool yeah dude i liked it i liked i was watching it and i was like i was like fuck it and i got mad at the ufc production because they pulled out to a wide shot yeah so you couldn't see what was going on i mean i knew there'd be cell phone footage later so you know
Starting point is 00:21:18 it's going to be there but i was like come on guys at least show me what's going on you know and then joe rogan was like this is the most despicable thing i've ever seen this is horrible yeah and then i was like joe come on and then the next day he does a 180 he reposts the picture that of what you're talking about khabib flying through the air and he just writes iconic on instagram oh really yeah hey man info was despicable it was still iconic that's true that's true makes it ten times more memorable yeah man that foot was coming straight for dude's face
Starting point is 00:21:49 man dude yeah I was most stoked about Khabib coming out supporting the Coral did you see that yeah with his
Starting point is 00:21:55 his hat yeah I wish I knew the name I know it's got like some heritage what about that Derrick Lewis interview dude that was great
Starting point is 00:22:03 I didn't see that that was hilarious he's a beast. He was losing that whole fight. He was getting rocked. He's got this 6'7 Russian dude who was just picking him apart. And then Derek Lewis just throws bombs. And at the third round, 10 seconds left before the fight's over,
Starting point is 00:22:15 knocks the guy out. He does this weird slide on the ground after he knocks people out. He takes his pants off. Joe Rogan comes in. He's like, why'd you take your pants off? He goes, because my balls were hot. Dude, I saw that. Everyone was like, this is the best part of the sport.
Starting point is 00:22:32 That's amazing. It's funny, too, dude. Khabib's dad wasn't allowed to fly in because he couldn't get his visa. But his dad's been his coach since he was a kid. And famously had Khabib wrestle a bear when he was nine years old. Yeah. But Khabib had a bear when he was nine years old. Yeah. But Khabib had a wrestle with a bear. How'd that turn out?
Starting point is 00:22:48 With the bear? Yeah. It was a good match. Yeah. He was doing good technique on the bear. Nice. Yeah. It was a baby bear, so it couldn't really like...
Starting point is 00:22:56 It was pretty even of a fight. Oh, for sure. But his dad, Khabib in the post-fight was like, he was disrespectful to what... He's like, I am sorry for what I did, but this man disrespected me. He disrespected my country. He disrespected me.
Starting point is 00:23:07 I wouldn't want any of this. And then the last thing he says, he goes, and I know my dad will smash me for this. My dad will smash me for what I've done. And then Khabib's dad just did an interview in Dagestan, and he was like, his punishment will be severe. What? Really? Yeah, because he said, he's like, in the ring, be an animal. But he's like, once you get out of the ring, you have to be severe. What? Really? Yeah, he's going to, because he said, he said like, he's like in the ring, be an animal.
Starting point is 00:23:26 But he's like, once you get out of the ring, you have to be disciplined. So his dad's like, his dad, like master sensei is like disappointed and is like,
Starting point is 00:23:33 and Khabib, like world champion, toughest guy in the world was like, looked a little scared. He's like, my dad's going to beat my ass for this. You got that daddy fear?
Starting point is 00:23:40 Yeah, exactly. And that daddy respect. Yeah. What they going to do? They can't beat him up. I don't know. He might be able to. He might have that dad edge, dude. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And that daddy respect, yeah. I'm like, what they gonna do? They can't beat him up. I don't know. He might be able to. He might have that dad edge, dude.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Yeah. Right, right, right. Yeah. I want to see that. That should be the next UFC. Khabib versus dad. Khabib versus dad. I'm sure he's totally submissive.
Starting point is 00:23:56 I love when tough dudes like that have that dad fear. Yeah. Yeah. Our mama. Our mama. Yeah. The mama fear is the best, dude. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:04 There's that story about we talked about patrice o'neill on the podcast a couple weeks ago when he got like banned from tough crowd and then um even though he was the best part of it he was just being too big of a personality and then his mom went in with him to talk to colin quinn the guy who ran the show to get him back on the show really yes did he get back on yeah he got back on but patricia's mom came in that's it was like i'm handling this and he's like the toughest you know most hard-ass dude in the world but his mom was like no you're doing this all wrong i feel like that that's probably part of the ingredients to be like a tough dude you gotta have a hard as nails mom yeah beat your ass i know brad pitt's
Starting point is 00:24:42 mom sometimes will write like super conservative stuff in the newspaper yeah she'll write articles about like why Barack Obama sucked and Brad Pitt will come out and be like uh I love my mom but I don't agree with what she's saying right right yeah but that's not like he's not like it doesn't seem like afraid but that's always funny when they're just like parents being parents yeah yeah did you guys see Christopher Columbus Newsweek? Reputable. They had an article that Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue because he was hoping to discover monsters. Dude, when I heard that, I was like, he would have loved movies. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:25:19 You know, obviously he wasn't the greatest guy, but he was a great explorer. And one of the greatest explorers ever was motivated by ridiculous ideas. So all these times when we pick on people for ridiculous notions, it can be like, a ridiculous notion can be what inspires you to greatness. So as far as I'm concerned, it's not really the idea that matters. It's the follow through. I love it.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Right, right, right. Yeah, like go find monsters. If my kid's like, I'm going to go find monsters in space, I'm like, dude, if you build a rocket to find them, think that's chill dude i built a rocket yeah exactly i bet he's pretty pissed he's like it's just more people yeah because like we think about aliens when you what we if we find aliens i want them to be like these human beings yeah yeah so they can like teleport or something but if they're just like goo yeah like they're just single single cell boring aliens yeah you're
Starting point is 00:26:06 like oh dude these aliens what are your uh religious beliefs Chris uh damn that's deep uh I'm not religious man I just believe in uh it's gonna be corny but i believe in kind of the oneness of everything right you know i'm saying just the interconnectedness of all things no for sure you know things of that nature uh i think it is important regardless of what you believe to like feel connected you know what i mean and to think that you're the same as everything else i feel like uh i feel like a lot of time religion they they make like, you know, it depends on religion, like Western religion, I would say. Right. Oh, yeah, because, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:51 They make God separate and God created everything instead of God being the thing. Right. You know what I'm saying? Oh, I like that. Instead of you being God and me being God. Right. You know what i'm saying we're all god that that the god is something up the god is something up there that i can't
Starting point is 00:27:09 that you can't be in touch with that you can't connect with yeah instead of all this instead of you know and it's a little hierarchical like it's like oh it goes god and then this and like angels and then people it's like how about we're all just like part of one it's just one it's one it's like it's it's one and it's separate at the same time. Right. You know what I'm saying? Because I look at the earth as one fucking organism. It's just one big ass organism.
Starting point is 00:27:33 But then it has a bunch of separate things in it, a bunch of inner workings of it. So are you very like environmentally conscious? I'm not like an activist, but yeah, I pay attention. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. I can't imagine you littering. hey that pissed me off when people litter man yo man i was at cars junior one time man i wasn't eating there i was walking by there
Starting point is 00:27:54 it uh this girl was parked at cars junior like this jeep and she just opened this door and started throwing all this trash out of her car and i'm just looking at the disapproval like i'm a goddamn parent what the fuck you're doing and she caught me looking at her like and then she just drove off man i'm like why would you throw this goddamn trash here man that's crazy i'll see people like throw trash out their window sometime like what are you doing dude whenever i say that i like can't believe it like i'm just like i just can't believe people actually do it like if you're like 17 all right yeah like you were growing like. Like, if you're, like, 17, all right. Yeah, maybe. Like, you're, like, in your 30s throwing trash out the window.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Dude, yeah. It's like, what the fuck are you doing? Yeah, man. Do you still work out at the park? Yeah. Because you know how some parks have, like, those, like, weightlifting equipment that they have there, but it's, like, no exercise you've ever seen before? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Like, they got that hip swivel one where it just, like, swings back and forth. Oh, yeah, I do that sometimes. uh yeah man i like working outside better working outside i do like working out outside yeah because you get sun at the same time i feel like i got more energy yeah for sure uh but i've been i have been uh i've been hitting the gym a little bit get on the weights just so i can add some bulk a little faster yeah you know i'm saying yeah you got good muscle on you yeah man all right here's our first question guys from a live stoker wait to accept press one to send a voicemail press two hello hello hey what's up dude you're on with chad JT And Chris on Going Deep with Chad and JT
Starting point is 00:29:25 What up dude What is up JT and Chad My dog What up dog Alright First before I get started with the question I want to shout out big shout out to my buddy Keck For showing me the pod
Starting point is 00:29:40 Gets me super amped every week Just want to let you guys know so shout out to him What up, dude? What up? All right. So I got this beef going on, right? So let's just say if I had a beef with a leaf, he'd be my beef with a leaf every week for a solid six months, right?
Starting point is 00:29:58 All right. So basically the pitch is to this guy. So we have the same job, and we also live at the same dorm. So, I kind of see him all the time or whatever. And we both work on the same work schedule. And so, this dude is like the total, like, typical know-it-all. Like, even though we both did our training for our job at the same time, he always wants to get super aggro, trying to boss me around and shit like that. And he's always trying to get up in everybody's business and be like, dude, stop using my thing.
Starting point is 00:30:27 And they'll be like, getting all over me. And he's just a total fucking weirdo. And so, what really capped it all off is, like, I want to say, like, two weeks ago, he started like, well, we have a mutual friend. And so, the mutual friend records on Snapchat and acting like he's fucking with my truck, you know, we have a mutual friend. And so the mutual friend records on Snapchat. And I'm acting like he's fucking with my truck. You know, the 05 Silverado. He's acting like he's messing with it.
Starting point is 00:30:51 We usually park in the same spot. So I guess he thought I took his spot. So he's acting like he's fucking with my shit. And I wasn't having any of it. So I walked up to him. Next time I saw him, I said, what's up, you pussy ass bitch? Blah, blah, blah. Simple aggro move.
Starting point is 00:31:06 And I turned to my dominance. and he kind of backed off. He was like, whoa, dude, like freaking getting all scared or whatever. And it's just like, I don't know, he's still keeping up his same shenanigans. I kind of want to throw it down with him. But at the same time, I also already faded my dominance.
Starting point is 00:31:19 So I really doubt he's going to fight me. You know? Yeah. So did you say since you called him a pussy-ass bitch, he's still been fucking with you? I mean, you know, still, you still, like, every time I see him,
Starting point is 00:31:32 he has that fear in his eyes, like, oh, dude, he's totally going to throw down on me right now. But he's also, like, still a little bit keeping up the shenanigans just to a smaller extent than to what he originally was. And I kind of want to just throw down with him
Starting point is 00:31:44 to assert my just total dominance, just to prove to everybody that I'm nobody's bitch and that if anything, he's mine because he's a total freaking weirdo. I think what you've done is enough. I don't think you want to take it... You think?
Starting point is 00:31:58 Yeah. Because then it... Then you keep escalating it to... I mean, if you escalate it to that point, you never know what the consequences of that would be. And I think you assert your dominance more by just, you know, the intimidation factor. And like my therapist, Gary, tells me, it takes more strength to let a jabroni live. And I also think you got to keep it right sized. to let a jabroni live and i also think you got to keep it right sized like i think calling him a pussy ass bitch was the right amount of hostility to put on him for what he was doing at the time
Starting point is 00:32:32 but if you take it to into the arena of fisticuffs you'll actually be in the wrong at that point right and other people will also understand that and they're probably on your side right now because i'm sure if he's a know-it-all he's you know annoying a lot of people but once you beat the hell out of him everyone's gonna be like all right well he's a know-it-all but you're a psycho and i think yeah the typical the typical two wrongs don't make a right scenario exactly my dog and i dude i totally get you still feeling um hostility towards this dude i had a co-worker clayton who used to step on the back of my shoes and flick my ears what the fuck and he used to make fun of me for having a nice laptop and not knowing how to work it properly in front of our bosses and then one day i slapped him after work oh shit and open hand you just slapped him open
Starting point is 00:33:21 hand slapped him yeah but it was kind of a it was kind of a weak slap i just couldn't help it i was like come to the park and fight me and he was like i'm not gonna fight you and i was like please fight me i had like tears in my eyes and he's like no and then i um kind of slapped him and then we made up and ended up being really good friends after that i mean i think slapping somebody's worse than punching the man that's like oh yeah yeah open hand slap somebody like the lack of respect you gotta have for somebody to open hand slap them yeah oh i don't respect you enough to give you my fist when you get stuck you can't believe it you're like oh fuck but but but honestly i think i think
Starting point is 00:33:58 you've done a a perfect job and i think you can um put a bow on it and let it go and be happy that you you were strong but judicious and that you didn't you took it to the perfect level of control. I appreciate the wisdom and I will continue to listen to the pod and if you're ever up in the Montana area sometime soon JT just hit your boy up. Oh yeah to see my dad. Yeah, for sure, dude. What part of Montana are you in?
Starting point is 00:34:28 I flew into your DMs, asked about your pops or whatever, and I was like, okay. Here, I grew up in, you said he's from Billings, right? Bozeman. Bozeman, that's where it was. Yeah, yeah, totally. Yeah, that's a couple hours away from where I'm at, but totally down to hit the bars or whatever if you're in the area. I'm down, dude. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Alright, let's do it, bro. Alright, guys. I'll let somebody else get on. Alright, later, brother. Later. Later. That dude is real. Hello? Hello. Oh, what up? Hey, what's up?
Starting point is 00:35:02 What up? You're on with Chad and JT with the Going Deep withad ditty podcast how's it going oh my god it's good how are you guys good good good my name is nicole i'm a big fan of the pod so thank you guys i love listening to you oh thank you thank you yeah uh i was actually calling to talk about a little situation I'm in right now. It's a little weird, but I'll just get into it. Yeah, so I'm a geosciences major. So I went on a field trip to this cave recently.
Starting point is 00:35:40 And I met this guy while I was at the cave. And we just had like a major connection. It was like one of those indescribable moments you know and um we talked for a while and after hanging out in the cave for like two hours he um he told me he's actually uh Amish so uh yeah it was kind of like a shock because he didn't really seem super amish when i met him but yeah so anyway we've kind of been talking back and forth via like a burner phone that he has but oh nice i haven't yeah i haven't talked to him though in like a couple weeks so i don't know it's just starting to feel pretty weird so he's going undercover to maintain the communication yeah yeah i guess his dad his dad's like uh like an amish minister so i think
Starting point is 00:36:34 he's pretty strict about the whole thing and uh damn i don't know if he's trying to like break free of the amish uh thing but yeah i guess it's pretty tough so yeah yeah that burner phone but I'm kind of scared like I don't know I guess I might not ever hear from him again that's a major pickle because like you're not getting the text back but it's you don't know if it's like because he just has phone taken yeah yeah I don't know I guess I've also just never really felt like because he just got his phone taken. Yeah, yeah, it's just weird. I don't know. I guess I've also just never really felt like this about someone before,
Starting point is 00:37:08 so maybe usually I would just drop it. But, yeah, I don't know. It's put me in definitely a weird mindset for sure. Has he been on his rum springer yet? Rum springer? I don't know, but I kind of mentioned that when we were together and he kind of just like ignored the question so yeah yeah but i mean it'd be pretty fun if he hadn't done it yet what uh what religion are you um a methodist for sure yeah but i mean I don't know. I probably wouldn't want to be Amish.
Starting point is 00:37:48 So you want to maintain technology? Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's pretty weird because like all his texts are green because of his burner phone. So I think it's like a little like Nokia flip phone. Yeah. It's pretty weird. I don't know. I always kind of picture him like on a horse and buggy you know yeah i think that's accurate it's a big it's a big cultural
Starting point is 00:38:12 difference i guess oh yeah have you checked like the mailbox or like any like carrier pigeons like if he's writing letters or some shit yeah no uh yeah i i'll be keeping an eye out for a carrier pigeon for sure but yeah yeah i don't know keep looking to the sky your pigeon i i would say overall like it's going to be tough for this to work out because you have a lot of cultural factors working against you guys yeah but that also can add to the potency of the romance i'm reminded of the harrison ford movie witness where he goes to an amish community to protect a kid who witnessed a murder and um he falls for
Starting point is 00:38:52 like the kid's mom who i think's husband died and like they can't have sex you know because she's not willing to go there but they yeah but they dance together in the barn to like a doo-wop song. Damn. And the charge is incredible because it's kind of forbidden. So maybe if you can get this guy to a dance floor, you guys could grind really, really hard. Yeah. The text back thing is a problem. Maybe if I just went, if i went in like incognito yeah i just i think this is like a you're on the verge of having a full-on like major romantic
Starting point is 00:39:34 story at your hands yeah yeah and i think you need to take full advantage follow through full like this is like romeo and juliet kind stuff. I was thinking that when she first told the story. What's your address? Bring a boom box and get far away from the house because those Amish, they have ears like a falcon. Yeah. And then, yeah, really, you know, but be gentle with this guy too because he's not going to be as seasoned as most dudes. And so you got to be careful,
Starting point is 00:40:05 but that doesn't mean you have to leave it. For sure. Yeah. Yeah. I was, I was getting pretty apprehensive about it. Like I think the doubt in my mind was kind of keeping me from, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:18 I was just kind of dismissing it, but it definitely helps to hear that from you guys. Cause now maybe be a little bit more patient, you know. Yeah, I'd go after it. Yeah. I'd make a trip. Have you tried contacting him in the last couple of weeks or, like, what did it leave off of? Yeah, it's the, you know, the burner phone situation.
Starting point is 00:40:38 It's just, yeah, yeah. It's the green text, too, so I don't really know if they got delivered or like right right you know if the if the phone's in a ditch or what whatever but yeah the other green text always throw me off yeah me too you like you want to know yeah for sure yeah the amish are pacifist too so if his family finds out they're gonna be hard on him but probably not get that mad at you yeah good call sure he's yeah i mean his dad's his dad's uh i think pretty strict with him like he's uh he's in welding school right now so i think he's pretty focused on being a um a welder oh that's tight that's cool that he has a skill yeah we need more people doing trade school stuff. Yeah, yeah. How would your parents feel about you bringing home an Amish guy?
Starting point is 00:41:28 Not good, probably. They'd probably think it was pretty weird. But I don't know. I think if I was happy, that they would be happy. So I think I would just have to ease it ease them into it probably the information you know for sure well i think follow your heart and all of us here are rooting for love so i mean yeah there's worse dudes there's worse dudes you can date than amish guys yeah no concerns about std yeah whatsoever yeah yeah you can go way lower than that it's not yeah probably i'd be pleased
Starting point is 00:42:05 yeah no weird internet behavior right and he's not posting dick pics for sure yeah right and then how magical it is like you take him on his first plane ride and you just see the delight in his eyes as he leaves the earth on like a powered vehicle and i'm just gonna i'm gonna bank on my optimism here i think he's waiting for you you know really his phone probably got taken away what else is he waiting for yeah so if you show up in like all your glory and just say give him a like a huge what up yeah we want i want to see this story play out so please keep in touch let us know if you yeah get in contact with him yeah i will all right thank you for the call i feel yeah i feel i feel a lot better now i was getting i was pretty down
Starting point is 00:42:51 about it but yeah you guys kind of restored my my hope and the potential of seeing him again so anyway thanks guys i uh yeah thanks again for the pod i'm a huge listener so oh thank you thank you thanks for calling in yeah for sure all right and good luck out there okay all right okay thanks all right bye that was beautiful damn man people really looked at chad and jt yeah dude sometimes it scares me dude that's a trip it scares me damn i talked to chad about he's like you just have to lean into it i'm like i know dude but like some people people's lives are resting in y'all's hands, man. Dude, I know.
Starting point is 00:43:28 It's pressure. I don't take it lightly. Is this someone? I'm trying to call back, yeah. We missed some calls. Do people ever pick up phones when you call them right back? No. Your call has been forwarded to... It's so true, dude.
Starting point is 00:43:52 I think it's a pattern we all have. Like, once our call don't go through, we just put the phone down somewhere and we don't be missed it, like, when they call right back. Yo, what's up? What up, dude? You're on with Chad and JT. What's up? Damn.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Sorry. Yo, what's up, man? What up, dude? What's up? We're watching the game right now. You know, one of us is rooting for the Yankees, and one of us is rooting for the Red Sox. One of us is actually having a good night,
Starting point is 00:44:24 and the other one's having a shit night. A house divided. Who's winning? Yeah, we're huge fans of the show. We fucking love your show. Thanks. Right on. Thanks, dude. We got mad respect for you bleaching your hair for the Coral.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Thank you, dude. We think that's really righteous of you. Thank you, dude. What's up, dude? What's the question? Yeah, so all my boys have been giving me shit about wanting to bleach my hair for the coral, and I just needed some backup on this from you guys, because I know you guys are really into it. And I need them to hear you guys say that this is a good cause and that it really means something.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Hey, man, bleach your fucking hair, man. That's our friend Chris. Bleach the fuck out of. Hey, man, bleach your fucking hair, man. That's our friend Chris. Bleach the fuck out of your field, man. Chris, tell him, dude. Bleach your goddamn hair, man. You can't be living for other folks, man. That's your hit. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:14 I'll be honest with you. This is Sean here on the other side, and I've already bleached my hair once, and it was not for the coral, but this time I definitely will bleach my hair for the coral. Hell yeah, dude. Thank you, dude. Dude, one time I was feeling pressure to have sex with my girlfriend more, and I talked to Chris about it.
Starting point is 00:45:31 I talked to Chris about it, and Chris said, man, don't ever let society make you feel like you need to do something. Did I tell you that? Yeah, it was words of wisdom, dude. No, man. Man, dude, I don't even remember all this profound shit I'd be saying. I remember it, dude. I remember it well, bro. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Yeah. Oh, man, you got to get a bed. And, dude, think about the coral, man. You know, the coral's out there alone, and it's just getting fucked up. But all these people are standing in solidarity with it, and there's reports coming back that it's just, you know, it's coming back. So the more bleach we get, the more coral will come back. But, yeah, we still need you.
Starting point is 00:46:13 We need you, yeah, yeah. Yeah, the cause needs you. Yeah. You know what? That's very righteous to you guys. And, you know, the two of us will definitely stand in solidarity for the coral. Absolutely bleaching the dome for the coral. I'm bleaching the dome definitely tomorrow for the coral.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Hell yeah. Helping the cause. I'll definitely post it on the gram, you know. Me and my boy Max. We'll definitely go into deep for that. Thank you, dude. For sure, send it to us. And remember, dude, people respect people who commit to something,
Starting point is 00:46:41 who commit to a cause. Yeah, even if your boys are still giving you shit, they will respect you because you followed through with what you said you were going to do. My buddy just said he's going to watch all the Marvel TV and movies in chronological order within the universe, and at first I was like, that's lame, but then I was like, that commitment
Starting point is 00:46:58 is strong. Imagine if he does that. That is a fat look. And if he pulls it off, you know, I got no choice but to respect that motherfucker. Dude, that's a lot of time.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Yeah. I mean, he's got to watch Agent Carter both seasons, dude. Damn. Oh, fuck. On Hulu. He's got to get a Hulu account. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Bleach your fucking heads, dude. Yeah, dude. If you want to. If you want to. It'll be the second time I do it, but this time, the first time for a cause. Blondes have more fun. Blondes have more fun.
Starting point is 00:47:27 Blondes have more fun, baby. Thanks, dog. Thanks for the call, dudes. Yeah, thank you for calling us back. That's awesome. I can't believe we're going to be on your show. Your show is amazing. Thank you, dudes. Keep doing your thing, man. You guys are the best. Enjoy the game, dudes.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Stay right, guys. Man. That's amazing. Another good call. Yeah. That's a trip. I know. These calls are getting me more jacked.
Starting point is 00:47:51 I'm like, man, I want to call everybody. Yeah. I could do this for hours, dude. Sorry. That's loud as fuck. What up, dude? You're on with Chad and JT and our buddy Chris. What up, dog?
Starting point is 00:48:03 What up? What up, dude? How you living? up dude you're on with chad and jt and our buddy chris what up dog what up what up dude how you living this is jackson coming from cincinnati again cincinnati my dog i didn't talk to you guys last week oh dude first repeat caller dude what up oh history what was your call about last week dog i called about oh geez what the fuck is that noise holy fuck is that dance music or a UFO
Starting point is 00:48:31 that's dude I was thinking the same thing yeah dude I don't know what that was you're being attacked by aliens dude
Starting point is 00:48:37 but we appreciate you making time for us alright so last week I called about um the like
Starting point is 00:48:44 spring break and that one girl that like my ex-girlfriend and everything like that. Sorry. Yeah. I kind of mentioned you guys mentioned going out and being myself and building up on my confidence. Maybe you guys remember. Yeah, and kind of letting her go a little bit and just doing your own thing. Yeah. Because we felt like you were chasing a feeling that you had when you guys remember yeah and kind of like letting her go a little bit and just doing your own thing yeah because we felt like you were like chasing a feeling that you had when you were with her rather than maybe the actual person i remember that call exactly exactly yeah
Starting point is 00:49:15 so you know i was i was feeling kind of confident you know and so i was like all right you know i'm gonna i'm gonna build on this confidence you know so i was like all right you know i And so I was like, all right, you know, I'm going to, I'm going to build on this offense, you know? So I was like, all right, you know, I need to, you know, explore the happiness a little more. And I took a shot in the dark with a girl that,
Starting point is 00:49:32 I mean, I like, kind of like talk to you a little bit at a party, you know, anything, but like, it wasn't like, I got her like,
Starting point is 00:49:38 I got her number and everything. I was just like, Hey, you know, like, do you want to go on a date? You know, I wasn't expecting anything,
Starting point is 00:49:44 you know, everything, but she was like, yeah, sure. So I was like, hey, you know, like, do you want to go on a date? You know, I wasn't expecting anything, you know, everything. But she was like, yeah, sure. Nice, dude. I was like, all right, yeah, I'm feeling pretty good, you know, and everything right now. So I picked her up. You know, we went out to go eat, you know, we ate waffles, you know,
Starting point is 00:49:59 which was a really, you know. Oh, hell yeah. That's fun. You know, things like that. And then we, like, we like we like went up to like i don't like i'm at an observatory and they had like a telescope and everything like that so you're looking at the stars nice that's nice man yeah so a lot of knowledge everything i learned about uh the moons of jupiter everything so that was pretty cool those moons are sick and then
Starting point is 00:50:26 we like went up to like a park and they had a wedding out there and we didn't go into the wedding but we could hear like the music and everything like that and that they got me pretty like stoked and everything and then be like just kind of like sat and talked you know everything like that you know it was just a really like romantic type of you know the you know i was it felt awesome to finally be out and like going out you know and everything like that you know hell yeah so like i guess i was kind of like you know kind of a couple days later i was like i wasn't really sure if she like really was into me but she seemed like she had a good time you know like that you know but like it just seems with me. But she seemed like she had a good time, you know, and everything like that, you know. But, like, it just seems with me, like,
Starting point is 00:51:07 a lot of girls think of me, like, more as, like, a friend type and not, like, you know, anything above that. So I was like, you know, like, you know, all right, do you want to go out, you know, again, you know, and stuff like that. But she seemed kind of, like, hesitant, you know, and right, do you want to go out, you know, again, you know, and stuff like that. But she seemed kind of like hesitant, you know, and everything like that.
Starting point is 00:51:27 I had like a really good idea to go like downtown and, you know, had a really good idea going and everything. And then she just like, it's like really like in the, in the gray where we are right now. Cause I think she is into me, but I don't,
Starting point is 00:51:44 I can't really tell if it's like she only likes me as a friend or she likes me more as a friend dude i would say um keep it casual but i'd say treat her like a lover you know what i mean like invite her out to do romantic stuff you know not to get like a lunch or something like invite her to do more things like you did where you're like it's like clear that you have a romantic interest but also keep it casual you know don't come on try not to come on too strong yeah um maybe don't text her for a little bit wait for her to text you so you can maintain that kind of like interest because if you if you just keep texting her to text you so you can maintain that kind of like interest because if you if you just keep texting her and texting her then you'll push her further and further away
Starting point is 00:52:28 yeah they'll drive her away but if you kind of lay off a bit you know play it cool wait for her to text you and then when she reaches out maybe like hey how about we go you know out to this bar or something or like a wine bar, get some cheese or something. I think that'll send the message that you're romantically interested in. And then, you know, she'll, and then that should reciprocate.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Dude, I think you did an excellent job. That date you went on was beautiful, man. For sure. So don't, you got to detach from expectations a little bit and you have to detach a little bit from results.
Starting point is 00:53:07 It's hard to do in dating because it's easy to feel like a loser if you don't get what society tells us we're supposed to get after a date or if you don't get the follow-up date that your heart's yearning for. But I have a couple of quotes here that I wrote, that I heard in a philosophy YouTube clip that I was watching. that I heard in a philosophy YouTube clip that I was watching, dude, the beautiful foolishness of acting without expectation, like going on a date like that and doing that stuff. Cause it's fun for you.
Starting point is 00:53:32 And cause you like showing a girl a good time is beautiful, dude. And if you can like not worry about what the results are going to be, or like what's your averages or what's your percentages. If you can just do those things, cause you like to live beautifully and you want to share that with other people it's gonna work out for you yeah so don't let this one don't let these couple of bad experiences take away your optimism and your energy and your charge to do these things the virtue of your commitment is what matters you know and people after a while will register that and then things
Starting point is 00:54:03 will fall into place but just keep doing these things if that's who you are if you're a romantic dude and you like to do these big gestures well yeah sometimes it's going to freak people out because it's a little bit off the beaten path but if that's what makes you happy man and i think it is then keep doing it just be beautiful be foolish go keep calling in yeah dude roll we're here roll with the punches beautiful shit have fun you know i always say i always just try to remind myself every morning have fun have fun because when you're having fun things work out yeah and you're doing dude that was a i mean to be there with the wedding in the background and you guys are sitting there talking and you're hearing the music i mean
Starting point is 00:54:40 come on dude you're a dime a dozen you're a beast bro yeah yeah you had a beautiful life experience you know how many guys would just like be like this is kind of lame or this is too intimate or like let's just get back to like the back of my truck and like let me see how far I can take this like dude your heart's in the right place man you're doing the right thing keep it going dog I'm proud of you right dude yeah do you know how fun it is to be the dude who's always having the best time people everyone should be like man i want to hang out with that dude right and you'd be like yeah you can hang out if you want i'm gonna have a good time regardless right chill on the expectations man be about your good time man yeah stay committed
Starting point is 00:55:18 dude you got this dude i think you're making good progress appreciate you calling back call back next week we'll be here for you. We'll check back in. Implant, have fun in your subconscious. So you're always having fun. Thank you so much. You guys just, the wisdom that, you know, it's just great, you know, calling in and letting you guys know about the progress, you know, and everything.
Starting point is 00:55:39 It feels awesome. Hell yeah, dude. You know, my buddies, you know, my buddies are kind of like rallying around me now and everything like that you know because they i think you know they're great guys you know and they think i'm a great guy you know so i got that support you know i got you guys i got my family too so it's just awesome it's beautiful dude you're feeling everything very deeply man and i think that's the genuine ass dude he's a good dude he's a good dude he's a really solid he's a good dude yeah and trust me these, when they think back on these moments 10 years from now, they're going to be like, I should have married that motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Yeah. I should have married that guy. Yeah. Yeah. You're going to be everyone's greatest regret and their favorite date. So just keep doing what you're doing, man. Wow. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:56:22 Thank you guys so much. All right. Talk to you soon, man. See you soon. Later you soon later Stoker see ya yo that was heartfelt man he's a good dude Jackson from Cincinnati what up
Starting point is 00:56:36 Jackson from Cincinnati dude great name great town I want him to give status updates every week I want him to call it every week dude that's our first repeat call yeah well because we first started doing these calls last week. Oh, shit. My brother said he's going to name his son Jackson,
Starting point is 00:56:49 because that's also the name of the guy in A Star is Born. It's a great name, Jackson. It is a good name. Yeah. It's like, this is a fucking dude. It's like a dude, but it's also kind of like an artist's name. He's in touch. It's checking both boxes, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:04 And it's actually usually a last name but you make the last name a first name yeah what up you're on with Chad and JT and our buddy Chris what up Call from Nate What up dude You're on with Chad and JT and our buddy Chris What up Synchronize what up My dog
Starting point is 00:57:32 What's up What's your question Doing well man What's going on with you I got a really long commute to work and you guys maintain my stoke every morning when i got that hour and a half drive damn you drive an hour and a half to work every day yeah man i'm hopefully getting an apartment soon but here's my question so i do enjoy my job but the drive and what i do is bumming me out a little bit because it's really like corporate
Starting point is 00:58:09 level shit and I'm a graphic designer and I love to do like video editing and photography and I know I just have to grind it out at this kind of level stuff but it's like more corporate and I want to get back into like the creative because that's what I really enjoy like what's your advice for kind of maintaining the stoke throughout these trying times i'd say well we're gonna have a specific viewpoint because all three of us kind of issued the corporate course for following our passions you know but if you're calling us i feel like that's because you want to do the same and I mean that's what you just articulated so do you I mean do you have dependents not I mean other than myself and my financial like things not really well I'm lucky how old are you I'm 22 oh man dude go for it dude yeah go for it are you college educated yeah recently
Starting point is 00:59:10 i i'd go with what you're comfortable with you know if you want to maybe keep the security of the job and then do you know more creative stuff on the side for the time being and then do more creative stuff on the side for the time being, and then switch over, maybe try that route? Yeah, that's kind of what I've been up to. Yeah. I think you're young enough, dude. You're in a great place. Yeah, dude, you're never going to be in a better place
Starting point is 00:59:35 to do exactly what you want to do. Go travel the world. Go live an adventurous life. Go live your favorite podcast. Just go do all this stuff you want to do yeah i mean you're i'm so sorry you're in a position to do that you can do all kind of fucking up and bounce back right now yeah exactly jr tolkien not all who wander are lost go get lost and find yourself go go dude yeah you have time to just discover yeah Yeah, man. I would...
Starting point is 01:00:05 Get creative. Follow your heart. That's why you call, dude. What's in your gut? Just stay focused on what you want, man. I know that's what I have to do because the creativity, that's what keeps me happy deep down. For real happy.
Starting point is 01:00:20 Right now, I feel like I'm going through the motions of the corporate world just because I feel like that's the blueprint you got to follow. No, no. And the more you invest in your creativity, the sharper that blade will get. And then the more places you'll be able to put it viably, like to viably put it like so like you're you're if you're if you're on two tracks where you're trying to do two things, your creativity is not going to develop at the rate it needs to to really make a life off of it so i mean i would go at this age with what your situation is and i wouldn't say this to everyone but to you you can do it go yeah there's probably some things holding you back that you know maybe like societal pressures or whatever pressure from your family
Starting point is 01:01:01 whatever but i think once you cut that cord you're gonna feel like a freaking nude guy in the ocean just like yeah like oh my god but it's the ocean of creativity yeah dude be naked in the ocean of creativity i'm dead serious when i decided to go for activism um when i made that decision i'd never worked so hard at something in my life because I loved it. And I was so happy doing it that I didn't really care what happened. You know what I mean? I was just like, I love this process. So I just went after it without expectations because I loved it.
Starting point is 01:01:41 And dude, it's good you started in the corporate thing because then when the creative road gets tough because every road is difficult, you'll be like, all right, this sucks, but at least I'm doing what I want to do. And just don't be too hard on yourself. If the creative stuff you're producing isn't up to your standards or taste, this is like an Ira Glass quote about this,
Starting point is 01:01:57 like don't be too hard on yourself. Your ability will catch up to your taste soon enough if you keep working on it. So just stay on it and then also don't worry about your peers getting houses and wives and kids just detach from that shit just focus on you
Starting point is 01:02:14 I could give a shit about that you sound fucking genuine too I love it you guys honestly have helped me out so much i mean i like the the start of it the drive was brutal but my buddy turned me on to your podcast and i swear to god within a month i think i listened to every episode oh thank you dude yeah that's that means a lot man uh yeah man i'd go for it and uh are you are your parents supportive
Starting point is 01:02:42 are they yeah absolutely it's i mean it's a good gig i'm not gonna lie no no are they are they and are your parents supportive? Yeah, absolutely. I mean, it's a good gig. I'm not going to lie. No, no. Are they supportive with you going the creative route? 100%. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Oh, then dude, I mean, you got all the wind behind you. Go. Set that sail up and let it carry you. Call us back next week. It's just a patience.
Starting point is 01:03:04 You got to be patient. Yeah, I'd love to. Patience. Yeah, you got to be patient. Call us next week.'s just a patience you gotta be patient yeah i'd love to patience yeah you gotta be patient call us next week give us a status update take some action steps this week to make it happen yeah if you learn to love the process and love tony robbins said it best the key to happiness is progress so if you learn to love that process the expectations won't even play as big a role because you'll just make uh small goals for yourself every day in the creative aspect you know just like once you start making those small leaps then it'll feel like you know you'll be like it won't be so daunting what you're eventually trying to do when chad and i started on this journey and it was chad was the tip of the spear like i didn't
Starting point is 01:03:41 have the courage to do it when chad started doing it, there was people even in our circle who were like, I don't think that's going to work. And Chad was just a juggernaut, a tank. He just let those like low caliber bullets ping off him and he just fucking went. So you just got to, yeah, do that. Because I knew in my gut, I was like, I'm going deep. Fuck you guys. That's right.
Starting point is 01:04:02 But he said it in a sweet way. Yeah, I'm kind of a sweet guy chris started off what up man who is your babe of the week god damn dude uh i didn't even think about that shit shit man i see a lot of badass babes just walking around man i probably got multiple babes of the week uh we think man babe of the week you know what man this is uh this is not from this week but a while back i logged in on twitter and i stumbled across a video of uh rosario dawson in the jacuzzi with her titties out so uh tremendous baby but yeah she was yeah she was hot in that jacuzzi man so that's she look good yeah that's my baby
Starting point is 01:04:45 yeah she's been naked in some films too like an alexander dude oh man she comes out with her boobs out oh for real oh my god yeah it's nice they're nice man that reminds me of when hallie berry in swordfish oh swordfish yeah such a glorious moment dude i was so shifted the universe oh dude i was so young i was like kid I was a kid Holy shit There was so many movies That I would put on And just fast forward To like a titty part Dude
Starting point is 01:05:08 Yeah Yeah He Got Game Was one of those movies Yeah I remember Boys in the Hood It's a scene where Like you kind of see
Starting point is 01:05:13 A piece of Neil Long's titty A little bit Yeah I would just pop Boys in the Hood in And just fast forward To that part Yeah
Starting point is 01:05:19 The first thing I stumbled upon Pornographically Was foot jobs Oh yeah The first thing Brooks Brooks are
Starting point is 01:05:24 A guy who works with us a lot, former Legend of the Week, huge into foot jobs when we were kids. But I didn't mean to. It was like, I was with my buddy. I'm like, you want to go like, I don't know who instigated it, but one of us was like,
Starting point is 01:05:38 let's go check out porn on the internet. And then we log on and it's like foot jobs. I'm like, damn, this is what people do? Dude, me too. It kind of threw me off. Like, I couldn't get into it. I'd be watching him at Brooksie, but isn't this awesome? I was like, no.
Starting point is 01:05:51 You ever had a foot job? Yeah. No. No. Yeah. Have you? I had one for like a few seconds one time. It's fun as like a precursor to other stuff, just to be weird for a second.
Starting point is 01:05:58 Yeah, I'm not looking forward to a foot job. It's never the entree. No, it's just like, oh, that's funny. Yeah. And the way they were doing them was like, it was more like they were like trying to take a stick out of the ground. It was like side to, it's just like, oh, that's funny. Yeah. And the way they were doing them was like, it was more like they were trying to take a stick out of the ground. It was like side to side. Right.
Starting point is 01:06:10 It looks like it hurts. Did I tell that story about my brother? Because they used to call it whacking off. Yeah, whacking off. I walked in on my little brother, and he was literally whacking it. And I had to be like, little dude. Man, I got so many forms. This is where you need me.
Starting point is 01:06:21 You literally. Yeah. He's like, it doesn't feel good. I was like, well, you're whacking it. Yeah, you're fighting your dick like it's Conor McGregor, dude. I got so many porn stories just in my family, dude. Yeah. I remember I got this cousin, my cousin Ross, man. I must have been like probably 11, 10, 9, 10, 11 years old.
Starting point is 01:06:38 It would be late at night, right? I'd be in my bed asleep. He would come wake me up. He was a grown ass man, probably in his 30s. Like a Chris, man. Come here. Come to the computer, man. I'm going to show you some of my freaks, man.
Starting point is 01:06:47 I'm going to show you some of these freaks. Right? He called them freaks. I thought he was about to show me some naked pictures of girls he was talking to or messing with. He was just showing me regular-ass porn. Like, dude, I come here and watch this on my own all the time. I thought he was going to show me something you was involved with. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:05 Yeah, well, thank God he didn't. That would have been even weirder. All right, Chad, who's your babe of the week? Okay, so in college we had this, it was senior year. We got pretty aggressive with the parties. We had a player haters ball. It was amazing. And I was like, all right right let's do roller disco in our little garage little little garage probably like 10 by 10 or something but i was like let's do a roller disco for sure i end up
Starting point is 01:07:34 being the only one who got roller skates but you know what i was like you know what i'm gonna have the most fun fuck it and um so i strap on my skates actually one other dude did chase um he had skates on so we were just skating it up we decided to move the party to this bar Blinky's and uh there's a bouncer there and I was like I was like I gotta get in there with skates man I gotta skate in this club you know what I mean and I was like that's the only barrier between here and this club so I walk up to the bouncer and I'm sort of like walking like i'm wearing shoes right and he looks down at my roller skates and he's like just go in and i was like oh fuck yeah so i just got on the wheels and just was gliding down with like one leg up and just dominated the
Starting point is 01:08:20 dance floor with these skates so my baby of the week is that bouncer oh yeah because uh dude you supplemented just like the one of the best nights of my life like stokers if you ever have a chance to be on wheels in a club uh highly recommend it because you will just dominate the dance floor you'll do moves that no one else can do because they don't have the sliding potential and uh thank you to that bouncer dude you're total babe for uh just being so cool about that and understanding that you know that i was in like a really joyous place and you didn't want to take that away from me so thank you so much nice dude so my babe of the week is lady gaga ah i've been a huge fan of lady gaga for decades i mean she came out with just dance and i was like oh
Starting point is 01:09:05 she's just like a regular pop star but i didn't see the genius underneath which i mean the song is brilliant but i didn't realize that like it was just a persona that she was playing you know what i mean and then that persona expand and then bad romance came out oh man yeah yeah i want your loving and i want your disease you and me could have a bad romance no crazy video yeah and i would just oh the videos were crazy the visuals were crazy her super bowl performance was insane one of my only tweets is me retweeting mark ruffalo saying that she ripped it up at halftime and i've just been a fan of hers for so long and then to see her in a star is born strip down the persona to nothing just present
Starting point is 01:09:39 herself as raw real and and just as she is and just deliver a fucking powerhouse performance was riveting dude she sings so well the songs are incredible and yeah i just haven't stopped listening to him and i've been just brought to tears constantly by her just you know artistic ability and lady gaga you know i just think you're a beast and and when i was going through a tough time last year with drugs, I would listen to Million Reasons by her all the time, and it was like the one song that brought me solace. I'm hip to that song. Thank you, Lady Gaga, for sharing your art.
Starting point is 01:10:14 It means a lot to me, and you're my babe of the week. Gaga. Dude, well done. All right, dude, who is your legend of the week? Derek Lewis for that interview. That was the only one off top that I knew. Yeah. You say my balls are hot?
Starting point is 01:10:32 Yeah. Dude, he's just so himself. There's nothing there. He's just himself, and shit just comes out. You know what I'm saying? He's not thinking about how the interview goes. He's just been honest about whatever comes to his head. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:42 I like that. You know how you just see somebody being 100% themselves in a moment? That's what that interview was. And I just dug it, man. It's inspiring. That's cool. He was like, yeah, man, Trump called me up on the phone, man. Told me I had to knock this Russian motherfucker out because they make me look bad in the news.
Starting point is 01:10:58 I'm saying, fuck what you talk about. USA in this hole. Like, yo, man, this dude is fucking hilarious, man. He's a good dude, too. He used his truck during the Houston Hurricanes to help people out of bad situations. Oh, did he? Yeah, man.
Starting point is 01:11:14 All right, Chad, who is your legend of the week? My legend of the week? So in high school, I was looking to step up my aquarium game tight um i went so i got a little fish tank and i was like you know what i can't just get regular fish regular goldfish beta fish whatever and he stepped this up so i logged online and uh i found an eel online oh wow whoa an eel and i ordered it and they shipped the eel oh damn i got an eel in the freaking mail how big was it not that big but like i think the coolest part was my mom being like what's this i'm like
Starting point is 01:11:52 that's my freaking eel mom she's like oh tight are all these what's up are all eels electric or is that a certain type i think it's a certain i was looking for an electric deal that's what i wanted to get i was like i need to get an electric eel but it was pretty expensive and i was still on like allowance high school you know so i was i had to work with a budge but i still got an eel nonetheless and uh it came in the mail it said live animal my mom was kind of pissed um but she she was like she followed through or she like she got over it once she saw that i think she was kind of impressed with the fact that her son bought a fucking eel um because i mean you know at least i'm not like playing with like legos and shit right legos are cool actually there's ambition in that yeah and real creativity yeah i'd like a real steve irwin
Starting point is 01:12:35 streak in me yeah and the eel was just a badass dude like i would put little fish in there little guppies and it would eat the fuck out of them yeah so and it was just it would just hang in there it was so creepy but like it was it was awesome so my eel is just the legend of the week unfortunately it met like a untimely demise um due to like the sand oh i didn't realize you put sand in first oh what'd you mean oh you like dumped the sand on top well first i had sand in there and i dumped the water in and then i was like we need more sand in there so i dumped sand in it i killed him you seem like you feel bad about that dude all this forgiving bro yeah so i kind of fucked up in that respect but you know he had a good he had a good few months how to kill him like i think he just got in his like breather just got in him yeah yeah and he's just like he was kind of convulsing and
Starting point is 01:13:25 suffering. Oh damn dude. That's rough. But it was sick while I had him. And now I know. And now you're honoring him. Yeah lesson learned. But you appreciated it while he was there. Yeah his name was Donnie. What up Donnie? Rest in peace Donnie. I'm really sorry for
Starting point is 01:13:41 my stupidity when it came to filtration systems and I love you dude. You stupidity when it came to filtration systems. And I love you, dude. You're the best eel I've ever had. And stay up, dude. Hope you're killing it in eel heaven. For sure. I fucking bought an eel to kill it.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Do eels get wings in heaven, too? We always talk about humans getting wings in heaven, but do all things get wings in heaven? I wonder if it has wings so it can still slither like an eagle. So it's like wings to the side. You know what I mean? Right, right, right, right. So it's still like slithering. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:13 All right, dude, my legend of the week is Bradley Cooper, dude. I've defended Bradley Cooper on this podcast before when he was attacked unfairly by the AV Club six years ago who made fun of him for quoting Dante or something like that. Well, dude, AV Club, you can suck it because Bradley Cooper went out there and for his first directed movie made a big ass romantic melodramatic musical and he knocked it out of the park, dude. And he was very vulnerable in that movie. He was singing and he was taking big chances and he's got huge balls and all my
Starting point is 01:14:45 friends who said the movie looks cheesy you could fit 50 of your balls in one of bradley cooper's balls dude damn and i will always respect a dude who puts his nuts on the table and especially when it comes with emotion so bradley cooper i'm so fucking proud of you even though i don't know you and we're not really probably going to be buddies but i hope we do become buddies because i really like the way you love art so much and you poured so much of yourself into this classic story and he played the character as like a really sweet drunk he's drunk the whole fucking movie's always like hey you're you're so fucking pretty uh hey can i hear you sing and then she sings and he's like that's the most beautiful fucking thing i've ever heard you gotta
Starting point is 01:15:25 you gotta sing on stage with me and she's like no he's like trust me all you gotta do is trust me and he's hammered but he's so sweet and pure it really makes you realize why we love like these like uh these artists you know with their with their issues it's because they're coming from a place of like childlike innocence and purity and it's it's this corrupt world that makes them feel like they have to do that stuff. I'm not making excuses for them, but I think it was a beautiful person to kind of memorialize on film. So I'm all about it. B-Coups, way to go.
Starting point is 01:15:55 I'm excited for your next movie. I'm guessing it's going to be a war epic, and you've got great sensibilities, dude, and way to do a great job. B-Coups is a beast. All right, dude, who's your B for the week?ibilities, dude. Way to do a great job. B-Cubes is a beast. All right, dude. Who's your B for the week? Fuck, man. I don't think I have a B for the week, dude.
Starting point is 01:16:12 That's beautiful. You feeling good? Yeah. I don't have a B for the week. I'm good. Sweet. Chad, who's your B for the week? So I went to surf Santaz a few years ago and uh i was at this break at 26th avenue
Starting point is 01:16:31 solid beach break you know uh kind of a closeout but it's fun and uh there's this guy out there a top dog i forget his name but he made it clear when you go out there he's like i'm the top dog you know he's like an older dude beefy and he's just like yelling a lot and he he's even said sometime he's like i'm the fucking top dog and you're like all right um and then there's some other kids paddling out some uc santa cruz kids kind of hippie-ish not very good surfing but they're like i want to experience the ocean and stuff i'm like dude wrong place to do it um and so they paddle out and this guy's just pissed because it's packed and he's just like everyone get out of my fucking way comprende oh wow and that and that you know in that situation you just like keep your head down don't get anyone's way whatever and uh he's just yelling
Starting point is 01:17:23 and yelling he's just like fuck all you like like who are these fucking college kids fuck you and then this one guy idiot goes this hippie guy he's like hey man there's room in the water for everyone i'm like oh damn you fucked up and he's like and then he accidentally drops in on the uh top dog he didn't realize, not intentionally, he just snaked him because he didn't realize it. He was just so inexperienced. The top dog's like, what? Takes this dude's head and just dunks him underwater and holds him underwater for like five seconds.
Starting point is 01:17:58 He's just punching him, brings him out. He's like, now do you get it? He's like, oh, geez. He's not Joe, but he's like oh wow oh no and uh i just thought that it was pretty dramatic the whole scene so that's my beef of the week between you know it's sort of like i don't you know i i'm tempted to take the hippie side but he was such a kind of hippie nozzle that i was like i can't but then the top dog was such a douche so it was just like kind of like the top dog is a douche yeah but the hippie dude that's not the energy that's gonna work on a motherfucker like that yeah and it's
Starting point is 01:18:32 like it's like on guys yeah it's like dude wrong environment to get like exactly because there's a lot guys we were like I'm gonna go surfing again touch my thought okay so I can take mushrooms and you're like well it's actually kind of dangerous when you paddle out because you suck. So, you know, go to fucking Waikiki. My beef of the week is Maxwell. So I was a sophomore in high school. I went to my friend Ross's raging 16th birthday. I get there and the party's kind of a little lackluster.
Starting point is 01:19:01 There's a ton of people there, but the energy of fun is not. So Ross was like, I know how I can get this party amped. There's a ton of people there, but the energy of fun is not. So Ross, it was like, I know how I can get this party amped. Let's start boxing. And he held them in the air and everybody started screaming and the boxing fight started. And so the football players were all boxing each other. And then I was like, you know, I've been boxing a little bit. I'd like to kind of show off in front of everybody. So Maxwell was a freshman, but he was a highly touted freshman. Everyone said he was the fastest, strongest and most athletic freshman they had ever seen. And I was like, I'm gonna take him out. So I went up to him and I said, Maxwell, you wanna box?
Starting point is 01:19:32 And he was like, I really don't want to. I'm just trying to chill at the party. I was like, just box me, man. Come on, what's the big deal? So we strap on the gloves. The whole party's around us. There's like 150 people watching. Everyone's cheering.
Starting point is 01:19:42 I'm excited. I'm ready to go. I'm ready to show off my skills. We square off against each other. We walk in. He Everyone's cheering. I'm excited. I'm ready to go. I'm ready to show off my skills. We square off against each other. We walk in. He throws a jab. I slip it. I come back and that's all I remember.
Starting point is 01:19:52 Maxwell punched me with a right immediately after that. I stumbled backwards, fell off a ledge, dropped four feet, landed straight on my head and broke out into convulsions. And everyone thought i was dead the dj ran up to my body held me and said someone get a towel stat taking control of the situation all a couple of my friends started crying ross's dad finley who's a warrior from scotland came running out he looked at everyone at the party goes listen to me little fucks he fell on the fucking dance floor that's the fucking story covering up my potential death my parents come
Starting point is 01:20:30 over i don't remember any of this i guess i was blind my i had my shirt off and i was telling my brother how scared i was i was like i can't see anything i'm blind and my brother was crying my buddy brooks was crying and everyone was really afraid i woke up five hours later in the hospital the nurse wouldn't let me sleep because when you have a concussion not supposed to sleep so just was crying and everyone was really afraid. I woke up five hours later in the hospital. The nurse wouldn't let me sleep because when you have a concussion, you're not supposed to sleep. So just every like 30 minutes, she'd be like, this is what I do remember. She'd be like, JT. And I go, yeah, let me sleep. She'd be like, I can't let you sleep. I go, okay. And she kept me awake. Next morning, I finally come to fully cognizant. I'm just laughing at myself. I'm like, man, I was stupid. I shouldn't have fought that guy. He was way tougher
Starting point is 01:21:01 than me. Maxwell comes to the hospital. He looks so sad. He never wanted to fight me. I cornered him into this moment where he felt like he had to defend his honor. And he was just a strong dude who, because he was strong, fucked me up. But he never wanted to almost kill me. I stayed home from school for four days, came back that Thursday, and I was like a beetle. Everybody was like, there he is. He's alive. And I alive and i was like yeah i'm alive i survived getting my ass beat obviously i was also humiliated but i just decided to lean into it and i was like yeah yeah yeah and
Starting point is 01:21:33 from that point on maxwell wouldn't touch me because he was afraid to break me like we were kind of buddies and i go to him like what up maxwell to slap his hand and he'd be like all right yeah stay away from me dude because he was like literally worried of breaking me. But he is a quiet arbiter of justice too. Because I remember one time, I wasn't there, but I heard this story secondhand at the Elisa Viejo movie theater. There was a big bully who was like shoving kids around. He was challenging everybody.
Starting point is 01:21:55 He's like, what? Who's going to fucking fight me? Who's going to fucking fight me? And Maxwell walked through the middle of the crowd and said, I'll fight you. And he pounded the dude and then went home. Damn, dude. Yeah. I like Maxwell.
Starting point is 01:22:04 He's a badass dude yeah and i'm very happy that a guy like that beat the shit out of me i'm honored that maxwell put me on the ground i don't even sound i don't even sound like beef and then yeah one of my one of my friends was like hey dude because i you know i work out now and i box still my friend was like dude jt i think you could take him now so i was like yeah i'm kind of curious so i went to uh maxwell's facebook he finished second place in like a triathlon or something like that i was like he'll still fuck me oh he's still that yeah dude he's still on top of his game dude staying sharp yeah not really a beef the beef is you know it's my own i i concocted the beef but he grilled it up and ate it yeah
Starting point is 01:22:38 dude i gotta i gotta give you props for being so primal oh thank you dude yeah oh yeah john goes in yeah just ready john goes in yeah just ready to throw down yeah i mean i kind of learned my lesson from that one for a couple years it slowed me down a little bit yeah because a little bit because the doctors were like yo if you get head trauma like that again you're gonna start having gaps yeah you're not gonna be able to critique movies yeah they're like you're not gonna love film as much i was like wow yeah chill uh you're gonna like michael bay movies yeah yeah they're like your film taste will diminish yeah i was like no i need to watch foreign movies
Starting point is 01:23:10 all right this review comes from jackaboy with three eyes subject line jabow the review you just filled my stoke levels hell yeah thanks guys that will be it for episode 40 thank you chris for stopping in thanks you're a killer dude no you're so great dude your energy is fire yeah you're the best man i love y'all man love you too dude thank you for doing the pod love you too stokers boom clap hell yeah stokers later yeah If you need advice, these guys are really nice. You want to know what to do and where to go. When you need someone to guide you, it seems to have the girls beside you going free.
Starting point is 01:24:06 Going free. I'm going deep. I'm going deep. I'm going deep. I'm going deep. I'm going deep. I'm going deep.

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