Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 44 - Jocko, Vacation Morality, Birthday Celebraysh

Episode Date: November 14, 2018

In this episode, Chad and JT dive deep into JT's Miami vacaysh, Chad's birthday celebraysh, meeting Jocko Willink, the idea of vacation morality, and a brief discush on masculinity. For bonus content,... check out our patreon: www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up Stokers of Stoked Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with episode 44 of the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. I'm here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas. What up? What up, dude? How you living, dog? Doing well, man. It's good to see you
Starting point is 00:00:25 you too looking good thank you bro you look good as well yeah the bleach dome is kind of you're like half and half now yeah the roots are strong now yeah you're like an oreo except into the the top half right except i'm nutritious as fuck yeah yeah for sure um yeah it's uh i've become accustomed to the bleach dome and now i know i'll miss it when it's gone when i just return to me as me yeah i've been thinking about that a lot you know what's uh sort of my identity when that happens yeah uh i think mine's gonna take a lot longer just because i have longer flow yeah you've got that long flow because once you go on with that h cut you're gonna be like
Starting point is 00:01:05 bleached tips yeah frosted tips i'll be all the way into the mark mcgrath phase of uh my hairstyle yeah i was wondering about that am i gonna be like full half and half is that gonna be weird at some point no i don't think it'll be weird you've got the kind of visage that could pull off any top part oh thank you yeah what does visage mean face tight oh and real quick yeah boom clap stokers what's that from again what song it's a charlie xcx that's right who also wrote the song i love it i've put my car into a motor just the other day yeah she's good at those anthems yeah that's uh that song has a good spot in the Neighbors movie. They're at a rager, and I think Zac Efron's ripping it up at the pool party.
Starting point is 00:01:51 And it's just... Efron, dude. And I'm like, you really just dived into that physique right there. I love spending time with that guy on screen. Dude, yeah. I know he doesn't have the most range. No one's going to confuse him with Philip Seymour Hoffman. But no one's going to confuse Philip Seymourilip seymour hoffman but no one's going to confuse philip seymour hoffman with zach efron either excellent
Starting point is 00:02:07 point they both got skills that the other guy doesn't possess or had skills rather excellent point i should have i should have mentioned a living actor yeah who's uh no one's going to confuse him with gary oldman yeah like we have zach efron as um fuck, why am I forgetting who he played in The Darkest Hour? Oh, Winston Churchill. He was the guy in Fifth Element? Oh, that's right. Dude, no one's a bigger chameleon. Like, he disappears.
Starting point is 00:02:33 You don't even recognize him anymore. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, Winston Churchill. I forget. I don't think you'd see those two. Yeah, they wouldn't be the two guys at the audition together. Yeah. He'd be calling his agent like, hey, Gary Oldman's here.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Are you sure? You sent me in for the right part they'd both make each other insecure too like gary would be like zach efron's here i'm i don't think i got the abs and then he's so fucking ripped yeah and then zach efron's like gary oldman's here i don't think i have the um weirdness yeah yeah so zach is between you and gary Oldman, your big rival. He sees Zach at the audition. Gary, Zach. What else has been going on, dude? How was your birthday? It was good. Caroline organized a very nice day for me.
Starting point is 00:03:17 It was super nice. We got McDonald's for breakfast, which is fire. And then we saw Mid-90ss related a little too hard to that movie uh but i dug it can you relate too hard i don't know dude but that's what i was going through my dome when i was watching it i'm like i'm relating too hard jonah hill you freaking got me yeah don't diagram my life so exactly yeah i was like oh this is how he starts smoking weed that looks familiar right except i never yeah my first sexual encounter involves a girl who's older than me yeah we should all be so lucky as that kid in
Starting point is 00:03:51 the movie but i was tiny like that kid and i wanted to i was into action sports and i was like i want to be one of those guys that's you know i'm actually relating to it more too because i was the smallest kid in my class and and i liked a bmx and dirt biked and stuff yeah but i was always bad at it yeah i knew i was never gonna be like one of the dudes you wanted to rock the gear and i loved it i just thought it was a cool world yeah i mean x games made it so cool for sure i've watched x games i'd be like i'm like this is everything yeah this is everything taco bell mountain dew helmets um gnarly dudes and the evolution of the tricks yes like when you'd be watching the x games and like carrie hart hucked that first backflip like that was really like a transcendent moment that was like neil
Starting point is 00:04:36 armstrong on the moon i was a big brian deegan guy oh for sure dude when he he did some kind of big corkscrew but i i think it was like a backflip, some like super inverted backflip or something. And then he does a burnout on top of the ramp. I was like, that's cool. He was, I think the first guy, he dominated like the next phase after Carey Hart because Carey Hart couldn't get the landing straight.
Starting point is 00:04:58 And then Deegan, and I'm sorry to the real connoisseurs out there, you'll correct me, but Deegan was able to like throw, Superman grabs onto the backflip. Like, he was the first guy to add, like, moves to the backflip. Yeah. And then they started doing it in the winter games. Yeah, and then Pastrana came in with that double.
Starting point is 00:05:17 I'd be like, that was cool, man, but you're such a fucking dweeb. Right, but he did that thing where he hung around for so long that at a certain point you're like, all right, fuck it, I i fuck it i'll respect you yeah which is like kind of the ultimate respect because you have to endure being a dweeb yeah i like like i doubled back well that was amazing like heck yeah for sure yeah his attitude was so lame and you're like i want to root for you but fuck well he had that corporate thing too yeah where he felt like he was like came out of a like he didn't come from like the real world. He was born out of a box or something.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Yeah. And that's so antithetical to what you want from your extreme sports athletes. Yeah. You want them to be like fucking raw and like just like like they were like the basest and sublime. Well, just the name Travis Pastrana. He just it's already in the name. Brian Deegan? Ezra Lusk?
Starting point is 00:06:09 Oh, yeah. He had a good name. Who else did I love to watch? Sheckler was fun to watch. Although that was around the time when his MTV show came around. Yeah, I mean, I went to junior high with him, so I watched him kind of mutate through all these different phases. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:23 I did hear that we would drink my parents kettle one at my house parties and i heard that uh sheckler switched to kettle one after coming to one of our parties oh for real yeah is that in chris parr you know what's up yeah i was fucking pumped when i heard that hell yeah what uh dude i was in miami i just got back from right yeah how was miami dude best city in the world i want to go so bad we're going we're going in january dude it's the best city in the world yes everyone's hot everyone is so transparent about how shallow they are yes it's beautiful like they're like dude i just want to drive like a lambo and have the hottest chick imaginable in
Starting point is 00:07:00 this seat next to me so i mean i think if i live there it might it might mess with me a little bit but just visiting it's like such an energy shot you're just like yes dude and then like the weather's perfect this time of year and like the water's warm and the clubs then i'm not a huge nightclub guy but you can't walk into one of those places and just not marvel at what they've done people just going ape shit. Dudes just screaming the lyrics to rap songs with their boys. Girls just dancing up a storm. You're like, this is everything I want in a nightclub. Dude, yeah, and when Will Smith first told me about it in his song,
Starting point is 00:07:41 I saw the music video. I'm like, there's no way that place really exists. That's just a rap music video. And like there's no way that place really exists it's just that's just a rap music video yeah and I keep seeing photos of it and then I keep seeing more and more glimpses of it and I'm like I think it really is the way he portrayed it in that freaking song and I'm like damn Will I think Will was the head of the curb yeah when I was at the nightclub I saw a famous athlete in there who i can't say because i don't because he did some it would i would make him look bad by commenting but he was there and he um
Starting point is 00:08:13 he was sitting with two chicks at his table and he had a big gold chain on and he took half the chain and put it on one girl and took the other half the chain and put it on another girl and he um smoked a cigarette he's a pro athlete in season i was like what are you doing dude i was like you're not gonna be able to run dude yeah chief and cigarettes you got a game tomorrow whatever yeah he looked happy though and i just i was so pumped for him when i finally saw him kiss one of the girls i was just like yeah i. I was on the dance floor just pumping my hands. Does he play in Miami? No. Oh, so he was just there?
Starting point is 00:08:51 He was just there. Cool. Yeah, it was the weekend. Cool. Yeah. And I tried to take photos with him in the background, not to post or anything because I don't want to out the dude, but just for my personal personal you know historical records yeah and uh the bouncers would slide in the way
Starting point is 00:09:10 every time you try to take a picture like they had their head on a swivel and anytime someone pulled a camera they knew they were trying they were trying to get him in the background they'd slide over and block you nice and then the other thing i discovered in miami is that like and this is something i've always known about but have you ever like noticed like vacation morality is much different than at home morality? Oh, for sure. Like when you're at home and you have the structures of your day to day life and you have the visibility of like your friends and family, it really makes you behave in a more standard way. But when you get on vacation after a day or two, you're like i might be okay with like killing somebody yeah like i don't i don't think there's like it's like a lord of the flies thing except you're like doing it at a place where there's parties instead of like wild animals all day yeah and you're just
Starting point is 00:09:53 like dude i'm down for basically anything at this point yeah you got to be careful on vacation dude i've experienced that in cabo many a time yeah first day in you're like you're like all right you know i'm gonna party have fun the next day in you're like you're like all right you know i'm gonna party have fun and then you're like living at the pharmacy yeah like all right what more do you guys have more bagger sweet um so there's such there's totally that thing you just kind of lose yourself i think oh yeah the schedule's off you're like i don't know what time it is i don't know what day it is i don't even know what i ate today i don't know what time it is. I don't know what day it is. I don't even know what I ate today. I don't know what's going on. I'm sleeping till 4pm. I'm waking up. I'm like, I just lost the day. I guess I'm just getting ready to go out tonight. I'm like a little bit sick. There's like
Starting point is 00:10:31 a tickle in my throat. I'm like, I can't let that get in the way of me. I can't miss out on the opportunity to experience Miami tonight. Like you feel like you're doing a disservice to the city, to the trip, to yourself if you don't party and maximize every evening yeah and it's like not real but it feels like a thousand people in the club are pushing you towards it yeah and you're like i gotta do it i gotta do it i wonder what that would do for you because the first thing is a flight back yeah for me because the flight back you're just like in a haze you're like what did i just do but i wonder if there's a way that someone could figure out a way to like nix that from your memory. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Or just take away that whole experience of the flight back. I wonder what that would do for like humanity. One of my buddies I went with needed it because he had his head buried on the, like the, what's the thing that comes out of the seat when you're on a plane?
Starting point is 00:11:23 Tray table. He had his head buried on the tray table the entire flight home just like hands over his face i mean one of our flights got canceled so we were on an airplane for like 10 hours that day all 10 hours his head were buried into his hands just heavy reflection the worst yeah i've been working on that because i'm i'm super susceptible to that i maybe the next day maybe i just think i am but i'm the same as everyone else but um i get that super hard i'm super sensitive to that and i'm like where'd the stoke go and they're like it went down with that bottle of kettle wine right fuck is that just life's balance that for every up there has to be an equal and opposite
Starting point is 00:12:01 down yeah i don't know because i because I'm such a happy dude. That's why it throws me off. I'm like, I'll be like, why am I doing this? But you do a lot to protect your stoke though. You know what I mean? Yeah, so that's why whenever I'm recovering, I'm just like, what am I doing? Right. It can almost make you wonder.
Starting point is 00:12:21 I get so reflective because it's such a shock to my system mentally um that i'm just like yeah so um you got to get around your dogs what you got to get around your dogs when you're when you when you feel that coming on because he had us we were like dude don't worry about it we're like are you kidding me that was hilarious like he was like worried about like these incidents or individual like experiences and we like, are you kidding me? That was hilarious. Like he was like worried about like these incidents or individual like experiences. And we were like, are you kidding me? Oh, dude, we respect you more for that. And like when I lived in New York and I didn't have as many friends, when I started, I had
Starting point is 00:12:56 my own, I was living by myself and I'd wake up and I'd get super depressed after a hangover. And so after that, I made myself spend the night at friends places when I got hammered. Because I knew if I woke up with people, it wouldn't, it would prevent the drop. Yeah. And so after that, I made myself spend the night at friends' places when I got hammered. Yeah. Because I knew if I woke up with people, it would prevent the drop. Yeah. Yeah, that helps me a little bit. A lot of times I just call my mom, though. She helps a lot. Nothing better than that.
Starting point is 00:13:15 I've got to call my mom. What does she say? We just talk about whatever. She's just comforting. Just like her voice. She doesn't say anything in particular that helps me out, just like the presence sometimes you know what's funny it was like um when i when i just get super hung over i'd watch like the office and i'd just be like like man i really want the stability of that office job like that's how fucked up my mind would get i'd be like
Starting point is 00:13:40 craving the jobs that they have because it's like stable and they're like not right in a depressive spin yeah the ups aren't as high but the downs aren't as low yeah yeah well do you also feel like you just like that cast of characters so much so you're like oh if i was spending time with them i'd probably be stoked no it was the job it was the job you just wanted to sell paper yeah dude it's true too like what you said about your mom like it's not even what she says because like when i would i was staying with my dad out there he's got an apartment in stokers my dad is looking good came out of the whipple procedure where they take out a quarter of your stomach or a third he's a month it's a six month recovery he's one month in
Starting point is 00:14:17 and he looks strong and vital dude there's a welcome sign and he's just a fucking trooper and i'm happy to see him up and swinging so well um but when i when one night i came home and i was like getting super anxious before bed like i had just taken my meds and i was like four straight days of drinking and like smoking weed and i was like and i was like i was like is something wrong like something my system kept sending signals saying something's wrong something's off something's off and then i just walked into my dad's room and just stood near him while he was sleeping and my whole body calmed down yeah and i was like dude i'd like to sleep in that bed with him because i'd feel safest there yeah i mean
Starting point is 00:14:53 for sure gotta return to mom and dad when when shit gets sideways nothing better than a call to the rents yeah it's the best oh and um more do you want to expand more on miami uh yeah um it was super cool being out there i uh got to see all my colombian family dude my colombian family will make you feel like you're not even alive like the presence they have when you see them like my cousin juanita is so fucking alive and she's so funny. Like we were on a boat together, a speedboat. And I was like, Juanita, do you want to go smoke a joint at the front of the boat? She goes, fuck yes, I love you.
Starting point is 00:15:33 And then we go to the front of the boat. And I'm like, so did you have any friends when you moved to Miami? She's like, no. My friend Carolina called me from San Francisco. She said, let's move to Miami. I called my dad who was in jail at the time. And I said, dad, give me some money to move he goes I give you a thousand dollars I said a thousand dollars I know you have more fuck you I hate you asshole then she go but it's fine I love him and then
Starting point is 00:15:53 they move on and like she brought her friends to the club and like me and my boys were such nerds around them like we were like oh hey hi and they came up and like kissed our cheeks the way Latin people do and then we made like we weren't ready for the second cheek. We're like, oh, like awkwardly kiss the other cheek. I was like, man, I got to get cooler. And then they would just hug. They'd like hug you and they'd be like, how are you? It's so good to see you. I'm very excited to be here. And I'd be like, yeah, me too. Like I couldn't match them. I was like, man, I need to be more like assertive, like Latin man. Cause my cousin Alejandro is like that. Like he'll just go up to a girl and be like, hey, you're hot. hot what's up you want to go dance and i'm like
Starting point is 00:16:27 oh that's a little bit too much but it works in miami and so it was a fun like uh it was a fun vision of like how you can be different you know passion man they're passionate colombian people are passionate dude i'm always trying to like up my passion levels you know i don't know how you do that but just like trying to like feel more yeah i think it's like for them i think what they're so good at is like they just don't judge yeah any kind of pleasure like if it makes you feel good then do it and do it without worrying about who's looking at you you know what i mean and i mean there's downsides to it too i mean like you know they're hyper volatile people and they're they're not the most consistent sometimes but like but i mean they're always consistent in terms of like loving and fighting and and like fighting for you and like and caring
Starting point is 00:17:09 and stuff like that like you really feel it and i could see why my dad like him and my mom met in miami i could see how he got why he found that culture so enticing yeah and why he wanted to be a part of it yeah ran into some fans there that was cool nice brought a couple of them up to the table that we had at the club and just got hammered with them and i was like this is fucking cool yeah so these bros from clemson they're good dudes we were leaving the club and we had an uber driver and i wanted to go to this other club dude in miami like some clubs don't open until like 2 a.m yeah like it doesn't start going and it's like very european like some places are like oh it doesn't get
Starting point is 00:17:43 popular until 4 a.m you're like what the hell is that even possible yeah but so this club 11 is like one of the best late night spots and there's strippers there but it's not really a strip club it's just a club where there are strippers and like there's a good mix of guys and girls there it's not like most strip clubs where it's just dudes so i wanted to go there but then our uber driver was like super weird super outgoing and he was like nah, you guys want to go to the booby trap. It's a strip club on the river. And I was like, I'm not really feeling that. But my buddy's like, come on, dude, he knows the place. Like, let's listen to him. And I was like, cause I'm a sex addict. I don't really want to go to a strip club either. Cause like, that seems
Starting point is 00:18:15 like, you know, not great. But my sponsor was also like, Hey dude, if you're going to go to a strip club, just enjoy it. All right. I don't want to hear about how you went to a strip club and didn't enjoy it. And I was like, dude, badass sponsor oh and the driver the driver on the way there first was like hey bro like you guys got to go to the booby trap he's like we're like he's like it's a little dangerous and i was like it's dangerous like yeah don't worry about it i got a heater like a gun yeah and i was like why are you telling us within five minutes you have a gun like how reckless are you yeah and then he's like he's like it's all good though dudes i'm gonna watch out for you guys i'm gonna go in there with you i'm like do we need you to watch out for us he's
Starting point is 00:18:46 like nah but it helps and then when we get there we had to pay him none of the atms work so he's like oh we got to go to a gas station down the river to get the money and i was like this is one of those moments where like everyone in your life would be like you have to get away from this person now yeah but we're just too far in and i can't say no to this guy so yeah let's go to the atm the story's gonna be amazing yeah and then we got to the atm everything was all good we went back to the strip club everything was all good he got us home safely he called me the next day to like keep working with us or whatever and i was like nah later dude but then we went to uh we went to a bar uh the wood and
Starting point is 00:19:18 winwood winwood's like a fun part of town and uh the dancer was just bumping and um dancer was just bumping and I was just dancing by myself and this group of African American people were dancing and they were really ripping it up and then I was dancing and then they pointed to me and they told me to come into the circle and I bowed a little bit and then I went in there and I was murdered but it felt
Starting point is 00:19:41 I was very honored nice in college we would get strippers from time to time. Or one time, our buddy ordered a stripper, and the bouncer came with two things in hand, a stereo and a machete. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:59 That's terrifying. And he's like, this is for the music. This is if you guys act up. I was like 18 i was like for sure dude yeah she was like dancing she's giving my buddy tommy a lap dance and she's like she would do like uh like flips and stuff like flips onto him you know flips onto his lap and she did one she's a pro yeah she did one like sort of like backflip onto him the chair collapsed and tommy's on the ground like flat on the ground arms and legs sprawled out and she lands sitting on his face and he's just like
Starting point is 00:20:33 oh and she's like i'll like the shovel like what happened they stood there for like 15 seconds dude i had a similar experience on wednesday oh you did I left town, this girl I had been kind of seeing, who I thought she was more into me than I was into her, so I was like, hey, I don't think we should hook up because I don't want to lead you on. And then she called me one night. She's like, can you come over? I lost my job, and I'm very tractor-beamed
Starting point is 00:20:57 to assuaging people's sadness. I was like, yeah, I'll come over. And I was like, but hey, if I come over, we're probably going to hook up. She's like, no, I'm not in the mood. We're not going to hook up. then like right when i walked in the door we started making out and then i was like oh like yeah we're hooking up and then i was like well you came over so you knew this was gonna happen you're gonna hook up with her but then my dick wasn't
Starting point is 00:21:13 really working that great and then when i did get hard i was like too close to coming already so it was like pretty unsatisfactory for her like i'd start going and then i'd like i'm sorry i'm like too close to coming so we had to like stop and start like 40 times and then she was fine like just come and I was like no I'm not gonna come because like this hasn't been fun for you and then she was like just come and I was like okay and then um I was like hey can I go down on you and so she I started going down on her and she was like really gyrating on my face and then I got underneath her and she was sitting on my face and dude my mouth got stuck open it is and she was sitting on my face. And dude, my mouth got stuck open. It is.
Starting point is 00:21:46 And she was putting so much pressure on it. It started to hurt my jaw. And I was like, oh, oh. And my hands are out to the side of the bed. And I was like squeezing the covers. And I was like, oh, writhing underneath her. And she was just like drilling down onto my face. And at a certain point, I was like, dude, you're going to go unconscious.
Starting point is 00:22:01 You're going to get knocked out from chin pressure. So I finally tapped down on her leg. I was like, I'm sorry. I feel like unconscious. Like you're going to get knocked out from like chin pressure. So I finally like tapped out on her leg. I was like, I'm sorry. Like I feel like such a pussy saying this, but we have to stop. I was like, you're going to knock me out. And then she was like, oh, okay, I'm sorry. And then the next day I was like, hey, how you doing? You feeling okay?
Starting point is 00:22:17 Like about the job thing? And then da, da, da, da. And she didn't respond. And I was like, oh man, if all I have to do to get these girls not to like me too much is have bad sex with them, I should all right actually not responded no she actually got back to me this week actually um but for a while there she was disenchanted she literally told me after the sex she was like i was like yeah sorry that wasn't great she's like i know i should have invited another guy over and i was like she said that yeah she was kind of kidding but i was like
Starting point is 00:22:40 i appreciate your candor yeah i was i want you to keep it real with me. That's cool. Yeah, she was nice. Oh, and then I wanted to go back to my birthday. So we saw mid-90s. Then we went to Malibu. And we went to Malibu, had a nice picnic, wine and cheese and meat. Dank.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Nice cab. Cabernet Sauvignon. Then we went to Moonshadows, ate on the water favorite thing to do dude felt like a cruise have you been to that restaurant no it feels like a cruise we're sitting at the table and our waiter he's like this dude he's like he's like yeah you know they just give me this patio because i like to dance i'm a dancer and he's like how old are you turning man i'm 45 you can't see it though you can't see it though because i'm always dancing and he's like, how old are you turning? Man, I'm 45. You can't see it, though. You can't see it, though, because I'm always dancing. And he's like, yeah. And they're like, yeah, just, they're like, Antonio, just take the patio.
Starting point is 00:23:30 And I just dance. And then I get so many young chicks that are just like, Antonio, let me go out with you one time. And he's like, I can't. My son's 23. I can't do it. And we're like, damn, dude, where are the appetizers? And then we did an escape room. have you ever done one of those uh no but i heard they're awesome yeah it was cool well we got in there and uh yeah she organized it all it was amazing and uh we got to the escape room
Starting point is 00:23:57 and uh we're like all right we're ready to go we're ready to escape and the guy's like just you two and we're like yeah he like, usually this is done with, like, 12 people. And we're like, will we be able to get out? And he's like, no, but go for it. And so we did it. It was super fun, a lot of hidden clues and shit. There's this one detective in there. It was like, he's like, we're going back to the 1940s.
Starting point is 00:24:21 And we go, and there's this guy sitting at a desk. And, like, from time to time, he'd be like you know the um the music's kind of weird you can change the channel if you want and we change it be like morse code you'd be like oh thank you for that tip dude but the guy said we got farther than most people do i'm sure uh which i was like we're doing it and we're just looking at each other we're like man we are fucking this mission up. But it's super fun. I want to do one again. Yeah, we got to do it together.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Yeah. Try and bust out. Try and bust out. Is it like paintballing where you bond with the person when you're doing it? Yeah, for sure. But if you do it with more people, I imagine you have each person do a task. Right. You distribute the tasks around. Yeah, because there's so many. They're like, here's what you have to identify suspects you have to like find this
Starting point is 00:25:08 and you have to like find that and we thought like the because they're like trying to like find out who the burglar is we thought if you didn't pass he was going to come through like the trap door and like scare us which i was hoping for but didn't didn't happen so escape room people if you're listening um I would really like that feature. So if you could add that in there, please do. Awesome. Yeah. All right, dude.
Starting point is 00:25:30 What about these wildfires, dude? LA is ablaze. I know. Crazy. Joe Rogan evacuated. I know. Evacuate. That's when I knew it was serious.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Because if Joe leaves, if he doesn't stand and fight, you know it's bad. I could see him standing in front of his place with a hose just like bring it on i just hose in a kettlebell yeah i see him waving two kettlebells and creating like a wind force that pushes the fires back yeah but yeah my uh you know thoughts and prayers go out to all the people who had to evacuate that's scary stuff man dude we saw a helicopter dropping water that was cool so Yeah. Do they put chemicals in that water? I think so. Yeah. It doesn't look like it would work.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Yeah, because when we were watching that, I was like, that doesn't look like a lot of water. It doesn't look effective at all. It looks like a mist. Yeah, it looks like it could put out a campfire. Yeah. But I'm sure it's more effective than that. Yeah. It's tough to fight fire, I imagine.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Yeah. And thank you to all the first responders and firefighters who are fighting those fights you guys are legends yeah major props um dude so election day we fortunately sent in our ballots because we had the day wrong yeah but we sent them in before that so we were able to get our votes counted yeah let me just say government um if you're gonna pick an election day pick one where um six and nine aren't so interchangeable. Because I totally thought it was the ninth. They do look the same.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Yeah. You never know if it's a six iron or a nine iron until you see the slant of the club. And I'm so into 69 that I was just like. You are the most into it. Yeah. Dude, do you know how I voted? 69-ing? No.
Starting point is 00:27:03 So, you know, I already had my ballot filled out when I saw you. I was on an airplane. I sat next to a woman from Long Beach. We just started talking. She knew everything about politics. And I was like, yo, I have my ballot on me. Will you walk through it with me? And she was like, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Nice. And we started going. And then she'd be like, this judge, you can't reelect him. No, he's in the back pocket of Big Pharma. He voted against gay marriage. No, you can't support him. You're going to have to vote no there. And I was like, all right. And then i'd ask her follow-up questions i was like look i want some balance i want to see both sides of things so which ones can i like differentiate
Starting point is 00:27:31 from you on and she was like this one this one's okay yeah no okay but there nope nope you can't vote for him no no no no way no way we need new blood there you have to change and she was like and she was like on every citizens committee she knew about like every development she knew like every politician personally and i was like dude eff it like i She knew about like every development. She knew like every politician personally. And I was like, dude, F it. Like,
Starting point is 00:27:46 I know this isn't like the most mature way to go about it, but I trust this lady and I'm just going to roll with it. Yeah. And she walked me through it. It's interesting when you, because a lot of things they'll, they'll make them out to be like, this is such like morally you have to vote for this or what.
Starting point is 00:28:02 But then you talk to people, experts in like the field or whatever. And they'll be like, yeah, those, all those ads are just paid by this or what. But then you talk to people, experts in like the field or whatever, and they'll be like, yeah, all those ads are just paid by this one guy. Like it's totally money fuel. Right, exactly. And some of the things look good, but then like when you get into the fine print,
Starting point is 00:28:15 she was, the thing I liked about her and one of the reasons I trusted her was she was like a fiend for the details. She was like a detail person. And you know, I try to stay a little bit informed on what's going on and try to read a lot. So I felt like I asked her tough questions and she was able to answer them believably. Well, I think the media is so good at painting things as black and white. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:41 That's evil. That's good. Yeah. But then if you look more into stuff you know you just gotta look you just gotta look dig deeper we met one of our heroes jaco will nick yeah for those of you who don't know well i'm sorry uh one of our heroes will nick uh for those of you who don't know jaco will nick is a uh do you say Willink again? Again. What is it? Jocko Willink. Jocko Willink is a...
Starting point is 00:29:07 Remember, here I was Travis Wilcomb. Yeah. You mean Jocko? Jocko, I'll just call him Jocko, is a famous Marine. He served bravely in the U.S. Armed Forces. And then he... He's a SEAL. He's a SEAL.
Starting point is 00:29:21 And now he's become a motivational speaker and writer. He's a leadership expert. Talk's become a uh motivational speaker and writer he's a leadership expert talks about owning uh take ownership take ownership of everything you do he's a badass dude yeah i've only heard like i i'm not as familiar as chad but i'll hear excerpts where he's like and then on the day of april 13th 1998 master serge Master Sergeant Rudolph Ramirez jumped on top of a live grenade, eating up to 48,000 pounds of explosion into his abdomen to protect the lives of seven, and I'll name all seven soldiers. Yeah. Fuck yeah, dude. These are good stories.
Starting point is 00:29:59 This noble, courageous man went into warfare. Don't get it twisted war is hell it's hell we went in the battle of ramadi it's tough battle yeah i love dude i love uh he's good for uh he's good for those hangover days when you're just like you know because he always talks about you know the ups and downs of life right his whole thing is like, it's Monday morning. Felt like I didn't want to work out. Felt like I didn't want to get out of bed. And I considered it.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Ha. No, I didn't actually consider it. Consider it. I powered through. And I went and lifted. Now I feel good. Now I'm going to go eat eggs and bacon and get fueled up. I'm not going to go reach for that donut like an idiot.
Starting point is 00:30:48 and get fueled up i'm not gonna go reach for that donut like an idiot so uh he's good for like if you're feeling down or like if you're in those like tough times of life of just powering through and just fighting through that you know not being weak and just you know make because it all comes down to the decision i think you know if you're feeling down depressed you're like i don't want to do this thing you know it's like you're feeling down you don't want to go to the decision, I think. If you're feeling down, depressed, you're like, I don't want to do this thing. It's like you're feeling down. You don't want to go to the gym. You don't want to go outside. Even though those things will make you feel better, you just need to make the decision. Fuck it.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Yeah. I'm not going to let those things weigh me down. It's a hard thing to do, too. But when you can, and mine is such small scale stuff. It's just like taking the cold shower that I don't want to take or going to the gym but you feel so bad especially if you're hungover or something yeah you know you're swamped with work or you're having troubles that are greater than that like financial or family or whatever you know that stuff can be a monster yeah but if you can like just be like look i know that doing this is going to make those things easier to handle yeah and
Starting point is 00:31:43 it's going to put me in a better mindset to not react to those things as much. Then, I mean, you got to do it, but it's hard. And those guys like Jocko are so instrumental because all you need is that little burst to get you through it. You know what I mean? And he's great for that.
Starting point is 00:31:57 And when we met him, you feel it from him instantly. Like his posture was so just upright and perfect. And he only said as much as he needed to when we were talking to him and i told him i was like dude it's tough like i was like less bro-y talking to him because i felt like i had to be like more official and he just uh you could tell if you spent a lot of time with him he'd bring out the the best in you did i i the whole time i was just kind of starstruck but i was just looking at him I was just like what if you were my dad yeah you know you just wake up and he's like you're gonna get out of bed
Starting point is 00:32:29 we're gonna try and get him on the podcast so uh Stokers uh if you follow both of us hit him up and tell him to come yeah because he hasn't gotten back to me on my email yet yeah should follow dude because we were like explaining the coral stuff to him you know we're like yeah we bleached our domes to like for the coral. And you just look at him like, but I felt like he makes that face with everyone. Yeah, that's his move. Yeah. So you're just like, I can't tell whether you respect it or you think what you do think.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Yeah. And I asked him about David Goggins is the other famous seal who does a lot of motivational stuff and is really motivating in his own right. And Chad and I have suspected that maybe they're beefing because they're both competing for a finite amount of fans of inspiration. I've heard this, and I know we have some listeners, I think, who are in the military. Maybe you guys can weigh in on this,
Starting point is 00:33:21 but I've heard that the Navy SE navy seals and a lot of other you know marines or whatever they don't like people to go into out to the public world and divulge right info about their ways their practices yeah yeah it's you're kind of like it's no merita where they the most important one yeah so i'd be interested to hear where other Navy SEALs stand on them. Yeah, I asked him that. I was like, what do you think about David Goggins? And then he was like, yeah, I know him. He's a good guy.
Starting point is 00:33:52 And I was like, come on, Jocko. Give me the good stuff. You want to break his neck? He had a good appearance on the Tim Ferriss podcast. He just guest hosted because Tim Ferriss had something to do. So he just did the whole podcast himself right and he he talked about his morning workout his routines and uh it was good i just like his voice is good oh he's a great like performer yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:34:18 which like there's probably a marine out there who's a better marine i'm not saying that with any sort of knowledge i'm just saying that like it'd be crazy if he was the best performer and the best Marine. You know what I mean? Because they're hard skill sets to master. But, I mean, obviously, he's a Navy SEAL, so he's top 1% of humans. Hey, what's up, man?
Starting point is 00:34:41 How's it going? No, no worries. Thank you so much. What is this? This is a little hard cider for you. Whoa, is there booze in this? There is. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:50 First time we've done some booze on the pod. Let's get it. Thank you so much. Let's drink this shit. All right. The owner of All Things Comedy just came in and gave us some hard cider. So we'll be in tears in about five minutes. All right. hard cider so we'll be in tears in about five minutes all right chad who is your babe of the week my babe of the week is ruth gates have you heard of her no she's a coral
Starting point is 00:35:18 scientist who passed away recently she was 56 i think she died from brain cancer so major r.i.p but um i was looking at her obituary um and uh she's a renowned coral activist coral conservationist best known for advocating for super coral that's coral that can say what up to pollution and f you to pollution and acidity and whatever the ocean's trying to do he's like no i'm resistant to that and i'm super down with that i'm super down with super coral i hope the whole earth ends up being super coral um she uh quote she said coral seems to be the most complicated organism on the planet so if i can understand them i can understand everything else and i think that says so much about coral you know you look at it and you're like cool rocks those are colorful
Starting point is 00:36:09 then you go underneath you're like nah dude those are polyps they just keep building on each other and they're building the most complicated structures in the world and it just kind of gives me a boner um but uh she uh nice she witnessed the death of nearly half of all reefs due to pollution um i'm sure if she saw our movement she would have bleached your dome as well maybe she saw you know because i believe she was alive when we first bleached our domes so um she was born like england too and she she was really inspired by Jacques Cousteau. Of course, dude. Jacques Cousteau.
Starting point is 00:36:47 I love that, too. Someone from England, not a reef-dense area, right? I'm guessing. But then she adopted it as her cause. I think she lived in Hawaii. I think that's a good move. No disrespect to England. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Yeah. What are you going to eat? Crumpets? The food is renowned to being garbage. I never been but i'm like what do you eat like mayo and crumpets they put beans on the breakfast and they're not like baked beans yeah it doesn't seem right nice england um but uh yeah and they tried to stomp on america it's like nah mel gibson's gonna come in and freaking stab you with a bayonet yeah so i remember when they killed uh and he fucked them up in braveheart too oh dude it's do you think mel gibson's they're like like his agent's like mel we got a movie for you does it include
Starting point is 00:37:37 fucking up england yes i think people are like man mel gibson hates the jews i'm like i think he really hates the british even more and what women want um i didn't see him hook up with any british chicks no marissa tomei though so yeah ruth um thank you so much for all you did for the coral i will keep my dome bleached for you and um your uh major rip who's your babe my baby of the week is the range rover defender oh it's a very cool truck uh it got some uh pop culture love when two heartthrobs drove it around in their respective movies first freddie prince jr and she's all that he rocks a yellow one and that was when i first laid eyes on and i was like that is a cool car it looks like a jeep but it has a
Starting point is 00:38:24 little bit more of the range rover body to it and the range rover defender is the ultimate like beast in the sheets gentleman in the streets and then john tucker also drove in the movie john tucker must die jesse metcalf he had a red one and it's just a good looking whip that looks badass you're a babe dude dude hell yeah super on board with that chad who is your legend of the week my legend of the week is john taffer you may know him from bar rescue i listened to him on a podcast the guy is a fucking beast charisma out the ass you know he's a hard dude speaking of masculinity i think this guy embodies it because he's like, I have a mission. I'm going to get it done.
Starting point is 00:39:06 And I don't care if I have to yell in your fucking face. I don't care if you don't like me. He does tell people hard truths. Hard truths. That's his philosophy in the podcast. He's like, you want to know why I yell? Because no one else is yelling. Dude, I was thinking when they're filming Bar Rescue and they're like, a little is yelling. Dude. I was, I was thinking like when they're like filming, uh,
Starting point is 00:39:28 when they're filming bar rescue and they're like a little more yelling, John, and he's like, he's just sitting there. He's like, all right, you want to know why I yell? I should pull up that clip.
Starting point is 00:39:36 It's hilarious. Um, yeah. And also the dude's hilarious too, but I love the way he's talking. Like he was, oh, so his philosophy is like, he's like,
Starting point is 00:39:44 you know, some of these people, they're so his philosophy is like, he's like, you know, some of these people, they're so lost. They're so lost in their own ego, their own excuses. So I get in there and I yell at them and I tell them hard truths. I say, this is what's wrong with that.
Starting point is 00:39:54 That should be yellow. Those fries should be brown. This should be done. Bah, dah, bah, dah, dah.
Starting point is 00:39:59 And they start to break. They start to break. And once they break, I get in there. And so I thought it was so cool. So on the podcast, he has a book, No Excuses Guide to Success by John Taffer. And so he's basically like,
Starting point is 00:40:19 you need to take ownership of your failure, kind of like Jocko. So the one excuse is fear scared of failure but thousands of people have gone through the same thing and they came out so that's a fallacy to knowledge i don't know enough tell that to steve jobs says john taffer growth is knowledge three circumstance the economy is bad the earth. Man, somebody's finding success. That's an excuse. Four, time.
Starting point is 00:40:49 He goes, time. I love this one. I love the way he talked, dude. He's like, time. Let me tell you why. I love dudes who say shit like that. They'll be like, my brother does that. He'll be like, so I bought this chair.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Let me tell you why. Like you weren't going to let me tell you what like you weren't gonna let him tell you why or get ready for it yeah i love it i just whenever someone says that i get so fired up i'm like yeah tell me why um time's an excuse ego is an excuse check your ego six consequences people are scared of consequences um oh. So, here's a little clip from my boy John. People wonder why I'm yelling. I'm yelling because nobody else is. I come here from the other side of the country to help him,
Starting point is 00:41:34 and he's a lazy ass and does nothing to help himself. Of course I'm screaming at him. Dude, it's such good TV. It's so good. There's nothing about it, does he? I feel terrible for you Dude I get so uncomfortable when he brings the wives into it Where he tells the wives to tell their husband
Starting point is 00:41:49 What like lazy like invalids they've been Yeah He'll turn to the wife and he'll be like Do you agree with everything I've just said And she'll be like yeah And the husband's just like fuck And it's happening on TV dude I bet they're like yeah we'll do Bar Rescue for sure And then he comes in Do. And it's happening on TV, dude. They're like, yeah, we'll do Bar Rescue for sure.
Starting point is 00:42:06 And then he comes in, do you know what's going on? Well, that's the big mistake a lot of these guys make too is they try to go toe to toe with them. Your business is failing. You're obviously fucking up. You're kind of in a position where you have to listen. Yeah. But it works.
Starting point is 00:42:17 It works perfect for him. You know, he used to be a drummer. Oh, really? Yeah. He's got that energy. He's a great drummer. And on tour with his band, he's like, I got a taste for the rock star life rock star life let me tell you kind of empty kind of his
Starting point is 00:42:30 bees uh my legend of the week is sort of uh similar my legend of the week is strider oh yes because strider came to miami with me and dude he is just one of the most rock solid guys in the world we're there for a couple days and he you know Strider doesn't party as hard as a chatter eye. So after a couple of days, I'm like worried about his health. I'm like, you can be able to party night. And he's like, hey, I've already adjusted. I'm a Miami guy.
Starting point is 00:42:52 And then he licks his lips. I was like, fuck yes, Strider. And he was throwing heat, dude, every night, bringing it out at the clubs and bars, having a good old time, but still being faithful to his Khaleesi, which is another virtue that I totally respect about him. And then he just, it was really crystallizing moments with my cousin, Danny. We were hanging out with my cousin, Danny, he's 15 years old and, you know,
Starting point is 00:43:12 he's a great kid. He's got his head on straight, but you know, he's, he's, he's young, you know, and he's a little, he's a little nervous about the world. So first we're on a boat and there's all these other boats parked and there's chicks on all the boats. And so I'm like, all right, I need to dive off this boat. Not because I think I'll look cool, but because I'm afraid I won't look cool. So I got to do it. So I dive off the boat and I'm like, yeah, fuck yeah, I dove.
Starting point is 00:43:33 And then Danny goes, I can't dive. And I'm like, well, you got to dive then. I'm like, dive. And then he's like, no, what if I look stupid? And me and Strider were like, dude, of course you're going to look stupid, but you just got to do it. And then Strider walked him over to the edge,
Starting point is 00:43:43 taught him how to dive. He was like, you kick off this way. He had all the words right, all the sayings and expressions to do it. And then Strider walked him over to the edge, taught him how to dive. He was like, you kick off this way. He had all the words right, all the sayings and expressions to teach someone. And then Danny jumped off the boat, one of the worst dives I've ever seen. But me and Strider, we go, hey, good job. Good job.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Way to dive. We're proud of you. Danny gets back on the boat. He says, I want to dive again. Ends up diving like five times. None of them turned out great, but he was trying and I loved it. So we go to the gym to work him out. And I'm like, I knew, I knew he wasn't working out legs.
Starting point is 00:44:07 He's like, I'm like, have you been lifting? He's like, yeah, I've been lifting. I'm like, you doing legs? He's like, yeah, I'm doing legs. And he's got strong legs, but I could just tell he wasn't really doing it. And he was one of those guys doing tricep press downs every time he goes to the gym. I mean, that's not going to pay dividends for you. So me and Strider take him to the gym. Strider walked him through every exercise and taught him real proper technique on squats, lunges, core. And I was just sitting on the other side of the gym
Starting point is 00:44:31 because I didn't know the lingo as well, just like marveling at Strider's ability to instruct this young man and walk him through it in a way that was like reasonable, but still firm. And he treated him like his own little brother. And I think Danny got a tremendous workout that day, and Strider was just a perfect teacher.
Starting point is 00:44:51 I mean, he's always a legend. We always talk about him, but Strider. That's awesome. You're my legend of the week. All right, Chad, who is your beef of the week? My beef of the week, so I was looking at the uh in and out secret menu because uh i already forgot the fucking name of just patties and cheese flying i heard your brother flying
Starting point is 00:45:16 dutchman there it is flying dutchman i was looking and i see there's one option the veggie burger option and i'm not opposed to a veggie burger you know if you want to get veggie burger for sure get a veggie burger that's what's up but i was so offended by the photo it was just a bun and lettuce and cheese so that's my beef fuck that shit dude my beef of the week is with turbulence nice I'm afraid of flying
Starting point is 00:45:52 but we hit some turbulence on the way to Miami and I was terrified I was so scared there was also a mom with her newborn behind me crying hysterically going I was like oh fuck dude we're going down uh the other guys were chill as fuck but i was like panicking i'm not down with it yeah get rid of it why are we not above turbulence yet it doesn't feel safe yeah i'm scared yeah when you hear the pilot come
Starting point is 00:46:22 on the phone during turbulence or on the intercom, aren't you always like, does he sound afraid? Does he sound like he's hiding something? He's like, hey, folks, this is your captain speaking. We just came into a little bit of turbulence. We're going to ride through it for the next 15 minutes. Might be a bumpy ride, but we'll be all right. So just, yeah, try to enjoy the ride. I'm like, he knows we're going to die.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Fuck you, turbulence. Turbulence, you're my beef. Dude, can I do a review of the week guys time for our review of the week this is an amazing review my first time with my first love by it's craig yo my dream girl test the light of my life the one i've been eyeing on since the sixth grade we went on a romantic endeavor last weekend, and ultimately, it led to me losing my virginity. It all started with a quick bite at Chipotle. Then I was like, let's just lay low at my place and have a glass of wine or two. Nice.
Starting point is 00:47:17 I immediately put on episode 41 of your podcast on my Sonos Home Sound system. It was quite the 3D experience. Chat and JT at all angles. The minute the piece sizes combo came up in the podcast, I sensed some sexual tension between me and Tess. It eventually led to us talking about size. And I was about three glasses
Starting point is 00:47:36 of red wine in. So I felt bold and decided to just drop that rock in a solid four inch. She was immediately turned on just moments after I said that that she's definitely digging my confidence and honestly and oh she's definitely digging my confidence and honesty huge one thing led to another and that next thing i knew my virginity was nowhere to be found i felt like a man a true dog a moment i will forever remember Thank you dudes for being a part of it. So stoked.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Dude, I'll say it. I've said it once, I'll say it again. Nothing brings people together more than Joe's dong. Thank you, Stoker, for writing in and good luck with you and your lady. All right, guys, it's time for some questions. This one is from Molly. What's with cubicle warriors snorting Adderall? Instant release and suddenly become the biggest badasses in New York. As a girl, I view crushing up Addy this one is from molly what's with cubicle warriors snorting adderall instant release
Starting point is 00:48:25 and suddenly become the biggest badasses in new york as a girl i view crushing up addy and snorting the pink blue orange powder and incessantly telling people you just snorted adderall is effeminate and a novice move like dude just stop jacking off to wolf of wall street trying to invent jordan balford it's not yayo don't you guys think that's whack as fuck like you wanted half a pill just bite in half why the fuck are you snorting it if anything hits it like you five minute quicker than swallowing it and i've read there's no time difference in terms of effect like oh how edgy you're snorting adderall off your phone in the handicapped stall whoop-dee-doo any day it's just making more of a mess for them they have blue shit dripping out of their nose for the rest of the day
Starting point is 00:49:00 damn dude totally on board with what she's saying i do think snorting stuff is kind of gross especially adderall it never i was like you gotta snort it i think she's right i think taking it has like pretty much the same effect i think it hits you quicker when you snort it all right i snort it one time and i was in class and my buddy tj was looking at me he's like in class like super loud why is your nose blue? I was like, what? Yeah, I agree with you, Molly. I think, you know, Adderall is a seductive enhancer because I had a job where I had to be hard on people
Starting point is 00:49:34 and I had to be really aggressive. And, you know, I always got positive reviews from my bosses and coworkers, but it was putting me on a collision course with some health issues that inevitably made me stop taking it. I don't like uh the comedown of it though it's horrendous horrible you feel so good then you're like now i feel like a fucking bag of flaming shit that next day man i felt like a husk um just think about how small makes your dong dude it makes it so small or i would try to hook up with chicks in college and be like, I'd be like, I can't do it. And they'd be like, why not?
Starting point is 00:50:08 And I'd be like, I'm on Adderall. I can't just unveil this tiny pecker to you right now. And it makes you so horny too. Yeah. Yeah. All right, Christian. Dear Chad and JT, I've been in quite a predicament with one of my bros over quite a lot of money. The only problem is the bro is my actual brother and it's $600. from anonymous
Starting point is 00:50:47 uh that's tough dude i think uh this is one of those instances where you got to use shame you know like uh shame coming from a family member is a pretty powerful thing. So I would try and shame your brother. I would say, dude, you're being a welch. You're being selfish. And the bottom line is
Starting point is 00:51:18 you're not being fair to your brother, which is making you a bad brother. And if that doesn't jar him out of it, then I don't know what will. Mm-hmm. It was a good call. I don't have anything else to add. Shame your brother.
Starting point is 00:51:32 What up, dude? So recently my dog Jim got into some trouble with the law, and it's really siphoned his stoke tank. We're huge fans of the pod, and he's the one who introduced me to you guys. Sadly, we live in a state where the ganja is illegal. We used to smoke hella dank green and have super deep combos while stoned and watch rad space movies. He can't help it right right now and it's smart to not indulge with possible drug tests in the future but i feel really bad when i'm around him and you can tell it really kills
Starting point is 00:51:52 his stoke in mind and not be there on the spiritual journey with me how do i help keep his stoke tank topped off i've helped him get into lifting to to work on getting jack so i think this is helping but he's still down in the dumps and we both really miss our dank smoke sessions please help my bros please help bros stay stoked thanks so he can't smoke weed anymore no his buddy can't because he might have drug tests coming up because he got into some trouble with the law. And he feels bad because he's high without him and he knows his bro is just having serious FOMO. Yeah. Maybe go on like a sober date with your dog.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Go to Taco Bell and be like, I'm going to be not high with you and we're still going to get munchies and we're still going to watch Starship Troopers. Or just be like, dude, when you can smoke again, it's going to be so sweet. Then you rip a fat bowl. I love that.
Starting point is 00:52:57 And then the thing I would say is once he gets through this legal trouble, you both move to a state where it's legal. Yeah. Don't be afraid to move. Weeds is freezing as good as any. Get on the road, my friend. Yeah. Come to state where it's legal. Yeah. Don't be afraid to move. Weeds is reason as good as any. Get on the road, my friend. Yeah. Come to California.
Starting point is 00:53:09 It's nice. Girlfriend. Drop her or not. What up, bro? So I've got this girlfriend and we've been dating pretty seriously for a little over a year and I like her a lot,
Starting point is 00:53:17 but I'm going away to college at the beginning of next year and I don't know if I want to be tied down in a relationship at my first semester or if I should be wild and free. So my question is, should I break up with her and party hard at college and open up the options or should i keep it serious and let it all work itself out thanks bro stay stoked your head's in the right place you
Starting point is 00:53:35 know you're thinking about like what your future is going to be about and you're simultaneously trying to think about like you know her feelings and how to to best you know, her feelings and how to best, you know, protect her feelings. I would say you don't know what college is going to be like yet. You know, wait till you get there. You don't need to make up your mind yet. You know what I mean? Because I know plenty of guys who went to college and stayed with their significant other. And I know even more guys, obviously, who went to college and decided that they wanted to
Starting point is 00:54:02 take advantage of all the options there. So I would just try to put it on the back burner of your brain, you know, think about it, but don't let it be your number one priority at this point. And then once you get to college, you reassess and kind of figure out, because you're not going to know what's happening there until you get there. So get there first and just try and enjoy this time you have with her now. What up, Chad and JT? You are seriously role models of mine and I need your help. I'm currently a freshman at a prestigious college, but I've always hated school.
Starting point is 00:54:32 The only reason I'm here is because my parents expect me to and I want to be swimming in Guap. I'm a fiery little dude of many passions and when my heart is in something, I typically make it work. I would love to turn one of my passions into a lucrative career. What do I do? You guys inspire me to wake up every day with the goal of happiness. Love you guys. Ted. Thanks, man. What?
Starting point is 00:54:52 He wants to turn his passion into guap? Yeah. Do you say what his passion is? No. He's at a prestigious college, zone, but he hates school. So I think the thing that he's really considering is whether he should jump ship and just go out on his own. How far along is he, did he say?
Starting point is 00:55:16 He's a freshman. Oh, fuck. Yeah, I would jump ship if you have a solid POA, plan of action. I wouldn't jump ship, you know, if, yeah. I'm probably letting this literature get too much into my head, especially considering I'm only 25 pages into the book. But this guy, Tyler Cowen, who wrote this book, The Complacent Class, talks a lot about how, as Americans, we don't take enough chances anymore. only 25 pages into the book but this guy tyler county wrote this book the complacent class talks
Starting point is 00:55:45 a lot about how as americans we don't take enough chances anymore and here's my thing if this kid's oriented prestigious college he's got a big brain yeah like he's fully capable you don't get into one of those colleges unless you know how to do work yeah um and people who drop out of prestigious colleges are almost more exciting to people than people who stayed at them you know what i mean like steve jobs types who are like i left uh you know wherever he went like harvard or whatever everyone's like you were too smart for harvard that's how people read that yeah so if you really are like a really prestigious college um and you drop out i think that actually gives you more cachet and it shows an ambition that people will really admire so if you have that and like chad said if you can get a plan
Starting point is 00:56:23 of action together do it man bail follow your dreams follow your passion but i also wouldn't drop out just to be cool because there could be like for every steve jobs like a thousand other dudes that are just like fuck dude yeah why did i do that well for me i knew i had to finish college because no one was going to be like impressed that i dropped out of nine junior colleges. You know, didn't have the same cachet. But that's true too. I mean, yeah, don't, I'm kind of glibly saying drop out. I mean, you should really think through it. But, I mean, are you getting student loans and stuff too?
Starting point is 00:57:03 Because if he's not into it, don't pile up 200 grand worth of debt. Yeah. And then be on the dole for that forever for sure it's a lot to think about man but uh but maybe send us another email and give us some more context but i like where your head's at man i like that you know you're passionate and you know you might be better suited somewhere else so i want you to not make that small i want you to put more fuel on that and really see where it goes. What's up, Stoke Masters? My direct roommate and I play college football,
Starting point is 00:57:31 and we live with four other dudes, two full-time students and two lax bros. We've gotten along pretty well so far, but there was a sitch that happened the other night that has caused a drastic decrease of stoke in the apartment of Building 6, Room 9. While the football team was finishing up practice, the lacrosse team decided to run onto the field because we had exceeded our time limit on the field by two minutes.
Starting point is 00:57:49 Both coaches went at it during practice, which led towards hatred between the lax team and football team. Not only has this been a sitch on campus, this has caused high testosterone and low Stoke in the apartment. My roommate and I occasionally rage with the lax guys on the weekend, but now we feel obligated to beef with them. Any advice on this, Sij? Big Bot and Mikey Mack.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Grab a 30 rack and take it over to the other team's house. Be like, let's squash this. I love that. Bring a Helix beer bong, some Douglas lubricant, if you guys want to get crazy. And squash the beef. Maybe they should have like a wrestling match with like a plastic pole full of Douglas lubricant. I need advice.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Two years ago my bro hooked up with the love of my life while we were dating. Totally not cool. And now they've been dating ever since. Two years ago? Tensions have since lowered and we are cool. And now they've been dating ever since. Two years ago? Tensions have since lowered and we are cool. But now she has been talking to me all the time and my former bro does not like this. As for me, I realize I miss her and she is torn between me and him. I can't decide between trying to get the love of my life back even after she wronged me or if I go down the path of consistent meaningless boning.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'd say stay away because she already did you wrong it's a it's pretty dramatic all right guys time for our quote of the week all right guys my quote of the week is from a book called sapiens and i'm only 10 pages in but i already got a quote so in the book he explains that uh the universe is 13.5 billion years old the earliest ancestors of humans are 2 million years old and then humans as we are constructed basically are 200 000 years old and then we all live like 80, 80 years out of 13.5 billion. But he's describing the earliest humans.
Starting point is 00:59:48 He says this about them. These archaic humans loved, played, formed close friendships, and competed for status and power. That's how he kind of summarizes what it is we do. You know, I don't think he intended for that to wallop me the way that it did, but that does feel like what my whole life is. We love, we play, we form close friendships, and we compete for status and power.
Starting point is 01:00:13 My quote is from Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation. I'm a simple man. I like pretty, dark-haired women and breakfast food. Know who you are, Stokers. Hell yeah. We're also brought to you by Douglas Lubricant, best in the game. The smoothest boning out there. They really just go in.
Starting point is 01:00:41 They have all types of flavors. Vanilla, original, orange, anal. And they are really just, they get after it, guys. And we just want you guys to know that Douglas Lubricant is the place to go when you want to bone and you want to bone well. All right, guys, that will be it for episode 44 of going deep with chad and jt thank you guys so much for being stokers for joining us for just being the best stokers you can be and just being legends all around um stay stoked everyone and uh check out our patreon
Starting point is 01:01:21 patreon.com slash chad goes deep jt you, you want to say anything? Spread the stoke. Boom clap, stokers. Later. Ah. If you need advice, these guys are really nice. You want to know what to do, Where to go When you need someone to guide you It's nice to have the girls beside you Going deep
Starting point is 01:01:54 Going deep Let's go deep I'm going deep I'm going deep, we're driving deep.

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