Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2018 Ep 2

Episode Date: March 7, 2018

1. VIP Special Skill Tester2. Bec Vents3. 1800-BULLY4. H&A Coin5. 'The Incident'6. Who's your Bob?...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-snap production. Activate your internet. Cause the Hamish and the Podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering. 1. Howdy,duty! No, no, no. Another stinger. I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Yeah, no, let's cross that one off the list. Howdy-duty, yeah. There's both have been pretty American. That's true. What's crack-alike in Maddy-duty? Why don't we just have a good ol' get-a or... I might try that next week. Okay.
Starting point is 00:00:41 There were a lot of available... ...or ratings. ...used to be good afternoon when people listen to this in any time now. So anyway, yeah, cross it off, that's great. But the question remains, how do you do, De, how do you do? I'm exciting podcast for everybody. I believe that you have got Beck coming back in.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Can you work with her for her segment? She'll be here soon. Last second, my girlfriend. She promised a segment. She will deliver on that. I know for a fact what's coming up and it's very, very good. It's the people show though and you want to kick things off. Well, first of all, and we'll be probably yammering on about this for the first couple of weeks of the podcast. People are registering themselves as valued and important podcastes and we thank them for that.
Starting point is 00:01:21 We're building up quite the database that we can reach out to in times of need. But on the database, we have special skills, is one of the categories you can fill out. This is if you would like to be reachable to be part of the show. What would yours be if you... Well, juggling's gotta be up there. Oh, no, this better juggle is than you.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Still a special skill. Yeah. I still can do it better than, well, I'll be, you know, probably, well, better than one in 10,000. Yeah, but also we're not ringing anyone for a juggler. You wouldn't probably get on the show, would you? Pop them down. Top it down. You don't know where the show's going to go this year.
Starting point is 00:01:56 We might end this year could end with juggle fast. Now at the moment, I know that's not likely. I hope not. I've had's not likely. I hope not. But it just might. And now I'd say the odds, the needles move. It's slightly jackskipping in a big thumbs up. Well, here's one we got a lot which we weren't expecting. Couple of different people have listed knowing what time it is
Starting point is 00:02:18 without needing to look at their phone or their watch as a special skill. And we assume the sun, don't look at the sun. Yes, you know, like there's no other tricks. Not having some sort of analog time keeping mechanism in front of them. Yeah, they just instinctively can sense the time. It just popped up a bit more than normal. And I thought, let's test one of these people.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Grab one of them at random from the file. Here's when I reckon, like let's call them now, and essentially just go, don't leave your phone and watch an American number. Oh, there you go. So we're taking this abroad. I'm taking it abroad. I mean, it doesn't, I mean, as long as he's close enough to the minute, we'll know what time zone he's in or whatever. That's true. But here's the thing. But okay, well, I'll be on, I'll be on, we'll ask him, we'll get at the time first, you lead it. Yeah, and then we'll be, and then I'll be on my computer and as soon as I go where are
Starting point is 00:03:08 you, I'll find out that time just to say. He's the test for me. How long before they answer? Like if you said to me, you know, oh, hey, what's the time? I mean, what, right now, you know, that's enough time to look at your watch. Yes, yes. He, I'm just going to say, who I am, what we're calling from. Don't look at your phone. You watch what's the time? Great. He needs to respond very, very quickly. Otherwise, we smell rats.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Every millisecond that passes. So it's testing people's special skills more and more. I guess we are. I guess this has become reverse Australian idol. Where we are just calling up going. Well, it's a texture. What's your skill? Well, sorry, I didn't know I would be getting auditioned at any time. So we could surprise audition your skill. Or is this the game of we don't trust you?
Starting point is 00:03:50 Well, yeah, I'd like to. I'd like to have this guy have a total suit. No, it's good for us. What it does, what it sends a message to anyone feeling out the value of the audit and podcast and form. You can be audited. So don't try it like your tax return. Don't just put any old thing down, Jack. You can be ordered it. Jack with the number
Starting point is 00:04:11 in Jack. And take your phone that, Nico? Yeah. Nico, it's Hamish from Hamish and Andy here, mate. Just wondering if you can tell me without looking at your watch or your phone, what the time is right now. Go. Ah, 6 p.m. 6 what? 6 p.m.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Oh, it sounded like you checked, Nico. Where are you in the world? I mean Santa Monica, California. Okay, Nico, I mean, look, there's obviously going to be a natural delay on the phone. Are you wearing a wristwatch at the moment? I am not. No, refwatch. So what did you look at to cheat? I just know. This is going to be because it is actually you've got it on the minute. You've got to be in it. You've got to be exact. It is sick. I'm telling you now 6 0 7 p.m. in San Monica. I'm in a pub and I was watching the basketball. There was on the screen. I can't. I can't. Okay, because we're calling up to test this fact. There are a lot of people have claimed that they're super power, that they just always know what time it is.
Starting point is 00:05:33 But when you suggest Nika the fact that your eyes wandered to the screen, that you are in fact reliant on clocks, and you do not know what time it is at all the times. Well, Nika, if you read what I wrote, I said I always know what time it is at all the times. Well, if you read what I wrote, I said I always know what time it is when I wake up. Oh, okay, so you can... I said, when I wake up in the morning, I always know exactly what time it is when I wake up. So can we organize a time with you
Starting point is 00:05:58 where we call, you leave your phone off silent and we'll call you to wake up. You tell us the ballpark of when you want to wake up. Yeah. And we call you. Yeah, absolutely us the ballpark of when you want to wake up. Yeah. And we call you. Yeah, absolutely. And then we wake you up with that phone call. 100%.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Okay. But the, how's his eyes not going to see the time? It's on the phone. He's. He's. He's. I'm not. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:06:20 I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm go to sleep blindfolded. I'm married. OK, yep. I'm married now.
Starting point is 00:06:28 I'm a wife. You can call my wife. Yep, that's what we do. My wife could wake up. Well, could she film you? Could she film waking you up and going, hey, what time is it when you send us the video? Uh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:40 OK, all get your wife's mission as well. But yeah, how many minutes do you reckon, like what like what's your margin? Are you bang on the number? I mean, so here's the thing like I'm saying when I wake up naturally like I can always be within a minute either side when I wake up natural So your first thought is like I haven't haven't tested it Haven't tested it when I've been woken up by someone, but I think I can still nail it Okay, so your first thought is, it's 716. And you look across and it's 717 and you think yourself, gee, it's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:07:10 I have an alarm set. I have an alarm set and I always wake up before the alarm. Right, I always know. And you're like, okay, okay. So what we might need to do is we get your wife there, she's reporting back to us, filming it. And then she can wake up just before you, hopefully, we didn't get a natural rise as well.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Or she can wake you up. Are you okay for her to wake you up at any time? And then you just go, first thing you say is what time it is. I mean again if it's like two in the morning that might be tough. Oh yeah we'll give it within a half an hour of the alarm. Oh yeah 100%. I am actually going to hold you to that because it's now 1 in 30 guessy-go. Because if you're alarm 630 you just know it's going to be between 6 and 630. So we will need it bang on the mirror. Unfortunately, we're
Starting point is 00:08:05 going to scratch it off your record and it will not be listed as one of your powers. All right, that's fair. Okay, great. All right, thanks Nico. We appreciate it. Stay on the line and we'll organize how to get on to your to your wife. Yeah. Okay. Cheers mate. Thanks for being here. Actually, when it's as he gone. Yeah. Right, we're putting him on hold there and oh, he's not gonna get it. And I'll tell you why, people that he doesn't have a suit
Starting point is 00:08:33 of power. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Now that I know that's his thing. Hang on. Okay, I just, I wanna go on record. I wanna go on record. People that think that's their suit of power, it's just because you condition to wake up at,
Starting point is 00:08:44 say you're alarm 630. It's his alarm. I mean, he's learnt that over time. He doesn't have a special clock in his head. He's, oh, just saying. If we wake him up at 608, he's not going to get it. No. He's just used to waking up just before he's alarm and going, oh, I did it again. It's a pretty, we'll go, we'll go early. We'll go. Oh, actually, now you're here. Nick, we don't know when we're going to go. I'm just saying, I don't love you, J.A. It's just Nick, okay. Just say it. Well, after a week in the wilderness.
Starting point is 00:09:14 This is exciting, Andy. I'm excited. You go, friend Beck, his back last week on the podcast. She said, well, you thought she wanted a regular segment. Well, she said, I'd love a segment on the show, which I thought, you know, it was gonna be, you know, Bex Bushes or something, and she comes wanted a regular segment. Well, she said, I'd love a segment on the show, which I thought was gonna be, you know, Bex Bushes or something, she comes in and she always says,
Starting point is 00:09:28 just so just some flora that she's seen or whatever it might be. I can't believe all the things that it could have been, you think shrubbery would be the top item. Bex brushes them, whatever it might be. It had to be a literate, that's what I thought. Well, it's actually, it's Bex Big Break, because we've put together, I mean, even think this could make a difference. You may have opened up. Yes, we have. And please enjoy.
Starting point is 00:09:47 It's been one long week. I've got a segment. Since we first heard that Beck would have a segment on the show. I've got a segment. Ladies and gentlemen, sit down or get even more comfortable if already seen. I'm going to have a segment. I'm going to have a segment on the show. I've got a segment! Ladies and gentlemen, sit down or get even more comfortable if already sitting because this is Beck's segment.
Starting point is 00:10:12 I've got a segment! It's the segment where Beck wins! I'm heating up! Stick Beck, she's gonna fall! There you go. Woohoo! Oh, man, it's ready. You see, Tim, are you worried with how much weight there's been put into the opening? No, I can't. There you go. Oh, that is ready to vent.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Are you worried with how much weight has been put into the overload? No. OK. I was trying to think when we were recording that of the name of the Indonesian volcano that erupted recently. If there's some sort of like back pun,
Starting point is 00:10:36 we could make with the name of it. Couldn't be bothered looking it up. My phone was charging. So we're just going to go with, you know, she's here to vent. This is a segment. We're back vents. Back the floor is yours. So about a week before Valentine's Day,
Starting point is 00:10:52 one of you, you've been getting a lot of mail recently through your Instagram account. And one of the parcels that you received was a pack of Valentine's Day cards from a card company, which I have here. We're looking for a little bit of primer, a little bit of airtime. And they were sitting on our dining room table for a whole week. That's clear. I was just describing to be there.
Starting point is 00:11:17 I was still sealed, unused Valentine's Day cards. One's a little coffee cup that says, I love you a latte. That's my clever. You are my favourite weirdo with a little slough in some underpants. That's nice. You admire improper thoughts in prophets and brackets, because you're not meant to sign up. Hot stuff. That's cute.
Starting point is 00:11:32 You like to get that. We get the picture there. There's a lot of pristine cards here. There would be, bec obviously you saw these in the house back. You're my partner, the one I'll always love. So you saw these in the house. They're sitting on the dresser. And you were, did you see them every single day before?
Starting point is 00:11:46 Every single day. Every single day. Where were they? You can't miss it, Andy. I'm with you, Andy. There's a giant fluffy love heart here with googly eyes. What happens to the young zip it? What does it do?
Starting point is 00:12:00 I don't know. He was so zipped in. Well, it does sing. It reveals an interior pocket. It's broken. It's obviously listened to the song so much that while she was crying at home. So where's the vent?
Starting point is 00:12:14 You didn't do anything for Valentine's Day. And you have a house full of free stationery literally meters away from your hands. I did not want to. I didn't notice any of that stuff in the house. I don't know how, it's like bright red. I didn't know we had any of that stuff. I don't look normally we go to a song.
Starting point is 00:12:32 If this was already a show to allow the happy couple to sort the differences out, but we can't, because it's a podcast, so we'll just tune back into the fight now. So the Mr.emeanor or crime, relationship crime is federal offense. I didn't write a card Valentine's Day, which I played guilty to. But, and it's even worse because there was a lot of cards
Starting point is 00:12:58 all over there sitting for free, sitting on the bench, crying out to be used. And I mean, a lot of them are Valentine's Day specific, they're not even just love cards, like it literally says Valentine's Day. And now Beck will know that if he's used next year. Which he does love reusing cards. I don't.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Every, every single card. It feels like I cross out what was written in a card to me. And that is exactly, oh no, sorry. You used the Ham is exactly oh no Sorry, you use the Hamish and Andy cards And suddenly Jack is not the show's biggest tight-ass The man insisting on taking home Hamish and Andy company stationery to use it when he's already getting sent free stuff He's got a side gig getting sent free stuff and he's still stealing stationery. Oh, Kilti. Is a good segment, Vic.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Hey, Vic, anytime you want to come on a band, you know where we are. Thanks, guys. You can ding the bell if you want. Hey. Hey, Mew and I are shooting true story at the moment. We're waiting for you. Season two for that.
Starting point is 00:14:08 We've out the end of the year. Everyone, people can follow a bit of behind the scenes. I've probably pretty much, yeah. Yeah, I've probably pretty much. Second up, yeah, the, um, people can follow any of the behind the scenes. Antics, actually, hamishneed.com or on our Facebook or Instagram.
Starting point is 00:14:21 You can check out those pipes. But you and I were shooting out at an airport. Yeah, we were. And hadn't a adjacent office, which had 1-800-0-Bulley. Right. It looked like 1-800-0-Bulley. Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:36 It's sort of how they write it. Yes. And so, popped the head into see what it was all about. Turns out it's a fantastic organization. Great, great, great, great gang. Yeah, but pretty much if anyone is being bullied up there, it's an important issue. You could have a help line here, 1,800, zero bully,
Starting point is 00:14:50 you can call. The reason why we popped that head and we're having a chance to the people in there, they're lovely people. It did appear when you go 1,800 bully. It looked like- Because it's three zeros in a row. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Your brain sort of reads it not as one hundred zero bully. Yeah, it felt more like one three cabs where you dial it to get a cab. Oh, you know, usually the thing in the in the number is the thing you're getting. You're getting ladders, pizza, cabs. So we just double checked with them. Like, is it a place that I don't know if one eight hundred ladder exists. We were going to do a business that like the salt ladders that's the number you'd have. We wondered, is it the type of place you could ring up and just order yourself a bully? Hello right, no sorry, we are a helpline for people that may be experiencing bullying. Oh right, alright, so you don't send out bullies. No, we don't send out bullies, no we're very much against them, we're anti-bullies. Oh, okay, yep, my bad, my bad, of course, I just thought there might have been a bunch of big guys called Wazo or Stubbo or something, you could send them around to insult me, but yeah, my bad. Of course, I just thought there might have been a bunch of big guys called Wazzo or Stubbo
Starting point is 00:16:05 or something. You could send them around to insult me, but yeah, no problem. Right. Sorry, did you actually, you actually thought we were a phone line set up to send out bullies? Yeah, I did. Sorry for wasting your time. Cheers. Well, an idiot.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Sorry? Oh, that's just the jingle-dumming other than that. Oh, that's actually quite good, actually. Oh my god, you're a stick of the plank mat. I don't know, there's a dipshit on the vine here that Rick has actually fend out bullied. What a moron! Yeah, I know. Oh, that's actually really helpful.
Starting point is 00:16:36 There I dick it, I gotta let you go. Yeah, thanks, that's exactly what I needed, cheers. Yeah, whatever f***ing I go, bye bye. God, that turned out well. Okay, guys, I think we've had a bit of fun doing the podcast so far. We've had some small talk. All your pain. I was just trying to get you in the right mood here.
Starting point is 00:17:02 We've chatted to listeners, things are going great, we're enjoying it. Let's get down to business. Brustless. Let's kick into the year and actually start doing something that matters. Okay. Because there's been a lot of fluff if I may. Are you? Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:17 I've got some good stuff in and done, but enough fluff. Yeah, let's talk turkey. You're thinking enough of the pre show kind of entertainment. Still good. Yeah. Still really good, but we want to see the game. Let's and what a game I've got for you boys today. It's full of slam dunks, gold home runs. I guess it's some sort of multi-strange hybrid game. Yeah. And oh, this year, it's obviously, well, it's a bit of a different year where we don't have the radio show anymore, we're just doing the podcast.
Starting point is 00:17:49 I sat down and I thought, look, I know we might not be treating the Joanna Kent with the same reckless abandon. No, I've told you this specifically, that we have in previous years. It's no longer to be treated as some sort of never-ending metallurgy that you can just get your hands into and lick money off. Jack, to take this actually, there's a step for more serious. Jack, I had a word to Hey, we haven't done this the 12, 15 years we've had the account together. I
Starting point is 00:18:19 said, hey, just see a note. And he said, radio is finished. We can't. The Nutella's run out. I'm surprised it took you so long to sit him down before the start of a year and say stop spending the money in the air. I know, but I just said like normally it's like, Ha ha, you bought 3000 teaspoons of the hell of a cost. Cool. That's fun. And let's see if we can still a few back, but I'm not going to be worried too much.
Starting point is 00:18:40 The difference is we won't have any money. Yeah, in Jan, you keep doing this. In Jan, and I sat me down and he said, listen, mate, serious talk. You know, I love you, home. You're the best thing that they've ever been to be. We weren't listening. Just in terms of dipping into the join account, don't do it.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Like, can you run it past me first? Because with this, you know, we're running out of money in there. There's actually other expenses that we need to cross the website, etc. Poster associated with the website. If old sticky big or fingers over here, big end thing is probably does it with both. If he keeps pulling cash from that, other things won't be paid for and they'll have to go to the end. Andy did university accounting in year 12, so we know how he thinks. And Anders had listened, run a passby first, unless there's an extenuating circumstances and you're positive it's a great idea.
Starting point is 00:19:36 I don't remember the last one. I think what I came up with qualifies for that last bit. Have you already spent? I have already spent. Praise be. I... it. But wait. No, no, wait, wait, wait, don't even look at it yet. Okay. I wanted to see hard price before I don't know about the return. You don't know about the return. Wait, listen to you, don't. I won't log on. You don't. Jack, just yell it out, Bitcoin. What an interesting thing to yell out
Starting point is 00:20:06 Obviously as we discussed in last week's podcast the price of Bitcoin's been all over the place But anyone that got in a year ago and it experienced a phenomenal ride I look at Bitcoin and it's digital currency and I look at and I was like look as much as I'd love us to be involved as a show We've been burnt there once before Let's go get burnt again As much as I'd love us to be involved as a show, we've been burnt there once before. Don't go back. Let's all get burnt again. Because it's a digital currency, it's a little bit volatile. I have invested us heavily
Starting point is 00:20:35 in actual currency, what country? I've created Hamish and Andy coin, but it's an analogue coin. It's a real coin you can have. It's not a digital currency. It's an analog currency. I've minted 101 coin coins. But here's the thing I know you're thinking, anyone could make one. Well, actually, on them, it's printed. Actually, I've got a designer. I can bring it in for you now. On it, it says it gives you the value. I'll let you read it, Andy. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Read the first, read the front first. This is the one coin coin. Around the edge. This is a facial. Hainish and Andy, not a log back. Not to be counterfeited. Under any circumstance, any bigger. That's a little safety precaution.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Yeah, that's the back. Read the front. And the front says, official Hainish, nandy, analog currency. Yep. H and 8 coin equals one Bitcoin at all times. It equals one Bitcoin. Oh my God. That equals one Bitcoin.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Wow, so each coin... Equals one Bitcoin. Wow. That's expensive. Yeah. Yeah. So now when I tell you, now when I tell you... Yeah, but can I clarify when I tell you,
Starting point is 00:21:46 how much they didn't cost one Bitcoin to make each coin, did it? That's what they're worth. Bitcoin didn't cost anything to make, okay? Bitcoin's just code. That didn't cost anything. Bitcoin decided we're worth one Bitcoin. Why can't we?
Starting point is 00:21:56 Okay. So, we, a hamish name coin is worth one Bitcoin. That's a one coin coin, but look at this. What else, what do we have here made that's coming in gold? Remembering before you tell everyone the denomination that Jack at one time owns seven core bitcoins. It's an eight coin coin coin Now you and I have decided the rest will be in the vault Yeah, but you and I get to have an eight coin coin each which is worth eight Bitcoin So we're bet we're actually worth more than what Jack all times'll actually worth more than Jack ever was in Bitcoin. Yeah. Because we'll have eight coin coins. And then it says unique coin number on that
Starting point is 00:22:32 back. That's right. Don't read it out because every coin, this is a counterfeiting measure, we'll have a unique coin number. Like a barcode, I guess. Okay. And then it says, they always keep your UCN safe, never disclose it. Now, the unique coin number, I'm not sure how necessary that is. Because it's fine you're thinking. Well, because it's on the coin. Yeah, but you've got that coin. And we'll have a registry. It just adds a layer of official dust.
Starting point is 00:23:00 So it's analog, it's official. You know the other thing is. Like a barcode and a bank, no, I suppose. That's exactly the same thing. Serial number. A serial number. We've been to we've already mentored 100, one coin coins and 28 coin coins. Now obviously we'll might give these to listeners, we might use these to buy things. But if we do give it to a listener, what are the shows giving someone, you know, let's say Bitcoin's at $12,000 today? $12,000. What are the shows giving someone, you know, let's say Bitcoin's at $12,000 today. $12,000. What are the shows giving someone 12 grand for participating in the show? That's pretty bloody good.
Starting point is 00:23:29 That's great. Now what's an 8 coin coin worth now? What's that? 96 grand. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think, hey, thanks for being involved in the podcast, he's $96,000. Which could go up from worth worth of coin. Of Hamish and Andy coin.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Yeah. Now I'd say he's $96,000. Yeah, worth. Worthy. That is Andy coin. Yeah, no I take his 96 thousand dollars Worth is that that is a coin that's worth 96 grand. Yeah, thanks. Yeah, give it to your kids Help them get into the property market if the time comes yes to do that Jack Do you reckon you will sell a few of your bitcoins and buy? Yeah? I Will I will never buy a Hamish and Andy coin. You can't afford it.
Starting point is 00:24:07 I do. He's the best bet I bet. He's the best bet. He's the best bet. Minging these coins only cost me a thousand bucks. And there's a lot, right? That's $10 a coin? No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:24:20 It's $12,000 a coin. I should've minted millions. You're lucky I didn't mint millions. At $12,000 average floating price the last few months for Bitcoin, that is over $3 million worth worth. We've now got in our possession. They're coming in at week.
Starting point is 00:24:36 So with the currency, our currency, A to A coin, and it, so it just matches Bitcoin. Always. Always. Always. Um, I should have put in less, other, less further specify, because Bitcoin crashes, I'd still like it to hold of a high value.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Yes. Mike, question is, um, because it's his own market. Yep. Like the value of them can't be directly clipped and attached to Bitcoin. I would do it. Do whatever you want.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Okay, we just... Well Bitcoin said that they just go, yeah, we're worth this much. That's what we're doing. It's a supply and demand thing though. They are worth that much. Take our word for it. The question I have for you then is,
Starting point is 00:25:18 because that's the, that's the, that's the deal with the market place. Yeah, but what is money? Money's a story that you tell people. And that's the story, that's the story we're telling them. My point is can people buy these? Yeah, yep. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Off each other. Once we start distributing, you can't be in a economy. Where the reserve bank? Can someone, for instance, next week's, like, when are they arriving? You can be awarded them or bought them for sure. You can buy them with one Bitcoin offer. Okay, so my point is could someone next week when they come out buy all of them
Starting point is 00:25:49 Yeah, I mean you have to give us whatever that is 260 Bitcoin. Yeah, but if you want to buy them all sure you can own the market Wow, we all are as there is a bank we choose when to put them into the economy No, but just know if you get one. They're worth a Bitcoin Now we can't buy them back because that would ruin the fun for everyone. Yes. And we might buy them back.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Yeah. Actually, that's more, that's better. This is the statement. We may well buy them back, so hold on to your coin tight. But we get to choose. We'll let you know if it happens. Yes. At the moment, we don't need to buy any
Starting point is 00:26:23 because we've got plenty of coins on our side of the fence. Yep. But if we've given away too many, we'll start buying them back at one, or maybe a higher price, one bit, going on more. Yeah. Get excited.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Okay, Andy. So, first of all, thank you to the growing number. It's now well into the thousands of people that have registered to be a valued and important podcaster of VIP, because as we mentioned early days in the, I never episode two, so we're veterans. But early days in the podcaster,
Starting point is 00:26:56 we've got no phone number anymore. So we need details if we can get you involved in the show. We call out, not many shows call out. A lot of shows call out, but we're happy to go. And our expense, although I think some contracts in the United States you pay for incoming calls Yes apologies for that. Yeah, and a Not surprisingly beginning to see
Starting point is 00:27:13 Elements of an old friend This one in particular comes in from a guy called Mason Special skills nothing crazy there catching food in my mouth truck driving They're good skills to know about but that's not what we need to talk about today under unique and interesting facts about yourself which is one of the parts of the form he's written best known for quote unquote the incident right yeah it's an old fruimed this tactic where people throw it a carrot and just see if we the gullible rabbits will come out of our holes to eat that carrot.
Starting point is 00:27:49 And then get trapped in a boring, boring story. Sometimes it backfires. My question to you is, do we want to open this can of worms again in this... Well, I think we go. We try now, but we go until we have a strike. Yeah. Like, so if people are going to do this. What's your Mason?
Starting point is 00:28:06 Mason, but ruin this for everyone. I hope the incident's a good Mason. Because if people are going to take this tack to just go to us, oh well, yeah, let's just say I'm known in these parts for the thing that happens. Yeah. You know, oh, boys, I've got the most incredible story, but I can't write it down on email.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Yes. We get a lot. It's too sensitive. Too sensitive for email. Mason, you're the Canary in the coal mine. We get a lot. It's too sensitive. Too sensitive for email. Mason, you're the Canary in the Colour Mines. We're gonna run the first test case with you. Yes. And if you are, in fact, a boy crying a wolf,
Starting point is 00:28:33 we will not call again anyone with this tactic. Then wolves will be able to eat our flocks forever. And we'll never believe you. Mason, you're the shepherd boy. BEEP. Hello. Hello, is that Mason? Mm-hmm. Mason, the English and Andy here mate.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Hey, we should Andy here mate. Look, just reading through your valued and important podcast, a form. First of all, thanks for signing up, being part of it. No worries. Lovely to have you on. Second of all, just so you know, there's got nothing to do with catching food in your mouth
Starting point is 00:29:06 or truck driving. Both goods can be considered. Mason, you know what we're calling for? You've deliberately put a carrot out there, surprise, surprise, the rabbit's a year. We're here to nibble. Yeah. God help you if this was a scam,
Starting point is 00:29:22 because we've just said, if this turns out, if the incident you write about, he's in podcast worthy. It just turns out, the story is a bit bland. Blame it, if this is cardboard-flavin, if this is just beige content, then this might ruin it for anyone else trying to tack over a email. But if it's good enough, we will continue to pursue people that leave interesting emails like this. So no pressure, but first of all, does the incident exist?
Starting point is 00:29:47 Ah, yes. Very good. Okay. Okay. And what is the incident? Ah, okay. So the story goes, I'm playing BFON. Yep, we're just a couple of mates.
Starting point is 00:30:01 And we were trying to distract each other by getting, doing stupid things on the other end of the table. And someone pulled out a testicle. Okay. Yeah. Heard of them. Yeah. Very sure.
Starting point is 00:30:16 You keeping them anonymous. And was it their own testicle? Yes. It was their own testicle. It was very good. That's the best way to have a testicle pulled out. It's not called out one that could barely out. Do you ever remember what you think about this?
Starting point is 00:30:30 Oh, gee, what's up from? That's a bull. Oh boy, that's a hugey. It's putting a soft cricket ball. So I guess I saw someone pulled out their own human testicle. Yeah. Yeah, so then everyone started doing that. human testicle. Yes, but then everyone started doing that. It's been done to work. It is contagious. Now they think about it. My right nuts a little bit warm. When am I getting a breeze across it? So must have worked as a tactic. Must how many, it's like one person's doping. Now we're interested. But hang on,
Starting point is 00:31:06 it wasn't the person throwing the, was the person throwing the thing from the other side. So how many testicles are now out in the room? Well, the tour needs five at any one time. Yes, exactly. They would be doing it. They'd be putting them back for their tour. I don't know. I'm in here about any getting put back in. I was just wondering if it was the ball that forever. I imagine, and for currently if I'm wrong here, I imagine that Mason that you put in the back in a few ago and others are now using the tactic against you.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Yeah. Okay, gotcha. So it's an absolute avalanche of exposed nuts. Yes. And a fly kicks beware. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so then my test will go without. Yes. And the ball gets thrown towards one of my cups Yeah. Okay, so then my testicle is out. And the ball gets thrown towards one of my cups and it bounces off the rim of the cup.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Oh gosh. And so the hand that I'm using to hold my testicle reactively goes to catch the ball. The rest of the gear falls out. Oh, somehow exposing your whole self. It was, you snag fall out. Hold. And somehow. Exposing your whole self. It was you snagged yourself. Yeah. The gear then knocked over the cup. Oh!
Starting point is 00:32:14 The chance of... Which I reactively go drink it with everything still out. Hang on. Also, before it lands, you drunk it. Or it's half. It's knocked over, but you've got to still drink it. Yeah, because you can get evoked,. Or it's half, it's knocked over, but you gotta still drink it. Yeah, because you can get your cup there,
Starting point is 00:32:27 it's knocked over. So, you're a man who had knocked over a cup, so for an exposed skull. Is that, that's the incident? Yeah. That's a pretty good incident. It's good incident. Compared to, I mean, I saw that email from your own,
Starting point is 00:32:41 and he's made up this incident. Yeah. So, that's not a made up incident. I mean, I think the game, it's still a tactic that will work, but for anyone future using that tactic, watch out for Peter Pederouts. So feel like a story. From a story structure standpoint. That's fair criticism.
Starting point is 00:33:02 That's fair criticism, isn't it? I feel like the story petered out of little bit of it but geez what a good story and pretty for me the high point was the visual of everyone having a nut out which is terrific I'm like Rott Australian idol love it nice nice keep him wrapped up now I'm going to get a talent. Hey, before we go today, and I want to float something, just see I'm excited about 8-8 coins, are we calling? Yeah, just 8-8 coins.
Starting point is 00:33:32 I mean, you're warming up to it, aren't you? We've been discussing a little bit in the brakes here. Once you realize, I'm going to say, as a reserve bank, you can say what it's worth. Yes, absolutely. You can, that's money. I think I'm pretty sure that's China's a reserve bank you can say what it's worth. Yes, absolutely. You can, that's money. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:46 I think I'm pretty sure that's China's whole thing. They won't float it. They just go, we'll just tell you what it's worth for their currency. That's all we're doing. The great news is we really mean it. It really is worth one Bitcoin. So when they come in and you get one, do treasure it. Yep.
Starting point is 00:33:58 It's worth at the moment. Well, over $10,000. And could go as high as $100,000 according to Jack. So it's a wonderful gift from two friends that love you very much. And they have eight coins themselves. Yeah. More than Jack has in Bitcoin and ever had. And they feel great about it.
Starting point is 00:34:11 And you should do it. It's a great coin. It's a great coin to have a very special piece of the aim you should end. We will air off. They're within the week. I believe we'll have them for next week. OK. Just talking to the mint.
Starting point is 00:34:23 There's a five cent piece cost more to make than actually. I think we talked about this once on the show and it, it, there was a country where someone figured out that there was like more zinc and copper worth it in the coin and just bought tons of the coins and made it, made it more. But it was a different, I mean, I think we floated trying to do it with five cents and it just, there's a lot of to hard. I think it was close enough. You might be running a very, very small profit margin. Plus you needed to be in the smelting industry. And I think it's illegal to smell. Maybe you're not illegal to smell tail coins. Wow, okay. Uh, we're not recommended. You're gonna get a completely loose year.
Starting point is 00:35:01 You have a $10,000 worth of coin. That's true. Hey, Andy, can we finish on a question? And I'd like to wait one week and see if we get any responses. Yep, right. Do you guys remember that song, Get a haircut, and get a real job? Yes. Clean yourself up and don't be yourself. Do you know remember that Jack?
Starting point is 00:35:18 No. Very popular punk song. Yeah. Well, was it? No, it wasn't. Type it in the system Jack. See if it's there. I think yeah, get what's his name? I didn't even think we should get a bit of it
Starting point is 00:35:28 because I thought it was so obvious. I mean I know that's saying, it's quite a haircut. George Thurgood, which must have been his hit. It was off the album called Haircut. Definitely was his hit wasn't it. And it's 1993. It's not in the system show. Just on YouTube. Would you like me to see YouTube it here and just play a little bit into this microphone? Here we go. Apologies for this everyone. I mean, it was a big, big hit
Starting point is 00:35:56 in the 90s, Jack. No, I've actually been listening to a lot of 90s digital radio and I haven't heard this song from the version I remember it's not ringing any bell this is the beat Yeah, you're right, though, if don't be a song. Get it together like a big brother, boy. Okay, that's the thing I wanted to get it together like you big brother, boy. That's the thing I wanted to focus on. So back in 1993, this guy was being told, get a haircut, get a real job, get it together like you big brother, boy, right?
Starting point is 00:36:40 I heard this song on the radio the other day and I went, you know what, the parents probably thought at the time, Bob was the hero. He has a nice haircut, he has a job. Okay, good job. And this guy, whatever he's known, was John Thorebred. What's his name? What's his name?
Starting point is 00:36:56 George, it's T-H-O-R-O, good. Thoreb, good. Thoreb, good, yeah. George Thoreb, good. So George is there, He's the younger brother. Bob's the older brother. Bob has a nice haircut. He has a good job.
Starting point is 00:37:09 He has a good job. There's George as the young rascal, right? And his parents have really grinded on George going, come on, look at Bob. I would like to know from our podcasters over email, here's what I bet happened. I bet George actually ended up usurping Bob. Bob wasn't all he was cracked up to be. I reckon Bob looked like he had it all together. But in the end,
Starting point is 00:37:33 he was depressed. He wasn't, he was actually just doing stuff more for appearances. End of the game washed out. Not really loving his life. And George grew up, in fact, be the shining star of the family and Bob crashed and burned. I would like to hear from our podcast as were you in a George Bob scenario? Were you the George with an older Bob who was held up as the shining light? Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:54 But then 10 years later or now, we're looking almost 30 years later. In fact, Bob wasn't the role model he was cracked up to be. And in fact, has it been... And you ended up on top of the family pile? Has it been a come from behind win? you, for you, the youngest sibling over an older sibling. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Jack, who's the favorite in your family again? Well, I'm the older sibling. So I must be the Bob. Jack's favorite. No, isn't there another Harry's the favorite? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:38:22 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no is the favorite. No, Joe is the favorite. Yeah, Joe. That's right. Who's the most successful in the family? Well, he, Joe, went like got his degree and, you know, he's, like, studying science. He's awesome. Yeah. I'll give you much, too. He's my favorite all of the sudden.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Anyway, so next week, maybe we can revisit George Bob's scenarios. And just hit us up the contact form. HamishNeed.com. You can also be a VIP, a value and an important podcast. You can add a few more of your details. You want to be part of the show. I HamishNeed.com. You can also be a VIP of value and an important podcast. You can add a few more of your details you want to be part of the show. I might be proven wrong. Bob may have never toppled. No. I just got a feeling. Yeah. You just get a feeling. We never heard about Bob again. Yeah. Why?
Starting point is 00:38:55 I can't. Can I throw one little other comment out there? I think George just needed a ride. No, no, no. To the word job. I reckon he's brother at all. He doesn't have a brother at all. I reckon Bob.
Starting point is 00:39:12 I still want the Bob. I think Bob is trying to sample. I reckon he wrote the song around Bob. I want the Bob George story to come in, but yeah, it is possible. It is possible. That's a cover. Das ist possible, das ist ein Kamer. you

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