Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 63 - Skateboarding Class, The Cleanse, Chicken Mishap

Episode Date: March 28, 2019

What up stokers, sorry for the fricken delay! Episode 63 is a banger as Chad is in ketosis and JT is in fire form. We discuss Chad's skate class, JT's update with the Australian lady, Quenti...n Tarantino's new trailer and much more! Check it out.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh, what's up Stokers of Stoke Nation? What up dudes? We're here at episode 63, I'm here with my compadre, Sean Thomas, what up? What up dude, boom clap Stokers How you doing? I'm good with my compadre, Sean Thomas. What up? What up, dude? Boom clap, Stokers. How you doing? I'm good, man. Fresh off a home visit? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Nice. Staycation. Went down and hung with the fam. Saw some old friends. Just watched people. Nice. I'm a voyeur, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:38 I like to watch. That sounds weirder than it was. No, I know what you're saying. Like at my mom's neighborhood pool, you can see it from her place i would just like look and be like who's out there you're sitting there what's their story yeah the uh the actor the actress who's the really good famous one meryl streep meryl streep apparently she does that she just watches people yeah to learn the behavior well also it's like i went to a club by myself last night i went to the bungalow in huntington beach just solo yeah and i just like walked around like it's hard to when you're by
Starting point is 00:01:09 yourself you don't want to stay still for too long because then everyone's like who's this guy who's all alone yeah you know so you stay on the move so it looks like you're going somewhere yeah and i would just be like i was like man i feel uncomfortable it's like just focus on other people and then i just i'd watch do you feel it start to feel good yeah it felt better yeah i mean there was always that pang of loneliness of being solo there i was like man i wish i had a dog to just fucking bounce off of or you know to get up the courage to go um talk to a a woman but instead i just i just stayed on the march yeah both a human and a pet yeah two kinds of dogs yeah when you first said dog, I thought you actually meant dog.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Oh, yeah, I did. I wish I had my childhood dog, Taz, with me at the bar. Nothing draws a crowd like a dog, either. You could be like, man, I'm so nervous to talk to that girl, and the dog will just look at you, and you're like, you're right. I got a lot of courage from Taz. Yeah, dogs do that. That's what dogs are for.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Amen. What else, dude? Dude, I'm feeling good. How you doing? I'm on day five of the cleanse. You look good, dude. I look good? You look like you've had the breakthrough.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Dude, I did have the breakthrough. I feel actually really good. Nice, dude. I think I'm definitely in ketosis right now. That's awesome. But yeah, starting yesterday, my energy levels were super high and just i've been in a really good mood oh fuck yeah so um yeah whatever it's doing is making me feel good that's
Starting point is 00:02:32 awesome i was thinking about you know i don't know if i'm gonna go the full 10 days because it's pretty gnarly and all i can think about is eating like an entire cow um that's gonna taste so good when you finally do though yeah i think i think I'm gonna do it tomorrow, but, uh, it's just, uh, I don't know, dude. I was like, I went to a class today, dominated, uh, but feeling good. All like so many, uh, anxieties I used to have. I think part of it has been caffeine free too, because like I would drink coffee and I'd get these little anxieties here and there, you know, that were just so pointless and would just get in the way of my day and just like overall performance and whatever I'm doing. And those have kind of like melted away.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Wow. Or they'll like, they'll be there a little bit, but, um, I'm able to just sort of brush them away more easily. Dude, diet is an elixir for anxiety. That's pretty powerful. Yeah. So I think a lot of it is the no caffeine. Right. And plus, like, I have more energy than when I was drinking coffee. Right. But the first two days were rough, even, like, during the podcast. And then the second day was really tough. When we recorded the last one. Right.
Starting point is 00:03:36 I was just fucking. Adjusting. I was, like, foggy. It was, like, foggy headed and just, like, I watched watched war movies i was in a dark place and if anyone's curious as to what kind of class chad went to as a skateboarding class yeah yeah and he dominated i dominated and there's some like nine-year-olds there and just fucking you know because they can be intimidating yeah and they're not as worried about falling yeah they don't understand the consequences of it like once you've gotten older and broken a few bones you're like i really don't
Starting point is 00:04:07 want to fucking have to do that again yeah they're like you're so old i'm like really watch me stomp this impossible i can't really argue with that prove your youth on the board yeah i'm like that's weekend ketosis little fucking toby nice there's a kid toby there is he a dick yeah he's just like he likes to flex a little bit but it's all good kids are good at getting under your skin too because they'll say the stuff they're not supposed to they really call out all my insecurities yeah especially in that class yeah like they'll even not even like about my body like even about my board you know they're like ew you're using Alien Workshop? Do you want me to be Toby for a second?
Starting point is 00:04:48 Yeah. Hey, Chad. What's up, Toby? What'd you say? I said, what's up, Toby? Oh, that's cool. Is that your board? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Cool. What's with the tone? What are you talking about i'm talking about your is there something wrong with my board no and why did you say it like that i don't know man what's your problem toby you don't have to get loud man all right we all just want to ride our boards i don't know why you're well you came at me all aggro flexing what you know like you're like hey nice board chad douche i'm sorry if you interpreted that as my subtext i didn't mean it that way uh i just want to have a good session i want you to have a good session i want us all to have some fun you always play these mind games with me right before we go out and hit the park i know what you're doing
Starting point is 00:05:47 chat i don't play mind games do you think maybe you're playing mind games on yourself you're not the uh arnold schwarzenegger of the skateboarding class i don't even know who that is what i was born in 2010 i don't know who arnold schwarzenger is. Toby, I saw you trying to do a 360 variable yesterday. Sorry for calling it variable. And it sucked. You piece of shit motherfucker. Mm-hmm. I do have a problem with you, Chad.
Starting point is 00:06:22 What? I think you're too old for this class. I think you're weak on your board, and I think you're weak in your dome. And I'm going to come with you, Chad. What? I think you're too old for this class. I think you're weak on your board, and I think you're weak in your dome, and I'm gonna come for you, dog. Well, I'm in ketosis right now, okay? So watch me hit that quarter P, and then you can suck my giant dick. Your dick is bigger than mine. Mm-hmm. It should be. You're older.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Yeah, dude, you don't even have pubes yet. You can't even jizz yet. So who do you think you're talking to? I like how clean my shit looks. When I drop trowel and I look at myself in the mirror, I'm proud of my pubeless area. What, with your worthless boners? You can't even procreate, bitch. My T-levels are through the roof.
Starting point is 00:06:55 I don't even want to cum. Ew. Gross. Well, you're going to want to, idiot. Maybe. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I'll probably be the best skater in this class still when it happens. Fuck you, Toby.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Man, I can't believe you have to deal with that all the time. All the time, dude. He comes at me like that. He's so passive aggressive for a nine year old. Dude, it's like, it kills me. But yeah, so from the cleanse, I think what the main takeaway, I'm not sure if the whole like clean your body thing is like real, but I think the main takeaway is if you like eat real foods, you feel better. Right.
Starting point is 00:07:32 That's what I've gathered. Yeah, like what's not a real food? Just like processed foods. Right. Like, you know, fucking chips. If you're eating stuff that like you're literally taken out of the ground. Yeah. Fucking chips.
Starting point is 00:07:43 If you're eating stuff that you're literally taking out of the ground. Yeah. I'm just going to, you know, like meats, greens, you know, maybe sweet potato. I'd like to grow and kill everything I put in me. That'd be cool. Yeah. That'd be real cool. The Rogan paradigm. I want some chickens laying eggs.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Or roosters, sorry. That'd be nice. I got some chickens killed when i was a kid our neighbors had a chicken coop and i uh collected some of the eggs and i didn't close the gate properly and then the dogs got in there the dogs and the next morning my mom was like jump thomas a bunch of the chickens died last night mookie and dippy got into the penthouse i was like wow that's a tragedy did they find out i yeah i think everybody knew it was my fault oh but they kind of let me off the hook because i was six oh yeah but i have
Starting point is 00:08:31 not forgotten damn dude yeah they're precious creatures it's like you got these sweet dogs but underneath their exteriors they're you know savages yeah and once you find their edge and hit their primal trigger they're going yeah they're going not so cute when you're a chicken no dude uh update on the australian girl oh yeah yeah give it to me some of the stokers have been texting me or messaging me being like oh dude pumped on you and the australian girl and uh yeah we've been talking and then on her instagram last night i see a photo with her and another guy at the beach like kind of snuggling what yeah but i've been talking to other girls on hinge since we met it's not like that but it did kind of take the wind out of my sails just got in my car started driving put on christina aguilera fighter with the window down
Starting point is 00:09:31 beautiful that's what you gotta do and then i just imagined me like running upstairs like so that the next time it doesn't happen i still have faith that you guys are gonna you're not alone because i i still messaged her today and was like, Hey, I got like a function that should be a lot of fun tonight. You should come by. She can't, she's going to her fave concert.
Starting point is 00:09:52 But I was like, I'm not out of the game yet. Yeah. Dude, I, well, my current GF, she posted a photo with her roommate in like January.
Starting point is 00:10:02 And they were like, uh, this dude, like Keaton. Yeah.aton yeah and everyone thought it was her with like a new guy and so the Stokers got savage the Stokers got savage yeah yeah but it was just her with her roommate so you know yeah it's appreciated but um you know we got it yeah oh yeah yeah that yeah thank you for looking out for me but i got it yeah um but i was just saying you know that picture of her with that was just her with
Starting point is 00:10:31 her roommate yeah it wasn't anything like but i'm saying for your case oh it could have been her roommate i mean you never know hey dude and but you know this little mishap could lead to you finding someone that's even more special it's's pinball. Bounce off one wall, hit another one. You don't know what the final score is going to be. That's life, baby. Yeah, just keep that ball in play. Yeah. Keep that ball in play.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Keep hitting the paddles. Yeah. Don't worry. You'll get some. Just stay in the game. Keep enjoying every moment. I'm trying, baby. It's tough.
Starting point is 00:10:59 I try to love it all. Yeah. Yeah, but it's hard. That's what I like to hear. I mean, you're fresh out of fucks, according to your mug. You imagine just like you have kids and you walk around with this at home. Kids are like, nice mug, dad. You got a kid like, what's that kid's name?
Starting point is 00:11:17 You're beefing with him in the class? Yeah, you got a kid like Toby. Nice mug, dad. Yeah. What's that, son? Was that sincere when you said that? Are you fucking with me, Toby? I'm fucking with you, dad. Well, toby i got a little message for you i'm fresh out of fucks all right i'm fresh out of fucks now go see your mother hey toby i got uh news for you about your
Starting point is 00:11:34 criticism i'm fresh out of fucks bitch i'm too late for class then you go to your wife you're like toby is killing me he is ruining my self-esteem dude my uh my nephew over the holidays or maybe it's my niece was like i was like i don't like chad's hair and she said that yeah she's like i don't like uncle chad's hair and i was like it's weird when kids that age get jealous i was like i would never say something like that to my uncle yeah or to any human being yeah and i was like i don't know i just looked at her i'm like what the fuck are you doing you're like does this mean war yeah well like are we enemies now well i said to her i was like i was like what the fuck did you just say? Then my brother intervened. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:25 You let her get to you a little bit. Yeah. I was pissed. I mean, I feel like your niece and nephews are supposed to be like, wow, you're amazing. You look like Apollo, but they say that they don't like your hair. Sorry. Do you think you were extra pissed because you were so surprised to be betrayed by her yeah i was pissed and i was like you know what i think my favorite nephew is my brother's dog
Starting point is 00:12:52 whoa because he loves me all the time i've seen that in a lot of people and sorry bill if you're listening i love my niece and nephew but n Nash gives me all the love I could ever ask for. But maybe I'm not giving them enough love, so they're kind of like reciprocating. It's hard. It's chicken or the egg thing. Yeah. I'll tell you one thing. They're wrong.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Oh, thank you. You got good hair. Thanks. I think anybody would say that. Shout out to Jess. She's great. Oh, you're going to Jess now? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Yeah. She is great. Should we dive into topics? Yeah. So, dude, let's watch it one more time so it's extra fresh. We're going to watch the Once Upon a Time in Hollywood teaser trailer. Aaron, are we able to pull it up on this monitor i was probably just gonna play it and then edit it out that we watched it and just
Starting point is 00:13:52 skip straight to our reaction we're gonna watch the trailer real quick and then come back and have our reactions but it's our third time watching it so what did you think of the once upon a time in hollywood trailer it looks amazing quentin tarantino's ninth film. I like the way he does that, where it's like, this is a big deal. It's my ninth movie. Yeah. I don't really know what it's about yet, but it looks awesome. Yeah, it was skimpy on plot details. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:13 But dude, there's one thing that cannot be disputed. Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio are cool. They are cool, and they look great. Yeah, when you see them pop in a frame together, you're like, this is the most coolness I've ever seen in a single frame. Great hair, great facial expressions. expressions cool dudes lots of tea their their timing is so good with each other amazing yeah god they're both what a great combo you know i've got a thing about leonardo caprio i'd like him a lot as an actor but i don't like him when he plays tough guys
Starting point is 00:14:39 yeah i don't think it's totally believable, like especially in Blood Diamond. He has to play like a mercenary who grew up in like the hard world of like Zimbabwe or Rhodesia. Yeah. But I just don't think... Or even Departed. Yeah, yeah. Like I didn't like him in the Departed either. It's hard to buy into.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Yeah. I thought I liked Matt Damon way more in that movie. I like Leonardo DiCaprio when he plays like a dandy. Like I thought he was amazing in like Django Unchained. I thought he was amazing in Wolf of Wall Street. I like him a lot in like Catch Me If You Can where he plays like kind of softer not softer guy like the guy in Wolf of Wall Street's a madman but when he plays characters that aren't like warriors basically yeah when he put like in the Revenant I wasn't crazy about him yeah
Starting point is 00:15:19 but this looks more in his wheelhouse that I think where he excels the most yeah he's just he's an actor yeah he has a stuntman yeah yeah i love it and he's kind of up his butt a little bit but he plays that so well and i love the old hollywood vibe very that just makes me happy that kind of that vibe the look is amazing like the way they show the streets of la and stuff in the centerama dome yeah it feels iconic yeah just brad pitt is just he has great like facial expressions especially with his eyebrows and his forehead you know yeah he's good at like crinkling up his forehead at the right time he's really good yeah i always notice that in like troy when he's like contemplating he's like he looks beautiful in that movie yeah his accent works a little rough
Starting point is 00:16:02 yeah he's so good i love him i think my favorite performance from him besides like you know i really like him in like mr and mrs smith i think he's so funny and cool in that movie yeah but i mean that's obviously not one of his like great movies i think of like his like oscar type movies that he's been in the one i liked his performance the most and was money ball yeah and he has that scene where it's all about his facial reactions where he just listens to his daughter play a song at the guitar center yeah and he has that scene where it's all about his facial reactions where he just listens to his daughter play a song at the guitar center yeah and his he's you really think it's like he's that girl's dad and he's about to cry because she's so talented it's like unbelievably uh real i watch i re-watch moneyball clips because i love that i re-watch money clips not too yeah and his his
Starting point is 00:16:42 timing and that he has such interesting like vocal timing. Yeah. He has a very good voice. What's the problem? What's the problem? Yeah. And then the scene like drags on, you get like uncomfortable. Or like during the game when he's doing like lat pull downs.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Yeah. And then they win and he does like the, the, the like. That's his other, his physicality is great. Yeah. He like, he doesn't celebrate all the way, but it's like, he's like containing it. He's like. The restrained enthusiasm yeah dude i it's so funny you bring up his physicality and like his celebrations because there's one scene in mr and mrs smith where uh she like almost kills him when he's coming to the house yeah and he's walking across the lawn and he's playing it like a
Starting point is 00:17:17 frustrated husband you know who's also a uh assassin he's like god damn it and he pumps his fist yeah and it's so funny yeah yeah dude yeah miss i love mr and mrs smith i used to that's one of those movies i would watch like over and over they reshot the third act of that movie like a million times and it doesn't even matter that it doesn't work because they work so well together yeah you can feel that they were boning yeah off camera oh dude the scene when they get back when they're fighting and then they start boning yeah and absurd me and joe p talk about that scene all the time awesome yeah it's nice nice and rough yeah and then well the capstone of that scene where they pull the guns on each other and they're gonna kill each other and he puts down the gun he's like i can't do it he's like if you want it take it she's like god damn
Starting point is 00:18:06 it god damn it no no yeah and then they drop the guns and fucking bone yeah um yeah and then the bruce lee impression is very good in the once upon a time in hollywood trailer like that guy's really drilling it is that a direct quote i don't think it's a direct quote but that's his voice i mean it's 100 bruce lee yeah and the guy does a Time in Hollywood trailer. Like that guy's really drilling it. Is that a direct quote? I don't think it's a direct quote, but that's his voice. I mean, it's 100% Bruce Lee. Yeah. And the guy does a good job. Nice.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Dude, did you watch the, we tried to watch the HBO doc Theranos about a, what's her name? Elizabeth Holmes. She's this like young wall busting entrepreneur who starts a company called Theranos, which is like a Silicon Valley company that's going to revolutionize the way
Starting point is 00:18:52 they do blood testing. She came up with a model that you don't actually need to go intravenous into the vein. You can just prick somebody, get their blood, then run it through like a printer sized box that does 200 blood tests for like a fraction of the cost of the ones that you get at the hospital that take like a week to do. And so it was literally going to change the world. It was such a good idea. Like when I saw the idea, I was like, whoa, we need that.
Starting point is 00:19:13 And I think those are the best ones. We were like, yes, that really fixes a problem we have. But then you realize through the course of the documentary that it was all like a sham. And she was just really good at lying and telling stories yeah she's very she had that like visionary charisma yeah she was so intense yeah and so weird her eyes were always her eyes were the size of saucers her voice was weird so i heard a friend was telling me that she deepened her voice because apparently there's studies that say
Starting point is 00:19:41 men respect women more who speak with like a deep oh really like baritone oh i don't know if women they don't say baritone for women but yeah but i don't know if that that wasn't in the doc i don't think but but my friend was saying that's why some people adopt that kind of voice yeah it seemed like she just wanted to be uh the next steve jobs so badly it was hard to watch yeah that's like all she wanted and also the the investors that she got that was incredible yeah like secretaries of state yeah just like general mattis yeah who else a bunch of joe biden joe biden huge people the biggest people and they people who are ostensibly super smart and good judges of character yeah we're totally swindled by her yeah i think it just shows how much that like, when they cover this kind of in the doc,
Starting point is 00:20:25 how much more emotions can like influence people than like facts. Yeah. Which is crazy. I think she would just like captivate them with this story and they're like, this is the next like Thomas Edison. So she gets on the cover of Fortune magazine and then like the guy who put her on the cover
Starting point is 00:20:42 who works for Fortune, when it turns out that they were just doing intravenous testing and lying about how well their models worked. So, which is like the whole point of the company. When the Fortune guy finds out that he's basically been lied to, he almost starts like crying. Yeah. Like he's like, and then I told her that she had to respond to the article that called her out for all this stuff. And he's like, and she said she was going to go accept some bullshit award. I couldn't believe it.
Starting point is 00:21:10 She had to do something. I was like, dude, you're in love with her. I was like, that's like the heartbreak of someone. I mean, I know he put her on the cover and that like hurts his credibility as a reporter or whatever, but it felt deeper than that to me. I was like, bro, you really believed in this person. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:30 It was rough to watch after a while. It was funny watching the engineers and the scientists who were like- Countering what she's saying. Yeah, down the lab. We were like, what the fuck are you talking about? And then her professor at Stanford, she's like, Elizabeth told her the idea.
Starting point is 00:21:44 She's like, here's my idea. And she's like, that's fun, fun Elizabeth but it's not possible right do you think she actually believed well that was another interesting too that behavioral guy was talking about he's like he's like talking about a study where like on lie detectors they can tell if someone's lying um when they know they're lying right basically but But they did a test of people who were playing a dice game for money, and then they would say the money would go towards charity. And they saw how many people lied about winning or cheating or something. Basically, when you think you're doing good,
Starting point is 00:22:21 you can convince yourself that you're not lying. Yeah, when you think you're doing something for other people or when you think you're doing something good yeah i think that's true too yeah it makes you really believe that what you're saying is true yeah so and they kind of say it at the top of the dock where they're like i don't think she i think she her intentions were always good right i don't think she was like evil trying to scheme people out of money i think she just wanted this thing to happen so badly that she kind of ignored The facts and but dude and also the the main scientists they hired who killed himself. That was sad Yeah, the wife was so pissed. I mean he should not have killed himself. No
Starting point is 00:22:56 Just being way too hard on himself. Yeah, if you should For like charity or something for like suicide help you should be like dude. Just come over to my mom's Yeah, just come down to my mom's and hang dude crush the movies it's gonna be all good it'll be easier dude so we got some questions this week oh dude one thing i kind of wanted people to send in stories from uh business conferences they go to oh nice you ever seen the vibe at like when there's like a business conference at a hotel and everyone's like excited on the elevator and they're like hey how's it going oh i guess this is my floor later guys and you're like oh this is kind of like prom for like adults like yeah you're going to this like big uh convention with like tons of
Starting point is 00:23:34 people you don't know you're hoping there's people you click with you know and i want all kinds of stories i want stories about like you know hookups just good friends you made made and like wild adventures you had cedar rapids with ed helms very good movie about this you know just convention thrills i gotta see that or conference thrills yeah so yeah if you got some conference thrills send them in my okay first question my dogs i need your advice on a sitch with my roommate so the other night he was out of the house and i figured i was in the clear for a nice bait session the common area i was getting my mind right and also simultaneously fell into watching a brian mcknight music video on youtube i truly stoke on his older stuff the back at one
Starting point is 00:24:12 video where he's a ghost after that plane crash is super dope dope sick vid concept for real that's true that is a good video and song anyway so i had multiple tabs rolling and teed up the right flick and got to work. I'm just gathering some steam when my bro busts back in the door and in a scramble I switch tabs while trying to cover up the unit only to land on the Brian McKnight video. My dude is obviously confused by the scene and makes a quick exit and we haven't revisited it since.
Starting point is 00:24:38 So now it looks like I jay down male R&B singers and then keep it this secret from one of my true bros. How do I set the record straight and explain this unfortunate series of events? Thanks for the help, boys. Chaz. Chaz, what up? Thank you for your question. I think you just gotta tell him that, just tell him
Starting point is 00:24:56 that, hey man, I was trying to J off to uh, you know, porn and then you saw the tab was open with the Brian McKnight and then you guys laugh about it and then you go back to your room, you close the door and then you saw the tab was open to brian mcknight and then you guys laugh about it and then you go back to your room you close the door and then you blast brian mcknight again so every time you jay off now you just play brian mcknight in the background and then your roommate knows you're jaying off and he won't barge in on you again so it's like a tie on the door yeah
Starting point is 00:25:16 i like that yeah but like wait hey let's go see what uh chas is up to wait is that brian mcknight yeah oh don't go in there right now he's busy yeah he's busy hey bros this is nick you guys have filled my stoke tank ever since i started listening to your pot at work it really helps me through the day and makes it more enjoyable so much appreciation goes out to you dudes for that but my problem is my girlfriend we have been on and off for about four years and we are both 20 years old her parents are going through a divorce at the moment and are forcing her to move out because they will be selling the house her dad lives in Chicago and her mom and her don't communicate she's
Starting point is 00:25:50 wanting to move and get a place with me but for my major I would need to transfer schools and she had previously told me we would not have a relationship if I moved away also I don't think she will want to be with me if I tell her I don't want to move out with her I love her and want to be with her but I feel like she's putting this all on me to get her out of this sitch and it's really bumming me out how do I tell her I don't want to move out with her. I love her and want to be with her, but I feel like she's putting this all on me to get her out of this sitch, and it's really bumming me out. How do I tell her I don't want to move out with her and still maintain the relationship after?
Starting point is 00:26:12 Any and all advice on forming any advice on also any advice on forming and finding a new squad when you don't know anyone? Much love goes to both you dudes. Thanks for all the help. Boom clap. So he has to move for his major? Yeah, he wants to move. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:26:31 No, he would have to transfer schools to move with her. He lives away, I think. Oh, she wants to move? Yeah, together. Gotcha. Well, dude, I'm sorry you're going through this situation um but i i do think it's unfair of her to place this much pressure on him saying the relationship's over if you know if you don't move essentially yeah i mean it's kind of like uh ultimatum or it totally is an ultimatum yeah
Starting point is 00:27:01 i think you got to tell her that you want to be with her and that you see a future, but at this point you're just not ready to live together. Yeah. And then I think she'll stay with you, but even if she doesn't, I mean, you can't be forced into doing something you don't want to do, especially at your age, and you shouldn't force her into...
Starting point is 00:27:19 You can't force her into doing anything either. So you just got to do what you really want to do, and that seems like you don't want to live with her. So don't do it. Yeah, man, you're young. He's in school trying to finish his major. Relationships are important for sure. But you got to stay on your path.
Starting point is 00:27:37 You can't uproot your life. Yeah, and I think also there's a good chance she stays with him even if he doesn't. And maybe she needs more than he's able to give at this moment yeah you know that's not plus moving in unreasonable on either side moving in at age 20 is pretty young it's pretty early so you know take a step back yeah for sure that's true too if any like 20 year old in my life was like what should i do i'd be like don't do it yeah yeah what's up dude stoper super stoked to even be writing to you dude so sick my question is kind of about my girlfriend but also dealing with schmoles that try to ruin your stoke she's normally super stoked about like everything she keeps me stoked all the time she's super sick
Starting point is 00:28:14 but the other day she high-key called me out for having too many favorites normally she keeps me stoked at all times but she hardcore bummed me out dude she pretty much said i was too stoked on too many things what do i do about my usually super stoked girlfriend draining my stoke how do you deal with people like you how do you deal with people you like care about or whatever trying to take down your stoke level thanks dudes thanks for promoting on a much larger scale than i'm able to we need it maddie maddie never take down your stoke level No matter what anyone says Keep that stoke level high Own it
Starting point is 00:28:48 Yeah I have a lot of favorites Because I get stoked on life And I like variety Yeah there's nothing wrong with you loving a lot of different stuff You're trying to enjoy everything that life has to offer My dad calls that a sucking the vine But I could also see how it could rub your girlfriend the wrong way it can be annoying annoying and also like subtly threatening to her i'm sure she's like well if he loves all this
Starting point is 00:29:13 other stuff maybe he like i'll be like flavor of the month one day you know so if you yeah if you bust your balls about it say honey you know i think you're you've gone too far with this one just let it go i like stuff that's not there's much worse things in the world yeah also the amount of times he said stoke in this email upset me yeah it's too much maybe she had a point it's too much but there's worse there's worse issues than saying st stoked too many times in a sentence. But as I was reading that, I was like, if I have to say stoked one more time, I'm not going to be stoked. I like this sentence. It made me not stoked, dudes.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Yeah. What up, my dogs? I was in a weird situation the other night, and I would love some advice from the grandmasters of Stoke. I was at an awesome party on Saturday night, absolutely feeling myself and dancing my balls off. There were hella babes and I danced with one in particular for hours. Like you, JT, nothing rubs my engine like getting locked in with a babe and gyrating on each other's junk to the tune of some heavy beats. Anyways, we went back to my crib and things started heating up. The only problem was that I delivered some of the worst dong this girl had probably ever experienced. It took hours of foreplay for me to get fully torqued,
Starting point is 00:30:26 and then when I did eventually, it took approximately three pumps for me to launch some penis pudding out of my dong piece. I looked up only to see pure disappointment on her face. I immediately asked if she wanted me to swizzle her box, but she simply let out a sigh and refused my offer, temporarily draining my stoke. Though stoke was quickly recovered because I still had an unreal night
Starting point is 00:30:45 and I refused to ever let my stoke deplete. Do you dogs think there's any way I reconcile my piss-poor performance with this lovely lady? She was really fun to hang out with and has a rockin' rig. How do you dogs think I should proceed with this predicament? Thanks in advance for the advice, my bros. You guys kill it every week. You gotta ask her for a second chance.
Starting point is 00:31:04 He's like Al Gorere ask for a recount yeah just be straight up with her like look i delivered terrible dong that night three pumps it was abysmal you know i really want to just you know go deep in the foreplay and just deliver high quality dong and show you what i'm made of. And this is me. Let's do it. That sounds triumphant. Yeah. What do you think? Yeah. I mean, dude, thank you for sharing. Good on you for still thinking it was a good night. For sure. Ask her out again. Yeah. Hey guys, love your podcast. I just moved to Hawaii for grad school at University of Hawaii and my boyfriends of five years who still lives in Washington came to visit. We have a of tasty sex because I'm a very horny woman but the other night I walked in on
Starting point is 00:31:48 him beating his meat like it owed him money I got pretty bummed and felt insecure because I interpreted as he didn't want to lay pipe on me should I have joined in or was it okay that I lost stoke on riding out on him in as much should I just let it go or is this a red flag? Stay cool, guys. I don't think it's a red flag at all. No. He's probably a horny dude. He just, you know, he had to beat his meat, you know, but keep getting in there, getting after it. Yeah, I understand where she's coming from
Starting point is 00:32:15 because, like, him beating his meat when he's visiting for maybe just a couple days. Yeah. Depends how long he was. If he was staying with you for, like, a month, it's like, yeah, he's going to beat his meat at some point. Yeah. But if he only visits for, for like two days and you catch him
Starting point is 00:32:26 jacking off you're like you couldn't just like save that jism for me yeah but if you guys are already having sex and he's just doing that on top of it sounds like he's just a super horny guy yeah so it's maybe not a big deal at all yeah i i wouldn't uh i wouldn't doubt yourself you know yeah if everything's good and he and you just catch him jacking off once in a while, everything's still good. Yeah, it sounds like you guys get after it. You're not leaving him unsatisfied. And he's not leaving her unsatisfied, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:54 He sounds fully satisfied, but you know, that's part of his routine. He's like, I got a lot of jizz and I gotta let loose. Yeah, he might just have a lot of jizz. Yeah. Hey bro, so this is a girl I've been crushing on in the gym for a while now, and we recently were introduced by hanging out with mutual friends and good sushi. We hit it off pretty well, but I'm more of a nice introverted but swole dude,
Starting point is 00:33:15 and she's a total 10 gym babe. We're both nursing majors, but I'm a semester ahead of her, and I'll be graduating in the fall of 19 and her in spring 20. So I don't want to rush things or get serious, and I have to leave for a job and have a new relationship start off long distance. I have a class with her, but I never see her alone except for at the gym, and I don't want to ask her out at the gym or in a group of friends. What's the call?
Starting point is 00:33:37 Dude, you're like beyond overthinking it. Just ask her out. Yeah, or invite her to a party. Broskies. What up, bros? I have a question. No disrespect to my dog, JT, but JT, can you fight?
Starting point is 00:33:52 I need to know your record and win to loss ratio. Boom, clap, jump, wow. I've got bad shoulders and not much fast twitch. I'm probably 1-0 in full fights, 1-1 in boxing dudes at parties, and 5-0 in skirmishes, meaning i survived and got out of there without an injury have you ever gotten like really fucked up from a fight i mean boxing i got knocked unconscious and had to go to the emergency room yeah yeah but beyond that no i've been like uh you ever had your nose broken no i've never even been cut really i've
Starting point is 00:34:24 just had some bruises and stuff. Yeah. I mean, I've just been in, like, bar situations where drunk people start, like, running at each other and falling over. But I've been lucky where I didn't. I got my nose bloodied once. Yeah, that was it. But I've always wanted to get out of this situation.
Starting point is 00:34:37 I never wanted to, like, be in a real fight. Yeah. Even against Puzio, I didn't want to fight him. I just wanted it to be over. So most of the time, if I get into a skirmish with someone, I just want to get on top of them and be like, stop, and then get out of there. It's more like rams hitting their head in the wild.
Starting point is 00:34:52 I don't actually want to hurt someone or get hurt. It's terrifying. This one is from atmoscalemail.com. Interesting. Hello, I'm a female listener new to the USA. The podcast has made my transition to Southern California much easier. I'm very thankful for the cultural education. I come from Russia and I've been having a hard time meeting a good American
Starting point is 00:35:13 man. I am looking for something serious. I would like to settle down and have children specifically. I would like to bear a child from mother Russia. I would like to strong find them. I would like to find strong American seed and I'm looking for a virile red-blooded american man russian men lack virility the vodka and cold makes them very infertile even if i do not marry i must at least become pregnant how can i find a fertile american man chad and jt you both drink green juice and have impressive muscles would you like to give me your seed thanks anna anna super appreciate the request yeah thank you for your question thank you yeah um
Starting point is 00:35:52 i'm open to meeting i'm currently taken so jt is all yours are you ready to give her your seed no but i'm open to meeting. What's your take on Russia? You know, I can separate the idea from the person, I think is what I'm saying. What up, Chad and JT and any honorable guests on the pod today? Right off the bat, you guys have been a huge source of positivity
Starting point is 00:36:19 and you've inspired me to pursue good health, friendships, and meditation since I started listening to the pod. I'm 18 in my senior year of high school, living with my mom, and my sister is visiting from college. My parents are quasi-divorced, and I see my dad occasionally, but I've always felt very disconnected with them. Some months ago, I was having dinner with him, and he was drowning bourbon while talking about his days out of college. He murmured something like, and on top of that, I was going to get married, and then moved on. And I resolved that I had misheard him, which maybe was psychological self-defense to prevent any more stress.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Today, my confusion was reignited when I overheard my sister talking to my mom about when she learned that dad had a past wife from a family friend's accidental mention. This is a huge shakeup for me as I suddenly feel a huge rift in my understanding of my dad and his life. My dad's been awful at living with and relating to women as long as I can remember. So I have strong worries about what might have gone down that resulted in the separation and seeming oath of silence about it. Should I bring up this tough subject out of the blue to my dad and ask him honestly?
Starting point is 00:37:15 Should I ask my mom about what she knows? Should I just have some deep talk with my therapist? Any suggestions would be a great help. Also, sorry for the long question. Feel free to abbrev it to a question if necessary. Thanks, Stoke family. Harrison. Dude, super sorry to hear you're going through that, man.
Starting point is 00:37:35 I think I talked to his therapist first. Definitely talk to your therapist first. Yeah. Great call. Because they'll help you sort through your ideas and then your course of action after that yeah i would just say that there's no rush like i've pressured my parents into telling me some truths that uh and i pressured them hard i was like tell me tell me tell me and then when i
Starting point is 00:37:59 found out the truth i realized why they didn't tell me yeah Yeah. I wasn't ready. Yeah. And in the long run, I am sort of happy that I found out all that stuff, but it was definitely like a lot to process. I felt like one of those, when you see a snake like digesting like a big animal, and you know, it's like this, they're like this skinny animal, and then they have this like huge knot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:24 I felt like that processing some of the information. It was like you were like a... I swallowed a bit more than I could chew, I guess. It was like you were a boa constrictor trying to eat like a deer. Yeah, exactly. But it was a big nugget of truth. It was a deer of truth. And I was like...
Starting point is 00:38:40 Yeah. I was like, I don't know if I can get this thing down. Like, damn, I should have talked to my therapist before. My parents do know what they're doing sometimes in terms of what they divulge and what they don't. What's up, Chad and JT? My name is Benjamin, and I've been going by Benji my whole life. I love this nickname and has low-key given me hella cred
Starting point is 00:39:00 because people seem to think it's a cool name. I agree. But as I'm coming to the end of my college career, I have the question, should I go back to Benjamin or even Ben for the real and business world? Dude, stay Benji. Stay fun, dude. Keep having fun. I love that. I do. I think this is something that every person with a nickname goes through. My buddy Klemkowski went by Clem. At one point he told me he no longer wanted to do that i was i'm jt but i've gone by john for certain stretches but then came back hard to jt my buddy chili doesn't want to be called chili
Starting point is 00:39:31 anymore but here's the thing once someone knows you by your nickname they're never switching no they can't switch dude yeah stay benji dude stay benji bro you're gonna go to benjamin and then you're gonna be like, so what's your name? And you're like, Benjamin. You're going to be pissed. He's going to miss Benji. He's going to think about how fun it was being Benji. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:54 This one is, why Landmark is your best steroid supplier? From Ben. Dear friend, glad to know you're a professional bodybuilder from the Facebook. This is Ben from Landmark, which is specialized in the steroids area. DynaBall, Anivar, Anadrol, Deca, Proveron, Sustanon 250, Equipose, Masteron, Primobalin, etc. Over 10 years. One, any inquiries will be replied within 24 hours. Two, high quality fashion designs and reasonable competitive price, fast lead time.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Three, payment you can pay for the order via Western Union MoneyGram. Best regards, Ben. What's the question? Is he asking about steroids? Oh, that's a spam email? Yeah. So there's no email? Yeah. So there's no question? No. Oh.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Aaron's saying it's a spam email. There's no question, guys. Sorry about that. Why would he write to the podcast email? Yeah, I don't know. Should we respond and say that this is just for questions about things that are happening in your life and stuff? Or maybe ask him if he has a question. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:07 I'm going to respond and say, what's your question, dude? Yeah, just be like, is there something going on in your life? I would say this guy's probably got a problem with steroids. It sounds like it. He's so aggro. Yeah, he doesn't want to do that. That's really hard on your liver and your self-esteem
Starting point is 00:41:18 and who knows what else. They haven't really done long-range studies on steroids, so it's kind of an unpredictable thing. Yeah, just ask him if there's something he wants some advice on aaron aaron's got some stuff on the uh yeah i was like about their dad's past i was like 13 or 14 when i found out my dad was married before and it wasn't like they were hiding it it was was just like, oh, didn't we tell you? So it's a little bit different, but this guy's also 18, so, like, I think...
Starting point is 00:41:52 He can handle it. Yeah, that should be pretty straight up, hey, you were married before? Yeah. Yeah, you're right. He should just go at it straight ahead and just say, hey, did you have a family before us? Not a family.
Starting point is 00:42:07 I mean, my dad didn't. He was just like, he got married when he was young and then it didn't work. Actually, he got drafted, so he went overseas and then his wife divorced him while he was over there. Right. Yeah, it might not be as, dude, you know what it is? I'm doing what this kid might be doing.
Starting point is 00:42:23 I'm thinking it's like worse than it is. Yeah. Yeah, it could just be Like something very simple like that. I think in my head. I was like dude this kid's dad's killed somebody And that's not what my dad did that wasn't the secret I found out But the secret I found out was weird and I was like, I I just don't want this kid to find out weird But yeah, it's actually it's apples to oranges. So yeah, you should just ask your dad on a drive. Go for a drive with your dad and ask him. Is that what you're saying, Aaron? Yeah, or I mean, if your mom doesn't know, that would be weird.
Starting point is 00:42:55 But you know, she might know. Right. Good call. All right, Chad, who is your beef of the week? My beef of the week is with this dude, Rod. I'm keeping it in the rollerblade era of my life. This dude, Rod, who, yeah, what up, Rod? Sorry to get aggro up top, but this dude, Rod,
Starting point is 00:43:19 he wanted to borrow my brother's K2 skates one time at the skate park, and we were all having a good time, you know. I was on the mini ramp just, you know, out some stalls really getting after it my brother was got these new k2 skates they were like yellow and black and just super smooth good little grind thing on them and he was really busting out some sweet royale grinds he was really just like shout out to mark dude he was fucking tearing it up this dude rod comes in who's probably like we were my brother and i were probably like 10 and 12 rod was probably like 18 he comes in super aggro he's like yo let me try those skates my brother's like no and he's like let me try those skates and he's like no and he's like yeah this motherfucker's not gonna let me try those skates
Starting point is 00:44:02 and he was yelling all over the skate park my mom came and she got really upset because he was like yelling at us and but she she didn't like fight with him or anything she was just like visibly like oh oh my god and i'm like rod you upset my mom because you wanted to borrow skates skate on your own skates all right those are my brother's k2s right who borrows skates you know it's like borrowing a wetsuit. It's gross. So yeah, I just, you know, Rod, thank you for ruining that sesh. And I hope you have your own K2s right now. And don't upset my mom ever again. Nice, dude. That's my beef. What's your beef?
Starting point is 00:44:38 Dude, my beef of the week is with the person who released the video of the miami dolphins football coach chris forrester doing cocaine in his office a lot of you have probably seen this video i'm gonna tack the audio on at the end of the podcast he's uh doing facetime he's leaving a facetime message with a uh i think she was like a woman of the night that he had been seeing a lot and he's doing cocaine in his office and he's like i in his office and he's like i miss you so fucking much babe i miss getting fucked up with you so fucking much and i fucking want to do this cocaine off of your uh hoo-ha and uh but he doesn't say hoo-ha and it's a really intense video but i can also relate to it because i used to do adderall and
Starting point is 00:45:20 talk to webcam models pretty intensely and she took this video that he sent, which was obviously just meant for the two of them, and she gave it to the media, and he became a big joke and lost his job, and since then has gotten better, and he said it was actually good for him because it made him confront his demons. But I think she could have just had an intervention.
Starting point is 00:45:39 She didn't have to release this video of this guy being super vulnerable and honest about what a degenerate he was. And I heard he was doing a good job at his work at the time. He was a good coach. And obviously, you can't be doing cocaine at work. And the guy brought this shit on himself by doing that kind of behavior at work. Like, you know, it's not smart or reasonable.
Starting point is 00:46:01 But I just am really mad at her for releasing that video. And she said it was because, like, white guys get away with too much stuff. And I mean, that's probably true, but I don't think this was the guy who needed to like suffer to help that cause, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:18 It seems like this guy was just kind of a mess. And I feel for him. Cause you know, he was just trying to like get randy and i would be really hurt if some of the webcam models who i always try to be really nice to and pay well put out videos of the weird stuff i did i'd be really really hurt also in that video he looked like he was having a really good time yeah he felt really good in that moment it honestly made me kind of pumped up i love watching it i was like i want that passion he has for um he's really railing those lines you know and just
Starting point is 00:46:51 getting after it and i was like he's having a good time he was being really sweet he's like i miss you so much yeah does he have a new job i think he's coming back yeah i haven't fully checked up on it i know he's doing better though health-wise so that's the good that came out of it yeah good for him my dog who is your babe of the week my babe of the week is this dude colin o'brady you may have heard him on the joe rogan podcast a few episodes ago he crossed the antar he crossed antarctica in 54 days whoa and he's pulling like a 300 pound fucking sled behind him of all his supplies 54 days i mean temperatures were like negative 20 to like negative 65 with like wind chill and stuff really extreme conditions not to mention pulling a fucking 300 pound sled and uh i just i love
Starting point is 00:47:40 hearing about those endurance athletes dude dude. They're amazing. And his story is really inspiring. Sounds really tough, but, you know, I just totally get – I'm nowhere near that mindset, but I totally get where they're coming from where it's like this thing – they want to do this thing that looks so brutal, but they do it, and it's just like the sense of adventure they get and the sense of adventure they get and uh the sense of accomplishment after it's just like it sounds amazing so uh thank you for all basically it's all these endurance athletes for just like inspiring me to keep challenging myself i love it
Starting point is 00:48:17 nice dude and uh yeah shout out to him yeah and dude he had some gnarly stuff in there like he had to like shit in a bag and carry it so he wasn't contaminating Antarctica. That was one of the laws. And he was also talking about how in Antarctica there's no life. So he basically saw zero life for 54 days. Whoa. Which has got to be a trip. It's like being on Mars or something.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Yeah, but he would lock into these flow states and just travel across. Hell yeah. It's cool that's awesome yeah who's your babe my baby of the week is uh patricia arquette nice wonderful actress i watched her i was listening to ben simmons and bill simmons and ben stiller talk about her on their pod and uh i borrow so much from bill simmons it's insane but he just always makes stuff pop up in my head and he popped up in my head how much i love patricia arquette she was so good in escape at danny moore like she totally transforms into this like sad character but
Starting point is 00:49:14 you really feel for her and like even though she's kind of a shithead to the people in her life and super manipulative you see where it's all motivated from and so you still feel empathy towards her and i think that's what like great acting and art is is you know uh kind of giving you empathy where you wouldn't ordinarily have it yeah and then she's just great in everything she's amazing in boyhood so like real in that movie and then uh flirting with disaster and true romance she's just a really underrated actress who always does really really good work so here my baby the week for Trisha Arquette nice all right dude who's your legend of the week my legend of the week is the band Judah and the lion nice do their big listeners of the pod they they invited us to go see their Jimmy Kimmel performance last
Starting point is 00:49:58 week JT unfortunately could not make it but I was editing the pod um I it was awesome dude like going to the jimmy kimmel like they're the green yeah how was that it felt so hollywood it was so cool yeah it is right in the middle of hollywood yeah and so i got to go in the green room uh kamala harris was there too and then i saw mark hamill whoa luke skywalker if you guys don't know dude and i've always like tried to model my hair after his hair in the first uh star wars so and you told him that right no damn i didn't get to meet him did you see him i just saw him i was just like looking at him he looks like my uncle i was like
Starting point is 00:50:35 uncle chris do you want to do to the four do you want to do the force to mark hamill when you see him do you want to force him like like see if you could bring him closer to you i should have done that i was so like i was like paralyzed I was paralyzed in that kind of force. He might have forced you. Dude, he like force choked me. He's like, don't come near me. Don't ask me about my hair. I'm about to go on.
Starting point is 00:50:51 I'm like, respect, dude. Right. But then Judah and Lion, yeah, shout out to, you know, I kicked it with my dog Nate, Brian, Weatherby, Spencer, all the band, and then Judah. You guys are legends, dude. Yeah. Thank you guys for listening to the pod.
Starting point is 00:51:05 And then their performance was epic. It was awesome. So much fun. It was like that outdoor stage at Jimmy Kimmel. It was amazing. Like, they just killed it. Fuck yeah. So much fun.
Starting point is 00:51:16 I'd love to see a full concert. I'll be there for that. Yeah. Shout out to those dudes. Dudes, thank you for listening to the pod. Thank you for crushing it at Jimmy Kimmel. Thank you for the invite. And you guys are freaking legends so what up beast mode and nate thank you for texting me about all the stuff and get me in nice that's fucking great thanks dude my legend of the week is a old talk show host dick cavett guy is slick i used to watch i still do i watch a lot of his
Starting point is 00:51:47 old clips on youtube he's got great interviews with jimmy hendrix and marlon brando he gets really interesting stuff out of him and uh it's long form and they go to places that they wouldn't it's kind of like the joe rogan almost of its time but he's a different vibe than joe rogan he's a little more like aristocratic but dude he kind of seems pompous but he can bring it when like it's a conflict situation like he had um the writer norman mailer and gorv et al on his show one time and norman mailer is like a brute and he's very aggressive and he was like arguing super hard with gorv et al and then um and then dick cavett was like kind of intervening and so so Norman Mailer to pick on Dick Cavett, it's like, why don't you just read your next question
Starting point is 00:52:26 off your cue card? Like basically suggesting that like all talk show hosts can do is read their cue cards and they can't like be quick on the spot. And then Dick Cavett goes, how about you take my cue card, fold it over four times and stick it where the sun don't shine.
Starting point is 00:52:38 And then the whole crowd goes ballistic and you're like, go Dick, go Dick, go Dick. And it's just a really great moment. And he's got a bunch of those if you just YouTube them. And it's a really cool vibe for a talk show. So my legend of the week this week is Dick Cavett. Good work, my dog. Nice.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Dude, what is your quote of the week? All right, I'm going to do one relevant to my week because I've been doing extreme discipline with my eating like all i want to do is eat a fucking plate of nachos and then 10 more after that and then get some mcnuggets with ranch buffalo sauce and then i want to get a fucking big burger and i want to get a whole tub of ice cream and just dump it on my head it sounds like you want to fuck it and then yeah and then get in the bathtub of m&ms wow that's just for breakfast you're so hungry it's like turned into lust yeah dude yeah like i can smell burritos like from miles away yeah like a dog in heat yeah so this comes from joe rogan nice dude because if you can control what you eat you can control all other aspects of your life nice dude then there's just a picture
Starting point is 00:53:57 of joe shirtless i don't think that's gonna play on camera just google it then yeah google joe rogan shirtless you've seen the photo you guys have already seen the photo we're talking about i've seen that picture of joe rogan shirtless 6 000 times i could like describe it yeah without seeing it like where the lines are on his body yeah in his abdomen who's your uh what's your quote my quote of the week comes from uh the conversations with tyler podcast a podcast i really like with this behavioral economist, Tyler Cowen. I have to skip a couple of them or re-listen to a few of them
Starting point is 00:54:28 because it can get pretty dry. But when it's good, it is good. And he had this venture capitalist, Sam Altman on. And early on, this guy's like pretty persuasive. He's in that Elizabeth Holmes kind of entrepreneur where you're like, this person gets it. And they're very positive, so extra fun. And he said,
Starting point is 00:54:44 it is the most expensive investing mistake in the world to be a pessimist and it's a common one that's actually the most expensive mistake to make in life I dig it alright Chad do we have anything else oh what a stoker actually reminded me that we said we were going to do our own mission statements. Oh, right. But should we wait to write those out? Maybe we could write it right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Oh, we're doing one for both of us? Yeah, we'll do separate ones. Or do you want to do one for both of us? I thought we were doing separate ones. Okay, let's do separate. Okay. So we said that we were going to do a mission statement for going deep with Chad and JT and Chad goes deep, uh, you know, to show these surf companies how a mission statement is done.
Starting point is 00:55:51 And we just wrote them in a minute. Chad, what is your mission statement for Chad? All right. I'm going to, I'm going to read what i wrote and then maybe maybe i'll maybe i'll improvise okay my mission is to attack life positively with extreme vigor and the force of joe's hog spread good vibes get everyone bronzed both on their bodies and in their domes and just to be fucking amped nice and not have my voice cracked when i say it what's your mission or have your voice cracked i think it's sweet when your voice cracks thanks chad goes deep is about diving in instead of lashing out learning stoking the flames of self so that our fire shines light on others it's about being
Starting point is 00:56:43 horny happy and anxious at the same time and being okay with all of it ketosis we hope you have a good time hanging out that pretty much encapsulates both of us boom baby good way that's our mission statement take it to the bunk is that it let's give a shout out to our sponsor, Douglas Lubricant. Yep. Douglas, thank you guys so much for lubing our hogs, lubing our engines, and lubing our minds with good vibes. Guys, if you want to bone, and you want to bone well, and when you bone, you need to bone right with Douglas, all right? They have tons of flavors, orange, apple, watermelon, a mystery flavor, sort of like that mystery like um fucking airhead um so you never know what you're getting but it could be popcorn dudes just like those jelly
Starting point is 00:57:33 bellies but uh there's there's such pranksters at douglas but yeah um they also have you know original and anal so dive on in dudes lube up your life with Douglas And as always we're sponsored by Danny Babona and UCI Baseball It's a very special day for the Anteaters They won their first NCAA tournament Basketball game and I'm so proud Of them and what I'd really love is for that Momentum to carry over to the baseball program
Starting point is 00:57:59 Where Danny Babona is the best pitching Coach in America Hey They should call it UC Newport Beach because it's right there. Beautiful. All right, guys. Boom, clap.
Starting point is 00:58:11 That'll be it for episode 63 of the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. Thank you so much for tuning in. Thank you so much for being stokers, for being stoked, and for fucking, you know, just getting amped. Check out our Patreon,
Starting point is 00:58:23 patreon.com slash chadgoesdeep. You know, and guys, give us a review. Should we do a review of the week? Yeah, let's hit one. Let me just fire up a review real quick. Okay, this guy goes from Earl Smith III. He goes, I went from schmoll to alpha of my squad in just two weeks after listening to this podcast. It scares me a little bit, but that's very exciting for you.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Yeah. All right. That'll be it. Episode 63. Thank you guys so much. What was it that got him there? I don't know. Hey, babe.
Starting point is 00:59:04 Miss you. Thinking about you. How about we go into a meeting and doing this before I go? There's those big grains falling. But I miss you. I miss you a lot. What do you think? Crazy?
Starting point is 00:59:30 Oh, no, babe. It's going to be a while before we can do this again. Because I know you're going to keep that baby. But I think about you when I do it. I think about how much I miss you. How high we got together. How much fun it was. So much fun.
Starting point is 00:59:43 The last little bit. Before I go to the meeting. How high we got together, how much fun it was. So much fun. The last little bit of my game. I mean... Is that f***ing good? You think? I think not. I wish I was looking at this. F***ing b****.

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