Hamish & Andy - 2024 Ep 248 - A Sleuth Within a Sleuthing - Sleuthception

Episode Date: April 17, 2024

Hamish realises that if the show continues to call out confectionary related fails, then they should also celebrate all the chocolate heroes out there. Andy really struggles with giving advice to Bec,... so gives Hamish & Jack a chance to prove their boyfriend capabilities. A local radio show is stealing segments from the podcast, Hamish has a car based game with his kids, and the listeners return to Upset Andy again.  1. Chocolate heroes 2. Boyfriend simulator 3. Upset Andy 4. Hamish’s Sandstorm blowhole game 5. Segment Sleuth - Jack rips off Song Sleuth 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A listener production. Activate your Internet because the Hamish and the podcast starts in three. Two. Sorry, still buffering. One. Ahoy to me, hurdygurdy, Hamish. This could be better. Hello? I'm just saying it could be better quality from previous weeks.
Starting point is 00:00:33 So that's my instinct. Ahoy to me cruth, Jack. Is this something to do? Why am I getting Irish vibes from this? Am I warm with Irish vibes? Well, that's interesting, because yes, it was Celtic, that last one. I am a Gile. Are we Hurley players? No.
Starting point is 00:00:54 We are obscure stringed musical instruments. Now we're back. OK. Probably overcorrected, I'd say, from the ham, cheese, and tomato incident. Ha ha ha. You're guitar shaped. Yes. Jack. Okay, we're back. Probably overcorrected, I would say, from the ham cheese and tomato incident. Your guitar shaped. Yes. We make a sound by rotating.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Hurdy-gurdy. A hurdy-gurdy. Yes. Your guitar shape make a sound by rotating a hand-cranked turned wheel that rubs against the strings. Yep. You're the cruth, Jack. Yep.
Starting point is 00:01:21 An ancient Celtic instrument. Cruth tells the truth. Foam-like violin. It's like a tiny little harp. A tiny... It is interesting, isn't it? Like, they're not bringing it out to me. The harp is oversized, so why not make it small?
Starting point is 00:01:33 No, I think the harp is correct size for the sound they need, isn't it? You reckon they're showing off how big it needs to be, isn't it? I don't think that's why it's taken off, because it's just difficult to get around. From room to room, level room, place to place. But if then you weigh that up against the Cruith, which is the smaller version with
Starting point is 00:01:50 no one playing at all. Yeah, you've got to ask yourself, what are you seeing more of these days? Now granted, you ain't seen a lot of harps, but you're seeing zero Cruith. Is that the little, is the pocket size harp the instrument? You sometimes see in Renaissance paintings, the baby angels would be playing something. Oh, yes! Yes, and that gives you an idea of back when it was popular. It's probably like the iPhone back in the day where they were like, what?
Starting point is 00:02:11 A harp in your pocket? You know, do you believe, like, you know, it's like how people go like, the technology, you know, you could have landed, there's more computing power in your pocket now than put man on the moon. Yeah. Back in the 1600s, they'll be saying there's more heart power now in your pocket than you could have used to have for a whole orchestra.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Just, you know, the Agilmai one, or Eagle, is a long, skinny guitar with only two strings. There would be a stringed instrument association somewhere, wouldn't there? Who goes, okay, because obviously these die out. Like someone would be like, we've got so many things. We've got so many things that are so close to what is popular. Let's just, let's streamline them.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Yeah. Cause if you're like a modern day, herdy, yurdy player, be honest, look us in the eyes and say, no, I genuinely think it's better than the guitar. I'm not just doing it to get attention. Yeah. It's not just a novelty. I promise. I have a deep better than the guitar. I'm not just doing it to get attention. Yeah, it's not just a novelty. I promise. I have a deep affinity for this music.
Starting point is 00:03:08 You don't understand. Yeah, and I'm just not doing it so people at parties go, ooh, what's that? Oh, glad you asked. It's a wheel-powered guitar. Oh, we also have Aaron, who's in the UK using HamishNanny.com, very easy to use system to upload what he's been doing.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Poor thing. Yeah, Hoi boys Aaron here. Just finished a beautiful round of golf on a Saturday morning. Just thought I'd give an update on how the day went. So 14 balls were bought from the clubhouse. These are lake balls, so common man style. Zero of those balls are coming home with me. I found more of the trees than the fairway, but overall a beautiful day wrapped up around the 12th hole Mainly because I did not have any more balls left in my bag to continue So yeah, beautiful day overall. Thank you. Cheers guys Now what's your interesting position here Jack doesn't it hearing that golf chat you are interested But you also know I've made a pledge of my own that I won't let Golf Talk infiltrate the podcast.
Starting point is 00:04:10 I was the last remaining person on the show that wasn't interested at all in golf. And I understand what it's like to be in that position because when other people talk about golf, you just zone out. It's so boring. I've only been there for a year, myself maybe 18 months. I have, I do have memories of BG, my life BG. And I could remember that being a very boring story from before golf. And now we were all, I think you and me,
Starting point is 00:04:34 the most Jack were fighting interest. We were like, uh oh, we're interested in this, but you must remember there's more than us listening. Yes. So we cap, is that our last intro? I can't even, I can't talk any more about it. I actually have people messaging me saying, you were the last remaining non-golf person on the show and we can't have this devolve into a golf podcast. And I said, yeah, I keep my pledge. Even though I do.
Starting point is 00:04:57 I don't want to look plain-clothed. Jack, you made a solemn pledge in your stick pipe. Yep. Good man. Much like my friend Taylor, who made a similar pledge. A lot of pledges going around. Haim, you said you were at the top of the show. Yes, sorry.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Just making choices, nodding to Mark to go isolate that and please do send it to our very good friends. Taylor. Our very good friends. Our very good friends we choose to use. And we've chatted a fair bit this year. We've come out, when it was decided on the first episode of the podcast, we're still the go-to spot for confectionery issues.
Starting point is 00:05:40 We then had a flood of people going, here's a particular chocolate that didn't live up to spec, you know, kit without a cat. Kit without a cat, just so I mean, I know we had a big discussion during the week. It's like, I think we've been heavy on the chocolates. We have been heavy on chocolate. I think we just acknowledged there are going to be human errors at these factories. They seemed, in fact, they seem to be rife with errors out of any product. One on my side of the fence is a person sent in a photo that opened a packet of pods with
Starting point is 00:06:11 no chocolate. This is what I'm saying. The whole thing just looked like a packet of crisps. Interesting, but are we standing firm on this? We can't just catalog every instance of a missing ingredient. Yeah, we can't. We can't. And then we acknowledge they happen and it seems to happen across all brands.
Starting point is 00:06:29 One particular company doesn't have a particularly stupid staff or something that just forgets to press buttons or something. It just seems to be unshakable human error. I've got something to bring to the table in the chocolate room, but it's the right other end of the spectrum. Two examples of chocolate heroes, Ando. Oh, companies doing going above and beyond. Now, that's nice. Example number one started as an investigation from alert listener, Matt. It is, I don't think we have a word limit on our submission form, do we? Like, you know, in some, some emails, if you're writing, it's like 150 characters, whatever. If we have one in ours, it's into the thousands of words because Matt has got an essay through here. You're a better chance to be read if you're concise,
Starting point is 00:07:13 though, would you say? I agree. Because sometimes, particularly if you've gone through a bunch that day and you're like, I'll just do a couple more. And if you click on that one, now Jack wouldn't know what we're talking about. He's never looked at them.
Starting point is 00:07:23 But I sometimes won't even read a long text message from a friend if it's too long. Yeah. Yeah. So I'll just, I'll just drift through and get the gist of it. Yeah. Well, that was my every bone in my body was going, just get the drift of that. But I actually got sucked into the, I'll give you the gist. I'm not going to make everyone sit through the essay, but it came,
Starting point is 00:07:41 it falls in the, in the zone of Oreos. Now, people would be familiar that there's the classic Oreo out there, there's a lot of different variations of Oreos, the Minis, the whatnot. But this is to do with the Oreo and then the double stuff Oreo. I've got it packed in here for research purposes. And they've done with the picture on the outside, it does look like exactly double the stuff. This is what Matt's investigation was about because it's actually a creme too, you'll be pleased to know this is not creme.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Obviously it doesn't have enough milk content or whatever, so it's C-R-E-M-E, but they go in bold font, two times the creme. Okay? So, chocolate cookie sandwich with doubled, that's like big writing, sweet vanilla crème. So, Matt's gone, okay, that's a claim that we're just taking on face value, like a lot of food marketing. So he's gone, have they really,
Starting point is 00:08:36 have they actually doubled it? Or does it just look about twice the size when you take out a double stuff? And sometimes you go, okay, that's not, I'm not blown away by the volume in there. It is noticeable against the other one. Hamish is holding one up at the moment and will soon be eating one. It seems about, well it doesn't seem double does it? He then does, right? They're about the exact same price, about two bucks 50. So there's 14 cookies in the original packet. There's 10 in the double stuff. So he's going, hang on a second,
Starting point is 00:09:04 they just doubled the cream so that they can sell less biscuits. Yeah. All right. The next few hundred thousand words follow this. So he's going, I'm going to do the experiment. Buys all the cookies, buys a few packs, goes home, separates the crème from the biscuit. So go, let's go by weight. Is there double the amount of creme?
Starting point is 00:09:28 So the average weight of just the creme from the original, you get 2.2 grams of creme in an original Oreo. In a double stuff, you get 4.8. Wow, more than double. More than double. More than double. He then writes, he goes, okay, not what I was after, because obviously it's more fun to bring scandals to the show. No.
Starting point is 00:09:54 However, makes the point to go, look, if we're going to take down the deceptiveness out there, surely you have to celebrate those that are jumping the bar, that are leaping it. And the Devil's Stuff Oreo lives up to its word. Now you've got to understand you're going to get four less biscuits. But if having twice the cram means that much to you, you've got to know that they're also telling the truth. So a hats off to Oreo in that instance.
Starting point is 00:10:17 What are we going to do with this? 24 biscuits in the studio. Okay, put those over there for the moment. We'll see if we can sort those out. The interesting thing, Jack, if you and I get any of those. Because it's just... I just feel like for the rest of the podcast, Hamish will be wrapping things up quickly.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Did you say there was a second hero? Second quick hero, special mention. We had a girl at Ferrera Rocher recently. They left out a hazelnut. Um, we... We can't wait to see whether the Rocher was the actual chocolate itself, like the style. Yep. Oh yes. Or is it just the name of that assembly of ingredients? Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:55 This is on another vein. This is from Amy. She says, look, I heard you talking about the Rocher and the Ambassador ad. She's a big fan of both, in the late nineties, she goes, I was about 19 years old, hanging out with a couple of girlfriends one afternoon. We were very relaxed, having a giggle. Um, and then who knows how, but they were struck with what you could only describe as the munchies. So perhaps they'd done some exercise or whatever they built up and might have a time, bunch of friends hanging out and then suddenly they're laughing a lot.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Laughing a lot. And suddenly they're, you know, it costs a lot of energy to laugh. And then you just through that exertion, they're hungry. So they start talking about like, is the inside of the Rocher, is it Nutella? Cause they are both made by Ferrero. Oh. Okay. So they decide to call the hotline, um, because there's like on a lot of products,
Starting point is 00:11:42 you can do the questions and comments hotline, call the hotline, because there's like on a lot of products, you can do the questions and comments hotline. Call the hotline, got on to what they described as an absolute legend of a guy who did confirm it was Nutella. They had a great chat to him. And then a week or so later, a giant box of Ferrera Rochers arrived at her friend's place. Very nice. Ambassador. Ambassador, you spoil us.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Now she doesn't say it, but you get the feeling she may have talked to the ambassador. Maybe the ambassador was working the call center that day because we know he works for Cher. That's a chocolate hero as well. That's a chocolate hero. Last one, Ando, you mentioned... How many people can be sitting manning those hotlines for food? Fascinating, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:12:23 Yeah. They're spending most of their day doing absolutely nothing. I know. No wonder he had a huge chat to them. It'd be like someone in solitary confinement. Don't go, don't go, don't go. Back to talking to a volleyball. So episode 243, I know recently you were talking about peanut M&Ms.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Yeah. And you went, I've got a raisin in one before. I thought I had a raisin in one. How would that happen? We wondered whether that was even possible. We've received a lot of correspondence about this. Could it happen? In not the way you think.
Starting point is 00:12:51 The most popular theories are either, and I'm not saying this could ever happen at the Mars factory, but this is theories that have been thrown around. It was either poop from a rodent, like a mouse poo or something, that got chocolate coated and you've eaten it. Or someone reckons it was a fly, a dead fly, a blowfly that landed in the peanuts and it's been coated and you've eaten it thinking it was a sultana. Now you can buy chocolate coated flies online. I think what we do is get a few in here and we coat them in the same chocolate as an M&M and we get you to eat
Starting point is 00:13:28 a few flies and you go, yes, that is what I had that day. Jack immediately, it's a hard note. Yes, science, that's a soft maybe. Guys, the style of phone call I get from my partner, Beck, where I just don't ever get the answer right. And it's not a trick. I just know that in my soul, I don't, I should be able to do it better, but it's normally when she's distressed and I just don't seem to be able to hit the mood perfectly. I mean, it's a tough ask. It's a hard one.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Make the system, the situation better for her. And invariably, I've made it worse by what I've said. And then I get off the phone, I go, why do I say that? But you're under pressure in those particular moments. I wanted you to experience it. I wanted to see how you guys act, because it's an interesting thing, those moments where your partner rings. It's very much between you and them.
Starting point is 00:14:29 You don't really get to experience other people's versions of it. That's true. Yeah, you wouldn't know. You wouldn't know anyone else's playbook on this. No. So I've built a boyfriend simulator today, and I'm going to, or we've already done it,
Starting point is 00:14:43 where I've put you both through a real life situation that happened to me. I was playing the role of Beck and to see how you react in a certain situation. Darcy said that he's got brilliant tools to be able to make my voice sound exactly like Beck's. For instance, I could say, hi, it's Beckc Harding here. And he said, it'll turn out like this. Hi, it's Bec Harding here. Perfect. Oh my God, that's amazing. AI man. Scary stuff. Look out, Bec. You'll be selling gummies in deepfake ads in a second. So he's nailed that, which is good of him. I'll put the scenario to everyone so they could have a think about how they'd react
Starting point is 00:15:25 before they hear how you guys both went. But I was away on a golfing trip. Bec was at our apartment, which is a rental. I've mentioned this in the part of the pod before. This was where the gas pipe had burst. She had no running hot water and no cooking for five days. And I think it was day two she gave me a call and this was how the call went down.
Starting point is 00:15:50 She was obviously exasperated about it. I didn't really know what to do. Let's see how you guys tackled it first and then we can kind of revert back to where maybe I went wrong. But should we start with Jack? This is the simulation. This is how Jack would respond to the same, the exact same,
Starting point is 00:16:06 obviously sounding exactly the same as not. It's me, but Darcy has done these adjustments. How Jack would respond to the call. Hello? Hey, the gas pipe is broken at the apartment. I've got no hot water and no cooking. It's been like this for five days. Oh, okay. And did you call someone?
Starting point is 00:16:28 Yes. But what are you going to do? What are you going to do? You're away golfing. Yeah, I can't really think of even where the gas pipe would be found in the house or what to do with it. So I'd have to call a professional. Good, Jack. The number one rule of call centers is just make it someone else's problem. You know, when you're in the phone, tell the bank or something, they're like, now are you a new customer? Like, no, you're not getting me like that. Cause you're, I can transfer you to a new customer's phone. No, existing.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Right, right, right. And how many years have you been with them? And when they find that they've got a reason customer's public, no, existing. Right, right, right. And how many inches have you been with? And when they find that they've got a reason to transfer you, they get so excited. They're like, oh, well, actually you need- Oh, I guess it's a cards problem, it's a cards problem. You've come through to general customer service. No, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:17:17 I wish you could do that with your girl from time to time. So Jack, you went in the old, this is a plumber, this is an official plumber. Let's analyse this. You then said at the end though, Jack, I guess I'll have to call a professional. Does that mean you would have then called a professional for Bianca? I mean, we'll sort out the problem together.
Starting point is 00:17:35 I thought maybe I'll Google it while you stay on the phone. We'll find a number, that sort of thing. That's great, Jack. That's good. From a golf trip too. Good on you, Jack. I guess I slightly misunderstood the assignment, Anna, because I was you. I thought we were meant to be being you.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Yeah. Yeah. I thought you just wanted me to come in and play you. To help you. Well, that would also have been informative and I can learn from that. So let's see how Hay went. Yeah. Hello?
Starting point is 00:18:03 Hey, the gas pipe is broken in the apartment. I've got no hot water and no cooking for five days. Congratulations lucky lady. You just won an all expenses paid trip to our hotel for five days with me, Andy the Love Machine Lee. Clear your diary. You're away. You're away golfing.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Yes, sorry. I won't be there. Sorry. Paid for, the hotel visits paid for by me, but I, yes, I will remain away. Sorry about that. But I am still a love machine. I just love golf more than, well, I just love golf. Let's just leave it at that. Did you throw the hotel prize at her? Well to me again, this is... I mean Ando, this is like... What did you do?
Starting point is 00:18:53 Because these are pretty bare minimum, I would have thought both of them. What did you do? What do you want me to do about it? See that, I know enough to know that's probably not going to yield her. Oh my god, you're so right. I haven't bothered the trip. Andy, this is, I mean, surely you know this, but after 10 years of marriage, if I have any advice,
Starting point is 00:19:13 it's never a solution, not the answer. Just say, that sounds tough. That sounds tough. And then stop. That's the first thing I should have done. Then throw out the hotel prize. What do you want me to do about it? I'll tell you what. Once I returned, there was not much love.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Andy the Frustration Machine Lee, wandering around the house for many weeks. And we have been peppering you a bit lately since the start of the year. We've done one or two, but we have such a backlog of upset Andes to clear. I feel like the backlog would upset you. If you saw how many. Very true. Breaks my damn heart, sir. You've softened the blow.
Starting point is 00:20:02 It's good bedside manner giving me bad news because the idea of lessening a backlog definitely does appeal. What would you say if I told you that you could clear a backlog today? Oh thank you. Let me do it. In minutes. Okay. Everything is neat and practical, cause that's the way he likes it. But what if it wasn't? Upset Andy! Okay. A lot of Upset Andys
Starting point is 00:20:30 coming in. I mean, we see them in real life. Jack, you, did you have one that you said before that you... Yeah, I got a brand new one. And actually it even annoys me. So I don't know why I don't fix it. But my desk at home is a mess. Cables running everywhere, bits of paper and everything. I plug my phone, bits of paper and everything.
Starting point is 00:20:45 I plug my phone in. Let me at it. You would really clean it up. It could be too much even for you, Andrew. I don't think so. What's your desk like? I bet you've got clips, cable clips, don't you? Oh, well, I don't have too many.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Why do you need so many cords? Because I charge my phone on there, charge the watch on there. I got different things I'm charging. And then I've got also a loose phone charger. But the, I don't know. But now the cable of the loose phone charger is mixed up with the other ones. So every night I plug it in sometimes twice.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Sometimes I get it in the first go, but it's just a lucky dip, whether it's the one that charges or not. One's in, one's out. Yeah, that would annoy me. I have so many spare cables floating around, always in the hope that they're, like a backup will be needed. Yes, that's what it is. Like backpacks, drawers.
Starting point is 00:21:31 I'm always just desperate for the moment where someone goes, then we've got the spare cable. Yep. Doesn't happen that much. No. No, Jack, I, yeah, come around a lot. But Jack, when you, but think about, think about the time you would spend undoing that though, Jack. Yes, undoing the cable, figuring out which one's which.
Starting point is 00:21:46 You've got a young son. You want to see him grow up. Yeah. I mean, these are the most precious years of your life. I'm doing that. All of a sudden I turn around and he's- He's 15. All right. You've got a backlog. We've got a backlog. Frankie, Frankie, Augusto to you. Ahoy, Frankie.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Ahoy. What have you got for Andy? So this is a calendar based one. So basically my partner works a fly in fly out two weeks on, two weeks off. And I've got his roster in my calendar so that if any events come up, I know if he's here or not. Oh, that's perfect. So far, so far pleasing Andy.
Starting point is 00:22:25 I'm very pleased. Andy loves a shared calendar. Yeah. Yeah. So about four months ago, his roster actually switched. So now if I check my calendar, see if he's coming to an event, it actually says he's here, but I just remember, no, he's not. Like I'm not going to re-program the calendar. You here. I know. Yeah. Like, I'm not going to reprogram the calendar.
Starting point is 00:22:47 You should. You should. You've got that kind of time. But what if your brain forgets? I don't know if the time does. No, no, no. It's really not that hard. You just go, is he not here?
Starting point is 00:22:55 Okay, that's interesting. You know? And I dare say, Frankie, the time will come again when the shift swing the other way and then we'll be back to perfect. It's changing. It changes all of it. You're like the person that just waits out daylight savings. I don't like those type of people.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Every year on our Magna. No one knew how to change the Magna's time. Jacob, a hoi to you, Jacob. What have you got to upset Andy? So I've got a lawn mower that's battery powered and I know that my backyard takes two cycles of the battery. So I have to do one half of the yard, charge the battery, then go again. So what I sometimes do is I'll mow one half of the lawn up and down and then I'll mow
Starting point is 00:23:46 it side to side for the second battery run. So hang on, so the net effect though is you've still got to mow lawn. You do, but you've got the mow patterns going lengthways then on the other half they're going sideways. Oh right, you see the patterns do you? Yeah, yeah, you see the patterns, yeah. And one half of the lawn is going up and down and the other half is going side to side. Like I said, it doesn't bother me. I'm going to have to see your photo to see if it bothers yeah. And one half of the lawn is going up and down and the other half is going side to side.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Like I said, it doesn't bother me. Yeah. I'm gonna have to see a photo to see if it bothers me. Oh, it would bother you. I can picture this and there's no way this pleases you, Andy. This would be almost like someone going out and mowing the lawn as if they're vacuuming the floor, like just mowing and just pushing it around
Starting point is 00:24:19 until it's all mowed. But I think that if it's perfectly half. Might be stylistic choice. There might be like a stylistic choice, the way that, you know, sometimes at a palace or something, they mow it in different directions to create a series pattern. It's an interesting area for us to get into here, Jacob, because Andy's old house he lived in,
Starting point is 00:24:36 and he's currently on the run and staying at various safe houses, but his old house he lived in had no lawn, townhouse, inner city townhouse. The haunted house he's renovating will, I assume, have a giant lawn. Yes, lots of lawn. Yeah, seven or eight acres, that's probably it. Good Jacob. And I reckon Andy, lawn mowing patterns are going to be a massive part of your life.
Starting point is 00:25:00 We'll come back to this episode, I think, be like, remember the days where Andy was like only vaguely interested in lawn mowing? I think I was thinking of getting in that little robot. Look, Andy, try it. And if you like it, then great. If you don't like it, then there you go. OK. I think even the recharging. I don't mind having Jacob here always, just for some sick burns. I like, I mean, even the fact that he has to charge at Ando for two hours.
Starting point is 00:25:28 That's the part I disliked about it. The fact that he's not. If that was me, there's no chance the lawn would be getting mowed on the same day. No way. And I'm with you. Two shifts. He should get a second battery pack so he can go in, flick it straight over and then head back out. But yeah, the idea of waiting.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Are you going to send him one? Nope. Not after the jibe about the anchorage. Just doing a little test to see if we're turning into that kind of show. We're not. Eden. Eden. Ahoy to you, Eden.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Ahoy, boys. Happy birthday, Andy. Don't celebrate him. Very good. Eden, what have you got for Ando? So this annoys my partner as well. So he's very much like Andy. When I am folding my towels or tea towels,
Starting point is 00:26:08 I don't really care if it's long edge to long edge or short edge to short edge. And so when I put them away, they're all different sizes. Yeah, it's actually another length, length versus width, not caring scenario. Yeah, because I'm normally doing my folding when I'm watching TV, length versus width, not caring scenario. Straight off the back of the book. Yeah, because I'm normally doing my folding when I'm watching TV, change it up. No, as long as they've folded, I mean. The only way I would accept this is if the cupboard they're kept in, it fits better if
Starting point is 00:26:42 you have a certain amount going long ways and then it fits the other bit, you know, the extra little, the shorter way fits better in the cupboard. That noisy way was Eden falling asleep. I'm absolutely not Tetris folding my towels so I get a perfect score. Thanks Eden. Jared, wrap this up for us. We want this backlog cleaned out. Oh boy boys, how's it going?
Starting point is 00:27:03 Very good Jared. Gusto to you, gusto to you sir. That's the way, thank you. So I bought a new TV in 2018, yes must be nice. Well, two thousand and eighty. Six years ago. Probably about the regular turnover. At the time, yes it would have been nice.
Starting point is 00:27:19 If you bought four since then. Yes, considering it's about the size of Andy's touchscreen for his golf simulator. This is going great. Jared, yes, so you've got an enormous TV. What on it bothers you or doesn't bother you? Well, it doesn't bother me, but to this day, it's still got the advertising sticker in the top right hand corner. Yeah, I hate that. I hate that. Yeah, I hate that. The same with the one, I don't even like when you've got the star rating on the laundry,
Starting point is 00:27:50 like the washing machine. You take the star rating off. Yeah. What are you taking it off for? What are you hiding? It's for advertising purposes, to market it. So you think that's a showroom only sticker. It's a showroom only thing.
Starting point is 00:28:03 It's like wearing the tag on your T-shirt around. It's like the price tag. You got to get rid of that stuff. But the sticker on the, I mean, sticker on a screen. And I've seen you go absolutely bananas for a flick on a screen. Yeah, yeah. No, that's the hottest we've had, Jared. That was the, you take the cake today.
Starting point is 00:28:20 What sticker is it? Like, it's not the energy sticker, is it? Just the price, I think you said. Well, yeah, it's just the 2018 new sticker from when we got it, which takes up a large portion of the proper shopping order. And do you have any times where it crosses your mind that you should go over and get that off, or just kind of a bit of a jam-pack schedule? Well, there's a couple of sports where it blocks out the scoreboard, but you sort of...
Starting point is 00:28:44 Again, I think you generally know who's winning. You can tell from the looks on their faces. Yeah, exactly. You can tell from their attitude. The scores for hacks. Boys, you might have mentioned the other week we were chatting, someone said, we're talking about music, right? And Jack, you were mentioning what your little boy's into at the moment. And I think I mentioned to you, and I was like, oh, we're in the banger's phase at the moment.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Like the kids driving to school. Of over history bangers, you mean? Yeah, well, just the last 20 years, I'd say, like EDM, like big club hits. Oh, wow. Like that would be my Spotify wrapped for this year, definitely after summer. Like I don't think we can start.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Yeah, even like new stuff like fishes in there and stuff, but I'll tell you what is getting the biggest run, and this is like relentlessly over summer, is Sandstorm by Darude. For those that aren't familiar, hit it Jack, we've got a little taste of it here. Do you remember Sandstorm, Ando? Yeah, I know this song. Yeah, you know Sandstorm.
Starting point is 00:29:55 It's good. Right. Going to school, it builds. It builds. It's a great build. And when you're teaching your kids about where the drop is. Yeah. Yeah. Here it comes. Maths. Yeah, maybe a bit of PE.
Starting point is 00:30:08 I reckon we're all gonna do it today, guys. I reckon, yeah, here we go, guys. Ready, got your lunches? Everyone pumped? Everyone pumped for a good day at school? All right, here we go. All right, driving to school. End of last year, start of this year still,
Starting point is 00:30:24 it's on a heavy rotation. Yeah. But, start of this year still, it's on heavy rotation. Yep. But, here's why I want to bring it up. Do you take the family SUV or do you go in that dropped Commodore with the bright green and huge mufflers? Stretch Hummer every day. Mate, over summer, it actually gave birth to an incredible game, okay? And I want to share the game with everyone because I think it's adaptable. to an incredible game. Okay. And I want to share the game with everyone because I think it's adaptable. We were driving around the south coast of New South Wales. So like under a couple of hours south of Sydney. And we spent a few weeks on the south coast. There
Starting point is 00:30:56 is quite famously the Kayama Blowhole down the south coast. A lot of people would have visited it. Famous if you're ever kind of going up or down the coast. But there's many blowholes around Australia. Yep. Kaima is a big one. And you know, if you're in or near Kaima, you're going to see the blowhole. But there are many, you know, no matter where you live on the coast, there are rocks, there are tides. Sometimes there's a hole, which creates an exciting and unpredictable event. Yeah. Well, for people who don't know what it is, it's essentially a little bit of a hole. Normally a cave leads to a hole opening
Starting point is 00:31:29 and then water can come in at the dry tide in a ferocious ocean and suddenly water comes out of the hole as if to peer from nowhere. Like a geyser, right? And it kind of looks like a whale's back, but the Kama one can get bloody high, like good 10, 15 meters. So we've done the Kama Blowhole, that's all good.
Starting point is 00:31:46 The next day we're listening to the song, and I can't, I don't even remember who came up with the idea, but we were like, hey, imagine, right, if you were listening to the song and right at the peak moment of the song, the blowhole erupted. That'd be huge. We're like, let's go and do it.
Starting point is 00:32:03 So we drive down and the blowhole there was coming. You can get out and welcome to the filling in the school holidays. So you can get out and like stand on the platform and a lot of people do that waiting for the right moment. But I was like, well guys, the game is, is we park where we can see the blowhole. Yes. I'll start the song and everyone piles into the front seat. So we're all there and it has to, there's. I'll start the song and everyone piles into the front seats or all there.
Starting point is 00:32:26 And it has to, there's the biggest build of the song. It has to hit at the biggest build. Right. Any chance you can try to time it or is it so? You just don't know. I'm sure we could talk to an, like an oceanographer or something, but I think it is, it's kind of like very random when it happens, like, cause it sort of involves you, like the water going back out and then,
Starting point is 00:32:46 and then like two waves hitting it once or whatever. So I don't know, moons, winds, tides. It'd be tough. Call it essentially mathematically, completely random. So that, that's what adds the fun to the game. Now you could use this for something if there's another natural phenomenon in your, in your local area that has this, But can I just say the excitement in the car. Bec getting ready.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Bec getting ready. Bec, when Bec comes down the stairs. Just need about a four hour intro, I think. You've got your work cut out for you. The, do you know what, it's actually the nature equivalent of when you watch the DVD screensaver bounce around in your way, you're hoping for it to land perfectly in the corner. And we've all been in those moments. The anticipation is huge, right? This is the drop you're waiting for. I think this is about a minute 30 in.
Starting point is 00:33:35 This is the actual build. Like by this stage in the car, everyone's just like, uh, uh, uh. This one, yeah. And to a lesser degree, here. That one doesn't count. That one doesn't count, but if one day, if you got the big one, imagine if you got the follow-up one as well, and then it really looked like the ocean was dancing to sandstorm.
Starting point is 00:34:04 So you would have possibly known if the, if it had gone too early, you would have, what kind of anticipation did you have when you got to that part? We've done it five times. We haven't got it. OK, but I just keep hoping it's going to make it even sweeter. Wait, you played the song five times and tried to get it or you drove out there five times? Five different days. You only get one shot per day because that's part of the excitement too. We're not just sitting there all day till we get it. It won't mean anything.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Yeah. Okay. Then it's just grinding it out. Right. So you can, you have to, you only get one shot per day. Yeah. It's exactly like random John Endo. That's the excitement of the game for long-term listeners.
Starting point is 00:34:42 So we haven't got it. And yeah, a couple of the days you're right, Ando, like we'd see it go early in the build and you kind of knew. It's not, it's not impossible to get them to in quick succession, but you did kind of know. And at that point- You were now asking for a double miracle to happen. Yeah. And at that point, do you encourage your kids to stay and watch it out? Like at sporting matches where you go, doesn't matter if you're going with-
Starting point is 00:35:03 Stick it out, guys. Yep. Stick it out. You can still come back from two sets down. Yeah, but geez, when it happens, I will report back because it will, it'll bring the house down. Hey, of course, song sleuth we do on this show. Hey, of course, song sleuth we do on this show. Yeah. Where I'll kind of have a look at songs that may have borrowed a little bit from other songs to see how close they are. We've also done segment sleuth on this show.
Starting point is 00:35:37 I was going to say, song sleuth, generally there's a direct correlation as to how likely someone is to get off if they're a friend of the show or you've personally met them or perhaps been given tickets to one of their gigs by the band themselves. That certainly helps you walk free from the court. Yeah. I'm also a segment sleuth where we've noticed podcasts or radio shows around the world doing a segment that seems very familiar to us because we were the ones that invented it.
Starting point is 00:36:08 That's happened again. So I've got another segment sleuth for you. This sounds like this sounds like this sounds like this. If this sounds like that I'm your man. Andy Lee segment sleuth. Now Ando, the most famous one of these, we were talking about the other day, was the Random John thieving.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Random John was, because sometimes you come up with something on the show that conceivably, I think, anyone that's sitting down to think of things for radio or podcasting, there's gonna be some double ups if everyone's putting their brain in the same area. But Random John did seem like one that would be unlikely for someone to stumble over the game where we bring someone
Starting point is 00:36:51 a random number and if a John answers, we get a John point and if a Rob answers, we get minus one John point. And if it was a John Johnson, that was a golden John. Now, I think it was an Irish show that listed all those rules. Yes. So just the coincidences were a few too many in that scenario. So what I wanted to ask was, is there a chance this is a coincidence? Absolutely, it could be a coincidence. Let's look at the evidence. The segment that we used to do on the show, we still do actually, is a segment called Song Sleuth, for instance.
Starting point is 00:37:21 If you don't know what that segment is, have a listen. Jung Kook is a member of BTS. People are loving this song and I reckon there might be a reason people are loving this song because... really? Might be touch familiar but anyway this is the song it's called Seven. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Now that sounded like a great pop song. And then Radio Mike, podcast Mike said, reminds me of this song.
Starting point is 00:37:55 No, I don't want no scrubs. A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me. So obviously a slower beat going there. They've sped up scrubs. Unfortunately the drum line is really similar to me and I don't need no lab to tell me that. I've got my ears and my feels. Yes Song Sleuth is the segment and there was a show in Australia had that's doing a very similar thing. Brazen theft, if true, to be stealing in such a close market.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Yeah, exactly. Strange. And the show's called The Christian O'Connell Show. I think this is the second time we've been on Segment Sleuth. Jack, do you work on The Christian O'Connell Show for your real job outside of this hobby? I do. And let's not, you can't prosecute me, let's have a listen to the evidence and see. Green Day released a new song this week and I just, this is... Your head is in your hands by the way.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Is it that bad? It is an existing song. I'll play you the start of the new Green Day song and then, oh actually before I even tell you what song it's like, I reckon you'll be able to tell. This is the new Green Day song. Exactly the same as Pink So What. Oh my. Oh yes. Bloody hell, John. I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Don't like it, I'm disappointed. Put them together. Oh, does the compare. Don't mind the collaboration. Maybe that's what they do. Pink and Green Day. Oh boy. Now, now, now. I can't wait to hear what comes after the nows.
Starting point is 00:39:55 I just honestly wanted to let the public know about something that I was annoyed about because Green Day is my all time favourite band and I was so annoyed that they released a song that sounded like a pink song. I just had to get that off my chest and why not do it in a public forum? So you're saying it was more of a Jack loses it. Which is also a segment. Husey loses it. That was just blind passion.
Starting point is 00:40:19 And I didn't even realize until I started hearing it back. Oh, this does sound sort of like what Andy does every now and again at my hobby job. And before we deliver any questions. I actually do have one question here. I think court is adjourned. I think I'm walking free. Uh, just before, just before we adjourned, Jack, now that everyone knows that breakfast radio, your real job, uh, it requires, you know, you coming in,
Starting point is 00:40:44 sometimes you're just chatting. It takes a lot to put, to organize the show. To do a segment like that, that's like engaging and has like a lot of sound effects in it and has like a bit of like cleverness, some audio production. Did Christian say to you, that was good. Well done, Jack. That was like, did you get credit for the effort? Did you?
Starting point is 00:41:03 I think I did because you're right. It does involve a bit more effort. Sourcing not one, but two songs. Yes. And then having to play them together. Dick Christian would be like, more of that, mate. That's great. That's such an engaging content. If you got credit for that, I think that should go into the calculus.
Starting point is 00:41:19 I did get a little bit of a pat on the back for that one. Really? I've weighed up all the evidence and going off what Hamish said at the top, given that I hang out with this guy, he's a pretty good friend, no case to answer for. Thank you mate. Actually not the, not the most lenient walk I've ever seen on this segment. Thanks for listening. The Hamish and Andy podcast will return next week. walk I've ever seen on this segment.

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