Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 64 - Uncle Joe Joins, Olympic Breakdancing, Avenatti

Episode Date: April 3, 2019

What up stokers and welcome to episode 64. This extra dank episode features the tough love of Uncle Joe as we dive into breakdancing as an Olympic sport, the arrest of Michael Avenatti, Tom Cruis...e being considered a deity and much more! Dive on in!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh, there we go. What's up, Stokers of Stoke Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Goin' Deep with Chad and JT podcast. I'm here with my compadre, Jean Thomas. What up? Boom clap, Stokers. And we are joined once again by joe laying down the law what up joe hey guys how's it going brother what's up yeah i'm feeling pretty good you feeling good because you got after it last night yeah i did uh he did yeah i went out a little bit what was the occasion uh just was a night off and because i'm busy now for like the next week so it's just treating wednesday like a saturday i celebrate what'd you do were you out with him i
Starting point is 00:00:52 did i went out with him i didn't drink but uh but yeah i uh took part in the evening it was fun yeah i was the only one drinking which uh it's fine but it'd be nice to have somebody joining you yeah but we went to the gym beforehand, too. I tried to get Joe to do some deadlifts, but he hadn't done them in years, so he didn't want to go through the whole process of learning a complex movement like that. But then at the end of the gym sesh, we did Turkish get-ups together, which Joe Rogan says is the number one exercise you've got to be doing for functional strength. What's that?
Starting point is 00:01:24 You lay on your back. You put one arm in the air holding a kettlebell or a dumbbell, and then you get yourself up onto your hand. You thrust your hips, and you go into a lunge position and stand up. So you go from being flat on your back to standing and then back to flat on your back. There's like three different movements. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:01:41 It's hard to learn. But look it up on YouTube, guys. It's really great. Like once you do it up on youtube guys it's really great like once you do it you feel like you really accomplished something dude i've been uh he was talking about the farmer carry i'm gonna start doing that oh yeah farmer's walks the farmer's walk yeah those are great but he said you gotta use just one arm oh really yeah oh interesting like that's a mistake people make use one arm walk around and then switch that makes sense because you got to use a lot of your muscles just to keep yourself balanced that way yeah yeah you're using you're
Starting point is 00:02:08 like engaging your whole that whole side i'm so thankful i get to live in in the time period that joe rogan lives in like i could have been born in so many other generations yeah and i get to be in the one where the smartest person who ever lived exists or Or even the time when gyms exist. Yeah. You know, back in like the 1800s, I don't even know what they did. Yeah, what did they do? I think they say that like, I don't know every era,
Starting point is 00:02:34 but like I know that like they think like Revolutionary War guys and medieval guys were stronger than us because they were doing so much manual labor. I heard someone say that. Yeah, that makes sense. They were out in the fields all day like pushing a hoe and you know just getting after it or hunter gatherers they only worked like six hours out of the day but that was a hard six hours do you think they
Starting point is 00:02:54 were amped on it they got as amped on it as we do like they're like damn i pushed that plow really engaged my quads and t levels are just skyrocketing. So I'm going to have a steak and just really, you know, try and build as much muscle or I'm bulking right now. So I'll hit the plow today and hit some carbs. I think that sounds accurate. Yeah. I'm trying to think like how it would sound in their language.
Starting point is 00:03:17 And it's like this hoe doth protest too much, but I'm still going to shove it where it belongs, dude. Yeah. Dude, doth protest too much but i'm still gonna shove it where it belongs dude yeah dude i saw benjamin franklin out there just putting in work at six you see benji out there dude wearing his tank top his delta looking gigantic dude be frank if he's like the jocko willink of that time he i wish he could post videos he's just like it's 4 a.m. sweats beating off my fucking face let's go it's Monday get after it all right we're gonna figure out some new laws today and work on the Constitution Joe who is your favorite
Starting point is 00:03:58 founding father hmm good question I guess i guess george washington would be a good one wow really why that's such a good answer because it's so conventional yeah why do you mean well i mean of all the people you could pick you picked the general who won the war and then became the first president yeah i think yeah i think he went like a lot of people would say like Thomas Jefferson or whatever. Who's your favorite baseball player, Babe Ruth? No. Right, but what I mean is that they're similar selections. Oh.
Starting point is 00:04:33 In that they're fairly obvious. Well, who's yours? Like John Hancock or? I do like John Hancock, but I go with the architect of America. I go with Thomas Jefferson. Oh, nice. Yeah, see see that's an easy pick i think yeah maybe washington i'll even yeah i'll give you credit i think about thomas jefferson is the more popular pick than george washington amongst adults i think amongst children george washington's typically the one well that doesn't make me a child no it doesn't you know mine is who benjamin martin oh yeah
Starting point is 00:05:09 ghost who is that swamp fox mel gibson and the patriot oh because he fucking took it to corn wallace yeah he did a great job he blew up. He won the war. What was his son's name? Heath Ledger. Gabriel. Or Heath Ledger. Good name. And then Thomas. Thomas got capped. Yeah, he got capped early.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Yeah, he lost a lot in that war. Yeah, he did. Benjamin did. And then what do you think about him marrying his sister? His sister-in-law. Yeah, that's right. Ew. Small distinction, but you you gotta throw it in yeah i think uh i think it's all good i think it's all good yeah jolie richardson i think is the actress i think she's beautiful so
Starting point is 00:05:56 she's a babe yeah take care of the kids i'm all for it yeah and at that time it's like where are you gonna go meet people you don't travel as much i don't think there's as much of a bar scene well it's a lot of who do you know hit up the? You don't travel as much. I don't think there's as much of a bar scene. It's a lot of who do you know. He hit up the tavern with his dog, John Billings. I think it was all dudes at the time at the tavern. Oh, bummer. Some things never change.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Yeah, seriously. Bar last night was solid. Where'd you go? Yeah, it was pretty good. Went to the Dime on Fairfax. Oh, so you just walked there? Yeah. Yeah, it was easy. The Dime, Sweet Chick for a little bit. Yeah, it was easy. Stay in the neighborhood. The dime, sweet chick for a little bit.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Yeah, that was good stuff. Yeah. And then Chad and I just got back from Delaware where we went to protect house parties. Yeah. Yeah, how was that? It was awesome. It was really fun. It was a whirlwind experience.
Starting point is 00:06:39 We left Sunday at 6 a.m. and flew back Tuesday at 6 a.m. And had a lot of action in between. Were you in a college town? Yep. Newark. I think that was cool. It's the same as Newark, but I think they pronounce it Newark to differentiate themselves from the Jersey scene.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Yeah, they don't want to be Jersey trash. It was cool. We went without much of a plan, and then things kind of just fell into place. We had two plans. We're going to the council, and we're going to the meet and greet but then we got roped in we kind of we went to go interview students about what was going on with their situation and then we got you know they're like dude you got to come to the you dance and it was just like this rave for uh cancer benefit it was awesome cancer with kids with cancer so it was really cool to see.
Starting point is 00:07:25 No, it was, it was like a cool to see people raving for a good cause. You know, I usually see people raving, um, just cause like Benny Benassi's on stage, but to actually be raving for like, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:37 charity is something I've never seen before. Yeah. It was mature raging. Like it wasn't about hedonism. It was about altruism, which was like a, a pretty fire way to frame a dance party yeah it was like those glow sticks are like eradicating cancer yeah nice and then we went to the city council meeting it started at seven and then the council decided to push the party agenda to the back of the meeting so instead of
Starting point is 00:08:02 talking about it at seven we talked about it at one in the morning. We were at this city council meeting for six hours. They tried to sweat us out. Yep. They tried to just get us tired so that we wouldn't bring it the same when we got up to the mic. Dude, they did not like us.
Starting point is 00:08:18 And it was like, we were there, we were like, man, I miss California city councils because these people are not having it. We were just sitting there and I would see the mayor just like stare at us. And she was like, I like, I raised my hand at one point and she just gave me this. She stared at my hand for like five seconds and she was like, are you fucking serious? She tried to skip over us. They weren't going to let us come up to ask a question about a new hotel that they were
Starting point is 00:08:42 developing in town. And she was like no no we're moving on and then another citizen who was sitting next to us a kind lady said they have a right to speak you let them go up there and you let them speak oh wow and they said fine and then chad went up and asked his question yeah and that same that same woman who was sitting next to me she was so interesting she came in she like, what are you here for? I was like, I'm here to protect House Party. She's like, all right, well, I don't necessarily agree with you, but this is America and you have a right to voice your opinion.
Starting point is 00:09:12 And I was like, thank you so much for that. But then she was against the hotel being developed because there's like a historical landmark there called the Green Mansion that they thought would be like obliterated by the hotel or or uh people wouldn't see it as well because of the hotel yeah so it's this really interesting cultural clash of like uh like uh cultural preservation and and protecting your heritage versus like development and capitalism and stuff yeah and then um and a lady went up who was a citizen and was like yo i'm for the hotel i think the hotel's a great idea and the lady who's sitting next to me goes what's her name and she wrote down her name and information i was like what are you gonna do with that wow yeah i was like i guess not
Starting point is 00:09:56 all differing opinions are you know created equally she was like i'm gonna go after this lady and ban her from like neighborhood parties my favorite guy was the guy he comes in with a nice suit on a good tan and i'm like oh this guy's totally for the hotel hotel and he comes in he's like commerce is good we're moving up let's build this hotel i come from wellington and uh yeah i'm all for the hotel it's gonna help pay for my porsche yeah i was like that guy yeah but then like all the older people were like like they had like preservationists people who like work for the preservation society they're like like the green mansion you know what's going to be left of it they say they're going to preserve it but they're only going to keep like the front part of it and that's like
Starting point is 00:10:38 we all go to the dentist there and i'm like hotel sounds better than a dentist yeah it's neither or situation people are into depends on your tooth situation you know keeping historical things intact yeah yeah it was uh it was good times we raged a little bit we got on stage yeah we got to go on stage at the dance in front of like a thousand uh college kids whoa yeah yeah it was wild maybe not that many it felt no i think it was yeah it's like a thousand it was pretty nuts yeah and then um the meet and greet was cool i mean there's so many shout out to all the stokers that came out there thank you guys so much um it's great meeting all of you guys. A baby came, which I'm stoked that that's part of our demographic. People came from Philadelphia.
Starting point is 00:11:29 It was really flattering to see all that. Super flattering. Yeah. They got us some gyro sandwiches, gyro sandwiches. Delicious. Super tasty. Lots of... You can go for a nice gyro's.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Oh, dude, yeah. Lots of jewels. Lots of people had go for a nice gyros. Oh, dude. Yeah. Lots of jewels. Lots of people had jewels that they let us hit. Do you like the jewel? No, I don't hit stuff. Do you like tobacco? Nicotine?
Starting point is 00:11:54 I don't know. I don't do any hitting. No, I agree. Yeah. We had some good dudes with us too. We had a Jay Farney who edits all of our videos and directs a lot of our videos. And then we had Jack Siner with us. Jack runs the
Starting point is 00:12:05 going deep with chad and jt instagram page does some wonderful work on there and they were both just you know freaking band of brothers type dudes on this trip so it was a good time yeah we all hit tgi fridays it was connected to the hotel oh i would do that yeah good super cost effective too it's not very potato skins you get some potato skins? Yeah. No, we got the boneless chicken wings. Yeah, it does. And they keep them coming.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Yeah. 12 bucks and they keep them coming. Yeah, keep those coming. Yeah. I like that. All right, what else, guys? So we sent out some topics for today. We got up top, did you guys see this thing that took over the internet yesterday?
Starting point is 00:12:45 St. Louis-style bagels? Well, they slice them like bread, right? Yeah, it's pretty cool. You like it? Yeah, why not? Yeah, I was more offended by the article itself. I'm like, you know what? This writer's a bagel.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Well, the thing is, too, when it's sliced small like that, you can try a bunch of different kinds of bagel. Good call, yeah. Because a bagel is kind of a lot. It's a big commitment. Yeah, you're committed to that whole thing, top and bottom. If everything's sliced thin, then you could try a little of the everything. You try the onion.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Putting it into its slivers gives you a lot more flexibility. Lox flavored cream cheese. Yeah, you can dip. I like it. Yeah, I thought the outrage was a little bit phony as well. Right. I mean, even if it's not my preferred way to eat a bagel, it takes all kinds. Then some people were going through the uh rankings of scientology
Starting point is 00:13:48 and uh like what the hierarchy is in that uh religion and tom cruise is a deity they say he's a god i would think so but at this point yeah good right yeah that's how i feel too god bless him it's about time he gets the recognition he deserves in scientology god bless him yeah i think it's xenu bless him that's okay never miss kovic bless him yes in the i probably mentioned this before but in the going clear book miss kavish just punches people all the time like they have like 30 stories of him just socking dudes he gets really frustrated he just hits guys wow i um do you think like who are other scientologists like john travolta do you think they refer to tom cruise as like my lord yeah um dude so four
Starting point is 00:14:38 new sports in the olympics now starting at 2024 in paris i think paris is a good place for new sports they've got a break dancing no you're against not break dancing that was like you'd go to the gym you can see the weird guy in the corner break dancing he's getting an olympic sport i've never seen that at the gym when i was in college yeah there would be like in the in the house, there would be a couple weirdos in the corner doing break dancing while everyone else is working out doing normal stuff. I've seen that. Right on. It would be the guys just with their big boom box.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Do they put down cardboard? No, they would just start busting out the dancing. You don't like break dancing? Or you just don't think it's a sport? I mean, there's no way it's a sport. Are you serious that it's going to be in the Olympics? I think it takes a lot of athletic ability, more so than like curling. Is this summer games?
Starting point is 00:15:35 Yeah. Yeah. No, I think they should keep that inside. That should be at least a winter sport. Breakdancing? Yeah, stay in. Were they going to do it on kind of a field? Is it that much different from like gymnastics or?
Starting point is 00:15:51 Yeah, good call. Well, that's why I think it should be inside. It should be on a mat or something. I think it's going to be inside. They do summer games stuff inside. I mean, they should tie in break dancing with gymnastics. Is that summer gymnastics? Yeah. I mean, they should tie in breakdancing with gymnastics. Is that summer gymnastics?
Starting point is 00:16:11 Winter games typically involve snow or ice. Snow and ice, yeah. Dude, when people get on the horse or whatever in gymnastics, is that what it's called? Yeah, the pommel horse. The pommel horse? That's basically breakdancing. Yeah, for sure. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:21 They do that move. And it's not like a game that you win by scoring, specifically beating your opponent. It's something you get evaluated by a judge on. They're all kind of like judge-based games where the victory is completely determined by personal evaluation. Well, I think it's going to be inside, though. I don't think they're going to be breakdancing outside anywhere. I definitely think it's going to be inside. They. I don't think they're going to be breakdancing outside anywhere.
Starting point is 00:16:45 I definitely think it's going to be inside. They do all the events inside. All right, well, you said outside. I never said outside. I think you did when we first brought it up. No, I think you've been fixated on the outside-inside thing. No, because when I think Summer Olympics, I think everything's outside.
Starting point is 00:17:00 I forgot about gymnastics. Well, in swimming, they typically do that in like... Yeah, that's inside too. They don't go on a lake. Yeah. They should go on a lake. That'd be cool. Well, they do rowing outside.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Yeah, and marathon running and track and field is kind of outside, I guess. Yeah, it is. It's like an open-door stadium. Have you guys... Open-door stadium. Have you guys watched the last few Olympics? Yeah, I watch them. I haven't watched it all.
Starting point is 00:17:27 I love them. Yeah, a couple events. I guess I just haven't had cable. All right, my dog. Should we get into some questions? What about The Rock? Oh, right, yeah. And then The Rock, there's a video clip right now circulating of The Rock giving a,
Starting point is 00:17:42 they call it a pep talk. It's a little bit short for a pep talk. He just talks to all these uh high school kids he's like you're gonna go play a game they're like yeah he's like you're gonna kick some ass they're like yeah he's like all right get after yeah that was it and they've got both angles they've got him filming them and them filming him i like his laugh during it he's like you're gonna kick some the funny thing is that they won by a lot i think yeah they won 23 to one or something like that yeah i think it speaks to his powers of persuasion yeah he got them jacked yeah the other team got a pep talk from uh cory feldman all right dudes should we get into some
Starting point is 00:18:20 questions yeah we love questions this one's from uh tyler i got a question that i feel like jt can relate an answer to but chad chiming as well i'm 23 now in my entire young adult life i've been experiencing with drugs steroids cocaine molly xanax you get the picture it's gotten to the point where my heart is constantly hurting even though i've given that life up over a year ago now i'm always scared i'm going to suddenly die anytime i go to the doctor hospital or specialist i feel like i'm not taken seriously i'm told that my shortness of breath and chest pain is acid reflux and anxiety and not to worry so my question for you jt is how much did your anxiety contribute to what you thought was a heart problem and how did you cope and deal with it any
Starting point is 00:19:02 advice would be greatly appreciated as my stoke tank is nearly empty your mind is so powerful that if you're like you're like man i did a lot of drugs and now my heart hurts if that a lot of that is your mind yeah especially if you focus yeah anxiety for yeah if you focus on it it only gets worse and if you're like yeah like man i think i think something is wrong with my liver and then all of a sudden you start feeling a pain in your liver yeah it's a lot that's just your mind yeah i'll do that if i drink a lot one night yeah the next day i'll be like oh my liver is probably in hurt it's probably bleeding or something no one time i didn't feel pain in your liver i took alpha brain and i was like oh my god my liver I took AlphaBrain and I was like, oh my God, my liver, I can feel it hurting. And I was actually grabbing a part of my body where the liver isn't.
Starting point is 00:19:48 I was like, my liver is killing me. And my buddy was like, your liver is over here. I was like, oh, I think that part is hurting now. Yeah, you're not dying. But, dude, you've got a lot of anxiety. So you've got to find some ways to work through it. But if you really are having heart problems, I mean well i feel like you gotta tell the doctor i i feel that all the time i mean i thought last night i like could be having a heart attack like that's when i was like laying
Starting point is 00:20:14 on the floor when we got back from the bar and i was doing like that active rest like that was like to chill me out does that just mean mean laying down? Active rest, yeah, with your eyes open, though. Yeah, so laying down. Yeah. Active rest. That doesn't need to be a term. You don't like it? I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:40 I'm not buying that. Fair enough. Plus, he's young, too, so his body's just regenerating and stuff. Yeah, your body's solid. It stops doing that at, like, 27, I heard. Really? Yeah. What?
Starting point is 00:20:55 So it just keeps growing, and I read it on the internet somewhere, so it's got to be true. Sup, Stokesensei. My girl recently became an actress, and her career has picked up. She's on a bunch of shows that I watch and I'm stoked for her. Recently she got asked to be in a scene where she would have to hook up on camera with them. Am I being a schmole for not wanting her to do it? Any advice?
Starting point is 00:21:15 Also can't wait to meet you boys on Monday. The Sizzler says boys are in my fraternity and we all love your podcast. That's nice. Did you meet them? Was that from last week? Yeah, the Sizzler says boys. That's fraternity. We all love your podcast. That's nice. Did you meet them? Was that from last week? Yeah, the Sizzler Says Boys, that's where we had the meet and greet. Thank you guys so much for hosting. They have their own podcast.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Check it out. And, yeah, like we said, they were super cool dudes. Dude, I totally get where this guy's coming from. I mean, that's a major bummer. But I think he's got to support her career that's part of acting yeah I'm just gonna be kissing and stuff and she's gonna she's gonna hold a grudge against him probably if he stops her yeah build resentment my last girlfriend was like farther along in her career than I was and it was a something
Starting point is 00:22:00 I struggled with but then every time I was able to kind of let go and just fully support her we had a really nice bone session afterwards oh nice yeah yeah i mean just speaking from experience as uh as an actor myself back when i used to do uh tony tina's wedding in chicago there'd be some serious making out in the play and uh you know the girls had boyfriends and you know they didn't care afterwards we'd all go have beers they're not gonna be like hey you were kissing my girl it's it's acting actors even though it's some it's pretty good it's pretty good make out yeah exactly but still acting i was a good actor do you get turned on um i mean i'm sure at some point i did but did the girls catch feelings no
Starting point is 00:22:55 no that's good what's up stokers i need help with the situation i've got two bros who i've shared some good times with one bro started dating the six-month ex-girlfriend of the other bro just one month after they broke up. My bro told the other bro that it was okay to go on and mess around, but now it's something more serious. I think that this is a schmole move, and I can tell it's bringing down the stoke of my entire squad. My bro won't say anything to my other bro as to not upset him
Starting point is 00:23:23 because he originally said it was okay. Should I speak up about the schmole move, or should I just let it slide and see my bro's stoke meter drop? My bro won't say anything to my other bro as to not upset him because he originally said it was okay. Should I speak up about the schmole move or should I just let it slide and see my bro's stoke meter drop? Thanks for the help, stokers, and fuck Puzio. P.S. Go Jags. Go Jaguars? Could be, yeah. Get it, though. He's our quarterback now.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Is it still Blaine Gabbert? No, it was Blake Bortles. Oh, it's Blake Bortles. Jesus. That was like 10 years ago. But it might not be anymore. what do you think um did we have a similar question last week yeah i feel like there's been similar yeah i mean we get yeah i mean a lot of bros you're having trouble i mean i've never been one for the dating people that your friends have dated i always find that odd it is kind of a small move because
Starting point is 00:24:07 there's just so many women in the world it's like you don't need to have the one that your friend was with i don't know unless there's a strong connection there's potential for long term but yeah maybe if they do seem to be like really in love then that's one thing yeah but if he's just like all like casual about like yeah that's you know we're hooking up you know maybe you should say hey dude that's kind of a small move like you should think about your dog a little bit more yeah i agree i agree if they're in love it, well, like if they end up getting married and stuff, you're like, well, it wasn't that much of a schmole move. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:48 But my buddy was hooking up with a gal and then they stopped and then it was another friend's birthday and she was flirting with a third friend. And the third friend like was kind of oblivious to the fact that he was flirting with her. He's just like a hot dude and didn't know. He was like kind of making us all uncomfortable. And then I was like, bro, you got to cut it out. He's like, I don't even know what you're talking about. And then I like threw him up against a wall. And I was like, you know what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:25:15 And then he pushed me backwards and we fell into the street and started wrestling. And then we got broken up. And the guy who had originally dated the girl came up to me and said, thank you for doing that. Yeah. Oh, nice. Yeah, so what I'm saying is fight your friend. Yeah. No, don't actually do that.
Starting point is 00:25:35 That's too harsh. Dudes, I've been heavy into the alternative music scene for most of my life. All throughout my teenage years, I constantly went to shows and festivals like the Warped Tour every time they came through NorCal. I myself have played in a few different bands, and my most recent one, and so far my most successful one, completely collapsed last week after our drummer left us. The other guys didn't see a future without him, so it's over. It's always been my dream to make a life around the music and the culture I love, and I truly believe that I have what it takes to get there, but I feel as if the universe is telling me to give it all up in my area in my area i can't seem to find anybody with the level of skill and right mindset needed for us to
Starting point is 00:26:09 collaborate and make some truly great music to even give us a shot lately i felt so sick of all my favorite bands and i have little desire to go to their shows anymore i'm almost 21 and transferring to college next semester is this all part of growing up is it time for me to hang up the old axe for good and focus on attaining a safer and more secure life path? Or should I continue to chase the stoke I hope to receive from the trade? Thanks, dudes. You're the best. Dude, the path to success is riddled with failure.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Yeah, you got to keep going. I'm almost 21. Yeah, dude. Keep going. You're young. God. Sounds like he's having success, so keep going. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Yeah, I think you just take it so seriously that it probably feels like your whole world's coming down, but it's not. You just got to stay in the course and keep going. There's probably a lot of drummers here. I mean, he'll find more people like that at college, and then after that, yeah, probably go to a musical hotbed where you can link up with some guys on your level. Yeah, I mean, especially because you could feel his passion.
Starting point is 00:27:04 guys on your level yeah i mean especially because you could feel his passion you can feel his passion for it in the email and if it brings you that much joy you got to stay in it you got to keep it in your life yeah i mean sounded really pumped up at the beginning of the email and yeah yeah you can tell he cares dude also i uh it reminds me of the movie that thing you do i haven't seen tom hanks movie about this band that's like a one-hit wonder it's so charming Yeah, you can tell he cares. Dude, also, it reminds me of the movie That Thing You Do. I haven't seen it. Tom Hanks movie about this band. That's like a one-hit wonder. It's so charming.
Starting point is 00:27:30 You got to check it out. The wonders. But the main character, the drummer, goes to see a jazz musician he likes, Del Paxton, and he tells him this. Ain't no way to keep a band together. Bands come and go. You got to keep on playing no matter what with who. And he says, look, it could be money, women, the road, just time sometimes.
Starting point is 00:27:50 But that's the life you're choosing. But it's a good life. Yo, not a long time listening to your pod. I started a few weeks ago, but I'm cooking through your apps. I hope to be grandfathered into the stoker community if you two stoke mongers will have me. So I recently listened to the pod where Chad boasts about his legend, Peter G, and how he was a solid dude to party with, Episode 22. He sounds like a great snug bud. Chad, you reminisce on the memory of when he came home one day and was like, let's go to the grocery store, let's get some salmon, get some wine, and let's go cook dinner with these girls. And that's exactly the type of
Starting point is 00:28:16 spontaneity I strive for. What other things did Peter G do or things that you guys can think of that maybe I should try? Or what do you think elicits ideas on that spontaneous spectrum of stoke? Box breathing? Green juice? Help a fellow stoker out. Brendan. Dude, I have stories about Peter G. Where do I begin?
Starting point is 00:28:35 Is that Peter Gabriel? No. He's from college. Peter Graham. I'll ask him if he wants me to edit that out. The dude is just like, he was just like a physical specimen. So he would just, he's one of those guys who, he seemed like he didn't have a lot of fear.
Starting point is 00:28:50 So he would just like be doing backflips off the porch and shit. I remember one time we were in Cabo and there was a huge shore break and he starts climbing on the rocks and then this massive set rolls in and he almost died, you know, cause like this set almost smashed him into the rocks, but he held onto the rocks just like, and he was just laughing the whole time.
Starting point is 00:29:12 He's like, ha ha ha ha. And this water was trying to kill him. So he would just put himself in, he's one of those guys who puts himself in the situations like that and always comes out on top with high levels of tea. Remember one time he ordered every drink off the menu at Club 96 in Cabo and downed all of them.
Starting point is 00:29:29 That was probably like 25. Whoa. I wouldn't recommend he do that. He's just a beast. One time we were just rollerblading all over fucking college, sketching cars. Wouldn't recommend he do that either. What's sketching?
Starting point is 00:29:44 Oh, were you right on the back of them yeah yeah everything you've suggested is dangerous yeah well that's what peter g does i mean i wouldn't but the salmon thing yeah but the salmon thing was nice yeah it was a nice dinner yeah some ladies and some white wines yeah he does nice stuff i'd recommend go up more going that route right to where you uh to where you sort of take that leadership position where you're like, all right, tonight we're going to go get a whole chicken, a live one. We're going to get a whole chicken.
Starting point is 00:30:15 We're going to get some pinot. And then we're going to have some nice conversation. Yeah. So, yeah, just sort of take on, if you want to be more like Peter, just sort of take on that leadership role and sort of like don't go to the party, start the party. What up, Chad and JT? Big fans of the podcast and strong supporters of the choral. We came into our frosh year of college super stoked to make friends and mems.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Practically day one, we formed a solid girl gang and met some chill guy friends who meshed well with our vibe. The beginning was great. Our nights out together were splanky. got them into parties solid ratio stuff and they were like our bros fast forward to a semester later we started noticing their disrespect to the house party owners which is not in line with our beliefs and reflected poorly on our stoke levels on top of this they think they're alphas and they're just not talk about a serious need to chill your balls we're a girl gang known for breaking it down on the dance floor and getting a little bit sandy.
Starting point is 00:31:06 The alphas in them get in the way of this at parties. They try to get in our dome space when we're really just having fun, and they pull us off the dance floor away from any guy we're talking to. We started as a solid squad with good vibes only, but we think it's time to cut ties. After all, girls just want to have fun. Shouts to Sidney Lauper. Any advice on how to boke two schmoles with one stone? I think you just got to start phasing them out.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Start going to different hangs and different parties than these fools. What say you? Something similar, but maybe be a little more honest with them. You should be like, look, look I'm gonna talk to other dudes you can't just pull me away from dudes these guys are just trying to find their way and in the way of that is their insecurity I think that's where most their behavior is coming from
Starting point is 00:31:55 yeah maybe have a heart-to-heart with one of them and ask them like what's going on and why they're acting up more and if they can't go there with you and see your side then I think it's all right to take space and like joe said kind of just start doing your own thing without them it sounds like they have some romantic interest in them yeah i think that's what it is too is they might be like unable to tell you that they like you so they're doing this other immature stuff as a way of like
Starting point is 00:32:20 getting that energy out i'm certainly guilty of that times. Or maybe just drop a deuce in front of them. I was going to this bagel shop a lot and the guy behind the register invited me to a party and I went to the party and I didn't realize he was in high school. So I get there and it's all 17 year olds, but I was like, oh, I'm just gonna hang out for a little bit and like give advice to kids.
Starting point is 00:32:42 But I was watching the 17 year old boys on the dance floor and they were so uncomfortable with themselves and they they wanted to they wanted to be partying in a different way than they were actually partying like they wanted to be like you know cooler and so what they did was just run into each other on the dance floor while making derp faces but there's a and then they'd like bump into each other and the girls were all like what are you doing and i was like they're 17 i just don't know you should have showed him some moves i did i ripped up the dance floor good yeah this guy wrote what up dudes i have a serious ish on my hands right now and then didn't write anything else is he okay david are you all right and then didn't write anything else.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Is he okay? David, are you all right? Is there a dot, dot, dot after? No, he sent from his iPhone. Shit. Oh, maybe he thinks it's a live conversation. He's like, oh, what is it? And then he's going to write back right away. I wrote back to him,
Starting point is 00:33:46 we're here to help. No response yet. David, if you're listening, give us your coordinates. What if you're too woke about life's hardships to get stoked? How do I deal with cynicism? Love you, dude. Stoked meter been up since I found you dudes gratitude yeah it's a great one you just gotta think about what's good in your life then you'll feel good say it again uh that was a quick one what if you two woke about life's
Starting point is 00:34:19 hardships to get stoked how do i deal with cynicism love you dudes stoke meter's been up since i found you dudes. Okay. So, yeah, I mean, yeah, there's a lot of problems in the world, but you can't become overwhelmed by that. You still have to try and you still have to be happy with life. Yeah, like be conscious of stuff, but also you need to have happiness in life. You can't let that be at the front of your brain all the time. I succumb to cynicism pretty often.
Starting point is 00:34:50 I think it's okay to feel down. To get myself feeling better, I like to watch, I've mentioned him a lot, this guy likes stories of old YouTube videos where he breaks down movies and kind of finds the humanism in all of them. I watched it last night before Joe and I hit the town, and I was crying my eyes out. I was going to mention that, but I thought I probably shouldn't bring that up, but then you brought it up anyway, so.
Starting point is 00:35:12 No, I'm good, yeah. But, yeah, you were crying. Yeah, so I cried, and then we hit the town, and we went dancing. So, yeah, whatever works for you. And also remember, Abraham Lincoln was super depressed. He did a lot of good stuff. You can also watch the handshake between Tyrese and Paul Walker in Too Fast, Too Furious.
Starting point is 00:35:32 That makes me feel good. Or just look at a picture of Miami. Hey, what's up, guys? I've been selling drugs since I was young. No pressed pills or downers. I always kept a tight circle, and since I didn't want to make money off them and set legit homey prices, we used to party hard, but have all been starting to slow down, some of them getting married and having kids.
Starting point is 00:35:51 My problem is that some of them have labeled me a toxic person and begun to avoid me. I know they are projecting their habits on me, and a slight amount of jealousy is involved, because they think I'm out here raging like we used to. I don't party nearly as much as they think, and I try to plan sober activities for us for us to do unfortunately they only want to get fucked up when they see me and blame me for it after is there such a thing as reverse intervention please help i know there are a lot of moving pieces here but i would love to hear have the combo if you have opinions is he still selling drugs i think so yeah yeah whoa i don't what's not going on there i think look your your friends are being hypocritical they're judging you for something that they also participate in but since what you're doing is illegal i would focus less on
Starting point is 00:36:37 how they're reacting to you and more on like what you actually want out of life like do you want to stay a drug dealer or are there other things you want to do that you could potentially do that you're kind of just uh not doing because you're comfortable like and and i think one of the hardest parts about being a drug dealer is that you can't talk to people about who you actually are. That's kind of like part of the cost of doing business in that field. So I would just recommend that, and it's easier said than done, I would recommend that you try and find another line of work. Yeah, dude, you don't want to end up in the can.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Then it's going to be really hard to kick it with them. Yeah, and they're going to judge you more at that point. Yeah, and then there's going to be like a whole wall in between you guys yeah yeah your friends aren't the coolest but that's i wouldn't worry about that as much right now sup chad and jt you guys have a great podcast i listen to it daily and get super pumped i've had a recurring problem over the last few years i love having the boys over my crib to crank beers and do hood rat stuff however one of my friends recently has been acting like a schmoll he pretends to drink way more beers than he does sometimes claiming to have killed two 12 packs in a few hours i can get over his lies but he also
Starting point is 00:37:59 goes into my guest room and jerks off he pretends like he's not boxing his mud turtle but i know he's slapping his rat normally i would poke him but he provides jewel which i very much need what Dude, it's tough when the guy with the jewel is a schmole. Here's my plan. Challenge him to a case race, and then say your mom found jizz in the guest room. Yeah, that's so gross you gotta go you gotta jerk off on your own property that's agreeing i think uh it's hard when the person who's doing it's hard to confront people when they're doing weird shit because you it makes
Starting point is 00:38:42 you so uncomfortable you're like i don't really even want to talk to this like why do i even have to talk to you about how you jack off in my house like i don't want to have to confront you about this shit but you know it's not what we demand from life it's what life demands from us and right now you got to protect your house so maybe maybe you should so the guy doesn't get mad go the more compliment route be like dude you're so cool man like you're able to jack off in my house and have everyone know about it and talk about it, but still not care. And he's like, what? Yeah. Like you meet people and you're like, oh, yeah, dude, Reggie's super cool.
Starting point is 00:39:14 He jacks off in my house all the time. He's like, can you not tell people that? You're like, you do. You do jack off in my house all the time. I've seen you. You're good at it. I've seen you do it. You're great at it.
Starting point is 00:39:21 We all know it. Don't be embarrassed. He's like, please stop telling people that. You go to the guest room and just crank it dude you go to the guest room you jack off and it's amazing we're all like really impressed let's get into the of the weeks joe who is your beef of the week i don't have that one yet i was hoping you wouldn't start with that uh we start with beef now. Yeah, it's a recent change. We'll do our beefs first and then come back to you.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Chad, who is your beef of the week? Thank you for preparing. My beef of the week. My beef of the week is with Neutrogena sunscreen. Get it. What up, Neutrogena, you thick-ass sunscreen motherfuckers you know my dad is like he's very aggro about the sunscreen he's like you're gonna get skin cancer i'm like dad this is apollo's will okay let it happen but he'd be like no i'm gonna put on sunscreen then he'd give me
Starting point is 00:40:18 neutrogena like 100 spf and i'd look like a freaking you know, like I took a bath in milk, and I'd come out, and people were like, what are you doing, dude? I'm like, I don't know. My dad got me with the Neutrogena. So my beef of the week is with Neutrogena sunscreen, you know? Like, why don't you make it not like I'm putting on, like, a freaking metal suit every time I apply your sunscreen, you know? Make it a little bit lighter.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Make it so I have sunscreen, but I can maintain a shine and get a bronze, okay? Because I still want the benefits of the sun. I don't want to cover myself with some goo that's just going to act like a barrier between me and the vitamin D. That's my beef. That's very noble. I have one, though, if you want to go to me. Joe, what's your beef of the week? My beef of the week is with our landlord, actually.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Ilya? Yeah, thanks for giving his name out. I wasn't going to do that. Well, he, yeah, because the washing machine has been broken for over a week now. He's always good at fixing stuff. He usually does it the same day. made me go to the laundromat it cost me like almost 12 to do laundry it's gonna put me in the poorhouse yeah i don't know what's taking him so long to fix it and i asked him are you gonna fix it he said yeah and that was the end of the conversation so i assume that meant quick he didn't
Starting point is 00:41:47 give you a timetable no that's frustrating we saw him this morning yeah it's very frustrating i'm not asking him again you feel uncomfortable asking him again or you just feel like it should already be fixed yeah well both because he knows it's broken he's pretty easy to talk to i would recommend just talking to him about it i mean we you have to have working laundry at the building. It's so expensive at the laundromat. Elliot gave us some good news, though. We've got some ladies moving to the apartment building. Yeah, that is exciting.
Starting point is 00:42:16 There's, what do you say, two nice girls? He didn't put a number on it, but I'm assuming it's a two-bedroom. Yeah, so that'll be good. Yeah. Hopefully they're nice. He didn't put a number on it, but I'm assuming it's a two-bedroom. Yeah, so that'll be good. Yeah. Hopefully they're nice. All right, so my beef of the week is Unknown Assailant from Winter Formal, sophomore year of high school.
Starting point is 00:42:42 So a couple things stirred this memory up. Last week someone asked me if I was a good fighter, and they asked me for my record, and I just kind of ball stirred this memory up. Last week, someone asked me if I was a good fighter, and they asked me for my record. And I just kind of ballparked the numbers. But then it made me think about all the other kind of situations I've been in. And then we had a show at the Laugh Factory on Tuesday, which was really, really fun. Get back from Delaware. And then we had a pretty busy show at the Laugh Factory stand-up show,
Starting point is 00:43:02 which was really cool. And then there was a guy there wearing an Avias, El Ranchito Avias sweatshirt, which is the restaurant we went to for Winter Formal sophomore year. So I go to Winter Formal sophomore year. The girl asked me, Stephanie, thank God she asked me. I was so nervous no one was going to ask me. I hadn't gone to homecoming that year, but I still had the after party. And I was starting to feel like kind of a nerd.
Starting point is 00:43:24 But then I got asked, girl, lovely human being, to go to the dance. So I'm nervous though. I'm real nervous. You know, like my parents come, I'm like, man, like everyone's watching me. I just feel self-conscious. We go to have dinner. We're waiting for our limo to take us to the dance. And then this like probably, I don't know, 30 year old guy comes over and he's like, what's up dudes? How's it going? And just starts talking to us. But he's kind of got some menace in his voiceold guy comes over. He's like, what's up, dudes? How's it going? He just starts talking to us. But he's kind of got some menace in his voice. And I'm like, oh, yeah, what's up, man?
Starting point is 00:43:49 What's up with you? And then he kind of like made fun of my tux. And I was like, okay, whatever, dude. And then he was like, yeah, when I was like you, I was very similar, but I wasn't fake. He called me fake. And I was like, no, you're fake like your cheap-ass sunglasses. And everyone went, oh. And then the guy went, what? fake he called me fake and i was like no you're fake like your cheap ass sunglasses and everyone went oh and then the guy went what and then he smacked me in the head i was like five feet tall
Starting point is 00:44:13 the time he just hits me in the head i'm like oh and then he walks away and everyone's like oh my god and then all my boys turn away they don't want to get involved they all just like walk away and then the guy comes like stumbling over a couple minutes later and he's like hey dude um i'm sorry i heard we were arguing and then my girlfriend said i might have accidentally punched you did i like did it did something like that happen i was like looking at him i was like are you serious i was like yeah dude you punched me and he's like oh no dude it's an accident i don't think i hit you he was all worried he's gonna go to jail or something I was like whatever man just get out of here and the only two guys who had my back were
Starting point is 00:44:48 these guys from random high schools who happened to be in our formal group and they were like hey if you want to we'll like fuck this guy up and I was like I don't want you to but you two guys are really great guys Schreider was there didn't do a thing but yeah so that's my
Starting point is 00:45:04 beef of the week is with this uh random like 30 year old dude punched me in the head when i was 16 nice my girlfriend's like damn dude you smacked this kid yeah he's like he's like did i hit you my girlfriend just told me i hit you did that actually happen i was like yeah you punched me and then he was like oh dude crazy yeah i don't remember doing that i don't think that actually happened but i'm really sorry i was like what the fuck is going on here and then my date's like just sitting there and happy ending though we made out dude in the limo ride to the after party of bryce's we made out and after we made out everyone was like bryce like Bryce my buddy Bryce was like kiss her kiss her everyone in the limo made me
Starting point is 00:45:47 kiss her they like kiss her kiss her I was like fine and then afterwards I was like this yeah you became the mayor I was pumped dude then I had a really good time at the after party all right Chad who is your babe of the week I'm gonna go in Strider form here and make my GF babe of the week uh i'm gonna go in strider form here and make uh my gf babe of the week caroline whoa what up caroline um yeah because she was super supportive this week came to the laugh factory show she's at a busy week at work she's on dispatch um which i don't know if i can talk about she basically uh she got a position, like a good position at work for the week where it's high stress and you've got to tell a lot of people what to do.
Starting point is 00:46:30 You're basically the leader. She's in the mail room. You've got to be like the leader. And so it's high stress. But she still came out to the show and supported us. And it was very caring. And, yeah, she's just a freaking babe. And then we went and got food after. And I just wanted to give her a shout-out.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Like, thank you for being supportive and caring and always showing me a good time. She's a legend. Yeah. She's awesome. That's my babe. Joe, who is your babe of the week? uh i'm gonna say uh my friend rachel who uh runs a great uh open mic uh in our neighborhood that mic has been great for me because that is basically because i'm not because as a stand-up i'm not really a sit down and write them out kind of thing so i'm basically been using that place to do all my writing i've been going
Starting point is 00:47:27 there like four or five days a week and i'm just working stuff out and working thoughts out and i'm so glad that rachel started this place because it's right by our place it's like two minutes from us yeah and it's just so convenient i could go there early and then go to work and it just has been great and i feel like it's really helped me a lot because yeah because you want to be constantly developing stuff and uh thankful that rachel started that room she's awesome yeah she runs that room so well too. All right. My baby of the week is Barker. Barker is one of my best friends from growing up.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Gnarls Barker, Barkadilla. She's awesome. She made me a more better person. We are always good for laughs. And she lives in Philadelphia, but I didn't get to see her when we went to Delaware. So I want to shout her out now. Barker miss you i hope you're doing well you look great on instagram and uh you know i miss the days when we would rage together um all right chad who is
Starting point is 00:48:39 your legend of the week my legend of the week is week is the dude who invented the wheel. Whoa. Yeah. What up, you freaking Neanderthal? I don't know who invented the wheel, but the guy is a freaking legend, and I don't think he gets enough credit. No one even knows who he is. Do people know? No.
Starting point is 00:49:00 No one knows who he is, so I just want to give him a shout-out wherever you are, dude. Thank you so much for providing us with the wheel because now we have cars. That led to cars, and that led to fast and the furious there's a direct correlation yeah like imagine imagining a wheel if you had never seen a wheel before yeah it's unreal yeah so what up dude who invented the wheel thank you so much i'm sure you're probably like a million years old, but you're a frigging dank legend. That's a good one. Joe, who is your legend of the week? My legend of the week is the name that you see right here on this bottle. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Erewhon. It's been around for like 40 years now or something. Is that how long it's been around? Why are you doing that? I wanted to surprise them when it cuts back uh yeah i can't believe organic has been a thing for that long but yeah i go to aril on grocery store um five days a week i'm eating two meals a day there monday through friday and it's got me feeling great like you feel the difference when you eat healthy it's so good i get my coffee there uh everything food
Starting point is 00:50:16 uh i bought garbage bags from there which are a little flimsy. But I actually bought body wash there recently. How's that work for you? I don't know. I'm trying it out. It's unscented. You always smell good. You ever try unscented soap? It's kind of weird.
Starting point is 00:50:34 No, I haven't done it. Yeah, because it's like you put it on. You're getting clean, but then you just smell yourself after. So it's all me, baby. What do you think happens when you die? What? Well, what does that have to do with Erewhon? I'm just curious.
Starting point is 00:50:52 I don't know, but I hope Erewhon's there. Nice. Dudes, my legend of the week is Philippe Petit. He's the man on wire. Have you ever seen that documentary by james marsh about the guy who shot an arrow across the world trade centers and then tightrope to cross it oh no yeah and he has some great lines about it where he's like they're like weren't you afraid of falling he's like i'm always falling and adjusting i'm falling and catching myself that's all tightrope walking
Starting point is 00:51:20 is is constantly falling you know what else is like that life my dogs so the cops when he comes down when he comes down, are like in awe of him, but they got to arrest him. He gets out in like a day. What's the first thing he does? Does he go celebrate with his friends and his loving wife who supported him? No, he has sex with a groupie. And he's like, why did I do that? Why did I do that? Because I had this massive internal yearning to explode. I had to explode. And you're like, yes, yes, French guy. That is what being horny is like. And I just love that he could juggle all that stuff inside of him. And he can literally juggle.
Starting point is 00:51:55 He's good at juggling. So, Philippe Petit, you did something so beautiful. You are my legend of the week, Philippe Petit. All right, Chad, what is your quote of the week? My quote of the week comes from the sketch Green Team from Funny or Die. John C. Reilly gets up in the camera, gets in your face, full on, and he's like, just because I'm an environmentalist doesn't mean I'm a sissy, motherfucker. Have you already done this?
Starting point is 00:52:23 Well, I mean, I know you've done Green Team before, but I don't know if it was that one. Okay. Well, that's my quote. Boom. Good one. Joe, what is your quote of the week? You're not ready, are you?
Starting point is 00:52:33 I got it. Yeah, I am ready. Just in the nick of time. This one's very cool. It's from Jim Morrison. From the Rolling Stones? The Doors. Was that a joke?
Starting point is 00:52:43 Yeah. Oh, it was a good bit. the doors was that a joke yeah that was a good bit um so he said a friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself whoa heard that no that's a great quote yeah that's good yeah because yeah around your friends you're you know you're comfortable you can just be who you are that's so nice man that's what friendship's about, just being able to be you around the people you love. That's nice. My quote of the week is from Christopher Hitchens, a famous dead atheist and scholar
Starting point is 00:53:15 and a dude who is good at arguing with people. He was just a... He's such a funny, interesting guy, and I just loved how he just did not give a fuck. Like one time Sean Hannity had him on his show after the televangelist Jerry Falwell died. And he's like, he's like, and Sean Hannity's like,
Starting point is 00:53:33 don't you feel bad that Jerry's dead? And he said all these horrible things about him. He's like, no, I don't feel bad at all. In fact, I think the world's a better place now that he's dead. And I only wish that there was a hell that he would have to go to. He says that on TV, like a day after the guy died.
Starting point is 00:53:47 You're like, holy fuck, dude. And I would never want to say anything like that. But I appreciate someone who's not afraid to be unlikable. And he has a great quote in his book, Letters to a Young Contrarian, which I read years ago, but it really was like foundational for me. Probably made me super annoying at dinner sometimes, but it's a good book. And the quote is, they say argument generates more heat than light, but if the sun wasn't hot, it wouldn't shine at all. So it's
Starting point is 00:54:11 like, yeah, argument does get people heated, but through that process, we can make small concessions in our arguments and evolve. So thank you, Christopher Hitch, for that good quote and for living your life fearlessly. All right, dudes, we got some more time. What else should we talk about? What are you guys up to for the rest of the day? I got to go eat. Well said.
Starting point is 00:54:36 I'm going to edit some stuff. What are you editing? I'm going to edit a Daily Motivate. Oh, nice. Maybe I'll do a Daily Motivate. Oh, nice. Maybe I'll do... Joe, what should I do for Daily Motivate? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:45 How'd you get those scratches on your neck? Are those sex scratches? No, I don't think so. What are they? Do I have scratches? Maybe I was scratching. You might've just been scratching. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:53 I got a date tonight. Oh, all right. 8.30. Who's with? This girl, Nicole. Met her on Hinge. She seems cool. She did all the legwork.
Starting point is 00:55:01 Like she texted me. We talked a couple of weeks ago and then she texted me. It was like circling back on this. I was like, yeah, let's do this thing. Let's go. It's a good thing she checked back in. I'm going to work out, I think.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Do some upper body. So we put out a clip of Joe Montanigliani not supporting the choral. Yeah. Do you feel bad about that at all? He blocked us? Yeah, he blocked us. Who's this? The guy from Magic Mike and Deadpool and stuff.
Starting point is 00:55:28 He blocked us because we put out a clip where we bugged him behind the scenes at the Arnold Classic. Oh, is that? Asked him to support the choral. Sofia Vergara's husband? Yes, exactly. Yeah, I was like, maybe he's a little bit pissed. He'll probably forget about it, though. Yeah, dude, someone, Vortrees had a good idea that we should have you,
Starting point is 00:55:49 the smallest sports fan I know, pick the rest of the Sweet 16 for the NCAA tournament. Do you want to do that real quick? Yeah, just give me the name. I don't even know who's in it. Chad, who do you have? Number four seed, Florida State, 29-7 versus Gonzaga, 32-3. Number one seed.
Starting point is 00:56:08 Florida State. Wow. Any reason? Florida. There it is. Next game, we have the Purdue Boilermakers, 25-9, going up against the Tennessee Volunteers, 31-5. Tennessee Volunteers.
Starting point is 00:56:24 I like the name more. Yeah, exactly, right? They're trying to help. Texas Tech, 28-6, the Red Raiders, get your guns up, versus the Michigan Wolverines. Ooh, that's tough. I like both those places. Texas Tech, because I'm on like a cowboy thing.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Yeah, you can't really be on a Wolverine thing thing yeah michigan's cold although i do love michigan i've never been there but i like i like people from michigan i've had good times there it's a nice yeah i hear good things who do we know from michigan jordan lear oh nice yeah he's a great guy peter g he's from chicago but he he goes to michigan a lot there it is. Oregon Ducks versus the Virginia Cavaliers. Virginia. Meet Virginia. Then we have LSU, the Tigers, versus the Michigan State Spartans.
Starting point is 00:57:20 I got to go LSU. Auburn Tigers versus the North Carolina Tar Heels. Tar Heels, Michael Jordan. There it is, dude. And then we got Virginia Tech versus Duke. Duke. And then we've got Houston. Houston's also the Cougars, right?
Starting point is 00:57:34 Yeah. Versus Kentucky Wildcats. Houston because my brother's been working there a lot. Nice, dude. Kentucky's a powerhouse. So who do you have winning the whole tournament? Florida State because they're probably the most tan good call yeah good pick and then baseball season started today who do you think is going to win the world series um i gotta go with the strows go strows our dog i mean all right my brother if he listens to this he's gonna explode but my brother wants
Starting point is 00:58:06 me you know he's a diehard giants fan he's like giants all the way my cousin too evan and i know he listens to both diehard giants fans and uh because like my family's originally from the bay like we like my grandparents and then before them it's bay since like the 1800s right so they're like giants fans but i'm like you know what i love socal and i'm kind of oh dude they're gonna be pissed i'm kind of becoming a dodgers fan whoa just because i love la that's nuts i love la like i was at a dodgers game and i love la came on on, and I was like, this is where it's at. Yeah, it's fun, but I'm not going to change my fandom. Well, yeah, I don't really watch the games.
Starting point is 00:58:53 Anything else, guys? All right, let's wrap it up. Guys, that'll be it for episode 64 of Going Deep with Chad and JT. Joe, thank you so much for coming in. Yeah, always fun being here. Thank you, guys. Good to see you. And no mention of his hog on this one. No, Joe, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:08 Is your penis okay with that? Is that alright? Yeah, yeah. Do you appreciate that? Or would you rather we bring you? Yeah, I'm not all hog. Yeah, you're also heart, brains, and bulk. Thanks. Yeah. A lot of heart. Yeah, a lot of heart. Yeah, you are the most romantic guy I know. Really?
Starting point is 00:59:24 Yeah, because you're always telling these stokers, you're like, go get sex. But then when we talk at home, you're like, I just want to get married. Yeah, it lot of heart. Yeah, you are the most romantic guy I know. Yeah, you are. Really? Yeah, because you're always telling these stokers, you're like, go get sex. But then when we talk at home, you're like, I just want to get married. Yeah, it's true. I love love. Here it goes. Here it goes. The moment I wake up Before I put on my makeup I say a little prayer for you
Starting point is 00:59:55 While combing my hair now And wondering what dress rest to wear now I say a little prayer for you Forever and ever You stay in my heart And I will love you Forever and ever We never will part
Starting point is 01:00:21 Oh how I love you Together, together Is how it must be to live without you would only mean heartbreak for me I run for the bus steer And while riding I think of a steer I say a little prayer for you At work I just take time And all through my coffee break time
Starting point is 01:01:03 I say a little prayer for you. Forever and ever, you stay in my heart, and I will love you forever and ever. We never were born. Oh, I love you together, together. Together together. It's how it must be Been heartbreak for me Let's try that again. You do the backing vocals. My darling, believe me
Starting point is 01:01:59 For me there is no one but you Please love me too I'm in love with you. Answer my prayers now, baby. Say you love me too. Answer my prayers now, baby. Forever and ever you stay in my heart And I will love you forever and ever We never will part
Starting point is 01:02:32 Oh how I love you Together, together Is how it must be to live without you Would only mean heartbreak for me What is going on?

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