Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 70 - Strider and Joe Join, Denver Shrooms, Jury Duty

Episode Date: May 15, 2019

What up stokers of stoke naysh, the boys are back in town as we are joined once again by Strider and Joe. We discuss the newly legalized shrooms in Denver, Chad's jury duty and Strider just got s...ome new mirrors for his apartment! Dive on in.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Headphones on boys Strap em up Oh what's up stokers of stoke nation This is Chad Kroger coming in with the going deep with Chad and JT podcast And welcome to episode 70 stoke nation My name is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. And welcome to episode 70, Stoked Nation. My name is Chad Kroger, joined by my compadre, Jean-Thomas. What up? Boom clap, Stokers.
Starting point is 00:00:32 And we are joined by the motherfucking crew, the squad. We got Strider in the building. What up, dudes? Freaking amped to be here. Just want to say real quick, you know, the Reeds kind of, we do have a propensity to bring up dong talk. Yeah. Wasn't us today. Just want to say real quick uh you know the reeds kind of we do have a propensity to bring up dong talk yeah wasn't us today just want to say oh we've got a free pass yeah we got a free well all that dong talk is uh you know obviously gotten some interest from big businesses that work in dong thank you and uh now they want to invest yeah yeah they want
Starting point is 00:01:01 to help our dong brand expand we We're hedging our dong bets. Mm-hmm. Joe, how are you? Good, good. Feeling pretty good. Yeah, you were a little under the weather yesterday. Yeah, I certainly was. But now I'm well-rested, feeling about.
Starting point is 00:01:19 I'm about 70%, I would say. Wow. Which is enough. Did you dabble in NyQuil, DayQuil, any of that stuff no i do more uh like natural stuff like zinc yeah well i do like airborne nice um elderberry syrup um and then uh some colloidal silver spray and then uh zycam action-pack. I don't know what any of those are. Well, it's all... Where do you find that stuff, dude?
Starting point is 00:01:49 Skyrim? Zing, dude. Nothing against live action, you know, role-play games, but, dude, just Zing, dude. They are cool games, but... They're sick. But do you need to take their potions seriously? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Seriously, dude. I mean, we're drinking this blue stuff. What is this? Yeah, this is dank. This is my potion. But yeah, this is so, as I said. Is this what the genie in Aladdin drinks? This person told me that these are better than the green ones.
Starting point is 00:02:16 I trust that guy. I mean, they taste bomb. Yeah, they taste better for sure. Dude, it was pretty cool. Before the podcast started, I got to watch Chadad and strider both drill a uh ollie on a skateboard that was lying around that was pretty awesome so yeah nothing better than being on a board yeah i feel like you gotta be if you got a skateboard around it's like
Starting point is 00:02:39 one of those things you need to know how to do like like you gotta have like no know how to play one song on the piano dude you can impress your gf with that and maybe even get yourself a gf what song do you play i used to know how to do the clocks um chorus like i could do that for a little bit um and then here's what you do play my friend legend dude and then what you do is someone goes oh play another and you act like no i couldn't get modest you know yeah honestly guys we're having a nice time i don't want to take up too much air time yeah it's not about me step away and just get next to my girl again exactly i don't want to spend too much time away from her playing music correct who am i cole porter come on exactly this isn't about me
Starting point is 00:03:19 but you got to be able to nollie you got like it's a skill you gotta have it's a life skill you gotta have well because then you throw it down and you quiet any skepticism that might have been brewing amongst the people you're with. You know? If they see you do something like that, they're like, all right, this guy can pass. He's cool. Correct. If someone has a board, you know, you drop the ollie.
Starting point is 00:03:36 If they try to square up on you, you drop the ollie, stomp it, and you throw the board in the trash. You know, like that, my career is over. Requisite skills are a good way to keep people off your back. Requisite skills are a good way to keep people off your back. Correct. Skills are a good way to keep people off your back. Yeah, you've got to have skills. Joe, have you ollied?
Starting point is 00:03:51 No, I've only been on a skateboard maybe a handful of times. I can't. Get the hang of it. I'm scared. Me neither. I'm not good at speed. I get too fast on a board, and I get wobbly. My proprioception's just not legit.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Do the X Games get you amped, Joe? Yeah, I used to like watching the X Games, but I don't know. I was more into the winter. Snowboarding? Yeah. Snow will be. Not really the bikes and the skateboards. More the.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Super gnarly. Dude, I went to a, at the freaking Arrowhead pond uh like tony hawk's boom huck jam is what it was called was that dope so sick and dude it's like a mixture of everything like and for the grand finale like everyone comes out at the same time so you've got like you know like matt hoffman's on his bike going at it and then you've got like bucky lasik doing like freaking uh skateboard moves then some rollerbladers i don't even know about and then on top of that like like dirt bike guys, like flying over the half pipe all at once.
Starting point is 00:04:47 And you're sitting there and just like, oh, so sick. It's Mad Max. So sick. It's like, yeah, it's like what you imagine. Mad Max was that with a narrative. Great call. Great call, dude. How do you think they came up with that name?
Starting point is 00:04:59 The Boom Boom Huck Jam. Yeah, what was it called? Boom, like the, yeah, the Boom Boom Huck Jam. I actually heard the story. Oh, really? Yeah, they were all sitting around and Pastrana was like, what are we going to call it though? And then Tony Hawk just took off his sunglasses.
Starting point is 00:05:10 He was like, Boom Boom Huck Jam. That's Tony. That's exactly. Dude, do you think he did like a, like when Tony Hawk whips off his sunglasses, you know how you do like a 180 and look back? He does a 1080. He does a 1080 and like just spins around,
Starting point is 00:05:22 really takes his time, built into suspense. Tight, concentric circles. Yep. Dude, how was jury duty, built into suspense. Tight, concentric circles. Yep. Dude, how was jury duty? It was good. It was good. I enjoyed myself. I was a little bit peeved because I wanted to be on the jury.
Starting point is 00:05:35 I'm like, damn, this is a lifelong dream. I want to make some decisions. I want to get in the judicial branch and get in there and lay down the law. Peaked your civic curiosity. I'm a cool guy. I chill you know i'm pretty open but when it comes to the law i don't take prisoners and i'll fucking lay it down well how do you mean just wait till i'm on a jury like you're gonna sentence someone to something yeah that's legit you want to like judge dread style i'll put someone to death if that's what the law calls for
Starting point is 00:06:05 damn yeah i know i know i'm hardcore i don't mean to scare you no joe loves it joe i'm into that i i've never gone on jury duty though well i i've been once but why was it too early did it start at like noon or something yeah i couldn't get up no i was there and then uh like did you you didn't get picked right i didn't even get picked in to go to a panel like they have people going for panels and then i i assume the lawyers like interview them and they eliminate who they don't want i didn't get called in for that maybe i some guy weren't you dressed like dude i saw you wearing like a that big sweater i was wearing a cardigan some glasses i was like guys i'm an intellectual like you should have brought a white we're missing the white rush the part be the part yeah oh like like the labowski yeah that's how he was dressed
Starting point is 00:06:54 no wonder why he didn't get pit yeah right so they judged you based on how you looked yeah discrimination yeah probably some defense lawyers were like, damn, that guy's... He looks too smart. They should do a 12 Angry Men sequel about like 12 angry men defending one bro. Yeah. 12 legit dudes. Or 12 angry women defending one bro. Dude.
Starting point is 00:07:16 See the optics of it. Yeah. I like that. Let's remake that and gender bend that story. Boom. That's a story. I know Chad looks like, or JT, I don't want to pigeonhole you,
Starting point is 00:07:26 looks like JT would be the kind of guy who would, you know, do something untoward towards a woman at a frat party, but we have to judge it on the facts. And then in the end, you know, like. Yeah. It's a very, yeah. We all have a party. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Dude, I had a great time. I had a good time there, though. You had a great time. I was bumping Jessica Simpson on the way there, feeling good. By the way, guys, get on the Jessica Simpson train. She has tracks. Choo-choo. And she's super hot.
Starting point is 00:07:54 But her song, I Think I'm in Love. Really good. I thought I was in love. Yeah, that's a good one. I think I know what this is. I think I'm in love. I was just in my car. I was like, jury duty.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Let's get in there. And I was just working my tries, doing some Tai Chi and meditating. And then, yeah, the county's not ready for me, but it's all good. That's what's up. I wonder if there's like a shmall on the jury. You know what I mean? It's a crew that just meets each other. But, you know, when you're ever in a group setting
Starting point is 00:08:25 or doing a group project at school, there's a schmole in that group. There's got to be a schmole in the jury. Yeah, there has to be. Roger, did you even look at the evidence? Exactly. You know what? Good movie.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Jury jury with Pauly Shore. Fun movie. Runaway Jury 2 with John Cusack. Oh, great movie. Yeah, that's a great movie. Our manager said to watch that. Yeah, that's a great movie. Our manager said to watch that. Yeah, that's a good movie. Gene Hackman and Dustin Hoffman
Starting point is 00:08:48 going toe-to-toe. They were old roommates. Well, Gene Hackman, I think, was the guy who said, like, he made it just because he stayed around long enough or something. Him and Harrison Ford
Starting point is 00:08:58 said something like that, too. Didn't he? I'm sure. Well, he was in stuff when he was young. Like, Gene Hackman, like, you don't see him in anything. Gene Hackman also looked 45 when he was young like Gene Hackman like you don't see him in anything
Starting point is 00:09:05 Gene Hackman also looked 45 when he was 18 There's no young photos of Gina Didn't like Pacino and Gene Hackman have like a apartment together in New York That might have been Hoffman. Maybe maybe you're right. I might have it backwards No, go ahead my uncle was friends with someone who's roommates with tommy lee jones whoa yeah oh were they roommates with him yeah at harvard and wasn't his roommate uh al gore whoa oh maybe but he knew tom he knew tomm Jones. Or you know Al Gore. No.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Tommy Lee Jones went to Harvard? Yeah. Nice. He played football, dude. There's a picture of him in his fucking uniform. He looks like what if a cartoonist was drawing a stud, it would be Tommy Lee Jones in this photo. Apparently he's super theatrical, you know, like kind of a theater kid.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Dramatic. So he would come into parties and just be like all like. Loosey-goosey in his body. Just like super loud and people like yeah that's tommy lee he's an actor right just like deal with him he was extra that's his personality let him roll with it which you look at him now and you're like he looks like a hard ass like i can't see oh yeah oh dude it's a good reminder that all actors are are big softies really they're just good playing badasses he reminds reminds me of Jones. But I think that's badass. You're Tommy Lee Jones. I am Tommy Lee Jones.
Starting point is 00:10:31 That was good. I don't care. I actually do care. That's just his line from The Fugitive. He's so good in The Fugitive. You know I care. Just giving good orders, dude, in a nice poofy jacket, dude. Bring the hounds.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Close off the bridge. It's a great Chicago movie. Come on. Just giving good orders, dude, in a nice poofy jacket, dude. Bring the hounds. Close off the bridge. It's a great Chicago movie. Come on. Yeah, he's kind of put upon all the time. He's like, what are we doing here? Come on. Five minutes under clock?
Starting point is 00:10:56 Damn, I'm good. That's under siege, though. And then also, I think you don't like it? You don't like it? Joe drinking that thing, dude. That was amazing. The first sip wasn't a good sip. No, give it another try. You don't like that.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Dude, you got to shake it up. Get it in there, dude. It's good. I did. I gave it like 30 shakes. How long am I supposed to shake? You're good. You're good.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Did Sam drink one of these things, or do you think it was like... We got him a different green juice. I got stuff from Whole Foods. Yeah. Nice. I don't know. You want me to take it? I'll take it down.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Maybe that's too much. I don't understand what's in this. It's spirulina, pink salt. Yeah, I've never been a big spirulina guy. Have you had much? I mean, I don't know. This guy's talking about elderberries over here. I mean, where do you find those?
Starting point is 00:11:50 Do you find those next to, like, I mean, what sucks is that this looks like it would be so good. It is good, dude. It looks like it tastes like cotton candy or something. Yeah. But it just... That's deep, dude. I think it does taste good.
Starting point is 00:12:03 You got four bros in one room all all having the same thing, you know? And each of our experiences is unique. You got someone who knows, I think. Do I? Yeah. I like it. It's a huge oxalate. Yeah, the almond milk.
Starting point is 00:12:19 You're not supposed to have almonds now. Where's spinach? Really? Because of oxalates. What does oxalates do i thought that was good kidney stones oh damn you just gotta drink water dude balance that out yeah that's probably true just gotta flush the system dude just be hydrating constantly dude you're in a jacuzzi dude be hydrating dude yeah remember we talked to our buddy tom who you got him as last time i was on
Starting point is 00:12:41 he was your legend of the week yeah yeah uh. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Doctor. Yeah, frigging doctor. What up, dude? Doctor. And JT's like, dude, just based on advice, dude, what am I going to do? What am I doing to stay healthy? He's like, just drink tons of water. Yep. He's like, just drink water, man.
Starting point is 00:12:57 And drink more than you think you need. Just flush it out. Just keep frigging straight up hydrating, dude. Guys, maybe a little sports talk now. Ooh, baby, you know I'm into that. All right, here are the two big conversation pieces. Let's go to Chad first. The Philadelphia 76ers are out of the playoffs
Starting point is 00:13:14 much earlier than anticipated. They have two cornerstone pieces from their long decade-draining process, Ben Simmons and Joel Embiid. Both guys do their best work near the hoop, although Joel Embiid probably strays too much and Ben Simmons is probably Embiid both guys do their best work near the hoop although Joel Embiid probably strays too much and Ben Simmons is probably too stuck there they can only pick one guy to keep going forward with or it seems like that's
Starting point is 00:13:32 what the inevitable realization is gonna be who do you keep the foundation of any building is the foundation mm-hmm yeah some architects said that so I'm gonna go with the center yeah nice good call i have to agree with you i have to concur although critics do say um and beats diet's not that great which we're just talking about and um you know he's a big so you got he's got to watch that going forward maybe introduce him to the pod yeah for sure he did he could pick up some good pointers dude stay away from those oxidants. What are those things called? That's it.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Yeah, dude. Oxalates. Oxalates. Stay away from oxalates, dude. But, dude, JT knows I love to quote this. He probably already knows exactly what I'm about to say, right? Kobe or MJ? Exactly, dude.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Oh, my dog. Phil Jackson, dude, was once asked, who would you rather build a team around, Kobe or MJ? His answer, Shaq. Really? Yep. That Shaq. Really? Yep. That's awesome. Perfect scenario.
Starting point is 00:14:29 But is this a different MJ though too? Shaq's a rookie. Jordan's a rookie. Kobe's a rookie. Shaq came in and you're big. You are instantly a presence. Took Curry a little bit of time. Takes Simmons a little bit of time.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Takes, and Durant pretty hit it. LeBron pretty much hit it out of the get-go. Those guys are like savants. But even Jordan, his shooting, he had to go really work on that. And Kobe, remember that series against Utah? He was throwing up bricks, but his personality came back. It was like, I want it. Feed me the rock.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Shaq, dominant in Orlando. Yeah, I remember that. Dominant. A little immature. They thought they had that against the Rockets. They thought they had it won. He kind of took a little backseat, and they ended up getting bit in the butt. And then Kevin Durant just went down.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Oh, dude. What's the status? Calf strain, out for the series. Damn. They're up 3-2. Here's my bold prediction, and I want this to happen with every fiber of my being. The Warriors will not only win this series without him, I think he'll be out for longer,
Starting point is 00:15:23 and I think they'll win the entire championship without him. I would love that scenario. The original squad. I know Durant's on his way out. I know he's leaving. The original squad's going to do it again and prove to him that they didn't need him as much as he thinks and as much as the public thought
Starting point is 00:15:36 and just send him on his way with a title in their hands. Yeah. That's cool. This team is dominant. This is essentially the 72-10 team, right? Was that it? 72-10? Yeah, except for Harrison Barnes.
Starting point is 00:15:47 But Harrison Barnes shit the bed in the finals. Remember that? No, no, no. This Warriors team is better than the Bulls. Well, they were 73-9. They beat them. They got the record. But they didn't win the title, so it's a little bit.
Starting point is 00:15:57 God, I know. It's like that Tom Brady. Yeah, so it doesn't matter. True. You got to finish the race. But, dude, these Warriors are so good. They've lost Cousins, and now they've lost lost Durant and they're still this dominant. That's awesome That's just when I go to bed at night if I'm feeling blue or anything
Starting point is 00:16:10 I just think about the Warriors lineup and I'm like, ah, I love feel nice Golden State. It's a great name. Beautiful So it's that we're picking it win the finals. Yeah, it's the Golden State. There it is Joe you don't think this tastes like cinnamon kind of no Okay, not at all. That was emphatic. Yeah It's the gold in the state. There it is. Joe, you don't think this tastes like cinnamon, kind of? No. Okay. Not at all. That was emphatic. Yeah. All right, guys.
Starting point is 00:16:30 It's a historic day. Denver, the first city in America to legalize psycho-sibling, otherwise known as shrooms. Psycho-Sullivan? Yeah. I've missed it. Psilocybin. Psilocybin.
Starting point is 00:16:41 That was closer, dude. Psycho-Sullivan. Yeah. Wait, how do you say it? Psycho-Sullivan. Psycho-Sullivan. This kid in my fourth grade class. Honestly, they legalized it. Thatsilocybin. Psilocybin. Psycho Sullivan. Wait, how do you say it? Psycho Sullivan. Psycho Sullivan, this kid in my fourth grade class. Honestly, they legalized him. That guy was a nut job.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Tony Hawk should have named his freaking boom boom huck jam the Psycho Sullivan. Yeah. That sounds legit to me. Dude. But my question is this. Shrooms now legal in Denver. Is Joe Rogan too excited? I think he's already done three posts about it.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Is he too excited? I think he's already done three posts about it. Is he too excited? I need to reevaluate my relation with shrooms because my relation, I did shrooms in high school. Don't do it, kids. No, don't. Yeah, wait till your brain is settled. Get into your mid to late 20s.
Starting point is 00:17:16 I did it in high school. Had a bad trip, you know, because my buddy Sean's like, dude, I got blue caps from Oregon. I'm like, cool. And I'm like, how many should I take? He's like, just eyeball it. So I just ate a bunch.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Eyeball it. You know, it takes like 45 minutes. It took me 15 minutes. We were going to get Chipotle, and I was like pulling out, and I start tripping. I'm like, I'm going back in the parking spot. I love that. And then so I was like, oh, fuck, oh, fuck, oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:17:44 My brother came home, which amplified the bad trip because I didn't want him to know. And then I black out. Next thing I know, I'm tied to a chair because I was, like, wreaking havoc around the house. And I thought my brother was trying to kill me. And then my hog came out for some reason. Dang.
Starting point is 00:18:01 And my hog was just out. And, like, I was looking at my brother, who I thought was trying to murder me because he looked like Bart Simpson. And he was just like And my hog was just out and I was looking at my brother who I thought was trying to murder me because he looked like Bart Simpson. And he was just like, my hog was out and I'm like, this is shrooms? Yeah, see that's gnarly. Yeah, if you have a bad first trip like that,
Starting point is 00:18:17 it's gonna leave some scar tissue. So now I just think all of Denver's gonna show their brothers their hogs. Yeah, that's a scary thing to picture. That's the slippers. Yeah. Dude, also I think it think all of Denver is going to show their brothers their hogs. That's a scary thing to picture. Dude, also I think it's smart of Denver to be the first city to do it. That's how you make a legacy is by being the first one to do stuff. Denver's being legit.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Fun fact, Boulder, one of the highest PhDs per capita. A lot of smart people in Boulder, dude. Interesting. Maybe not a bad place to trip. A lot of Boulders for brains. Dude, here's my thing a lot of boulders for brains dude here's my thing great call love that dude here's my thing their brains are buffs um dude here's my thing you're unstoppable dude dude uh if you're doing like chad you just said your story about doing shrooms if you're doing shrooms like i was reading this article like shrooms were used like they've been around forever obviously they've been growing on this earth for like religious experiences like big
Starting point is 00:19:07 events like a you know coachella dude which is like maybe honestly the modern religious experience i don't know dude i'm just trying to be a little progressive dude but uh if you're doing shrooms to go to chipotle different story you gotta you save it if it's legal you gotta use it at the right time yeah don't treat enlightenment like it's a cheap thing get into the whole mood like if like dude get a shaman there yeah if you're gonna do blow go do blow like at like an 80s concert or like with your buddies or like one time on a bachelor party if you're doing blow and you're like we're gonna get dominoes and play mario kart maybe you gotta dial it back a little bit yeah they'll blow you know like one caveat
Starting point is 00:19:43 laser tag yeah speaking of which since we're on the topic paintballing let's schedule it right now oh dude let's go yeah let's go yeah where do we go pendleton oh i think we gotta go where the marines go dude yeah pendleton's the best yeah not as many marines there as you'd hope though you get there being like oh dude look out it's gonna be all marines yeah and then it's a bunch of guys who um it's like a few Mike Diamond. It's like some Mike Diamond plumbers, dude. They smell good, but they're having their day off.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Dude, did you guys- A little disrunnel? No, dude, that's it. I'm done. No, keep going. Dude, I, you know. I can't. I didn't want to rip on Mike Diamond guys too bad, dude.
Starting point is 00:20:19 I don't know. I don't know. Who's Mike Diamond? Mike Diamond's the smell good plumbers, dude. It's a good commercial, yeah. I'm just saying you get a lot of like, it's a nice blue collar way to blow off some steam, some paintball.
Starting point is 00:20:27 And I respect that. Well, it's a healthy way to do it too. I'm a pink collar guy. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's a very healthy way. Shooting a preteen in the face. Oh, it feels good, dude. Great stress relief.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Feels like you're teaching them a lesson. Yeah. Dude, so in England, looks like they're going to come up with a process to curb underage porn watching where you have to show government ID that you're old enough to watch porn. Yeah, that's smart. I mean, it's smart.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Sounds good on paper, but let's be honest, dude. Is it going to work when you curb? Kids are going to go and find pornos, dude. It's like booze. People are going to find ways. But I think it might slow it down, right? I think they should just focus more on sexual education. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:21:08 I was listening to Esther Perel on Dax Shepard. Yeah. Turn me on to that. And in America, our sex education, it's all just anatomy. Here's the anatomy, abstinence. But our STD rates are through the roof. But if you teach people more about because and then porn kind of uh promotes this idea of sex is like it's uh of like you gotta wear a mask
Starting point is 00:21:31 bodies in the oh yeah you guys aren't yeah you wear a mask and um i mean you don't need to teach people more about love and relationships so that's sort of like you understand what you're getting into as opposed to just you know know, jackhammer boning. Correct. Which there's more satisfaction and a full connection. Dudes, what else? We burned through the topics. I love it.
Starting point is 00:21:53 I mean, those are provocative topics, dude. Freaking legit. I think we're all, because we're all pretty much on the same page with these topics, I think, you know. Yeah. We're feeling good. I mean, Joe's a little under the weather, like any updates with your life nothing too much dude freaking just posting up dude got put up some nice mirrors and statement piece in my GF and I's apartment a little bit ago and just really loving that right now dude
Starting point is 00:22:17 what's a statement yeah oh it's very good question it's like you know we kind of have like a mid-century modern sort of decor going, which is quite common. You know, a lot of wood, you know what I mean? Like my desk area, wood. Mid which century? This century. Yeah, mid like 60s, 50s. Sorry, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:35 And then the mirror we got took a little bit of a risk. You know, it's a little bit more avant-garde, you know, being more of like this decade. And it's what you want. You want thearde and you know be more of like this decade and it's what you will you want the eyes to go to that yes exactly you come in your eyes boom immediately get locked get locked in there you know what i mean so it's nice and it's really really working dude the gf and i are both on the same page about it what do you want people to feel when they walk into your abode dank you know i want them to come in and just feel like this is so legit like this is my home like i want you bros to come in there and like immediately be comfortable enough to pull
Starting point is 00:23:11 your shirt off or even if you're on shrooms you're dong out and know that you're in a safe space my gf and i don't do not have kids so there's no youngins around i remember i had a fight club poster up in college and some of the dudes came over to my dorm they were like that's so cliche you know like we're awesome ferraro yeah yeah they were right but i also had a princess bride one up but then it's like am i just doing that to be like for the girls different yeah are you doing that for when ladies come over yeah is it actually something but i do love that you love that movie i think that one actually might be more authentic than the fight club one appreciate you saying knowing you too yeah honestly i fucking i needed to hear that. Written by William Goldman, the greatest screenwriter of all time, dearly departed.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Nice. Dude, yeah, when I walked into your apartment, these are my first thoughts. I was like, I need to make a quesadilla. Thank you. And I need to text my girlfriend a hilarious Channing Tatum gif. I love that. That's why
Starting point is 00:24:03 immediately, I think that's what your decor does. It makes me think of So You Think You Can Dance, or no, Step Up, and Quesadillas. That's like a date night for me, my gif at home. Are you kidding me? Bottle of Sauvignon Dank. That's like in your furniture. Dude, I misspoke. I said William Goldman's the best screenwriter of all time. I just said that because I've heard that. I think Charlie Kaufman's the best screenwriter of all time. Because fuck fish. Yes.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Respect. Never again. Fuck fish. How are the ladies going with you guys? What's up, dudes? Doing good, you know. We've had our first disagreements. She hung up on me on the phone and I was raw.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Dude. And I was like, please don't hang up on me. And phone and I was raw. 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 my dad you're a sex addict right away. I'm like, but babe, what if he starts talking to me about his problems, and then I want to share and match him? I might have to bring it. It's like, no, just agree that you won't bring it up right away. I feel like being hung up on doesn't have the same effect as it once did. Like with cell phones, you could just be like, oh, the call dropped. Right. Like back in the day, you could hear it slam.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Well, she told me. There was some power to that. That's true. It's great. Bang. And then it's like, you know, should I call him back? Are we broke? Like, that's serious shit.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Yeah, now you just hit the end button. Back in the day, it was like, pow. That's a great call. You're like on the pay phone. You just hold the bottom part, jamming the thing, dude. Yeah. That's a great call. Are you keep slamming it?
Starting point is 00:25:39 Yeah. Yeah, now on these phones. I mean, that's the thing. That's what's tough. Like, you're on a first date or you're meeting your your gs parents or something and you've got your truth and things you want to say but it's like you guys need to are figuring out being considerate of one another yeah we're figuring out like what the boundaries are yeah and she's wonderful we spent last night just watching some tv with joe oh she adores joe yeah who doesn't my lady she's got a new
Starting point is 00:26:09 promotion at work whoa nice crushing at work getting that promotion hell yeah dude yeah things are good that's good love that dude all right we got some questions oh do we need to do another add or no mid roll this time? Oh, yeah. Good call. We got Strider coming back in the building. What up? All this liquid, dude. I had to go drain the lizard, dude. That's a phrase that's not used enough anymore, dude. I dig that. I mean, we call
Starting point is 00:26:38 it the hog. The lizard. Drain the lizard's a good one. Yeah. This is, uh, I can't get into this. I'm sorry. I mean, dude, I think it's going to make you feel better. It tastes so bad. Dude, you got to shake it, though.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Look at that. It smells bad, too. Really? Like, it's got everything bad going. Bad smell, bad taste. At least if it smelled good, I could be like, oh, well, it smells good. I should try it. Maybe it'll taste good soon.
Starting point is 00:27:04 And watching jt's stories you're big on scent you like to go ahead that you like to use your sense more than some of your other senses like touch or sight yeah or sound joe is using his scent quite a bit i mean it smells like rotten coconut it also tastes like that as well legends legit nice dudes i forgot before the questions that we were going to cover our uh personality oh right oh yeah dude yeah so yeah very dank buried the lead um yeah do you guys want to reveal what's your result so it's the myers-briggs test which is the one where you get like four letters and either starts with i or e for introverted or extroverted we all took like a hundred question questionnaire and found out what our personality types were.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Strider, what was your personality type? My personality type is E-N-F-J-A, the protagonist, dude. Whoa. Straight up means, so extroverted, 74% for that E. So I like to freaking, that's why I like hanging with the squad, dude. I like to freaking talk and cut it up and flush it out with my dogs, dude. Yes. Intuitive, 55%.
Starting point is 00:28:11 So I'm thinking some of the time. Feeling, 69%. Honestly, was so fired up to see that 69% because, dude, what's the best feeling? Getting, but also while giving a little bit. You know what I'm saying? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Yeah. Thank you, dude. So I freaking love 69, dude. You ever 69 from the top? getting but also while giving a little bit you know what i'm saying thank you dude so i freaking
Starting point is 00:28:26 love 69 dude you ever 69 from the top a little not usually no i don't think i have dude but that's an interesting uh it's a very infj question for you to ask like when you put the yeah that's going down it's like dropping the pin back in the hole in golf isfj sorry go ahead no that's it i mean that that's pretty much it is it but dude yeah dude you had good comps too dude oprah and barack yes oh i was so fired up yeah i love how they show you the celebrities that's there share your personality type with great company that's a good squad right there dude joe what what personality type are you, dog? Mine is ISFJT. Pretty good.
Starting point is 00:29:09 The Defender is what they call it, which makes sense because I was really good at defense in every sport I played. Yeah, I had a lot of good celebrities with mine. Holly Berry. Nice. I always knew you were like a Holly Berry. Queen Elizabeth II, Beyonce, Vito Corleone, Pam from The Office, all hot people.
Starting point is 00:29:31 That's what's up. Yes, that's legit. Vito Corleone. Yeah. He took this? He's hot. Well, they say that's what his personality was. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:29:40 And Holly Berry's going to be in John Wick 3, which I'm fired up for. I can't wait to see that. We should all go see it as a squad together john wick three yeah oh down oh yeah wait how about this one vin diesel is also yeah yeah that's what's up that makes sense because he's about family yeah and he's like got a quiet power to him like if you if you were to be like joe you want something to drink? He'd hold up his beer knife and look at you.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Yep. Take this. Take this. It was just a question. And then something that kind of surprised me but kind of didn't. Chad, we shared the same personality type. Yes. Wild.
Starting point is 00:30:21 I'm an ENFPA. I'm 51% extroverted 49% introverted you're right on the and so was dude he was the exact same 51% introverted oh interesting means you're down to hang out but also you can post up your crib and just you know watch a movie or whatever yeah um I was uh 83% extroverted. Makes sense. Yeah, that makes sense. That's a lot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Yeah. I talk. But I love to listen, baby. Come on, brother. My dog. Saying legit things. I'm assertive, refuse to worry too much, do not push too hard when it comes to achieving goals.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Prospecting individual. Very good at improvising and spotting opportunities. I'm sensitive and emotionally expressive. More empathic and less competitive than thinking types. Focus on social harmony and cooperation. And very imaginative, open-minded, and curious. Dude, Sally's an ENFP too. Oh, really? Yeah who which celebrities are robert downey jr will smith oh oh to box office freaking a lot of idealism and deep emotion
Starting point is 00:31:38 jennifer aniston nice rachel not everyone can handle the excitement occasional neediness and emotional up and downs that this philosophy entails. Oh, dude, I get needy, dude. Yeah, I have felt that. That's why you get hung up on, dude. Hilarious. That's why you get hung up on. Dude, just go back to your personality test.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Yeah, you try to figure it out, and then you're like, yeah, I guess I'm doing some stuff. Dude, you guys dropped some hot celebs, but I think we got the hottest. Who? Because we got, like, Sarah Michelle G sarah michelle geller sandra bullock oh no kieran knightley i don't know holly berry's up there but you guys got some fire wait i have barack and and oprah both hot true dude and about sex we will willingly experiment with our partners even early in our relationship but we can also be oddly perfectionistic
Starting point is 00:32:26 relationship but we can also be oddly perfectionistic yes yeah that pressure i am not afraid to eat the ass sorry to go there too much ass eating talk these days but hey it's what you're into let me tell you what dude you're being honest i like to go there yeah if that's what you like and it's all freaking consensual and it's all good then knock yourself out. Have a blast, dude. Strider loves it when you do it to him, dude. Sorry. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:50 I didn't know who to put it on. Stoker's. I was just sitting on that for like five seconds. He wants to eat my butt. It's all good, dude. I wanted to make it we eat each other's butts, too. Stoker's, if you didn't know, Strider and I eat butt before we do stories. And Stoker's, I mean, dude, I've gotten some DMs about,
Starting point is 00:33:04 dude, you guys are such a good crew. Like, I freaking love you guys on the pod. You're freaking legends. Like, I wish like my crew was as tight as you guys. Honestly, dude, start licking each other's butts, dude. Yeah, that's right. Tongue dart the brown.
Starting point is 00:33:17 I've been getting Aaron towards that point for a while now. Aaron, am I making any headway towards eating your butt? You don't think so? Yeah, I don't think so. That's kind of our banter, though. That's kind of our dynamic.
Starting point is 00:33:29 This blue drink, dude? I'm getting there. Colon health. But go your own pace. Yeah, no, it's like when... Yeah, that's what I'm doing with the blue drinks. I would rather eat a dirty butt
Starting point is 00:33:38 than drink the rest of this. Really? A dirty one? Really? That juice is delicious, dude. It is, dude. When I saw you I saw you eat Joe's but for the first time it was like a pretty long interview it's like a
Starting point is 00:33:48 half hour and you're like no just tell me I bet my butt smells better than this you're like Joe's like he's like no just tell me what's going on with you and Joe's like well I get kind of nervous sometimes you're like that's okay and then Joe just put his legs behind his head. Yeah. I was so surprised by his flexibility. Yeah, because you imagine Joe being so tight, but he's so pliable in the hips. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:09 That's a hilarious way to describe somebody. I met him when I was instantly like, this guy's not flexible, dude. Yeah. He's not a flexible guy. All right, guys,
Starting point is 00:34:21 should we get into some questions? Hell yes. Hey, what's up, guys? I'm 23 years old and on the precipice of a major life decision. I graduated college about a year ago and have lived at home in Pennsylvania with my parents to save a little money. I'm looking to take the leap to independence soon and have been scouring the U.S. for new jobs in various cities while simultaneously trying to figure out where I want to set up shop. Jobs aside, the location of my new home is important to me, and I'm having a difficult time setting on an area.
Starting point is 00:34:44 I have never been to the Golden State but plan on making a trip out there pretty soon to see if it's a place i could see myself meshing with i was curious if you guys have any recommendations for areas to check out or maybe a quick elevator pitch on your favorite cities towns in california right now new york is at the top of the list which i'm sure i'll love but something in my gut is saying check out the west coast thanks for your help yeah i'd go to the west coast over the east coast i mean it depends how if you're a big weather guy or if you don't care about that but typically i i would pick la over new york i love san diego dude i mean dude obviously duh dude the coast bro like you gotta go somewhere where you got the ocean, dude.
Starting point is 00:35:25 You wake up, it's freaking dank. Yeah, the L.A.-San Diego combo beats New York, in my opinion. And living in New York City is cool. Maybe get some life experience there. That's pretty chill. But, I mean, dude, I'm a coastal guy, dude. I like this West Coast vibe, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Yeah. San Diego. Miami, though, dude. Miami, dude. San Diego, Orange County, county you know go to tahoe yeah i love tahoe california's got it all i do i don't want to be biased because i'm from here like but i do think california is the best i would recommend you can't go wrong i seriously you can't go wrong if you come to california yeah yeah like you'll like it at least for a little bit
Starting point is 00:36:01 yeah you gotta come dude you go to fucking Huntington Beach, dude. Yeah. They got this little. It's my favorite city in the world. Yeah. I know. We talked. Dude, they got this little mall.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Dude, I already got all your spots picked out, dude. Dang coffee spot. Dang sandwich spot. I don't even care where you work, dude. But look, California living is pricey. But dude, I mean. But he's at the age and he's got the flexibility where I think it's like he can take that on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:27 I forgot. Because you're chilling. Yeah. Thank you. It's my personality type. California style. And when people are like, oh, I hate LA, it's because they're trying to be trendy, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Yeah. Yeah, dude. Yeah, bro. All right, dudes. What up, dogs? We love the pod and what you guys are doing here's the scenario there are multiple guys in the squad of extremely hot older sisters the only problem is that the two bros with the hot sisters are schmoles and we have debated kicking them out of the squad
Starting point is 00:36:55 should we keep them in just because they have hot sisters or let them free to find another squad yeah keep them in you gotta we gotta find out what's going on with those sisters yes since it's their older sisters too it's not as like taboo yeah especially if they're single we gotta i'd keep letting them hang out we gotta we gotta put some work in yeah those yeah older sister that's and they're hot something you want so like it's it's obviously gonna be up to them like they yeah they know what they're doing and dude they can teach you like good things about you know the female perspective that can help you with you know trying to land chicks that are their age and i mean of course there's the fantasy element you know what i'm talking about you can dude you're having girl problems oh dude this girl i was kind
Starting point is 00:37:36 of like hanging out with hung up on me or whatever and then you go and talk to your friend's older sister and it's like boom you know like does one of you guys have an older sister i could call i have an older sister you can call yeah i have two all right sweet she's a lawyer too dude she might bill you yeah dude older sisters you can't go wrong there and the schmoles might de-schmole at some point you know you guys are growing you guys are developing you know you might break away from the schmole and if you boke them that cuts off communication from the older sister probably and if they become cool again you want to get them back in the squad you know you're in you're in a double whammy of just bad news whereas you just keep them around you know try and you know work them finesse them make them less small like and also hang with their
Starting point is 00:38:33 sisters learn some valuable stuff get used to talking to older mature women and it's a win-win hey boys i've been traveling southeast asia for Asia for the past few months and your podcast always brings a smile to my face on these lonelier days. I hope you can help me out with an insecurity of mine that's been on the back of my mind recently. I am 24 and I have never had a boyfriend. Hear me out. I've hooked up with my fair share of guys around 25, just to give you an idea. So it's not like I'm an inexperienced gal. I'm a very normal, cool and outgoing chick who has great social life and loves to go to bars. So putting myself out there is not the issue. I just always thought being single in college was important for figuring out who I am,
Starting point is 00:39:09 and since college, I've been traveling a lot, which makes it hard to date. When I'm home in California, I do go on dates and hook up with guys, but I just haven't found someone worth dating long-term, and I guess none of them are interested in dating me long-term. At what age do you think it's a red flag for someone to have never been in a serious relationship? Hope to catch a live comedy show this summer. You guys are the best. I'd say don't put an age limit on it.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Yeah. There's no rush. And maybe come back to the States and then let's get into it a little bit. If you're traveling Southeast Asia, what are you going to... Come on. Right. It sounds like her priority too, just the you know she's writing is like she like likes to have these grand life experience like she's in southeast asia right having these she's
Starting point is 00:39:50 she's making moves fast like she's making moves outward to learn more inward yeah what is that like thailand or something yeah yeah that's definitely all you do all that yeah and it's like dude you know what that you're enjoying yourself and then it's like it seems like she but she also has like probably a personality that's very logical where it's like, okay, I'm doing this for this amount of time. But then after that, I meet the guy and I settle down and do this.
Starting point is 00:40:11 And it's like, that's this added pressure. It's good to have a plan and a direction. But don't squeeze it too tight. Correct. Just let it happen, dude. Like you're a fun girl. And let me tell you, there's plenty of dudes out there that are looking to date girls.
Starting point is 00:40:23 From a relation expert, I heard she said that the most attractive partner is one who maintains their autonomy you know and that's what she's doing she's developing herself her autonomous self so she's figuring out who she is so then she can enter into a healthy relation and won't be codependent and stuff so i think it's cool that she's figuring out who she is so that when she meets the right guy then they get into a relation it's a beautiful relation you know where it's like they maintain that uh that healthy separation but also closeness yeah would you guys come to love it more yeah do you guys believe in that thing where you got to kind of you have to figure out who you are first before you can like fall in love do you believe in that to an extent i believe that yeah i don't know i kind of feel like that's some new age kind of
Starting point is 00:41:08 bullshit that people say i feel like if you're you know if you're in love with i think human beings i think we strive to be loved so it's like i don't i think that you do need somebody to love, to not feel whole, but to be complete. Yeah. I think, so I, I think there's people who are like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:41:31 I'm fine by myself. No, you're not. Um, cause you're, you're finding fulfillment in other ways. Then if you're, if you're saying I'm okay by myself,
Starting point is 00:41:42 you're doing something. Right. You're still trying to feel complete. You're just using other things in combination yeah you're just saying i don't i don't need to have a serious relationship but it's a bunch of bullshit but then you got like a best friend and then you got a guy you're fucking and then you got or a girl you're fucking and then you sure yeah yeah life is all about relationships yeah i think so too i think you need to have someone you to love as as long as you're not looking for someone to like complete you you know what I mean or be like yeah but jerry mcguire's right yeah I
Starting point is 00:42:11 think I think I run into that where like with sally I was like I was like she has all these great qualities and they're where I'm weak so it'll fix me a little bit yeah but you realize like you can't put that burden a lot of pressure yeah it's like and it takes away their autonomy because then their purpose is to fix you and not to live their own purpose. Yeah. And then you become needy and it's more like they become a parental figure.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Right. As opposed to a lover. And that's not fun. That's not fun. Yeah. No one wants to parent someone. Yeah. No.
Starting point is 00:42:38 They want to just bone and then eat steak. Yeah. It's no fun. And I mean, I think like to go back to the phrase of like, what is it like I need to figure myself out before I fall in love? When people say that? Yeah. I feel like that's a lot of people putting into like what they want. Like a lot of people use that maybe as an excuse to like go party or like do this.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Yeah. Stuff. I think I get annoyed by the person who says, I'm figuring me out all the time. And like, this is for me. And like, that is good. But some personality types like have to do that to justify. says i'm figuring me out all the time and like this is for me and like that is good but some personality types like have to do that to justify i think you're always gonna be figuring yourself
Starting point is 00:43:10 out yeah totally totally and it's gonna happen in its own time on everyone's journey is different you know like some people need a painting class another person just like needs to get hit by a pitch and softball to be like all right i'm done yeah i was driving over here and i was like i was like why why take anything too seriously just have fun yeah like we're just we're here and no one knows why why why be serious you know true i mean you you got you got it there's a thing you don't get it you know i get it there's got to be like there's limits to that there's got to be times where you're like yeah no yeah if there's like yeah no yo goes yes yeah there is like there are times when yeah well like i don't know why are you one of these these people with all with all the traveling it's like sometimes yeah it's escapism i mean yeah it's like when you go see something and then
Starting point is 00:44:01 you saw it you need to do that for eight more days in a row. Yeah, you can't do location coping. If you're sad here and then you go to Bali, you're still going to be sad in Bali. Yeah. So you've got to work on some stuff. That's what I'm saying. I don't fuck off every day.
Starting point is 00:44:17 I work pretty hard. But I think if you have a mindset trying to enjoy what you're doing, that's key. Totally, totally. I do agree. I do. I just think it's like when you hear it're like i think some people some people really run with that though we're like i'm going to a fire festival then i'm going to coachella yeah and it's like well dude you gotta like you do need to have a job still though or i just i just my stupid brain i just
Starting point is 00:44:39 imagine someone like dying and all the family members are grieving and then one of the family members are like what's everyone taking so seriously it's fun it's fun but it wouldn't sound like that it'd be more like he lived a great life and i'm happy i knew him and he might be in a better place and maybe one day i'll see him and i'm happy to be here with you guys but it's like but even that might like you know the the sad mom could be like no not right now yeah it's all timing it's a balance dude it's like the Greeks, dude. You got to do everything in moderation, dude. I was thinking more with like menial daily activities,
Starting point is 00:45:10 like working out and eating steak. Well, yeah, that's the... Having fun. That's the easier stuff. Oh, I love that, baby. Dude, yeah. I'm not talking about death and the family. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:19 Get your sweat in and eat your freaking protein. Dude, I like to give myself little gifts i like to enjoy a nice little meal i like to freaking get my sweat on right you're talking about like that but that is i'm talking about driving over to do a podcast i don't know yeah no but that is fun it's a huge generalization but well i think i took it to like the most extreme place i could go yeah but you know what it's smart though because you that mentality people get caught up that like they're like yeah, I'm enjoying this little thing. Then there's a line, you know, like driving to a podcast
Starting point is 00:45:50 and how you think about work, then how you think about relationships. Like you have to be enjoying yourself but realize you're in a society and accountable to other people. I've never been one to like a – i don't like traveling too much i don't like going to like festivals and stuff because i like to be in the feel like i'm in the in the mix you like your routine too i like my routine and you have a dank routine yeah i just yeah i love i love working and it's well curated yeah that's the trick i don't love what you do yeah your life is well designed for your pleasure but it's also you work really hard
Starting point is 00:46:25 at it but like yeah maybe maybe i was saying is don't don't look to all these things to make you happy maybe find it within enjoy the process like don't be like yeah dude go to coachella be super happy and then after coachella be like all right uh 11 months and 28 days until the next coachella and i'll be happy again. I think maybe that's more. Got to find your daily stoke. What's keeping you stoked on a day-to-day basis? Oh, daily stoke. That's legit.
Starting point is 00:46:51 Daily stoke quotidian. Dude. This was a healthy debate. I think we got to a good philosophy. Yeah. The daily stoke. Maybe that's it. And it's got to be maintained.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Joe, are you in on daily stoke? Yeah, daily stoke. I mean, I'm in on it. You're jacked. Are you flexing? No. You look good. You look buff, dude.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Yeah, I can't control how big my arms are. Dude, this next question actually is good for the Daily Stoke because, dear beloved Stoke Lords, I'm a second lieutenant headed off to U.S. Army Ranger School on May 20th and need your help. Some would channel the likes of David Gog goggins jocko wilnick or another internet meathead guru to get them mentally prepared but nah i want the true battle tested good vibe strategist to weigh in what would you be thinking about to get through tough times while getting hazed starved and sleep deprived
Starting point is 00:47:37 for multiple months i need to get into the savage head spaces when into the same savage head spaces when jt fought puzio fuck puzio by the way or when chow or when chad devoured that apple rep prior to apologizing but i still need to be able to remain chill like a smooth operator when the ranger instructors try to make things chaotic what do you guys think i devoured what uh the apple customer support on oh nice nice oh dude i was gonna say and this is kind of close to what Chad was just saying, is just try and laugh at all of it. Like laugh when you're failing because you look like a goober and life is just a minefield of embarrassment. And then laugh when you're dominating because it's funny that you're just like dominating.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Yeah. You're like, this is so goofy. And then just, yeah, try to have fun with all of it because it is crazy. It's wild what you're doing and it's like it's all pretty absurd when you really think about it that you made that strong of a choice to put yourself in that position and being tested in that way so i think just laugh at what an absurd person you are and that you're putting yourself through that true dude what you're saying is exactly what the quote i was going to pull was success is having failure without loss of enthusiasm that's winston churchill and it like, that's exactly what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Right. Your failure is part of succeeding. You are going to go there. You're going to armor rangers. Their model is break you down, build you up. They're crafting you into a freaking straight up soldier weapon legit, dude. Someone that I would freaking select to play as his call of duty and then create a dank uniform for him with like cobalt blues and shit.
Starting point is 00:49:03 But dude, like, yeah, that's what it is. You're going to go in there. You're going to be challenged. Just know what your goal is in the end. And don't worry about failure because it's going to be part of the process. Yeah. You get like a poster of Bruce Willis from like Tears of the Sun. Go call.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Be like, this is what I'm working towards. All right. What up, boys? Love your pod. Please keep bringing the Stoke levels to maximum capacity. So obviously you two spent a ton of time together. You're podcasting legends, comedy partners, fiesta-sending hombres, and homies for life.
Starting point is 00:49:31 He's talking about us, Chuck. Thank you. On the real, you guys work together, create content offline, and presumably hang with the same squad. My question is, how do you avoid getting on each other's nerves? To give you some background on my situation, I'm about to move into a rental crib in San Diego with two of my dogs. One of them is a good buddy of mine from middle school on.
Starting point is 00:49:49 We went to the same college and I've always run with the same crew. Now we even work at the same company. I love my dog to death, but I find that after spending all the time together, little things he does start to get on my nerves. Not because it's his fault, just because we're always around each other. What do you guys do to maintain a good balance of bro time with each other
Starting point is 00:50:04 while making sure you don't overdo it? Thanks, boys. You've given me great advice on bokehing schmoles before, and any assistance is much appreached. Anyways, could you give a shout-out to surfer Avi up in Santa Barbara? He's an epic stoker and a major dog. What's up, Avi? What's up, Avi?
Starting point is 00:50:19 Yeah, I think we get on each other's nerves, like, all the time. Yeah. Yeah, I've seen it. Dude, it's hard. but i think we work we have the i think the larger goal in mind yeah so it's like you realize it's part of the process and i think it's just like like even with your philosophy on life like i'm typically the most positive person in a room but when i'm with you Chad Chad's more positive than I am and so it almost makes me like the more like I get more negative because of that you know what I mean it's just like dynamics are weird and they're fluid and you just got a you got to just be grateful and think about the long term yeah and just
Starting point is 00:50:58 be appreciative like I look at the bigger picture yeah look at what you're look at what you're doing as a whole and realize that you're human and that's the dynamic of relationships. It happens to everyone. And couples therapy. Dude, that was helpful. And it gave us just little tips that maybe we would have been too embarrassed to try. Like writing separately to meetings and stuff. Just so we can both listen to like our own music basically. Yeah. And try and make time for talks. And fun stuff. And fun stuff.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Create space, but also do fun stuff. And then Joe and I, we get on each other's nerves sometimes. We live together. Yeah. I mean, not much. I bother him with the pick-ems. Yeah, sometimes it's too much. I hear you.
Starting point is 00:51:43 I think with Joe... What about you guys live together. How was that? I contend that Strider is, I mean, have you ever had an, like Strider's impossible to. Yeah. But it's part of my, maybe part of my weakness too, of like sometimes if I do feel or will have a disagreement,
Starting point is 00:51:57 I won't like quite voice it because I don't like confrontation. Right. And me and my GF get along very well and very dankly, but like sometimes if she does, you know, we'll have disagreements on things or whatever, and mainly like roommate shit, you know, like dishes or whatever, or like, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:13 just like, you know, just basic stuff, but like, I won't really voice it. And then sometimes, then it will, if I push it down, then it kind of like boils up to the surface, and then what do they say? It's like, it's never about the laundry. Like, yeah, I'm arguing with the laundry, but it's like really about other things. Is it though?
Starting point is 00:52:30 Yeah. And you're going to be, yeah, your roommates, dude. Like he's going to be like. And they work together. Yeah. Like this guy will wake me up at like 11 a.m. to move my car so we can get out. It's like this early? Early.
Starting point is 00:52:42 You're kidding, right? I don't know. This early? Early. You're kidding, right? I don't know. I used to have a roommate in college who ate pasta in an out tray, dude. What is that?
Starting point is 00:52:56 He stole it in an out tray. You freaking individual. Yeah, I'm like, what? You overdoing it individual. Yeah. Come back to normalcy. I had a roommate who would steal orange chicken and lie about it. From Panda Express? Yeah, from Panda Express.
Starting point is 00:53:08 I think he was your Beef of the Week one week. He was my Beef of the Week. What was his name? Carter. Sorry, Carter. Dude, no, that was nice. Yeah, you can't steal from Panda. You can't steal from Panda.
Starting point is 00:53:16 But you stole the orange chicken senior year. And now your name has been besmirched, but you brought it on yourself with your behavior, my friend. Now you need to go buy two orange chickens and pay it forward and give it to someone. If he ever runs for president, I'm totally leaking that story. Good call. I'm going to be like, uh... Or tries to be a coach at Notre Dame. At New York. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:33 With a heavy heart, I tell you the truth about Carter. He stole my orange chicken. He stole my orange chicken, never came clean, and seemed to take a special pleasure in it. I'm sorry. And then he used Mason's toilet paper when he was shitting it out. The whole car goes, oh! He's watching it with his wife at home.
Starting point is 00:53:52 He's like, god damn it. She's like, oh my god, Carter! How could you? His kids are like, dad, say it's not true. He's like, I was hungry. I was hungry. Can't we make mistakes? My hunger is what keeps this family alive.
Starting point is 00:54:09 All right. Should we get into the beefers? Yes, dude. Strider, what is your beef of the week? All right, dude. My beef of the week, I've got it right here because it's difficult to say. Not like emotionally draining, but like the key phrasing to this. All right, dude.
Starting point is 00:54:23 My beef of the the week and this is really what we've a lot of what we've been talking about today burnt out work culture dude burnt out work culture dude where you feel like you're doing work enough when you're exhausted and burnt out so um dude my my gf has a little bit of a tummy ache and she's taking some time off from work and her work is totally cool with her taking time off but she was so stressed about taking time off being like i'm not working i'm not grinding i'm not getting after it that like it wasn't even about her stomach bothering her she was she was more worried about the stress now yeah and and i think so many people can relate to like
Starting point is 00:55:05 getting stressed out about just like taking time off or who's going to replace me are they going to be mad at me but say it's okay and like all these things in our mind and like just that insane like grind of culture and like dude dude look at freaking durant or like all these guys like dude you got to get rested in your minutes like you're paying it's a 48 minute game you're putting in 43 minutes you need that time off a little bit so you can be at your peak so just that's my beef Dude, you got to get rested in your minutes. It's a 48-minute game. You're putting in 43 minutes. You need that time off a little bit so you can be at your peak. So just that's my beef of the week right now, just realizing, dude, like, yes, you are grinding. And if you're taking a break, it's part of it.
Starting point is 00:55:35 So go ahead and take that break. Yeah, no shame on breaks. Thank you, dude. We break shame. We do. We do that. We do break shame. I break shame people sometimes. Same here.
Starting point is 00:55:42 I'm like, you're taking more breaks? It seems like a lot of breaks lately. But some of it is true. Some people, like, I have some valets, so I'm like, dude, you've been, like, texting in the office for, like, a minute now. Like, we're kind of busy. Like, let's go. Like, find your time to take the break.
Starting point is 00:55:54 But if you're sick, then you're sick, and that's okay. It is hard to disconnect. If I'm sick or something, to, like, just stay and watch movies. Yeah, it's terrible. There's, like, something where you're like, this is wrong. Joe, who is your Beef of the Week? Yeah, very good question. Well, my Beef of the Week is my immune system, as you mentioned before.
Starting point is 00:56:16 I don't understand because years ago when I used to be fat, basically a fat, drunk piece of shit, I never got sick. Like, I was so out of shape and unhealthy, but I, like, never got a cold, never got the flu. And now I'm, like, in a lot better shape. I take care of myself, and I've gotten sick now. Like, I don't know, it feels like three times in the last, like, six months. And it's really disappointing because I'm taking these, like, probiotics and stuff that's supposed to boost my immune system, but I get sick. And I'm not meant to be sick, you know?
Starting point is 00:57:02 And I only take one day. As we're talking about days off i take one day that's it no more than that one day off see i'm here today i didn't take today off i like that you know you were 15 minutes late though well i was sleeping and then i had to get my full breakfast in and other stuff. Maybe back in your drunken, and I quote, fat piece of shit days. Yeah, that's right. Maybe you were like a, you know, you got the nice.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Broken down jalopy. Yeah, broken. Maybe I should drink and eat more. No, no, no. I don't know. What is this? What are you talking about? I'm saying now he's like a Ferrari. You got to take care of the engine I'm saying I know you're I was gonna do a metaphor about like an old boat
Starting point is 00:57:50 That's got a ton of barnacles on it. You don't notice if a seagull shits on that thing You don't notice it. But then you got the nice sleek speedboat right next to a foot predator. Thank love that 73-foot Sunseeker You fucking a seagull. She wants the second deck Seagull shits on that thing, you're going to notice. Your body's getting to a Ferrari level. Little tweaks, little things. It's a speed. You've got a NASCAR frame, baby.
Starting point is 00:58:13 And you've got to take care of it. Little tweaks are going to be noticed. Formula One, you're right. Free wheels. You're putting the good gas in there. So it's noticing. The old piece of shit, yeah, sure, it runs a little bit, but it runs like shit and no one notices and who cares? doesn't work for joe earnhardt andretti thank you
Starting point is 00:58:30 you may be sick but you're still glowing yeah i well i feel a lot better 70 percent aaron can we go a little over yeah yes dang that takes a lot of you off thank you i had a bug of anxiety chad, who is your Beef of the Week? Well, first off, thank you for sharing yours, gentlemen. Thank you, my dog. You're welcome. I appreciate it. My Beef of the Week is with people who put fans on at the gym.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Ooh. At my gym, there's huge fans near the cardio equipment. Huge fans. I don't like them. Too much air blowing in my face. I want to sweat. I want to see the product of my work. I don't need some lollygagging needle dick fan keeping me dry.
Starting point is 00:59:19 When I go to mountain bike class, we don't have fans on. It's like 80 degrees in the room. That's what I'm talking about. You sweat it out. I want to mountain bike class, we don't have fans on. It's like 80 degrees in the room. That's what I'm talking about. You sweat it out. You know, I want to sweat those toxin out. And someone comes in, you know, just like swinging, you know, with no intention. And they come, they turn on the fan, and they just start like walking. I'm like, I throw down a glass bottle.
Starting point is 00:59:40 I'm like, this is bullshit. You know? Quit fanning me, all right? i didn't earn it what am i a king of egypt a freaking pharaoh yeah no no you need to earn that position all right i want to sweat i want to get wet and i want to bone myself yes that's a good mentality to go into work i want to get to such good shape where i'm like i want to bone me oh that's what you mean yeah i do love that dude when you look good and you look in the mirror and you know you're at your peak of looking good you go yeah i think i think good things are coming my way you know if i'm going to be truly frankly i didn't know what i meant when i said it but thank you guys for
Starting point is 01:00:16 the extrapolation well it takes a team that's what takes a village i think that's correct i think that's correct oh joe's in there dude. Oh, dude, Joe's in there, dude. Yeah, I want to get in on that. I love that. Yeah, so people who put fans on at the gym, you're my beef, all right? Quit fanning me off. I want to sweat. Thank you. Suck a giant turkey leg. Yes.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Yes. Leadership when it comes to fans. I do a body pump class at Gold Gyms that I love. I rave about this. He's so beloved. I went to the class with him. I walk, and everyone's like, Strider. It's great.
Starting point is 01:00:44 The instructor's like, Strider, how did that go last week with getting your tires fixed he's like great it's true my dog caleb dude's a good guy uh dude someone in the class there's like 30 people in this class someone will have the audacity to go over and be like i'm turning the fan on so every other 39 people instructor included, 40 other people in this class are gonna now experience the fan. My dog, Caleb, I loved it. He goes, you know what? I'll control the fan.
Starting point is 01:01:11 I like to get people's body temperatures up during the first things. There's a method to it. In the gym, your gym staff, you should have to go to the staff to be like, hey, can we turn on the fans? And then the staff can be like, yeah, I can put on like one of those fans in that area or like at certain times. It's like a pool. Like, yeah, can we turn on the fans? And then the staff can be like, yeah, I can put on one of those fans in that area.
Starting point is 01:01:26 It's like a pool. Yeah, there's free swim during this time or lap time there. That's why we're in a society. I like it coming from Caleb too. Yeah, it's got to come from the leader because he's competent. He knows what he's doing. And there's a reason behind it. What's body pump?
Starting point is 01:01:40 Oh, it's great. High-intensity training class, high reps, low weight. It really gets the cardio going. A lot of fun music. It's a great time. I'd say it's a. High intensity training class, high reps, low weight, really gets the cardio going. A lot of fun music. It's a great time. I'd say it's a party of a workout. All right. Yeah. Well, I mean, your mountain biking class is what you call spin class, but you love it. And that's one of the hardest workouts I've done for sure.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Oh, spin class will light you up, dude. I can't. We did one together. He's been going to the same lady we saw in the show. Yeah. She's great. We should go back. All of us should go together. Truly inspiring. Yeah, I'd love to go. Oh, that'd be awesome. Yeah go back all of us should go together yeah yeah my core is rock so we'll get the calendars together and we'll knock out some days for paintballing and for spin class oh dude my beef of the week is not a beef of my own
Starting point is 01:02:14 i wanted to highlight a famous beef from history it's arnold schwarzenegger and lou farigno both uh power lifting or not power like bodybuilding legends and what i think is so interesting about is that when you watch pumping iron the movie that kind of brought bodybuilding to the mass culture and that kind of broke arnold schwarzenegger as like a mini star at that time to everybody was that a like arnold's super mean to lou ferigno the whole movie lou ferigno has like a hearing disability and he's super jacked but he's kind of a vulnerable guy and arnold's kind of like a mastermind always psyching out his competition which can even help you in bodybuilding because guys don't flex as good when they feel thrown off their game. And Arnold just like picks on him and Lou doesn't really know how to respond.
Starting point is 01:02:52 And Lou's dad kind of gets outfoot and punked by Arnold. And you watch the movie and you're like, Arnold's kind of a villain. But then we went to the Arnold Classic a couple of months ago. And who's there? Lou Ferrigno. And they're like good buddies now and he realized that even though Arnold was the villain back then him playing that villain gave the story enough uh juice to make it like to make people want to watch it and so because of him all those guys like kind of have careers now like Lou Ferrigno got to be the Hulk and I don't know if he gets to be the Hulk if Arnold doesn't pick on him in the first place i'm not saying i'm not justifying picking on people but i'm just saying like your rivals or the people you're battling against aren't necessarily your enemies sometimes they're just the people who are raising your games you know what i mean oh yeah hate most often mistaken
Starting point is 01:03:36 for love dude maybe they loved each other dude strider who is your babe of the week dude my babe of the week this week's gotta be my gf dude um her tummy's bothering her a little bit but uh honestly dude she freaking is still such a champ staying positive staying stoked dude and taking her time off as she deserves so fired up dude she's been crushing some dank rom-coms dude and like honestly we've been watching the haunting tales of sabrina together and even though she's at home sick she waits to freaking watch those episodes with me so that fires me up that we can bond together like that. So definitely just got to be my GF, dude.
Starting point is 01:04:09 Staying healthy, dude. Staying in charge. Taking her time. Resting up. Nice. Joe, who's your babe of the week? Well, I would say it's my mother. We have Mother's Day coming up.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Nice. It's also her birthday in a couple weeks. She's turning 65 she's retiring from work she's uh yeah she's feeling pretty amped about that um that's gonna be that's a good feeling yeah she's looking forward to uh doing nothing she's like she's like i'm i'm ready i put my time in i'm done 65 that's good that's when i want i i want to retire by 45 but uh 65 would be good too yeah that's great she put in work dude raised a dank legend yeah great mother yeah gotta get her some nice gifts and uh yeah great mom chad who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is Esther Perel.
Starting point is 01:05:07 JT turned me on to a pod by her. I listened to a book by her, actually. I didn't realize. No, it was like a few months ago, Mating in Captivity. I was like, oh, that name sounds familiar. I crushed some of her stuff. We're trying to get her on the podcast, actually. For sure.
Starting point is 01:05:23 She was on Dax Shepard's podcast and then um watched some of her ted talks and she's on she's a big on um relationships and all that kind of stuff which like you know for the past you know 90 of my life i was like i need to learn about that stuff i feel like that's like intuitive but then you're like oh maybe you can learn a little bit and like improve on it so you can have like a healthy uh relish where's the expose yourself to information dude is there a buzz just pull your dong out in a library kidding dude you hearing anything aaron or is it just on our side um so i just have some so i uh yeah she's just uh she's very knowledgeable about that stuff and i like watching it because then you learn a lot and you learn a lot about yourself
Starting point is 01:06:07 and just how to be, it sort of translates into being like a more optimal dude or optimizing your life. I have some quotes from her. Eroticism thrives in the space between the self and the other. I love that. Space creates desire. Whoa, that's fire. it's hard to feel attracted to someone who has lost his or her sense of autonomy desire grows in space another thing the grand
Starting point is 01:06:32 illusion of committed love is that we think our partners are ours in truth their separateness is unassailable and their mystery is forever ungraspable as soon as we begin to acknowledge this sustained desire becomes a real possibility so some pretty dank messages from esther that's awesome got a lot to think about there and not to mention she's a mega babe it's not what it's about but you got to acknowledge it dude my babe of the week is uh two babes austin and jay um jay and austin they uh, they direct and Jay edits a lot of our videos. And they also shoot them. Like they're the cameramen on them. And I think that is like such a under-celebrated part.
Starting point is 01:07:16 Not that people are celebrating. That was really douche. But I just think that like it looks scary when we go to like the Women's March or do a Trump rally or to like whatever situation we're kind of fish out of water at but like it's extra scary for the cameramen like they're just following us and like they're getting yelled at too and I think
Starting point is 01:07:34 they just have such big balls like Jay and Austin we could go shoot in like a war zone and I know they would get the shot like they're both just like like animals yeah 100% agree mega beast 100% all right strider who is your legend of the week do my legend of the week's gotta be my gf dude um honestly dude she freaking got this new jacket and it's like this like
Starting point is 01:08:02 freaking dank uh green jacket that kind of looks like looks like you could really go paintballing in it or something, you know? But then you open it up, it's got this like pink fuzziness inside. And honestly, dude, like stepping out into the fashion, like, dude, you know, I've been in my GF for a long time, and dude, like you're saying, like Esther was saying too, is like the unknown a little bit is dank. And when you came in with that item on, I was like, who is this freaking straight up babe? Nice. And then I'm like, oh, it's my GF all the time. She's a freaking legend that I know, but she's doing something a little different.
Starting point is 01:08:38 And Stridey liked that, dude. That's awesome. I like that. Joe, who is your babe of the week? Who's a legend? Oh, sorry. who is your babe of the week? Who's a legend? Oh, sorry. Who's your legend of the week? Sorry.
Starting point is 01:08:50 Let's be that yawn. Well, it's my bed. I've got a great bed, and I sleep a lot. And it really helps me to feel well, especially since I've been sick. People are like, you should take some nyquil no i'll just i'll lay in my bed and sleep it off and then i feel great like last night i probably slept uh a good 12 hours um sounds like a lot but hey you know what i needed needed it, and I feel great, and I have great pillows. I've got great pillowcases. I've got a pillow protector.
Starting point is 01:09:29 These are bedding essentials that you need, and I've got good sheets. I've got a nice comforter. Probably needs to be washed, but it's good. And you know what? Have a good bed. And if i don't sleep right i'm not i i'm not right so i am the man who i am because of my bed thank you your room looks like a hotel room thanks in a good way for baseball players like a mar Marriott? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Chad, who is your legend of the week? My legend of the week is the DJ Eric Pritz. Nice, dude. You guys know Eric Pritz? Greatest music video of all time. Heard the name. Yeah, you guys, his most popular thing is the music video for Call on Me. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. If you're looking to rock a Woody, watch the music video for Call on Me.
Starting point is 01:10:22 You're not kidding, man. Yeah. Every time I watch that, I'm like, this is like the greatest casting in history yeah the workout video yeah it's been a while yeah based on the steve winwood song love steve it's like the body pump class i imagine blind faith at 17 valerie but this is call on me yeah i remember this video i remember yeah yeah yeah and eric never fails to bring the jams you know i love music that gets me pumped up and call on me every day piano i don't know it's p-j-a-n-o-o-o pigiano pigiano they just get me so amped dude you know and um i just want to give him a shout out you guys check him out eric p-r-y-d-z he just he'll get you amped and I really want to go see him live
Starting point is 01:11:05 and yeah he just he pumps me up so I gotta give him a shout out he's a legend love that my legend of the week is Chad Kroger dude dang
Starting point is 01:11:20 Chad's the best why don't you just get a room? Nicest and hardest working guy I know. Rare combination. Oh, thank you. And just a fountain of creative energy. Like the amount of good stuff that you can make is, I've never met anybody else who could do it.
Starting point is 01:11:39 Oh, thank you. And then, so one of those things was this week, you got into a, during your Daily Motivate, you got into an exchange with customer support at Apple. He posts it and then it becomes like a phenomenon. Next day, it's posted on Fuck Jerry's account, which has 14 million followers. And then Chad got them to credit me as well on the post.
Starting point is 01:12:00 So I picked up like a thousand followers. I had zero hand in any of that. And so not only is he creatively that driven and purposeful and, and talented, but he's also very generous. So, and you've been consistent with that since day one. And yeah, you're just a good dude. And I appreciate you, dog. That means a lot. Thank you. You're an amazing dude too. Come on, you're the legend. Big hair. Joe, they. That means a lot. Thank you. You're an amazing dude, too. Come on, come on. You're the legend.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Big hair. Joe, they're having a nice moment. That was important. You got big hair. It's good, it's good, it's good. No, dude, you're an amazing creative force. But yeah, Chad, you're my legend of the week. You're a beast.
Starting point is 01:12:36 Well, thank you. Well, this world would not be what it is without you guys. It's an amazing squad. You too, Aaron. Aaron, you're going to lick butt soon, dude. You're going to get your butt licked, bro. Hey, only when you're ready, dog. I'm not putting any pressure on you.
Starting point is 01:12:51 100%, it could be 30 years from now, but I want you to know it's going to happen. Love that legend of the week. That was nice. That was nice to see two dogs. Thank you. Dude, I knew a kid, one of the guys from Def Leppard, his son. He used to come over to my house we lived in the same neighborhood
Starting point is 01:13:06 and his nanny would come with him and after he was done taking a shit in the bathroom he used to go Esmeralda can you come in here and check my butt no to see if he had wiped all of it I said my parents do that my little brother one time
Starting point is 01:13:21 I was like sitting there playing like I don't know what I was playing like maybe Goldeneye or something like that, and my little brother took a dump in the shared bathroom downstairs, and he yells from the bathroom, Mom, can you come wipe me? And before my mom could answer, I was like, Shut up! Wipe your own butt, Dad.
Starting point is 01:13:42 You can do it yourself now. And I think that was the day he stopped getting his butt wiped. Good, dude. He own butt, dude. You can do it yourself now. Yeah, like I think that was the day he stopped getting his butt wiped Good dude. He needed that dude. I got my boat wipe tones like 15. I'm a prince 15. No, I'm joking Yeah, but you wipe your butt like a common man. No. Yeah. Yeah leaning clean. You guys fold I mean, what are we doing here? That's crumbling. That's crunch. I crumble and then I lean I fold you fold nice I fall into an origami. I feel like Joe definitely folds and does something nice. Your butt deserves a swan.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Strider, let's wrap it up. What is your quote of the week? Oh, dude, I didn't even think about my quote. I already dropped that once in Churchill, which was freaking dank. But, dude, you know what? I'm sticking with, there's this poem, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Dude, I'm going to misquote it because I've been like looking at it up like a ton. But it's like, I'm going to paraphrase and do it wrong.
Starting point is 01:14:34 But it's like, men who have achieved and attained great heights didn't happen by sudden flight. didn't happen by sudden flight but while their companions slept they like toil toiled upwards through the night something like that but it just means work hard did you know so I wanted maybe it's a little thing I'm saying you know you got to take breaks but also at the same time you got to push the gas it's a pretty thing uncle Joee uh this is from william shakespeare i was never a big shakespeare guy but then i found this i like this a lot it says uh the fool doth d-o-t-h i guess that's yeah shakespearean for dank yeah the fool doth think he is wise but the wise man knows himself to be a fool that's what's up that is what's up that's it well said yeah i think that's me all right chad what is your quote of the week uh mine's from bruce willis so i have two just
Starting point is 01:15:41 because i found one just now that's hilarious so i'll start with that one actually is it yippee-ki-yay maybe i shouldn't preface it with it's hilarious because it's never mind so if you catch him just give me four seconds with saddam hussein what's that from i don't know it's on google that's hilarious oh he said that like in an actual interview that's not from a movie yeah hilarious that's that's bruce willis not in character that's bruce willis the man saying yeah gold uh another imagine saying that to a journalist you're like you're like on nightly news yeah if you catch him just give me four seconds i don't know if i can do what's he gonna do in four seconds i can't do anything in four seconds
Starting point is 01:16:23 that's one punch i'm gonna be to be like, what up, dude? He like socks him once, barely hurts him. They're like, time's up. He's like, damn it. I should have asked for a minute. He just comes in. He's like rolling up his sleeves. He's like, you've given me four seconds.
Starting point is 01:16:38 Another quote. I wake up laughing. Yes, I wake up in the morning and there I am just laughing my head off. Cool guy. Nice. Dude, that's awesome. I like that. My quote of the week is from my friend Ross.
Starting point is 01:16:51 He was talking about how he thinks he sees his ex-girlfriend sometimes. They had kind of a tumultuous split. And he's like, yo, I'll just be walking down the street in New York and I'll look across the street and i think i'll see her and then my heart will sink and i'll feel an anger in my calves and i'm like what anger in your calves yeah that's where my anger starts and builds is in my calf amazing it's one of the funniest things i've ever heard like i don't i'm not i can't relate to that at all but i think there's guys out there listening to this who would be like, me too. That's where my anger starts. Start doing some calf raises. Is that it?
Starting point is 01:17:29 I think so. This was nice. We had a lot of nice moments. Squad, thank you so much. Squad. Thank you guys. People have been asking for it. All right, guys.
Starting point is 01:17:38 That'll be it for episode 70 of Going Deep with Chad and JT. Thank you guys so much for tuning in. Don't forget to freaking spread the stoke word. Give us a review and keep stoking it out, dudes. Yeah, what up? Have a good one.
Starting point is 01:17:58 If you need advice These guys are really nice You wanna know What to do, where to go When you need someone to guide you Who's the half of the world beside you Go and see Go and see That's the key Go in deep
Starting point is 01:18:25 Let's go deep Go in deep Get a game Deep

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