Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 87 - Uncle Joe Joins, Waistband Technology, Epstein

Episode Date: August 20, 2019

What up stokers, in this episode we are joined once again by Uncle Joe with his no-nonsense approach, we call in to JT's buddy, Tom, discuss the controversy surrounding Jeffrey Epstein's death, a taco... bell hotel pop up, and Chernobyl vodka. Tune in, stokers! Check out our t-shirts at www.chadgoesdeep.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Sorry. Sorry. Oh, Scooby-Doo-Bop. Wow, what's up Stokers of Stoke Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. Guys, welcome to episode number 87. We are coming in hot. I'm here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas.
Starting point is 00:00:31 What up? Boom clap, Stokers. And we're here with the Hogmaster General, Joe Morisi. What up? Hey, guys. Thanks for having me on. I'd like to start off by making an apology. I'd like to start off by making an apology.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Yeah, as I told you, your girlfriend's friend, I asked her to make out with me if that was offensive in any way. I sincerely apologize to everyone out there. Dude, I don't... Yeah, I mean, I don't know how it came off, but... You think you were being a little too, like, forward? Yeah. I'm sure you're all right, though. Yeah, I've... Well, yeah, she didn't take it. She was just like, well, I'm sure you're all right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Well, yeah, she didn't take it. She was just like, well, I'm not going to now that you asked. Yeah, that happens a lot. So I don't know if that meant I should have just did it. Well, I appreciate the apology, but I don't think you. Did they say anything? No. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:01:25 If anything with Joe, I feel like you're kind of the kind of guy that everyone knows you have a good heart you have like a heart of gold so even if you do something that might be creepy people don't perceive it that way oh good yeah well and you asked i think that's polite but you asked and then when she said no and you you you i'm sure you took that as gospel so that's you did i think you did all right yeah maybe you misread the sitch by a little. So that's, you did, I think you did all right. Yeah. Maybe you misread the sitch by a little bit, but that's, I mean, baby, we're all making those mistakes. Yeah. You put yourself out there.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Dude, I got some similar. But she's cute. If we're, if we're. Yeah. Hey, I'll put you guys in touch. I, dude, I went to dinner last night with my girlfriend, a friend, and a friend's friend. And I got, afterwards, I thought my girlfriend was flirting with a friend's friend oh yeah and i was like very i felt so wounded why was there like some of this going on i saw a little bit of like touching oh yeah like when they they exchanged the soy sauce i was
Starting point is 00:02:17 like what do you mean did you fight with her about it no i was just like babe i felt like you were like flirting and then i was like maybe you didn't even know you were doing it and she was like no I didn't feel like I was and I was like no I don't feel like I was flirting and then she's from Australia that's a good impression and then and then she's like do you want to just pull over and talk and then we pulled over and we just talked and then I kind of settled down it took me a while I was pretty like do you think you're overreacting I'm allowed to talk to guys I don't know i don't think i overreacted but i think i was over um sensitive overseeing things yeah like i was seeing stuff that might not have been there yeah yeah scary it's a very scary feeling yeah is he a good
Starting point is 00:02:56 looking dude or is that did that play into it he's good looking but it wasn't even that like i like when i saw him i wasn't like whoa this is like i mean he's a good looking guy but i wasn't like this is like a dude who's gonna like steal your chick it was like just random yeah whoa there seems to be like a spark here yeah and then and then i think yeah now thinking back on it i don't think there actually was but there might have been. I'm kind of like, I don't know. That's tough, though. Yeah, it was tough. It's tough.
Starting point is 00:03:32 You know, being in a relation is tough to think about that you're constantly in the gladiator's arena. Not really, but. Right. No, it does feel that way. Yeah. You know one thing I've noticed in women, like my girlfriend especially they can read dudes
Starting point is 00:03:48 at a level that you can't yeah I agree with that we were at a bar and this guy was like the host there came to say hi to us cause I was with her parents and the guy knows the parents and he said hi to us and then her mom was like you don't like him do you
Starting point is 00:04:04 and she's like no he has an edge i'm like oh i was like oh it seems like a nice guy but they they can somehow sense the underlying her mom has an accent yeah she's from arkansas oh okay yeah it's a nice it's a delightful accent i dig it that's nice but i was like i was like how do you like sense that because i was like oh he's a nice guy he's like very aff I was like, how do you sense that? Because I was like, oh, he's a nice guy. He's very affable. He gave me a handshake. He's like, good to see you again. And she's like, I can just tell he has an edge.
Starting point is 00:04:31 There's something going on underneath. An edge? I think we all need to have a little bit of an edge to us, don't we? Do you think so? Well, I think there's good and bad edge. I think the edge she was talking about was more like. A negative edge? Like rapey.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Oh, really? Yeah, I wouldn't describe that as an edge. That's true. Well, maybe just like... Maybe not that serious, but like more like... I'd say that guy has a serrated blade. Because usually when you say this guy's got an edge to him, that kind of means he's kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:04:59 You're thinking even in a sports context. Oh, yeah, I guess. This is more like... Yeah, do they say that about athletes? Yeah, like, oh, he's got an edge. He plays with an edge. sports context yeah oh yeah yeah this is more like yeah do they say that about athletes yeah like oh he's got an edge he plays with an edge oh yeah yeah this is more like a creepy yeah i guess that's what i'm thinking of it not like the edge like mufasa has where you know you could take you out but he is also a benevolent leader is that the right word this is mine right yeah well let's talk about someone else who had a hell of an edge. Jeffrey Epstein. Oh, dude, fishy.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Dude, it's so funny, too. Fishy, fishy. Because I was like all the people who were like, there was people talking about Epstein before he got in trouble. You know what I mean? Like before he got arrested, there was people who were like, Epstein is like this weasley pedophile who helps all these powerful people get laid. And I was always like, get out of here with your crazy talk.
Starting point is 00:05:48 And now as the story unfolds, I'm like, oh, they were right. Yeah. And the circumstances around his suicide are pretty sketchy. What are they? Well, the camera malfunctioned, supposedly. And the guards were supposed to check on him every 30 minutes. But there was like a – for some reason they didn't. Well, I think most of the time with that stuff, or not most of the time,
Starting point is 00:06:09 but I think what people would say happened is probably that he paid off the guards because he still got money, right? So you give like $50,000 to the guards to give you the stuff to kill yourself and it'd just stay away for a while. Yeah. Yeah, there's definitely some. But I think the more juicy conspiracy and the one that actually i do think you have to entertain is that one of these powerful people who is connected to
Starting point is 00:06:33 him had him killed because the day before they released a bunch of names of people he was connected with like powerful people yeah it's everybody okay yeah yeah that's interesting one of my favorite quotes from a New York Post article goes, the guy, like the director of the Bureau of Brooklyn or something, was like, something doesn't smell right. It's not Epstein's dead body. You said that? That's a real quote?
Starting point is 00:06:58 And then the New York Post describes him as the 66-year-old pervert supposedly hanged himself. I'm like, I love that he's a pervert. Aaron, what say you? Yeah, Aaron, give us the scoop, dude. The scoop? I mean, I only know that he's dead. Give us your scoop. He's not Sam Tripoli.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Yeah, I'm definitely not Sam Tripoli. Good, but also shit. Will we be able to find out who else is involved that's why it's fishy but do you do the question i'm really asking is do you think the people who may have been involved are the people who ended his life i don't i don't think so but i don't know i haven't really looked into it i just like yeah you think he just killed himself because he doesn't want to be a pedophile in jail i mean that's a good enough reason. But there are fishy circumstances, though, because I've read about this jail,
Starting point is 00:07:48 and supposedly it's nearly impossible to kill yourself there. Yeah. And the guards are checking in on you. And for some reason he didn't have a cellmate, which was like a snafu on the jail's part. But I think rich guys have always gotten different treatment in jail just because they can give money to people. He had one, though, before in his first suicide attempt.
Starting point is 00:08:09 He had a cellmate who saved him. Oh, really? When was that? Man, he must have been really mad at his cellmate. He's like, what am I doing awake? He's like, dude, you were going to die. I saved you. He's like, it was a suicide.
Starting point is 00:08:20 I'm a pedophile. Let me die. I didn't know that. And the guy's like, my bad, dude. My bad, bro. I see someone die and I just want to save them And the guy's like, my bad, dude. My bad, bro. I see someone dying. I just want to save them. The guy's like, what kind of prisoner are you?
Starting point is 00:08:29 What's your mindset? The Stokers don't take my words as fact. I've read New York Post articles, so I don't. I just think there's a lot of juice here. What else, guys? So Chernobyl vodka. They're making a vodka now from Chernobyl where the nuclear power plant exploded. Dude, flirting with danger.
Starting point is 00:08:53 I love it. You got to take a shot. I think it adds a new element to your vodka shots where you're like, not only is this going to taste, I'm taking out a shot, I'm ready to rage, but I'm ready to rage with radioactivity. Yeah, I would never touch this stuff. It gets me jacked up because then I'm like, oh, dude, you ready to Chernobyl tonight?
Starting point is 00:09:12 Oh, dude. Like it kind of raises the game a little bit. And. You're parting on a nuclear level. As a germaphobe, I couldn't ever. Are you a germaphobe? Yeah. Really?
Starting point is 00:09:24 What grosses you out what gross what you're not not really what grosses you out i don't know touching things i'm stoked on bacteria the more i learn about bacteria i'm like bring it on dude it's a good mentality yeah i guess to like build your immune system or whatever but do you have like oc that stuff? Like, do you wash your hands a lot? Yeah. I mean, it's kind of cool that you're OCD because your room's immaculate. Yeah. Yeah, that is true. Yeah, there's positive. Have you always been that way?
Starting point is 00:09:54 No. Is that new? Last couple years or so. Nice. Yeah, I like being clean. or so. Nice. Yeah, like being clean. So I heard that this vodka, I read in the article
Starting point is 00:10:07 that it benefits Chernobyl economically too. Right. The money's going to go back to the place so that they can help rebuild it even more. What country is that? Russia. Oh. But how do they... It's used by grains from chernobyl
Starting point is 00:10:25 do they met do they like test it i hope so i mean it does make you nervous but i think that's part of what makes the partying so epic is that you're like dude you got to be careful with this stuff because you drink too much of it and you might get radiation poisoning yeah dude get out oh dude i knew i was i've been drunk and boked before but i've never had my skin melt off yeah yeah like damn dude i'm extra hung over today my hair's falling out that'd be terrifying no do the cost of drinking was that you lose your do yeah dude on second thought i don't think i could drink it now. You know, I can't risk that. I'll just stick to smearing off. Or Tito's because it's gluten-free.
Starting point is 00:11:08 How do they make Tito's gluten? Does vodka have gluten in it? Just no vodka has gluten. I don't know. Why do they market Tito's as gluten-free? I thought that was tequila. I think because all vodka is gluten-free. So literally any company could market it that way.
Starting point is 00:11:22 It's just a smart thing to do because it makes people who are on diets be like, oh, wow, it's like catered to me. Oh, so it's just gluten-free so literally any company could market it that way it's just a smart thing to do because it makes oh really people who are on diets be like oh wow it's like catered to me oh so it's gluten-free and then yeah but smirnoff is the same yeah it's like mad men when you can't say cigarettes are safe anymore so let's just go let's just call them toasted like just change the conversation dude that's why i drink tito's because i'm like oh gluten-free what up i didn't realize that it's also a fun name. Yeah, Tito's. Tito's, yeah. Yeah, Uncle Tito. Yeah, it's a popular brand.
Starting point is 00:11:48 That's what's up. Did you guys also see the Taco Bell Hotel that popped up in Palm Springs? Heaven on Earth. Yeah, that's amazing. Yeah. The only thing that was disappointing for me is that it's a pop-up hotel. That was disappointing for me, too. Because I was like, all right, you did it for five days, but let's go full-time.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Yeah, why do they – I don't understand all these pop-ups that happen. Because I first started reading it, I'm like, oh, I'm going to book a couple nights at this hotel. Yeah. It's over now. In the cheesy gordita suite. Yeah. A Taco Bell robe.
Starting point is 00:12:17 The breakfast sounds dank. You can get your, like, hair done in, like, Taco Bell style. I've yet to do Taco Bell breakfast, and I don't know why I haven't. Do you still eat Taco Bell fairly often? No, I used to, I've only had it once this whole year. Oh,
Starting point is 00:12:34 nice dude. Yeah. You know, people were saying that the breakfast was the star of the show at the hotel. Oh man. Yeah. It is good. Do you eat Taco Bell breakfast?
Starting point is 00:12:43 Uh, not often, but yeah, every, maybe once a month. And what do you get? You got to go breakfast crunch wrap. Oh, yeah. It's scrambled eggs, hash browns, and either bacon or sausage, and some sauce, which is really good.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Beautiful. In a crunch wrap. That's awesome. Yeah, because I was always a big fan of the crunch wrap supreme yeah dude yeah why not take it to breakfast dude talk about it always does work on my belly so like i have to use it i have to eat it sparingly but when i do it's always a great occasion nice yeah i'm to make the sacrifice yeah i haven't had it for like two years whoa dude i haven't had for like a year i think and then last time i had fast it was carl's junior at the airport i love carl's cabo yeah i always have airport fast food it's the best i've been
Starting point is 00:13:37 eating mcdonald's uh i've been eating del taco more actually recently it's a great spot i love the double dough is so good. I've never done the burgers. You've never done a burger. I've only done the – I didn't even really know they had burgers. It's a staple. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:52 I just ignore it. I get a couple of Del Tacos and some fries. Give it a shot. Oh, that sounds good. Yeah. Yeah, I think Del Taco might even be better than Taco Bell. Yeah, salty fries. But actually, Taco Bell has really changed in the last couple years,
Starting point is 00:14:08 and in that time, I haven't been a frequent visitor. Yeah. So I don't know. At this point, it might be a whole different ballgame. There's Cheesy Gordita Crunches, though. Do you get those? Yeah, that's the best thing. Best thing.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Yeah. Actually, the Taco Bell by us now, you don't even have to. You can order on the touchscreen. All right, dude, should we get into some questions? Oh, yeah, I'd love some. Are we going to talk about Nietzsche? Oh, sorry, yeah, I forgot. What did you guys think about the, did you read that?
Starting point is 00:14:36 What's that? The Nietzsche or Nietzsche three stages to, like, living a fulfilling life. I love Nietzsche, dude dude to becoming the uber mensch what say what they are it's the camel the lion and the child oh okay so you didn't read it no i didn't read it i was working till 1 30 last night and then i went to sleep and then came here i'm not accusing you did you read the other articles No, but I got the gist of them. Yeah, this one was one of those where you have to read it. You can't really get the gist.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Well, if you guys read it, we could talk about it. Because I tried to skim read it. Yeah, well, I didn't really read it. Oh, you didn't even read it. Look at that. I sent it out. You're the one who sent the email. So the basic gist.
Starting point is 00:15:22 How do you like that? So Nietzsche was all uh becoming someone who has a mastery over his emotions and takes joy in existing and creating so i think his whole thing is like you sort of uh break yourself free from the shackles of society you know from uh you create your own value system your own moral code and that from there you create your own value system, your own moral code, and that from there you're able to live freely and create freely. And the sort of, I think he thinks that the peak state for human beings is to exist in a state of free creativity and play.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Does that make sense? Yeah, I agree. Yeah, I agree too. He says, the camel, one, camel unburdens itself, takes control of its destiny, and says, I will. The lion rejects what society forces upon him and embarks on self-mastery. Imagine a state, there's a quote,
Starting point is 00:16:19 imagine a state of the pure individual who is unburdened of the rules, customs, and conventions of society. What up, dude? And then the third is the child. So that's basically when you're... Because when we're children, society doesn't really... Put limits on us. We're not yet manipulated by society.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Because society sort of imposes these things like, oh, you have to do this, you have to do that. These are the rules and stuff. Whereas when you're a child, you're sort of free from that, so you're in this creative, playful state. Yeah. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:16:55 Totally. Good breakdown. Yeah, I get amped on this stuff. So guys, stokers, get out there and create freely and don't give in to what society, you know, follow your heart, manscape your dong and go build however you see fit. That's what's up. Yeah, that is. All right, dude, should we get into some questions?
Starting point is 00:17:18 Thank you for reading that, Chad. Yeah. Should we chop it up a little more? I feel like. Yeah, we can chop it up more. It's kind of slow maybe we could yeah we could dive into like what's going on yeah what else is going on we had our show on friday at the improv yeah that was fun joe you hosted joe you unveiled that you have a seven and a half inch beast oh i did say that are we no we i mean are we prepared to give out a number well
Starting point is 00:17:46 sorry you can jt can cut if you want but i've never heard a number so i thought well i mean i was drinking and uh you know i was a little bit uh on edge and so do you i was drinking too do you feel nervous about it no i just uh i don't know, that show got off to kind of a frustrating start, but it wound up being fun. Yeah, you came out of the gates a little belligerent towards the audience. Well, because I like to, if I'm hosting, I kind of like to just kind of play around and like to have fun. And I don't know i like to try different things that i think
Starting point is 00:18:29 are going to be funny yeah like the child and niches breakdown yeah yeah forgetful and playful and uh yeah they were just a very kind of a subdued crowd they typically are it takes them a while to get going i think i think a lot of the people who come don't normally go to stand-up shows so i think it takes them a couple comics to get um into the rhythm of the performance yeah it's like it's like they're watching netflix at home just and the room is weird yeah a lot of people say the labs like the hardest room yeah so i think that that's a huge contributor. But yeah, overall it was fun.
Starting point is 00:19:08 It was a fun night. Then we went out afterwards, got after it. Went out with some people who came to the show, which was really cool. Yeah, that was fun. It's fun to do that. Like someone comes to the show, then they come up and say what up afterwards, then we go get drinks together. You get to know them a little bit.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Yeah. See what's going on in their lives. Yeah, it was cool. People are interesting. Yeah, these guys approach me to take a shot, and I'm like, I can't, but you can give it to my buddy. Yeah, don't do shots. You don't do shots? Mm-mm.
Starting point is 00:19:38 What do you drink? Beer, wine sometimes. I'll do a champagne toast. I won't do a shot. Do you do mixed drinks, though? No. Right. Do you do mimosas?
Starting point is 00:19:50 Yeah, I could do a mimosa and champagne. And what else did we get up to this weekend? Aaron won his softball title. Congratulations, Aaron. Yeah, it was exciting. Thank you, guys. Congratulations. That's what's up.
Starting point is 00:20:02 I played in a volleyball tournament yesterday. Oh, yeah. How did that go? Four-man volleyball at Cypress Shores. It was awesome. It was fun, guys. That's what's up. I played in a volleyball tournament yesterday. Oh, yeah. How did that go? Four-man volleyball at Cypress Shores. It was awesome. It was fun, dude. I was really nervous when I got there because I was playing with a team of ruthless competitors. John Mangus in his 70s gets the whole team together. He goes, all right, guys, here's what I think.
Starting point is 00:20:18 If we give it up to the two big guys up front, he points to me. He's like, look, we're not going to be doing the hit, and we just don't have it on these guys' level. I was like, you've never seen me play, but all right, I'm rolling with it. And then he's like, we're just going to be feeding it up to the two big guys. We and he points to me he's like look we're not gonna be doing the hit and we just don't have it on these guys level i was like you've never seen me play but all right i'm rolling with it and then he's like we're just gonna be feeding up to the two big guys we protect the net i got a good feeling we're gonna win this whole fucking thing i was like let's go dude there was no 70 year old guy in here yeah and there was nothing frivolous about us dude we took everything so serious after every point we're like that's what i'm talking about let's go let's do this it was good camaraderie man but then we then we went 4-0 in group play.
Starting point is 00:20:45 We were the favorites to win the whole thing. But then a team that we had beaten adjusted their game plan, and they took us out. Damn. How was the team? Did you come in with a set team? No, there's like a draft, and you get ranked level of player. And I was ranked in the lowest tier, but I actually think I ended up being better than that for my team. So I was like a total value add because they thought I was going to suck, and I came in lowering their expectations.
Starting point is 00:21:04 I was like, yo, I suck. I feel like i'm gonna piss my pants i'm so nervous i was like i was like i just don't you're kind of a ringer and then i came in and then i was like just making spectacular digs with the dime i saw you on uh sally's story you were like you made some really good hits yeah you like dove and yeah i saw that one thank you guys thank you yeah what was that dude i get after it but i had a few bad i had this guy was serving bb's and gabby reese over here my captain on my team pushed me up to play shorter i was like yeah i gotta be at the back line on this guy and i i just yipped a couple shots but overall it was just great five games my body's sore my wrists are sore from all the
Starting point is 00:21:45 look at those bruises yeah that's why i hate volleyball i don't i never liked the hurt my wrist put your hands out there just do this yeah no it hurts yeah exactly you want this as flat as possible just set that it always hurt look at how banged up he is yeah i got some bruises but dude it was fun man man. Did Strider play? No, he couldn't make it, but he got a tank top from the tournament. They make shirts.
Starting point is 00:22:09 They're so badass. I want to hit stuff with my wrist. A lot of respect to Tom. Actually, can we call my buddy Tom real quick? Yeah. He's a spiritual dude.
Starting point is 00:22:18 We'll ask him about Nietzsche. You reached Thomas Hall. Unfortunately, I'm not here. Should we call the schmole? Yeah, let's call Kevin. I got him right here. What do you want to say to him? He told me about the, in Vegas, the $20 tip.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Yeah, I didn't look at that yet. Dude, it sounds dank. What's that? We'll have Kevin talk about it. Kevin's a cheap guy. He's always looking to cut corners, so I'm sure it's something about saving money. It's a real cheapskate.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Hey, what's up, dude? You're on the pod. What's up, Schmall? Yeah, what's up, Schmall? What's up, Kevin? Yeah, what do you guys want? Just want to say what up, dude. How you doing?
Starting point is 00:23:10 Oh, these guys wanted you to do a breakdown on tipping $20 in Vegas or something? Oh, the $20 sandwich. You don't know what that is? Yeah, we don't know what that is. Yeah, what's the play? So when you check in to the hotel, you know when they ask you for your ID and your credit card? Yeah. You put a $20 bill and you sandwich it in between your credit card and your ID. Oh.
Starting point is 00:23:33 And then you just hand it to them. And usually what happens is the person smiles at you. And what happened to me is they ask you you know is this for my service and then uh you just kindly ask i was just wondering if there was any upgrades available and you know if the check-in person's feeling your vibe they'll just upgrade you to a better room and they do that for free right well for 20. for $20. Yeah, it's a $20. You're giving them a tip. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Because I think they're making like $15 or $20 an hour, so you're basically giving them an hour's pay. So when you check in and it's the most, you get a rush because when you're waiting to do it, you get really nervous because you don't know if they're going to do it or not. You don't know if they're going to just take your $20 bills, but I tried it. How's that $20? Are you going to do it?
Starting point is 00:24:30 All right. Well, I'm rooming with Amir, so I'm not really trying to impress him. So we might just stick with the standard double. So don't you want a bigger room? No, just standard room with two queens. We're not even going to be in the room. It's Vegas. So why don't you try to see if you can get a suite?
Starting point is 00:24:49 Dude, I'm definitely going to do it. I'll give you some suite. Yo, you're in Vegas. You're going to waste some money anyway. You're going to pay $20 for a drink. So why don't you just give them $20? They're not going to steal the $20 from you. If they don't give you an upgrade, they're not
Starting point is 00:25:06 just going to keep the $20. Although that would be funny, too. Yeah, I appreciate your modesty, Joe, but why not bump up the room, baby? Yeah. I don't know. I did it last time I went. Yeah, how was your upgrade? Oh, it was great. They put me on the top floor, bigger room,
Starting point is 00:25:23 everything. And the person was so happy to get the $20. Where'd you learn the $20? Where'd you learn the $20 so much from? Go on YouTube and there's like all these different people doing instructional videos
Starting point is 00:25:37 on how to do it. So they'll go to each hotel in Vegas and they'll do it. There's a million YouTube videos. Joe, stop being such a puss and just do it. Now the hotels are probably under. There's people that are going to be trying to slip you 20s. How many views did the YouTube videos get? Joe, you spend $20 on a fruit smoothie at Airwalk.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Yeah, that's because I got a lot of money. Put back $20 and get yourself a sweet. So when you're in the club and you meet a lady and you bring her up, you don't just have a mirror in this tiny room sleeping on the bed that you feel. Maybe I want them there. So you have a separate room,
Starting point is 00:26:19 and then you can, you know, all right. Kevin's making a lot of sense. There's separate rooms? Joe, I don't understand why you don't want that upgrade. All right, I'll let Amir do it. I'm not really smooth with that kind of stuff. But you just sandwich it in. It's not even about the upgrade.
Starting point is 00:26:33 It's about the rush. It's the excitement when you don't know what's going to happen. When you're waiting in line and you're wondering, is this person going to give me the upgrade? Am I going to look like a fool? Are they going to, like, just reject me? Are they going to take me to upgrade? Am I going to look like a fool? Are they going to just reject me? Are they going to take my $20? If you want to experience life,
Starting point is 00:26:48 you'll do the $20 sandwich. If you just want to live in the safe lane and get your standard room, you can do that too. The safe lane? Yeah, that sounds like me. And you can prep for it. It's something to do it's something
Starting point is 00:27:06 to think about it was probably the most exciting thing i've done in my life to be honest with you kevin what are you most excited about for your upcoming for your wedding um yeah i you know that's a that's a stumper on everything, huh? I got Elvis though. Elvis is, uh, Elvis is doing the ceremony. Yeah, that should be exciting. Oh yeah, that'll be cool. What do you do? I'm pretty, I'm pretty exhausted because, you know, I'm the wedding planner.
Starting point is 00:27:36 So, uh, so, uh, it's, I'm, you know, I've done everything. It's a lot of work. Do you think, are you being like a groomzilla right now? Uh, you know. You know, that's what everything. It's a lot of work. Are you being like a groomzilla right now? Uh, you know. You know, that's what you're doing. Sounds like it. You don't want to be on the other side of the phone with me. These, uh, the people with the flowers and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:27:57 I heard about that going back and forth with you. I heard about Joe's table with Chad. It sounds like a fire table. Yeah, who's at the table? It's a good group. It sounds like a fire table. Yeah, who's at the table? It's a good group. It's you, your girlfriend, Joe, and, you know, a few other people that you know. Joe's doing a toast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Yeah, I'm excited for that. Have you started writing it, Joe? Yeah, I have put some notes down. Yeah, and I'm thinking about renting a tux, to be honest with you. Nice. Joe's going to do a part. I'm going to see some prices because I'm sick of it. I have one black suit and I'm sick of it.
Starting point is 00:28:35 You're going to rent a tux? Maybe. All right. Well, go for it. You want to do matching tux with me? As a maroon tux? My dog has a matching tux. You can do the same kind of tux with me as a maroon tux my dog has a matching tux you can you can do the same
Starting point is 00:28:45 kind of stuff well yeah i was thinking about doing that uh because i because maroon is my favorite color you know there's uh this uh armenian guy that's on sunset that i got my tux from it's actually pretty reasonable well there's a place just there and at caesars that i can do it from for you're gonna get a tux from caesars i don't know if they have a tux but you're probably gonna pay like wait at the hotel yeah and like their mall yeah that'd be fun what that's gonna be like armani because then i don't have to uh it's super expensive those are all travel with it yep those stores are like ungodly expensive and like and like so stylish i'm'm going to look it up.
Starting point is 00:29:25 You're going to be wearing like a suit that's like designed for like Justin Bieber. Like the style is going to be – Yeah, I don't mind looking the best there. All right. Well, you're just – you're going a lot of different directions. You don't want to kick the 20 in for the better room. Yeah. But you want to buy your tux from Las Vegas.
Starting point is 00:29:42 I'm all over the place. Deal with it. You're drinking $20 juice? Yeah. Yeah, I think you have the $20 sandwich. I'm actually considered, this is upsetting me, and I might make that requirement, and I might have to ban some people from the wedding
Starting point is 00:29:57 unless I have proof that they did the $20 sandwich. But don't you think that's too many $20 sandwiches that people could be at risk? Yeah, if everyone's doing it. They're going to upgrade everybody. How many views did the videos have? Get real. I think it was around 100,000.
Starting point is 00:30:15 That town lives off of $100,000. That's how you get a room in Vegas. You tip. You give people. You give them something. They give you something. What about a tostada? A what?
Starting point is 00:30:28 Where you put the two cards together and then you just put the $20 on top. Yeah, I'm going to try that. That didn't hit for me. Kev, I didn't realize it was a sandwich,
Starting point is 00:30:44 so I was practicing it with my girlfriend last night, and it felt so awkward because she'd be like, hey, you want a chicken? I'm like, yeah, and here you go. She's handing it to me. How many times did you guys rehearse it? Like 40.
Starting point is 00:30:59 It was some dang role-playing. Yeah. We made out after. But you think it would be really expensive if I just wanted to rent a tuxedo for one night if i go into the mall or whatever on saturday morning i'm like i just need this tux for tonight you think it'd be more than like 200 bucks it's tough to say you can get a cheaper one in all of vegas not at caesar's but if you go to like just someplace off the strip yeah i'll look at yeah i mean because i don't gamble. So if I'm going to spend some money, I might as well.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Are you having pre-wedding jitters? Yeah, you nervous at all? No. That's good. Yeah. Are you having pre-wedding jitters? No, I'm having pre-wedding stoke. Are you having pre-$20 sandwich jitters?
Starting point is 00:31:46 Oh, yeah, dude. But I told you, i've been role-playing i got this down all right chad let's uh let's role play right now i'll be the clerk at caesars and then you're gonna come up to me okay okay hi welcome to caesars hi can i get information? Yeah, let me just give you my credit card and ID. Here you go. Oh, wow. Is this for my service? Well, actually, we were wondering if we could get an upgrade. That's awful.
Starting point is 00:32:21 I think he just wanted you to say yes there. Yeah, yeah. Oh, you're supposed to say yes. Oh, yeah. It's for your service. But you said an example that you say you want to upgrade. You just say yes? No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:32:32 So, well, this is what she did. Now, this is my experience. What if it's a guy? Same thing. Same thing. Because they know that they want to make sure that you're tipping them, right? Yeah. Because if you're just giving them $20, they want to make sure that this is a tip.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Yeah, they put it in the drawer. Yeah. So it's just for my service. And then you go, well, yes, indeed it is. I just wanted to see if you guys had any other rooms or upgrades that might be available right now. And what they'll do is they'll pause and they'll get on their computer and they'll check. And if they're feeling your vibe, then they're going to upgrade you and you're going to be in a bigger room. You know, if Joe did it, he would have more room for his hog to fucking breathe.
Starting point is 00:33:25 That's true. Instead of, like, sharing a room with a guy. That's a good point. So the only way they won't upgrade you is if there's actually no room. Yeah, if there's no availability. Okay. Gotcha. I've heard of them just taking the 20, but what you should do is go on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Instead of role-playing with your girlfriend, you should just go on YouTube and watch these guys. They do it. Yeah, they're great videos Yeah, I just watched that one. The guy was kind of a dweeb to be honest The one you sent me Yeah, okay. Well, I mean this guy's this guy is getting our grades all over the place You know you call them a dweeb, but's see you in action yeah yeah that's a good point thank you kevin were you sad that uh jeffrey epstein won't be able to make it to your wedding anymore was that enough for you yeah ah jesus christ man that was uh that's too dark man isn't that too dark for this pod you just brought down the vibe you just uh jt you just smold this
Starting point is 00:34:24 this whole uh vibe up i don't even know if i can continue with this phone call anymore i didn't i didn't expect it to i'm sorry man i didn't expect it to hit so awkwardly with you you know we were we were vibing on the you know well do you do you think do you think that epstein do you think that Epstein was killed? No, I think he killed himself. I think they took him off the wall. I don't really think there's a huge conspiracy there, maybe about them not keeping him on the watch. But I don't think somebody killed him.
Starting point is 00:34:59 He tried to kill himself a few weeks before. And it's reasonable that somebody might try to kill themselves under this circumstance. Do you think it's convenient negligence on the guard's end? It's possible. I don't know. That's the conspiracy.
Starting point is 00:35:14 What do you guys think? Is that what you guys have been talking about? Yeah, we've already kind of chopped it up. Yeah, I don't think somebody killed him. You know.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Do you have any juicy cases you're working on? Kevin's a lawyer. Juicy cases? Not that juicy. All right. Well, thanks for letting us call you, Kevin. All right. Well, we'll stoke you later.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Stoke you later, dog. All right, Kevin. We'll see you later. Kevin, I'm stuck for the sandwich. All right. I'm stuck for the sandwich. All right. Beast. Let me try my friend Tom one more
Starting point is 00:35:53 time. This guy's got good hot takes. This is a little earlier than he wanted me to call him, but he should be all right.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Oh, brethren. My dog, you're on the pod. What what up no way dude i'm live on the pod right now hey tom what up tom oh what's up chad joe my dudes good to hear your guys voices yeah sorry i missed your guys call earlier no worries we were talking about nichi do you Do you think you've maintained your child? Yeah, I think so. I mean, I'm standing right next to my mom right now. She's just like wishing me off on my journeys north. Mom, do you want to say hi to the pod?
Starting point is 00:36:34 JT and Chad. My mom's actually a big fan of you dudes. Hey, Mrs. Hall. How's it going? Good seeing you yesterday. Hi, Mrs. Hall. Hello. Hello. Mom, let's ask if I've maintained my childhood spirit.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Oh, my gosh. I think he's the guy out of Peter Pan Complex. Oh, wow. I don't know that he'll ever grow up to be. There's a good country song called Peter Pan Complex. I like that. The audience at home should know he's an ER doctor. So in some ways know he's an ER doctor, so in some ways he's grown,
Starting point is 00:37:06 but he maintains that childlike wonder in the operating room. I did pick the field that has the most flexibility, but yeah, I at least made it that far. I mean, I did sleep until noon, so me and Strider do have some things in common. My dog, how did you feel about your volleyball performance yesterday? I mean, honestly, Mom, how do you think we did in the volleyball yesterday? Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:37:32 You guys did awesome. We were saying how everybody exceeded expectations, and you had so many advance in pool play, and then you got three. Yeah, JT, your team went like 4-0, and then Charlie and Mike yeah your team went like four and oh and then charlie and mike were in the finals together i mean honestly i'm just glad i made it out without an injury you know jt made the unbelievable dives yeah i saw those dives it was awesome yeah staller was she was like oh wow you know she was yeah dude you were you were impressing your lady with your
Starting point is 00:38:03 yeah i still got jealous later at dinner though tom thanks for helping me out with that did i talk you through it okay yeah no your feedback was wonderful yeah okay dude good let me just get my grandma here real quick did you ever say hi to my grandma i gotta for sure yeah she's 90 she's 91. hey grandma my grandma's 91 also i'm about to head up to fresno i gotta drive up yeah do you want to say hi to my friends they're on the phone right now remember jt yesterday for the volleyball yeah he's on the phone you can say hi to him he's with his friends chad and joe uh uh is he the one that owns the dog yeah oh that's right no but he also has a cute dog lady who's pretty pretty Watch him on tv sometimes. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 00:38:55 Yeah, and then this buddy that he's on tv with yeah, right and then my yes Hi grandma, hi, how are you? Hi, how's it going? Pretty good. Pretty good. Yeah, she's watching Fox News right now. She's looking at the Epstein stuff. Yeah. Oh, whoa. We were just talking about it. It keeps coming up on the pod, dude. What's your take?
Starting point is 00:39:14 What, on Epstein? Yeah. Who did it? Oh, it could be any number of people. He had a lot of information about a lot of people. Who do you think is the prime suspect? Oh, I don't want to say. Oh, wow. She's I think she's I think I think she's a she's behind maybe the conspiracy.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Yes, it's fishy. It's fishy. Interesting. Maybe. Okay. Somebody got paid off somewhere. Right. Tom, what's a if you have. Love you. Yeah, I'm getting in the car right now yeah i wish you guys got to go no worries
Starting point is 00:39:45 no i i just had one more question what movie do you think is the most inspiring my grandma love you oh the most inspiring movie bye mrs hall bye grandma bye bye that's a tough call man i think um i think you can be inspired on so many levels right like i mean i think you know star wars was one of the first like really, really to embody, like, the hero's journey, you know, like, in mainstream culture and, you know, give, I don't know, give a voice to, like, that feeling of, you know, standing up against, like, a massive indomitable force like the Empire. But I love Lord of the Rings, too. You know, I mean, I feel like that Tolkien, the spirituality in those books and seeing that on the big screen was also rings too you know i mean i feel like that tolkien the spirituality in those books and seeing that on the big screen was also huge you know for me um i think those are like probably probably some of the more like mainstream ones
Starting point is 00:40:35 no you have to have one it's tough um i mean honestly like one of the most aspiring ones for me is the gray like on a personal level for everyone once more into the fray my good friend on this day dude like every day we have to get out of you know get out of bed get in our car get out into the world face the fact that we're all mortal and yet we still have to you know battle on and fight into the fray and you know it might not resonate for everyone you know like in mains like in terms of a general audience in that way but i think yeah for me that's like one of the most inspiring dude i love it thanks dude all right man we'll call you back another time love you tom
Starting point is 00:41:13 all right i love you too dude good talking to you dude see you tom and yeah fire pod i'm planning on crushing a few on my way up man oh nice Oh, nice. Thanks, dog. Yeah, dudes. With you guys in spirit. Later, bros. Later. Good dude. Yeah, he's a great guy. All right, guys. Should we get into some questions?
Starting point is 00:41:33 Yeah. What's up, Stoke Nations? All the dudes in my close friend group just graduated college and are trying to adjust to the postgraduate life. We have been raging hard all summer after graduation. Concerts, lake days, birthday parties, a trip to SoCal, spontaneous midweek nights out playing bingo. We've had a busy summer of trying to make memories that will stand the test of time. Recently,
Starting point is 00:41:51 one of our bros has decided to put the brakes on his raging. He's going a month straight without boozing. This fellow bro is under stress about what he wants to do with his life. As far as her career, he thinks the month of sobriety will help him find clarity. The squad understands his point of view, but doesn't think he needs to stop drinking with Coronas with the guys on a Friday night. Obviously, that will turn into
Starting point is 00:42:08 low-end tequila shots with fours at the bar, but it's not what a man's early 20s is all about. He has a lot of time during the week to take action steps towards his goals, but still thinks the weekends need to be spent finding himself instead of finding a further connection with the boys in party mode. What should we do about this situation?
Starting point is 00:42:24 Should the rest of us join him in his path towards enlightenment? Massage, boys. We all bone masseuses in Berlin. What? I don't know. Sounds like they all had a good time in Berlin, and they want us to know about it. Joe, you want to start?
Starting point is 00:42:40 Yeah, I would say, yeah, if a guy wants to do that, let him do it. I mean, you don't all have to do it in solidarity. But like me, I had a friend when I was in my early 20s. A lot of us were in that party mode. But this one guy, he didn't come out a lot. Like we'd see him every so often, but he was always working hard, and now he owns a restaurant. So, yeah, I mean, if you put the time in early, there's always time to party.
Starting point is 00:43:17 So, I mean, you're going to have to work hard at some point. So it's just a matter of when you want to put in the work if you want to do something worth value in life yeah i think everyone has their own journey their own path you know and uh i i understand that it probably bums you guys out that you can't rage with him as much as you'd like but if this is what he wants to do then you gotta give him the space and let him uh find his own enlightenment you know because that's what he wants to do and yeah you know it's it's stereotypically a good time to party but i also think uh early 20s are
Starting point is 00:43:53 a good time to try and find yourself so you figure out what you want to do for the rest of your life so if he feels that urge within within his manscaped body um then uh let him follow it you know yeah dude there was a time in my life where we would smoke weed in my brother's apartment on the weekends and we'd watch interesting films like the documentary center queen of her size or uh the french film read my lips or in the name of the father with daniel day lewis and i thought it was really actually nourishing and we weren't even just raging but one of our buddies dan would bail every time to go garden and it would upset me so much i'd be like dude why the fuck are you gardening like just hang out with the boys and watch a movie but he needed that time and space to feel better about what he was up to and like
Starting point is 00:44:38 now i've come to a time in my life where i need stuff like that so i think we all come to these transition phases at different times yeah but everyone's going to go through it. You're going to have your phase where you're kind of straying away from what your group is doing. And so I think you just got to do to him how you'd want them to do to you, which is just to, you know,
Starting point is 00:44:56 bid you well and support you. Yeah, I had that phase too. Like a year after college, I was blacking out too much and it was just, it was damaging my soul. So I took a little step back to find myself
Starting point is 00:45:09 and I found a really tan guy. And dude, it's not, and it's also, I don't think it's a judgment on you guys, but it doesn't seem like you're taking it that way. But yeah, he's just on his own thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:22 What up, Chad and JT and any other guests on the pod? How are you all doing? Joe. Recently, I've been super bummed out as I did some pretty major ligament damage in my ankle skating and haven't been able to get outside due to being bound by the crutches. All of my bros have been skating and getting bronze, and all I want to do is join them, so my stoke levels are pretty low right now.
Starting point is 00:45:39 Doctors said the ING will take around four to six weeks to heal, and I honestly can't bear to think what it's going to be like being indoors all the time especially in the mid-summer was wondering if you guys had any tips on ways i can improve my stoke and stay pumped throughout my recovery would super appreciate any input you bros big fan of the pod stay rad dude i was tough because i've broken bones a few times and yeah i don't know i just hope you have a girlfriend or boyfriend or somebody there with you because company is good yeah you just yeah yeah you just need to be in good company like you can i mean you could still go watch i mean you could still go outside you don't have to sit inside yeah i would say um you know look at this as sort of a blessing because this is a
Starting point is 00:46:27 dank time where you can really uh refresh your dome with some special knowledge you know read some books watch some movies so when you get back out there in the skate park then you can hit them with some literary references and some fire vocab and maybe some you know you could quote the whole movie of troy which you know i've learned to do and um it served me well in my life you know people think that i'm a greek um connoisseur dude that's what i was gonna say yeah fire yeah so what about you sorry i'm gonna double down on what chad was saying dude i think uh like you know to ref a film the diving bell andfly, a guy has a massive stroke and his brain is still working fine, but he can't move any part of his body
Starting point is 00:47:10 besides blinking his eye. So what does he do? He writes an entire book with the help of a nurse by just blinking his eye. Wow. Dig deep, dog. You can write your own story during this time of recovery. You just got to find other muscles and parts of yourself to accentuate i love but you got this dog write a book i love it that's a good idea joe coming
Starting point is 00:47:33 into this season how optimistic are you about the bears chances of making it to the super bowl uh i mean i'm pretty optimistic about it would you you pencil them in as the NFC favorite right now? I don't know. I don't want to say that. You know, I don't want to give expectations. That never is good. Well, what are you willing to expand on? What about Trubisky's future as a quarterback?
Starting point is 00:47:59 Can he be a pro bowler? Well, yeah, he's going into a year three now. We'll see how he's getting. He doesn't look like a natural thrower. I don't like the way the ball comes out of his hand. It looks kind of labored. No, I disagree with that wholeheartedly. So you're in?
Starting point is 00:48:17 Well, yeah. I think it's just he just needs to be better at, you know, because there's moments where he looks incredible and then there's moments where, I don't know, we just have to see. His legs. He looks incredible when he's on the move. Yeah. But I don't know if being a running quarterback has as much value in the NFL
Starting point is 00:48:35 as it does in, like, college or something. Yeah. I mean, he made some questionable throws, but we'll see. What do you think about hard knocks? We about it on uh last week's or on an earlier episode which we recorded today yeah it's always fun to watch that stuff i like it you like uh the raiders no i don't like the raiders but why not i don't know they're just lame have you always felt that way uh no i just this iteration is lame you like the rich gannon tim brown jerry rice raiders
Starting point is 00:49:14 yeah they're cool or who do you think is going to come out of the afc i don't know probably the patriots somehow i know isn't that frustrating i do think it's pretty ridiculous that the NFL did their ranking of the top 100 players and they had Brady at like six or something like that. Oh, really? Yeah. It's like he's won six Super Bowls. I mean, I very much dislike the movie. What do you think, should we hire him?
Starting point is 00:49:36 I think you have to put him as the best player in the league. I know they only scored 10 points in the Super Bowl, but he's won six of them. They did? Yeah, wasn't it? Why do they score more than that what do you think the final score was let me see no couldn't have been 10 yeah that's more than that because maybe what i heard just referenced how many points the offense scored yeah it was 13 to 3 it was yeah super Bowl was 13-3? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:08 And then you had some feigning purist be like, no, it was actually great football. I love a defensive grudge match. You're like, do you? Yeah. Yeah, I do remember it was a lot of defense. With some spectacular defensive plays like Harrison's interception return for a tutty against the Cardinals. All right, let's keep going with the questions.
Starting point is 00:50:23 What's up, fellas? From one athlete to four athletes. I need your help. I was out with my older brother and his boys having a solid descent Denver Brewery Day. After hopping to a few spots, one of my brother's friends started barking at the group as he does.
Starting point is 00:50:34 It was none other than the crew's arch nemesis, Diff Johnson. Diff began bragging about an old group bet where he ran to the top of a mountain and back and under a designated time. It was impressive as fuck. I started chirping him about his running and my brother took the reins. My brother started telling Diff how I could beat him in a race. Now I'm a runner, but my brother's not. Diff challenged
Starting point is 00:50:53 me to a half marathon and I drunkenly accepted to defend my brother's honors. The boys got hyped. Things have really heated up since then. My brother's friends are taking sides and placing bets and I can't let my brother down this is happening at a real race by the way it's a small one in colorado that has no idea who they let pay money and get bibs to dominate and crash the crowd is going to be stoked diff is a newly a dad so i know his mileage and times are down my worry is that at our peaks diff is faster than me he's 33 i'm 27 when i'm training at that mile high elevation and it's 98 degrees. Shout out Nicholas Scott Lacey. How do I block out negative thoughts that diff can run 13.1 miles faster than
Starting point is 00:51:30 me? What is your advice on how to smoke this cat and defend my brother's honor races in one month? Diff. That's that's cool. I like that name a lot. I hope diff takes them. Oh, you're rooting for Diff.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Oh, wow. Just because of the name? Yeah, and then he, yeah, I like that he's challenging people. That's exciting. Yeah, he is adding a lot of drama to all of these in Rainbug. Diff, stick it to him. Like, Diff comes to a party. He's like, this party's kind of boring.
Starting point is 00:52:02 He's like, I'm going to challenge someone here. Yeah, I'm picturing a Steve Stifler character freddy by the fruit punch i bet you i can drink more of that than you and then the whole party's like oh yeah they all surround him yeah this diff guys he's different i dig it yeah i bet in old times he challenged people the duels that was a wild time when that was going down yeah would you would you if someone challenged you to a duel would you do it probably all out of insecurity with water balloons you're like i gotta do this i was like i was like you challenged me i'm not gonna fucking back down i have to go out to lunch with these people the next day yeah we're gonna shoot at each other it'll be fine do you get one or two shots or is it until to the death i think most people actually just shot
Starting point is 00:52:49 into the ground and so like it was actually like a show of courage just so you showed up and then both guys agreed to shoot down yeah but then once in a while someone would actually rear up to kill you damn yeah and it was like an island off the american coast where there like wasn't laws and stuff oh that's where they did them? Yeah, they had a place where they'd go for them. Someone was telling me there was a... I think it was Andrew Jackson was in a duel once with a guy and he cheated.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Oh, really? Somehow. Yeah, I think stuff like that happened a little bit too. They killed the guy. Damn. Mike Schmidt was telling me that. A lot of misunderstandings when you get into situations like that
Starting point is 00:53:27 yeah because you don't know how far the other guy is going to go that's the trouble with fights we don't know what do you think about diffs and the emailers situation I'd be like dude you know I mean diff sounds like a competitor
Starting point is 00:53:43 he sounds like a guy who is going to be tough to beat. So I respect you for taking on the challenge. Did not back down. You're in the modern-day duel, which is legit. So I would say, dude, you know, watch a bunch of Rocky movies. Just look at this as your chance to really sort of find your inner beast, you know. Attach like a sled to yourself and just start running.
Starting point is 00:54:07 And find that inner lion that will just come out. And this is a chance for you to find the best version of yourself. All right? Because you've got a challenge and you've got to win. And you know you're going up against a strong competitor. So I would say train your heart out. And I want you to come out on top with a ripped tan bod and dominate this half marathon because you know Diff is going to bring it.
Starting point is 00:54:30 With a name like that, what do you think? I agree. I think Diff's name is one of the biggest factors in this whole thing. I never met anybody named Diff, but right away you get who that guy is. Oh, for sure. Dude, I think here's what you need. that guy is. Oh, for sure. Yeah. Dude, I think here's what you need. You need motivation.
Starting point is 00:54:47 These are your two big motivators. Diff, you're thinking about him when you're running. You're thinking about how he could beat you in front of all these people. You're thinking about how you're standing up for your brother against Diff. And then you need a fire Spotify playlist. Oh, wow. When you're feeling down, the right song comes on, and it gives you that extra juice to keep going.
Starting point is 00:55:05 I love it. Yeah. What's poppin', Sultans of Stoke? I'm emailing you all regarding Chad's beef with his ween last week and how he suffers from becoming pee shy. I, too, have suffered from this for a very long time, but only recently I began to conquer my shyness and become an alpha in the men's room. I'm listening. I've been working in my new job for a few months now, and there are some hotshot bosses here and many men that I respect. When you guys mentioned struggling to pee with men around you,
Starting point is 00:55:30 especially ones you respect, I could not have related more. It is really a bummer to have to walk out of the bathroom sometimes with the guilt of even faking a pee sesh with another man. Recently, I started trying to conquer this, and I hope you guys can try it out and see if it helps. Upon walking to the bathroom, I purposely get a song stuck in my head and try to sing it in my head and play along visualize it the entire time i am in the bathroom this is much different than the old waterfall method so watch a youtube video of a song and play it away baby distracting from the piece sets you free love the pod and shout out to my main homie wyatt shout out
Starting point is 00:56:00 to strider for coming to tahoe too lu Luke. Man, that's a great technique. Yeah, I like that a lot. Yeah, my technique is I kind of just look at my dong and I'm like, all right, flow, flow. And it's proven not to be effective. So I like it. Joe, do you get pee shy? No. I mean, I feel like if you really got to go, it's going to come out.
Starting point is 00:56:23 It's not. Oh, for sure. The bladder isn't shy. I mean, I feel like if you really got to go, it's going to come out. It's not. Oh, for sure. Yeah. The bladder isn't shy. You know, it's like, I don't know. I feel like the only time I've been shy. But you believe in potty nerves. I've had it before, but I think it's like I didn't really have to go that much.
Starting point is 00:56:37 I said I had to go to the bathroom before my set on Friday at the improv and you went, those are just nerves. And it turned out you're right. Well, yeah. Did you go after? No. Yeah, see. That's true. Yeah. yeah yeah I have to pee like 20 times before set yeah yeah yeah dude I think you're really helping a lot of people out there and I'm glad that you can think critically about this stuff and and hand out suggestions that help yeah because I've been
Starting point is 00:57:00 really hard on my dong lately you know I kind of like, because I know it's connected to my mind. So I just, in my mind, I'm like, open up, you piece of shit. You fucking douchebag. And I don't think my dong appreciates it. What up, Sultans of Stoke? I have a sticky situation I've gotten myself into. While going out and crushing bevs with my crew, there have been periods where I become a complete dick
Starting point is 00:57:24 and disrupt the sanctity of the sen. Sometimes I just can't control myself, and I'm slowly seeing myself becoming the schmole that I never want to be, which is greatly depleting my stoke tank. So I guess my question is, what the hell do I do to combat the looming cloud of schmoleness that is slowly consuming my social life?
Starting point is 00:57:43 Talk to Diff, dude. Diff will make the diff well he didn't really get into detail what is he doing that's making him he becomes a complete dick that's the most he didn't really go into detail kind of thing he said uh yeah i mean don't be a dick i don't know maybe tone it back a little bit don't don't booze as hard kind of keep your wits about you and be aware of what you're doing more yeah my dog i think on a basic level self-awareness is crucial yeah if you're being self-aware that you're being a dick then that's going to create a little space between you and your dick moves. Then take the correct steps to change that. And dude, then if you really want to get like super enlightened about it, meditation, therapy, working out more, stuff that's just going to regulate you so that you don't have as much of that energy in you.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Dude, I've been listening to these self-talk tapes. They've been fire. It's just basically like 10 minutes. You can look at categories like stress, worry, focus, being your best self, or whatever. It sounds cheesy as fuck, but I listen to them, and they just repeat thoughts that you want to have in your head over and over. And the rest of the day, I'm smooth sailing. I'm like, this is a great day, and I feel good
Starting point is 00:59:01 because I'm putting Chevron fully torqued gasoline into my body, which has Tecron, which you know helps the gas tank out. Tough actin' to nacktin'. Joe? That's for athletes. What? What up, Chad, JT, and potential guests? Last night, I experienced a really uncomfortable situation with my friend, and I'm not sure
Starting point is 00:59:24 if my friend is now a schmole and if I need to boke him. This is a long one, guys. I invited my buddy, who I know from college football team, who I hadn't seen in a while, over to my apartment last night since he was bummed out after performing poorly in an interview earlier that day for a company he really wanted to work for and had been going through a rough patch with his sticky ex-girlfriend situation. I told him what he needed was a chill Friday night where he'd smoke some gong and watch stand-up comedy and just have a good time. For context, I smoke often and he only does once in a blue moon. We queue up Netflix and then head out to buy some snacks. And when we come back, my roommate, who is my best bro, was back in the apartment with his girlfriend. At this point, my football friend starts acting a bit fucking weird, saying slightly non-PC shit. And it's making my roommate's girlfriend, who is one of the bros, visibly uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:00:07 He proceeds to go on a rant about how a high-profile consulting company is engaging in the murder of children by consulting with the Chinese government. My roommate and his girlfriend are both Chinese. Midway through the conspiracy theory rant, I'm like, yo, you need to dial it back, but he proceeds. He then finally drops it and changes the subject by asking if we want to see the contact picture for me and his phone I say he probably shouldn't do that as I thought it was probably a weird snapchat of me pooping or something Even though I asked him not to he then says my picture is
Starting point is 01:00:33 Actually a picture of my foreskin and then offers to show my friend and his girlfriend at this point Everyone in the room is so uncomfortable and I tell me needs to stop acting like this or leave We watched the show in awkward silence and then he he left after. What do I do about this situation? My friend has been around the apartment before, but never acted like this when it's just the guys. Do I poke him for making my friend's girlfriend uncomfortable and revealing details about my dong to her and my roommate, or do I give him a pass as he is going through a stressful time
Starting point is 01:00:58 and isn't used to being high? Also, how do I go about this situation with my roommate and his girlfriend in the aftermath? Well, yeah, you're the one who got him high. Yeah, if he's not used to being high, maybe he was just getting a little crazy. The weed just made him act weird. Yeah, if he got him high and he barely gets high, people are going to say crazy things. Yeah, I agree. barely gets high people are gonna say crazy things yeah i agree the fact that he's high and chalk it up to that don't just don't let him get high yeah and this seems to be like a one time
Starting point is 01:01:34 one time he's the only time he's done this i wouldn't i don't think it's grounds for a full boking yeah uh but you know i'd if it if it's if it really bothered their girlfriend and all that kind of stuff i would talk to him about it but uh you know like jt was saying earlier everyone deserves a redemption right i think so i mean i think like yeah i wouldn't boke someone for this i think i would talk to them though yeah see yeah and follow up and be like dude remorseful. I'd watch it with that kind of talk. I don't think it's helpful or very polite.
Starting point is 01:02:11 And you're definitely not looking your best when you're acting like that. Yeah. And, you know, hopefully that gets through to them. And then I would apologize to your roommate. But maybe they don't even want to talk about it. So I'd just check with your roommate first. And then, yeah, to your roommate. But maybe they don't even want to talk about it. So I just check with your roommate first. And then, yeah, with your buddy. Also, when people are going through tough times, they tend to act out a bit more.
Starting point is 01:02:33 The movie The Riders about, like, a guy who rides, like, bucking Broncos. And then he gets a head injury and he can't do it anymore. And then there's this scene where he's, like, a dick to his friend wrestling because he just, you know, he doesn't feel like himself. So he's trying to assert power over other people to feel better. And, you know, people do that. It sucks. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:02:56 Should we get into our beefs and babes and legends? Let's do it. Chad, who is your beef of the week? My beef of the week is, so I was in Newport on Saturday, and we were walking back from the beach, and I came across a bunch of bros that were having a nice little day rager, playing beer pong. They all looked athletic, good guys.
Starting point is 01:03:21 A couple of them recognized me. I said, what up? And it was a pleasant interaction I was I was stoked and they asked for a beer I'm like they asked if I want to have a beer I'm like I'm on the froth train but you know um hit me up in January dog and and then as I'm leaving they're playing football and then one of them goes to throw he goes hey chad catch this football oh no pressure dude he fucking hucks it hail mary i see it coming and i'm like i'm like oh i think i
Starting point is 01:03:56 got it the sun kind of blinded me and then it just bounces off my chest legend you're a legend dude i was like oh dude yeah you gotta be careful with those footballs dude no it didn't hurt i was it was just purely embarrassed no it was good hitting it because if it gets in the sun like my cousin got hit in the eye yeah but dude you're a beast for telling this story oh dude i just fucking shank that catch dude yeah yeah my girlfriend was there she started laughing then one of the guys was like, spend too much time in the city council, bro. And I'm like, oh, fuck, dude. So to those dudes in Newport, it was nice interacting with you
Starting point is 01:04:32 and thank you for throwing me the football. And I'm sorry I disrespected your pigskin, dudes, by letting you just bounce off my freaking chest. Dudes, I got to go to the bathroom again. What? Sorry, I'm going to cut this. Are you pee shy? Yeah, I was pee shy.
Starting point is 01:04:46 Do you guys want to talk about something other than beefs real quick? And I'll come back and beef Joe up. I'll be really fast. Beef you up. Nice. Joe, so I admired that pizza pancake you made yesterday. Oh, thanks. I saw you're getting a little bit of heat for your use of ranch.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Well, yeah. Well, I was going to get into something about the ranch actually for my beef oh yeah okay but no but yeah i mean it was uh yeah i did it i thought it was fun yeah it looked delicious well yeah what's cool too is uh i because i know them at vetoes that's like that's my favorite pizza place to me it's like the best slice in la and they uh she messaged me she's like uh the video was hilarious i showed veto he thought it was funny too so nice yeah so you started giving them helping them get some business yeah and then maybe they'll get some business out of it yeah dude i want to go to vetoes now vetoes is great yeah i just yeah it was like kind of weird they were thought i was disgracing their pizza by no yeah obviously it's for fun and uh and i would and i would only go there because i love the pizza so much i wouldn't just do that
Starting point is 01:06:03 at some random spot yeah well every every joey to do you're sort of profiling a place that you truly love yeah right yeah typically well sometimes it's just for comedy but you know my one of my favorites was was the uh 7-eleven iced coffee you remember that one yeah that was like two years ago it was a while ago yeah that was one of my favorites yeah that was a fun one you're in the jacuzzi yeah i was on my roof of my old building yeah do you miss that roof uh yeah that is that's the one thing i miss about that old place that that was a cool place to chill and yeah we we just had a hot tub up there there was no pool it was just a just a hot tub by itself would you go up there a lot uh yeah i went up there quite often yeah
Starting point is 01:06:51 it was cool do you ever bring ladies up there uh i have yeah i have a few times do you make out go all the way i've made out up there i'm not wasn't gonna i not going to go all the way up there. You never felt the temptation? Yeah, I did, but it's like I don't do the out in public. You never bone in public? No, it's weird. Do you think you ever would? Maybe. What are the circumstances you think where you would?
Starting point is 01:07:27 Probably my level of attraction for the woman. She convinced me. What if you were at one of your favorite places, like you're at Stagecoach, and you just felt the urge? Yeah, I would do it at Stagecoach, yeah. With the cowboy hat on? Yeah. Would you have assless chaps or just full naked
Starting point is 01:07:45 i don't know yeah probably chaps would be better but yeah stage coach would definitely be a place i'd want to do that yeah all right joe who is your beef of the week well my beef of the week is uh with watery ranch dressing i don't like it well i like it thick like i was uh doing it yesterday on my pizza and just kind of was going all over the place i like a nice i like a thickness to it i want it to stick you know i don't want to pick up something and then have it rolling off right give me the thick drip you're looking for a denser viscosity yes yeah yeah i want a dense viscosity i don't want a watery i need it thick yeah there's some ranch where you
Starting point is 01:08:37 can almost see the like the clear in it yeah like see through i don't want that i need i need the thick stuff i need it as as like a dipping sauce. Like Hidden Valley? Yeah, Hidden Valley is super thick. Yeah, see, what I think there should be is more like a ranch dipping sauce. And then let's do ranch dressing. Let's dip for the two. Right.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Because dressing, that can be lighter if you're putting it like on salad. But let's face it, we're not using ranch for our salads. We're using it for everything else. Wow. It's a hot take. Yeah. I mean, salad, typically we're using Italian or Thousand Island. French dressing, that's a great dressing.
Starting point is 01:09:18 Balsamic vinaigrette? Yeah, balsamic. Or Thousand Islands? Yeah. Which do you prefer? Well, I used to do, out of those two, I'm not a big balsamic guy. I like Thousand Islands.
Starting point is 01:09:32 But if I'm doing a salad, I actually like to mix ranch with Italian. That's a good idea. It's a great mix. Mixing dressing's good. Yeah. Yeah. All right, my beef of the week is,
Starting point is 01:09:43 it's a blood feud between two brothers who became two kings of the same industry, Puma and Adidas. Did you guys know about this? They're brothers? They're brothers. Whoa. Yeah. And the origins of their split. So they were running a company together that was really popular because a lot of the Germans wore it during the Olympics in the 30s.
Starting point is 01:10:07 And then everything's going well. But then during World War II, the Allies are bombing Germany. And Adolf took his wife, which is one of the brothers, to a bomb shelter that was already occupied by Rudolf, the other brother in his family. And he said, the dirty bastards are back again, Adolf said, apparently referring to the planes. But Rudolf thought the comment was attack against his family. So they split after that. One of the brothers started Adidas because his name's Adolf and he preferred to be called Addy. So then the other brother started Puma,
Starting point is 01:10:35 which was originally called Ruda because his name was Rudolph. So he took the exact same name mechanism as the other brother, later changed it to Puma. And yeah, they've been beefing ever since. Damn. Wow. Yeah, I didn't know that. Yeah,, they've been beefing ever since. Damn. Wow. Yeah, I didn't know that. Yeah, I didn't know that.
Starting point is 01:10:47 I feel like Adidas won. Yeah. But Puma had a couple years. Yeah. Yeah, where he came home for dinner and he was like, hey, we're doing pretty good too now. I thought Adidas was called Adidas because of the acronym All Day I Dream About Sports.
Starting point is 01:11:01 Yeah. That's what I thought too. Al casted a song all day i dream about sick yeah i believe all right chad who is your babe of the week my babe of the week is the waistband technology on my board shorts guys and uh this is not a paid plug for Hurley. I'm just shouting them out for the love of the game. So we went down to the Hurley compound in, like, May. Was it May? And JT?
Starting point is 01:11:34 What? When we went to Hurley? Yeah, May. We went in May, got some fresh boardies from them. And, guys, they're, like, I've been rocking these boardies nonstop because it's been hot. So, you know, I wear them them to sleep i wear them during the day when i'm hanging around yeah just bronzing in my apartment yeah i bronze in my apartment and uh they have this fire waistband technology that just like it just aligns perfectly to your waist yeah it's like soft and it's it's not too tight but it's
Starting point is 01:12:06 not too loose snug it's snug and it uh it doesn't stretch out too much you don't need to rely on the drawstring to keep these suit these uh freaking boardies up they have dank waistband technology i'm stoked on it so and the design is funky but it's like a muted color so it's not like garish it doesn't stand out yeah but it does if you pay attention yeah so i'm hoping for like some tech magazines to pick this up and be like guys enough with the iphones we are we need to take note of this waistband technology because this is dang caris swisher with your podcast recode decode let's get these, you know, inventors on your pod.
Starting point is 01:12:46 Yeah. So that Silicon Valley can hear about the other cool stuff that's happening. Yeah. And it's like, it sounds simple, but it's something we all need. No, it's not like an Apple watch.
Starting point is 01:12:56 Like how many people really need an Apple watch? None. You need dank waistband technology. Everybody. Yeah. So you feel comfortable in your shorts so that you can perform at your optimal level and froth now is actually probably the optimal time to drop what we've been working on which is an initiative to get board shorts for everybody yeah because so many americans don't have board shorts and to us that's a fundamental right yeah and we want to get you and not only do we want to
Starting point is 01:13:19 get you board shorts so that you can live free and achieve what nicha was talking about that childhood freedom but we also want you to be snug and have what Nietzsche was talking about, that childhood freedom. But we also want you to be snug and have good waistband technology so you don't have to think about suspenders or belts or your drawstring. Yeah. Just comfy. You don't need a karate belt to keep these shorts up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Maybe every dollar that... Every purchase of of bubble gum. Yeah, Orbit. Five cents goes to the board short fund. Yeah. Because then you're keeping your breath fresh, and you're also helping people get what they truly need, which is board shorts.
Starting point is 01:14:01 Do you know board shorts weren't even made until, like, the 80s? That really surprised me. Oh, wow. Yeah. It it's like no wonder there were so many problems in the early 20th century and what were they wearing instead just like you'd cut a slab of rubber and just wrap it around your waist yeah and it's like keep together with a safety pin obviously there were you know a bunch of wars and shit because you because people weren't able to enjoy the beach. When you enjoy the beach, you don't want to go to war. I contend that to be true.
Starting point is 01:14:32 Yeah. Joe, what do you think about board shorts? I wore them at a time. They're not really my thing anymore. Dude, that's awesome. I never knew you wore them. Yeah, I mean... I wish I would have known you then.
Starting point is 01:14:45 Back in some of those Chicago summers, I think. Playboy. Why don't you wear them now? Doesn't really fit my lifestyle. Sounds like your lifestyle might need a couple tweaks, dog. When am I going to wear board shorts? When I wear board shorts every day? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:04 When you're walking around the house uh yeah i guess your life is now think about how good it could be i guess i could wear them around the house because i'm not you know i don't go to the beach that much so are you worried about not to bring it no he is he's worried about it protruding too much. He'll clown on all the other dudes. No, I'm not worried about that. It's a modesty thing. Do you know what I'd do? I'd tuck your dong between your legs, and then you can wear board shorts no problem. Yeah, tape it up.
Starting point is 01:15:33 All right. Tape it up. Joe, who is your babe of the week? Oh, babe of the week. That's my – well, I got a chance to go visit my family last week in the Chicago area. And my niece just turned three, so it's great because she knows who I am now. Her name is Adriana, very sweet. Like, when she was, like, even up to, like, a few months ago, she was, like, afraid of me and, like, was, like, very shy.
Starting point is 01:16:09 But this time when I went to visit, she, like, loved me and always wanted me to pick her up. And, uh, just couldn't get enough of Uncle Joe. And that was, that was great. It made me feel really good. And, you know, I got her some presents because she just turned three and uh yeah got to spend a lot of time with her and my brother and it was a lot of fun she kept wanting me to pick her up everywhere we went and and i'm her godfather too so yeah that made me feel good because she like knows who i am now. She knows I'm a funny uncle.
Starting point is 01:16:46 That's cool. That's awesome. Yeah. That was heartwarming. That's awesome, dude. My babe of the week is Brandon Hyde, the manager of the Baltimore Orioles. Their former star player, Chris Davis, had a meltdown on the field because he's been batting like shit all season,
Starting point is 01:17:01 and then he had a few defensive errors. So the manager got mad at him. And after after the game it was like a pretty violent argument after the game they both talked about it and i thought they reflected on it really uh perceptively like the manager said he came off the field really frustrated about his player whatever it was and i got frustrated with how he was responding to his frustration and what happened i thought some things were inappropriate and i called him out on it. I wish now that I would have pulled him down in the tunnel and not have everybody see that or see the end of it. You guys saw the end of what it was,
Starting point is 01:17:32 but that was just me being reactionary to something I didn't think was right. And I've always kind of been somebody that's going, I don't know, I wish I would have handled it a little differently. Mature. Yeah, that's cool. Chad, who is your Legend of the Week?
Starting point is 01:17:46 My Legend of the Week is the Irish pub Malarkey's in Newport Beach. Nice. Just a fantastic establishment. A real staple in the Orange County community. I mean, I'm not even boozing. I still love to go there.
Starting point is 01:18:02 I love it. It's a great spot. I love Malarkey's. Shout out to Malarkey's. I love to get there yeah i love it it's a great spot i love malarkey shout out to malarkey's i got so i love to get their chicken strips but this time i got a barbecue bacon burger baby and it was delicious i got the sweet potato fries keep those carbs healthy dudes and um i was just so amped you know it's just you see it and it's just like malarkey's has a great name it's in this beach town and it's like all right so i'm gonna get the best of both worlds like a full irish pub that vibe but in an epic beach town so you get like the cool california feel but you also get the hardcore boozing of
Starting point is 01:18:40 the irish which is what we need because some you know i'm i'm just making assumptions here but people i feel like people might think we're a little bit soft on that end you know we don't booze as hard as we should but then come to malarkey's partner and you'll be proven wrong oh yeah come to new come to the peninsula on a weekend people are blank faced they're getting after it yeah and you run into the same people every weekend, you're like, you're this fucked up again? Yeah. You're like, god damn, dude. Yeah. Just totally gone.
Starting point is 01:19:10 Just like, what up, dude? They act like they haven't seen you the last three weeks in a row. You're like, dude, I see you here at La Ventina's Pizza every Friday night. You are fucked. La Ventina's is so good. I remember one time I was on the boardwalk, or I was on the Strand, and some guy in just this huge wig. It was just like, dude, I love your bit about house hunting.
Starting point is 01:19:32 That's nice. I like Balboa Island. Yeah, it's great. Yeah, that's what we're talking about. Joe, who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week, I'm actually going to say Kevin, the schmaltz. Oh, what's up? Love for the schmaltz. you know he's getting married next saturday so just want to give him a shout out looking forward to his wedding gonna be like because i probably won't get another chance to
Starting point is 01:19:56 give him a shout out dude he missed his wedding he missed you so much at the but every like hour at the bachelor party be like dude you know who would love this yeah i couldn't make it no matter what we were doing party um uh yeah i mean he's been one of my best friends that i've met in los angeles so uh yeah really looking forward to his wedding next week and you know he's been a good friend to me and helped me with a lot of different things and uh yeah really looking forward to being there next week for his wedding and he's got a great girl that he's marrying she's so cool yeah yeah dude and he helped you get your car right like wasn't he your negotiator yeah he helped me with that and when i got into my act my car accident yeah he yeah helped me through all that it was great he is a really good guy yeah
Starting point is 01:20:45 i mean he's been texting like tips for the wedding and stuff and just like you can tell he uh underneath the schmolness is a caring empathetic guy right wants to help out his buddies dude he made eggs for breakfast at the bachelor party the care he was putting into it going from high heat to low heat i got yeah yeah he enjoys cooking very much he has a lot of passion for it yeah i like seeing that dude my legend of the week is samurai mike mike singletary singletary whoa the leader of the 46 defense from the 80s bears i mean samurai mike loves football like when you hear him talk about football he says i believe god gave football to us to teach boys how to be men like it's a religion for him and he brought that discipline and psychotic self-belief and and intensity to the
Starting point is 01:21:40 field every time and led what is probably the greatest defense in NFL history. And I just got a lot of admiration. I love hearing him talk because he's so sincere. And one of my favorite stories is going into the Super Bowl, Buddy Ryan, the defensive coordinator of the Bears, was going to go in to give the team a pep talk. And he just heard Samurai Mike screaming at all the guys, giving a speech. And he said, by the time he opened the door, the whole defense was like ripping tables apart and like smashing chairs and just screaming and he's like i knew i didn't have to give a speech and he just walked away nothing more to say yeah samurai mike had them ready so and then he had a great quote as a coach too and he would be like can't win with them about vernon davis
Starting point is 01:22:19 yeah like talking about guys that like who walked off at hal halftime. Don't need them. Can't win with them. That's awesome. Yeah. All right, Chad, what is your quote of the week? My quote of the week comes from the movie Old School. Will Ferrell comes in breaking the news to Mitch about the house being boarded up. And it's a really heartfelt letter. So I thought I'd read it for you guys.
Starting point is 01:22:44 Dear Mitch, if you're holding this letter, you already know. The house has been boarded up, the doors, the windows, everything. We're at the Comfort Inn, room 112. I love you. Frank. That's awesome. Yeah. That's a good one.
Starting point is 01:23:00 Joe, what's your quote of the week? My quote of the week comes from Luke Combs. He's a singer. Country? Country version. Or country genre, not version. He has a song, and in it, one of the quotes is, long neck, ice cold beer never broke my heart and i i like that a lot
Starting point is 01:23:29 it's like the worry like sometimes the worries of life and the day can really get to you but like if i'm at home sitting on the couch and i'm opening up a miller high life and just yeah it's nice drinking I don't have a care in the world. You look good doing it too. Yeah, I love it. I mean, I'm not talking about getting wasted. I'm just talking about chilling with a long neck beard. Decompressing.
Starting point is 01:23:56 It can't let you down. Sometimes that's all you need to be put back whole and be ready for the next day. It's just that moment. My quote of the week is from one of my favorite films of all time. Out of sight, out of sight, Steven Soderbergh movie with George Clooney and Jennifer Lopez. They got crazy chemistry.
Starting point is 01:24:13 It's like a comedy crime movie and they're super into each other, but she's a U S Marshall and she's going to throw him in jail when the time comes. But for right now, it's a little too early. So they're just going to flirt for a little bit. And they're talking about how weird it is that they're into each other. And then George Clooney's character, Jack Foley goes, it's like seeing someone for the first time. And you look at each other for a few seconds and there's this kind of
Starting point is 01:24:36 recognition, like you both know something. Next moment, the person's gone and it's too late to do anything about it. And he's just talking about how you've got to capture these moments when they come to you. Even if it means sleeping with someone who's going to put you in jail a week later, sometimes that's just your truth, and you've got to live it, or it's a sin. I love it. That's it. Nice. Do we have – oh, so, Joe, this is a new thing that we have.
Starting point is 01:25:04 We say, what's your phrase of the week for getting after it? So we create phrases that could be used to describe partying or just getting after it. I have to make it up? Well, I'll go to Chad first. Yeah, let's hear, get an idea of what's going on. Chad, do you have a phrase? Hey, boys, let's froth the teat. Love it.
Starting point is 01:25:24 What? Froth the teat. You it. What? Froth the teat. You know what it means. No. Yeah, you milk the teat, but you want to get some nice brewski out of there, so you froth it. All right. Joe, what's your phrase of the week? Hey, fellas, let's keep swinging.
Starting point is 01:25:46 I don't know. I like that. I feel like you could do better. I'm sorry. Well, I don't know what's going on. Yeah, I don't know. You do one. All right.
Starting point is 01:25:58 All right, fellas, five seconds till tip-off. What? I like it. Like game time. Yeah. I'm saying it's game time, Joe. and are you ready to get in and play are you ready to fucking rage joe are you gonna complain about the nomenclature you ready to fucking ball out dude yeah let's go yeah i got two modes dude adamant and dismissive i feel like being adamant let's get it all right so what. So what's your phrase, baby? I already said it.
Starting point is 01:26:27 He did already say it. But we want another one. Yeah. You can't dig deeper than that? Joe, look at me. Look at me in the eyes. Dig deep, bro. Well, it's hard to think of something original on the spot.
Starting point is 01:26:37 It's impossible. But don't worry. There's no expectations on it. Whatever you come up with, that's going to be gold. Five seconds to tip off. Because you're gold. Believe. Let's
Starting point is 01:26:50 get out there and get them. Come on. You pulled the parachute halfway through. I don't know. I like the first half. Let's get out there and... Yeah, just say crazy words that come to mind.
Starting point is 01:27:08 Yeah, that's what I said. This is like, what's the Dead Poets Society? You're a poet, Joe. Let's really... Close your eyes. Potato chip the day. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:19 I like that. Let's potato chip the day. I'm just reading things that I'm seeing now. Oh, because my hat says potato chip. All right, let's... Come on, one more on one more one more purely of your own inspiration yeah think about what you love you love juice don't look at anything don't love juice i'll drink it okay but you you sometimes drink juice all right we have something all right hey hey when life gives you eggs make some egg salad all right i think we can still do better all right well that's we're
Starting point is 01:27:45 getting there i like that i mean what you love your pizza pancake you love your prius you love your job you look i don't love my what about this let's enforce the rules i mean i thought mine was pretty good with the eggs now i want lunch oh well lunchy let's embrace lunch let's embrace our child freedom yeah yeah let's embrace our child freedom i like that yeah or just child freedom but that's niche key but we put a spin on it a lot of people put a spin on them trust me um some ugly motherfuckers. Let's brave some heart. Let's glad some eator. Oh, gosh.
Starting point is 01:28:29 All right, guys. Let's rush some hour. Two. Let's Jackie some Chan. Let's boogie some nights. Let's boogie some nights. Yes. I almost missed it. That's it. Let's boogie some nights. Yes. I almost missed it.
Starting point is 01:28:46 That's it. Let's boogie some nights. All right, guys. Aaron, did you like that one? Do you have a phrase? Wow. Yeah. I was so rooting for Joe, and now I got nothing.
Starting point is 01:29:08 It's hard, man. Let's pump up these jams. Yeah. All right. Nice, nice. Thank you, Aaron. Dude, you were missed the last couple episodes, dude. Yeah, you were.
Starting point is 01:29:20 I'm here now, guys. Thank you. Thank you, Aaron. Guys, I got a review of the week this comes from adhater44 the stoke is real if there was a way to liquefy this podcast and direct it into your veins
Starting point is 01:29:35 you would have the wave skills of Kelly Slater and Jay Adams and the flow of Fabio along with the muscles of the rock and the linguistics of Shakespeare you would simply live forever the grim reaper just wouldn't be able to take your soul due to the good vibes in your rock-solid bod. I've also paid off my student loans, got a good dent in my mortgage, and married
Starting point is 01:29:51 the babe of my life, and it's all simply attributable to listening to the pod and taking the life lessons into my life. Save the earth, eat edibles. Dude, that was really... If you need advice These guys are really nice
Starting point is 01:30:10 You wanna know What to do Where to go When you need someone to guide you Watch them have their throws beside you Go and see Go Thank you.

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