Going Deep with Chad and JT - Strider's Podcast: History is Dank - Chad and JT Join

Episode Date: October 30, 2020

Chad and JT join Strider on his podcast, "History is Dank" to discuss the Battle of Midway. Subscribe to History is Dank on all platforms now!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Stokers, you're about to hear an episode of Strider Wilson's podcast, History is Dank, with me and JT as guests. Please enjoy and subscribe to History is Dank. Nice. Legend. Friggin' what up, dude? I'm Strider Wilson, and I'm the host of this podcast that's mine. It's gonna be called History is Dank. History is Dank with Strider Wilson. Nice. Freaking what up, dudes?
Starting point is 00:00:39 Fired up for the... This is honestly the most stoked I've been in a long time. If you're watching on YouTube, you already know why. If you're listening today on History is Dank, I'm straight up honored to be joined by my bros, Chad and JT. What up, dudes? Strider Wilson, good to be here on your pod,
Starting point is 00:00:58 dude. Thank you, dude. What up, Danklord? Chilling, dude. Fired up to have my dogs here. Aaron on the sticks. What up, Aaron? What up? Just the regular crew right now different though we got different chair set going yeah i like it yeah feel liberated yeah it's a there's a phrase i'm a historical phrase i was trying to remember but i forget it so i'll just keep in my dump this oh the boys are back in town from entourage 2005 yep yep put that down in the annals of history, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:26 I was going to say, don't shoot until you see the dankness in their eyes. Maybe don't pot until you see the dankness in your bro's eyes, and I'm seeing a lot of dankness. And did you first heard that in the movie when we were soldiers? Fantastic, yeah, fantastic movie. It's a great movie about Gibson, dude, just down there. I used to want to get that DVD from this kid named Troy in my neighborhood, and I traded him, like, I don't remember what I gave him.
Starting point is 00:01:50 I think I gave him, like, an old bike of ours, and he gave me a paintball gun and the DVD of We Were Soldiers. Wow. Then his mom called my mom and said it was an unfair deal, had to give it back. That was always tough when parents had to get in there. I was selling my baseball cards to older kids
Starting point is 00:02:04 at a huge discount so they would think I was cool. Smart. And my mom had to get in there i was selling uh my baseball cards to older kids at a huge discount so they would think i was cool smart and my mom had to step in and be like you're not doing this anymore thomas you're saying it's better bonds yeah she's like there's a better bonds rookie card for 50 cents to that nerd sixth grader it's not even that cool what's your return on investment there come on do you guys ever get those jersey cards where it has like a piece of their jersey yeah dude that was a cool i had a shack jersey card i was so fired up i was like dude no way that's part of his fucking jersey dude dude that's amazing yeah my dad and my and his buddy went in on a baseball card store in the 90s which was kind of cool they opened a place called uh i
Starting point is 00:02:39 think it was called upper deck baseball cards i went there did you yeah dude it was like uh i forget where it was maybe lake forest or something i can't quite remember but um for their opening they arranged it and james worthy was there which was awesome so i got to meet james worthy which was sick big game james beast dude who in michael jordan's i just realized it's listening to sports radio listening to michael thompson on the radio james worthyy was hurt that series when Jordan first beat the Lakers, and so was Byron Scott went down that series. I don't want to knock Jordan, but does he win against a fully healthy Lakers squad? I think he does. I've watched a couple games from that series.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Really? Magic couldn't get it going. Scottie was giving him headaches. Dude, Scottie's such a beast, dude. It's funny watching Magic Johnson because he's not like the way you would think most stars are where they can just get buckets. he's once he gets past half court and it slows down he's kind of dribbling backwards like a post-up like kind of like peyton posting up from like the top yeah backing them down yeah so dudes fired up to have my dogs on here fired up to be
Starting point is 00:03:40 cutting it up um usually i start off every episode with a little personal historical share, if you will, a little bit of news, you know, what's going on with me. Good stuff. Recently I've been, my GF and I committed
Starting point is 00:03:52 when we were out of town visiting her family in Chicago area, we would run a mile a day, which was very dank, dude. I felt my time increase, it was legit. And I've kind of been trying to keep that up, although with the air quality in LA right now,
Starting point is 00:04:04 it sucks. So I've just kind of been going outside and maybe just walking a little bit and I've been seeing this dude in my neighborhood and I gotta say he's gotta be somewhere from the eastern block I wanna maybe say Russia could be Chechnya, could be Georgia Slavic looking dude
Starting point is 00:04:19 jacked, you know, like a dude who would honestly like JT, it looks like he'd be well equipped with some kettlebells in his hand and he is walking up and down and i've been observing him i'm a little bit creepy and just housing cigarettes i'm telling you no matter what time of day i'm out there he's out there and just walking and he looks like he's just in his dome maybe just de-stressing like that but you know what fired me up on it is that he's smoking outside. Unlike downstairs, like my old neighbor Jerry or my new neighbor Ron,
Starting point is 00:04:49 who when they exhale just goes straight up into my apartment. You got a new guy who's smoking? Yeah, he's not as bad as Jerry. No one's as bad as Jerry. But yeah, he smokes. But he does barbecue. I actually kind of like when he barbecues. It's a good smell.
Starting point is 00:05:02 It's a dank smell. Yeah, he's cooking some good steaks. But just impressed with this Slavic dude just housing. I mean, he's probably 6'5". You know I love height. I've looked at his height. I'm just interested in what's going on with this guy. He's just housing darts?
Starting point is 00:05:17 Dude, yeah. Housing darts and steak? Just sucking back gorts and just getting it done. I'm always interested by people who who are able to live that because i wonder if there's something in like um your mindset because there's some especially that european people i feel they're able to just chief darts non-stop drink tons of wine not really sleep you know eat dinner at like 1 a.m and they look great strong constitution yeah like our buddy nick the alexander technique teacher he's like dude i was in portugal for like a month and i was eating just like i was just like you know eating and drinking every night eating like you know pretty
Starting point is 00:05:57 like pasta every night and he's like his best shape i've ever been in i'm like what is that why is that like is there something to like lifestyle that that is it like the stress that Americans have that make us you know pack on the pounds when we do that I don't know I think you might be right I mean watching that show Emily in Paris you know her French um co-workers they knock her they're like you're all about work like we don't we kind of chill and we yeah don't want stress she's like no I love working like she kind of gets off on that stress which I think a few people do yeah in our country and like they're the they're elites but for most people it's like i want a job that's chill dude i want to park some whips score some
Starting point is 00:06:32 fat tips and kick it with my boys right you know so i think i don't know it's a lifestyle thing what's what's going on with you guys if i may yeah i think our food is just processed way more than theirs right yeah their their prosciutto is pretty clean yeah yeah tough to process paella i mean yeah yeah first air high five of history is dang for the listeners out there nice we wish we could have brought it in fully um personal share from you guys what's crapping it? No press. Doesn't have to be big. Whatever, dude. You know?
Starting point is 00:07:07 Could be an epiphany. Good question. I tried micro-dosing yesterday. Mushrooms. Whoa. Made me super talkative. Really? I was just talking.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Were you making phone calls? Were you hanging out with... No, we did a podcast. I was pretty chatty. And then I went and saw my dad and I just talked his ear off for like an hour and a half. I was pretty chatty. And then I went and saw my dad, and I just talked his ear off for like an hour and a half. I was just mowing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:29 But yeah, other than that, just chilling. I love that. It's nice that you were... It's tough to talk a dad under the table. You know what I mean? Like my dad, he's always checking. You know, dad usually calls me at least to check in, what's going on, you know?
Starting point is 00:07:44 And he's asking me, it's questions, questions, questions, one word answer for me at least to check in what's going on. He's asking me. It's questions, questions, questions, one-word answer for me because I don't got much going on. Maybe I should microdose a little bit, let him know. I'm curious what would happen to you. So am I. I'm a little bit curious. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:55 But I'm more afraid than curious. I think we all are. Right. Sometimes you've got to guess. Hey, no risk, no reward. But if I'm in a comfortable environment with my bros, I think just kind of going back to what you were saying, Chad,
Starting point is 00:08:07 of like just the stress that I put on myself of like, oh, I need to get something done. Like honestly, if we had a really dank podcast episode and then did shrooms and I knew I didn't have to be up before like noon the next day, that'd sort of be a great, and it was an off day from lifting. That'd sort of be a great day for me to do shrooms.
Starting point is 00:08:24 I like everything you just said there. With the lifting, really, driving the scheduling. Absolutely. A nice little Saturday. Exactly. It'd be Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday. Sunday is usually football. I'd like to be focused for that.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Yeah. Maybe a nice little Truly's buzz. I'm drinking Truly's now, guys. Actually, I'm drinking more Claws than Truly's, but I'm not against the hard seltzers anymore. You're not against seltzer? No. But what do truly or claw claw me too i truly seems i've tried truly once or twice it's a little bit harsh for me i like claw yeah well i like the variety and flavor like i think truly's like lemon not a big lemon no uh seltzer guy agreed yeah i think what got me on him was i just started loving sparkling
Starting point is 00:09:06 water very adult of me to like sparkling water now like i like if i was at dinner you know when they ask you to fancy plays like do you want regular water or sparkling water up until this moment in my life regular water please come on yeah ice sure now i would get that sparkling water water. Nice. Seam gas? Yeah, exactly. Corn gas. Seam gas. I was sort of a... I was in Orange County this weekend, and
Starting point is 00:09:33 we were just, you know, thinking hard on... I was thinking with JT on a hill before you came over to watch the game. Very dank day. And it just reinforced my sort of desire to be an astronaut. Yeah. Oh.
Starting point is 00:09:51 It was pretty awesome. He was, like, standing looking over at, like, the second many hillsides. We're looking at the ocean because it's, like, the symbol of vitality as the sun hits it. That's amazing. And then he turned to me, he's like, would you ever want to go to the moon? And I was like, no. He's like, I'd just love to be strapped in that rocket. And he just, I just picture myself just in the rocket,
Starting point is 00:10:12 just like so determined. Are you captain? No, no. Are you like one of the, maybe a navigational expert? Or what else do they have on the space? Stokelord. Stokelord in charge of snacks you know just rip open a bag of goldfish and they fly everywhere and i'm like dudes
Starting point is 00:10:30 have at it it's important dude if you're in space for a long time like yeah you need to keep morale and stoke up on the spacecraft i think that's important i think you could honestly double as a reproductive expert if this was a sort of you know terraforming expedition dude i'm honored that you think my jizz loads uh are worthy of reproduction mars repopulating a planet yeah also dude why don't we want that two dj turntables that you're just in zero gravity with just flipping yeah honestly i feel like every dance tent at its core is trying to achieve a zero gravity zero gravity atmosphere like you're at sahara that's what you're going for yeah you know you're you're you're dropping e you're doing whatever you are you're trying to feel like you're floating and everyone's getting
Starting point is 00:11:13 after it yeah like if that was a if there was a rave or some sort of party that could do that that would have zero gravity we could all just go there and just float with each other i'd be i mean not enough there's not enough land and sea in the world to get in the way of me getting there 100 yeah and i think uh i would love to do you know when astronauts do that that broadcast like on tv they're like hey we're up at the moon you know this is like they'd be like hey this is randy i'm the pilot uh this is derrick chief engineer sarah um biologist and i'll be like what up chad vibes and snacks boom you're on board what would your patch just be like sunglasses on the outside of your helmet yeah smart yeah oakley's maybe some arnett catfish
Starting point is 00:11:58 yeah i draw like that cool s thing that people do and just draw like san clemente with that cool that might be your patch i was gonna ask you that's your patch yeah it's a stussy stussy that's like that cool S thing that people do and just draw like San Clemente with that cool S on the side of my head. I was going to ask you, that's your patch. Stussy. That's sick. And that thing just so determined. Apollo 69. Fucking charging.
Starting point is 00:12:18 The rockets are turned. They're doing oral on each other. That'd be sick. You're so fucking tight, dude. You should read about Apollo 8. Both of you, I think, would really like this because JT showed me the movie The Right Stuff,
Starting point is 00:12:33 which they're actually making a series of now. One of the dankest movies. If you haven't seen it, you should watch it. It's the best. You should read about Apollo 8. It's the first crew to ever go to the moon, and it was an extremely risky... Basically, they were doing recon for Apollo 13.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Sorry, Apollo 11. Of being like, okay, can we get there? Can we do this maneuver around the dark side? They'd never done it before, and they were rushing it to beat the astronauts by half a year. They basically cut training time down, cut development of the rocket down,
Starting point is 00:13:06 which failed in Apollo 7, like blew up. And they're like, well, we're going to build this Saturn whatever 7 again and hopefully it works. If it doesn't, then we're screwed. And they did like test launch one without them, but they only can build two.
Starting point is 00:13:19 They're huge. They weigh like a million pounds, dude. Fucking gnarly. Dank book, dude. Yeah. I think this guy, something level, who's tom hanks's character in apollo 13 jim level jim level that he's he's on apollo he's the stud of that
Starting point is 00:13:31 oh beast yeah dank crew so that was his second go-round when he was on 11 yeah they like promised him to go to the moon and he was like uh he was kind of bummed that he was on eight because he knew 11 would go like basically they'd have a crew of astronauts and then nasa would pull your card and guys kind of jockeyed for it was like being in the starting lineup they're like who am i gonna be on a moon crew or is my time gonna come on a lesser prestigious mission yeah and um one of the guys forget not level but the other guy who was the captain of that mission he basically was like no i'm done like after this he could have gone to the like he could have been the neil armstrong but he's like no he's just tired of the the whole process yeah and it really his wife is an interesting character too and like she's basically a rock and but it showed that like all humans are you know can get cracked yeah and like
Starting point is 00:14:20 she got cracked from it like i think started boozing pretty hard and they had kids. That's part of the reason why, but not all of it. That sounds very compelling. Yeah, it's a good book, dude. Robert Curson, dude. Check it out. Nice. Dude, so talking about our history today, I mean, if I've got my bros on the pod, dude, on History is Dank,
Starting point is 00:14:38 we're talking WWE deuce. I mean, come on, dude. There's no question we're going WWE deuce. And you might be thinking, oh, we're going to go D-Day. We're going to go maybe, you know, victory in Europe. Maybe we're going to go, you know, P Harbor or something like that. We're going battle of Midway. Dude, my favorite battle.
Starting point is 00:14:58 And probably one of the least of the, like, famous ones, probably the least well-known and mentioned, I'd say. Yeah. But probably the most epic, and mentioned i'd say yeah but probably the most epic i'd have to say on top of that i mean that the war could have been decided at this battle you're right we would have lost our entire navy have we not won this and there's a lot of like a lot of uh risk taking going on there a lot of bets on what the japanese would do 100 yeah but i'll let you...
Starting point is 00:15:25 No, dude. I love when you guys are freaking cutting it up and flushing it out. Chad's right. Yeah, that set the stage for the Pacific theater very well.
Starting point is 00:15:32 The stakes are high. Japan's strategy is they need to deal knockout blows to America. Pearl Harbor was, we need to just drop bombs, take out the entire Pacific fleet. America got lucky
Starting point is 00:15:44 that two of its carriers, which would become the elite air power, would be the elite naval power instead of battleships like World War I. It was all about air power and fighting each other. Ships, for the first time, wouldn't be in visible range of each other. It would just be them using radar and planes to go find and fight each other. First time in human history that ever happened in naval warfare. It was actually at the Battle of the Coral Sea of course again at midway but uh yeah you were saying japan because of the industry of america they knew if it was a long-term battle america's
Starting point is 00:16:13 uh engineering and industry would end up developing more weapons and be able to take the japanese but the japanese are like we need to come in hard we need to bang this shit out dude take them out and then we can make moves. Yeah, because I was watching World War II in color last night, that episode again, and I forgot that the U.S. Army, at this moment in time, wasn't the powerhouse that it is. It was ranked, like, number 18 in the world. Like, we weren't really, like, a powerhouse at all.
Starting point is 00:16:53 And this was kind of the incitingiting incident who does those rankings too i don't know switzerland probably probably buzzfeed dude back in the days yeah probably yeah like click this link to see the top 20 armies exactly in 1941 but you are right chad maybe you guys seen this movie jh do you remember a movie called pursuit of honor no i vaguely do it's a good movie it's a great movie for horses too because i know you love horses and it's about macarthur orders because he's like we need to modernize and it's like in the 30s before world war like when world war ii is happening but in europe and america hasn't entered the war yet but macarthur's like we're gonna modernize and we still had calvary units the calvary was not like air calvary in choppers it was like literally calvary and like sabers and he's like we're gonna not we will no longer do government issue sabers and we're gonna
Starting point is 00:17:34 get rid of these horses and usually they'd sell them off or try to make money but no one wanted to and it was made more economic sense kill them but then some soldiers go we love these horses and they're running from like i think they're like in new mexico or something and they take them up to the canadian border and we'll let you know what happens we'll let you know if they get away but uh good little movie what how do you feel about movies like that that are about like this like these really small subplots from like the greater story of world war ii because i guess sometimes those movies like i'm like it's like when George Clooney
Starting point is 00:18:05 made that movie Monuments Men about the military unit that saved paintings in World War II. Oh, right, right, right. And they were like, it doesn't matter who wins the war. It matters who wins the culture after the war. They say things like that,
Starting point is 00:18:18 and you're like, no, it matters who wins the war. Yeah, dude. As long as they can take themselves. I'm like, George, I think you read one too many books. Dude, I would have pulled back and just done Midway. How do we raise these stakes? Yeah. dude. Yeah. As long as they can take themselves. I'm like, George, I think you read one too many books, dude. I would have pulled back and just done Midway. How do we raise these stakes? Yeah. Exactly, dude.
Starting point is 00:18:29 They're going to burn the paintings. This is D-Day on the Louvre. A ton of soldiers have already died taking the beach and everything, and we're here, and it's like D-Day plus 25, but we need to get these paintings back. Bad guys. Yeah. It's like Saving Private Ryan's like, is it worth it to save one man's life? And George Clooney's like, what's the next possible step? It's like, is it worth it to save one man's life and george clinton's like what's the next possible step it's like is it
Starting point is 00:18:47 worth it for all these men to die to save this painting yeah this is a pretty sick picasso totally but they're all having like they're all like having like they're like i don't know is this mission worth it and he's like have you seen the picasso have you seen it just pulls out a picture of it he's like this is what we're saying i was like that's beautiful i don't have to cry the guy's like the guy's like, he's like shot. He's like, just promise me you get that painting. If you don't save that one, what's next? And then he pulls out like a painting his kid did that he mailed to him.
Starting point is 00:19:13 He's like, they could come for your son's painting next. Yeah. How many potential artists died on the beach, dude? Yeah. It could have been the next Picasso's. I don't know. Oh, that's interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:22 All I'm saying is, yeah, you're right, dude. You're a hundred percent right. So dude, for, for for Midway we watched a little movie speaking of movies we watched the movie Midway and part of our research yeah thoughts uh cool action scenes a little bit you know it's not up to not to saving private ryan level but very entertaining very got you into the mindset of like america fuck yeah um and uh yeah it was pretty good yeah i thought it was awful yeah okay yeah i was just being nice yeah what you didn't like dick best chad tease it up for the punch dude i thought i liked dick best character like it made me wikipedia him afterwards and i was like oh what a badass dude you know and
Starting point is 00:20:11 then um it's like kind of like uh it's incredible that that was just like his three days of combat and then after that you know he he couldn't continue um but no i was just like dude this movie is just like i learned so little about Midway, I felt like. Yeah, yeah. And then the actors, like, I was upset right away that they cast, the first three guys I see fighting for the Americans in World War II are guys I know are British actors.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Yeah. And I'm like, what the fuck, dude? There's a little something to that, yeah. And then... And his, like, Boston accent. Yeah, Ed Screen's accent. Hang on, kid. We're almost home.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Yeah, I know you're afraid. We're all afraid. But we gotta fight. afraid but we gotta fight yeah we gotta fight we gotta fight this is america we'll fight for you uh but yeah then i watched like the world war ii in color afterwards and i was like oh this is nice yeah i'll take the enthusiasm of over of a historian over uh just actors just mailing it in any day yeah what do you think went wrong? Why? Because this is such a, it's such like a meaty battle to do a movie on. Why do you think they just mailed it in?
Starting point is 00:21:14 Yeah, I don't know how they messed this up. It's like, I mean, I guess it's just, I don't know, man. Saving Private Ryan nails it so much, like maybe they need it like a better central story. Like it's kind of tough. It was more like, here are the events. And then our main conflict is like, there's one guy who's too heroic, but not in the right way that his captain wants him to be heroic.
Starting point is 00:21:33 So it's like, all right, everyone's heroes. We know they're heroes. But we need something else going on. That was kind of their arc, him and McCluskey. Yeah. They could have done it about code breaking, which would have been as action oriented. What's that dank movie with Cumberbatch? Windtalkers. Like, they could have done it about code breaking, which would have been like as action oriented, like that,
Starting point is 00:21:46 what's that dank movie with Cumberbatch? Windtalkers. Oh, Windtalkers. Oh, you're talking about the Imitation Game. Imitate, no, not Imitate.
Starting point is 00:21:51 No, what, oh man. It's Cumberbatch, it's Keira Knightley. Yeah, that's, that's, Alan, yeah,
Starting point is 00:21:58 that's Imitation Game, yeah. It's Imitation Game? Uh-huh, yeah. That's a dank movie. You think I'm talking about the Eddie Redmayne movie where he turns into a lady, huh? Oh, yeah. Yeah, I was thinking of it.-huh, yeah. That's a dank movie. You think I'm talking about the Eddie Redmayne movie where he turns into a lady, huh?
Starting point is 00:22:06 Oh, yeah. Yeah, I was thinking of that. Danish Girl. Right. Or The Crying Game. Oh, that's a great movie. Because the code breaking in Midway was like one of the biggest things,
Starting point is 00:22:18 which they kind of like in the movie mentioned for a split second that could have been a central plot to like breaking the code. But they did break it years earlier because they knew about it like at the battle at the coral sea which was a huge victory um it was like just technically a wash on paper but a victory for the americans strategically because it showed their code worked and they stopped japan from getting to papa new guinea and like i think they maybe were already in the solomon islands yeah
Starting point is 00:22:41 and that was roachport right he's the guy who's responsible for that? Yep. Played by Patrick Wilson in the movie, who in the doc they describe as an irreverent egghead. Like, his character could have been so much more fun. He's amazing, what he did. Yeah. So he set up Midway, where he realized that the Japanese
Starting point is 00:23:00 were going to ambush our aircraft carriers. With the code AF. Yeah. Nice. And then he was AF. Yeah. Nice. And then he was ready. Yeah. And so he set up the entire, like, he gave us the knowledge we needed to set up our counterattack. Totally.
Starting point is 00:23:11 And he went against other Americans who were like, and, you know, at the time, obviously now it's hindsight, but they were like, oh, the attack's not going to be at Midway. It could be again at Hawaii. They could try to go all the way to California. Like, so there was people trying to argue about where we should set up our defenses and Nimitz was the admiral and like, where does he place his battleships best strategically? And then this dude was like, no, no, no, there's code AF. We need to find out what AF is. And he goes, I think I'm, I'm guessing it's Midway because he's like, look where Japan's spreading out. Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, and then Midway,
Starting point is 00:23:42 that's all like their Western shield and Japanapan needed to spread out and they were already like taking over like um you know um like malta and uh thailand and like china they basically own the south china sea but they're cut off from oil they need to get to america get our resources there's the illusion islands up in alaska where they think they might go and get alaskan oil. But this dude's like, I don't know. Let's just say there's a shortage of water supply at Midway. And let's send out the code. Let's let it get intercepted. Then it gets intercepted. And they say
Starting point is 00:24:13 like water supply at AF intercepted by the Americans intercept the Japanese thing. And he goes, that's Midway. That's how he verified it? Yeah. What a B. So he set them up, dude. He was playing chess. They took the bait. And we had four battleships, it? Yeah. What a beast. So he set them up, dude. He was playing chess, man. They took the bait. Yep. And we had four battleships, correct?
Starting point is 00:24:29 Yeah, four aircraft carriers. Aircraft carriers. Yeah. And I think the Japanese had, they had four, but they could have had more. But because of the Coral Sea Battle, we damaged two, which they weren't able to use. And then the Yorktown was badly damaged, but was able to be used at Midway. Yeah. Which helped turn the tide.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Yeah. And so, like we were saying earlier, it's all about your aircraft carriers. was badly damaged but was able to be used at midway yeah which helped turn the tide yeah and so like we were saying earlier like it's all about your aircraft carriers and the ones that the japanese destroyed in pearl harbor were just basically a ton of battleships and we got lucky i don't know why maybe they were just out doing maneuvers and jap japan did their recon too they were like oh on sundays you know it's American culture. We're a Christian nation. They're going to be at church. They're going to be chilling. Everyone's at port on Sunday.
Starting point is 00:25:09 But for some reason, those carriers weren't at port and we got lucky. Otherwise, they say that had the Japanese kept pressing and had the resources and gas to do it,
Starting point is 00:25:19 they're like, oh, they could have gotten as far as Montana before the US could have put up any useful resistance. Interesting. Crazy to think about. I like too about the roachport guy that he lived in japan for a long time so he had like he didn't just know the language he knew the culture which gave him an extra advantage when deciphering their their messages which is you know maybe an argument
Starting point is 00:25:40 for monuments men right that's true. No, you're right. You can judge by these tapestries, these woodblock prints. So the Japanese were attacking... I've never even seen Monuments Men, by the way. I've seen like 10 minutes of it. It probably does play into them actually helping in the actual war. You know, when I watched it, I totally bought into it. I was like, you've got to save the culture. Who's in it? It's a great cast.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Yeah, it's huge. John Goodman, Matt Damon. Bill Murray. Yeah, Murray. George Clooney. And I think John Dardenne. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I might just be throwing him in, but he seems like he fits into that cast. You see the dude from The Artist?
Starting point is 00:26:14 Yeah. Yeah. So the Japanese are going to attack, right? And then we're coming in with our dive bombers, correct? Yep. But the dive bombers, on the American side, they pretty much knew they were going into a suicide mission, correct? Yep. But the dive bombers, on the American side, they pretty much knew they were going into a suicide mission, correct?
Starting point is 00:26:29 Yes. Yeah, low on oil, or gas, rather. Low on gas. And why, yeah, is that why it was a suicide mission? That's like the beginning, which they say those dive bombers actually ended up holding off their battleships,
Starting point is 00:26:40 which was really good to give our ships time to get in position. So I think they just knew. They were like, we've got to go in there and bite the bullet and they had to release their torpedoes too far out and just basically get wrecked and if you watch the movie like dive bombing with torpedoes in slow planes because the japanese zero was like the best the maneuverability the speed the climb yep the best plane in the sky and it was just yeah they're like dude we're just gonna have to take one for the team right here and they did which is it is heroic i mean you
Starting point is 00:27:10 could have done a whole movie no probably not but yeah because the torpedo squadron went in first got kind of lit up but distracted all the japanese fighters and then our the follow-up teams could dive bomb it yep which the dude the way those bombers go, that was cool in Midway seeing that. It is cool. Like, you know, they're coming into like so much incoming fire and the aggressive descent
Starting point is 00:27:30 is so badass. It's so gnarly going down. And you do get like tense. You're like, it's just good filmmaking and we're like, drop it now, drop it now.
Starting point is 00:27:37 And they're always like, no, and then they take you like three pass when you think you should have dropped it, you dropped it. Ah.
Starting point is 00:27:42 That's the professionalism. Pulls up, dude, and see the thing blow up. You're like very gratified. They describe that red dot. You know how the center of the Japanese flag is a red circle? They say it looked like a big fat meatball on the front of the ship. Nice.
Starting point is 00:27:57 That's just like giving the British dude more Italian stuff to lean into for his acting. It's a meatball. You got to hit that big red meatball at the front of this ship. It's huge. It's your mama's cooking. It's got that good gravy on there your grandma used to make. The only thing in the world. Nothing better. Full of garlic. He gets too into describing it.
Starting point is 00:28:16 It's like a big fat meatball and you grind it up for a couple hours and you put different parts. You got the parsley and you got a little garlic and then you want to make a congeal before you put it in. You're like, dude, no, we're actively in an air fight right now. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:28:29 He's talking recipes, dude. Dude, so another strategic thing from this battle is, yes, those dive bombers and then on the first raid, I think because the zeros were busy and we might have busied up some of the bombers
Starting point is 00:28:44 they were originally sending to Midway. They're equipped with land bombs to take out the defenses at Midway, but they don't fully do it. They get there. They obviously wreak havoc. There's a movie that director John Ford, who got a Purple Heart, was actually shooting on that day. It's like an 18 or 20-minute movie. Right, right. It's pretty interesting to watch.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Have you watched it? I watched it, yeah. It's not on Netflix anymore, but it might be on Amazon. So you see the attack? Yeah, dude, you see it and like they copy some of the shots in midway too of it and uh i think him and his cameraman got like shrapnel or something like that got purple hearts but um yes so so basically the the japanese were going to attack midway we and then we had our our four aircraft carriers out at sea, basically at bay ready to attack. And they didn't know that we were coming.
Starting point is 00:29:28 No. We sent them out so they would see them going to the Aleutian Islands. Right. So they saw the aircraft. So they thought they were leaving. So they were going to attack midway. But they were just at bay. And then we sent in the torpedo guys to distract them.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Once they spotted them, they sent them in they're like we need to go and and busy up these ships and yeah maybe try to take them out if we can that's the premier target is like yeah let's try to take out a carrier yeah and it's like look get those planes in the sky if they're coming to bomb you want them off the ground yeah otherwise they're just sitting ducks yeah and midway held defense that the defenses on that initial attack did get drilled. And then they're coming back to their ship. And I forget the commander, the general, but basically it all falls on him of like split time decisions of being like, do I equip my planes with, and, which was to take out Midway with land-based bombs, or do I switch over to sea-based stuff to take out carriers now,
Starting point is 00:30:28 which takes time to do while he knows those other carriers are coming to him. And he kind of, he fucks up. He's like, let's keep land. Let's send that mission back to Midway. Let's knock it out, which they will. Knock it out, come back, reload, and then we'll be able to get the other aircraft
Starting point is 00:30:45 carriers but since like um i think in the movie it's like when dick best is like flying not dick best but luke evans is flying around mccluskey mccluskey yeah and he gets lucky spotting it so it really uh that was real right because that's in the doc too is like the america i i didn't quite understand what happened but we didn't know exactly where their carriers were yeah and then our guys were just doing missions trying to find it and like needle in a haystack. We're like, oh, there they are. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:31:09 And so that general, the Japanese general, you can really knock him for switching to land-based things, but he probably would have had time if he didn't get spotted. But he got spotted. Boom. We send our guys in. The rest is history. See, I mean, even with the great planning of Roach,
Starting point is 00:31:23 I forget his name, but you have to have that luck too luck too yeah you need a little bit of luck on your side and those like game time decisions that are crazy and because of the reload it was almost like did them a disservice to spot the ships even and think about reloading had they just stuck to their mission and done it because they were in the middle of reloading and so basically their decks were a huge incendiary powder keg yeah because all their missiles were out on there so like one bomb goes in the middle of reloading. And so basically their decks were a huge incendiary powder keg. Yeah. Because all their missiles were out on there. So like one bomb goes in, the whole thing lights up.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Yeah. Boom. And I think about the whole battle was like two hours. Really? Which is crazy. I think Coral Sea Battle was like two days. That's incredible.
Starting point is 00:31:57 So nuts. A two day battle? The tides of the world change in two hours. Crazy. It comes out of that small little window. Huge. Turns the course of the war. You either define a moment or the moment defines you. Correct. It comes out of that small little window. Huge. Turns the course of the war. You either define a moment
Starting point is 00:32:07 or the moment defines you. Correct. Do not miss this chance. You only got one opportunity. It's over now. Plow. Snap back to reality. Yeah, it's so crazy
Starting point is 00:32:15 to think of like, there's so much just luck involved in that. Because, I mean, that was like the deciding point. If they had won, we would have lost our whole Pacific fleet. we would have lost pacific to the japanese they would have just come to the u.s which is like crazy to think about like another country
Starting point is 00:32:32 invading the u.s we'd be doing this podcast in a different language yeah yeah yeah totally same battle but we'd be talking about the other side yeah yeah like what do you guys think do you think we lost the battle at midway how do you think the war would have turned out? The one thing that I think goes in our favor, and it was one of my main takeaways from seeing the doc, is that what really drove us to victory, besides the bravery of our soldiers, is just our industrial power.
Starting point is 00:32:58 And it almost seems like whoever can produce the most resources that they can then dispense and make up for losses in is going to take the W. So maybe it's just my American jingoism, but I think we still would have had them. But you think we would have, because it seemed to me like the fact that we held back the Japanese,
Starting point is 00:33:13 that's what allowed us to build all those aircraft carriers and all that stuff. You're right. We might not have. And they would have been able to get bigger bombers stationed at Midway instead of just aircraft carrier style bombers. We wouldn't have had uh they would have been able to get like bigger bombers stationed at midway yeah instead of just like aircraft carrier style bombers yeah we wouldn't have had that safety yeah to do what we needed to do and it's kind of crazy interesting where like japan sort of
Starting point is 00:33:35 upped their attack with their aggressiveness and they mentioned do little's raid i think it's in the movie pearl harbor amazing it's so cool and Alec Baldwin leads it. He plays Doolittle and they take like basically I think B-25s, strip them down, put them on this USS Hornet. They fly it. They ship them out like 700 miles. They got to ship them out early because they can't get close enough. They want to be like 600 and they basically are like
Starting point is 00:33:57 you're not going to have enough gas to get back. Ditch out in China or whatever and they just want to send a message to Japan and do an attack on Tokyo and because of that attack it kind of made Japan go earlier to Midway
Starting point is 00:34:11 than maybe they would have been ready and they didn't really repair their battleships from the Coral Sea which if they would have had those battleships Midway could have
Starting point is 00:34:19 turned out different so because their ego got dinged when we hit Tokyo ego and kind of fear too where they're like whoa at least maybe this is the American bias in the doc of like we struck fear to the hearts of the Japanese Because their ego got dinged when we hit Tokyo? Ego and kind of fear, too, where they're like, whoa.
Starting point is 00:34:28 At least maybe this is the American bias in the doc of like, we struck fear to the hearts of the Japanese. But it could have also been like. That was the intent, though, right? Totally, 100%. It was like, we can strike you guys, so we're ready to play ball. And maybe Japan knew it, and they're like, well, all right, they're already doing this attack. We need to take them down quick.
Starting point is 00:34:42 And many thanks to the Chinese for taking us in. I mean, I know we were helping them in their war efforts but then at the end of uh midway they say 250 000 civilians got killed for helping us yeah it's crazy dude yeah man yeah the whole episode on nan king is just like brutal what happened in there um with the japanese what they did to the and then yeah you talk about the philippines what they were taking like basically coral sea and midway were the only were the first two stopping points for the japanese expansion isn't it crazy we're friends with japan now i know but like mrs seidenfeld our third our sophomore year culture geography teacher her dad fought in the war and he wouldn't buy a japanese
Starting point is 00:35:18 car really yeah damn but i mean i think that's the last generation right that feels that it's pretty wild how yeah i mean that's good that's good progress it's gnarly but well they also aren't allowed to have a navy or something or air force one of the two is that that's true yeah they're not allowed to based on the surrender agreement really yeah? Yeah. Wow. I wonder if that still stands. That's pretty wild. Dude, even in the racism in America of like Japanese citizen with the internment camps
Starting point is 00:35:54 and then... Yeah. It's pretty crazy, dude. My third grade teacher, Mrs. Takahashi, she grew up in one and her dad was a teacher. Ended up winning a bunch of medals
Starting point is 00:36:01 because he set up a school at it and taught people. What a legend. See, that's a nice story. That's a good like subplot story that's nice i think if you're making us from getting too bummed dude totally yeah totally and if you get like you know monuments men like you're still sort of in the war theater but like if you're gonna do a niche plot of a war movie you gotta go like back home right like kind of like Cold Mountain style. You know? There's a movie with Goldie Hawn too where she's like
Starting point is 00:36:26 one of the girls who works in the factory during World War II or A League of Their Own. Yeah, dude, that's got to be the best. That's a good back home World War II movie.
Starting point is 00:36:35 So good. I said this the other day and this is controversial. Geena Davis, not my cup of tea. I understand she's classically beautiful. You know,
Starting point is 00:36:42 she would be on the side of a bomber. Like she has that type of beauty, you know, in World War II. It surprises me, too, because she's tall. I know. You like that firecracker Doughty. Doughty. I like her. That's nice. Did she drop the ball on purpose?
Starting point is 00:36:56 No. We've talked about this before. No. I don't think so. I never registered. She tells the pitcher to throw high heat because she can't lay off it. You're right. Yeah, and then why would she change her mind in a split second like that? Not buying it. I don't buy it at all. Aaron, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:37:09 You're a baseball guy. No, I think the force of Kit's anger and the compassion of her sister. Oh, Dottie is Gina Davis. Yeah, Kit. Makes it happen. Oh, my bad. No, my bad. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Dude, that's freaking sick i mean we basically covered that pretty pretty extensively dude like that's pretty solid research we did right there what do one more thing little in gumo the japanese admiral a legend he messes up in midway the the historians describe him as a superficial uh commander in terms battle. Like he just goes by the book, loses another battle, kills himself. Yeah. Damn. Not like, what's it called? Hari Kari?
Starting point is 00:37:52 I got to sneeze. I don't know how he did it, but the doc just says he offed himself for the two failures. Damn. Well, I appreciate Chad going outside to sneeze. Because of COVID. Yeah, I never thought of that. I was like, what's he doing? Chad, nice, dude. Thank to sneeze. Because of COVID, really. Yeah, I never thought of that. I was like, what's he doing? Chad, nice, dude.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Thank you. Very kind of you, man. Dude, JT, that's great research. I did not know that. Yeah, it's in the doc that you showed me. Yeah. I was like, that's about to throw up in here. Yeah, he's a beast.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Damn. I wonder if like... No, you're a beast. We were with your research. Oh, thanks. You're a beast. I think N'Gemma's a beast for... He owns up.
Starting point is 00:38:25 I mean, look, if you think about it, dude, like, you're a general. You gotta make decisions. How many soldiers... He lost honor. And speaking of the... To kind of revisit, like, our relations with Japan now, this was the Japanese Empire. Dan Carlin does a good job of talking about, like, the Empire building, how they sort of did, like, kind of what Nazi Germany would do of, like,
Starting point is 00:38:42 they would just use propaganda and, like, sway what being a samurai was all about in the honor of it of like basically to get like conscripted soldiers and like it's like that's not what samurai culture was about as far as like defending the honor and I need to do more research on that but basically me just
Starting point is 00:38:57 oh so they romanticized the samurai and turned him into this kind of like epic hero that people could like that was worth assimilating for. Correct. Correct. To fit the narrative of the empire and expansion where it was like,
Starting point is 00:39:10 no, it's a samurai's duty and like there's Japanese soldier duty to go into that land and take it. And it's like, no, it was to protect like the hegemon or in the farming community and have honor and you served. There are those torpedoes too
Starting point is 00:39:25 and that japan made where you it was they're like uh kamikaze torpedoes essentially do you hear about those no they're kamikaze torpedoes so they'd have a man inside who's basically like steering it it's a suicide mission oh my god yeah and i think they started using japan we got a bobsled team yeah and i've watched a movie recently where they had them um because i watched it and i was like i was like no way is that a thing and it was a thing dude like i think towards the end of the war when they knew they were losing they were like all right let's go full force kamikaze style so they just put dudes in in torpedoes so they could steer them into ships and sometimes the torpedoes would miss so it's just like some dude in like a little
Starting point is 00:40:10 torpedo and he's just like going out to sea so gnarly insane yeah their sense of obligation and duty is pretty pretty insane formidable foe but going back to the general killing himself though like if I had if I were if I were a general and I had that heavy of losses and stuff I'd probably hard carry myself
Starting point is 00:40:31 I don't know if I could go back to my country and just like you know watch TV after that I think you would I might just go home I'll definitely go home
Starting point is 00:40:44 they're like you fucked up big. I'm like, you been there? You been in battle? Not so easy, partner. If another war comes, I'll tell you what I'll do better. They knew our codes, dude. Yeah, I would have lived a while and been like, oh, they had our codes.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Oh, okay. No wonder, dude. It was juked against me. Is it my fault that the codes got broken? Are we blaming me for that now? Yeah, what's that team? I would rip my shirt in half and disembowel myself.
Starting point is 00:41:08 So gnarly, dude. They do that in Last Samurai. I run in and I'm like, no, Chad, no, no. I'm trying to stuff the guts back in. I'm like, so much. I do it at Trestles. That'd be cool. That'd be a beautiful last sight, dude. That's cool. During the comp. Little squirrels eating out of your tum-tum. Just like, nice score, Kelly.
Starting point is 00:41:26 And then strider with the katana. I'll take you out quick, dude. This way you didn't feel that pain, dude. I'll let you experience that moment of honor and then just later. Give me a soldier's death. Dude, sometimes the frost makes the blade stick. Yeah, why is that a soldier's death right here?
Starting point is 00:41:42 Is it quicker? I assume it's because it's more painless. Maybe it gets straight into the nerve endings and just shuts everything down. Right. And maybe that's how they teach you in gladiatorial training times, or in Roman times, that's how you get a kill. Strike here, boom. Do the back of the neck.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Build a butcher style wound, wound, kill. Have you heard in medieval times when they used to guillotine people that it took a second or two for your lights to go out, so they'd cut your head off and then the executioner would take your head and spin it to your body real quick. And you'd literally be awake
Starting point is 00:42:10 seeing your severed body right before you died. Did you ever hear that? Sick, yeah. Do you think that's possible? I think if they did it a lot, probably, yeah. What if you could talk still? You're like, oh, fuck, dude.
Starting point is 00:42:23 Oh, no. Oh, dude. Whoa. Whoa. There's probably some scientific reason for that there's still a little bit of blood like when like if you kill a snake or you chop a chicken's head off it still runs around or something like that because there's like electrons in there but how cognitive are they i don't know but just sick of that executioner and sick times yeah for the back half of that french Dude, the guillotine wouldn't be sharp enough. Sometimes they'd have to drop it multiple times on you. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Jesus. So gnarly. You want to have a good executioner. You do. Yes. No one executioner back then. No, a plumber and a doctor and an executioner. It's good to look back on that stuff and just you're like, oh, life's pretty good. I have Matthew McCconaughey's
Starting point is 00:43:05 book and i'm not getting my head chopped off yeah thanks what i'm saying dude yeah thank you chad's a legend he bought this book for strider and i oh i was getting one for myself and i was like i gotta i gotta let my dogs have the wisdom of mcconaughey thank you that's a true sign of a good gift something that you were getting for yourself you spread on you know it's not a re-gift thank you green lights friggin so stoned i'm sorry i should have gotten you I'll get you one Aaron thanks dude let's answer a few cues and then you guys will hop out of here dude it's been freaking fire dude I'm so stoked on this app dude sweet um let's see here dude what up strider hope you're stoked hope the gf is stoked and I hope your boys are stoked what up Aaron how are the kids? So my GF and I are in excellent relation. Not born yet.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Yeah. Still in development. So my GF and I are in excellent relation. She's a hardworking med student that also works in a hospital, helps kids with eye disorders. Nice. I'm a bro in service of our Dank Nation's Naval SF. Dude, here we go. We both love crushing day-long hikes, trying new things, and are both sick at our respective sports
Starting point is 00:44:05 and have a deep passion for making one another stoked. So needless to say, we're good. But our roommates are less than chillers, dude. They are nice enough to me, but they are recently started not inviting my awesome GF on outings. After moving into their new apartment, her long friend T has been very passive-aggressive to her. My GF works full-time right now.
Starting point is 00:44:22 T continues to be bombarded by my beautiful GF with tax despite the fact that T has little to her. My GF works full time right now. T continues to be bombarded by my beautiful GF with tax, despite the fact that T has little to do. My GF always obliges despite her busy schedule. So she's not getting invited out and she's asked to do stuff around the house. My smoke show GF and her roommates is a friend of T's and they consistently going out to parties despite, you know, it's not good during COVID. Now being in a global pandemic. Yep.
Starting point is 00:44:43 And she's isn't being very nice to my GF either. O and T are always together, and while I think they can be nice people, they aren't showing my GF that love. So what can I do to improve the situation for my 2003 Shania Twain? What can I do to unify this squad? That's a great description.
Starting point is 00:44:58 That's fire. Do you think that this could be my fault somehow? I just want my GF to not have to be bothered by this stuff and all the things she has to deal with in life i want her to be have legit friends so she can turn to like i have legit friends she can turn to like i have um from thomas dude so are her friends not her friends or his friends her friends are being busters her friends and her roommates are being busters to her and he just basically wants his girlfriend to be happy he's wondering if it's his fault i don't think so at all yeah that was a little that almost felt over the top yeah yeah yeah i mean it's coming from a good place but
Starting point is 00:45:35 it's a who did dick best write this for midway dude right bro he well that's this they're probably not thinking about you when they don't invite her out. Yeah. Unless he's, like, really laying the hog pretty hard and they're getting jealous. Interesting. Yeah, I thought that would get him more invites out. I think that's the only reason. Oh, yeah, maybe. You don't think they're, like... Invite that big hoss out to dinner.
Starting point is 00:45:56 She's already had fun with the big hog Tom. Is that his name? That could be the problem. Dude, I think you're laying the wood too good, and it's turning the whole house against you. You need to pull it back and be half the Casanova you are, because you're probably not only driving them crazy, but the neighbors who are three floors up, they can hear it. And they're going to start throwing away your mail.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Probably when you're nutting, you're just going, fuck. Super loud. Maybe that's throwing too much when you nut.ting, you're just going, fuck. Super loud. Maybe that's the only thing you watch when you nut. Fuck. Pop, pop, bang. Fuck. You better turn the TV up.
Starting point is 00:46:41 You come out naked. You're like, you know, we're making a pot pie. So, dude, I mean, maybe you befriend a carpenter he soundproofs everyone's rooms might cost you a pretty penny but you know what's love worth dude yeah and it just keeps supporting your gf there's there's not much you can do and here's what i think too you want to i really think here i don't know how long they've been dating but it might be time for them to move in yeah dude that's a good call that's what's a good call. That's what's going on. Wow, dude. That's what's going on. It's move-in time.
Starting point is 00:47:07 She's complaining about the roommates a lot. I don't know if you're seeing it all. Is she complaining about it a lot, or is it more him? No, he didn't put that in the email at all because, you know, this guy's a saint. But it's like, you know that they're having conversations. She's venting to him about it. He's, you know, he's got to be hearing about it enough to write in. So it's like, I think it's move-in time. So, my time so my dog you got to think is it time to take that next step and if
Starting point is 00:47:30 he's not ready for that find your other girlfriends that you can go live with yep be like yo i found this sick crew at the local coffee shop they were just playing hacky sack in the back like in between breaks from their super creative jobs and i think you should live with them exactly dude they're all aspiring artists dude they listen to indie rock their ipods are freaking absolutely just fire she's gonna like living there it's all cool indie bands named after body parts the shins yep the toes yep the head and the heart the traps the lats the traps do you say traps the. Did you say traps? The calves.
Starting point is 00:48:06 You gotta say traps, guys. Cavs. Byes. Strider did correction. All right, bro, let's buckle up for this
Starting point is 00:48:12 correction, dude. Uh-oh. Love the pod. Just wanted to write in and share some knowledge. This is from episode 11 and potentially expand upon
Starting point is 00:48:17 some of the information you and your snap-a-beer-die expert discussed. That's Brooks, our dog Brooks Bergen. As my dogs and I are avid players of the game,
Starting point is 00:48:24 we have had the honor of playing in several, and even personally hosting one, beer dye tournaments organized by Dye's Life. These tournaments were hosted at the University of Denver, but were made possible by friends who grew up on the West Coast with a group of bros that run the Dye's Life page. For this reason, I believe the following is shared understanding of the games across the board.
Starting point is 00:48:40 When you ask what's the difference between Snap-In and Beer Dye, your dog began to explain the origin of Snap-In very briefly mentioned that it is played sitting down. In my opinion, that is the largest difference in the board. When you ask what's the difference between snap and beard eye, your dog began to explain the origin of snap and very briefly mentioned that it is played sitting down. In my opinion, that is the largest difference in the two. Snap being played seated does not necessarily produce the same stoke-inducing rush that flows with the risky and
Starting point is 00:48:55 athletic dive seen in beard eye. However, snapper shines when the sun doesn't, as you can play inside because you don't need to throw it as high. Hope this provides some insightful stoke. Pat. Beast. Dude, I agree with that. Yeah, I always play standing up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:08 I've never played sitting down. You want that mobility. You want to be able to lunge. You want to be able to dive for it. And I do think, you know, not to step on Brooks' toes, but do you think sitting down lowers stoke? I think you're right. Standing desk in an office? You've been in an office where it's all standing desk feels like a party could break out in any
Starting point is 00:49:30 moment yeah good call because if you're sitting down you gotta get up you're like oh but if you're already standing up it's like what are we doing yeah oh cake in the office for aaron's birthday let's go fire call so have you ever seen stand-up comics sit down on stage? The worst. I don't like it. It lowers the energy. Yeah. Especially if they lack. Because if you're Patrice O'Neill, you can do it because he has the requisite charisma. Yes. Everybody else on your feet.
Starting point is 00:49:54 Yeah. Except for Marin, my favorite. Yeah. He's on the stool, though. He's kind of putting his feet. He's still putting energy into his sit, I feel like. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:50:03 Let's do one more, and then we'll hop off, dudes. Let's see, dude, from Will. Yo, Strider, got a question. This is fun to think about. So if you were to imagine any famous or historically significant battle, what battle comes to mind? If you could travel back in time with an iPod
Starting point is 00:50:18 and huge speakers, he spelled Y-U-G-E, speakers, what three songs would you show the losing side in an effort to amp them up so they could win the battle? Thank you, my G. Pod has been stellar. Thank you, dude. Will. So it sounds like, okay, we've taken our licking, we're regrouping on day two of the battle or something.
Starting point is 00:50:38 We've traveled back in time with a sick iPod. I don't think I'm going to go indie music. I'm not going anything named after a body part, unless it's like, you know, the Love Bone. Something like that. I'm probably going to play... I love 80s music, so I'm probably going to play maybe some White Snake. Honestly,
Starting point is 00:50:54 anything from Jock Jams. Are you ready for this? Honestly, dude, Zombie Nation. Oh. Oh. Can I throw one in there? Yeah, of course. Europe, the final countdown.
Starting point is 00:51:08 If you just take a beating and a bow, and then you're sitting there, you're like, man, are we going to lose this war? And then you hear, and you're like, no, fuck no. Yep. I got two. Sorry, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:51:21 That's when I hearty card myself. That's awesome. It's just too sick? Yeah. The juxtaposition. Trapped headstrong. Oh, dude. And then Sigur Rós, Saglipur.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Ooh, how's that go? How's that go? Yeah, bust it out. What battle are we imagining, too? I'm imagining a medieval battle. Something from, like, The King with our boy, Timothee Chalamet. Something like that. I'm thinking, like, Knights medieval time. I'm imagining a medieval battle, something from, like, The King with our boy, Timothy Chalamet, something like that.
Starting point is 00:51:45 I'm thinking, like, Knights medieval time. I'm never going gun-style battles, dude. Dude, you know what would fire me up, too? The police or maybe the Puff Daddy version. I'm gonna say Puff Daddy because that's when he was called Puff Daddy. Wow, what's that song? You know, the song about big...
Starting point is 00:52:02 I'll be watching. I'll be missing you. Oh, yeah. I think that would make me... That song does a good job of both firing me up and making me feel like, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:11 making me feel for my lost dogs. That's a very strong point you make as well. Yeah. Honor the fallen and get pumped up at the same time.
Starting point is 00:52:18 I think I can play 10 seconds of this. Yeah, dude. Can I throw in Europe, dude? Yeah, dude. Don't even ask. Just do. Let me tell you, this podcast, you just do.
Starting point is 00:52:39 You don't ask. I love that, dude. What's up? Green lights. Yeah, you've got the green light on this pod always. are mcconaughey that's too kind to say yep i did it i did it wrong with my dude you're in a plane about to go dive bomb for dance it's like rocky-esque yeah someone should take mel gibson's speech from braveheart and just put that under it from the charge in your beds many years from now what would you give for one chance just Just one chance. Children to trade all of this.
Starting point is 00:53:25 Well, dudes, we didn't get all dressed up for nothing today. We freaking nailed a dank pod. Thank you, my bros, Chad. Thank you, my bro, JT. Thank you, Aaron. This has been so great, dude. So honored to get you guys on here, you know, safe enough now during the Q-teen. And, you know, there'll be many, many more dank times like this on History is dank but this is the first so it's it's now history my dudes dude thank you so much
Starting point is 00:53:50 for having us on uh we gotta do this a lot more this is so much fun so fun and i love learning about midway it's like it was having this like really motivated me to watch it's fun dude yeah we talked about maybe next topic of just like doing we could do natural history the history of horses or whatever fires us up dude i think that'd be really fun to talk about

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