Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2020 Ep 120

Episode Date: December 2, 2020

1. Impulse Club 2. Loose ends 3. Incredible Drops 4. Pizza Lotto 5. Loyalty cards 6. H&A’s true crime podcast ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A LISTENUP PRODUCTION Activate your internet Cause the Haymission and the Podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering 1 A Hoi to you, Ham, for the last time of 2020. Ahoi sir. Ahoi to you, Jacko. Ahoi.
Starting point is 00:00:29 And this is definitely the last show, guys. There was some talk at the end of last show. How that was a last show. I was a quick, slight miscalculation, but this is the last show, and I'm glad it is. I'm glad we were able to squeeze in one more before the government clamps down on us and shuts us down over the summer break
Starting point is 00:00:48 under the much protested, but unfortunately airtight legal rule of the summer podcast break. That's all we have. Shame, they don't want, I understand what the government does it, I get it. They don't want burnout, they want to protect their podcasters,
Starting point is 00:01:03 they want to keep them fresh over the summer, it is a lot harder to podcast than summer, you've got the heat, you've got the melting the wires and stuff that you use, but we acknowledge all that. In our protest to the government to say, please let us pod, and then, but, you know, they've got a lot of them they're playing this year, especially, and they were kind of,
Starting point is 00:01:20 but they're bastards, weren't they? They're really what they talked to us. There's a little bit. And there's absolutely, they've made it clear, there's no wiggle room, so it will be a three month break. We'll cop it on the chin, we'll take our medicine, but we'll be back. Better than ever next year.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Barely rested though. Barely rested. That much time, really, three months, you know, chuck it, load on, washing, washing. Yeah, and then off you go. Hey, we've got loose ends to tie up today, obviously we do that at the end of every year.
Starting point is 00:01:45 I've got a surprise for you guys to finish the show with that I've been working on for a bit of a month, I'm going to say, which I'll be very excited about. But before all that, a hoi to Aaron. Yeah, hoi boys, Aaron here from up in El Jura. Beautiful. Hey, yeah, I was having a beer with a mate the other day. He's a real IT computer nut.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Has anyone been working on that issue that Jack Spinn have in which the password for the Bitcoin or something or other? And he actually worked out what those missing words are. And I've been trying to upload this here all day, but I'm just having troubles with the website. I personally would use WhatsApp but yeah. This keeps failing. So this is the last effort. If this doesn't work then
Starting point is 00:02:31 look I don't know what the show is. But the password jack, it's, well I'm not just saying that these are the words you need. So basically it is going... So mostly it is... Go! Oh! We like it. We like the Jack is smiling curiously. No, I knew he didn't have it. No one's got it. That's the problem.
Starting point is 00:02:59 You can't even hack it. We've got change for two because it's our last show. This is a Hoi to Alfie as well. A hoi Jack and the other two, my name is Alfie. I am eight years old, but I'll probably be 21 by the time this upload. I have an upset Andy. Some pushback. When I get a rocket in my shoe, I don't take it out. I just walk on the side of my foot.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Tough. Hope you enjoyed that Andy. Tough. You don't, I don't hate that. I would hate that. One of the first things to take a little stout out. Oscar, we are moving. Yeah, running all lunch farm on 10th, but doesn't care. Hey, what have we got to kick off the four?
Starting point is 00:03:36 Well, I've got to, what have we said? Here's a loose hand. I mean, it's more of a final installment. Okay. Could we do the final installment of impulse club? Yeah. Because the purchases are continuing to land. And I gotta tell you, like, you know, when this started going, okay, look, I've been targeted. I'm fairly, I think, by the Instagram algorithm, because they know I'm a
Starting point is 00:03:54 weak, I'm a soft touch, I'm a weak target. And they were just pumping me, do you see me for any purchase, this idea of us banding together and purchasing together has worked. The impossible. Well, get up. Get up. Get up. Mate, mate, mate. Yeah, mate.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Yeah, you go first, mate. Mike who gets the deliveries here said, hey, are you going to take these home? You went to Sendum's straight off. You're obviously on straight off. But that's taken one purchase out of the chain. Because even just by getting them, I go, okay, these aren't working. But the slip is...
Starting point is 00:04:28 My came to me and it's amazing. My came to me and it's been passed on now and I'm in regular correspondence with my slip and then... The reason why I knew about this, if Mike then came to me and said, people aren't paying. My chase payments. He said to be people aren't paying. Do you want me to send these out? That would be good for it, Mike.
Starting point is 00:04:47 A lot of people probably just want to enjoy the slippers and the, you know, the massage and stuff. Yeah. I am offering unusually favourable terms. I understand that. But the slippers. Yeah. Remember we were worried about the size. Um, Brenny got the mill and I and he was just it was texting me who was damning me on Instagram. He's just loving Loving walking around. They said he's sending me photos these days. He paid has the as Brennan played for the slippers No, what's that? What's that? I think it's sending us a nose. Brody Brody. Brody. One of the Instagram is baby. So I thought it's sending us a nice thing. Brody, brody, brody. One of the Instagrammys, baby. So I thought it was Brendan. Sorry, Brody, not Brendan.
Starting point is 00:05:26 I thought when he was making the, he was actually miming. I've sent you a message to your on the computer. I thought he was miming credit card. I thought he was saying, I've got Brody's credit card. Brody, enjoy the slippers. Do pay up. That is part of the deal. Feed a problem for you and Paul.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Okay. Well, possibly getting what I asked for here. We were fast and loose bunch. We were faster than those bunch in the box. Here's the situation, and I want to thank everyone that's sending me over a hundred a day. Now I'm getting it's people have got it. They like the idea of 60 40. I want to curse everyone.
Starting point is 00:06:00 I'd like to re remind people it is a 6040 partnership, not a 100 zero partnership. Here's something I get all the time and I haven't purchased yet. A mesmerizing, two things I'm getting a lot, a magnetically hovering pot plant. So it's in a little, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a pretty mesmerizing, so it's in a little magnetic pot, and you get a then a bigger series of magnets around it and hovers in the middle. You wonder if it would tip over in real life, but you think probably it wouldn't. Also a semi-floating life, you've moved into hovering items by the sunsiness and that's
Starting point is 00:06:40 what it's called. Well, that's quite an easy way to mesmerize people is to make something hover. Yeah, that's true. And so there's one that's the earth I'm getting sent to a lot, a sort of a sphere of the earth that I think lights up and it kind of hovers. Like you could spin it round. Really? And then you're sort of like on its base, somehow it moves frictionlessly. Like I don't know if they're using magnets.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Well, before we buy any more, should we... I can't let's see what we've got today. Josh, let's start it off, actually. Let's start off and then we'll get Josh up. So these are ones with... these be our last levels of the year Josh How I made a hoi? Josh don't tell Andy anyone might not remember what it is that I was purchasing for you You and I purchasing together 6040 do pay up Josh just quickly do you intend to pay Josh? Oh?
Starting point is 00:07:39 Absolutely. I've been waiting money is saved or so. Oh, that's good. I appreciate that Don't tell Andy what it is, because I, to present it, I've got to go and get a special guest, all right. So you guys, Chad, I'm actually selling. You can talk about anything that's not what I bought you. Okay, sure. Hey, Josh, just quickly. Don't.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Don't leave too busy not to pay. No, no. Are you seriously going to pay? All right, I've intended to. I've actually got to. But just have your friends. But if I can't even a chip in for me, that's how excited everyone is about it.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Okay, but just the amount of people that have said that and not paid is 100% of people. Oh, I had on heart. Okay. I wouldn't go 50-50. I am, if you're dead. Does look a bit like my dad. I'm wearing the mask.
Starting point is 00:08:30 I can hear you, I'm adding clear. Yeah, it's bloody good, it's realistic. I look exactly like an old man, I look like Andy's dad. He does look like my dad a bit. This one's actually good. I mean, the fact that it's into the eyes of... It's your eyes of hair, it. And your mouth doesn't move like when you talk. It's not exactly like the adjoche, I'll be honest with you. Yeah. Like I can
Starting point is 00:08:52 tell it's a mask. Yeah. The other thing is the mask part actually looks very realistic and then they've put a really cheap moustache on it. The moustache looks terrible. Yeah. It looks like a genuine old man wearing a fake moustache. And a bad wig that stitched into his head. But Joshy, I'm going to play with this for a little bit. Then I'll send her over to you. What a beautiful, thanks boys. She has made sure you're back. She's a beautiful, very shy, that night.
Starting point is 00:09:20 Hi Josh. It's hard to hear you with the mask on. You have to be very far away in public to think that's a real old man. I don't know, I think it's pretty good. It's not bad, is it? It's not bad. It's of all the things that you've... I'm not bothered too expensive.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Is it what, how much of it? Mike Shooters the price on that. I just remember it being not outrageous. Yeah, yeah. They've let themselves down with the hair. Yeah. But other than that, you do look like my dad. Is it hard?
Starting point is 00:09:49 Yeah, very hard. It looked hard. Yes, so hard. On the ad, it makes you, it makes it seem like it's that mission impossible technology. Yeah. Yeah. It feels if I start with it, it's not. I knew it was you in a mask.
Starting point is 00:10:01 It's not quite. That technology. Yes. How about it? Look at what's not quite that technology. Yes. Okay. What's Scotty as well? Hey Scotty, oh, hey. Oh, hey boys, happy birthday. Andy once again.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Smoke train. No need. No need. Never spoke in my life. No, I'm good, but play on. Okay. Scotty, speaking of Andy's birthday, why don't I shout Andy some lunch just pulling out my wallet to do so Andy
Starting point is 00:10:28 Oh boy looks like I got some hot cash on me Wow I remember the fire wallet. Yeah Good was it. It's good. Hey, we should have done. Hey, we should have swan And it's a more fair than you'd be. It's more fair than you think they should put that on the box rather than professional level. Because now I know what they're getting at.
Starting point is 00:10:50 And they say professional level. Yeah, it's a. But was more impressive, Andy, the Firewaller or John Ramm's water shot at the Masters. Oh, Firewaller, surely. Sheepers. I'm going to say I'm more surprised. The John Ramm is the Spanish golfer. I don't golfer who skimmed the ball over the lake and
Starting point is 00:11:09 I was showing you the way to go to Holland one. I'm going to say the foul while it's more impressive. It's got it's more impressive than the skimmed hole in one. Yeah. That's impressive. And it's got it comes with a half hour video tutorial of which only works about two or three minutes just to get the gist. Half an hour is just, yeah, it's just like credits,
Starting point is 00:11:26 you don't really watch for it. I was about to go time for that. And the great thing is you can absolutely use this as you normal what they say on the tutorial. I mean, if you don't mind having what it smells quite forcefully of light affluent. Yes, I wear a wig, we're really coppin' that now. I mean, don't wear linen pants
Starting point is 00:11:41 or anything because it was so heavily through. Did you think of a siding a fire in a very expensive studio here, you know, perhaps we should have gone outside? But that's why I was like, well, it's not that one in here. I was trying to snap it shut or at least drop it to the floor. You dropped it on the floor. In which you would 100% assume is fire retardant. I mean, that wouldn't be my fault if we had a flammable carpet.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Scotty, be careful with this one when it comes out. It's more fire than I haven't found any need for caution. Are you even allowed to send that in the mail? I'm allowed, but you might not be. No, I think we are, Scotty. We're all good on that front. And you plan to pay up, Scot? Organ, I'll probably.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Nice call. I mean, everyone wants one of these there. Oh, from any. Oh, gee. It's a lot of fire that comes out of that, Scot. There's quite a bit of these there. Oh, probably. Oh, gee. What the fuck? There's a lot of fire that comes out of that score. There's quite a bit of panic at the end, Scott, when you try to extinguish it by snapping the wallet shut
Starting point is 00:12:33 and it, I mean, you realize it has an extinguish. Yeah. And then you realize you're gonna be a lot of flue and you're fumbling. Yeah, that's magic. That's magic. That's magic. That's magic.
Starting point is 00:12:41 That's the fun of magic. I think it doesn't matter, though. That's good. Hey, my last show of the year, obviously, loose ends need to be tied up. You can have a couple, you know, flailing still in the wind, but on the most part, you want a nice bow or even a clove hitch
Starting point is 00:12:59 or a sheep's bend type knot to really tight loose ends. I still got that. Take the boy out of the box. Get out. You never take the 65th out of the boy. I want to throw something at you guys. This is one to ponder over the break, but I think we should go new track suits for next year.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Hey, that's fair enough. So I want to throw it out to track suit companies. I don't think that Pandora's box. Yeah, let's pick him a little more sensibly. Yeah, but I think the rain just stayed in the rain. Don't just Box. Yeah. Let's pick him a little more sensibly. I think the rain just stayed in the rain. Don't just send. Yeah. Okay, it's out to tender. It's in competition now.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Because it's the thing, and you're not getting it back, and you might just face the reality where you send three tracksuits, Jack steals them and you never hear a peep, and we don't wear them. I love the velua tracksuits all year long. Jack really wears here. I don't like the green. I'd be honest. We have to tell, man, we have to wear it. And it is an awful green. You'd be liked out. So I think for your sake, let's get some new ones. Let's get some new ones. It's out of tender. Reach out to us. Hamishney.com and if we like what we see, we'll commit to those for the start
Starting point is 00:13:57 and next year. I just want to make sure that we, you know, I like the idea that we just get one. Yeah. You know, I'd love like just having one. We keep here, you get your suit on, it feels good. Yep. Can I throw in a loose end that is sort of relevant to that as well? When I see myself on the video and I'm wearing the green track suit, I hate it because of the green track suit.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Also, you guys have a special light on HU, whereas I just use the lighting in the studio. I'm on the next year if I could have my own light. We'll be interesting. Some loose end, a ring light request. the lighting in the studio. I run it next year if I could have my own light. Interesting. A wing light request. Interesting Jack O. I mean it is the hand mission.
Starting point is 00:14:34 I mean I suppose if there is a limited lighting budget for the If you find I mean it is a part of the podcast one issue. You can have, if you find my Bitcoin password, you could ever read it. Oh, you know, I won't find that. You could be like someone on the set of Avatar. If you find the Bitcoin password. I just think the video is inconsistent.
Starting point is 00:14:56 It's one lit person, one lit person, then if I'm ever in it. Shadow man. It looks, people are talking about it, but whatever. What are they saying? He's just going out of his tracksuit hiding in the shadows. You're sort of like the fan of the opera. Yeah, absolutely. We'll review that. I'm not surprised.
Starting point is 00:15:12 As soon as Jack said, I've got something related. I knew it would be about him. Somehow a request for a present. Yeah. Like, I thought it was going to be a request for some shorts that he needed over summer or maybe some nice formal slip on shoes or something, but it was more of a lighting request. Okay, he's one just I want to throw out there. Sure. I don't know how gifts are made but I'd love some Hamish and Andy gifts if you make them
Starting point is 00:15:36 from our travel shows or even in the shoot-eaf there's a must-be-nice or something. You want to do your gifts? I just think it'd be good. Are you often looking to send gifts to people of us? No, I just realized the other day that we don't have any Hamish and any gifts. Don't we? And I thought it'd be nice to have a gift. I've got some, I've got some turds out there. From, I think it was Lego masters.
Starting point is 00:15:56 I've a season one or season two, you know, you'd know, Andy, you're in, you do a TV, on TV Jack, you do a promo day. You're shooting the ad. It's not the people that make the show. Yeah, people from the network. And they're trying the ad. It's not the people that make the show. Yeah, people from the network. And they're trying their best. They've got one day to make the ad. I mean, some random room at some point, changing outfit, someone like three uni students bar, Jen and go, where the digital team? Where the gist? I go, what's going on here?
Starting point is 00:16:18 And I've got a digital SLR camera, a lighting kit. They're like, we've got a list of 20 actions we need you to do. At least I'm not doing this. They're like, you know, floss. Yeah, what is that? What's on this about? Floss, geffat. No, no, I refuse. I mean, I think I was about 50 on the list. They're like, you know, you know, you know, do the like AFL goal signal. I was like, I'm not doing these guys. I'm not doing them. They're like, but we have to get some gifts from you. Yeah. And I go, no, you don't.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Really? He's got nothing to do with Lego bucks. No one's going to watch the show because they saw Ricky and then they go, the Married at First sight ones have been used over 25 million dollars. I was like, yeah, because it's sarcastic. You know what's going on. Like, no, not aspirational.
Starting point is 00:16:58 No. Anyway, I just buckle in my thicketed five or six. So they're out there. But I mean, so I back the gifts if we can get some better ones out there to flush the flush those how I bit a gap. Yeah, yeah, flush, flush, flush, flush, flush. Yeah, that'd be good. Even just some podcast ones. I love some, yeah, we love some podcast ones. Absolutely. That's good. I had a few people write in to ask about Teo, who was the guy that I got. It was the writer that I got. I think he was Nigerian,
Starting point is 00:17:24 who did some excellent work for us. I got them to write three scripts, three conversational comedy scripts between three friends. And some expense. Some expense. I got the exchange rate a little wrong. We used him once. We used it.
Starting point is 00:17:37 It was just wanted to have the pressure off us. Yeah. So we'd never think of content. And we just use a taos script. I do still have two floating around. Oh good Well, we might need that next year So in answer to the people down the batty's ring light not arriving again with then gus does down and we just have to to Take a tent starting to flake him no one's noticed and we have a lit him so I
Starting point is 00:17:58 You know we've got him and I haven't re-hired him. He sends me a few Nudges through the app. Yeah, I use an app called Upwork, where you don't have a freelance stuff out. He asks me how things are going. Because I'm hindsight, I think I was absolutely the whale of the year. Like I paid him a huge amount. There was $200.
Starting point is 00:18:17 What was probably like 15 minutes work? So he's wondering if any more of those sweet scripts I'd come through the part. And I just keep saying to him, look, love to the stuff, loved it, still haven't used it all. Yep. Hey, that's a great one to tie up. That's more, it's not a Peter out, but it's not a tie up either.
Starting point is 00:18:35 One, two things we do have to tie up. First one is there was a fellow called Dominic. He was, did have a special skill where he could pick the beats per minute in a song. And we realized that the Pearl Jam song actually changes tempo throughout the song. And he was correct when he stated his beats per minute. And he fell one short, didn't he? And he fell one. So we rang him back in the day to try and correct this. This is what the call.
Starting point is 00:19:03 and so we rang him back in the day to try and correct this. This is with the call. BEEP. Dom, I'm having an Andy here. Too much to contain in one message. Headline, we reviewed your case. We think we were wrong. You might have earned a coin. Hit us back.
Starting point is 00:19:15 BEEP. Uh, we did leave a number. Just hit us back. He'll just sort of find a one that he'll know. If he's worth a coin, he'll find a way. Dom joins us now. He found a way. Oh, hi, do you mate?
Starting point is 00:19:27 Hi, boys. How you doing? How are you? Hi, no need. But Dom, I need to, I need to say, you persisted. Like, you have direct message. When you found that message on your phone, what was the mood like? I was like, I don't have your number.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Yeah. So who the fuck are you? Yeah, who are you? So I got on your social media. I tried, actually Andy's TikTok account a few times. All right. I haven't been there to find your own post. Haven't been back there for a while.
Starting point is 00:19:59 I don't know. I didn't talk you back. Yeah. You didn't talk me back, yeah. Sorry, mate. Yeah, I tried a few social media things didn't work. I even tried radio and mic. Yeah, usually, usually that does work. Micah, it's very, very, very little correspond. Even I haven't made the Nolgeak post and he messaged him with a little video of me that I did actually
Starting point is 00:20:31 I was meant to yeah now that you said that I was meant to pass that on to everybody Dom I did see them I thought it's a great lesson in persistence and I wanted to keep it for the end of the show End of the end of the year. I. I just, let's never let Jack work at Triple Zero anywhere. We're like, the important stuff needs to get past. No one wants to be the same. What do you need? Ambulance. No worries mate, get onto that. I was actually just heading to the kitchen.
Starting point is 00:20:53 I'm going to get my myself a protein shake. And then I'm going to, I'll get you the ambulance as soon as I sit back down. I'm just finishing doing a doodle of the piece of paper in front of me. What did that guy want? Anyway, Dom, we are going to say the coin is yours-prood, brother. What did that go? What did that go? What did that go? Anyway, Dom, we are ring to say, the coin is yours. We'll be sending it out. Well done, pal, and thanks very much. Sorry, it was a loose end for so long.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Do you remember the beats per minute, Dom? That's all good. Of that pole jam song, like 87 or 92, those were the numbers. I remember the Frank Ocean song. That's being keep me up at night. Yeah, Kazoo. I don't know about it. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it, man. You got your coin. He's heading on out. He can get fresh off the minis. Cheers buddy. Take care.
Starting point is 00:21:35 See ya. Hey, one more. There is one more. Yeah. Daniel, we got very excited about him. He... I remember Dan. He was... We talked to him live as he was riding a penny far thing around the whole of the story. I think he was coming down the east coast. And we were like, what a, what an undertaking. This was pre-COVID, so it would have been first few shows of the year. Yeah, it was like February.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Yeah, we'll pump for it to remind everybody. This is what happened. You 700 KZ, and you're 10% of the weight of a 7,000 kilometer journey. When you get past Melbourne, stop us alive. Dan, you got to stay up. We'd like to come out with ride a grueling 10 with you. It'd be nice, I'd like to sit on a high chair
Starting point is 00:22:19 and provide a drink as you go past. That's nice. I'd ride a bike, and I will see if we can make a trailer made up for you and I'll be there on my own. You can ride a one-side dam. Perfect. Oh, that landing. All right, dad, look what I see you then.
Starting point is 00:22:33 All right, mate, ride safe. Yeah, that sounds good. It did sound good, but then COVID hit. We essentially forgot about that, dad. I have thought of Dan a few times, and just gone, hearing it back there, where we're like throwing out these wild brainstorms to him about how we're gonna ride along with him,
Starting point is 00:22:50 you're an unpause chair and a trailer. And he's harding words, that was good. And I sometimes go, he's not just out there in the middle of the night, you know, like slogging up a heels in the final of the Queensland or something, still in the penny fathom going, one of the boys,
Starting point is 00:23:04 one of the boys? Daniel joins us now. Oh, what are you, Dan? Oh, boys, say, I got Daniel. You legend. How are you? Yeah, bloody good, bloody good. Just on a boat, uh, rotten, uh,
Starting point is 00:23:13 rotten, uh, on the moment. Hang out. Oh, so you got to make it all the way to Western Australia on the far thing. Yeah, no, not on the far thing. We are, I mean, we're to a bail on that, um, about 1700 kilometers in. Oh, I mean, of course, like, cause of border closures, it would have just we are we're to a bail on that about 1700 kilometers in.
Starting point is 00:23:25 I mean, that's the thing, of course, like, because of border closures, it would have just been, it shut it down. Yeah, that's it. Well, pretty, so many of Bateman's Bay and then everyone started calling us and it was all in the years that essential travel was banned and they were shutting the borders. Yeah, it's kind of hard to argue essential when you're on a penny far, which is the least essential of all vehicles So then you never made it to Melbourne
Starting point is 00:23:49 We're to the shame cuz hey mission I were there Yeah, we're with this brand now. We're bloody waiting We're waiting waiting on the human highway. Where is it in this bespoke? Cost is the lot of buddy trailer With an umpire chair on it just waiting to give you a drink but Anyway, it's calling up calling up to accept your apology. Yeah, it's everything to go. If you're catching to see if you can do it. Sorry about that boys. So it's out for materials. So anything to you back on the penny?
Starting point is 00:24:13 Uh, yeah, so I'm think I'm going to probably I'm going to try and try and find an iron man in December next year now and then maybe go straight into it after that. Right. Are you allowed to do an iron man on a farthing? I was looking into this the other day and I'm still unsure. Ooh, because I'd love to see Aero bars on a penny farving. You come out of the swim leg and it's your fun. He's done well, he's got his shoes on, he's hopping up the ladder. It's a good ladder transition on to the penny farving.
Starting point is 00:24:41 We'll make all the best and keep us posted. I'm not sorry, now that I'm thinking about this, can you do a ridiculous each leg like, with directly you could run a marathon in Stilts? I think you just think of the ridiculous swim leg. Yeah, and then you pull pony up. Yeah, pull pony in the farthest stills. Now that, the comedy Iron Iron Man the Iron Clown
Starting point is 00:25:10 Okay, trust me, it's round off in tell you usually when we have one of these live brain storms It ends up with a lot of promises that they don't have to call you a year from now to see how your iron clamp went Then you're a legend good luck buddy. Appreciate it. Cheers boys. Thank you. I reckon that's, that's loose ends. That feels like a lot of nice bows to me. Jack, you got any further issues requests? No, that's it. You know, honestly, now is the chance.
Starting point is 00:25:33 I will grant you a window. Any requests for next year will sort them out. Oh, cool. I actually done, this is not just for me. Black, the black studio is kind of downer, isn't it? I can. Like we could bribe. For refurb. That's for everybody though.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Yeah, let's start this. Sorry, I tried, J.K. Hey, there is a segment we break open and allow back into the show very, very rarely. We take action with it. We're so careful with this. This is like a family heirloom. It's like the good room at the house. You even do.
Starting point is 00:26:13 No, it's like Grandpas Olympic medal for the 1904. Yeah. Never knew you're allowed in the good room, let alone inside the car. Oh, Grandpas. Three-barl Grandpas. So if it's the 04 games, it's 20. So here he is. You know, a hundred and thirty-cogs.
Starting point is 00:26:30 You're so hot. Yeah. Good on him. Good on him. Still going. Pop, can we see it? So, you know, we're so careful to take it out. Because we know how good this segment can be at its best.
Starting point is 00:26:42 And if you drop it, you're in big trouble. It's cool. It's funnily enough. Yes, we're about to. If you drop it, you better make sure you do it correctly. It's called incredible drops for people who have not heard this before. I think we've only done it once on the podcast. Maybe once or twice in the 100 plus shows.
Starting point is 00:26:58 It would pop up by annually on the radio show. Yep, twice a year. Only if we had, if only if we were positive, we had a situation where someone had dropped something and it had landed in an incredible way. An incredible manner. And we can't stress this enough if you've not heard the segment for, the bar is ferociously high.
Starting point is 00:27:18 These are those from the past. Drop, drop, drop, drop it like it's high. Just pulled in a hot bowl of soup straight out of the microwave, and as I turned around the bowl, I slipped out of my hand like one of the deep, deep luxa bowls. Yep. And as it slipped from my hand, the soup started to spill out, I grabbed the bowl and scooped at the same motion
Starting point is 00:27:35 and caught every drop of soup. Oh, I'm the guy. Look! Drop it like it's hard. My friend, he was drinking out of a long neck bottle of beer. Walking along, he took a sip, it slipped out of his hand and bounced on the pavement. And then bounced trying to back up in his hand and he just continued drinking. I'm not a bit like a child.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Standing there eating my arm, I think about a sandwich and my hands have gone weak and the sandwich is put out of my hand. Just a mid conversation, mid conversation. We've got a moment. I've dropped a sandwich and reactions like we've played a hackie sack of kick the sandwich back up through my hands. The conversation didn't even stop. I was with a bunch of friends, Camping, I was telling a story and I hit a beer and one hand and with that hand I did this big sweeping hand gesture, drop the beer, it bounces off
Starting point is 00:28:31 the ground, come straight back up onto my finger and stay there. Oh, it's sealed onto your finger. So you caulked it with your finger? Yes. What I did like it's howl. Yeah, I was walking on a balcony, trips my fine went off, bandit landed in someone's breast pocket.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Oh, I didn't. Ah! Ah! Ah! Rub it like a child. Walkin' along one day. I'd probably tell you many figures more than I should have. And I had to spit.
Starting point is 00:28:58 So there's a lot of slam involved. I actually spat and flicked my figure at the same time. And my cigarette landed upright in the state. Burning like a torch. A big, fucking torch! Drop it like you drop it like you're tired. I was at the Supermarket with all the groceries in my hand. At the shops of checkout.
Starting point is 00:29:20 I'm dropped the packet of biscuits. It's gained itself. Done a back clip, leave it in the bag. I was on the toilet doing my regular morning poo. Wow. In the toilet bowl, you probably know better than I do, bring a boy, but there's a narrow neck before the water. Yes, yes. He's pooed as it left me decided to go horizontal
Starting point is 00:29:48 and to spend it itself. Oh my god! A bridge! A suspension bridge, a rope bridge! Well, I forgot about that. I didn't realize that it was scared of the water. Well, I forgot about that memory. Lay it out. It was scared of the water. I don't make me go in there. Hey, there's one from that went both side of the fence. I'm going to start with mine because Blake is working at the moment. Yep.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Desserts are mentioned. You can't come on. Gotcha. He said, guys, you wouldn't believe it. I know incredible drops have to be rare Yeah, they do and I think this is as rare and lucky as they come washing his car He's using his air pods lost touch the comb and I know It was a pot pro he probably pros and I forgot I Forgot they were in a bumped my ear causing the air pod to fall out and fall towards
Starting point is 00:30:47 the bucket of soapy water. I knew I was done. There goes me air pods. I have to go back to common man headphones. Cords. He puts in brackets. Yeah, right. But it has landed and I've taken a photo in a tiny hole in the handle of the bucket.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Look, unbelievable. So the handle of the bucket is around the rim of the bucket, like it's in the relaxed position, the handle. There is one hole, probably the witte for diameter of just one mill of the stem. Of the stem of the airport. And if it had hit any other direction it would have bounced in yep it saved itself it wasn't ready to go that is an incredible drop yes that is an incredible drop hey over to you young man contacted us and he said look I've got an incredible drop and again he
Starting point is 00:31:40 understands the stakes you don't muck around with this segment. He's named Dominic. He joins us on the phone. How are you, Dom? Can I hang on? A hoi. Dom. Happy birthday, Andy. By the way. No, no, thanks, bud. And I know you're a humble man, so I won't message you.
Starting point is 00:31:54 You mentioned the SP Amish, but just quietly, congratulations. Just very, very quietly, back to you. So no one else can hear. I do appreciate that. It's obviously always nice to be recognized, but we've got to move on. We have to not harp on all the time about the esnes of the day. Onwards and upwards. Yes, if we can manage. Okay, paint the picture for us. First of all, what was, where were you? Where were you when this happened? So it was first year at uni, so Pound you, we just rented out our house, so we were having people over because we caught.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Yeah, absolutely. Got to lose that bond as fast as you can. Absolutely. And so I was out on the deck. There was, I think, a bit of a line for the toilet, so people sort of kind of lining up outside almost. And one of our mates was walking into the toilet whilst another was exiting, which is normally fine,
Starting point is 00:32:50 but some beverages were had and some beverages were held. And naturally, this becomes a recipe for disaster. And so as he was walking into the door, I bumped him as he was coming out of the door and he dropped the beer. What's up with beer are we talking about here? You know, like the coronavirus, the coronavirus shaped bottle. It's not a stubby, but not a long neck.
Starting point is 00:33:12 A long neck, a premium stubby. Yeah, a thin stubby. Yeah, yeah. Beer, I didn't know it was unopened at the time and as he dropped it, I was waiting for the smash because it was on a hardwood floor. Yeah. But no smash cap. We just heard this sort of dink. No one knew what had happened.
Starting point is 00:33:30 We looked down and what we saw was a bottle suspended at about a 45 degree angle because the lead of the cap of the bottle had wedged itself between the floor and the small crack in the door and had just suspended the bottle upside down at a 45 degree angle. So the lead of the bottle was where the door met the deck in that tiny V there and it had wedged because of the way that the beer bottle lit is kind of like barbed. It had managed to barb into the wood and the arse of the bottle sticking up in the air at 45 degrees.
Starting point is 00:34:05 If you had a problematic mate who is trying to open a bottle of beer with the bottom of the door, that is how it landed. That's how they do it. That is unbelievable. That's a one in a million. It's just, it's quip, it's wedged itself in with its head between the door and the floor. Yeah, and we were looking at each other, and everyone just immediately sort of brought out
Starting point is 00:34:25 and couldn't believe what had happened. Everyone got their phones out, everyone was taking photos, and boy, we were rattled. I couldn't believe. When you were on hard just witnessed. How wedge was it? When you removed it, did the lid come off
Starting point is 00:34:35 and you get this go straight for a drink? And it becomes the preferred way to try and take a little of a beer? No, no. I mean, after we had our opportunity to take photos, beer was removed and I think a phony dragon was ridden. Oh, I mean the other way to go there, I wanted to do you ever touch it again? Yeah, I mean, or does it become like a sacred beer? And for like as long as the beer stands in the air, everything will be fine and it's kind of like the beer stands in the air, everything will be fine. And it's kind of like too late.
Starting point is 00:35:05 But you made the smart move and you wrote the phony dragon. I mean, that's phenomenal. And really, you know what, it's almost like, that's the test. Really incredible drop. If people get their phones out of the evening, if a room full of people lose their shit, it's been incredible.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Yeah, it was just nuts. I mean, you see in the photo of everyone just looking around, couldn't believe it. We were just, oh, in a state that was what kicked the night. We're gonna have a look at both of these photos. The beer out of interest rate, and then the other photo about everyone just looking around.
Starting point is 00:35:33 We'll put them up at A.M.C. We'll pop it on our own on any of our pipes. Which is a lot of pipes, right? Check out Insta, Twitter. We've got the pipes there. You guys have a lot of active. Well done, Dom. Thanks for coming forward.
Starting point is 00:35:44 It takes a courageous man to say you've got to drop good enough, but it was cheers, buddy. Cheers, boys. Thank you, that's great. Hey, huge game this year for us was Pizza Lotto. We vowed to play it again before the end of the year. Today is the last day. Yes. Pete had written in at HamishNegg.com, all the correspondents there. So he wanted to play Pizza Lotto. Bad. the last day. Yes. Pete had written in HamishNeg.com, all the correspondents there. So he wanted to play Pete's Lotto. Bad. Oh, why do you, Pete? Hello,
Starting point is 00:36:09 oh, why? Pete, now did you hear previous episodes of Pete's Lotto and mentally say, mentally have a guess? And did you get any right? I probably got one of them right. Yeah, that was it. That's a lot. I mean, in the game, I mean, it's got a lower, much, much, much lower scoring rate than international soccer. Yeah. Yeah. So I mean, quite so rare to get a goal. Yes. So ready. So to get one right shows that you've got outstanding form at this game. Pete, we're going to call Pino now. Yeah. And so hold tight. And he's not as the game dictates. He didn't ever expect our call, and it's been some months since the last time we played. That's what I'm predicting. P.O. will be confused.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Then immediately go into the mode of, I know exactly what's going on, which is what he usually does. Yes, it almost becomes the host. He almost knows more about the game than we do. Okay, Jack,, far away. We've nearly not got him, are we? I assume other people work at the store. Hello, it's Pino. Pino!
Starting point is 00:37:15 Hey, Mishin' Andy, how are you? Hey, how are you, my friend? Pino, how are you? It's a long time. We haven't called you for a long time. Yeah, I know. Are we really good? I appreciate you're concerned, Pino. We're good. How are you? Very good't called you for a long time. Yeah, I know. Are we good? I really appreciate you concerned, Pino. We're good. How are you?
Starting point is 00:37:27 Very good. Thank you. Good, good, good. We thought it's our last show today for the year we thought we'd play one more game of pizza lotto. Oh, good. Good. Are you happy to play their pizzas? Do you want to say hello to Pete? Hello, hey. Hey.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Hey, Pino. How are you? How are you? All right. Yeah, good mate. Good. That's good. Great. Well, before we get into it, Pino, we are you? All right. Good mate. Good. That's good. Well, before we get into it, Pino, we've got to fire off the exciting music for the game. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Yeah. Yeah. When you're having a try to guess the pizza by that's a lot of... Pizza lot of... Always working. Thank you, Pino. So... It's a lot of... Always worth it. Thank you, Peno. Okay, Peno, the first question without telling us what it is, question number one for you is, is there a pizza?
Starting point is 00:38:14 In the oven at your pizza shop now. Yes, few, few. Okay, so you got it. But in case the rules of pizza lotto is, it's the next one ready to come out. Is there one that you could identify, don't say what it is it's the next one ready to come out is there one that you could identify Don't don't say what is but as the next one to come out The next time come out Don't tell us what it is to travel to the look
Starting point is 00:38:34 Which is the most Don't tell us okay Pete which is the most cooked Pete you go from Nate It's always time of the essence of this situation. At any point, it could come out. The whole thing is hanging on by a friend. Pete, Pete, go for it. I'm gonna guess it's a margarita. It's gone with margarita, Pino.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Actually, I got it. One margarita, one subrime, and one chicken. Here we go. You're right. Photo finished though, but what's the next one out? Which is the most cooked pizza? Supreme. That's a bit of a protest. So close.
Starting point is 00:39:17 It's not a supreme. How many minutes separate the supreme and the margarita? How many minutes? About two minutes? Oh! It's like close. Don't take it longer. I assume you have a very hot-off in Pino.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Yeah. Pino, thank you for a tremendous year. We may play again in the future. I'm good luck with the store. I'm glad that COVID has lifted and people can come back into the store. Thank you very much. We love it. We have maybe one day, a confeuille. We cannot wait to meet you in person, our favourite CEO.
Starting point is 00:39:59 Can we just say this was easily the most exciting version of Pete's a lot of two. We had even though he didn't have a win win that was nail-biting stuff we loved it okay old the best okay go cheers cheers thank you commiserations bad luck paint bad luck paint we'll send you out yeah you were close
Starting point is 00:40:22 sorry for the long wrap up there too with Peno, we probably overstayed our welcome by one goodbye. I think we all sensed it. He wanted to leave. He wanted to leave. And we had it on possibly one more interaction than was organically the right shape for that conversation. But again, if there's been more, if we needed evidence of, you know, these guys need a
Starting point is 00:40:44 rest. That's the evidence. Let know, these guys need a rest. Yeah. That's the evidence. Let's get these guys on the bench. See you mate. loyalty card was a big thing for everybody this year. There's still a hundred, well, actually more than a hundred going to be available because there has been some returns. Yeah, but there's 100 unnamed one
Starting point is 00:41:05 They will be released next year in a very exciting ballot So sorry. I know people want the laudicard for Christmas If you're going to use it anywhere chapel street precinct We've got to thank them again for sponsoring the letter The card of course is independent. Cannot be sponsored, cannot be bought. Available to use everywhere on the planet. But the law to the fries down there in Chapel Street, they're taking the card.
Starting point is 00:41:32 But yeah, I think, look pretty much, I feel in Melbourne, and Chapel Street's re-boomed. Post-Cover, they've boomed back to life. And they're kind of, they're the unofficial home of the loyalty card. Melbourne Bicycle Center. Yeah, NBC. It's, it's, it's, it's,
Starting point is 00:41:44 except in the card as well. Swing on down and get in a tube. Sting him for five. Um, we... I'll take five. Hey, obviously, huge thanks to all the stores. Yeah, that saying that they're going to use it or accept it. Which is really, I mean, should be every single...
Starting point is 00:42:03 A huge thank you to the stores that just got it. Yes. Because that's really that was part of the system was just, that was what revolutionized the game was the 100% immediate acceptance. Yes. So thank you to those people that have played ball. Yep. Hey, we've got a bit of montage put together from Mike, just a few happy customers or loyalty card holders. Awesome. This just sums up the mood at the moment regarding the Ham few happy customers or loyalty card holders. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:42:26 This just sums up the mood at the moment regarding the Hamish Neid loyalty card. A Hoi Hamish Neid, it's Amanda from Lake McCory, New South Wales. I'm happy to report that Target and Charlestown Square are experiencing zero teething problems with your loyalty card. In fact, Sillimey had forgotten to present it that day,
Starting point is 00:42:42 but the lovely cashier spotted the famous blue and white card in my wallet. And odded me the 4-10% discount, taking no percentage back. So, my thanks to you, and to Target Childs Down Square. Oh, hi, it's Ellen from Sydney, loyalty card number 19,300-2. I tried using my card at the medical metro, and it was met with extreme-tooting issues. Oh, hey. Lady serving me obviously had it been trained properly as she didn't recognize the part and looked at me like I had two heads. I repeated multiple times that it was the card
Starting point is 00:43:11 the stores love. Did it? No avail. I'm not being matched with that rule worth and I found myself shopping Paris Farm. All right. All right. Ahojian, I'm in handy and good old number six Jack, it's Jared Danny Mornington reporting that thug from osteopath by the Bay is happily accepting the H&A loyalty card. Unfortunately, nib is still having some teasing issues, so no discount on their component. Hence they don't receive the 5% back. Unfortunately, hopefully we can get them sorted out and more savings to be had by all. Hi Hamish, hi Andy. It's Johanna here from Finland. So I went to a bar here in Helsinki.
Starting point is 00:43:49 Should be fine. It's called the Aussie bar. I figured that that would be the perfect place to use my loyalty card. Went to get a beer and I must say that the bartender was a bit confused at first. But as a fellow podcast listener, he of course honored the card and gave me a discount on my beer. So if you're ever coming to Helsinki, that's the place to be. Down here from Queensland, I've won you a card the other day. I know, it must be nice.
Starting point is 00:44:14 I was getting a couple of insurance items. Speaking with Aimee Insurance, I thought that surely they will be on board. They are. Unfortunately, I must have got someone who has down the ranking order a bit. If Aimee had the loyalty card, the person I spoke to would definitely be number six or lower So unfortunately I must for TV issues as a result they missed out on a take five send back But thanks for a great card. I still refer to it the card that's still with love Good day guys. Hurry back to here from back to boots
Starting point is 00:44:42 We're a family-run company providing quality footwear since 1850, which means we're in touch with the common man Which is more than we can say for Andy. Please do announce our store in Tamworth except for the Hamish Nandy loyalty card We also have some bargain bins out the front so Jack next time you're in town, but you can have a rummage through. Cheers boys Get a Hamish Nandy stack here And I just want to let you know that I went to subscribe to the premium version of the Hamex Nandy app, which cost a hefty $7 a year. I noticed there was no way for me to apply my loyalty card. He's the hoping that the creators of the card can get through their own teething problems and receive their well-deserved 5% Cheers boys.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Sugardough. Yeah, we're looking to that. Sugardough, I'm in front of that. Man, you might have missed. We'll absolutely look into that. Send a shoot name after that. Yeah, I'll give them the back. I like how Jackie, you were not invited to have any free boots,
Starting point is 00:45:28 but more of just you invited to have a rummage. You're the target. To have the bag of it, which you would assume a rummage is open to everyone. Jackie, you've got a special invitation. I can't wait to get back up there. Maybe for an early rummage before the hordes get to the boots.
Starting point is 00:46:05 before the hordes get to the boots. cards, impulse club, which we've covered off. What do you think the other main thing that took up a lot of the show this year? Bitcoin passwords was one, but we covered that off last week. COVID protocols. That was part of it. Obviously, I had to do the show remotely for a while, but there's something else that really took up a lot of our time. Power moves book. Big Jack Good, but not that. Oh, really? I feel like that was the monster of the year, wasn't it? Shoot point out the power of the book, the final batch. Back of it, still taking up time. Final batch. Final batch will arrive in the country.
Starting point is 00:46:33 This is the last 6,000. So if you were late, ordering, this is the most fresh batch, which is positive, but you just get it before Christmas way. Yeah, it'll arrive in the country in the next couple of days. New fantastic. Okay. And put us out of our suspense what apart from I know why you've forgotten about it because it was a dark dark period for the show a cheating scandal Hook up a lot of our time that did take a lot of our time and it's several episodes There was the formal hearing yep, then the formal grilling. I was at an informal hearing, then a formal grilling.
Starting point is 00:47:05 Then a witch hunt. Yeah. Look, obviously, I was seeing they're going, we have left this one a little bit open-ended and people on the redditson on email are going, I've got to get to the bottom of this. Even though we said he had a lawyer, we didn't have any evidence that was the point the lawyer said. If I remember correctly from my time in court during the cheating scandal for the for the coin, I agreed, I mean, this
Starting point is 00:47:31 happens in the law all the time. You go under the rules of the law, he's sent, he seems like he's got away with this and it becomes a cold case and it comes a guy. And then but really in my heart, I went, maybe he did, but. And what do you do with it when there's a cold case out there? If you're hungry, you warm it up. You get an investment of journalists to do a podcast on it.
Starting point is 00:47:52 And headly Thomas, who does the teachers pet, everybody knows him. He's the more recently night driver. I rang him and said, hey, we're at a loss here. Can you put to end the year on a true crime? Yeah. Can you please do an investigative journalistic piece and on its own podcast on Nick and the Special Skill Saga?
Starting point is 00:48:13 I've got to play here. Fantastic. Hi, I'm Headley Thomas, creator and host of World Renowned Podcast that teaches pet and more recently than Night Driver. In my years as an investigative journalist, I've learnt that instinct plays a huge role in uncovering injustice. That and resilience, every case needs a heroic lead investigator prepared to leave no stone unturned in pursuit of the truth. And this story, fortunately, has one of those.
Starting point is 00:48:48 But let's go back to the beginning. On July 16, 2020, valued and important podcast and Nick was successful with a special skill challenge, a challenge about recalling special skills themselves. Anja Martin, worked at a bar and she can grab the exact a handful of knives and forks, the perfect estimation and walk up to the table and lay them out either one fork or knife short
Starting point is 00:49:18 or one fork or knife too many. This was one of my favourite skills. It was, she was successful, F-167. He's got it! Oh my god! Oh my god! Are you joined the ranks of successful skill people? Are you joined the ranks of coin holders?
Starting point is 00:49:34 World answer! But it wasn't long before people started to challenge the validity of what Nick had achieved. People did take umbrage to it. There's a subreddit floating around out there that people were sending a screenshots of the threat of. Someone wrote, Special Skills Guy on App 100 was absolutely cheating. Wow.
Starting point is 00:49:54 Someone's written, he missed the fourth on purpose, because he knew he was always gonna get a coin. I want Hamish's truth eagle to fly and shoot lasers of justice out of his eyes. Did you stop really? Thought the cello blog taskasters would have my back, but obviously not.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Nick, coming just for the record, how do you play? I'd like to play the first. Oh, OK. So that's no comment, rather than an innocent or a guilty. Hmm. This must have been extremely hard on Nick and his family as mounting pressure from the public grew to boiling point across the country.
Starting point is 00:50:26 He has carried Big Mournour Network TAN's News and Counterfears program, The Project. Good evening and welcome back to The Project. Well, it's been five weeks now and this is not going away for Nick and the special Skill Saga. A formal grilling has been activated, which means the boys are one step closer to arranging a witch hunt, something no one wants. My good friend and host of Ben Fordham Live on Sydney's 2GB radio station has also been reflecting the public stance on the issue. Here's a grab from Ben's Breakfast Program. Ben sees Sydney's best breakfast with Ben Fordham onto GB. Great to be with you Sydney. Thank you very much. You're company this morning. You can email me Ben at 2GB.com. Now, I think that all of us are wondering at the moment where the
Starting point is 00:51:21 Nick cheetah during the testing of his special skill. It happened on the 100th episode of the Hamish and Andy podcast. And I know that everyone's having a go at Nick, but what about Hamish and Andy? Surely the owners comes down to Hamish and Andy. It's their podcast. The questions everyone wants answered, have they done enough? Are they doing enough to get to the bottom of it? And I'll tell you my view, I think you know already. I don't think they are. I think they're fallen way short. And
Starting point is 00:51:49 I think you feel the same way. And there is a protest march organized for this week to try to get some answers out of Hamish and Andy. I don't know whether we will. Now I want to stress, it is going to be a peaceful demonstration. The march will go to Andy's house to try to get some answers. The only drama for the protest organizers is trying to establish which house of Andy's to march to. Fair income must be nice. There's his Sydney's best breakfast
Starting point is 00:52:20 with Ben Fordham on to GB. So I caught up with Andy to discuss these things. Andy, thanks for taking my call. Not a problem. Not a problem. Do you think you're doing enough? Look, I think we are. It's really good as, you know, we have
Starting point is 00:52:40 to trust our great listeners, and we always will. It's also hard, because getting on the is when it comes to planning how to continue our probe, he often forgets that we've booked a meeting and all. Fast and loose, eh? You know it, Headley. It was right after one of my numerous conversations with Andy that I found out he had taken matters into his own hands. You might recall at the start of the story, me saying that every
Starting point is 00:53:06 case needs a heroic lead investigator. Well Andy is exactly that. Oh thanks mate, my pleasure. Andy got podcast Mike to call Nick and had prepared a series of extremely clever questions that might just trick Nick into accepting some responsibility for the alleged crimes. Here's some audio from a call made on September 18, 2020. Hello Nick, how are you? Hey Nick, this is Mike from Hey Mission Andy, how are you man? Hey, how you doing?
Starting point is 00:53:38 Hey, so I guess like we've done the formal grilling now and you know how it ended up at the end, right? Yeah, yeah. Me and Andy were chatting and basically like I'm gonna put it to you. If you did cheat and want to come clean about it and he wants to meet up with you and do like a funny investigative journalism kind of thing. Yeah. Is that something you're interested in, I guess? Yeah, I'll do it, yeah. So like, and just off record.
Starting point is 00:54:15 So you did check. Yeah, I did, yeah, I did. Okay. So, how did you cheat? It was a spreadsheet. You had a spreadsheet? Yeah. This was chilling to hear,
Starting point is 00:54:29 especially the part confirming the fear that it was in fact a spreadsheet that had been used. That was the spreadsheet. Andy fired up again with Nick on November 3. Nick, thanks so much, Semi, I know this has been a tough time for you and your family and you for watching. Thank you for watching. Thank you for watching. Thank you for watching.
Starting point is 00:54:50 Thank you for watching. Thank you for watching. Thank you for watching. Thank you for watching. Thank you for watching. Thank you for watching. Thank you for watching. Thank you for watching. Thank you for watching. Thank you for watching. Thank you for watching. though, a router is a spreadsheet. Oh, yeah, I suppose we we covered that off in the emtrapment phone call as well. Okay,
Starting point is 00:55:06 thanks for actually seeing me, mate. No worries. It can be so rewarding to get an outcome like this. Thanks to Andy and the tireless work it took to make one phone call. I think around the world we can breathe a sigh of relief now that this issue has finally been resolved. There's closure, thus ending the special skill saga. And at this point, I'd normally thank producers, but I'm not going to. I'd like to thank myself, Headley Thomas. And if you see me in the flesh, I'm not giving you a dollar.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Not sure. Headley. What a legend. Well, he's done it, Headley. He's done it. And he's done it. I mean, what a lot to unpack. And in the voice of Headley Thomas, it makes it sound like a much bigger crime. I'm saying it's a small crime, but it even makes it sound like a bigger crime.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Yeah, so it entrapment my kidney. Great, great. Waited to say to him, it's off the record when you recording it. You're going to play it publicly. Classic Cop trick. Nice little move. And good on Nick for coming claim. I'm gonna say he should keep his call. He's been through enough.
Starting point is 00:56:16 He's been through enough. And look at we have a very closed door policy on Cheats from now. He can be the people's cheat. And I love him for it. He's got the title. He's playing along. He's been through. He's chief and I love it. I love him for it. Nico, he's got the title. He's playing along. He's been through. He's been through absolutely hell.
Starting point is 00:56:27 How do you say he's coined frozen, uncrozen, re-frozen? That would have put untold financial stress on him. Here's the thing, though. This is the way I see it. Do we not award a coin for a special skill? We do. That's what the whole coin system is about. Recognizing the talent of extraordinary
Starting point is 00:56:46 listeners and extraordinary individuals. We only do it once per skill. I would happily rescind Nick's coin for recalling special skills. But then immediately grant him one for being out of pretend to a level that convinced us that he could recall those skills and he gets one for cheating. But it does mean we can never gets one for cheating but it does mean yeah we can never reward one for cheating again because we don't give the coin for the same skill twice totally agree love it we end on truth we end on the coin balance being fine we're not going to mess with the ledger no we'll transfer the UCN across the unit coin number that's all fine on that side of things how do you feel about Jacko? It's great to hear a true crime podcast actually end with the resolution as well because so many now
Starting point is 00:57:29 these guys are the rush to just get the crime. Just reading through the notes where we're up to. And then padding episodes. No, this one was a six-sync one. Nice to have one that only went for about five minutes too. Like from crime to confession. Well, hey, and that settles that. What a way. What a way. I mean, we can now go obviously off to the mandated break, but just a little easier, I think, knowing that that one's been settled.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Please keep writing in your special skills, feeling at the very, a value and important podcast to form because we'll be going through them over the break and we'll start with a flourish of fun next year. And under a hundred days, we are back. So already the countdown is on for us. We're already into double digit days, and they're ticking by fast.
Starting point is 00:58:14 Good on you, and I thought the whole, I actually thought it was going to be you walking out that dot com back in, smoking 10, 10 gaspons. Oh, surprise. I want you guys. I don't. I'll stop denying it. I'll enjoy you, Summerando.
Starting point is 00:58:27 However, it may be, if you are smoking out and about, but it out for bushfire season, really take care of those buttzando. Have a great season, everyone. And we have got to have the podcast, the Remembring Project. If you want smaller bites of us over the break, go back through that. The Remembring Project. You can just type it in to your podcast pipe of choice has been a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:58:47 What a great year, boys. We'll catch you next year. Thanks for listening. Catch up or contribute at hamishanandie.com. Listener. Listener.

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