Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 77 - Stolen Car, 16th Century Europe, Nice Guys

Episode Date: June 29, 2019

What up stokers, we are putting out a second episode for the week! We dive into JT's high stakes drama about his buddy stealing his car, the trials and tribulations of astronomers in 16th century... Europe, and Chad's newfound stubble. Check out Going Deep t shirts at www.chadgoesdeep.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's your theme going deep chad and jt all right what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep with chad jt podcast welcome to episode number 77? Seven. Seven. What up, 77? Those are lucky numbers, I think. Sweet. What's up? Boom, clap, Stokers.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Happy to be here. Stoked to be here. Oh, hey. Hey, cameras. Let's get into it. We're going to mix up the order a little bit today. And we're going to start with our of the week. So, Chad, and I have a theme for mine, but I guess I'll wait till I'm up. Chad, who is your beef of the week?
Starting point is 00:00:54 My beef of the week is with 16th Century Europe. What up, 16th Century Europe? You guys are on the freaking hot seat right now, you euro fox no disrespect to europe i love europe but this is 16th century europe and i got a beef to squash it then so in 16th century europe they took this dude giordano bruno alice he uh was a dude who was questioning you know common ideas or commonly accepted beliefs within the community, mainly the idea that the sun revolves around us, we're the center of the universe,
Starting point is 00:01:32 that the earth is stationary, that the stars are all transfixed, you know, it's all just sort of like a ceiling or something. Right. And he's like, dude, it's like, I don't mean to like harsh the stoke here but i have a feeling the universe is infinite and i feel like there might be other solar systems out there and like no disrespect to earth but i think we revolve around the sun and people got pissed
Starting point is 00:02:00 and they're like what dude you're really to come in here like that and question our beliefs? So they tied him up and burned him at the stake. It's insane, dude. Yeah, dude. It's a massive overreaction to someone having a difference of opinion. Yeah. And, you know, people complain today. They're like, oh, I got demonetized on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:02:19 They're trying to censor me. I'm like, well, that's not as bad as getting burned at the stake. Oh, for sure. yeah dude there's a lot of range between those two things yeah do you want to come in uh be excited that you just discovered that the earth revolves around the sun um i'll turn my hat backwards for this hey what up dudes what up dog, dawg? How you doing? Good, dude. Chilling. Sweet. Just loving being the center of the universe right now, as always. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Yeah, dude. Well, you know, I'm actually, I wanted to come in and I wanted to break some news to you guys because I think I discovered something like really mind bending and legit. What's up? Well, I was looking through my telescope and I was observing the stars. What's up? No, continue, dude. We're all stoked to hear what you saw in your telescope, bro. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Well, I was looking through my telescope and I was doing some mathematical equations and just sort of analyzing the numbers and all that kind of like stuff and it was really legit and like i can't realize that like dude um i think the universe is infinite and like the stars change and like there may be our other solar systems out there and stuff. And, like. What? Brace yourself for this one, too.
Starting point is 00:03:50 I think we revolve around the sun. What? Yeah. What? No good? No, dude. Not chill. You fucking bitch.
Starting point is 00:04:04 The fuck, dude? The fuck? You're going to disrespect us like that? You fucking bitch. I'm just. I don't revolve around shit. That shit revolves around me, motherfucker. You're going to talk shit?
Starting point is 00:04:21 Just look at my telescope and you'll see. I mean, it's clear. Oh, look at your telescope. He wants us to look at his motherfucking telescope. Yeah. I got an idea. What? Ricky, grab that telescope and shove it up his ass and see what we see up there.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Ricky, please don't shove it up my ass, dude. Time for you to get some pow-pow and laughing, dude. Oh, no, I don't see shit in there. I just see a bunch of fucking lies. God damn it, dude. I'm so fucking pissed. I love math dude and i don't give a fuck dude i fucking love the earth dude that's what matters dude how am i gonna look at my telescope now it's in my you're not even looking at shit dude because guess what dog what
Starting point is 00:04:59 hate to say it but now we gotta fucking burn you. Let's light this bitch on fire. What? We're gonna light you on fire, dog. Oh, please don't do that. You shouldn't have said that shit about the sun. I'm just saying it like, it's just, it changes in the sky. No, you fucked up. You fucked up.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Now we'll light you on fire. Oh, dude, don't bound me to the stake, dude, please. If anybody else wants to say some wacky shit, like there's other places beyond where we live on Earth, I'll light you on fire, too. I'm sorry for trying to expose the truth, guys. Let's light this schmole on fire. Oh, dude, please don't call me a schmole. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, up dude yeah dude i had another dude come in here and he started talking about like combustible
Starting point is 00:06:05 engines or something what i just fucking grabbed his head and stuck it where we all pee dude dude nice where's he at right now i want to fuck him up i know i want to beat that bitch's ass dude combustible i don't even know what that means dude i know i'm combustible dude i'm a combustible fucking machine i don't need to fucking make one of my own just look to me dog so i have this idea um you know how we have to write everything by hand right now what if we came up with the machine that could actually print and manufacture and recreate what we write by hand but automatically so you could print out thousands of them. What, dude? What?
Starting point is 00:06:49 Why would that be a bad idea? Why are you coming at me with these big-ass words? Manufacture? Print? What the fuck does that mean, dog? You got that look in your eye like you're going to light me on fire. Yeah, because I'm all about calligraphy, baby. I studied that shit in college, dog. You spent a lot of money on that education. Yeah, I spent a lot of money using my fucking hand to write shit, dawg. Fuck you, man.
Starting point is 00:07:11 And now you don't want that to just be useless. Yeah. Quit trying to challenge my accepted beliefs. So you gotta light me on fire. Hey, Ricky, get in here. Tie this bitch bitch to a stake he wants to talk about manufacturing and printing i don't even know what those words mean i knew i fucked up you're talking about making machines dude i write all my books i write all my plays bitch you're a good writer but your your message could get out to more people like that play you wrote about when you donkey punch that kid yeah that was beautiful you mean
Starting point is 00:07:46 donkey coke day yeah and donkey punches when you're fucking somebody yeah that's a weird play yeah that's not what i meant no i love it yeah that's what came out dude that's a good beef bro thanks people people get aggro i didn't know the. I didn't know dudes in 16th century Europe were such bros. Dude, they're beasts. They need to freaking chill. Yeah, they did lots of squats. Dude, I have an epic saga for my beef. This is probably the biggest beef of my life.
Starting point is 00:08:23 This is probably the person I hold the biggest grudge against in my life. all my of the weeks this week are repeats they're people i've done before and i think this is like my hall of fame basically so my hall of my hall of fame beef is with noel so let me start at the beginning i'm a freshman in high school at santa margarita catholic high school and uh i'm very little and i got a lot of energy. And then I become buddies with Noel. He's tall and a string bean, skinny boy. And he's a troublemaker just like me, but really we're both just like, we're just kind of jokesters. We both like having fun. We go through two years of high school there. I get booted for just being annoying and talking too much. He makes it like another six months and
Starting point is 00:09:06 then he gets booted. I go to J. Sarah Catholic School. He goes to San Clemente. We're both like kind of yearning to be tougher than we are. So he starts weightlifting a lot, starts getting tattoos and starts kind of acting like a badass. And, you know, I'm doing a little bit of the same, but I'm also just like, you know, trying to find my way in other ways. And I get a car. My parents buy me a car, a nice car, a little BMW. And I rip around town on it. I lose my license within a month because I get two tickets for racing and I just have too much energy.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Do you get a ticket for racing? Yeah. That's cool. Against Ariana. And the cop came up to me and said, hey, were you racing? I was like, no. Then I saw him walk to her car and I just saw her cry and shake her head yes and i was like we're screwed freaking snitch and then so me and her ended up having to do community service at
Starting point is 00:09:52 saint vincent's thrift shop where i would uh just read books in the corner and then uh but it was nice spending time with her i kind of had a crush crush on her. And then Noel comes over and we're hanging out. We're like juniors now. And he's really in the – or no, we're seniors now. And he's really in like the I'm trying to be a badass mix. He's in this gang called Deuce with a bunch of dudes from San Clemente. And he kind of mentions to me in passing. He's like, yo, man, I kind of want to steal a car.
Starting point is 00:10:23 And I'm like, oh, man, that's crazy. And I'm like, I'm not sure enough about myself to even tell them that that's a bad idea. I'm just like, dude, do whatever you want to do. And then like a month later, I come outside to shoot some hoops and my car's gone. But I don't even notice it at first. But then I look back and I'm like, wait, something's missing.
Starting point is 00:10:41 I'm like, oh, my car's gone. So I'm like, there's no way my car would get stolen. But it's possible because I used to leave the keys in it at night. And I did that because I just thought nothing bad would ever happen to me. And we kind of lived on a secluded hill. So I figured I was safe, but I wasn't. So the cops come and I'm filling out the report with them. They're like, do you have any suspects?
Starting point is 00:10:59 I'm like, no, not really. And then my mom comes out and she yells at me. She's like, God damn it, John Thomas. And I'm like, come on, mom. I'm talking to the cops. And the cops are like, is she mad you lost your car? And I'm like, no, she's mad. I wouldn't take her car to go get Del Taco before you guys got here. My mom's an interesting lady. And then I filed a police report. And in the back of my head, I'm like, there's a good chance Noel took it. But me and Noel are good friends at this time. And like a week earlier, he'd come to my house and gotten a senior graduation gift from my mom. And then he instant messages me that day.
Starting point is 00:11:29 And he's like, dude, I heard your car got stolen. That's so crazy. And it was like a little over the top how like curious and, and, uh, and, uh, like not guilty he was acting in his messages to me, but I didn't think anything of it. Cause we were pretty tight boys at this time, but he had also started like experimenting with steroids and he was getting laid a lot and he was getting really hyped up on being part of this gang. So I don't get my car. My car, nothing pops up for a couple of weeks. And I kind of just make myself believe that some rando took it.
Starting point is 00:11:55 But then I'm at school and my friend Lauren is like, she's like, you know who took your car, right? I'm like, no. And she's like, Noel took it. Like everybody basically knows. And I'm like, oh, fuck, man. My heart just drops. I'm like, you know who took your car, right? I'm like, no. And she's like, Noel took it. Like everybody basically knows. And I'm like, oh fuck man. My heart just drops. I'm like, God damn it. He's got my fucking car. And I didn't really know what to do. I didn't think I could just call him and ask to get the car back. Cause I guess I thought that was like too much of a bitch move. So I just talked to my parents and I was like, what do we do? And
Starting point is 00:12:22 they didn't really know what to do, which was kind of weird. I don't know why none of us knew what to do. So we kind of just like, or we kind of also just made ourselves believe that maybe he didn't actually have it. Like maybe people were saying that, but we didn't know for sure. And we didn't want to be wrong and call him, like give us the car back and he didn't have it. So he's just driving the car around for like a month. And I'm just like embarrassed. I'm like not going to the beach as much. i'm like not working out as much because people are like what's going on like when are you going to get your car back and i'm just like i don't know
Starting point is 00:12:52 because i'm like afraid to fight him i think there has to like be a fight and i'm afraid i'm gonna lose because he's like pretty jacked at the time so as a result i started taking steroids that summer oh nice to like feel strong i guess yeah so i got pretty freaking big and i got pretty strong for what purpose who knows but um the car ends up popping up like a month later i go to the impound calls me they're like we found your car so i drive down there and when i get in the car noel's shit is all over it like he's left like detention slips in there he got a ticket in the car his parents had a similar car so he switched the license plate so the cop didn't make heads or is all over it. Like he's left like detention slips in there. He got a ticket in the car. His parents had a similar car. So he switched the license plate. So the cop didn't make heads or tails of it and let him get away with my car. And like, there was like a bong in it.
Starting point is 00:13:33 There was like a really good CD with music that he had been listening to. And even my friend, I had run into Noel during this period at the gym. And only after I got my car back to my friend, Mike, who I was with, realized that Noel was driving my car that day to the gym. And only after I got my car back did my friend Mike, who I was with, realize that Noel was driving my car that day to the gym. He pulls up in my car and Mike's like, oh, that looks like JT's car, but it can't be. Noel rolls down the window. He's like, hey, are you here with JT? And Mike's like, yeah. And he's like, all right. And then he goes and parks super far away and then came upstairs and worked out with me. We worked out together. And he was with chicks. He was driving around with chicks in my car. He got laid in the car which is something i never accomplished so i got to give him respect
Starting point is 00:14:07 for that um so i get the car back i'm really mad i call my parents right away i'm like i found all the old shit in the car i'm like he's going down so i get home and my mom and brother are waiting with gloves to collect all the evidence but they were like laughing about it so it hurt my feelings i was like get out of here i'm just gonna collect this myself so i collect all the evidence and i come and bring it to the cops. And I'm like, this is all my friend's stuff. He stole my car. I'm like, arrest him.
Starting point is 00:14:29 But the cops did not care because like, I was like, in my mind, and this is me projecting, I'm like, oh, this is like some spoiled kid who got his nice car back. I have bigger fish to fry. Who cares? So I'd call the cops like once a week and I'd be like, hey, are you guys going to like do anything about Noel? And they're like, yeah, we're working on it. We're just following some leads.
Starting point is 00:14:46 And then it was like a girl ghosting me. Like they just were not interested. So then I just like moved on with my life. But a couple of weeks later, I went to an angels and airwaves concert that taking back Sunday was also on. And I was just dominating the pit. I had all my steroid muscles and I was just crushing people. And like someone got mad at me and like punched me and I just laughed.
Starting point is 00:15:05 And I was like, ah, but the fun was not to be lasted because then Noel was there. And he was like, hey, dude, can I talk to you? And he's like, hey, man, I just want to say I'm sorry I stole your car. I was on a whole lot of Zanny bars, like 20 that night. And I didn't even remember stealing it. And I was like, well, you had it for like a month, man. And then I just yelled at him. I was like, you're a bad friend. You're like a really bad friend. And I don't
Starting point is 00:15:27 forgive you. And then that was it. And I was always worried I'd see him again. Cause I always felt so embarrassed when I did see him. Like I was, I really was just mad at him. Cause I felt like he humiliated me. Although I kind of contributed to it by not like really doing anything about it. And then like a year later, I'm at a party and Noel shows up and I'm like in the same room as him. I'm like, I can't be in the same room as him. I'm like, Noel, leave, like leave the party. And then he's like, he starts like talking some shit back to me. I'm like, shut up, moron. You're a fucking idiot. Just get the fuck out of here and go home. And I thought he left and I was like, oh, thank God. I was like, I didn't know what I was going to do if he didn't leave. He
Starting point is 00:16:00 just went into the backyard. But the guy whose house it was, was this dude, Andrew and his best friend, Casey owed me. Cause a year earlier, I had a party at my house for my friend. Ross is going away. And Casey showed up and Ross was mad at Casey for throwing him out of a party before that. So Ross wanted to beat the fuck out of Casey. But I told Ross, I was like, Hey, you're not going to beat the fuck out of Casey at this party. I was like, like, you got to leave him alone. And then I turned to Casey and I was like, Casey, I saved your life from a beat down. You owe me. So then at this party a year later, I go up to Casey and I'm like, you have to tell your friend, Andrew, to tell Noel to leave because I saved your life. And Casey like doesn't want to do it, but he goes up to
Starting point is 00:16:35 Andrew's like, Hey, I owe JT. You got to kick Noel out. So Noel has to leave. Then I leave that party all embarrassed after Noel leaves. Ross then beats the shit out of Casey. And then to me feeling so angry towards Noel that he never like faced any repercussions for what he did. I called his mom the next day and I said, Hey, your son stole my car. I'm going to press charges with the police. And then she was like, please don't do this. And I was like, I'm sorry. I need like some kind of restitution.
Starting point is 00:17:04 And then she was like, yeah, I used to ask no why you guys didn't hang out anymore but he said you guys still did or something like that i was like no he just stole my car and then noel got on the phone he's like dude like i'm really sorry and i was like but i don't think you really are and then he was like no i am and i was like nah and then he was like all right and then we hung up and I never pursued telling the cops after that. It was just done. And then I guess he reached out to my friend Joe or Robert a couple years ago, and he got sober, and he wanted to make amends.
Starting point is 00:17:33 But he still hasn't. Is he still sober? Maybe. But that's my beef. That's my longest tenured beef. Yeah, it's tough to turn to like mentors in that situation because like few people have been through that yeah and it was weird my parents were just like i don't know um he's an asshole and i was like yeah he's definitely an asshole and i was like
Starting point is 00:17:56 what are we gonna do to get my car back and they were just like i don't know well what about going to his house i could have done that there was a million things to do i did nothing i just lived my life i just like worked out and like did other things i just ignored it i just blocked it out yeah yeah i felt very powerless i gotta say though he probably regrets it i think he ended up kind of embarrassing himself yeah yeah what a weird move those zany bars will get you yeah i've never been i've only taken like half of one when i had to do like an mri dude i've taken some in college i took them uh a couple times like i had a bunch of buddies who were like they're like pretty into them and i took like two one time to party i just blacked out immediately i'm like why do you guys like these you don't
Starting point is 00:18:43 remember anything. There's no memories to be created. It's all just like a blackout. But one time I was flying to Australia. My mom gave me two Xanax. She's like, take these. Take like half of one for the flight. It'll make it go smooth.
Starting point is 00:19:00 You can sleep. I'm like, all right, sweet. So I take all two for the first flight. The flight's like 18 hours. Went to sleep at LAX. Woke up in Sydney. Yeah, dude. I was, you know, I'm afraid to fly.
Starting point is 00:19:14 My mom gave me Xanax one time. And I was taking them in quarters and they weren't working. So I just kept taking them. And then by the end of it, my brother had me over his shoulder carrying me through LAX. Yeah, you just got to pop all of them. Yeah, and I was dead. I was like, take half of one. I'm going to take four. But I felt no pain.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Yeah. Yeah, Knolls gang, Deuce. They were interesting dudes. Deuce. What's the meaning behind that? I don't know. But one of the other guys in the gang who stole my car, he used to come play beach volleyball at the same beach I would go to.
Starting point is 00:19:44 And I'd always be like, hey, you're like one of the guys who stole my car and he'd be like no i didn't do that i'm like i'm pretty sure you did eric yeah oh he had people help him he had one friend help him yeah yeah how'd they where you left the keys i just left the keys and it's hard to even call it boosting a car yeah i mean they just opened it was it like common knowledge like jt has keys in his car so we can boost it yeah i told nola i was like i'll just leave it unlocked tonight maybe you watched gone 60 seconds right before for sure he did something like that keep one on a boost a big boost what's kip doing on a boost um sweet yeah that was my beef all right chad who is your babe of the week uh my babe of the week is garnier fructis surfer hair power putty.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Whoa. What up, Garnier Fructis? I love your name, Garnier Fructis. I can't say it enough, Garnier Fructis. You guys want to give props to this hair sort of pomade, I guess you'd call it. Thank you guys for keeping my flow in check. If I don't put something in there, then it gets puffy and looks huge and out of control and just like not legit so thank you garnier fructease surfer hair power putty for really keeping my flow in check for keeping my uh my locks you know just like nice
Starting point is 00:20:56 and fresh and clean and uh giving me that strong hold but um that strong hold but that matte look so it's not like oh that dude putting stuff in his hair it's more like wow that guy's hair is under control but in like a cool sort of like um kind of messy way um so thank you garnier fructis for freaking manufacturing that product and being a babe of hair gel nice yeah that's awesome it's your babe my babe of the week and my all-time babe of the week is rihanna oh dude i love rihanna oh yeah umbrella yeah she's got bangers and then she's got raw shit and those are my two favorite styles of music you know she's got raw shit. And those are my two favorite styles of music. You know, she's always coming from the gut, but you can still dance to it.
Starting point is 00:21:52 And I like how just unapologetic she is. Yeah. Like she's very authentic. She's been through so much, but she doesn't let anybody define her story. It's her story to tell, and she'll tell it how she wants to. And I'm constantly impressed by what she does,
Starting point is 00:22:11 and her music gets to me on a deep, deep level. And I just love the tones of her voice. I was listening to Love on the Brain, and there's a part where she's like, ah, ah, ah, ah. And I'm like, man, nobody else would hit it like that. There's just nothing generic about it. You're like, she can't help but just be Riri. Yeah, I heard that Jay-Z saw her walk into a room and knew she was a star.
Starting point is 00:22:34 I bet, man. Take Care with Drake. I still love Umbrella. That's still my favorite one. Yeah, Under My Umbrella. That's probably her biggest hit. 2007. I like Rude Boy. Anti's probably her biggest hit. 2007. I like Rude Boy. Anti is probably my favorite album.
Starting point is 00:22:50 And yeah, Rihanna. You're an all-time babe. I was hanging out with my sister-in-law at that time. We were going to Six Flags in New Jersey because my brother lives in New York. So we hit Six Flags in New Jersey, just bumping Umbrella. And then we went on the Kingda Ka roller coaster, and it was fire.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Awesome. Yeah. Chad, who is your legend of the week? All right, my legend of the week is Dr. Robert A. Glover. So my biggest character flaw is I'm a people pleaser. That's sort of inherent in me. That comes from childhood. And I read this book, No More Mr. Nice Guy, which is kind of a deceiving title because you don't want to say, like, oh, you don't want to be an asshole.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Right. It's not like a douche course. Yeah. It's not like, no more Mr. Nice Guy. You're going to become a fucking dickhead. become a fucking dickhead it's more like um you know nice guys who are pleasers they aren't really nice guys because they have their qualities are basically they're always trying to keep the peace you know um they try to make their lives as smooth as possible so they engage in dishonesty um repression repression approval seeking behavior. And this actually causes more turbulence in their lives than they want
Starting point is 00:24:08 because it's kind of ironic because in an effort to sort of keep the peace by these little white lies, you know, by, like, repressing your feelings, you actually disrupts your relationships and keeps you from getting the life you want. So this book is basically a sort of how-to guide to sort of break free from that and um become a real sort of man i think it applies to women as well but he sort of uh aims it at males because it's sort of a there's like tons of nice guys these days um in modern society so yeah he says a true, good guy is one who practices honesty, lives with integrity, is open about his feelings and relationships, is assertive and clear about
Starting point is 00:24:53 getting his needs met and knows how to set boundaries. That's the key to a healthy relation. Um, which is, you know, I, I was always, uh, I was always repressing feelings and sort of holding stuff inside. Um, I wouldn't say I'm like fully like dishonest about every, but you know, I was always repressing feelings and sort of holding stuff inside. I wouldn't say I'm like fully like dishonest about everything, but you know, you... Yeah, I know what you mean. You try to like, you know, keep the peace, you know. Yeah. If something's bothering you, people are like, something bothering you?
Starting point is 00:25:14 Nah, it's not. Even though something like you're burning inside. So, yeah, this just sort of gives you permission to be selfish you know it's okay to be selfish in a sense because you want to be someone who takes control of their own life is honest about how they feel because ultimately that's actually more attractive um and uh you'll earn respect and you'll live the life that you want, which I think inspires others, you know, creates great relationships because all relationships aren't just smooth. You can't create just a smooth relationship.
Starting point is 00:25:53 They're chaotic and messy or whatever, and you've got to accept that as a part of life. And, you know, nice guys also do things like give for the sake of giving. Oh, no, no, they give to get as opposed to giving for the sake of giving and oh no no they give to get as opposed to giving for the sake of giving meaning they always have expectations like they give to you know get something in return was you should just give to give give for the sake of giving um and yeah if you can sort of like shed those things and be honest have integrity um be open about your feelings you know stand up for yourself be assertive set boundaries live your own life you know if you're in like a relationship or
Starting point is 00:26:31 something or just in general don't live for other people live your own life you know go do what you want to do have your have your squad you know go paintball and go surfing follow your interests you know if you want to pursue a path pursue that path don't listen to anyone else listen to your own heart listen to what's inside also in relationships in any kind of relationship you don't have to be a caretaker for other people you know you don't have to um it's not your job to fix other people's problems all the time you know you can be there for someone and listen and be open but um i don't think in general people want you to just come in and solve their problems yeah yeah it's just a life-changing book for me so stokers check it out if you have an issue with
Starting point is 00:27:14 people pleasing um also being open about your flaws which i get you inspire me about this a lot about being vulnerable and being open about your flaws that inspires connection whereas you know a lot of times i'll be like oh i need to like you know act like nothing's wrong or like not talk about times when i fucked up um but in reality if you're open about that stuff that's like the basis for human connection so yeah pretty pretty legit book that's awesome dude yeah i listened to an audible i'm listening to a second time because i need i'm like oh no listen to this like 10 times yeah you're deep in it yeah because i i like it's uh it's something i've dealt with since i was a kid and uh but you know people are always like you need to be yourself and i was like in college i'm like i don't know what that means
Starting point is 00:28:01 you know and then yeah you're like what self're like, I could be a bunch of different selves. You're like, which one's going to work? Yeah, yeah. But it's just go towards what I think brings you the most happiness, maybe. And also, I think through more experiences, you learn who you are. Yeah, oh, for sure. The more stuff you're doing, the more you're like, all right, well, that doesn't really work for me. And then you do stuff and you're like, well, that does.
Starting point is 00:28:22 And then you kind of just, you get better at doing the stuff that does. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's all about looking at life as sort of a, a full on learning experience, you know, sort of take away the ego. If you fuck up or if something's not right,
Starting point is 00:28:36 you don't blame others for it. You don't be a victim. You sort of assess it and you're like, why does this not feel right? Why am I feeling this way? Why did this not work out? And I think I'm all about working on yourself. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Yeah. Dude, my legend of the week, my all-time legend of the week, we talked about him with the author David Epstein, is Pat Tillman. So Pat Tillman is, you know, hugely famous and a hero to a lot of people. He was a football player who played for the Arizona Cardinals. I think he led the league in tackles. And then after 9-11, he gave up his lucrative football career to serve in the armed forces. And he was in special forces in Afghanistan, and he ended up being killed.
Starting point is 00:29:19 First, they said he was killed by enemies because it was better for the story. And then it came out that he was killed in friendly fire. And his family was dogged in the pursuit of the truth, which I think, you know, they're representative of what's in him, too, which is people with a lot of integrity. And I just love how complicated he was. He was like, you know, I think they said John Paul Sartre or whatever said that Che Guevara was the most complete man he ever knew because he was like a you know i think they said john paul sart or whatever said that che guevara was the most complete man he ever knew because he was like this intellectual but he also lived his like ideas you know what i mean and obviously he did some bad stuff it looks like but there was a purity and there was a connection between what he was thinking and what he was doing
Starting point is 00:29:59 and it's the same thing with pat tillman he lived with like total intention and he was a you know he he didn't take the easy way at any point. He always did. He's like, what do I actually believe? All right, now what steps do I have to take to be living a life in accordance with my beliefs? And I just think that's awesome. And he, you know, he was a jock, but he wasn't a meathead. He was a soldier, but he wasn't a warmonger. And he was an intellectual, but he took action.
Starting point is 00:30:23 He wasn't just like an armchair guy so i'm glad he was around because it's someone we can all look to him like all right there's someone who did it right and i think you know that's invaluable and you know i'm sorry that um that we had to lose him and that his family doesn't get to have him but i'm you know stoked on him as a legend you're my legend of the week he's a huge legend and when you look at a photo of him you're like damn he looks like a greek god oh yeah he looks like adonis huge or achilles yeah big strong head and beautiful flow yeah yeah beautiful beautiful flow all right chad what is your quote of the week uh my quote of the week comes from the smash hit California Girls by Katy Perry. I thought I'd take Snoop's lyrics. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:11 These are Snoop's lyrics. Toned tan, fit and ready. Turn it up, cause it's getting heavy. Wild, wild, west coast. These are the girls I love the most. I mean the ones. I mean like she's the one. Kiss her, touch her, squeeze her buns. The girl's a freak. She drive a Jeep. And live on the most. I mean the ones. I mean like she's the one. Kiss her, touch her, squeeze her buns.
Starting point is 00:31:32 The girl's a freak. She drive a jeep and live on the beach. I'm okay. I won't play. I love the bay just like I love LA. Venice Beach and Palm Springs. Summertime is everything. Homeboys banging out. All that ass hanging out. Bikinis, zucchinis, martinis. No no weenies just a king and a queenie katie my lady and looky here baby i'm all up on you because you're representing california boom fire song fire lyrics great song great song great album one of the best ever. Last Friday night. All right, dude. My quote of the week is from L. Ron Hubbard, the creator of Scientology's journals. He says a lot of funny stuff in there like,
Starting point is 00:32:17 I am capable of seven comes in one night. I am psychic. I am a magnificent writer who has thrilled millions. But my favorite is snakes are not dangerous to you there are no snakes in the bottom of your bed speaking his truth for sure snakes snakes he's not afraid of snakes i guess he's not i think he is afraid of snakes and that's why he wrote down he's not afraid of snakes to try and like flip the uh the script but um yeah i like the i can come seven times in one night yeah i think he could said i'm capable of seven comes is that
Starting point is 00:32:58 coming yeah but that's his fun way of saying it oh Oh, what a creative guy. Yeah. That's how you start a religion. Yeah, exactly. All right, Chad, should we answer some questions? Yes. Here we go. Would like to remain anonymous. Two-part question. You can answer either or both.
Starting point is 00:33:15 I have liked this girl for the good part of my college experience. Only problem is she boned my best bud, but I found out about three months ago that she liked me the whole time, but wasn't sure if I did so. She backed off of me. Three months ago, she told me she whole time, but wasn't sure if I did, so she backed off of me. Three months ago, she told me she liked me, and ever since then, we have had a thing. I took her out to Vegas formal and got totally lit, and we really liked each other. But some of my homies are poking fun at the fact that my best bud borked her, and it's starting to get on my nerves.
Starting point is 00:33:39 How can I either shut the haters up or roll with the punches? Second problem, we have been talking for three months months and it was near the end of the semester. As we went into summer break, we said our goodbyes. And now this woman has totally taken over my life, calling me all the time and forcing constant communication. I really like this girl, but it's starting to get on my nerves and I'm scared that I'm going to start not liking her. Any advice to remedy the problem?
Starting point is 00:33:59 She's also studying abroad right now. Is this the same? Is he talking about the same girl? He must be, right? I think so. Yeah. I'm just going to same is he talking about the same girl he must be right i think so yeah i'm just gonna assume you're talking about the same girl um so how can i either shut the haters up or roll with the punches well best way to shut the haters up is to live happily so i mean your friends are gonna make some jokes and i think you i i dated someone who a few of my friends had hooked up with before then. And for the most part, I was fine with the jokes.
Starting point is 00:34:26 I felt bad that she hooked up with one of my friends. Oh, I know who you're talking about. Yeah, because I was just like, I know she probably regrets that. But I was okay with some jokes. It's just it can go too far. You know what I mean? And you got to know when to check them. If it's incessant or if it starts to get mean-spirited you're like enough and then after a while it should just fade away
Starting point is 00:34:49 anyways but initially there's going to be some jokes if you're young and uh you know but it's really not a big deal that you boned your friend that's incredibly common yeah friendship groups for sure that's what I mean humans are humans are going gonna bone so yeah it's not uh and yeah i think live happily that's definitely the best advice you know because if you can persevere through the jokes then you'll make it through you'll have the last laugh yeah exactly and if you're happy with her then you're happy with her you know it's you don't want to be swayed by your dogs making jokes and she liked you the whole time you can take solace in that yeah that you know she was having fun but she was pining for you so yeah that's nice dude if they make a joke you'd be
Starting point is 00:35:30 like well she was thinking about me yeah exactly yeah and then um so it seems like she might be calling you too much well she's abroad so she's probably a bit lonely and uh or maybe she also has like a ton of stuff to share like dude when people get to go abroad they get annoying for a little bit oh yeah like they're so amped on their new experiences that they're like oh my god the coffee in vienna is so much better than the coffee in america and you're like it's probably not that much better really yeah i bet she was not that much better they're like oh you haven't had pepperoni in italy it's totally different. I'm having such a great experience. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:07 They feel a bit over enlightened, but dude, you'll be fine. He's like worried about not liking her anymore. You're still going to like her. She's just going to bug you sometimes. Yeah. I wouldn't be,
Starting point is 00:36:20 just be happy that she's chasing you a little bit. My husband, Brandon is the biggest fan. His 40th birthday is on June 29th. He would be stoked to get a chasing you a little bit. My husband Brandon is the biggest fan. His 40th birthday is on June 29th. He would be stoked to get a shout out. Thank you. Brandon? Brandon.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Brandon, what up? 40th birthday? 40th. The big 4-0, dude. Congrats, my dog. What up? Happy birthday. I think 40 is a great decade.
Starting point is 00:36:40 I think it only gets better. Yeah. Great years. Yeah, I hear 30s a good you know when you're in your 30s you're like i know who i am and i don't give a fuck as much and then in your 40s i heard it's just like it's better you get wiser that sounds great being wiser yeah i desire nothing more than i desire being wiser yeah i predict i'll be wearing robes in probably like 15 years dude nice how wise I plan on being.
Starting point is 00:37:05 That's awesome. Yeah. What's the robe made out of? Cloth. Good call. Thanks. I got a problem on my hands here. First, some backstory.
Starting point is 00:37:14 My best friend since birth and I played college football for four years together, and we always hit the weights together. You guys sound awesome. In our senior season, he tore his ACL and had to take a break from the weight shack while he was rehabbing. It was a tough injury. In the time since, I learned his ACL and had to take a break from the weight shack while he was rehabbing. It's a tough injury. In the time since, I learned to love lifting on my own. Just the ability to do whatever you want and work at your own pace made my happy place even happier.
Starting point is 00:37:32 About two years have passed, and my dog is finally coming back to the gym, which I am super stoked that he's back trying to get better. What I am not stoked about is the fact that he's become a total gym schmole. I understood for the first couple weeks or so that he was just getting back in the routine, but it's been a month now, and his schmollness is really starting to drag me down. He's always trying to cut lifts short, skip cardio and try to do way more weight than he can handle. That is, that is annoying. I've had conversations with him about his schmoll behavior and I've gotten nowhere. He even gets aggro and claims that he's trying, but I can tell that he's
Starting point is 00:38:02 not. And if I go to the beef house with them, gets mad too how do i keep him as my dog while losing him as a gym partner so you're sure you want to lose him as a gym partner it's understandable i would just tell him that you got into i would the way i would do it and it's not the most honorable thing to do, is kind of switch up your niche. You know what I mean? Like, oh, dude, I'm getting into jiu-jitsu now, or I'm getting into Olympic lifting. So I'm just not going to be a – you even switch gyms.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Or schedule. You could go to Jocko Willink route and be like, dude, I've been listening to Jocko. I'm getting up at 3 a.m. to go to the gym now. Right. And he's going to be like, be like oh dude that's pretty early and you're like well I like to get after it so that's my schedule yeah lift on days where he can't lift and then I mean he's just gonna have to figure it out yeah but dude also I would say that since he's like just coming back he's probably a little bit intimidated by not intimidated but he's probably a little bit like competitive with you and he's like oh I i used to be as strong as you so now now i'm gonna be as strong as you still
Starting point is 00:39:08 but he's just not there right now so that's annoying for you because you're like dude just accept that you're not on my level right now but he's probably too prideful to do that and so you have to like deal with his overcompensation which sucks but you gotta understand it's a very human thing. Yeah. I never understood. I've never been one for gym buddies ever. I've like in college, my buddy ass clown would always try to be like, so are you going to come lift with me? I'm like, no.
Starting point is 00:39:36 And he's like, you're going to make me go live by myself. I'm like, I like to do my own thing. I like to put headphones in and get in the zone. I like it both ways. I definitely like to do lifts on my own where I can just go at my own pace and I'm just in my own world. But then also I think sometimes when you're with a buddy, you guys can push each other,
Starting point is 00:39:52 you know, and I'll get some reps in and some sets in that I wouldn't otherwise. But it's definitely, it's definitely fluid. Hey, Chad and JT Stokers. I'm a 29 year old stoker from Colorado. Who's about to face one of the hardest days of my life. I'm saying goodbye to my dog, Noah, who I've had for 11 plus years. Now I know Chad has a love for golden retrievers. So I know you dudes would be able to hear me out and also lift me up. I got my dog as 17 as a 17 year old senior in high school while facing so many heavy life situations, such as watching my mom fight a hard drug addiction, my grandfather being killed during a house break-in, and also my own pure
Starting point is 00:40:29 loneliness and depression. I can't put into words what having a companion like him in my life has done for me, but I truly believe he has saved my life during the darkest moments of my life. We've experienced so much in life together, moving from Oklahoma to Colorado, hiking all through Colorado, and long road trips, nights in the car to name a few. Your twenties can be a scariest, hardest and craziest time of your life. And I'm so lucky to have had them along the way. But this last month I've been having a difficult time coming to terms with making this tough decision. Now I know they say a day early is better than a week too late, but it is honestly makes me feel so guilty and terrible to say when, to say when, but here I am
Starting point is 00:41:04 in my last year of my twenties about to say goodbye to say when but here i am in my last year my 20s about to say goodbye to my best friend and most loyal buddy a guy could ask for so chad and jt what advice can you give to someone saying goodbye to their family or personal pet how does one conquer the days that come after and keep your stoke level up how do i come home every day to an empty apartment for the first time in 11 and a half years thanks for all the great discussions laughs and stoked you and the squad put out every day with your content over the years. This fucking wrecked me even trying to type it out.
Starting point is 00:41:30 I apologize for the slop and poor structure. You're a solid dog. Dude, I'm so sorry to hear about your dog, man. That's one of the hardest things to go through. I think the best thing you can do is just continue to love him, be grateful for the experience you had together. Reflect on those memories.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Cherish his memory. You know, pay your respects. And I don't know if it's too early, but, you know, I'd look into maybe adopting another dog down the road. Yeah, I think that's a good call. I mean, you got to grieve this one, you know, and you don't want to get into like replacement mode too fast. But, you know, you got to keep your heart open
Starting point is 00:42:14 and be willing to move forward. Got to move forward. But dude, also I would remember that this dog, if he could tell you from the next life, he'd say, I want you to be happy. Oh, for sure. Yeah, like he loves you too, and he wants the best for you. So I think you'd be doing your dog a solid by living well.
Starting point is 00:42:36 But that's really tough, man. I'm sorry you're losing your buddy. I mean, there's going to be moments where you're like, oh, I wish I could share this with him. But then just remember that that yearning is coming from a place of pure love. Like you loved this guy or you love this guy. And that's beautiful. That's not going to go away.
Starting point is 00:42:55 That's always going to be in you and you're capable of it again. Yeah. Maybe go visit some animal shelters too. Yeah, that's a good idea. Surround yourself in canine heaven. Yeah. Just go play with some of the pit bulls or something. That's a good idea. Surround yourself in canine heaven. Yeah. Just go play with some of the pit bulls or something. That's what we did when we went.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Play with the pit bulls. And maybe there's like support groups for people who have lost pets. Dude, I'm sure. Yeah, there probably is. And you could go there or call into one and get to know other people there. And then they're like-minded people. And you could learn a lot about yourself and them and make some new buddies in the process. Yeah. Of the human variety, but ones that have a canine appreciation doggies i love
Starting point is 00:43:30 doggies what up bros phil here appreciate the pod and the positive energy throughout i recently had an interesting dilemma to deal with and wanted to know how either of you would have handled it my fiance and i just returned from a five-day camping venture to bonnaroo music and arts festival highly recommended it was an experience like no other and an awesome way to spend our 10-year anniversary however one point on our last day at the festival during a dj set we met a young recently engaged couple like ourselves that asked us if we wanted some free molly of course we accepted because free drugs but from then on they were just a couple of sucker fish that would not leave our side
Starting point is 00:44:06 the guy was pretty cool to talk to but that's not saying much and his girl was a total buzzkill in terms of music taste she was bored at fish's final finale set my fiance and i like to dance and let it out but these two schmoles considering swaying two inches left and right is dancing i suppose which really depleted our stoke. Long story short, they followed us around to three or four different shows, not dancing or conversing really, but expecting to be included in our plans. I assume because of the free drugs we accepted. We ended up telling them we had to drop a deuce in the portal potty and dipped to the back entrance to our campsite while they were still in the crowd. I felt hella bad for doing that because I've always been a nice, honest person and these people had hooked us up but they were also butt
Starting point is 00:44:46 raping our stoke meters into the dirt with their downer vibes how would you guys have dealt with this situation be honest and say we didn't want to be with them anymore but thank them for the molly not accept the drugs in the first place so we shouldn't have felt obligated to cater to them very torn on this issue as it's
Starting point is 00:45:02 making me question my character PS Strider is dank maybe uh just be straight up feel off for you molly be like all right what's the catch are you gonna hang on to us for the rest of this sesh because uh look i'm looking to melt face but i like to melt face with my fiance solo yeah dude i think this is a nothing problem like you even hung out with them for a while and then you cut out you have to question your character yeah i would i would actually uh get used to doing stuff like that because that's a huge part of life is just uh dipping out respectfully and sometimes you're massaging
Starting point is 00:45:43 the truth when you say why you got a dip but um yeah i wouldn't question your character and dude i bet you those people remember you fondly yeah you know what dude if someone dips on me i don't normally blame the dipper i think well i must have given them a reason to want to dip yeah people are engaging in small like behavior not appreciating like their the music that's being played and just getting all up in your grill you know you have complete total grounds to just be like all right we're gonna go hit the hot dog stand later and then just move to a different part of the crowd and then if they catch you you'd be like yo me, then you'd be straight up and you'd be
Starting point is 00:46:27 like, yo, look, I just needed some time on my own. I was, I was getting a little anxious. I mean, there's, there's, there's a huge vocabulary available to us to explain why we need space from people. And you can do it in a way that's not hurtful to the people you're talking to. And you just be like, just literally be like, yo, I was feeling anxious. If you say that to someone, most of the time they get it. If they're, if they're being too like aggro, just literally be like yo i was feeling anxious if you say that to someone most of the time they get it if they're if they're being too like aggro they'll be like what the fuck shut up bitch i don't care if you're anxious and then you're like then you just look at them and you're like you hear what you're doing or you could be like i realized halfway on my journey that there was no hot dog stand so i just came back to the crowd perfect and they'd be like what's with you and hot dogs?
Starting point is 00:47:05 And you'd be like, I like hot dogs when I'm rolling face. I don't know what to tell you. And I'm on vacation. Yeah, every time I roll face, I think there's a hot dog stand, and there's not, which there should be because this is Bonnaroo, and I want a fucking Slim Jim. It's not a hot dog. And also some people don't go that crazy for fish.
Starting point is 00:47:23 I never even listen to fish. Sorry. Sorry to be blast. Pimas. What up, Trey Anastasio? Dear soldiers of Stoke, what up, fellas? I'm a longtime listener, but this is my first time writing in. I may be completely wrong, but I could not help but notice that your level of Stoke towards
Starting point is 00:47:40 scoots is not as high as it once was. I live in Hoboken, New Jersey. Hoboken, no joking. Where Lime Scooters have recently taken over until about a month ago we were deprived the privilege of riding these majestic pieces of machinery they truly fill my stoke tank but i am concerned that my love for them will eventually fade can you confirm that you guys are as can you confirm that you guys are as stoked on scoots as you were in the past dude i, I'll always love scoots. My love for scoots will never die.
Starting point is 00:48:08 You know, that's a burning fire within me, a freaking Dura Flame that's burning in me and that will burn forever like the Olympic torch. But I got to say, wheels have come out and I've dabbled in them too. So, you know, I'm kind of down uh, I'm kind of down with both. So I've been, you know, venturing into other areas and, uh, honestly it's been cloudy in LA lately and it doesn't inspire me to scoot. You know, I'm sorry to say if it's not sunny out,
Starting point is 00:48:40 I'd rather be in my car listening to Jessicaessica simpson yeah dude you can rest assured that our love of scoots is still profound dude i crave the scoot like if i'm having a hard day and i just can't feel right i get on a scooter i blast down some side streets wind in my hair and i'm like yes fuck yes dude this is freedom this is what I needed with a little dash of danger on top. And those things can go hand in hand, freedom and a little bit of danger. But let's keep it right size because we don't want to get into trouble or get hurt.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Kenny Loggins. And then, yeah, man, I love the scoots. I still love them. I mean, I might not be talking about them as much, but I promise you I'm still living that scooter life. I scoot a lot. But Chad's right. Wheels are also great. as much but i promise you i'm still living that scooter life i scoot a lot but go ahead chad's right wheels are also great yeah i don't know if wheels have gotten to hoboken but when they do
Starting point is 00:49:31 don't be afraid to mix it up variety is the spice of life i love scooters but my love for scooters has nothing to do with my love of wheels there's plenty of space for both of them it's all about range to quote our previous guest, David Epstein, my love for wheels and my experience with wheels is going to transform my scootering experience. I'm going to see the road in a whole new way because I'm going to think out of the box and be like, how can I scoot in a way that no one's ever scooted before? Oh, yeah, on that time on wheels, I I freaking, you know, did like a flat 360.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Well, and then with wheels, you're sitting down. And then sometimes I'm like, oh, no, I want to stand up right now. So I'm feeling scooter-ish. Yeah. And, dude, the other thing is, like, I remember Bob Marley's wife was asked how she felt about Bob having so many women in his life because they were, like, polyamorous. And she was like, what does his love for her have to do with me? Now, I can't get there with relationships I'm a monogamous
Starting point is 00:50:29 but with scooters I think that works great you know what I mean find range with your apparati your mobile apparati bullseye what up Chad and JT love the pod me and my crew are in a bit of a crisis
Starting point is 00:50:43 one of our buddies name is Schmolen but he's not really a schmole. Do you think bokeying him would up the stoke levels of our crew, or should we just accept him and his unfortunate name? Tough. You know, it sounds like God tried to brand him as a schmole or his parents. I think we got to respect what this dude overcame yes like when you get labeled with like a cornball nerd tough on your life name like that and you're able to persevere above it you know that's like someone like richard pryor who came from a brothel and then became one of our greatest comedian philosophers. You've got to respect the distance that person traveled to get where they got.
Starting point is 00:51:32 He is probably going to be the poster child for the anti-Schmoll. Yeah. He's like, I was named Schmoll, so I became the coolest, chillest, most awesome, dominating dude you'll ever meet because I was branded as Schmoll. And just like Napoleon overcame his height deficiency, I overcame my unfortunate label. And now I am the anti-Schmoll. And he's just going to flex with Arnold for the rest of his life. He's an inspiration to other Schmolls that it's not a fixed position yeah and it's not and you should embrace can get better do not judge book by its
Starting point is 00:52:11 cover embrace this dude aaron what do you think i mean i couldn't agree agree more. Like he's overcome, like you said, he's a good dude. He's overcome that name. Like that's all the more reason to hang on. My dog. You're a legend. Thanks, brother. You know, Aaron and I had a little chat before about In-N-Out. And I was like, because I told him on Tuesday I drove to San Diego.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Yeah. And I fasted till the pod. So I put down 10 In and out patties I put down six on the way down to San Diego four on the way back it was probably the coolest eating experience of my life one of the healthiest things someone can do oh dude by far I was so I was talking to my brother dude I was talking to my brother we were talking about because he loves meat and shit and uh i was in the gas station i'm like i'm like i'm hungry like what kind of nuts should i get and he's like nuts they're just worthless nutritionless pieces of
Starting point is 00:53:19 waste why the fuck would you eat a nut you get beef jerky i'm like okay dude i i can't remember exactly what he said but his his labeling for nuts was the funniest shit ever he's like there's no nutrition they're worthless you're just putting cardboard in your body get beef jerky i just ate cod liver okay it's like the religion of beef. Yeah. I love it. What's up, dog? So I'm on a trip and my stoke has been haunted because of a predicament I am in. Two of my friends told me and my buddy that they found a country club golf cart.
Starting point is 00:53:58 So they took it for a spin and they crashed the shit out of it. Nice. They took us back to the spot where they crashed it so we could have some good times on the cart before going to the party. While riding, they ran over a flag in the hole and drove some other places they shouldn't have we later found out that the cart had cams and we got caught in all the club wants us to pay a fine for the damage we did i myself did not make a decision to cause damage and i also did not drive should i still pay the fee for other people's actions or should i not pay the fee and have the chance of being viewed as a schmle? Would love some insight, and also could you send me an email when you answer this?
Starting point is 00:54:27 I'm behind on the pod. Thanks, my dogs. So he was in the cart? Yeah, he was in the cart, but he didn't discover it, and he didn't drive it. So he feels like he might not have to pay for the damage. He's a part accessory.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Yeah, but he was there having fun with all of them. Yeah. That's tough. I mean, I'd like to hear what his friends are thinking. Yeah, but he was there having fun with all of them. Yeah. That's tough. I mean, I'd like to hear what his friends are thinking. Yeah, man. I think with any crime, really, I think if you're there and you're having a good time while it's happening, you're guilty too.
Starting point is 00:54:57 I think you're guilty as well. Yeah. I think he's got to pay up a little bit. Yeah. Because he doesn't want to be that guy who's like, I'm not paying. I'm not paying. I'm not paying. And you're like, fuck you, dude.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Yeah, it's good for morale, too, if you pay. Because everyone will feel like they're in this together and that it's not like every man for himself. And it'll set the tone for later. Because then real problems are going to come through later. And you're going to want to feel like you guys are all together. Not like the crime kind. I mean, like, just life can be hard stuff.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Sup Stokers. I'm in a soggy situation by soggy. I mean, dry as in boom, no clap dry. I just graduated from college and moved back into my mom's house. The space is tight. And by tight, I mean, there's no space for me to bring a lady friend over to smash. No clap. I normally wouldn't get in a bun about this type of sitch, but some babe has been hitting me up late night consistently. We haven't hung out yet because I don't know where to go. She said we can't hang at her place. And not positive she wants to hang and bang or wine and dine.
Starting point is 00:55:57 I'm thinking about asking her out for a date, but even if I do, where do I eventually boom clap? Thanks, Klopinski. I'd definitely ask her out for a date. And then I'd be honest with her about it. Like, look, my mom's there. It's kind of a tight space. It's not ideal.
Starting point is 00:56:17 But I do have some places in mind. There's a miniature golf course we could hit up late night, bring a sleeping bag. If you're near the beach, we could hit the beach. Or we could just knock late night bring a sleeping bag there's if you're near the beach we could hit the beach or we could um you know just knock boots in my ford taurus whatever you want babe yeah i think that was some romantic as fuck options yeah yeah yeah dude i would take her out for a date because that's nice and then you guys can get in some, you know, good conversation. And then afterwards, I think you get creative and you say, Hey, look, I know we're in a spot right now where neither of us have a crib that we can roll back to. But instead of thinking of that as a limitation, let's think of that as an
Starting point is 00:56:56 opportunity. I got a bunch of blankets. I brought some wine and cheese. I would love to take you to a beach or if you live a landlocked to a a bluff that overlooks our lovely town we can see both of our houses from up there and we'll go up there and as we're you know as we're taking it all in i'll turn to you and i'll say hey do you mind if i kiss you and she'll say hey thanks for asking that's very sweet then you lay a smacker on her and then uh you guys smooch a little bit you don't go too crazy with the horn dog stuff you'll be surprised how much horny you get if you wait a little bit and then pretty soon she's pulling your pants off and you guys can't keep your hands off of each other that's that got me horny i thought you were gonna
Starting point is 00:57:39 say um you turned her and you say hey can i? I mean, I do that too with my girlfriend, but I got to tell you, in the dating game, that doesn't work. I talked about this, dude. When I was dating, it would hurt me when a girl would be mad at me if we hooked up and I didn't want to see her after that because she'd be like, you tricked me. You made me think you liked me more than you did. And I kind of was guilty of that.
Starting point is 00:58:03 So what I started doing was just being totally honest. So I'd go go on a date with a girl and then after the date, she'd be like, what do you want to do now? And I'd be like, I want to go back to your place in bone. And every time they would say, what is wrong with you? And I was like, no, I'm like attracted to you. And I, you know, uh, and maybe I was doing it too early, but I was like, that's what I would like to do. It never worked. Not once for a year straight, but I did feel better about myself. Yeah. Radical honesty. But but man i was horny yeah and how'd you phrase it like did you say bone no i didn't say bone and i you know i try to be always polite and charming about it but they'd be like what do you want to do i'd like i'd love to go back to your place and like hook up because because what i what i would
Starting point is 00:58:41 do before then is be like hey let's go back to your place and watch some TV. And then, hey, let's go to your room and look at your like photos or something. And then we would hook up. And then like a couple of days later, they'd be like, I didn't even want to hook up. And you like tricked your way into my place. And I was like, I felt terrible. I was like, oh man, like you're framing me
Starting point is 00:58:58 as like kind of like a deceiver. And then, but then the honesty route didn't work great but with my girlfriend now i was able to kind of strike a balance where i just took it slow and now i'm totally honest with her but we have trust so she's she knows like i'm not just like a crazy person yeah i'm trying to inspire spontaneity i think that's great yeah what do you mean well just like you know you don't want to like uh i think more like live without expectations yeah where you're like you're like all right i'm going over tonight gotta hook up like that's gotta happen i think that just sours the whole experience end gaming yeah yeah end game yeah where you're just like i gotta hit these things i want to stay present i
Starting point is 00:59:45 want to go connect and see what happens well it's tough because i think it works so well in your life in so many uh places you know what i mean like it's it's what makes you so successful with like your work and your health and stuff like that yeah and then i think yeah like the the black belt level of life is knowing when to like do that stuff and then when to be like, all right. Because you know what? Your partner will surprise you. And they'll take you to – if we're always in control, we're limited by our own creativity and our own imagination. But if you let somebody else come in and let their imagination take the wheel, sometimes you're like, I didn't even know I could go to this place.
Starting point is 01:00:22 Yeah. That's something in that book I've been reading about. It's like, you know, a lot of people, they're always trying to, like, have sex with, like, their partner because it's just, like, it's approval seeking. It's like, oh, they approve of me. Thank God. Right. Whereas if you take away the expectation, you just, like, live and sort of,
Starting point is 01:00:39 yeah, it makes life more exciting and fun. And I think they can feel that you're not just trying to get something from them yeah like you just want to like have a fun experience yeah yeah you want to you want to be you know you want to be sitting next to each other on this roller coaster yeah on a bluff with blankets and cheese exactly what kind of cheese would you get? Brie. I mean, I'd get a couple, but if I could only get one, I'd get Brie. What's your take on goat cheese?
Starting point is 01:01:11 I love it. You love goat cheese? Especially on a salad. Ooh. Yeah. What do you think? I mean, it's strong. I love it. I love feta cheese, too.
Starting point is 01:01:17 I love all cheese. And now that we're both on this, like, you know, I'm loathe to call it keto, but now that I'm basically accept it all right i knew you'd come around i knew you'd come around now that i mean i'm not totally keto sometimes i have some corn but uh what dude sorry man i know legumes are problematic yeah why don't you get some tubers dog what's tubers sweet potato are those are okay on keto oh no you're saying like why don't you just take it to that next level no i don't know what i was saying with that i just wanted to say tubers honestly oh right on yeah it's a fun word yeah and then um but yeah now that i'm like keto
Starting point is 01:01:53 i'm definitely like you know cheese is kind of my dessert sometimes so yeah i'm really loving it right now that's good stuff um well i'm not keto um what up chat even though i haven't had a carb in a year no it's only been a couple months i don't know why you're embarrassed about it i just you know i just don't like any like like like like labels yeah yeah like i don't even like i'm straight but i like to think of myself as a gay person just because i like like the option of it basically yeah you're like thinking of milfs and in full ketosis right now yeah you're a ketogenic straight dude yeah i'm a ketogenic gay guy um what up chad and jt my dog brandon and i stumbled upon your podcast recently and has changed our lives for the better
Starting point is 01:02:36 and we as we have devoured each one we were missing a certain level of stoke that we find listening to the pod oh man that's awesome question. Can grown-up bros still be bros? We live our lives looking for stoke, amped up meetings and parties, all while making sure not to be the old guys trying too hard. When we were younger, we both raged pretty hard, but the days of crazy house parties are probably behind us. We've gone from crashing ragers to hosting chill parties. We're in our 40s. We dad pretty hard and have successful professional lives. I'm a lawyer for a company. My dog Brandon can crunch numbers like Kelly Slater analyzing the surf breaks. Damn. That all said, we are committed members of Stoke Nation.
Starting point is 01:03:13 Recently, I introduced you to my teen son, Jay, who is instantly down with his brohood. I testified in Washington, D.C. this week against Trump's tariffs hitting my company's products and legit opened my testimony with a what up council. Whoa. That's awesome. Holy shit. Trump's tariffs hitting my company's products and legit opened my testimony with a what up council. Whoa! That's awesome. Holy shit. I'm pretty sure the section 301 committee of the International Trade Commission has never been hit with a what up council before, but I'm also pretty sure that I brought some stoke to their otherwise
Starting point is 01:03:35 dull government lives. I'm hoping that they see the light both on tariffs and my suggestion to them that they change the name to the International Trade Commish. Anyway, are Brandon and I too old to be bro? Looking for some guidance. Thanks and Chad and JT.
Starting point is 01:03:50 You're a bro for life, man. You're a bro for life. You're just maturing in different ways. Yeah, you're integrating the bro into new avenues of your life. And I think that's the ultimate way to be a bro. It's like we're bros and we're giving advice. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:04:04 And we don't even rage as much. Like i still get after it once in a while but i would say i'm pretty low-key dude for the most part yeah but i do a lot of stuff that feels exciting for me yeah and like you testifying before a committee that's exciting dude yeah that that's all part of being a bro it's not all getting blacked out it's like you know that's it's it's bonding it's you know you have your dog you're getting your son into his brodom you know you're and it doesn't mean you just have to do keg stands all the time you know this is like a new you reach a new level like you're like a fucking uh jedi master of brodom and the fact that you brought that uh serious bro-ness to such a big platform and to such a
Starting point is 01:04:45 serious place, I mean that gets me pumped up to party. Now I'm Jack. Now I want to party with you because you did some badass bro shit. You know what I mean? I want to see a bro in the highest office. Yeah. I want to see a bro be like protecting our country against some gnarly fucking
Starting point is 01:05:02 shit and just being like, dog, I can't help you there to the to the person we're against i'm like yeah that's some that's some high level next level bro shit i want to see a bro be the next dolly llama yeah i want to see a bro um be head of the un you know buchos buchos broly and dude just and you can still rage bro you can still you know, buchos, buchos, broly. And dude, just, and you can still rage, bro. You can still, you know, you can hit the weed pipe, a weed pen,
Starting point is 01:05:27 and you can knock back some IPAs, you know, I'd be careful with the blow. Cause you know, you get older and your ticker is sensitive, but I know some old bros who do that. If you can, I don't have to look far,
Starting point is 01:05:38 you know, and you know, they made it work, but I do think that was a little hard on the people around them at times. So I would, I would, I would still party. You can still party party but i think you're doing it right bro i think you're you're you're you're like something all us bros can look up to oh yeah i think that's all the questions i'm gonna hit the bathroom real quick and get myself some more tea cool um what up stokers you're uh you're just with chad right now it's me i'm just on the mic just holding on to
Starting point is 01:06:11 this freaking base of a microphone what up dudes what's going on i'm feeling good you know i have my beard growing it's uh pretty long right now you know facial hair is a tricky fig you know because you think about lawns and lawnmowers and you're like, you know, you see people taking care of their lawns all the time and you're like, wow, dude, that's like a beard for your house, you know, and I'm like, I'm just growing out my lawn right now, but I'm like, when do I need to trim it, you know, when do I need to call the landscapers, get a fucking weed whacker in there, or should I just let it grow, you know, should I go al natural, should I just like, like you know embrace the flow of my freaking face you know because I let the flow
Starting point is 01:06:51 grow on my freaking dome but on my face this is a whole new venture for me dudes you know because I was always like I need to be clean shaven you know James Bond but now i'm looking to like gerard butler and like he's solving like international crises now like geopolitical storms i don't even know what that means but he does with his beard you know he's saving presidents white house down white house freaking beard you know damn dudes it's heavy stuff you know growing out your facial hair dudes if you have it you know i encourage you to experiment you know see what works for you you know because i was like i gotta be clean shaven i don't want to be puby but then people were like i grew it out and they're like it's not puby it's manscaped on your face i'm like damn dude like face pubes are
Starting point is 01:07:42 cool it makes me think about manscaping too you know it's like it's part of being a man like figuring out what to do with the flow of your entire body you know because like we were made in the universe's creation and the universe is like I'm gonna put a bunch of hair all over your body. So get ready, dudes. And a lot of people take that for granted. They're like, I'm not even going to pay attention to it. But pay attention to it, dudes. You know, because you could be a whole new dude if you just pay attention to the flow on your body.
Starting point is 01:08:18 You know, maybe write like maybe put like the Bud Light symbol into your freaking chest hair So next time you're raging you could like unveil it and be like This is my dedication to Bud Light, okay? This is how I honor Anheuser-Busch What are you dudes doing? Who's getting inked up with me tonight? Hmm? I don't know Robbie, are you gonna do it?
Starting point is 01:08:44 Nah, I'm not gonna do it Fine fine then you can't do a keg stand robbie fuck you it's heavy stuff my dogs heavy stuff what else is going on uh just eating hamburger patties and cheese um feeling good you know going in and out i like going in and out and just saying what up give me patties and cheese, none of that other shit, okay, I don't need your lettuce, I don't need your fries, all right, I need what you've got, I need the quality stuff, I need that meat, baby, because you are what you eat, and what am I, a freaking tank, kind of, I just do sprints, so that's what's going on with me, just paying attention to the foods paying attention to the flow on my face
Starting point is 01:09:28 and the flow on my chest been watching Big Little Lies yeah interesting show whenever I watch that I'm just like man I do not want to have to deal with parental drama that looks like it
Starting point is 01:09:43 sucks ass going back to school and being like why is uh why is a state why is little suzy not getting along with little jack they should get along i'm gonna have to throw a birthday party with clowns and shit and honestly in my mind i'm like i hate clowns and i should we should just let suzy and little jack hash it out you know i don't need to get involved And then you gotta like figure out if they want to go to college or not It's a lot of stress you know and I always already get stressed about with the sun's gonna come out and I can tan Like how am I gonna be able to focus on my tan if I have a little kid?
Starting point is 01:10:19 You know how's your tea we got JT coming back You know? How's your tea? We got JT coming back. What's up, dawg? Oh, man. It's good. I think it's going to be good.
Starting point is 01:10:29 Just like a quarter of the cup? Because I pour some cold water on top of it so I can drink it more easily because it's so hot right now. I won't be able to get enough caffeine in me to feel the boost I desire. Do you drink coffee? Never. Just tea. You really stuck to that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:43 Coffee jacks me up too much. And then I get jittery and I crash. Yeah. Yeah. I'm fragile, dog. I'm sensitive too. What else has been going on? What have you been watching?
Starting point is 01:10:53 I was just telling the stokers. I've been watching Big Little Lies. Dude, I'm watching that too. Yeah. Well, I'm in the first season. Oh, okay. Cool. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:00 Cool, cool. But it's honestly, you know, it's good. I can see how good it is. But I've had, it's been tough to like, for it to like grab me. You know what I mean? How many episodes in are you? Three. But I just take my time.
Starting point is 01:11:16 I think it's going to get you. Yeah. Yeah. How many episodes are in the season? Like six or eight? Yeah. I think maybe it's just moving slow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:23 Yeah. I do like what it's about i like that it's about um like marital violence basically yeah and then the kind of psychology that goes with that yeah it's interesting seeing the different types of partners everyone has yeah and those dynamics yeah and then like i heard on the slate culture godfors they were talking about this like just the different acting styles yeah like each like Laura Dern is like
Starting point is 01:11:47 explosive in every scene she's like and she's like the best at that yeah like I loved her in Enlightened and then you know Reese Witherspoon has her style
Starting point is 01:11:55 yeah but it works Nicole Kidman she's great I like season two it's going it's good it took
Starting point is 01:12:04 the first episode was boring. It was all table setting. But then episode two, they throw in some fucking big wrenches. Some juicy stuff. In their lives. And you're like, all right. Yeah, it's juicy. That's what it is.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Nice. It's a very juicy show. Nice. What else, dog? What do you think of this article we read? Oh, yeah. Let's dive into it. What town was it in?
Starting point is 01:12:26 This is some local news for Southern California folks, specifically Orange County. But I think everybody will find it something worth weighing in on. Edison Summer School to go on. A district official says the campus air quality is safe despite concerns about a former landfill nearby. Very interesting article. A lot going on in there. You know, according to the article, they're saying it's safe for summer school now
Starting point is 01:12:55 because they're like, yeah, you know, this landfill probably stinks and stuff, but trust me, guys, the air quality is fine. But then I saw they didn't say who did the air quality testing or disclose any findings and i'm like who's testing big landfill are they getting after this and yet is the school incentivized to have summer school happen because a they need the kids to know how to do math and science before they keep pushing them through and b do they make some money off of it yeah follow the money that's what they said in all the president's men yeah and that's
Starting point is 01:13:31 what i say about all summer school classes yeah we gotta look to where the money is uh because a lot of people are reporting like respiratory problems and just like odor and stuff are we buying that or do we think those are some kids who want to stay home? Oh, dude, I didn't think about that. Yeah. Oh, dude. I feel like shit. Two hours later, he's at the beach. Yeah. I keep coughing. What is this, Interstellar?
Starting point is 01:13:58 I heard Dr. Drew on Adam Carolla's podcast years ago, and obviously they're both like, you know, especially Carolla, they're like cantankerous people who think the new generation is full of softies. But they were talking about when the fires were going on and they were like, they canceled football games because of the smoke in the air. It's bullshit. Nothing's going to happen.
Starting point is 01:14:12 You're fine. And I was like, all right, well, Dr. Drew's a doctor. But now I'm like, maybe he's not right. Yeah. How smoky was it? Dude, it was smoky. When those fires were going on, it was insane. You'd be coming up the 5 freeway, you just look to your left,
Starting point is 01:14:27 and there was just fire. Yeah. It was just fire. Dude, it was badass that I surfed. I mean, you know, it's not badass because obviously there's destruction and people lose things that matter to them. But I was surfing, and you could see the fires. Really?
Starting point is 01:14:41 Yeah, so it felt like you were, like, in the water and, like, the entire earth was on fire in front of you yeah it was like a pretty incredible thing to take in yeah if it's getting kids ill then don't let them play yeah for sure i don't know i mean did you ever go to summer school yeah i did summer school i love summer school i love summer school it's better than regular school i was always like why don't they just structure the whole school year like this is awesome you do one class so you don't have to worry about like homework from other classes yeah and then there's so many babes everywhere summer school was like every girl i had a crush on was in summer school i like the time
Starting point is 01:15:21 in between uh end of the school year in summer school where you could just get bronzed and then you show up to summer school and be like, boom. I was always cooler during summer school. Oh, yeah. I was like, why can't I be this cool during the regular school year? Yeah. I was like being my full loose self. Yeah, you really feel like you can just like be free and stuff. And you're like, yeah, I'm going to school, but then I'm going to see the new Batman.
Starting point is 01:15:44 Yeah. And it's like you have no qualms with that you feel a little bit like an adult yeah it's a little bit more of like an open schedule yeah and it's also it's summer yeah so i just get in a better mood when summer's happening dude i'm so pumped for summer i can't wait for june gloom to go i wish every month was july every single month yeah we're close to it here we'll get there yeah for sure it's progress not perfection
Starting point is 01:16:10 yeah just gotta keep you know praying for it and reaching out to Apollo and just sending him emails how many people do you think still pray to Apollo
Starting point is 01:16:20 um just us two and Strider that's good dude that's a very like a personal relationship then i think joe stopped praying to him yeah i can't see joe praying to him has he tried no he told me he prays to uh the uh meatball sandwich oh yeah well to each his own yeah for sure i mean there's a lot of power there as well yeah is it is it a specific one like subway no potato chips okay i'm not gonna have from there that's beautiful it's like thank you for them yeah uh dear meatball sub thank you for the mozzarella thank you for the tomato sauce dear meatball sub i had a good day today i ate one of you thank you for sharing
Starting point is 01:17:08 now i'm at home doing laundry and then i'm going to take a nap bye meatball sub i love you dude i ran into him on the hiking trail he was boosting it right he had so much intention in his step i was i was walking and you could spawn from like a mile away i was boosting it right he had so much intention in his step i was i was walking and you could spawn from like a mile away i was walking down and he's just at the bottom he's just like actually he doesn't give me an enthusiastic high at all he's just like walking you're like joe he's like yeah how's it going like he expects to see you there yeah i'm on this hike it's good it's good hike yeah i up at two today, so I'm trying to really get after it before work. He's a beast.
Starting point is 01:17:49 Dude, he walks towards the fridge, and you swear it's like Bruce Willis in Armageddon walking towards the nuke. Yeah. It's the same seriousness and intention. I just marvel at the effortless masculinity of it. The way he makes his oatmeal, too. Very aggressive. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, he he's mad the way he eats it he's mad just ding ding ding ding ding he's really getting after i also think i feel like food aggression is like one of the last places we can be openly aggressive
Starting point is 01:18:17 you know what i mean like if you're a dude you can't be like super aggro at work or like at home you know what i mean and you shouldn't be but when i get food i get aggro i'm just like come here this is mine yeah yeah my girlfriend says i'm like john you're a beast you're a beast and she's like you know insulting me but i love it i'm like yeah i am a beast i eat food you're not hurting anybody. The food's not hurting. Nom, nom, nom. Just shoving food in my face. Don't bother me. I'm eating.
Starting point is 01:18:50 Great slogan. Yeah, what's that from? I think it's, who is that, Aaron? I think it's Carl's. I love Carl's. The Paris Hilton commercial? Yeah. Oh, they do the sexiest ones.
Starting point is 01:19:05 If it's not all over your face, it doesn't belong in your face. What is that one? It's not all over the place. If it's not all over the place, it doesn't belong in your face. Oh, okay. Tough sell. Tough sell for me. When you're like, this is a messy thing.
Starting point is 01:19:18 I'm like, nah. I'm wearing a white t-shirt. I like good containers for food. Like when a burrito is really tightly put together and it won't fall apart apart i have a lot of respect for that my burritos always fall apart i think i have bad burrito etiquette oh yeah yeah i always felt like i could have been better with a burrito too like compared to my friends i was never like one of the best guys with a burrito yeah a lot of like those california skills i was i was lacking in a little bit like i can't throw a frisbee really yeah my friend from new york who met me in california
Starting point is 01:19:51 and always thinks i'm like the most california dude when he found out i couldn't throw frisbees like this is the most disappointed and surprised i've been by you par i was like damn dog sorry i don't have the wrist action yeah what's he it's you know you release it i can't do it can you do it yeah damn i never i've never played frawl for uh fucking ultimate no me neither yeah that's a big sport though i feel like they should change the name from ultimate frisbee yeah something a little more modern yeah or just something a little more low-key you know because when you're like this is ultimate frisbee yeah it's sort of like you're like all right you're really you know placing a high level here and we're expecting a lot i agree
Starting point is 01:20:36 with you i don't like when they put like the hyperbolic like uh names on sports things we're like this is like the extreme football league. Yeah. You're like, I like just football league. Yeah. It's going to be extreme just by virtue of how it is. We don't need to like make it extreme.
Starting point is 01:20:51 Yeah. Or at least like lower it a little bit. Right. You know, so when you see like extreme football, you're like, whoa, this is actually pretty extreme.
Starting point is 01:20:59 Yeah. Yeah. Cause you're always let down when it has the extreme already in the title. Yeah. You're like, this isn't that extreme. Yeah. It should be like legit football title. Yeah. You're like, this isn't that extreme. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:05 It should be like legit football league. Yeah. The LFL. What else, dog? I'm going to Newport this weekend. Oh, that'll be nice. Yeah. Oh, I got a new board.
Starting point is 01:21:17 Dude, I saw that on top of your truck. Yeah. I got a new soft top. I want to get like a freaking Odyssey or catch surf. So this is actually, I need to, I forget the name, but it's basically like a catch surf, but a little bit cheaper. What sparked you to get a board? I have an old soft top from like lessons, and I was like, I want to get like a cooler soft top. Because I was just always seeing them in the ads and stuff.
Starting point is 01:21:44 And when the waves are smaller, just a long board's more fun especially soft top you know you can just take it out when it's like one to two feet and just have the most fun ever and just catch a ton of waves you've been more into surfing lately yeah i have uh oh i just yeah i feel like i i kind of uh neglected it for a little while just because we were busy doing all of our stuff. But I was like, it makes me so happy. And then once you get into a rhythm, I feel like because you can lose it so quickly. So I went surfing in Mexico, and I'm like, man,
Starting point is 01:22:16 I lost some of my skills. I'm not up to snuff right now. So I've been sort of concentrating on getting my skills back nice yeah so it's been fun but i love soft tops you can just take them out and just catch a ton of waves so you're gonna come out with me i'm coming out with you for sure nice yeah i'm just such a bad swimmer yeah yeah but we'll go out like you know like a small break yeah yeah just like two to three or something like that easy good good what uh what's going on with you dude i'm hanging man um gonna go hang out with farnie tonight and then um yeah i'm gonna try and watch these wong car y movies with them i'm pumped on
Starting point is 01:22:56 that uh it's hard for me to get through his movies so it's kind of easier when i'm with a person because i feel like motivated to like pay attention yeah because I don't want them to think I got no attention span and then I don't know what else am I up to we're shooting something on Saturday that should be fun yeah how do I feel I got some I like what the Lakers did I like them trading for Anthony Davis they have like only three guys on their roster right now but I'd rather have three guys I liked than a bunch of guys I'm not sure about yeah and I think i think they'll be able to get another free agent if i was them i would target i wouldn't go for like kemba walker kairi irving because i don't think those guys will fit in well you already have two guys who can be ball dominant you don't need a third i would go for patrick beverly and jj reddick two guys who have distinct skills and neither one of them necessitates having the ball a lot you got a shooter and you
Starting point is 01:23:45 got a on-ball defender yeah and i think that that'll fit in nicely with what they got yeah so i'm pumped on that got so many weddings coming up this summer oh yeah but i'm jacked on that everyone's like it's it's fun man it's fun seeing everybody and everybody's stoked on what we're doing yeah that like that gets me pumped that's fun yeah yeah it feels good it's fun man it's fun seeing everybody and everybody's stoked on what we're doing yeah that like that gets me pumped that's fun yeah yeah it feels good it's cool yeah it feels very good and then yeah we're working on this animated thing you crushed it man oh thanks man yeah i was just dude the spring break episode calypso's island dude they lose track of time that's so funny dude everything you wrote and the way that you've been putting in like like this is crazy this this this is pretty personal but i think
Starting point is 01:24:31 it's it's interesting like so you and i we have like our personality differences but we learn more about how we're different and how we're the same the more time we spend together yeah and then you're putting it into this animated show that oh on yeah and you're putting it in like perfectly like i'm like oh my god i really i did some critical thinking on yeah i'm like chad sees everything yeah and it's so beautifully put down and you're so fair and accurate and like it has like inherent like it's it's interesting oh thanks man i appreciate it i'm literally reading it and i'm like, whoa. Maybe that's why it's great. It's definitely great.
Starting point is 01:25:09 But maybe that's also why I like it so much is because it's us. It's an accurate assessment. Yeah, yeah. You're like, these characters are hilarious. I'm like, well, it's us. So I hope you like them. I'm like reading your description of me and I'm like, fucking drill down. And then like you're writing about me and my dad too.
Starting point is 01:25:28 I'm like, yeah, good job yeah whoa nice dude i wrote about my mom and your mom that was fun too yeah like uh likes to he's basically exactly like him but worries about his safety just one wine bong a night yeah exactly so funny dude it's good stuff yeah i'm pumped for that yeah i sent it to them morning. And then he wrote a chapter in a book that we're trying to write. And the chapter was like amazing. Oh, thanks, man. Well, you got to write what you know. Yeah, you're drilling it. All right.
Starting point is 01:25:54 You were going to write one, right? Dude, I don't know what to write about. Weren't you writing about like different bros? Yeah, but it wasn't right. I kind of want to like interview people maybe. Yeah. But I just got to keep thinking on it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:04 If you got anything that you think I should do, I'm all ears. Because I've been feeling a little blocked. Yeah. I'll send you the outline. Okay. Sounds good. So you can maybe get some inspiration. All right, guys.
Starting point is 01:26:13 That'll be it for episode 77 of Going Deep with Challenge AT. Thank you so much for being stokers, for checking in, for fucking manscaping. And just please write more reviews. We love the reviews. So keep those coming, guys. Those help us out a lot. So, yeah. And as always, we're brought to you by Danny Baboni at UCI Baseball.
Starting point is 01:26:30 They should call it UC Newport Beach because it's right there. If you're a young buckaroo who can throw or hit, you need to go to UCI. And Douglas Lubricant, guys, stay smooth with your boning. Later, dudes. That was fun. Yeah, that was super fun. We're playing in the bank, coming down like the Cal Jones When the clouds come, we gone We Rockefellers, people are higher than weather And G-Files are better You know me, in anticipation for precipitation
Starting point is 01:27:11 Stack chips with a rainy day Jay, Rain Man is back With Little Miss Sunshine, Rihanna, where you at? You have my heart, and we'll never be world apart Maybe in magazines, but you'll still be my star Baby, cause in the dark, you can't see shiny cars And that's when you need me there With you I'll always share
Starting point is 01:27:39 Because, when the sun shines, we'll shine together Told you I'll be here forever Said I'll always be your friend Took a note, I must take it out to the end Now that it's raining more than ever Know that we'll still have each other You can stand under my umbrella You can stand under my umbrella, under my umbrella, under my umbrella, under my umbrella, under, la, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh Fancy things will never come in between You're part of my entity, here for infinity When the world has took its part
Starting point is 01:28:37 When the world has dealt its cost If the hand is hard, together we'll mend your heart Because when the sunshine will shine together Told you I'll be here forever Said I'll always be your friend Took an oath I must to get out to the end Now that it's raining more than ever Know that we'll still have each other
Starting point is 01:29:04 You can stand under my umbrella You can stand under my umbrella You can stand under my umbrella Under my umbrella Under my umbrella Under my umbrella You can run into my arms It's okay, don't be alarmed Come into me
Starting point is 01:29:38 There's no distance in between, I love Gonna let the rain pour I'll be all you need and more Because When the sunshine will shine together Told you I'll be here forever Said I'll always be your friend Took a note that was to get out to the end
Starting point is 01:30:04 Now that it's raining more than ever Know that we'll still have each other You can stand under my umbrella You can stand under my umbrella Under my umbrella Under my umbrella, la, la, la, eh, eh, eh Under my umbrella, la, la, la, eh, eh, eh Under my umbrella, la, la, la, eh, eh, eh, eh
Starting point is 01:30:37 It's raining, raining, oh baby it's raining, raining Baby come into me, come into me It's raining, raining Oh baby, it's raining, raining You can always come into me Come into me It's pouring rain, it's pouring rain Come into me, coming to me.
Starting point is 01:31:10 It's pouring rain, it's pouring rain, coming to me.

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