Going Deep with Chad and JT - Patreon Clip: Dominating the Day

Episode Date: May 13, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up dudes here's a clip from our new patreon only episode if you're interested in more content go to patreon.com and subscribe to going deep with chad and jt for more weekly content uh yeah yesterday dude it was i was proud of myself yesterday in terms of like i think you're you're like the most like this where like if i can just like really fill out a day with stuff like i just feel so good at the end of the day like yesterday we went we played in that tournament i had a bunch of drinks then we went into this guy Harry Giles these podcasts which was super fun it was really fun yeah then uh then I went and did an open mic and then I worked out last night I did a crossfit
Starting point is 00:00:35 workout at home and then then I played some called eating then I read like 20 pages out of a book yeah and then I sent a dick pic to david goggins and said suck it dude nice did he respond no because he's scared damn but he left because i dominated him yeah you read it because i dominated goggins with my day okay can you imagine dog goggins just like he's like running and he just gets like a notification jt parr oh what's up he stops running just damn damn someone did it better today i like how he dude i i know i always like i'm beefing with him and it is so weird because like it's altogether positive everything he does but he'll be doing one of those running videos where he's like here's the first mistake motherfuckers make they care too much about what other people think once i stop caring what other
Starting point is 00:01:24 people think that's when shit caring what other people think, that's when shit really started going my way. And I'm like, I don't believe anyone who says they don't care what people think. I think like we all care. You just try to like, just when you feel yourself doing it too much, you slip out of it and you go,
Starting point is 00:01:38 all right, I got to do this for me. But no one does everything just for themselves. Like David Goggins cares what other people, he wants people to think he's a badass. He's on social media. That's what's the, like, it's a good thing to care about wanting people to think you're a badass.
Starting point is 00:01:50 And it's a great thing to be a badass, but like, don't pretend like you're doing it in a vacuum. Yeah. Like you totally care what people think. Yeah. Yeah. Do you not care what the other Navy SEALs thought about him?
Starting point is 00:02:01 I think it, dude, it's crazy. I, I haven't, but he was in the seals and i guess like seals i don't want to speak it's not my place but like i think some of those guys who do a lot of media kind of rub seals the wrong way yeah because i think you're supposed to be like quiet about it you know yeah i've heard that about jesse ventura but then i you know i
Starting point is 00:02:23 like i get why they talk about it though too it's it's probably and you know none of them are like saying the seals were assholes they're just like talking about their experiences and i see both sides but it is interesting it's such a unique life yeah but it's also probably top secret yeah i mean it is certainly where they're in well i think it's sort of like part of being a navy seal is like you're you know it's like the brotherhood and it's like you know it's like you're there you know it's sort of like this selflessness you have to embody and then when you see them going on social media promoting this lifestyle of like the navy seal lifestyle it's like that's sort of the antithesis of what it means to be a seal i feel like yeah and they're putting in their front and center of it it's like their picture on the book
Starting point is 00:03:08 yeah stuff like that yeah it's not from like anonymous no to d we hung out in san diego he had the best stories like when he did like one of his crazy training weeks where they uh made them uh be like prisoners of war basically yeah he's like so they had us like in boxes for like 48 hours without like food or water and like blasting crazy music and horrible sounds at us and afterwards they were like guys your bodies are totally depleted you need to get some rest and then he's like and then me and all the guys went straight to pb and got hammered yeah that's awesome yeah that's so fucking cool not safe at all i don't i would even tell like you know some frat kid who's been going through hell we could like go get some rest yeah but in this guy's case i was like that's badass yeah
Starting point is 00:03:56 way to go how far along that's why i didn't get any bar fights in san diego oh dude oh yeah so many military dudes there dude aaron talking shit at a bar i think that'd be a i could ever talk shit at a bar no i can't see it yeah no i had a guy spill his entire drink in my lap once and i was just like he's got a high and tight haircut i'm not i can't you said thank you but i just yelled napkins at him and he he got he did yeah yeah but he didn't say thank you sir may have another no that's what i'd say he knew he was in the wrong but like i could i know he couldn't get upset yeah how long do you think you guys would last in navy seal training a day not even i can't run yeah i got like bad hips yeah i always i used to always
Starting point is 00:04:44 maybe if they did like a modified training program for me i'm like i don't think they do that dude well dude we were doing that shoot with friday beers for summer ray their music video and we had to get in the ocean water you know probably like 63 degrees no 60 degrees right now when it when we were shooting actually and we had to get in you know it's like was like evening and it was like windy, it was cold. And we just had to get in for like, you know, a little bit. We were wearing board shorts. And the getting in actually wasn't that bad.
Starting point is 00:05:15 But the anticipation, I was thinking about like seals, they just lay in the ocean water for hours. And I'm like, maybe, yeah. And I love cold immersion. Yeah immersion yeah i mean if anyone's well suited for it it's you but i don't know even on the summer ray music videos like this is brutal that no it was brutal that's the other thing that bugs me sometimes when people like want to tell like navy seals how to do their like you know when like we change like our our conduct policies and we're like we're not allowed to do this anymore in military training i'm like don't tell them what to do just let them handle it yeah they they know what it takes to do their job yeah i know we have to
Starting point is 00:05:55 like you know oversee it and make sure it's not getting too gnarly but for the most part i'd be like do whatever you want like y'all are the ones who know what the fuck it takes i don't know shit dude yeah i just don't i don't like telling warriors how to be warriors i'm like no if you're some suit in dc who's never been in training or combat or anything like that you're like this is that yeah i'd be like what you have bitch tits exactly that's what i was like maybe you should legislate that yeah guess like i played high school lacrosse sweet bro shut up that's like i mean that's like bill gates telling us what to eat i don't tell me exactly like that but yeah yeah it is no it is dude
Starting point is 00:06:45 he's like you should eat veggie burgers i'm like i'm like dude why don't you fucking get a bro for your a man's ear for your tits first dude that's true that one fires you up it does probably your beef of all time it does because you know i don't like these nerds telling us to eat crickets for protein it's like stick to programming all right stay in your lane stay in your lane i think that's true and there's a strong pool to get out of your lane at any time especially if you have like a platform or something like that yeah even in our you know niche way i've felt it before where i'm like oh i can weigh in on there's some smart guy it's like well you're probably smarter if you stay in your lane yeah just do that except for some things like the thing we covered at the top of the pod like that's
Starting point is 00:07:34 something where i'm like no i know people who are affected by this i i have a i've been seeing this conversation evolve and go back and forth for years i feel like i'm on strong footing here but yeah no when it comes to what kind of food supply we should have yeah my pay grade totally yeah and yeah and bill gate like yeah you're a programmer and you have bad taste steve jobs said you have bad taste literally that was his biggest insult he said he had but he didn't mean taste buds but it relates i mean if if bill gates came in with a muscle i mean he's wearing these big ass sweaters you know terrible colors yeah his i've i think i've talked about this before his for all the money he has fucking get your clothes tailored yeah get your everything tailored get tailored
Starting point is 00:08:22 get a better haircut you know beef up a little do you want him to go the bezos route yeah if he if he came in to like you know an interview on like the today show where he's gonna promote his new veggie burgers and he came in a muscle shirt and he just came in like this he's like i'm bill gates and i just got jacked using my new meal plan and he like for sure did it and it's like veggie burgers and stuff. I'd be like, okay, maybe I'll listen to this. But he's, you know, I think he needs to embody health before he starts. Is it purely physical then?
Starting point is 00:08:57 What about his mental aptitude? Could that be from the cricket burgers? Just playing devil's advocate. Right. Definitely not. You think cricket protein is gonna enhance brain function? I don't know. I'm asking. Nah, dude.
Starting point is 00:09:13 No. Nah, even Aaron agrees. Yeah, Aaron, you're against the cricket burgers? Yeah. Hell yeah. Hell yeah. I am too, but like, you know, there's gotta be a pro cricket guy on the dais.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Yeah, okay. I never had one, by the way.

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