Guys: With Bryan Quinby - Guys: Episode 102 - Hiking Guys With Libby Watson

Episode Date: January 14, 2025

We had on the show to talk about guys that walk in the woods. What do you do with a wife that is a saboteur? What makes you more mad than a child's art? How much data do you need abo...ut a hike that you almost die on? We learned about a very dangerous toilet There is much more Chris at and of course And for more Guys content, streams and SHOCKTOBER: a deep dive into shock jocks you can click and  Guys is on Instagram! Guys has a Post Office Box now! PO Box 10769 Columbus Ohio 43201

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to guys, the podcast about guys. I'm Brian. My cohost is Lazy Chris. I think that's the only thing I come up with negative for hiking. Lazy Chris. Well, there's got no, I think you didn't do good enough research. I think there's got to be ways that you could sort of slag off somebody who's into hike or you know what I mean? There's got to be some negative things like, I don't know, like a trail. Mr. Tars, right? Mr. Tars drives a car. Mr. Tars. Okay. That's not a, that's not a bad, I don't know, like a trail or cars, right? Yeah. Drives a car. Mr. Cars. Okay.
Starting point is 00:00:47 That's not a, that's not a bad. I don't know why you yelled at me, but like nature walk, Chris, cause I feel like hiking guys kind of a disdainful of like, Oh, well it's just a flat nature walk. It's for kids. Yeah. I'd love to be like, I'm a cat. That's the casual version of it. Basically. Yeah. I hate trails as you can hear our guest this week is Libby Watson and we're talking about hiking guys. I couldn't do a funny voice at the beginning. Why? Because there's no funny hiking voice.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Yeah. Well, I think for a lot of them, there isn't a funny voice. Have you been trying to do a funny voice for all of the times? I do sometimes I do a game show voice once. Yeah, I think sometimes it works, but I don't think. Yeah. I think it's okay. You know, some of them it's not going to, there's not going to be a funny voice. I'll, I'll say that. So, so my wife is very much into
Starting point is 00:01:33 nature as I've said on a show. I'm not very, but it really makes me love the disdain you have for it. Yeah. The way he describes it is very like, oh, she, you know, it's like, it's disgusting to you, right? Brian, in a way, or like you, I just don't like it. But I it's the funny thing is like, I hate to thought of it. But once I'm there, I'm like, this is pretty nice. You know? Yeah. I never get too out of like. There's never a time where I'm like, oh, my God, this is the greatest place
Starting point is 00:02:04 I've ever been in my life. I've never gotten like that. It's interesting to me because I know you say that you, once you get there, you kind of have a good time or whatever, but I don't, I don't know. So you're saying you don't complain a bunch when you're out there to your wife and I complain everywhere I go. But like, do you complain about sort of nature specific things, but how you don't have the things that you're used to having? Like are you complaining about nature when you're out there?
Starting point is 00:02:31 When I was out there Mount Rainier, I got a little mad because this place was supposed to be open at three o'clock. And then when I got there, they were like, we're closed for the season. And I was like, how the fuck this shit? Why would you even have a restaurant? You know? Well, yeah, I think they just operate during the time when there's enough people there to like sustain a business, right? I think that they've probably sort of crunch the numbers
Starting point is 00:02:55 on it or and they find that it's it's not actually profitable to stay open during certain time. I'm telling you that listen, I don't complain as much when we're in the city. You know what I mean? That's why all of my vacations are half and a half. Right? Yeah. So we go to a national park for three or four days and we go to the city for three or four days. It's wonderful. I think that's great. That's a great way to do it because we like both as well. Like, you know, we like the city, the city part and the national park part. And kind of sucks also.
Starting point is 00:03:25 If you go to one of those parks that's really far from anywhere decent, that can kind of be a bit of a bummer when you know that the sort of captive audience that they have for restaurants, like when we went to Death Valley, you're 45 minutes from anything. The restaurant is in the middle of the park. It's like they can do whatever the fuck they want because you cannot go anywhere. And they know people are scared anyways already. Yeah. I mean, they're in debt.
Starting point is 00:03:49 They're in death valley is kind of scary. Yeah. Well, it's intimidating. Yeah. The key is to go to a place that has like a reputation with like Jam Band fans type of people. You know what I mean? Like those. No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:04:04 I don't know what you mean. Please go on. So if you go to like, I'm trying to think of a place like that. We've been to like Fairbanks, Alaska. It's not a cool place. You know what I mean? Hey, yeah. I don't apologize to the Fairbanks listeners out there. I know you didn't expect to catch that kind of stray here today. And I apologize. I think you have a lovely city. I've been there myself and I liked it. I went to, I went to a hot springs play. I've talked about this. My wife was like, I got to see this Aurora borealis and I was like, fine. What's the best chances of doing it? Got us there at exactly the right time. Got us on top of a mountain and on top of a mountain. I mean, other people were involved in it. You're taking a lot of credit here. I feel like somebody took you up there. Brian was shepherding the whole time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:52 I was. I was telling the guy that was driving the tank type vehicle saying like, hey brother, I told you the story. I wanted to leave early. And they would. Yeah. Yeah. And your wife didn't want to leave, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:06 But she knew I wanted to leave. So it was kind of her trip. But it was her trip, right? It was like she was the thing she wanted to do. Right. So I think the weird. Yeah, I would agree. There's probably a weird tension. It comes from like, you know, her being like, how do I find myself in this situation? You know, being too nice is what was going on. We should have been a little more cutthroat because I wanted
Starting point is 00:05:27 to leave. And then they were like, well, we can only take half the people down the mountain, unless we unanimously vote to go down the mountain. This is like an episode. This is like a sitcom episode of like a show, you know, it could, I feel like there could have been some hijinks. There wasn't though, right? Just no one voted. And then like five people were like, I don't want to, I don't want to go down. It's two o'clock in the morning. We're supposed to be here till four. And I was like, so you will be in the group going down for sure. But you know what I mean? Want to, but my wife was like, well, let somebody else go that wants to go more than us and I was like there is nobody up here that wants to go Brian more than I do
Starting point is 00:06:11 Know you're and I think probably people listening have already maybe come to this conclusion themselves but do you think maybe your wife wanted to stay and That's sort of what she was saying to you because she wanted to stay and actually watch the thing that she had traveled so far and dreamed of, uh, what looking at and see, did you get to see them? Did you actually get to see the, he wasn't impressed. I wasn't, I looked at my, I was mostly on my phone to tell you the truth is mostly in the year. There was like a year where they had, well, I'd say treats, but it was instant. Oh, don't get into the, don't get them started. He was very, he's very, yeah, I know. He, listen, he's got a point about the, about the, but if we get him going on this, he's going to be real, he doesn't really start.
Starting point is 00:06:53 He's really hated. I really pissed him up this trip. Yeah. I was pissed off about the food cause I spent more than $1,000. That's a lot of money to me. And especially at that time, it was a lot more money to me at that time. And I spent a thousand dollars for to go to this place. And one, the restaurant food was disgusting.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Like I ate it once and then I had some posts. So we have some posts that we're going to do hiking, hiking guys. Need advice. Need advice. This is from our hiking. Need advice. Preparing for our first 14 or but my wife refuses to carry anything. OK, what is the 14 day hike? Is that what a 14 or is?
Starting point is 00:07:38 What are we talking about? 14000 feet. Oh, 14000. That makes more sense. A 14 day hike is so long. It's it would be insane amount of hiking to do. So I don't even I don't have any sort of I mean, it sounds very high, but like I don't really have any context for it in my mind of how high that is. He goes, hi everyone. My wife and I love hiking and we're planning a trip to Colorado soon where we're thinking of attempting our first 14 or while we're not amateurs and have done hundreds of hikes together. There's one issue.
Starting point is 00:08:13 My wife refuses to carry anything, not even water. She doesn't really hydrate and assumes everything will be fine no matter what I, on the other hand, like to be prepared and understand the potential dangers, especially at higher altitudes. I'm worried about her lack of preparation that could lead to problems on a more challenging hike like a 14-er. Has anyone else dealt with this? What can I do to help her understand the importance of being prepared? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Starting point is 00:08:38 I'm going to tell you right now, I'm the wife in this situation. I think people might figure this, but I don't like having anything in my hands when I'm walking. It's the worst feeling in the world. What about on your back? What about a backpack? Yeah, backpack. Yeah, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:08:55 I don't know what you would put in it. You know what I mean? I don't know what I would put in a backpack. I mean, it sort of says it right in the post. So you want water. Definitely. That's a big one. Yeah, that water is a simple.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Even maybe just you want like a camel pack or whatever, you know, is if you're going to be doing. But those are sort of nice because you don't have to freeze up your hands and you can just sort of you ever try to clean one out. It's disgusting. And it's not ideal. No, I understand. Yeah, it's honestly,. No, I understand. I have it's not that's the thing to do. Yeah, it's honestly if you're an outdoors hiking kind of person, I mean, you want to
Starting point is 00:09:30 clean it every now and then. But I don't think that regular. I want to get one of those straws. You know what I'm talking about where you can drink out of a lake or a life straw? Yes, I have one. Yes, that I could carry because that could fit in your pocket.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Mm hmm. You could just go drink out of the lake. I put you put it in the lake and just you. You could just go drink out of the lake. You put it in the lake and just, you need a lake though. That is the thing. There's not lakes everywhere, but if you, yeah, if you know that you're going to be going by a lake or you're hiking around a lake or whatever, yeah, that's just, I think a sweet thing to have for sure. Also stream stream. Yeah, of course. River. Yeah. Crick. Yes. Yep. Crick. Yeah. I'm the, no, it's pond, pond, yeah. Creek, yeah. Creek, yeah. I'm the creek guy here.
Starting point is 00:10:05 No, it's pond, muddy pond. Muddy, muddy pond. Yeah, it's swamp. It's not that hard. Just stick it right under the mud there and just get that lower level of water, the special water they keep at the bottom of the pond. Honestly, swamp like mud? There's water in that.
Starting point is 00:10:19 I hate to break it to you, but the reason it's mud and not dirt is because there's water in it. So, give it out. That's right. Well, I would say the there is like a big divide in the hiking community between like I hiking guys get really fucking pissed about unprepared hikers that they see, especially in Southern California, because we have some very big mountains that can get really dangerous in the winter. And the hiking guys love posting about seeing like, oh, I saw a guy going to Baldy with
Starting point is 00:10:48 you know, sneakers and you know, like one little bottle of water or whatever. And it really, it really sets them off. Yeah, I feel like that that is it really it's just like casuals. But in this case, it's like, they really have the have the thing where they can be like, you could die. This is dangerous. It's not just like in the music community where it's like you're new to this band. You could die. Well, I guess we did hardcore guys.
Starting point is 00:11:15 You could die at a hardcore show, but most shows you wouldn't necessarily die at. But in this case, they're like, yeah, listen, you're ill-prepared and it could cost you your life. So they really have this like, they can really kind of look down their neck. Moral superiority. Yeah, but in this case, they're like, yeah, listen, you're ill prepared and it could cost you your life. So they really have this like, they can really kind of look down their neck. Moral superiority. Yeah, exactly. That's what I was looking for. So Libby, just to get it, how long have you been hiking? Sounds like you're into hiking.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Did you hike before you moved to California? Oh, I'm a hiking guy. Yeah. Now, I would say I really started getting into it properly when we moved out here. Because I used to live in DC and to hike from DC, you really have to drive at least an hour and a half. The only thing hiking in DC, all they're doing is hiking up the damn tax, as far as I'm concerned. But I don't want to get into it, honestly.
Starting point is 00:12:01 It's not a political podcast. Yeah, but there's a lot of good hiking where you are. I mean, close to where you are, not right where you are. Well, actually, it's funny you say that because it kind of is. I can hike from where I live up to the Griffith Observatory. I've done that one before. So that's, hey, cool. Hey, you and I, we've done a hike.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Because we're LA guys. Exactly. I tried to do it, we've done a hike. Because we're LA guys. We're LA. Exactly. I tried to do it, but there was nowhere to park. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. This guy's like never been to LA before. Nowhere to park. So I guess I'll just leave. Yeah. If you did that in LA, you would literally never do anything. It's the silliest thing I've ever heard.
Starting point is 00:12:41 There was no parking spots at the whole place. So it's really hard to park here. But if at the whole place. So, are you obviously... It's really hard to park, yeah, but if you're an LA guy... You take an Uber to it, obviously. I was going to. Next time I will. So, this person, Snoop Chaser, says skip it unless she agrees to be a team player. Well, I can't say I disagree with that. Getting back to it... That's punishing him.
Starting point is 00:13:03 But it's not punishing... It seems like it might be difficult for him to do this on his own. Like he needs somebody that is willing to, he can't take her stuff and his stuff, you know? I just think it's really funny to get mad at your wife for not being a team player. Yeah, well this next guy's great. This next guy, Sun Monkey, goes, this is worse than not being a team player. She's more like a saboteur.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Oh, well, I don't know. No, I think she's like she's unwilling to do her barb. But I don't think she's trying to she just said I don't think she likes it. No, she doesn't. It doesn't sound like she doesn't sound like she likes it. And she's maybe doing it to humor you and just saying, listen, I'll do this fucking stupid shit where you walk up a mountain, but I'm not going to carry a bunch of crap. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:46 People are really against having stuff in their hands. I am that person. Like I can't have water. You don't have carry in your hands. You don't carry it in your hands. Right. That's why Libby brought up the backpack. I have a thing. I have a thing. It's called a back. My water bottle, right? You put that in the side of your side of your bag. I have a thing called the stand sport, which is a strap with a little thing on. I put the water bottle in there. Yeah. But my urban walks. Yes. That thing's wonderful. And I use that. Yeah. But like, uh, uh, that saved me. But if there's another thing that I need, it's
Starting point is 00:14:28 like, where am I going to, what am I going to, then I put it in my wife's bag. My wife always has a bag. I just throw it in there. My, my, my Ariel never has a bag, never carries a bag. I have to take her stuff, you know, although, although she's recently, she got a purse finally. Cause I was like, whoa, what's going on? You know, although, although she's recently, she got a purse finally, because I was like, what, what's going on? You know, finally, I said, what's going on here? You know, how are you? How are you coming out here? Totally bagless. Um, but I, I feel like most of the time I walk with my baby and then I use, I got that stroller, baby. It's got a cup holder. It's got shit. Put the groceries in. It's fantastic. Dark Sky Dad says, holy hell, saboteur.
Starting point is 00:15:06 My life coach taught caught me onto that word slash idea. Oh, that's cool. I think life coach. But that's cool, though. Imagine you're like you're having one of your weekly life coach meetings and your life coach is teaching you about this very cool concept of saboteur and people sabotaging things. And then all of a sudden you come online and you see that concept in front of you.
Starting point is 00:15:26 That's very cool. You know? Yeah. I'm always having that kind of stuff happen when I, uh, talk to my weekly life coach. Well, my life coach, it's like, sometimes I wonder like, is this guy tapped into some sort of like deeper plane or something? Because I'll have these conversations with my life coach. And then the next day I'll like really see signs from that conversation. This next guy is great.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Yodeling veterinarian says, uh, yeah, when my girlfriend and I go hiking, I carry like 80% of the shared gear slash weight, but that's just cause I'm in better shape between the two of us. And I'm totally willing to bite the bullet. If it means going for a longer hike or it's more fun. But carrying absolutely no gear yourself is honestly a huge safety risk. Nice humble brag there. I'm really strong. I'm in better shape than my wife.
Starting point is 00:16:16 I can't argue with the facts. The guy's strong. He's buff. I wish he posted a photograph of himself so we could see exactly what he's working with. Well, and the wife as well. We need to see a pic of the wife. Yeah, we would like to see a pic. And the back and front because like to see the muscles and stuff. But yeah, that is a... This guy also like, he's bragging, but he's just like, he is also sort of saying like, I'm to carry more because I I like doing this and I like doing it with her and I understand she's not going to carry more. So I'm willing to do that.
Starting point is 00:16:51 So he sounds like he's like he's got the right idea. He also just thinks he's a huge hunk, which is a different thing. Next guy goes she should she doesn't get to go then that's fucking ridiculous of your wife. So that guy just got mad. Don't get mad at his wife. He's not, he's not mad at his wife. Do you know what I mean? There's not, there's not a tone of it. Like he's maybe saying that he's a little bit sort of frustrated at the, but he's not being aggressive towards his wife. So please tell her. Yeah. And then finally, uh, the Opie goes, uh, she'd rather not do it than carry anything.
Starting point is 00:17:25 And black Bravo says, perfect. Let's worry for both of you then. Yeah, it seems like it's a solid. Also, I have to say for like, for if you're hiking up a 14,000 foot mountain, yeah, you need stuff and you're really not going to get that far without your stuff anyway. So it sort of seems like a solved issue. I don't think she's going to get like two thirds of the way up and then be like, damn, I wish I had some water. Oh, they do that though. People do that. I used to take one on hikes when she was like,
Starting point is 00:17:51 you know, seven, eight years old and she'd be like, I'm fucking tired. And it's like, she's a child. You gotta not be tired here. She's a literal young, she's a child. Of course. Yeah. She had smaller legs, but she's no, no, not even that. She just doesn't really understand. Like, you have to have those experiences to, like, really truly understand them. And like... I was like, you want to go on a hike? And she'd be like, yeah. So then I'd do it.
Starting point is 00:18:15 And then... But she doesn't maybe understand the, like, gravity of... It didn't even turn out that she was eight and didn't know really what that meant. She didn't really know what a hike was. Like, she kind of knew what it was, but she didn't understand the lane eight year old was a real saboteur. It turns out it's true on our hikings. You are user hiking problems.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Ask the question that I've never even really thought of because I don't have this problem, my pokey penis problem. How do I minimize showing off my shrinkage while hiking? Sorry, this is such a weird topic, but I don't know how else to address this. But basically as with cold water, sweating while hiking links to shrinkage and the lightweight hiking pants I wear result in me showing off way more than I want to down there. It's like a combination of all factors.
Starting point is 00:18:57 My penis isn't laying down, so to speak. I'm sweating through my underwear and pants and the pants are so thin to start with and all photos that looks like the pants are stuck to my thighs except for this small pokey conspicuously cutting out front. What can be done about this? Yeah, this is, I mean, why don't you just wear like, yeah, like tighter sort of boxer briefs that sort of compress it and you know what I mean? It's maybe not as comfortable, but he says I wear boxer briefs, but maybe all of the ones would help I think he's got a small penis But sounds like he's got a pokey penis
Starting point is 00:19:34 Specialty boxer briefs to deal with his small pokey penis Yeah, I don't I don't know what he's saying that it's not exactly I don't know what he's saying that it's not exactly sitting, laying down or what did he say? It's oaky. It's sticking out. But is he getting a bit, is he getting, because that doesn't happen when you get a shrinkage. It doesn't start poking up like that. Yeah. Is it maybe that the penis is so small that it doesn't even really hang? You know, it doesn't have the length to hang. Libby, I never even thought of that.
Starting point is 00:20:05 That I think is happening. The like the base and the front are at the same level. Listen to how he ends. This is great. He goes, I wear boxer briefs, but maybe higher quality ones would help. Am I alone in this? How else do others deal with this? This is probably only a problem for growers, not showers. So he's so he's admittedly saying this is if you have a larger penis, this is not going to be an issue for you.
Starting point is 00:20:29 You're going to have the hangage required that it's just going to be the front of your like the or like the the like shaft part is going to be touching the front. Because sort of traditionally, I feel like this is the the domain of the larger person because yeah, you know, it's sort of like Oh, I can't even wear sweatpants with her by huge dick being Yeah, you know if it flops around or something. Yeah, this guy's managed to have the opposite problem It looks like I have a second outy belly button. Yeah He managed to have a penis that's so small that it's so funny because I was going to make that as a joke. I was going to say he's got a little outy belly, but he does. That's
Starting point is 00:21:11 fine. That's fine. And that's fun to have. I'm not trying to say anything bad about him. I'm just saying, don't go online and say, how do I solve my pokey penis problem? Because other people are going to read that. We're going to read it on a podcast, right? Well, yeah, he's a grower though. He's a grower. So that's what he said, but they all say that. Yeah. It could grow by 800%. Well, like it's a hit.
Starting point is 00:21:37 If him saying it's a grower leads me to believe that he is not dealing with a full micro. I hope I'm hoping, you know, I mean, cause it's like if you're dealing with a full micro and it's like, I don't really know how to deal with that, I think you have to go on a different message board where they have those kind of things and they deal with them because they seem almost too hard for the normal world to deal with. The small penis message. I got to go to Brian, not small penis, micro penis. And that is a real thing, right? Like where someone has a real micro penis.
Starting point is 00:22:07 And I think that those like exist in a different world. Like when you're like 11 feet taller, like, you know, like seven feet taller or whatever. How like the world is just kind of different for you, you know? I don't know. Is there a micro penis subreddit? There's gotta be, right?
Starting point is 00:22:22 There's gotta be, right? Forsken Pismom. I would think this, sorry, I would just think there is a chance that it might have existed and possibly got shut down due to trolling. I'm not sure. Yeah, it might happen. I see Forskin Pissbomb replied and said, let me did you hear who replied? Pissbomb. Yeah, next. Is that Is that. He's building one. He's taking his force again. He's getting it circumcised and turning it into a piss bomb. Yeah. The FBI is monitoring currently.
Starting point is 00:22:56 He says I see men recommend under armor bottoms for wiener containment all the time. I think the slight compression keeps it flat and from showing the outline. Now, my guess is that foreskin piss bomb is not a hiker and was searching penis on Reddit. Yeah, he was just looking outside. He was like, sometimes he goes on fact-finding missions outside of his Reddit, kind of like in a sci-fi movie, you know, like he's goes out to find other people dealing with issues to bring them into the penis and piss Reddit. Yeah. Under Armour tend to be very tight and thick. I prefer champion and Nike is the next guy. So somebody can advertise this. Hey, you're hiking is your pokey penis sticking
Starting point is 00:23:42 out. Get this brand. I'm going to. Yeah, is your penis so small that you don't have the enough hang on it that you can keep the front of it from poking at the front? Well, we got the special champion is for you. Yeah, this guy says put your skinny jeans away. Oh, I think he said he was wearing a hiking skinny jeans. He's wearing skinny jeans, then hiking pants, he said his pants in the post, I think he said he was wearing hiking skinny jeans. He was wearing skinny jeans. Then hiking pants. He said his pants in the post, I think.
Starting point is 00:24:09 So this next guy does have the answer. Oh, I mean a bad answer and it's bad all around, but it would solve the problem. I would never in my whole life where a utila kilt, but. I'm sorry, utila kilt? Yeah, it's like a kilt, but it has like, yeah, it's like utility pelt. Yeah, it's like.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Cargo, I'll show you it because you've seen it before and they're the worst looking thing in the world. On the look on Libby's face, I'm not sure she has seen it before. I'm blown away by this. She will have seen it when she sees it. Well, yeah, I know. I stop it. So this is I can't say I have seen this, but I understand $410 kill.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Right. Let's get off of this page. Get off of this page, Brian. How do you pick a side? Ryan, get off of the page. Get my estate taught and kill Brian. Yeah. No, no, Brian Ryan get off of the page. Get off of the page. Get off of the page. Get off of the page.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Get off of the page. Get off of the page. Get off of the page. Brian. Oh no, Brian, please get off the page. Let's say we got to get back to the post. We got to get back to the post. We got to get back to the post.
Starting point is 00:25:15 We got to get back to the post. We got to get back to the post. We got to get back to the post. We got to get back to the post. We got to get back to the post. We got to get back to the post. We got to get back to the post. We got to get back to the post.
Starting point is 00:25:23 We got to get back to the post. We got to get back to the post. We got to get back to the post. We got to get back to the post. We got to get back when Chris isn't around. Chris is around ruin and everything. All right. Well, this is one that I think Libby is going to have opinions on as a hiker. I don't actually, but I think we can all talk about this and this is from psychedelic Cyclops and it says painted rocks on the trail. This is the big moment. This is, this is the defining argument of this episode because it is an
Starting point is 00:25:47 incredible, this is an Epic argument that happens and we're going to have so much fun. Okay. So those rocks that people paint and are quote hidden on trails for people to rehide with a Facebook page on the back of the rock telling you to let them know if they found the rock. I'm very anal about leave no trace when outdoors. You were saying the other day, you're quite anal as well. But well, I am anal about certain things. You know, it was a different conversation we were having.
Starting point is 00:26:16 I'm pretty sure. But why were we having that conversation? I don't know. You were always having that conversation with me and I try to stop it, but I just can't stop you from talking about it. People are like, Brian's asking Chris for anal tips. Oh yeah. He's asking me for tips on anal.
Starting point is 00:26:35 No, you're just telling me stories. I have no interest in hearing them. You ever heard of pegging? That's like kind of an anal thing. Yes. You ever heard of pegging? That's like kind of an anal thing. Yes, I have heard of begging because you fucking talk to me about it three times a week. I only bring it up when it comes to action figures. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Egg warmers.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Okay, I'm very anal about leave no trace when outdoors leaving painted rocks goes against leave no trace practices I found two other rocks while hiking in the great smoky mountains last weekend, and I took them out and threw them away. Oh Wow That's kind of cool. That's kind of cool and really really like super crotchety old man now Libby Libby You're aware of this this thing I'm not oh you've never heard of this. I've never heard of this before either. I don't know of this as being a thing. I have seen it. You've seen it?
Starting point is 00:27:30 I've seen it, because I've been to a ton of national parks over the last two years. We've been going to like places like a Joshua tree. There's a lot of rocks there. And what will happen is like somebody will paint a design on a rock and then on the back, it'll be like a Facebook group, and then they can follow their
Starting point is 00:27:47 rock on its journey. You're supposed to grab. So you're supposed to take the rock with you and move it somewhere else. Okay. And then post the picture on the Facebook page. It's like within the same park or to a new park, like the Joshua tree rock to Yosemite. I think you're allowed.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Yeah, I think that's what do you mean? You're allowed your fire. I think you're allowed Right like some fucking secret police and descending upon you try to leave the park police Yeah, like hey, that rock wave at it. Yeah throwing a rock in the trash is a crazy thing to do things to do. Already an insane thing to do. It's such a funny thing to do. It's a rock, yeah. It doesn't go in the trash. It's so good.
Starting point is 00:28:31 It makes the trash so heavy as well. I don't want to see them. Go hide them on a playground outside of the park or something. I'm sure someone worked very hard on painting them, but what do we do? They think it's okay. I look up the Facebook page from the rock and I was going to say something about it.
Starting point is 00:28:49 7.1 thousand members on it by the way, but held my breath. Yes. I'll just keep throwing them away, but I kind of feel bad at the same coward coward. If I can say something in the Facebook group, well, there's going to be some suggestions. Oh, yes. The Reddit special. You should issue a cease and desist. This guy may have videoed himself throwing the rocks in the trash. I won't say that. Do you have the videos? I do.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Oh, yes. Oh, my God. Sorry. I've not been so excited in a while. I might have just woke the baby up. Good Lord. Well, you have to tell him. Sharing screen now. Here's the gif. So just the way he's filming it and he's just holding them
Starting point is 00:29:43 in his hand, like in his open palm. They're like flat rocks. One has a Mickey Mouse, one has a bird or a parrot on it. And he just sort of lets them fall out of his head into a big dumpster filled a try dirty dumpster. He's like inside this dirty dumpster. Yeah, it's really nasty to look at. Really more of a tip than a throw. Yeah. It's an ad. This is a massive...
Starting point is 00:30:08 This guy is probably the worst guy to be around in the world, I would say. I don't know. This guy, he might be really fucking cool. I'm not sure. I'd like to be around. I mean, not cool, but like, you know, it might be really fun to be around a guy like this, but yeah, it could go either way, I feel like. They're not very good.
Starting point is 00:30:24 They're not very good, though, I want to say the paintings weren't The rocks were like they were just to be clear. They weren't like some works of art They were something that would have been whipped up and done in by a child by a child in 25 to 30 minutes Oh, yeah a child sitting down doing a little artsy crafty project. They weren't done I know you think they actually were done by a child? Why? We don't know who did it. Oh, I think they were done by adults. I think adults have this idea, not children.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Maybe maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like it's like Disney adults who are doing it. Yes. Yeah. The Mickey Mouse is a big tell on that front of what. Oh, yeah. Well, the next the first person goes, I look down at the trail, the cut removed trees, the stone steps added to the wild, the occasional hand rails and guide chains, et cetera. And I can overlook a simple painted rock. Leave no trace to me. Doesn't mean make sure humans never existed.
Starting point is 00:31:18 We're part of the world too. And that's okay. Just don't let me catch you dumping trash. You won't like me if you do that. Oh, you won't like him when he's angry. But the oldest, most frail man type. You won't like me if you do that, but a simple painted rock, you're sharing your experience in the wild with a like-minded person.
Starting point is 00:31:41 That's a good thing. I mean, this is a sort of philosophical question because he says, I don't like trash, but those rocks are trash now because they're in the trash. So at what point did they become trash? Yeah. Yeah. And also like he said, oh, you're sharing it with like-minded people. No, unless you like Disney, because these were very clearly Disney inspired rocks. So I mean, that that's like a, you know, a big corporation and you're putting it out in the wilderness. I get it as a, you know, like a hiking person would be annoyed by that, but are, does it do any damage? Do you know? I think that's the whole thing about it is like, is it, is it harmful to its environment? You know, are the like
Starting point is 00:32:18 paints or whatever, is it doing anything or is it doing no harm other than being slightly annoying in which case you should probably just just look away and keep walking you know. First it goes my sister lives in one of these towns in Michigan that does painted rocks and I and I love to walk with her and the kids and try to be the first one to find a rock we collect them and love the way it encourages more outdoor time away from screens when when and I've never seen trash on the trail to be honest not sure if it's a state park or city park but either way I still love them good point and good point from him that it's like hey this is kind of a fun activity that you know it could actually get people out in the wilderness doesn't happen much nowadays in my opinion
Starting point is 00:32:58 it's like you go into the cities and it's sometimes you think you're watching a some type of fucking zombie film. The kids are looking at their fucking phones. But yeah, so you get them out of as well as why the Democrat run cities. Oh, they're the worst for everywhere. And that's why the Republicans who run the great outdoors, that's why the great outdoors is still let's try to keep it still, you know, very not woke This person goes 100% the asshole and then is the next reply is a great reddit reply. I'm curious This is to the OP. I'm curious if you saw some graffiti left by Native Americans, would you advocate?
Starting point is 00:33:42 Oh boy. He's got them there, right? Would marks left by a stagecoach caravans 150 years ago be removed? The soot left in mammoth caves by early cave explorer lamps. Remove them or does leave no trace only apply to anyone who can read these words. So well, I don't know if we should. I don't think we should compare the cave suit paintings to this fucking Mickey Mouse. No, I think it's the same. I think I think the Mickey Mouse rock is the same as a petroglyph.
Starting point is 00:34:14 That's the same thing. But it's a good. No, it's a good. Listen, he's got a really gotcha. I love it. I love it. What on Reddit when someone's just like, got your ass. And then you can't really say anything now, you're toast. Well, then the next guy goes, ''Imagine being out on a lovely hike and seeing
Starting point is 00:34:31 a small painted rock that someone made to spread joy and thinking, ''I'm so mad about this rock. I'm going to make a post on the Internet about it.'' ''I could just keep smiling and hiking and enjoying my life, but I was forced to witness a rock that had pain on it and now my outdoor experience is ruined. I realize I'm going to be downvoted into oblivion for this, but this sub is so packed with whiners I'm surprised any of you actually have time to go out and enjoy nature. Relax, breathe, the rock is not a threat to you. If you need so desperately to completely control
Starting point is 00:35:02 the space around you, I do not recommend public spaces. OP replies and goes, you really don't understand. Leave no trace. Do you? Oh, yeah. Honestly, he's in trouble. He's in the mud now. This is not going the way that he thought it was going to go. When he made his little video. Well, now he hasn't posted the video yet.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Yeah. So he posts this up and he's just like, I mean, let's get a little thread going about how much we all hate these fucking rocks. These let's get well, let's get a little group hate going on these stupid fucking rocks. And then everyone's just like, no, it's like not a big deal at all. And now he's just like he's spiraling because he's got nothing. He's like, you just don't understand the thing I said. Yeah. And the next this guy goes, you do understand that you'd leave much more of no trace by not hiking, right?
Starting point is 00:35:54 What? Oh, shit. Oh, wait a second. What if you did? And if he didn't even exist, what about that? Yeah. Oh, did you ever think about that? What if he didn't exist?, what about that? Oh, did you ever think about that? What if he didn't exist? What's your feelings on abortion? You know, like you're just really getting into it with somebody.
Starting point is 00:36:12 What you see hiking in a national park is not nature in its natural form. These landscapes have been heavily manipulated by humans. You're leaving a trace every time you choose to walk on a trail. OP responds and goes, they have been carefully planned and built out for us to enjoy them safely without going off trail to destroy anything else. Yeah. Say rock practices can be very, very dangerous. Well, you get distracted.
Starting point is 00:36:38 So let me imagine this. You're walking right beside a cliff. Yeah. And then all of a sudden you're paying attention, but then all of a sudden out of the corner of your eye, you see a bright red rock. I mean, you say this is great. Think this is crazy.
Starting point is 00:36:52 I know a guy who broke his foot stepping in a hole because he looked at a van that had some weird painting on it. So this is a good thing. This is something that can happen for sure. So I feel like that's the danger. Definitely. Yeah. Oh, that like you, you look over and then you fall off a cliff and you die.
Starting point is 00:37:12 That's I can imagine that. And now that I've imagined that I'm very, very scared of these drugs. I will just turn around. If I see one, I'm glad that you've never seen them because in my head, I picture is like something that would happen around where you are. I mean it happened. I've seen them. I don't engage with them.
Starting point is 00:37:30 It feels like a California thing. It feels like a very California midwestern thing. It is really okay. I feel like yeah, yeah, yeah. Michigan, California people are above it. They're like, yeah, yeah, yeah. You're above it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:42 That's like, I think the further west you go, this is serious. The further west you go, the more that they're able to, they appreciate nature in an untouched way. You know what I mean? Yeah, no, Brian, that's 100% true. There is way more of a wilderness-type approach where it's not just that we're going to try and preserve the landscape, we're going to try and leave it untouched and unchanged. And so there are areas where they're really serious about, you have to pack out, you can't even poop in the ground. You have to take it out with you or
Starting point is 00:38:17 whatever. Yeah. And I live right far west. I'm in a'm in like a very obviously, you know, live in a place where there's tons of that. And it's the same here where they really have like a lot of areas where they're really serious about preserving this beautiful nature that we have. We really take a lot of pride in it in Vancouver. Like, hey, this shit is like, listen, our city's all fucked and it costs way too much to live here. And like, so we better be fucking really beautiful and great, you know? So it's like, they really hold on to that. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there are some people who don't even like it when other hikers will
Starting point is 00:38:53 like stack little rocks to tell you which way you should go. Like, because sometimes hikers will like leave a little stack of rocks to say like this, you're on the trail or whatever. Like in California, yeah, they hate that. That like the trails are not really very well marked here a lot of the time, especially, you know, like once you get out of, you know, like even a little bit near the city or whatever. And so, yeah, there are some people who really, really hate that stuff. I think stacking some rocks is fine. Yeah. It's like, it's just some fucking rocks. What is the deal with the rocks? Why are people so upset about rocks? We got a lot of them. Yeah, this guy goes lol cut to me is fucking big garbage bag full of Libby's fucking
Starting point is 00:39:31 Stacked rocks just dumping them into a dumpster. You don't know how many times I read people saying I kick them over every time I see Fucking funny thing to do. Yeah, that's not even like there's that's not even like a nature. That's not hurting nature. But buddy, people are some raw people are psychotic around here. Like there's there's like people who get mad at mountain bikers. Yeah. Or like, because they say they destroy the trails and like the nature around or whatever. They have specific trails and they'll go on and put up these tripwires. These weird nature people will go put up tripwires to kill people.
Starting point is 00:40:13 They're coming down a mountain. Yeah, and there's shit like that going on. So there's people who are pretty serious, which I do understand because we as human beings are also actively destroying the planet and the nature around us. So it is kind of cool that there's like people who are kind of psychotic and militant about it. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:32 This guy says, I'm not saying so the OOP goes, this is a hill I'm willing to die on, I guess I don't go out into nature to see your kid's shitty artwork. Um, and then a guy responds and goes, I'm not saying leave it there or it's okay. What I'm saying is the rock isn't the problem. The art is so remove the art, right? So scrubbing the pain off too much work. Oh man. Just out on the trail with your fucking soap and, and
Starting point is 00:41:01 toothbrush, your toothbrush and like margin and Lisa's covering the oil off the rocks or whatever. Just going up the mountain and scrubbing the rocks. Yeah, I was just a guy out there with acetone, like paint thinner, like God. This is way better. Yeah, acetone everywhere. Way better, way better for the environment. And finally, sorry, officer, I apologize. I know the fire's out of control now.
Starting point is 00:41:30 What I was trying to do was I was trying to scrub to paint off these rocks and I spilled it everywhere. This guy goes, some person had fun painting a rock and placed it on the trail. They're engaging with nature and trying to make some people smile. OK, the ecological impact of the painted rock compared to say the city you departed from on your way to the trail trail is minimal. The rock has offended you so much that it ruins your day. I only wish my life was so carefree that a colored rock in the forest was enough to ruin my day. I think you need to gain some perspective. But then we got a guy that's on the OP side. Finally, finally. Well, maybe somebody had time to create another account.
Starting point is 00:42:13 That is very possible because don't feel bad for cleaning up litter. If these things were important to people, they would not be abandoning them illegally on public land. No, no, no, no. You say you don't understand the concept of it at all. The concept. Yeah. Did you read about it or did you just hear did you just hear rocks paint or litter? But maybe I should feel bad for supporting leave no trace, since that means that seems to be a ban worthy behavior, according to the mods.
Starting point is 00:42:40 I always forget how anti-leasing. This is the same guy. You think so? I do. I really I really genuinely do think this is the same person. But yeah, yeah, yeah. And then finally the guy goes, I took a video of me throwing him away and was going to post it to the page and he gets a reply. It says, please do this and be the hero we didn't know we needed. And then the next guy goes, I want to see LL.
Starting point is 00:43:01 And then he posts the video. And that set several guys off in the like they lost their fucking mind. So I love this, though, when he's just like he's like, fuck, man. So he's basically spilling the beans here. My whole plan was I make this post. Everyone fucking cheers me on. They pick me up like Rudy at the end of the movie and everything. And then I fucking they're like, you guys want to see something really fucking cool?
Starting point is 00:43:28 I filmed this shit and then everyone's like, no fucking way. Dottie Dredd says landfills are overflowing in this country. Maybe you could recycle the stones. Yeah, no, let's think about repurposing the stones. I mean, wait a second, like you mean put them out into nature? Because that's what rocks are meant to do. How do you recycle a stone? I'm pretty sure they don't take stone. This guy goes, do you have any ideas how the paint isn't good for the environment? And
Starting point is 00:44:00 honestly, I don't want them. And then he replies to himself and goes, why the downvotes? LOL. I love that. That's one of my favorite reddits. That's one of my favorite reddits. Uh, things is why the down vote. I guess I'm going to get down voted for saying the only sensible thing in this entire subreddit speaking truth to power. Yeah. It all goes why the, he goes, why the downvotes? Hello. Well, I don't want to see your creepy hand painted Mickey mouse in the middle of the woods. And then he gets a little help from a guy that says, redditors are a sensitive lot. And they just like lost their fucking mind, man. Like, like it goes on and on and on in a way that like, I, I couldn't stop reading it because they, they, he's like, he's everything that they
Starting point is 00:44:45 hate and he's being so brazen. You know, he got a little bit of support and it like, it emboldened him to like share the video of it. And like, then there's these people who already think he's such a piece of shit. And now they probably think it is children, right? Cause it's like Mickey mouse stuff now. So that's like probably what they're thinking. They're like, now I've seen the video and you're throwing away this kid's fucking painted rock like. And yeah, they got they've gone mob mentality about. Well, Barnaby Wood says, I found one in my local national park.
Starting point is 00:45:14 I contacted the person whose Facebook ID was on it and chewed her out. I also carry. Oh, oh, they were talking to explain to her about a little concept known as leave. No, there's that movie that's very good, by the way. I just keep thinking every time when they say that, I keep thinking, go check that out. The movie Leave No Trace. Very good movie. Well, he goes, I found one of my and yeah, he goes, I found one in my local national park. I contacted the person whose
Starting point is 00:45:47 Facebook ID was on tutor out. I also carried out the rock and threw it in the garbage and the OP responds to go, should I say something on the page of these rocks I found? Probably you threw it in the trash and then a guy goes age for my rock is a, is a really, really sad concept. I know I do have to have a you think that like, yeah, it's like, listen, you can mock them for it. And I think they're worthy of it. But it's like more of a sad thing. And it's like almost like it makes it even worse what they're doing,
Starting point is 00:46:21 because it's like it seems like it's like this really meaningful thing to people who don't really have a lot of meaning in their life or whatever reason. And you're just taking it away from them for no, somehow punching down with this guy who threw the rocks in the trash is managing to punch down. Finally, a guy goes, you sound super fun to hang out with. And then I, I choose GIF says, I know, right? Like anyone is the boss.
Starting point is 00:46:47 This thread makes me ashamed of my race. My race. Oh, anybody. He means human race, right? Not like white people. I think he means white people, but also maybe human race. I hope he means human race. I guess because nobody there was there was no I mean, listen, it's listen it's
Starting point is 00:47:05 probably white people but we don't know why the guy throwing it away was a white guy. He was a white guy. You know probably it maybe but you know we don't know that we only know that the one guy was but maybe that's fair then because maybe he's saying I'm ashamed of this guy. He's a white guy and I'm ashamed of him. What about what about this. Oh this thread just gave me a new hobby if it's gonna upset people this bad Goddamn can't wait to put a rock outside and see a grown man cry. Oh fuck. So now triggering the rock libs It's all about triggering the rock libs now everyone. Let's start a movement, you know, and then he gets a guy that Responded that he goes just what the world needs more of complete fucking morons. And then the OP is like disagree. We need smarter people.
Starting point is 00:47:49 The OP goes, LL go ahead. I'm just going to throw them away. Oh shit. Yeah. Hey buddy. You can't make them fast enough as I can pull them out. All right. I, I got a fucking dumpster down my, my house. I love this. I love the idea. I've come around thinking that's funny, actually. Yeah. Turning into it. Turning into like a war now between these people where they're like they're like. And then all of a sudden the the rock start like they start getting really menacing with their messaging on them.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Yeah. You know, and it's rock with a gun on it. Yeah. Like a bullet with the address of the person who's been throwing them away. Like some real like like heavy duty mafia shit. I mean, Brian, Brian. Yeah, I don't know. Like I've never I tried to start a mafia. It didn't happen, but had to settle for jumping old ladies outside the grocery store. The old lady in my life, the older man, older man, the oldest person is older. Somebody's dad that was probably in his thirties or 40. He wasn't like a 70 year old washed. Yeah, he was washed. He was washed and he didn't stand a chance against the numbers
Starting point is 00:48:56 you guys had anyways. Didn't matter if he was in his peak physical condition with the numbers you guys brought to a fight. That's fair. There were probably five, six, seven, eight, maybe 10 or 11. Yeah, it gets higher every time he says it. Well, we really should porno. Sean could have done it by himself or no. Sean, one of the best fist fighters. He's tough. He is tough.
Starting point is 00:49:18 I saw him. I don't know if he still is. I think he's got he's got a family now and he has that you fucking money. He I could almost bet that he's been in a fight in the past five years. Well, that's okay. I thought you were going to say like five weeks or something. Yeah. Five years. He's 40 years old. Yeah, that's true. I have not been in a fight in the last five years. Yeah. Exactly. Pornos. He's very fit from, from jerking off so much. That's good exercise. If you do it enough. Oh, he's got.
Starting point is 00:49:45 Yeah, he's got Tom arm. But even I'm severe, Tom, you had you said you had. You had tried to explain this to me in messages that there is a guy that does. I guess you said like he's the ultralight guy. Is that so I have two guys here. Yes. Let's talk about my my second guy first. You said like he's the ultra light guy. Is that, okay. So I have two guys here. Yes. Okay. Let's talk about my, my second guy first.
Starting point is 00:50:08 My second guy is a guy who posts on the, I read the Southern California hiking subreddit a lot to, you know, like find hot trails and stuff. And that all you read it for, or do you ever, is it a little bit, are you looking for a little gossip maybe, or like, is there anything else there? What I throwing a rock away I'm sometimes making a bag of popcorn settling in looking for some fights about
Starting point is 00:50:31 rashed rocks and stuff Now unfortunately the poster was removed, but he did he caught my eye when he posted something on the Southern California subreddit and the the title of the post was the naked menace. And I googled menace and it's like, I guess an ancient Pharaoh or something. And it's just like a shirtless pic of him and then like his out the outline of his body. So I was like, what's this guy about?
Starting point is 00:50:58 So I clicked through to his profile and I find that he has two interests. One of them is hiking and the other one is swinging. He's the guy. All he posts about swinging and hiking. It makes sense. I look into that. It makes sense to me. I'm sure you did.
Starting point is 00:51:18 It makes sense. No, no, no. That's not what I meant. I searched both hot wife and swingers on the hiking thing. And then I searched hiking on both hot wife and swingers, uh, on the hiking thing. And then I searched hiking on the hot wife and swingers message. They're just very small. Most of it was just like, Hey, do you think there's some people hiking that would want to like, how do you guys find people on the hiking trail that want to
Starting point is 00:51:41 suck and fuck? And it's like, you gotta, you gotta probably figure it out beforehand. I don't know that there's a lot of, yeah, I mean, just some area where you can, it's not where I'm going to pick up chicks. I can say, like not where you're going, like you and your, like if you're a swinger, right. And you're with there's, you can't just go places and be like, I'm gonna find a couple to do swinging with me. You gotta do that at the clubs. But I know they're overrun by single guys, but you're just gonna have to go to the clubs.
Starting point is 00:52:15 You have to go to, I mean, the smell is difficult to deal with. They all smell disgusting, single guys. They all have a uniquely disgusting smell. But you have to, that's part of what it is. If you want to become a swinger or a bowl, you know, God, can you imagine Brian? Yeah. I mean, it's hard to, it's hard to grow up in that world, you know, but yeah, it's so,
Starting point is 00:52:40 it makes a lot of sense though, in that, like, it's a thing you can do that. You can stay overnight and your prop. You can not, you can situate yourself in a place where there's not a lot of people. You know what I mean? I think the thing that I've seen more of and just my general sub Reddit page, when I go to like prep, like Patreon shows and stuff is that nudists do a ton of hiking.
Starting point is 00:53:10 That's naturalists. Like naturalists. I want to be out in nature. That makes sense, right? Yes, exactly. I just shared a link in the chat. So this same guy whose posts are entirely about hiking or swinging also posted on the trail running sub Reddit and he just posted a pic of his pants.
Starting point is 00:53:26 It says, the title is naked hiking. The question is, do you ever run or hike naked? I don't know about running. I mean, that might be a thing for that guy with the tiny little pokey. I think he would be okay because he's not getting too much momentum on that thing. You know?
Starting point is 00:53:47 Yeah. But I would just think that there's a reason why you got you when you're running as a man, you have to have underwear on. Yes. No. You don't think so, right? I don't know that you want. I don't know that you want to say that Brian. Why? Okay. All right. It's all good. Why do you have to run? If you are going to go in the woods and your choice is to be naked, I think, you know, cavemen were never running all the time, but it just flops around a lot. Brian, like your balls and your Dick would flop around a lot. It could become painful actually because your ball, your Dick could hit your balls. Your balls could hit up underneath and that it's like getting sacked and it could
Starting point is 00:54:26 hurt. But so I run without underwear. You know, yeah, I guess that's the place. So it doesn't exactly. That's the underwear is the sports bra of the naked running. Huh? I mean, this guy does. Okay. And I can tell I do want to read some of his comments because
Starting point is 00:54:44 they are really funny. Obviously, the response on the trail running subreddit probably not what he was hoping for some pretty upset people. Somebody says why like seriously why not because it feels good? Why would you subject fellow hikers to your dangling participle little funny reddit guy joke? Yes. I unburned spud bites rashes from brushing against weeds, decent exposure charges, making fellow hikers uncomfortable. Shall I go on with the reasons not to do this?
Starting point is 00:55:12 And the OP responds, I'm always serious. It does feel good. Why do I need to make other hikers slash runners feel comfortable? I'm always serious. It's so such a funny thing to say. I'm trying to find, because you bring that up and like people are like, why would you, why would you do this? And, and I, when I was researching the naked guys episode, I, you know, obviously you're just going to see a ton of pictures
Starting point is 00:55:46 of naked people doing different things. And one of the ones that kind of blew my fucking mind, I don't have it. What I was going to see if I had it. One of the ones that blew my fucking mind was a guy. He was wearing like rain boots, but that was it. And he was outside weed whacking like he was doing lawn work and the only clothes he had on was big rubber boots. And I was like, that's why I risk high risk nude is and it's like a different thing. It's like you're into nudity, but you're also kind of into like extreme sports and shit like that in danger and like, cause that seems like it would be really scary to do. I want to clarify as well, by the way, that my fridge was open.
Starting point is 00:56:29 It was beeping and I had to go close it. I didn't hear Libby's... Just in case you're like, oh, Chris didn't react to that at all. I literally wasn't here. I just want to clarify. He opened his refrigerator so he could get up and leave. No, I didn't. He didn't want to hear the thing about the naked hiking guy.
Starting point is 00:56:45 Because it is that. So that's actually guys. So yeah, Chris, Chris has gone to a nude beach and he has been naked on a beach living. I did run on the beach. No, I didn't. I didn't. I didn't. I wasn't just that's part of the trend down there. That's part of the thing. I have to assume the only thing I learned on the naked guys episode,
Starting point is 00:57:09 one of the only things I really learned on that episode was like part of it is doing things that people do with clothes on naked, like that. Like it's like we can do all the stuff we want to do. We need clothes. We that the concept of it is like the clothes are not necessary. We can live this natural life. And the closest you can get to that, the better.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Sometimes, which I don't agree with, but they'll drive around naked, which I think is not cool, because you could have a big high car, like a raised up truck or something comes up besides you or whatever, has to look at all your bits and stuff I think it's still a bit rude in our society. You're not supposed to be looking in But if you glance over say you glance over and then the person's nasty bits are all up in there You know what? I mean, I mean what I wouldn't care personally, but I think some people would I would think it's the funniest thing in the world
Starting point is 00:58:00 He did I would I would thing in the world. I would I would I would absolutely love it. It would be the fucking best thing ever to me. But I think society I think that we're not like people. That's great. You know, I once saw a naked guy running. And yeah, yeah, yeah. He it was weird, right? So like I was walking on a trail that I walk on all the time. It's not like a trail trail. It's it's concrete.
Starting point is 00:58:28 It's in the middle of the city. It's a, it's a park that it's called the Scioto mile. It's just a trail that can get out of trail. It's a site. Yeah. Yeah. It's like a, it can get, there's no cars or anything on it, but, and people ride their bikes, but it can get you from, yes, that's perfect. It can get you from one side of downtown to the other. So I walk that all the time because I'm, you know, always doing a circle. And one day there, there's a, a, a river. And then, you know, how at the front of the river, there's the, they leave the weeds like they, they don't Like they, they don't cut
Starting point is 00:59:05 the, they don't cut it. They don't take care of it. They, they kind of leave the weeds. I think it's some kind of environmental thing. I don't know. Uh, it's like protected. They mow all the grass close to it, but not there. And one day a naked guy just popped out of the weeds and then he ran and it popped back into the weeds and I didn't see him again. And I was like, that's weird. That's like a wild animal almost. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, that's like how an animal behaves.
Starting point is 00:59:36 It kind of like comes out of the bush momentarily and then disappear. But there wasn't another person because I thought this was a guy that lost a bet. And it was like three o'clock in the afternoon. So people are at work, but you know, they're in their buildings working. So I saw him do it and like I came home and I told my wife it was the best moment of my entire week that week. I was just like if somebody said at the end of the week, oh, what'd you do this week?
Starting point is 01:00:04 I'd be like, I saw naked guy running, running on the side of the mile. That was so funny to see. I think he lost a bet. Why? I don't know. I don't know why you would think that. Why was he in the wheat? The weeds? I feel like he lost a bet. Here's what I thought. I figure in my mind, He lost a bat and he was supposed to run on the sidewalk. Naked is supposed to run a certain but he was too scared to do that. So he jumped out of the week. He put his clothes in the
Starting point is 01:00:38 weeds. He ran and he saw me. He ran into the weeds. And then when I walked by he ran out of the weeds and came back and got his clothes. Okay, so you would know better than us then. He didn't seem disheveled or under the influence of anything. I gotta tell you, it seems impossible to be disheveled when you're naked.
Starting point is 01:00:59 I don't think that's true. Like what is disheveled? Long hair, unkempt. Regular hair. You're right, you're right. It is hard to be disheveled long hair on regular hair? Just you're right. You're right. It is hard to be disheveled. That's one of the bonuses of being a nudist. People can't call you disheveled.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Yeah, that is true. But yeah, that's so I guess with the content like you actually seeing it like to me, if I saw a naked guy jump out of the woods and then jump back in the woods, I wouldn't think there was a wager involved or anything Would be my first thought wouldn't be the first thing I can't I can't put myself in his mind I I can't think of another reason Well, like I guess just I think sometimes people if they're under the influence of drugs or if they're like having an episode or something Oftentimes they'll feel really hot or itchy or something like that or they'll want to like get
Starting point is 01:01:47 their clothes off that things like that can happen you know but as what Libby's saying I think that like hiking when I was in Mount Rainier people would like within the park right people would just pull off the road and walk into the woods. It wasn't the thing that's different about a lot of the national parks is, as compared to state parks, metro parks, is that you can get, you don't have to go on the trail generally.
Starting point is 01:02:18 They will let you go out into the woods and do whatever you wanna do out into the woods. I don't know what you mean by that. Exactly. You can just park your car on the side of the road. You can do whatever you want. Yeah, that's true, but that's true of all the areas. You're allowed to go. But no, you're not. I mean, in a lot of places, there are specific signs that say do not leave the trail. When you're at a national park, it's not against the rules to just stop your car and walk out into the woods. Because it's public. It's a public space. But so you so maybe you're on a trail and the only that's just weird because I just think, I don't know, I think you can pretty much go walk around. It's just a matter of whether or not you're able to do it and traverse
Starting point is 01:02:59 the the area, you know, that's why trails are good is because someone's already cut all the bushes. Yeah, but if you have like, if you have tools, then you can. area, you know, that's why trails are good. It's because someone's already cut all the bushes. Yeah. But if you have like, if you have tools, then you can. Yeah, yeah. I can't really think of anything I would want to do naked less than hiking. Like even putting aside all the shame and stuff, it's like you're either going to get sunburned or you're going to be cold.
Starting point is 01:03:19 There's like dust and dirt in bushes. And yeah, poison ivy poison. Oh, it was all kinds of stuff. I have not seen anyone hiking naked here, but I do see a lot of barefoot hiking. That's just people being silly billies though. It's like again, I'm like, I'm really grateful for my fucking shoes when I'm hiking.
Starting point is 01:03:39 There's a lot of sharp rocks. There's a lot of stuff on the ground. You know, sometimes there's bare shit. It's funny you brought this up Libby because you told me a There's a lot of sharp rocks. There's a lot of stuff on the ground. You know, sometimes there's bear shit. It's funny you brought this up Libby, cause you told me a few things in the message that kind of put me on the trail of things I should search for.
Starting point is 01:03:52 Oh, that's a cool way to say it. On the trail. Oh, I didn't even think about that. Thank you. Oh my God. That was just an accident. And I got here, this is a post from Sinfully Sinatra. I hate Frank Sinatra, by the way.
Starting point is 01:04:09 Oh, that's because you don't think he's as good as the number one crooner Seth Mac. Mac Farland. He's the top dog. Yeah, but I mean, this is something that you had told me about a little bit, and I just want to read this because lesson learned never store toilet paper in the same pocket. You keep your pepper spray, especially don't do this.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is not a this is on our common sense. Well, I don't think I will say I understand how something like this can happen. Okay. Because especially don't do this if it's old expired spray that is likely to leak all over your toilet paper. So you wouldn't think it would happen.
Starting point is 01:04:58 That is, you know, I mean, like, why would it be a risk? Yeah, I had to cut the hike short and waddle to my car, feeling as though I'd sat on a heated car seat that was turned up way too high. I suspect I would have been in a lot more pain that the pepper spray was not expired. As painful as it is, as it was, I couldn't help but laugh at myself. But the reason for guys like God, so that's nothing when we're like I'm eating fucking 575,000 Scoville fucking hot sauce for dinner and I'll tell you what that's how my ass is all the time So it wouldn't matter to me. I get that shit. I'm sling. Yeah, I will say that I have gotten like pepper stuff on my wiener and
Starting point is 01:05:42 Every time it happened just from like touching like like hot sauce type food or yeah and I had to go pee I was cutting I use when I make chili everybody I use actual chilies I don't buy these fucking canned chilies I buy actual chilies and I are you like one of these you're one of these guys that like does one authentic thing like one single thing and he just a harp on it all the time. Everything else is just store brand shit. I want to see. I get made fun of for being a pizza guy and a grill guy. Yeah. And then now I've made fun of because you said your favorite food was pizza and hamburgers. It's not a joke.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Yeah, I know it's not. That's why it's funny. His thing, Ryan, is those are my two favorite foods as well. Thank you, Libby, because they're the best foods. They're really good. I could eat pizza every day. No problem. I think, yeah, I think I don't think I'll be honest with you in the context of it, Libby. I think you would have had a better answer. You would have understood what we were looking for and you would have said something like, of course, the episode.
Starting point is 01:06:44 I guess the whole the whole idea was like, of course, everyone loves hamburgers and pizza. You know what I mean? Like it's just they can't be your favorite foods. You know, you got to have something a little unique. No, they can be your favorite foods. No, they can't. If you like them most, they can be your favorite. They're not allowed to be Libby. We're not. We actually made Brian pick a new favorite food, and it's I think cashew chicken. He came up with. That's not true.
Starting point is 01:07:09 I don't know what cashew chicken is. Okay, so there's a little bit. We're still sort of working out some things with it, but he has agreed to have food. Okay. What is it? Candy. Yes, he keeps negotiating with, and I'm telling you, these are not serious
Starting point is 01:07:27 negotiations, Brian. We're not going to find a middle between cashew chicken and candy. Candy chicken. Ooh. Now here, once he tastes it, once he tastes it, he'll realize it's not what he wants. Yeah. I like, I like a good smoked brisket. Is that okay? Yeah, that's really, that's a really, I like I like a good smoked brisket. Is that OK?
Starting point is 01:07:46 Yeah, that's really that's a really I love a smoked brisket as well. I will say I can agree with you on that. Like as far as barbecue, that's my go to every time if I'm getting barbecue. Yeah, I have a good face. Yeah, I have a favorite. You didn't talk about that again. I have a favorite brand of pepperoni. Like that's not that's not why did you say that?
Starting point is 01:08:07 Like it was such a bread. Yeah. And like, why did you say it? Like this is like showing people that you're good or something. I just, I'm letting people know that like I have a discerning palette and I have a brand of pepperoni that is like, I always have it on hand. It's the good stuff.
Starting point is 01:08:30 And like, uh, you know, I don't just go to the store and buy Hormel pepperoni. So you get like, you get it from a deli like, uh, or is it, was it packed? I have to go to a special store. It is a store called Littleton's as they sell like gourmet stuff like caviar and stuff I actually recently had caviar chips there was Fries not chips. I don't know why I called them chips I was curious about the other guy too because is he the ultra? I'm curious about the ultra light. I'm so glad you asked.
Starting point is 01:09:07 Okay. So I don't know if this guy. Okay. So this guy doesn't exactly count as an ultra light guy. There are like, I highly recommend if you want to spend a fun afternoon, go on the ultra light subreddit and just what's ultra light. What's ultra light. Oh, it's people who like try really hard to minimize the weight of their
Starting point is 01:09:22 backpack to the point where they will be literally like they will be just eating olive oil for breakfast because it's very calorie dense for its weight and so they'll like compare they'll be like oh this this brand of this brand of like water bottle weighs 86 grams less than the other one so they're talking in grams and they're really. Oh, yeah. Ounces are nowhere near accurate enough. Is there like a is there somebody who's considered the the top dog, somebody who got it the lightest? Well, I don't know. But there is a guy who I think is not exactly ultra light, but he posts on the SoCal Hiking subreddit every now and then.
Starting point is 01:10:03 And he like the ultra guys, has an unbelievable amount of data. I'm going to send you the link here. He records all the data he possibly can about his hikes, including not just the distance and the elevation gain, his heart rate, his pace, how much water he carried, how much food he had, which is always an insanely low amount. For example, here, he did one of the hardest hikes in the United States. The Cactus to Clouds hike, which goes from Palm Springs to the top of Mount San Jacinto, about 10 and a half thousand feet. He ate 200 grams of trail mix the entire time, which
Starting point is 01:10:37 that's what I would eat sitting at a party that have the smarties in it. You know, he didn't say, God, I only like they don't do. We don't call it if it's got the smart. Oh, what do you guys call? We just have M&Ms in our travel smarties, chocolate and oh, sorry. Yeah, we put smarties in them, but they're M&Ms here. Yeah, we don't we I don't eat trail mix at all. Oh, trail. I hate I hate raisins is my problem with trail mix.
Starting point is 01:11:00 But what I used to do because I used to I used to do a lot of my brothers are huge into outdoors and hiking and I done some with them. And I used to do because I used to I used to do a lot of my brothers are huge into outdoors and hiking and I Done some with them and I used to do a lot when I was younger and so I have trail mix But I would have to pick out the rate like I would just get the but I loved the fucking peanuts and the you know The little that what else is in trail mix any kind of nuts in there. I love seeds Sunflower seeds, but yeah, what's some classic trail mix stuff, Brian? Beep. That's a classic trail mix thing right there.
Starting point is 01:11:34 I mean, it's a classic thing that trail mix makes you do. Hold on. The fiber. Yeah. What about this? Beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer. The I talking ultra light, beer, beer, beer. Now you're talking. Ultralight, ultralight would never be. They would never bring a beer. What a waste. Never. I saw some ultralight. Marijuana, marijuana, dried marijuana, dried marijuana, folks.
Starting point is 01:11:55 We're talking ultralight. No, ultralight would probably use a vape pen, right? Oh, well, vape pen might be a joint, a rolled joint with some flour is lighter than a vape pen. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I want to say, uh, living about 724 grams lighter. This guy did get Brian level paint, uh, steps, but not in a Brian level amount of time. Like I, I've, I get 50,000, 684 steps all the time during the summer. Like in one day, one day.
Starting point is 01:12:27 Yeah. Yeah. One day. Do you get them while climbing a mountain though? Cause that's what this guy's no, I don't, I, when I finished my walks, it'll be like you walk 23 miles and climb one and a half flight. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:40 You're straight the whole time. You're just walking it. Yeah. It's like, you can't, you just can't do that here. It's too hilly. But I want to say that the metric that really sets this guy apart is that he measures his weight loss, his fluids in, and his fluids out.
Starting point is 01:12:55 Oh, piss measurements. Yes. That's right. Is insane. Yes. Right. Well, this is an insanely hard hike. He did it in August, which is something that like you absolutely should not do.
Starting point is 01:13:07 People die doing this. Hi, you start in the desert where it's 110 degrees and then you have to carry enough stuff so that you're warm at the top of a fucking mountain where it's might be 60 and then you have to get back down. It's fucking crazy. Anyway, I did wonder he post in this post. He has a lot of these like horrible selfies where I really don't know how I'm really sorry I don't know how much 60 is I'm sorry. Oh, that's like that's like a nice spring day. Oh, okay No, it's it. Yeah, okay, like I'm trying to figure it out cuz I don't we don't have that measurement
Starting point is 01:13:37 I wish I learned them, but I'm sorry. I apologize 14 maybe okay. Okay, cool And 110 is like that's like 40 in Celsius. I got you. Yeah, yeah. He did say he did say that he measured his fluid out with a beaker. So he was pissing into a beaker while he was on the mountain. So that's kind of cool. He's like going science mode a little bit.
Starting point is 01:14:02 Yeah, yeah. The best thing about this is like he writes this really long, uh, trail report and he's like, yeah, measuring his pace and stuff in order to come to the conclusion that it is really hard to do one of the hardest hikes in the United States in the middle of August. Yeah. He looks like he, like this, these, these selfies he took are I'm going to, I'm going to get one up on the screen.
Starting point is 01:14:26 They're wild. He looks, I don't know how he's measuring his sweat by the way. Is he like ringing out? He's really doing that. Yeah. Is he ringing out a shirt? He's got an equation. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:39 Of course. What is he's got a sweat measurement equation. Yeah, I don't know. I don't understand it. It seems like you would. WT under 4I minus SW minus P plus D. W, I would never know actually. I am very stupid when it comes to equation.
Starting point is 01:14:59 I don't know that that's, I thought might be one he invented as well. I'm not sure. He's not giving us a key there to what these are. Yeah, so I don't. I don't have to do. I love this line after nearly 13 hours and death stalking me for most of that. I made it to the peak.
Starting point is 01:15:13 Yes. So this guy, I mean, hey, if you like almost dying, that's the thing that people want to do. Yeah. People do it a lot. Like they go like cliff jumping and stuff like that. Or like, you know, climbing rock climbing in crazy places. This just seems like kind of a weird way because it's like, I want to slowly die. Yeah. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like that seems so much even scarier and more intimidating to me.
Starting point is 01:15:42 You know, I prefer to do that with drugs. Yeah. I mean, it's so many opportunities in places like this. Like Joshua Tree is right there. You can just, you know, take some acid and go to Joshua Tree. People do that all the time. Seems a much nicer experience than eating 200 grams of trail mix over a 12-hour period and climbing 10,000 feet. We don't know what was in the trail mix granted, but it could have been very good. But it could have been mushrooms, magic mushrooms. Yeah. I really like that. He says, I really hope that this can serve as both an objective analysis and a subjective suffer fest of what it took to survive a very risky hike. He's so clearly,
Starting point is 01:16:22 he's so proud that he survived and did this thing. And he's sort of framing it as like, don't do what I did. But by the way, what I did was so cool. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I love it. Yeah. Honestly, if they made a movie, I did have to get Mark Wahlberg to play me. Because this is a crazy shit. You would be like if you were in the movie, you'd be like in the beginning and you'd be like some guy like fucking what's like a Bobby Moynihan or something at the one of my friend at the beginning. You're just can't do. So before we go, I have to read some reviews because I love reviews. This is an Amazon review. I'm going to share a picture with you guys. I'll make this the picture of the episode.
Starting point is 01:17:05 What kind of gear do you usually because we're rather than Vancouver where we like gear no matter what. Even if you don't hike, we got the gear. So you rockin. Oh, I've got a I've got a backpack with a I've got a Gregory backpack with a three liter leather in it. What about what type of what type of boots? What type of jacket, clothing? We got a shell. What type of beanie I call it for your purposes? We call it a toque.
Starting point is 01:17:33 A toque, yes. No, I can't say that I really do a lot of winter hiking. Oh, of course. I never really need a toque. But I've got some Hoka hiking boots that I like quite a lot. I got to get one of these backpacks. What for? It's life-changing. For like wearing. What are you going to like for hiking or just? Kind of like this like Cat My 65. It's the ideal
Starting point is 01:18:00 fit for men. Yeah but what are you? It's only $232. What do you need it for? What? Yeah, it's Black Friday sales are some good sales. I just dated this episode very heavily. Yeah, get my hands on one of these backpacks. Is that a 65 liter backpack? Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 01:18:21 But I would probably use it to travel. I put my clothes in it. Yeah, I tell you what you should get. Yeah. I tell you what you should get on Black Friday sale is the Kota Paxi. That's a really good. The Kota Paxi like bag all per bag is really good for travel. Some people use it for backpacking, I think. But that's a really good. That's just a genuine product recommendation. So what is this that we're looking at here? Looks like. That's just a genuine product recommendation. So what is this that we're looking at here? Looks like it's- Oh, wait, can I say the stuff I have? Cause there's the whole- Yeah, please.
Starting point is 01:18:48 Why I brought it up. I was selfishly just wanting to say what I, I got some nice, I got an Arc'teryx fleece that I just got. That's very nice. I got it for my birthday and I've got a lot of North Face. I will rock a lot of the North Face stuff. And also I got a Patagonia puffer.
Starting point is 01:19:06 Lovely. What are great? I wear like a lot of North Face trail runners. Oh, my God. Well, you know, I got my trail runners, my I got my Nike trail runners. I bought them actually. Yeah, they're they're new. They're Gore-Tex trail runners.
Starting point is 01:19:21 Very nice. I really like them. Really like those around here. I really like them. Really like. I have to go. You need those around here. It rains every day. So I know I have to go get inserts for my stupid foot now. So I'm going to go get that and get a pair of Gore-Tex.
Starting point is 01:19:33 This is a toilet. Everybody. It's a pass just because they're not looking at anything. Well, this is just a product. The product reviews we're going to read is for a toilet. It's called the trip tips make a difference. Now there's a design flaw in this toilet that you can just immediately see. I don't see it.
Starting point is 01:19:55 Well, you can flatten it, right? OK, I see. I think I think I can guess. Yeah, let's get some reviews in here. It's a bad design and this first guy goes. Karen actually says epic fail. Oh, I purchased this, set it up for use a few days later after one use and instantly began leaking because of where we were.
Starting point is 01:20:20 I couldn't do it. I could do nothing but throw it away. The only thing that went in that toilet was my money. So well, no, it sounds like one of some of your shit locks. I think that's a lie. You told us you should. It's like a thing, actually. I love that this.
Starting point is 01:20:37 Yeah, there's like it's like my fucking dookie leaked out of this thing. Like that's like an horrible, you know? But if you look at it, it's so it's the trip tips upgrade, retractable, portable toilet, travel toilet for for adults, it says. And it is like, you can tell that it is going to leak. Yes. It looks like it would be like pissing into a colander. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it just doesn't look like it holds your stuff in it But that's not only this thing. I don't think you're pissing into it. Are you?
Starting point is 01:21:14 It's for being outside. Aren't you just pissing in the for isn't it for yeah. Yeah, it's for shitting right? I think I think you're shitting into it right so I if it's leaking Maybe fix your diet a little bit because you got runny poops You know what I mean just keep them solid and it'll stay in there And the chicken coop I haven't heard a word about them There well this you should buy them this for Christmas You who are you who are you gonna? Yeah, I wonder who you go because you were saying that you're you were mentioning before we started that your stepmom. What it was in a hot tub for too long. Yeah, yeah, yeah, my stepmom. It did stay in a hot tub for five hours. So, uh, it was bad. Yeah, that's it. That's not. that's not, that's way too long. I would say. Yeah. This person goes on. This person goes worst investment ever. Okay. I
Starting point is 01:22:15 don't know if you can see it as an investment buying a travel toilet. I love this review though. This review conjures up great pictures. This thing leaked every night for four nights. Whoa. You kept duking in it? I know. I don't know. Oh, you're like, this is gonna be the one. Yeah, because I put multiple real trash bags in it,
Starting point is 01:22:39 not those crappy ones they send it with. It didn't look defective, but it ruined a two hundred and thirty dollar tent. Wait, wait. Massacre in the tent. Massacre. It's what it sounds like. It was in the tent. Oh, my God. And they were rapping. I don't think that's very cool to do anyways.
Starting point is 01:23:01 No, I agree. Hey, because I think it's going to I believe I don don't I'm not an expert, but I believe that there's an importance to the water that we have here in North America and our toilets for smell purposes. And I think that if you shit into just a fucking plastic, it's going to linger in your tent. Why is it in the tent? Like I don't take it outside. Of course. That's the whole purpose of this thing.
Starting point is 01:23:27 I'm so upset. It smelled so bad. We had to throw it out at the campground, and now we can't get a refund again. So you're admitting to having horribly smelling shits. All right. Again, for four days in a tent, like this thing leaked for four days and you didn't notice an hour one as well means that there's another person. Yeah. She should have noticed that
Starting point is 01:23:54 it was leaking within one minute of using it the first time not four days in. Well, maybe how about this though? Maybe they notice it's leaking, but they still it's their only only option. They saw, you know, was, Hey, we got to keep using this even though it's leaking. I mean, just shit into a hole though. Well, this next line is great. I have an attorney in my family. I'm going to ask about this. It ruined four days of a family vacation. I mean, even with the portable portable AC, it smelled awful. Must have soaked into the tent or ground. I don't know. It's so gross. That is so gross. So I'm right. I'm right.
Starting point is 01:24:31 That it's right, of course, that it lingered. It didn't even have to like it just made the tent. You're shitting inside a tiny little tent with no water there. You're just like, what were you doing after? I, dude, I think work, Brian. Can you say how it works? Like how do you like it? It's it's it's got a bag in it. It's like an accordion. Okay, it has a bag in it that I assume to be biodegradable. So
Starting point is 01:24:57 you pull it up you crap in it and then maybe you can bury the bag or something. I don't know exactly what you do with this shit after you do it because I don't know exactly what you do with the shit after you do it, because I don't know why you do this. Yeah. You know what I mean? And I wonder, hopefully they were they were emptying it regularly, right? I would assume.
Starting point is 01:25:15 And so this guy goes total piece of crap. One star, one you sat down, did business, tried to clean up only to end up on the ground with multiple cuts from the plastic. Oh, I was just like, I was sitting here thinking like, how could it be any worse than that story about sitting in the tent? But I never thought this guy's this guy's hurt himself. Well, not only hurt himself, but you end up sitting right in your crap. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:44 Is it dumb that you're sitting on it and then it breaks. And then you know what I mean? Listen, I don't even want to say this, but yeah, you don't want to. You hope you don't have any large cuts open, right? Oh, that's not a good combination. This is really, really. I feel like this is a dangerous product, but maybe who knows this guy, this guy could have been some user
Starting point is 01:26:09 error here. Maybe he could have, it might've been gigantic because you know, he could have been like a huge, like seven foot tall, 400 bound, like, you know, it's been Kevin Nash. I will tell you that I have, there were people, I think it said it could like hold up to 250 pounds. Okay. So if this guy's bigger than that, I mean, he probably should have read the thing, but he goes, uh, not worth two cents.
Starting point is 01:26:36 The height of the product is great. So I don't think he's a tall guy, right? Well, maybe he is. Maybe I think only tall guys are commenting on the height of something. But I love this next line. But that's the only good thing I can say. Cleaning my wounds and very angry. Oh, yeah. No, I get that brother. You know what? I get that man. I'd be pretty pissed too. If I was taking a shit on this new toilet and then it broke and I shard cut me open I'm the open and then sat me into my This one gave it one star and says okay. It was cool looking and a great idea for pills
Starting point is 01:27:13 Very cool. Yeah, listen if you guys thought it's like it's just a black tube. Yeah Well, it's and she says it right here It's great idea for pill cups and water. You know, the it's it is like those portable cups that you can bring out. You like put them up and then you can drink out of the cup. That's the idea. She got these are all women. Oh, because I guys mostly would shit in the woods. I guess they would like into the woods.
Starting point is 01:27:42 Maybe less guys are buying a product like this. I just it seems odd. Women don't tend to review stuff as much as guys She goes But my big butt twisted the seat reaching to the right and behind me boom it collapsed Not only was I shook but I skinned my elbow hurt my shoulder and broke the locking hoops to never work again Never got to take it camping. That part, I would say, is what were you actually doing? What was she doing?
Starting point is 01:28:11 Yeah, I know. Testing it out, I would imagine. Just testing it out because she knows she's like, I got a BBL. This could be this could be an issue. And so she tested it out. And sure enough, thank goodness. Thank goodness. She tested it out. You enough, thank goodness. Thank goodness she tested it out. You guys are honor about it, but she could end up like our other friend. Yeah, you know, shit in his cut.
Starting point is 01:28:31 So what I did with BBL? Yeah, shit, shit in his cuts. I did have one more thing, but it's some combat wipes. OK, I don't know what you mean. Therefore, wiping your ass, their outdoor cleansing and refreshing wipes. They're 100% biodegradable and it says 25 extra thick wipes. First review causes burning and itching. Oh, a product caused my anus to burn and my genitalia.
Starting point is 01:29:10 The product called by a. Beautifully put four stars to the product. This is this is this is like, oh, man, you do not want to read this. If you're making a product and you go to the reviews, it's a nightmare. This product caused my anus to burn and my genitalia to itch furiously when used on those areas. Absolutely not a body wipe.
Starting point is 01:29:37 The wipe has the ingredient ingredient, you know, Phenox, the thin all. If there's one thing you never put the body, why he totally flubbed that day. Oh, my God. Everyone's laughing so hard at your production for an extra call. Because it's ethanol. I feel like I've sprayed Lysol on myself. A body wipe has one necessary function. Remove dirt by removing dirt.
Starting point is 01:30:03 The growth medium for bacteria is also removed. There's no need for antibiotics or antibacterial on a body wipe. I'm furious at this company for advertising the product for body in the conditions of camping. It should not be allowed. Uh, this person says, I feel like cottonel wipes work and feel about the same. First of all, they're small and you would need a dozen to actually clean your whole body. Secondly, it
Starting point is 01:30:30 seems they have no smell or any cleanser to them. So take a cottonel wipe, then rinse and squeeze it out. And that's what you got. Also, they're black, which seems a little disturbing to me. I can't see how much dirt is coming off. Yeah, that is a bit odd. I will say. Yeah, I will say. Are they marketed to men? Are they tough? You know, like, oh, this is the manly wipe. You know? Yeah. That's a woman. A woman would use a white one because they do because that's the one that makes the most sense. Finally, Matt says one star. Save your money. But a baby butt wipe instead.
Starting point is 01:31:04 This is a glorified rebranded baby butt wipe. Nothing more. Smells like one acts like one works like one. Don't fall for the marketing gimmick of combat wipes like I did. So this guy is admitting that he saw combat wipes and he's like I got it. These sound bad ass. Yeah. It's like I was tired of yeah. Because baby wipes. Yeah. Baby wipes will work. Right. There's like there's like water only baby wipes that we have that are just like a baby. Yeah, exactly. No, the thing about them is that they're fucking white as well. Yeah. No, it's a big problem.
Starting point is 01:31:39 I took these camping with my son. We were on a three day hike slash fishing trip. Got these so that we could spruce up daily. Um, yeah. Like I said, good about the generic brand at the local grocery store and saved a ton of money. Yes. You just described, you know, being a consumer. Everyone else figured that out. Yeah. Well, well, Libby, not not everybody else. Let's not assume it. Well, let's figure that out. But most of us. Yeah, I have. I know Brian is walking into the wipe store and saying,
Starting point is 01:32:13 what are your most expensive wipes? Oh, 100 percent. He's like, do we have any that are a different? I have. So I have a I have some in the other. You have expensive wipes. I have some dude wipes, like really big ones. And I, I took this trip. See, we're at the end of the show. So I shouldn't tell this story.
Starting point is 01:32:31 Isn't, isn't, isn't dude wipes like the thing is on like the podcast, the like, the like advertising. It's on Bob and Tom. Unlike Kill Tony and stuff. It's like a big thing that's like advertised on a bunch of right-wing sort of other, you know, comedy podcasts. Also Bob and Tom, which is not right-wing. I think it's advertising on a bunch of right-wing comedy podcasts. Also, Bob and Tom, which is not right-wing. I think it's advertising on a lot of different... I don't think it's just right. And also,
Starting point is 01:32:51 I don't think Kill Tony is right, Tony Hinchcliffe is. But yeah, the show is just a bunch of psychotic people from all different... But yeah, I do think it's just a real podcast ad type thing. I rented us an Airbnb in this small town called Alpena, Michigan, because it's the darkest place within six hours of my, my house. Right. We want to go. My wife wants to look at stars again. Fuck it.
Starting point is 01:33:20 I'll rent this thing, but what it turned, it was a camper and it didn't have a shower at all and it, and the it didn't have a shower at all. And it and the toilet didn't have water in it. And it was on like flat ground. So wherever the sewage went, it just kind of sat under the thing. Oh, no. And so. So like we got there and and like also they didn't mention that it was in their driveway Yeah, that's my favorite part they told me yeah
Starting point is 01:33:52 Do we talk about this on on the show or did you just tell me this I might have just told you this it's in a driveway and The the guy comes out it says it has Wi-Fi. I need the Wi-Fi. Oh yeah, I know you just told me this because we were talking about you finishing something or posting an episode or something. Yes, yes. I need the Wi-Fi, but it doesn't have Wi-Fi.
Starting point is 01:34:17 The house has Wi-Fi. Right. And it's farther enough away from the house that, and the guy comes out to tell me as we're about to as we get there, he's like, yeah, you know, the Wi Fi doesn't really get out here, but I don't do a lot of TV watching anyway on vacation. So I figured that's probably fine. I'm like, you motherfucker. I do. So it was miserable and it smelled like poop. And then we were like, well, I guess we can't
Starting point is 01:34:46 shower. Let's go get some stuff. And we got these extra big dude wipes. And I just, you know, you, you, you pits in your shits, you know, your pits in your shits. Now, Brian, Brian, Brian, how many times did you shit or go ahead, Libby? I'll get to mine after similar, similar sort of question. You. You said that the sewage just sort of sits under it. How do the dude wipes help with that particular problem?
Starting point is 01:35:11 They didn't but my body didn't smell bad. And I didn't shit there by the way. I think that was the shit of another person that we were smelling the whole time. Because I'm not going to shit in a camper. I went to the grocery store and did that. Oh, so to be clear, you did shit while you were out there, but you went to the grocery store, which is again in can't that's we don't have like the grocery stores don't really have even bathrooms here. So that's such a strange concept to me. They do.
Starting point is 01:35:43 No, I mean they do, but you don't use save on. Well, I was out there, me. Yeah they do. No I mean they do but you don't use them. I crapped at Savon while I was out there. But nobody does you know what I mean like it's just not a place to go. You crapped at the Savon by my house? Like I didn't I didn't know there's a there's a toilet there I had no idea. It's not a good toilet it didn't handle it right well. I had to run out of there. Okay. So because you know why it's not a good toilet? Cause it's not for the public. Like, did it seem like you're in like a back kind of, no, it was a public restroom. There was a big sign. It said restrooms. Okay. I just don't even know where that is in the store. I'm not joking here. I don't know where it is in the store. I don't know. I don't know. I give you directions to get to it now, but they're usually in the back of the store.
Starting point is 01:36:28 Did it not? Did it not handle it well in the sense that it wouldn't go down for you or maybe so like you just left. That's on vacation, Chris. So are you saying you're My crap's exponentially bigger on vacation here? You left one of your big giant Ohio logs in the toilet of my grocery store where I buy my vegetables from. So I can't believe it. Now I need to go and find out where the toilet is in the grocery store and not. Yeah. Well, yeah. Apologize.
Starting point is 01:37:07 You've obviously shut it down to the public. I just mean where it is in proximity to the food. So I know what food you're not buying anymore from there. You know, apologize to them for me next time you go in there. There's a I'm not even this is a true thing. I from Ohio crapped in your toilet like he's really sorry, though. This is a thing I'm not make. I'm not making this up at all.
Starting point is 01:37:28 Right around the time Brian came to Vancouver and did that about two weeks later. No word of a lie. There's now a new store manager at that location. Store manager was there the entire time. And then Brian came here, takes a shit in there. And now new store manager. I'm I'm, I don't know. Again, I don't, I don't work here anymore. There's like Ohio guy that visits every now and then. No, I wouldn't imagine that's what he would say. I would say he would say, I can't work here anymore. I feel physically sick from the smell and
Starting point is 01:37:59 from the different things that I have to do now. And I need one hour. Thirty seven minutes is not something you, you know, save it for guys plus, you know. Yeah. Save it for the stream. Yeah. I just I think I kind of knew that, but I didn't know you left it there. I thought you got it flushed down into the. No, I worked on it. I tried to. I worked on it. But what? I worked on it. I tried to I worked on it. I tried. I did what I could. Those Canadian toilets are so dainty.
Starting point is 01:38:35 I have never, ever, ever. Like we've discussed this before, like a couple of times in my life. I can recall clogging a toilet. That's Canada's and it must have dainty poops. I'm sorry. I don't know. I mean, you guys, you guys maybe have, you know, more of like a eating like a little bit maybe, but not that much.
Starting point is 01:38:54 We're basically the same. We're eating the same stuff as you basically, you know, not you. You're eating vegetables and stuff. I, when I'm on vacation, I'm like, when I'm on vacation, I'm in a no vegetable zone. Spinach and carrots, although big carrot recall in Canada due to E. coli. So that's not great. You're dating a goddamn episode. All right. Sorry. Libby, tell people where to find you.
Starting point is 01:39:22 All right. Sorry, Libby. Tell people where to find you. slash Lib Tron streaming Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 12 p.m. Pacific. Come and come and come and join doing some fun baking and stuff. You got we got to make you come on Sunday and watch some of our nasty stuff sometime. Brian, I would love to. And I would specifically love if we could dive into the world of docking. Docking, docking. You don't know about dog. I don't know what dogging all of the look.
Starting point is 01:39:49 Oh, this is Brian's bit. He asked to play it like this or whatever. He pretends he doesn't know about dogging. I'm looking at it. It's a, it's a swinging thing. I think, right. It's a British thing or it's public swinging. It usually in like on the sides of highways, you know, like I
Starting point is 01:40:06 Have to I've seen I've seen dogging pornography. I will admit to that. It's not like, you know, it's not really my thing But I just back off to it Come on, man Now come on seriously like I got a I'm asking if it's good. Yeah, I know but that's not it's not appropriate You know, I don't want to that's you know Well, I can hear about is clogging toilets with enormous Ohio shit There's a girl here she doesn't know about this stuff we do Never heard about it. Yeah. All right. Oh can't wait to. Oh my God. This is
Starting point is 01:40:45 a whole world that you are going to love. I am like, do people, do people talk about it in the same way? Are there people who talk about it? Cause we can't watch real pornography. You know, like is there, is there people who are like, I'm in the dogging world. I do a podcast about dogging, something like that. Yeah. This guy goes dogging dogging actually derives from the term walking the dog. It's a pastime that has evolved from blokes taking their dogs for walks and stumbling across couples at it in the bushes, etc. So I'm excited to learn about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:16 Yeah. I like it. I like it because they're talking. They're like, I know you like it. They're doing this horny. You're all over it. They're doing this horny sex stuff, but then they're also like, do I know you like it? They're doing this horny. You're all over it. They're doing this horny sex stuff. But then they're also like, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:28 All that in my head. And then they've got the cool British accent, you know, which is just like, it's just kind of cool to hear them having sex British, you know? Yeah, it's it's crazy because they stay British even when they're having sex, when they're having sex, which is interesting, because when they sing, when they British people sing, they don't stay British. And so it is they get American when they sing. But yeah, I that's true. I'm not making that up. They meant to a point you can there's like a bunch of British singers. You can't tell they're
Starting point is 01:41:54 British when they're singing. But yeah, when the when these ladies are being are dog towards that. I think both parties involved are dogging. I think it's. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But they definitely stay British. So that's more Australian, you know. But you can't do the accent. You want to try it here, Brian? You try a British lady, a British lady dogging sort of having sex into a British.
Starting point is 01:42:21 Oh, put your cock in me, but yeah. Yeah, I'll be on the side of the road. That's very good. We stay home, obviously. Yeah, put your cock in me, bum, on the side of the road. On the side of the road. On the side of the road. All right.
Starting point is 01:42:37 Thanks for listening, everyone, to the podcast where I was actually thinking before this episode, I was like, we really do need to tone it down with the sex stuff Oh, we did story you could have turned it off a while ago. And here's the other thing. That's a good point That's actually a good point to make to the listener You got a problem with it You could have turned it off a long time ago and then you wouldn't have actually heard any of that You know, we did the plug
Starting point is 01:43:00 Anything that happens after the plug anything that happens after 90 minutes doesn't count. Yeah, that's sicko's only right. Yeah. Yeah. And we'll see you next week with finally an episode where Chris takes some heat. The big Lebowski guys. Hi. It's a cool, good movie.

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