Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2020 Ep 113

Episode Date: October 14, 2020

1. Surprise demerit point audit 2. Beard or no beard – special skill 3. Unopened loyalty card 4. Help Hame - Pokemon 5. Next time, on Hamish & Andy 6. H&A’...s Remembering Project is live! 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-knife production. Activate your internet. Cause the Haymission and the Podcast starts in three, two. Sorry, still buffering. One. What do you have? What do you have? What do you jack up for? Both. One! Hoi-Di-Han! Hoi-Di-Han! Hoi-Di-Han!
Starting point is 00:00:27 Hoi-Di-Han! Hoi-Di-Han! Hoi-Di-Han! Hoi-Di-Han! Hoi-Di-Han! Hoi-Di-Han! Hoi-Di-Han! Hoi-Di-Han!
Starting point is 00:00:35 Hoi-Di-Han! Hoi-Di-Han! Hoi-Di-Han! Hoi-Di-Han! Hoi-Di-Han! Hoi-Di-Han! Hoi-Di-Han! Hoi-Di-Han!
Starting point is 00:00:43 Hoi-Di-Han! Hoi-Di-Han! Hoi-Di-Han! Hoi-Di-Han! Hoi-Di-Han! Hoi-Di-Han! Hoi-Di-Han! Hoi-Di-Han! Hoi-Di-Han! Hoi-Di-Han! No, free, no, I think this is a six. Gotta be careful with clippers, because these things are exciting. Yeah, he's a bit of insight into beard boy world. I think the numbers that we all know and love on the hair clippers, like, oh, that's a number one, oh, that's a number two. I'm pretty sure they're inches.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Maybe they're not even inches, they might just be numbers. I thought they were just numbers. I think they just numbers. Yeah, it can be, just make it. If you've got a number one of the shortest one, yeah. That's what I mean, I think they're just be numbers. I thought they were just numbers. I think they just numbers. Yeah, it can be. Just make it. If you got a number one of the shortest one, yeah. That's what I mean. I think they're just blade numbers.
Starting point is 00:01:09 And who knows how long those blade numbers are? Not to be confused with millimeters. Right. Because I had to give my, I had to buzz cut my son's head a couple of weeks ago. Yeah. A couple of months ago now. And on, you can set on the clippers
Starting point is 00:01:24 the number of millimeters. Right. And I, you can set on the clippers the number of millimeters. Right. And I was, I watched a some tutorial on YouTube to go like, do this is how you cut a kids head cutting and it was like, put it on two. And I went to two millimeters. And I was just before I did it. I was looking to go, do you that look short? And that doesn't look how short the kids hair is in the video. Gary ever's done it. Gary ever's done it. Yes, it's like a monk. Like, it's like a shale in monk. So, at number two is what they meant.
Starting point is 00:01:52 And not a two milwet. So that's how I know I'm, I think I'm around about, I don't know, is hand 15 mil out here. I think both looking great guys. I'll also to Kirk, who let us know what he's up to today. Get out fellas, Kirkimes here all the way from Brogan Hill right now back. Currently, waiting up this morning to go through set of a TV series, which I can't name the name of, for legal reasons. I've walked outside with a coffee to my backyard to find two kangaroos of jump my fence and a chilling in my backyard,
Starting point is 00:02:28 named one Biniam and the other Jimbo and they are my new best friends. Stay safe boys. Pressure, it rhymes. He's doing a bit of it off the grid. He's a great baby. He's a great baby. He should've made Max's in Broken Hill.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Sure. Oh, my head went to like farmer once a wife because he might be on property. Yeah. Oh. My head went to dust rats. The much awaited firepuff water rats. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:54 They're shooting deep in length. People of Bail Bay don't owe the 90s cop drama. Cop drama, water rats. Yeah. On the Sydney Harbour and Estories. At least. At any time of water. Any water body that fed into the harbour it was. I think they even occasionally went up the ox pre. We're fair to get out of the
Starting point is 00:03:13 hands go all the way up. To kick off today guys. I don't want to keep talking about the water I've got a game. Surprise, surprise, Demerit ordered. How many Demerit points have you lost? No, I'm very late in English. Jack, have you got your... I think I've got my license on it. I've got my license here. I think there's a number you call. All you have to do is a license number in there. And...
Starting point is 00:03:44 Scusey? Toronto? I have to praise the license number in there. And, excuse me, and come on to him. I have to go. I knew that you wouldn't have your wallet or license. I knew, nor would you be forthcoming. So I got it from our producer who used it back in the day to fill out a form. I actually think I'm pretty slick on the old D-marrows. OK. What's the work you're going to do here? You're going to call a form. I actually think I'm pretty slick on the old D-marrows. Okay. Um, also what we're going to do here, you're going to call a number, which we'll find out
Starting point is 00:04:08 how many D-murup points you have. Uh, it's, yeah, it's different. It's different, isn't it? Different parts of the country. Because my wife was on a New South Wales driver's license for all. We're Victorians. So we want zero. We don't want 12. Yes. I mean, New South Wales, I think it's the other way around. Another part of the point, another part of the country that you start with 12. Yeah. May take them away. They take away your merit points, actually. All right. So we merit point. Okay. Yeah. But we did, given to merit points, yeah, we accumulate shame points. Yes. And you lose pride points in other states.
Starting point is 00:04:41 So yeah, we want zero. Yep. We want zero. Um, where it's obviously 12 is when you lose your license, um, or get asked the good behavior of a year or something like that. Uh, who do you think this, I wanted to have a discussion before we do this. Who do you think is the safest driver out of a soul? Who do you think will be in the love curse? I mean, you were going to the guy that he's nice and cautious, often with children on board. I thought children on board. I mean, Jackson, he's slinging around, got the dog in the back. Yeah, I've got a dangerous car compared to you guys.
Starting point is 00:05:17 I bet if I put my car into one of those, like, how safe is your car website? It would come back poorly. Okay, I'm having a... But driving wise, are you talking to me you ate a sandwich while driving once because you had that auto steering. Get him, Jack. Being boys. Ah!
Starting point is 00:05:33 Wow, we, that is very nice. Having a sandwich, that must be nice. Auto steering in the outie, that must be very nice. Okay, fair play, Jack. That doesn't sound very safe, Jack. Yeah, right. But I did have it in cruise control, right, which means I wasn't going to be speeding shot.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Where if you get distracted when you're in your youth and it is you might slip above the required rate. That's true. And you are, you do live the tradey lifestyle. You have short shorts, you have the big boots on slam and a monster energy drink. Yeah, got the big head pie. So Andy, on this road where you were making the car to all the driving, is it a road you know well?
Starting point is 00:06:13 Yes. You travel a lot. How come? Why you travel so much? My golf club is a close by. That was the road's a golf club. He's fine, Jack. All go, that was the way to the golf club. He's fine, Jack. All right.
Starting point is 00:06:27 It's been nice to have that one. Jack, it's been a year. Here's the number. Who wants to go first? We're going to call them. Hang on, have you called them? No, we're going to call. I think I'm good.
Starting point is 00:06:36 I actually think I'm in a bad way patch at the moment. All right, let's go with home first. Then there's the number. Come on, Blake. What do you know? Maybe I have copped a few. Oh, no, there was one. I think there was a number. Come on Blake. What do you know? Maybe I have copped a few. Oh no, there was one. I think there was a red light in the way back from Dad's effort.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Welcome to the Dimeric Points line. In extreme short-range on the camera. In extreme short-range on the camera. In extreme short-range on the camera. In extreme short-range on the camera. In extreme short-range on the camera. In extreme short-range on the camera. In extreme short-range on the camera.
Starting point is 00:07:01 In extreme short-range on the camera. In extreme short-range on the camera. In extreme short-range on the camera. In extreme short-range on the camera. In extreme short-range on the camera. In extreme short-range on the camera. In extreme short-range on the camera. In extreme short-range on the camera. Number now, followed by the hash key. 8-0. Oh, we're not putting that in the podcast, are we? You now need to enter your data birth as it appears on your license. Please enter your data birth now, followed by the hash key. 11, 12, 1981.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Yeah, we don't have to beat that, we just only beat it in my license now. We just... You can't leave it there. You currently have three the merit points against your life. You lost a fence occurred on December 26th, 2017. All drivers are standing up on that jack that is incredible.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Still there from 2017. I thought they dropped off after a year. They dropped off after three years. But you're nearly on your way to a clean sheet. Well, that's 26th of December. Would have been dad's boxing day at Dad's. You've had one infringement in three years. Well, I'm very, very short yellow. I'm very, very worried about this game for my free. All right, Jack, I'm going to check in.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Here we go. You currently have one Demetriarch against your life Your last visit occurred on June 28, 2019 All drivers are subject to the welfare I remember as well. It was a hill. It was a hill. What you totally got to go over. Yeah. Do you have a rolling one point to merit at all times on your license because of the incident? No. You know what I mean, that, I'm not comment, but I know and this scenario, it was a hill that they shouldn't really put a camera at the bottom of the hill because you naturally pick up speed sure
Starting point is 00:08:46 But are you sure that's nothing to do with them out to get you because of the incident? I don't know what incident and you have to repeat your piece Just for thoroughness you just decided to get up You came after me for the sandwich incident, but guess what? Let it be known that I'll let you go on this incident. I don't know exactly what you're talking about. Jack, I'll pass you my license and this is... That's what we're good drivers, aren't we?
Starting point is 00:09:13 And you said... Let's just say, Jack, you and I just, we've only had one incident. Yeah. You know, mine, of course, you know, just on the end of a long orange. Could have contested it. Short orange. Sorry, short orange. Could have contested it. Short orange. Sorry, short orange.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Could have contested it. Obviously, over the Christmas period, you've got other things to do. Yes. That's why I let that one go. I'm contested. Surprised it was only three, because it only doubled the mirror points on Boxing Day.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Maybe it was one. No, it was triple the mirror points. A-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- And Jack, my question to you is, would Andy have played this game if he didn't know the cards he already got? I reckon he's got six, and he was hoping we'd be nine to ten. You currently have five different points. You've got a good hand. Your turn? The good hand.
Starting point is 00:10:01 The good hand. The good hand. The good hand. The good hand. The good hand. I'm going to be a champion. I'm going to be a champion. I'm going to be a champion. I'm going to be a champion. I'm going to be a champion. I'm going to be a champion. I'm going to be a champion. I'm going to be a champion.
Starting point is 00:10:09 I'm going to be a champion. I'm going to be a champion. I'm going to be a champion. I'm going to be a champion. I'm going to be a champion. I'm going to be a champion. I'm going to be a champion. I'm going to be a champion.
Starting point is 00:10:17 I'm going to be a champion. I'm going to be a champion. I'm going to be a champion. I'm going to be a champion. I'm going to be a champion. I'm going to be a champion. I'm going to be a champion. I'm going to be a champion. I'm going to be a champion. I'm going to be a champion. I'm going to be a champion. I'm going to get a sandwich before two times. How many of you also?
Starting point is 00:10:25 Five. I'm certainly more than one offensive. I think I've got two of the winners for the just over the speed limit, pushing the boundaries of apologies, and then a very short, a very short orange. Live fast, very short orange. You've got double the red, like, very short orange, more of a flash. Yeah, I couldn't believe it. Like, can you miss it?
Starting point is 00:10:46 Yeah, we're back in time at the same length orange as normal. We've done that a few times, but soon one day you will find... You'll find the mysterious, dearie short. Hey, special skills. It's important for us to hear them, take them in, but then test them, quantify whether they actually have or qualify whether they actually have these skills. Well, that's trendy because really when people go to Hamishani.com, they fill out the valued and important podcast of form, which we always appreciate, greatly appreciate. What you're doing there is making a statement. It's a stat deck.
Starting point is 00:11:25 And if you say you can do something, and you can't, we like to us. And you're lying to the show, and then it becomes a legal issue. So really what we're doing here is just verifying what you say you can do under the special skills segment. That's what this is all about. That's why I'm nervous for Jamie Wiggins.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Oh, what are you, Jamie? Oh, hi, boy. Jamie, pressure after all that. No, look I'm nervous for Jamie Wiggins. Oh, what are you Jamie? Oh, my boy Jamie. I'm fresh after all that. No, look, we don't we want you to think of this less as a fraud test, which is I suppose it has shades of that. And more of a celebration of hopefully a special skill, a low level X-man skill you possess that no one else would dare to test. Exactly. When Kathy Freeman said she's going to go and win gold, it wasn't a fraud test when they made her
Starting point is 00:12:11 Run before I would have been kicking when he used to go. Here's your silver and you've been served Because you said you were the best It was more a celebration of someone who does something terrific And that's what we're hoping today Jamie to tough one though That's my kick to the bin If we like it we can keep it as the gong of moving on. It was sort of because it was at the time we were transitioning from leaving behind
Starting point is 00:12:32 the fraud test idea and moving into the celebration idea. Well, the gong has spoken, so we must move on. Jamie, you said I can tell if a man I am speaking to on the phone has a beard or not. When did you discover you could do this? During lockdown actually, I was working at home a lot and I was speaking to a lot of people on the phone and since coming out of lockdown,
Starting point is 00:12:55 I feel my strike rate is about 80%. Wow. Now, I'll just voice a concern, I think our listeners may have, I don't really have this concern, but it feels like it's a bit of an elephant in the room. A lot of men did grow beads in lockdown, especially in hell and I myself amongst them as we saw general hygiene and self-care slip.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Well, it's a little too. Absolutely. Yeah, seen before depths. Is it possible that a lot of the guys you thought you said, I bet this guy's going to be weird because we're all sort of sporting a bit of a castaway beard at the end of the various lockdowns. Could that be a factor or are you also able to guess when the man is clean shaven as Andy remained? Ah yes, I'm able to guess clean shaven all beard. But what you've
Starting point is 00:13:43 just mentioned there about a lot of men growing be it during COVID has rattled me. I have to admit. That's all right. You're going to get rattled on game day. It's nothing ever goes to plan. It's how well can you adapt? Can you do it the pressure?
Starting point is 00:13:56 Can I ask you as well Chris, have you ever used this power to a stranger? Let's say if you had to ring up and make, you know, order some food from a restaurant, would you have you ever then gone and by the way, nice beard, haven't got it right or anything, you know, anything like that, is it more people you know? I haven't done that but I've got off the phone to people like that before and thought, I bet that guy has a beard. We've got six people, all men standing by on the other side of this. Jamie, you're going to be able to put forth the guess. Well, it's not a guess for you.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Yeah, it's the knowledge. How much do you need them to say? Do you need a full sentence? Or what would you like them to say for you to gauge? So I'd suggest you. Are you great at that? Jamie, would it be fine if say, I was the caller and I said, hi, I'm Andy and I may or may not have a beard.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Is that a is that long enough? That's perfect. That's all I need. All right, fantastic. Jamie on the other side of this, good luck. I wonder if there's a beard on Duncan. I wonder if there's a beard on Dave. Jamie's the guy to tell us he can pick it down the phone when a call is made
Starting point is 00:15:06 Jamie are you ready? I'm ready the first person on the line is Rod take it away Rod Hi, I'm Rod and I may or may not had a beard Oh all right Sorry, I think just before you we should, he's got six. How many do you have to get, hand? We didn't do right. I'm, I think we need because it is a 50 feet. Yeah, I think we, I think we do need five from six. Five from six?
Starting point is 00:15:35 Yes. Or should we give him four from five? Because that's the 80-bus, then he said. Okay, four from five. Yeah. Um, Rod, would you mind repeating the line? Hi, I'm Rod, and I may or may not have a beard. Well done, Rod. I think there'd be some people that are suspecting Rod's a sound grab.
Starting point is 00:15:51 He's not. They're right. LAUGHTER All right, well for Rod, I'm in a lock-in beard. Rod? You are correct. Oh! He's on taping Rod! He's on it!
Starting point is 00:16:07 This has no bearing now that that score is locked in, but what do you think? Small Bid, short Bid, thick Bid, long Bid? Well, I think a medium level Bid, my great area for for Bid is double. So I'm going to say mid level beard. Rod? It's not quite wizard status. But it's definitely not stable at the end of mid level. We'll go with that. We'll go with that. You're eye-in, Jamie. Thank you, Rod.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Josh, I'll hoyd you and take it away. Hi, my name's Josh and I may or may not have a beard. Oh, god, you hit some swear. Some scratching there on the phone. You wonder was that beard scratching or just general scratching of the phone line? Would I be able to get that one one more time, boy? Of course.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Yeah. So my name's Josh and I may not have a beard. I'm going to lock in no beard. Josh, you ready for the answer? Hmm. Beard. Oh no. I'm so scared. Josh, you ready for the answer? Beard. Oh, no. Lo played in two on the kill.
Starting point is 00:17:12 That's the shame. That is a shame. It was shame. One miss. It's a one available miss. What was your thinking for no beard there, Jamie? It was a tonal thing. Two cheaper for a beard.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Two cheaper for a beard. That was a jaw moving with a speedal thing. Two chips or a beer? A beer. A beer, a beer, a beer. That was a, that was a jaw moving with a speed unencumbered by extra hair. Ha, ha, ha. Okay, Jamie, we move on to Mark. My name is Mark and I may or may not have a beer. I'm gonna go no beer again. Huh? No beer. No! I'm going to go no beard again.
Starting point is 00:17:47 No beard. That's fine. That's fine. That's fine. Did you say this morning, Mark? Yes, it did. Yesterday. OK, that's still that still definitely.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Did you pick that up, Jamie? Did you pick it up? It was a freshly-shaven beard. Yeah, light light you were saying earlier. Things have been no interruption. It's delivery there. Yeah, not intended by a beard. Alright Jamie, here we go.
Starting point is 00:18:06 You are two from three, moving to the fourth man. Darcy. What is the state of his face? Take it away Darcy. Hi, my name's Darcy. I may or may not have a beard. Hmm. Oh.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Can I get that one more time please, Darklinks? Hi, my name's Darky and I may or may not have a beard. I'm going to go no beard again. Do I see? Correct. He's got a beard on fire! He's got a beard on fire! He's got a beard on fire! Right.
Starting point is 00:18:44 What was the giveaway there for you, Jane? Again, the delivery. He's got a strong champion, Jimmy! Right. What was the giveaway there for you, Jane? Again, the delivery. It was a very clean delivery. Absolutely. Chris, is he exactly, I'm not. Yeah, not anywhere on that delivery. That's what makes him a superstar.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Okay, this is for a coin, Jamie. This is huge, Jamie. This is for four out of five. We have got Brett standing by. Oh, why do you Brett take it away? Oh boy, my name is Brett, and I may or may not have a beard. Bared, yeah. Oh my God!
Starting point is 00:19:12 Oh my God! I'm going to waste the confirmation in your straightaway! Straightaway! It was just as soon as Brett opened his mouth, you could tell, couldn't you, Jamie? Yeah. I mean, you've got the coin. You've got a coin. Do we have, we had six standing by just for on that. Have we got someone else?
Starting point is 00:19:32 Yeah, Chris is standing by Chris. One for the fans, you know, Jamie. Chris, please let us know mate, give us the line. Hi, my name's Chris and I may or may not have a beard. I'm going to play beard. Chris? For the last seven years I've had a beard. Oh! Jamie's dead. Five from six.
Starting point is 00:19:57 It's extraordinary. And I like this hang on after the siren to kick a few more goals for the fans. I know he's got a job that kick a few more goals. I did. I should have jumped it in a lot of sports. Jamie, congratulations. We thought you were up against it. You thought you were up against it. You were rattled.
Starting point is 00:20:11 You put that aside. You compartmentalised it and you've gone on to be one of the best people we've ever had. That's what champions do. Congratulations mate. We'll get the coin out to you. And obviously, it'll have a unique coin number that is what you just worked about. That's as soon as we said that.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Jamie, do you have a beard coin number that is what you just worked about. That as soon as you said that. Jamie, do you have a beard? I've got stubble. I can't grow a beard. I can't hear like that. Maybe that's what's wild him to learn about it. He wants a beard so bad. I mean, looking up to a pro football player. That's a part of a football player.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Jamie, not all commentators play it. Some are just fans of the game. Not on coaches play. Not all players play it. I'm a parkour poor player. That's mate. Jamie, not all commentators played. No. Some are just fans of the game. Not on coaches' play. Yep. Not all players, but I know all players have played. LAUGHTER LAUGHTER MUSIC
Starting point is 00:20:53 Hey, we touched on the Laudie Cards at the top of the show. Of course, great news that they made it to the US, Canada. They're around the world at the moment. And they're lary and few teething issues. This is, which is great. Learning in the hands of appreciative users. Yep. An expert users.
Starting point is 00:21:11 I mean, we're just seeing great examples of the five for them, five for you, deal globally. It's beautiful. It works in every language, every kind of everyone, sense a good deal. It's a universal language. That's what was very, very disappointing him to receive an evil from Jacob O'Connell. What's he done? It's fair to say he's a snitch in this regard, but a snitch for the good. He... But no guys, the police said I was a snitch for the good.
Starting point is 00:21:41 You're not listening to me. No, snitches do get stitches, but sometimes they highlight glitches. Yeah, stitches, this, this snitch is getting a glitch. He's a glitch snitch. Yeah. He talks of a close friend of his, who is in possession of a loyalty card. Yep. Which was exciting for him, although the envelope remains unopened at his house on another pile of mail.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Right. Now, who's the, who's the unopener? Richard is his name. Oh, Ricardo. Does, does, do we know that Richard knows he's received it? I mean, it does come in a hammock handy envelope. Yep, very aware. He's aware. He just hasn't got round to opening it. He hasn't got round to opening it, which to me, I just got hate deals. No, do you hate this? Gants must be nice.
Starting point is 00:22:29 It must be very nice to not meet with the five percent saying they are. Exactly. So I think we need to ring him and try and get a little probe into what's going on, why hasn't opened it? Yeah. And why isn't he not enjoying the deals? Maybe I'll ring him from the printing company saying that they're following up on all the people and seeing if there's any returns.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Yeah. Well, I think just maybe the car wouldn't have been activated. Is that true? Yeah. You don't have to have to have to have a baby. He wouldn't know that because he hasn't opened it. No, exactly. So he definitely wouldn't have been activated. So maybe we just give him a call and... Yeah, that's right, William. See if we can rattle him. Hello. Hi, it's Tariya speaking. I was after a Richard, uh, man, ENJA. Yes, that's me. Sorry, if I pronounce that correctly. It's me. ENJA, yes. Sorry, manager. So you're breaking up a bit. Um, can you hear my, my, my, my, is not yes. Sorry, manage it. So you're breaking up a bit. Can you hear my, it's not great. Yeah, you find.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Okay, sorry to bother you. I'm working on behalf of PCP, the plastic card printers, and we're doing some work with a number of people, including the Hamish Nairi show. Yeah. And we're just looking at the return to Senate. We've had problems with this loyalty card. And we wondered whether you had received yours. We're just going through to make sure people would receive them because of receive. I received it. You've received it. Yeah. Right. And have you used the card yet? No, I've not used the card
Starting point is 00:24:01 yet. It's actually sitting in my car. Right. There was just, we had sensors put on some of the envelopes. And yours didn't go off. So we just were under the impression that perhaps you hadn't opened the letter yet. Hence why we called it just to check whether you have received it. Yeah, actually, I'd received the card.
Starting point is 00:24:21 One of my friends actually told me to sign up to get the card. I wasn't up to date with the podcast. And then not long after my friend told me that I can't actually use it anywhere, because there's not many places to hang in. I'm like, okay, well, I'll keep it going anywhere. That's absolutely incorrect. Sorry, let me just hand you off to a co-worker of mine. This is Minks. Do you say you have a draw using the card? No, I wasn't having trouble. I had a friend who was telling me that you can't be used everywhere.
Starting point is 00:24:55 That's bullshit. Because this is BS. It's accepted everywhere. It says that on the card. If you'd open the package, you would have read's it's accepted everywhere says on the card if you'd open the package Yeah, you would have read that it's accepted everywhere Right, I trust my friend. So well, who do you trust more your friend or how much you know? You have to say one I don't know I don't know
Starting point is 00:25:18 Having second thoughts now I don't I don't actually know you do have to say who do you trust? Hey, Michi andy more or your, this friend that's led you astray. A little bit pressured at the moment, but I think I'll have to do trust, I'm a shenanigan more. That's good. How are you going to do this? I apologize, my friend in advance.
Starting point is 00:25:33 What's his name? Jacob. Yes, as a friend you don't trust. Yeah, yeah. Well, I understand. I'm just making a note on your file here. Yeah, a friend you don't trust. Jacob, because I just understand.
Starting point is 00:25:46 I think he's actually an email through telling you guys what's happened. Cusing him, Jacob of being a snitch. And I'm trustworthy, snitch. I'm going to keep you, I know, for a fact, just happened. Would you say that it's a snitch that deserves a stitch as in you don't like it? Do you think it's a snitch to correct a glitch? Oh, I don't want to say again, I don't want to say, I'm just saying, I know that he's snitched on me. He is a snitch.
Starting point is 00:26:12 I don't know, tell me if that's a trustworthy trade or not. Is he a snitch that's perhaps a tab too rich and he doesn't think- No, I think- He's not the case. Okay. So, Jacob, sorry, so, Jacob, I ended up come across information that Hamish knew he did receive an email suggesting that you haven't opened the card. That's correct. Look, I hope that hasn't caused any issues.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Open the card, mate. Sorry, I'm going to... I'm going to... We've been chucking to Amy Chan, and we're just coming to the call centre. We've snatched the phones away from Trello. Yeah. Amy's... And we want to talk to you personally, mate.
Starting point is 00:26:56 This has been elevated up to chain. And we are looking right here at the radar. We can see the card... I can go... I can go to my car right now. I open up the card. I've got my card just up. Go ahead and just open it to open it. I've open it to you. To use can go to my car right now. I open up the card. I've got my car list up I just open it to open it to use it to cherish it. Yes, yeah, sure
Starting point is 00:27:09 To see the ad for the chapel street shopping precinct on the went up again sponsor of the sponsor of the letter that you guys are cold. I think it shows, you know Maybe it's I think maybe he's got on better. I'm sure if I try somewhere other places Trust us trust us and we know you do trust us more than Jacob. You're gonna better. I'm sure if I try somewhere or other places, he's actually working. Trust us. We know you do trust us more than Jacob. You're a good Jacob. I appreciate that. Hey, you guys were just snitch on me, sir.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Jacob, you've got, sorry, Richard, a friend of untrustworthy Jacob. You've got one week to go and use the card. We'll call back next week. We will be monitoring whether it was successful or not. Sure. All right. No worries. We'll do. What else haven't you opened? That's that. Just that. That's the work. That's the presentation. Well, I hope that this attention to detail improves you that our customer service is right on top of this stuff. Yeah. And we know appreciate it. I appreciate it. And if Hamish and Andy
Starting point is 00:28:00 are also called, you know, it's like a show I'm floored and it is to them. So absolutely. It was like the other day when I couldn show our importance to them, so. Absolutely. It was like the other day when I couldn't log on to Facebook and Zach called me. Right, I just, I can't, you know, I shouldn't be saying this, but I can see you're trying, you're trying to get an user account for a while. You, I can't say too much, but are you perhaps missing a hash from the past world? And I went, Zach, you son of a bitch, I am. It wasn't a hash at the end. Thank you buddy.
Starting point is 00:28:26 You're appreciate. Good luck. See you later. See you later. See you later. See you later. See you later. See you later.
Starting point is 00:28:33 See you later. See you later. See you later. See you later. See you later. See you later. See you later. See you later.
Starting point is 00:28:41 See you later. See you later. See you later. See you later. See you later. See you later. See you later. See you later. I suppose humbled and not humiliated, but certainly eating humble pie, which just poses on the way to being the cousin of humiliation. Not enjoying any of your things from impulse clubs. Absolutely, I think that's completely on the road track. But I can't because there's a thing- Would you say you had ease in hand?
Starting point is 00:28:59 Yes, there's a thing that you and I have laughed at before, and I've enjoyed the laughing. I'm not taking that back. But now I find myself in a position where I am not laughing at it because someone I care about very deeply. My son loves this thing, and I have scoffed at it. But that can happen. Oh, it can happen. The thing I'm talking about is Pokemon.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Oh, no, it's Pokemon. Yeah, I overheard you saying, go catch Pokemon as we were finishing a Zoom meeting and I was like, hmm, I assume I go the digital version. I assumed that was a huge joke. And I was like, my wife, which was laughing and laughing, going, just kidding, we're going to do something that grown up still. Yeah. But no, I realized, you know, it was heading in the streets.
Starting point is 00:29:48 My own fault really, on the weekend we went to movie, Detective Pikachu, with my man Ryan Reynolds, good friend of the show, was in it. I thought we had fun every time we catch up with Ryan. Love catching up with Ryan. Absolutely, I haven't caught up with him in a while, but I do love catching up with him. All not like.
Starting point is 00:30:06 And he's in, so the better sport, right? Yeah. Have a little watch of Detective Pikachu. Yep. And that was in, but somebody was good film. Gimming, yeah, look, not bad if, for the Pokemon universe, Ryan certainly does a great job. But somebody beginning to be a little bit interested
Starting point is 00:30:22 in the world of Pokemon, I heard rumblings from other friends and stuff that they were kind of into it. And I just thought, look, he's selling to dinosaurs. Nothing's gonna dislodge that. What I've now realized is that Pokemon basically is dinosaurs, but they're kind of made up. Now there is.
Starting point is 00:30:37 And fear, Jager. There's some Pokemon that resemble dinosaurs, but. What I mean is like the fun of Pokemon world seems to be knowing all their names, knowing all their powers. And that's kind of the fun for kids and dinosaurs. What I mean is like the fun of Pokemon World seems to be knowing all their names, knowing all their powers. And that's kind of the fun for kids and dinosaurs. Like learning how to spell their names. Here's the thing, Jack. I, when I could just see this was happening,
Starting point is 00:30:54 and I thought, look, you know, it's my job as a parent to I can't mold him. He makes his own decisions. You lean into the passions of your children. I'll go on eBay. I will buy a deck of, because I know there's cards involved, I'll buy second hand, doesn't really matter.
Starting point is 00:31:09 A hundred Pokemon cards just to get us. What are the cards to? That's what I've come to talk to Jack about, because I don't know how to quote unquote play Pokemon and neither the sunny, but I'm the adult, and I've bought the cards into the house. I thought it's my responsibility to explain it to him, and that's why I've got this segment.
Starting point is 00:31:28 I've restarted this. Well, I've got a son who's into Pokemon. You used to do that kind of thing for fun. Help aim. I help aim. Help aim is a name of the games, not a game, not really a game, it's a segment. It's just a segment.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Help aim. Help aim. Help aim. Yes, your game, it's a segment. It's just a segment, help him. Help him. Help him. Yes, help him. He need a second take. Help him do. Help him understand how to play Pokemon. Mark's outside too.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Probably you're ching to get in here, like some sort of... He's ching. Some sort of charm, man, but what is to do? I look outside. I look outside, sitting up a straight, he's hand is so high up in the air. My face is coming off in like a little picture.
Starting point is 00:32:07 It's not a school class, no matter how straight you sit up, you can't. If you're shackled, you're the Pokemon, you've got enough expertise. I might have to bring Mike off the bench because this is what I know about. The Pokemon is small, exactly. Yes, yes. This is what I have 50 Poke points for me or whatever. I did collect Pokemon cards. How do you play it?
Starting point is 00:32:26 But what's the game? I only collected them for the value of collecting them and trading them and I never played with the points and the hit points and stuff. So I don't know how to do that. Is that what I speak? Because every card has an HP on it. They will be hit points.
Starting point is 00:32:38 I thought they were health points. Could be. Well, I was telling Sunny that we're health points, but they're hit points. You may be actually a demon. A demon mark. Life can be a demarcative like life coming in. Especially for the wall market. I was going to add another line to the jingle ham.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Yeah, it'd be help aim. Help him in the shortest amount of time as possible. Like Mike, so let's not spend too much time. Just asking for an opportunity to go two experts here on the bench. And look, there might be other parents listening to this podcast. His kids are getting into popular ones.'s like well, what what is the game? So most 90s kids including myself would play would get Pokemon cards, but it's more about like collecting them There is a game which I do know how to play right, but I don't know if I'd be able to explain it to you in enough detail
Starting point is 00:33:20 Okay, that's fine If you had a six-year- old son who's got the cards, what's the thing you would do to extract fun from the situation? I think we just used to like looking at them. Yeah. Oh, because that's all we're doing. Especially like the shiny ones. Yes, we're doing a bit of that. And so we look at them, basically what happens now is he'll pick one that he wants to be. Usually something, is there a one called a cipher? Cipher, yeah. Cipher. Sorry, apologies. So, any cipher's listening to my slight mispronunciation. That's got swords on
Starting point is 00:33:52 its wings. Is that a... Well, you're ciphers on his wings, that's why he's called cipher. Right. You're burnt. I wouldn't want to go in a wheat harvest in contest again. Absolutely. Mike is, is, is Cypher, he's name or he's breed. Like a, like a, he's, it's his breed. Yeah, he's species. So there's heaps of cypher.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Yeah, there could be a cypher called Dan. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay. So there's that. What the moment what happens is, because suddenly he's, remember, he's transitioning from playing dinosaurs, which we play a lot. And we have to battle as dinosaurs. I'm usually a herbivore with bad eyesight.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Who's an idiot? He's usually playing the more precious. That's a separate situation. It seems to be the way the game goes. So now I'm getting assigned all the week, Pokemon's, and he's a cipher, and is it normal for the Pokemon's in real life when they battle to once they've got one down to like eat its stomach and like eat bits of it, but like, like, you know, to like rip its innards out. Wow. No.
Starting point is 00:34:58 So he's bleeding the two of you. I think he's coming with the methodology of the dinosaur play, and then it's like, so now he's like, now I'll eat you. And he's like, snappy, he's head back. Like, dinosaurs do like digest chunks. The Pokemon. Is that too far for Pokemon? Have you ever seen their guts?
Starting point is 00:35:15 No, usually you battle the Pokemon and then one of them fates. And then you return it to the Pokemon and heal it. Nice. So the Pokemon, the Pokemon, Pokemon dying. You should see our house. Because it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, bear-knuckle boxing, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:30 a house for Pokeballs, like an underground Pokemon fight. It's like when you put it a secret code in the start of a game and you get one. It's like Pokemon's getting their heads ripped off. I'm losing arms and bleeding out. Like a jiggly puff. Last night. Is there a jiggly puff? Yeah. Is there a jiggly puff?
Starting point is 00:35:45 Yeah, yeah, whose magic power is song? Yeah, jiggly puffs power is that it sings. Yeah, put a sleep. I mean, this is like, Sunny's got like lightning power or something. And I look at my card and one was a room of therapy. One of the Pokemon Superpowers is running. So I'm wafting lavender at him and he's like disembowling me and feasting on my inner Okay, well, that's good to know. So I show in a way that I'm going to school. Yeah
Starting point is 00:36:15 The kids are gonna be a little bit feel free to be like Pokemon Hannibal Lecter. Yeah Yes That being said, Scyther is is quite a predator like Scyther is a known predator style Pokemon Yes, well, he's wings a sharp blade. Yeah. And how many Pokemon are there? Because I'm looking through this pack and there's like, oh, I know his Pikachu. They're originals and then like a expanded world
Starting point is 00:36:35 because there's like, it's like a McDonald's. You know, you got your regular burgers. Yes. Because I think they have the anger. I think he's got the real. No, Matt Wilson. Yeah. Well, I put it more, not that's a terrible analogy about McDonald's.
Starting point is 00:36:48 It's more like how it's like, it's more like Helen Dinosaur's. There's like the Jurassic, Triassic, Cretaceous or whatever periods. There's like different. No, they're real. There's five different types of using an analogy. And Donald's is real too. So I don't know what the things you've talked about. Thank you Mike.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Appreciate it Mike. Thanks for your help. You've helped him. You've helped him. Guys, before we go, can I just say, to be the head to everybody in here, I think, you know, we've done well over 100 apps now with the podcast. Yep.
Starting point is 00:37:24 We have got, I mean, just a great global audience of, that's really our favorite thing. The people listen to this podcast, the community. Big thanks. Huge thanks to the listeners. And I think, I think if we ask them, and I have them, and I think if we ask them, we've kind of taken, hopefully, the boxes we're hoping to tick as a podcast.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Yeah, we're trying to... Variety. Got a bit of variety in there, we're trying to keep as a podcast. We're trying to... Variety. Got a bit of variety in there. We're trying to keep it tight. Bit of a giggle or two. Gustel is certainly high. We've had issues, obviously. We've got to say we're completely in a certain upfront.
Starting point is 00:37:54 We've had issues with Gustel. But we've always tried to address those issues. We read Gustel the show when it needs to be. We deliver on promises a bit more than we used to. We do have a book out now. We do have a book out. We're still got a bunch of Peter Outs, but we're not, you know, we're trying to curb those. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:08 One thing we haven't done on the production side of things, like we do, you know, we have a studio, we take that seriously. We want the podcast to be good to listen to. We don't have a bell. I don't know if it's a bell or a whistle, that some other podcasts have. We've got bells. So maybe we're lacking a whistle. We actually do have bells or a toolbell's a Bella or a whistle, that some other podcasts have. If you've got bells, so maybe we're lacking a whistle. We actually do have bells in the tool.
Starting point is 00:38:27 We're lacking a whistle. And you know what other podcasts have? Is, and it's, I guess it's a keep you like consuming, keep you churning through them, is the thing at the end of the show, you go next time. Oh yeah, yeah. Lot of true crime, don't do that, you know. The crime, yeah, that's what you get.
Starting point is 00:38:42 And you get a little, next time on the night driver. Yep. We we catch up with this stalker who doesn't know who did it either. Yeah, we know one a.m. or two a.m. What happened? Yeah, that kind of stuff. So it'll sound like and you get a bit excited. We don't know because we we don't have that. That's where we go week to week. Yeah. But I have attempted that to do some voices here. I have attempted to create a next-sale on hay machine Andy, so when people hear this, as long as they're not currently up to date, it entices them to go straight through the next step. Next time on hay machine Andy, Andy's bloody done it again on the golf course.
Starting point is 00:39:21 And then I realized we turned up to another club for a tournament that's on it, the other club I'm a member at. So I gotta forget my pitching wedge if I didn't know exactly where it was. The boys have a bit of a laugh to rattle a rival. By the way, that wasn't champagne, we sent you that was poison. What? The Hayme gets sent a ransom note from hackers, promising to return the big finish that the boys won't let him pay. You can't give in to them home?
Starting point is 00:39:49 Yes, seriously, just the whole time mate, we believe you that you didn't. And Jack drops a bombshell. Hey guys, I am willing to pay for retail for something! Huh, well not for retail. Oh, that and more. On your fav P cast, I and more on your save P cast. I'm wishing Andy. I'm listening.
Starting point is 00:40:09 Did I? Was I, and Jack, the same voice for a bit? I do need to a grandma, I do. Yeah, I mean, I do. I do it together. You know, and I'm having to guess to the best of my abilities, the way it will go, but um, sounds like a good app. Yeah, great app. You need everybody.
Starting point is 00:40:25 My God. Hi guys, just jumping back in at the end of the podcast again, to remind you of our remembering project. This is a little side project, Andy and I have come up with, because it occurred to us, we have got all the shows and all the run sheets, which describe the show for the last 15 years we've been on radio.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Yes. So basically, we're picking a singular talk break from back in the day and trying to remember what happened either on air or off air if you missed it, is it a little bit? Hey, this is in 2010. We were talking about Michael Clark getting ready to break up with Lara Bingle. Apparently there was an article that was Michael Clark is poised to break up with Lara Bingle, which obviously went on to be true. Because we had Michael and Lara on the show to promote their energy drink.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Now that would be, that's a day I'm looking forward to getting. I don't know what day it was, but if that turns up Mike, if that turns up in the random selection, I, that, I need that. I need that. We will be playing that break. The only celebrity couple on to promote something that Trump's that are reckon is when Aiman Sullivan
Starting point is 00:41:35 and Stephanie Rice were on. Oh, yeah, for, for the deaf. For the deaf and poor, deaf and poor deaf. For the deaf and poor deaf. They're undies and they'd already broken up, but contractually, they still had to go around the whole country promoting their rip-up. That will, if we, that comesually, they still had to go around the whole country for promoting their rip-up. That will be that comes up with got to get it.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Well, I mean, the great thing about Michael and, you know, they're both moved on, they've haven't had happy lives since then. The great thing about Michael and Laura is their energy drink was called synergy. And they were on the rock. They were completely on the outs. More episodes out on Monday, every Monday and Tuesday. It's a lot of fun. Of course, regular podcast continues as normal.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Lysna

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