Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 41 - Strider/Joe, Big Hogs, Dream Responsibility

Episode Date: October 24, 2018

Oh momma oh momma we've got a fire episode coming in real hot for you all with Uncle Joe and Strider joining your dawgs. We discuss Joe's responsibility in dreams, Joe's big hog, exhibitionism, w...et dreams, ethics on road trips, the evolutionary game, amazonian plants and robots who do stunts. As always, we have beefs, babes, and legends. Strap in for this one, stokers. For bonus content, check out our patreon: www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep Check out the reddit: https://reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep/

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Starting point is 00:00:00 oh what up everybody welcome to episode 41 of the going deep with chad and jt podcast my name is chad kroger coming in with my compadre jt what up what up st What up, Stokers? Boom, clap, Stokers. The big boom, the big clap. And we're here joined by two legendary dudes, our dogs, Joe and Strider. What up? Yo, guys. Dude, what up, dude? Dude, this is a grand slam of dudes in one room. Yeah, it's like the four horsemen here.
Starting point is 00:00:39 I love it. Heavy T vibes. Heavy T. Up the Stokepocalypse. Yeah, for sure. My voice sounds chill, but, dude, it's like freaking Yellowstone guys over here just pumped energy. Dude, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Yeah, you look pumped. You're squirting large, dog. Dude, yeah. I mean, I'm a squirter. I'm a dude. Yeah, for sure, dude. All dudes are squirters. Yeah, launch that squirt.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Yeah. That's good soda, by the way. Squirt. Definitely underrated, dude. You know, Sprite kind of buried it, but I was into squirt. I think if squirt had come out and been like, look, this is probably the best chaser for vodka out there, they would have dominated.
Starting point is 00:01:10 No question, dude. Squirt and tequila is a big, that's a big combo. Oh, good call. Speaking of liquids, dudes, I brought some green drink for everybody. Oh, dude. I'll pass it down to my dog. Just greens with apple, lemon, and ginger It's good for the belly
Starting point is 00:01:27 It's a sour taste But you'll instantly Feel the results of it Dude, I mean that's just Sometimes you gotta do something that doesn't feel dang To be dang Most things You gotta shake these pretty good
Starting point is 00:01:42 You gotta mix it up Thank you so much Looking after my body Most things, for sure. You've got to shake these pretty good, huh? Yeah, you've got to mix it up. Dude, thank you so much. Yeah, thank you. Looking after my body. I'm making it customary on the podcast that this is like, you know when you enter someone's home, they've got the food that they bring out for you?
Starting point is 00:01:57 This is what we do here. We bring people the green drink. Love that, dude. We want people to be healthy, firing on all cylinders, ready to connect. Granny Smith apples in this. That's proper nutrients to get you just firing. Listen to this, dude.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Listen to this freaking green drink, dude. Oh, man. You couldn't really hear it, dude, but I just opened it. No, these mics pick up everything, dude. Oh, nice. That's coming through clear. That's going to enhance your squirt times 10. Oh, Joe.
Starting point is 00:02:24 What a classic drinking noise that man made. your squirt times 10. Oh, Joe. I'm a racist. I'm not getting that. What a classic. Wow. That's refreshing. What a classic drinking noise that man makes. Straight up Fred Flintstone style. Yeah. It's like an instant boost right there.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Yeah, you feel it right away, right? Whoa, dude. I mean, look at that smile on Joe's face. There's a lot of flavors happening in here. The dude is delighted. God, that was good. Honestly, when I drink these, right when it goes in, it's like an automatic smile. No question, dude.
Starting point is 00:02:54 It's so dang good. It might be the tanginess of the ginger, but it just spreads my smile muscles wide. Yeah, I'm feeling the ginger tanginess. Oh, yeah. We road tripped last night, Strider. Me, Joe, and Chad, dude. We went to Palm Springs. Oh, I was freaking jealous, dude.
Starting point is 00:03:10 I freaking made some pasta with my GF last night, dude. Opened up a nice red blend, dude. But, I mean, I wish I could have been there with my dogs on the road, dude. For sure. How was it, dude? It was a good trip, dude. It was fun. I got out of driving.
Starting point is 00:03:23 I bitched out. I was supposed to drive, and I texted Joe at like 11 a.m. I was like, do I have to drive? He's like, you said you would. Yeah, after he volunteered to drive, and I'm already like drinking a beer, watching football. I had a late night, too. I got a text from JT. My dude, I'm super tired.
Starting point is 00:03:41 I'm like, well, I'm super tired. I know. It was a bitch move. Yeah, you don't volunteer, and then three days later renege i know it was i was so stupid like when i made the commitment i was like of course i'll drive and then as i got closer to the time i was like i'm exhausted my license is expired my tags are expired yeah you were very sure of wanting to drive yeah it didn't seem like a big deal when you asked me and then as we got closer to the time i was like and last time i drove back from palm springs i fucking crashed my car at 65 were you going 65 uh yeah i was doing like 70 i mean i slammed on the brake so it slowed me down
Starting point is 00:04:16 but i was probably doing 45 at the point of impact oh wow yeah i didn't realize it was that fast yeah i didn't realize that dude honestly not even to even to be like a fucking meathead about it, but I swear to God, like I held the steering wheel hard, and like I knew once I hit the brakes that I wasn't going to have enough time to come to a full stop, and I literally in my head was like brace for impact. But I held pretty sturdy. Like I didn't get whiplash or anything. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:04:40 You did it on the freeway. I thought it was like a side roads incident. No, dude, it was on the freeway. I mean, the emotional fallout was more significant than the physical fallout because I called my mom and she's like, what happened? I was like, I can't stop fucking up. I was crying.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Yeah, it's one of those life moments with car accidents. That was like my sixth mammoth life boo-boo in a row. I was like, dude, I am a danger, not only to myself but to the entire world and so i wanted to spare you guys that last night on the road now did i remember that trip because i was with you in a separate car and i'm like all right you're ready to go back and you're like
Starting point is 00:05:13 i'm gonna stay here and uber yeah i was gonna drive an uber at coachella for the weekend you made some good cash i made a bank yeah it didn't end up it ended up being a net loss financially after the accident right with the totaling of the car yeah but again experience wise because you learned a valuable life lesson yeah dude don't listen to like uh the podcast serial while you're driving because you'll get too into it and they'll distract you from what's going on in front of you yeah it's a good pod they say dude when you get in an accident even though i respect your uh how you hit the bells and how jacked you are and that i do believe that you'd fuck up an airbag or whatever
Starting point is 00:05:49 came at you in that moment but they say like you know you know maybe it's like you know divine justice or whatever but like when dudes who are hammered get uh in accidents like with duis they're looser in their body exactly dude they're like they live because they're so fucked up that they're they just don't even know to go with it. And the people that are sober always get fucked over because they tense up and then boom. Dude, when Fader Omoyenko got suplexed in pride fighting, like over his shoulder, he landed on his head. But he was so relaxed in the air that when he hit the mat, there was no damage because he was just so loose when he got suplexed. Damn, dude.
Starting point is 00:06:24 So try to remember that if you ever go feet overhead dude go with the flow yeah dude joe though on the drive back joe drove on the way back and uh chad slept because he was tired and joe wouldn't let me sleep he's like if i'm driving you have to stay awake yeah we can't have one awake yeah i need someone to keep me awake i respect that dude i was almost gonna recommend like dark out none of you guys want to drive do you invite a dude that you guys don't like who's not as chill does he get the invite strictly for driving purposes and is he stoked to show up you know like oh dude for sure i'm there strider you're in my dome dude i thought about just being like who would come with us just for the opportunity to chill yeah but i didn't want to throw we had a good fucking vibe between the three of us yeah
Starting point is 00:07:08 that's what you risk dude then you risk his personality's gonna be in there too much or her personality could suck too that's true too dude you know what i mean that that's a schmole scenario dude do you bring a schmole on a road trip probably not yeah i'd say no that's too much time spent true yeah i'm to have to boke that scenario. Agreed, dude. I'm going to have to boke it. What I do is if I'm going to be in a car ride with Schmoles, I make myself super tired beforehand.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Like I don't sleep the night before, so I can sleep the entire car ride. Great call. Then you get in the car, you're like, what up? Sorry, guys, I'm super exhausted. Then you wake up and you're at your destination, and you're like, all right, dudes. I can't sleep in vehicles like planes, trains, automobiles. It's a good movie, but...
Starting point is 00:07:50 Yeah, it's poignant. Yeah, I can't do it. You can't sleep in them? No. Oh, interesting, because you're just surrounded by too many people. You feel unsafe.
Starting point is 00:07:58 There's a lot of noise going on. Yeah, you're sitting up. Dude, I'm always afraid I'm going to get an NRB in those scenarios. That's a straight up no reason boner, but there is a reason because i have probably dank dreams about freaking smoke show my smoke show gf um right now but back in the day when i was you know coming of age probably like you know chicks that were like smoke shows in high school like little beach
Starting point is 00:08:17 bunnies or whatever like carmen electro dude thinking about you guys getting married hey dude just thinking about us creating a solid bond together, you know, and making love. Is that what you dream about? For sure, dude. I mean, rather than just straight up boning in an outdoor setting or at a nightclub setting, I would imagine to bone in our nice living room after we cook something dang together and probably have some pumpkin spice if it was the fall. So when you get down the road in a long-term relationship,
Starting point is 00:08:43 do your dreams sort of shift from passionate passionate boning to just like really significant romantic moments yeah dude for sure because that's what's going to lead to the most passionate bones you know what i mean like like dude every night like romancing the bone dude exactly yeah exactly dude freaking straight up michael douglas, dude. Oh, dude, for sure. And, dude, so it's like when you're trying to hook up with your GF, what you got to do is like it's not like you're running game. It's like you're running love, dude. You know what I mean? Like that's game, dude.
Starting point is 00:09:17 That's the thing is that's the evolve. So you want to like a sick picnic or something? Dude, exactly, dude. A picnic. Baloney, yeah. Dude, come home and like have fleetwood mac just playing dude yeah dude baloney is going to be present at my picnic 100 for me my gs uh vegetarian but you know i like to crush some freaking dank eats dude when you used to be sleeping at at the crib and i'd see you with a boner sleeping i get so pumped for my dog i'd be like hey nobody wake him up i'd put on like on some soundproof headphones on his ears so he could sleep well.
Starting point is 00:09:47 I'd turn the lights down to a good level. Because I knew you were in a place where you were dreaming about a vagina that you loved. And I wanted my dog to have that. Because the worst is when you get woken up. Yeah, you can't disrupt that. Yeah, so I'd protect it. I'd come over sometimes and just like just lightly rub my hand on your jeans to like dude fucking thank you for that give you some fucking gentle friction so you
Starting point is 00:10:11 can fuck yeah that's unbelievably legit of you dude that's how you have your dog's back dude so yeah that boner's sleepless in seattle yes dude yes dude true story my brother fell asleep on a plane had a wet dream. Dude, that's a nightmare. He was so pumped. He was on his way to spring break in Mexico. Come on. I swear to God, dude. I swear to God, my brother's like, he called me.
Starting point is 00:10:33 He's like, dude, I fucking passed out on the plane. I woke up, I nutted. Like the load was transparent through his jeans. He was horny to party, dude. He's just a horny horny guy i'm disappointed in the lack of self-discipline you hold him accountable for that yeah for falling asleep he doesn't control you feel like you could control your dreams yeah but like and you're on a public set i mean your brother could probably be a porn star if he's able to come in public that
Starting point is 00:10:58 easily that is a part trait we're pretty like exhibitionist or we maintain our same level of comfort inside as we do outside i respect that i call that integrity dude thank you dog yeah same person yeah i could see joe coming into the dream if it's like a wet dream and you're like you're on a plane right now keep it together yeah yeah my brain it's like a voice on your shoulder right i would wake up yeah i'm on your other shoulder i'm like just bust dude you better not bust yeah i've got too much self-discipline to allow that i don't like the jocko welling of wet dreams don't you dream in your dreams when you're having sex aren't you wearing a condom yeah that's happened yeah well that's just a sign of responsibility dude he's
Starting point is 00:11:39 just he just had like i got a good deal on a coffee dude but fucking you know didn't have to tip like the bruce hollis fucking punch card just got he's like oh I got a good deal on a coffee, dude. But fucking, you know, didn't have to tip. Like the Bruce, oh, his fucking punch card just got, he's like, oh. Yeah, did a good job like paying down his credit card. Oh, 10, dude. Yeah. 10 stamps. Nuts. In his dreams, some girl's like, fuck me raw.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Hold on. We just met. Yeah. No way. Let me roll on this condom. I'm wrapping it up. Awake or asleep. It's good.
Starting point is 00:12:02 It's getting wrapped up. It's consistent. That's integrity too yeah we're like that we're both displaying integrity but on opposite ends of the behavioral spectrum right well all right let's get into some news what do you guys think about uh ariana grande and pete davidson broke up dude i mean uh i mean dude we saw this coming probably you know my way i mean dude as a guy who's got a longtime GF, dude, and he had his GFF, which is your girlfriend forever, a.k.a. fiance, a.k.a. wife, potentially.
Starting point is 00:12:34 It's going to hurt, dude, you know, someone that you love and you're invested in, dude. So I feel empathy for both of them, dude. But, look, dude, you're rushing into this, dude. They're seeing this very rushed. Getting the same tattoos, wearing, like, you know, freaking outfits designed by Wes Anderson, walking around with, like, the biggest faint haze in New York I've ever seen. So part of me was a hater on this.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Part of me deep down, sick part of me, dude, schadenfreude and a little bit of that, dude. But, honestly, I'm battling that, dude, and I want the best for them, dude, and I want them to find love. But I don't know, dude. Well, yeah, what are they, mid-20 that, dude, and I want the best for them, dude, and I want them to find love. But I don't know, dude. Well, yeah, what are they, mid-20s, both of them? Early 20s? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:10 I mean, they've got a lot of relationships to go. I mean, for that to work out, them being that young, that would have been the odds are not in their favor. So it's kind of expected for that to happen. Yeah. Two things. I feel for the tattoo artist you know he's i don't know i mean he's probably like man that's like my claim to fame now it's i have to cover that shit up that's true dude he had to like go fix him um but even though you know yeah there's some parts i wanted to hate on similar to strider but
Starting point is 00:13:42 i was also the the passionate fiery romance sort of got me going a little bit i was just like that's cool to be on like that wild ride like that we're like let's just fucking get married they went for it yeah like i've had moments you know like or like you know i've i've wanted to get like like a flaming dragon tattoo to like commemorate i was just like like i did that motivator with caroline i'm like i'm gonna get like a big ass dragon on my back to commemorate that motivator dude she's like nah yeah quick tangent on tats dude you guys remember sheckler the kid who could skate good from uh san francisco yeah ryan sheckler yeah we used to go still kicks it down there yeah a lot of mutual
Starting point is 00:14:21 friends he's chilling dude and uh i remember one time like he's like dude my name is ryan sheckler and i freaking just want to be a normal kid like anyone else and then he got his name fucking tattooed on his back dude so like everyone could know that like i'm right he was ryan sheckler yeah first and last dude if you're gonna get a tattoo on your of your name dude you gotta do a phone book style dude last name comma first name oh yeah i'm down with that yeah that is much more official dude i think uh i think getting a stupid tattoo though sometimes like ben affleck he got that phoenix on his back that takes up his whole back oh really yeah and it's like it's pretty hard to look at like at first like damn ben you shouldn't have done that but then when i really think about it i'm like dude, that's really putting your balls on the table.
Starting point is 00:15:05 You're like, dude, I don't even care if this is cheesy and you guys can all ridicule me for it, but I am the Phoenix and I will rise again. I like that. I respect that. I like that self-confidence by putting yourself so open to public humiliation. That is the path of Ben. Yeah. Yeah, because they've humiliated him before and he always comes back yeah always comes back with an oscar so he's like go ahead have your fun
Starting point is 00:15:29 at my expense but it's not getting to me it's i'm so i believe in myself so deeply that i'm gonna get a huge phoenix tattooed on my back and that like i feel like pete davidson's at like kind of a critical point right now like he can either the Pauly Shore route, which is legit, but he could be Ben Affleck. But he could be Ben Affleck. Which way is he going to go? I know, dude. That's what worries me the most. When I heard about the breakup, I was like, uh-oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Pete, because he's been open about his difficulties and struggles. And, dude, everyone has their struggles. So I really want uh the best for him right now dude to make that good choice and freaking stay uh stay on the career dude and you know dude we should message him and just be like yo we support you and like if you want to get some beers oh dude you got a rock solid crew right here he's probably got enough dude friends but and ariana too yeah that's true we should go both ways super rough Yeah, that's true. We should go both ways. She's had a super rough year. Yeah, that's true. Dude, you're right.
Starting point is 00:16:26 I'd love to grab an IPA with Ariana. Ariana, what up? Oh, dude, a nice micro brew? No question, dude. Yeah. Dude, here's the thing, dude. You've got to find the silver lining, the positivity, and all shit, dude. And look, you just broke up.
Starting point is 00:16:38 You know what that means? That's a great time to kick it with your crew, dude. That rallies the crew together. Look at that as a positive, dude. Go crush your freaking dank burger go get a dank ipa fucking see a legit movie dude and you're having a nice time dude yeah you're emotionally wounded and scarred dude but you know what i'm saying dude your bros are the freaking the er dude they're gonna sell you back up yeah scars are that that's the toughest part of the skin they remind you wounded back you come back stronger yeah it comes back regenerates and you're like, that's the toughest part of the skin. They remind us. Because you wound it back. You come back stronger, dude.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Yeah, it comes back, regenerates, and you're like, damn, that's a tough side of you. And you're like, yeah, it's from that dank burger. Dude, that legit dude, dude, Ernest Hemingway, I think he said, the world breaks us all and makes us stronger in the broken places. Dude. Wow. What a beast. I watched Midnight in Paris.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Great movie, dude. Hemingway's like, as long as it's true. You ever made Passionate Beautiful Love? I love all that stuff. Dude, he's a beast in that movie. That guy's great. We saw it together as a date. Yeah, true story, dude.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Dude, one time Shriner and I saw the movie The Holiday with Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz. Cameron Diaz is romantic with Jude Law in it, and Kate Winslet is romantic with Jack Black. So it's like not... Realistic? Yeah. That's the phrase, bro. But Strider and I were in the movie
Starting point is 00:17:52 and we were like, dude, this is so funny that we're on a date together. And then we were like, you know what would make it even funnier? If we cuddled. So we picked up the middle thing and we cuddled for the entire second act of the movie. True story. Felt good, dude. It was a nice, frigging delightful matinee.
Starting point is 00:18:09 I believe it was a matinee, dude. And then Agostini, that girl, saw us cuddling. She was driving a cargo van. Dude, they say there's, I don't care. A bro can be male or female. Dude, this girl had more steez than anyone I've ever met in my life, dude. She modeled for dirt bikes. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:18:29 That's a bro. She tried a cargo van. No, it wasn't a cargo van, but it was a big van. It wasn't like a minivan. It was a van. Dude, it was powered on Modellos. You didn't even fill it up with gas. You just put fucking diesel Modellos in there, and it went, dude.
Starting point is 00:18:43 It was legit. She was chill. Super chill. She was chill super chill she was chill yeah nice rig too dude sorry i love my gf she got a perfect rig dude but just looking back i got memories in my brain and she's got a solid solid nice rig dude that's perfect combo he's not lying but tough dude like that's probably why she was a dirt bike model she's probably into the movie supercross huh no question yeah the disney one sick movie i don't think that was disney oh the one with mike vogel it was like channing tatham's first yeah he was the villain
Starting point is 00:19:09 yeah he's a good villain in the yeah supercross channing dude legend movie dude yeah most legit disney original movie probably gotta be brink yeah yeah johnny tsunami is pretty i think those are the two i mean those are so damn Alley Cat Strikes was nothing to scoff at either yeah dude I definitely enjoyed me in some nice Alley Cat Strikes
Starting point is 00:19:30 dude even Stevens what did you think about the inspirational Disney movies like Miracle in Lane 3 I think with Frankie Mooney
Starting point is 00:19:37 where he plays a paralyzed kid who's good at boxcar racing I never saw it I don't know if i saw it dude and there was one with the the youngest lawrence boy where he was a wrestler but he was blind didn't see was it the one with like the maccabees where it was like a uh yeah like a jewish day
Starting point is 00:19:58 school and the kids were good they're like the maccabees basketball i never saw that one i heard you talking about that one i enjoyed that one one, dude. I liked that one. And the coach was homeless or something? Yeah. But he was a sweet, hearty goal, good man. I love that character. I love that type. Taught the kids how to box out, play D. Dude, when I was playing sports, I used to pride myself on D, dude.
Starting point is 00:20:16 You got the D. You know what I mean? You just got straight up. It feels good to stop somebody who's been dominating. Just come in there, dude. Get the stock. Get the block for your team. Bring the energy. Because I don't have skills dude i don't have skills but
Starting point is 00:20:29 i'll freaking land my body on on the line dude take one from my squad yeah in defense you don't really need skills it's just kind of uh being in the right position and dude i mean having a you got a big body so you've retired from sports that have defense right oh yeah i don't yeah no more defense that's one of my favorite you gotta go one way for me well for me now i'm getting too old i You've retired from sports that have defense, right? Oh, yeah. I don't. Yeah. No more defense. That's one of my favorite things. You got to go one way. For me. Well, for me now, I'm getting too old. I can't.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Do you consider cornhole having to play defense? No, because it's not really physical. I'm just talking about like basketball, baseball, or softball, whatever. So what's your go-to? Golf. So the elements play defense against you in the golf but that's not you're talking about like a person straight up d-ing you up yeah so like yeah i don't want i don't want to get d'd up on like some old guys i'm not getting up
Starting point is 00:21:15 sweating yeah get out of here richard yeah you know what can't happen on golf courses wild animals yeah i've seen foxes out there but coyotes coyotes you got golf clubs and if you go to like south carolina i've never played there but they advertise it you get like fucking big ass gators on the course i was playing new orleans and we come up on the ninth green three gators what and uh i hit my ball like right in between them. I was like, this is my happy Gilmore moment. For sure. Yeah, they actually weren't that aggressive. They kind of were just chilling there.
Starting point is 00:21:52 They just scatter as you walk up? They didn't do anything. They were just like, what up? I was like, you aren't going to hiss at me or something? They were like, I don't even see you. They had good etiquette out there, dude. They've learned. I heard a story about this one guy I don't even see you. They had good etiquette out there, dude. They've learned. Yeah. Yeah. Although. Conditioned by golf etiquette.
Starting point is 00:22:06 I heard a story about this one guy who he was, like, fucking with him somehow because his ball was there. So he was, like, trying to get him to scatter. So he was, like, got his sand wedge and he was, like, he was, like, throwing it at them to get them to, like, move, you know. He throws it at them. And this one gator just like puts in his mouth and then just goes in the water well i'm like boss move just take the fucking club with you yeah fuck dude he's like you're gonna throw this shit at me i've been out here for 20 years chief yeah dude gators are essentially dinosaurs dude they've been out here for a freaking
Starting point is 00:22:39 those things haven't changed dude whatever they're doing it's working dude yeah do you have more respect for animals that have like kind of lasted longer in the evolutionary like playground i do dude it's it's fucking definitely a double-edged sword because i love fucking progress and new ideas and change and shit because it makes me and helps me grow and think about how to be a better bf to my gf but at the same time when i'm looking at the nature like fucking sharks dude are just dinosaurs swimming around they're working dude whatever's happening like they're like dude we got this going on gators are straight up dinosaurs dude so what they're doing is solid dude they're like the greg popovich's of nature dude wow yeah an allergy is there ever a trip you got you think
Starting point is 00:23:21 of sharks that like all they have going on in their noggin is like i need to kill i need to kill yeah that's like all that's going on it must be nice to have that kind of simplicity in your thinking you're not clouded by any kind of like confusion there's no like existential worries yeah it's just like where's that fucking seal true but dude i mean existential worries part of what makes life beautiful you know what i'm saying dude yeah because what because because then you're choosing to believe in something which makes it all the more powerful because because it's a it's an arbitrary but fundamental decision exactly dude yeah when someone's like oh dude i wish i could be freaking lebron james you know
Starting point is 00:24:06 what i mean that'd be dank that's an upgrade for me but everyone always thinks like oh i'd still have my brain but just like be lebron james so be super dank at basketball you know um so it's like i don't know exactly what point i'm making but like i'd probably i'd probably like to be lebron james dude i have no clue what you're talking about. I love it. I'm over my head. Well, the thought of... The Stokers listening will get it. The thought of Strider's noggin in LeBron James
Starting point is 00:24:33 makes him like 10 times sicker. Yeah, every time LeBron dunks, he's just like, I love you, babe. Yeah, like every dunk is for his GF. Your excellence is a celebration of your love. Checking at home. Could your brain be in LeBron's body and he'd still be LeBron? No, dude, because honestly I get too hesitant under pressure.
Starting point is 00:24:51 I'd fucking just, you know, I would pass a lot. I'd probably get the same critiques that LeBron gets. I'd pass the ball, dude. I don't want to let my team down. Being too deferential. But, dude, let me throw this out there. I've never seen LeBron's hog. I'd be honored to.
Starting point is 00:25:06 But if you came with that kind of hog, how would that change your mindset? Oh, dude, I mean, here's the thing. I think my small dong is definitely a blessing because it's made me a more humble dude. I think I'd probably be like, if I had a big hog, I'd probably wear leather jackets. I'd probably freaking ride a motorcycle and be loud like a street bike, not even a dank dirt bike, something off-road, you know, 250cc, just pumping Yamaha style, you know, hitting the fucking rocks, dude. But, like, I'd probably just be like a douche, dude, like revving my engine
Starting point is 00:25:37 outside of coffee being in tea leaves, dude, and just being like, oh, I got a big dick, dude. Look at me. I'm sick, dude. I, like, hooked up with a chick last night and then, like, probably treat chicks less good, dude. So I'm glad I got a big dick dude look at me i'm sick dude i like hooked up with a chick last night and then like probably treat chicks less good dude so i'm glad i got a small dick dude i'm fucking glad that like my gf appreciates it and takes it for what it is dude just stoked on that but we but we have a working example close to us of um modesty in the face of having a giant dick and that's mr uncle joe oh yeah i heard got a freaking hog. I mean, I can take us back
Starting point is 00:26:05 to the moment when Joe told me about it. We were walking. He goes, John, can I tell you something? I was like, yeah, man. He's like, I got a problem.
Starting point is 00:26:14 I can't fit into condoms. Is that how I phrased it? Yeah, and I was like, why? What's the problem? You're like, they're too small. I need bigger condoms. I was like,
Starting point is 00:26:23 what about Magnums? You're like, no. i need magnum xls i'm like how you feel you're like it's a problem and i was like this poor fuck dude this guy has this beautiful gift and it's it's a burden because his dong is like it's too big and it's a problem that most people would want but they don't really know what it's like to carry something that huge. Yeah, it's like, yeah, I'm not really that comfortable talking about it, but, yeah, it's like I didn't know.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Dude, I'll talk about it for you. Yeah, like I didn't know that that was the size that existed because, like, when I was getting Magnums, it couldn't fit them. I'm like, all right, what do I do? And then I was in Walgreens one day, and i saw a magnum with a big xl on the box i'm like i'm like this might be the ticket did you cry were you like thank you so much god yeah yeah once i slipped one on i'm like wow this is great i've like a glove yeah i found it yeah it fits like a glove yeah i bought one of marie's i borrowed one of your condoms one time dude i was
Starting point is 00:27:23 swimming in that thing dude Dude, for sure. I was like, I need about four dicks, bro, to really give this thing a snug fit. Dude, I'm so pumped on Joe having a big dick and my roommate Greg having a big dick. This girl I've been dating, we went for a walk, and I was like, yeah, Joe's got a huge dick. Greg's got a huge dick. They're great guys with huge dicks. And she was like, stop talking about it. I was like, why? She's like, because I'll keep thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Nice. And I was like, whoa, all right. Sick right all right i was like hey i don't want to censor your thoughts if you want to think about how my dog's got a big dick there's worse things to think about absolutely dude those are positive thoughts dude joe the cool thing about joe joe never really brings it up himself it's always people just being like damn dude like that guy's got a freaking piece and like i remember one time we were in a car and he was driving and there's some girls in there and someone's like yeah like like joe with the big piece and he goes he's just like yeah i got a huge dong oh dude just you know matter of fact yeah i don't really that's a big dick response
Starting point is 00:28:18 yeah yeah dude i would i would cream myself on public transportation on the reg dude if uh what what what would you do what dude dude i would have no shame in getting an nrb on public transportation on the reg dude if uh what what what would you do what dude dude i'll have no shame in getting an nrb on public transportation if i had a huge don people oh no i'm more and they'd be like that's true then it's like a little privacy yeah right because it's a distraction you don't want to throw off people's days right they gotta get to work and stuff you terrify some dudes that's true they'd like oh like, oh, I'm sweating. They'd be like, honey, I saw something. I can never unsee. There's a dick out there so big, so mammoth. It could really do incredible things.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Exactly. And she's like, honey, no, you didn't really see a dick that big. He's like, honey, I did. I saw it. I know I saw it. It was huge. She's like, you're having another nightmare. He's like, no, I saw it.
Starting point is 00:29:00 It's like if you love your GF so much, you know that you're constantly letting her down with your small ding dong. So it's like, if you love your gf so much you know that you're constantly letting her down with your small ding dong so it's like dude go out there there's like it's like you if we if you just go over that mountain there's a river down there and it's perfect and it's got everything you need but over here it's like this little pond and yeah sure it's water and like we're no we're not thirsty but like there's better stuff out there well you might be a small pond but there's beautiful fish in your water dude thank you yeah and i don't think angel fish you're you're gf like she she i saw you guys bone you do that one time on accident so and i was not i had no intentionality
Starting point is 00:29:39 to i came home this dude had to left the doors open it was like uh to the moment being at a museum of like striders euphoria and then um i i i you know i had that moment where i was shocked but yeah they were in flagrante and and they were they had left the human realm they transcended to a different place doors only work of happiness yeah yeah that's true yeah i was in the moment dude but uh i'm glad that we have that bond dude deep in our oh absolutely dude i'm i'm 100 confident that the way you use it far exceeds anything she needs thank you yeah and let me just say this let me throw this out on the table if i was ever having marital issues and uh it was due to lack of dong size, I would be like, go see Joe. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:28 And what would I do then? Do what you do. Oh, all right. Yeah. If it's agreed upon. Yeah, you'll do your job. You're a man of honor. Dude, would you say that mellower dudes have big dongs?
Starting point is 00:30:45 I can't picture a dude who's like wily energy, like, oh, dude, what are we doing today, dude? Let's chill. Having a big dong. Yeah, I agree. You know what I'm saying? Dudes who've got big dongs probably lay back and they're like, all right, for sure. Yeah, I think so. Although I will tell you right now, dude, JT has a good-sized dong, dude.
Starting point is 00:31:02 No. Good-sized dong, dude. This is a good sized dong dude no good size thank you dude this is a good size dong well i became it well i became an i became a dude who hangs dong because i thought it was so small hangs dong like pulls my i used to like streak a lot and then or like hang out parties naked it was chill thank you thank you i loved it because i worry about it sometimes but uh i did it because in junior high this girl spread a rumor but it was true that I had a really small penis because she said, like, I was, like, mooning somebody. And she said she saw it somehow.
Starting point is 00:31:29 You goaded her? But accidentally. And then she was an older girl, a little more experienced. And she was like, hey, I saw JT's little dick. And that spread, like, wildfire around the school. Brutal. And I lost every argument. Every time I got in an argument with somebody, they'd be like, you have the smallest dick ever.
Starting point is 00:31:45 And I'd just be like, oh. And everybody would be like, yeah, you lose, JT. So once I got to high school, I was like, dude, I was like, I'm not going to wait for people to find this out and then be humiliated again. So I would just hang dong. But then it grew. And at some point, people would come up to me and be like, hey, you got a pretty good-sized dick.
Starting point is 00:32:03 And I was like, I was so deeply conditioned to think it was small. I was like, no, it's small, it's small, it's small. And they were like, no, no, it's solid. And I was like, all right, cool, cool. But, I mean, I still don't know, you know, for sure. That's good because you don't want to be going into arguments with a small dick. No, dude. Well, yeah, I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Dude, I think, dude, Chad, if you ever run for, like, office or council, dude, and you have to have debates, it just made me think, like, if you're, like, in an argument with someone and dude jt's super smart genius guy dude come awful dude like um dude and the thing is like if you're able you're probably winning that argument 10 times over but then someone just comes in with the hammer of oh dude but you have a small dick so dude if you're ever in a forum and you're going against an opponent who's a dude i think you have it won if you just you just tell them you got a small dick straight up. Yeah, but I'd love to elevate past where the dick size even counts into the argument
Starting point is 00:32:51 because I feel like it's not always pertinent. What is big dick energy? That's a word people are saying nowadays. What does that mean? Just like confidence? Yeah, but I've labeled friends that before who have big dicks, that they have big dick energy. But I think it's – I've been so've labeled friends that before who have big dicks, that they have big dick energy.
Starting point is 00:33:09 But I think it's, I've been so blessed to have so many friends with big dicks. And they really run the gamut of personality traits. Like some of them are neurotic. Some of them are quiet. Some of them are braggadocious. It's like, there's all kinds of big dick dudes out there. And all kinds of small dick guys too. True, true.
Starting point is 00:33:26 Dude, I remember there's this one guy in high school. Let me call him Carl, because I don't want to use his real name. But Carl was, he had the rep, dude. The people were like, dude, I saw Carl in the locker room. Freaking hammer. Hammertown. And that's what he was known for. And that's when I saw sort of the dark side of having a huge dong.
Starting point is 00:33:48 It's like, this can be a burden, you know? And he would just be like, I'd be like, oh, Carl, what up, dude? And just sort of be like, you know, I'd have this energy like, dude, like I know for sure that you got a piece under there. And it was just more like he had sort of like this deep sadness because he's like, I'm more than that. You know what I mean? Yes. I've seen that happen to people.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Yeah. I'm more than that oh you know what i mean yes i've seen that happen to people yeah i'm more than my third i'm more than my third leg and it's like it's like damn dude like i'm sorry to just like like you're also a really cool dude so adam sandler's character in funny people's like oh all these women are attracted to me and then i have sex with them and i always leave them disappointed because he can't live up to like the image that they've built up of him and i feel like like guys with big dongs have that same pressure where it's like, oh, you're the big dong guy. So you have to be exceptional, like from a visual and performance perspective, or you're going to be, you're going to be letting people down. Yeah. So did you guys hear about this journalist who was killed in the Saudi Arabian embassy in Turkey? Heard about it, dude. Unconfirmed.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Well, I think Saudi... I don't know if Saudi Arabia has come out with an official statement yet, but I think the prince of Saudi Arabia is going to come out and say that it was like a rogue agent who did it, but they are going to acknowledge that he was, in fact... Was a journalist from Saudi Arabia?
Starting point is 00:35:00 He's from Saudi Arabia, but he was a U.S. citizen, I think. Oh, wow. Working for the Washington Post and he was highly critical and dismembered yeah they dismembered his body so he went in so he went to the embassy with his wife to get papers that showed or for his with his soon-to-be wife to get paperwork that confirmed that he was divorced so he could get married and his wife was just waiting outside the whole time her soon-to-be wife rather sorry and um then like she didn't
Starting point is 00:35:23 come out at any point so she reported him missing and i think they said that um 15 guys interrogated him and then chopped him up into little itty bitty pieces damn and this guy i don't know much about it but i wikipedia him the journalist who died used to be friends with osama bin laden but he stopped being friends with him after 9 11 which is one of the all-time like i know my buddy's crazy but i don't think he's that crazy. And then at some point, you're like, all right, I got to cut ties with this guy. For sure, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:49 That broke the camel's back. Yeah. You get a few DUIs, I get it, dude. Everyone makes mistakes, dude. But, you know. My buddy did 9-11, dude. Yeah. I really liked the Twin Towers.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Yeah, dude. Really added to the skyline. Yeah. Trust me, he was going through a rough patch. Yeah. Yeah, he was a good guy. And then he punched that innocent waiter at a restaurant that's like this is like that on like the grandest scale big time dude yeah because i guess he was one of the only like um like uh
Starting point is 00:36:14 encouragers of peace in osama's circle like he'd be like osama try like a non-violent way and then osama was like yeah i'll think about it and then he was like nah dude 9-11 and what an epic falling out yeah but i don't know why so like why so we're upset because it was an american and like we're trying to figure out like what our recourse should be i mean yeah if it's an american citizen that definitely you know involves us a lot but even dude even if he's not american citizen that's why that they're freaking chopping up journalists yeah either way it's certainly whack he's really critical of the king right i think so he's about to be like uh yeah he's dead yeah and there's nothing really said that he had no hand in it but i you know obviously that's suspect because his uh his secret desire
Starting point is 00:37:01 would probably have been for that guy to die. Journalism is a tough racket. Yeah, dude. In terms of the, you know, you get paid a lot, and it's dangerous. Dude, I think. But that's why they get into it, right? Yeah, dude. It's a grind, dude. Even if you're freaking a journalist, like, say you want to do sports or something, dude, you got to go to, like, I don't know, Delaware and cover, like, Division III freaking men's volleyball or something like that.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Right. They make you start at the bottom great dude i mean that beat's getting dismembered in saudi arabia but still unchill absolutely but you just gotta stay positive be like dude do i really want this and then there was another news story that's scary specifically for chad dude what up do you see that robot doing parkour specifically for chad dude what up did you see that robot doing parkour because we were debating ai and we were like oh there'll never be a robot that can do like stunts and stuff like that but this robot wants to be the next tom cruise and i'm not with it dude yeah i don't like that either fuck that and what's with these these scientists you know it's like dude why don't you work on like
Starting point is 00:38:06 you know the ketogenic diet or something you know why are you making these robots we already have action movies that kick ass what are you doing why don't you work on like a sunscreen that protects us while simultaneously allowing us to get as tan as we would have without it and that boosts the morale both morale and health of the coral reefs yes like if you if you put on the sunscreen and you get in the ocean and it and it gets into the coral reefs the coral reefs are like oh thank you this is like fertilizer and i feel stoked it's like the green juice if the if the turn is coming though and robots are going to supplant us as the primary entity on Earth?
Starting point is 00:38:45 How should we celebrate our going out party? Because I don't want to be hard on the robots when they take over. We don't surrender. Oh, so you're thinking like John Connors? Right, yeah. Or Sarah Connors? Yeah, we don't let the robots take over. So we don't submit?
Starting point is 00:39:02 No, definitely not. What do you do with these humans that are accelerating their kind of um impending takeover well is this a real thing or a hypothetical that you're talking about i don't know that's the thing dude is we don't know and i don't even know if we'd see it coming dude i mean humans were so versatile like i mean i guess if they're doing parkour now like robots robots, you think they're dumb and they're just kind of like very slow. Robotic.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Yeah, very robotic. I think we're too versatile to allow that takeover to happen. It's tough. Dude, in the video, though, that song that was playing, I was like, this would be a good song to bone to. Did you guys? Yeah, it was like intelligent techno dude oh it's intellectually provoking uh provocative so it's like it's like primal and intellectual at the same time dude it was wow it really
Starting point is 00:39:56 captured like what these robots were all about i felt like sick dude that's really sick what up dude do you think there'd be a rager like in uh the matrix 3 deuce oh dude i think so dude yeah let them know we danced that was probably dude oh dude like when they're just like half naked just like in like mud just like grinding yeah i'm like damn that's probably what'll happen like when the robots take over we'll get as like we'll get back to our roots and just be like full-on like carnal and nature and primal and all that kind of shit and just we're just gonna grind dude so maybe that's a good thing when the robots come up we get back to our roots and we get we just grind we'll differentiate ourselves even more by our most human qualities yeah and so we'll strip away a lot of like the
Starting point is 00:40:50 robotic qualities that we've kind of built into ourselves like staring at our phone all day and we're like the phone yeah i'm done with all robotics i'm just about movement feeling and expression dude correct yeah and then we're gonna and where's what's the best and yeah on the dance floor with lawrence fishburne mc and morphine yeah and fucking maybe we get jamie foxx up there oh and then we just start bumping bodies dude yeah i got my dogs near me dude the military captain's like hey can we work on some defenses and i'm like i got nothing to defend bro i'm wide open i'm here now dude maybe yeah maybe maybe the robots will be a good thing because they take care of all the the menial stuff the the jobs and shit.
Starting point is 00:41:26 And they're like, humans, just get back to just start boning. And we're like, thank you. Yeah, when you put it that way, that's pretty cool. Yeah. That sounds legit, dude. Fuck yeah. Do Hoppe with Troy. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Troy was a health guru we had come in here who blew some Amazonian powders up our nose. Oh, really? How did it make you guys feel? I cried. Yeah. Really? It blew my mind wide open. a health guru we had come in here who blew some amazonian powders up our nose oh really how did it make you guys feel i cried yeah really blew my mind wide i threw up a lot troy said that's all what you're supposed to do so i guess i i did well wow hell yeah dude it was i mean it was a fucking tremendous experience people ask me i'm like i don't even really remember i was just it was just an influx of just like everything. And I was just like, I'm sweating and kind of paranoid.
Starting point is 00:42:11 But it taught me to just go with the flow. That's what you got to do. It's like ayahuasca. Yeah. Just ride. Just go on the ride. Don't force it. Don't try and stop it.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Hop on that freaking Goliath roller coaster and make that drop. I was powerless for sure because i was trying to like control it and he was like dude stop trying to control and i just had to let it like run through me i would not describe it as fun though it's not like a fun drug to do it's not like you know just getting high or like doing molly or something it's like it's a it it helps you by beating you up a little bit, in my experience. Yeah, it's like you're – How does that help? Because it forces you.
Starting point is 00:42:50 You confront the negative energy within your dome. Oh, wow. Yeah. Bleached or not. That scares you a little bit, huh, Joe? Yeah, I wouldn't take it, I don't think. Dude, I remember, again, like the last time you did Adderall, you went to a wedding,
Starting point is 00:43:05 and you were like the prince of the wedding because Adderall gave you that boost, but then you didn't sleep for three days, and you came up to me, and you were like, John, I'm a pretty dark guy. I said it like that? Yeah, you were like. I'm a dark guy? Well, you were like, I've been up for three days. So your thoughts had degraded to a point from when we're all at our normal level.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Yeah, I had a really bad calm down. And I think you said, yeah, because your thoughts probably got pretty gnarly after a couple days of not sleeping. And you were like, I'm a dark guy. But I knew you weren't a dark guy. I knew you were just situationally dark. Yeah, that was a bad spot to be in. Yeah. Yeah, that was the last time I messed around with that stuff dude we talked about this last night what would you guys do if you saw
Starting point is 00:43:49 someone about to burn an american flag oh dude i mean are they just doing this like in the city you're just like walking down the street you walk by park, and you just see some guy lay out a flag, drench it in some lighter fluid, and then strike a big match. Full-on tackle. That's what I said. You said you'd get sad. I thought that was a good answer. Well, yeah, I said I'd get somebody and tabletop him for one.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Tabletop is a good move. Yeah. Because it involves a bro, too. You can get one of your boys in on it. I like that. Yeah. I would be your boy. I would do that if I was with you.
Starting point is 00:44:31 I would be the table and let you top him. Nice. Sick. Yeah, I like to push. Do you have to let him burn the flag first because it's, like, constitutionally protected to express your, like, discontent? No. No.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Don't let him do it. You steal the flag and you tabletop that dude absolutely right tough to do anything strong after getting tabletop too it's a deeply humbling experience well that's the thing i don't think i don't think they would get up after that they'd be like all right i gotta get i gotta go home now i just got tabletopped. Bruised ego. Yeah. Because they probably think they're on top of the world. They're like, yeah, I'm taking a stance. And you're like, you're taking nothing. You're taking a table and it's going to top your ass.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Yeah. Yeah, dude. I respect that, dude, more than anything. All right. Anything else, guys? We got five more minutes till the calls. Oh, dude, I can't even wait. Dude, I'm just stoked
Starting point is 00:45:26 that we're in here, dude. We talked about our dongs for a long time, dude, but we haven't talked about them together for a little bit. I'm stoked on it. I think it was a nuanced dong conversation.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Yeah, and once a month you've got to return to the dong. Very true, dude. Dude, speaking of dongs, I get self-conscious that we talk about dongs so much, but I went to the Broad Museum. It's Broad,
Starting point is 00:45:46 not Broad, Joe. Joe kept trying to say it's Broad. I've heard it's Broad from multiple people, but whatever you want. You guys want to weigh in
Starting point is 00:45:55 on this? I think it's Broad, dude. Because it's a family, right? Isn't it the Broad family? Yeah. And I guess it's like
Starting point is 00:46:01 how Mr. and Mrs. Broad say. They developed their KB Homes. KB Homes, all the track homes in orange county they're responsible for it yeah but so they got like a massive art collection they have a museum in la i went with the girl i've been seeing and then um dude i was blown away all modern art is just dongs every piece is like and this is secretly about the way we relate to penises and the way the penis is representative of this and that but it's all dicks they had one of a it was like i mean it was a part of a larger piece but it was all these
Starting point is 00:46:30 black silhouettes against a white wall probably 50 feet around and one of them was um a slave owner woman sucking a young slave boy's dick while he had a funnel in his butt and her daughter was behind it like eating his shit. It was a small part of a much larger piece. It happened to be the girl I was with's favorite piece of the whole museum too, which speaks volumes about her artistic
Starting point is 00:46:58 appreciation. It's not very subtle. No. I think it'd be interesting if you were taking the audio tour to hear what the uh prescribed language was dissecting that that piece you know yeah i like talk about it dude this is the funnel which is representative of the economics uh stratus at the time freaking barno dude anytime i see someone take an audio tour dude fucking want to tabletop them bad dude but
Starting point is 00:47:25 they're educating themselves and i respect that dude but it's like that guy at midnight in paris that one character yeah michael sheen's character yeah dude and he's like if i'm not mistaken this was uh rodan's and he with the mistress monique or something and he's disagreeing with the hot ass french tour guide she's like i'm certain it was the wife not the mistress and he's disagreeing with the hot-ass French tour guide. And she's like, I'm certain it was the wife, not the mistress. And he's like, no, no, no, no. Oh, and then when he's like snuggling with Rachel McAdams, Owen Wilson, he's like, yeah, these pheromones, they just got me going. He's like, oh, wine and sex, hmm?
Starting point is 00:47:58 I guess it gets the pheromones going, but hurts the performance, am I right? And it's like, dude, kill yourself yeah right now don't weigh in bro yeah your pseudo-intellectual dog shit can go fucking down the creek dude for sure dude you gotta run you gotta game check your game dude you know what i mean like yes in front of your boys you know what i'm saying like dude if you're running game and your boys are like what's this guy doing dude it's bad dude if're running a game and you're not changing yourself and you're being you and your boys are like, well, that's just how freaking Chad is, dude,
Starting point is 00:48:30 or that's how freaking Maurice is. He's legit. He likes to talk about coffee and stocks, which I get, dude, and I love that. And it's like he's not changing it up, you know? You're like having to like, ooh, convince someone that you're smart and you read a book. It's like, get out of here, dude.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Yeah, when you hear someone running weak game, and not weak in the fact that it's not working but just like weak in the fact that they're like portraying themselves as like an elevated person you're just like i can't be around this that was always something i liked about our friend john is that like he ran game yeah and it was actually fun for me to listen to like it was good game but also when i was listening to it i was like this is really fun it was working on everyone it was working on everybody yeah then again what maybe it wasn't even game. He was just this guy. He was just being cool. Turning it on. Yeah. Yeah. You got a game. And yeah, that's like people like Q and A is like,
Starting point is 00:49:12 you should never ask a question at a Q and A. Cause every question at a Q and A is really just like, look at me. I get it. I want to tell everybody I get it. That's the first 90% of the question. And then at the end they just like tack on a question. Yeah, dude. You're like, no. Exactly. It's terrible, dude. We should do a Q&A and just anyone who asks a question, we're like, nope.
Starting point is 00:49:31 You should just do that, say so much information, and then say, where's the bathroom at the end of it? And where's the bathroom? I had a question. I had a question. Oh, yeah. If I'm not mistaken, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then the 16th century, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:49:49 All right, here we go. Dude, stoked for this. What do you got there? Dude, this is Collins, dude. Collins coming in. Wow. This is legendary. Wait, so I just hit this?
Starting point is 00:49:58 Have dudes been listening right now? Is this? No, it's not live. Okay, okay, okay. Now, are we going to hear it on here? Yeah. Okay, cool. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Sorry that's so loud, guys. It's all good. Hello, is that him? Hey, what up, dude? You're on with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. We got Strider and Uncle Joe here. What's up, dude? What up?
Starting point is 00:50:22 What up? Oh, dude, what is up? How y'all doing? Good, dude. How are you you doing all right just chilling uh yeah i got a i got a question for uh jit or for strider actually what up dude what up strider what up dude hey dude uh yeah so i live in arkansas and uh i think i think me and you are more similar than we are different i'll just say that uh so i'm also a real tall dude legend i have a similar issue of having just a significantly undersized dog my dog dude but yeah yeah my issue is i'm single uh so it's not not as easy for me i
Starting point is 00:51:01 think i was just wondering if you could give me some pointers on how to appreciate my small dong for what it is. Dude, so glad. How to appreciate my own body. Dude, first of all, dude, everybody's unique, dude, and you're a freaking unique, dank dude. And all I got to say is, did you call in on the right day? Because we actually talked about our dongs quite a bit on the pod today. And what I'd say is, dude, as being a tall dude,
Starting point is 00:51:23 it puts you at somewhat of a disadvantage to make your small dong look extra small. And in fact, it's not even that bad. And, dude, you just got to do what I do, dude. And, you know, taking advice from my dank dogs, JT and Chad, dude, not necessarily Joe, because Joe's got a freaking monster behemoth dong. But, dude, that's chill. He's a chill dude and he's a humble dude. But, dude, what you got to do is freaking be the best you you can, dude.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Freaking go out there, hang with the boys, be a freaking nice dude, despite, like, even chicks responding to the dudes that are cool guys wearing leather, driving Jaguars. No, dude, freaking go out, grind for tips, have integrity, dude, and trust me, dog, a chick that's is gonna pick up on that good vibes Dude, and she's gonna frickin when you when you get With you when you have a small dong dude when a chick is willing to have repeat sex with you Dude, I mean she likes you dude lock it down, dude
Starting point is 00:52:15 That's what I do with my GF dude freaking went out of the way to make her happy dude freaking I'm talking breakfast in bed, dude. I'm freaking talking learn how to cook something dank dude breakfast in bed, dude. I'm freaking talking learning how to cook something dank, dude. Get your calves lit. Get your traps lit, dude. Work on your core. Put in extra minutes at the gym, dude. I mean, dude, I could go on at length opposite of our dongs
Starting point is 00:52:34 about this right now, but dude, just be you. You sound like a legit dog. Your energy on the phone is chill. Fucking love my dog, dude. Much love, guys. Thank you. Dude, I would also say mick jagger has a really small dong and that's true that didn't stop him from being maybe the premier sex symbol of the 20th century so i think i'm saying i could be the premier sex symbol of the 20th century
Starting point is 00:52:58 i'm saying your i will is bigger than your i dong and so it's still there's no excuses it's still up to you to to be the best big dong in other ways you can be yeah let that small dong propel you into full optimization of yourself and that soon enough you'll have a gf get you under her thumb dude be legit jump wild good ref dog boom all right dude thanks for calling in man good luck Get you under her thumb, dude. Be legit. Jump wide. Good ref, dog. Boom. All right, dude. Thanks for calling in, man. Good luck.
Starting point is 00:53:28 And you got some heavy balls, dog. Thanks, brother. Later, dude. Peace, dude. Later. Great first call. Love that call, dude. And, dude, that guy hit me up on Insta, dude.
Starting point is 00:53:43 And he followed through with his word. So, dude, just keep, dude, and he followed through with his word. So, dude, just keep doing that, dude. Follow through with your word. Evan, was it? Yeah, Arkansas, dude. I bet you he lays pipe, dude. I bet he's got a bigger don than he thinks, dude. He's probably 6'5", too.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Hey. What up, dude? hey oh what up dude you're on with uh chad jt uncle joe and strider on the going deep and chad jt podcast what up nothing much just feeling bummed out that the bird scooters and cities around me are getting banned and taken away damn dude i'm sorry to hear that around me are getting banned and taken away. Damn, dude, I'm sorry to hear that. Sorry, dude. Sorry to hear that. I'm wondering what your thoughts about that were. The banning of the scooters?
Starting point is 00:54:34 I'm glad to hear it. Oh, joke. Could you release this? Yeah, no, that's good news. It was fun for a week, and then it's like, okay, let's get back to being people again okay do you think the scooters are taken away from who we are yeah why i do because um because cars and bikes is enough we don't need scooters also yeah and morse code was enough but
Starting point is 00:55:04 we still just try to try to amp up to the telephone at some point dude you can't maybe we should have just stayed with morse code you can't fight change dog dude i'm gonna share an anecdote that recently i had a dank experience where freaking chad was on captaining an e-scooter dude and i was riding on the back dude holding on to his legit lats and pecs because he freaking paddles out on that probably what is that new 5.8 fishtail you got dude or something squash yeah legit dude anyway dude it felt dank to be cruising with my my bro like that maybe you should jump on the back of mine joe and i'll give you a good ride dog yeah
Starting point is 00:55:39 i've never ripped down ones oh dude dude dude yeah i remember i was driving i was riding a scoot and you drive by in your car and you're like what the hell and just drive off i'm like you got to give it a chance my dog because i've never bonded so much with striker it was like 10 solid minutes of just like connect it was a blast dude it's a blast full trust so young stoker i'm sorry to that joe came in um you know with the opposite point of view and came in hard with it, but that's also democracy. We have to be able to entertain all notions, even if they are sometimes repugnant to us.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Too true, dude. That is true. Joe, would you be willing to test one out? Yeah. Yeah, I would do it inside somewhere first. I don't want to do it outside. Like inside a skate rink or something? Yeah, like a gym.
Starting point is 00:56:29 Or like a parking lot, like a Target parking lot. Yeah, a Target parking lot would be good. All right, thank you. Later, doggy. Later. Sound like you just got done with practice, dude. Tired. Just chilling out.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Let me hit up the boys. Exactly. Sipping sipping on a PDLA did he say what city that was I don't know I don't think he did it is happening nationwide though it's a full-on epidemic oh wow All right, here we go. We got so many calls, dude. It's crazy. I could do this forever, dude. Hey, what up, dude?
Starting point is 00:57:16 You're on the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. We also got Uncle Joe and Strider here. What's up, dude? Yo, what up? What up, dog? What's up, dude? Long time listener. First time caller. Nice.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Legend. Go Puzio. Go Dodgers. And shout out from North California, baby. Oh, what up, dog? Oh, dude. NorCal, dude. What up?
Starting point is 00:57:35 Oh, it's working, man. Yeah. All right. Yo, how you guys doing? Sider, what's up? Dude, what up, dog? Just chilling right now, dude. Freaking hella tight, what up, dawg? Just chilling right now, dude. Freaking hella tight, dude.
Starting point is 00:57:47 NorCal style with my boys right now, dude. Yo. Sider. Well, yeah, it's good to be on. I don't know. I'm just calling because my stoke level is pretty much off the charts most of the time. Hell yeah, dude. You guys remind me a lot of my squad, friggin'.
Starting point is 00:58:06 A bunch of, like, wild fools. I don't know. I like to rage and get down, friggin'. We've all known each other for a damn long time, most of us in school and stuff. Hell yeah, dude. Yeah, but I don't know. I've been kind of having, like, a big bummer lately. I've been kind of having a big bummer lately.
Starting point is 00:58:32 One of my best homies, my dog, this year, he's been hooked on heroin. I don't know. It's been tough. I feel like I'm watching my friend fade away. I'm sorry, man. How old are you? 22. What's your friend's situation like is he does he have like a strong support system around him yeah besides besides
Starting point is 00:58:56 friends not real I don't know I don't go too much into detail whatever it's like not like horrible or nothing it's like like like it's just uh I don't go too much into detail or whatever. It's, like, it's not, like, horrible or nothing. It's, like, it's just, I don't know. He's just, like, pretty into it. He's just not the same, like, lately. You know, he just doesn't like doing the things that, like, we used to do. He, like, don't play music no more or hang out or hardly ever see him. I don't know. It's just been tough.
Starting point is 00:59:22 I've just been dealing with that. And I hardly ever get to talk to him or see him or nothing like I said I just feel like I'm watching my homie my home dog just like fade away I don't know I'm gonna confront him soon about it like when I get the chance anyways
Starting point is 00:59:38 but uh yeah I don't really know I'm not even really asking for advice as much as I'm just then. It's just like, what do you like? I don't know. Like in the end, like I keep tossing it around and like in the end, it's like, what do you do? Just kind of like, I mean, you can, I mean, I guess I'm going to confront it. You can try as hard as you can, like tell people how you feel or whatevs.
Starting point is 01:00:01 But I don't know. You, just kind of accept that you gotta, like, watch people you love fade at the end of the day, or, I don't know. I mean, yeah, you know, if he's committed to that life, there is a limit to what you can do, but that doesn't mean you have to watch him fade, you still can, like you said, express your frustration with what's going on, and you can can also you know if if you feel up to it like a more full-scale intervention could be helpful especially if he's close to a bottom where he might be receptive to that sort of thing but I mean at minimum I appreciate you calling in and and I can tell you yeah I can tell you ready don't care about your buddy yeah for real like i said that's like uh dude's like my brother for you know
Starting point is 01:00:50 it's tough uh intervention's not really my style i appreciate the advice man yeah man i think best thing you can do is you know be there for him support him and love him and um you know it's uh yeah i'm sorry you're going through that man it's tough but uh yeah dude it's not easy man i got a brother who's uh addicted to stuff too bro so just dude at the end of the day they got to want to change dude your boy's got to want to change it for himself you can't force it on him don't burden yourself too much with it as much as you do you sound like an empathetic bro and uh relating to you like i've got a brother going through the same stuff so dude just be there when you can it can be a lonely road dude give him the options uh let him know uh you know there is an out and there's that's not you know
Starting point is 01:01:38 something you're into or like to see him go that way don't be too aggressive about it but uh you know hit him with some options i'm sure there's some stuff online dude and happy to be a crew of bros you can listen to sometimes that's what you need dog thank you for sure yeah i just try to be like i try to be the best friend as i can as i can be to him or whatever still i mean just like always or whatever and just i don't know if we're gonna have a way we haven't gotten like too serious about that kind of stuff or like serious crap and i don't know crap and then I definitely gotta like try at least to be serious about yeah I'm sorry man that sounds really tough yeah no no no we appreciate you calling in. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 01:02:25 How you got your crew of boys, dude? Sounds like you got a fun crew of wild boys you like hanging with. Oh, man, I got a good squad. I got my boys like my home dogs. That's what I'm saying, dude. Nice. Yeah, yeah. Been fucking partying on for a long god dang time,
Starting point is 01:02:42 and fucking the rest of us ain't stopping anytime soon. Oh, yo, Doc, my other question was, have you folks seen the movie Pain and Gain? It's got The Rock and Marky Mark in it. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Hell yeah, dude. If it takes place in Miami, we've seen it. Exactly. Multiple times, dude. He was so swollen that day. Michael Bay movie with The Rock and Mark Wahlberg.
Starting point is 01:03:04 That first act is just pure fire, dude. Pure fire. Oh, yeah. That whole movie's fire. Yeah, it makes me want to do pull-ups on the beach in Miami for the rest of my life. True, dude. Working out outdoors, like Muscle Beach in Venice, dude. They got it right, dude.
Starting point is 01:03:17 With your boys outdoors getting jacked. Yo, Strider, fucking. Oh, yeah, fucking. Thanks so much, dude. Strider, fucking. Hope you're released with your girls going fucking good. Oh, dude., fucking, thanks so much, dude. Strider, fucking, hope you're released with your girls going fucking good. Oh, dude, you know, I appreciate that, dude. No, dude, yeah, we're reaching new levels of intimacy, dude.
Starting point is 01:03:31 It's freaking so dank right now, dude. Just really just chilling, dude. Hell yeah. Hell yeah, my man. That's so good. Appreciate it, my dog. All right, dog. Later, brother.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Thanks, guys. Later, dude. Later, bud. Good guy. I like how that guy said, I like how that guy said, dude. Good guy. I like how that guy said fucking... Yeah, I noticed that. Freaking...
Starting point is 01:03:54 Freaking... In my squad, dude. So you were getting hit up while he was on. Other people were hitting you up. Yeah, it worked for like a second and now it's not working again so i might go back to calling did you have 56 58 unread texts you animal dude i see one i'm like what is that yeah 39 000 emails dude 39 000 oh my god there
Starting point is 01:04:23 could be some important shit dude your gym's trying to get in contact with you bad dude I got so many fucking offers on there I got 27,000 emails
Starting point is 01:04:30 27 dude dude am I allowed to take a leak while you live for this yeah we might just call that's fine yeah
Starting point is 01:04:36 be quiet Aaron do we have to be out by 6 yes oh we do alright gotta do ads and be Spades Legends.
Starting point is 01:04:45 All right. Strider, who is your babe of the week? Dude, my babe of the week has got to be, honestly, dude, I've been getting a lot of flack because I've always been saying that it's my GF. And it is my GF, dude. But because, dude, she got a freaking haircut and a lot of times dude i don't know but dudes don't know this maybe you dudes do now though could you bleach your dome for the coral but dude can be an emotional experience going in there dude a lot of ladies get a lot of
Starting point is 01:05:17 pressure for their physicality dude and like i try to empathize with that as much as i can dude so i freaking gave my gf a ride to her haircut. And, dude, she looked freaking beautiful going in and even beautiful coming out, dude. And sometimes she'll get emotional after it, dude. So I just got to say she's a legend for freaking not getting emotional, dude. Beautiful. Joe, who is your babe of the week? My babe of the week is my friend Julie.
Starting point is 01:05:42 She's kind of revamped my life, I would say. She's gotten me into this whole cleaning kick now where I'm obsessed with being clean. I've got new pillows. I'm mopping. I'm swiffering. I'm doing it all. Place is immaculate now. Thanks to her, she's kind of given me that boost that I needed.
Starting point is 01:06:01 Dude, I walked by your room today, and I wanted to take a photo of it. Your bed was made like I just walked into a hotel. Oh, yeah. boost that i needed dude i walked by your room today and i wanted to take a photo of it like your bed was made like i just walked into a hotel oh yeah and i was like a chic every day it's gonna be like that and dude more like julie is like um not to be disrespectful to her but she's like a smoking hot woman you know yeah that's not disrespectful. She's like a sister, mother, cousin, all in one. That's awesome. Yeah. Nice, dude.
Starting point is 01:06:28 Chad, who is your babe of the week? Dude, my babe of the week is my dog, Dave. My dog, Dave. So I had a little college reunion this past weekend with a bunch of my dogs and chicks, too, just for my class. And we were all meeting up, and my dog, Dave, came in with a fire mustache, dude. And I'm talking, like, bar from my class. And we were all meeting up, and my dog Dave came in with a fire mustache, dude. And I'm talking, like, barbershop style, like, something that freaking Joe could grow, just
Starting point is 01:06:51 like, super thick. He comes in, partying so hard, just, like, bringing the good vibes. And I'm like, Dave, what up, dude? So good to see you, man. And he's like, dude, what up? I'm like, that mustache is fire. And he's like, dude, i'm like that that stash is fire and he's like dude i'm eating ass tonight and i just want to like give him props for like really just sort
Starting point is 01:07:12 of like coming in hot making a statement and embodying sort of the mustache lifestyle and just be like dude i grew this and um i'm on a mission and I'm really going to take this look to full advantage. Not sure if he followed through with the whole eating aspect, but I just, he was just total babe. And I saw him like outside the little party. What was probably a big party? The big party we had just like wandering around blacked out. I brought him back to the hotel and um he was just a fucking legend the
Starting point is 01:07:46 whole time just really just amped up all the vibes so dave you're my babe my babe of the week is saquon barkley dude rookie running back for the new york giants we were doing this on the monday following his thursday night, uh, who'd they play? Eagles, dude, the Philadelphia Eagles. And, um,
Starting point is 01:08:08 he was phenomenal. I mean, his two yard runs are worthy of folklore. I mean, he, the first guy never gets them down. He has a low center of gravity thighs that are the size of Sequoias, acceleration,
Starting point is 01:08:20 agility, and a determination not to go down. I mean, he just has that mindset. He's like, you are not going to go down. I mean, he just has that mindset. He's like, you are not going to bring me down with an arm tackle. And watching him is watching physical genius in action. And I mean, I don't know if the Giants should have selected him number two.
Starting point is 01:08:37 They could have used a quarterback, and Eli is way past being out to pasture. I mean, he is hot garbage. And with the weapons he has, they should be better regardless of the offensive line. But I don't want to focus on that. I want to focus on Saquon, dude. Because running backs, they have a temporary lifespan. Anything could go wrong. But right now, watching him is just the best thing on TV, dude. And I love his discipline.
Starting point is 01:08:55 I love his workouts. And I love his cool, modest demeanor. I mean, I love when my athletes are expressive and they talk shit and they celebrate. But there's this other thing that's really cool about Saquon where like sometimes he'll score and he'll just toss the ball to the referee and run back to the sidelines. It's just business as usual for him. And for him, just the doing it is worth it enough. And I don't know, man, I just have not seen a running back like him.
Starting point is 01:09:16 I mean, I think Adrian Peterson was the best natural runner I ever saw besides Barry Sanders, but he couldn't catch the rock like Saquon could. I mean, every attribute that you can have as a running back, catching, running, blocking, agility, whatever. He's a 10 at every one of those attributes. And it's just like, God has blessed us. And thank you, Saquon. He's on my fantasy team too. So a little bit of both. Exactly. That's what I was going to say. Most impressive about him when he hurdles guys, like he literally hurdles guys. When he's coming down from the hurdle, he'll get tackled, he'll get hit, and he'll still land firm and still running. I've never seen anybody do that.
Starting point is 01:09:51 Strider, who is your Legend of the Week? Let's see here, dude. Dude, my Legend of the Week's got to be my Jeff because freaking, dude, she got me this picture of um la the city that's like it's got some feminine colors on it dude but it's like this cool little like kind of pictures like shows you all the different neighborhoods dude and it's like oh that's our neighborhood there and it's pretty dank and um it's gonna go on my desk area dude i mean she decided not to put my camera up in my desk area but um she found me a dank frame for this new picture of la and that's really tight of her so i just gotta say just super um super legendary of that dude keeping me in mind dude and being a
Starting point is 01:10:29 just a freaking dank decision maker and super solid dude so i just gotta say um yeah dude just total total legendary move i mean just honestly making our place look cute and um uh when it comes time for the holidays i'd like to have my boys over a formal invitation right now to cruise over. Um, maybe we'll make some, um, whiskey sours or something, you know, pumpkin spice, um, you know, something seasonal, dude, something nice and something dank. So yeah, dude, just, uh, mind you have just been a legend, dude. Just doing it right, dude. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:58 I like a Sam Adams winter lager around the holidays. Absolutely. Dude. Yeah, dude. And you were saying their Oktoberfest is really strong too, right? Oh, it's a fantastic beer, yeah. You can get that 12-pack that has the different ones
Starting point is 01:11:09 in there, dude. Yeah, that's a good one too. I like to do that. The medley. I like to close my eyes, reach in there, pop it open, sip, and nice little surprise
Starting point is 01:11:15 for myself on an evening. Uncle Joe, who is your Legend of the Week? Am I able to say myself? Yeah. Hell yeah. My Legend of the Week is Joe Morisi.
Starting point is 01:11:28 Yeah, you know, I've been feeling really good lately, I've got to say. In probably the best physical shape I've been in in a while. I've been working really hard at my job. As I said a minute ago, I'm very clean. Room's immaculate.'s ready to have uh visitors you know uh particularly female so um yeah just i've been feeling on top of it right lately yeah dude i fucking love that dude do you never underestimate self-love and a lot of times people will go oh dude i have to be humble and humble is nice dude but every once in a while dude reach around and give yourself a fucking pat on the
Starting point is 01:12:09 back yeah so you're killing absolutely i i'm i agree with that totally dude you deserve a nice good gf and i'd love to double date with your future gf dude yeah that'd be cool you're a major legend dude thanks chad who is your legend of the week my legend of the week is bruce willis nice dude so i uh i watched armageddon the other day harry stamper dude yeah with the lady friend what up caroline um i watched armageddon and dude they really got it right man they i miss those movies so much like it's just like um they i'm sick of superhero movies i'm just gonna come out and say it you know because like we have these superhero movies and they have these suits on they're just like all right you have your suit you have your power whatever and it's just i can't relate to it but then something like armageddon
Starting point is 01:13:00 comes on and it's like all right the world's gonna end freaking asteroids coming to just take it out who are we gonna turn to not some lame-ass superhero we're gonna turn to a ragtag group of dudes just a bunch of roughnecks and the one leader who never misses his depth bruce willis and that made the movie so much better you know because it was just like on the characters they're so they're like hilarious they're cool they're funny and bruce willis was just like i love this guy you know i want to hang out with him i wish you you know i wish he was my dad everything about him was awesome and he's he's fighting for his daughter oil drillers oil drillers yeah just like a full-on just like blue-collar dude that was just like he's like oh nasa you want to hire
Starting point is 01:13:43 me well we got some requests no more taxes bitch you know and um so but bruce willis just kills it in all roles where you're just like there's just something about him where you're just like man i want to hang out with this dude i want to grab a beer with this dude i can't really say the same for like the superhero movies you know i don't want to go grab a beer with freaking aquaman no no no so bruce will i mean i saw his other movie death wish that came out last year dude i wasn't expecting much and it came out on fire dude so it was just one of those like revenge stories that was so satisfying at the end when he just like fucking i don't want to give it away but revenge is it felt good it felt good and and he just uh i don't see him stopping anytime soon so bruce
Starting point is 01:14:25 willis thank you for just being a inspiring dude to look up to a relatable action hero that we all love and if i ever meet you i'm going to give you a big hug and buy you a bud light nice my legend of the week is uh austin miller oh dude yeah dude a dog we all share um it's long overdue and it comes on the occasion that he's moving to budapest what yeah dude so budapest tremendous gain is our huge loss my dog is moving there to be um a monk supervisor on like they're they're erecting a giant skyscraper and he's going to be one of the supervisors on it and uh he's come a long way because when we met we were janitors at the same job and i knew right away like that this dude was uh just a very special person and thinker
Starting point is 01:15:18 he was like so good at the job we had he did it with like incredible efficiency but he was still fun to work with and um we'd always joke around about being high because we get high at work once in a while and we'd always say if everybody else at work was cool we wouldn't have to get high and sometimes um i thought he was on edibles or he'd think i was on edibles and be like hey are you hanging with eddie that was our code lingo eyes and um you. Sometimes we probably pushed it too far, but we also kept it real with each other if we thought it was going there. That's one of my favorite things about him. He's one of the most real,
Starting point is 01:15:52 honest guys, funniest dudes. He's exceptional in a lot of ways. He wanted to be an Olympic runner, and he's told me that he'll never forgive himself for not making it to the Olympics. I love putting that kind of pressure on yourself. If I'm not the world's greatest at this thing then it's just not good enough i mean it's hard but it's it's admirable and he's just so funny dude and just the darkest funniest
Starting point is 01:16:15 humor like when i told him that my dad was sick with pancreatic cancer he's like what are they gonna do and i'm like well they're gonna cut off the head of the pancreas. And then real quick, he typed, he's like, they're going to cut off his head? How's he going to survive that? Only Austin could do that. And he is a wild man. Like, and afraid of no one. And really, at times can scare me because he'll go at it with people like out in public. But he's always doing it
Starting point is 01:16:41 because he wants the world to know that he won't back down. And he means it. It's true to who he is. And it's real. Because he's always doing it because he wants the world to know that he won't back down. And he means it. It's true to who he is. And it's real. Because he's from Texas, too. So in Texas, it's like, don't tread on me. Let me live my life the way I want to live it.
Starting point is 01:16:53 And I respect that independent streak that he has. And he's just a really thoughtful, funny guy. And he's also a man of so many skills. He can literally do anything. He rips a guitar. He can just do anything and then he um he did the intro song he did the intro song for going deep with chatting jt both intro songs he also has helped us with filming on some of our videos that we do the bet i love filming with him
Starting point is 01:17:17 dude he pushes us to be funnier and going harder and he's he's just fire ideas great ideas and and i mean i don't want to give away too much, but like on our bird one, he was the one who came up with ditch the turd, get on a bird, and then jam a stick in it. It was Austin's thinking. And yeah, he's just a hilarious dude.
Starting point is 01:17:39 And we're going to miss him when he's in Budapest, but I know that skyscraper is going to be beautiful. Dude's a legend. Takes very good care of his dog. All right, dude. We're going to miss you, he's in Budapest, but I know that skyscraper is going to be beautiful. Dude's a legend. Takes very good care of his dog. All right, dude. We're going to miss you, Austin. Love you, dog. Strider, who is your Beef of the Week?
Starting point is 01:17:51 Dude, Beef of the Week. My GF was recently visiting her family back home, dude. When she was flying back on the airport, I was going to pick her up, dude. I was being a good BF, dude. I was posting up outside the airport, dude, ready with snacks once you landed, dude. Freaking emergency after getting off a plane, water for straight up hydration, dude, and just chilling, dude. And then she calls me and goes, dude, some businessman took the wrong bag. It was her bag, dude. You know what I mean? So I got to have beef on that businessman who went to the carousel and
Starting point is 01:18:21 took her bag, dude, who doesn't look at your bag and then dude we have to wait and i was waiting an hour she was waiting in the airport i was waiting just outside dude just chilling and uh freaking the guy comes back dude doesn't even apologize or anything just grabs his bag oh yeah that's mine oh dude it was red her bag's black what what dude what What? What, dude? What? So, I mean, dude, major beef on this guy for putting my GF through undue stress and intern myself. But, dude, more so putting it on my GF after traveling a long weekend. And, you know, dude, haste makes waste, bro. Yeah, dude, get out of your noggin and look at the color of your back. Exactly, dude.
Starting point is 01:19:01 Joe, who is your beef of the week? of your back exactly dude joe who is your beef of the week uh my beef of the week is uh with uh cody parky's the kicker for the chicago bears dude yeah i we've had this discussion recently about how kickers used to be were better they were reliable we seem nowadays to see kickers are progressively gotten worse and i don't know how that's happened, but, you know, you have one job. They get down there. Like, your job is to make it. Like, how do you not? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:19:35 You know, kicking in Miami seems to be pretty easy. I could understand if there's maybe a wind factor. But make the kick. Bears are 4-1 going home to play new england next week but now three and two you know you could be a hero but now you're not and that was after you boldly predicted that they would probably go 15 and one well i said 13 and three was realistic which is still a possibility. Also, my beef of the week is with Brock Osweiler.
Starting point is 01:20:08 Play football again? Yeah, because he's apparently the greatest quarterback every time he plays the Bears. So, puts up these stellar numbers and it's just fucking. Chad, who's your beef of the week? So, I came across some tragic news the other day what up i went to go get a poke bowl went to my place the poke shack poke shack is closed whoa so my beef of the week is with the community at large way to not support the freaking pokey shack you freaking knobs they had everything they had creamy togarashi sauce they had salmon they had marinated salmon they had tuna they had marinated tuna and then they had crab and a bunch of shit and avocado rice that i didn't eat but
Starting point is 01:21:02 salad base they had everything and lemon juice which is essential to my pokey bowl and i didn't eat but salad base they had everything and lemon juice which is essential to my poke bowl and i can't find it at a lot of other places and couldn't you get acai bowls there too acai bowls fire staff you know they didn't really seem to give a fuck maybe that contributed to their um lack of success but i thought it was a very good ambiance so my it's with the community at large. Maybe you should have thought more about the Pokey Shack, and you should have gone there and bought some bowls, dudes, and chicks. Will you Pokey again?
Starting point is 01:21:34 I Pokey'd today. I went to Sweet Fin. I betrayed them. Was it dank? It was dank. They pushed you into that choice. Yeah. The guy was very accommodating, and I gave him a tip.
Starting point is 01:21:43 Nice. My beef of the week at a wedding i went to i was in line to get food and one of the groomsmen was all jolly and he walked straight in front of me in the line and grabbed a plate and then i just thought about it for a couple seconds and i went did you cut me and he turned and he was like what and i was like i think you cut me and then he went what no i didn't and i was like i think you did and he was like what and i was like i think you cut me and then he went what no i didn't and i was like i think you did and he was like i mean i'm i'm here but i didn't cut you oh but he's like but he's like but if you want to go in front of me go ahead and i went thanks and i grabbed some
Starting point is 01:22:17 asparagus and kept walking love it dude i was like dude i don't care if you're the groomsman at this wedding and you think you have some elevated position because of it. Yeah, you can't cut. You don't cut people in the food line, dog. And he picked me out. He picked me out. Disrespect. He saw the blonde hair and he saw the red in my suit and he was like, you know what?
Starting point is 01:22:37 This guy's being a little too flashy. I'm going to cut him. Well, I might have been being flashy, but I'm still a person, dude. And I get my asparagus. But it's a muted red when i'm supposed to it's a it's a maroon dank suit thank you doc those are on you dude fuck his jolly disposition yeah you gotta stick on you dude just because you're jolly doesn't mean you get to take grub first yeah exactly dude fuck that and you would have caught the garter dude dude jt catches
Starting point is 01:22:59 the garter live straight wedding like he's freaking do you eat like he's saquon out there dude all right guys we to wrap it up. I'm going to head to McDonald's and get some quarter pounder patties and cheese. That's it. Legit. No pickles, dude? No, dude.
Starting point is 01:23:13 Of course, no bun. All right. No bun, baby. Legends. Anything you guys want to say? Boom, clap, Stokers. Thanks for calling in, dude. Dude, Joe and Strider, thank you guys for coming on.
Starting point is 01:23:23 Yeah, thank you for having me. Thank you, Deuce. Always stoked to be in here, dude. Dude, Joe and Strider, thank you guys for coming on. Yeah, thank you for having me. Thank you, Deuce. Always stoked to be in here, dude. Legends. Guys, that'll be it for episode 41 of the Go Deep and Chat in JT podcast. Thank you so much for listening. Check out the Reddit. There's a subreddit you can bond with other Stokers, reddit.com slash r slash chat goes
Starting point is 01:23:38 deep. And then there is the Patreon, patreon.com slash chat goes deep. And yeah, dudes, thank you. as always we are brought to you by douglas lubricant douglas the best in the business the finest stokers you love to bone you love to get down you love to get down. You love to get deep inside. You know what? But when you bone, you want to bone right. And you want to bone smooth. Okay? So make sure you add this important element, lube, to your boning session.
Starting point is 01:24:15 But make sure you go with Douglas because it's al natural. And it comes with a variety of flavors. Orange, sherbet, apple, grape, original, anal. They. Sherbet. Apple. Grape. Original. Anal. They really up their flavor game. And I'm just so stoked on them, dude. I mean, Maurice, you've got a huge... What's up?
Starting point is 01:24:38 You've got a huge hog, so you've got to use lube in your foreplay? In your fornification? Yeah, yeah, I'll use it. Sweet. Just not as long as it doesn't smell weird or anything. Well, that's why they got the flavors, dude. So check out Douglas at smoothboning.com
Starting point is 01:24:55 slash going deep. smoothboning.com slash going deep. 10% off your Douglas order. Ah. 10% off your Douglas order. I'm going deep, I'm going deep, I'm going deep.

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