Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 74 - Troy Casey (CertifiedHealthNut) Joins, Holistic Health, Rites of Passage

Episode Date: June 11, 2019

What up stokers, in episode 74, we are joined once again by holistic health master, Troy Casey. We discuss some holistic health techniques such as breath work, knowledge of self, rites of passage..., the gift economy and ice baths! Dive on in, stoke naysh! Check out Troy's work at @certifiedhealthnut on instagram and youtube! Peep new Going Deep T Shirts at www.chadgoesdeep.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 all right what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep with chad jt podcast coming with episode 74 dog jtT, what up? What up, Boom Clap Stokers. We are joined once again by our holistic health guru, the certified health nut, Troy Casey. Welcome back. Yeah, wow. Thanks for coming back on. It's good to see you. Dude, it's always good to see you guys.
Starting point is 00:00:44 I get such a fucking kick out of you guys. It's so funny. Oh, thanks, man. Yeah. And, you know, the funny thing was I didn't know your podcast was called, you know, Chad Goes Deep. And I said in the first one, it's always an invitation to go deeper. Oh, we're going deep. Oh, you didn't know.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Okay, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I didn't know. Yeah, yeah. I said it anyway. Oh, right. So you're already in the same kind of frame of mind that we're in. Wavelength. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, you didn't know. Okay. Yeah. I didn't know. I said it anyway. All right. So you're already in the same kind of frame of mind that we're in. Wavelength. Yeah. Frequency. What are the frequencies?
Starting point is 00:01:17 What frequency are we talking about? The frequency of the cacao that's in this. That's good. So yeah. So Troy actually is the one who got me to switch to the blue juice from the green juice. Why is the blue juice preferable to the green juice? The thing about green juice is those vegetables are highly perishable, so they need to be, when they're juiced, they can oxidize quickly. So within 15 minutes, you want to drink a fresh squeezed juice. Otherwise, you're paying for dead enzymes. So you might as well just pay for a fresh green juice juiced right in front of your face.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Or, of course, the liquid sunshine I turned Chad on to, which has all got the enzymes intact. You just add water to it. And then nut milks or fruit juices have a little bit more shelf life because of the citric acid in the fruit juice. And then nut milks are, you know, as long as they're in glass, it can stay, you know, up to 72 hours and still be fresh. Cool. And then he didn't bring the hoppe today. Last time we had try-on, he brought an Amazonian tobacco root drug that is blown up the nose through a ceremonial wood tube,
Starting point is 00:02:19 and you've got to do both nostrils to hit both hemispheres of the brain. And we only were on uh our recording for five minutes while doing it but it jacked us up i vomited and uh but i had a lot of breakthroughs so it's definitely a a full experience we have a pretty epic photo of us on that couch we're both shirtless and uh you're just smiling like that yeah we had a good shirt we should probably get shirtless for today's episode yeah fitting troy shredded so it'd be a good eye candy yeah you did a great job though you know and and that was right after you know my my my partner with the man tribe uh alex he worked in the amazon for a long time he gave me the hoppy and i was like what's he fucking giving me this stuff for
Starting point is 00:03:02 and then i started using it and i've used plant medicine over the years uh and i was like, what's he fucking giving me this stuff for? And then I started using it and I've used plant medicine over the years and I really like tobacco. And so I started using it almost daily and I'm a cowboy. So I was using decent sized piles and when you guys said, okay, I was like, all right, okay. And I gave you guys a decent sized pile,
Starting point is 00:03:22 like a real decent sized pile. Oh, right. It felt that way, good way good yeah i'm glad it was yeah i thought i was just a lightweight when it came to hoppe yeah well and you handled it like a champ and plus all that energy about your grandma dying at the same time it was like it was just wild and then we talked for an hour afterwards and yeah helped you walk you through some stuff i mean it's it's not child's play. It's powerful medicine. Do you like playing that role of kind of guru to people
Starting point is 00:03:48 who are going through kind of unique experiences like that? I mean, it seems to be your calling, right? Well, I'm happy to do that. I don't call myself a shaman. I don't call myself a guru. I'm here to help the world get healthy, plain and simple. All knowledge is knowledge of self, and I just help people guide themselves back to their own knowing.
Starting point is 00:04:10 I say that we're all knowing self-healing mechanisms. And so when we take the time to go inside, whether it's with fasting or with plant medicine or meditation, we get all the answers. They're right inside of us. And how do I know? Because I had to go through my own walks through hell, my own problems my own I was a party animal back in the day
Starting point is 00:04:34 call it alcoholism, whatever label you want to put on it but I had to clean up from that went through a divorce recently I've had business ups and downs we're all in the same boat, you know. And I think the more tools that we can have that are holistic, they're not just going to mask the symptoms like some kind of pharmaceutical drug.
Starting point is 00:04:55 What have you found to be sort of the most effective tools for, like, gaining knowledge of self or just basically daily rituals for dealing with life, basically. Yeah, well, I would say that Vipassana meditation was one of my big wake-up calls. So these are 10-day courses in silence. There's multiple centers all around the world. It was taught to—that's what the Buddha discovered. It's basically mindfulness, Vipassana meditation. And these centers are 10 days in silence and you go through a technique and uh it's extremely powerful and then i use
Starting point is 00:05:32 that as a daily practice for six years of my life religiously for two hours a day and there's silence silent silent meditation and then i sat when i sat um 11 courses so 110 days in silence over the span of six years. And that was fundamentally, it rewired my nervous system. You can see the crazy prison story on Joe Rogan. This guy got put in prison. He was on death row. He wasn't meant to be there. He was abused and traumatized as a kid.
Starting point is 00:06:03 And he learned meditation, and the scientists are all over him. He sees the neuro to be there. He was abused and traumatized as a kid. And he learned meditation, and the scientists are like all over him. He sees the neuroplasticity. The guy basically rewired his mind using meditation. So meditation does work. That's definitely a handy tool. The ice baths are handy. Hoppe is handy, but nicotine is very addicting, so you really want to watch it. Was it hard for you to stop doing the hoppe? Actually it wasn't, you know, uh, tobacco is used, um, for to, to usher
Starting point is 00:06:34 in your prayers. So it's a very powerful spirit. And, uh, so I just used it for praying while I was using it. I used it for clarity in my business, clarity with my family, peace in my heart. To connect me to God was my dominant prayer. And so when I got off of it, I was just like, all right, I've had enough, and I know this is addicting, and so let me just find peace in my heart, and let me just go off of it. And it wasn't a problem at all. My mind was made up, and so I was very clear on that. I've implemented a lot of your techniques since we last met,
Starting point is 00:07:10 namely breath work. I did meditation before, but I started doing breath work and then the ice baths, two things I love. And it's been awesome. I've been surfing lately, so I haven't been doing as much, but like when I have free time in the morning, I like to do breath work, like the 30 breaths in and out and, um, then some retention and it really just sort of washes the anxiety away and puts you in sort of a just joyful state I've found.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Yeah. And you guys are asking me, you know, daily tools, breath work is great. You know, drop down, do 30, 60, 90 breaths with some retention, and yeah, the anxiety goes away. So I think it's a very handy tool. It's an emergency tool. It's what took me through my divorce. I was waking up at 4 a.m. with tons of anxiety,
Starting point is 00:08:00 and one of my friends taught me breath work, and I just started doing it. It worked, so I just started doing it. Yeah Which do you think there's a more effective tool like method like the Wim Hof and then there's like box breathing and pranayama Or is it basically what? Whatever suits you I think whatever works. I like to teach my clients and students that You can't do it wrong. Yeah so really opening up the breathing apparatus, flooding your body with oxygen, doing some retention will help you breathe deeper, especially
Starting point is 00:08:30 once you breathe all the way back in. And then I teach some basic Qigong exercises, the stork walk, especially because that reprograms the diaphragm. What's the stork walk? So basically you're walking and flying like a bird. So you bring your hands over your head, which opens up your rib cage and opens up your diaphragm. And then you exhale and you bring your arms down and you bring one knee up. And so that works on your stabilizers. So from the bottom of your feet, your metatarsals, all your nerve endings are at the bottom of your feet and your survival mechanisms is what helps your head from not falling over and smashing open. So
Starting point is 00:09:10 that goes up, all the neurology goes up into your adductors, your glutes, wraps around your spine, to your quadratus laborum, all your big strong muscles that hold up your spine. And so all that's attached and it's attached to also your breathing. And so, um, when you do the stork walk, it basically reprograms your breathing apparatus so that you have deep cellular respiration at rest during stress, driving in the car at normal. And so what I recommend doing it for, you know, anywhere from five to 20 minutes a day, that's the baseline for reprogramming. And then when you do intense breath work, like breathing breath work, um, then your breathing apparatus is working more efficiently. And so I think, I think doing all
Starting point is 00:09:57 of them and then box breathing is something that's more relaxing and you shouldn't be doing breath work in the water or, um, driving or anything like that. I did breath work with my wife. My ex-wife was driving me crazy one day and I just started taking some deep breaths and I do the inhale retention and I started to black out and I'm like, okay, fucking never do that again. And so, um, but one, one day I was, I was driving up to, um, my friend's ranch for about three hours, and I got like a stress headache from sitting in the car, and I knew the breath work would help me.
Starting point is 00:10:30 So instead of doing the intense breath work, I started doing box breathing. And I'm kind of an intense guy, so I do 10 breaths, then hold 10 breaths, then 10 breaths exhale, and then hold that, and then 10 breaths inhale. And it was very effective. Headache went away, got very calm and very centered. Yes, it's cool. It's all about sort of like engaging the breathing apparatus, right?
Starting point is 00:10:55 Because some people, they're doing shallow breaths kind of stuff, and that sort of builds up the anxiety is that correct builds up the anxiety you also produce your serotonin and dopamine um so uh also it translates into poor cellular uh respiration and poor cellular respiration is directly related to uh premature aging so the more you can get on point with your breathing, the more healthy you can be. I mean, it's basically the first level of nutrition, that and maybe sunlight, right? In my opinion, my approach to it. So breath and sunlight, that's like the first form of nutrition. And there's breatharians out there that try and live, you know, on sunlight and breath,
Starting point is 00:11:45 and there's breatharians out there that try and live, you know, on sunlight and breath, you know, so. Oh, yeah. How do they do that? I don't know, man. I don't know how successful they are either, but it is a thing. There's this one woman called Jamuna. I think that's her name. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:02 And she does it, and I think there's another Indian guy that talks about it. You know, you've got to have your spiritual game on if you're going to just be pulling in energy from the cosmos and your breath. Yeah, that's cool. And the other thing about, I wanted to say is, you know, inverted breathing patterns or mouth breathers, your panic receptors are in your neck. Yeah, I think that's me. So, yeah, so we just learned how to breathe from our diaphragm. We'll get you to do the stork walk a little bit.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Where does the stork walk come from? The stork walk I learned from the great Paul Cech, who is Laird Hamilton's coach. He rehabbed Danny Way from a broken neck. And where did he learn? I think he had a Tai Chi Sifu um that he learned from it's in his book uh how to eat move and be healthy where he gives it up all his qi qi long knowledge he gives up to his sifu and sifu is like sensei sensei but from what uh place um i don't know that specific lineage, but I know that the story about Master Hong, Master Fong, Master Fa, something like that is in his book, Paul Cech's book, How to Eat, Move, and Be Healthy.
Starting point is 00:13:15 It's in there. What's Paul like? Paul's a fucking animal. Paul's just an animal. I mean, he's been on Aubrey Marcus' podcast recently like multiple times because he's just blown their minds. Have you spent like a day with him? Oh, Paul's my boy.
Starting point is 00:13:34 He's like your mentor, right? Yeah, he's my mentor. I've taken multiple advanced courses from him. It takes seven and a half years to go through his programs. I only did half of his programs. Most people come to him that are usually trainers or advanced trainers for sports teams, or they work for Olympic government, you know, government Olympic teams. And so JP Sears, who's, you know, a comedian online, he's trained in Paul Cech systems. He was Cech faculty.
Starting point is 00:14:07 So I took a couple of advanced courses from him, and then I just fell in love. He's just such a solid brother in reading his blogs and watching his videos. I was like, I've got to meet this guy. And I helped him out with some social media early on. Do you guys go get beers and stuff together? I helped him out with some social media early on. Do you guys go get beers and stuff together? Well, I don't drink right now, and I don't think Paul drinks at all.
Starting point is 00:14:33 But when we get together, we play with the tobacco, that's for sure. He's a really good tobacco shaman. Really? Yeah. And he vaporizes everything. And what's he looking for when he's doing that? Is he still like, is he at a place? Because I guess you don't ever fully understand who you are or what you're going through, right? It's an ongoing process.
Starting point is 00:14:50 So do you see him like have like brand new revelations when you guys are doing this stuff? Or is he such a vet that it's all minor? I mean, Paul's pretty woke, you know? Yeah. I don't like to use the word enlightenment because I think it's just a trap but what do you use well just aware
Starting point is 00:15:15 someone who's awake I like that we're all in the same boat we're in the third dimension living on planet earth we're all going to go through our ups and downs there's two forces on the planet yin yang masculine feminine anabolic catabolic inhalation exhalation so you know there's ups and downs excuse me there's ups and downs everywhere
Starting point is 00:15:35 so uh i don't you know i don't think paul considers himself enlightened but he's figured out a lot of things i mean he can talk extensively for days on end about physiology, biology, psychology, biochemistry. I mean, he figured out the whole paleo thing. He figured out the whole core function thing. He's the one who brought the Swiss balls into sports fitness. Again, he's rehabbed more medically retired athletes to the tune of multimillion dollar careers than anyone on the face of the planet, including Danny Way, who had a broken— Is he a snowboarder? Danny Way's the most famous skateboarder. Oh, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:16:12 He holds all the world records. He did a Christ air from a—he's like the big air, you know? It's like you do a big gap and then a huge quarter pipe. He did a massive Christ stare on the quarter pipe. And then he's also dropped in. He's done acid drops from helicopters. Have you seen that? No, but I saw him jump the Great Wall of China.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Oh, that's right. I mean, D.C. He broke his neck. He broke his neck in 94. I don't think he can break your neck. He had a spinal cord injury where the doctor said he would never walk again. And four months later, he walked out of the Czech Institute and broke the world record. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:16:51 That's awesome. And that's just Danny Way. I mean, he's worked on many motocross athletes as well. Robbie Madison, who jumped Caesar's Palace. And again, Laird Hamilton. I mean, who can coach Laird Hamilton? He's an athletic anomaly. And so he's helped Laird Hamilton, I mean, who can coach Laird Hamilton? I mean, he's an athletic anomaly. And so he's helped, he's helped Laird out over the years.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Do you know Laird? I don't know Laird, but I know a good friend of his, Darren Olean. And we're kind of like one degree of separation. But I've never met Laird. Laird's big in the ice baths too. Yeah, he loves the ice bath. Yeah. Laird's big into ice baths, too.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Yeah, he loves the ice bath. Yeah. He's got, his methodology is he has two, what do they call those? Ice makers. Those ice maker machines. Do we have any water in here? You need some water? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:37 I can run and grab some. He's got two commercial restaurant ice making machines, and I think he's got ice baths, like metal ice buckets. Yeah. And he just jumps in those. And he talked about it on Rogan recently. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And they've been into it for a while. And he does all that wild where you swim underwater and you lift weights and you got to swim to
Starting point is 00:17:58 the top. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or like I see surfers, like they go to the bottom, pick up a rock and walk along the bottom. Yeah. All that stuff. That's crazy. And he's got to do that for training for the big waves because when you get down there, boy, that's it, man.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Yeah, you've got to be able to handle that and just be at peace down there so you don't panic. It's crazy. Yeah, we did the ice baths with you, and I loved them so much. When I get the means, I'm definitely getting an industrial cooler. I'm going to make my own ice baths with you and i i loved them so much when i get the means i'm definitely getting an industrial cooler i'm gonna make my own ice bath but um what what's sort of the uh the benefits of the ice bath well it improves circulation uh it increases testosterone it increases uh human growth hormone but more importantly it activates and energizes the mitochondria,
Starting point is 00:18:45 which is the inside of your cells, the energy production centers of your cells. And so I went to the Bulletproof Coffee Conference, Bulletproof Conference recently, and that's what they were talking about was mitochondria. So whether you're doing breath work. The powerhouse of the cell, if I remember accurately from high school biology. There you go. That's it. And so that's your, you know, everybody wants energy.
Starting point is 00:19:08 It's like coffee or Red Bull or this or that. But no, it's like flip on your mitochondria. And how do you do that? You do that with breathwork. You do that with ice baths. You do that with high-intensity exercise. Did they say anything about the flagella? No.
Starting point is 00:19:23 What kind of knowledge are you going to kick on the flagella there jg i just know it works like a prop at the cell right to keep it moving okay so maybe the faster your cells are moving the faster you're recharging okay i like that that makes sense and you know the funny thing is everybody wants all this energy and people call me all over the place so you say that you know it reminds me you know people ask me you know what do you have for this or what do you have for that and it's like have you tried sleep dude yeah that's a big one i sleep like a log now good yeah good for you that's where you're going to rebuild that's where you're going to get all your energy from it does feel good yeah i was i was i was taking i'm taking a bipolar medication i was taking too big of a dose i'm not sleeping too much but now i think i've got it to a place where it's a little more functionally optimal
Starting point is 00:20:13 yeah have you uh gotten into wim hof stuff i mean he's they're all into getting people off medication and like consistent ice baths so you're manufacturing your own serotonin and dopamine consistently with the breath work and the ice bath. Yeah. I'll check it out. Yeah. Check it out, man.
Starting point is 00:20:31 I'd love to get you off the slave pipe of the pharmaceutical dick. No, I mean, I, I, I dig what you're saying. Yeah. But I,
Starting point is 00:20:40 without, without hurting anyone's feelings, especially you JT or the pharmaceutical, you know, crack slingers. feelings, especially you, JT, or the pharmaceutical, you know, crack slingers. No, no, I'm of both sides on it. I could see... I mean, I think it's optimal to have people off, but then I think for some people it works.
Starting point is 00:20:54 I just think it takes all kinds. Yeah, and if you're going to go to the holistic lifestyle and put it all together, I mean, it's not just a pill that you're going to take. There's multiple facets of it. Yeah, I mean, I diet, I work out and work out and stuff yeah yeah you guys are in great shape you guys and and both you guys lost a bunch of inflammation from the last time i saw you so you guys are doing really good work yeah i did talk to a doctor though about ice baths to see if and he said it's good for
Starting point is 00:21:18 recovery but that some of the other stuff was a little overstated. Does he have a background in ice bathology? No, I don't. I didn't ask him that. He, but he's the, uh, he's at Lifespan Medicine. I think he's the guy who does the, uh, like the, uh, stem cell replenishment for like Kobe Bryant and guys like that. Okay. Somebody that is going to say something about that. I'm going to want to know like what their practices are and how healthy they are before I actually really listen to them. And I think science is great. You're probably buffer than he is.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Well, and I'm not trying to prove anything except for I want to learn from people that have mastered some level of third dimensional consciousness more than I have. I didn't ask him that. Well, it shows up in his biology, physiology, and psychology. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:08 He's chill. Yeah. I mean, I think stem cells probably have their application. I mean, I do all sorts of weird stuff to activate my stem cells, and none of it's scientifically proven. What do you do? Well, my number one anti-aging tool is urine therapy. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:26 So I've been drinking my own urine for 15 years. And my friend cured himself of testicular cancer. He was a Swedish national, so he went over there to get the chemo and everything done for free. And after the chemo, they're like, hey, it didn't work. And we think we've got to take out your lymph nodes. And he was smart enough to realize, like, hey, I'm only 30, and maybe my lymph nodes, I might need them later on. So he went home and did some research and found urine therapy,
Starting point is 00:22:57 resonated with it, and I think he did a three-week fast looping his own urine. And he went back, and they couldn't find the cancer and it was going really and so and then he challenged he's the same guy who taught me the breath work and he challenged me to his name is dr. PP Shavon boo you can that's his nickname I gave him Eric Cassano is his name and I he challenged him dr. PPP. Shibambu. But do you ever worry that, like, so much of this stuff is— I talked to Sean Baker about this, too, when we had him on,
Starting point is 00:23:31 and he was talking about the carnivorous diet, that because it's not practiced in a standardized medical way, there's no real empirical data to back this stuff up. It's like that story. It's primarily anecdotal. Yeah, totally. And you know what? Even if it's theory and scientific proof, et cetera. Yeah, not that those things don't change, but it does seem like they're a bit more rigorous in their standards. Right. And my personal humble opinion is whatever works in the present moment.
Starting point is 00:24:04 And I'm a bit of a cowboy an astronaut i'm gonna be the you know pushing the envelope pushing the outside of the envelope i'm the test pilot i'm gonna figure it out and guess what i'm not the guy who invented urine therapy or shivambu the no they've been drinking piss since the yogis did it man they figured that stuff out the taoist you know started with the qigong and they've got all sorts of weird practices from eating different reptiles and bugs and herbs and poison and this, that, and the other thing. I mean, the poison in the plants is actually what cures you, and it just so happens that the plants have all the other cofactors
Starting point is 00:24:39 and the nutrition to support the poison, not from killing you. And then the drug companies, they go, oh, we just want the poison. They standardize and isolate the poison. And a lot of times the research on those plants that they're trying to make into drugs becomes so toxic that it will actually kill you, and they have to abandon a lot of that research. And so as an herbalist and someone who has studied herbal medicine in the Amazon, that research is handy.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Yeah, I kind of go similar to what you were saying about whatever makes me feel good, I'm on board with it. You know what I mean? The ice baths, I feel energized. I feel good. Breathwork, anxiety goes away. I feel good. No carbs, no sugar.
Starting point is 00:25:21 I feel good. Clear mind. Yeah. So I just go by that, and i think it's helped my life but and i think the more you get into that yeah the more you'll activate your primal nature your innate intelligence and your intuition which is our internal guidance system again back to we are all knowing self-healing mechanisms yeah so if we can tap into our primal nature then we can heal ourselves and we can create anything that we want in this world.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Yeah, power of the mind. Yeah, just look at the Wright brothers. They wanted to fly like an eagle, and everybody said they were fucking crazy. Or Steve Jobs. Or Steve Jobs, man. Right, who died not listening to his doctors. Yeah, well, look, and the whole, you know, yes, I agree with you, and I understand where you're coming from, JT.
Starting point is 00:26:06 And the whole thing about, like, holistic health or trying to— death is a part of life, and so ultimately we have to accept that part of our life and live the best that we can and live in alignment and accordance with the natural elements of life as much as possible. But death is imminent in the physical realm. The spiritual realm is a completely different ballgame. No, for sure. I'm also sensitive.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Yeah, I like that about you, JT. I met you at the Air One that one time, and you were worried that I was offended that you were taking time away from my kids. And I was like, I love you so much. And I was like, no, no, no, don't worry about me. I had so much going on. I was on that you were taking time away from my kids. And I was like, I love you so much. And I was like, no, no, no, don't worry about me. I had so much going on. I was on a phone call. I was wrestling my kids.
Starting point is 00:26:51 And then I wanted to say hi to you. And yeah, you're a sensitive guy. You're a very sensitive guy. And there are special attributes about that that aren't really honored in our culture. But you're a great comedian so it translates very well because you're so sensitive oh thank you man it's very magnanimous of you yeah okay that's a good moment yeah
Starting point is 00:27:20 jeb wow wow sweet so yeah well should we dive into i mean you say um we could dive into rites of passage mentioned you wanted to talk about that yeah so i i think one of the major thing that's missing in our world today and and uh is a rites of passage you know the messiah warriors they used to give the 12 13 year old boys a stick and uh basically they weren't allowed back into the tribe unless they killed a lion and so uh that's pretty tough that's pretty tough man yeah they're extinct they're not extinct i'm sorry i'm sorry yeah and so um and then who else do we have we We've got the Native Americans. They did Sundance. Like Vision Quest and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Vision Quest. You stay up on the mountain with nothing but yourself. The Spartans, they did the same thing. Yep. Yeah. There you go. It makes you anti-fragile. And right now, what we've done.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Did you read that book? No. Oh, okay. But somebody told me about it. Yeah, Nicholas Kasim Taleb. I read a little bit of it. Yeah. Yeah. And so David Goggins is all Yeah, Nicholas Kassim Taleb. I read a little bit of it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:25 And so David Goggins is all about that too, you know, do something you hate every day or don't want to do or something. You know, that's where the ice bath comes in handy or sitting of a pasana course or something that's going to challenge you going down to the Amazon and drinking ayahuasca with the shamans down there. Something that's going to challenge what you think you know or whatever the culture has programmed you to think you know,
Starting point is 00:28:46 to be a good consumer or whatever. But obviously, the world's gotten us as far as it's gotten us, and I'm so grateful that I live in this world and we've got all these great things like this technology. But if you're looking at the way things are going, things are a little bit unsustainable, so it's just time to change. And one of the best ways to, especially for men, is really to become anti-fragile, to become resilient and to really stand up for what matters most, which is life. And life is directly related to, in my humble opinion,
Starting point is 00:29:17 air, water, and soil. Without those things, there's no... Why especially men? because i think men are natural leaders women are natural nurturers and so um it's just the masculine and feminine qualities and we have them both inside of us you don't think that's kind of a condition notion well men are stronger physically biologically um and traditionally uh how we evolved. And I'm down for evolution and evolving beyond where we are now as well. And men have historically gone out and either killed or be killed, right? Protect the tribe and also provide food and sustenance for the tribe. you know, food and sustenance for the tribe.
Starting point is 00:30:10 So it just comes down to balance and utilizing the energies that are best used properly. And so man has a lot of power and aggression inside of them. Man is both savage and saint. And so to be able to activate both those energies, harmonize, integrate both the light and the shadow, to become a whole, complete person instead of a fractured idea or a facsimile. No, I like what you're saying, and I like the verbiage, but I just feel like our skills in savagery are more specialized now and not needed across the board as much.
Starting point is 00:30:41 So the notion of a leader needing that has been somewhat reduced. To a certain degree, but if you look at history and you look at the way the Constitution was written, it's really about tyranny from inside forces and outside forces. And so we can never really become complacent. And I think the Native Americans, what they do- I was just speaking specifically to the notion of needing those traits to be a leader. But I hear what you're saying about, yeah. Oh, and I totally agree. And well, here's one thing that most people don't realize, that the Constitution of the United States was co-opted to a certain degree by the founding fathers from the Native Americans, the Iroquois Confederacy.
Starting point is 00:31:30 The only difference between the Constitution and the way democracy is set up is that women had the power to place the men in power as they saw them. So that was part of the Iroquois Confederacy. And that's been left out of the Constitution of the United States. So the feminine had the power to take whoever was leading in or out of power. Right. But there's been matriarchal societies throughout history as well. Yeah. And I'm not saying one is better than the other. I think this is a big, broad, in-depth discussion. And I think what you see in the, in the, in the world today, or at least in the media is this whole notion of polarization and one is not better than the other. I'm calling for meritocracy, meritocracy. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Okay. Yeah. No, that's, um, equitable. I like that word, balance, ultimate balance, full integration of both masculine and feminine, and then utilizing each energy as you need in the moment. Like if, you know. Yeah, you're talking about having the whole toolkit available to you. Correct. Yeah. Yeah, not one is better than the other.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Men are better than women or any of that stuff. It's the integration of both and honoring the divine qualities of each. So how do you nurture basically the masculinity within you or sort of, or the femininity within, like how do you sort of work to basically nurture them and sort of become fully realized? Well, I think first and foremost, I've figured out there's about nine major pillars of health. And so, you know, hydration, nutrition, sleep, movement, you know, movement, exercise is a necessity, not a luxury. It moves the lymph, the interstitial fluid,
Starting point is 00:33:26 not a luxury it moves the lymph the interstitial fluid you know proper sleep hygiene I think nature and sunlight grounding is important relationships excuse me so relationships so you know maybe we feel that we've been wronged or something so forgiveness understanding letting go of resentment, those are important. And also, I think it's very important to have purpose, to have your dream mapped out, your legacy, what you want to achieve. One of the exercises I take my men's group through is, you know, your best friend is standing in front of your casket. You're dead as a doornail, and he's up there reading your eulogy. What is this brother reading about you? What is this human being?
Starting point is 00:34:09 What is your mother, father, whoever's reading your eulogy, what is the life that you lived? And so you create that by what your heart desires, what you desire. And so you live by design as opposed to by default. It's like, what do I want to achieve in my life? What's on the bucket list? Do I want to climb Mount Everest? You know, one of the things I work with clients as well is like, do you want to have kids? Because that's important because you're going to want to start focusing on how you're going
Starting point is 00:34:35 to do that. It changes your actions. Yeah. Correct. And it gets you out of bed in the morning, JT. No, I totally agree. When I'm driving around and I'm not listening to music, I'm literally pretending to be my friends doing the eulogy at my funeral yeah i've done that since i was little it's just always been really of the utmost importance to me yeah so or i'm writing other
Starting point is 00:34:55 people's eulogies too yeah okay and they're all bangers i listen to jessica simpson i do that too yeah she gets me amped she gets me thinking about the eulogies for whatever reason. Yeah. I've always been sensitive to pop music too. I just try to stay amped 24-7. Me too. Yeah, I think passion's important. The etymology of passion, or you break the word down,
Starting point is 00:35:19 it comes down to passing ions, which is electricity. So you get around someone that's passionate. But that's only in English, right? Sure, that's in English. But I think it probably could be transferred over into other languages. I thought you were saying that's the etymology of the word. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Well, the breakdown, the wordsmithing or the... It still works with the Latin prefix and suffix. The word magic behind it. So passion, passing ions, electricity. And so when someone has passion, it's contagious. And so I think there's a verse in the Bible or something like that. Not that I'm a Bible thumper, but I think there are spiritual axioms in some of the in some of the texts that we have on this planet and what is it where there is no vision the people will
Starting point is 00:36:20 perish right so what is your vision of the future most people just think oh we'll be on oil forever we'll always be using this current iteration of money, the fiat currencies without a gold backing and everything's just going to be rosy. And the fact of the matter is, is I worked in the Amazon for many years. I saw the piles of sawdust, the mountains of them. I knew the statistics that were happening with biodiversity, et cetera. We've acidified our oceans. I'm really proud of you guys for doing the coral thing because that was admirable. So we've got a planet here that sustains our life and my children's life and my grandchildren's grandchildren. So I want to make things as copasetic as possible with the energy that I have.
Starting point is 00:37:04 So I've figured out my own dream or legacy. My mission is to raise human consciousness and change all systems on the planet. And my vision is clean air, water, soil, and equitable systems for all mankind. I don't know exactly how that's going to shake out, but I'm willing to have the conversation at any given moment. And I believe that innovation and human intelligence can evolve what we're doing now to something that's more sustainable, not necessarily utopia or people get caught up in socialism when I start talking about it. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about evolving past the fiat currencies. And Peter Diamantis is already talking
Starting point is 00:37:41 about this in Singularity University. We're going to be in a post-capitalistic world in the next 12 years. The car market's going to dry up in the next seven years. If you know anything about Kodak or Kodak stock, it took a hockey puck inverted exponential growth to the bottom in 2011. Because people don't use film anymore. People don't use film anymore. And so this is just what's happening. So do you think we're going to go to more like, what's the word, agrarian-like society?
Starting point is 00:38:08 Like are we going to get smaller again and just be sustainable from the earth around us? Or do you think it will still work under like a large overseeing government body? I don't think we need a government if we're governing ourselves. So you do see it getting kind of like smaller. What smaller? Government? Like the level of community that we're in or the level of society that's kind of governing us. I see a complete liberated species where this is a moot conversation and we're all taking care of ourselves and the environment around us based on the laws of biomimicry,
Starting point is 00:38:45 which states life creates conditions conducive for life. So a spider will take materials in their local environment at an aqueous temperature, in aqueous solutions at room temperature and build something that's five times the strength of steel. And so if they can do that, if nature can do that, we are nature. So let's figure out how we can do that without the scarcity mindset and the separation mindset of ownership. And there's only four human needs, water, food, shelter, and fire. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:39:17 I was being serious. Do you think we'll gradually – do you think it's going to be just a gradual shift as we sort of get more in touch with the natural world again i think there's going to be a quantum leap and i think we're already in the middle of it right now and this is a spiritual evolution people are waking up yeah i've heard that that like there's like uh i've heard from like on like russell brand or something he's like we're in like a shift of consciousness right now. Yes. What's like the Aquarius? Is that right? Well, you've got the astrological signs. Yes, that has application. Yes, we're moving into the age of Aquarius. They talked about that in the
Starting point is 00:39:58 60s. And of course, you know, it takes a while to move through the astrological signs. It takes 2,000 years, I think, for each astrological signs and 26 000 years for a complete cycle i think the yogis and the vedic scriptures talk about the kali yuga and so you can get more details from that if you want to go deep down the rabbit hole the fact of the matter is is physically sustainable wise whether you look at the oceans whether you look at our topsoil whether physically sustainable wise, whether you look at the oceans, whether you look at our topsoil, whether you look at biodiversity, whether you look at our rainforest that creates the oxygen, things are being done unsustainably right now.
Starting point is 00:40:34 A lot of it's based on oil. And so, and the oil is intertwined with the petrodollar, which are fiat currencies. And if you know anything about money, the Rothschilds have been funding both sides of the war since Napoleon. And so the gig's up. Let's just evolve to the next evolution. Is there still going to be, because we're all like capitalists.
Starting point is 00:40:55 We all are trying to make a lot of money doing what we're doing. How does that jive with this next phase of consciousness? Well, I think Einstein said that you can't solve the problem at the same level of the mind that created it. So we're still in the system. I'm still in the system. I'm in the matrix with you guys. But my mind is definitely in the future
Starting point is 00:41:19 and how we can manifest something that's more sustainable. So I'm calling forth the gift economy where brothers and sisters give what they love to do. The number one feared thing is public speaking. I don't have a problem with that. Some people like to cook food. Some people like to grow food. Some people like to take care of children.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Who's going to wash the bathroom blocks on Santa Monica Beach? I will. Why? Because I love Santa Monica Beach. If I got to do something like that for the community, I can put my ego aside and scrub public bathrooms. I don't have a problem with that. That's just one facet of it. Michael, tell me still going to have Instagram.
Starting point is 00:41:53 That's a good question because I'm pretty addicted to it right now. Well, we need it. Yeah. I'm going to have to go back to school. Yeah. Like we're going to film ourselves cleaning the steps. Right. And then so to have to go back to school. Yeah. Like we're going to film ourselves cleaning the steps, right? And then edit it to have a nice song behind it so it moves, so it's more exciting than just watching step cleaning. So you can make it viral so everybody else cleans the steps too, so you're not the only one.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Yeah. And then we get like a TV show out of it. Yeah, yeah, there you go. But who's going to be the channel? Well, like I said, everyone's got their gifts. And if you haven't been watching technology, technology is basically going to replace everything anyway. The car market, they say, is going to dry up in the next seven years
Starting point is 00:42:34 because we're going to have driverless cars and basically Uber-type transportation. And me personally, I've evolved so much that I actually don't want to be in a car. I want to be outside moving my body in the natural environment. And so most people are driving in traffic to a job that they hate in a car they can't afford and they don't have time to cook nutritious food. And so they're unhappy, they're unhealthy. And so I'm calling forth evolution in human consciousness. And so I'm calling forth, you know evolution in human consciousness And so my four major solutions because I'm running for president of planet Earth here in 2020 coming up is My platform is clean air water soil equitable systems for all mankind and My my platform is free energy. So Tesla technology even if it's not Tesla technology, which he harnessed the Earth's energy field,
Starting point is 00:43:30 the magnetic resonance of the Earth. You can watch documentaries on YouTube all about his life. Yeah, I'm super tight with Nikolai. So there you go. And people like Elon Musk are already building infrastructure around that type of future energy source however, it rolls out and so free energy and in the 80s they were on cold fusion until Somebody spanked the physicists and told him to shut the fuck up
Starting point is 00:43:57 You know, so it whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve the Wright brothers is there's the perfect example Steve Jobs is the next best example. So whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve. The Wright brothers is the perfect example. Steve Jobs is the next best example. So whatever the mind can believe and whatever it can conceive and believe we can achieve. This is the laws of alchemy. Focus creates reality. So we just have to focus from our hearts desires what we actually want and call it forth. So free energy is going to subjugate the majority of our problems. Plastics in the oceans, geopolitical wars for natural resources. It's attached to the petrodollar. You've got petrochemical byproducts that are in pharmaceutical drugs, petrochemical byproducts
Starting point is 00:44:36 that are in herbicides and pesticides. It's actually what is used to stick the herbicides and pesticides. These things are all intertwined into what's called democracy or capitalism. And capitalism is basically just crony capitalism, which is a form of socialism. And so once we have free energy on the planet, most of our issues go away. And so there's four needs, again, water, food, shelter, and fire. And fire is represented with technology. And so once we get our fire taken care of, then the petrodollar is attached to the oil infrastructure, which has co-opted the military-industrial complex
Starting point is 00:45:17 of the United States of America. So once we have free energy on the planet, then most of those problems go away. Will drinking your own pee also be on the planet then most of those problems go away will drinking your own pee also be on well that only campaign page it only depends on if you want enlightenment no one has to partake partake in drinking their own can you shoot it straight or do you need to put in a glass first i like to put it in a glass man i I got a big dick, but it's not that big. I believe it.
Starting point is 00:45:46 You're a healthy guy. Troy, can we have you stick around and answer some questions with us quickly? Yeah, I wanted to finish my campaign here. Oh, I'm sorry. So free energy, gift economy, where brothers and sisters share their gifts of what they're good at. Self-care education, so everyone knows how to take care of themselves. As above, so below is the natural law of correspondence. If everyone would just be healthy and take care of themselves,
Starting point is 00:46:11 we would naturally buy goods and services that are good for the earth as well. Gift economy, free energy, self-care education, and permaculture. Food is free, guys. Drop a seed in the ground and it fruits. We live in a world that you have to bring it to market, so that costs money. So once the money's gone, permaculture is set up. Food forests grow free and we get our local food. We throw away as much food as we make in this country,
Starting point is 00:46:38 and one in four children in Los Angeles County are food deprived. So the food issue is an illusion. It's all based into the money situation where everybody's just trying to make money children in Los Angeles County are food deprived. So the food issue is an illusion. It's all based into the money situation where everybody's just trying to make money and crony capitalism is getting worse and worse. And so everybody's got to charge more and everything's more expensive. And so the next step of the evolution, and remember, I'm not the only one calling for a post-capitalistic world. The tech guys are already saying it's going to happen in the next 12 years.
Starting point is 00:47:05 Just because of automation and stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it'll be interesting. We're going to evolve, period. Before we go into questions, do you want to talk about Man Tribe real quick? Oh, yeah. So we do Man Tribe at least once a month.
Starting point is 00:47:20 We've been doing fire circles in Venice Beach as well. So if people want to come in, do an an ice bath get some stuff off their chest we'll light a fire and just you know be men just hang out and be men it's okay to be a man it's okay to be a man it's just okay right and I'll give you some tune-ups if you come for the workshops or the retreats that we do we teach you qigong some basic basic tutelage on the stork walk, get your breathing apparatus, get your mind straight. We do Purpose, Dream, Legacy. We talk about nutrition, blow some hoppe up your nose maybe,
Starting point is 00:47:57 and we've got some plant medicine on the side just in case that's right for you. And we have it at the time. We don't always have it. But, yeah, men and you know little little little rites of passage we're not going to make you walk through the fire stay in the ice bath for an hour and a half or stay up on the mountain naked or anything like that but just a place to you know really just be men and offer support knowledge wisdom mindset movement and nutrition yeah i think rites of passage are huge like you got to go to prom you got to go to your 10-year reunion. You've got to get wasted. Yeah, you've got to go through these steps
Starting point is 00:48:27 because it's just critical in terms of how you evaluate your own life. Yeah. Take acid, wake up naked, don't know what the fuck happened. And when you said drink your pee if you want to have enlightenment, but you meant awareness, right? Yeah, it was just a joke. No, because you told me earlier you don't like the word enlightened.
Starting point is 00:48:47 I know, I know. I was joking too, I'm sorry. Yeah, so I mean, yeah, just the P has got some magic in it, man. If you're brave enough to face yourself and try it, you just might like it. I'm gonna try it. I'm pretty addicted to it myself, man.
Starting point is 00:49:01 I like it. It's a direct feedback loop. It's telling you what's going on with your bio computer stuff you need to change and this again goes back to your primal instincts in your innate intelligence oh maybe i shouldn't be drinking that or eating that you know my pee tastes like crap and it's on us and it's on a subconscious level right even when i was doing a lot of hop a you know that would make my that would make my pee a little bit more acidic so it was always a direct feedback loop and and I knew where to adjust my nutrition.
Starting point is 00:49:28 So I started taking more reds, more antioxidants into my body because the tobacco is like fire. So it was intuitively teaching me what adjustments I need to make in the moment. Cool. All right, let's get into some questions. What's up, Guardians of Stoke? I'm a 23-year-old stoker who lives in New York city. And I've worked in a sales support job for about five months. This is my second job. And I'm really starting to think the corporate world isn't for me. I've started exploring the idea of moving home, working as a waiter or any shift job. And in my off time, working on what I think may be my true
Starting point is 00:49:57 passion, writing movies. It will also give me time to figure out what I really want in this crazy little thing called life. Should I quit my job and leave my career in the dust to follow my true passion? I'm worried if I quit, I may leave my career in the dust to follow my true passion? I'm worried if I quit, I may be given the opportunity to get a promotion and more money. But also if I don't spend time working on my passion, I may end up living a life of regret. Stokers, please shed some light on this trying dilemma.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Thank you. Okay, you guys go first. How old did he say he is? 23. Oh, I mean oh i mean dude you're young you got to go for it um you know if there's a some financial worry i'd make sure to get that situation set up but i mean i think the biggest regret you'll have is not going for it if you don't so i'd give it a shot you know start writing uh if you have a job maybe just start writing at night I'd give it a shot. Start writing.
Starting point is 00:50:44 If you have a job, maybe just start writing at night and see how you like it. See if you can produce a full script and get that out there. You've got to just start creating and see where that takes you. Yeah, I totally agree with Chad. I think you're young enough where you don't have obligations where you can really pursue this without messing up anything else. And then I think the thing you got to do is just start writing now.
Starting point is 00:51:07 How do you write a great play? You write a lot of plays. It's just repetition, man. Just keep doing it. Read some books on how to do it and just keep churning them out. And then before long, you'll be a pro. Check out Steven Pressfield,
Starting point is 00:51:18 The War of Art for some boost. He's really good at getting you to write. Yeah, good stuff. I agree with you guys uh awareness is the first step so it's aware that you're um aware of your heart's desire um and so start moving in that direction uh you make sure you got a day gig so you can support yourself in this uh fiat currency situation um and uh but yeah take risks man you're 23 years old follow your heart's desire um do what you love the money will follow as long as we still have money but the fact about it is
Starting point is 00:51:52 do what you love because we're moving into the gift economy anyway so you might as well just start focusing on what you love yeah cultivate it now yeah what up chad and jt i have a problem that i need to solve involving my squad me and my homies have been chilling together for a couple years now and have been bonding together due to our shared enjoyment of raging. We always party at one of our friend's house in his garage where we rage every week. Unfortunately, my friend who owns the house is leaving college months earlier than the rest of us.
Starting point is 00:52:18 I want to keep the squad intact, but it's difficult to find a place to trap now that my friend is about to leave. How should I go about keeping my squad together? Thanks, Ryan. Wait, what? Huge issue. Ryan, I would band together with your bros,
Starting point is 00:52:34 and I would rent another garage. I would go on like Airbnb or Craigslist, hit somebody up who's renting a room at their place, and be like, yo, don't really want the room. Just want to know if you have a garage. And then you can name it the barrage, which is what my buddies who went to ASU called their garage because they like the word bar.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Or, you know, if you can't find a garage, hit up a storage place. I'll chip in, get a nice storage locker, shut the door, and let the fiesta begin. Just make sure you have some fans because those things get hot as a mother, dude. No fans. Why? Like the minors in Chernobyl. They get naked.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Yeah, I encourage you guys to drop Don. He'll bond more intensely. What would say you, Troy? Yeah, follow the bliss and don't ask for permission. So if you're going to rent a place and you might not want to let the cat out of the bag and just play to your heart's desire until they kick you out. Nice. What up, dudes?
Starting point is 00:53:35 I hope you boys had fun in Cabo. Also, huge shout out to Strider, who has been a relationship god to me and my GF. He is the lord of relationship wisdom. I have a dilemma and thought you stokers could help me out i'm gonna leave i've been getting massively stoked on water lately and i drink about two gallons a day i feel great but the downside is that i gotta leak the lizard a few times an hour and people are getting suspicious my girlfriend thinks i'm talking to another babe and my bros think i'm up to some shady shit i tried telling all of them that i've just been so amped on water lately and they still don't seem to believe me What should I do bros? Do I hold my liquid gold in so I don't leave as much or do I get less stoked on?
Starting point is 00:54:09 Water and find something else. Thanks again broski. Keep killing it with the number one pot in SoCal Cole. Whoo All right. I got this guys. Yeah, this is right up you. Okay, so a good marker to understand with water is Half your body weight in ounces of water a day. So, you know, do the math on that and figure out how many ounces that you need. And then if you're exercising, a little bit more. If it's hot out, a little bit more. If you're not doing as much activity, a little bit less. You can kill your digestive fire and mess up the balance inside your body by drinking too much water.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Two gallons sounds excessive as hell. And so stay balanced, my brother. Um, I think two gallons is, is, is way too much. And so,
Starting point is 00:54:51 uh, do the math, figure it out. And that's my advice. Wouldn't, you also don't want to, it'll throw off your electrolyte balance. It'll wash the minerals out of you.
Starting point is 00:54:59 And also I have to talk about quality. Quality is so important. Make sure that you've got at least reverse osmosis and then you're structuring the water with some type of minerals. Celtic sea salt will work or real salt is fine. So get the purest water that you can drink is very important in that conversation. What do you think of Brita? Brita is basically child's play when it comes to it.
Starting point is 00:55:22 You want reverse osmosis at a baseline. There's pharmaceutical drugs. There's all sorts of stuff inside the water supply. And there's chlorine and there's fluoride. And you definitely don't want fluoride unless you want a calcified pineal gland, which is your third eye, which is your inner vision, which is your innate intelligence, your primal instincts. So don't be drinking fluoridated water, water please if you want to be healthy and enlightened
Starting point is 00:55:48 um just a twist jp no it's jp too um what would you tell to people though who are like um who are very into their alternative lifestyles and it feels like the people in their circle are thinking negatively on it? Well, you have to come balanced with your relationships to a certain degree. And also sometimes relationships are time to grow out of it. So get a good mentor that has walked this path before you.
Starting point is 00:56:21 That's a service I provide on my Instagram. And again, it's not that I want to be a guru or anything. Hey, I've tested a bunch of stuff. This is my results at 53 years old. You know, you can look into it and test it for yourself as well. So find mentors that have walked before you that have done what you want to do. Like what's this guy's goal for drinking all this water? I think he's just trying to be healthy, but yeah. So you're going to, you're, that's not going to, that's out of balance. So you're going to dilute your digestive juices,
Starting point is 00:56:48 and you're going to demineralize your body as well with too much water. So it's going to create imbalances. So balance is what he wants. I think, yeah, going along with what you're saying, if you lead by example, you know, if your friend group isn't really, they're kind of clowning on you for your alternative beliefs or whatever then maybe you just don't say anything but if you like look healthy you feel good you're happy then they can't argue with that you know like and and
Starting point is 00:57:16 you as well like you're shredded you look great so i mean no one can argue with that and you're healthy so well i'm just people disagree yeah leading by and look, I got my own shit, you know? It's like, you know, people get around me, and they think they've got to be perfect, and it's like, I got my own hang-ups. I got my own vices, you know? I just recently went no FAP, no caffeine, no THC, and no nicotine. So, you know, I faced myself, you know? I was enjoying the shit out of using all of those, you know?
Starting point is 00:57:44 And I faced myself, and I love my energy shit out of using all of those you know and I faced myself and I love my energy field now it's like it's like great so I had both right I was totally conscious with everything that I was doing while I was doing it at my age when I was younger I was unconscious just fucking party right but as I was older I was like I'm gonna use you know the the THC for some relaxation some deep sleep different time period of my life, had some extra stress. I really liked the hoppe and the nicotine, what it was doing for my business and sharpening my mind.
Starting point is 00:58:12 The caffeine, same thing. It was keeping me nice and razor sharp. And then I just realized this is not that sustainable, especially at the levels I was doing it. So I weaned myself off of all of that stuff, and I went cold turkey. And I hear the NoFap is dynamite, so I'm like, fuck, all right, let's try that. I've been trying. That's tough.
Starting point is 00:58:30 Hey, man, fuck it. I'm into human optimization, so it's tough, and I don't want to do it. So I'm about a month and a half into it. Oh, nice. No ejaculation the whole night. Wow. And I studied the sexual kung fu and the tantra, too, and it is next level. The thing is, you've got to have a good partner
Starting point is 00:58:46 that you can get down with. And both those partners have got to be healthy because when you're having sex for an hour, two hours at a time, your body's fucking going, man. You want your health with you. Yeah. I remember I went for like six hours, a little marathon. Nice.
Starting point is 00:59:03 And I was supposed to do stand-up that night. I was drained. I was like, yeah, I don't have any jokes to tell them. I need a green juice. Yeah, dude, now tell your friends if they're super suspicious of you to leave your pee in the bowl, and it'll be super clear, and then they'll see the proof in that. Although that's kind of counter to what we
Starting point is 00:59:25 told the girl last week whose boyfriend wanted to observe her dump to make sure she wasn't cheating on him what's up chad and jt me and my boys recently got turned on to the pod and it's got us stoked in my last two semesters of my major right now work and have a girlfriend so i'm pretty busy but on top of that me and the boys playing a band together we're also. The band has been doing great. We've been around for about six months. We've played some fun shows in the Atlanta area and it's been sick. However, as of late, I found myself getting down on myself and being really hard about our success. I feel like I'm tying too much of my self-worth into it, which makes it tough sometimes to get amped, even though I'm doing what I love. I find myself obsessing over whether we're good or not,
Starting point is 01:00:04 if we're going to be successful, or if we just suck and no one wants to admit it. What have you guys done in your careers when you face this issue? P.S. My go-to as of late is to throw on the pod when I'm feeling down or funky, and it's filled my stoke tank every time. Much appreach.
Starting point is 01:00:23 What do you guys think? Can you reiterate or point? Yeah, so he's in a band and he feels like it's just taking up too much of his self-worth, basically. Like he's judging himself so harshly for what they're producing. He's so worried about what their long-term prospects are. You know, he's so worried about like the quality of what they're putting out that he doesn't know if he can take it, basically. Or how to make it easier on himself yeah my improv teacher used to teach me your mistakes are your greatest assets and he always quoted this uh pottery company out of japan which is like
Starting point is 01:00:54 for centuries it's the best pottery company in the world and you have to apprentice with them for 20 years and after every pot that you make they break it so you're not attached to the outcome whoa so my advice is just play like it doesn't matter and and just enjoy it make mistakes give yourself permission to fuck up i remember dave grohl once said um when he was uh working at like a like a warehouse or something that was his day job his only goal was to get on stage and just rock out you know and he's like and to him that was being a successful musician if he like went on stage that night in front of a live audience and shredded the drums he was successful and i've always sort of tried to have that mindset of like whatever we're doing you know
Starting point is 01:01:45 if like we're doing a video or like stand-up or something um just focus on that and have fun enjoy the process and if it doesn't go well then just keep chugging forward and keep getting in front of people and keep making mistakes it's all about the journey for sure and dude i mean i think you're in good company with being really hard on yourself about this stuff like bruce springsteen, I think took the master copy of born to run before it was released, drove out to the forest and was ready to torch the thing so that it would never be heard again. And then it went on to be, you know,
Starting point is 01:02:14 I think the biggest rock album of the seventies and an iconic thing. So just, just trust the process. Just keep going. And like Troy said, I think that there was another pottery class where they told half the class to make the best pot they could
Starting point is 01:02:28 and they told the other half to make as many pots as they could. And the half that they told to make as many pots as they could ended up making better stuff because they weren't- Attached. They weren't judging themselves as harshly on it.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Yeah. They weren't trying to be perfect. Yeah. And on topic, my buddy Simon Rex made a song called my dick and uh i remember that when uh andre legacy and and um uh mickey avalon came to him and they wanted to make beats for it he's like this is fucking stupid right and he he didn't even really understand it and he just put together whatever and and and he always made great beats. Anyways, it's their only platinum-selling album,
Starting point is 01:03:07 and it was their best hit to date. So don't become attached to the outcome and just do your thing. For sure. And, dude, at the end of the podcast, we put on a song. We'll throw one of your guys' songs at the end of this. Yeah, that'd be dope. That's sort of like with our videos and stuff with a lot of the stuff where it's like oh there's a even i don't know if i should say this
Starting point is 01:03:29 but even with the party speeches we're like yeah let's throw it up yeah it goes and that ended up being like one of our most successful videos so you just you know just you never know keep making stuff yeah and yeah you never know we've made stuff where i was like oh this is going to be such a hit and then like people don't really care and then you make some stuff you're like oh this is throwaway. And then it's like, boom. You're just like, what the fuck? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:48 Yep. JP Sears thought he was going to do career suicide, poking fun at the whole spiritual movement. And his career just skyrocketed. He got an agent at CAA, book deal, TV deal. So you just never know. Dear Lords of Stoke, I'm in a little bit of a tough sitch.
Starting point is 01:04:02 Over the course of my last year, there was this girl who I hooked up with a few times And she started to catch the feeling flu I thought of her as a close friend with benefits Completely ignorant of these building feelings When I found out, I couldn't really reciprocate the feelings She was sending towards me However, I am a male
Starting point is 01:04:18 And males are weak to the seductive arch She has continued to text me even though I have told her Nothing is going to happen The worst of it, however, is that I've kind of got a thing for her best friend. We are on the same swim team and I've watched her turn into a complete babe over that last year. She's a class A babe with a great personality, way out of my league, except that I'm in the grade above her and decent looking. She lives like four houses.
Starting point is 01:04:40 I do appreciate how it feels like you're being honest about all of this stuff to me. She lives like four houses from me, so it would be hella convenient. And I'm friends with her whole family. A complete package. My question is, how can I completely end things with the first girl without being a piece of shit and go for the second? This could be a make or break for me this summer. So any help would be greatly appreciated. Yeah, I don't know man this is tough i don't know because because people are gonna get you know the one girl's definitely gonna get hurt feelings probably and uh but i
Starting point is 01:05:14 don't know if it's fair to you to tell you not to pursue the girl you like even though they're friends that's probably more the choice that that girl has to make um but i think you should talk to the first girl and just tell her how you're feeling and what you're thinking so that she doesn't get sideswiped by all of it. And I mean, it's tough. I mean, who wants to do that? But I think when you look back on it,
Starting point is 01:05:37 you'll feel better if you do. Yep. Honesty is the best policy. Be honest. Be able to face yourself. Have the balls enough to face yourself and find strength in vulnerability. Yeah, honesty.
Starting point is 01:05:52 I concur. Hi, guys. Just want to say I love the pod and it makes my day a little brighter. Sorry these are so long. A little brighter even in the rain. I'm an international college student from Northern Ireland,
Starting point is 01:06:02 hence the rain reference. And last November, I was suspended from college in America because I hit a campus safety officer outside a frat at 3am while severely drunk. I ended up hitting him because after complying to leave the party, he then told me I had to leave further from the premises to which I refused because I had already done what he asked by leaving the party. He tried to force me to leave the party further. Then it got physical. Anyway, I was suspended until this coming semester, September, and I have one year left, I was suspended until this coming semester, September,
Starting point is 01:06:28 and I have one year left, but I've been offered a job in New York despite all that went on with college. I'm stuck between going back to college or going straight in for the job, and I would love your guys' opinion. Also, it's worth mentioning I have a great girlfriend at college who has stuck by me in this long-distance relation. I'm also part of the squash team at the school, and we'd won the previous two national championships in 2017, 2018 against Harvard in the final. But this year we were killed 9-0 to them in part due to my absence. I feel bad that I let my squad down. I would love to make it up to them. But then again, the whole point of going to college
Starting point is 01:06:52 is to get a job after. And I have that in my hands right now. So it's a real conundrum. Thanks in advance, lads. Michael. Consider quitting drinking, Michael. Oh, good take. All right, guys, I gotta break out to my
Starting point is 01:07:06 next meeting I love you guys so much I love all the viewers and everybody and thank you guys so much you guys awesome love you too good to see you thanks come out for an ice bath and some hop a soon yeah I'll see you in ice bath yeah and check out man tribe guys check out certified health nut on Instagram YouTube man tribe dot me and thank you Troy thanks Troy I'll see you next time Check out Certified Health Nut on Instagram, YouTube. Mantrave.me. Mantrave.me. And thank you, Troy. Thanks, Troy. I'll see you next time I do DMT in space.
Starting point is 01:07:32 I got the phone number. Bring it out. Thank you. Have a good one. Oh, yeah. What was he? He wants to know if he should go back to college or get a job. I would finish college. I would go back to college.
Starting point is 01:07:46 Yeah. It sounds like he has a good thing going there. And this was kind of like a last minute decision. Like, oh, I'll just get a job. And then it's something he'd regret later on. Yeah. And college is fun. And you're an athlete and you have a girlfriend.
Starting point is 01:07:56 He has the squash team. Yeah. Then you come back and you win the natty. And it's like, everyone knows it's because you came back. Yeah. And you're vindicated. And then like that security guard is at the game and he tips his hat a little bit to you and you throw him a a nod that you both forgive each other and were made stronger through your uh
Starting point is 01:08:12 shared fuck up i'd like to see that scene play out he's like i'm out of the party he's like get back 10 more fees like all right let's fucking go that's where most fights happen is like in that i've already said i'm sorry quit pushing me yeah yeah all right let's get physical yeah uh but yeah dude sounds like you have a good thing going on at college some of my favorite pretty much most of my favorite years were at college although i love my life now but but the fun but the fun and i just gained so much uh knowledge when it came to boozing and socializing and having a squad and lighting couches on fire after a big team win and peeing on couches and covering your
Starting point is 01:08:54 friends in flour. Vital skills. Some of the best stuff that can happen. And then, dude, if you had like a burning idea like you were like i want to get out of college because i have like this idea for like a uh like a beer bong that has like perfect flow like helix yeah like i'd be like oh well go pursue that that's a genius idea but it's just a job it sounds like you didn't sound very passionate about you sound more passionate about college than you do about the job yeah so i'd follow your passion. I mean, where else can you roller skate into a party? Not many places.
Starting point is 01:09:28 They'll kick you out. There's bouncers. Where else can you roller skate at work? Just if you work at like a drive-in restaurant. And that's not as fun as college. Hey, bros, love the podcast. And finally, I have a question I think is worth your time. There is a girl who I've gotten really close with
Starting point is 01:09:42 and have developed serious feelings for. She's part of a small friend group I kicked it with just about every day. I'm usually pretty straightforward with girls I want to go out with, but this girl is three or four inches taller than me. I've used that as an excuse to never attempt to go after her, but didn't expect to have feelings for her for consecutive months. I never really pay attention to other girls anymore because this is the one on my mind. I've hooked up with other girls over the last couple of years, but never had intentions of dating them. The tall girl I have a crush on does flirt back in my eyes but i'm just not sure if the feelings are mutual wondering what your thoughts are now wondering what your thoughts
Starting point is 01:10:11 are and how i should go about this i love what you guys do and keep the podcast coming dude i would uh you gotta go for it you gotta ask her out i mean what's you you know what's the uh alternative yeah dude if you love her which maybe is jumping a few levels you gotta go for it you gotta ask her out i mean what's you you know what's the uh alternative yeah dude if you love her which maybe is jumping a few levels you gotta ask her out yeah ask her out on a hill ask her on a hill i was thinking maybe get stilts or some big ass boots you know just uh or just like get a shirt that says like um there's a yoda shirt that says, there's a Yoda shirt that says, size matters not. Boom. Yeah, just start rocking that shirt.
Starting point is 01:10:49 And she'll just see that, and then she'll start to think it. Yeah, yeah. She'll be like, size matters not. You want to go out? Boom. Yeah, I do. Nice. Can I take these boots off now?
Starting point is 01:11:03 And then, yeah, you get some shoes that got like some big bottoms on them i did that for a couple years but dude at some point you're just gonna accept you know yeah unless you're in the movie gattaca and he puts two inches into his body but it looks painful bro so yeah just accept and i don't i've never heard of a couple breaking up because one of the people was too tall yeah you hear a lot of reasons why people break up but you never hear that yeah that'd be an interesting one yeah he's just too tall she's too tall for me she can't do it anymore um there is heightism though among never mind no there is i mean if you're on a dating app the amount of like five nine and above yeah six foot and above please i like wearing heels yeah six four and over but you know what dude and i'm not even mean this to be like
Starting point is 01:11:52 like not listening to women but sometimes when i see that i'm like you know what i'm still gonna go for it like all you're doing is like making it more of a challenge which kind of gets me more pumped yeah you know like let's go i'll be the first five eight and a half guy you love yeah maybe she's like six oh and above first message you send hey i'm five seven just let her know just on the date i think she'll that that kind of confidence she'll be like whoa yeah exactly yeah confidence is the biggest thing even if you're not confident. Hello, Stoke Masters. I'm stuck in a bad sitch. One of my homies has been dating this girl
Starting point is 01:12:29 for two or three years, and she has been in our friend group since I met my boy. They have also just broke up two months ago, but I have known this chick since I was in second grade. She was my first crush. Since then, I've had a major crush on her,
Starting point is 01:12:41 but then have been with other girls, but I don't know how to approach her since I've known her for so long, and one of my dogs has dated her thank you love the pod how long ago did you date her do you say the friend just broke up with her two months ago and they dated for two or three years oh dude yeah that's uh i'm sorry to say my dog but i might be overstepping a freaking bro line. I agree. Like if that were my friend, I'd be fucking pissed. Yeah. If you do decide that like you're still going to pursue this
Starting point is 01:13:16 because the heart wants what the heart wants, you got to talk to your boy and just get his vibe on it. Yeah. And if he's firmly against it, you kind of just got to accept that. Or you got to like pick and choose, you know, which do you want. Yeah. Are you willing to lose your bro over this? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Yeah. And also kind of ding your reputation with your other boys. Yeah. Because they're going to think of you as the kind of guy who would do that. Yeah. Because you are. It's not a good look. No.
Starting point is 01:13:43 Especially, yeah, uh yeah take your boy out you know go to chili's get some coronaritas and get some baby back ribs and see how it plays out smart um because that's when you know he'll be in a good headspace and ready to receive hey broskies do you have any advice for introverted bros i want to rage but i'm a gentle soul and sometimes feel like i'm a downer in the squad much love dougie you see that what uh the camera was just on my face i was just looking at the camera nice it's quick dude i'm pretty introverted but you know what people don't care as much as you think they do
Starting point is 01:14:28 unless you're unless you're uh sad and moping um i think you're good my dog you know as long even as long as you have the internal energy of like i'm pumped i'm jacked on it i may not be talking that much but i'm fucking loving what's going on here people can feel that and it's contagious yeah as a extroverted dude i'm fascinated by introverted people like if i go to a party and there's someone who's like kind of seems content to themselves i want to know what they got that's allowing them to do that because i don't operate that way yeah i'm 50 yeah you're right i'm half and half uh one of my favorite things to do is just go to my room and fucking you know look look at my vision board um not really uh no but one of my favorite things to do is just like you know if i've been around people for a
Starting point is 01:15:17 while i'd love to go isolate um but i also love to be around people sometimes. Like, you know. 50-50. 50-50. But, and I would get, and like, I would get very self-conscious if I'd be quiet around people, you know? Like, I wouldn't be talking much, but, and some people might be like, oh, why aren't you talking enough? And you'd be like, well, I'm just having a good time. So what's your problem?
Starting point is 01:15:46 You know, it's all in, I think energy is contagious. You know, it's all in how you feel. Even if you're not gabbing it up, you know, chatting with everyone, just like whatever. If you like have inside that you're like, I'm feeling good. I'm having a good time. I'm enjoying my time. That will translate. Yeah. And like, dude, if you have one good conversation at that party that's a w yeah it's like you could be that one guy at the party where they're like did you talk to uh
Starting point is 01:16:14 bradley over there everyone's like no i didn't he's like oh he's a great guy interesting guy yeah i have a conversation with him sometime really dive in instead of being like he's the guy who crashed the party and was like hey let's what's up dudes um you're sort of that mysterious guy yeah you're not giving it away they gotta work for it yeah yeah it's like you're like a hot girl yeah yeah um and you are a hot girl dude yeah you got this we all are you got big bobos you got nice bobos dude um all right should we get into our stuff yeah let's do it chad what is your beef of the week my beef of the week is with uh jenny c i'm gonna leave out her last name i lost out to jenny c when i ran for special events coordinator in sixth grade. Whoa. I'm going to come out and say this squad, you know, she was a notorious tattletale.
Starting point is 01:17:12 Yeah, dude. The worst kind of person. And I never thought the student body would elect her to be in charge of ragers, honestly. You know, because I ran on a dope platform, three dunk tanks at the carnival free mountain dew and a lot of and what she have a cake walk nice give everyone at the carnival um lots of carbs and sugar get them foggy headed for the carnival that's really going to promote raging jenny and i
Starting point is 01:17:40 know what you guys are thinking mountain dew that's a lot of sugar that's a lot of caffeine there's probably carbs in there there's a lot of just green stuff in there but i'm telling you guys are thinking mountain dew that's a lot of sugar that's a lot of caffeine there's probably carbs in there there's a lot of just green stuff in there but i'm telling you guys when you do the dew you are on cloud nine okay dew is above all of those things okay so dew is not on the same level as a cloud walk it's a fucking cake walk dew is on you know is with danny way doing a christ air on a huge quarter pipe and then acid dropping off a helicopter. Okay. So that's what I have to say about that. So my beef is with Jenny. Like, you know what? Like you should have conceded to me. Um, and honestly, I think it was rigged. I think the faculty just couldn't handle the true Maverick coming in and shaking things up.
Starting point is 01:18:20 I believe it. I've seen it happen at the schools I was at. Yeah. What's your beef? And dude, putting secret police in charge of the parties, like at the schools I was at. Yeah. What's your beef? And, dude, putting secret police in charge of the parties, like tattletales like that. Yeah. It's like, all right, you're just ensuring that we're going to have like the most milquetoast party in the world. I'm pretty sure she was a principal plant.
Starting point is 01:18:36 She's probably 35 years old. They have a lot of those at the schools these days. Yeah. That documentary, 21 Jump Street street it's crazy yeah um my beef of the week is um with a group of uh 12 year olds that i uh nice that i uh dive into kind of played football with when i was a 17 i would go to oph every sunday original pancake house with some of my dogs and we'd share some strawberry crepes. Then we'd go to 7-Eleven and get some Swisher sweet cigars to puff on. They always made me spit a lot. I didn't really enjoy it. Then I was driving home in my dad's truck with my boys in the car. Strider was there and Brooks and my brother. And we saw a bunch of 12-year-olds
Starting point is 01:19:19 playing football in the park. So I pulled over the car and I threw on my pads. And then I went running out there and I said, all right, let's play. And the leader of the 12 years was like, just get the hell out of here. And I was like, just say hike, dude, call the play. And I was calling out, you know, defensive schemes. Like I was like, robber, robber, watch the backside Rover. Let's go. Let's go. And, uh, the 12 year old who was playing quarterback, he just begged me. He was like, please go away. And I was like, say hike, dude was like say hike dude and so um he said hike he dropped back he hooked up a bomb to his like uh shorter 12 year old friend and then i was playing free safety center field played it beautifully got it at the top of point of attack and brought down the interception i started running it back
Starting point is 01:20:00 for a touchdown and then the bravest 12 year old-old ran up, jumped on my neck, and tackled me to the ground. Wow. Yeah. So then I threw off my helmet because I had just seen Troy, and I said, now you know who you're fighting. So my beef of the week is with that 12-year-old. You fought bravely, but if I really wanted to throw down, I probably could have cracked you good. You know what you did for those 12-year-olds? You gave them a rite of passage.
Starting point is 01:20:23 Yeah. You're the lion they had to kill. That's pretty cool. And that one guy. Dude, I played for the lions. My helmet said lions on it. Oh, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:32 Dude, the universe works in mysterious ways. Serendipitous, yeah. That guy's probably running like a hedge fund right now. I hope so. Chad, who is your babe of the week? My babe of the week is Costcoco really stoked on wholesale right now really amped on wholesale guys i went to costco and i just tore it up okay i went in there i bought like a thousand macadamia nuts pounds of beef so many chicken breasts my stop my frit my freezer is just stocked full ready with protein and just goodness and uh shout out to costco you guys are a freaking babe you
Starting point is 01:21:12 know i would say your interior decor is not you know of the highest level um i don't walk in and say wow you know this is a place where i could set up camp and live. But I do say to myself, wow, these guys are ready to sell me things in big quantities. They got everything there too. Yeah. You'll be in one aisle, it's cereal. Then you go to the next aisle, it's dirt bikes. You're like, holy shit. Dude, I bought pounds of ground beef, a bunch of chicken breasts,
Starting point is 01:21:41 like 1,000 macadamia nuts, a beard trimmer, a dildo. What else did I get? Some t-shirts, a tent, and a TV. You can't do that anywhere else. No, that's awesome. Only at Costco. It's like one of the best places to go if there's an apocalypse. Yeah. And I also bought an ATV. Nice, dude. Yeah. And a sword. Hell yeah. I keep forgetting what I bought. You bought a lot, though. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:12 I got a sword, too. Oh, nice. Yeah, you saw it. Yeah. Yeah, I'm pumped on it. We should sword fight. Down. Let's have us a knight fight.
Starting point is 01:22:21 Yeah. With the proper protection. Oh, of course. All right, dude. My. With the proper protection. Of course. All right, dude. My babe of the week is Natalie Portman. She just came out of the gates like a fully formed actress. You know, you see her in Leon the Professional with Jean Reno. She's so incredible.
Starting point is 01:22:38 You really believe that she's this mature assassin in training. Then you see her in Beautiful Girls with... Both of these movies are super creepy in retrospect, She's this mature assassin in training. Then you see her in Beautiful Girls. Both of these movies are super creepy in retrospect, but that doesn't take any shine away from the performance by Mrs. Portman. And then she went to Harvard then after knocking out the episodes with George Lucas, the Star Wars movies. And now she's won an Oscar for Black Swan, and she played Jackie Kennedy in the Jackie Wars movies. And now she's won an Oscar for Black Swan. And she played Jackie Kennedy in the Jackie Kennedy movie.
Starting point is 01:23:08 And, you know, she's just in all these prestige projects now. And she just keeps chugging along, doing great work. And I loved her in the movie Closer. That ending scene when she's walking to the Blower's Daughters by Damien Rice. Can't take my eyes off of you you can't so yeah big ups to natalie portman v for vendetta v for vendetta great movie she shaved her dome for that yeah i respect that yeah that's something i would never do we talked about it if martin scorsese is like i want you to be the lead in my next movie it's a gonna be a smash
Starting point is 01:23:42 he's like one thing that you gotta shave your head i'm like i'm good yeah though you're like dude don't you have a good bald cap i could use at this point that's what i would say dude i'd be like nice try marty yeah he's like you're not getting me to shave my dome i want you to play stone cold steve austin in his biography you're like marty i can't do it but if you ever decide to make a movie about triple h i'm in or hulk hogan yeah he's got a nice mane yeah it'd probably be a better movie too all right chad who is your legend of the week my legend of the week is william shakespeare whoa yeah this guy was just a fucking maestro with the linguistics yep you i watched romeo and juliet last week the leonardo caprio version and it was
Starting point is 01:24:26 legit and uh even though the language is so old-fashioned and it's so confusing it just i mean it just flows beautifully all the metaphors in there everything in there is just you know it it's just incredible to think that one guy allegedly um wrote all these plays maybe it was a bunch of dudes but i'm just gonna say it's i think it's one guy because wrote all these plays. Maybe it was a bunch of dudes, but I'm just going to say it's William Shakespeare. I think it's one guy because I read the Bill Bryson biography of him and they said one of the reasons they think it was multiple guys
Starting point is 01:24:52 is because he signed his name with different spelling. But I guess people just used to do that. It was like a cool thing to do. It's like nicknames. You nickname yourself when you sign stuff. Yeah, I mean, he just uses beautiful language. It's so confusing but so captivating, and he's just like stories that have stood the test of time,
Starting point is 01:25:11 and they're just legit, and they just... I just want to speak like Shakespeare now, you know? If only Shakespeare came up with the word jabow, you know, I'd be fully in. He came up with betwixt. Betwixt. God knows what else. Yeah, underhanded. Do you think he was writing he's like dude leo's gonna be perfect for this i think he they do say he's the smartest man who ever lived so maybe he's like he's like writing he's like you know what heath ledger
Starting point is 01:25:41 and julia styles are gonna kill it in this one day. I think he did know. He's like, dude, this is going to be like a pop staple or a teen staple forever. This is going to be great for Amanda Bynes. He invented zany, admirable, aerial, amazement. Did he really? No way. But you're on that same trajectory.
Starting point is 01:26:09 I wrote a note on my phone. I'm like, create a new word because it's been a year since the Jablows. Frugal? Metamorphize? Puking? Swagger? No way. That's what this thing says take it with a grain of salt but if he did all that incredible incredible um who's your legend my legend of the week is a contemporary of
Starting point is 01:26:40 shakespeare christopher marlowe nice i'm playing'm playing. I was like, damn, dude. No, I think that guy was all right. No, my legend of the week is Ron Livingston, the actor from Office Space and Swingers, two iconic films. Went to a Yale acting school with Edward Norton, Paul Giamatti, and who's the other guy? Damn it. Well, there was another guy there. I'll figure it
Starting point is 01:27:09 out. Oh, Liev Schreiber. Boom. Got it. Thank God. But yeah, he's just a killer actor and he's been in so much great stuff. I loved him in that movie with Jesse Abbott. That was like really intense. And he's just, and in Drinking Buddies. And I think he's just gotten better and better as an actor as he's aged. And he just never forcesies. And I think he's just gotten better and better as an actor as he's aged. And he just never forces anything. He only does what the part calls for. And I think that's really admirable. So Ron, you know, Office Space, Swingers,
Starting point is 01:27:34 two of the most legendary movies in my canon. And I appreciate what you've done, dude. You're a freaking beast. He's a legend, dude. Office Space never gets old. No, it's so funny. Yeah. All right, Chad, what is your quote of the week?
Starting point is 01:27:49 My quote of the week, I was watching the Bruce Irons movie, the Bruce movie, a great Vulcan production. And Bruce is like surf coach from when he was like young. Dave Riddle. He took Bruce to Pipeline on a spring flat day. He's like, you see this break right here, brah? You own this, and this will be yours one day. Dude, that's amazing.
Starting point is 01:28:19 And Bruce owns Pipeline. Does he really? I mean, he's one of the best pipe surfers out there for sure. That's so cool. What's your quote? My quote of the week is from the Goo Goo Dolls song, Iris. And I don't want the world to see me because I don't think that they'd understand. When everything's meant to be broken, I just want you to know who I am.
Starting point is 01:28:41 Beautiful. That's epic. Yeah. And sorry i was raw today my dad's uh maybe it's not because of that but my dad's at the you know at the hospital getting his checkup and it's any news yet no news yet yeah he gets the they got to do more tests tomorrow oh really yeah but it's just scary why why more tests they have to do a pet scan. There's something on one of the veins. They don't think it's a big deal. They just think they're being thorough. Are there any results?
Starting point is 01:29:13 Nothing alarming, so I guess all positive so far. And then they're checking this one thing? Yeah. So we'll know more tomorrow. Gotcha. Well, best wishes to your dad. Yeah, he's handling it very well. He's got the best mindset I've ever seen.
Starting point is 01:29:31 Yeah, he's very positive about it. He's just talking to me about real estate prices in Montana. Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah. He's a killer. Dude, what a beast. He is. He's just a killer.
Starting point is 01:29:42 Yeah. Legend of the year. still very uh good to me too yeah in the face and i'm a fan for sure well i'm optimistic for your pops thank you brother i appreciate that uh i'm gonna do a review of the week and sign off yeah let's do it um and real quick we're glad to have Aaron back. Aaron, we missed you last week, man. Good to see you. Okay, this comes from Sam Lasur.
Starting point is 01:30:15 Subject line, legends forever, dog. I have only one thing to say, and that's that this pod is the single best way possible to bring the stoke and light a fire in your heart to go get amped. Every time I finish another episode of this auditory gold, I find myself in a state of sheer power to do any number of things, including chugging, doing deadlifts, surfing, bleaching my dome, or chasing some tail.
Starting point is 01:30:37 With the perspective of these two humble servants of stoke, you can navigate your way through any number of difficulties this world throws your way. I have only one thing to say, and I think Chad already knows what it is. Jabwow, baby. Did you know that's what it was? Yeah. Dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:56 Sam Lassoar, you were in my dome. Oh, Sam Lassoar. I get messages from him sometimes. Yeah, on Instagram. He's a good guy. Yeah, he's a legend. What up, Sam Lassoar? Thank you for writing the review.
Starting point is 01:31:04 Guys, keep writing the reviews. They help us out out and we love them and uh we love you guys yeah and let me uh plug the name of this band before we just put them at the uh at the end so the name of the band is calm with a period at the end so c-a-l- period. You can find them on Spotify. I listened to some of their tracks and I enjoyed them. So you'll hear one of them at the end of the pod. Legends. And yeah, check out if you guys want to hear more about Troy and all this stuff check him out. Certified Health Nut
Starting point is 01:31:35 on Instagram, YouTube. And thanks Troy for coming in. And thank you for the ice baths. I love them so much. There was one more question actually uh this dude had a good one and it kind of uh related to uh to a story i experienced this week my dogs some questions in life will never know the answers to like the level of awe women feel when they see joe's hog or striders german shepherd shepherd like loyalty to his gf but i
Starting point is 01:32:02 have a serious question from one hot dude to another it's very nice of you man what is your go-to move now that you have gfs when a dime piece smoke show is hitting on you at a bar gracias you're a you're a mosa bro mike what's your go-to move when the dime piece is hitting on you yeah yeah just be gracious and you know say you have a girlfriend yeah just be happy it happened yeah but uh it reminded me that i was at swingers with uh joe and and strider and and two other dudes and uh the girls at the table next to us started talking to us so strider and i got like excited we were like they were like what do you guys think we should order on the menu and me and strider were like it depends what you're into what's your someone gluten-free over here you guys you guys don't mind the gluten what are we talking about because i got some great pancakes and then i was
Starting point is 01:32:42 like you know i'm kind of the dinner expert so for me you gotta you gotta do the steak and fries you know get some steak sauce on the side and the girls were like cool cool cool and then we're like so where are you guys from and i was just doing it to tee up the other three guys were single but it's just easier to talk when you have a girlfriend and then um i was like where are you one of the girls being more shy i was like where are you from she's like new york i was like we're in new york she's like manhattan i was like we're in manhattan she's like the west village i don't know why but i was like i i wanted to say this joke. But then I was like, no, I'm not going to say it.
Starting point is 01:33:06 Never mind. But everybody was looking at me because I had started already. And I was like, oh, I was just going to say, they got good jazz there. And then everyone was just like, why would you say that? And the conversation died. And then Strider, being such a good bro, saw me drowning because everyone was just looking at me like, oh, God, you're awkward. And the girls were like okay and then strider just being a good bro just goes uh you like big apples and makes a worse joke so he looks bad so he just saw me hit a landmine and just
Starting point is 01:33:36 explode and then he's like i can't just let my bro go alone so then he stepped on a landmine nice bring the whole squad down yeah yeah and then the other guys they were joe's buddies from the comedy store they were like trashing each other like i was like oh he's our he's our vegetarian expert and then the other guy was like why would he be the vegetarian expert he's fat and i was like dude don't tear down i see that shit a lot i hate that what is that it's horrible yeah like oh that's what we do we give each other shit yeah i'm like in front of people yeah i'm like you know what's cool having cool friends you got to build them up and be like he is a diet expert yeah he's got a phd in diet it's so much nicer and just help it works better like people like you more
Starting point is 01:34:12 if they think your friends are cool it's so much more fun just good vibes for sure you're calling your friend fat in front of girls yeah i was uh going back to the question I was at a bar in Venice with my GF and like two of her friends. And this like group of girls come up to me. You know, you look like Chad goes deep. And I was like, oh, I was like, I am Chad goes deep. I'm Chad. And they're like, she's like, oh, my God, my friends and I die. My girlfriend, I'm like like i'm like uh just
Starting point is 01:34:45 get away from me like to the girls it's so awkward oh really well that's nice you're so nice yeah i didn't yeah i was i was just like i was like oh thank you so much i was just like i was i don't know it was kind of awkward i didn't know what to do yeah because you want to be i was like grateful that they were fans like i love the fans always but Right. But at the same time, it's like three hot chicks. Yeah. My girlfriend. You're like danger, danger, danger. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:11 Yeah. You like say something rude to prove a point to your. Nice shirt, idiot. Yeah. That's how you handle it. I'm like, babe, do you like that? Yeah. And she's like, no.
Starting point is 01:35:21 Why are we seeing? Right. What? This is a completely new situation situation i don't know what to do yeah that's what it is for me i like i if a if a cute girl ever hits on me i'm like are you sure like something going on in your life like we're gonna talk about it we're trying to write a book about being bros and i was talking to you about that like uh when girls came back from college they were like kind of uncertain about what they were doing next so they were just like partying extra yeah and and then like they
Starting point is 01:35:49 started hooking up with like guys who they like losers guys they wouldn't normally hook up with yeah and i was one of those losers like i remember i was with this girl in the cold on fourth of july she's like let's go watch the fireworks and make out i was like are you fucking sure babe i'm a train wreck yeah i was like i was like all right i was like let's do this what the fuck i'm getting called up to the majors baby but you're not a loser my dog oh thank you dog thank you yeah yeah she was i mean we always had a good connection she's a sweetheart no losers have your squat you're dude you're come on that's all enough you're the best if someone if someone not that anyone ever would but if someone said that to you,
Starting point is 01:36:25 just bust out a squat in front of them. And they'd be like, oh, sorry. I'll go fuck myself. Oh, a squat? Yeah. Nice. Yeah. I love the squat.
Starting point is 01:36:33 Yeah. And I'm working on it. I'm getting better at it. I think that's a good move. If someone tries to clown on you, they're like, hey, fuck you, dude. And you just bust out a squat. I got a strong base, bro. Yeah, they're like, oh, dude, this guy's trunk is fire.
Starting point is 01:36:44 Yeah, his foundation is solid. I can't topple this building yeah yeah and they know i put myself through suffering and it's a peaceful way to let them know like you don't want to enter this battlefield no because i'll fucking tear you up i will squat you until you want to get off my shoulders is that the pod i think that's it guys episode 74 aaron so glad to have you back thank you for stopping in or for being here you're the best dog stopping in yeah that's fun that's like a mr rogers kind of thing yeah thanks for stopping in guys yeah well thank you for stopping in stokers yeah the socal's most popular podcast oh and aaron what do you think about you have this is your first time seeing the logo dude it's an in and out sign and as some of you stokers know aaron is public enemy
Starting point is 01:37:30 number one of in and out and the people who eat there i'm feeling very attacked is all i can say dude good all right all right guys uh thank, Stokers. See you later. Thanks. I had to lose it to recognize it. I'm feeling stupid, but I'm getting better. Because it's all too much reminding me of you. I hope you're doing well. I hope you're being you who I want to be
Starting point is 01:38:09 cause I can't listen to Joyce Manor anymore, can't be in my bed, so I'm sleeping on the floor and it's bad and it's troubling it sounds sad but it's comforting, me without you me without you
Starting point is 01:38:25 Me without you And so I see you And my heart sinks when I go to that place Full of regret But if I truly love you Then I've gotta let you live on Cause I can't listen to Joyce Minner anymore Can't be in my head, so I'm sleeping on the floor
Starting point is 01:38:59 And it's bad, and it's troubling It sounds sad, but it's troubling, it sounds sad But it's comforting, me without you Me without you Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Starting point is 01:39:24 Hey! I'm so sick of sleeping on the floor I'm so sick of sleeping on the floor I'm so sick of sleeping on the floor I'm so sick I just wanna see you smiling and happy Want the whole world to fall into place for you Just wanna see you smiling and happy Want the whole world to fall into place for you
Starting point is 01:40:03 Cause I can't listen to Joyce Manor anymore Can't be in my bed so I'm sleeping on the floor And it's fine, and it's troubling And it's sad, but it's comforting Cause I can't listen to this bitter anymore Can't be in my head, so I'm sleeping on the floor And it's bad, and it's troubling It sounds sad, but it's comforting
Starting point is 01:40:36 Yeah, it's bad, yeah, it's troubling Yeah, it's sad, yeah, it's comforting Me without you Me without you Me without you Me without you Me without you

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