Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2020 Ep 97

Episode Date: June 24, 2020

1. Power Moves 2. Copper ball reveal 3. Bronte’s dog bark special skill 4. Losing touch with the common man: self-reporting 5. Skill comparison ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A LISTEN-UP PRODUCTION Activate your internet Cause the Hamish and the Podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering 1 1 Oh, do you? I hate me, Stone Blake. I always stand through a trummusly. Oh, do you jack? Austin Post Oh, I jack middleman post. He doesn't have a middleman. I haven't been on M2. Yeah. You're a very simple boy You'll go one syllable for the first time, one syllable for the last day and I'm
Starting point is 00:00:46 not interested in anything in the middle. Just enough to get you through, right? Yep. Playing cotton tea, just, you know, work boots, simple yut, flat tray, just get it done. A common man. A common man. Oh, he's not that covered. Yeah, there have been a few allegations leveled at you recently, sir.
Starting point is 00:01:04 What are it? Any you would like to admit to? I don't know what you're talking about. I think you do. Come on, admit the first thing that comes in the head. I am very common man. But you've done a few fancy things. I don't know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:01:20 He's good. Well done. We're hoping you'd give us one. Uh, cohoit and max. He's good. He's good. We're hoping you'd give us one. Cohojton Max, he's in London. The Hoi Haymesh Nandi Max from London here, I've realised that a lot of the people who've taken time out that day to attach the audio file on the website. Do you so with audio files that aren't that good of a quality?
Starting point is 00:01:39 So I wanted to today make the best quality audio file that you'd ever had on the show. It's like problem when I went to attach the first draft of this when I realize that not only do you have to go into file, find your file, but there's a one megabyte limit on the size of the file. So this is going to have to be a little bit shorter. Don't click ramp out there as you realize he was going to be another floor in the system one Meg. Yeah, we are reviewing that I mean We don't want I don't want to stand longer. Do you understand not longer?
Starting point is 00:02:17 Listen to Max he wants to send something to rim perfect Dolby digital TA checks 8.4 quality. Do you think we need that, though, Jax? I would have loved to hear a little bit more bass on Max, and it's probably what's being clipped. Can you see them? It was a little bit muffled. No! I found a honey, wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:02:34 Anyway, we'll review. How many megged do you want? Do you want to know how many wattsps Cape I love? Hundreds. Hundreds. We could have a choir singing every day. And just the individual channels on each child's voice. It's not broke.
Starting point is 00:02:50 And we will not be fixing it because we can't. We can't. We'll review the megabytes. I mean, how do you fix the pyramids? There's such old technology. It's just what this is. Hey, we thought we'd start today's show with a bit of this. We thought we'd start today's show with a bit of this. How much we are building the book.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Her illustrator is scribbling away at the moment. She's a great job. I gave her by Christmas. I should point out as a side note, Janine wrote in him, Janine Lillus. She said her friend has built a couple of trebuchets in her time. To be a full second, remember why we're talking about trebuchets.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Of course. Why old French catapults? One giant, one, one portable one. Right. Both would be perfect for a book launch. She suggested, tried sending you a video, but couldn't upload that. Yeah, so she will flick it through on the
Starting point is 00:03:42 Instagram Facebook, other parts. Pick your part. Pick your pop. Love to be up for your WhatsApp convenient. Yep, but meaning some resistance. I just feel like it'll be a spam central thing from heels. Yeah, from heels firmly dug in. Yeah, WhatsApp has some inherent problems as well. So you like to make it deliberately difficult for people to contribute as a survival of the
Starting point is 00:04:02 fittest. Yeah, I think it means that the cream rises to the top. You're opening a fancy restaurant to get in. You have to complete a maze. And it has a lion in it. Yes, the most intelligent. Only the intelligent among you. Brave of Dines.
Starting point is 00:04:17 And Strong of Will and Hand. Who are bad of a lion may enter. And then we'd love to take you curtain find out where your enthrase. Okay, Shaki, get yourself. Please do. This one's a COVID-pow move. out of the lion, may end up, and then we'd love to take you curtain find out where your enthrays. Okay, try kick us off, please do. This one's a COVID power move. Wow, COVID itself quite a powerful move.
Starting point is 00:04:32 You want to shut down the world, be me. Sent in from George Bander's, he's a bar manager. Gotcha. A club in Sydney, and he sent this on the first day, you're allowed the maximum of 10 people into Dine. Okay, yeah, yep, yeah. For me with the era,
Starting point is 00:04:48 someone called up and made a booking for 10, immediately making the whole venue. He's private venue. I'm putting it moving. Yeah, thanks for coming. Ando, can you reach me if we've had this one before, but jeez, if we haven't, it's a classic. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:04 This is from Michael Perrente. Okay. For when there's a card going around the office, a big farewell card. Okay. You know, do you Steve? Yeah. What I make, good luck. You usually...
Starting point is 00:05:14 It's like to be either first in, to make yourself more prominent in a good spot. We get great spot. Or do big illustrations. Or just last. So you can ask, so there was my true. One that I always like to do was be right and hamish, but not with yours. Just someone else.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Just do like, so we can't. And Dave and Hamish. But this is not that. This is when you're trying to think something nice to write. We all know it's difficult, especially if you didn't really know the person, to try to get the card near the end of its run. This is Mike's idea.
Starting point is 00:05:41 When there's a few messages in there already, find the best slash most heartfelt message. We all know what those look like, because you do look at and go, gee, that is actually good. That's a different end to something. And they've gone to, often the best joke about that person.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Yes. So copy it as your own message. Almost word for word. Do make some changes, EG, and in some extra adjectives to make it even more heartfelt. Under your message, write today's date. Under the one you copy, write to Morro's date.
Starting point is 00:06:11 That would make it look like they copied you, and you look like a legend. I really like that. I really like it because also pretty clear what's happened when I read two messages a day set. You have to go and date everyone else If you look interested, but you really stitched the other person. That's brilliant. That is brilliant. Okay This is from
Starting point is 00:06:35 Asia grints. Hopefully you've pronounced that correctly. Oh, oh boys I've got a power move for you that I've been enjoying using lately When someone tells talks to you about something they're clearly really proud of, make sure you're probably, oh that's nice, I guess everyone has something. Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
Starting point is 00:06:54 Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
Starting point is 00:07:02 Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! us. When about to publicly criticize someone, start with, now I know you don't always handle criticism. That is good. He does make sure he implies they've often had blobs in the past and they have to accept your criticism or they confirm themselves as hot-handed. Because if not in public, it also works great on your spouse. No, it doesn't. No, it doesn't. Or clearly a single man. Jake writes in, and Arshole Power moves the category. Sure. I haven't talked about that with the
Starting point is 00:07:33 illustrator or the publisher. We were tending to have a reversible book where we were talking about you. You could read from the back of the front, back obviously being the Arshole. Yeah. The Arshole on the book. Yeah. But the problem with this is it's 99% assholes. Yeah. Like hot dogs. Yeah. We could do a fun fact. We could do a fun fact in the book.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Like what, what, what is his book symbol? What a hot dog. Well, 99% made of asshole. Yeah. You should we just scrap that then. I think, yeah. Yeah. And because most of them ourselves. Oh. You should we just scrap that then. I think, yeah, yeah. Because most of them are. Yep, I agree.
Starting point is 00:08:09 In fact, we should actually just put like a rare stamp on the page as that a legend moves. Oh, that's nice. Kind of like a hologram stamp or something. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Cheaper. Yeah. That's a no.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Yeah, that's a no. This is a rare page. Yes, yeah, a picture of a stamp. A picture of a... Yeah, it's a nice idea. Or someone looking off the page and saying, oh, holy crap. Oh, holy crap.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Oh, holy crap. Oh, holy crap. Oh, holy crap. As you're the polar bear, nearly capable. Just like that. Yeah, okay, that's good. This one, Jake.
Starting point is 00:08:43 When a mate updates his relationship status from single to inner relationship on Facebook, jump in with the first comment, isn't this the one you said was only a one night stand and wasn't your type? I'm fine. It is wide open for our soul, museum, it's just a little bit of a here we go again.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Here we go, here we go again, Macker. Good luck. This comes from Glenn in New Zealand, of course a huge hello to all always, to our Kiwi podcastes, Kiura. A bit of a dead power move here, when my deck calls me and it's anytime before lunch he likes to ask, do they wake you? Yeah, I like it! Also, if you say to him that you're up and out of bed any later than 630, he'll say, well, it must be nice to get a sleep in. I like him, though.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Well, boys, bit of a historic moment here at the podcast. Oh, no, is it? Well, I've bought the bag in. What could be this bag? Jesus bags. Have you been, you'd expect. Get space on a C2000 up, because as you... Well, I won't do it justice.
Starting point is 00:09:57 I won't. People might be aware what's about to happen here, but I'll give you a clue. Why does my backpack seem much heavier than you would think it would be for the volume of stuff that's in it? Could it be that the copper spheres have arrived? The high quality, I mean, I think aerospace grade copper, highly polished, more than the meets the other one kilogram perfect one kilogram sphere of 99.9999 Yeah, percent pure copper
Starting point is 00:10:32 I guess dust or something is the other bit. I guess you just can't ever say that it's That maybe one piece of hair or something fell in the something fell in the... You'd find that, it'd be a big, well-wearing hair piece. Well, I'd find it something, but just atmospheric dust. I mean, at that low percentage, it might even be a bit of volcanic ash from when the dinosaurs were around.
Starting point is 00:10:53 You know, like a tiny molecule of something snuck in, so they can't say. It just, it feels like how polished they've been seems way too big, a trite or a selling point. Well, it's their only selling point. Yeah, it's not checking. It's not shifting.
Starting point is 00:11:07 It's not shifting. It's not shifting. It's not shifting. It's not shifting. It's not shifting. It's not shifting. It's not shifting. It's not shifting.
Starting point is 00:11:15 It's not shifting. It's not shifting. It's not shifting. It's not shifting. It's not shifting. It's not shifting. It's not shifting. It's not shifting.
Starting point is 00:11:23 It's not shifting. It's not shifting. It's not shifting. It's not shifting. It's not shifting. It's not shifting. It's not shifting. Is the other feature that you have to wear gloves while holding it? Well, allow me Jackie. You got the music? I don't have it. Sorry. We gave you a bad mouth. Just I just I've just got it. But Where then? No, I don't think I do. I better mind as I was if we gave you an hour. I feel like we gave you that now. Yeah, so I don't think the swirly was worked. Jackie, we should be playing this music to celebrate you finding the music. I don't I don't think this is it Can we open the part bed doors? This is how the guy from space obviously the computer that we want them
Starting point is 00:12:01 Why I don't even put you over that side. It's not a sense of understanding what we want. Let's put it in a post, so it's happening now. Oh, there it is. Oh, Jack, I've taken that. Fastest fingers in the world. Well, there it is.
Starting point is 00:12:23 It comes. I didn't even mention this when you buy it online. Now, as we've said, buying this cup of ball was an impulse by Instagram ads were targeting me hard. They wore me down. They got me. But look at this. It comes in sort of a leather-like box. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Stitching on it. Yes. Inside. It does come with a cotton glove. Right. You have a handling to Melbourne cup. Exactly like you're handling the Melbourne cup. Hang on, hang on, hang on, and let's stop the music if you've imposed it. But if one of the selling points is it burns up, kills my crows.
Starting point is 00:13:04 I guess it's more like you hold it you can rub it on something but you hit my my crows look at this they didn't even mention this as well a little glass stand with the symbol for copper see you yeah so that's a little glass cube stand. Yep. You ready for it? Yep.
Starting point is 00:13:27 There it comes. Oh, it's smaller. Oh, it's smaller than I thought. That's the butt. It's working. No. It's saying more than you think. No, you said it more than meets the eye.
Starting point is 00:13:36 It's less. No. It was definitely meant to be more than meets the eye. No, but it's more exciting than meets the eye. I think it's what they're saying. No, I think less physically big than you think. Well, put your hand out if you think it's so small. Do you know what, guys? Let's roll dog.
Starting point is 00:13:50 We don't have to wear the glove. We're all mates. It does kill. It kills back to here anyway. So happy to roll dog. Here we go. Put your hand out. You ready for this? You think being such a small, mesmerizing copper ball, copper sphere? It'll be quite light. Well, that's heavy, and I thought.
Starting point is 00:14:09 That's what I thought. Oh, look, you get it. You get it, and it gets it. That is heavier than I would have expected. But it won't be heavier than Jackyxpix. Oh, I haven't looked at it, Jack, just let your eyes drink it in and then put your hand out. Here comes a small ball.
Starting point is 00:14:24 But my point is it can't be heavier than Jack, because he's now expecting to be a ball. But we now have seen you shock. But we all knew it was a kilogram. And it's still. Oh, even though you shocked it is heavier than I thought. And there we go. It's really heavy. It's just like a bloody testimonial fest in here.
Starting point is 00:14:42 We've all found it to be quite a lot heavier than we thought. Even though we knew it's one perfect kilogram. And that's part of the myth. Look how mesmerized you are by it, Jack. Yep. I mean, you sort of push it up and down in your hand. Yeah. Play with it. Play with it against gravity. I don't need that. And now I've got to add my feel. Playing with it against gravity. Okay. That's one of the fun. But yet, and now I'm doing it, is that even though I've gone ahead and I've had my feel. Playing with it against gravity. That's one of the fun, but yeah, and now I'm doing it, is that even though I've played with it already, it was heavier than I was expecting. Yeah, when you've been.
Starting point is 00:15:09 So, So, one of the things that, how else did you play with it? You did a bit of rolling. Rolling it back and forth, of course, the desk. Mostly though, you put it in that stand, you leave it on the desk,
Starting point is 00:15:20 and you find it generally mesmerizing. And you know as well that you're sort of seeing, you're like, okay, I've got my cobbosphere, and it's a conversation piece too. People will come into your office, or if you take it out with you to a cafe, you're probably not a table. If you're using it to, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:36 if you don't need hands anymore, you're just rubbing it around your hands and people go, oh, can I use your bolt? Yeah, pull. Maybe you then you expect. Yeah, they pick it up, they're a bit mesmerized. So it is wonderful. I think unfortunately the glove, You see, Bob? Yeah, Bob. You see, Bob? Yeah. You see, Bob? Yeah. You see, Bob?
Starting point is 00:15:45 Yeah. You see, Bob? Yeah. You see, Bob? Yeah. You see, Bob? Yeah. You see, Bob?
Starting point is 00:15:53 Yeah. You see, Bob? Yeah. You see, Bob? Yeah. You see, Bob? Yeah. You see, Bob?
Starting point is 00:16:01 Yeah. You see, Bob? Yeah. You see, Bob? Yeah. You see't need it. I'm like, it's even more exciting news for Jack. Like that. Oh, I'm pumped to have one. Yeah. Of course he was.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Free. Jack wouldn't take anything. I worry that you just want this for the default. What you need here. Actually, before I'm going to jump back in before I say I'm out. Before you're out, can I actually show you this Andy? Look what it comes with. Oh, oh it's signature of authenticity.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Certificate of authenticity. And that is small than I thought it was. It's a 20 certificate. What a nice business car. Certificate. What I love. You know, the cool thing about certificates is you can just make them up. Now, I'm not saying that the company that saw me this perfect one kilogram sphere of
Starting point is 00:16:52 profit for a lot of money. They got me at a weak point. They knew that had me, this Instagram, I blame Zuckerberg, really. He's tired of me, he sends a weakness. Certificate of authenticity, that's in nice font. So at the top three, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the border feels very certificate-like as well. Yeah. Looks a little bit like the fine point you see on the American dollar note, yeah, kind of pattern. This certificate attests to
Starting point is 00:17:14 the origin and providence of the item is described below. Yeah. Well, a lot of five dollar words in there. Yeah. Um, one kilogram sphere, copper. Yeah. I mean, 9.99% purity, Polish surface. So it's so difficult to say it's Polish taste. That it's been Polish. So if you were to ever take it to sphere corn, or ball first of one, one of the ball, ball ball, one of the more popular metals for your collectives or you know in the community if you ever do
Starting point is 00:17:48 get caught on it you can show them that it has been polished. Stiffy got all the intensity. Signed by Sonny Sun, SUWMY, SCUN. They've made up no vivid one. One of the I mean you know boating boat face. Say what? So when you're making up a name you do tend to repeat the first name of the, I mean, you know, boating, boat face. Say what? So when you're making up a name, you do tend to repeat the first name of the last name.
Starting point is 00:18:07 In a name, not giving much attention. He's kissing themselves that you bought this. They're sitting there. They're absolutely weddingers. He's what I'd like to do. Well, that makes two of us, then. We're all laughing because I'm laughing with happiness at this great new.
Starting point is 00:18:19 OK. He's what I want to, just before I give it to Jack straight off, well, he's not automatically getting it. Great. Because I would like to say that whoever gets it can't on-sell it. Right. Because if I don't want it, but I would want it to on-sell it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:36 No, you can't on-sell it. You've got to appreciate the ball for what it is. Exactly. So I just thought that the wheeze over here. No, I won't on-sell it either. But you're interested? I'll put it on a desk like you say, and I'll let it give me. And would you really like it?
Starting point is 00:18:49 I would really like it. And you would really give it a good home? Yeah, I will. Well then you won't have a problem telling me in a thousand words why you would enjoy it and being part of Hamish Blake's essay contest to win a coppersphere. It's open to the listeners as well.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Make it less than a thousand, 500. No, go 100. Yeah, 100. Homage Bakes, 100. Because I know you will want to read these out and we don't read it that well. Hamage Bakes, 80 word, SA contest. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Short SA on why you would like the coppersphere. Jack, you're welcome to apply. Okay. Do I have a, am I ahead of the pack or am I being judged the same as everyone else? I will judge you favorably. Thank you. Because you're a big boy.
Starting point is 00:19:29 If there's a separate contest I'm running is a 60 word while you don't want to. I mean, where's 60 word while you don't want it? Great question. I don't know. The honor of just... Give him your golf clubs. Come on.
Starting point is 00:19:43 I'll give him a golf club. One of the freebies. Yeah. Look at that. I'm spending hard earned on this. He's given away promo shit. Hey, very important podcast, a bronty contact with the show. We didn't even have to discuss it.
Starting point is 00:20:04 It was straight through on my side. I said, we've got to do this one here. It's good. I hope it's one of those ones. I mean, we've had a few lately. We've had a few. I hope it's one of those ones that is good. Because you know what we're seeing a little bit coming
Starting point is 00:20:16 through on the emails at the moment, Andy. We've had a few fails. You see, haven't we, boys? Put our hands up. We all know that. There's a speculation on the Reddit, the subreddit that only 20% of special skills are actually impressive. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:28 20% is pretty low. And I think that's incorrect, but I understand the feelings because it's this year. It's not our job to bring successes. No, it's not our job. It's our job. I would say it's a testament to the show that we're weeding out the 80% of our careers.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I agree. We're an independent study. We're not a study in the 1950s backed by your mates at Big Tobacco. Telling everybody that smoking is a wonderful way to open up your lungs and ask and dare the weak face. Get on the weekend whether I'd smoke. And I'm like, I can't. She would have been in, she's like, she's your way at the beach, I'd smoke and I like I can see what it been in she's like she's you're away at the beach I spent you with the family. Yeah, and I bet Mark was going. Oh geez ducking at the pizza oven a lot Smokiest place in the house. He's one of two things is that I've
Starting point is 00:21:15 You're either hiding in there having a quick one. Well, you're climbing up to the top of the oven and sucking on the chimney So I recommend it fucking on the chimney. Both. I recommend it. I recommend it. I recommend it. I recommend it. I recommend it.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Any spoke to. Anyway, so, Brody, you stay by the ship. What we're trying to say here is we're independent. We want to be independent, but I do understand where people's perception that the skills are falling short or coming from, because they're just saying in the last few months we've had a couple of swings and misses. I'm saying quite a few emails come through where people they're not even nominating a special skill they're just saying let me do the ones that failed because I reckon I got three of them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bronty wrote in Hamishnety.com
Starting point is 00:21:55 if you want to contact us at all or fill out the very important podcast to form and list your special skills couple of the questions there. Bronty wrote and said, Che can determine a breed of dog only from hearing their bark slash wolf in brackets for clarification without looking at the dog. Of course. Well, thank you. You need that. Bronti, oh, how do you? Oh, my God. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:22:18 I don't know. Good. Any body. I hope you're on to eat now. I'm not sure if you just heard what we're discussing about worrying on hold there, but we all want this. We all want this to happen, although we still must apply the rigors of the scientific process to it.
Starting point is 00:22:34 I believe, Andy, you have organized. I've organized all the bucks because when we talked, Brian, you said you wanted pure bread, which is fine. Yeah, they is fine. They're like specialty, yeah. You've had it to find these days. Well, you've got, I mean, if we just had five mungrels lined up, it would be an easy, an easy game.
Starting point is 00:22:53 I think that's another mungrel. You've got it. So, Bronti, because we didn't, because you're on the phone, you're in breads when we can't fly any one, you would have loved to have lined up, have the checkbook ready. We would have loved to have lined up dogs, five dogs in a different studio with Bronty, like and family feud with the headphones on in another box.
Starting point is 00:23:15 The dogs have headphones on it. It's not Bronty, does it? I'm sorry, I was just kidding. And then we bring it down to feel like a Disney movie. Thank you. But alas, we, at Down the Phone, so Bronty, we we have begun recorded these bars from pure breads they are not like sound effect dog barks ham we've recorded.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Who did you see? Darsian Sam. I did. Amazing. I mean we're all busy all week. That's very good. So these we know they're bona fide bars from the dogs pure breads. We've sent you the audio.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Are you ready, Bronti, to have a listen and then a guess, we think there's five of them. We think four out of five will get you a gold coin. Okay, that's that's it. Three out of five silver hen. Well, no, it's three out of five, nothing but wrist. Oh, sorry, three out of five coin. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Well, you reckon an eight coin coin for four out of five? Yeah, what do you think? I mean, it's bloody hard. Right, sorry, I thought we three or five coin. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you're making an eight coin coin for four out of five. Yeah, what do you think? I mean, it's bloody hard. Right. Sorry, I thought it was one coin at four. Okay. Oh, I think five out of five is an eight coin coin. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Five out of five is an eight coin coin. Four out of five is a one coin. Okay. That sounds good. Bronty, you ready to give into it? Yeah, ready. Okay. Tell us what's that dog barking in the audio.
Starting point is 00:24:24 Bronty knows and she's ready to try. So what's that dog barking in the audio? I go going if you get four out of five. Oh yeah, if we go we did that. Slider, denim, five out of five out of five. We can go back and joke Rip that out. I've had a chance of it. I haven't time to go and record dogs Clean up clean up the song. Okay, Bronti. You play it to yourself
Starting point is 00:24:53 Audio number one and we'll play it here at the same time Okay, there we go dog one I'm gonna go dashhound okay talk us through your guess. I mean, I'm going to go dashhound. Okay, talk us through your guess. I mean, I'm interested in you know, I'm not a dog guy, but we, it sounds a bit breathy doesn't it? I mean, are you hearing big dogs, small dog? I'm hearing a small dog and with dashhound, it kind of got like a little growl to them. It is a small dog, but it's a graphic dash out.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Did English cock Spaniel? You could tell the English accent in the book. Now knowing that was in English cock a Spaniel, what are you feeling there, Bronti? Does that make sense? Well, I was throwing up between dash sound and Beagle, so. No, no, it's very much a spender. Okay, number two.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Oh, interesting. The dog going through puberty. A little bit of a voice break at the end there. All right, that's 100% a Labrador. You've gone all in on the second hand. No. It's a golden retrieval. Is it a golden retrieval? No, it's a German short-haired pointer. Is that making sense? I don't really know. Oh, okay. Is that making sense?
Starting point is 00:26:25 I don't really know, I don't really know dogs either. Is that making sense to you? I've never heard of that dog. Right, is that a very elite dog? I'm guessing so. It is a tough one. I'd never, I don't know what that looks like. I am smelling.
Starting point is 00:26:38 I'm like, you've got a dog. Oh, I know what a German Shepherd pointer is. No, shorthead, not shepherd. Oh, no, sorry, German shorthead pointer is. Yeah, I know what it is. I can't. I feel like you German Shepherd pointer is. No, short head, not shepherd. Oh, sorry, German short head pointer is. Yeah, I know what it is. I can't. I feel like you could play it. Is it a dog with a short head?
Starting point is 00:26:49 You might find a Germany pointer or something. No, but I feel like if you're entering a dog competition, you should at least know all the dogs available. That's true. If I was guess all the German colors, we'd want you to know all the colors. Is that so many? Okay, 72 and the big sets of hand-out.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Probably Adam's growing up. LAUGHTER No, I lost out of the government later in life. Okay, 72 and the big sets and hand out from the Adam Griger. No, I lost over the government later in life. Oh, sorry. I never, I never had any of it. Oh, really? No, statler. I lost all statler and and and and only only seven. Seven. Poor kid. No wonder you're so excited to burst into the ranks of the elite. Okay, zero from zero, Bronty. I'm sorry, zero from two. Zero from zero was when you ate your best.
Starting point is 00:27:40 I'm going to say she gets three from three to bring it home. Yeah, we'll still get through it. We'll do a mid game switch up because we, I think, we're realising now a few more pieces of the puzzle are falling into place. I think we're seeing not recording of the most common breeds, but a recording of the breeds that Darsians are at access to. Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Can I say the next three are more common breeds? You can say that. OK. OK. Good luck with three. The next three a more common braids you can say that okay good luck in the three Okay, that's a small dog. Oh, yeah, that's yappy, but we know that Okay, I think it's It either a chihuahua or kudal I'm gonna go with chihuahua or a poodle, I'm going to go with chihuahua.
Starting point is 00:28:28 And you shouldn't have. He was a toy poodle. Oh, that was so close. I'll give you one more for fun. Actually, if you get zero, let's go the last two because... That was close. That was, you know, you fired a shot over the bow there. Didn't hit the boat, but you were that was close that was um you know you fired a shot over the bow there didn't hit the boat but you were close number four that's that's a that's a paga no a flatter nose yeah it's about me why be here. Bulldog games, I've got it might've been in a French bulldog.
Starting point is 00:29:05 This is a good one. Oh my god, I was doing so much better when I was training for this. Right, but that's the thing, sometimes you get on the big stage and you poop yourself. Bronti, this is your chance. This is your number one. You've missed four from five penalty shots. Four from four. Sorry, four from four.
Starting point is 00:29:24 The team Miraculously has nominated you again to take the penalty. Good luck dog number five I think that's that's in the realm of guard dog, isn't it? Knowing it's a pit bull or what rock real love? going it's a pitful or what rock reala. Mm. Yeah. Both famous guard dogs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:47 So we've a lay up there from home. No, it's not either. I reckon. That's not either. It's not either. It's not either. I'm going to go with just golden retriever. Yeah, she's got a bit after the pitful.
Starting point is 00:29:58 That was a golden retriever. But I'm kind of worried to her. Hey, can't. Yeah. You go pitful. Bronti, that's a huge fail. But it was so much fun having you. We're going to send you out of token of no value,
Starting point is 00:30:09 but we absolutely attribute nothing to it. No value on that token, Bronty. You are allowed to, of course, privately in a way from prime eyes to tribute some value yourself, but that's your... It'll look sentimental value. Well, that's your decision. That's your decision.
Starting point is 00:30:22 It's not to us. We'll come bring it about it straight away. Thanks, mate. Follow me. Thank you, guys yeah, that's not to us. It's not to us. We'll bring it over to you later. Straight away. Thanks, mate. Finally, good effort. Thank you, guys. You were very good at Big Dog Small Dog, which is an easy game, but you did well. And over the course of the year, some barbs, some observations, some moments have been thrown around amongst the group,
Starting point is 00:30:45 amongst people online. But perhaps one of us, sometimes two of us, sometimes another one of us, is lost touch with the kind man. So the thing we strive not to do, but God knows you've slipped up many times. You've had some shockers too. I even myself once or twice have had the charges laid, although I've been able to explain why indeed. I've got another one against you, Ab, if you.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Far away. If you wanted to come in, what I was wondering is like, do we want to self-report? Oh, this is exactly what I'm talking about. In fact, I would love to bring this concept in. I'd like to have a window once or twice a year, because it happens, right? We're not saying that nice things haven't happened, okay?
Starting point is 00:31:25 But if you're aware of it, you haven't lost touch with the Color Man. The Color Man understands when he's enjoying a nice thing. Yes. Losing touch with the Color Man is when you don't understand that you shouldn't have a golf simulator in your house every single day. And you were just taking it for granted. That's when people lose touch with the Color Man. But the Color Man knows, oh, this is lucky.
Starting point is 00:31:44 And I understand this. And it feels different to me from my common way in the road. So what I was thinking of doing was a self-reporting situation. You can open the window, but then when we close it, that's it. You can't just, you know, this is the time to self-report. I can go right now. And I'd have it open the window.
Starting point is 00:31:58 If you've got anything you want to self-report or Jack. Do you want, because I've got someone wrote in of seeing Hamish in the wild losing touch with the common man. Okay, for it. I mean, and, um, but he was wanting to do it a self report before it. Um, look, let's say I put up a few weeks ago where there was a square marshmallow that I was roasting, um, and people would try and appoint out that, uh, oh, it's a jumbo marshmallow.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Appreciate your vigilance, because we do indeed to be vigilant on this stuff, but as I tried to point out the comments, that was a locally bought, I was trying to support local communities in a country area. Pascal did a bit of research. They're the traditional marshmallow owned by a US conglomerate.
Starting point is 00:32:39 So where do you want your marshmallow dollars going? Would you like them to be locally purchased? I would have thought so that is a nice, common man thing to do. This is from Rayleigh. Yep. I believe I have important information with regard to an individual in the show and he's further distancing of him, uh, self away from the common man.
Starting point is 00:32:56 No, if it's happened, I've learned from the best. I have it on good authority that this particular individual was recently in the country town. Yep. And upon entering a cafe, it decided to order a soup. My source informs me it wasn't just a common soup. It was a pumpkin or a minestrone or something. Soup of the day. Pumpkin, pumpkin potato, both commonly found vegetables.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Not the problem though. The kitchen however was closed, but due to the high profile of the individual in question and the persistence with his privileged attitude, the staff reopened the kitchen just so hamish-blake, enemy of the cotton man could eat. He's extravagant meal on his own time with no regard to the impact he was having on the staff working at the cafe. Oh, must be nice.
Starting point is 00:33:40 As I said, must be nice. I think supporting the local community by purchasing suits is a very lovely thing to do. I must be nice. Well, I'll go and tell the family that I gave that suit to that it wasn't for them. You waited. I mean, I will be easily able to find the family, I live with them, they were the Blake family. But it was purchased for two young children and I do think the town for their hospitality. I offered to take it cold, I didn't need to be heated up because it was a pre purchased for dinner.
Starting point is 00:34:11 That's what I mean, you know, you know, okay. Probably, in my opinion, didn't need to be self-reported, but yes, I can see from the other side of the fence that there's dobbling that they felt needed to be done. Jack, I'm going gonna officially open the window, the self-reporting window. Mm-hmm. SELF REPORTING WINDOW OTHERM! Far away, Jack.
Starting point is 00:34:33 What would you like to self-report about yourself? See, it is immune from being, you cannot be accused of losing touch with the common man if you list these items. All right, Andy, you mentioned your friend has two dishwashers. I have the two dishwasher drawers system. So it's one dishwasher, but it does have two drawers. Still one dishwasher. Not as bad as your friend. No, it must be so nice to wonder which dish was it you put in. I guess we got it. You're still reporting.
Starting point is 00:35:05 You're still reporting. That's the time we can't do stacks on. Thanks for your honesty, Jack. Anything else you'd like to acknowledge? That's the only non-common man thing in my home. Do I close the window now? No, no. We've got to give Andy a shot.
Starting point is 00:35:18 We've all got to have a chance to check something. Could we bother doing the laundry this week? Yep. Throw it all to the laundromat. Torn and wash everything. All right. I was just up and on washing. Just the washing.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Just the washing. Just thought, didn't even know you could do that. You don't have to touch. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The buttless hurt basically. Basically, you just take a bag down and just go, do they go, you're not dry cleaner, then you just go just wash it and they just do it.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Offsite Butler. Who to the laundromat? Yeah. But usually at the laundromat side, no, I don't have people staffing them. What do you mean? They're just the ones where you put the coin? And he's talking about like a dry cleaner.
Starting point is 00:35:54 And he would even know the thing you're talking about. That's outside of a movie, because he maybe went there on a field trip or something like, had he's a driver, dropped him over. The laundry, the very nice. Yeah, it must be very nice and even know what a laundry bed is.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Not a laundry bed there, dry cleaning. The dry clean place where Andy's but the leaves offside to do the trick. Yeah, that's not that good. Okay, and remember guys, any like this is the chance to get it all out and it's completely immune from here on end. So that's you all done.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Yep, I've got it all out. Great, Well, I mean, just then then the window shuts. Boom, it's open season again. But if anything is mentioned in the window, sacred ground, it's been identified. Look, I, you know, just couldn't give anything specifically, but I've just done a recorded a few just quickly as a little cover all, but let's do mine and then finish the segment. Just some holiday stuff, half stuff, half stuff, lid stuff and some possessions. Self recording window clothes. All right.
Starting point is 00:36:49 So if it was set in there, it's off limits. And if it wasn't, it's free-rate. Hey, before we go, just a little bit of prep oration, just future special skills, there's one here that I'm fascinated by, and I understand that you want to bring one back at me. Just a little bit of prep oration, just future special skills. There's one here that I'm fascinated by, and I understand that you wanna bring one back at me. Yeah, I've got one.
Starting point is 00:37:10 I've got one I can play against you. And we can either, we'll just... Hick one. Or we see who, you know, or people, it's like just flipping a deck of cards. Who's got the highest card here? Who's got the skill that we will invest in and bring to the show?
Starting point is 00:37:22 I really like it when people nominate other people in their lives. It does, it's nice sort of voter confidence isn't it? Yes, suddenly you're feeling like, all right, this definitely has the endorsement. Megan did exactly that for a sister. She wrote this, I, sorry, Georgia did that for her sister. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:37:42 She wrote, I, Georgia, and putting in this application for my sister, Megan, and she proves herself, which I'm certain she will, I will be claiming the coin. So she would like to claim the coin. Bit of a manager, manager, starlet situation. In the back in the days when managers were just scooping all the cash. Megan says, Megan can without fail name
Starting point is 00:38:05 the nine-letter word in the paper in under seven seconds. I know. She doesn't have to have seen it prior. The word's cramble. Yep. She legit opens up the paper and she'll say, handbrake, not every time. Yep.
Starting point is 00:38:17 She otherwise that would just be a dick. Yes. That's the one she sent me today. So that's her saying, that not she even sent it to me. So that's I mean, okay, my worry here is, I think I speak for us all, we're talking here the age Sydney Morning Herald that that word search where you open it up. Yeah, there's no, you're to make as many words as you can at a nine letters. There is of course one nine letter word. Yeah, that's the prize. We've all experienced that some point in our life.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Get it? That moment where you go, hang on a sec. Yeah. Anxious? Or whatever it is. And you feel like a genius. Yeah. I hope she's not just romantically remembering the time she got it and ignoring the time
Starting point is 00:38:58 she didn't. Well let's ask her now, here's joining us on the line. We've got Megan standing by and her sister, Georgia. Megan Hoy. Hi. How are you? I'm fine. I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Good to hear. Now, Georgia, first up, if you were to take this on, are you comfortable with the fact, sorry, Megan, first up, if you're comfortable with the fact that Georgia might is asking to take the whole coin if you're successful? Well, I didn't agree to that originally, but I'm okay with it. Wow. and you can't fool the fact that Georgia might is asking to take the whole coin if you're successful. Well, I didn't agree to that originally, but I'm okay with it. I've come to terms with it. The generous superhero willing to sort of use
Starting point is 00:39:33 their superpower and then donate all proceeds. That's probably where the superhero analogy falls over. Well, I've not owned a sibling as well, so I'm used to it. I just don't remember any times like at the end of Superman, where the mayor of Metropolis is like, thank you for saving the town,
Starting point is 00:39:48 he's a million dollar check, and he just don't hate it too much. Do he's too sibling? I'm gonna give it to my brother back on. I have a planet I come from. Megan, how many times have you done this? And do you stand by George's claim that you can get the nine little word every time
Starting point is 00:40:04 and under seven seconds. I would say I have like a nine to five percent strike rate. Wow. What was the most recent one you got? I did one this morning actually it was nervously. Wow. I think I would have got that. Okay and you guys are Melbourne based? Yeah, yeah. We're Melbourne based. I want to see this in the flesh. I want to see this for sure. Okay, Jack put them in the hole. Yeah, yeah, we're Melbourne based. You wanna see this in the flesh, are you? I wanna see this for sure.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Okay, Jack, put them in my hole. Guys, you wanna see it. I wanna see it. I'm gonna see it. I'm gonna see it in the green. Great final cell there. Great final cell there from Georgia. I think you're the agent.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Yeah, you're looking to skip the coin. Okay. Okay, put them in my hole. And I won't even tell you what my volunteer, my tribute here, Haley has, I'll let her speak for herself. Haley, ohoy. Ohoy boy, how are you? Very tribute here Haley has I'll let her speak for herself Haley Ohoi Ohoi boy so are you very good Haley unleash upon Andy what your special skill is well firstly is once a happy birthday Andy this is weird and I barely really come to realize that I have this power but basically like I'm an
Starting point is 00:41:02 amber right so I go to a stack of different people's houses all the time, different cultures, all that. And I kind of sort of to notice that I could sort of look at a photo and determine whether they were dead or alive, I don't know. But so the dead give away obviously the funeral pamphlets, they're easy, but I would put that in there to give away. Gina level, that's soft balls to get your eyes in. Skeleton. I can tell that person more of a green rum.
Starting point is 00:41:29 I'm opposed to a black diamond. Okay. But I mean, Are you saying you're at people's houses and you'll see the gram parent, or a picture of someone who might look 45 and some he strikes you and you go, oh, I'll like him. Dulllens. Yeah, like so I tend to notice I look at group shots on a wall and go, oh, what happened to this person? And like a member of patients while saying, oh, did you go to him last year? He had a big heart attack. But I had. Yeah. So you're seeing people that
Starting point is 00:41:59 you, you know, because also you would rule out, I mean, just calling us bad. It's baby, you know, anyone looks like a hundred. You'd sort of go. Yeah, no, like I don't like other people. Old people are children for all of your shows and idol. Yeah, of course. But you're getting the vibe of people that are in the middle of their life and who otherwise be appearing to present in good health. Yeah. Sometimes the vibe hits you. Yeah, just the vibe hits me. Like I've been tested by a few colleagues lately
Starting point is 00:42:20 and I've got to say my stroke rate, better than a guess. It feels, it's like, it's a stroke rate better than a guess. It feels, it's a stroke rate better than a guess. That doesn't sound good, but if there's one thing that we've actually proved on the special skill segment, is that quite a lot of the time, it's much worse than a guess. Yes. Why don't we be the Simpson's guy?
Starting point is 00:42:37 No, I know. I was. Haley, with her hair on hold as well, it's quite a morbid guess. It's a sin. And that's the norm, nervous about. But it feels like if you use celebrities. Would we play them off against each other?
Starting point is 00:42:53 We'll do about this. We set up a situation where we give, we get Megan and Haley in at the same time. We have a room that has five of the nine letter words scrambled on the page. And then on the other table, five pictures of people, like middle, you know, 30, 40, 50 year old people. We unleash them in the room.
Starting point is 00:43:15 And it's they're playing off against each other. So soon, I'm just talking. I was a little easier for the person to go that person's dead. Sure. She's going to get 100%. I'm just talking about it. I'm just talking about it. I'm just talking about it. I'm just talking about it. I'm just talking about it. I'm just talking about it. I'm just talking about it. I'm just talking about it.
Starting point is 00:43:36 I'm just talking about it. I'm just talking about it. I'm just talking about it. I'm just talking about it. I'm just talking about it. I'm just talking about it. I'm just talking about it. I kind of agree with Ando even if you're guessing you can get through the dead or alive people Easier whereas you can't just guess the word as easy. What about this? For Hayley who's doing dead or alive she can do a steal if she sees one of the nine later Bies are a credit
Starting point is 00:43:58 Bies are a death credit no more complicated. Yeah, I think it's too interesting What I think we could do though if we could do both is it's where actually here's the kicker. If I leave in the state I'm not I don't think we should fly it. We can't find anyone in the market. It doesn't pass the master But it doesn't pass master to fly someone down for a guessing a death guessing game Yeah, but if she's in Melbourne. Yeah, I'd happily set up a room with a few photos in and let it go at it Should we find out where she's from? Hi, Leigh.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Yes. Where are you calling from? I'm calling from Sydney, but I can move places. Oh, she can hear me. I can move my person. Okay. The talent's never end. Very spooky.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Okay. I've been trying to move my person. Sorry. She can't hear this. Okay. I don't think we do the Halyan. All right, you just think. I feel like it's... I don't know what someone did to attempt her
Starting point is 00:44:55 with making a few look like an in-mormorium, but it's like someone we know that we know is well and truly alive. Oh, it's certainly much more fun. Can she actually not hear this? She can't hear this. I believe. Try to hear what she listens back to the podcast.
Starting point is 00:45:07 All right, that's true. No, say what you're gonna say. I was gonna say, it seems more to put someone up there that has lost their life too early. First of all, I'm broke. To just to celebrate where there's someone can pick it or not. That's true.
Starting point is 00:45:20 If we were to go all five live. Yep. And she comes in there this now. And she comes into the room. I was just going to hear this episode before she comes up. Not if we added this bit. That's too hard. But just problem. Why don't we just say this?
Starting point is 00:45:36 Let's win it. OK, I've got the answer. Haley. Haley? Yeah, sorry. I'm here. No, sorry. It's OK if you tuned out.
Starting point is 00:45:45 We jacked us from time to time. Haley, here's where we sit on this. I think it's an incredible skill. We won't test it right now. We want to do something even more exciting. We don't know when, we don't know how, but we feel like we'll need your skill one day. We'd like you to be on call if and when we need this talent. Do you accept this challenge?
Starting point is 00:46:07 Sure. Yes, I accept. Great. Thank you. That's great. I feel like we're happy with that. Yeah, very happy with that. And then we'll get Megan and Georgia in.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Obviously, it's all in the line for Georgia and Megan's the competitor. Great. Happy with that. Great. We don't even know if we go back and tell them that, they can hear it. They're probably not on hold, other.
Starting point is 00:46:28 I just bought them back so they didn't hear everything about the Haley skills. I have no faith in the whole system anymore. I don't know anything about Haley. Do you know what Haley's skill is? Do you even know who Haley is? No, who's Haley? No.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Jack's story checks out. Don't worry about it. You should have managed off. You should have managed off. You guys can download this episode, obviously when it comes out. That will be fun in coming weeks. And yeah, what are we saying, Ham? So if we have five different nine little words.
Starting point is 00:46:56 You did say seven seconds per word, didn't you, Megan? Yeah. Let's just chuck you in a room. I'll be generous and give you 40 seconds to nail five. Yep. Wow. I'd say seconds work. Love that. I'm leaving one second travel time between the words.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Yeah. For your eyes. I just like the week. I feel like hockey. We don't have to put them in a room. Like they could come in here. We could show them. We could show them.
Starting point is 00:47:19 We wanted it to our room. Okay. They'll be in a room. I'd prefer if that was run curse manager first. All right. Yes. Of course. I'd prefer if that was run custom manager first. All right, yes, of course. I'll let you guys figure out your split, your rider, and then come back to all the other things you need
Starting point is 00:47:30 for your manager. Okay, Graz, see you guys. This is good. All right, perfect. Here. Catch up or contribute at hamishanandie.com

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