Going Deep with Chad and JT - Mini Ep 135 - Travis Pastrana Joins

Episode Date: June 13, 2020

What up stokers! We got a little minisode for you with motocross legend, Travis Pastrana. We talk about dirt-biking, rally car racing, and knowing how to crash land when you're forty feet in the air. ...Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 yeah hey guys thanks so much for tuning in we're just going to do a quick episode this week we're so lucky we just had travis pastrana on what's up stokers chad kroger coming in with the going deep with chad and jt podcast guys before we begin i'll remind you once again that we are brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure that we're looking fresh and clean because lockdown may be you know almost over and when you step back out into the world you want the world to know that you took care of your pubes so shout out to manscape use code go deep 20 at manscape.com to get 20 off go deep 20 manscape.com and uh we're here i got my compadre john thomas what up boom clap stokers and now we're here with uh the legend uh 18 time gold medalist motocross rally car everything
Starting point is 00:01:01 travis pastrana thank you for coming on dude thanks a lot that's probably that's the best sponsor to open that up with man that's great oh it's our man you got to manscape i mean i'm married i if there's no manscaping there's there's nothing happening there so yeah it's good call yeah that's gonna be my first question do you manscape it i guess not not at the moment you know i have to man. Yeah, for sure. Oh, nice, nice. You know, that's – anyway, I'm probably going to avoid the rest of those questions. But, yeah, my wife makes sure that that – Cool, cool.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Well, thank you for divulging as much as you did. We appreciate any intel you can give us on your grooming. Yeah, I was starting to go down that route, and I thought, you know what? This is not the way I was planning on starting. Yeah, I was starting to go down that route, and I thought, you know what? This is not the way I was going to start. Well, you're kind of – I've been following you pretty much my whole life, and you've always been kind of an emblem of Stoke, I feel like. And our whole thing is sort of like Stoke-based.
Starting point is 00:02:01 So I just sort of wanted to start off with the question of what gets you most stoked? I think passion, just waking up with something you really want to do and, you know, or be a part of, or just have good people. And at the end of the day, like I realized when I was probably about 16, I was, I had probably the best year of my life as far as if you look at results, but it might've been one of the loneliest times in my life. Like, yeah, I put my head down. I worked hard. My dad was a drill sergeant in the Marine Corps.
Starting point is 00:02:29 You know, you kind of grew up that way. If you slept past 7 a.m. on a Saturday, you were a lazy, you know, pile of crap kind of deal. So I started Nitro Circus, and we traveled around the world with our best friends, and now my wife and kids. And, yeah, we're part of a circus yeah we're gonna come in quite as much but at the end of the day dude you're with your best friends all the time it's even the worst day is still freaking awesome you know right that's awesome i uh
Starting point is 00:02:57 you're into great life yeah i mean at the end of the day, that's like, it's been better than any like accomplishment or race win or anything just to be able to just have awesome people that are passionate about life that surrounds you that are always positive. And I mean, positive can be very negative as well. Like, dude, you suck. Get up. Stop being lazy, you know? Yeah. That keep you on your toes. That's great yeah and and so growing up and stuff did you always
Starting point is 00:03:26 have sort of like this competitive drive and you sort of uh did you always have sort of a group of friends surrounding you or or is it something you sort of grew into as as you uh got older and starting off you're kind of just lone wolf i'm competitive i need to to achieve kind of thing uh no i mean i guess my dad had five brothers um his oldest brother was quarterback for denver broncos uh my grandfather was golden glove boxer um in the navy and uh they were all division one sports and that was the run to the family i got beat up all the time i couldn't throw couldn't uh catch couldn't run so i had to kind of show off in the only way i knew how and that was with the motor or jumping or flipping off the highest object so
Starting point is 00:04:09 um for me that rivalry was more just had so many cousins and they were all more badass than i was so just trying to fit in and then realizing i was really durable so that's super important for action sports yeah even are you are you injured right now? It seems like you've, I went through your like a list of injuries and it's, it's one of the, it's exhausted. Yeah, no, I know. Tell me about it. I'm pretty good. I mean, you know, I got to wake up every morning before my kids get up and get in the hot tub and go through my stretches. My oldest daughter, she's in cheer now. I'm trying to join her through her stretching routine. It's been really helping out for most of my aches and pains, as silly as that sounds.
Starting point is 00:04:59 I always thought we were training her for wrestling and roughhousing and trampoline and stuff. It turns out we just trained her for cheer. This is such crap. But yeah, it's been interesting. She's a flyer. She started flipping on a trampoline when she was like four. I thought it was action sports, but now it's changed, man. You've changed.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Did you watch Cheer on Netflix? I've refused. Absolutely not. Was it good? It's amazing. Why did you watch cheer on netflix i have refused absolutely not was it good yeah it's amazing why did you refuse i just i'm just trying not to get spent any more of my life than i have to at cheer i'm fully supported by god right yeah i'm not as inundated so for me it was like a fun departure yeah yeah it's not a departure it's my reality i'm sure i was kind of curious how how early into a trick like how early do you know if it's going to go well or not like can you instantly tell from the takeoff uh you can tell before you even take off the lip you can tell if it's not gonna work um you know like you get that like the speed's right the power's right everything um and there's so
Starting point is 00:06:06 many chances that you have to mess up a trick um on your way through the progression um but it's kind of step by step if you can take over the mental um aspect of like this is going good this is going bad like you just have to hit your steps at the times you have to hit them so i don't you guys obviously um you know surf and everything and it's or yeah right you're sir uh i surf yeah jt's more martial arts kind of guy oh i used to dirt bike though i mean never right yeah yeah well i had an xr70 and a cr80 and uh but the power band on the cr80 was too powerful for me and i couldn't keep up with it so i retired from it at that point no it's dirt bikes are fun they'll put you on your butt I mean you you have to get used to crashing actually I I had a pretty good crash today I'm still walking but yeah it's like if you're not pushing you don't really um it's not fun anymore so I try to avoid doing stuff
Starting point is 00:07:01 that's too big or too stupid but that's you know you know, that's kind of our nature. So. But so when you know that the trick's going to go bad, how do you, what do you do at that point? Oh, that's the only thing that guys that succeed in action sports and really sports in general. I mean, it's trying to make the best or worst scenario. Like think about this. You're in the air, you're doing a 200 foot jump. You go on 80 miles an hour, you're five stories
Starting point is 00:07:25 up. Now I can't drop from five stories to my feet and I can't run at 80 miles an hour. So everything's going bad. You're off the side, you get a gust of wind and you got to make a decision. You're like, if I jump off, I'm going to break both of my ankles at best. If I stay on and the bike's going to land on me, I might die. I might die i might be paralyzed my break my neck so at that point most people just freeze and they're like well this is gonna suck all the way around they just don't make a choice it's the difference of how quickly you can recover and how fast you get back on is how you can make those last second decisions and find any way to get off in the best way possible so even when you're until you hit the ground you're making those decisions like Jake Brown skater um you know he went like I mean I was on my roll in for
Starting point is 00:08:12 moto about to drop in for uh best trick and I'm the roll is 20 foot tall his takeoff was 10 feet taller than I was and he was 30 foot above the takeoff so I'm looking like straight up and I can just see him and i can see all this stuff going through his head he's like okay i'm going to flat i'm going to flat i mean he hit so hard his shoes blew off didn't break a single bone he's at the after party that night like i mean oh whoa probably not the best idea but um if you'll be able to make those decisions be like all right how can i make this hurt the least? Yeah. That's kind of fun. It's kind of sick, but it's fun too. When you did the double backflip,
Starting point is 00:08:49 how sure were you that you were going to be able to pull it off? And when you hit the lip, did you know, or is it kind of you were just in the air and hoping for the best kind of situation? I was about eight for ten in in practice we have a foam pit um and i was pretty consistent but i'd always miss the first one and i'm like well crap that's the only one i get on on race day so like right you know i'd be like you know pretty much like two three four five six was always good like perfect but i always i don't know if i didn't have the the the i didn't know what was going on
Starting point is 00:09:25 um but that was scary so yeah i basically decided because that was interesting because the double backflip day um i was trying to make the switch over to driving cars um and my hero colin mccray um was driving on my team helped me out all the way through we're running first and second with one stage to go just like the super special or the final uh my best event is freestyle and i'm already sitting third so i had a medal in in best trick if i didn't take my last run so i'm like shoot like this isn't really worth it like i got so much on the line here for everything else but at the end of the day i'm like well could i live with myself i don't try yeah after you make that decision it's like just dropped in and dude everything went slow like i felt like all the way up to the lip was slow motion i felt like yeah it's it sounds so stupid and i'm not one to be like oh the energy pulled me through or whatever but
Starting point is 00:10:20 not a real spiritual person but that was a really cool feeling. Just like, I mean, I'm sure you've had it where time slows down, but usually that only happens after I'm pretty sure I'm going to die or get hurt really bad. This happened before I even took off. Wow. That was such an interesting time in, in a freestyle motocross. Like the, it was such like an arms race between you and like Metzger and carry heart. And I remember I was playing such,
Starting point is 00:10:44 I was paying really close attention to it at the time. And like, so Carey Hart tried the first backflip in competition, right? At the X game. And then he kind of bricked it when he landed, but he, but he,
Starting point is 00:10:53 he was like 80%. He did it. I don't care what anyone says. He broke that barrier. Like it's possible. Right. That's what I mean. It broke like a psychic wall,
Starting point is 00:11:01 but it broke open doors in people's brains where they're like, oh shit, this is possible now. And then from there, it just escalated so quickly because then the next year guys are doing like can cans with backflips. And then it was like, and then you, and then inevitably it got to you hucking the double backflip, which I think people probably thought was, I thought was impossible. Like, I didn't think you could do that. Now, was it, was it it did the technology change or was it just people's mentalities changed and that's what allowed you guys to get where it got it i
Starting point is 00:11:30 mean it's all mental like everyone said oh backflip will never happen and now literally on dirt bikes we've had um you know 12 year old girls in the foam pit doing backflips my wife the first day she ever rode a dirt bike she got a backflip around to the wheels in a foam pit. Really? Yeah. I mean, I mean, she's awesome, like skater and she's good air awareness. So she was better in the air than she was like getting to the jump, but it, but in her head, she's seen it and it worked. Um, so that was an interesting thing. Now, when you get to Josh, he hands still the only one that's ever done a triple backflip, but he was 100 feet in the air with a 250-pound dirt bike. Takeoff was 40 foot tall, almost vertical. He only went like 15 feet in distance, landed on a 65-foot tall wooden landing.
Starting point is 00:12:18 And, okay, that's not even a trick. That's a stunt. That's straight up like one and done. If you crash it, that's it. that's straight up like one and done you're not if you crash it you're that's it um but it's possible and the second he did three everyone's like can you do four and you gotta think yeah with enough height and enough time but it's not necessarily that stuff changes it's just that you understand how to flip better and you know when i was a kid i didn't think i was gonna have to do a backflip on a dirt bike. That never crossed my mind. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Yeah, were you upset at all when guys started doing backflips? Because you had been dominating so much. Were you just like, oh, man, why did I have to go in this direction? No, that was freaking awesome. So, Kerry did his first one at Gravity Games. Two weeks later, I tried my first backflip. And really, I blame everything on TJ Laban. I don't know if you know the BMX guy.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Yeah. Yeah, best BMX guy. I know him from Real World Road Rules Challenge. Yeah, yeah, yeah blame everything on TJ Laban. I don't know if you know the BMX guy. Yeah. Yeah. Best BMX. I know him from Real World Road Rules Challenge. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. I always forget he's on that stuff too.
Starting point is 00:13:10 But yeah, dude, he absolutely, he's like, dude, you guys are sissies. He's like, if I knew how to ride a dirt bike, I'd be back flipping every jump on that track. And he lived in Vegas with Kerry. So we went to Woodward together and I'm like, like i don't know like it's heavy he's like i don't care how heavy it is it's just it's physics i'm like well it's not very good at physics so like i'll take your word for it but yeah and uh carrie did that and then you know then it was like it was kind of uh two years before metzger kind of came out once he did it it was like all right game on and that separated like even guys like b Brian Deegan were like, well, crap.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Like Deegan, Kenny Bartram, Drake McElroy, Dustin Miller. Like if you look at all the top guys at the time, half the guys started doing flips and continued on to be, you know, dominant in the sport. And the other half just literally retired within the next year. We're like, well, that's it. I'm not willing to take that step. Wow. Interesting. within the next year we're like well that's it i'm not willing to take that step wow interesting
Starting point is 00:14:05 how was the transition from motocross to rally cars there's a lot to it but uh no so i mean my family was construction so we were always since i could walk i was pretty much sitting on my uncle's lap driving like before i could even reach the the pedals on his corvette trying to do um you know drifts around the they call the shop just down where they have all the equipment um you know so we were always driving go-karts and anything we could possibly get our hands on um so I love driving I got hurt a lot every time I was hurt and too broken to ride dirt bikes I would drive cars and go-karts and everything i could that didn't have such an impact on your wrists and shoulders and stuff uh was also a good off-day
Starting point is 00:14:50 activity and got hooked up with all the guys at no fear and spy uh that actually like boris said and some of the top nascar drivers were always out um right where i was training for motocross so it was a cool off-day thing and learn really knowing, learn from the best on a lot of that stuff. So, yeah, that was cool. Always loved rally. I thought that was the coolest discipline, man. You're going snow, rain, 100 foot cliffs, trees, you know, whatever. It just made the driver really making the best of the worst, sliding everywhere, jumping, flying cars. and everywhere jumping flying cars so always wanted to get into rally and um had the opportunity because a lot of my sponsors motocross were um sponsors for also they do you know like alpine stars does all the clothing and stuff so to answer your question the hardest part for me wasn't
Starting point is 00:15:37 necessarily the driving uh but learning how to listen to a co-driver so when someone's like 300 left five over crest max through a small gate into turn right two max you're like what did you just say um so learning those numbers and actually start playing video games and as silly as that is now dude you can learn tracks i mean you can learn the nurburg ring which is like you know or isle of man or uh you know whatever pike's peak they're all on video games and they're pretty freaking realistic. So it's kind of neat now. Wow.
Starting point is 00:16:08 My first car was a Subaru STI. It was my brother's, and I inherited it. And he had an Apexe exhaust on it. I don't know anything about engines. He's the engineer guy, but I knew how to drive it, and it was so much fun. But my dad thought I would kill myself. So he sold it while I was away. Probably smart,
Starting point is 00:16:29 but you know, honestly, like the all wheel drive though. Yeah. You can get in more trouble, but you can get yourself out of more trouble. Right. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Yeah. It's like, it's, it's safer than like a, you know, I hope he didn't get you like a smart car or something, you know? Yeah,
Starting point is 00:16:43 no, I mean, I was like, I was like 17 and, and I think he he was just like he got me like a ford escape he's like take this suv so you can put your surfboard in it i was like i was like okay cool but yeah i was bummed to you know it was a fun car it was yeah but anyways yeah i had a ford lightning that was my first car it's probably the most irresponsible car you could have. How did you get a Ford Lightning for your first car?
Starting point is 00:17:09 I mean, I was just a spoiled douche. But my dad, and I think when my dad saw it, because I told him about it. And then I think when he saw it, like his, I guess for lack of a better word, his cock took over. And he was just like, oh yeah, this thing's badass. And then literally when we drove it out of the dealership, it tail whipped out like it had too much power for the chassis and it would just fish tail out of every turn um it was a horrible design in such a great way yeah oh yeah
Starting point is 00:17:34 it was just terribly irresponsible so fast i mean it was a drag racing truck it was an f-150 you could drag race yeah and uh actually i never he got it for me before i turned 16 by the time i turned 16 i had such a heavy foot he got rid of it because it just uh i wasn't gonna make it long in that car yeah yeah well that's smart do you drive fast or no do you do you save all your speed for when you're doing it in official capacities so yeah i had um similar to your experience i was when i was 18 like doing well in supercross i bought a corvette um was doing i don't know about four times the speed limit on our local roads and had had a big crash and a wake-up call oh no so uh for me one of a mechanic of one of my friends
Starting point is 00:18:21 was in the car and you know just like he it changed his life for sure. And, you know, he has done really amazing and some, some awesome stuff, but he actually won the Paralympics gold medal. And he didn't tell a lot of you about the story, but he goes, I wouldn't be here without, without that man sitting in the back. Everyone's like, hear me out. Everyone's like, no, no. But, um, but nah. So at the end of the day, like that was my wake up call. My dad didn't even talk to me for probably it was a couple months. Um,
Starting point is 00:18:57 and just like, dude, like we all made these mistakes, but like you're, we did it in a, in a crappy car. He's like, you got to figure out that this stuff that you do for fun you can make a living at it awesome um it comes with a high risk and you keep it onto the track you know and there's just there's too many variables that you can't account for them um not to bring it real but if my wife wants to get somewhere fast now she drives um because i'm on the road i really do the speed limit. So it's a crappy lesson to learn, but yeah. Yeah, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:19:29 And you were the top racer at what, 15, and top motocross guy at 15? I was probably the best I ever was at 16, yeah. I had a lot of crashes after that. Yeah, you had that young devil devil may care kind of attitude you had no injuries yet to to put like the kind of doubt in your brain yeah well no kind of like matt huffman said he goes uh matt huffman's a bmx legend sure yeah guys started x games he's like man i just wish i had you know a body that actually worked i could be awesome i'm like well you don't have a body that works because you you were awesome um but for me like my healthiest year i was 16 years old two weeks before the start i
Starting point is 00:20:10 broke my thumb cut i raced the first two rounds with the cast on cut the cast off uh four weeks in uh won daytona got third in the supercross went outdoors uh broke my wrist uh just that small little bone navicular in the wrist got up still finished fourth that moto um cut the cast off again three weeks later won southwick as my first race uh then had a concussion uh broke my ankle um and my foot and continued racing won the championship that year and that was the healthiest i'd ever stayed in in. So, which is kind of ironic. So you just have to think you're in a lot of pain. Or at least I was, because I was not smart enough to know when I wasn't fast enough to
Starting point is 00:20:54 win. But at the end of the day, like I learned a lot having a co-driver in the rally car because I did feel responsible for that person. So instead of just throwing caution to the wind and going, I was actually a lot more successful in cars probably because having that co-driver, you didn't overstep something that you just knew probably wasn't going to work. And, you know, yeah, you get some thirds, some fifths,
Starting point is 00:21:18 some results that you would prefer to do better, but that's what you need to do to get a championship. So as you know, it's tough, it's different, but that's what you need to do to get a championship so as you know it's tough it's different but it's tough yeah it's really interesting guys i'm interrupting this podcast let you know once again that we are brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims puked for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean because listen up fellas today we have a new manscape product alert manscape just released the weed whacker nose and ear hair trimmer take a look in that mirror and i guarantee you'll see hair sticking out of those holes it's time to keep your ear and nose hair looking as nice as
Starting point is 00:21:55 your clean shaven pubes that is correct it uses a 9 000 rpm motor power 360 degree rotary dual blade system and it's intelligently contoured design enhances the trimming experience and is waterproof which makes for easy operation and cleaning it's the only nose hair trimmer on the market with a powerful and rechargeable lithium ion battery that lasts up to 90 minutes for up to 90 minutes of use whoa 20% off free shipping code go deep www at manscaped.com that's 20% off free shipping at manscaped.com and use code go deep www thank you manscape for keeping our pubes trend and our hairs and our holes looking nice all right later what was it were you younger than most the other guys you were racing against or was everyone about the same age uh yeah most of so that year the guy that got second was like 26 the guy that got third and fourth were in the 30s
Starting point is 00:22:50 oh dude were they would they be tough on you because you were so young um no i mean i i don't know i was like there was that respect i was such a dork man i was straight a student graduated high school at 15 with a 4.0. I just loved everything about just, I don't know, work. I loved training. I loved riding. I hated to fail. And it was a really interesting kind of time. But I was just such a big fan of the guys I was racing. kind of time, but I was just such a big fan of the guys I was racing. They were trying not to like me, I think, but I was literally and genuinely like, dude, like a Steve Lampson. Can I get your autograph?
Starting point is 00:23:32 We're about to go start the first race. He's like, I hate you so much more right now. That's good. So you did the point break skydive stunt, and I just had a random question. Which movie do you prefer, Point Break or Fast and the Furious? Well, you see, Point Break was nothing like Fast and the Furious.
Starting point is 00:23:59 The second version of Point Break could have been a Fast and the Furious or a copy of that. So if you look back at the original keanu reeves um you know swayze just uh such a rad cast and they overdid it like hollywood always does but right i just thought you know the whole vibe of the thing they kind of like they they have got the culture and then just blew it out of the water but it was it was a really interesting perspective and i thought i thought that movie was just absolutely awesome where triple x i mean yes it's a horrible action film that that i will watch it's like fast and furious you know you gotta love it right right what's that
Starting point is 00:24:41 what's what's your favorite movie oh favorite movie um yeah i was just watching a team the other day and i was like man it's a really good movie the bradley cooper one yeah i mean don't be wrong i got horrible reviews and it's one of those just bad action films but yeah dude i laughed all the way i just just reminded me of that but um i like grandma's boy uh oh yeah that's great that was that was pretty funny one there's i don't know what's your all-star movie it's a tough question it's a tough question it is because it's out of sight it's i'm and even it's what have i seen recently that i really dug i guess, is a big point of it. Yeah. Yeah, I like Pulp Fiction. I like Clueless.
Starting point is 00:25:27 I like Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Okay, that was a big jump. Yeah, I'm going. Pulp Fiction to Clueless. And then Ferris Bueller's Day Off. They kind of come right between, I guess, right? Yeah, yeah. I was just trying to hit, you know, I like Tarantino.
Starting point is 00:25:41 I like feel-good, you know, kind of rom-coms and all that stuff. So yeah. Did anyone ever approach you about making a movie out of your life? Yeah. I'm not there, man. I just, uh,
Starting point is 00:25:57 I love to ride. I love to drive cars. Love to have fun. Um, yeah. Well, I was, I was,
Starting point is 00:26:04 I was, you said 18 and I was like, why does he like a team so much and then so much of a team though is planning and executing these elaborate kind of stunts almost and then thinking about nitro circus I'm like maybe there's some overlap there because like part of what blows my mind the most about nitro circus is just like how did they come up with this like do they have a writer's room and they're like all right we're gonna route we're gonna jump a rally car and then have a dirt bike strapped to the top. It's the creativity of it. It really boggles the mind.
Starting point is 00:26:30 You know, when they're flying the tank, I just feel like that's kind of what we do in action sports, like not flying a tank. But like they were, so anyone who hasn't seen A-Team, they get the plane shot down. But in the back of the plane, they've got a tank with a parachute so they jump in the tank and then they're trying to shoot down the drones in the tank and then they see that there's a there's a lake so they're firing the tank not at anything just to move it
Starting point is 00:26:57 over to get over the lake and that's like i just feel like there's so much of that movie that yeah it's so far beyond anything that could actually happen. But if there's a will, there's a way. It's like if the plane – this is a horrible thought, but you always think if the plane goes down or something, you're like, well, what do I do? Okay, there's my exits. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:15 If you look for exits, when they say look for your exits, I look for the exits every time thinking, all right, I can jump over those three people, push that person out of the way, get to this exit. I'm sorry, that's horrible. But, you know, it's just like you always got to have an exit plan. I'm afraid of flying, so I dig it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:30 I always wonder about that. I'm like, what if I just brought a parachute onto every flight? I'd probably be way less scared. I've brought them onto a lot. Oh, you have? Oh, yeah. Like in carry-on? Carry-on.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Just in case? No, just, I mean, if I'm going on a trip where I have a parachute, I'm going to bring the parachute on as my carry on. Because there's no point to have a parachute underneath the plane. Yeah. That's what happens. You're like, shit, I can't get to it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:00 They come in handy. I just watched Air Force One. Yeah. Perfect situation. Yeah. And you've got your uh documentary coming out um on june 14th right it's the for your race to rebuild yeah so we had an awesome kind of opportunity it was i don't know if you guys ever heard a guy named ronnie mack but um this this guy's he's a fictional character basically that just goes around. He's kind of a partier and he calls, he calls me up. He's actually an amazing racer. Like he's one of the best in the world,
Starting point is 00:28:35 but he always goes out and just goon rides and then beats, like he goes and wins state championships and everything, just goon riding and totally as a joke. And it's kind of funny, but some of the industry doesn't like him a lot, but he's like, look, motocross nations is like the Olympics for motocross. And that's going to be held in the U S he's like Puerto Rico, which is a territory of the U S you have to hold a passport to ride for Puerto Rico. He's like, hurricane Maria just came in. He's like, everyone is, they need funding. They don't have funding for a team.
Starting point is 00:29:06 He's like, they're going to not have a team this year for the first time in a long time. He goes, what if we go out? What if we raise funds for that team? And we send that team to the Latin America, basically motocross nations. We go down there. We build a motocross track. We provide some stuff for schools. He goes, if we can raise enough money, we'll put there, we build a motocross track. Uh, we provide, um, some, some stuff for schools. He goes, you know, if we can raise enough money, we'll put some roofs on some houses.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Like he goes, it'll be a really fun project. But the motorcycle industry, they heard that Ronnie Mack was going to be doing the motocross of nations. That's like going to the Olympics as a joke. And it just didn't go over well. So we got, uh, this guy, Kevin Windham, who is one of the greatest riders of all time. But he had literally, in 2014, he went off the grid. This guy, he's got a Grizzly Adams beard.
Starting point is 00:29:54 He was 230 pounds. So he put on like 40 or 50 pounds since he was racing in 2014. And we only had like two months before the event and called him up and he's like, I'll do it. He goes, I like the cause. He goes, I haven't ridden a motorcycle in three years, three years. And he goes, you expect me to race against the best in the world. And he out qualified two of the three of the American team. He qualified 14th quickest out of, so each, so there's 30 nations each with three people so of 90 of the best racers from around the world this fat out of shape huge beard kevin windham riding for puerto
Starting point is 00:30:33 rico with nothing qualifies 14th and that was like and then we ended up we qualified to top 20 nations go to the the main event and we ended up making it to the main event. We raised way more money than we expected for Puerto Rico, went down, put the roofs on some houses. Most of my friends are construction or military. So it worked out really good that everyone just went down and took off time, paid our own way down. And it was pretty cool. And then that project, we filmed it, but it kind of got put on the back burner um until the the quarantine um and then because we weren't we were basically just doing it every one in the spare time and uh you know with nitro circus there's a lot of a lot of open time available and everyone put their heads down and got the uh got this this documentary put out and it's actually
Starting point is 00:31:18 um i mean i'm biased but i think it's one of the most feel-good kind of cool stories. Got enough racing. My kids still were entertained through it, so it's good. Yeah. Yeah, I watched the trailer, and it just looks amazing. I mean, it has, like, the great work that you're doing for Puerto Rico, and then it talks about you guys basically sort of coming out of retirement. Not basically. Way, way over.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Coming out of retirement. We were way too old to do that event. Yeah. So, yeah, I can't wait to watch it. Yeah, so it's ESPN too, though, which is – it sucks that X Games got canceled this year, but that it fit in because ESPN came to us. They're like, well, we got World X.
Starting point is 00:32:01 We got some spots. We're like, cool. We got something to fill it. And I think it's – especially this time right now, man, with everything that's going on, just a little positivity can't be bad. Absolutely. For sure.
Starting point is 00:32:16 How are you doing on time, by the way? I'm missing my next conference call, but it's not that important anyway. It'll be all right. For real? It started 10 minutes ago. That okay oh sorry you're fine i talked too much no we can let you go yeah um but thank you dude hey seriously i really appreciate you guys definitely uh thanks for having us on and and uh yeah i hope hope to come on uh come on again when i got a little more time next time yeah please do yeah yeah love to keep talking to you
Starting point is 00:32:48 yeah it's been an honor thank you so much yeah thank you all right see you next time i'll see you should we have kept going uh no right yeah i mean you say a conference call yeah i couldn't tell if he meant he was gonna stay on or not so i was like yeah i don't know aaron what do you think uh i feel like he would have stayed yeah we should have kept him yeah yeah it was great otherwise so don't worry about it. Shit. Yeah. Um, all right. Well,
Starting point is 00:33:27 we can, I can turn that around super quick. I can put that out in like an hour. Yeah. That was fun.

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