Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 6 - Extreme Sports Announcers, Dads, and Golden Retrievers

Episode Date: February 21, 2018

In episode 6, Chad and JT have a deep discussion about dads, the winter olympics, sports announcers, power lifting, and then tackle some hard hitting questions.  Don't miss it! For more Chad and JT, ...check out www.chadgoesdeep.com and for bonus material check out our patreon: https://www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what up stokers it's chad coming in hot with the going deep with chad and jt podcast with my compadre jt what up dude what up how you feeling man dude i'm feeling good man? Dude, I'm feeling good, man. You know, my ears feel nice. Your voice is mellifluous. I'm just like, yeah, enjoying the day. Dude, that was a fire word. Thank you, brother. Yeah, I just want to start off this podcast in gratitude to you for, I think you've expanded my vocab by at least 10 words. They say the average person I think knows 10 000 words william shakespeare
Starting point is 00:00:47 knew 27 000 words damn that's fire did he count all the words he knows i think uh yeah the narcissistic son of a bitch he just went through each one of his plays and he was like yep yep yep i know a lot no actually i think think it was literary scholars down the road did the math on it. Oh, nice. Yeah, but he stole huge chunks of his works from contemporaries of his. Yeah, he's a true Machiavellian, huh? Yeah. For sure.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Yeah, I heard that about him. But respect to that, dude. I mean, Picasso said, steal your shit. Yeah. So that's what makes you great so props to picasso for that and um should we dive in i think we should yeah all right let's get into some current events so uh lavar ball is uh in the news again because he's saying he has one son that already plays for the lakers lonzo ball who's a rookie came out of UCLA um and he has two more kids who
Starting point is 00:01:46 are going to be of age in like the next year and then the year after that and he says all three of his sons have to play for the Lakers or Lonzo's gonna leave damn and so LeVar you know you've probably seen him in like the media and stuff he's like um kind of an overbearing personality and he's like just always talking shit like says he could beat michael jordan one-on-one says he can be charles barkley one-on-one says you know the coach of the lakers sucks and he's just always like he's the the media just loves him and i mean i read a lot of articles about him too even though i find him to be sort of like obnoxious he just is good at being like newsworthy i guess yeah and i was was just wondering like what Chad's take was on LeVar.
Starting point is 00:02:27 I don't know, dude, to make demands like that, like, you know, just let your sons be. He sounds kind of controlling. Yeah, I do think that like he's created a, in a lot of ways, he's a good dad because like, you know, these kids seem, they actually seem pretty well adjusted, but I do think he's making their lives harder.
Starting point is 00:02:49 You know, he's like putting a target on all of them because yeah people are just annoyed by the dad so they're gonna take it out on the sons yeah it's like what what if you know one of the sons wants he's like but dude i don't even like la and he's like sorry you're going to the lakers dude yeah that's true i don't even know if the two younger boys want to play for well the thing is is that the other two sons might not be as good as lonzo yeah the middle one definitely isn't like he doesn't have pro prospects yeah according to most scouts and the youngest one might but he's like 17 so there's still a huge chasm where he needs to develop to see if he's gonna be an nba player yeah but it's not it's not a slam dunk yeah i'd like to hear his son's take on all of it because if my dad was just like running around just be like yeah he's gonna be on the lakers i'd be like dad shut up you know you're gonna
Starting point is 00:03:30 make everyone hate me right it's kind of embarrassing yeah like i'd just be like dad just let me get on the lakers my own and then flex on everyone that way you know instead of people being like oh your dad just got you on the lakers and be like well you know i did dribble a lot they're like yeah but your dad was just flexing on everyone saying you're going to the lakers and it's like well i have a good bounce shot so fuck you yeah your basketball knowledge is stunning thank you um but i think you're getting to something like that might be like the truest aspect of it is that he's actually being selfish yeah like he's building himself up not necessarily his boys he sounds like joe jackson to me right whereas like props to joe jackson for producing talented
Starting point is 00:04:18 sons and daughters but like let him chill a little bit dude dude. You know? Like, Mike was pretty hurt by his actions, I think. So if Joe could have taken his foot off the gas a little bit, maybe he never builds a compound called Neverland Ranch. Michael never does. I just think if Joe wasn't as, like, aggro, then he wouldn't have had to get that merry-go-round. And in terms of, like um intense parentage yeah like is there a good example of that i feel like they almost always turn out bad and they
Starting point is 00:04:55 always alienate the daughter or son that they're being too intense with yeah my parents like with me they always you know since i'm the younger one i'm one of the younger ones like they're pretty controlling with the older siblings i guess i don't really know because i wasn't alive but from what i hear they were uh they were pretty controlling then when they got to me they were like all right just go just be one with the ocean and whatever you want to do and that's what i did and yeah people always revered me for being pretty chill how about you what about your parents my parents were uh hedonist yeah but ethical hedonist so they were open but maybe they should have been more kind of like yo jt you can have this beer bong, but first do your geometry. It might have helped, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Yeah. Because I did fail out of high school. Have you been watching the Winter Olympics? What do you think about, like, tandem ice skating? I haven't watched it, but it sounds fire. It's mostly brother and sisters pairs and they they play at romance during the routines that's kind of weird yeah yeah i did see one uh one photo of this girl was basically sitting on this dude's face while
Starting point is 00:06:18 they were ice skating and um you know it got me kind of excited. But if that was brother and sister, that definitely lowers my blood flow. Which brings me, yeah, I always thought an interesting thing in the Budweiser commercial where they're like, if you like football on TV, shots of Gina Lee and twins. And the implication was that two hot identical people is extra hot. Except if you bone them, it means they're both severely disturbed because they're hooking up with their sister. Yeah. I don't want to bone with my brother in the same room. And I love my bros too so much.
Starting point is 00:07:09 But I would be kind of, I don't think I'd be able to bone at my full potential. Because I have older brothers and they'd probably be criticizing me. They'd be like, dude, Chad, is that like a thrust? What are you doing? I'd be like, I'm trying to thrust as much as I can, bro. And I'd be like, your thrust is the same as mine. He's like, I know. It's just getting under your skin and then he just like skeets everywhere and like this is gross and i'm irritated yeah the winter olympics i'm glad
Starting point is 00:07:34 they're happening and um go usa what did you think about that young lady who won the gold in snowboarding dude she's fired chloe kim and she dropped an f-bomb on tv dude stoked for especially because like i haven't seen the part where she says the f-bomb on tv but i'm pretty sure they'd be like how do you feel like i feel fucking amazing they're like you can't say that and you're like fuck you mbc that is the best part about the winter olympics is that like the snowboarders are like chucking 540s with like headphones in yeah and then when they get to the bottom they like shack a bowl and then they're like that was a killer run and i'm just so stoked to be here and i love my buddy dolan who like last night was such a beast and yeah thank
Starting point is 00:08:19 you for the gold medal and you're like all right these are like the kind of young americans who i could really see us believing in exactly yeah because you know that they have fire lives outside of what they're doing yeah like they just barely made it to the olympics i think they were like late yeah like they just cruised by accident yeah for sure i think that i don't know about you dude but when it comes to commentary i think extreme sports commentary is probably the best. Absolutely. I'd like to reference, if I may, Jake Brown in the 2007 X Games when he went for big air and he hit the lip wrong on the quarter pipe and flew up and dropped straight down to the flats 50 feet and it was scary but i think tony
Starting point is 00:09:08 hawk's commentary at that time really just sort of maintained my stoke during those scary times because like first he hits the big gap and there and then the dudes are like he's going for the 720 he does 720 lands it and they're like oh he did the 720 he did the 720 and then he hits the quarter pipe and he's like flying in the air like waving around then they're like oh oh oh oh and then he crashes and the whole audience at home was just like whoa is he gone for and then tony hawk just to maintain everyone's stoke goes after 10 seconds of him lying there motionless, just goes, still can't believe you made that 720. And I was just so amped.
Starting point is 00:09:52 I was like, yeah, dude, thank you for bringing it back to the 720. Because that was a fire trick. And even if he's dead, he pulled off a massive trick before his death this is like the winter games when they're um they're coming down not the winter games the x games the x games winter games yeah when they're coming down the sub they're like oh he comes into putney street and throws down a major grind for all 40 feet oh no he's coming into the money booter. Oh, he flashes a huge 720. Wow. Look at the amplitude.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Okay. He's down on Braun Street, and he's hucking a Monster 900. Oh, my God. This is outrageous. Dude, that commentary is so much more fire, especially when you're watching a baseball game. You're like, why is my dad's tax lawyer officiating this? Double to the outfield. That brings Roger Green's average up to 317 in September.
Starting point is 00:10:53 It's like, dude, why don't you guys get some pokey and a Mountain Dew and give some cool energy to your voice? Like the soccer guys in Europe? Dude, those guys get me fired up. I don't even know what the hell they're saying they get wordy yeah they're like with extreme precision he cuts through the middle of the defense searching for nothing more than a glimmer of hope to rescue his team from the doldrums of the table and he fires a majestic rocket into the back of the net was it ever in doubt he sent it with bad intentions and the crowd is roaring that was beautiful that makes me want to watch soccer even though it's probably the most boring sport to watch on earth
Starting point is 00:11:32 i do try to get into soccer my brother's like you just don't get it i'm like not i think you're working overtime to get it and it's uh there's really not much to it if you'll defend soccer like really it's the world's most popular sport i'm like cool do you guys do you only watch what's most popular i've like the world's been wrong before and in hundreds of years they'll look back on this and be like not cage fighting was way sicker than soccer yeah for sure you know like what's really popular that's not cool? Logan Paul. Yeah. Like Logan Paul's probably the most popular YouTuber and he sucks donkey dick on a regular basis.
Starting point is 00:12:13 And Logan, if you actually did suck donkey dick, I'd respect you more. I'm like, fine. This guy's doing something like newsworthy. That'd be good content. I'm glad we're making this show a lot about trash and logan paul because i don't really watch his stuff i have like perversely gone through his instagram feed before the fact that he showed a dead body yeah like a dude who killed himself oh dude look at his dead body post god should i post this photo of this dead body and his buddy was like yeah man it's real and
Starting point is 00:12:47 logan was like you're right dude i watched his like follow-up videos like whoa logan's been coming out of the blackout and now look at my place dude oh look at this uh look at this merch i got on i got i'm a fucking maverick be different that's what it's all about classic Logan I'm just like what are you doing dude I think I just picture him like in the the sad days after the uh after everybody got on him for showing the dead body and he's just sitting in like a foam pit and he's sad yeah and there's just like these little blocks around him and his friend like comes to cheer him up and does like a backflip off a trampoline into the foam pit next to him and he's like but he lands all sad too and he's like what up logan and logan's like i'm just you know thinking about things and he's like oh really dude
Starting point is 00:13:34 because um we're doing whippets in the other room and logan's like all right yeah i'm down it sounds like his life dude can i do one more winter o guy? Yeah. It's the, or the Winter X Games. It's the field reporter guy. Who's like, um, who's like, uh, yeah. So I'm down here with Kelvin Ramirez. He's about to rip up the pipe and, uh, yeah, he's super stoked because the conditions are perfect. He says if they come out with anything less than podium it'll be majorly disappointing all right sending it back up to you sal that guy's a beast i remember i was watching the x games where they're at puerto escondido and they're talking about the barrel he's like and then you're in the barrel and you get this thing it's called like where you just get this dumb feeling because you're
Starting point is 00:14:23 getting sucked in but you're also getting sucked out and it's just like tingly it's the best thing in surfing and yeah you may take a spill and knock your noggin and get like 10 stitches here and there but if you want to play you gotta pay and that's what puerto escondido is all about back to you strata wazalewski they don't have that in golf all right this has been interesting all right who is your um legend of the week before we get into those yeah i would like to address something um some people i hear were a bit upset at my remarks on the movie surfs up so i took it upon myself to watch the movie and i just want to say i loved it it was delightful it was a beautiful film and i'm sorry for my remarks i guess i was just thrown off by the idea of animal surfing but then another
Starting point is 00:15:14 courageous fan sent me a dm he's like look at this dog surfing i'm like dude you got me there so i just want to apologize to the directors producers and actors of surfs up you made a terrific film it really ignited my stoke in a way that you know i felt like the way toy toy story did when i first saw it so yeah my legend let's get into it who's your legend of the week my legend of the week it is my mom's dog luna golden retriever i think she's about two and a half now um i just i really relate to her on a lot of levels because i think we have similar hair and so whenever we see each other it's like we have this bond where it's just like i'll like look at her and she'll look at me and we'll just connect because like our hair is similar and then she'll just like we'll just like i'll like look at her and she'll look at me and we'll just connect because like our hair
Starting point is 00:16:05 is similar and then she'll just like we'll just like embrace each other puts all their dogs to shame just with how good looking she is but she's humble about it you know like she's not pretentious she goes up to everyone wants to give them a hug so my mom's dog luna is a legend that was fire she's fire my legend of the week is um my boy uh luke connor um he reached out to me uh we're buddies from high school and he told me he loved the pod nice so that was really chill and actually those like those X Games announcer things I was doing, he was the first one to do that. And he did it better than I just did.
Starting point is 00:16:50 And he'd do fire impressions of that. He also has a beautiful singing voice. And you know what? The whole family's legends. To all the Connor boys, you guys know I love you. You guys are my homies. And if you guys are listening to this pod that's enough motivation for me to always do the pod nice all right here's your uh babe of the week
Starting point is 00:17:12 babe of the week um this one is uh kind of come from left field but i think you're gonna be stoked when i say the name priyanka chopra she's the daughter of deep Deepak Chopra. She is a Bollywood actress transferred over to TV. And she's one of the highest paid TV actresses right now. She was in Baywatch. So again, I think a common thread among my babes of the week is that they're very knowledgeable with swimsuits. Which I deeply respect. And she's also in Quantico right now. But she's the daughter of Deepak who as you
Starting point is 00:17:46 know I go to the Deepak Chopra Center with my mom and just get my chi in line and just really get my wisdom just fire um so you know being the daughter of Deepak you know that her wisdom is just off the charts her chi is just unbelievable she's a total babe she makes bank she's very influential and i just want to say priyanka i just want to give you props for you know your dad may be deepak chopra but you've carved your own epic path and got into baywatch and i just want to say if you ever want to give me a chance my name is chad what up, um, I like to meditate. Dude, fire.
Starting point is 00:18:29 I had no idea that was Deepak Chopra's daughter. Yeah. Beast of a family. Yeah. I was about to say like, um, talking about intense parents. I'm sure he was like intense about like enlightenment. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:40 It's like, how's your chi this morning? Yeah. It's good, dad. Well, your, your energy's off.
Starting point is 00:18:46 I can feel it. Go ahead. Have you achieved perfect balance with the universe today? I'm trying, Dad. Don't try. Just accept. I don't understand what you mean by that, Dad. I meditated for like three hours this morning.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Know what I'm saying. Okay. Okay. Okay. But dad, I don't mean to be forward, but your cheat, it doesn't feel right. Any sentence that starts with but has a negative energy. You're propelling negative energy towards a center of encouragement. Do you see the misalignment? I think Oprah's getting to your head.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Big head. Big fucking head. You big ego douche. Please remove the malice from your diatribe. Oprah, let me finish. Oprah does not run my head. The only person who runs my head is the intellectual superseding energy of the universe. And I translate
Starting point is 00:19:47 that to many people, including Oprah. Forget you, dad. I'm going to go get wise by myself. I must remove myself from the tension and allow you to find your own momentary evolutionary purpose. Later.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Go with peace. Yeah, why don't you shove that peace up your ass, dad? You will not leave this house until you're gone forever! Do you know what I'm saying? I'm saying you play by my rules, motherfucker! Oh, look who's chi is off, dad. This has nothing to do with my chi. This has everything to do with your weird teenage hormones.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Why don't you check your mantra and go screw yourself, dad? This mantra built this house. And the food that you eat is paid for by my mantras. Whatever. Maybe I just don't want to be wise. Maybe I just want to be uptight and not in touch with the infinite intelligence that is the universe. The things that you want in your life and the things that I know you want, like to star in your very own network television series or to play the
Starting point is 00:20:56 principal villain in a box office, summer smash to get there. You're going to need the tools I'm encouraging you to use. Well, maybe your parenting style is creating limiting beliefs in me. That's not going to allow me to get there you're gonna need the tools i'm encouraging you to use well maybe your parenting style is creating limiting beliefs in me that's not gonna allow me to get there dad look i allow you to have your own thinking but that thinking cannot come at the expense of the respect you have for your mother your family and for me
Starting point is 00:21:19 all right fine i love you i love you too i'm sorry i lost my temper there that's okay look i know my work can cast a long shadow and sometimes you have to deal with you have to deal with the incongruencies that come from any parent son daughter dynamic but i want you to know i appreciate you and i think you're doing a great job. Thanks. Can I get ice cream with Johnny later? No. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Watch it. Sorry. Who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is, it's going to be a curveball to some my baby of the week is half boar bjornsson a dude he uh a lot of you guys might know him as the mountain from game of thrones oh respect yeah the guy's a beast and so he was discovered because he's a world-class power lifter and there's a fire video of him uh dead lifting a thousand pounds and his nordic buddies are in
Starting point is 00:22:31 the background getting so jacked like they're just like and then he's like and he blasts it out yeah and i think you know like every babe they got some babe friends who help them reach their full babeness. Yeah. And I just think, you know, like this guy's a different kind of babe. Dude, props to you for thinking outside the box like that. Even the dude who can deadlift a thousand pounds is still a babe. I think you're redefining the term babe. I'm trying to expand its definition.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Yeah. Nice. Here's some audio from the, the dead. They are fired up. Wait, can I watch it? The music is fire too. I think it's Hollywood undead. Do it dude. His boys are so jacked up. They're so jacked. they're so jacked i'm jealous of the squad the squad is fired oh if you can hear that that's how jacked i get every time chad finishes a tall boy dude i'm gonna come out and say it that video right there is reminiscent of you at the gym except you're not even wearing shoes i see a lot
Starting point is 00:23:53 of similarities between you and the mountain thank you dude yeah and i just want to have boys in the background every time i'm hitting a deadlift or crushing a beer bong just been like for sure i'm like thanks guys that's probably the quickest i've ever chugged a beer bong let's send that to the squad and let's all practice doing that yeah because also if you're at a party and you chug a beer bong and then your crew is just around you yelping like mad hyenas everyone at the party is gonna want to hang with you yeah for sure who's your beef of the week uh well beef and keep it local beef is between me and ass clown yeah uh i pulled a hilarious prank on him i antiqued the fuck out of him antiquing for those of you who don't know is when someone's passed out or sleeping you put a bunch of flour on them so then when they
Starting point is 00:24:45 wake up um they're just caked in flour it was hilarious because like it gave the boys like an hour-long laugh at least ass clown but when he woke up he was pissed but i think the reason he's so pissed at me is because as we all know ass clown is a wizard and when i antiqued him he peed and the pea caked the flower all over his jeans essentially ruining his vulcan genes noted that sucks but i think the laughs that we all had kind of worth the pain you suffered that's the beef i would just give ass clown time yeah and i think he'll come close to the perspective that you have thank you i i agree maybe the anger will subside and he'll be like damn that was funny yeah even like the worst of incidents if shared with your tightest bros yeah become moments to relish. Epic.
Starting point is 00:25:48 All right, dudes, let's get into the questions for the podcast. Up top, we got Spencer. I broke my right hand a couple weeks ago and I've been stuck in a cast since the surgery. I've been managing driving stick well enough, but can't shift gears with anywhere near the aggression I want. The other day, some chump in an M3 buzzes my tower trying to get me to race him
Starting point is 00:26:06 what do i do in that situation when i've got a clipped wing and the jabroni is trying to flex on me the dude buzzed his tower yeah great terminology i think you should just let this dude this reminds me of the in too fast too furious when fonzie and those other dudes are flexing their muscle cars on paul and tyrese yeah they were flexing their muscle cars on Paul and Tyrese. Yeah, they were flexing hard, and yeah, they showed up to the race with babes, but in the end, Paul and Tyrese won. So just let this dude have his day, and then when your hand's healed up good, start shifting hard again, and you're going to come out a better, stronger dude.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Thoughts? shifting hard again and you're going to come out a better stronger dude thoughts my first thought is it's so hard to let a jabroni live yeah it's hard to let someone like that get away with that arrogance yeah but i would tell spencer who's already you're a legend i can already tell from the way you wrote this i would tell spencer to focus on the real race you don't have time to spend checking this dude leave that to his lower tier to the lower tier people like him yeah let this jabroni just fucking do his thing and he will eventually eat dick yeah he's gonna buzz the wrong tower just trust in the universe yeah kj what up homies just because the fast and furious movies are filled with babes if you had the choice would you rather eat letty's disaster no letty's dirt star or mia's stoked to say what you dudes have
Starting point is 00:27:38 to say yeah i've thought about this a lot because they both offer i think it just comes down to the type of woman you prefer letty is um she's fierce she's strong she's knows what she wants i think they're both very strong women but i think mia is a little more maternal. And I don't mean to, you know, disrespect Paul in any way, but I think Mia, I gravitate more towards her caring ways. And that's why I would happily eat her dirt star. I love how carefully you approach that. Thank you. i love how carefully you approach that thank you you know dude my first instinct is to say either like i'd be really thrilled to eat either's dirt star
Starting point is 00:28:32 of course or um you know just be in the vicinity of their dirt star and i i was gonna say maybe i have to get to know them first before I can make this call. But I already kind of know them because they've been in six or seven movies. So I've spent probably upwards of 15 hours with each of them. More than that. Well, yeah, because I've watched the movies over and over again too. Probably like a thousand. So I'm pretty closely attuned to who they are. So that all being said, I think I would just go with Paul.
Starting point is 00:29:13 I think I'd go with Paul's Dirt Star. Brian's. Or should I say Brian's Dirt Star? Trevor, what up, boys? This one's for Chad. Yeah, well, I might dip in dip in trev is there anything you wouldn't do for melania's love to be reciprocated rooting for you in this battle of red hot love anything i wouldn't do no
Starting point is 00:29:35 would you give up pokey for her fuck i would give up pokey for you melania dude at what point does love become see romantic love and a lot of different frameworks can be perceived as unhealthy what would i be without pokey what would i be yeah you really you really screw with my head here jt to quote jackie chan in the movie who am I who am I JB am I a bro I've always considered myself to be fairly anti-bro however listening to your podcast it's possible we might be birds of a feather in particular the things I'm stoked about are one getting stoked to all things surf related three wishing I knew how to surf for chilling with my bros I'm curious to hear your thoughts on the matter.
Starting point is 00:30:29 And if I am indeed a bro, how can I be the change I'd like to see in the bro community? I think you need to own that you are a bro. But if there's certain aspects of the bro culture that you don't like, then don't support them. I'm about to get deadly serious here okay there was a stretch in my life where to be perfectly candid i did not want to be a bro for this i didn't like when people identified me as a bro i didn't like it especially when people close to me said i was a bro because I felt like I was so much more than that. And then at a certain point, I realized that a lot of my best qualities are directly connected to me being a bro, because I am. I am a bro. And loving to be with my friends,
Starting point is 00:31:22 loving to bring it 100% with my friends in any context, but especially a party. Developing relationships quickly with people, being open to other people. And then when you find a little connection, you look for that next connection and you get real close to people real fast. And your group is always expanding. But you're always thinking back to those earliest bros, and they're around the night's table. You know, I remember this phase of your life. You were wearing sweaters.
Starting point is 00:31:56 You put on glasses. Always carrying a book. Doing slam poetry. I think everyone was like, let's let par have his moment i was about to say yeah because we knew we knew who you truly were but we weren't gonna force it on you you know like the squad was always there for you we went to your slam poet nights and yeah we may have clowned on you behind your back yeah i'm sorry man you know i um we weren't clowned on you behind your back. Yeah, I'm sorry, man. You know, we weren't clanging on you too hard.
Starting point is 00:32:27 It was just, you'd get really into it. I am John. I am a table. This table was not built overnight. It grew from step by step. Carving, moving, shaping. My parents flowing through my life, in and out. Rocks in a stream, heavy but solid.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Picked up, once in a while, a current of emotion, too strong for me to handle, grabbing at everything I can mandle. You know, as a more mature adult than when I first heard that, I gotta tell you, dude, you're a good slam poet. P.S., have you ever seen the movie North Shore? Highly recommend it.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Yes. Yeah, I've seen it, it's awesome, dude. I love it. I used to watch it at surf camp every summer.S. Have you ever seen the movie North Shore? Highly recommend it Yes Yeah I've seen it it's awesome dude I love it I used to watch it at surf camp every summer Yeah Meredith our second lady to write in What up Meredith Thank you so much Meredith
Starting point is 00:33:15 Thank you Meredith I've been single for like 16 months now and I don't know the issue I'm thinking about hitting on dudes more openly I'll add that I party frequently Two to four nights a week. I know you guys typically throw down with dudes, but when you see girls at a rager or kickback, do you think it's weird if they start macking on you straight up?
Starting point is 00:33:32 Thanks. Dry spell. You know, as a young grom, I first started to get intimate with the ladies, and they would mack on me first, and that was so appreciative. My dog, Chad, just living that life of uninterrupted green lights for sure all right up next we got hey chad and jt what do you look for in a woman i'm single a knowledge of bathing suits a love of the beach i love the beach lifestyle openness um just uh loving walks on the beach a love of good quality movies usually the fast series and michael bay
Starting point is 00:34:15 um you know just uh ready down for a good laugh down for a good chug, down to get a banana split, down to get some pokey, and down to cuddle a lot, especially during sunsets. For me, there's Tripp's main values. It's one, got to respect my parents. Two, got to be able to have a good time when shitty stuff is happening. Like, you know, can be up when the chips are down and just like courageous that we're going to find a way to stoke. And lastly, has to beetic to other viewpoints and can see the validity in things that they may not traditionally believe in. That was beautiful. I mean, I've spent nights just looking up at the stars being like, what is it that I want? Yeah. You got to outline that for the uni. You got it. Yes. The universe has given you
Starting point is 00:35:21 information. It's up to you to disseminate into a real actionable philosophy boom sam jt chad what's up dogs i just want to start off by saying your guys podcast brings so much joy to my life you guys obviously have mad love for each other and have really created a strong bond thank you thank you this kind of bond is typically hard to find amongst another bro so my question for you guys is is there a specific moment or memory within the start of your guys's friendship that you realize damn that's my dog what are the some of the pillars to your guys's strong bromance thank you dude yeah thank you um you know because we met in high school i would say the moment i knew Chad was my dog was the moment I first like spent the night at his crib. Cause like when you know somebody at school,
Starting point is 00:36:12 you know them in a specific context, but until you see them at home, you don't really know like what their actual lifestyle is about. But then I saw like Chad was living like a very, um, intentional life. Like he was like eating the right kind of food he was bronzing he was like working on his mind and he had goals and i was like oh dude like spending
Starting point is 00:36:32 time with this guy i see that he's the real deal and i want to be around that as much as possible yeah i think for me thank you dude that means so much um i think for me the major point was when i saw you first get naked at one of your ragers but it wasn't just that because i was so impressed by that kind of willingness to be open and just with everyone and like you were able to talk to people and just sort of bond with everyone in such a charming way even though your dong was out and then so and at first thought you might think oh this guy he's just like a he loves to rage and get down and he's just like kind of a wild card but then i when i first started talking to you you threw these fire words at me i'm like oh not only can he rage and get down, but he's also like an intellectual.
Starting point is 00:37:31 So this guy, not only can he bond with everyone around him, be open and emotionally intelligent, but he's also on a whole other level. But he doesn't have that pretentiousness to where it's like, you know, he's like wearing glasses and like all snooty he's just like naked and quoting shakespeare and plato thank you dog yeah and then what are some of the pillars to your guys's strong bromance for me it's listening and um believing that the other person is always acting from a place of goodness openness honesty
Starting point is 00:38:11 having fun i think that's a major thing if you can consistently have fun with a bro you know you got something special i think laughs are a big thing if there's like a a relationship where you can tell like this dude like respects you or something, but at the same time, it's you're like, why do I feel weird talking to him every time? You know, there's some kind of unspoken divide, but when you can like bond with someone upon first seeing them, that's when you know you have a special thing. And sometimes, you know, you aren't meant to connect with everyone. So, you know, if there's someone that's just weird with, it's just weird with them, you know, aren't meant to connect with everyone so you know if there's someone that's just weird with it's just weird with them you know don't force it maya angelo has a good
Starting point is 00:38:51 quote where he says people will forget what you say people for will forget what you do but no one forgets how you made them feel oh christopher chad jt dudes i need your help my parents go out of town next week and i want to throw an epic rager we just moved into a new house and if anything got broken my dad would kill me how do i rage and make sure the house doesn't get messed up thanks dudes shout out to boomer kingsley what up boomer uh thank you dude i solution came to my mind instantly bubble wrap because you are you were killing two birds with two stones with that my friend bubble wrap you can bubble wrap everything in the house and also what is more fun to play with than anything bubble wrap great makes for a great party you can make fire noises i've been in this situation a lot you must have the party i can already tell from
Starting point is 00:39:46 your personality that it's in your bones to throw ragers and that's something that can't be ignored destiny is destiny i would say this though my dog i would bubble wrap everything like chad said and then i would move it i would put little post-it notes on under every piece of furniture and or lamp or whatever with where it goes and i would move it all into a secure location like be it like a friend's shed or the garage and i would i would also lock every bedroom and then climb out from the windows so no one has access to the rooms you really have done this before i have yeah and so find a way to do that where you can make sure that no one has access to like your dad's room especially because that's your dad just doesn't want people going through a shit. I'm sure that's a huge part of it. And then so lock all the doors from the inside with whatever means you have to do that with like chairs and stuff and then party proof the house and nothing can get broken down there.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Even if you want to go wild, I was never able to accomplish this. I put trash bags all over the floor because if a ton of people come, they're going to be stomping on the carpet and wood and there's going to be trails of everybody who passed through the house. So, and here's another thing that I would do. I would gather cash from your, this is kind of weird, gather cash from your bros and have cleaning people come the next day. Already have that on the books before the party. A crew of two to three people to come in
Starting point is 00:41:06 and clean up everything, spick and span. That's a beautiful plan. I know you got this, dog. You can do this, Christopher. Have this party. Make it happen. Be a legend. Rage on.
Starting point is 00:41:24 And don't let anybody drink too much. Be responsible. And keep those bedrooms locked. Locked. Billmer. What up, council? There's this smoking hot professor that I've been eyeing for a while.
Starting point is 00:41:36 I've been trying to make my move, but I feel like it's going nowhere. Every day that passes, my stoke meter drops a little with my confidence. What should I do, my bros? Help me. You know, I'd let that fire inside you burn but i'd wait until after classes you're out of the class to make a move because you don't want to start boning this chick and then like everyone in your class is like well dude this guy's getting an A because he's plowing the instructor.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Every teacher wants their students to do well, and they want their kids to laugh at their jokes. Never laugh at her jokes, but stare at her after all of her jokes so she knows you heard it. Get A's in her class, but don't make it look like you're trying at all because she's got to think you're smart. And then when the time comes be honest nice and tell her you were doing all that stuff to get her to like you and then she'll be like oh an equal opponent i don't want jake what up chad my name is jake wood i too enjoy shredding waves that mother ocean provides so my
Starting point is 00:42:46 question to you is what is your go-to pickup line for the beautiful beach lady who just watched you tear your session up um dude you know you gotta come in and you gotta make sure she knows you shred because like that's that you just gotta come and be like hey what up did you see that tail slide did you see that snap coming with a question like that like firing and then she and then if she says yes then you can keep on uh pursuing but make sure she knows you shred all right my dudes that will do it for the sixth episode of the going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. I just want to say thank you so much to all of you guys for all your support. Keep writing in the questions.
Starting point is 00:43:33 We love them for all of our videos and stuff. Chadgoesdeep.com on YouTube and all that stuff. And we started a Patreon. If you want to become a Patron, I think it's just Patreon at Chad Goes Deep. So hit that up. uh we're on itunes so give us a rating and a review we'd love that thank you guys so much stay deep jt you want to say anything jermaine parra's a moron yeah jermaine parra i just want to say your podcast the scorcher podcast eats dong so uh yeah Just keeping that feud going. Alright, later dudes.
Starting point is 00:44:12 What's your team? Go with me. Chatting JT.

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