Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 71 - Game of Thrones, George Washington's Manners, James Charles

Episode Date: May 22, 2019

What up stokers, in episode 71, we dive deep into some Game of Thrones, explore George Washington's guide to good manners, discuss the stylings of a proper bulge and much more. Fill up your stoke... tank! Check out our t shirts at www.chadgoesdeep.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 oh what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep with chad and jt podcast this is episode 71 um and uh i'm here with my compadre, John Thomas. What up? What up, Stokers? Boom. Clap. So I want to give these guys a shout out. I'm rocking this new bracelet.
Starting point is 00:00:31 You have a tremendous amount of bracelets now. I noticed that yesterday. You know, I figured the more Hollywood I get, the more bracelets I'll have. I always noticed that whenever I'd see like super Hollywood people who were like high up. They had a ton of bracelets. Really? Russell Brand. That's it. But I'd'd be like you know what if i want to make it in this town i gotta get a fuck ton of bracelets yeah i could see you as like a russell brand like tom cruise hybrid
Starting point is 00:00:54 oh dude that's nice yeah thank you uh you know i russell brand used to annoy me a ton i was like this guy's so annoying not even funny i'm not a fan yeah me too sometimes but um i heard him on joe rogan in the latest episode and he seems a little more grounded and i was like oh i like him now except for the fact that he's vegan yeah he can do like a 20 minute talk on yoga and i'll be like maybe this would be better if it was like three minutes yeah but i do agree he has moments of like clarity and insight that are really pretty profound. He wrote about addiction one time after his friend passed away, and I was like, it's one of the most beautiful things I've ever read.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Yeah. I would recommend anybody listening to go check it out. It's really, really good. Yeah. He has a podcast. I listened to one episode of him with Wim Hof, and it was good. And he was very – he was a good host. He you know he was just better than i expected he's a smart guy yeah dude i watched some of his old show like when he was originally broke through in england i think and
Starting point is 00:01:54 he was a heroin addict at the time yeah and he like does heroin on the show yeah he boxes his dad in one episode yeah and so that's like the more like lowbrow but still kind of like you know inherently interesting stuff to watch but then he had one episode where he hung out with a white supremacist and he's just kind of cool with the guy but then by the end of it he really does break down the guy's like ideology like two regular just blue collar guys in england start arguing with the white supremacist and you kind of get to realize why he joined like that kind of tribe and uh yeah it was like i was like damn dude russell brand's like doing like that kind of tribe. And yeah, I was like, damn, dude, Russell Brand's like doing like the Lord's work out here.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Yeah. But then when he came here, I think the fame got to him a little bit and he started like, you know, dating celebrities and stuff. Married Katy Perry. Yeah, and his humor got a little bit too like, I don't know, hot guy confident or something. Yeah, off-putting.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Yeah, it was off-putting. But now I think he's been humbled and he's back. Yeah's more in like a jesus vibe now yeah totally jesus vibe yeah dude in the docu the katie perry documentary she did a concert film like eight years ago yeah i watched with my ex and then like they just make him look like such an asshole oh really yeah like he's just ruining her life and she's on, and she has to persevere, like, above this, like, you know, just negative, narcissistic, like, judgmental douche. And I was like, this isn't quite fair. What are you doing, K? He's great enough for getting Sarah Marshall.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Oh, so good. Yeah. They wanted that to be like an Elvis Costello, kind of like a smart professorial. And then a musician, and then he came into the audition they were just like no we got to do what this dude yeah he uh yeah he's he's i liked him in that jay rogan but back to the bracelet this is uh for ocean for ocean what's that mean uh that's the company and they uh so when you buy a bracelet they every bracelet that's bought they pick up one pound of trash from the ocean whoa that's great yeah so it's like 20 bucks so if you get
Starting point is 00:03:52 more bracelets does that mean more trash gonna get picked up yeah kind of owe it to yourself to go to the elbow yeah to nature so the more hollywood i get the more trash will be picked up by the ocean so that's why hollywood what up you start losing arm muscle just so you can fit more bracelets all the way up to your shoulder i'm gonna start wearing big ass cardigan bracelets i swing a sword at you i can't even get past the bracelet yeah it's funny i'm wondering like if uh you know if things progress well i'm wondering what my uh style looks like where i'm what direction i'm progress well i'm wondering what my uh style looks like where i'm what direction i'm gonna go i was wondering about that too because you have like
Starting point is 00:04:29 refined your style a little i got my thing yeah yeah i like to dress like just joe guy america yeah but you've you've gotten some like slimmer jeans yeah i like slim jeans i like when they're fitted nice to my thighs yeah what what about the shoes are you gonna are you like the new balance gonna be your trademark kind of thing it's interesting dude because in la a lot of people wear the new balances just flashed it to the camera um but when i wore them in san diego for one of our shows people were like nice new balances dude yeah even when i was on stage like a couple ladies and close to the front were like nice new balances and i was like what the fuck's going on when we did the el prez show which i was really yeah what during your set yeah right when i
Starting point is 00:05:10 walked up there i didn't hear that and i don't like it when people like call out stuff so it kind of flummoxed me a little bit but i just kept it moving yeah yeah it could be like your steve jobs turtleneck i see i liked i liked that steve jobs and mark zuckerberg how they simplified their clothes to like the same thing. So they just didn't have to think about it. I do think that's smart. I mean, I like just like a plain colored tee and then pants.
Starting point is 00:05:33 What's your like in vans? What's your, yeah. I mean, you're wearing, well, you're wearing like kind of a vibrant pants right now. Aaron,
Starting point is 00:05:40 can you flash to me? Pastel. They look great. That was sexy. Chad's showing off his, like, flexibility. What's your, like, dream car? Dream car? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:52 You know, I thought about that a lot. Actually, I haven't thought about that a lot. Well, there's a couple things. I love, like like a good solid truck you know yeah cause you can go on surf trips and stuff
Starting point is 00:06:09 you know you have all that room for your boards and stuff what's your preferred truck like Chevy Silverado I mean I like the Ford F-150's
Starting point is 00:06:18 I like Dodge Rams my dad had an F-150 Ford yeah but he my dad only got two wheel drive so you couldn't even like tow stuff
Starting point is 00:06:24 oh really it would get like stuck in mud. So it looked badass. Yeah. But it had, like, no real function to it. Dodge Rams are pretty legit. They look awesome. When I was younger, that was, like, my favorite truck.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Yeah. Yeah. But I also like 4Runners. Those were legit. But then I also want to get, like, a Fast and the Furious car. Like, you know, like, Frankie Muniz got like the jetta yeah i want to get something like something like model like paul walker's eclipse just to have but uh but i don't know man i know enough about cars to like know what's the perfect one but i used to know more about him before i got a car i was obsessed
Starting point is 00:07:00 with him you know like i always wanted to get a truck that had like dually wheels you know in the back where it's two wheels yeah so it sticks out a bit more it just looks so fucking cool and get like a lift on it yeah just go froding just beat up the fucking dirt right and that right now what's your dream car uh i love my prius i think it's perfect but my girlfriend makes like jokes about it sometimes yeah like she'll call her she'll facetime like her buddy in australia and she'll be like we're just riding around in in jt's prius right now and the person will laugh and i'm like what yeah i'm like is it prius something to laugh at yeah because i think i think they're cool but i mean it is kind of something to laugh at is it it's kind of a sally like looking not not not to say your girlfriend's name i meant that sally isn't no i
Starting point is 00:07:44 know what you mean. Yeah, I don't know. I like it. I'm starting to get insecure, though, for sure. I respect them, but I think they could have made the model a little bit more masculine. I got the 2017, though.
Starting point is 00:07:59 It's got the nice, like, the lights kind of cut in the back. It's kind of a little more sporty. Yeah. It's just like, why'd they do that with hybrids they're like why do we have to give them like this kind of like lame shape like futuristic kind of like yeah it's like just so you know just so you know this car's electric you can tell by how soft it looks yeah but i kind of like soft like my thinking is i'm like counter signaling like if you have like a manly car you're like signaling that you're manly yeah but if i have like a car that's not
Starting point is 00:08:31 traditionally manly i'm signaling that i'm comfortable with not looking manly yeah which is manly that's true that's like what bill bill burr has a prius but i'm but i'm starting to come back around on that continuum, and now I'm like, do I look like a pussy? Well, here's what I think. You know, like the truck, you could go too far. You know, you could go too far, and people are like, oh, he's a fucking douche.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Macho Zilla. Small dong, you know, having whatever. I think the 4Runner, all black 4Runner, I think that's right in the middle yeah yeah and also to what you're saying about the small dick thing i never bought into that you didn't like if a person has a cool car they got a small dick yeah like i heard delia's got a piece and oh he's got a massive dong and he drives and then he drives the cool cars. So, you know. Yeah, I don't know. All sorts. It is kind of like a,
Starting point is 00:09:29 when you come to the ability to be able to buy cars or like nice cars, you're like, it is kind of like a, you are making a statement, so you got to think about it. Definitely. Schaub, when Brendan Schaub's at the comedy store, he drives a bright purple Porsche.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Does he? Yeah. Yeah. comedy story he drives a bright purple porsche does he yeah yeah it's funny dude we'll probably cut this out but it's funny he's getting a showtime special but he's only been doing stand-up for two years and i'm like obsessed with watching him talk about the special because i find it so ridiculous in some ways. Although I respect the guy, and I like watching him a lot. I think he's a really gifted talker. But he'll talk about you. He's like, dude, the road.
Starting point is 00:10:12 The road is where you build your hour of stand-up. I'm like, you've been doing it for two years, dude. There's been people out here banging it out for 20 years. It's all about the road. Yeah. But he sells tickets. I mean, that's what yeah he deserves what he's getting because there's a market that wants him there's a big group of people that want to
Starting point is 00:10:30 see him it's true yeah you can't knock him for that i see rogan pull up in his porsche but i'm like i'm like cool with it i'm like yeah it fits it looks good he's earned it. Yeah. D'Elia's cars look good. He has a sweet Audi. Have you seen his Audi? No. Yeah. It's like a teal, maybe. Like the AA one? Or like a gray.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Yeah. It's like a cool gray. I think that looks cool. And then his G-Wagon, a little excessive. Yeah, I've never been a big fan of those G-Wagons. Yeah. But if you can get one why not they always just remind me of nazis like every time you look at it you're like dude you're like
Starting point is 00:11:10 nazis drove that for sure dude i've been watching i've been watching delia clips of his podcast i like watching him just because like uh you can tell he's just sort of crafted his life perfectly the way he wants it to be. Oh, yeah. He's living the dream. Yeah. I think everyone's a little envious of him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Yeah. It's like he's really sort of constructed his life in a way where it's like everything he's doing is like what he wants to do. Yeah. And I think that's cool. Yeah. It's kind of inspiring to watch. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:41 And he's like a chick magnet too. Yeah. Yeah. It seems like... does he have a girlfriend now i think he does yeah from what i've heard yeah uh i got physical yesterday oh yeah we talked about little about that yeah yeah i put the gown on dropped on the guy inspected it he's like all you have to worry about skin cancer and i'm like don't worry dude i don't eat uh what is it i don't even know i was gonna say is there a food that's skin cancer makes you more susceptible uh my brother says these uh
Starting point is 00:12:14 these like oils like sunflower oil and stuff you gotta stick to like olive oil you know because the other oils for some reason i don't know right uh i don't go far into it but uh all these like oils are just bad for you like uh canola oil sunflower oil i guess it's bad but if you just stick to steak yeah i i i did a physical recently too it's nice it's nice to just get the it's the the go-ahead from a doctor that you're living well and that it should continue it's scary going in oh for sure because you're like you're like before you're like i'm healthy yeah for sure and then you walk in you're like all right i got aids and then they're like give you the test you're like so do you want us to check for hiv and syphilis and you're like
Starting point is 00:13:01 nah yeah right but then you do it yeah yeah they have like posters everywhere you're like how to deal with like living with all this stuff and you're like why do you have to put that everywhere like is that necessary it is fucking like terrifying yeah and you're like is the poster really even gonna help me that much yeah and then they uh i i thought you know i thought i had hiv a couple times and so i could tell because you were walking on a pier by yourself yeah with your hood up i'm like what's wrong with jt i'm like he has aids yeah that was that's true actually i slept with a girl who uh ended up being a sex worker i didn't know at the time and then but uh yeah when i went to the
Starting point is 00:13:43 planned parenthood i was like yo yo, do I have HIV? And they were like, you very well might have HIV, sir. Oh, dude. I was like, god, dude. Because doctors can't tell you that you're fine until they know for sure. But once I did find out I was fine, my god. I put on the What's Going On Marvin Gaye remix song
Starting point is 00:14:02 with a bunch of big celebrities. And I just blasted that song and i was like yeah man yeah freedom yeah and it made me respect magic johnson a lot yeah he's powering through yeah he's fucking hey man scary stuff it is very scary what else is going on um we got some topics this week let's dive into the tops game of thrones yeah dude i so i've watched up to like three seasons right i uh but everyone kept talking about barstool's posting spoilers like a minute after the episode airs or like a minute into the episode i know they're in such a hurry to be first to market with that stuff yeah i'm like just these hot takes where i'm kind of like what are you a fucking loser
Starting point is 00:14:46 um not i love barstool though they've helped us so much but you know yeah i know what you mean uh but so i was just like i heard about like spoiler alert um what daenerys did in the last episode i'm like i just gotta watch this and see what happened yes the spoiler alerts guys we're going there yeah and um it was okay you know everyone's like oh my god oh my god i can't believe what khaleesi did and i'm like yeah i can believe it yeah i don't know dude like some of the deaths were so like anticlimactic, like Cersei. I'm like, why didn't they like draw and quarter her or like throw her into a freaking wood chipper or something? Yeah. To have the whole thing collapse.
Starting point is 00:15:34 That's so lame. That is pretty brilliant in Fargo. You know in Fargo how they use the wood chipper? Like I remember being like however old, like just a little kid and seeing it and being like whoa yeah like it is a good way to surprise an audience with someone's death yeah because it's so brutal it's fucking super nasty yeah dude now what's your take i liked it i thought it kind of i thought daenerys's descent into madness was a little bit uh too fast like they could have set it up a bit more in the earlier episodes and so it kind of worked for me on the level where i was like i thought the show was
Starting point is 00:16:10 doing too much fan service they needed to put their foot on our throat more and they definitely did that yeah you know i mean they fucking went as hard as you can go but i just thought the storytelling that got us there was a little clumsy yeah that's cool's cool. Thrones. I mean, it's just, and it's going to be over soon. And then what's, what's, what's the next show. I know Amazon's doing a big Lord of the Rings thing that they've supposedly spent a billion dollars on.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Really? Yeah. A billion. I think they said a billion. Damn. I don't even know what that looks like. Yeah. You know,
Starting point is 00:16:41 not to go too far ahead, but you and I have been looking at some TV budget numbers yeah totally different realm yeah who knows what we could do with that much yeah you know like you know like amazon's like they're like under fire because they're not paying taxes or whatever and they're like taking over like queens or something yeah it's like instead of remaking lord of the rings why don't you like rebuild a city yeah they could probably do better things with all that money yeah yeah and film that and film that that'd be more entertaining i'm genuinely interested in that yeah but i'd love to see orlando bloom shoot some arrows dude oh man i wanted to bring this up jack ma who's this a
Starting point is 00:17:20 chinese uh speaking of like you know huge, Jack Ma, who runs Alibaba, this huge Chinese technology company. Dude, he is such a weird guy. He has his people working like 70 hour work weeks and then he wants them to marry people within the company. And he recommends that to get a break from those heavy workloads. He's literally said this to his employees that they should fuck six times a week really yeah and i think he married like 300 of them off yeah like he had a huge ceremony where he just married a bunch of his employees do you want to do a thing where you're the boss yeah i'll be jack ma yeah i'll be a new employee hi uh mr ma nice to meet you i'm really excited to work here Welcome Yeah, I can't wait to sell some technology
Starting point is 00:18:09 Yeah, you're gonna be selling all day, baby That's the name of the game You should be selling right now What are my hours? Always Always? Always So what's vacation look like?
Starting point is 00:18:20 Here Actually, let me bring in one of my consultants Who I think can help you Okay What's up, dog? I heard you got some questions about how we're doing things here. What do you want to know? Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Tough guy. What up, dude? What up, dude? What are we talking about? What do you want to know about selling cell phones and what that's going to do to your fucking libido, bro? Well, you know, I just, I'm ready to sell. And, you know, I was really pumped on this job because I heard you make good commission well you know i just i'm ready to sell and and you know i was really pumped on this job because i heard you make good commission you know baby you make great commissions you know what my commissions are what the excitement i get after i sell a phone i gotta suck my wife's toes
Starting point is 00:18:56 you like sucking toes i love sucking my wife's toes after i make a sale baby you're gonna love it too dude you get in between the little finger toes and you really celebrate this beautiful foot. I know you're a foot guy. Oh, baby. I'm an everything guy. Feet, elbows, acceptable bone. I love it all because that's what it's about, baby. It's about loving every piece of the body. When we worked together, were you sucking toes? Baby, I'm sucking toes all the time. I do a bump of coke, I sell 250 cell phones, and then I suck toes.
Starting point is 00:19:37 You know what that's called? A balanced diet. Alright, so I really want to thrive here. And I just want to make sure I have a good performance. Are you doing blow? Yeah, baby, and you're going to do blow too, because I just heard you use the word thrive. That's what Coke helps us do.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Take a little bump off the tray, baby. Don't be embarrassed. Everybody's watching. They don't care. Mr. Baba's watching? Mr. Ma? Mr. Ma. Mr. Ma.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Is it okay if I do blow? Mama, is it okay if he does the blow blow? Of course it is. Thank you for the green light, partner Yeah, baby, get it Ooh Ooh Now you really been to China Now you got to Shanghai
Starting point is 00:20:18 Am I gonna bone now? Oh, baby, you're horny, huh? That's what the blows he does But channel that, Channel that into sales. Let's move some merchandise, and then let's bone, and I'll be right beside you for all of it, encouraging you, driving you to be your best boner
Starting point is 00:20:34 and seller. Can I watch you sell phones? You can watch me sell phones all day, baby. I'm selling phones right now. I'm on speakerphone with a bunch of different potential clients. They're listening to this pitch and they're loving it. And they want to buy phones because they're hearing the atmosphere that we're building here and they want to be a part of that.
Starting point is 00:20:52 I'm on permanent speakerphone. Hi, clients. What's up, guys? Hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey. Sounds like fun over there. It's a lot of fun. Are you doing blow on the other side of that phone?
Starting point is 00:21:05 You better be. I sent you that special gift package. Come on. Yeah, I got some, tough guy. Thank you. I know that voice. I can't wait for my family plan. Roger from Newark having some fun.
Starting point is 00:21:19 My guy. I'm kind of a radio host, really. That's what I consider what I do. I can't wait for my family plan, tough guy. Dude. It's anal night. That's what I consider what I do. I can't wait for my family playing tough guy. Dude. It's anal night. That's my favorite caller right there. It's anal night.
Starting point is 00:21:30 I'll be there soon. I'm just kidding with you. Have fun. You're a good guy. Wow. You really are close with your customers. Yeah. To me, it goes beyond just a buy a,-sell-a kind of relationship.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Supply and demand. It goes beyond those things. It's a cosmic thing. They want to get wild. And whatever I give to them gives them permission to be wild. That's what it's all about, baby. It's about not caring. You're working so hard because you don't give a fuck dude you're
Starting point is 00:22:05 totally detached from what you think is a reasonable work day you're more invested in what's the ultimate feeling how are you gonna get there how you gonna feel that high all the time and i'm gonna give that to your dog i'm gonna give that to you every second of the day oh what was I talking about? Uh, fucking feet. Oh, man, I love licking feet. You got nice feet on you? Yeah, I got a size 10.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Oh, big dog. Yeah. Big crocodile feet, huh? Yeah. You know, I used to rescue crocodiles. Really? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Where, Australia?
Starting point is 00:22:43 Nah, nah, North Carolina. Yeah. Used to do some blow down there. How's the blow? The blow's great. Yeah, I'd rescue. Where, Australia? No, no, North Carolina. Yeah. Used to do some blow down there. How's the blow? The blow's great. Yeah, I'd rescue them from golf courses. Yeah, South Carolina too. They got these, you know, crocodiles there.
Starting point is 00:22:53 They're a big attraction. They don't want to be there. So I'd be playing the front nine. I'd see a crocodile. I'd fucking run up to them. Dude, these crazy motherfuckers. Throw them on my back and just fucking run back to my golf cart and fucking drive out of that place all the way to the ocean. You just put them in your truck?
Starting point is 00:23:08 I put them in the golf cart. And then sometimes, you know, most of the time my friend drove me. He was the member of the club. So most of the time I just take the golf cart all the way. Wow. Yeah. Dude, 20 miles with a fucking crocodile in a golf cart? Did you ever get bit?
Starting point is 00:23:22 No. Would you do blow with them? Oh, fuck yeah dude crocodiles love blow dude would that make it more like kind of like hostile like you're taking me away no dude the thing about crocodiles is they're already pretty jacked up so cocaine kind of actually calms them down it's one of those reverse effects when you're like a real alpha like me you are a crocodile cocaine actually kind of chills you out oh yeah i feel chiller yeah for sure i feel chiller yeah i'm ready to bone do you know where my wife is oh dude
Starting point is 00:23:51 is lisa around here her name's lisa yeah she does a lot of blow she does a lot of sales you guys are gonna be a wonderful couple and i've been talking you up to her i've been talking you up a lot does she like um sci-fi movies yeah dude oh bro are you kidding me oh wow yeah dude we got the laser disc because the audio is actually better on that than even like your you know blu-ray it's really state of the art so yeah we got a nice setup with all the sci-fi movies you go in there you have a blast and yeah you can watch some quirky shit you know space odyssey i'm into that you know technology i'm ready to bone yeah man i'm ready to go get some more coke so yeah i'll catch you on the flip side all right later bro dude so uh keanu reeves yeah was on colbert you sent this to me yeah explain yeah so uh colbert's like what do you think happens after we die keanu kind of trying to throw him for a curveball yeah he's kind of he had kind of a jokey tone
Starting point is 00:24:52 yeah the crowd laughed what do you think happens when we die keanu and keanu got all serious because he's a fucking real cool dude he's introspective and he just goes i know that the ones that love us will miss us. Pretty profound. Keeping it grounded. Yeah. Yeah. I thought it was cool because it's like,
Starting point is 00:25:12 that's something you know for sure about death. Yeah. You know, that's a certainty. That's not like saying like, Oh, well we're going to go to blah, blah,
Starting point is 00:25:21 blah. And we're going to go like this place and, or like our souls go into like uranus he's like he's like this is what i know for sure because he's been through a lot yeah he has right yeah like he lost one of his partners right i think so and then like an unborn child and yeah some heavy stuff life's thrown some hard balls at him yeah I love how the culture's embraced him lately. He deserves it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Yeah, because he had to endure like derision for 25 years and now my dog is on top and being celebrated for the star that he always was. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:25:58 We don't deserve you, Keanu. We don't. But we appreciate you not being spiteful about how we misinterpreted you. Yeah. That's what makes him
Starting point is 00:26:05 keanu yeah because he's in his own thing he's not worried about everybody else yeah he keeps it simple keeps it simple bro what do you think about it i liked it i liked it because i like the uh epistemological modesty of it but when i saw that it was like the greatest answer ever to what happens after you die i was hoping for more of a uh yeah i thought it was like i thought it was like you go into this like monologue yeah i thought he i thought he'd say a little bit more and it would and it would give me a better picture of what happens to me not necessarily what happens around me because they're like dudes check out this clip of keanu giving the best answer ever and it's like this 10 minute clip and i'm like where's the question it's like 20
Starting point is 00:26:42 seconds to go and he asked the question i'm like oh that was it yeah when i saw the clip was 29 seconds i was like eloquent in its brevity yeah a lot of bang for its buck colbert what do you think happens yeah colbert's just falling off a cliff yeah the guy is just trash now i don't know what he's doing but there's zero point of view and it's just a fixation on uh things he can't fix do you hear what mcconaughey said about his mom what she did when his dad died what that he had a boner i guess when they died and they were boning and when the paramedics came they were going to put something over him and she said no you carry my husband out with his boner out i want everyone to know what he had and who
Starting point is 00:27:21 he was really yeah what a way to go Do you have a heart attack or something? Yeah, I think so. That is the best way to go. The boner stayed? Yeah, I think the boner stayed. Interesting. Aaron, what do you think? Do you think the boner stayed? Oh, if I find out McConaughey, the boner stayed.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Yeah, good call. Legend. McConaughey is such a great guy. Yeah. Oh, dude. Yeah, good call. Legend. McConaughey is such a great guy. Aaron, I have a feeling that your boner will always stay. Oh, I mean, thank you, dog. My dog. I was, speaking of McConaughey, like, you know how he got arrested for playing his bongos, or the cops came over at least
Starting point is 00:28:02 because he was playing his bongos naked in his yard, which to me just feels like he was really trying to get back in touch with himself after fame had corrupted his worldview. Did you read this story about this makeup blogger, James Charles? Yeah. And this epic feud that he's embroiled in? I don't have a New York Times thing, so I can't read the whole thing, but can you dive into it a little bit?
Starting point is 00:28:23 Okay, so James Charles is a 19-year-old makeup blog blogger he's a dude but he does like beautiful makeup on himself it is actually is pretty impressive and he's amassed like a huge following like 16 million people and I think the way he got famous was he did a a photo of himself from like a senior picture and it was with his makeup and it went viral and from there it's just been like a rising star and then this one woman was mentoring him Tati Westbrook who's like in her late 30s and she's And it was with his makeup and it went viral. And from there, it's just been like a rising star. And then this one woman was mentoring him, Tati Westbrook, who's like in her late 30s. And she's also a makeup tutorial blogger. And this is like a huge thing on YouTube. These makeup bloggers, they get more people watching that than people who watch the Avengers.
Starting point is 00:28:58 And now James Charles is in a feud with Tati because he supported a skincare line that wasn't hers. So she did a 40-minute video tearing him down, talking about how scared she is of James and how he's changed and how fame has corrupted him and how she can't do it anymore. And it was very emotional. And he lost a million subscribers on his YouTube channel. Really?
Starting point is 00:29:20 Yeah, and it's all part of this. You know, people say canceled now. It's part of this canceled culture where they're like this person's canceled or chipotle's canceled i think it's fucking the lamest thing in the world to say something's canceled i'm like what are you like dumb like why would you just don't watch it don't say it's canceled yeah why would you say if a million other people are saying something's canceled why would you also say it's canceled i just think it makes you seem uncool um but uh, that's the whole story. But
Starting point is 00:29:45 which is like kind of all uninteresting, but it's been covered everywhere. Like I saw it everywhere. And I just feel like it's like my basic summary of it is like, it's just embarrassing. Like, why is this? Like, she's an adult and she's in an online feud with a 19 year old. Like what? Yeah. You're afraid of a 19 year old? I mean, I'm afraid of teenagers too. They're scary, but like, I'm not going to do videos like tearing down a 19 year old. Yeah. You got, you got to put a lot of effort into that. Yeah. And she's like, look, you know, I don't like to go straight to social when I'm feeling emotional, but I was just so gutted that I had to come out here and speak my truth
Starting point is 00:30:22 and say what I think. And that's James has changed. And you're like, he's 19. Okay. How do these like makeup tutorial people get like millions of followers? People love it. Yeah. I mean, I guess it's more for the gals. You know what I mean? Yeah. And, or, and so, and a lot of dudes too, but I'm just, I wore makeup and I, I didn't like the, we did it in one of our videos and it felt really heavy on my face. I really disliked it. I hated it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:46 I hated it so much. But yeah, it's just a, I don't know. It's probably a nothing story, but I just thought it was, you got a take? No. I'll do that. I like the whole taking the social
Starting point is 00:31:02 when you're emotional. I never understood that. know no i don't think so you know i used to do more like dramatic facebook posts and stuff like about where i was but i was just trying to be honest and i would always like send them to friends to see if they were like compelling you know or if i was oversharing and stuff like that and then but yeah i don't understand no one ever looks good Like, I don't regret not saying stuff on Facebook about big issues. Yeah. And I mean, I respect people who do,
Starting point is 00:31:29 but I just don't think I would have added much to the conversation. Yeah, I just don't think there's... I just find it self-serving. Yeah, you had a great joke about Kaepernick when that whole thing was going on. You're like, didn't anyone ask Kaepernick if it was legs day like that's why he's taking a knee i forgot about that yeah yeah i used to post status like joke status yeah yeah that was fun i don't do that anymore yeah that was fun um dude so i sent you uh george washington's and i got
Starting point is 00:31:59 this from strider he would always reference this uh his colonial manners yeah it was civility and decent behavior and company and conversation what do you think of it it's great you liked it it looks it looks stressful to follow these rules yeah um pull it up everything's all like backwards forwards like yoda talk when in company put not your hands to any part of the body not usually discovered. It's like, in modern day speak, don't put your hands on your dong. Rinse not your mouth in the presence of others. Clean not your teeth with a tablecloth, napkin, fork, or knife. But if others do, let it be done with a pick-tooth.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Drink not too leisurely, nor yet too hastily. Before and after drinking, wipe your lips' breath, not then or ever, with too great a noise for its uncivil. Do not puff up the cheeks. Lull not out the tongue, rub the hands, or beard, thrust out the lips, or bite them, or keep the lips too open or too close. Be no flatterer, neither play with that any
Starting point is 00:33:06 that delights not to play be played with all yeah what what was george talking about maybe george was better at being a general and president than he was at like uh writing self-help stuff and maybe how much time do you know he had some like buddies proofread this he's like all right first off got my manners book it's gonna be epic what do you guys think and they're like you know it's not uh formal enough you need to speak a little bit more like in a confusing way yeah confuse it up dog kill no vermin as fleas lice ticks in the sight of others if you see any filth or thick spittle put your foot dexterously upon it if it be upon the cloths of foot dexterously upon it, if it be upon the cloths of your companions. Put it off privately, and if it be upon your own clothes, return thanks
Starting point is 00:33:50 to him who puts it off. Play not the peacock looking everywhere about you to see if you be well decked. If your shoes fit well, if your stockings sit neatly and clothes handsomely. If you deliver anything witty and pleasant, abstain from laughing there at yourself. Very prideful dude. Yeah, he's like, be cool, man. Don't laugh at your own jokes. He's like, you're going to walk all over the punchline with this.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Yeah. Treat with men at fit times about business and whisper not in the company of others. Never express anything unbecoming. He put a lot of thought into this. Do you think he got clowned on by his dogs after he's like, hey, where's your manners book, George? Why don't you polish your own teeth before you start polishing mine?
Starting point is 00:34:35 Oh, George, hey, I make more money than you. Are you going to sleep in my room? Yeah. I got to pee. Yeah, do it, dude. I'll soliloquy, I guess. What up, dudes? JT here. Chad, do it, dude. I'll soliloquy, I guess. What up, dudes? JT here.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Chad's going to the restroom. My dog's always hydrated. I've been doing pretty good lately. To be totally honest, I've been smoking too much ganj. I probably smoked it every day for a couple weeks in a row. It was fun at first. Like, it gave me a lighter perspective on things, and it was helping me be more playful in my banter with those that I love.
Starting point is 00:35:09 And, you know, it makes seeing movies fun too. But after a while, it starts to lower my baseline. I get kind of sad. So then even when I get good news, I kind of turn it into bad news. So I got to take a break for a little bit and just reset. Maybe that's just life. Did you already pee, dog? No.
Starting point is 00:35:28 There's two restrooms though, right? Oh, darn. Yeah, beyond that, guys, everything's been good. You know? Me and the lady are getting along well. She's sweet. And then, you know, my bros are awesome everything's pretty chill got a good leg workout in today squats lunges leg curls turkish get-ups
Starting point is 00:35:54 all the things that make for a strong base which i think makes for a better day so my drawing my dong's still full it is yeah we'll figure it out the dong's still full it is? yeah we'll figure it out the cannon's still ready to fucking launch you got such a nice dick what? huh?
Starting point is 00:36:13 what? I said you have a nice dick oh thanks of course man question time what's up sultans of stoke I've been with my significant other for 10 years now
Starting point is 00:36:24 and I've made offspring in her twice. My son is five and my daughter is 18 months. My sitch lies beneath it all, though. Throughout these 10 years before my son was born, I experienced a near-fatal car accident and almost died. It ruined my college wrestling career and started a nasty drug habit and depression and also made my finances plummet.
Starting point is 00:36:42 The drugs are gone, but I fear the depression is still there dampening the vibes in my home. My question to you bros is, how do I maintain stoke and sweep my girls of 10 years off her feet again? She stuck with me through it all. Sorry for the long email, my dudes. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:36:55 P.S. Fuck Puzio. Man, dude, it's hard to hear you going through that. Yeah, it's a nasty cycle, scary accident and drug addiction. they'll get you it sounds like this dude's being pretty hard on himself too i think so too because his heart's in the right place he like wants to be in a better mood for those around him yeah i would maybe uh give yourself a little more credit i bet you they appreciate you more than you know man yeah it seems like he may yeah i think he's maybe bringing everyone down with like or something
Starting point is 00:37:27 like yeah but you know he's trying his best and he's he's taking the right steps he got drugs out of the picture so um yeah i've literally been unhappy in my head and had another person be like hey par you look really happy right now yeah so i think sometimes what we're communicating to ourselves and what we're communicating to the world yeah can be different oh for sure and dude dude like you know how to sweep your girl off her feet you know go take her to a nice dinner go take her for a night on the town and uh just be all right with yourself if there's moments where you you know in your own estimation come up a little short like if you get a little sad or bummed out or a little negative during the dinner it's okay yeah you'll get through it yeah that moment
Starting point is 00:38:09 doesn't define the entire experience yeah and also you know take action in positive ways you know do do things that you know will put you in a better mindset i think that's important you know i know whenever i have a morning where i really, so I went to the gym, I did like stuff that I know puts me in a good mood. You know, I put on, I listened to some Jessica Simpson, made some eggs, did a little like meditation or something. I just know that that sort of routine puts me in a mindset where I'm like, all right, I think I've set the tone for the day. And so I think taking action in that sense can help you develop those habits so you can move towards a better overall mindset. Because I think that affects your subconscious in a way too. It's where your base is a little bit more positive. Yeah, and you know you're taking care of yourself.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Yeah. And also, dude, take stock of how far you've come, man. I mean, you've got a wife who loves you, and you've got two kids who I'm sure adore you, and you've gotten rid of the drugs, man. Yeah. So you're already like, you're on the right trajectory. Yeah. Yeah. Just hang in there, man. Afternoon, Stokers.
Starting point is 00:39:20 I'm just going to get right down to brass tacks, gentlemen. Recently, my workplace has become toxic within office piping. Everywhere you turn, it appears someone has an in-office relationship going down. This covers all fields from a small-time 24-year-old contract employee getting his rocks off in the parking lot to the tune of a mother of five or a preliminary interview where you may have to perform a couple of Robert Crafts to score the right position. You got to give hand jobs at the interview? If you know what I'm saying. This really dwindles my stoke seeing that I'm not about that life and it seems I can't elevate status here without laying the hammer to someone in upper
Starting point is 00:39:56 management. Call me old-fashioned, but the only thing I'm trying to smash from the back is an honest day's work. Good on you. I enjoy good piping as much as the next man but this place is littered with renobs trying to get their knobs slob like someone spiked their morning cold brew with horny goat weed i like this guy i currently lack anything to just throw to the wind at upper management so at this point i'm good as fucked please advise on how you two stokers would handle such a situation without having to sacrifice morals for a paid day off the clock dude if you don't want to give robert craft a hand job don't do it you're not you know stand your moral ground and if you feel uncomfortable that makes something up be like well i'm a buddhist so i can't lay into that
Starting point is 00:40:39 yeah yeah it's a weird culture yeah it's like oh you want to get promoted you better start boning it's not going to end well yeah that's not going to last very long yeah it's like in the movie kinsey he's like a sex doctor and uh so they'd start and you know this is like the 20s and he's like america's first doctor to really chronicle and put data uh to sex and so he has all of his underlings they're all boning each other and each other's wives. But then like, you know, one guy's wife wants to leave him for another guy in the crew. And Peter Sarsgaard's like,
Starting point is 00:41:10 you want to treat sex like it's nothing. Like it's just something that can be given without like repercussions. He's like, if you're not careful, it'll cut you wide open. That always stuck with me. All right. What up Stokers?
Starting point is 00:41:24 I'm a hardworking dude in San Francisco with a little too much on my plate. I'm a hard-working dude in san francisco with a little too much on my plate i'm killing their work with this awesome big project but the long hours has put a strain on my relation with my longtime boyfriend i'm bummed i don't get to spend as much time with them as i want to he knows that sometimes i have trouble staying focused at work so thinks i'm goofing off all the time and that's why i have to work late this is so much true this is somewhat true but to a much smaller extent than he thinks. He went on a weekend trip with his friends to Disneyland and was giving me the silent treatment leading up to it. Now when I check in with calls and texts,
Starting point is 00:41:51 he's being distant. I asked him how it's going and he sent me a photo of him in some random attractive security guard at Disneyland. He's playing games trying to make me jealous. I highly doubt he'll do anything close to cheat on me. He's just teasing. It makes me upset that he chooses to increase the drama
Starting point is 00:42:04 when the only thing I did wrong was work hard should i confront him about how i think he's in the wrong what should i do to be an awesome boyfriend to get this relation back to full stoke um he's kind of taking the bait i think too much yeah like you know you you intellectually know what your boyfriend's doing he's trying to like make you a little jealous and you're it's working you're getting really jealous and you're, it's working. You're getting really jealous and you're, you know, writing into our podcast and I'm sure it's got you thinking up a wall.
Starting point is 00:42:33 But yeah, he's not going to sleep with the security guard at Disneyland. And if he does, good riddance to bad rubbish. But I think I would just let him act out a little bit and not give him the satisfaction of knowing it's getting to you yeah unless you kind of like that give and take which i understand but that that stuff burns hot but and it's hard to sustain plus i don't think disney would hire someone who would interfere with a relation like that i mean i'm a huge disney fan and you know for this bf to be trying to tarnish their
Starting point is 00:43:07 good name by uh you know making the uh security guards engage in infidelity that bums me out disney respects monogamy yeah and so if the security guard knew he he'd be like, look, I'm just here to guard Disneyland, sell churros, and make sure that Space Mountain runs properly. And also, yeah, I mean, he's trying to get to you. Indifference makes the difference, you know? Yeah, because then if you don't give him the satisfaction of knowing that it's getting to you, he's going to feel bad that he did it. It sounds like there's a lot of passive-aggressive behavior going on. Maybe try to have an honest talk about it. Yeah, and be like,
Starting point is 00:43:51 yo, bro, are you as fulfilled as you could be? Yeah. Corrupting Disneyland to use it as a weapon to make your boyfriend jealous. The happiest place on earth. You can't use Disneyland as a weapon. Get it out. What up, legends?
Starting point is 00:44:07 Looking for some input on a little quarrel the lady friend and I have going on right now. My girlfriend and I are currently doing the long distance thing, but every time we see each other, we have a competition to see who is tanner. And the loser has to go down on the other one. It has been a nice, friendly competition
Starting point is 00:44:20 until the girlfriend has started getting spray tans right before we meet up. Dude, can I say something real quick about this? It's awesome? Yes, that's awesome. I fucking love this. And also, I love the smell and taste of spray tan. Dude, this is the coolest contest ever.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Keep going. Yeah. It has been a friendly competition until the girlfriend has started getting spray tans right before we meet up, ultimately winning the competition. She has been known to go as far as the shade Blackout or even Double Blackout to win our competition. Should I be upsetting Caller Out for cheating and not soaking in the rays naturally? Or should I let this collusion continue
Starting point is 00:44:51 and just double down on my own tanning or even get a spray tan on my own? Also, do you guys have a nickname for your dongs? If so, what are they? And if not, what do they think they should be? Chad, I think you can name your hog something in the Paul Cocker variety to celebrate the life of a legend. JT, I think your piece should be graced with a name like Filet Ming Dong to celebrate the prime graded meat.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Dude. I'm going to go with what you said, man. I'll take that on as my nickname for my dong. Yeah, I'm going to think more about my dong name. But, you know, I'd say keep engaging in the contest. You know, if she's playing dirty, you play dirty back. There's no downside. What happens if you start playing dirty too?
Starting point is 00:45:31 You get more tan. Right. You get more bronzed. And then there's more oral happening. Yeah, I think you guys have done a brilliant thing, which is create a game that incentivizes you guys to be your best self and to have fun doing it. So the loser is still really tan and gets to go down on the other one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:46 That's not a bad reward for being the loser. You're going to look good and feel good. Yeah. Oh, I lost. I get to be tan and you're going to sit on my face. Yeah. Bummer. Dude.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Yeah. I get to give more. Yeah. And just, oh man, this is like the coolest thing I've ever heard. And I got a feeling afterwards, like you'll probably reciprocate anyways. I mean, it's a long weekend or whatever yeah so uh yeah just keep sauteing yourself you know maybe go for the spray if you're feeling antsy you know just get weird with it dude keep going you know she's playing rough you play rough freaking cheat codes um and as for my dong um
Starting point is 00:46:20 all is fair in tanning for sure this isn of the Olympics I like Paul Cocker kind of I don't really like the word cock I've never liked that word honestly the first thing that came to my mind Ricard because it's passionate and it's Latino I call mine Dinky why?
Starting point is 00:46:45 she's cute don't you think that downgrades? And it's Latino. I call mine dinky. Why? It's just cute. Don't you think I had downgrades? No, because then I still put it in my masculine voice where I go, come on, say you like dinky. Say you want dinky, babe. Babe, you like the way dinky feel in there? Oh, dude, when you're owning it. Dinky.
Starting point is 00:46:59 It's my Prius. What up, boys? My stoke tank has been running on full recently with the warmer weather and summer vibes. You and me both, brother. But something has put a hamper on my positive momentum as of late. I was scrolling through Twitter a couple days ago and stumbled upon a video from the Netflix documentary Our Planet of walruses jumping off a cliff to their death because of global warming. The video was super depressing and stuck with me for a while afterwards. It did not sit right with me that these innocent creatures were dying painful
Starting point is 00:47:25 deaths because of our own doing. How do I stay positive in these trying times? So the dude, while we're suicides, that's a major moment and they're doing it because of global warming. Yeah. I haven't seen the thing, but that's what he's saying.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Yeah. Dude, take action. Do something to help the world. You what i mean you'll feel better yeah it doesn't have to be a huge thing and it doesn't have to be an always thing but just take a step to help and i think you're you'll you'll feel better yeah or you'll get more wrapped into it you'll see that saving us is futile and you'll go into a existential depressive funk that you never escape but i'm betting it's going to be the first one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Yeah. Maybe tweet out Leonardo DiCaprio. Yeah. Just be like, dude, walruses? And he's going to be like, I know.
Starting point is 00:48:12 And then you develop a friendship with Leonardo DiCaprio. Yeah. And then you help save the world together. Yeah, good things can come out of this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:20 But, you know, good on you for looking out for walruses. You know, they're good dudes and they, they're, and they're cute, and they deserve to live fun lives, happy lives.
Starting point is 00:48:32 My dog, that got me fucking jacked. Thank you, dude. Just do your part in being an environmentalist. I know we're going to get a lot of shit. Yeah, we get flack for these, but honestly, guys guys the shit you give us helps like i'm gonna be better yeah um sorry because we got we're holding plastic cups right now yeah sorry uh but yeah take action you know yeah you can help man buy like 24 ocean
Starting point is 00:49:02 bracelets there's that great quote where it's like, never doubt that one committed person or a small group of people can make a difference. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. Yeah. That's the quote from the end of the Nickelback video, if everyone cared. Bump some Nickelback.
Starting point is 00:49:17 What up, Chad and JT? Love the pod. Love the pod. I feel like I'm in a sticky situation. Could you use some advice? For some context, I'm a 26-year-old straight dude that loves to spread stoke and positive vibes every day. So here's the sitch.
Starting point is 00:49:28 I was hit on by a gay man probably in his 60s. While I should be flattered to be hit on by a gay man, I left feeling incredibly uncomfortable and my stoke tank lowered tremendously. I walk dogs for extra crash through Rover, like Uber, but for dog walking. I walk this man's dog on occasion and he's home every time I arrive to walk the dog. So I'd say we're acquaintances at best. From my interactions with him, it's pretty clear that he's gay. So I get to his front door and he welcomes me to come inside for the first time ever. I walk in and he proceeds to lightly slap me on the shoulder and say,
Starting point is 00:49:54 you're so cute and that I'm so charming. He then tells me in an aggressive tone that life has been fucked up, all while standing in front of the door essentially blocking it. I barely know this guy and I suddenly got vibes that he wanted to vent about his problems and fuck, which made me feel really uncomfortable. Based on his tone and body language, I think he may have been a little drunk, high, or both. I didn't ask about what was making his life fucked up because I was just so uncomfortable and barely know him. He started venting about random stuff and eventually asked if I wanted to get coffee sometime. While uncomfortable, I couldn't help
Starting point is 00:50:18 but feel bad for him because he clearly seemed to be in a depressed state of mind, so I said yes. He said that I have to pick the time and place the balls in my court. As odd as his behavior was, I can't help but feel bad for him because I think he just needs someone to talk to. But on the other hand, I can't get over how odd he was and how much I don't want to encounter a similar situation. Should I get coffee with him or not, Glenn? I don't think you want to get coffee with a man. And I don't think you're obligated to do that. I think it's nice that you're being compassionate towards him,
Starting point is 00:50:47 but it's also a work relationship. You're well within. It's appropriate to keep a distance. Yeah, and his intentions are in the right place, but by accepting the invitation, he could be leading him on a bit too. Absolutely. Which I think we've all been guilty of that because you just want to be nice um but you know i they work together
Starting point is 00:51:12 sort of he walks the guy's dog yeah you know i may just say keep it professional um i guess be there to talk to him, I guess, when you see him. Yeah, yeah, that's fine, actually. If you like, don't go inside. That was probably that guy at his worst. I'm sure he's more tempered most of the time. Yeah, I guess just be nice to him. But you don't have to do anything beyond that, I don't think.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Yeah. And it's not your job to be his therapist. What up, bros? I feel like I'm kind of in a pickle. My number one dog in this girl is this girl who's super chill, always down to ride. I genuinely feel for her like an older brother. The deal is I'm diagnosed. The deal is I'm a diagnosed sociopath. So I've never truly cared about anyone before, part because of the sociopathy and part because
Starting point is 00:51:56 when I was younger, I lived in a bad neighborhood and would see extreme violence on a regular basis. So I learned not to get attached. The problem is I'm scared when we go to college, we will split ways and I'll be devastated by the loss of my top dog. Should I start putting distance between us now? I roll the dice and pay the price down the road. Love you guys.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Save the coral. P.S. I'd like to stay anonymous. I don't think you're a sociopath, bro. That's what I was like. I think you broke the sociopath. Yeah. You've done like five things that violate being a sociopath, like where you're like worried about the coral
Starting point is 00:52:24 and you're worried about hurting this person in the future you wrote into a podcast for advice about a relationship yeah yeah you must know you're not a sociopath dude you're just being hard on yourself like keep this relationship going i think it'll be good for you yeah yeah and if you genuinely are a sociopath you you seem pretty cool. Yeah. So when he was saying that, I was like, I can't imagine like, who's like a renown, like Ted Bundy, writing into like the Going Deep podcast and be like, I'm scared of hurting this girl.
Starting point is 00:52:59 You know, that's like a pretty profound relationship. Should I cut the cord now? Or like, what should I do? Yeah. That's hilarious. Thanks, dudes. What up, stokers of Stoke Nation? Love the pod.
Starting point is 00:53:09 Boom clap, stokers. All right, I've written in before, but I'm back because I need some serious guidance in a serious situation I got myself into. Recently, I was blacked out at the bar and made a fool of myself, and I feel pretty ashamed about it. So here's the deal.
Starting point is 00:53:19 After waking up from a night of being blacked, I was told I went up to some dude talking to my girlfriend at the bar and slapped him in the chest and told him to fuck off and to stop talking to my girlfriend. I also probably said some other bad terms that was uncharacteristic of me because I'm a pretty chill dude. Anyways, my girlfriend was a little upset about it at the time, but she's starting to feel okay about it now. Like the guy that I slapped and completely ruined might actually be a nice dude, but at the same time, he is a pansy and complete schmole. He's part of a click on
Starting point is 00:53:44 campus that is lame and would never associate myself with. So should I feel bad about telling the schmole to back off my raging hot girlfriend that he was hitting on? I was told he's been into her and had to tell to draw the line to show my dominance because I'm not a beta like him. Let me know if I acted out a line telling this guy to back off when I was black.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Like, I don't remember this, but if it was a complete dick move, let me know so I don't become a schmole myself. Thanks, boys. Also, fuck Puzio. Yeah, he sounds a little bit aggro. I'm not a beta male like him. Yeah, he sounds like he's still hot. Like, he's still a little raw about the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Yeah. I think, you know, I think it's a much bigger sign of, I don't want to say like alpha male-ness, but of just like being like a confident dude to not let shit like that affect you. You know, to freak, I mean, I know he's blacked out, you don't remember, but to like freak out on like another dude kind of and um get pissed him because he's talking to your girl i think that's sort of lower status behavior and you want to sort of rise above that yeah i mean i think like i told this this is actually kind of germane now uh like when i was my girlfriend before sally uh someone we both know went up to her and uh told her some embarrassing shit about me, kind of trying to make me look bad.
Starting point is 00:55:07 And I wanted to kick the guy's ass that night. I was so fucking mad. I think I nicknamed him Sandbagging Bitch Boy on the podcast. And finally, like a week ago, I went up to him and talked about it because Maurice said it was time because he's friends with Maurice. And then I just told him, I was like, bro, you really hurt my feelings. And I think that was really fucked up. And I don't know what your motivation could have been.
Starting point is 00:55:32 And he was just really sorry. He like, I kind of, I think I shamed him a little bit by just being honest. So, I mean, that probably wasn't to move with this guy at a crowded bar. But I think sometimes if you're just direct about what you're feeling, it can have a more beneficial impact than reacting so big and so macho. All right, guys, thanks for all the questions. Good questions this week, Stokers. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Chad, who is your beef of the week? My beef of the week is the dude with the bulge at the gym look let me preface this i'm not anti-bulge okay you know if you got if you got a nice package you know flaunt it but this bulge is just too much all right because he's wearing like a one piece and there's just like a tiny bit of fabric between the bulge and the rest of the world. And it's just too much, you know. You can't have full dong outline going on all the time. It's like hard to concentrate, you know.
Starting point is 00:56:35 I'll be like at the gym or something doing an exercise and I'll look over and I'll just be like, oh, Jesus, you know, all the time. And I'm like, dude, can you like put on something that's a little bit thicker so it's just like i don't it's just like there's just too much bulge going on i think there's like if you're gonna do bulge you have to do it in a respectful manner you know you probably want like the actual like roundness of a bulge but you don't want full outline to where you're like oh there's the bell end of the dong oh there's a vein in his ball oh there's another vein in the shaft oh look he's his manscaped although i'd be stoked on that um so yeah dude at the gym with the bulge you know like maybe put on like an extra layer so your bulge is not so outlined and pronounced like
Starting point is 00:57:26 the freaking statue of david in florence thank you aaron um because it's the gym all right it's not a place to showcase your greek nude it's my beef it's tough bro hating on the bulge dude come on i'm pro bulge but know your bulge for sure what about you uh my beef of the week is uh the kids who got to me about my weight uh chad and i went to delaware to protect house parties at the university of delaware and um i was a little bit thick that weekend and there wasn't a ton of comments there was just a couple that said i was looking heavy and uh it got to me and i haven't had a carbohydrate since, basically. And I feel good.
Starting point is 00:58:08 Everyone's been like, oh, dude, you lost weight. You look good. And they're like, what happened? And I'm like, oh, these people commented on my appearance, and it really got to me. I didn't think that was a big deal to say, but everyone I said it to was like, that's sad, man. And I was like, no, it's not sad.
Starting point is 00:58:22 It's motivating me to be better. And they're like, yeah, but there's something sad about it. And then I didn't realize how much I had let it affect me until I was having headaches at the gym the other night. I was like, just kind of dehydrated. And I was texting my girlfriend about it. She's like, go get like a Gatorade or a Powerade. I was like, I can't, there's sugar in it. She's like, babe, just have like half a Gatorade. You'll be fine. I was like, no, it's going to fuck up my diet. And I was like, I was making myself suffer because I didn't want to have a little cup of sugar. And then I finally had the Gatorade. I felt instantly better. And I was like, dude, gripping it too tight. Yeah. White knuckling
Starting point is 00:58:56 it. Yeah. It's, it's not worth it. It's, I mean, you know, discipline is good, but you got to give yourself a break. Yeah, it is. With those diets like that, you know, you got to learn to give yourself breaks because then if you go too far. You start losing it. Yeah. You're like, I need a french fry. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:17 And then you don't want to become too crazy. Like my brother's wife will be like, can we we set a rule because my brother's all in the diet and stuff he's like can we should she's like can we set a rule where you don't talk about steak in social settings like he has to have boundaries now about where he talks about steak right that's how far it goes so thanks yeah i got a froyo the other night i was pumped no i know and dude even like you i always like perceive you as like a paragon of like perfect discipline. So when you were like,
Starting point is 00:59:48 hey, I'm gonna like go to a taco place. I was like, so you're gonna get just the meat? And you were like, no, I'm gonna get tortilla too. I was like, wow. I was surprised at your reaction because I forgot about the carb thing. I was like, wow, you're getting tacos? I was like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:02 You're like, yeah, I'm getting three pieces of tortilla. I was like, holy fuck, dude. All right, Chad, who is your babe of the week? My babe of the week is Jessica Simpson. I've talked about her. I've been jamming her songs, and they make me feel good. I just think we haven't heard much from her um in a while and i just wanted to acknowledge her you know she was an integral part of my development um i learned
Starting point is 01:00:29 about love through her hit show newlyweds you know i learned about they had a nice relationship it's sad that it didn't work out yeah my favorite line from that show is where jessica goes to nick lachey you like my stinky ass which i'm like or no you love my stinky ass and which I'm like, or no, you love my stinky ass. And I'm like, Ooh, ass play. But not just that the love there was real. The banter was fun. Yeah. So, you know, Jessica, you taught me about love. You put me in a good mood now, you know, um, I'm not going to get too crass, but the, these boots are made for walking video. Dude. Insane. So Jessica Simpson, I just want you to know I'm here for you. I saw your sister, but these boots are made for walking video. Dude, insane. So Jessica Simpson, I just want you to know I'm here for you.
Starting point is 01:01:08 I saw your sister Ashley. She's looking great at something like a few months ago. But Jessica, I love you. If you ever want to get like a funnel cake or something and just jam out, hit me up. You know where to find me just dm me on insta and uh what up dude i'm gonna switch my babe of the week my babe of the week is ashley simpson oh dude yes i loved her show on mtv pieces of me you know it was built around her first album which was a banger um my favorite song on it was Shadow about Jessica Simpson.
Starting point is 01:01:46 She really let out just this raw catharsis about what it felt like to grow up under the huge power and weight of Jessica Simpson's stardom. And Ashley came through it the other side, a better person. And I loved her relationship with Ryan Cabrera, whose song On the Way Down is just a banger and who I later saw on The Hills. That guy knows how to survive in the MTV reality landscape. And yeah, Ashley, you know,
Starting point is 01:02:10 you had your, you had your bad moments. Like when the track didn't work on SNL and you had to lip sync and everybody was like, Oh, she can't sing. And then she tried to come back and sing live at the orange bowl. And everyone's like, Oh, even when she tries, it's not that great, but you never stopped trying. You never stop trying. You kept putting yourself out there and you kept risking it all. And then, so Ashley, on a Monday, I am waiting. On a Tuesday, I am faking. And by Wednesday, I can't sleep.
Starting point is 01:02:41 I was with my girlfriend and she's like, that's Ashley Simpson. And I was like, oh. Like Tim Allen in Home Improvement. Yeah. I was like, oh. I'm going to go build a house. Chad, who is your legend of the week? My legend of the week is Nate Dogg.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Holy shit. Yeah. Yes. Yes. Nate Dogg. Now, let me preface this saying i was listening to the crystalia podcast and he was talking about the song area codes by ludacris yeah i wish he said 949 in it yeah and um you know i just think we just got to acknowledge nate dog for how integral he was to that whole
Starting point is 01:03:21 era dude the hooks nobody ever better on a hook than nato hooks like i'll list off some of his songs area codes of ludicrous and it's not just one artist it's like all of them area codes ludicrous till i collapse eminem explosive dr dre ain't no fun with snoop my name with exhibit regulators regulators and lay low with Dogg. And dude, I love the lyrics he throws in there. And no one could execute them with more grace. For example, in Ain't No Fun with Snoop, gave me all your pussy and even licked my balls. He made it sound romantic.
Starting point is 01:04:00 He made it sound so romantic. And then with like area codes he goes hose hose dude i wish i could watch that recording it's like nate dog lay out the hose a little bit longer hose hose i'm gonna put a nate dog track at the end of this one Yes And I think I'm gonna do where I wanna be Do you know that? Smoking on some weed Yeah You got chronic, won't you light it up
Starting point is 01:04:32 He's dead now, right? Yeah, he passed away, man I think heart disease Silent killer, bro People gotta watch out for it Yeah But Nate Dog, I just wanna acknowledge you for You know, you really
Starting point is 01:04:42 You really were the golden uh fucking you were the secret ingredient for that whole era you really made those tracks what they are and you freaking delivered the hooks you have a beautiful voice you know how to deliver it you're a beast in that whole hip-hop genre and and uh you're a legend 21 problems to that 50 cents oh yeah yeah do you have anything else to say about him i do i'm just so pumped that you picked him i think he's always been like the voice of a generation yeah he's so iconic like you got dre with the beats and you got nate dog on the hook and you cannot go wrong with anything in between yeah you can put anybody else on the verses if you got those two guys in place the song is gonna be nice to drive to
Starting point is 01:05:24 aaron where are you at on nate dog dude i only know i only know regulate so i don't know well what do you think about regulate it's all right i'm not much of a rap guy damn aaron aaron you were on a hot streak too bro yeah you just went down a few notches i'm sorry i just want to rock guys that's fair you're back all right my legend of the week is the mongoose the animal the mongoose oh nice dude i've always loved the mongoose it's always been my favorite animal and i just lost touch with that for a couple decades but like when i was a kid and i found out about the mongoose that there was this like furry creature that knew how to box with snakes. Like that's essentially what it does.
Starting point is 01:06:08 It can kill a cobra, you know, as famously told in the Rudyard Kipling story, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. I mean, these things are beasts. I heard in Hawaii, they put a mongoose in a pit with a hundred cobras. Mongoose comes out. I mean, is that hyperbolic? Maybe, but maybe you don't know mongooses. I just think they're awesome, guys. Look into the mongoose. Get i mean is that hyperbolic maybe but maybe you don't know mongooses i just think they're awesome guys look into the mongoose get pumped hell yeah that's my legend dude what's your quote of the week uh okay so uh this comes from taj in the movie van wilder
Starting point is 01:06:40 a good soldier does not leave his commanders just because he lies wounded, arms torn off at the sockets, intestines spilling out under the mud picked out by the birds. I'll stay on it, no charge. Nice. That's, you know, you stay loyal to the cause. My dog. Which is helping Van Wilder get laid. What's your quote?
Starting point is 01:07:04 My quote is from the Pink song, Just Like a Pill. Run just as fast as I can to the middle of nowhere, to the middle of my frustrated fears, and I swear you're just like a pill. Instead of making me better, you keep making me ill. You keep making me ill. The push and pull of substances or certain people or whatever we use to cope. I get it.
Starting point is 01:07:32 That's it. That was beautiful. Is that it? That's it, dude. Guys, that'll be episode 71 of Going Deep in Chat. JT, thank you guys so much for listening. Thank you for being stokers. Thank you for staying stoked.
Starting point is 01:07:50 We have... Yeah. in deep and chat jt thank you guys so much for listening thank you for being stokers thank you for staying stoked um we have yeah oh if you guys want to send in ideas for t-shirts or anything like that like we're always open to that because people have hit me up about t-shirts so uh you can check out what we have chad goes deep.com but if you have ideas let us know because we're always open to new stuff absolutely and um anything else you want to say that's it dog i'm chilling all right later dudes later dudes oh good stuff yeah i felt kind of low energy i think we dipped a little bit as we got to the this is where I wanna be Right here with my loved one Smoking on some weed
Starting point is 01:08:38 You got chronic, don't you light it up You got chronic, won't you light it up Now who's that kickin' in the gate for the West? Shade pop with flows that seep holes in your vest Half nigga with the word, half run up in your spot To talk shit, we're prone to lick shots Now dog pound gangsta, swing me up on me Now that I'm here, a lot of shit gon' change Mr. Quick to buy a chain, Mr. Let the chain hang
Starting point is 01:09:04 Showin' off the bras, I'm Mr. Quick to get the bangs Now you might catch shites, gettin' bitten every coast Steal the nigga with the heat, gettin' rid of every coast Still fuckin' with Miz, we run triz when we bored And you know I got the X, 20's what they hittin' for See me if you wanna score, cause I got what you need Or you can see me at the club, 10 at SUV Gettin' in for free, I'm bout to make my name known
Starting point is 01:09:24 Shites full of heist. This is where I want to be. Friday with my loved ones. Smoking on some weed. You got chronic, won't you light it up? Check this out. You see how I figure this thing? We can all take over this game.
Starting point is 01:09:51 If we come together through the shipwreck, we can all have a piece of the pie. How I figured this out? I took a little trip down south. I set foot off the plane. It was just like a family thing the gangsters wanted to see i took a little trip to the east so i can't wait for the game broke so i'm in bulletproof everything So I quickly dispose of my shame. If we ain't got us, nigga, where am I gonna be?
Starting point is 01:10:30 Friday with my stuff on. Smoking on some weed. You got chronic, won't you light it up? Yeah, show me something I ain't never seen. I step in the house, party with a gangsta lean. Dog pound gangsta, we striking back again. Ready to ride in the lap again. Giving it up for T-Boz and Mac Tim for doing it.
Starting point is 01:10:58 This ain't nothing but a gangsta reunion. New York and California, the places to be. Name dog and come on Broadcast for free We at the dog house Where the dogs at You wanna get with me baby Meet me in the back Young Damien Young
Starting point is 01:11:12 This is number two Right now baby This is where I wanna be Right here with my loved ones Smoking on some weed. You got chronic, won't you light it up. This is where I want to be. Right here with my loved one, smoking on some weed. This is where I want to be.
Starting point is 01:12:02 with my loved one smoking on some weed you got chronic don't you slide it up this is where I wanna be riding with my loved one smoking on some weed If that's love, go Smoke it off and we If you need advice These guys are really nice
Starting point is 01:12:38 You wanna know What to do, where to go. When you need someone to guide you, there's no step out, there's no peace, I'm going deep. I'm going deep. Let's go deep. I'm going deep.
Starting point is 01:13:05 I'm going deep.

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