Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 51 - Paul Walker Movie Reviews

Episode Date: January 1, 2019

What up stokers, for this holiday episode, we have compiled a number of Paul Walker movie reviews (Joy Ride, Running Scared, Varsity Blues, 2 Fast 2 Furious, Into the Blue) for you all to enjoy.  The...se were recorded throughout all of 2018.  Stay stoked and happy new year! For bonus content, check out our patreon: www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up Stokers of Stoke Nation, this is Chad Kroger coming in and I am currently not with my compadre John Thomas Because he and I are both out of town We were unable to record a new episode for you guys because we're both out of town for the holidays But we have compiled a number of Paul Walker movie reviews that we are going to put into this episode For you guys to enjoy. These are uh all of last year and from our patreon so hope you guys enjoy the movie reviews and we will see you next week stay stoked just for you guys is a movie review of paul walker's joyride which is we watched last night
Starting point is 00:00:49 just to get a refresher and um jt you want to kick off some thoughts yeah so joyride is a horror movie where paul walker plays lewis a college student who um has pretended for years to be best friends with this girl vena played by lily sebesky when he actually wants to be her boyfriend he goes to school in california she's in boulder so he rips up his plane ticket gets the cash back for it buys a car cool car 1971 chevy because as roger ebert says all cars from the 1980s look nerdy and um he drives to pick her up and go across the country with her on his way there he gets a call from his mom that his um nair do well brother uh fuller
Starting point is 00:01:33 played uh really convincingly by steve zahn is getting out of jail in salt lake city so he picks him up and uh before they pick up the girl and they end up, uh, fucking with a guy on a CB radio, which is like kind of like a pre-internet walkie talkie that was in trucks. And, uh, Paul Walker's character, Lewis does a not so convincing impression of a girl who he names candy cane.
Starting point is 00:01:55 And he tricks a, uh, crazy sounding truck driver named rusty nail into, uh, going into their motel room, neighbor's room. Cause, uh, the their motel room neighbor's room because uh the guy in that room is a really obnoxious racist and so steve zahn wants to fuck with him and you get the feeling that steve zahn's character fooler is always getting into trouble and fucking with
Starting point is 00:02:16 people like he can't help himself and then that guy ends up dying the truck driver rusty nail realizes that they played a trick on him starts fucking with them they pick up the girl still and uh and then they basically have to deal with this like menacing truck driver and his huge fucking truck who keeps fucking with them and and putting their lives in danger a thrilling ride yeah super thrilling it's an intense movie for sure and it's a different side of paul right that read they they really tried to show a different side of paul in this that you know um honestly i wasn't as stoked on this side of him because he just wasn't the kind that i would want to uh be like i think that's really interesting like let's let's let's first talk about this movie in terms of uh the paul walker canon so like up until this point in his career he'd been in like she's all that meet the deedles the skulls and he's normally playing and and uh lance harbor
Starting point is 00:03:17 and um varsity blues and he's typically playing like the hottest dude in school that every chick wants to be with. Yeah. And then in this movie, he plays kind of like a... kind of like nerdy, can't say what he wants, sort of kind of weakling almost. Yeah. Which isn't really natural for a guy who's got that face. Like a dude who's constantly in the friend zone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Yeah, like Paul's always in the friend zone yeah and uh yeah yeah like paul's always in the friend zone what's this character's name lewis yeah lewis is always in the friend zone you're like really because it looks like he's always in the bone zone is he getting in the friend zone from like kate upton like there's only about like two girls in the world who could put him in the friends yeah how hard are these girls that are friending him yeah you know it's like it's like lewis you can't be such a bitch all the time and then you just like you look at him and you're like that guy's a bitch because it looks like he can race cars and then paul did play him as kind of not charming you know what i mean like you did you were like man paul are
Starting point is 00:04:19 you like it almost felt like i was like worried about paul as an actor not as a character i was like paul why aren't you you just talking more convincingly? But then I realized that's the character. The character isn't a very self-assured person. Yeah. So, yeah, I mean, it was... But, I mean, it's cool. You get to see his range. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Yeah, it was totally... I bet he looked at it and he's like, this is not something that I usually play. Let's do it. Yeah, I think he almost would have been better in the Steve Zahn part. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. And then I think in terms of the Paul Walker canon, where do you rate it?
Starting point is 00:04:55 Like, is it in like the top 10%? Like, where does it fall? In terms of the Paul of it, not the movie itself, but like the Paul Walker part. One of the paul of it not the movie itself but like the paul walker part one of the lower one of the least iconic i would say for sure i would say in terms of i guess this is our second one in terms of like stoke meter with blue crush and this into the blue into the blue stoke meter with into blue and this i'd say Into the Blue made me way more stoked. Because that was just the lifestyle that Paul exemplified. And it was just, you saw it on film.
Starting point is 00:05:33 And then in this, you're just like, but now he's a weakling? I wasn't into it. He fit more naturally into that world. Yeah. You could see his jiu-jitsu. You could see his swimming. You could see his tan.
Starting point is 00:05:42 You could see his abs. You could see his hot girlfriend. Yeah. And in this, he was just kind of like a dude who couldn't lay pipe and you're like all right yeah and then um you never see the bad guy you just hear his voice i like that yeah yeah and you see his truck yeah and it's scary too like there's some it's really uh like aesthetically well directed by john doll who, who's a good director. Yeah. But then there's just sometimes where you're like, like they're running through a cornfield
Starting point is 00:06:08 and the truck's chasing after them. And then you're like, would it be that hard to get away from an 18 wheeler? Yeah. Like if you zigzag, you've pretty much defeated it. Like it's not easy to maneuver a 20 ton truck. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Yeah. That was one thing that got me. It was like the this guy's really he's got handles on this truck very nimble yeah did he take off like the back part the trailer i don't even remember because that would make more sense i think he did but it's still a big ass fucking ride yeah in the end and in the final scene i think the trailer was still on it yeah i think it was still on it too when it ran through the ice truck. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:48 What's also interesting is that he has multiple chances to kill them. Yeah. Who he's so pissed off at, but he doesn't. But then he kills other people who are in the way of him fucking with them without any screen time or thought. Well, I like that because he was just trying to torture them a little bit more. Right. It's more sadistic that way. He always had the upper hand yeah he's always two
Starting point is 00:07:07 steps ahead of them like he he's showing them he's like he's like i just killed that dude so don't cross me but i will i'm just gonna keep fucking with you and they're like oh please no and he's like fuck you dudes candy cane it's a really good point that it's like uh that point that it's more about him playing with them, the way they played with him. I just can't imagine having your feelings that hurt over being catfished, essentially. What I was wondering is, is this dude, is he just constantly fucking with people,
Starting point is 00:07:40 or is this just the one thing that set him off? I think from the way he was so good at fucking with them it felt like you you need a lifetime of experience to be that yeah far ahead of your victims like damn this guy's crafty yeah those aren't the first people he's killed and you saw his face too at the end yeah this looks like the alien from men in black yeah like not only does he look like a not only is he like a mastermind of like fucking with people but he looks like complete shit yeah he's a big fat burly ass yeah like doesn't bathe but but yeah i mean uh as a movie i'd say it was entertaining i got a little
Starting point is 00:08:22 bit scared which i love i love i love getting like the adrenaline going through me and getting scared as fuck but in terms of a Paul movie not my favorite see you like horror movies I do you don't I hate horror movies yeah I like sad movies though yeah and I don't you hate I hate him I think there's no point in watching them scary movies like they just fucked with me too hard as a kid. I had an over, like stimulated imagination. I slept in my parents' bed,
Starting point is 00:08:48 like almost every night. I slept in my parents, my brother's bed until I was 12 because I was too scared to sleep by myself. Yeah. And my parents took me to a psychiatrist to help me with my nightmares. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:57 In short, I was a giant pussy. Yeah, I just, I love adrenaline. So, any chance where I can get scared or i love roller coasters i love you know anything that makes me scared i'm fucking stoked on yeah i
Starting point is 00:09:12 get more adrenaline from a good family conflict in a in a well-acted drama you go yeah i'm like oh this this this strife between this uh father and son is so familiar and authentic wow i feel titillated that twist in family stone was just yeah where the mom's sick yeah yeah that movie's my jam i love that i would say that with my family we were all so pissed we're like this was such a feel-good movie and then they dropped this bullshit on us oh really we're so mad oh interesting we were like how the fuck could they do that oh really so you were enjoying it up until that point yeah just like the comedy of like yeah like i want to see christmas and have fun they're like oh no actually the mom's gonna die and you're like a lot of christmas
Starting point is 00:10:00 movies are tinged with that kind of sadness yeah like this existential yeah holidays bring that out in people yeah there needs to be some some real yeah what a weird time yeah it is interesting yeah did you uh what'd you think about um i remember i remember uh i asked my friend greg is like a horror movie aficionado i'm like what do you think about Joyride? He's like not that good I was like why? He's like not a big enough body count I like that Yeah I mean the scares weren't that high up for me
Starting point is 00:10:35 I was never really like that scared Because he was always in a truck Yeah It's not like you could like walk into like a Like Where you're like walking into like a uh like you're like walking into a room and then like a demon like moves a chair that's scary right but you're like you can hear the truck truck from like a really long you're like like he's coming it's like still a mile but yeah you know and they could have just stayed on the interstate they're on like every ram
Starting point is 00:11:03 shackle road in america and they're going to like these deserted gas stations you're like it's like you know there's like gas stations on the way back from vegas where there's like 40 things around them later there's like an in and out and an amco and like uh like a nordstrom's they're all connected i'm like just go there yeah like why are you like stayed up stayed at hilton there's no way he's gonna be able to hurt you at a hilton yeah like. Go to a Nordstrom rack. Yeah. But they kept going to these isolated shitholes that were part of mining towns from the 1860s. I'm like, yeah, you're on his turf now.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Yeah. Let's stay in Wyoming. Yeah. Laramie and stuff. They even make it to Laramie, which is like... Is that where... Where do they end up when all the... I don they end up when it all comes to a head? The same motel.
Starting point is 00:11:49 They're just driving in circles. Yeah. Yeah, because they did get away at that one point, and they're like, oh, we're free. But they're still near there, and he's like, Candy Cane. And you're like, why don't I just go to L.A. or something? Candy Cane.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Where's Candy Cane? Oh, he thought that'd be funny huh to mess with me i like how he doesn't understand like why people would mess with him but he's a murderer yeah he's like why would you ever want to hurt somebody's feelings like because we thought it was funny he's like oh yeah it's not so funny now that i've killed three people yeah Taught you a lesson. Yeah, he went above and beyond, partner. Hey, Candy Cane, this is Paul Walker. It was a joke. I'd be like, that is a way better present than Candy Cane. Yeah, what's Paul?
Starting point is 00:12:33 Oh, hey, Paul. Paul, a huge fan. Loved you in Varsity Blues. Yeah, you're great. Go to Lance Harbor. Paul Walker, now I just want to hang out with you. Yeah, what are you guys doing? That's a funny joke.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Sorry, I killed that guy. You guys want to go grab a brew? Yeah, Paul. The one scene that I thought was the weirdest was after Rusty Nail had ripped that guy's jaw out and put him, the obnoxious racist, and put him in the hospital. They get on the CB radio with him and they're like you're a sick fuck like we were fucking with you you fucking piece of shit and you're like why would you antagonize him yeah what did you just why would when did you just never talk to him again at that point yeah and just move on yeah i would turn off the radio yeah they're like no we need
Starting point is 00:13:22 to tell them how we feel i'm like i don't you think you're gonna like really get your point across to the psycho yeah and then paul's like look man we're sorry we're sorry it's like it's not like he can track you just fucking turn it off so roger ebert thought that the way he was always one step ahead of them is that when he gave them back the cb radio he put a tracking device and a listening device on it oh really yeah which is like so smart of him to think of that but i'm like maybe you're just smarter than the screenwriters yeah and you added that in i think they like the movie more i think they would point that out they should have revealed that at some point yeah that would have actually made the movie kind of come together better if that was like revealed at the
Starting point is 00:14:03 end yeah because but but i guess they wanted the bad guy to feel like mystical you know what i mean like all-powerful yeah even though he was a slobbering overall wearing idiot yeah i had a rusty nail no he thought that was funny to promise me poon and then take it away i mean that just goes to show you how upset guys get when they don't get laid and they think they're gonna get laid yeah he killed 10 people and drove through like five cities like literally drove through them candy cane candy cane candy cane where you at candy cane look man we're sorry no we're not sorry you're a sick buck yeah all right now i'm gonna go kill you now like if you and i were in the car and you started talking like that to a psycho killer who had just proven he's capable of murder i'd be like chad take the heat out of it
Starting point is 00:14:48 dude i think we're just gonna take this one as an l why don't we uh let's go let's go back to california yeah we're gonna turn around and just live somewhere else now yeah yeah it's not and they also just never try to fight him there's two of them and just one rusty nail yeah i was like just run up to the truck window with like a big fucking mag light flashlight just start bopping him in the head with it yeah get the game so overall i think we have to say that in our paul rankings for films we're gonna put into the blue ahead of joyride yes and that's it and then we good uh do you have anything else you want to add i generally don't all right well that is it for our film review of uh joyride check it out if you can what up patreons this is chad and jt coming in hot with a new movie review varsity blues uh which is uh you know came out in 1997 i think so yeah 97 starring uh
Starting point is 00:15:50 james vanderbeek paul walker the ledge scott khan um and do you know who the ladies are uh amy smart and ali lauder amy smart ali lauder boom dude that's actually a good place to start because one of the most interesting things i think about like movies, especially when you see them when you're super young, is the way they can make you believe the archetypes that each character represents. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like when you watch Varsity Blues, you're like, oh, James Van Der Beek is the smart, misunderstood athlete. Paul Walker is the all-American stud who life comes easy to, which I mean, Paul could play that in any movie that's just what he looks like Scott Conn is the party guy and then you see them in other movies and you still think of them as the roles they played but what was most like Amy Smart
Starting point is 00:16:33 and Ali Lauder, Ali Lauder played like the cheerleader kind of like the town hot girl who's going to use her hotness to get out and Amy Smart plays kind of like the more like emo, like smart, like bookish girl but amy smart to me is actually hotter than ally lauder yeah like when but when i saw the movie when i was really young i was like oh ally lauder's harder hotter because she played the hot chick yeah but amy smart is actually hotter but i didn't know that because
Starting point is 00:17:00 she didn't play the hot chick yeah the movie didn't tell me she was hot so i didn't know she was hot yeah she was hotter for right for sure dude joe my roommate was like y'all get out of here he didn't agree no he was like ally lauder what yeah joe come on get your head out of your ass dog uh yeah dude um that's an excellent point because each the whole time like when james vanderbeek was getting pulled to to ali lauder i was like dude what are you doing you got amy smart yeah you know uh but that's an interesting point that you you thought amy lauder was the hotter one when i was a kid yeah yeah but then as you grew older you're like wait amy's more dynamic yeah and hotter well just hotter yeah yeah but also yeah i think about her character although i like dolly lauder's character in the
Starting point is 00:17:49 movie too yeah um i forget what her name darcy darcy's whipped cream bikini yeah should we talk about the whipped cream bikini i mean that's probably the most iconic scene from the movie yeah i was impressed at how quickly she put it on lightning fast yeah well she's smart she knows what she's doing yeah she had good accuracy pretty artistic and i didn't understand it until i re-watched it for the purposes of reviewing it yeah she puts on the whipped cream bikini because then you eat the whipped cream off yeah i never understood that yeah well i guess when i used to picture it as a kid i was like such an animal i was like you just wipe away the whipped cream and then you
Starting point is 00:18:21 get to work on the real stuff that was my thinking as a six-year-old what if she put in her ass would you still eat it yeah i would i mean i absolutely would i would but i just don't want to recommend that to everybody yeah um dude but so let's maybe talk about the movie as a whole uh what's your overall feelings on it i dig it it's a fun movie i like. I think it's, it takes you through all the emotions. Um, you know, I really felt for Paul in this one. I felt for his knee,
Starting point is 00:18:51 you know, like they're like, Paul, what's his character's name? Um, Lance Harbor. Lance found his calling and coaching. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:19:00 I don't think he did. Well, it is tough as a Paul Walker fan to be like, I, he kind of got. Bone. Shift, short shifted tough as a Paul Walker fan to be like, he kind of got short-shifted the most out of everybody. He's like, no, I'll be a coach now. And you're like, okay. But if he's a coach like Bud Kilmer who wins 23 division titles and a couple state titles, I mean, it's still pretty good, right?
Starting point is 00:19:17 That'd be cool, you know, but I just want Paul to shine. So I'm not going to lie here, Stokers. I kind of felt like I wanted to just like once paul got injured and james vanderbeek stepped in they're like no he's the hero i kind of wanted to be like all right shut this shit off yeah you were out yeah i'm like james vanderbeek your hair does not even match you you're kind of a bitch paul shines like a golden but that's good storytelling i guess his head makes up 40 of his body vander Der Beek. Yeah. Dude, okay, I love this movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:46 I love this movie. I don't think there's a bad scene in the movie. Every scene is entertaining. Yeah. Like, every scene. Like, the serious scenes are entertaining. The conflict is interesting. The jokes are, like, funny.
Starting point is 00:19:59 I mean, there's some stuff that's out of time, and it probably shouldn't have been okay then. Tweeter's character, while very fun, is a sociopath and also basically suggests that he's down with rape. Yeah. Yeah, that was an interesting part. I don't want to dwell on it too much. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:17 It's not... I guess those are the times, you know? He's like, yeah, all you need are a couple of vacanins, some Percocets, and you'll be fucking in no time. And you're like, Scott. You belong in jail. You're a bad person. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Holster that. Yeah. It's rough. But overall, I mean, it's just the football scenes are so exciting with the hits and the music. I mean, you know, I mentioned it in other platforms, but the My Hero by the Foo Fighters. They come in and block that punt. When Paul gave a speech and everyone cheered, I was like, yeah, that's how it should be. What did you think about Moxon's finishing speech?
Starting point is 00:20:59 I dug it. Kilmer said, 48 minutes for the next 48 years of our lives i say fuck that fuck that yeah 24 minutes for the next 24 minutes of our lives yeah we have a chance to play like gods yeah it's beautiful it is good good writing and i think it really speaks to the times now especially because people are getting so injured in football these days and you know it's like all that stuff is kind of coming to light you know these coaches want to overlook it but i don't know how common that is now but you know it really it the movie it dates well yeah it was ahead of its time in terms of like the the the toll that football puts on your body yeah yeah because like i mean concussions weren't the nfl was denying that
Starting point is 00:21:44 concussions existed at that point yeah and billy bob was just taking beatings yeah like dude get back in there and he's like i can't even see yeah the villain bud kilmer is so evil he plays it so well you really believe him yeah he he plays that role so well you really feel like he runs that town yeah it's like gene hackman in the quick and the dead too you really feel like they runs that town. Yeah. It's like Gene Hackman in The Quick and the Dead, too. You really feel like they own every inch of that town. Yeah. Where he's like, you are the dumbest smart kid I know. Oopty fucking oop.
Starting point is 00:22:12 When he doesn't like the offense that James Van Der Beek audibles to. Yeah. I thought it was interesting you never learn anything about his life, Bud Kilmer. Does he have a wife and kids? Yeah. That was interesting. You never learn anything about his life, Bud Kilmer. Does he have a wife and kids? Yeah, that is interesting. And they're like, no one ever saw him again. After James Van Der Beek basically has a power struggle for the team and wins at the end. The team will only play for Van Der Beek or Moxon.
Starting point is 00:22:36 They won't play for Kilmer. So Kilmer just leaves. And then in the closing narration, Jonathan Moxon's character goes, and no one ever saw Bud Kilmer again. Like, well, who the fuck sold his house yeah he just walks down the road yeah like he just got the fuck out of there and like where'd the bills go to and shit or did he kill himself yeah that's funny dude that's what fucking happened dude good fucking call bud kilmer ate his shotgun that was in the original one and everyone's like jesus dude way to send him out on a bummer yeah just say he disappeared you don't have to know what happened to him yeah um and uh
Starting point is 00:23:12 billy bob billy bob was an interesting character you know very emotional you thought he was a pussy huh no no i dug it oh okay okay yeah i uh you know that scene where he's drinking the whiskey he's crying because he believes in it yeah he's not the whiskey and he's crying because he believes in it yeah he's not moxon who's like this smart kid who has another way out like he wants these things to be good yeah moxon's so comfortable with everything being shitty you know what I mean yeah yeah moxon he was kind of a he could be frustrating at times why are you reading the book yeah when you're a game yeah you can't read when you get home yeah but i think i did think that was kind of they're like yeah no this guy he's different he reads during the games but you
Starting point is 00:23:50 could see a kid like that thinking he's better than his surroundings you know yeah but then once he gets seduced by it once he starts getting the uh the rewards of it yeah he loves it yeah once he gets that whipped cream bikini what was your feelings on like how his girlfriend criticized him as he got like more successful because she's like he gives like one douchey speech and she's like you sound like a douche i'm like go easy on the fucking guy he's adjusting yeah i thought there's a lack of empathy there yeah it's like i want to see amy smart in that position you know it's like how would you do you know yeah what would, what's the right thing to say? Yeah, and I don't think he would come at her with like,
Starting point is 00:24:28 you sound like a stuck-up bitch. Yeah, exactly. You'd just be supportive of her. You'd be like, babe, oh, you're the biggest... What's the most popular female sport, I guess? Tennis, unfortunately? I'm sorry, guys, but it's tennis? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:41 I don't know why I'm apologizing, but I think it's probably tennis. If my girlfriend was the best tennis player in the country and she gave a speech where she was like, I just want to thank God, but I knew she wasn't the most God-fearing. Yeah, maybe I'd bust her balls. But she comes down hard on him. Yeah. But maybe that's what he needs. Keep him in check.
Starting point is 00:24:56 I feel like I literally just talked myself into the fantastic form, Mr. Fantastic Knot Ball. I just tied myself into knots with words like I was like I'm gonna put myself in prison with these words I don't know dude you know it was a
Starting point is 00:25:15 yeah I think she I think she needed to take a step back I mean she's dealing take a step back. Yeah, just go easy. I mean, she's dealing with a lot, I guess. Yeah. I think maybe she was just scared.
Starting point is 00:25:31 She knew what was going to happen. Yeah. Whipped cream bikinis were going to come in his face. And I did like it when she was tough on him, when he was like, am I just going to go out there and win this game and then endorse everything I'm against? What if my younger brother plays for him? She's like, you want a Wham Burger with those wine cries or younger brother plays for him? She's like, you want a Wayne burger with those wine cries or whatever she says to him. She's like, you're whining.
Starting point is 00:25:51 He's not whining that much. But I did like that she challenged him and wouldn't accept. Like, okay, here's what I'm saying. Oh man, maybe she was being that hard on him because she knew he had that greatness in him. So she wouldn't accept less than that. Yeah, that's a good point. So she was like, I hear you being a douche and I know how special you are. So I'm not going to let you get away with that.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Yeah. Rise up. Yeah. Maybe that's it. Yeah. What else about it? What were your favorite scenes? Lance's speech.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Oh, when he's at the rally? Yeah. Yeah. Lance's speech, and that's it. Wait, you didn't like this scene where he throws the football off his dad's nose? I like that too. Where the dads are fucking going in on each other like freaking Real Housewives? The dads were so annoying.
Starting point is 00:26:53 I'm like, dude, how old are you guys? Yeah, and he's like, my son should be the fucking starting quarterback. And then he fucking calls out the kid. He's like, you think you're better than my boy? I was like, dude, these dads are out of control. That's my boy. I wonder if it'd be interesting to show maybe if they do like a little prequel or something they show the dads what if the dads
Starting point is 00:27:09 were like james vanderbeek you know they were kind of like this is kind of dumb you know but then they grow up and they're like that's my boy you know do you become that dude that's a really sophisticated point i totally agree i think like a lot of things i used to make fun of i've like turned into a little bit yeah yeah yeah like i used to make fun of people who are like sentimental about like how great their parents were and stuff i do that all the time now yeah like i can't even fake that that's not who i am yeah that is crazy yeah that they could have put that in varsity blues like just a scene about that like he could have been like i used to pick on football when i was your age too and now all i can think about is all the good times i fucking left on the table
Starting point is 00:27:47 because i was too afraid to go for what i wanted and then you're like whoa because they kind of make the dad just a ridiculous character like the dad almost never makes a good point in the whole movie yeah yeah i mean the dad is just absurd he's like he's like young he's in maturity level he's younger than vanderbeek dude it's a great point, man. Yeah. It's not realistic how stupid the dad is. Yeah. He's just like, because Vanderbeek literally goes up to me and could be like, hey, my best friend Dylan just killed himself.
Starting point is 00:28:19 And his dad's like, son, why are you worried about that when you got Bingham on Friday? You're like, well, maybe that is football dad in Texas. Suicide? Why don't you start running suicides bitch yeah exactly that's hilarious but it is a fire movie you know football movies are great and uh uh team spirit you know i i i miss team spirit there's something to team spirit we got some here though oh yeah yeah, what am I talking about? We got Team Spirit. But it's different though. It's not steeped in like hardcore like violence and like
Starting point is 00:28:50 overcoming stuff. It is overcoming stuff. Yeah, I mean because sometimes I don't want to talk but we got to talk. Yeah. Good point.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Yeah. Good point, Par. Underrated aspect of the podcast game. Alright, is that it? Yeah. Guys, that was. Underrated aspect of the podcast game. All right, is that it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Guys. I think that was good. Thanks for joining us on our movie review of Fire City Blues. Thanks for being patrons. And stay stoked, guys. Later. What's up, patrons of Stoked Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with a fire movie review with my dog, JT.
Starting point is 00:29:21 What up? What up, dudes? So we got an excellent movie for you guys today. Do you want to announce it? Running Scared. Starring Paul Walker. Gritty Paul, dude. Gritty Paul. On the move, dude. Roger Ebert says he doesn't act
Starting point is 00:29:36 in this movie because he never stands still. I mean, which wasn't his choice, you know. He's just running. He's running. Scared. Yeah. I'd be scared too. A lot of hardcore dudes coming after him. I have to admit something up top too. I did not watch it. I mean, I've seen it.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Yeah. 10 years ago. But I crammed some YouTube clips from it in today. Okay. Of some vital scenes. They were the scenes that I remembered most. So I wasn't surprised they were the scenes on YouTube. So how much of it do you recall?
Starting point is 00:30:07 I think all of it. All right, cool, cool. Well, man, it's a far cry from typical Paul. Yeah. He really took a chance with this one, and you know what? I got to say the accent was fire at some points and then non-existent others but overall i was rooting for paul and then a perfect accident is boring yeah because that's not real it's more fun if they mess up a couple times yeah yeah because he's not really
Starting point is 00:30:37 from wherever he's pretending to be from he's keeping us on his toes he was like like what's that boston and he's like nah new jersey new jersey kid and i'm like fucking paul you trickster also the editing there's scenes where like he literally only says like you motherfucker you piece of shit you asshole you fucking jerk and like that's like all he says for like five minutes because the movie is so chaotic and there's always so much crazy shit going on that that dialogue actually kind of fits what's going on yeah i gotta say i did not like that side of paul i like paul when he's on an island and there's always so much crazy shit going on that that dialogue actually kind of fits what's going on yeah i gotta say i did not like that side of paul i like paul when he's on island and he's tan and he's broing down with tyrese yeah that's what i love but i appreciate
Starting point is 00:31:13 this side of him i thought because he's a good time guy so we like to see him having a good time and and in this he was having a bad time the entire time yeah and i was like wow paul has bad times that kind of sucks but uh and it was an interesting movie the way like some the way it was shot oh yeah like the colors it's so like blue and red it's like yeah they really like we're like we want to make this dark and weird yeah i watched it with uh caroline and i was just like this is a lot darker than i imagined than i remembered yeah well it's one of the darkest movies I've ever seen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:46 I mean, some of the tangents in the movie, if we can get into that. I mean, maybe we should tell the general plot first. Do you want to explain the story? Yeah. So the movie opens with Paul and his squad of dudes. They get in a gunfight with these guys. And they emerge victorious after a few dick shots and um and then they come out from the haze and like man that was intense but thank you for blowing that guy's face off with
Starting point is 00:32:12 the shotgun thank you for shooting that guy's dick off he's like yeah man i got you and then they realized the guys that they killed were all cops and they're like fuck so the head guy tommy gives paul the guns he's like you get rid of these take care of business and paul's like yeah you got it she he's like yeah i got it tommy that was his accent and uh and so he goes to his house and he goes home to eat dinner he almost bones his wife he starts boning her a little bit and she's like let's eat dinner and he's like all right whatever just you look sexy and then he goes to hide the guns in the basement as he has the guns in the basement his son and his son's friend they see uh him hide the guns and his son's friend i think
Starting point is 00:32:57 grabbed the gun because he has an abusive stepfather you go over to the other front that friend's house olic yeah and uh his abusive stepfather is russian is like smoking crack and things happen they get in some kind of he hits the he hits the kid next thing you know there's gunshots some of the bullets come into the other house and almost hit paul and his family he's like you motherfucker i'm gonna fuck you up i remember this scene yeah and then uh and then he realizes it was olick who shot his stepdad stepdad didn't die he just got shot in the shoulder and he realizes olick took his gun and he's like man i gotta find this kid with this gun i gotta
Starting point is 00:33:37 take these bullets out because the cops are gonna identify it and i'm gonna be fucked so that starts the whole him running scared and then basically it's just like a full-on chase he's like trying to find this kid olick and olick is getting all mischievous adventures um he gets uh like he almost so he he's walking along and he sees like a hooker getting beat by her pimp. Lester. Lester. And he points the gun at Lester, and then the hooker hits the guy with a bottle. And then he's running around with the hooker, and then she gets arrested. Then he's running around again. Meanwhile, Paul's trying to find him, trying to find this gun,
Starting point is 00:34:24 while the other crew of dudes that Paul was with, they're, like, starting to get suspicious like why are you acting so weird about this and he's like nothing dude it's fine dude whatever the fuck the accent is um and uh so you know stakes are raising because these guys are starting to realize that the gun that was used was the gun that they used in that shootout and they could be fucked so and then olick he's still running trying to find olick and then how much detail do i have to go in here i don't know olick and uh his son they hide the gun somewhere and then his son tells paul he's like he's like dude i hid the gun in that toilet in the diner he's like why the fuck didn't you tell me now they go to the toilet it's gone turns out the janitor took it so now paul's on a search to find the janitor but then olic um somehow because he's still running he ends up in
Starting point is 00:35:16 a van because he's hiding um from these dudes and um the van turns out to be owned by a couple like pedophiles these two creepy husband and wife and they basically this tangent was uh they uh yeah incredibly dark and not related to the general story no they just wanted to make the movie even more fucked up yeah they're like what's oh you think this is gritty yeah what if the two most evil people in the world were videotaped for a couple minutes yeah so he gets an altercation somehow paul's wife gets involved and she realizes that olick is there with these molesters and she goes and she saves olick and she shoots those motherfuckers and we have to talk about that scene because she goes into their house and it's so creepy they have like a children's room that's like out at disneyland yeah and she's like oh you're a weird fuck huh and the lady's like please leave yeah and she's
Starting point is 00:36:07 like my kids are tired and she actually they actually have two kids in bed yeah but then um vera formiga who just has like incredible instincts right before the lady closed the door and her goes no photos no photos she's like if you had kids you would have photos of them somewhere one photo she's like and you don't she just keeps going around the house and the molesters are like perfectly cast like they feel very molesty and then creepy and like yeah like stepford white yeah like inhuman yeah yeah and then she goes into one room and basically finds name tags for all these kids that they killed yeah and she finds oleg and resuscitates and she finds an incinerator yeah they burn the children and they she finds like meat cleavers and this is all we should talk about is this fucking scene in the movie this scene is incredible And she finds an incinerator. Yeah, they burn the children. And she finds like meat cleavers and shit.
Starting point is 00:36:45 This is all we should talk about is this fucking scene in the movie. This scene is incredible. I've never seen any scene like this in a movie where like just out of nowhere you're like, wait, why are we here? Why are the weirdest people ever involved in this movie? Yeah. Why did you write this? It just got way more creepy.
Starting point is 00:36:59 I imagine when Paul was reading that with his agent and he's like, why not? What about another like beach movie? And he's like, nah. City time. You've got to be a gritty New Jersey dude. Yeah. Well, then Vera Farmiga at the end of that scene kills the two molesters.
Starting point is 00:37:12 They're like, you won't do it. She has a gun probably from Paul, and she shoots both of them. And that's the other gun that was used in the shootout. Oh, really? And he's like, fuck. So he's doubly fucked. I can't believe she murdered those molesters. It's a good move yeah dude yeah
Starting point is 00:37:28 oh gross yeah anyway so uh more things happen it ends up that we end up in ice rink because the mob employs ice hockey players the other scene we got dude that was so funny but i was talking about dude i just want to play for the NHL. And he's like, no, you got to help me with my dirty business. So to torture Paul, what they do is they get all the players out to like, not the players on the hockey team, just like the players in the story, to the hockey rink. And then these like henchmen like pin Paul to the ground. And then they have like semi-pro hockey players that work for the mafia who come out fully
Starting point is 00:38:04 padded up in a helmet on skates. they uh hit hockey pucks into paul's face yeah that's how they torture him and there's blood everywhere i'm like you're gonna mess up paul's face which was hinted out at the beginning of the movie when he's gonna take his kid to a hockey game and he says red ice yeah yeah red ice because they hit each other yeah yeah that's my only that was one qualm with the movie i'd be like don't fuck up paul's face like maybe fuck up his kneecaps or something like absolutely just leave that face alone they fucked up the face a bit yeah that's when he's like you motherfucker you piece of shit and then somehow paul like i don't even know if this was true but he says tommy was responsible for the gun thing because he was gonna like do a hit on another
Starting point is 00:38:40 mobster yeah and then that mobster just believes paul and then they all start shooting each other yeah so there's russians involved you know so you never know with that and it was just uh and then paul emerges but there's a twist at the end spoiler alert stokers so there's like one guy left and he's like he's the only left. Everyone else was killed in the shootout. And then he's like about to kill Paul. And Paul's like, you want to see something? And he rips open his shirt and he's like, that's a wire. And it's a wire. He's like, I've been undercover for 12 years.
Starting point is 00:39:16 My wife doesn't even know. Makes no sense. It makes no sense. He's literally, he like killed cops at the beginning. Yeah. He killed cops. Yeah. Like you're undercover.
Starting point is 00:39:25 I'm like, why don't you just arrest these dudes then? Yeah, I think you got enough evidence, dude. Yeah. Yeah. So, turns out Paul was undercover for 12 years. And then fakes his death. Well, because he gets shot by Lester the pimp. The pimp shows up again in the third act.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Like a little Chekhov's gun kind of thing. And he's like, you fucked with me, kid. And he's going to kill the kid. And the pimp's like this like weirdo white guy and then um yeah paul gets shot in the gut yeah and then uh they make you think that paul died yeah i'm surprised you didn't walk out at that point well i had to stay for the review dude this is gonna force you to take in sadness no but dude you know what i had a feeling paul was alive i was like they wouldn't do that they wouldn't end the movie like that he was running scared he's got to emerge victorious he's paul and he did yeah and at the end they happy ending they adopt oleg yeah so yeah i guess in summation if i had to describe this
Starting point is 00:40:25 movie i would describe it as a just a colossal amount of shit happens it's just non-stop fucking crazy shit i would say it's non-stop fucking crazy shit that's my review yeah non-stop non-stop fucking crazy shit if you want to just see non-stop fucking crazy shit see this fucking movie yeah you want to see some weird fuckedstop fucking crazy shit, see this fucking movie. Yeah. You want to see some weird fucked up shit with Paul running and Paul being tough? And then creepy figures who get shot and molesters and stuff? It's a thriller, dude.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Check it out. If you want to see all the fucked up shit in the world and Paul Walker, this is the Paul Walker movie to see. If you want to see Paul running scared, if you want to see paul in a new light see it yeah that's it i'd give it i'd give it uh out of uh paul movies i give it a six out of ten i give it a yeah six out of ten i agree all right all right that's it that's it patrons thank you for being patreons and uh we'll see you guys later actually welcome patreon dudes uh to this special episode of going deep with chad and j. We are going to give a movie review of Paul Walker's Too Fast, Too Furious, one of my faves in the Fast and the Furious franchise. And it just, I love Miami.
Starting point is 00:41:56 I love Paul in it. We get introduced to Tyrese. Luda is back. No, Luda is introduced. And yeah, should we just give a rundown of the movie first yeah what's interesting about this review is with the other paul walker films because we weren't as deeply familiar with them we watched them before we reviewed them but with too fast too furious we've both seen it so many times we just decided to review it based off our recollection
Starting point is 00:42:20 so i apologize if some of the details of the film are skipped over but i'm actually kind of confident that that won't be the case yeah and uh and the the movie uh so if you get the dvd um it starts off with a alternate intro or not not an alternate intro just a prelude um connecting the the first and the second one and we see paul traveling cross-country evading local authorities to get to miami and he's drag racing a bunch of people he goes to new orleans he drag races these dudes to make money stays in different motels finds love along the way i think he bones some chick in a motel and eventually finds his way to miami and like he has that trademark smile where he's just like beyond stoked he's like this feels like la because there's sun, jet skis, and I'm stoked.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Nice. And then we find Paul and he's in the local scene dominating. Do you know what the nickname they have for him is? No, but he's like the Dominic Toretto of Miami. Yeah. Like the guy who can't be beat and who kind of has like an effortless confidence they call him bullet bullet they're like oh shit it's bullet great name yeah and he he's on the scene dominating we meet suki ludacris is like running the scene he's sort of like the mce because he hit a wall going at buck 20. And he's like, I don't race anymore.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Yeah, so Paul does a race, wins, but then gets caught by the cops. And they're like, if you want to stay out of jail, you got to help us out. Here's what you got to do. You got to infiltrate this drug lord. I forget his name. It's played brilliantly by Cole Hauser, though. Yeah. He's like so greasy in it. He's always wearing like,
Starting point is 00:44:05 just like I'm a old guy at the club kind of suits. Yeah. It's got like that evil smile where it's like, he's not like, he's not like a, he's not like an obvious monster, but you see in his eyes, he's like,
Starting point is 00:44:17 he could really fuck you up. Yeah, absolutely. My brother does a great impression of him. He's like, shut up. Yeah. And then,
Starting point is 00:44:23 um, there's a scene where kohlhauser realizes that this cop who used to be on his payroll isn't doing all the things for him that he used to so he pulls him into a back room and the guy's like been hooking up with chicks and like looks like just like kind of disheveled and then he puts he puts the guy on his back and he puts a big pot on his stomach and there's a rat inside of the the pot and he heats up the pot and he's like if you heat up a pot and a rat gets hot it'll tear through metal and then you see the guy screaming like and it's like ripping into his guts and that's how they get the information
Starting point is 00:44:58 yeah very creative way to torture people i always like in a movie where they get creative with the torture and they had eva mendez like eva mendez the drug lord doesn't know but she's an undercover cop right and he's like hold his mouth and like then paul it's like an interesting moment where like she looks at paul and paul's like what are you doing and she's like i gotta do this and she she like puts her hands over his mouth and the guy's like screaming she's like shut up you know and afterwards tyrese or roman reigns like you see her eyes when she was doing that shit yeah did she look like she looked uncomfortable doing that shit and you're like wow so we don't know where she's at yet interesting dynamic between paul and tyrese dude awesome dude when i saw it in theaters yeah when roman reigns tyrese took his shirt off to
Starting point is 00:45:40 bust the window on the car jacked the whole theater went whoa yeah 600 dudes just went yeah do i remember that and i i'd say it's similar to our relation you know but i'd say um tyrese is a little bit more of a live wire i'm tyrese and you're uh am i paul oh thank you you're paul you said a lot like our relation. You're just going to make me Tyrese and you nobody? I don't know. But Paul, JT, you do have that kind of like, there's that side of you. Wild card. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Yeah. I could see you taking your shirt off and punching through a Ferrari window. Which lets you know where my brain's at most of the time. Yeah, fuck you. I could definitely punch through a Ferrari window shirtless.less yeah everyone's like screwing like oh dude and then you're in the back you're like i could do that way better yeah i'm like wait till i do it bitches we should recreate that yeah just recreate scenes from the movie yeah that's what i want to do yeah um but uh but yeah no it's tough they have to infiltrate and then the drug lord he thinks that
Starting point is 00:46:48 they're actual just street racers you know he doesn't think they're working with the with the cops and like he's like you gotta do a job for me and they're like all right for sure dude just as long as you know and then like the cops are like pressuring them to do all this shit you know and then like the drug lord gets like suspicious of them and then like you know like like the cops pull up as they're like on like a drive right are you talking about one of the earlier missions or what or the the final like the middle yeah and then they're and so tyree shoots at him right like show that he's with the bad guys and then so they meet up with the cop and the cop's like you think you can shoot at me i'm a goddamn federal officer yeah and then he like james remar yeah he throws his gun away and
Starting point is 00:47:30 he starts like pushing which you know the dude's a lot scrawnier than tyree's you know what line i do like at the end of that is where um to settle it all yeah to squash it yeah paul walker just grabs the gun hands it to the bag and goes and by the way if roman wanted to shoot you you'd be shot yeah and it's like oh so okay so we're just gonna take on your word yeah this guy wasn't willing to shoot me yeah it's a pretty risky move from tyrese and then tyrese to really hammer at home he takes the guy's sandwich and the guy's like hey that's mine he's like so so and then it's a close-up too of his face and he goes so yeah and i don't give a shit and then one of the biggest bonding moments between
Starting point is 00:48:09 tyrese and paul is when they're like after that he's like man some crazy shit's about to go down hey tyrese why are you eating all the time man when i was in jail we didn't have good food is i figure it's gonna be i figure it's not long before i head back in so while i'm out i'm gonna eat all i can while i can plus we hungry is a powerful scene yeah and then they give that handshake he's like because of the relationships like back on at that point that's when you finally trust him again yeah you know what my favorite line in the whole movie though is though so the final like set piece like the final getaway thing is really well done. They go into that home and then there's all these cops chasing them because the cops have been watching the place where the money is.
Starting point is 00:48:51 And so they're racing away from the cops and the cops are shooting harpoons at them that shut their cars down. They have cool gizmos and stuff. And then they orchestrate that great getaway where all the other street racers distract the cops so they don't know who's who. And Paul Walker and Tyrese earlier in the movie put naz under the passenger seat because the main bad guy has a henchman riding with each of them in their separate cars
Starting point is 00:49:15 and they don't really explain what it is but they um they hit a button that the that the henchman thinks is naz but it actually shoots the seat out of the car yeah to get them free of the henchman thinks is naz but it actually shoots the seat out of the car yeah to get them free of the henchman and tyrese hits the button then he goes ejecto cito cuz my favorite line it's the best line right yeah ejecto cito cuz it's really brilliant because i don't know how i don't know here's what's impossible to know about that line yeah did the screenwriter write ejecto cito cuz or did tyrese improvise that we gotta ask tyrese i gotta think it's tyrese coming up with that because he's so stoked and then he's like and then he goes haha love this button yeah i'm just like fuck yeah if the screenwriter came up with that line ejecto cito cuz get him the oscar
Starting point is 00:50:06 get him the best original screenplay well it might be is it best adapted no it's best original even though it's a sequel yeah yeah and uh yeah the other thing about too fast too furious just some more general commentary it really the first fast and furious is more realistic the second one too fast too furious it becomes almost like a video game you know what i mean like the first one there's an intense drag race but they're land bound in the second one they put up a bridge so that they launch what 800 feet like two football fields yeah yeah in my in my opinion uh i would say that they started that trend of going they just like kept going more and more aggro with the stunts and stuff i'm like dude just let it be it's a disease of a lot of sequels yeah it's like just let it be you don't need to heighten it that much i'm cool with the original you know i think i
Starting point is 00:50:58 think they perfected it with five yeah but i think i think still too crazy town no five was good but then like the last one the submarines and stuff i'm like dudes they're getting more and more ridiculous yeah because the the set piece at the end of five when they drag the safe is fucking phenomenal yeah it's really cool scene yeah so ava mendez though babe and paul falls for i mean jordana brewster is a babe above babes but if you were gonna find another love interest for paul ava mendez uh yeah is above and beyond as well she was great and she's a good actress i just i like her in movies she's very good yeah yeah when they drag race the two dudes fonzieonzie, that's intense because Paul plays an intense game of chicken with the guy. And the guy, you know, he's like, ha ha, all right, blondie, let's see what you got.
Starting point is 00:51:53 Let's see if you got the balls. And then they're coming at it, and Paul's just like, he maintains this face of just like, I'm fucking doing this. And the guy, you can tell he wants to be in it but you can see the apprehension on his face you're just like and then he pulls off and paul just brilliant faces there yeah seriously thank you i can move that was that was a sweet race yeah because it's also it's another scene where like paul's like upgraded to like kind of dom toretto status from number one yeah the other greatest scene in the movie driving fast while staring at the girl oh the staring drive i've always wanted to do that dude i'm so on the same page as you i was about to say i've always wanted to do yeah for sure
Starting point is 00:52:40 it seems like she would just get really pissed off during that. My girlfriend would slap the fuck out of me. She's like, you make me feel unsafe. You make me feel unsafe. And he's smiling too. I've also been in like 13 car accidents. For sure. Just fucking torpedo into some minivan with two kids. So you're no bully. What happened? I was trying to be sexy for my girlfriend you just t-bone some car yeah or a fucking pedestrian does a fucking 540 over the top of my car
Starting point is 00:53:15 if we ever did it like a movie we have to do that do a scene where like we're trying to do that fucking crash through all right, that's our review. That will be it for our movie review of Too Fast to Fear. We're going to review Into the Blue starring our boy Paul Walker, Jessica Alba, Scott Conn, and this hot blonde and Josh Brolin.
Starting point is 00:53:38 Brolin. How did you like it, JT? I had seen it a couple years ago and i didn't enjoy it as much then but revisiting it i really had a lot of fun it has a lot of um aspects in it that i i look for in um fun action movies and one of the things that i really liked about it was like just the technical achievement of it like they shoot so much of it underwater and there's not a lot of movies that take place like you know like 40 underwater and into the blue does and still you know you can keep up with it spatially you know what's going on and it's just beautiful
Starting point is 00:54:13 imagery watching those sinewy bodies float through the water for sure and you know i just it was a an intense movie a lot of it was action-packed, but I think one of the biggest things that made me feel was like, wow, summer. I love summer. I love islands. I love warm water, warm temperatures, bronzing, and strong friendships. I'd say it was really fun, and it showed Paul in a way that was different from Fast and the Furious, but I think expanded our view of him to like, wow, he really is that good of a dude.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Because even in these circumstances, he was so heroic and just so much more of a better dude. You know what I mean? Yeah, he's definitely one of the moral pillars of the film and i also found it interesting that he was willing to like there was moments where he like agreed to sell drugs because what happens is if you haven't seen it is um he's like a sea bearing professional in the bahamas and then his rich buddy scott khan comes to visit and they go out with their um with jessica alba who's paul walker's girlfriend and like works with dolphins and is good in the water and then
Starting point is 00:55:29 scott khan's like super hot um girlfriend from new york who he like apparently just met and they discover some shipwreck stuff like some gold from like the pirate ship the zephyr that's worth like good jillions and it supposedly has real gold like bars as a part of it and then at the same time they also find a bunch of cocaine that came from a crashed plane at the top of the film and paul walker at one point agrees to sell some of the coke so that they can get a better boat to get the shipwreck stuff and i was like wow like this guy's like a great guy but he's also willing to do what it takes to get what he wants yeah that that really humanized him i think you know he was uh and um one of the most heartwarming things was about the love story
Starting point is 00:56:13 between him and jessica you know it's just their bond was so strong and there were times you know like when he was tempted to sell drugs he you know scott was like dude she'll leave you if you don't have money and that made paul really think he's like will she leave me if I don't have money you know he really thought about it and she came in bam you know I'm not that girl I love you for you Paul and I'll stay with you no matter what and so you know I just love how that evolved throughout the story and then at the end you know Paul realizes you know, I, I just love how that evolved throughout the story. And then at the end, you know, Paul realizes, you know, he doesn't even need treasure. He doesn't even need the Zephyr. He just needs Jessica.
Starting point is 00:56:52 It's romantic as fuck. Super romantic. And just, I hope to find that kind of love one day. Yeah. I think she'd be more likely to leave him if he lost that V. Yes. If he lost that V. Yes. If he lost those abs. Yes.
Starting point is 00:57:08 If he became doughy and just like a shell of his former self, she'd be like, you know, this is worse than not having money later. And they also, they have like that poor lifestyle in the film that's actually like super appealing yeah like um he has like a shanty house on the water but it's on the water in the bahamas so you're like well that's still like property value wise is probably upwards of a cup of mill like they also did that in lethal weapon where like the um the mel gibson riggs character lives on malibu coast in like a um rv and then by the fourth film it's an rv that's like built into a house as well you're like okay well this you know grunt cop is actually living in a 10
Starting point is 00:57:52 million dollar hacienda and then paul like has like a dock and like a rundown house but you're like i mean it's probably in a gated community. I mean, do you have full-time security, too? Like, what the fuck? I thought you were supposed to be poor. Props for staying humble, but who paid for that shit, dude? Yeah, exactly. Yeah, we're really struggling. By the way, we live on the coast with a dock. Yeah, it's a tough lifestyle as a diver.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Yeah. I keep getting fired. Yeah, he gets fired in the beginning for shoving his boss into the water because his boss is a douche Yeah I always like it When the uh The main character
Starting point is 00:58:28 Has so much integrity That he um Can't uh Swallow his anger And he's a total liability At work Yeah for sure Like he's lost like
Starting point is 00:58:36 50 jobs Yeah Do you get fired again? Yeah he's a dick Yeah and she's like Well I love you for you It's like Well your boyfriend's
Starting point is 00:58:44 Kind of a moron Can't Can'tna doesn't know that you're not supposed to shove your boss when he's being a dick about like how there's none left you know like we've all had bosses who are like hey you were supposed to take care of this and you're like i did what you told me they're like no you didn't do it the way i wanted you to do it and you're like well you didn't explain it right but you don't shove them into the ocean every time they do that yeah let's say uh not looking back on it that was actually a really risky risque move yeah like what if the guy slips hits his head bleeds out everywhere yeah why'd you lose your job well technically i killed my boss yeah he was being a dick and i just shoved him i didn't know he'd run into some
Starting point is 00:59:24 urchins down below he didn't know how to fall he fell like an idiot he fell head first like a fucking it's like don't be on a boat if you don't know how to fall i blame him completely i love you for you yeah i think you also would have ended up in a jail that was on the coast that had boats so i hate my life in jail as he's like sunbathing and drinking a pina colada dude i'm gonna have to i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say scott khan not a good bro no he's also not a good bro he keeps like throwing them into trouble and also maybe one of the worst boyfriends in history yeah and like at one point he's like well to start off they're like all happy looking for treasure and he pulls jessica out and paul's like she's not getting a cut and he's like why he's
Starting point is 01:00:11 like i've known her for like three days dude they're like all right and then she dies she gets her leg bit off by a shark and dies super heavy i thought it was just gonna be like a minor injury and then they're like no she's dead dude and scott's like whatever i don't care and paul's like you don't care he's like i knew her for like five days lay off yeah he like gets mad at them for them being mad at him for not caring enough it's also like is anyone gonna call her parents or like next of kin like they kind of just drop that thread yeah dude she's dead but i've only i've only been banging her for a week so it's not really my job to let her parents know that she died on my watch you know the hospital's like um who's the husband oh i've just been banging her for five days i'm sorry oh it sucks all right later yeah it sucks because
Starting point is 01:00:55 it sucks but it was also kind of nice because i was gonna have to break up with her and now that's kind of like taken care of by um the grim reaper and now i get the full cut of the loot so um and they get the loot at the end and she definitely didn't get it because she was dead as fuck and the movie's kind of like hard on him yeah scott khan in the end suffers no consequences for being a lying conniving sniveling friend he just like finds a gold and he's like yes it was worth it it was definitely worth it i'm glad I have a gambling addiction. I'm glad my girlfriend died.
Starting point is 01:01:27 And I'm glad I lied to my best friends because now I have gold bars. Did I have to kill people to get it? Absolutely. But for greatness, you got to sacrifice. I like how Paul's like, what the hell, bro? You put me in this terrible position. Now these drug dealers are after me. Jessica's in jeopardy.
Starting point is 01:01:47 And your girlfriend's dead. He's like, that was you. That was all you. I mean, you were the one thinking it, okay? I said the words, but you were thinking it, and you agreed to it, okay? So don't fucking come at me, you know? And just fucking don't come at me, Paul. And he's like, what?
Starting point is 01:02:03 Yeah, the ending of the movie should have been like him and scott khan shaking hands and he's like i'm gonna give you some money and then you to get the fuck out of my life you are toxic you are a toxic friend all right you are bad for me like they come in and they just like wrestle right off the bat and i was like oh that's kind of funny then i'm like aren't these like how old are they in the movie are they 35 i think uh i think 29 she's 29 yeah and then i also like that they make you not like the girlfriend like scott khan's girlfriend that dies because like she's greedy and they also just keep labeling her like a coke whore they're like look if you do coke your life worth is zero
Starting point is 01:02:36 all right in this movie's morality i wonder she got her leg bit off she does coke okay it was gonna happen yeah she flirted with tyson beckford yeah supermodel i love i like if for you if your girlfriend was flirting with tyson would you go and square up to him or would you be like touche well yeah and if he was a drug dealer like he was in the movie i think i'd just be like babe i think you've had a few too many adios motherfuckers like yeah he's a charming guy but let's hit the road and have a quiet night at home okay before i have to like you know machete two of his henchmen who are trying to get second dibs all right like i'm not jealous i'm being reasonable baby put me in a you know this is the bahamas we don't just settle differences with a handshake you get a machete and a ship
Starting point is 01:03:24 and you really fuck people up so don't put me in this position, please. Yeah. And also like Josh Brolin's like, yeah, you know, I got a fake boat company. What I really do is murder drug dealers. And so a shitload of coke. I saw a lot of blowski. Dude, I was really jealous of his hair. I gotta say. Brolin looked great, dude. He was ripped. Yeah. He's, he's bronzed,zed ripped great facial hair too he's a good bad guy he's a very good back i mean he's obviously the best actor in the movie uh besides paul yeah but um yeah he was the second best actor in the movie besides paul yeah paul's abs were the best actor in the movie yep and, what else? I wrote some notes down too. Yeah, I wrote some notes too. I was just like, I was just like summarizing what I saw. Plane crash.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Dealing with whack boss. Josh Brolin. Old timey legend. Paul and Jessica's suck face. He tells Josh, I'm my own dude. Lay off. Scott Kahn. tells josh i'm my own dude lay off scott khan i like when uh i like i thought that was a really riveting scene when scott khan reveals that he actually has no money and paul paul really laid
Starting point is 01:04:35 out the anger there was really raw emotions should have told me you should have told me i think um i got some notes too as a wave runner aficionado, I really love the jet skiing. Oh, yeah, yeah. That was really heartwarming. The boys are just shredding up behind the boat. Yeah. Before, you know, sharks start biting coke whores. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:57 More innocent time. That's the fun and games part of the movie. I would have liked to have seen them jet ski right after the coke whore got her leg bit off he's scott paul he's doing back flips scott you bummed no um dude and oh yeah they were doing huge tricks oh yeah who knew they could do like olymp jet skiing? I watched it with Strider. Oh, you did? Yeah. Nice. In between his two hours of working for Benny Hannes and then working for his girlfriend.
Starting point is 01:05:36 And his focus was waning a little bit. But he had some critical comments. He's like, it doesn't even have a plot. It's just like lifestyle porn. I was like, I would just say it takes its time. All right? It luxuriates in the moment. Sorry, it's just like lifestyle porn i was like i would just say it takes its time all right it luxuriates in the moment sorry it's not in a hurry like you are strider all the time to get to work to get to your girlfriends this is a movie about people at the beach dude they're gonna move a little bit slower than you're used to so much so much less relaxed yeah i can't even watch a good
Starting point is 01:05:59 movie it's like can we just get to the third act can we just get to like the the climax i'm like no bro because we gotta like swim yeah there's a fun and games get to the third act? Can we just get to the climax? I'm like, no, bro, because we've got to swim. Yeah, there's a fun and games part of the movie, which is why we watch the movie, according to sources. Yeah. How was Strider? How did he look? He looks good.
Starting point is 01:06:22 I mean, he looks 15 years older than us because he's been working yeah which will like it's a line from the band uh andrew mcmahon where he says a face can change of a soul knows fear he wasn't drinking nice tea was he no i think he was having like uh some like like uh what's it called snapple no yeah yeah he was drinking snapple damn it he didn't even look at the snapple fact either because he says he already knows them all from all the snapples he's drank dude what's with him and like acquiring knowledge it's really annoying yeah well it's all like he's like i know what a ira is now like irish republic army he's like no i get a rash account like where i put my money and i was like talking about the devil's math yeah i'm not into that shit dude watch into the blue with me dog

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