Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 68 - Music Snobbery, Oxalates, Goodness of the Universe

Episode Date: May 1, 2019

What up stokers. In episode 68, Chad and JT get philosophical. Talking about our theories on the universe and all that good stuff. We dive into insecurities about playing music for othe...r people, and the dangers of oxalates. Dive on in!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's your team? How we doing? Chad and JT music music music music surprise surprise
Starting point is 00:00:16 my uh my headphones are backwards hold on your cans aren't working there we go what up stokers boom clap oh what up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger that intro song is it gives me a woody every time i'm gonna be frank dude i can see you pushing through the wood here i'm gonna be a dude named frank yeah yeah dude wood on wood yeah um this is episode 68 i'm with my dog john thomas what What up? Boom clap, Stokers, for a second time. Boom clap for a third time.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Also, before we begin, this Stoker reached out about her boyfriend, T-Cake Boss. It's his birthday. What up, dude? A very happy birthday to T-Cake Boss. I believe his name is Tom. The king. Yeah. The king of cake.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Yep. And a boss in himself. He's got all the high status names right there. The guy's just a legend. Yeah. I've been saying high status a lot lately. It's because you're a boss in himself. He's got all the high status names right there. The guy's just a legend. Yeah. I've been saying high status a lot lately. It's because you're a high status dude. Dude, that's like the best possible perception of that.
Starting point is 00:01:12 My dog. Yeah. Thank you, dude. I mean, you wouldn't say high status if you were low status. Yeah, you wouldn't want to talk about it. Yeah. You're letting me off the hook big time, man. You'd be ashamed.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Yeah. You'd be like, status doesn't exist. Yeah. Dude, status. which it shouldn't i remember one time i got into like these youtube videos i was like you know i was like deep in the dating world you know and i'm like how can i like how can i step up my game a little bit so i watch these youtube videos this guy don't check him out stokers because he's a massive douche yeah don't put his name out there yeah um jason capital wait but kids are gonna watch that now yeah they're gonna watch yeah they're gonna
Starting point is 00:01:54 like him yeah he's like he's like you got to be high status okay if they stare at you you stare at them until they break okay you just You just got to keep staring at them. You got to be indifferent. You got to not care. Okay. But how do you believe in those things if you don't believe in them? Yeah. I mean, they're just going to take you in like the completely wrong direction.
Starting point is 00:02:14 You're going to call someone a dumbass and think it's sexy. Yeah. It's not. You know what I realized after like all this like trying and stuff? I'm like, who gives a fuck? You know? I totally agree because people are like yeah um they have to text you 80 of the time okay if they're texting you and you're initiating texting less than you're initiating texting more than 20 of the time she's gonna leave you for
Starting point is 00:02:38 another dude who's more alpha i'm like what dude well and if i want to text her i'm just gonna text her i don't give a fuck anymore and things don't like most things don't work out like things you're gonna fail more than you're gonna succeed so like I think people are trying to find like a way to like never fail it's like dude it's just part of it yeah you know what I mean yeah it just it's like the it sucks yeah but it's just it's just the way it is yeah you learn from pain yeah yeah and then if you have a breakup you're like wow this is to be great for my acting class. Yeah. If you're in that.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Oh, it's fodder. Yeah. Yeah. If you're in like business or accounting, you can channel it some way into like taxes. Nora Ephron, she said everything is fodder. Yeah. But then at the end of her life, she didn't tell anybody she was sick. And she died like surprising everybody.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Is that good or bad? I don't know. It's interesting to me. Yeah. When you're telling me that, I'm like, does that make everything she said a lie everybody is that good or bad i don't know it's interesting yeah when you're telling me that i'm like does that make everything she said lie or is that cool i think i think she felt weird making death fodder yeah because why do i think this i gotta just sit in this and try to have this a clear thought yeah I'm trying to absorb it too I just keep thinking about pubes dude we went to San Diego last night we had a stand-up show that was fun yeah that was cool yeah
Starting point is 00:03:56 that was the most people who have ever come to see me do comedy yeah let's do comedy yes I think we have a lot of stokers down in san diego yeah strong shout out to all the stokers you said what up yeah what up dude it was good to meet all you guys yeah it was intimate it was intimate you're like five inches from someone's face you're like hello yeah this one guy's hammered and he's just like he's like i love the pod and i'm like i'm like thank you so much dude. Can you move back like an inch? Yeah. Can I love you from here?
Starting point is 00:04:28 Yeah. Yeah. But everyone was super nice, super supportive. And then we met some like coral safe sunscreen guys. You mind if I shout them out? Shout them out. They're called Surf Dirt. Surf Dirt, thank you guys for making coral safe sunscreen.
Starting point is 00:04:43 You guys are looking out for the coral. and that's what it's all about. Have you noticed this ever when you, like, meet somebody that they'll not know how to say they like you, so they come in kind of, like, aggressive? Like, it goes back to the status thing. Yeah. Where they're a high status person, so they can't come in and be like, dude, like, I'm really a big fan. They'll be like, what up, dude? I'm a huge a huge fan not because i'm gay but you'd probably like that yeah but yeah what up i like the pod yeah yeah you're like dude it's all good dude when they try to like give you shit and yeah you're like like they're like nice jeans idiot and you're
Starting point is 00:05:20 like why why are you insulting me yeah yeah i i meet guys like that all the time it's hilarious what's up queer yeah they're like what's up dude so you're gay huh yeah that's cool i guess i like your podcast yeah thanks a lot of dudes here you guys like dong uh what yeah you probably need some lead in your pencil good job tonight i met this one guy. He didn't know me at the show, and he comes in kind of like, he's kind of hammered. I was just in the back sort of by myself, you know, getting ready for the show. And he just kind of stumbles in.
Starting point is 00:05:54 He's like, oh, what's up, dude? I play football. I'm like, nice. And he's just like, what are you doing here? I'm like, I'm doing stand-up. He's like, oh, you go on stage? Oh, you go on stage. Wow. Oh dude. Like,
Starting point is 00:06:06 you know, whenever I go on, like, like I play football, but like public speaking, man. And then comedy is like crazy. Like that's,
Starting point is 00:06:13 that's a whole other level. I'm like, yeah, it's, it's a lot. And then we were like bonding over that, you know, he's like,
Starting point is 00:06:19 cause every time I go into a game, it's just like, I get someone, I get so scared. But then once I'm in the first down, I'm in it. And I'm like, yeah, for sure. And then and i know where he's like hey do you listen to joe rogan experience i was like yeah he's like i learned so much from that dude i had a couple people bring up joe rogan to me too yeah yeah it's funny how you're like i'm learning so much dude someone told me that
Starting point is 00:06:39 they're like i only listen to the joe rogan podcast in your podcast that's cool that's nice yeah that's cool do you listen to the graham hancock episode your podcast. That's cool. That's nice. Yeah. That's cool. Do you listen to the Graham Hancock episode? Not yet. You gotta listen to that? Yeah, I've heard. I bought his book. It's mind-blowing?
Starting point is 00:06:52 Oh, I haven't read it, but the podcast is good. Yeah, that's what I mean. What do you talk about? Just about how, you know, archaeology is not... Accurate? Yeah, it's not what we think it is. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:07:02 You know, like there's... Because of, like, comets hitting the earth, all these cataclysmic events you know that there are possibly way we our existence may have started in America instead of like Mesopotamia and
Starting point is 00:07:17 there's like so many because there's like a huge event 12,000 years ago and then there may be like a lot more advanced civilizations but because of like an asteroid hitting the earth it caused like an ice age or like sea levels to rise so like these civilizations just got completely destroyed. And then there's a lot of evidence of like civilizations
Starting point is 00:07:42 in like the Amazon rainforest and the Amazon rainforest might just be like a huge sort of man-made garden. So it's cool. The Amazon rainforest might be man-made? Basically, yeah. That's what he's saying. There might have been like 20 million people living there at one point. If we're wrong about this, like how much other stuff could we be wrong about?
Starting point is 00:08:02 I think we're wrong about everything. What makes you think that? Because you look back like 200 years ago they didn't know anything why are we so sure of everything right now that's a good point we just keep moving forward and you're like oh that's wrong that's wrong that's when people are like talking about like the universe and stuff i'm like i'm like i don't you're like wait till next year when that idea is replaced by another idea yeah i'm like all right neil... You're like, wait till next year when that idea is replaced by another idea. Yeah, I'm like, all right, Neil. But some ideas last. Yeah, like gravity.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Gravity, that's what I was going to say. He seems to have knocked it out of the park on that one. He did a stellar job with gravity. What are the other big theories that we define ourselves by? You know what I think we'll discover is new dimensions and kind of realities sort of like diving deeper into that like something beyond our dimension i just think there's so much more out there that we can't perceive with our given senses we there's no way we're perceiving everything that's out there. There's gotta be more, I think.
Starting point is 00:09:08 I definitely think there's more. I just don't know if there's any good news out there. I choose to believe that it's all like angels tickling my balls from a manscaped... Yeah, I think it's just like, it's like a cruel indifference, and then that just multiplies out forever. That sucks.
Starting point is 00:09:25 It's not the best. Yeah. I mean, people are pretty cool though. You know, we fuck it up a lot, but like people are my favorite part. But yeah, I think the universe is like, we're so small. I think it's just all,
Starting point is 00:09:41 I think it's just new forms of love everywhere. That's beautiful. Yeah. Aaron, what do you think about existence? Yeah, Aaron, what's your take on existence? I can't talk about existence in the room with somebody else and not get their take. I mean, sometimes it sucks.
Starting point is 00:10:01 All right, thank you. Is that it? Yeah, man. Dude, that's a good point. It does suck. But if animals in the animal kingdom did more breathing exercises, they'd be a little more pumped. Dude, what were you telling me about oxalates?
Starting point is 00:10:18 So I listened to this podcast on oxalates, and oxalates are basically they're found in spinach almonds beets raspberries um stuff like that i don't know i need to look at the other list because i'm like is spirulina on there it's found in kale i'm like is spirulina on there is wheatgrass in there because that's in the green juice i drink and uh they're basically poisonous um and they, it's sort of their, these foods are new and they were introduced recently, but they contain a lot of oxalates. I need to dive deeper into like why they're poisonous, but they basically cause, they put your body into distress, which causes and um all that kind of stuff and then
Starting point is 00:11:06 like people end up getting really sick later on in life from them do you do you like how can you be so certain about diet but like won't those ideas change again in a year like will oxalates in five years be like good for you i don't think oxalates will ever be oh is oxalate a bad thing yeah or that the food that causes them rather yeah um yeah it's always changing like i'm always changing i'm always i'm never like certain on diet like for sure i just sort of go by what makes me feel good. And you look great. Oh, thank you. So do you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Yeah, you've been eating no carbs, right? I've been no carbs for a couple weeks, dude. Yeah. Dude, I might be embarrassed to say it, but I might be keto. Yeah. Why are you embarrassed to say it? Because I just don't like labels. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:12:01 That's my own self-consciousness. I just like... Yeah. I just go with what makes me feel good i don't think there's one set thing like carnivore paleo it's whatever whatever you can feel i guess listen to your body but i have noticed whenever i eat almond butter um or almond milk i do feel shitty really well you know your body you're very in touch with it yeah so i was like i was like oh almonds that makes sense because whenever i eat almond butter and chocolate dark chocolate oxalates i do feel kind of grumpy afterwards
Starting point is 00:12:38 how many things are we allowed to eat? Hot dogs on a stick. That's it? Yeah. No, but seriously, what are we allowed to eat? Just meat and veggies, right? I think so. That's it.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Meat and broccoli. Yeah, or chicken and veggies. I guess if you're vegan, just veggies. And you get your protein from synthetic sources. I can't do that. No, that doesn't work. Not for me, at least. Synthetic? It can't be good.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Some of them. You don't think man is capable of artificially producing a healthy food? Nature is king. I agree. It's king. I'm not letting Bill Gates decide how I'm going to get my muscle mass, okay? But what if he's good at it? Look at him.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Look at his physique, okay? I know he's not, like, traditionally, like, a beast, but if you look at his results, they're beast-like. Yeah, he created windows, but I'm not going to rely on him to help my quads gain more mass what if it was like a buff dude yeah I mean Troy Casey I'll listen to him
Starting point is 00:13:53 because he's the most tan and jacked guy I've seen and not in like a gross jack he's like toned he does drink his own piss maybe you should well now that you mentioned it so do i no you don't no why didn't you admit that that's like me with the keto see there's levels to this like i'm embarrassed to say i'm keto i'm like well i'm embarrassed to say i've been drinking my own
Starting point is 00:14:18 yeah there is yours is a little more i guess normal to be embarrassed about. Yeah, that's fair. Dude, did you see this article about Mark Zuckerberg starting a podcast? No. Yeah. He's starting a podcast? Yeah, he's already got two episodes on. I haven't listened to it. Interesting. What's it about?
Starting point is 00:14:35 It's about his thoughts on how society and technology are going to evolve. Interesting. It's pretty broad. Yeah. Yeah, I'll be interested to hear that. I bet you it's going to blow. That's what I was thinking. That's prediction it's gonna blow i'm like again with these tech guys you know stay in your lane dude that's so funny yeah that's what my gf told me really i was like what do you think about
Starting point is 00:14:55 the zuckerberg podcast she's like stay in your lane yeah i was like okay nice dude yeah how's the gf she's great yeah yeah how's the any details she's just smart dude like we were driving back from san diego yesterday and i was driving and she's like are you tired i was like yeah she's like let's get some tea and then i got some tea and then we're driving and i'm like i think i'm gonna go all the way back to la she's like let's stay at your mom's in san clemente and then i was like you're right and then we got there and she was like drink some water and I was like yeah good and she's just super fun she's just like rocking out the whole way down that's cool yeah to music yeah she's just in the groove she's so locked into the moment that's fine what'd you guys listen to we switched off I did like my stuff is like pop top 40 but then she
Starting point is 00:15:42 started questioning my music taste because I took her to a pink concert and like she likes stuff that is like adjacent to pink like i don't think the difference between like another pop star like miley cyrus and pink is like miles apart i think they're just wearing different costumes slightly but um i mean pink does have some cheesy lyrics but they're anthems they play well live yeah and And so I was trying to show her some more good taste stuff. I was playing her Talking Heads and The Replacements and just some foundational music for me. Maybe it's because I get really insecure about playing music in front of a new friend or like a um a new girlfriend or
Starting point is 00:16:26 whatever because i feel like they can judge you so hard yeah they do yeah like it's like if you want to play like because a lot of times i like like high energy like kind of edm because it just puts me in good mood you know and i envision like being on molly at coachella and but i'm not gonna play that you don't put on like tiesto right away you know what i mean i guess they're just snobs about music and i'm snobs about movies and you're snobs about like health and then like we're just like we have like our yeah our snob department yeah you have music but music people need to chill i'm like i'm like um i guess i'll just put on like
Starting point is 00:17:05 90s hip-hop because that'll make me look cool yeah i do like 90s hip-hop but well and sal's like she's like i'm into i'm into punk rock music she's putting all this music and i was mad at her for judging me i was like this isn't punk rock dude this is pop okay what was it like fallout boy it's like taking back sunday and like like you know great music i love it but i'm like this isn't like genius compared to pink yeah yeah yeah that's yeah i don't even know if her definition of punk and the funny thing is she likes socal music and she's telling me what's good socal music yeah and you know she's she knows more about music than i do but i'm i'm from socal i know more about socal honey yeah kisses for you i uh yeah it's with that with the music and then um yeah it's not like you know if i'm like with my gf and she like gets pasta i'm not gonna like shame her right you know i'm just gonna be
Starting point is 00:18:02 like feel bad for your brain fog that's gonna come in yeah it's yeah it's more like pity yeah it's like all right enjoy you know having low energy for the better part of a day oh are you grumpy do you have anxiety figures it's like wow you know it would be nice to um be able to be at this beach and not be so susceptible to sunburn. But you decided to eat sunflower oil in your pasta last night. And now your skin is going to get fucked up. Is that real? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:36 It sounded real. Is that real? Do you know and you're not telling me? My brother told me that. Oh, nice. So it is real. I texted my brother yesterday i was like i was like bro what's going on with oxalates i gotta get off these oxalates and he's like he's like haha how do
Starting point is 00:18:51 you know about oxalates and yeah you do i'm like i'm like i've noticed when i eat chocolate or almond butter i get irritable he's like oh dog you can't eat almond butter. Almonds are toxic. Dude. Wow. Guys, we're going to take some questions now. And for the first time in a while, well, I guess we had a guest last week who was over the Skype, but we're going to have a call-in question. Also, I misspoke last week. I said Amos Bouchard was our first published author. And then I realized we had just talked to Howie Mandel, who had a book out.
Starting point is 00:19:31 But Amos was an author first, I guess is what I was saying. Yeah. Hello. Hello. Yo, Cousin Chad. Cous. This is my cousin Evan. What up?
Starting point is 00:19:40 Thank you for calling into the pod. What up, Evan? JT, the man. Aw, dude, you're too kind. You're the man. you doing fellas good good just uh first time caller long time listener figured i gotta chime in oh dude thank you thank you for calling in yeah we appreciate much appreciate where's strider uh i think he's doing ballet right now yeah i mean he's just getting prepped to enjoy his night with his GF yoga he got some new shoes
Starting point is 00:20:09 what kind of shoes were they? I didn't see them he threw out his Converse so I'm sure he's rocking those new shoes probably performing really well he got like Chucks right? he threw out his Chucks but I think he's got like some similar shoes but I think he's gonna have high performance in those.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Evan, so that's the long and short of it with Strider. What's up with you, dog? Oh, that's good. Hey, real quick, though, just have Strider give me a call later. I just got some life advice for him real quick. Oh, sweet. Sweet, yeah, for sure. And I assume Joe's not there either?
Starting point is 00:20:38 No. What's Joe doing? Is he doing eight-minute abs? I haven't seen him. Oh, man. But if he's at home, he's either doing abs or eating nice or laundry laundry probably too he's digging into that yeah he does a lot of laundry too um well yeah guys so just calling in checking in want to discuss a couple points but i got a big question for you you know that's why we call
Starting point is 00:21:00 in right you guys are the experts yes sir and so chad a couple points real quick just to get the family business out of the way uh tell your mom hi for me please i will for sure and actually just want to collaborate a few stories because i've been talking about it over the last few weeks and specifically just want to like give you know i've been involved with a lot of these things especially something i want to make sure like your readers understand how important it was around the uh the bag tag rules in the family yeah yeah and and i can also say that like i was on the losing side of the intergalactic crotch wars of 1997 i remember that are you all right so this is back when like chad was still in like the pulling pud phase of his life
Starting point is 00:21:46 and he came at me with you know when they have like axe throwing competitions where people like put both hands over their heads and they're throwing axes at like you know stumps that are on the wall like 20 feet away yeah great outdoor so i'm in the hammock at their house i was having a nap i was in a really good spot. And Chad and his older brother, Mark, they came at me with this double hammer, crotch down slam when my eyes were closed. And it kind of affected our relation immediately. But I think we're over it now.
Starting point is 00:22:19 But it happened. So I just want to make sure you guys knew that was real. I remember that. And I sincerely apologize. I was watching a lot of Power Rangers at the time, and I knew I had to take it to your nuts, but I hope they're better now. We got through it all right.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Yeah. Well, it's safe to say, as he said earlier, he did really like getting beat up by me and his older brothers. That was a thing. I did. So we had these constant go-to moves. Chad, you could probably lay into this a little more in detail maybe another time, but the gas pedal was a strong move to put on you. Oh, I got to bring that back.
Starting point is 00:22:58 That was great. The gas pedal was good, and the ball and chain was always just like a finisher that you couldn't even like. What does that entail? Do you want to explain both moves? Yeah, I'll go quick. So the gas pedal's pretty simple. You got the kid on their back, and you just take both their legs and spread them open and just take your foot and just step on the gas
Starting point is 00:23:20 right in the middle of their little beanbags and just go to work on them. And it's really hard to get out of when you're holding their ankles. Yeah. I did those in high school and it was not well received. And the second one is a little more complex, but you got to get them on their, like if they're on their, all fours on their knees, you grab, you reach through the back of their legs and grab their front hand and pull it through their legs. So you're kind of dragging them like ball and chain across the,
Starting point is 00:23:47 across the ground. Nice. Yeah. It was, those were painful, but I think we all, our relations all got deeper and stronger because of it. For sure.
Starting point is 00:24:00 For sure. Um, and then I want to go in a little bit of a dad mode and like a proud cousin mode for you guys. Cause JT, as Chad may tell you, like I've been ride or die since day one with him and getting your guys's comedy careers off the ground.
Starting point is 00:24:13 I've seen, I've seen a lot of early stuff and to see where you guys are now, I'm super, super proud of you guys. Thank you so much. Cause for sure, for sure. So a couple of things,
Starting point is 00:24:24 I think Chad took some advice early. I want to take more credit than I probably do. But I said, I love, I said, you got to keep it positive. Stoke Nation is your thing. Yes. You guys made early decisions on not to mess around with any misogynistic stuff. Got that out of the way early. I think you checked a few people early.
Starting point is 00:24:44 And since then then it's all smooth sailing oh thank you guys are crushing it thank you so much thank you so much yeah keep it up what up dude positive is the is the path yes and i'm trying to take what you guys do cold showers green juice are you even doing that oh that's awesome this is i'm bringing it to like the early 40s dad set that's my that's my mish hell yeah that's what i'm talking about so i'm spreading the word that's awesome man dude dude thank you yeah i really appreciate that that's for sure and uh one comparison i have because i think this hopefully applies you guys seen seen the movie The Dirt on Netflix? Motley Crue? Not yet.
Starting point is 00:25:27 So the reason Motley Crue is so popular, which is why I think you guys can match this, is because the dudes wanted to be like the guys and the girls wanted to be with the guys. That's your lane. Got it? That sounds nice. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Thank you, dude. So keep up the good work. That's awesome. That sounds nice. That makes me feel so good. Thank you for... Yeah, I feel all like... Oh, too bad.
Starting point is 00:25:51 You filled our stoke tanks on the pot. Thank you. Thank you, dude. And that's hard to do because you guys are like at max capacity. Oh, but we're frothing now. Dude, I'm really stoked. Stoke froth.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Yeah. Frothing hard. So here's the deal Question, need advice My daughter is A precocious Three and a half year old And I'm trying to teach her levels of stoke Trying to make sure she's carving her own path
Starting point is 00:26:18 With her own identity Giving her freedom but pulling in the reins when I need to So she's kind of come on to a setting up her own crew at preschool oh what up um or her own squad yeah and so you've got your usuals it's a tight crew it's it's tegan it's harlow it's kato and like they're they're a good group but this is kind of funny i don't know if you guys knew this exists. I didn't really know either, but there's such thing as baby schmoles and toddler schmoles. Whoa. Damn.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Does she have a schmole? She's got a schmole, dude. Dude, what's the schmole situation? Well, his name's Kevin, and he's a little bit of a rabble rouser, but he kind of comes up in her grill a little bit too much so i'm i'm trying to teach her to be like you give him one check like you get the first one free right hey please leave me alone i need my space i don't like that like steady conversation levels but the second time is when she's got to really bring the hammer like you gotta you gotta let her know and this is for like life lessons too right yeah these are
Starting point is 00:27:25 little girls we're talking about so i was just wondering it's not really a question but i think you guys feel me on this would you would you agree that was there any other advice you could give me on how i should help her kind of boat the schmole the toddler schmole yeah it's never too early to book a schmole right i think it starts early yes and dude i think you're right dude with the gals you got to teach them to be like fortified because you know it's a it's a tough path so if she can learn how to like set solid boundaries at an early age that'll be good practice for later on for sure you should i mean so much jt i mean it dog I love it yeah maybe since she's young maybe
Starting point is 00:28:06 teach her some words or give her kind of a script so when the when the kid comes at her kind of aggro
Starting point is 00:28:13 you know she can just lay it down be like you know what you're being a little bit aggro right now and I'd appreciate if you
Starting point is 00:28:18 were mindful of my personal space and I think that'll just throw him off his you know and then she says and peacefully later dude yeah right yeah right and then like a like a like a hip like a like a 180 turn with
Starting point is 00:28:32 like some flair at the end and just like boy bye kind of thing yeah i think all business on the turn like yeah onto the next thing yeah love it maybe have her watch some like jennifer lopez scenes where she kind of gives that attitude out of sight with george clooney and like maybe some like oh we just watched that too it's a great movie um underrated good re-watch yeah i'm gonna have to watch that again oh and yeah speaking of 90s movies and and also kind of corroborating chad's like growing up we were quoting or he was quoting fast too calling out roman pierce like when he was probably like what seven eight i mean it's real oh yeah dude prodigy yeah it started i mean all that stuff is that passion was deep at a young
Starting point is 00:29:19 age that's so badass has your has your daughter started watching Fast and the Furious? You know, I think we're going to be a little ahead of the schedule now that I'm talking to you guys. I had it queued up for maybe like a four-year-old birthday celebration. Oh, dude, yeah. But we might – you know what Paul Walker you guys didn't talk about was timeline. You didn't talk about timeline. Yeah, with Gerard Butler? Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:44 You know, that movie felt like its budget was maybe a little bit under where it needed to be yeah by like a thousand percent yeah every every dollar under yeah it was weak just a quick curveball to see if you guys are paying attention on that one good call jt thank you dog i book. Yeah, the book was great. That book was cool. Michael Crichton, dude. And they dropped the ball. They dropped it. It's a bummer.
Starting point is 00:30:13 All right, guys. Well, this has been great. It's Take Your Dog to Work Day, and I have my dog locked in a conference room this whole time, so I better go. But anyway, well worth it to call you guys, because this has been a long time coming. And I'll come down to LA and we'll hang and I got to see the next show. So get me on the list if it's not too much trouble.
Starting point is 00:30:29 All right. Of course. And do that conference room is a good visual for her at this point. Oh yeah. So she can like, you know, start to see that she'll be running it. Hell yeah. Whiteboard, whiteboard technique is not something you can't learn too soon. Absolutely. Keep us posted on how the, the can't learn too soon. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Keep us posted on how the boking goes too. I will. It's going to be some stages to it, but I will keep you posted. This is big time. This is early stuff. I'm going to go gas pedal my dad tonight, so thanks for the move tutorial. From what I hear about your dad and your parents, JT,
Starting point is 00:31:04 be careful. There are going to be some fat nuts to step on for sure. move the move tutorial hey from what i hear about your dad and your parents at like careful they're gonna be some fat nuts to step on for sure all right then you guys keep up the good work i love you both love you too thanks guys thanks for calling all right my my foot will probably bounce off my dad's balls like one of those exercise ones. He's going to look at you and he's going to be like, I've been waiting for that your whole life. Yeah, he's like, how's your foot feel?
Starting point is 00:31:34 Dude, all right, so we got some more questions. You ready to get into it? Yes. What up, Stokers? Real gassed with my current squad, but the only issue is we don't really have any female friends to rage with trying to branch out and meet more chicks but often find i have nothing to say and struggle to strike up a conversation with new people i'm not the most outgoing person in the world any advice for a fellow stoker much love i missed the first part so he he likes his
Starting point is 00:31:59 squad he just wants to be friends with uh gals oh um well dude i wouldn't get down on yourself for being not being outgoing i'm pretty introverted myself but you kind of own that because being introverted is pretty cool i think because you're more into yourself and stuff and then when you're able to like offer the gift that you have of like what's going on deep inside people people love it. That's beautiful. Yeah. So, you know, just be like, yeah, I'm a quiet guy, but I'll rock your world. Dude, also take a dance class. Yeah. It's loaded with women. It's a good workout.
Starting point is 00:32:36 It's endearing if you suck. And even if you don't meet someone then, you'll have this great skill for the rest of your life that'll probably help you meet women. I heard salsa is like changed lives. I some hip-hop classes in high school dude it was so amazing the whole room cheers for you because you're like a goofy dude and then i had dance moves that i used almost exclusively for the next five years i think i've seen those yeah i still use a lot of them i uh i can't stoke niche just know that when we do our dance videos and stuff, those rehearsals are some of the best times we have.
Starting point is 00:33:08 They're grueling. They're grueling, but so much fun. The reps that go into it. It brings out a whole new side of yourself that you didn't know you had. And that you're excited to do. Like, group dance is fun. I heard Mark Maron one time.
Starting point is 00:33:19 He's like, I cried every musical because I can't believe all these adults got together and learned this whole thing. Yeah. And it's true. When you watch, like, people doing a group performance there's something like really uh like life affirming about it yeah and that when you me and strider are dancing it's that same vibe oh it's so much fun i mean it's tough at first because it's like
Starting point is 00:33:38 when you have to learn choreography it's it's um you're like how am i gonna learn all this shit but once you start to get it you the bond between your dogs is so much deeper and then the endorphins are flowing and you're just like this is so much fun i want to do this like all day and once the moves get planted into your brain and you memorize them then you can start to express yourself in the moves yeah and that's where the real fun is yeah all right dude yeah take a dance class dog what's up stoke masters this is mike huge fan of the pod it keeps my stoke tank full when i'm sitting at work my question is i saw mega babe when i was getting a sick pump at the gym and i want to know how you would go about picking up babes at the gym i feel weird about going up
Starting point is 00:34:19 to a girl at the gym i think it's a super aggro move wait where are you thanks dogs and would love to hear your thoughts. I think wait till she's done with her workout, dude. Don't interrupt that sacred flow. And then I would just walk up to her. And your name is Mike. I would just walk up to her and say, hi, I'm Mike. And then let's see where it goes from there.
Starting point is 00:34:46 And then maybe set the tempo when you first see her you know don't just come out of nowhere she'll be like she'll be like where'd you come from like that's that was weird maybe like when you see her at first give her like a little nod and a smile just cordial you know just like what's up and then just crank out some like fast sprints that she can see so she can know that you're not there to pick up chicks you're there to get after it you're there to get a full-on workout and then make your approach and be like i saw you doing those curls great form and then show that you're comfortable with yourself you know be masculine but also don't be afraid to do some um uh kegel, you know, to be like, I'm an all around good dude.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Yeah, wear gloves even when you do legs. Yeah. And a backwards hat. Yeah. So you're cool. Yeah, maybe a scarf. My dogs, what up? There's this girl I've been seeing for a while now
Starting point is 00:35:38 and things are pretty serious between us. We've been married for almost six years and have two kids. She is my ride or die and an all around babe. However, recently I've noticed there's one thing standing between us and it has me worried about our relation No matter how hard I try to get her stoked on David Goggins. She appears uninterested I feel like he's a great source of motivation a model of the best way to attack our goals and live up to our full Potential for over a year now. I've told her stories of this David Goggins guy
Starting point is 00:36:02 I've offered to read his new book aloud to our unborn son in the womb so my wife could also hear about an absolute legend. And my last attempt to get her interested was when I sent her the link to the Joe Rogan podcast where Goggins shares this story for two hours, but she declined to listen. I feel like I'm at a crossroads here and I could really use some input on how to conclude this struggle. I see there only being two options. Make one final grand attempt to garner her interest or surrender on this endeavor and continues to be, and continue to be a Goggins field Stokes squad of one in my house.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Which, which path do you recommend I seek? And is there a third or even fourth option that I may not even be seeing? I have a great appreciation for your guys's grind on the pot in life. Keep stoking. And Goggins is intense. And I think you just got to keep working him in. Would Goggins give up?
Starting point is 00:36:56 No. Keep going. He'd be like, I built this motherfucker. That's Robbins, I thought. Damn it. Butggins would say something probably not far from that he said something like goggins i created that right i used to kill roaches but i created goggins he used to kill roaches he was like a termite guy okay that's a good job
Starting point is 00:37:20 dude you should do a podcast with him. Maybe we should play out that scene where he's like, yeah, I used to kill roaches and I was overweight. Oh, that sounds nice. Yeah, it sounds like a good job. And you were eating well? You were having fun? Do you want to play it out?
Starting point is 00:37:37 Yeah, sure. Hey, how you doing, Mr. Goggins? Good to meet you. Good, just did a 20-mile run out in the desert, and I'm going to crank out about 1,000 pull-ups right now. Just did a 20-mile run out in the desert, and I'm going to crank out about 1,000 pull-ups right now. Wasn't that run hard on your knees? What?
Starting point is 00:37:51 Was that run hard on your knees? No. Oh, wow. That's cool. You think about pain in the knee? Yeah, yeah. My knee hurts when I run, so I have to take it easy sometimes. Well, just run through it.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Run through that pain. Pain brings you to new levels of consciousness. No, I'm good. I feel super conscious. What? I don't feel like I need to run 100 miles to improve my consciousness. What do you do? I'm an exterminator.
Starting point is 00:38:24 I kill roaches and stuff. What? Yeah, I kill roach like you know and you like that yeah it's a good job yeah you're insecure i don't think so about what you killing roaches you kind of a fat boy oh well yeah i'm a little bit overweight um i wouldn't say i'm fat, but yeah, I should probably lose some weight. You know what you need to do? You need to get in touch with pain, okay? Suffering is the way to total happiness. You know why I'm happy? Because I built this motherfucker, okay?
Starting point is 00:38:56 I'm Goggins now. I do. You're awesome, but I think I'm pretty happy. I have a nice house. I like my wife. When I did my 100-mile run. I was pissing and shitting myself I was pissing blood and shitting myself and my wife said Don't finish you have 20 miles left and I said shut up
Starting point is 00:39:15 And I did it That's cool, man All right, I gotta go all right all right i gotta go all right i don't know if that'll be good no i think that'll work i think that'll work for sure yeah dude i think like i tried to get my ex to be into joe rogan and i played her a clip where him that jesse itzler guy talked about happiness and i thought it was a very compelling spiel and then um two minutes into it my ex just goes is he stoned and i was like yeah then she's like oh my god on camera i was like yeah and she couldn't get into it after that really yeah she just thought he looked so sloppy yeah some people just aren't gonna get it i think i was stoned when she said
Starting point is 00:40:02 that too i was like oh no i don't know i mean as long as you let goggins that's cool yeah get join an online group there's gotta be people to talk i mean go get on a reddit thread there's gotta be 20 about them maybe there's someone that she's maybe she's trying to get you into oprah and she's proven unsuccessful at that so maybe be like hey i want to hear more oprah so you guys can, you know, link up. Compromise. Dude, Chad and JT, hello. 12 years ago, I met the most beautiful woman of my dreams when I was at a summer camp. I was 12 and she was 11.
Starting point is 00:40:32 So I was already taking a big risk with falling in love with someone younger than me. We hit it off and eventually exchanged AIM screen names. Things were really heating up. We spent our summers playing dodgeball and eating popsicles. You could say the stoke meter was at an all-time high when camp was around the corner. Eventually, we got too old for camp,
Starting point is 00:40:47 and we both went our separate ways. The advice I'm seeking from you, bros, is what do I say to her? Because you recently saw on Instagram that she's now single. It's been a long time since we've talked, and I'm ready to rekindle our summer love. Thanks, bros. It's been a while since they've talked.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Yeah. And she's single? She's single single start reminiscing about summer camp yeah what was what was your favorite thing about summer camp ask her a question yeah just uh you know talk about the good memories make make sure you sort of like recreating or helping her remember those fun times. Get her nostalgic. Yeah. So she can reflect on that and be like, wow, I want to hang out with that guy again. Yeah, and I'm sure she'll remember things and then share them with you and then you guys are, you got some momentum.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Maybe send like a photo of like something that's hilarious from camp. Be like, do you remember this? That was hilarious. Yeah. When like Joey tripped over that stump. What's up, Chad and JT? I got what I think.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Sorry. I got to do the manscape dad hit it what up chatting jt i got what i think is a serious dilemma a few months ago i was getting it on with this girl and everything went wrong she was on top of me riding and tried to stand up to adjust my dick and try to stand up to adjust and my dick ended up slipping out she fell down and crushed my dong this was immense pain it was swollen and bruised for about a month and i was too scared to go see a doctor this has unfortunately come back to bite me as now my dong is clearly scarred from the incident my penis functions completely fine but
Starting point is 00:42:14 it is bent pretty bad i've been scared to hook up with another girl and have her look at my dick with disgust what do you guys think is the best way to tell a girl about this before a hookup thanks boys love the pod first off why doesn't he go to a doctor yeah don't be way to tell a girl about this before a hookup. Thanks, boys. Love the pod. First off, why doesn't he go to a doctor? Yeah, don't be afraid to see a doctor, guys. Yeah, they don't care. Yeah, you're just going to get... Yeah, they're not judging. They're just there to help.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Yeah. Go to a doctor. Dude, I would say you're all right because 97% of penises are weird. Yeah. Yours is solid, dude. It's still working. You're good, bro. Even if it wasn't working, your mouth's working, Yeah. Yours is solid, dude. It's still working. You're good, bro.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Even if it wasn't working, your mouth's working. So you're still good, bro. And also, dude, you know, yours is going to stand out. She's going to remember your dong. It's not going to be some generic, you know, just rocket. It's going to be like an Owen Wilson nose dong. rock it it's gonna be like a owen wilson nose dong and if you guys like each other a lot her brain will make her think she likes the dong yeah because she'll like you when she sees it she's gonna say one of two things wow that's a cool and interesting dong or two go see a doctor for sure the first one yeah yo what's up chad and jt i'm maddie and
Starting point is 00:43:29 this is my first time writing in so i'm a little nervous but mainly with some dank anticipation for advice i just turned 22 and wanted to have a big old bash and celebration but when it came down to it i realized i didn't have any bros to kick it with i didn't make a lot of friends in high school because where i'm from most people want to do drugs or got. And I was trying to escape that fate by dedicating my time to school and sports. Mad stoked for that because it got me into college, but it did have some minor setbacks. I went to college for two years before dropping out and moving back home recently. So most of my college buds are far away and all focused on their own stoke, which I support. But sometimes it feels like I'm out here waiting in the waters all by myself. What advice can you give me for searching for some new bros?
Starting point is 00:44:06 I'm a totally loyal friend and would love to have some long-term compadres to kick it with occasionally, but it's so hard to find a group of bros who are open to new additions. Well, first off, mad respect for staying on the path of studying and all that kind of stuff. For sure. Trying to just work on yourself good job um i would uh i would pursue your interests or your hobbies and then find
Starting point is 00:44:32 friends that way whether it be at the gym or you know paintballing or stuff you know just get engaged in activities and get out there get out in the world and just meet people. And then you'll acquire your squad that way. And dude, just be nice. Like guys want to be friends with girls. Yeah. Most of us are scared of girls most of the time. So if you compliment us, like we'll die for you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Just say something nice to him. The guy's going to want to be your friend. Oh, for sure. Just be nice and yeah. Ask them what they like. What up, Stokers? My name is is taryn but you can call me chad what up chad and jt love you both so basically my stoke tank is either full or empty depending on the day because of my constant predicament the thing is i'm seriously dating this girl and i really do love her and she's extremely caring which i fuck with and i'm not
Starting point is 00:45:21 ashamed to admit it hashtag alpha but I constantly find myself feeling like it isn't right and I need to break it off because she is very protective possessive and isn't okay with me going out without her I really love this girl but I just can't shake this feeling that I haven't lived all of my rage days yet I really need your help guys should I settle down with this lovely lady or should I keep on paddling out of the Atlantic and search for a fish in the Pacific if you know what I mean I appreciate the help bros and I absolutely fucking love the pod stay up and keep changing lives with much drunken love taryn i'd say you gotta really figure out whether you want to play with that dog i'm sorry i'd say you really gotta figure out whether it's really right or not because if it's if it's not right
Starting point is 00:46:03 and you just keep dragging it out um that's probably just gonna cause more pain down the road i agree and you gotta figure out what you really want in this situation it sounds like you kind of know the answer um but if you really love her and you want to you know create a relationship with her then do that but just figure out which path you want to take yeah i think it sounds like he's ready to maybe move on yeah that's what it sounded like to me too because it's a crazy thing to say but i think sometimes wanting to rage is like a secondary emotion yeah like the first thing is that you're not feeling fulfilled because he doesn't feel like he can express himself to this person and because of that he wants to rage yeah because he needs to get that
Starting point is 00:46:49 kind of that fulfillment elsewhere i think uh yeah and if she doesn't communicate the way you communicate with you know find someone who speaks in your love language like because you're because it's a chill language yeah like you know, you know, you're speaking French, you're speaking Spanish, but you guys can't learn the other language. Maybe it's time to, you know, go back to France. Maybe try taking a break, too, and just being like, sort of get a sense
Starting point is 00:47:18 of what not being in the relationship is like, and be like, is this really what I wanted? Then you can really decide for yourself, although that could be tough, taking a break. No, it's worth a try. What's going to happen? Switch it up. Yeah, test out the waters.
Starting point is 00:47:32 You're young. Experimentage. Figure it out. Figure it out, but really figure it out. Think on it and really make a choice. But I think you know what the choice is, my dog. There's someone out there who's a better fit. Chad and JT, my buddy and I had a crazy weekend getaway.
Starting point is 00:47:52 And long story short, we ended up double teaming a girl off Tinder. While it was happening, my buddy pulled out his phone and took some videos to prove to our dogs that we actually did it. I was really hoping that he would delete the videos so that we would keep what happened in Vegas. But he insisted that he save them so that we can watch them and laugh at a later date. I feel like the possibility of them getting leaked and ruining our careers far outweighs any benefits of keeping them for a laugh about something we both know that happened. I asked him to delete them and he kind of brushed me off. Do you think it's a good idea to keep the videos or to delete them? I don't like, I don't think any good will keep, will come out of keeping them.
Starting point is 00:48:24 And I don't know what to do. What do you think, your dog, Dan? Dude, lay down the hammer. Delete them. Yeah, this needs to get fucking deleted, dude. Take his phone and delete the video. This girl was nice enough to indulge you guys in some double love,
Starting point is 00:48:42 expecting your discretion at minimum you gotta delete these you gotta lay down the hammer with this guy maybe take some karate classes before so you're prepared what up oh wise ones my boys call me bridsy i have a most urgent question for the king's if sensuality i think you might of but that's what's up let me preface this by saying that i play baseball in college jt i know you're a big advocate of thinking about baseball when boning to increase bonage time my problem is when i think about a nice line drive or turning two it makes me even more horny and liable to bust you dirty dog any suggestions on other things i could think of when doing with the dance with no pants to last
Starting point is 00:49:21 longer um yeah i just think, I think about furniture. That's so much smarter. Yeah. I think about furniture. What kind of, ottomans, couches, bunk beds. No love seats. Beanie bags. Bean bags.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Yeah, I think about, I think about. Nice furniture. I think about the couch in college that I had that ass clown pissed on repeatedly. And that was just, it sucked sucked but it was where we bonded yeah think about that when you're boning yeah i think about this like uh a big stuffed animal i had that i used to hump the fuck out of and then i just come oh we're talking about not coming my bad howdy paul walker and tom cruise who you got oh dude yeah it's like they both make me happy so i was gonna be like paul walker makes me happier but they both make me happy so i i don't know but there's something about Paul with his his like essence
Starting point is 00:50:28 where you just feel good whereas with Tom it's like it's his intensity his intensity you're like alright I need to get to work but I love the work I'm about to do so I mean I gotta go with Paulul i gotta go with paul what up chad i don't have much time so i'm gonna get to the point i have a little bit of a controversy going on here because i've no let's skip this one this guy just says that too many gals like him and i think he's trying to i think he's trying to get our goat sam lasore nice try he's trying to get our goat, Sam Lasore. Nice try. He's trying to get us. You know, we know you're a beast.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Yeah, thanks. We know. You got me. He got me a little. Darn it. All right. Can I pee real quick? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Hey, Stokers. So JT's going to the John right now to release his dragon. It's going to go. Yeah, that was him or his dragon. I don't even know what, but it's just alone time with Chad right now. Some solo time. Hey, guys, how's it going? Hope you guys are living well.
Starting point is 00:51:43 I'm just looking at JT's coconut water right now and I'm like, damn, humanity is crazy, right? Whoa. Like we decided we were going to make water out of coconuts. Who even decided that, you know? Like was it Mr. Aquafina? I wonder what that guy's like, you know? Do you think he knew with his last name, Aquafina,
Starting point is 00:52:02 that he was going to be like a water guy? And what does he think about plastic you know how do we even come up with plastic who decided like who came out and was like yo we got to make plastic definitely wasn't like a surfer because he wasn't like what are you gonna put that in the osh forget you dude you know when are we gonna come up with something besides plastic what's gonna be besides plastic that's not like metal maybe it's just like I don't know maybe it's jizz maybe jizz can be used for something other than I mean it already creates life it can also create receptacles for, you know, our liquids. I mean, it's gross, but like in Ace Ventura, when nature calls,
Starting point is 00:52:49 they use bat droppings for, you know, pottery and shit and like cups. And it's like, dude, guano is legit. Why can't jizz do the same thing? Sorry to get gross with jizz, but I think it's useful, and I think it creates life. And JT's coming back after draining his dong. How did it go? It was good. What did we gross with jizz but i think it's useful and i think it creates life and jt's coming back after draining his dong how would how'd it go i was good what did we say about jizz oh i was just i just went on a tangent about what are we going to use to replace plastic
Starting point is 00:53:15 that's better than like metal and stuff and i thought maybe like we'll find some uses with jizz right chad who is your beef of the week my beef of the week is uh with myself for how susceptible i am to being get taken into a cult um i get passionate i get in the heat of the moment you know i'm weird when we were reading amos's book last week when they they were talking about recruiting methods that some people use, how they dive deep and connect with them on an emotional level, and then I'm like, damn, dude, that could be me. I could totally get taken into a cult.
Starting point is 00:53:55 But then I'm kind of ADD, so I'd be like, I'm over this three months later. But it's kind of with myself, dude. It's like myself, why am I so susceptible to being put in a cult like i'm pretty sure i'm gonna join scientology for like a month at some point because they're gonna be like hey we uh figured out how to like make you tan better and i'd be like what and that'd be like in and i'd be like oh fuck so they're smart i mean they engage you like where they know you'll listen. They know my weak points. Yeah. They're like, you want to saute yourself?
Starting point is 00:54:28 We can tell. And I'm like, yes. And they're like, well. They can promise you infinite sun. Well, look at Miss Scavage's tan. And I'd be like, it's nice. It's golden. How's he do that?
Starting point is 00:54:39 Scientology. And I'd be like, all right, I got to join. Yeah. But you know what you want. I do know what I want. You just got to find the right method to get there yeah but it's already happening well i gotta say this i may be a beef but i'm also excited for the journey i'm not too dead set in my ways i'm flexible i'm like freaking gumby you know right you're like aware of who you are and you're gonna like work on it but you're also just gonna enjoy the ride yeah i'm gonna join lots of
Starting point is 00:55:04 cults as long as there's no kool-aid i'm good yeah it doesn't have to be your last cult just because you're in a cult doesn't mean it has to be the last cult that you're ever in yeah yeah what's your beef my beef of the week is with a pitchfork review of temper traps first album conditions from 2009 i remember reading this review years ago and it made me mad then and i revisited it again and it fucking still pisses me off all right temper trap album it's got like the song sweet disposition on it fader love lost it's good stuff what the temper trip this is the review from pitchfork what the temper trap do devastatingly well is drape post office party mistake hookup tackiness and the lofty imagery
Starting point is 00:55:45 of global struggle what the fuck are you talking about what the fuck are you even talking about dude writing this review no one could ever think that listening to that you must have just already been thinking that and then he says to start the next paragraph so you can just picture mondagi standing on a rooftop, on a mountaintop for sweet disposition, his hair blowing and Bono's win. But remember ladies, some insincere sketch ball with limited imagination is going to use this to try to get you to have sex with him. Sex in italics. What is he talking about? Why is he just assuming this guy's a sketch ball? This guy could be a good guy he likes the temper trap doesn't make him a sketchball
Starting point is 00:56:30 he wants to have sex with this girl he might like her this guy must have a personal vendetta what's going on this pitchfork guy's life yeah he's acting like an asshole he's not even talking about the music he's like creating all these scenes i just i always wonder like do reviewers understand the impact they have it's like they just like oh here's my review and it's like what are you doing dude why don't you get your affairs in order before you call out some dude like that it's just trying to make beautiful music all right dude who is your babe of the week my babe of the week is keanu reeves uh guys john wick three is coming out soon uh i watched john wick and john wick two recently and he is just a fucking beast he's perfect for that role you know and um he's just a great i mean he's a great dude all around i i feel like we've done keanu reeves before but i just wanted to give him a shout-out again
Starting point is 00:57:25 because John Wick 3 is coming out. But John Wick 1 is epic. There's lots of savagery going on in there. I like his sort of mentality. He's like a quiet guy. He does his business, but if someone crosses him, he's going to fuck them up. And I just love it.
Starting point is 00:57:40 And I think that's sort of how Keanu lives. He stays in the shadows a little bit. He rides the subway, but he's also a very caring, giving person, very charitable, has done a lot of good deeds in his time. And he's also made killer movies and sort of shown us what he's made of,
Starting point is 00:57:55 like Bill and Ted, Speed, Matrix. Yeah. Something's got to give. He was great as a doctor in that. And then he was really good. Yeah. Like him and Diane he was really good yeah like him
Starting point is 00:58:05 and diane keaton you're like they have chemistry yeah it's amazing yeah i want to hang out with keanu so bad he's awesome yeah dude i saw him he's on the cover like gq this month or something and it says keanu reeves is officially in his icon stage yeah i couldn't be happier for him i'm so pumped yeah because people were getting a lot of shit having a lot of shit during the matrix days they knocked him around for years. Yeah. Like I'd be in like different film classes and they'd be talking about what a bad actor he is. I'm like, why do we want to keep watching him? Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Everyone loves him still. He was great in Parenthood. He was great in Bill and Ted. He was great in Speed. He's been good for 30 years. Yeah. Keanu. Consistency is something they cannot deny.
Starting point is 00:58:42 It's time he gets the recognition he deserves he's a beast I love watching him keep putting him in movies Hollywood he's a babe his top five movies can go toe-to-toe with like Denzel's top five movies in terms if you're going to a desert island and you just got to bring five with you yeah top five Keanu you're gonna have a nice time on that island yeah oh and I gotta mention Point Break too oh dude I mean that goes without saying we're gonna miss some of these things because he's done so many great ones. Yeah, but Point Break might be the best. Back when he was young, dumb, and full of cum.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Johnny Utah, dude. I take the skin off chicken. Yeah, he's a beast. So Keanu, you're a babe. Thank you so much for being you and keep doing it, dude. And if you ever want a paintball or something, let me know. Absolutely. And he gave a big chunk of his salary on the later Matrixes to the wire work people
Starting point is 00:59:25 and the stunt coordinators and the martial arts instructors. Because he was like, they made the movie happen. Yeah. God. Great guy. He's awesome. Dude, I'm doing an actor too for my babe of the week.
Starting point is 00:59:36 My babe of the week is Daniel Day-Lewis. Nice. Dude, pure commitment to the craft of acting. Like it really seems like he's just like accidentally won some Oscars. He's like, oh yeah, they decided to give me an Oscar for this, it really seems like he's just, like, accidentally won some Oscars. He's like, oh, yeah, they decided to give me an Oscar for this, but I just really wanted to play Bill the Butcher or Lincoln. Like, he's – and he's so committed in all those parts. And I know he, like, stays in character off camera, you know, to a degree, but that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:00:00 Like, he cares so much about acting. that's awesome. Like he cares so much about acting. And then I think we've talked about it before. He took, he took a break from acting to like, you know, spiritually re-nourish himself to find his passion again for it, to really think about what it is to be an actor. And in that time he taught a guy who made shoes, a cobbler, how to act. And the cobbler gave him cobbling lessons. And I heard that guy is still a working actor in Europe. That's awesome. And now Daniel Day Lewis knows how to make shoes. What's he doing now? I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:00:27 He might be done, but he might come back and do another PTA movie or Scorsese. Like he only works with the best directors. He's in some movies that suck, but they're all like hugely ambitious. Yeah. And then dude, in the name of the father, him and Peter Postowait.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Some critics said Peter Postowait's the only guy to ever put gloves on Daniel Day-Lewis, like acting in a scene with him, like be as close to as good as him and he's just incredible in that last the mohicans it was gonna be my quote of the week he's staring at the girl who he's about to lose to like a rival tribe under a waterfall the men are coming in on him with their axes it takes place in like the 1860s or 70s or something then he just looks at her he goes you stay alive i will find you it's a great line it's very romantic yeah i was with my girlfriend at whole foods every time she walked
Starting point is 01:01:11 away i grabbed her i was like you stay alive i will find you it was a lot the guy checking us out was a little turned off because i don't know i don't know if guys were really coming with hatchets for i hope i would step up but i got fears about it i think you would thank you dude i hope i die nobly help her get out of there that'd be sweet that's why i like a strong girl because i know she'll be able to get away yeah you know do you sort of yearn for like situations like that where you know you have to step up i do kind of want to be tested but But at the same time, I'm terrified of being tested. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:46 But I kind of want to know. Maybe that's my personality type. ENFP with a T subletter. Turbulent type. Is there a way to simulate that? Yeah. If you got the cash. You know, that's the unfair thing.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Maybe if we make, when we make a lot of money, maybe I'll set up like a kidnapping. You're a beast. a beast for you please do you're a beast on multiple levels there because you're assuming a lot of good stuff and i think it's going to make you right dude who is your daniel day lewis you're a beast bro dude who is your legend of the week my legend of the week is this uh so i flew to uh see my mom recently she moved to santa fe a couple years ago big ups miss kroger what up what up mom she's always so nice to spend time with she's the best hey mom i love you um and uh on the plane i was sitting next to this guy who's a jewelry guy he's from israel this israeli jewelry guy and he's telling me all about how to
Starting point is 01:02:42 lose a tail and he's like i'm in the jewelry business okay and uh you know it's dangerous people you're carrying around millions of dollars worth of diamonds and people are gonna they want to steal them so he is like i was just sitting on this plane the whole time he's like all right you got a tail okay you think you have a tail someone's coming behind you what do you do you're in a mall you go to a mall you go to a mall okay and then you take the escalator you go up and you get up to the top and you think oh i'm confused wait i went to the wrong floor you go back down the escalator if the guy goes up and down with you you have a tail whoa and i'm like oh do you like take out your gun like what do you do he's like i don't
Starting point is 01:03:25 carry a gun i carry diamonds okay i carry diamonds i call the cops and i say there's a guy with a gun cops come right away they figure it out amazing and then he's like he's like you're you're driving you're on the freeway you think you have a tail what do you do most people would speed up they'd speed up. They'd keep going. No, you slow down. Because if you go down to 50 miles per hour in the Viva and this guy stays with you, doesn't get mad and blows by you, you've got a tail. I like what he's doing.
Starting point is 01:03:58 Yeah. And then you call the cops and you say, this guy following me, he has a gun. You figure it out. You call the cops, say this dude has a gun. You figure it out. You call the cops, say, this dude has a gun, and you keep your jewelry. Nice. Which was interesting.
Starting point is 01:04:11 You just never really think about that. He sells diamonds, and I'm like, wow. You guys have to go through courses and training for security and stuff every year because people are always trying to, it's a dangerous business. Lift your stuff. Yeah. It's high stakes.
Starting point is 01:04:28 So shout out to that dude. Thank you for teaching me about tails because I'm stoked to finally get a tail and, like, figure out what to do. Nice. Who's your legend? My legend of the week is a YouTube video creator named Mixed Molly Whoppery.
Starting point is 01:04:45 He does breakdowns on combat sports athletes like mixed martial artists and boxers. Dude, they're like 20-minute videos with great accompanying visuals. And he has an awesome Long Island, New York accent. And he's like, Khabib Nagurdov doesn't like to take shit. So when Conor McGregor insisted on saying it was a business, Khabib insisted on saying, no a business khabib insisted on saying no you don't fuck with my family and that's like his commentary but it's like really enthralling and it's actually super accurate to what's going on and so he's like funny and insightful and i just don't know
Starting point is 01:05:16 how he pounds out all these videos like he's got like 40 20 minute videos i've been watching those instead of movies lately and like it's just uh it's as fun it's like super rewarding and the guy just works so hard so i'd love to give him some attention check out his breakdowns if you're into that stuff mixed molly whoppery all right dude what is your quote of the week my quote of the week is from george clooney i couldn't find like the actual quote but i remember watching him on inside the actor's studio and one thing that really resonated with me is he's like hard work beats talent every time nice and i was like that's a good point you know so many people have talent talents everywhere but if you're the guy working the hardest you're gonna win nice so shout out to george clooney
Starting point is 01:05:56 because he's he was like he's being honest he's like i don't have as much talent as a lot of guys around me but i worked hard, and I was fucking Batman. George, we've talked about all the greats today. Yeah, so you guys, remember to cultivate your talent. Don't just let it sit. What's your quote? My quote of the week is from David Brooks on the Tyler Cowen podcast,
Starting point is 01:06:21 Conversations with Tyler. He was talking about how his next book will probably be about commitment and how we make four big commitments in our life to family, friends, vocation, and philosophy and faith. I think that's what they were. I might be messing that up. And then what our life basically gets graded on
Starting point is 01:06:42 is how well we fulfill those commitments. And then he says, what's my definition of commitment. It is falling in love with something and then building a structure of behavior around it for those moments when love falters. Nice. I thought that was very well said. It's a good conversation between those two.
Starting point is 01:07:02 That's it dog. That was awesome. Yeah. Stokers. Thank you so much for tuning in for episode 67 68 of going deep with chad and jt thank you dudes um yeah keep writing in keep writing reviews those reviews are dank and uh thank you for being stokers and stay stoked dudes. Stay stoked stokers. See you next week. Later dudes. That was fun. Yeah I think we did it.
Starting point is 01:07:34 I was really excited. The skies are really nice And you wanna know What to do Where to go When you need someone to guide you There's lots to have A throat beside you Go and see Go and see Let's go I'm going deep I'm going deep
Starting point is 01:08:08 I'm going deep

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