Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 42 - Aaron Hernandez, Daylight Savings, Disney Movies

Episode Date: October 31, 2018

In ep. 42, Chad and JT dive deep into the Aaron Hernandez six part piece in the Boston Globe, the use of virtual reality for empathy training, Stephen Hawking's wheelchair manuscripts, the use of Disn...ey movies to teach morality and Prop 7 which is a vote to stop the wrath of daylight savings on your bronze. We also take some calls, answer queshes, and name beefs, babes, and legends. Go deep, stokers! Check out our Patreon: www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with going deep with chad and jt podcast with episode 42 41 42 i'm not sure 40 something my dogs 40 something that going deep with chad and jt with my compadre jean thomas what's up boom clap boom clapper dude so we gotta start off this pod with a heavy political um thing going on prop, if you're in California, it's about daylight savings, my dude. This is probably one of the most important political things happening in my lifetime, I'd say. And which side are you on?
Starting point is 00:00:53 I'm on taking away daylight savings. I just, I'm, because, you know, it comes around in October, they enact this barbaric law, and we lose a whole hour. it becomes dark at like five it gets dark sooner it's like it's like the government's way of like all right it's time to not be stoked for this until March or wherever they change it back so we can vote on it now
Starting point is 00:01:19 yeah extend our daylight yeah what what do you what your side? How do you feel about it? I mean, man, I feel so embarrassed. I'm not as informed as I should be on the urgent issues, and I need to bone up. So I'm going to read more into daylight savings. I do remember not liking it because it took away from my tanning hours. Yes. From my kind of universal perspective, I think we got to do away with it.
Starting point is 00:01:44 I mean, I'm on board with you and let's keep the sun out. Maybe for the next podcast or before the election, we could get some stats in to be like, who's tanning and who has practice. So we can sort of decipher, all right, it's more beneficial for those who tan. Dude, democracy. You're not hanging out with the Blusens.
Starting point is 00:02:00 They don't believe in daylight savings. I love them. I'm going to hang out with Mark. They don't believe in quality sunlight. They don't believe in sunlight. Fuck them I love them. I'm gonna hang out with Mark. They don't believe in quality sunlight. They don't believe in sunlight. Fuck them. Fuck them. Dad, come on. They're stuck in the past. Honey, let her see them. They're stuck. The boy's
Starting point is 00:02:15 not even tan. You've seen that pasty family. I bet you they don't even have artificial sun lamps in their house. Like John F. Kennedy did. I heard he did that and that's why he had a tan. Oh, really? Yeah. Dude.
Starting point is 00:02:27 The guy continues to be even more of a legend than ever. I mean, they say he beat Nixon because it was the first televised debate, and everyone was like, dude, look at how much more tan he is than this other guy. I know. You look at him, you're like, even now you're just like, wow, dude. And Nixon was from San Clemente. It's like, dude, get out in the sun a little bit. Yeah. Tricky dick. He's just one of those dudes that didn't realize what he had. dude like and nixon was from san clemente it's like dude get out in the sun a little bit yeah
Starting point is 00:02:45 tricky dick he's just one of those dudes that didn't realize what he had maybe if he had gone to like a winter heavy state then uh he would have been like oh fuck i need to get out in the sun like i have so much sun privilege here the conservative writer george will said that nixon was ill-suited for politics because he didn't like people. And I'll tell you who doesn't like people, people who aren't getting sun, because the sun makes you happy and more extroverted. People who vote no on Prop 7. Maybe at Politicon next year, we could have a booth. You'd be like, all right, let's sell this once and for all and just talk it out.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Daylight savings. Yeah, well, we were at Politicon, and man, there was some vitriolic debate going on there. Yeah. It was exhausting. It was a great opportunity. I loved it. It was fun to be there. But it was a heated environment.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Yeah, I think it's so cool how they do that, how they let both sides come in pretty equally to debate things together, you know? Yeah. I think it's a cool thing that they're doing. It is. And I mean mean they said that the ticket sales were like a little bit lower this year because people were so politically fatigued or that was one hypothesis that me and one of the guys who worked there tossed back and
Starting point is 00:03:53 forth but i believe it yeah but i mean there was still a lot of excitement energy and people and i mean we everyone was nice to us met some awesome people yeah i was really pumped yeah all the people they were so nice to us for sure and awesome people. Yeah. I was really pumped. Yeah. All the people there were so nice to us, for sure. And then, um. Press conference was fun. Fun doing a panel with Rick Unger. Guy's a beast. He was really cool.
Starting point is 00:04:12 We gotta get him on the pod. We will, yeah. He was very nice. Richard. Richard Unger, I'm so sorry. No, it's Rick. Oh, it is? He goes by Rick.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Oh, okay, good, good, good. I'm bad with names. You are. Yeah. I forget. People tell me their name. Oh, okay, good, good, good. I'm bad with names. You are. Yeah. I forget. People tell me their name and then like, I can't wait for somebody else to come up and meet them so I can get their name again.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Dude, the funniest is when you'll be like, I'll be like, yeah, the other day with Hank, and you're like, his name's Hank? I've been calling him Frank for six months. And I'm like, really? I was a groomsman at this guy's wedding, and for the first year we knew each other I thought his name was Travis it was actually Mike and it's so different yeah I love how different
Starting point is 00:04:51 the name like yeah he looks like a Travis the only letter that's that's similar is the an I and then we have another big issue we're not going to be checking our phones today we've posted some clips stokers and you guys were quick to point out that uh in every clip chad and i are not looking at each other and we're staring at our phones and i mean the truth is we're deeply addicted i mean my phone's got tentacles on my face yeah i would just like to extend sincere uh gratitude to the stokers for calling me out on my bullshit i have an addiction and i'm working on it and the first thing is admitting it but dude this has to be the trickiest addiction of all you know it's because it's where our activism happens yeah it's the office it's the office but um we're
Starting point is 00:05:38 gonna try not to check them and uh we're just gonna be present except for the moments when we have to check it but we do have notes on the phone that's a lot of times why we're just going to be present except for the moments when we have to check it. But we do have notes on the phone. That's a lot of times why we're checking them. And now we're taking calls on the phone. Less phone, more mind. Alright, maybe we should get into our... We got some great topics this week. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:58 So, first up, Keira Knightley in an interview said that she doesn't let her daughter watch certain movies because she thinks movies are a bad influence like she doesn't think movies should be used to uh instructionally for morality basically specifically disney princesses right i thought the article brought up a good point where it's like I think they'll less they'll I think they'll less think about what these movies taught them and think more about
Starting point is 00:06:33 the fact that they have a problematic mother or not problematic mother a mother who finds problems in everything which is like to me because Kristen Bell said something too, and it's like, you're just looking for stuff to be righteous about. And I think it also depends on the movies you pick. And like some movies, like the Fast and Furious, like the loyalty to family, you know what I mean? Sticking up for what you believe in, putting family above the law. Like even if you don't agree with that, it's an interesting moral question.
Starting point is 00:07:05 And I don't think just because it's complicated or because it doesn't fit with contemporary morality, it should just be scrubbed away. Dude, perfect example. I thought there was a ghost in my room last night. I woke up at 2 a.m. and I'd been watching some scary stuff because it's Halloween. I thought there was a ghost in my room. I put on Jerry Maguire and the good vibes and inspiration alleviated my panic and I was able to go back to sleep and that's a wonderful movie for morality
Starting point is 00:07:31 because he's a complicated character he doesn't really appreciate this wonderful woman who's totally loyal to him but he does realize that he's working in a cutthroat corporate world and for his own salvation he needs to be know be more dedicated just to like humanistic um values and then and then that ends up benefiting him in the corporate
Starting point is 00:07:53 world because people see that and they want to be a part of it yeah and that made me think man if i could just sort of ground myself more into humanness i can defeat this ghost yeah you know if i can banish the ghost yeah if i can just like find that if i can hit bottom with whatever this ghost is doing to me and then just rise up like a phoenix full of humanity i can just crush this ghost and i think it's also movies are great for teaching us that morality is not as simple as like they try to tell us it is when we're a kid. Like my dad showed me the movie Sleepers and it's about a couple of kids who get molested and then two of them become criminals and they kill the guy who molested them later in the movie. And then one of their good friends is a priest played by Robert De Niro and he's on the stand and he lies to protect the kids. And I realized, oh, like you can lie and still have honor and that was the
Starting point is 00:08:46 first time i'd really encountered or you could argue you can't but that the movie basically suggested that and i was like wow that's really really interesting yeah and it expanded my boy brain yeah it just introduces you to situations you never would even even thought of. Right. And one of them, they're like, well, you know, Cinderella, that's a big bad lesson in consent. And the kid's probably like, I never would have thought about that until you just brought it up right now. So that's kind of how I view it. It's simpler sometimes than people think it is.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Yeah. They're like, whoa, what's this? Prince kissing a sleeping woman? You're like, whoa, what's this? Prince kissing a sleeping woman? You're like, yeah, I think you're reaching. Yeah, because you know that's not logical because if any one of your friends was ever like, I don't know, I mean, I remember Cinderella, and you just go for it,
Starting point is 00:09:37 we'd all be like, what the fuck are you talking about? Yeah. Cinderella? Like, that's your excuse? Yeah. That does not make sense. You suck face with Trish while she's blacked out to try and wake her up and become a princess? Nice try.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Nice try, Carl. I think when I was a black studies major for one year in community college, I got really into this author, Michael Eric Dyson. And he was talking about hip hop and kind of like extolling it as like a really important American art. And he basically said hip hop at its best can insightfully point out, you know, issues in our culture and in ourselves. And at its worst, it still reflects our worst pathologies. So even if a story has bad morality in it, it was made because that morality existed at that time. So even the stuff that's bad, we can still use it as a way to study the past
Starting point is 00:10:30 and see where our thinking was wrong. Yeah. So if like, if rap's like too much about consumerism or like, you know, wealth and stuff like that, well, what does that say about our culture? I mean, that's obviously something our culture celebrates. So it's important to still have it, even if we don't agree with it.
Starting point is 00:10:44 For sure. So yeah, I think Keira Knightley and kristen bell i respect you both you're both great actresses but like you know maybe the unevenness of some of these stories is good for the children yeah more art yeah yeah i love them both too i mean pirates of the caribbean black pearl is one of my favorite movies so good dude so many good tans in that movie and she's so good in it she's like one cause it is a vile drink that turns even the most respectable men into da da da da
Starting point is 00:11:13 thank you I watched it recently I mean this isn't my movie quote of the week but I read in a review once that her eyes dance with intelligence and they really do when you watch it she's just like this like super witty girl stuck in like a tough culture that won't really let her rise to the height she deserves and then like she falls for this kind of
Starting point is 00:11:34 like jerkish dude who's actually got a heart of gold and then at one point he looks at her and he goes you have bewitched me body and soul that's a good line yeah hell yeah my virgin ass was like fuck yeah i want that shit i need to come so bad i need to come yeah i remember watching that movie and just thinking man i'm horny i need that was my review of every movie at the time yeah man i'm horny but and dude a lot of times when i watch movies about you know that have you know bad morality and all that kind of stuff it's like it sets me more in the right path of like that's what i don't want to be right you know what i mean you
Starting point is 00:12:10 watch that stuff and you're like you sort i i personally i kind of check myself i'm like man am i exhibiting any of these behaviors dude it's a good point yeah and i think you did that as a kid like so give your kids more credit like they can probably process this stuff. Yeah. You can't shield them from this stuff. That's like, no. And movies are kind of a safe way to introduce them to it because you don't want to just drop them into those actual problems. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 00:12:36 Like I would have never thought of that if an asteroid was coming for Earth to contact someone who drills oil wells in the sea. But now we know. but now we know but now we know and then so for our next thing uh stephen hawking's uh wheelchairs up for grabs like they're gonna auction it off yeah and uh i just was like dude it's so obvious that you gotta buy it because what if it has like mike properties to it you're genius i never i didn't think about it but yes you sit in it and all of a sudden you're like intergalactically connected you you you figure out cold fusion yeah man that's cool i want that wheelchair how much is it going
Starting point is 00:13:20 for i don't know i gotta guess it's gonna go for a couple mil man whoever sits in that is one lucky dude and also the other stuff that they had of his he seemed like a jokey fun dude yeah i think so he loved being on the simpsons he didn't seem jokey and fun because like we always thought him so sedentary but you don't know his brain is just dancing with humor probably just inside he's like this is hilarious yeah he's like dude this is funny shit yeah he's like fuck yeah dude yeah he's like dude you said i fall fuck that was funny shit dude this is kind of dark but when i saw the wonderful documentary life itself about roger reaper at the end of his life he lost his jaw due to cancer and he's smiling the whole movie and i was like dude he's so happy even though he's gonna die
Starting point is 00:14:04 because he really attacked death like a beast. Like he said, he wasn't afraid to die because he wasn't afraid to be born. And I was like, man, that is like using philosophy to really tackle the big issues. But then I realized at the end of the movie, he wasn't smiling. It's just when they clipped his remaining face together,
Starting point is 00:14:20 it hung in a smile. And I was like, oh, dude, he might've been bumming a little bit more than I thought he was but he was still pretty stoked yeah and his wife took really good care of him she's a sweet lady according to science if you make yourself smile you that's proven to make you a little bit happier fake it till you make it that gave him a little bit of a boost i'm sure and he wrote like a mofo up until the end he was just churning out more of his just expressing more of what he thought and saw and just giving it all to us do you think at one point they're like hey you're uh you seem really cheerful today and he's like actually I have a lot
Starting point is 00:14:57 of anxiety I am in terrible pain he so he had so much voice on record of him talking that they could create a computer voice box that was his voice oh really oh he can talk oh yeah but he had so much voice on record of him talking that they could create a computer voice box that was his voice to talk. Oh, he couldn't talk. Yeah, but he had so much TV appearances and stuff. They had like every enunciation in there so it could be mimicked. They're developing that technology. It's kind of scary. It's really scary.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Have you heard about that? No. How they like recreate Barack Obama's voice. Eventually they'll be able to, I don't know why they're developing this technology. Cause it's a lot of bad things. They're going to, you know, potential things that.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Cause people will trick people on the phone and stuff. Yeah. You can recreate almost exactly anyone's voice. They can, you know, implicate people for stuff and say, Oh, you said this racist thing.
Starting point is 00:15:44 And they're like, even though if someone didn't, they'd be like, they'd have like the recording. and say, oh, you said this racist thing. And they're like, even though if someone didn't, they'd be like, they'd have like the recording. And then Richard Branson would be like, I didn't say this racist thing. And we'd be like, no way, Richard. You really picked on the Mennonites. He's like, but I love the Mennonites.
Starting point is 00:16:01 No. No, you don't. We know the truth. We got you. And then, dude, the last one, VR. Creates empathy. Can make us more empathetic. Yeah, I believe it.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Well, I think it's like the movie thing. It puts you in the situations. The VR at the IMAX Center, it helped me create a lot of empathy for trees because there's a tree game where you're just a frigging tree. And I was like, damn, being a tree is boring as fuck. So now I know. It is funny, like the examples they used in it, they're like, yeah, like if you do VR to be homeless, like you'll have more empathy for the homeless. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:43 I was like, I don't know if a lot of people are going to pay for that, though. Hey, how about we do the homeless yeah i was like i don't know if a lot of people are gonna pay for that though hey how about we do the homeless vr experience hey i'm gonna put on goggles so i can see what it's like to be homeless like well you can just go talk to a homeless person yeah or go help them out a little bit i don't know if we need vr for that it's like oh i didn't understand that it sucked to be homeless until i put on these goggles and then you wow you walk around la you're like no it's pretty visible the sidewalk from this view is just it sucks yeah this is shadowing oh that's my tent fuck i would um when i used to party much harder i would just sleep on the sidewalk sometimes where one time i uh went out with this girl mia and her friend who was from out of town and Mia went to sleep and
Starting point is 00:17:25 me and her friend just walked around like the city at like four in the morning and then we got back to the apartment I was like do you want to hook up and she was like nah I was all right and then she went inside and then my phone died and I walked out of their building and the gate closed you know so I couldn't get back in and I couldn't call an uber and I really didn't know how far I was from my apartment so I just laid down on the front porch and slept then someone came out i was like you can't be here and i was like can i use your phone i called my brother and he came and picked me up dude i used to do something similar in college i had this like i was a freshman i was trying to impress this girl who lived in the same hall as me and i had this weird idea that if i passed out in the hallway
Starting point is 00:18:06 she'd be like oh he's hilarious because he parties so hard so i would do that on purpose with the hope because she lived across me with the hopes of her waking me up to be like hey what are you doing about all crazy times am i aren't i just like hilarious and fun she's like no can i tell you something? I love it. And I love the commitment, too. You love it? Yeah. Dude, I slept there like 10 times.
Starting point is 00:18:28 I bet you. She woke me up. See, that's the kind of thing. We did date, too. Well, there it is. It worked. I was going to say it's not going to work in the moment. But 10 years from then, you walk up to her.
Starting point is 00:18:41 And you're different people. And you go, you know, the reason I only slept in the hallway was because I had a crush on you. And I was hoping you'd wake me up one time. She'd be like, you're insane. You go, I was nuts about you. What do you want me to do? And that's when you hook up.
Starting point is 00:18:51 And I've always been big into the 10 years down the road game. Luckily, it went to six months. But similar situation. It's a testament to patience. Yeah. And then, dude, the last thing. Chad and I did some serious reading yeah in preparation for this last segment we read all six of and i'm pumped on that on uh the boston globes
Starting point is 00:19:14 six piece um spotlight series on aaron hernandez the former new england patriots um tight end who passed away via suicide while in jail for murdering Odin Lloyd. And it's the same team, the spotlight team that I think there was an Oscar winning movie made about them who uncovered all of the Boston Catholic parishes abuse on boys and girls. And yeah, we just did a deep dive in it. And dude, Stokers, to be honest with you, it was a dark place to go. I mean, I'm always happy to read something, but three articles in, I was like, this is just bleak. Yeah, on the drive over here, I was like, damn. Damn.
Starting point is 00:19:55 A lot of good lessons in environment, the effect of your environment. Tough. Because Warren Buffet says you're the average of the five dudes you kick it with the most and um look at par just chugging like a beast par drinks hard yeah any liquid nut but you're right i mean aaron he had his dad was tough on him you know he seemed like a guy who his dad loved him but he was had a lot of shortcomings. Yeah. And then his brother seemed like a good dude, but his brother was probably dealing with his own stuff. And then once Aaron's tough home life pushed him to live with his cousin,
Starting point is 00:20:32 whose husband left her for his mom. Yeah, that was big. When he was in high school. So you can imagine how shattering that is after losing your dad. And then a lot of gangsters rolled through that house, and they gave him love, but they also kind of taught him a lot of gangsters rolled through that house and they gave him love, but they also, you know, kind of taught him a way of life that was, you know, not good. Yeah. And he had a lot of complexities bumbling underneath.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Dude, one of them, you know, the sexuality thing. He had a gay relationship with the quarterback of his team and it actually seemed like it was pretty sweet and nurturing. relationship with the quarterback of his team and it actually seemed like it was pretty sweet and nurturing and it makes you wonder if he could have been comfortable with that side of himself would a lot of his anger have subsided i don't know if it's that simple you know what i mean because he had so much going on between the gang world that he was associated with his difficult home life and then the concussion problems that he had but i do think it's, it's, it's sad that, and it's hard to measure what repression can do to us. Yeah. And I was telling you,
Starting point is 00:21:31 you know, I went down and I've since blocked, I got net nanny on my computer, so I can't look at porn, which is great. Cause now I can actually look at my laptop as just a tool to do work and to watch movies and not one that could waste my my life on you know but uh i was watching a lot of webcam porn and i went all the way to watching dudes supposedly straight guys
Starting point is 00:21:50 um no judgment on them maybe they are straight but i talked to them a little bit and some of them seem gay but that's neither here nor there um and i was talking to dudes and and and uh yeah that's a part of me that's in there Yeah, he broke that to me like this week. Yeah, and I was like, well, dude, on National Coming Out Day, I was going to be like, I was like, do I say something? I was like, do I say that I watch gay porn once in a while? And then I was like, nah, because there's like genuinely gay people and it's more their day.
Starting point is 00:22:17 I was like, don't encroach. And I was like, nice. But it is important in a way where I don't want to be ashamed of a part of myself. You know what I mean? Well, props to you. But yeah, so myself. You know what I mean? Well, props to you. But yeah. So Aaron Hernandez,
Starting point is 00:22:27 sorry, I hijacked the convo. Like he had that in him and I guess he would like talk shit to guys sometimes about it. So, and then, and then just the way that like, you know, celebrity and ability can.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Like the college was like kind of a world of entitlement for him. And then it just increased with the nfl everyone it's just all green lights because everyone's protecting him it it sort of shows you about you know that that culture where it's just like the team winning is kind of the priority so like you know everyone kind of knew he was a problem but just you know put just like put it aside let's fucking win that was one of the bleakest parts for me because I'm such a big football fan. And I mean, this is true of every big industry,
Starting point is 00:23:10 but you really see how bottom line those things are. You know what I mean? Like where players' safety, health, and like the well-being of the people around them is really not on the priority list. It's like seeing Jerry Maguire when the kid is like, what are we going to do? How many more times are we going to let this happen?
Starting point is 00:23:31 And he's like, oh, your dad's a tank. He's going to bounce back. And this kid's like, fuck you. It's big. It's huge. And then you talk about a guy like Bill Belichick. I mean, I don't think he was like, you know, in the top five people responsible for whatever happened, but it's clear that like they were willing to put up with a lot
Starting point is 00:23:54 of unknowns, dangerous unknowns because he was so valuable on the field. Yeah. And, you know, maybe it's complicated. I'm sure they, they saw the best of him too. And they thought he could get better and they didn't know all the details of how bad he is. But a lot of it felt like they didn't want to know. Yeah. Like there was a willful ignorance from everybody around and not even ignorance. beat the shit out of somebody or did something bad who would like coach them through it pay off
Starting point is 00:24:25 whoever was mad at them and get them out of trouble basically without any consequences yeah because he was so good i mean on the patriots and stuff i mean he like yeah it's like what are you gonna just like pull them out yeah so i don't know and what what do you think about this stuff you know what with like the the shootings when the shootings start happening about over like a spilled drink at a bar and stuff like where does that come from do you think that i like do you think that just amps up from repressed feelings with his ego or just you know because i don't know that that one story about how they drove up to those dudes
Starting point is 00:25:05 who just like spilled a drink on him. Killed those two guys. Killed those guys, yeah. Two guys spill a drink on him and then later in the night they pulled up on their car. I'm sorry to laugh. It's just so insane. I'm like, I can't believe this is real life.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Yeah. Pulled up on their car and shot both of them. Yeah. And killed them. Yeah. Yeah, that was, he had a fascination with violence and definitely there was a part of him that was um he had a fascination with violence and definitely there was a part of him that was
Starting point is 00:25:27 like if i don't kill the people who fuck with me then i'm not a man yeah and it was such a dramatic way to perceive things and so unnecessary well he said i get my respect respect through weapons yeah and his agent was like i thought he was kidding i'm like well if he actually has the gun in his hand yeah you should maybe take him more seriously yeah nice move yeah i thought he was kidding like oh that's scary this is a very minor point but i read an article a couple years ago that i thought was brilliant about how they should let college athletes major in their sport like because they spend 40 to 60 hours in their sport nobody else is doing that kind of like extracurricular workload and not
Starting point is 00:26:05 getting school credit for it like if you're an actress you can go to school and major in acting and you can make money off your acting yeah they treat it like a real part of the curriculum yeah but for some reason we separate athletics and academics in a way that we don't do with any other kind of developed skill well what do you think about with acting and stuff you can do theater you know i guess there's minor league but i feel like i feel like um in terms of career opportunities there's a little maybe there's a little a little bit harder to make money with football but there's so many things that are hard to make money with that they let you major in you know what i mean like i mean being like anthropology yeah like an art history major let you major in. You know what I mean? Like anthropology.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Yeah, or like an art history major or something. I don't know what the numbers are and how many jobs are available there versus football. But it doesn't necessarily just have to be football. It could be something adjacent to football. You know what I mean? Like coaching development or just... That'd be a good major. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:00 And then you'd actually treat these athletes like students and then let them make money off this stuff. But this is all immaterial. The thing we're really talking about is just this tragedy of Aaron Hernandez's life, which was like, dude, he shot one guy in the head. He lived. The guy survived. And then they had a text exchange for like a year talking shit to each other and negotiating how much money Aaron Hernandez should give him. And the guy wanted $5 million. Aaron Hernandez said, I'll give you a million and a half
Starting point is 00:27:27 for shooting him in the eye. I don't know how much you pay someone for that. You need to pay for what you did. Yeah. And then the guy was like, if you don't pay me, I'm going to kill you. And that was a lot of where Aaron's paranoia came from because that guy was saying, like, I'll kill you outside of, you know, the football stadium.
Starting point is 00:27:40 I'm waiting for you. Yeah. And so he responded by getting like an armored car and hiring five ex-cons to do security for him. Dude him dude he woke up the guy woke up with a bullet hole in between his eyes yeah fuck yeah i read that i'm like did i misread that i had to read that a couple times i'm like oh he don't fuck he lost an eye and then there's the concussion part of it which is um you know been talked about a lot but when they showed in the one article just the graph of all the athletes brains they've studied who had severe concussion syndrome and
Starting point is 00:28:12 the way their lives ended you're like man it is i watched like a documentary on like pig farming and i didn't eat bacon for like a year but then after a while it just slipped out of my mind and then i went back to bacon. I'm like, all right, these next few weeks of football are going to be tough to watch. But then I'll probably forget and come back. Yeah, a lot of impulsive behavior. All right, should we get to some calls?
Starting point is 00:28:37 Yeah. Stokers, we have heard your thoughts on the... Give us some more feedback on the live call-ins versus written emails. Maybe put up a poll. Or just we're going to mix it up. We're not going to do call-ins every episode. Maybe we'll do live ones on certain ones
Starting point is 00:28:58 and then written ones. So we'll keep you posted. Yeah, we're thinking about just doing the calls once a month, guys. And then the rest of the month, we'll do written-in we're thinking about just doing the calls once a month guys and then the rest of the month we'll do uh written in ones as we've been doing and maybe we'll come up with other things for uh certain weeks you know it'll be and we'll keep evolving because we want to keep coming up with new stuff hello you're on with uh going deep in chat and jt this is chad and jt what up what up brother it's bill man oh what's up brother hey it's my playboy what's happening oh man bill i've heard
Starting point is 00:29:37 so much about you man it's a pleasure to finally speak to you where's strider? He's at Benihana's. He's working. He was on last week. Dude, dude, I've been married for 15 years. Strider needs some life advice. Tell him to give me a call. I'll help him out a little bit. Oh, thank you, big bro. I will. Tricks of the trade.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Hell yeah. Oh, yeah. Hey, Chad, since you've become such a major Major Hollywood player And My brother Mark and I were debating whether you're B, C, or D list celebrity We're gonna go with B list for you It's been hard to do
Starting point is 00:30:15 Some family business so I figured I'd call into the pod And run over a few things with you is that cool Oh yeah for sure Hit me with it JT chime in here sure thing okay you gotta go call noelle on wednesday it's her birthday like you got that it's this one all right i'll put in my calendar thank you okay i'm gonna write it down too jt will call um mark said you
Starting point is 00:30:39 left your good charlotte cd in his car oh fuck uh do you want it back um i mean i use spotify but i'll take it just for i can put on my wall or something it's a really good cd what you mount it like a like a gold record or something yeah i mean the anthem that was sort of the anthem for my adolescence so thank you for reminding me of that yeah oh that reminds me of the other thing i wanted to ask you what's up um when we pick you up at christmas we only got a two-row car so you're cool sitting with luggage in the back because the kids want the captain seats yeah that's cool uh just make sure i mean i was sitting on a bag last time so if we can just like make like a little bit more of a nook so I can actually sit in a seat, that'd be awesome.
Starting point is 00:31:30 I didn't want to like, you know, impose, but I don't mind being inside a bag if that's the best way to get me in the trunk. Oh, dude. Yeah. Yeah. I've been meaning to ask if we could have JT over. Well, so JT, can we put you in a bag and then put you on the roof rack? If, like, it was waterproof or something, would that be okay? That sounds dang.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Oh, dude, if we got, like, a Thule, you know those Thules? That's perfect for a body. Yeah. Just put a breathing hole in there. Whatever the customs of your family are, I fully intend on deeply honoring them. So, yeah, trunk, roof, roof underneath whatever works dude underneath dude well maybe we'll just tie mark to the bumper and make him run dude mark would like that we like punishment cardio okay so i got the family business out of the way. Thank you. I do have one minor beef with the pod.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Hit us. You guys only talk about fast food, and it makes me feel like Chad's childhood was a little disadvantaged. But on big occasions, we'd go to Olive Garden or P.F. Chang's. good at like Olive Garden or P.F. Chang's. So I think it's a good forum, you know, now that your buddy is in the sort of the quick casual industry. You know, Benny Hanna's is not an elegant establishment. Like, let's be real about that.
Starting point is 00:32:59 If Strider sacked up, you could get Nobu and Malibu maybe. Dude. But quick casual is good. But I'm glad you reminded me of that, bro, because last time I was with Dad, we actually went to Roundtable and got salads. You got a salad at Roundtable? Yeah, so that's quick cash. I know you don't want carbs, but that's weak, brother.
Starting point is 00:33:20 That's really weak. For five bucks, you can get anything you'd ever want to eat at Roundtable. I got bacon bits, though. Ask Dad. You lived a little. Ask Dad. I got so much ranch on there. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Come on. You've got to do better than that at Roundtable. All right. But I'd like you guys maybe to debate for a few minutes, and I can drop off so you can get some other callers who can ask about their problems with their dicks and whatnot um you know to talk about your quick casual restaurants of choice and problems with their vaginas too yeah I would I would go for the old-timer burger from Chili's as number one they put the mustard on it it It's really solid. With a Corona Rita?
Starting point is 00:34:07 Like six of them at once. Yeah. That would work. Yes. What else have you got? Is that your main pick? Oh, after that? Yeah. Well, you know, because you moved down to San Clemente after,
Starting point is 00:34:21 because I'm a lot older. JT, I don't know if you know, I'm a lot older than Chad. But I grew up in Sacramento. And so i'm always partial to my boy guy um oh yeah he's from yeah he's from norcal santa rosa represent um so anything that sort of has donkey sauce on it is really solid and and tell your other callers not to talk about their own donkey sauce in a few minutes just guys donkey sauce all we want okay for sure thank you big bro hey get back to bed go to bed go to bed giants are still losing charlie won't go to bed okay i gotta put my kids to bed thanks for calling in and thank you for the family biz
Starting point is 00:35:06 JT keep it real I love your work And if I come out To SoCal we'll go shredding together Hell yeah I'll just get barreled Of course Bill always gets barreled
Starting point is 00:35:22 Chad can watch from the shore I'll stand from the pier you're getting little duded all right thanks for calling in hello dude uh every time i see them i just get squashed with uh criticism but it's love it's good dude I don't know if I mentioned this uh I was out with my dad and a stoker came up to me and was like so stoked to see me big ups to him and his family they were really nice and then uh I walked back to my family and everyone was really excited for me and then then my dad said, yeah, but how do you monetize it?
Starting point is 00:36:06 Savage burn, dude. Call from? Jeremy Freed. To accept, press 1. To send a voicemail, press 2. That's nice talking to your bro. Yeah. What's up, dude?
Starting point is 00:36:19 This is Chad and JT. Yo, what's fucking going on? Yo, my guys, what's up? What's up, dude? I'm so stoked you answered my call. Hell yeah, dude. What's up? Stoked to talk to you. All right, yo.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Yo, my name is Jeremy. I'm out here in Massachusetts, hella far away from you guys. How's it going out there? I'm chilling. It's a little cold though alright so uh dude I fucking love your guys podcasts
Starting point is 00:36:49 uh you guys are so dope you guys are you guys are fucking dope thank you dude thank you dude alright so um
Starting point is 00:37:00 you know I don't want to waste your guys time uh I kind of got like a bit of a situation that uh me and a lot of my squad could, uh, really use some advice for. Uh, so, um, yeah, pretty much just here it goes. Like, dude, me and my squad have been tight for, like, a really long time. So we got this one dude in our squad that fucking, like, dude, he fucking sucks.
Starting point is 00:37:23 But, like, we're not trying not trying to like pick him out or anything like that because you know uh we've been tight with him for a while so you know like we gotta keep the moral code like we're not just like kicking people out that we don't like you know i'm saying i appreciate that yeah so basically like the situation is is that he's always been like that dude just to like never go out with us. We kind of just hang with him on Sundays, watch football, but on Saturdays,
Starting point is 00:37:51 we're not really cool with him. But all of a sudden, he's been wanting to go to more parties with us and shit and stuff like that, even though this dude's whack. Everybody's school thinks he's whack, too, and shit. But we've kind of like brought it up upon him upon ourselves to like train this guy and like party etiquette you know we're trying to like better him a little bit but recently recently in our experiences it has not gone well at all you know like this like, this dude does not pull. He's, like, really, like, ruined our rep.
Starting point is 00:38:27 You know, he always acts up. We got parties and shit, and, like, we kind of always have to deal with it. And basically, like, whenever he goes out with us, it's just a bad time. But, you know, I've really been, like, trying to, like, get this kid to get it, you know, kind of just so I could fit in. But it's not really happening, and we kind of hit a plateau where we just, me and my squad just really don't know
Starting point is 00:38:49 what to do with this kid. Because we want to help him out, and we want to, like, have him be chill with the boys, except, like, he's just not getting it. And, like, I don't think he'll ever be, like, that guy to come out with us and, like, have a good time. So I really don't know. Well, I mean, I appreciate that you guys this and like have a good time. So I really don't know.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Well, I mean, I appreciate that you guys gave him a genuine try though. You know what I mean? I like that. It doesn't seem like you were just like casual in making this appraisal. And I like that you want... Yeah, I know. Yeah, we're definitely, we try to include him. Yeah, you want to integrate him in. I mean, yeah, there's going to be times where you guys just don't invite him out and just go out with your crew so you can have the ideal room yeah you want to integrate him in i mean yeah there's going to be times where you guys just don't invite him out and just go out with your crew so you can have the ideal time
Starting point is 00:39:29 for you guys and then just try to be nice to him whenever you see him and and treat him with respect but you know i think you're doing what you're doing better than most would do you know what i mean and and people will appreciate that you're being nice to them because everyone knows when someone's kind of a turd and like a cooler person's being nice to that turd and it's one of the coolest things a cool person can do so i i applaud you for that but uh yeah yeah but the thing is like we kind of get some backlash for it you know know? What's that look like? It's kind of one of those things where it's like, we show up with him, everybody's like, oh, like, what the fuck? Like, why'd you bring him here?
Starting point is 00:40:10 Like, shit like that. Is he that big of a schmole? We're like, like, is it at, like, a kickback that's happening or at, like, a big party? People are like... No, no, we're talking, like, house parties and shit. Dude, I can totally see that. They're like, oh, they're coming over, they're going to bring the schmole. That sucks.
Starting point is 00:40:25 And then, so, like, are you worried about being not invited to things because of him being with you? Well, I mean, it's definitely, like, ruined our rep a little bit. But, like, the main thing is that this dude's a mess, like, whenever we go out with him, you know? Oh, he gets too hammered and stuff? Well, he gets too hammered. He, like, gets kicked out and shit because he always does like retarded shit like he'll be fucking like spilling shit everywhere like that's what happened last time so like it's like very annoying i guess well dude i i think you've done a lot of good deeds for him but if he's acting up and getting
Starting point is 00:41:02 kicked out of places he's gonna have to like face some kind of repercussion learn from that a little bit you know can't really yeah yeah I guess that's all that gives them kind of an out you know what I mean to be like why don't you invite me it's like well you got kicked out of the last one so
Starting point is 00:41:20 yeah that gives you some kind of reason to like you know let him know like it's not cause he's a dweeb or anything. It's just, you know, he's messing up and he needs to get his shit in order. Yeah, I don't know. That's the thing is we've definitely been telling him, like, look, man, like, we're really trying to, like, train you to, like, do this. Because, you know, he wasn't really that guy. But now he's, like, trying to go out with us.
Starting point is 00:41:44 So we're trying to, like, help him out, you know, like,'t really that guy, but now he's, like, trying to go out with us, so we're trying to, like, help him out, you know, like, showing him the ropes and shit, but it's just frustrating when he doesn't get it. Like, it's hard for us. Yeah. It's tough, man. I wish I had an easier answer. I mean, I think the unfortunate reality is that
Starting point is 00:42:02 just do your own thing. And then if there comes moments where you can tell he needs some kindness, then try and extend that to him. You can feel in him that he's feeling isolated, maybe bring him out to a party. But I think it's okay,
Starting point is 00:42:21 even though it kind of sucks, to kind of slow down and do your own thing without him. Yeah. Distance yourself, but try and be compassionate. And if you can find some moments within that,
Starting point is 00:42:32 you know, detach with love. If you can find some moments still to let them know that you care, I think that could go a long way, but I think, dude, you know, you're trying,
Starting point is 00:42:40 it sounds like your crew's trying. And I think it's okay if you guys just kind of um make it a little bit um more your guys's thing and less his thing oh sweet dude that's some great advice i feel right yeah so i mean you know party well and just try and be a good example to him but yeah i get it man all right yo on a side note i just finished watching mission impossible 2 i fucking love tom cruise great movie my dog thank you chimera how about that uh that rock climbing scene and then oh man oh my god the motorcycle fight oh it's all amazing
Starting point is 00:43:26 and the flow when he's when he's in the lab and everybody thinks he's dead and then this comes out of the fire yes through that door like a badass the blood's loaded with chimera i think i broke his jaw oh you're a pisser yeah he cuts off the dude's finger savage yeah that's a great mission impossible big ups to john woo on the direction for taking it next level all right dude thank you for the call man good luck thank you so much yeah you guys are the fucking best thanks man for sure dog have a good one all right yeah i'll catch you later later dog that's so hard man it's tough another good dude yeah and you know my empathy is always because you your empathy is going to go to the the saddest person you know what i mean so you feel for the person who's going to be excluded but it's so funny i knew a lot of like
Starting point is 00:44:18 crews where they were like dude we all like everyone pick on one guy and like quit picking on him quit picking on him they're like you don't know him you don't know him yeah and then after a week of spending time with him i'd be picking on the guy yeah and'm like, quit picking on him, quit picking on him. They're like, you don't know him, you don't know him. And then after a week of spending time with him, I'd be picking on the guy. And I'd be like, all right, now I get it. But when you just hear about it at first brush, you're like, come on, guys, just let him hang out. But I don't have to deal with him. A lot of people call with that problem. It's like, it's such a tough thing to, because.
Starting point is 00:44:42 It's case by case, too. Yeah. Because some crews are too quick to be cruel to people. He's messing shit up. So yeah, they're trying to help him out. It's like my parents, when I wanted to like break up with my girlfriend, they were like, no, not yet. You haven't tried hard enough.
Starting point is 00:44:55 And then finally, after like a certain amount of effort, they were like, all right, you can break up with her now. All right, here we go, guys. I got to pee real quick. All right. You know what i'm gonna do the same we'll be right back dude just whizzing real just letting you guys know it's just me right now just chad saying what up um you know it's halloween time trying to get. Maybe I got a little too scared the other night.
Starting point is 00:45:26 I saw a ghost, so maybe I'm thinking that I should lay off the horror movies. But I don't know. I always wonder about that. Do horror movies invite real ghosts into your life? Some food for thought. All right, dudes, we're going to do a few written questions. What's up, Chad and JT? We're big fans of the pod, but think our stoke level is a lot of times underestimated because we have vaginas.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Considering we are both heterosexual, we aren't really down with making the transition a dude. We can hang with the bros, but really feel like they don't always understand how amped we are just because of our slim testosterone levels. Have any advice, bro to babe, on how to prove to the guys we're going to be just as stellar as them? Also, we are thinking about starting a pod, so advice for that would be chill too thank you for the female right in i'm always stoked when ladies write in yeah the wider the demo the better yeah old young woman dude you know color race and creed let's mix it up dog if they have that function absolutely interspecies Absolutely. Inner species. Potting. I don't know. To me, if a girl comes at you all hard trying to test your manliness and your T-levels,
Starting point is 00:46:35 it's always kind of a turnoff to me. You know what I mean? For me, it depends on how good she is at it. If she can chug hard? If she can chug hard or if she fucking slam dunks on me, I'm like, all right, well deserved. But if it's overcompensating, yeah. When like that if it's continual i think i think if it's continual if it's like oh you're a bitch you're a bitch i'm like i'm like what but if they come at you so i think i think what you gotta do is have like some something planned out like you come in they're kicking it you come in with your dog your female dog
Starting point is 00:47:03 and uh you guys just rip a beer bong right in front of them. I would say this. I got to quote Blue Crush. She asked her football-playing new boyfriend, she's like, what should I do? And he's like, yo, be the type of girl who would never ask a guy for advice. Like, you two are badass chicks. You know what to do.
Starting point is 00:47:20 Just be your badass selves, and don't worry about proving it to the fellas. You know, prove it to yourselves. You guys got this. Just be your badass selves, and don't worry about proving it to the fellas. Prove it to yourselves. You guys got this. Just do it. Just live those sick ways that you know you can. You don't need their approval. They'll notice. If you're on your own,
Starting point is 00:47:41 if you guys are just getting high off off your own supply um internally um just like dominating whatever you're doing they're gonna take notice and they'll be like wow we should kick it with them we should have her on the podcast but my friend ray like she just brings it when she parties and like she doesn't need to say to me that she's like you know she has a couple times been like you're a pussy yeah and uh i didn't always appreciate it but most of the time she's just straight up doing the domination and i just it doesn't even need to be said it's just happening so let's nickname her the deuce and then a very cool name yeah and then uh in terms of starting a pod you know i think uh my advice is always the same david mamet said how
Starting point is 00:48:24 do you write a great play? You just write a lot of plays. So just start it. Just start recording episodes and then you guys will get better as you go. And it could turn into a fucking banger. Yeah, you can read as many books as you want. Do all that. Just make YouTube videos as you want.
Starting point is 00:48:37 The only thing that will count is when you start doing it. So start doing it and then you'll figure it out. All right. What up, Chad and John thomas here's the deal so i've been dating a lovely lady for over three years now and we've been living together for about two years she has recently deceived me we currently have a very low tier toilet paper roll in use and it's in no way helping either of us maintain stoke i would throw it away but producing paper is resource intensive so simply tossing it would make me feel like a bastard the real issue here is that
Starting point is 00:49:03 my girlfriend has secretly been using the high quality stuff I recently bought, leaving me to work through the gritty sandpaper of a role alone. Should I accept that she being a perfect princess is entitled to the best of the best when it comes to the toilet papers, or should I bring down the paper and hide all the good stuff up in a high place where the little bitch can't reach? She's not a little bitch.
Starting point is 00:49:20 I love her. Thank you. Chatting JT. Michael sounds like you guys have fun rapport um i would not continue this game of uh hoarding resources i would um tell her that your butt deserves the same treatment as hers and that you guys are equal in this relationship and that you'll share the best with her and she'll share the best with you. That's the ideal solution. Yeah, be the more noble one in this situation. Just be like, look, we're doing Charmin Double Ultra all the time
Starting point is 00:49:51 for all people in this living establishment. I'm putting it under the sink. I'm putting it wherever you put it, and that's what we're using. This low-tier stuff, if we need to smooth out some wood, that's what we'll use because that's what it is, like smooth out some wood that's what we'll use because that's what it is sandpaper from my b-hole so just be like it's charm double ultra that's it and don't deceive her don't hide anything from her just love her and i love the egalitarian approach like the best of it is shared amongst all of us you know what i mean and if and if we have to downgrade
Starting point is 00:50:23 then we all downgrade we're all in this together that promotes camaraderie and bonding. All right, guys, that's it for questions this week. Chad, who is your babe of the week? My babe of the week is Kenny Loggins. Long overdue, my dogs. If you haven't heard Kenny Loggins' jams, let me just say two words. Danger zone. There's also one other word. Footloose. There's also four words. Playing with the boys. All killer hits. Kenny Loggins is responsible for the Top Gun soundtrack, the Footloose soundtrack. I don't think all the songs, but the big hits on those, and a lot of other just jams, and dude, he's just such a babe, man, like, the fact that he was able to take Tom Cruise's charisma and create it in the form of music, and just create these jams that I can listen to every day and never get tired of,
Starting point is 00:51:22 they just, you listen to them, and them and you're like man the 80s were awesome kenny was just killing it so i just want to give major props for making killer soundtracks to killer movies and just continually just dominating in that field and kenny you have a killer name kenny logan it's so cool and i hope to see you live one day and I just really I don't think there's much more that needs to be said you killed it I love your jams they make me want to grind my hips gyrate my hips
Starting point is 00:51:53 and just find a beautiful lady and on the dance floor and break it down I think he owned a decade and he owned the decade that owns all decades dude the lyrics to i'm free oh i forgot about i'm free yeah and you love it i love footloose and it's when he's fucking just training in that empty warehouse and he's swinging on all these
Starting point is 00:52:17 yeah well-placed pipes looking into your eyes i know i right. If there's anything worth my love, it's worth a fight. Inspiration. My babe of the week is Rihanna. Nice. Rihanna, you're beautiful. And I just love your whole ethos, dude. I love how vulnerable you are. I love how raw you are. I love how you take all of your like mistakes and make it into beautiful art. I've loved the trajectory of your career from like young pop star to like adult auteur. And yeah, you just got so many hits along the way. Some of my favorites, Umbrella, Disturbia, Rude Boy. Dude, Umbrella, yes. favorites umbrella disturbia rude boy dude umbrella yes and uh that last album anti was
Starting point is 00:53:12 just tremendous the song higher with those cascading strings just beautiful and i love the way you've tested yourself vocally and i just i really feel like i know you through your music so i i know it's like why i compare them but like with beyonce she's amazing she's so talented but i feel like i don't know her i feel she's just like this you know um juggernaut of like commercial success and with rihanna it's like she's just as successful but it's like i feel like i see her heart in everything she does. And I think that really makes your music so impactful. And yeah, like Drake said, just take care.
Starting point is 00:53:53 That's another really good one. Yeah. She is a little more real. Like she does have kind of like a little bit of a grungier thing where you're just like, yeah, I could kick it with you at a rager. Yeah. She's not putting on airs for anybody. She seems like totally low key.
Starting point is 00:54:06 I heard she used to post on 420 every day, just her smoking weed on 420 every day. And like, you know, if one of my friends was doing that, I'd worry about him a little bit or her a little bit. But Rihanna, like you doing it when you're such a big star, it's like you're keeping it like high and low. And I think that's cool.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Apparently Jay-Z said that when she walked into the room, star it's like you're keeping it like high and low and i think that's cool apparently jc jay-z said that when she walked into the room like he knew she was a star she just walked in he's like that's a star you can feel that yeah chad who is your legend of the week my legend of the week is harrison ford this is a big week he's got a number of things or a couple ways to describe him fire charisma that carefree attitude that everyone just loves where you're like damn this dude's a badass he's a rebel he doesn't care but i also think he has a lot of heart princess leia goes i love you i know yes yes i've always wanted to do that that's like ah yes and he's in that freaking metal and star wars and like he's just like chilling in there he's probably in his
Starting point is 00:55:13 mind when he was chilling in that whatever that metal was he's probably yeah he's like he's like this is pretty cool like i'll get out of this soon i know it you know he wasn't worried at all he's like yeah i'm gonna get frozen in this shit for a little bit and I'll get out and I'm gonna fly my ship with my big wookiee it's gonna be all good and he's also a good politician you know he killed his president so that's the kind of president you want like you want a president who will if Russians come on your airplane he'll take care of business he won't be like oh secret service take care of this he's like no this is my country this is my plane this is air force one i'm gonna get these motherfuckers off my plane the secret service tries to jettison him off the plane to get to safety but he's not leaving his wife and kid behind no no no skipping this this escape i'm staying yeah did i watch the
Starting point is 00:55:59 fugitive uh with caroline recently and we just thoroughly enjoyed it it was so good and he just really felt that he was really in a major pickle but he's so capable and that's how he got out of the situation you doctored the documents indiana jones did i watch the steven spielberg documentary recently and he was in indiana jones just i mean he can take on full-on you know egyptian voodoo whatever the fuck it is and just take it smile at it you know in that one scene where the guy has his sword and he's doing all this swordplay and he just shoots him that is the way you do it he just knows how to handle every situation he landed a plane on the freeway in real life so you know all that stuff and you see in the movies is for
Starting point is 00:56:43 real so thank you harrison ford for being a legend for inspiring me for being super handsome and just showing me the kind of dude that i want to be he's a beast all right my legend of the week is uh john john's in the um sex addiction program with me is i always had a problem with the fact that it's anonymous like they're like that's in the sex addiction program with me. I always had a problem with the fact that it's anonymous. Like they're like, that's like the, I'm, you know, I'm not trying to overthrow the system, but like, I'm, I like talking about it, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:57:13 Cause I don't want people to be ashamed that they're getting help. I think that's good that people get help. You know what I mean? It should be, you know, commended if you do a good job of it. I mean, if you keep relapsing, the virtue of it diminishes a little bit. I'm talking about me. But I'm on a better trajectory now because I was really struggling with porn. And then I went over to John's place and he helped me install Net Nanny on my laptop.
Starting point is 00:57:36 And dude, it was not easy. We downloaded it. I paid for it like three times because he kept saying it wasn't working. And it would have taken weeks to like get the original one to work. So I bought a new one and we tried to install it. And my OS, my operating system was too new. So it didn't work. So we literally had to go into the coding and create all these like back channels to
Starting point is 00:57:56 make it work. And it took hours. And at one point I was like, fuck it, fuck it. God wants me to masturbate. That's it. Like, what are we doing? We've been here for hours. It's not working. And this was like the third time i had tried this at a brother's house where like
Starting point is 00:58:08 they were trying to install it on my computer and it wasn't working and then i was like fuck it god wants me to masturbate and then john said to me he's like stop making yourself a victim and i was like damn you're right thank you and then we just kept working on it and by the end of the day, and there's nothing in it for this guy. You know, he's not getting money. I'm not hanging out with him all the time because of it. Not that that would be some big coup. He's just doing it to be of service, which is supposed to be the bedrock of the program. And at the end of it, he got me the net nanny.
Starting point is 00:58:39 And now anytime I type into a porn site, if I go to it, big blocks goes net nanny. And I'm like, hell yeah, I can't get on that stuff. And I'm really proud of it because it's really helping me. I went to get Audacity Fix, the sound editing program that I use for the podcast. And I was at the Mac store and they were like, what's this net nanny? I was like, that's so I can't look at porn. Thank you, John. So John, and he's always a great dude at the meetings.
Starting point is 00:59:01 He gives great shares and he's a fun dude to hang with afterwards, and he's helped a lot of dudes. And I can't really say who he is, but you know who you are, and you're my legend of the week, dude. Thank you. All right, dude, what is your beef of the week? All right, my beef of the week, it involves my dogs, Brett and Chris from college.
Starting point is 00:59:23 And I'd say the beef is maybe with the authorities, maybe with this fire extinguisher all elaborate. Um, so they were hammered. It was freshman year blacked out as you do on freshman year. I'm not encouraging that, but that's usually what happens because you're like, Whoa, I can do anything. I'm going to take, I'm going to drink two fifths tonight of Smirnoff. Um, and so they were blacked out, just having a blast.
Starting point is 00:59:47 And they're like, you know what? Let's take this a step further. Let's steal a golf cart. I don't think they meant to steal it per se, but they're like, let's take a ride. Because when you're having fun, you want to amplify that fun. And what is more fun than a golf cart? Probably nothing. And so they get in the golf cart.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Security comes on their segways, the college security on their segways. They're coming in. They're like, they're like, Hey, what are you doing? They're like, Oh fuck. But they're so blacked out. They don't even know how to move, you know? So they're just like walking in circles, securities coming after them.
Starting point is 01:00:18 And then Chris in a bold move takes the fire extinguisher and start spraying them with it, you know? And then eventually security took them down the cops came but the best part about it was that this fire extinguisher did not stop extinguishing so it was just on in the street spinning in circles because all the extinguisher was just like spraying out of it so it was just and there was a giant cloud over the whole dorm from the extinguisher it was the best thing i've ever seen and i was we were just watching it from like off campus because we're like we're safe here this is hilarious um and they got taken to the
Starting point is 01:00:56 drunk tank so i guess the beef would be with the authorities for spoiling their good time you know let them ride the golf cart as long as they're safe let them extinguish whatever they want to extinguish i'd say that cloud is more of a legend than a beef that cloud and just the idea of a fire extinguisher spinning in circles like that it was awesome so shout out to brett and chris for bringing a great epic tale to my freshman year of college chris is so funny man he just gets blacked out and he just like, will just be smiling. He laughs like this. He goes,
Starting point is 01:01:29 I love that. For like the whole night. It's awesome. My beef of the week is the throwdown on Main Street. My dogs and I were in Laguna Beach having some drinks. We had one friend with us
Starting point is 01:01:44 who was famous. And then the rest of us were just regular dudes. I think it was me, Strider, Brooks, Nooch, Robbie. I think Trevor. I'm not sure on Trevor and the famous dude. We're walking down the street and we didn't know where to find the bar Hennessy's. So we saw a dude walking by, small guy. And we said, hey, dude, do you know where Hennessy's is?
Starting point is 01:02:01 And he goes, yeah, I can tell you where Hennessy's is. Once you guys stop being such bleep. he used a pejorative for being gay. And he said this in Laguna beach, which is, um, uh, big on the gays. Like there's a lot of gay people there. So I looked around, I was like, Jesus, dude, relax. You're in their home territory. Like, what are you doing? And then we were like, okay, buddy, I don't know why you had to be rude. And then he's like, yeah, I had to be rude. Cause you guys are fucking bitches. Just kept talking shit. And then some of his friends came up and they were like, fuck you, fuck you. And we're all like, you know what?
Starting point is 01:02:27 Fuck you. And then me, Brooks and Strider turn around and we leave to walk towards Hennessy's. I get about 50 yards down the road. I turn back and there's a melee happening. All the dudes are punching and firing. I'm like, oh my gosh. So I come sprinting up the hill. I'm running. I'm like, I got to get there I come sprinting up the hill. I'm running. I'm
Starting point is 01:02:45 like, I got to get there. I got to get there. And all these guys are just heaving bombs. I didn't know what had happened, but fists were flying. I run up. One dude is fighting one guy. Robbie is on top of one guy dropping a haymaker. Our famous friend is pretty tall. He's jabbing a guy in the face. It looks like he's fencing. He's just keeping the guy at distance with jabs. And then two guys are running to get Robbie from behind. What are their intentions? I don't know, but I have to assume the worst because I can't let something bad happen.
Starting point is 01:03:13 So I run, I run, I run. I get there at the last second before the two guys get behind Robbie and I deliver a shove blow from full speed. I shove one of the guys. His body opens up. He flies. He hits the other guy. They both go to the ground. In my head, I say, yes, this is the coolest thing I've shoved one of the guys, his body opens up. He flies. He hits the other guy.
Starting point is 01:03:25 They both go to the ground in my head. I say, yes, this is the coolest thing I've ever done. At that moment, another guy grabs me, turns around, starts hitting me in the face. Then his girlfriend runs up and she starts hitting me in the face. I just start absorbing the blows. I'm like, I don't return fire. I'm kind of like just shocked. Then Brooks and Strider come up and they break up the fight and they start pushing everybody apart. And in my head, I'm like, protect the famous guy. Like we don't want him to be on TV the next day. So we're like, everybody get the King out of here. Move, move, move. And we start like forming a circle around him and pushing everybody away. Plus like, we didn't want
Starting point is 01:03:58 his dad to be mad at us in the morning. Be like, he can't hang out with you guys anymore. Cause you're knuckleheads and you're going to, you know, he won't be able to be good famous anymore because you guys were like, we can't let this happen. So we're like, get him out of here. Get him out of here. Brooks grabs a guy's sweater, throws it back to the guy. Robbie really messed up the guy's face. The guy had some cuts on him and stuff.
Starting point is 01:04:14 I was like, good work, Robbie. You really know how to throw blows. If you guys remember, I did another story where Robbie got into a fight and broke a guy's nose. Robbie had a rough older brother, Ross. He used to beat him up, but he really trained Robbie and how to defend himself when he was out in public against other people who weren't as tough as his older brother. And then, um, we all get out of there. I start walking down the street with the guys. Oh, the, the, the, the six guys are yelling at us. They're like, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. And they were from somewhere else. They were from like Palm desert or something. And I just looked
Starting point is 01:04:37 at him. I said, dude, stay the fuck out of Laguna beach dudes. Don't ever come back to Laguna beach. I don't know if they ever came back. I't really regulate stuff like that we start walking down the street away and then I touch my nose and there's blood and then I go I'm bleeding I'm bleeding from the nose I was jacked but then the famous guy got a taste of the violence and he wanted to get back in there so he ran back to get I said hey famous guy back up and I shoved him and then he went what and then he went to fight me I said what are you doing I'm just trying to protect you because you're famous. Everybody broke us up. Then we went to the bar and I was upstairs and I ran into some girls I knew. And I was like, oh, sorry, I'm bleeding. I didn't clean the blood. I wanted everybody to see that. I was like, oh, sorry,
Starting point is 01:05:13 I'm bleeding in the nose. We just got into a big fight outside. Told everybody about it. Me, Strider and Brooks went to sleep. We were like, all right, we're done. The fight took it out of us. Robbie, who was 19 at the time, picked up a woman who it was her 50th birthday, brought her back to his mom's house. She liked Robbie more than the famous guy, which speaks volumes about Robbie's charm. They made love. And he told her this was kind of not right. But he told her that he was the famous guy's agent too, and that it was his big house, not his mom's big house. He slept with a 50-year in the morning he put on a suit got his dad's briefcase woke her up and said i have a business conference in seattle i'm sorry we have to leave and got her
Starting point is 01:05:56 an uber home and then came back downstairs smoked some pot and probably played some fifa dude a fucking briefcase yeah really sealing the deal yeah and said he was an agent you know he should have just told her he was 19 but that he lived a crazy life plus he can lay the oof to quote uh cameron and uh yeah that was the epic melee in uh that was the the fight on main street the laguna beach throwdown my movie quote of the week is from the film out of sightight by Steven Soderbergh, one of my favorite directors. It's based on an
Starting point is 01:06:28 Elmore Leonard book. Elmore Leonard's the best crime writer in the biz. He passed away, but he was. And he writes really cool characters who are criminals,
Starting point is 01:06:36 but they're super relatable. And George Clooney plays the bank robber in this movie, Jack Foley, who's being chased by Karen Sisko, played by Jennifer Lopez, who's a U.S. marshal.
Starting point is 01:06:46 But here's the kicker. They're super into each other. So she's going to arrest him, but they're still going to date a little bit. But, you know, she still has to honor her job. And he kind of knows that. So he knows there's like a ticking clock on their relation. But one night they find time. Sorry to spoil it.
Starting point is 01:07:00 And they get together. And then in the morning, she's worried that he's going to just brag to his bank robber buddies about how he had sex with a U.S. marshal. But Jack Foley, although he's a bank robber, he's like a super big gentleman. And he tells her that he won't do that because most bank robbers are dumb. He goes, I doubt if one in 20 could tell you what a die pack is. Most bank robbers are fucking morons and then he goes so you sleeping with one just for like cheap thrills would make you a morning he's like and you're not a moron and then she says you're not dumb and then he laughs a little bit says something to himself and says well i don't know you can't do three
Starting point is 01:07:37 falls and say you have much of a brain jack you're so low-key and cool dude because you are the smartest bank robber but there's just not a lot of longevity in being a bank robber. And it's not the smartest career to pick. So you're obviously doing it because you got some itch that you got to scratch. And you get that, though. And that's what makes you such a cool bank robber, along with your dedication and loyalty to your best friend, Ving Rhames, whose name is Buddy. He was a good buddy to you. And it's a great movie. It's probably my favorite movie. And it has very good director's commentary.
Starting point is 01:08:11 And it's a very cool movie. So I recommend it to everybody. Chad, what is your movie quote of the week? My movie quote of the week is from Jerry Maguire. He's saying to Rod, he's like, I'll tell you why you don't have your million. You play for the money. You play with your head, not your heart.
Starting point is 01:08:31 When you get on the field, it's all about what you didn't get. Who's to blame? Who's got the contract you didn't get? That is not what inspires people. Shut up! Play the game from your heart. Then I'll show you the Kwan, and that's the truth. Props to Jerry for knowing that you gotta come from the heart. Then I'll show you the Quan, and that's the truth. Props to Jerry for knowing that
Starting point is 01:08:45 you gotta come from the heart. We've also got Ridge Wallet. Do you want to do Ridge Wallet? Yeah, I should think. As a lot of you know, I have a friend, Daniel Babona, who's a baseball coach at UCI. He's a hell of a guy.
Starting point is 01:09:04 He's a man of few words, strong, good looks, and a cool vibe. And also, Douglas Lubricant, smooth boning, boning smooth. Make sure you bone smooth with Douglas Lubricant. Alright, that'll be it for episode 40-something
Starting point is 01:09:19 of Going Deep with Chad and JT. Thank you guys so much for calling in. And patreon.com slash ChadGoesDeep. Later, patreon.com slash chat goes deep. Later dudes. Later stokers. Ah, if you need advice, these guys are really nice.
Starting point is 01:09:37 You want to know what to do, where to go. When you need someone to guide you It's nice to have the friends beside you Go and dream Go and dream Let's go and dream Go and dream
Starting point is 01:10:03 Go and dream Let's go deep. We're going deep. We're trying to dig deep.

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