Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 46 - Sweet Action, Bro Legal Battles, Call-Ins

Episode Date: November 28, 2018

In episode 46, Chad and JT tackle Chad's new love of the sweet action, JT's mom being a legend, some epic call-ins, and they tackle an epic bro legal battle and solve the case. Dive on in and get... stoked. For bonus content, check out our Patreon: www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep with chad and jt podcast with my compadre jean thomas what up what up dog how you doing doing well boom clap stokers boom clap dude you got the iced tea and the green juice. Yes. Locked and loaded. Liquid for days. Yeah. That's some good stuff.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Yeah, it's all good. I just had myself, I just got some Flying Dutchman from In-N-Out. Oh, nice. It's just patties and cheese. Yeah, early. Delicious. Yeah. I feel energized, just ready to frickin' run through a through a wall yeah do you ever worry that um
Starting point is 00:00:47 that diet's not healthy no no i don't do you sometimes yeah i just look at the results and i'm like it works the elimination of vegetables seems uh to me. Oh, dude, I eat vegetables. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. You know, I eat broccoli, I eat spinach, avocado. But do people on the carnivore diet, they only eat meat? They only eat meat, yeah. Right. So I don't even know if they eat cheese.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Right. Yeah, that's dairy. But we're going to have the expert on so he can tell us all about that. I'm pumped. Yeah. I like experts. Yeah. Do you want to talk about your date sure yeah um yeah it was fun we went and got a beer last night she was really nice she was very
Starting point is 00:01:32 quiet and it was hard to get her to open up but um but i feel like still waters run deep she um like i'd ask her like what tv shows do you like and she'd be like i don't know just like the normal ones and i was like what are the what are the normal ones she's like i don't know like you know what people watch and then i was like are you an alien i was like why what do you what do you mean the normal ones i was like i don't know what you mean and then she's like i don't know like parks and rec and i was like okay and Rec. And I was like, oh, okay, gotcha. Yeah. But she was cool. I'm feeling pretty depleted. I've been up since 3.
Starting point is 00:02:11 I was in Tahoe over the weekend, so. Yeah, how was that? It was fun. You know, there's no snow, so, you know, just kicking it at the casino. And it was a good time. Did you gamble? Yeah, it's actually in my legends and beefs and stuff. Oh, okay. So I was going to dive into it there.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Sweet, we'll save it for then. But, yeah, those 3 a.m. shuttles are brutal. But you know what? You just got to keep trucking along. Absolutely. Power through. Although I'm not that bad. I don't feel that bad.
Starting point is 00:02:43 I'm being a fucking Nancy about it. I don't know, know man it's all right if you're tired no it's not i just need to eat fucking beef and power through and just have a huge hog like joe yeah uh all right let's get into it then so chad who is your babe of the week my babe of the week. My babe of the week is Uma Thurman in Kill Bill. Have you done her before? I don't think so. Okay, it's Uma Thurman in Kill Bill. Stokers. I don't know if you guys have seen the Kill Bill series, but it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Actually, I like the first one more than the second one. I thought it was a really fun movie, and it got me super interesting in katanas and uh i was just you know uma thurman just kills it in that movie and um she always has this cool vibe around her she looks like she can accomplish a lot she doesn't need you know to depend on others you know if she has a problem she'll just take out her samurai sword and chop it in half yeah take and get it done and um i don't there's not much more to say than she's just a badass in that movie you know she took the training from that dude like a champ which looks super hard she went through lots of trials and tribulation and she you know she punched her way through a coffin um she dealt with poisonous snakes she snatched eyeballs she
Starting point is 00:04:03 caught she cut off the tops of heads. And, you know, that's all about persistence. And, you know, you have a goal, and you'll do whatever it takes to get to that goal, even if it means going to Japan and dealing with ornery sushi chefs. So just a shout-out to Uma Thurman. Way to crush it in those movies.
Starting point is 00:04:24 And actually, Kill Bill, spoiler alert, So just a shout out to Uma Thurman. Way to crush it in those movies. And actually kill Bill, spoiler alert. And looking like a babe while you do it. Nice. Who's your babe? My babe of the week is my mom. Nice. Second time.
Starting point is 00:04:36 What up, mom? Is that third time? Oh, is it? I think it's times three. Damn. That's good, though. Yeah. You gotta have love for mom.
Starting point is 00:04:43 I do. This is actually my beef of the week too um so i uh on wednesday i was having like a just a standard wednesday and then um and then um i went to go see the movie overlord with two of my dogs and I was super baked. And when I got to the theater, I laughed really hard. And then I felt a pang in my brain. I felt like a pop and I thought I was having an aneurysm. So I went into the theater. I couldn't calm down. And then I left and went to the emergency room and I got my vitals taken. I've been to the emergency room like a dozen times now. So I know the rigmarole well. I got my vitals taken. I've been to the emergency room like a dozen times now,
Starting point is 00:05:24 so I know the rigmarole well. And then I called my mom, and yeah, she was the best. She walked me through all of it, and she kind of got to the root of what I was feeling as only a mom can. At first, she made things worse because I was like, hey, mom, I'm at the hospital. I think I'm having an aneurysm. I'm probably fine.
Starting point is 00:05:48 I just wanted to call and let you know. And then she went, Sean Thomas, are you okay? No, tell me what's happening. Tell me what's happening. Are you okay? No, Sean Thomas, please talk to me. But talk to me.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Don't hang up. Don't hang up. I was like, mom, I have to go. Like the doctors are about to take my photos. She's like, no, no, Sean Thomas, no, no. I was like, oh my God, mom, please calm down. You're freaking me out more. And she's like, no, no. And then I was like, oh man. I was like, what did i was like oh my god mom please calm down you're freaking me out more and she's like no no and then i was like oh man i was like what did i expect calling my mom who's like a hyper passionate colombian lady but then i called her back and she was like don't scare me like that
Starting point is 00:06:14 okay talk to me what's going on have you been taking drugs what's going on i'm like now i'm just like a little high and i think i'm freaking out and maybe i'm just stressed out about other stuff like dad or friends or career and stuff like that. And then she was like, okay, okay, here, let's talk. Let's get through it. And she's like, John Thomas, you can't punish yourself so much. You can't, you know, try to do too much and then you take it all on and you feel too much.
Starting point is 00:06:34 And your moms always do that where they just make the bad things that are happening. Or maybe my mom just does, but she makes me feel like the bad things that are happening to me are just a result of me trying to be too good of a person rather than me being a bad person, which is such a nice way to frame it and then and it just opens me up and then i i start talking about everything and by the end of it i'd cried like
Starting point is 00:06:53 six times and i was still a little uh like uh shooken up from all the panic but i felt a lot better so i got to give all the credit to my mom for like just really understanding me and she's like john thomas you've always been obsessive you've always been kind of crazy when it comes to stuff like when you were in second grade I had to take you to a therapist to get your brain checked out because you'd see scary movie trailers and then you'd create a whole story about how they're gonna come kill and murder the whole family and you couldn't sleep for days at a time and she go and what always scared you most is that the bad guy was going to kill me. You didn't want to lose me, Jean Thomas. And she, like, makes it about herself like that.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Like, she's the most important figure in it. And it's kind of like, I'm not sure if that's actually how it happened, but it's a beautiful way for her to think about it. But, yeah, she was a babe for getting me through that chaos in my head that night. Shout out to your mom. Super charismatic, fun lady to be around. Yeah fun always good to see her who's your legend of the week my legend of the week is strider nice um because i was in uh i was in south lake tahoe for a few days and uh strider hits me up and he's like daddy daddy i need you to lay down some sweet action
Starting point is 00:08:04 for me daddy i'm like what are you talking about what are these terms he's like daddy daddy i need you to lay down some sweet action for me daddy i'm like what are you talking about what are these terms he's like daddy come on baby don't don't do me like that lay down the sweet action for me baby i'm like what i'm like what do you mean dude and he's like i'm talking about the games the bets let's gamble i'm gonna i'm gonna put some money down the games nfl games and i was like i was like oh damn and this was like a side of strider that I've never seen before you know you see like the responsible strider but he has this dichotomy within him you know because there's also this side that loves risk he loves to take chances he loves to throw money down that sweet action baby it was really cool and then he got me involved I was like you
Starting point is 00:08:41 know what if you're gonna put money down the games i'm gonna do the same exact bets as you and put the same money down and uh it was super fun you know i put money down the games was super invested watching uh the games yesterday um which was fun and um it was just nice to you know and plus i i was exposed to this whole new world of gambling, which like I've dabbled in blackjack before, but you know, I'm not, I didn't, I'm not like, I don't play all the time. So whenever I'd play, you know, I'd sort of just go off like guesses and stuff and people be like, hey, you're messing up my cards. And I'd be like, stay out of my journey, you know, but so, but then betting on the games, I was like, damn, like I could get down with this. But then betting on the games, I was like, damn, I could get down with this. And plus, talking like a gambler is probably my favorite thing about gambling, because you want to get that sweet action, baby.
Starting point is 00:09:34 You want to lay it down, lay down the sweet action, get a cool G, daddy, and let it ride. On the parlay. On the parlay, baby. On the parlay. Dude, I was such a rook placing those bets. The guy was like, I'm going gonna do a parlay baby um for 42 he's like don't tell me fill out the fucking form i'm like for sure daddy yeah so uh just striders uh a legend for uh show me how well-rounded of a dude he is you know he he likes the uh stability of his rock but he also likes to take
Starting point is 00:10:07 risks beast who's your legend my legend of the week is Khalil Mack because he's uh he's an outside linebacker for the Chicago Bears and watching him last night on Sunday Night Football on the national stage against the division rival Minnesota Vikings he was dominant I mean he had one like kind of quasi bull rush on Reif I think is his name the tackle from where he took him with one hand
Starting point is 00:10:35 and just catapulted the guy this is a 310 pound beast he's doing this to and honestly it's just awesome to see Maurice get so jacked watching him too he's like yeah come on yeah look at him go he's grabbing the ball through legs because he produces a lot of turnovers too which is an incredible thing for a defensive player to do sweet dude for once i know who you're talking about nice i was watching him yesterday with uh ken and uh who's a chicago guy uh ken g and uh he's like dude that's khalil mack that guy's dominant
Starting point is 00:11:07 and i was like sweet i'm getting into sports now you put money on the line baby all right dude who is your beef of the week my beef of the week is with the sweet action um because i threw down some bets on the sweet action i lost all my money and I didn't make any. That just means the sweet action got the better of daddy, you know, and it's all good, baby. It's all good. Strider's like, it's all good, baby. We didn't make any panic bets.
Starting point is 00:11:34 I'm like, thank you, thank you. But we laid down some more sweet action, the three of us, on the game tonight. Nice. Rams and Chiefs. But, yeah, so my beef is with the sweet action. Like, you know, for a first timer um maybe i'm just talking to the universe right now whoever is in charge of uh um gaming like you know for a rook if you wanted to keep me around like um maybe you should have like given me some w's
Starting point is 00:11:58 um or maybe my beef's with strider for making shitty bets. Well, yeah, you just got to beef with losing. It's not the best feeling. No, not at all. Yeah. What's up, dawg? What up? How you doing? Who's your beef?
Starting point is 00:12:15 Yeah, my beef of the week is with my brain. Chill. Yeah, dude, good job. Call from... Yo, what's up? It's Keenan. To accept, press 1. To send a voicemail, press 2. What up?
Starting point is 00:12:33 Hold up. Hello? Hey, Keenan. What up? You're on with Chad and JT. What up, dog? What up, dude? Oh, my. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:12:46 All right. Let me just collect myself real quick. So stoked. How's it going? Good, good. What's your question? Yeah, okay. So, first of all, I just want to ask kind of a quick question.
Starting point is 00:13:03 This isn't a real question, but have you guys ever heard of Chaga? No. No. That's all right. But basically, it's like this tea that has tons of antioxidants, and it's figured since you guys are super into, like,
Starting point is 00:13:14 green juice and such, you'd really appreciate it. What's called chaga? Yeah, chaga. It's like this mushroom that grows on birch trees. We're from Minnesota. Me and my buddy Coon's here.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Yeah, what up? What up, dude? Yeah, basically it grows on birch trees naturally and you're making it into a tea and it makes you live forever and stuff. Oh, yeah, cool. We'll check it out. I've heard about mushroom tea. Sounds like good stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Thanks. Alright. Anyways, I was just wondering, I've got a couple of buddies, and my boy Coons, he's pretty good friends with them too, but they were my really good friends for quite a while. And I still love them, and I still see them at school all the time, but they just kind of started curving me and not letting me hang out with them anymore.
Starting point is 00:14:00 And it's really drained my self-tan, a level that is a little sad. So, basically, what the situation is, overall, they're still great guys. But I think they just kind of started to their out more of just, like, partying. And, like, I love to rage, you know. But, yeah, like, I've raged with Keenan, and he's, like, a good rager. Like, they're just being assholes like i would totally rage with them and like i don't know why they are just being dicks and so what we're basically to rephrase it in a way that you guys could actually answer is like
Starting point is 00:14:37 i love them both to death and i want to i want to still be bros with them, but what can I do to kind of, you know, elevate my stroke to a level that they, they want to hang out with me, you know, and they stop curving me. What do you think I could do there? So I would, uh, um, I mean, you sound like you got a good bro right next to you. I would, uh, focus on him and then you guys create and build good memories together. And if those guys see you having a good time, they'll realize the error their ways. But I think the key is to not make them your number one priority.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Yeah, I think if you start trying to chase their affection, then in the end it will probably just make you more unhappy with the whole situation. And if you just try and dominate your life and drink that mushroom tea and just uh rage when you want to rage and then dominate in other areas of life when you want to dominate in those areas then ultimately you'll be a happier dude oh my that's dang that's that's fantastic advice. Thanks, Chad. You'd say just kind of focus on not flex. Do you think I should try to flex on them and just show them how great my life is
Starting point is 00:15:54 or more so just think inwards and just improve myself naturally? Yeah, I wouldn't flex. Yeah, no flexing. Flex in the mirror. Oh, and also mirror and also yeah yeah definitely do that and good luck in your your journey yeah thanks so much chat peace out later bro there it is boom clap like a job wow all right we're gonna get a call one day they're like I killed this person I don't know what to do
Starting point is 00:16:34 with the body well you're gonna need some lime and a shovel yeah well just focus on you don't focus on the body hello Alex Alex what up you're on with Chad and JT yo what up Stokers what's up Stoker what's up dude what's your question so I really dig the positive vibes you guys got going but one thing that's really good bothering me is your emphasis on bronzing. As a healthcare provider, promoting bronzing really killed my stroke level. Bronzing leads to both premature aging and cancer,
Starting point is 00:17:15 which really, really kills the stroke level, especially with the ladies. So is there any way you guys could possibly promote more sun protection? I hear you dude i uh i um i think it goes without saying that you should always have ample spf and achieve your bronze with the use of sunscreen so as to avoid those problems so um yeah i definitely wouldn't want to endorse um bronzing without sunscreen because. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Yeah. Yeah. I appreciate that. And also always wearing a hat and protective clothing. What constitutes protective clothing? Yeah. So you can actually buy clothing with UPF in it. Like there's a couple of companies or just always wearing long sleeves and keeping it
Starting point is 00:18:05 covered up as much as possible. Yeah. I mean, the thing is too, is like, I 100% agree with you, all the Stokers listening, you should wear sunscreen and you should tan responsibly,
Starting point is 00:18:15 but I'm also, yeah, exactly. That's all on that. But I'm also only as good as I am. And like, I have my blind spots and as long as the Stokers are you know treating their dogs with respect if they get a little sun kissed once in a while
Starting point is 00:18:31 I can't bring down the dragon yeah yeah no definitely anything helps anything helps I appreciate it guys yeah thank you dude thank you, dude. Thank you, dude. I'm also, I'm Latino. Yeah, you're safe. Hello? Hello? What up? What up?
Starting point is 00:18:55 You're on with Chad and JT. I've been trying to call you. It's been a long time since I called. I'm Cincinnati. My name is Jackson. And this is how I go deep, baby. Jackson, you're the same dude we talked to who went on a couple of dates? Yeah, exactly. What up, man? What's up? It's good to talk to you again, man. How are you?
Starting point is 00:19:17 I'm doing pretty well. Life is going pretty good now. So, you know, the girl that I went on a date with, you know, she wasn't really, you know, into me. I get that, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:29 you want to be more of a friend. I was like, yeah, that's cool. You know, it's like, you know, and she was like,
Starting point is 00:19:34 oh wait, you're taking this like normal. Like you just want to be friends. And I was like, I was like, yeah, you know, like you might as well,
Starting point is 00:19:41 you know, I like, she's a good personality and everything like that. And she thought I was really cool that I just only wanted to be friends, you know, or that I could understand her feelings. So I was like, man, you know, I've had the boys over in a while, you know. I said, you might as well. So I had this big, big party.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Nice. Everything was going good. You know, I was winning a few games of pong but then all of a sudden you're like you're like where's luke and luke with luke sometimes he had a little too over himself being a little too hammered and he just wandered off and this is an outside party so we were like we're like shit like we like we lost him everything and all of a sudden out of nowhere here comes luke stumbling up our my driveway i'm like dude where did you go and he had the nastiest cut on his head like i was like fuck like it was not good it looked like a like a
Starting point is 00:20:42 softball was on his forehead and his whole like his whole body was all bloodied and everything like that so we're like man like this is not good like we actually like need to do something here so my other friend was also he was hammered as hell and he was just he was chugging some fireball and he had a really tough breakup like two weeks earlier, so he was kind of getting over it. So he was on the couch, and he started yacking. And so we had to get him to the bathroom, and he threw up all over our bathroom. And look, it was just all blood and everything. It was all blood?
Starting point is 00:21:23 It was all blood. Wait, so what's the question, though? What's up? I'll get to it. So we were like, man, this is not a good night and everything like that. And we were kind of beating up. But then we all came together, and we came to one. All the boys came together. We were all like know this is it's gonna toughen us up some people slept the night we all took turns
Starting point is 00:21:51 watching the one kid who threw up and everything like that and so i just want to ask you you know how do we build on that you know because i think our group has never been stronger than where it is right now we love watching the movie super bad i don't know if you've bro yeah it's a great one hell yeah how's uh um i do you know to build on it i think just keep doing what you're doing keep having get togethers and and group hangouts and and that's going to build a lot of camaraderie um and you seem like you're doing a good job of spearheading it man so i'm happy for your uh how you've uh grown uh how's the dude with the head wound is he all right yeah he is i think he's gonna be partying a lot anymore until probably
Starting point is 00:22:35 the new year but he he was they had to take him to the hospital um damn that wasn't good. But, you know, and can I ask you, bros, one more question? Mm-hmm. All right, so, you know, I mean, the ladies' situation hasn't been working quite well. And, you know, we still party with the ladies, you know, but they like me more as, you know, the friend type and everything. But how do I help my bros get to the next level with some of these? How can I be the best wingman I can possibly be? I think I'm a pretty good wingman.
Starting point is 00:23:20 I just make a lot of introductions. Oh, good call. I just like, hey, this is my friend jay and you walk away yeah and then i walk away all right jackson good talking to you man call us back again yeah thank you bros have a good one peace i uh my friend andrew um abom we had a party one time and then the next morning his face was just mangled like he had bruises and cuts everywhere yeah but he went to work and work sent him home he looked like such a mangled mess and his girlfriend worked at the same place and when she saw him she started crying so hard that they sent her home too that story was actually kind of inspiring because i remember
Starting point is 00:24:01 when ass clown got kicked in the nuts by some freshmen we didn't we just laughed at him we didn't bond so maybe we should have bonded over right his his nut pain hey sam how's it going buddy what up sam yo what up dude how are you doing going well um so i have a question for y'all. Shoot. How do you guys pump yourselves up before you do squats or deadlifts or a big workout? Because as someone who's formerly shredded and now has a beer belly going on, I kind of need some help re-motivating myself. Dude, let me give you a full plan. First off, you're going to need a full night's
Starting point is 00:24:53 sleep. Get that full-on relaxation so when you get up, you feel good and ready to go. Get out of bed Jocko Willing style. And then I suggest do whatever you do in the morning. You know, coffee, whatever. I like to drink coffee. That gets me jacked.
Starting point is 00:25:07 I drink some coffee and I watch some videos that get me pumped up. You know, whether it be an inspiring speech from Matthew McConaughey or a Michael Jackson music video or a cool surf video or a Jocko Willink motivational video. Whatever gets you jacked on YouTube or something, that usually gets me jacked. And I go to the gym and I put on some music, some high energetic music,
Starting point is 00:25:32 and I just get after it. And then I just visualize how jacked I'm going to be and how good I'm going to feel after that workout. I think about how good I'm going to feel after the workout and that gets me through it. Okay, sweet. Do you mess with pre-workout at all? Nah.
Starting point is 00:25:51 I don't like to go too heavy on the caffeine and stuff. I always feel like pre-workout is too much. I get too jittery, and I'm like, this doesn't feel right. Yeah, I don't use any supplements. The thing I do is I always give myself like motivational speeches before I do a set of squats. Like I sit there and I listen to music that pumps me up and I'm like, who the fuck's going to do this?
Starting point is 00:26:15 Like is anybody going to be able to get this bar up for you? I'm like, no, it all comes down to you. You are the only person who can move this bar right now and nothing in your past is going to help you get this bar up. So you better do it right now and prove to yourself that you can. And then the other thing that I do is, um, I always just tell myself I'm only going to do one set. Like I, I, I said small goals. I'm like, just get to the gym. And then once I get to the gym, I'm like, just do one set of squats. And then I do one set and then I'm like, all right, well I have enough energy to do
Starting point is 00:26:42 one more. And then at the end of it, I've done like five sets so it's really just um not making myself feel like I have to uh do more than I feel like I can yeah it's a really smart move I do that too the small goals hell yeah all right well I'm gonna go to the gym now fuck yeah good Yeah, good. What up, JT? Do you agree that Harry Potter was a huge asshole and probably the least exciting character in the entire series? Like, he spent seven years terrorizing his friends with his own problems, you know? That's a great question.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Good take on the whole series. I don't know if i would blame harry because he was kind of uh thrust into this situation without much of his own choosing but i do agree he took up a lot of the real estate in their lives and relationships and at some point that would get very frustrating you know throughout the whole series i never found myself being like man i wish i was harry potter i wish i was more cedric diggory um for sure if he didn't die um although it was an honorable death yeah it was a good day um bring my body back to my father please harry yeah well who was it it was the guy from yeah yeah um so yeah i mean i i'd have to you know harry was forced into that situation kind of by all the prophecy and stuff
Starting point is 00:28:19 but i do agree with you that i never really liked him and i never really liked ron either with his whole like mopey, just like, Oh, woe is me attitude. You're just like, dude, fuck you. Right.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Like if it, it's obviously it was hard for him to be in Harry's shadow and to always be kind of like, uh, less competent than him and Hermione. Yeah. But there's a way to do it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:28:39 Yeah. Like, um, I didn't like his victim mentality. So yeah, Harry's obviously the superstar of the team. But if you're on that team, you got to make it work. So you just learn how to be good where he's not.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Yeah. It's a big thing in addiction. I'm a piece of shit that the world revolves around. That's the mentality that a lot of these people have. Dude, Hermione, whenever I watch those movies, I'm just like, Hermione. She's beautiful. She's beautiful. Dude, Hermione, whenever I watch those movies, I'm just like, Hermione. You know? She's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:29:06 She's beautiful. How'd she end up with Ron? Yeah, she deserves better. Yeah. All right, let's see. What up, Chad and JT? You guys are legends. I just wanted to thank you guys for taking the time to listen to me.
Starting point is 00:29:29 I wanted to ask you guys a specific question. It's something that's really been rubbing my mind a little bit. I wanted to know what you guys are, I guess I wanted to know how you guys feel about stogies, a.k.a. cigarettes. I've had some of the best times with my dogs late at night, you know, after we down some brewskis and we get to going and chiefing on the smoke, you know. But over time, you know, my dad was a big, big smoker and he passed away a couple years ago. So I just want to know what you guys think about that and how I can not be that dude that's 50 years old on the corner,
Starting point is 00:30:14 chiefing down. So I know everyone has their own opinion on it, but I just wanted to hear what you guys think about it and get back to me as soon as you can. Yeah, I'm anti-cigarettes. Also, I thought stogies were cigars. I thought that too. Yeah, I'd say there are other ways to bond with your dogs.
Starting point is 00:30:39 You don't need to rely on stogies to make you know make a deepen your connection with your dogs um you know because that's on you guys you guys are making the connection it's not on the stogies they're just there they're just something to pass the time with but there's so many other things you can do dude when we went paintballing our bond grew so it became so strong, you know, and it was a positive thing, you know, just shooting preteens. Agreed. Hey, what's up, my dogs? Just calling in. I was actually super nervous to call in because I thought you guys would actually answer, but anyway, kind of glad you guys didn't.
Starting point is 00:31:24 But it would be super dope to talk to you guys, like, in real anyway, kind of glad you guys didn't, um, but it'd be super dope to talk to you guys, like, in real life, you guys are a huge inspiration, um, listened, long time listener to the pod, um, so I was just wondering, uh, been, uh, talking to this one chick for a while, and, um, the subject of, like, uh, the bedroom, bedroom topic came up, and I, I found out she's, like, a super freak, freak like in the bedroom like choking her out like spitting in her mouth all the works like tiring her up with ropes and everything and so I've never really been into that but um I was wondering what your guys's take on that stuff would be and how I should approach the situation I'm pretty pretty uh pretty vanilla in the bedroom you know I stick to the basics nothing too wild but um I don't know if I should approach the situation. I'm pretty, pretty, uh, pretty vanilla in the bedroom. You
Starting point is 00:32:05 know, I stick to the basics, nothing too wild, but, um, I don't know if I should dive right into the rope, the rope scene or not, but, um, yeah, I'd love to hear your guys' input on that topic. So if you guys can, uh, answer this question, that'd be super dope. All right. Catch you guys on the pod later. Dude dude from my experience at the pleasure chest i would say that bondage isn't something you just cannonball into yeah and i you know she's like a black belt in a discipline that you're not familiar with but i don't think you just like jump in with a black belt you know you go through the progressions of like white purple blue brown and then black so i would uh i would go slow and it's okay to try other stuff but you don't have
Starting point is 00:32:52 to go in full speed ahead you can go slow and if she's cool and you guys have a good connection beyond the sexual she'll understand that and you guys can kind of grow together in new directions for even her. Yeah. I mean, I don't think she's expecting you to come out with a ball gag and a gimp mask on with some assless chaps. She's probably like, oh, he's a regular dude, and maybe if I feel comfortable with him, we can dive into the stuff I like to dive into.
Starting point is 00:33:23 So take it slow. Yeah, baby. Call from? Bobby. if I feel comfortable with him we can dive into the stuff I like to dive into so take it slow yeah baby Bobby sounds serious Bobby what up you're on with Chad and JT oh no way yes sir okay um yeah one by one of my boys just sent me an Instagram DM was like hey you hey, you got to call in. So I figured I'd give you guys a call. Nice, dude. What's your question? Who am I talking to? Both of us.
Starting point is 00:33:54 All right, so I have actually a pretty interesting story for you guys I wanted to share. It's the reason why I called in. And then I got a quick question. Sweet. And then I got a quick question. Sweet. So my grandpa's good friend from high school has a son who's in the Navy. He's 31 years old and he's a pilot.
Starting point is 00:34:14 He flies F-35s off of active aircraft carriers. Damn. And so about two weeks ago, his commanding officer, Gallatin, was like, hey, I got a special mission for you. You're going to fly over to the mainland, take it by VIP, and bring it back. And he's like, okay, he's this guy. And he's like, I can't tell you that yet. You'll see him when you get there. So he flies over to the mainland, lands,
Starting point is 00:34:34 and he sees Tom Cruise walking up to his jet. Oh, wow. And he was like, no way. That's awesome. So long story short, he took hands with Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise hopped in the back of his jet and they flew him around for a couple hours to get familiar with the new planes for that new
Starting point is 00:34:51 Top Gun movie they're making. That's amazing. That's awesome. Did he talk about Tom's charisma? Say that again? Sorry, I think my reception's a little bad did he talk about his experience with tom yeah so he said tom was a super nice guy like really chill down to earth um all in all he hung out with him for probably like two hours flew him to the aircraft carrier flew him back
Starting point is 00:35:20 and when he dropped him off tom tom was like uh so do you want a part in the movie? My grandpa's friend was like, he was like, only under one condition, the rest of my crew gets to come with me. Tom was like, alright, you got yourself a deal, let's make it happen. That's awesome. Thank you for that great story. Dude, amazing. Yeah. Hell yeah. I saw my friend send me an Instagram DM.
Starting point is 00:35:45 If I could get Chad's favorite Bone song, I would love to hear that. I'm sure the Stokers would too. My favorite Bone song? I have to go with 112's Peaches and Cream. Oh, good one. Good imagery, good sensual beat, and you can really dance to the rhythm with your hips. Wait, I'm going to throw mine into Work Song by Hozier. Oh, dude. She never asked me about the wrong I your hips. Wait, I'm going to throw mine into Work Song by Hozier. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:36:05 She never asked me about the wrong I'd done. Dude. Alright, dude. What's your bone song? Yeah, what's your bone song? Oh, man. I was actually just thinking about that. I was like, damn, they're going to ask me. I think off the top of my head, I'd have to say
Starting point is 00:36:20 Pump It by the Black Eyed Peas. Oh, nice. Nice, dude. Very literal. You haven't sexed a lot of bar mitzvahs hey what's going on this is danny from boston uh i just wanted to give you guys a quick shout out you know shout out chad jt you guys always help me out listen to your podcast you guys are the best jt we share a similar problem, dude. I'm Brazilian and I don't have amazing flow, lettuce, you know, like my boy Chad. And I just wanted some advice on, you know, how to regain my stoke with, you know, having curly hair like JT. If She could help me out, dude.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Thank you so much. Have a good one. Well, my instinct after getting this message is, fuck you, because I like my hair. I mean, I love your hair. I think it's the greatest, but I like my curls. They look good. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:37:19 So, Dana, I think the first step would be, you know, grow to love what you got. I do, though, when I was growing up in Orange County, though, I did. I did dislike my curly hair. Maybe that's what you're referencing, because I was just around like people who had straight hair. And that was like kind of like what the beauty standard was. That's what people wanted. So I felt like bad about my hair and I would try to straighten it.
Starting point is 00:37:40 But then I'd look like a second rate Dave Grohl. So I was like, all right, I'm just going to let it be curly. But I just grew to love it, dude. And then there's places where it's more in vogue and more in style. So yeah, dude, you got it, man. You got great curls and cherish them because it gets worse. You can lose your hair and it can also turn gray. So appreciate it now while you got it, if it's possible.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Hey, dude, Dustin here, dude. I got some if it's possible hey dude dustin here dude i got some fucked up dong issues dude yo before dustin's dong issues yo nate here again just saying what up for sure my dog uh yeah dude my dong is fucked dude fucked what's wrong with your dong, bro? I just got some issues. So my bud's got some dong issues. But regardless of that, I'm going to send it with a question here real quick. So what do you do when you have, like, a 10 out of 10, you know, I want to say girlfriend, but she's not my girlfriend. We still live together, but, you know, want to say girlfriend but she's not my girlfriend we still live together but um she's you know we're not dating so i've been i've been i've been trying to get over this chick for a while now and like i said she's super hot like i loved her you know i i'm a loyal dude i've never cheated um and just one day, you know, things started getting weird.
Starting point is 00:39:07 And, you know, eventually, you know, she said, hey, maybe we should, you know, break it off and just call it for what it is. So I was like, yeah, dude, like, that's chill. Like, I respect that decision. You know, I'm down for, you know, whatever is going to make you happy, you know, and I'm looking out for myself, too. You know, I knew at the time it was going to make me upset. So, you know, I'm not too stoked about it at all. You know, my stoke meter is a little down on it. So I'm just curious, like, if you guys, you know, give me some insight.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Like, I'm still living with this girl, you know, real good friends. But she's the one who broke up with me, you know, and I'm trying to go out and, you know, real good friends, but she's the one who broke up with me, you know, and I'm trying to go out and, you know, expand, and, you know, we share the same bed, and every night, you know, she wants to cuddle with me, and she's, you know, acting all gooey and fucking, it's just, it's confusing me, my dogs, and, like, I just, i'm curious if you guys have you know any any sort of guidance for me would be great you know i love this chick but she's making it really difficult and uh you know kind of just it just you know fucking it impacts my stoke meter on a non-stoke level so yeah dude sorry for the long voice mail but uh be super sick to hear back from you guys uh keep it real my dogs peace um yeah dude sorry to hear about your dong uh
Starting point is 00:40:40 if you could maybe call back and specify what the dong issues are maybe we could help you out to make sure your dong is running smooth in all possible ways yeah I mean not knowing you or your dong it's hard for me to deduce what the solution is I would say go easy on your dong. Yeah, if you can become one with your dong and, you know, the mind heals the bod. So maybe have positive imagery of your dong, like being like super hard and whatever. I think that would help you out. Yeah, visualization is a key to every great person's success. Yeah. Kobe Bryant.
Starting point is 00:41:29 And then, dude, for the second part, you got to get away physically from this girl. Yeah, that's a good call. What up, dudes? My name is Nick. I'm from Chicago. I've called and left a couple voicemails. Now it's probably getting a little sick of hearing me. But just trying to, I don't know, getting nervous, dude, talking to Sanjay T.
Starting point is 00:41:51 But let me try to articulate this and just come from the heart on this one. Yeah, so I have this girlfriend that I've been living with for a few years. You know, so we've been living together for a few years. And here's my thing. Like, we get along great, man. Like, our relationship is pretty strong. Like, our personalities mesh really well. You know, we can kick it, just chill around the house. Everything's, you know, we can kick it just chill around the house everything's you know we can kick it around the house absolutely watch movies together whatever it's a good time we can leave the house
Starting point is 00:42:34 we can go to the museum we can go fishing um you know we got a lot of the same interests and hobbies. Everything's pretty good, right? It sounds good. But then on the other side of it, there's a few things that are bad. And a couple of those main things are she can be lazy around the house, like being kind of dirty, just know just kind of a kind of a lazy personality in general but here's the biggest thing the thing that the biggest thing and i feel shallow for saying this because you know we do get along so good but like her looks man uh she's probably like i mean i'd say like average she's probably like an average chick uh you know some some of her physical characteristics she has you know she scores
Starting point is 00:43:38 better in some areas better than others but. She's probably, like, an average chick. And I just feel like, I mean, I'm not sounding like a douche again, but, like, I feel like I'm a decent-looking dude. Like, I'm a pretty good-looking guy. I got, like, a decent mind going for me. And so, like, what do you guys think? Like, you know, do I settle? I don't know. Is it settling?
Starting point is 00:44:04 Like, you know, I mean mean do i stick with her it's great to have her support financially emotionally we do get along really good um you know with some things but at the other time she she can be lazy and some people have even called her annoying. Like, you know, there are bad things. So, like, you know, what do I do? Do I go out there and I try to look for something? It's tough to say because I don't know this girl yeah your relationship yeah like i don't know how annoying she actually is and i don't know
Starting point is 00:44:52 you know what she physically looks like either yeah i mean are you happy yeah i can't tell I don't know if he's happy or not. I'd sort of be like, am I happy? I'd go from there. Yeah. Listen to your gut. I don't want to say ditch the relationship when I don't really know. I mean, how hot are you two? Are you George Clooney or are you an actor who's not as good looking?
Starting point is 00:45:27 Steve Buscemi. Yeah, I was thinking Paul Giamatti. I didn't want to say anything because I don't want to hurt their feelings. They're both good looking. They're both stokers. Yeah, they're stoked dudes. They're cool. They're actual stokers.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Right, yeah, yeah, because I know Paul and Steve listen. But yeah, man, I don't know. You just have to be honest with yourself about what you really want. If you want to go out there and see who's the hottest girl you can be with. I mean, that's, you know, that's,
Starting point is 00:45:53 that's okay. But if you have something substantial with this girl, it might be worth more than just the thrills or, or whatever it is we get from sleeping with, you know, very attractive people. I concur. Some people even said she's annoying. Like you're saying?
Starting point is 00:46:17 Like, Stacy, you're annoying. He's like, what? Yeah, if your friends are saying that, then there might be more to it. All right, guys, that does it for the call-ins. We have one written-in question that we couldn't resist answering because it was so juicy, so let's get to it. So a couple of stokers seeked us for borough legal counsel. I'll start off with the email.
Starting point is 00:46:42 And I'm keeping their names confidential per their requests what up chad and jt lawyers are expensive and that's the last thing our boys council should be spending our money on that's why we've come to you guys i've attached below the official appeal and response of the situation below but here's a quick overview of the situation my bro's parents are leaving town for a couple of weeks leaving a huge house for boning my bro and I have gone through tough times with chicks, but it's looking up right now, and I want to use his house for a quick cuddle and bone sesh. I offered him a 24 barley sandwiches, and under the condition that I'll bring my own sheets and clean up. My bro has denied my request to use his house, leaving me and my girl making love in the back of my Corolla.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Damn, dude. This problem is too big for our small council of boys to handle, and we would appreciate your ruling on the situation as an external expert. Thanks in advance for the help. So we have the two appeals. Dear Council, I'm appealing the decision brought on by Mr. C. of denying my party to use his house for recreational boning and request reconsideration of the claim that was denied on 2018-11-16. I feel these charges should
Starting point is 00:47:49 be allowed for the following reasons. The bro code clearly states that no bro should impede or block the attempts of boning of any member of the United Boys Council. The denied motion to use Mr. C's house during the period his parents are away is a direct violation of this statute and frankly is unconstitutional. Secondly, this decision comes directly before the final roster cuts during the 2018-2019 cuffing season. If the motion is denied, final roster decisions will not be completed in time, leaving myself behind during free agency. Thank you for reviewing and reversing this claim to now." And so this is that was from the guy who wants to use the house for boning. This is from the guy whose house has
Starting point is 00:48:36 been whose house in question has been requested for boning. I.K. the member in question have developed a formal response to the appeal of Mr. C's motion on 2018-11-16 brought forth by the appealing member MC. The member in question feels that his choices are valid for the following reasons. The appealing member states that no bro should impede or block in the attempts of boning. The member in question would like to stay on record that he does recognize this rule in its entire fashion. Good point. would be in attendance at his parents' house, thus leaving the member in question without security as to the quality of applicant in attendance. This, in turn, increases the risk and liability of both the appealing member and the member in question.
Starting point is 00:49:32 The member in question provides a list of potential risks in Appendix A on page 3. Thirdly, the member in question does not believe that the appealing member has provided a proper offer in the potential transaction. Let the record show that the appealing member has currently offered a 24 beer and promised to clean up. The member in question
Starting point is 00:49:47 does not feel this is sufficient payment and considers this two-star payment for five-star bro treatment. I propose that this be heard in a formal court. Can I see the list of possible objections? Appendix A, STix a stis theft loud craziness cleanness to appealing member below appealing member standard of quality eskimo situation to other
Starting point is 00:50:14 brothers eating all the member and questions food fire stank damaged family name etc um you said this is two-star payment at 24 beer and a promise to clean up. I mean, what more do you want? Yeah, exactly. Like Taco Bell. Like, I think, I think he, you know, basically what he's offering is that like, he's gonna do his thing, and he's gonna leave you a gift. And he's gonna basically leave the house like it never happened. A lot of bros would not even do that. never happened a lot of bros would not even do that you yeah you want to be a giver i mean you don't want to go back to your bro in a time of need and he'll be like well you didn't let me bone at your place so now you know you can't i won't pay your rent yeah exactly you're gonna have a culture where you guys aren't looking out for each other yeah you know you don't want to hold your buddy down and leave him jizzing in a corolla um because that's uncomfortable you know he's gonna have developed back problems his His partner's not going to be satisfied. When John Elway brought Peyton Manning to the Denver Broncos,
Starting point is 00:51:09 he said he's the kind of leader that when he's in your organization, the tide rises, meaning all boats rise with it. So be that person. Let all the boats rise. Help your friends be happier, and they in turn will help you be happier. I'm ready to decide fully fully unequivocally that your friend should be able to bone at your place and that his payment is sufficient i'm gonna add a punishment to the guy who denied the request oh mama i think you should give your
Starting point is 00:51:36 friend the 24 of beer wow for making him write up a legal statement. Yeah. Happy boning. Thanks, guys. All right, let's do it real quick. What's your quote of the week? I need to look one up. You want me to do mine real quick? Yeah. My quote of the week is from the awesome rock band, The Replacements, from the 1980s. That was their heyday.
Starting point is 00:52:04 He's got this, like, the lead singer paul westerberg and he has this song called if only you were lonely and uh here's the line well i ain't very good but i get practiced by myself forgot my one line so i just said what i felt if only you were lonely if only you was lonely too if only you was lonely i'd go home with you my quote comes from the song peaches and cream by 112 i'm gonna try and sing it because i need it because you know that i'm a fiend getting freaky in my family limousine it's even better when it's with ice cream know what i mean peaches and cream uh dude what a fantastic way to describe boning what it's like yeah you're like wow we having dessert right now like that was a great filet mignon and let's go dive into some briars dude
Starting point is 00:52:53 um in a freaking bentley limousine it just gets me jacked up you know these guys like luxury and they're not afraid to say it and um they uh they're open about their sexuality, which I think is a good thing. The S, the L, the I, the M. What do I want to do? When I'm feeling you. Dude, great era. I like that he's a little guy too. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:17 All right, let's do a, that's it. Should we do a review? Oh, yeah, and our review of the week. Oh, this is a cool one. The best part of Harrison Ford's I know line is that it was improvised that raw bold audacious spirit also lives in Chad and JT you bros put the word in
Starting point is 00:53:35 you bros put the wow in Jabow and that's by Mac Studios subject dank pod thank you guys so much for calling in for being stokers for sending in your appeals for calling in for uh being stokers uh for sending in your appeals for illegal situations for just being all around awesome dudes happy thanksgiving guys oh i think this is after thanksgiving but yeah hope you had a good thanksgiving yeah happy holidays
Starting point is 00:53:56 and uh eat that turkey i hope you ate the turkey and uh stay stoked guys jt love you stokers later boom clap if you need advice these guys are really nice you wanna know what to do where to go when you need someone to guide you There's much to have The world's beside you Go and see
Starting point is 00:54:30 Go and see Let's go deep I'm going deep I'm going deep Thank you.

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