Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2021 Ep 121

Episode Date: March 3, 2021

1. Catching up 2. Power tools Special Skill 3. Horgs’ complaints line 4. Tall terrier mixtape 5. Another bitcoin password victim ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-nuff production. Activate your internet. Cos the Hamish and the Podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering. 1. A Hoi for 2021, him. A Hoi, my friend. A Hoi to you, Jacko. A Hoi for 2021 him. A Hoi my friend. A Hoi to you Jacko. A Hoi guys.
Starting point is 00:00:29 That's gusto. I guess the government mandated three month break has its merit at times. But boy, we love to have been back early on this. Oh look, I don't want to bore everyone with the appeals. We lost money wasted, the show money wasted on lawyers and you know, get t-shirts. And even just some plan odd, lined down at the front. Jack was on a peanut butter strike.
Starting point is 00:00:52 I see a lot of hunger strike, but obviously he's still bulking, so he's not going to go on a complete hunger strike. But Jack O, no peanut butter, what was it for two weeks to protest? Yes, that's right. It was terrible, really hard to get those extra calories in at the end of the day. Yep. And who was the peanut butter strike bought to you by? Who? Who's Mavis? I'm my peanut butter friends if they still listen to the show. It starts again. It starts again. See how he's been doing. So that obviously tells us that he doesn't have a current deal, but he is open to reigniting the channels.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Well, I thought when their first care package came, I thought it might have been an ongoing thing. It was just one care package, and I thought they probably got an open-silly grip with a no care package. Okay, we weren't gonna start with this hair, but I have to start with something. Cause it feels like the search for free things
Starting point is 00:01:44 that Jack. That Jack does love so much must run in the radio family that he's in. Because as you know, my brother-in-law insists that owner Rufrextore. Sure. And I tell you, Jack was calling up for a freebie. No, Paul, God and email.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Do you know, is it a Francis Blake or Blake Francis? Oh, Blake Francis, I know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You guys know him too, he worked at the station. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He worked at the station. Nine to five. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:02:11 Oh, yeah. See him around those elves. Anyway, he emailed Paul at the Rufrax store, wanting some free raks for promotion they're doing for the Goldwater for Breakfast Show. We are doing anything to do with Rufra store. Yeah. Wanting some free racks for promotion they're doing for the goal, what oh, for breakfast show. We're going to do anything to do with roof rack. Okay. Well, as is she sure it's not one of the guys from the breakfast show. Not the guy who's showing is not Christian, but the other guy from the show. So it's not him driving around trying to fill up the roof of his car with navers.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Nuts for the nut butter. Inqu inquiring about a Kia Serato 2030. Five to a hatch. So he wants a free rack. He wants the free racks. No, offered contra. Offered contra. So you might be having to do, Jack. Yeah, you might be having to say thanks to a
Starting point is 00:02:59 hundred of the customers. You might have to be saying thanks to RCS for the sweet racks. Who's the hero's it? Well, they're saying that RCS for the sweet racks. Who's the weirdest? Well, they're saying that they're not someone on air. It's a 2013. But what I like is Paul knew that it was obviously coming from Gold 104, which is Jack's stationy cheats on us with. He's actually a job.
Starting point is 00:03:20 This is a hobby, apparently. But Paul wrote back, yeah, happy to help out. We'd need to know whether it's a 2013 or up to 2013, because they changed that year, need a fitting kit. So they're very professional. We said, jackpot, but by the way, Jack Post is my absolute favorite radio personality. So talented, funny, and handsome triple exclamation marks.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Say, I don't mean. And so did that message get passed on by, but I have not had that message passed on. What do I mean? Or do I know of any Kia or any promotion we're doing with roof racks or anything even to do with driving? So then...
Starting point is 00:03:50 Having said that, the door still remains open for Mavis to reignite the ongoing relationship. But Blake, can I just say, he's that kind of guy who, like, always turns up at the tennis and you just assume that he's getting some kind of free tickets. I think he, if I may say, is more of a weasel than me What is the podcast for if it's not some sort of weasel court? Well, we're trying under the 2013's key surrender Jack and we've got a new segment point out of weasel
Starting point is 00:04:23 See weasel Hunt. Now we can open the show to him if we want to point out a further even more Weaselie person than we can. Yes, and do we get to the bottom of the borough? Do we find the lowest Weasel? Anyway, he did write that saying, I'll pass on the message to Jack. He will love to have a fan.
Starting point is 00:04:41 So let's give it a few days to see where they're in. He would love to have our fan. That's what he it a few days to see where they love to have a fan What a weasel what a weasel bloggers. Hey, do we set up? Similar to how remember last year we had Mike ready might battle the guy Pokemon facts. We have the Pokemon battle Do we still get a weasel fighting on the show and we get Blake on versus Jack to really add each other on the most weasel He behavior would Blake know the extent on the most weasley behavior. Would Blake know the extent of Jack's weasel behavior? So that's hard.
Starting point is 00:05:10 We give a week or two to a mass at dossier. That's the hard thing is that. Well, I feel like we can get to hear you there. TV, see you there. Oh, I'm happy. I mean, since we're starting the show in a traditional manner, let's start something that we never follow up on. It's what are the tenets of the show.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Let's set something up for a Peter out. Yep. Which is one of the things we do well. Speaking of non-sponsored, we're all in white t-shirts. Yeah, we're blank. blank canvas is today. If it's a track since two years of service, I think, from those velvet tracks as we thought it might be time
Starting point is 00:05:41 for a change, we are, yeah, we're fresh, aren't we? We look like, we look like we look like we've been recruited to the Navy. Yeah. Just short white T-shirts. Your tracksuit could sit here. We probably won't reference it by name too often. We save that for roof carriers, boys. And peanut butter brands, we have no commercial association with. But if you've got a tracksuit you think you'd like to,
Starting point is 00:06:04 it's in competition though, you can tender it to us. And we might consider it to be the track suit, the show track suit 2021. And really the biggest thrill you'll see is it just uses pop up on the video. And look, four marks to Vila was the last track suit. We kind of pretended we were going to do it every couple of weeks and we just felt a lot used to him
Starting point is 00:06:21 and that was two years of cash free. Anything else to cover off on? Well, I just wanted to, you know, it's obviously great to be back. I appreciate everyone from hanging through the government mandate a break. As we've mentioned, we were absolutely furious. We were muzzle a little bit by the government. I wrote a very, very strong letter to the editor that was meant to be published in the age and I think some powers that be stepped in and got that kibosh. But we were furious over the break plan of protest and then lockdown came in so I couldn't do the protest. Right. I know we've been talking about keys a little bit but I was thinking since it's
Starting point is 00:06:54 episode one to one we could get Mazda to look at me. I contacted Mazda and I asked them if they would like to sponsor this episode because of the famous one, two, one jelly bean but bubble car. For years, they had a few reasons where they weren't interested, like they've moved on from that and make them anymore. So another misopportunity on the sponsor's front. Can I do want to do a gusto check?
Starting point is 00:07:17 Yep. Like an actual gusto check. How are you feeling, Andy? Very good. Very good. Doesn't sound gusto-y. Oh, well, I think we proved that gusto's up. How are you feeling, Jan? Oh, I very good. Very good. Doesn't sound gusty. Oh, well, I think we proved that gusts are... Hey, you feeling jammed?
Starting point is 00:07:28 Oh, I feel good. It was... Do you know what I actually... End it? That was the test. Fake gusts. Was what I was trying to sniff out. I shouldn't have gone... I found some fake gusts though. Well done, Andy. You played a natural game.
Starting point is 00:07:42 And that's part of gusts though. He's playing a natural game. And that's part of gusto. He's playing natural. And why would anyone put on a gusto if they weren't confident with their gusto? It's true. I feel good. Oh boy. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:07:57 I do feel good. Am I normal tone? Thank you for your responsible for three percent of this show. So you're all built in here. We have a gusto. Lapse. Hopefully we can still Southory. Couple of things this show. So you've all been building it. You're the only of a gusto lapse. Hopefully we can still sell through a couple of things. Sam, quickly, I want to go for it. Yeah, go for it.
Starting point is 00:08:09 We talked about the big five fruits. A lot of people over the break were working it out. What were the big five fruits as it came? Shamus, Aldridge, a Hoy to You, great email. He went to galleries as well as online to find out whenever fruitball bowls have been painted and picked out the 30 most popular fruit portraits. I tell you who I predict is going to get a look in that we wouldn't have expected. Grapes.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Grapes, here we go. He put it all in the spreadsheet. Grapes seem to be in still life paintings more than you would expect grapes to be in a fruit bowl. Sorry, play on. According to him, out of the 30 portraits, apples were in 97% of them. Wow.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Orange is 77, and home grapes in 66% of them. Pear at 57, Benana at 50, rounding out the rest with mangoes and strawberries. But mango surprises me to be in that. It's a great idea. Jack, I'm sure you'd agree. I love the theory behind this. And does it skew unluckily
Starting point is 00:09:20 towards what's a good Mediterranean fruit? Because a lot of the pain is sort of from Europe. Or modern fruits, does it discourage modern fruits from being in because you don't see so many still lifes of fruit anymore? That's a modern fruit. When did a fruit get invented? It's like modern times. Oh, like a crone strawberry. As people's palan's change over over time what we like in modern life, they're not using the mango invented. They're the same fruits. Just can't wait for the new model to come
Starting point is 00:09:54 out. It's a 2013. He can't put a rack on a 2013's for me. They changed the shape. I got one last one. No one last one that I think were amusing, guys. Obviously, one of the big mark that I got heavily into last year was copper. I got the copper sphere. People were keen to tell me, obviously, Bitcoin and GameStop shares were probably the two big movers over the summer in terms of making riches. Copper, as a market did not have the sort of flurry of activity that we saw in games, upshares or Bitcoin over the summer, it moved in the right direction, it did move well, but I had another, I had a run in with copper,
Starting point is 00:10:38 because I am still sitting on my mesmerizing copper ball, copper sphere, loving it, absolutely, still mesmerized like I was from day one. But I'm in and you house the moment, and I was talking to a trader because I'm doing the garage, right? I just wanna put like a bench and some shelves in the garage. Had a trade over, pat me, so he's a pretty bloke, he bloke.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Like he's got a real Scott Can vibe about him and you know in the face of a builder like that, I, it's like I'm on thank god you're here, just trying to, like, trying to match him one to one without addressing the elephant in the room, which is, well, if you're so good with the tools mate, why am I doing your garage? So, trying to talk to you many, we were talking about what, what surface the bench would be. And, and he mentioned copper beading, right? Oh, the bench. And so, I was like, yeah, I said, okay, interesting.
Starting point is 00:11:24 You said, because, you know, your bench sort of meant, and I was like, yeah, I said, okay, interesting. You said, because you know, your bench sort of meant, and I was like, geez, I haven't had a cup of beating before, must be like very small balls of copper, maybe it makes it tougher, must be a tradey thing. And I don't know why I said this, because he's obviously not a podcast listener. So I go, well, I actually have a mesmerizing speed. I got a speed that I got it is
Starting point is 00:11:45 I have a mesmerizing copper sphere now. I have a friend that has one too He doesn't really like his because I'm thinking of your copper sphere See I could would would we I don't know why I mean just for my own amusement right hoping that he might say yes This and we could talk about on the show I go could we like smell it down and use the copper for the beads because what do you mean? I said for the could could we could we like, smell it down and use the copper for the beads? You guys, what do you mean? I said, could we, like, I don't know how big the beads are, the copper beads for the bench top.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Right? I don't know if you've seen where this is going or not. Because what do he, he goes, no, I said, it'll copper beating. Like, you want something that'll copper beating. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah, okay. Right. Sorry, but you said you want something with copper beading. Ah! I'm just pretending straight away. Yeah, of course you want copper beading. I mean, you were just putting raw wood there.
Starting point is 00:12:38 You'd obviously beaded with copper. Ah! Ah! So now to save face, I am getting something to cover beating. Hey, I'm first special skill to kick off 2021. For people who don't know, go to hamishney.com. You can correspond with us there, but also feel at a very important podcast to form, which you can list your special skill. We have a bit of a soft spot, don't we,
Starting point is 00:13:09 and for people dobbying in someone. Yeah, and the reason we have a soft spot for is, is it usually means the skill is terrific because the public has noticed. It's one thing for Wolverine to turn up to the X-Men headquarters and say, look at this with With these spikes. Spikes, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:26 It's another thing altogether to have someone ride into Dr. Xavier and go, I've noticed this guy on the navel. You've got to see a spike. You've got to see a spike. You've got to see a spike. You've got to see a spike. And you just see more of a humble superhero if you're not dobbin' yourself in. I'm not taking it always, I have to do that way, but it's certainly what got our attention
Starting point is 00:13:43 for today's, the dog-renerat. Iron Man's more of a look at me, look what I've done. Yeah, exactly. He has press conference Yeah, it's better wouldn't it be more impressive? Yeah, if the Hulk ran Someone and said I saw a guy flying around five. But work is the point I suppose I can't and now we will watch the next Marvel movie probably with a keen or I to go is this more of a more of a A novel self-nominator or a public nominator Um iZac rang. Oh containers and said hey listen my dad's got this skill. It's pretty phenomenal It's power tools based iZac joins us now. I was like how are you made oh, oh?
Starting point is 00:14:22 I miss for hoi a hoi jack oh hoi. I do oh hoi jack oh hoi Isaac tell us the skill mate. So that is able to be able to determine a power tool just by listening to it from a couple meters away on a job site. So could you do it down the phone? I believe he could do it over the phone. The audio is great and we've got technical difficulties on Jackson. We can promise A, we can cautiously hope for B. Awesome. And what's your dad's name? My dad's name is Fernando. Or for Fernando that's what you like. Fernando is great. Now, we'll find out why in a second. We did.
Starting point is 00:15:07 We were pleased to hear of his name being Fernando. Oh, how do you pronounce it? How do you pronounce it? I'm quite a you Fernando. I heard you're a man. Mate, you can hear us clearly, Ken. That's very important. 100%.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Wonderful. Well, that sounds good. Hey, you've got, you've gone out, any excuse to buy tools? Oh, as I said, Andy, look, I know this. I've bought this with the company money, the joint Hamish and Andy money, but I tried to hire them. I, you know, cared deeply about the bottom line finances.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Just the quality wasn't a scrap, Andy, for the higher places. And it has kind of high, he's just got high tools. And he wants, we're not, so I don't know, if you need them to be a certain brand, but I hope Makita is. And I'm not just saying Makita, Makita, Makita, because I hope they send us some random selection of tools.
Starting point is 00:15:54 I would obviously prefer a specific selection of what I do and don't want them. There's going to be three different tools. Does Fernando need to get three out of three him to get himself a coin? I think you do, Fernando. Do you agree with that? I think two would be sensational.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Look, maybe. I don't know why we asked the good better than it is at the rules. I think two would actually be sensational because I've been having a little go in here and I would think that a lot of power tool companies are putting a similar engine in the tools. So it is a bit of a tricky thing to hear. The reason why I think it should be two out of three is because I've seen the tools for Nando.
Starting point is 00:16:38 They're all battery-packed tools, where I know they're... It's compatible with the rest of my life. You're compatible with these range, which I know isn't probably true of the work site and tile They're probably oh you use a lot of battery these days, but some of the tools you've got I wouldn't say the at the commercial level Right enough. So you know the range we're talking about here the very reliable and reliable and do you
Starting point is 00:17:04 And held mccat arrange it all runs off the same battery of which I now have lots which is good Yes, but Fernando if you're ready we're gonna jump into this you ready Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's do it Tell us isn't a circular saw or would router Fernando Could it be a hammer drill? What do you feel, Fernando? Okay, that wasn't one that was a sound effect from now.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Yes, we don't know if that was a hammer drill. Yes. What do you think that sound effect there was at the end? Great song. I loved it. Oh, I appreciate that, Fernando. You know it's I loved that. Oh, you know it's on the original that. Okay, hey, let's get the first tool up. What's he going to go with? Here we go. Here we go. Okay, hey, he's got two now. Are you ready for Nando? Here we go. Are you ready for Nando? Do it, here we go.
Starting point is 00:18:02 WHAAAA! WHAAAA! WHAAAA! WHAAAA! That sounds like a blower. WHAAAA! Yeah! He's got it.
Starting point is 00:18:10 He's got it, hasn't he? I am not... Maybe two generous of me to waft a little bit onto the mic. Maybe that was two generous. Now I actually have a Maketa blower. I need it. It was Nyan. It was dog saying Maketa.
Starting point is 00:18:23 You do it in, eh? I'll pay it back with Adicom. The cake. the Keeta blower. I need it. Can we stop saying the Keeta? You do it, eh, mate? I'll pay it back with Atticum. The Keeta is at the Dub 185 you've got, because I like the rubber in Ozil. Okay, that was easy. I feel like the hints were there. Hame, we said he's only gonna do two out of three.
Starting point is 00:18:39 So no hints. No, you're right, you're right. I feel like we're getting a real softball to be in the show, and I don't like softballs. No, you're right, you're right. I feel like we're getting a real softball to be in the show and I don't like softballs. No, maybe, okay. Here comes the next one. Good luck Fernando. He'll be a bit longer him.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Yeah. One more time. He's a bit longer than he is. That sounds like like an impact driver. Now hang on. Or it could have been a reciprocating stall. I've got my first one. It is not. It's actually, it's actually, it's a, it's an electric chancel. Oh, I haven't got one of them.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Yes, but the game is not what tools does for me. But this does create a bit of excitement, heady into the final tool. Okay. Hame, well done. I think you're a bit nervous because the chain looked a bit loose on that. Yeah, the chain was a bit loose. And for those who knew you with that classic bottle
Starting point is 00:19:47 green that the Maketa tools come in, little pieces of green plastic were flying off everywhere. So, not up with. Yeah, no, not 100% the chains on that properly. They might need a little, a little replace. So from the good people at Maketa and perhaps send out one of your authorised representatives to pop the check
Starting point is 00:20:06 Just time to start the chat. Yeah, well, we put it together in a bit of a hurry. We'll have a little look at that Okay, all on nothing here Fernando. Good luck for now, though. This is the final tool That's a McHenna Grindrack. He's got it. I thought I was going to be tough because you know it's in the circular motion category, but there's a lot of tools that have that circular motion. What gave it to me? I thought it's, you know, obviously a circular saw, obviously it slowed down, which obviously helped you,
Starting point is 00:20:48 but why did you, we're so confident it was the grinder? I owned three of them. Yes. He knows what he's doing, and you really knows he's doing, and what pad did I have on it? I, it might have been a card in this. Yeah, it was. I'm a bit of a...
Starting point is 00:21:01 Yes. But there, no, congratulations, Isaac. You've got yourself a coin and it's nice to kick off 2021 with a victory. Thanks very much, guys. Message for your dad, Isaac. Yeah, that was actually really, really impressive. I'm so shocked. I have no idea. They all sounded the same.
Starting point is 00:21:21 And like to anybody that's doing these challenges over the phone, the audio was hard. I could not, like like differ any of them. I know I do. Oh, wonderful words there for you. So supporting son in a real stumbling down, the stumbling down on how proud he is of his dad. And how bad the audio was going to be. Thank you, was it?
Starting point is 00:21:38 Hey, Mr. Show starts back up after our three month government mandated break. It's a must. There's a few little things we've got to obviously business to take care of. One email that came in more than anything else was, when are you going to release the Power Moose book again? For those who don't know, we might be new to the show. Welcome. Go back to the start, but before you do hear this,
Starting point is 00:22:05 we brought out a power moose book's collection of all the power moose that people had sent in or the new and I had included our own as well. Top 100. They're essentially things that you can do in social situations that give you the upper hand in life. And it was a hot ticket for Christmas this book, wasn't it, Andy?
Starting point is 00:22:21 Well, it was launched in August, but it became a hot promise to get them out by Christmas. It's sold out. And people have been wondering when are we going to re-release it. There's a dishonorable second run coming out. We did confirm that the dishonorable second edition will come out where you can have the glory of owning the power moves book like thousands of others and having it on your coffee table. But sadly, we cannot give you the honor
Starting point is 00:22:47 of being one of the early movers. You must suffer the dishonor of having the dishonorable second run stand on the front of the cover of the book. Now that's just to be fair to the people that move fast enough to get one of the early copies. However, we were contemplating a dollar dollar pricing, Chris. pricing cruise for shame.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Well, I'm not against it, Andy. But I tell you what I would be, I do not want to happen. I'm scared of this, just from a logistics point of view. I hope that the dishonorable second edition doesn't suddenly become more collectible than the first, creating some sort of artificial run on the books. That would be a worry for us. Think about our warehouse staff here. Well, we've got the man in charge of it all.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Hogs joins us now. Hogs, who are you mate? Hello, how are you boys? First, I'm Hoggy. That's that question. When is the dishonorable second run going to be available for people in Australia and around the world? Um, I reckon June.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Well, you said this, you've, you've June. I've got to be. June. Well, what's going on? What is there a shortage of the thick paper again? Are you just doing the broadline? You know, it's exactly the same book with like three new words on the front cover. Well, there's a holiday time in China.
Starting point is 00:24:08 China taken half a year. Chinese New Year, it's one day. She's a company that produces so much. Some of the other people are doing a six month holiday. I mean, if it was a three month of government mandate and break, I would understand that can happen. And you can't do anything about that. Chinese New Year finish last month, or so obviously we're in March now. You think happen if you can't do anything about that. Chinese New Year's finish last month, Hawks. Obviously, we're in March now. You think June, why can't it get here as quick as June? Well, it takes three months to, you know, we've got to get in line. They're big printers in the market. Do you think they're a queue? Well, there's such big printers and expensive printers.
Starting point is 00:24:43 It's not just, oh yeah, no worries mate, we'll whack it on today. So what it takes like three months to be sure that we're really doing this for real? Well, it takes a long time. So you've got to print all the paper and then you've got two on a page book. And then you've got to bind it all together.
Starting point is 00:25:03 But I see there's machines in the machines. There's machines. I'm thinking of a montage. Should be over in about 10 seconds. No, it's all individual. Then the actual cover, you print the piece of paper, and then they actually glue the paper over a board, then bind it all together.
Starting point is 00:25:20 It's all an old stout. And you've got to... Don't give it all the way, Hugs. And you've got as bootleakers and listening to. Don't give it all. And you've got to. And you've got to. And you've got to. And you've got to. And you've got to.
Starting point is 00:25:29 And you've got to. And you've got to. And you've got to. And you've got to. And you've got to. And you've got to. And you've got to. And you've got to.
Starting point is 00:25:37 And you've got to. And you've got to. And you've got to. And you've got to. And you've got to. And you've got to. And you've got to. And you've got to. And you've got to. And you've got to. And you've got to. And you've got to. And you've got to. And you've got to. Okay, so June, June, we will, in time, we're not gonna open it up for people to buy it yet
Starting point is 00:25:46 because we had that problem last time where people said, and then they just got angry. Because we made it so so clear, we were like, look, pre-order it now if you want one, it will not come to Christmas. I felt like we said that very, very clearly, but then you read the emails, it just didn't seem like that message got across. So it's not open for business at the moment. It really felt like we took people's money at a bookstore and said, hang on a second, go get one from out the back, went out the back, drove around Australia
Starting point is 00:26:11 at a leisurely pace, enjoyed a holiday. Holiday, it is here. Enjoy a holiday. Came back four months later when he was your book. Okay, Horst. So can we, can we promise you you're the one from guaranteed joy? Oh my god. No, no, we don we promise you you're the parent guarantee joy? Oh my god. No, no, we don't need to. We don't need to promise anything or guarantee anything. We're just observing that that sends them as when you are completely honestly go and promising you this, but I'm guaranteeing you that just clearly tip our hand a bit that we're trying to do people will come back to it. We'll come back to it. Okay. that we're trying to do people will come back to it will come back to it okay um second question did you feel that the initial run was a success huge success it was just it was
Starting point is 00:26:52 a big job yeah yeah yeah I was a lot of addresses going out I didn't calculate that we weren't we weren't we weren't we weren't thinking it was a 20,000 person share house that all wanted their own copy So did you anticipate you surely didn't anticipate the same address? Did you hear of many complaints all? Oh a few people complain, but that's a very little amount of we sent out 30,000 we got 300 complaints. I mean that that's. Did you start a hotline? A complaints line. Did you consider doing that? Well, I had to call a few people because I mean, people were sending through putting their address down. There was one person
Starting point is 00:27:35 who put it address down, you know, four. I'm going to make it up here, four Smith Street Adelaide, the state W.A. and he's had his my owner where I said I call him I said mate you're gonna have to help me here like on where do you live. You said oh sorry I used to live in W.A. but now I've been out of the way. I've just called you to. I completely stuff it up alright. Okay. We were hoping to sharpen you up ahead of the dishonorable second run. Sharpen you up a little bit on the customer, facing side of things.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Is that a fair thing to say? Absolutely. We've got someone standing by that's going to complain ready to go. Our hogs, if you wouldn't mind saying power moves complain hotline, you're speaking to hogs. As soon as you say that,
Starting point is 00:28:21 they can pick up the conversation. So off you go. Hogs hotline about power moves. Hawks hotline. Gary, you're on Hawks hotline. I'm thinking finally I get to speak to someone in customer service. Here we go. We've had a young 12 year old boy who's been waiting for his birth.
Starting point is 00:28:44 They've present since late last year. To be fair, we just got the book last Friday. So you got it. We finally got it after much toing and throwing with Australia post because it was a customer era with the mailing address. I'm pretty sure that my address was correct. I knew the day I pre-ordered it because I pat myself on the back for getting in early. Australia Post were very, very good because I could contact them and they'd respond immediately. However, they kept referring me with my complaint number to Hamish and Andy customer service. We don't have that. I don't know what. I don't know. Quite an empty desk there.
Starting point is 00:29:48 What would it have done to you? In the dungeon somewhere, just with a dead rat next to a phone. What did they, what number? I mean, who are they? Yeah. What are they saying? They were brilliant because they told me where it had been delivered. They told me who it was. They told me who it's time for it and I think it was an A-Mary on the 14th of December
Starting point is 00:30:14 in Chuganinia. That's our company's service hub. We went from there and then they got a little bit sick of me going but no one, no one's answering my queries on the contact page. So then they referred me to the contact page. They actually looked it up themselves and sent me to the page. I'd already sent three or four messages to them. Yeah, yeah. So what's happened here is you've just gone to our website, which doesn't really do complaints. Do years are all have Yeah, we do compliments come along and others we do we very much have a closed door policy to
Starting point is 00:30:54 To the chairs the chairs resting against the handle on the other side of the door That's what you would have ate up against But I'm glad it's finally a resolution push and'm pushing, pushing, pushing against that door, but it will not budge. One of the most important thing is your beautiful son got his birthday present a mere few months after his birthday. And if there's one thing having been 12 of your boys ourselves, you remember back that time in your life, you're not too fast about when you get your present. You just happy, you just happy at some time in the next calendar if you're for a row, we say to that young man, and feel good ending for everyone.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Exactly right, you've got to look on the bright side of life. That's the only side. Thank you. Ando, we are, We keep saying we're back. Yes, just good to have the muzzle off. You know, it's just good to not have the government getting its way, squashing your stand, making us take the three months off. On one hand, we appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Sure, we do appreciate it. We understand why the government makes us do it. I played a lot of golf, which was one upside, but of course, I would want it to be back at work. Yeah, giving the mouth more of a work, then, of course, the legs and arms then of course, the legs and arms, as you whack and kick your caddy for handing you the wrong car,
Starting point is 00:32:11 rock, go up, or perhaps it'd be the end of the cigar off or popping the champagne corking correctly. Maybe during someone's backswing, I know you're not allowed to pop a champagne during a backswing, it's considered poor etiquette. You know, under rule 135? So your arms are going to work out from catty assaults. But again, your vocal cords, whilst you would have been doing a lot of yelling
Starting point is 00:32:34 at him or her privately, once you go back to the Mahogany line club room, you would have much preferred to be using your vocal cords for the fun that we have on the show. Exactly, but not allowed to. But we're back. We're back. And we're back. And it's funny when the government makes you take a three-month break, you sort of, you know, we finish the show in December. And then it starts up again in March.
Starting point is 00:32:55 And a lot of stuff, you just are hoping, you know, a lot of things are happening over that time. Yep. And one of the exciting things that was coming to fruition at the end of last year was, of course, the news. And I hope I'm not jumping ahead of an announcement here. But I assume congratulations are in order, because you did flag with the team that you're about to get a tall terrier. The world's tallest terrier. You're about to get a dog. The world's tallest terrier.
Starting point is 00:33:23 And it's not the world's tallest terrier. And it's not the world's tallest. It's the... It's a tall terrier available. It's a taller terrier. No, the Jack didn't handysay was the tallest terrier available. I mean, the image of the dog is very tall. Yeah, incredibly tall, like a llama. LAUGHTER
Starting point is 00:33:38 No, it's a Welsh terrier taller. Taller, tall. Then... No, an ear-dare. An ear-dare would probably have it for leg length. Yes, so my recollection was you were getting the world's tallest area, which you graphed on to and repeated. Well, I've had quite a lot of people over the break go, you know, first of all commiserations on having to take the break and do the government grumbling,
Starting point is 00:34:03 and then going, have you seen Andy's taught Harry yet? And I said, look, no, I haven't. I suspect it is in the house, but he's probably waiting to debut it next year. And I don't want to steal the reveal for when we get to see the taught Harry. But first of all, how is it? It doesn't exist quite yet. It was a busy time for tall theories. And hot season. Yeah, hot season. COVID meant a lot of people ran out of dogs and we were looking quite seriously. It does make them sound like the people using it as face masks.
Starting point is 00:34:40 It was toilet paper and dogs. They ran into supermarkets. And we looked through for rescues for this type of dog that we want, but there aren't any at this stage in Shelter's either. So we're doing the shelter thing, but you want the tall terrier from it. We would love a specific type of dog's hair. That's not quite the shelter mentality, is it? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Like calling the upshop going, if you've got any Chanel bags. LAUGHTER I'm very interested to get one from the shop. Very insensitive. And of course, doing the right thing and supporting the community. Yes.
Starting point is 00:35:19 But it does need to be this bag in this colour. LAUGHTER Pretty much. Pretty much. OK, well then, uh, Slut Spanner in the works because I have made you something to welcome the arrival of the Tautaria.
Starting point is 00:35:31 I just assumed we'd have a Tautaria on our hands. Yep. I made you a mixtape with Tautaria songs. Yeah. So we may as well do it anyway. Yeah. Assume the Tautaria would be with us. So this is going to be...
Starting point is 00:35:44 And then I can play it to Beck. Yeah. Assume the taught area would be with us. So, this is going to be... And then I can play it to Beck when we eventually get the taught area. Because I know she doesn't listen to this anymore, I'll podcast anymore because of the way she's treated. Well, that's what I'm saying. So, has taught me she was too busy from day one. So, yeah. Well, okay, it was more of an ad for the next tape, but...
Starting point is 00:36:02 I guess just pretend you've got it. Okay. Congratulations Andy, on your purchase of the World's Tours Terrier. You and that lofty purchase are going to take adventure to New Heights. I'm intended. Seriously, I know how much you like my singing. So I've made this mixtape so you can get down and shake your derrier with your tall terrier. We start off the songs with a little bit of Kanye. Next, some powerful analogies.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Floating up up the ground, way up in the sky, like a bird's head. Then the songs get really, really good. Because, A-Lean, people are gonna think it's crazy When giraffes seem small Cuz you're duck so tall And as sure as you can bet I'm looking at you right now very proud of those lyrics You can bet the celebration of my genius will be short lived when you hear the next tall terrier track. Man, even your tenth favorite band Imagine Dragons from Las Vegas gets the tall terrier treatment. You're a young man with a tall dog like my friend Steve with his long frog such a nut young
Starting point is 00:37:45 Yega grabby lungs all those cool tracks plus more freedom by me to celebrate the arrival of your very very tall terrier please enjoy mate but hurry mix tape on sale now and selling fast sorry due to specificity of product and small customer pull no best friend, just counts. Yes, sorry, I made you one, but it's for sake. I hope you didn't do any of that work during our three month government, and I did. I did most of it just before we started the show today. I know it seems crazy. I thought it's fun. Some of those killer lyrics I thought it's fun. No, took me months to think of the long frog bit.
Starting point is 00:38:29 LAUGHTER MUSIC Hey, listeners of this podcast would be well aware that we've had Bitcoin catastrophes dating back what four years now? Many, many, many years. Oh, longer than that. Much longer than that, almost ten years, I think. Ten years? well aware that we've had Bitcoin catastrophes dating back what four years now? Many, many, many years. A lot of that. Much longer than that. Almost 10 years, I think.
Starting point is 00:38:48 10 years. Well, I purchased our initial two. Yes. I mean, it brought the news to the team. I mean, I have to go and dig back through. But I reckon it was early 2010s. I think 2012, 11. Yeah, I was going to say 13 or 14.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Amazing. Okay. Because nearly 10 years. think in 2012, 11. Yeah, I was going to say 13 or 14. Amazing. Because nearly $10. It comes at $900. Yeah. The peels of laughter from you two, the other side of the desk. What have you done? You wasted $1800. Bitcoin plummeted to $300.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Yeah. We laughed and we went, and we laughed and laughed. We were if you'd done it, our investments thirted, then as we all know, as everyone knows, the boom times came. Now, with Bitcoin sense, it's sort of been boom times came. Now, we're Bitcoin sense. It's sort of been hovering around the $60,000 Aussie mark over the summer.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Now, we still have ours locked out. We still have two missing, two missing. But we don't really add, here's the thing, everyone's going, you must be filthy, you know, 120 grams worth of Bitcoin. It's lost, we hypnotized jazz, we couldn't get it out of his head. It doesn't know where the passcode is.
Starting point is 00:39:46 But we don't, I actually prefer this story that we've got it out there somewhere because let's not forget, we only found out that we couldn't find the password. When we went to try and sell it, it was at $1500, because we wanted to buy the convertible to drive it through the car wash.
Starting point is 00:40:03 So we would actually be seeing here now as the guys that cashed out to drive a Ford Capri through a car wash. We could still see it after the 20 grams. Was it a Capri or a star? Here we got a star, I bet. Yeah. We were hunting for a Capri and they're actually collecters items. So you're right.
Starting point is 00:40:18 I kind of unhappy that we didn't sell. And we might find the passcode one day. Then we went into a whole other problem with Jack and him buying Bitcoin for myself and for him and he can't find the password. That's why when this story came up on our three-month government mandated break. So many people were direct messaging us and emailing us. Um, uh, Stefan Thomas, uh, who will let him tell the story. He's a programmer, a German programmer living in San Francisco and he joins us now, a hoi to you, Stefan. Hey, how you doing?
Starting point is 00:40:54 We are great, mate. Thank you for joining us, taking time out of your day to talk about something. I'm sure that you are getting sick of talking about, but we, to us, you are a bit of a spirit animal because you, like us, have some Bitcoin locked away. Yours is a little bit more serious, though. You have 7,000 and two Bitcoin locked away. How much is that worth the moment, Stefan? It's about $350 million.
Starting point is 00:41:19 You asked all those. Holy, duly. $350. And at least it's not a bill, as they say. million UF dollars. Holy, duly. 350. And at least it's not a bill as they say. At least it's not a billion as they say in the big money game. But 350 million is still enough to notice it's missing. Stefan, just quickly, are you currently a billionaire
Starting point is 00:41:39 or is this significant to you? It is significant to me. OK. OK, so you don't have a few others that are around there are also these like 50,000, 120,000, but this is the main one that's missing 350. I mean, at this point, I'm, I'm paranoid and I want to check the couch position if there's another 100 million bucks somewhere. I don't have to waste that, that's the money. All right, well, this is the fascinating story. This is what everyone everyone sort of emailing us your story to our show because as you've just said, we've got some real history along with you of a little sloppy with the old password.
Starting point is 00:42:12 What fascinates me is yours is on a hard drive. You're doing the right thing like keeping it separate on a hard drive. You've got the hard drive. The hard drive has a certain number of guesses on it. Is it still the case that you had 10 guesses, you had eight, you've got two remaining. What happens if you guess two more times incorrectly? So this type of drive, it's an external flash drive, like a used piece, I don't know if you've probably used those before, because there's a special one which is encrypted and has a hardware security feature. It kind of works like the pin code on your ATM card. And then basically after 10 wrong attempts,
Starting point is 00:42:48 it just deletes the keys inside and you can't go back. And so there's only a couple of ways you can really bypass that. One is to actually physically disassemble the device. And even that's not enough yet. You have to physically disassemble the actual chip inside. you have to go and put it under scanning, electro microscope and do all that stuff. Or you can try to find some kind of flaw in it, like some kind of bug that they missed while developing it, but unfortunately, they did a pretty good job. So it's not a need for task to do that.
Starting point is 00:43:21 So that's going to be remaining chances to have. Can you, I mean, at some point, I think like you're saying, it's some base molecular level it's all ones and zeros. So is it possible to just undo it and with the world's most powerful microscope, just look and go, right, that's a one, that's a zero and it just sort of jot it down by hand. And then you might have the code of what's in there. That's actually a pretty good description, yeah. That is theoretically possible.
Starting point is 00:43:46 It's been practiced a little bit difficult. It's a little bit like the commission impossible, but it's sort of on a micrometer scale, or even nanometer scale. There are a lot of security features in that ship that have sort of quick-crossing wires that have the temperature sensor, a voltage sensor, and the UV light sensor to trip any of those
Starting point is 00:44:04 that's at least the key. So it's particularly designed to make it very hard that has a temperature sensor, a voltage sensor, has the UV light sensor to trip any of those at least the keys. So it's particularly designed to make it very hard to turn. Have you considered hypnotherapy? Someone coming into hypnotize the code out of you. It didn't work for us, but it's a good option. It's actually great to hear your story and kind of have
Starting point is 00:44:21 that data point. A lot of people have suggested of notice. I think the main concern I have is with A, I lost this wall at 10 years ago. So a lot of time has passed. And then number two is not a password I ever memorized. It was a password that I would have generated, written down and then quickly, you know, forgotten. I mean, Elon Musk is carrying on a bit, I mean, one of the
Starting point is 00:44:44 various things he carries on about is the neural link, which is the brain computer chip that can interface between the human brain and like a silicon-based computer chip. Is there a small part of you holding out hope that Elon's a lot more advanced than he's letting on with this technology? And he could tap into your brain from 10 years ago and you could get a recording of the day where you see the password. Well, I have a lot of respect for you, Lion. I think you can do a lot, but I don't know if you can do that.
Starting point is 00:45:13 I think the best way to do this is to do the more traditional attack with the electron microscope. Stefan, are there other memories that you don't really want him shifting through 10 years ago? I always hear what you're saying. I hear you say Stefan, and is it worth $350 million to allow someone to shift willy-nilly through 10 years of memories? I say maybe not. Maybe we just keep those babies locked away.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Stefan, I've got to ask one thing here. You've had eight incorrect attempts. So at some point, you must have been guessing, because you wouldn't have done eight typos in a row. So it was like, we're attempts. So at some point you must have been guessing because you wouldn't have done eight typos in a row. So it was like were attempts like three through six just like complete guesses and was it attempt number eight like a complete hail Mary? What were the guesses? Yeah so I basically figured that you know there was a, tiny chance that I maybe used the password used somewhere else instead of generating one, like your memory can be funky, you can
Starting point is 00:46:09 misremember things like that. So I just tried some other common passwords that I used at the time. And yeah, it just turned out that probably my memory was correct and I used the random password. So, well, I mean, obviously you're waiting for the 350 mil to be unlocked. What are you working on at the moment? Is it hard to work at the go-to work? That's the hardest. Hard to focus when you've got 350 mil sitting there and you right need to even work on any given day of your cracker. Yeah, I mean, this is an interesting thing. Like, I only got into Bitcoin because I got interested in payments and how payments work, because I was working in the freelancer before.
Starting point is 00:46:46 And as a freelancer, I worked with a lot of people around the world. I worked with a lot of clients around the world and paying internationally with such a huge hassle and cost so many problems. What I've been passionate about this whole 10 years is really making payments better. I started my own company in 2018 called Coil. And we're working right now on how to make payments better for a content creator.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Coil, right? Well, I hope it's worth well over $450 million in the next few years, my friend. I hope you look back on the $350 and your laugh and laugh, and God, turns out I didn't need it. And Coil turns out to take over the world. Is there any way in coil in your new company that someone could accidentally lock up a heap of value and not be able to get it out? Yeah, so that's still one thing I can absolutely promise we've got a past recovery feature.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Yay! I thought that might be included. Stefan, thank you very much. We'll be following it. We'll obviously hear about it worldwide if it gets cracked or otherwise. So thanks very much for joining us, buddy. Yeah, and I'll say something that I have not been able to say in any other interview, which is like good luck to you as well for recovering your phone. That's so nice. It's nice to have a support group.
Starting point is 00:47:57 We're absolutely flat out of ideas, but we be the hype continues. Should we go into some kind of conglomerate, say if we find that... Oh, yeah, it's hard. You, it's part of the group's money. Think about it, email us, step out if you came. We'll do. Alright, cheers, buddy. Checking the email, I ended nothing in yet. Thanks for listening. The Hamish Nandy podcast will return next week. Catch up or contribute at hamishanandie.com.

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