Going Deep with Chad and JT - Going Deep with Chad and JT: Patreon Sample Clip #1

Episode Date: March 11, 2022

What's up dudes!  Here's a sample clip from our most recent patreon episode.  For full patreon episodes and to become a patron, go to www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep   Thanks dudes!! &nbsp...;

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, dudes? Here's a clip from our new Patreon-only episode. If you're interested in more content, go to patreon.com and subscribe to Going Deep with Chad and JT for more weekly content. Thanks so much. You know what I always think about is the idea of reincarnation. I'm always just like, can I just keep coming back as me? That's fine. You know? That's nice.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Yeah, you probably will. Unless I come back as Brad Pitt. That'd be nice. Or Colin Farrell. I think that'd be pretty tight. That'd be pretty cool. Yeah, I wonder who I'd i could come back as like brad pitt that'd be nice like colin farrell i think that'd be pretty tight that'd be pretty cool yeah i wonder who i'd want to come back hey jamie fox that'd be cool i'd like to come back as like one of those guys in like the alpinist documentaries that'd be sick those guys live they so streamlined in their desires yeah and in their influences yeah you know it seems like they're only streamlined in their desires and in their influences. Yeah. You know, it seems like they're only influenced by their own desire,
Starting point is 00:00:51 which is to, like, experience these things. Yeah. And then, you know, we hear about, like, news stories or, like, new advances in, like, media and, like, you know, the way we consume stuff. Like, we're like, hey, are you on TikTok? Or, like, did you – have you seen this meme those guys are like they could be living in the 17th century yeah they're so pure yeah and how they experience things it must be nice well there is nothing better than climbing a mountain i mean it's so
Starting point is 00:01:18 it's so like primal and uh i totally get it but at the same time like i was climbing i was climbing that mountain you know it's like 3 000 feet you know two hours you know but early in the morning it's cold as shit and i'm like man if you do this for like days on end camping out and you're like subjected to the elements for that long that's that's gotta be brutal oh yeah like in my current incarnation there's no way yeah i'd have to be reborn in the Alps and live that life from childhood to now. So I wouldn't have any kind of frame of reference for how much better it could be. Do you have any desire to do those creature comforts? Do you have any desire to do any like extreme activities like that?
Starting point is 00:02:01 Yeah. I told you I might go to a sex party. Oh, that's right. That's sort of like climbing a mountain of sexuality I think that's my mountain yeah and I can take an uber there which is nice do you have an outfit ready to go it's good question uh you were telling me I should wear a robe right mm-hmm I think I might wear a tank top and swim trunks. Nice. That'll set you apart.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Yeah. Are you going to wear shades? Or are you wearing a goat mask with your tank top and board shorts? Goat mask. That's a SoCal sex party. Is it in like an open area thing where it's like you see other people going at it yeah i i'm not sure whenever i see other people in the instances where i've seen other people having sex it's always a little bit traumatizing for me oh yeah you're talking about my parents yeah yeah when i was four
Starting point is 00:02:59 and i caught my parents fucking yeah first time first time little jt really i went ah i cried ran back into my room my mom instantly comes in to console me yeah dude literally my mom's like it's okay it's okay and literally i can remember my dad's like dark ominous outline in my doorway with the light behind him and him just looking a little mad and frustrated like god damn it he wasn't doing the eye thing and he was like welcome welcome and uh it stuck with me but yeah no seeing someone have sex is you're not supposed to no hey dude are we is this no masks yeah yeah we're done speaking of masks dude i hit the gym today no mask i went into my coffee shop today no mask and i was kind of the only person on their feet not wearing a mask yeah and you know i'm in a super kind of liberal part of town yeah and uh i felt bad i
Starting point is 00:03:59 felt like a little bit like a bad boy doing it but i was like i am legally allowed to do this yeah dude i saw a commercial for morongo today what's morongo the casino out in by palm springs by the dinosaurs uh-huh uh and usually when they show the couple that goes to morongo they're all wearing masks commercial no masks now wow like they shot it both ways wow yeah dude i went to the gym today and i thought the rule took effect tonight so i went in wearing the mask and i saw some of that mask i was like wait a second are we not can we take off our masks he's like yeah man and i was like i was like that's fucking awesome and he's like yeah everyone's pretty pumped on it i mean for working out it's
Starting point is 00:04:43 huge is he dude i was i would go on the treadmill and I'd be like dying. And then I'd tell people, they're like, you work out with a mask on? I'm like, yeah. I don't think it's very good for you. I haven't been able to do it. I can't work out. I'm a mouth breather. I can't work out with a mask on.
Starting point is 00:04:58 I don't even know if that makes a difference. But just for me, if I'm working out above like 40%, I can't breathe. I'm dying. And, you know, there was bigger problems in the world, so you don't want to complain about it too much. But, like, I just would work out outside or I went to a weird gym where they were really lax with their rules. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:18 But it was brutal. Yeah, I would put my mask down if i was out of breath you know sometimes people would walk by and just give me like the death stare they'd be like i'm like dude i'm doing sprints like i'm pretty sure i don't have covid so shut up this one guy walked by and he just like shook his head he's like i was like whatever dude you know what's funny too is like you if you're at the gym and you have your mask on, but you don't have it covering your face, like it's below your mouth,
Starting point is 00:05:50 people will give you a pass. They're like, well, he has a mask. It's like you're feigning subordinates to it, but people will accept that

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