Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 53 - Miami, Stomach Flu, Gillette

Episode Date: January 17, 2019

What up stokers, in episode 53, the boys dive straight into their recent trip to Miami, the virus that affected the whole squad, discuss some of the most stressed cities in America and dive into the c...ontroversial Gillette commercial. Dive in for some good vibes. Check out our patreon: www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in k whatever you want to say hey hey um with the going deep with chad jt podcast got episode 53. 53 coming in hot. Sorry it's a day late, dudes. I'm here with my compadre, Jean Thomas. What up? What up, dude? Boom, clap, Stokers.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Boom, clap, my dogs. Wow. Sorry for the delay. We're dealing with a little bit of a stomach bug. Yeah. It's gross. Yeah, it was rough.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Still is. I'm still sore. Achy. Yeah. Yeah yeah for me i it happened to me first in miami saturday morning i woke up at like 6 a.m and just boked i thought it was because i was raging hard i'm like and so you know in my mind i'm like good job chad like way to get after it and then i started getting like the chills later in the day. And I'm like, I don't think this is a hangover. So it was a combo of the two. It was not pleasant.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Yeah, it was rough. Yeah. Yeah, you were laying on the couch Saturday night. Yeah. And you looked like you could not be moved. I remember you're like, you're like, I'm like, dude, I don't think this is a from the hangover. And you're like, you think you got after it hard?
Starting point is 00:01:25 I'm like, I don't know, dude. Yeah, I thought you were just hungover. Yeah. Because I know when your system gets thrown out of whack. But then when it caught up to me on the plane ride home and I threw up all over that guy's Uber, I was like, no, there's something going on here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:44 I think that was a telltale sign. Yeah. Uber driver was super cool about it, too. Super cool. He's like, there's something going on here yeah i think that's a telltale sign yeah uber driver is super cool about it super cool it's okay it's not a luxury car it happens yeah i threw up a lot not to be gross but yeah it was gross i haven't booked like that in a long time i threw up a lot too i had like churros in it before and i can't eat tacos or churros for a long time yeah i pounded all that cheesecake before the plane ride and now cheesecake's not in my diet for the next couple years at least dude maybe that was a sign from uh you know the universe it's like guys stop eating carbs and sugar and i'm gonna prove it to you right now i'm gonna make you guys boke exactly what you just shouldn't have eaten right now the god of ketosis yeah he's like why don't you eat eggs i'm gonna make you boke well god i appreciate you looking out for my figure
Starting point is 00:02:36 and keeping me lean yeah i'm sorry you had to teach me this lesson in such a brutal fashion dude i'm stoked on the weight loss and uh i was like in miami i'm like at least i feel like i fit in right now because i'm really shedding the calories hard yeah you were looking ripped thanks dude yeah i'm bummed out that i got sick coming off miami because i was really looking forward to showing everybody my tan yeah and especially because it's raining in los angeles i feel like everybody's at their pastiest. Yeah. So I was really going to stand out, but unfortunately it was not to be. I had to just lay on my couch more bronze than ever.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Dude, yeah, at least you looked good on that couch. For sure. But dude, like honestly, and I'm just going to throw a suggestion out there, maybe you should have hit the booth, get that like shine back, and then hit the town now that you're better yeah i haven't been in the tanning booth in
Starting point is 00:03:28 a decade or so yeah um so yeah maybe it's time to go back and uh just to get that glow just to get that post miami glow so you can show it off i don't like the way those lights look. Yeah. Those long tube lights with that bright... I mean, you got to wear goggles. They put those goofy little goggles on you. Yeah, I went to one one time. And when they turn them on, it sounds like a fucking nuclear reactor coming out. It's like, and you're like, I got to get in this thing.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Yeah, it's like what they use to kill vampires or aliens. They're like, hit him with the UV light. Yeah, it just looks too intense for my human skin. But that's what gives you the bronze, baby. You got no pain, no gain. Yeah, no free lunch. Yeah, for sure, for sure. Miami was, how'd you like Miami?
Starting point is 00:04:31 I love Miami. It's in my top two cities for sure. I've decided after Miami, I'm never living above wherever Los Angeles is. I'm never living above wherever Los Angeles is I'm never living above that line ever like geographically or sea level wise um both nice yeah because I don't like cold I like the sun I like to you know I like the uh the lifestyle that's like look good and get after it nice that's a good summarization yeah what are your thoughts on miami i love it i mean it's just like my favorite city ever it's awesome i love i
Starting point is 00:05:12 love that it feels like a party could break out at any second yeah you feel like you could be at the mechanic getting your car worked on and then like someone just turns up the boom box a little bit yeah and then everyone just starts moving yeah yeah the whole time i was there literally i was playing uh will smith's miami in my dome it was just on repeat the entire even when i was sick like even when i was like boking i was like boking and then in my mind i'm like welcome to miami buen venido ami ami yeah that's a great song yeah so it's nice yeah it was a lot of fun yeah good seeing the gang um what else is going on i drank pepto bismol for the first time i was stoked on that ever yeah nice i i thought you know it was pink i thought it'd be like a bubble gum flavor
Starting point is 00:06:06 but it was like black licorice the taste of it yeah which was interesting like maybe you should switch up the color a little bit although it is inviting you know it looks like a bubble gum what about you what's going on with you nothing man just been watching tv at home while i've been sick yeah yeah i watched killing eve and i watched the bodyguard or bodyguard and i watched this 90s movie called lone star that was very good yeah being sick the kind of upshot of it is is that like i don't do anything like hedonistic like i don't like smoke pot or drink or anything like that. And, like, I have to chill. Yeah. Like, I don't respond to text messages as much.
Starting point is 00:06:48 I just lay there. So it's kind of nice. It's kind of, like, the most I've relaxed. Yeah. Because you're just, like, because my body was, like, you can't do anything else. Just lay here. Like, if I moved, my stomach would get upset.
Starting point is 00:06:59 So I just laid there. For sure. I crushed a lot of Seinfeld. Oh, nice. I just watched Seinf seinfeld i love that show so much it's so funny it's so funny it's still like that'll be funny forever i hope so yeah yeah so good and then uh maurice like would not um be in the same room as me he looked at me with real disdain dude i appreciated his uh attitude towards us uh you know because that's the way
Starting point is 00:07:24 everyone should be around sick people. Yeah, just get away from me. Don't be nice about it. Yeah, like, I woke up and he was spraying me with a Lysol bottle. Dude, Joe would totally survive a plague. Yeah, I think so. He'd be like, in medieval times in a castle, there's a bunch of black plague people behind him or surrounding him.
Starting point is 00:07:43 He's like, get away from me. Ew, you're gross. No, like, get away from me. Ew. You're gross. No, we're not going to the market together. You have an issue. What, do you want to go to the jousting competition? Fuck off. Right.
Starting point is 00:07:56 There's probably sick people there. Ew. I'm going to do five-minute abs, eight-minute abs. Eight-minute abs. He would still do eight-minute abs even if he lived in medieval times. Eight-minute abs. Eight-minute abs. Eight-minute abs. He would still do eight-minute abs even if he lived in medieval times. Eight-minute abs. All right, you want to get into the topics? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:14 What do we got? We got, dude, I sent you this list of the most stressed cities in America. Pretty shocking. Coming in at number one, the city we were just celebrating miami dude i think it's because you gotta look good right just the pressure of of keeping up with the jones is their appearance wise yeah yeah i think he's gotta look good that's probably it because how do you get stressed in miami i don't understand i do not think miami is more stressed out than Dallas or Houston or LA or New York. Well, dude, when we were in D.C., it was a totally different vibe.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Yeah, D.C. is way more stressed out than Miami. Yeah. And you've got devious Kevin Spacey characters or House of Cards people there. Right. Up to no good. Maybe the people in D.C. are so tough from the cold and from the social climate there that they don't even acknowledge that they're stressed out.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Whereas in Miami, everyone's having such a nice time that they're like, but I am stressed. But they're actually not stressed. They're so used to not being stressed that when they are stressed a little bit, they feel it more intensely. That makes sense. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:09:29 Do you know what I'm saying? Yeah. Or maybe people in cities like DC, they're a little more proud. Yeah. I'm not stressed. I'm good. I'm not stressed. I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Yeah. I'm just crushing it. Yeah, because I don't even think DC is on this list. It's like DC is definitely in the top 25. Yeah, because I'd say you're... Oh, it's number 18. Sorry, it's there. I'd say you don't come off as too stressed, but if someone asks you, you'd be like, well, yeah, I got a lot going on right now.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Yeah, I would say I'm super stressed. So you divulge a lot more info. Maybe it's your Latin roots. Yeah, and that's what's going on in miami too yeah yeah like if you ask a latin person they're like yeah i'm fucking stressed yeah yeah you know tina's doing whatever she's doing i don't know but if you ask someone like from dc with those anglo roots they're like no i've never been better yeah but like they're like like a burst blood vessel as
Starting point is 00:10:26 they talk you guys chicago and me a bunch of joes you guys stressed no get out of my face no why would i be stressed i don't get stressed ew there's like uh that line in um any given sunday where jim brown is playing the coach and uh he's screaming at his players. And the team is the Miami Sharks, so it's fitting. And then one of the players goes, Coach, calm down. You're going to have a heart attack. He goes, I don't get heart attacks, motherfucker. I give them. I feel like that's like the DC vibe.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Yeah, for sure. Like, I don't get stressed. I stress stress out. Yeah. All right, what about... I get stressed. Did you watch this Gillette ad that's been all the rage in social media? Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 00:11:10 How'd you feel about it? So basically in the ad, it's a very modern ad. It's talking about the Me Too movement and stuff. And so Gillette's catchphrase used to be, the best a man can get. But they changed it after 50 years to the best a man can be so basically it's like aspirational about what we could be as men and like how we're going to shed our past of like sexual harassment like unnecessary cruelty to one another and like um just kind of like having to act macho and so it starts with all images and video and audio of that stuff and then as the ad progresses we see like these more evolved men like
Starting point is 00:11:55 being like hey don't pick on people or hey be like nice to women and stuff like that and it's and then it's like because our kids are watching us and they're going to grow into the men we teach them to be. So it's a lot for a corporate ad. But I mean, different companies have tried this stuff. But here are my feelings. I said it annoyed me, but then it made me cry. It did make me cry at the end when the dad intervenes. There's this mob chasing some 10-year-old boy,
Starting point is 00:12:21 and they're going to kick the shit out of him. And the dad gets the kid out of there, and he's like like he pushes the bullies away and his son's watching i was like yeah that's nice yeah you know yeah my biggest qualm too is i didn't learn anything about the product yeah you know like what's going on with the mach 3 like maybe there's a new model out there like i use a mach 3 and it's really sick and um like i don't know if they're having more blades come out maybe there's a vibration thing that'll raise you know the the stubble like what's going on with the product you know i think that's maybe the issue with a lot of these ads is like they're trying to spread a social message but i'm like yeah but what about what you're selling
Starting point is 00:12:59 right you know but pierce morgan came out and he's pissed he's like he's like enough of this virtue enough of this virtue signaling i'm pierce morgan and i will never use gillette again oi that's australian oh oh blimey let boys be boys let men be men and i'm like it's a little heavy pierce yeah i i totally get being annoyed by it but if you're a lifelong like if you've been using gillette for 30 years yeah and then that ad comes out and then you know whoever does the shopping for pierce he's like by the way don't ever buy gillette again for me yeah i mean i don't even know what another shaving cream product is i guess like a vino or something like yeah it seems like a bit drastic of a response but
Starting point is 00:13:45 and it hurt his brand too because like you would assume that a guy like him would use a straight blade you know yeah it would be interesting if all these brands started going in this direction like what if mountain dew came out with a ad on abortion right like dude i just want a good extreme like yeah i gotta think mountain dew's bad for a pregnancy yeah yeah for sure then maybe they'd be like pro either big dudes drink this if you want to like not if you want to shoot blanks if you want yeah if you want to kill your jizz potential yeah yeah during the x games they'd be like all right we got we got shane mcconkie coming in and he is pro choice and he's like for sure dudes right did you did when tiger woods is when tiger woods got in trouble for uh cheating on his wife
Starting point is 00:14:34 when all those stories came out nike ran an ad with his dead dad's voice being like what would i think of you now talking about tiger and i think n Nike was trying to like frame it like as like this, you know, like they were trying to like use it as like the moment to get Tiger out of trouble by being like, we're confronting it head on and we're talking about his dad and shame and guilt. So after this,
Starting point is 00:15:02 we'll be able to do normal ads again. But I remember watching it and just being like, Jesus Christ, man, this we'll be able to do normal ads again but i remember watching and just being like jesus christ yeah like what is this have to do with anything yeah this is way too personal yeah all right dude did you see this other article about um there's an issue right now going on in america signs are getting stolen specifically signs that have the numbers 420 or 69 in them yeah i feel like a lot of stokers are doing that 608 mile markers in the state of washington since 2012 have been stolen cost a thousand dollars to replace each new sign. So that means $608,000 have been spent replacing signs that have the number 69 or 420 in them.
Starting point is 00:15:50 For those of you who don't know, 420 means the time to smoke bowls, and 69 is a sexual position for oral, dual oral. It's nice. It's very nice. And yeah, they don't know what to do like how do you think we stop this how do we stop it well or the department has come up with their own version of how to stop it so what they're doing is is they're either they're writing 419.9 on the signs now or 68.9 which is pretty hilarious yeah they put the government in a position to have
Starting point is 00:16:27 to be creative and i like the solution i think signs that say 419.9 or 68.9 like if i see one of those signs i'm gonna crack up laughing because i'm like oh they had to change it to that because otherwise people would have stole it because it said 69 and that brings me a lot of joy what part of the pod should we do next? We're cooking. Questions? Sure. We got a lot of good questions this week.
Starting point is 00:16:56 This is from Caitlin. What up? Shout out to all of my fellow female stokers out there. My name's Katie. I live in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and I'm a big fan of the pod and follow you all on Insta. So my question is about politics and how to keep your cool when talking with someone who doesn't see eye to eye with you. I don't really associate myself with any political party. I just agree with what my intuition tells me and really feed off the vibes these politicians put out. I look to the inspiring lyrics in Ben Harper's song, Burn One. My choice
Starting point is 00:17:24 is what I choose to do, and if I'm's song, Burn One. My choice is what I choose to do, and if I'm causing no harm, it shouldn't bother you. However, in this day and age, people feel very strongly about certain political issues, and that's great. But living in the South, I find a lot of people that I just completely disagree with. Their vibes don't flow with mine. They just aren't woke. Most of the time, it's easy for me to drop it, but other times, it's not. And ever since the 2016 election election i found myself angrier feeling animosity towards my family and friends do y'all have any advice on how to keep your chill while expressing views that you feel better the world to people who view things completely different than you thanks y'all keep on keeping on um it's hard to uh
Starting point is 00:18:03 it's hard to yeah I guess it's hard to not get angered by people that have opposing views it's tough but I think the best thing to do is just not bring it up yeah that's always good because especially you know with people who have different views you're gonna get into an argument
Starting point is 00:18:21 and nothing's gonna change you're just gonna get into an argument about it how often do people change other people's minds? Yeah, not often. Yeah. So it's like, I think just sort of like focus on yourself. Be like, you can think that, but I feel good. I always feel like it's a good opportunity to like be the best ambassador as possible for
Starting point is 00:18:46 what your perspective is. Like if you can get into one of these debates and like argue your side well without getting emotional and most of all without being like super critical of the other person's morality, then that person might leave that argument being like, all right, I disagreed with that person, but people from that side aren't necessarily bad just because they disagree with me. Because you were able to be compassionate despite the disagreement. So I would just think of yourself
Starting point is 00:19:19 as a representative of everyone who has those beliefs and then be like, all right, how can i be the best representative possible and most of the time i think that's through being kind and gentle yeah so like just uh just do it for all of us caitlin yeah yeah i think it's important to note that no one uh no one means most pretty much most people don't mean harm they have legit legitimate reasons for like believing what they believe in so you know just sort of take that perspective maybe like try to like see it from their eyes be like oh i see it from your perspective because blah blah
Starting point is 00:19:58 but i don't think anyone i don't think most people have like you know evil intentions yeah no one wants the world to be worse yeah for like people to suffer yeah and then I would say like you know do make sure you know what you're talking about you know like a lot of times I used to watch like political arguments when I was a kid like they were just happening in my you know in my house or in friends houses or whatever and I'm like oh neither one of these people really knows what they're talking about but they're both hyper emotional about it yeah so if you can like keep the conversation to the points that you're talking about and if the other person starts being like hey but your side did this or my and like my side didn't do this
Starting point is 00:20:42 it can get like off point really fast so just be like look this these are the small things i'm talking about yeah and then and then if you can keep the topic narrow you might be able to keep some of the emotions out of it yeah i'd stay away from posting about it on social media too that's the worst yeah that's why are you posting this yeah Yeah. Ew. Y'all need to know, okay? I don't need to know. No one asked me for your opinion.
Starting point is 00:21:16 All right, what up, Sultans of Stoke? Long time listener. First time asking a question. I love what you guys are doing with the pod and it's helped me through a lot of good and bad times. Glad to hear that. I'll try to keep this short. Me and my now ex-girlfriend met in high school and clicked and started dating,
Starting point is 00:21:28 keeping a long-distance relationship going through college as we ended up going to different schools. It was an awesome relationship. We saw each other every weekend, raged hard with mutual friends, and just had an all-together great thing going. However, she's since graduated and is starting a new job,
Starting point is 00:21:43 and I still have two semesters left. And long story short, we mutually decided that we both needed to focus on our lives because it wasn't working out anymore. And we split up after five years together, even though it's a mutual thing. I still love her and I know it's going to suck for a long time. Sorry if this is kind of a downer, no worries, dog, but I honestly have no idea where to go from this point. My stoke levels have never been so low. I could really use some advice from you bros on any way i can get through this what are some steps i can take to eventually regain the stoke that i've lost thanks a lot legends big p um dude i would just uh it's tough man that that's it's it's tough i i feel for you um but uh i think the things that in those situations the things that make me happiest there's my you know i just i kind of repeat this
Starting point is 00:22:34 but sort of get back to you know focus on myself and like have sort of like a sort of like what arnold schwarzenegger says about confidence, when you have a vision, everything you do is working towards that vision. And that's why you're, you're sort of happy to be doing all of those things, you know? So sort of like figure out, like you, you know, you, you ended it because you want to focus on your life. So, you know, do that. And I think you'll find a lot of joy in that. And I think the thing is just not worry about what she's doing. Just try and focus on making yourself feel good and then be happy for her. I love that.
Starting point is 00:23:19 What do you think? Dude, I think you got a million options. I mean, you've lost a lot because you went through a breakup. You lost the comfort and the security and the support of having a partner. But what you've gained is total freedom. You can do whatever the hell you want now. Yeah. So I don't know if there's one specific thing I could tell you to do.
Starting point is 00:23:43 I'd just tell you to do all the things, man. Go exploring. You know what I mean? Go get in trouble go embarrass yourself go hit the dance floor liquored up and see if you can draw some attention i mean let's do it dog it's like yeah well yeah um it's like in a mad men when all the cigarette companies realize they can't advertise that their cigarettes are safe anymore like the uhgeon General won't let them. And then Don's like, well, then we can do any advertisement we want. Let's just start calling our cigarettes toasted. It's like if you don't like where the conversation's going,
Starting point is 00:24:15 start a new conversation. Change the subject. So don't think about yourself as a guy who lost his girlfriend. Think about yourself as a guy who's about to explore a whole new part of the world that you haven't seen. You're going to Lewis and Clark this brand new frontier of being single. Hell yeah. And I hope you meet your Sacagawea. Sacagawea?
Starting point is 00:24:37 Is that how you say it? Sacagawea. Oh, there it is. Question. What up? My name is Daryl. Dudes, first off, I'm so stoked to be sending you a freaking email thank you dude shout out to strider and take ownership of your small dong anyways ever since
Starting point is 00:24:53 i heard strider talk about his little dong i've been on i've taken on the mindset that my little one is huge and i'm stoked i met a lady and hopped into the sack with mouse massive amounts of confidence declaring you ready to see this big piece i unveiled and she was like it's not big how do i convince her that it is dude i think you uh my dog i think you just may have exposed the major fallacy and uh fake it till you make it you know like major respect to your confidence and, uh, keep chugging along with that attitude, dude. Like that's major. And, uh, you know, uh, you know, she's going to call it like she sees it, but that's, that's her issue. You know, like she can think what she thinks, but in your mind, you still got a massive dong and keep chugging along and it's going to take you places. So, um,
Starting point is 00:25:41 hopefully that, that didn't deter you from boning you know like still get after it and um you know keep that attitude going i love it nice all right lady dilemma this is from jack what up fathers of stoke i'm currently a 15 year old freshman in high school who's having some lady problems which has resulted in some low stoke levels. The young woman I'm into has a minor relation with kind of dirtbag dude, but their bond has lately faded. And ours is florist, except I feel like I'm in the potential interest zone, but also potential friend zone. We snap a lot and talk in good old math class, but sadly in two weeks our classes change
Starting point is 00:26:20 and we will have no classes together for the next semester. Damn, I hate when that shit happens. She likes when I ask her how she's doing and when I drop in the occasional hair compliment. She's got flawless hair. This girl's really important to me because she's a really good person, also a solid 8.8. And during the last year, I've been friend-zoned too much
Starting point is 00:26:38 to take it to another one. And last year, I've been friend-zoned too much to take another one. So it'd be amazing if the ambassador to Stowe could give me some advice on how to get this girl, even though the ensuing semester with no classes together will hurt our relationship. Is she still in a relation? I don't think her and the other guy are, like, exclusive. I think they just kind of, like, mess about. Well, drop the bomb dude ask her out
Starting point is 00:27:06 ask her out dude and honestly bro i've been in that situation before where you're just like super into a girl in high school and she keeps like hanging out with guys who you think are not super legit and um it's just something i suffered through but it wasn't that bad in the long run yeah but dude when you lose classes with someone yeah dude yeah i had a crush on this girl shy cheyenne she dated like my best friend brooke so i probably shouldn't even talk about it but i did have a crush i think brooke's always new he doesn't give a fuck um and uh yeah when we ended up not having any classes together the next year, I would just sit there and stare at the classroom I knew she was in. Is that JT?
Starting point is 00:27:54 Yeah, they're like, what is he doing? I'm like, how's it going in there? Dude, or then you do have a class together, and then a super hot chick drops out. She's like, you're in class with her? You're like oh yes tawny is in my biology class and then one day you see her come in with like some paperwork in her hands you're like no don't do it don't do it don't do it hands it to the teacher the teacher's like gives her a hug goodbye you're like no dude yeah uh i think to avoid getting friend zone too uh you gotta you gotta just uh make the distinction like you know it's like you're talking to them all the time but you gotta like you know
Starting point is 00:28:33 eventually ask them out so they know this is how you feel yeah i think you'll feel better if you just get it out of the way so just go up to her and be like hey look i've got a massive crush on you i think you've been dating a lot of douchebags. And I think I'm the one for you. And, dude, after she says no, you're going to have a lot more bandwidth to do other stuff. Yeah. Hell yeah, dude. Dude.
Starting point is 00:29:00 And I don't even fucking know dude i think dramatic like uh public declarations of love it's for the other person but it's more for you to just get it off your chest yeah you know what i mean when they say no you still feel good yeah you're like i gave it 100 percent do you have friends with this guy in high school trujillo dude he used to just like ask girls out publicly in the most absurd like he'd bring like i didn't even know like teachers would let him get out of class yeah to go into another class that was like going on like the teacher was trying to teach spanish to the kids he'd walk in with like three of his football buddies and he'd have like three bouquets of roses like two bags of chocolates and like a you know mariachi band behind him last one's not true and then ask out like the cutest girl in the class yeah and he'd be like dude you are out of your fucking mind man yeah it never worked
Starting point is 00:30:00 yeah but i always but in in in retrospect I respect the fuck out of him for it. He's probably super proud of all of them. Yeah. Maybe that's like, he's like, he loves the creativity of finding new ways to ask him out. Right. Yeah. Like, yeah, he's not being regular. He's taking chances.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Yeah. What up, Stoke gods? It's Chad from the East Coast. I have an important quest that needs your sage party wisdom i'm turning 21 in a few weeks and i wanted to know what the perfect celebratory drink is i also wanted to say thank you for all you guys do chad you have been a true role model for all of us fellow chads out here i aspire to keep your legendary status and i believe partying right on the and i believe partying right on the-Day would be the first step of this lifelong quest.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Keep up the great work, Chad. Thank you. That means a lot. Dude, my first instinct, Long Island iced tea. Go hard. Yeah, you get smashed on one of those, dude. And you're like, am I drinking a frigging Arnold Palmer? I just do shots.
Starting point is 00:31:05 So, yeah, a shot would be fun. An adios, motherfucker. Adios, motherfucker. A pitcher. I did that in Cabo one time. Blacked out so hard. And then I took somas the next day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Sorry, you can cut that out. No, I'll leave that in. But not to be a nerd, just make sure you have a glass of water between each drink keep yourself hydrated yeah and it'll slow you down a little bit but you'll have a better night overall because you'll last longer mattson what up bros appreciate the pot and positive vibes keep up the good work so i recently got out of a toxic on and off three-year relationship she was extremely bond but we didn't connect on every level and finally broke up for the 30th time officially. She's now seeing other people as am I. Though I am not completely over her,
Starting point is 00:31:51 I have been spreading my seed with various women about the town, using protection and Douglas Lubricant, of course. Right on. It has been difficult to find a woman on par with my recent ex, so I am struggling to fill the void. So my issue is this.
Starting point is 00:32:03 I still have a lot of X-rated material from her, and I still like to paddle the pickle to it. I am able to drain the dragon much quicker with her content compared to porn. Where do you dudes stand on keeping scandalous material of the X's and still tugging on the tube steak? Appreciate the advice. Matt. First off, excellent jargon there when it came to choking your chicken.
Starting point is 00:32:27 I've never heard at least three of those. I'd say with the X-rated material, probably delete it. That's nice. I think that's the most respectful thing to do. Yeah. This one's from jackson i just i just get straight to the point i was super hammered and accidentally fucked my aunt it was consensual but it's my mom's twin sister and they are super tight ever since my aunt and i are super awkward to each other mainly because my mom would lose her stoke if she knew I piped her sister
Starting point is 00:33:05 help dudes do I tell my mom or just let it go away yeah I don't know what to tell you man I don't know man that's tough yeah I would I don't know, man. That's tough. Yeah, I would not tell your mom. No, definitely don't tell your mom. Oh.
Starting point is 00:33:43 I'd maybe ask a therapist. Yeah, I would definitely go to therapy. Or Dr. Phil. Maybe take it to, like, Maury or something. Those shows are good for that kind of stuff. I think that's kind of out of our range. But I think Maury or, you know, Dr. Phil could really handle that yeah um
Starting point is 00:34:07 congrats on getting laid oh for sure i am i would um yeah therapy sounds good. Thanks for writing in. All right, last question. This is from Sawyer. What's up, Sultans of Stoke? You guys are absolutely stellar.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Every Wednesday is absolutely galvanized thanks to you. I feel super benevolent and stoked for the most part. However, I come to you with a long-term problem, gnawing at my jibs. Ever since I can remember, I've had a weird bump on my chest that really kills my vibe. I googled this thing, and it's not harmful, but as a pretty athletic bro,
Starting point is 00:34:51 I'm unstoked about it. Basically, I wear a lot of sweaters and don't take my shirt off. I'd love to become less self-conscious about this. How would you lads counsel that I achieve this? Love what you're doing keeps friend the love. He has a bump on his chest? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:09 What did he say? And I think it's just like he feels self-conscious about it. He doesn't want to rip his T off in front of people. Oh. He's going to own it. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:35:22 It's really not that big of a deal. I knew guys who had off not off-putting but they had features that weren't traditionally attractive yeah and they just made it work for them it's really just a confidence game yeah and if you're athletic and good looking otherwise which it sounds like you are it's really not gonna be a deal breaker for anybody yeah and in fact in the long run as people get uglier and uglier as they age if you can maintain your athleticism it people won't even notice it after a while yeah because everyone's bodies start to get weird for sure you're good dude
Starting point is 00:35:58 and just have a good time bro all right dude what is our mission statement of the week chad And just have a good time, bro. All right, dude. What is our mission statement of the week, Chad? Our mission statement of the week comes from our dogs at Quicksilver. If you guys want to sponsor us, we would not be opposed. Just saying. Quicksilver, one of the world's leading lifestyle brand, designs, produces, and distributes branded apparel,
Starting point is 00:36:19 swimwear, footwear, and accessories. The brand is inspired by a passion for outdoor action sports, represents a casual lifestyle for young minded people who connect with its board riding culture and heritage quicksilver's authenticity is evident in its innovative products events and retail environments across the globe the company's products are sold in more than 90 countries in a wide range of distribution including surf shops, snow shops, its proprietary board riders club shops, and other company-owned retail stores.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Other specialty stores select department stores that provide authentic retail experience for our customers. Sweet. Dude, I think that one's kind of weak. Yeah, I think it's a little wordy and like it doesn't really talk about their like core mission yeah there's no philosophy there it's all about just like like how to sell like how they're gonna sell merchandise dude not to hate on quicksilver right now but i think that's why you guys are thought of as a little bit more generic. Yeah, this feels that way. And this is definitely not as good as Ruka's was yesterday or last week.
Starting point is 00:37:30 If you had kept a little more soul in your mission statement, you probably still would be sponsoring Julian Wilson, Dan Reynolds, and Kelly Slater. Yeah. Sorry, Quicksilver, but your mission statement needs a mission statement. At this point, Rook is number one. For sure. All right, dude. Chad, who is your babe of the week?
Starting point is 00:37:56 My babe of the week is Miami. Nice, dude. I love Miami so much. Miami, I had so many expectations for you, and you exceeded all of them. You're a town of water with sun, warmth, delicious-looking people, nice bodies, tan, lots of different cocktails, good outdoor life, good food, kind of. I got the stomach flu so i can't really talk about that right now but i know in my dome that it's good um and i think it was good even though when i think of food now it makes me sick um and yeah just like you know everything i
Starting point is 00:38:39 saw about miami and bad boys 2 and too fast too furious in the shake your tail feather music video in the miami music video by will smith it was all true with the boats and stuff and it's just like in no other town can you really do that i was amazed it was so cool like when we went boating and like we went to like like there's like people are just out there partying it's it's amazing and it's just like very uplifting and uh yeah i just uh miami you got it going on you're a total babe of a city i think you are the babe of america nice yeah wow it's hard to say that with like you know orange county and san diego but i would agree with you i think miami is a little bit sexier i think so too yeah who's your babe my babe is um hannah oh you dog so chad and i went to miami with our friend
Starting point is 00:39:35 hannah who used to kick it with us in socal but has since left for new york you know chasing her dreams so we're fully supportive but I miss her a great deal. And, you know, she's been on the pod before and you guys know her for her rapier's wit and her ability to cut me down to size. And I got to tell you something. I love it, man. I love being around her.
Starting point is 00:39:56 I love the way she can just like, if you get pretentious, she'll just stick it to you fast. And she does it with uh really funny lines and and just uh and just like um and and just like humility she's she's like even if she's like doing awesome she seems to just always be humble and i really like that yeah yeah and i just had a great time with her she's always fun she's always down and like and um she's just a good friend. And yeah, I miss her. After spending a couple days with her, I'm just like, dude, I just need more Hannah in my life. She keeps it real.
Starting point is 00:40:32 That's awesome. You're a babe. Nice. Shout out to Hannah. What up, Hannah? Hannah Banana. Who is your legend of the week? My legend of the week is the cop that let my dog Jimmy go.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Jimmy's the big bro of my fraternity. We got Benihana's last night. What up? Even though it's the enemy establishment, I still enjoy your hibachi. Just saying. So Jimmy was a couple years ahead of me in college. And at one point when he was a sophomore he he built a half pipe in the back of the house he's living in which was epic and when they were going to build it they uh they were going to their the school was doing they're renovating
Starting point is 00:41:21 one of the business buildings so they had a shit ton of wood um and so he and his dog went to go take that wood to help build the half pipe because you could say i save a lot of cash on wood if you just take it from like a construction site not the best thing to do but they did it um so they're loading up the the truck getting that wood in a cop they're about to roll they're like the last two by four they're loading and a cop comes in well hits the siren he's like what are you guys doing and uh his friend just bolts who and it was his car too his friend just bolted he's like he's like go get your friend he's like where'd he go he's like i don't know and he's like this is his car
Starting point is 00:42:01 why did he run away and he's like i don't know and he's like all right is his car. Why did he run away? And he's like, I don't know. And he's like, all right, just lay it on me. What are you guys doing? He's like, look, officer, I'm going to be real with you. We're building a super sick half pipe in the back part of my house, and we wanted to use this wood. And he's like, damn, dude. Well, let me tell you this. I could report you to the school and get you expelled,
Starting point is 00:42:23 but I'm going gonna let you go because i used to skate nice you let him go he didn't get him expelled yeah so stokers um if you're ever in trouble with the 5-0 maybe you know try to find a way to bond with them over you know mutual hobbies like skating just be like do you like to you know ride horses because i'm an equestrian when your boy jimmy told him the truth dude i think the truth gets you out of trouble way quicker oh yeah especially with the cops yeah and because most people especially in a high pressure situation like that i suck at lying yeah you know what i mean yeah like i just i'm not compelling when i'm lying yeah but if i'm
Starting point is 00:43:03 telling the truth it's like people just seem to respond better to you. Yeah, for sure. Unless you like murdered someone. Yeah, then get a lawyer. Yeah, then lawyer up, pal. Yeah. Who's your legend? Dude, my legend of the week is the modern renaissance man, Chris Christopherson.
Starting point is 00:43:21 You may know him as Whistler from the Blade films. Oh, yeah. Dude, so the guy just like, I mean, think about Whistler from Blade. He just looks like he was born to be on camera. You know what I mean? He's got a great face. He's like ruggedly handsome. And he's just lived an incredible life. And this was brought to my attention by former Legend of the Week, Robert Vortrees. He's like, dude, you got to check out Chris Christopherson's Wikipedia page. I did. And I got to say, dude, I am inspired. All right. This guy is born to a military family. He's an army brat. He's traveling all over the country. He goes to college where he plays rugby, football, works for the school newspaper and graduates summa cum laude in literature. Then he becomes a Rhodes
Starting point is 00:44:08 scholar. The ultimate scholarship goes to Oxford University where he is awarded his blue for boxing, played rugby for the college and began writing songs. So he's doing a ton. After that, due to pressure from his family, he joins the military, achieves the rank of captain, and became a helicopter pilot. After like five years in the military, they offer him a teaching position at West Point. He says, nah, I'm going to become a singer-songwriter. Leaves the army. His family disowns him. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:44:41 So this guy's willing to sacrifice for the greater good, but he's still got to do him. I love that. He moves to Nashville. He's sweeping floors of Columbia Recording Studios, and he's writing music. He tries to get June Carter, Johnny Cash's wife, a tape of his, but Johnny Cash just throws it into a pile. So the urban legend is that on the weekends, Christofferson was flying a helicopter for people in Lafayette, Louisiana, like doing
Starting point is 00:45:06 transportation for them. He takes his helicopter, lands it on Johnny Cash's property and gives him the music tape and says, give this a listen. Johnny Cash gives it a listen. It ends up being a hit. And then his music career is off, dude. He ends up writing all these number one hits for a bunch of different country singers like jerry lee lewis ray stevens billy walker i don't know some of those dudes but i know they're legit and then uh ends up dating janice joplin right before she dies and he has this successful career in music but then he's like that's not enough gets into film dude he's in pat barrett and the billy the kid bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia.
Starting point is 00:45:46 And he's doing all these good movies in the 70s and then just continues to live the life of a legend. And beyond that, the guy just looks awesome. He's a good looking, cool dude. And I dig that. And this is what he says he wants on his tombstone. Like a bird on the wire, like a drunk in a midnight choir, I've tried in my way to be free. I even like that he just put that information out into the world. And he's suffering right now from Lyme's disease, and you know, he's up there in age, but he's a legend, and I know he's going to battle. So you are my legend of the week, Chris Christopherson. That's an amazing story.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Yeah, he's a beast, dude. Nice. Dude, who is your beef of the week? This is going to be a controversial one. My beef of the week is with Steve Carell. Whoa. Quit it with the weird movies, dude. I'm not into it, you know?
Starting point is 00:46:37 I'm sorry. Maybe I'm a simple guy with simple taste, but you're getting weird with the drama and all this different territory you're stepping into and it's making me depressed he stinks in it yeah it's just it he's becoming like creepy he stinks yeah he's bad at drama dude i saw all of his drums i saw vice yeah no i didn't see welcome to marwin but but the reviews were ghastly. It looks horrible. And then he was in A Beautiful Boy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:10 Not compelling at all. He was terrible. He sounds fake. His voice sounds fake when he's in dramas. Yeah. He's like, listen to me, Chad. I really love you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:20 You're like, who sounds like that, dude? Oh, dude. It's just like. And he's so good at comedy. He's so good at comedy. Like, why are you straying away like... And he's so good at comedy. He's so good at comedy. Like, why are you straying away from comedy? You're so good at it. He's so funny in like The Office and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Yes, iconic. And then he just like, he comes off as like, I see him in these dramas and he just looks so like weird and creepy. I'm like, this isn't someone I want to like be like or anything. I don't, it just weirds me out you know and we're all for people stretching their legs and trying new things yeah but i think we've tried it and i think we've come away with pretty clear results it's not working dude yeah stick to like you know putting a knife in a toaster and like telling the audience you ate a big red candle it's from anchorman
Starting point is 00:48:02 yeah i think i think i think the or running around with a grenade the marketplace is letting him know that it's time to go back to what works i hope so man because it's it's weird me out you know uh he does have a weird energy and dramas and stuff and i'm sure he's a super cool guy but like it's just it's not translating yeah just like go back to being goofy like cut it out do you see foxcatcher no i don't want to see it you might like him in that though because he's such a weirdo no i think no well you won't like the movie no you won't like the movie but i think you'd like him in it um yeah that's a good beef bad boys three is coming up and steve i hope you find a role in that that's hilarious it's good beef who's your beef my beef of the week is with uh john sales the great american
Starting point is 00:48:59 filmmaker because i was watching his movie lone star when I was sick and it's just this beautiful two-hour western that like half of it takes place in the 1950s half of it takes place in uh modern times and it's like all these different themes about what it means to be American like whether you're black or Mexican or Native American or white and like how we inherit the sins of our families it's really great movie like I was really taken with it. But then, dude, there's this scene where the main character, Chris Cooper, goes to visit his ex-wife, played by Frances McDormand, who, for my money, is the best actress that ever lived. I mean, Fargo, almost famous, Laurel Canyon, three billboards. She just does great work forever,
Starting point is 00:49:42 and she can do anything, And she's a national treasure. But so he goes to visit her and she's kind of like mentally ill. And the way her mental illness plays itself out is she's just obsessed with sports. So she won't stop talking to her ex-husband about sports. He's trying to ask her serious questions. And she's like, well, did you know the high school has a new kid, six, five, 313 pounds with smooth feet. Guess how much you can bench press. And she just like, will not stop. But dude, the details about the football players were all wrong. I'm like, John, you're this amazing writer and director. You did all this research into Texas. You know, all this stuff about the
Starting point is 00:50:17 cultural heritage of the state, but you know nothing about football. And how did none of the actors point this out to you when they were reading the script? Like, she's like, do you know what our DB runs is 40 yard dashing. And he's like, how fast she's like 3.4 seconds. The fastest 40 time in history is 4.2 seconds. Like you could have just asked someone, there must've been a football fan in Texas who could have let you know what Bo Jackson ran the 40.
Starting point is 00:50:39 And, and this made it into the final script into the final edit of it. I'm like, this is ridiculous. And then she's like, do you know how much that big offensive lineman bench presses? And her husband throwing her a bone, even though I doesn't want to hear about it anymore. He's like, how much? She's like, 350 pounds.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Can you imagine all that weight on your chest? Like some kind of metaphor about like the world being heavy. I'm like, 350 pounds isn't that much for a strong offensive lineman. John, you're an Oscar winner. Like do some freaking vetting and have a sports expert give you the right numbers for this shit because you just threw me out of your movie that's a good beef 3 4 40 time what are you doing a full second faster than any human in history are you nuts i feel the passion i I love it. Dude, it's upsetting.
Starting point is 00:51:26 All right, dude. What is your quote of the week? My quote of the week comes from Frank Costanza. So he and the Costanzas and the Seinfelds, the parents, well, the Seinfelds are moving into a new place del boca vista and um they're at the tonight show watching jerry and the costanzas are like oh we're considering moving to florida and morty seinfeld's like well don't look at any places at del boca vista And Morty Seinfeld's like, well, don't look at any places at Del Boca Vista.
Starting point is 00:52:05 They're all gone. They went like hotcakes. And Frank Costanza's like, are you trying to keep us out of Del Boca Vista? And here's my clue of the week. He calls Morty Seinfeld. And Morty Seinfeld's like, hello. And he's like, this is Frank Costanza. You think you could keep us out of Del Boca Vista? We're moving in lock, stock, and barrel.
Starting point is 00:52:30 We're going to be at the pool. We're going to be at the clubhouse. We're going to be all over that shuffleboard court, and I dare you to keep us out. And I love that they moved there for spite. Yeah. And I love that they move there for spite. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:50 So, Frank Costanza, you got some balls, and I love it. Nice. And he's like, are you telling me there's not one condo left in all of Del Boca Vista? He gives this face. So good. Nice. Yeah. Dude, my quote is from the poet D.H. Lawrencerence but i know it from the movie gi jane where demi moore is attempting to be the first female to join the navy seals but she's really
Starting point is 00:53:13 a pawn in this larger political game between these senators who are trying to like look good by supporting a woman in the military and some are trying to look good by not supporting her but all she cares about is proving her worth on her own. And her antagonist slash mentor is played by Viggo Mortensen. His name is Master Chief. And when he's addressing the troops for the first time, as they go into Navy SEAL training, he says this quote from the poet D.H. Lawrence, I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will I love that line. That's good. I never saw a wild thing feel sorry for itself.
Starting point is 00:53:57 I'm like, that's so cool, man. Like, if you're having a good time and you're letting it rip, dude, you don't have time to be like, oh, it's not working out. Oh, this could be better. Oh, this aches. You're just like just like you know what i'm just an animal i'm just moving on instinct nice so good job you know big ups to the director ridley scott on that one it's a good quote i dig that movie what was your we've been talking a lot about movies what was your favorite movie of the year oh yeah um maybe overlord oh nice i didn't see that one dude super entertaining that was your fave action packed nice yeah what about you my favorite of the year was spider-man the spider-verse that's so interesting i loved it that's so interesting because visually
Starting point is 00:54:45 it was cool but then i thought the storytelling was rock solid yeah and i just loved uh yeah every part of it yeah plus sway lee on the soundtrack oh legend yeah it was sunflower it's just weird for me to watch to go watch spider-man in animated form. Yeah. Can I run through my list real quick of movies of the year? Yeah. In Order, Spider-Man, Roma, A Star is Born, First Man, First Reform, Paddington 2, Won't You Be My Neighbor, The Hate U Give,
Starting point is 00:55:16 To All the Boys I've Loved Before, If Beale Street Could Talk, The Old Man and the Gun, Crazy Rich Asians, Upgrade, Eighth Grade, The Sisters Brothers, Beirut, Black Panther, Blockers, Searching, and Wildlife. I still got to watch Shoplifters. That's my list. Nice. Anything else, Doug?
Starting point is 00:55:35 I still haven't seen Vice. Have you seen Vice? I saw Vice, yeah. Do you like it? It had some cool stuff in it, like in terms of storytelling tricks that I haven't seen in other movies. It was very creative. Yeah. But tricks that I haven't seen in other movies. Like, it was very creative. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:46 But, no, I didn't like it. Because I didn't think it was, like, and I'm borrowing from my friend Greg Warner here. But, like, there's one line. It was, like, Adam McKay hates the people he's representing so much in the story that I almost think he doesn't represent them enough as real people. Like, Chaney goes up to, like, Rumsfeld. He's like, hey, what do we believe in? And then Rumsfeld just starts laughing like, oh, you're so stupid to think we believe in anything. But it's like you were talking about earlier.
Starting point is 00:56:13 Like nobody actually wants the world to be worse off. You know, most people think they're actually doing good. You know what I mean? I think they were just unconsciously motivated by the wrong things or something. You know what I mean? Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Then let me just do a quick ad for Anthony Schroth
Starting point is 00:56:34 and his wine brands, Premonition and Jackson Hole Winery. My de facto big bro. He taught me so much about life, and now he's teaching me about the vine. And there's no better teacher for either. So thanks, Anthony, for all you've shown me, and thanks for that great taste in grape juice, baby. It's awesome stuff.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Check it out, Stokers. Hell yeah. And we're also brought to you by Douglas Lubricant, the best in the biz. Guys, you love to bone, and you love to bone well. And when you bone, you need to bone hard. And that's why you need to stick to Douglas Lubricant, the best in the business for smooth boning. When you get in there, add some lube in there,
Starting point is 00:57:18 and it's going to make the friction a lot more pleasurable. They got a nice tingly sensation, and it really just, you know, knocks your socks off in, like, all the ways of that meaning hell yeah and uh they're also going industrial so if you have like an engine or like um like a squeaky door throw some douglas on there dude make it function well shout out to douglas oh they have lots of flavors. Orange, vanilla, anal, original. Sweet. So, yeah. Shout out to Douglas.
Starting point is 00:57:48 What up, Douglas? Guys, that'll be it for episode 53 of Going Deep with Chad and JT. Thank you guys so much for writing in. Thank you for being stokers. For bonus content, check out our Patreon, patreon.com slash chadgoesdeep. JT, you want to say anything? Boom clap, stokers. Later, dudes.
Starting point is 00:58:08 Yeah. If you need advice These guys are really nice You want to know What to do Where to go When you need someone to guide you There's a half-growth beside you
Starting point is 00:58:31 Go in the deep Go in the deep Let's go deep Go in deep Get in there Deep What's the deal? I'm going deep Got a dinky

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