Going Deep with Chad and JT - History is Dank - Presented by All Things Comedy

Episode Date: June 30, 2020

Friend of the Pod Strider Wilson hosts a podcast delving into history through the perspective of a mature erudite bro. He was one unit away from a history minor at U.C. San Diego, but he does’t let ...that stop him from examining what it would have been like to be a bro posted up on Bunker Hill or uncovering the chillest aspect of surrealist art. Strider firmly believes that history is tight because we all should for sure blaze our own trails… but in what direction? Buckle up...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, Stokers? All Things Comedy has a brand new podcast on these airwaves, and we're excited to tell you it's hosted by none other than one of Going Deep's BFFs. You guys all know him. You love him. He's the best. He's the relation guru, our dog Strider Wilson. His new show, History Is Dank, is a lit half-hour power-packed with the dankest bits of history you've never heard of or even thought of. Nazca Lines? Togo the Dog? A beautiful dank-off running down the wonders of the world to find the absolute dankest? I'm excited to learn more, dude. I'm going to tune in right now. And you're going to get all that and more on History Is Dank. So next up, stay tuned for a quick preve of strider's beautiful voice and
Starting point is 00:00:46 gnarly brain showing you the dankest of what history has to offer for more historical stokery subscribe to history is dank on apple spotify or wherever you get your podcasts guys i cannot recommend this podcast enough you guys all know strider he's's a freaking whiz when it comes to the word. And he's an even bigger whiz when it comes to history. It's just going to be an incredible combo. And he's going to throw some advice in there. I mean, this thing is just action-packed. So make sure you guys tune in to History's Dank.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Don't miss out. Learn some history. And kick it with our dog, Strider. And what up Strider? I love you dog. I'm going to go ahead and just say this, dude. I am an expert on the subject we're talking about today. And that is the history of valets. What up, dude? I have an extensive history of being a valet in college. I was at the Ritz being a valet. In college, I was at the Ritz-Carlton valet. My first job actually ever was at a hotel as a cabana boy. What up? I would down my ties and hand out towels. That's what I did. As a valet, I had to cut the my ties. I did have a sweat towel, but I was parking whips and scoring fat tips in college, dude.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Then, freaking Benny Hano's. What up, dude? For a while. Then I'm back in the hotel industry at the Beverly Hills Hotel, parking whips, scoring more fat tips in the Beverly Hills Hotel valet history. Let's just dive in a little bit. Started by Leon Smith, a dude who went by Smitty, and he just had a shed in the 40s. And he's like, people are starting to drive cars, dude. And guess what'm gonna start a valet business and he started it then the dude um who i ended up um who owns the company now bought it from leon smith and so it's kind of a mom-pop shop which is kind of cool um that i work for and so that and you know beverly hills hotel has a ton of history on its own started in 1912 um beverly hills they were looking for oil they found water so there's a lot of water there
Starting point is 00:02:45 um sort of a lush area and you can see why the elites wanted to go live there was also hills and um you know things kind of sprung up around that hotel um it's owned by the sultan of brunei um there's been a little bit of political turmoil surrounding that day with um he tried to enact sharia law in like 2015 um which is a very it's a sort of an ancient um intolerant has a lot of intolerant things against women and um those who are not heterosexual um you know you could be like stoned to death um so he was trying to say we would do this in Brunei um and then I don't think it actually and I do have to look into it now but I do not believe it actually got put into effect which is good um but I will look into that and
Starting point is 00:03:38 and get back to it so um not cool um sure sure Um, but let's dive into the history of valets dudes. All right. So valet, uh, this is just a definition here is a male servant who serves as a personal attendant to his employer in the middle ages. And, um, it was a role for junior courtiers and specialists such as artists in a royal court. But the term valet by itself most often refers to a normal servant responsible for the clothes. That's like the French meaning. So many people at the hotel, international guests would call and ask if I could come and like press their suit. And I'd be like, oh, let me transfer you to housekeeping. I can get a suit out of your car if you want.
Starting point is 00:04:22 I could come and like press their suit and I'd be like, oh, let me transfer you to housekeeping. I can get a suit out of your car if you want. And it's the clothes and personal belongings of an employer and making minor arrangements. So basically, you might be thinking, no, dude, is Alfred, you know, Batman's assistant, aka his butler, a valet? No. A butler, the difference between a valet and a butler difference between a valet and a butler butler controls the household he can control uh you know if there's other like maids or chefs or whatever or even regular straight up valets um in that household he's working on the entire you know he'd be working on all of wayne manor if uh if bruce wayne had a val, he'd be attending directly to him
Starting point is 00:05:06 picking out his bat suit for that day. You know, being like, do you want to take the bat jet or mobile? You know, what's up? You want one of these green drinks that you're having, Christian Bale's having in Batman Begins? You want one of these green drinks, dude?
Starting point is 00:05:16 Or should I get you a carrot ginger shake? How's the tum-tum doing? That's what the valet would be doing. Let's see, dude. So let's just do a few various types of valets. There's a hotel valet would be doing um let's see dude so let's just do a few uh various um types of valets there's a hotel valet an employee who performs personal services for guests that's me parking valet a service employee who parks cars for guests only this term uh it looks like according to i just got this off wikipedia it was only from like 1960 but I just said, they were had car parks in 1940. And
Starting point is 00:05:45 Beverly Hills. So that's me hotel valet and parking valet. What up, dude, a car valet, according to the frickin straight up a Wikipedia as an employee was paid to clean people's cars professionally. We did have car valets. I didn't do that at the hotel. But we did have dudes who just did that. And then valet a professional wrestling term for a person who accompanies a wrestler to the ring that's sick that's sick that's almost like a hype man scenario that if if i continue on the valet trajectory i would like to pinnacle there you know accompanying like i mean he's obviously moved on from it now but dude dude, you imagine just accompanying the rock into the arena, dude, holding his belt, being able to hold it for him, maybe holding a water
Starting point is 00:06:30 bottle for him or something like that would just be sick. Possibly I could ask him for permission. Could I wear one of those Speedos with elbow pads and knee pads next to you and oil my rig? That would be tight. That'd be tight. Then there's a jockey's valet. To listen to the rest of the episode, click the link in the show description, or subscribe to History is Dank and other amazing podcasts with the All Things Comedy Network on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcasts.

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