Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2021 Ep 134

Episode Date: June 2, 2021

1. Digital horse racing 2. Sneezus – special skill 3. Rattle Your Rivals 4. Power Moves 5. A few more slide party questions ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-nuff production. Activate your internet. Cos the Haymission and the Podcast starts in 3, 2. Sorry, still buffering. 1. A hoi to my Maketa competitor Hey, we're playing Big Mac
Starting point is 00:00:30 Big Mac goods I really got a few more weeks in these jumps I think they've had their real challenge So you're super served If you've got other jumper options Forest Trek solutions please hit us up PamishNay.com Ahoi to you Jack
Starting point is 00:00:44 Ahoi guys Who made it default To want to fall Forest Trek Association, please hit us up, emichanay.com. Ahoi to you, Jack. Ahoi guys. Who made the default? To want to fall. To want to fall. Lovely to see you. And ahoi to Thomas from Slovenia, who used the easy to use system,
Starting point is 00:00:57 telling us what he's up to at the moment. Ahoi boys, this is Thomas from Slovenia. Wow. I've just got up to the podcast real time. At the same time, I've just received my power moves book. It arrived only three months late. It was a surprise gift from my brother. Now I'm thinking going to go back to 2006 and start listening to your radio show from the beginning.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Wow. Okay. let's... I mean, first of all, is it the best voice women? Did you eat the power of news for me? And did it do that to your voice? No, it's incredible. Wasn't it incredible? Wow.
Starting point is 00:01:39 And it sounded... How was the quality? Is it like he was in a sauna? Yeah, I hope I'm not just being... I'm just grope and it's stereotypes there. Yeah, like he was in a sauna? And I hope I'm not just being, I'm just growing it's stereotypes there. Yeah. What country was in? Slovenia. Slovenia, they'd sauna.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Of course they would. I love saunas. Yeah. But I mean, just, the echo too, it was like he was in a steam room. Congrats to him for starting from the beginning. Yes. Or the part we've encouraged that way.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Good luck if you are going back to... It doesn't seem to see Sam in that. Yeah, that's... You got your work cut out. Yeah. We were not going to do many thousands of shows, and there will be a lot of references to things shows like, so you think you can dance back then, but not as red-hot relevant as the Mercated to Walt Wars.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Yeah, yeah. Matt, what's he saying? Who is the guy that came on all the time from So Think You Dance? I am Matt from the show. Yeah. That guy. What was he's name?
Starting point is 00:02:34 Was he a singer or a sports person? He's a huge young. He's on So Think You Dance. Was it Matt? No. Who do you mean? The Jage. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Oh no. Jason Coleman. Yeah. That's right.. Oh no. Jason Coleman. Yeah. Sorry, I was just kidding. Yeah, Jason Coleman. You were saying Matt. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Jason, you wouldn't have got Jason. That's not so, and you've thought of for a while, and I think I got it well. He was the judge on CD, and you can do it. Yes. I mean, you said you've wanted you've excited to share something with us. Do you guys remember a couple of weeks ago we were talking, I mean, in loose terms, I was hoping to raid the digital space.
Starting point is 00:03:13 I was hoping for us, you know, we talked about how people got on Reddit and sent the stocks of the share price of stocks that didn't deserve to be high. Sky high, to the moon. People are making millions. It's frothy. It's frothy. It's a lot of volatility out there, but it's up, it's down.
Starting point is 00:03:32 We decided we... We all knows about it because A. Jack really kicked into Money Hungry mode. We saw his eyes just like... His eyebrows just came down. They stayed up for weeks. And that's not what this show is about. No, the show is about necessarily.
Starting point is 00:03:46 It's a worthy of fun thing for everyone. All the listeners have been involved, just like when we bought an island altogether. Sure. That was something that we were keen to do. This did seem like the loop holes were certainly there for us to benefit ahead of the market. Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:00 And I think we decided it was, was it legally frowned upon? It was legally. but not illegal. But not illegal. Yes, not illegal, but certainly quasi legal. Yeah, I think was the vibe. And so that, that, that russ sort of few feathers, Jack's still didn't completely deterrent. He was still, it doesn't deceive.
Starting point is 00:04:17 We could, anyway, we sort of abandoned that. We talked about NFTs, which are these things, non-fungible tokens, which are these things that are, all the rage, you know, people are like, essentially gives you digital ownership of something. Yeah. You can just say you have it. Yeah. And I know you guys have NFI with regards to, I know idea with regards to our works, but
Starting point is 00:04:36 it's fine. But we understand the concept because it's sort of like, you know, you can, it doesn't take it out of the public domain, you just get to say that you own the thing like, you know, only a piece of artwork's probably the easiest way to explain it. Everyone can go and look at the art in the gallery. But if you own it, you just know you own it. You actually don't, you don't get any more,
Starting point is 00:04:56 you don't get to see it any better than anyone else. But if you own a piece of artwork, can you go to the gallery and like, I'm gonna take that back now? I would, you can, but I think it's more the sort of the barons of the world and the wealthy family. There's probably frowned upon to storm in and go, in fact, having friends over to, I don't want the money back. I think when you loan it to the gallon, it's sort of like, it's in this night that the rocker fellers, it's nice of them.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Would calories be nervous? Oh, they'd nice of them with calories. We nervous. Oh, they'd absolutely be shitting themselves. Yeah. I think people learn them like hundreds of millions of dollars worth of that. It gets at the stage where if you were, so if I see a dial look, I'm starting a new gallery around the corner. Yeah. And you rang the gallon and said, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Yeah, I can see the smirk. So I wouldn't, I wouldn't be loaning hundreds of millions. I don't think the rocker fellers would give you a monace straight up. No, no, I wasn't trying to jupe the Rockefellers. I was more trying to make the other galleries nervous. Like, would they be, so you're like, oh, we're doing another national gallery. It's called the International Gallery. Who, who's weak?
Starting point is 00:06:04 Well, like, you know, someone in Melbourne, we're building a new building, it's going to be a new gallery. Yeah. With the gallery go, what will it be? Yes, there'd be some gallery competition. Yeah. I thought we were going down the track of, do we start up a gallery to trick the Rockefellers? This is not my business idea, by the way, but I'm happy to take a new one. We go to New York and we start up, you know, the Blakely Conservatorium of art and start
Starting point is 00:06:31 spreading rumors and post. Start spreading rumors that that's the place to hang your art. Oh yeah. We got a hundred mil on the walls, close for renovations. I'm never coming back. Or we were trying to stay dead to Mexico, not a bad idea. But again, why is he legal? Why is he legal?
Starting point is 00:06:49 What we need on that front is our own barren in on it. Yes. So, the other day, what do you need? You need him to teach France. And you need to teach France and to see the humor in it. Yes. And for him to sort of start, open the floodgates. So he's at a party on an island
Starting point is 00:07:07 You know what I tell you what I'm doing. I'm putting my out these days. Yeah, the likely post Conterritor of your art. Yeah rocker fellow goes. Oh really? Yeah, you should put a bit all the show This isn't one of your hair brain scams So I'm calling him dick-y a lot Seems like we're familiar with him. I don't think I've ever heard of him in a different person called Dickie. I'm doing it as a power move. Just to make it sound like we're mates.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Anyway, that's Jack R. Sincere for 100 bucks. And he wouldn't give a 100 million. I asked him for a 100 because I thought that was something that he wouldn't notice even missing from his wealth. But he said no, so I doubt he's going to do the art thing. Okay. That's not the idea. I he's gonna do the art thing. Okay. Okay, well that's not the idea. I thought that fashion's really art, I still do.
Starting point is 00:07:50 What we were talking about was the idea of NFTs. So like you can digitally own something and it's yours and it's in the blockchain so like it's undisputed. Then we talk briefly about Pino coin. I'm happy to let Pino coin go. Pino doesn't even know what's going on with the pizzas Let's not find a
Starting point is 00:08:07 Pino Let's not make it confusing currency. Let's just let Pino live his best life But these ideas were bubbling around my head during the week of camacross something that I think will get our attention Someone has started up using the this idea of NFTs So this idea of a digital ownership that exists and cannot be, you know, it's yours. It can't be replicated. A horse racing world.
Starting point is 00:08:34 You can own a ZED. I don't know what it stands for. This is called a Zed. It's a digital race horse, right? They drop their like mind and and and bought kind of like a coin. They exist on the blockchain. They each have their unique characteristics like breeding, trait, there's rare ones, rare ones, super rare ones, and then they go in these like an algorithm that simulates a horse race. And you win, you win the winning. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:09:05 And if your horse is doing well, it starts becoming more valuable. You can put it out to stud. You can breed them because then people want the traits of other horses. It's in its infancy. You have to buy them with a theorem. Jack, what's the price of a theorem at? I think 5,000 AUD around about that. Right. I thought there was a lot less.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Thought it was about... It's been booming. Okay. Well, it's a third of an Ethereum. That's quite a lot, isn't it? It's about 13. Let's say it's about $1500 for a horse. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:36 We can do that. Do I have permission to go shopping for a stable this week? Yes, please. How many do we want to get near stable? Couple. Two or three. Yeah. Do we just get one Ethereum coin and try and spend it wisely? Yep. That's a great idea. I will open the company bank accounts for that. Do you want bank accounts? And then I hope we get a name it.
Starting point is 00:09:59 I think at the moment they're just like names horses, like Nakamoto and stuff like that. Oh no, there is a very famous horse, I think, called Trojan Storm. I'm just, I'm just getting my head around it now. Okay. And will people be able to watch the races? If we say our races on a PM East and Standard time, people will be able to tune in. Look, there's races on 24, 7, 365 days a year. That's the great thing about the Z races. You don't have to be able to tune in. Look, there's races on 24, 7, 365 days a year. That's the great thing about the Z races. You don't have to be fascinated to watch it. No, any Z can jump in the race.
Starting point is 00:10:31 You do have to be like qualify for race, but there's also some wild card entries. Is our, and again, we may we get a professional up to talk to us about this. We don't mind either trainer. Let's, if someone knows more about this, that'd be helpful because can we put our z in every race? Cause he don't, you know, cause he can't get tired. He can't get tired.
Starting point is 00:10:52 He's like, no, I mean, tapery in my bowl. I assume everyone's doing that. Well, here's the, here's the details. Each race is limited to 12 spots. Eight spots will be assigned randomly via a lottery. There you go. And four slots are available for Barney in. OK, so if you really like the idea of you've really
Starting point is 00:11:07 been your horse as a winner, you can buy him into the race. OK. Like, at the moment, it looks like the prize money is in the sort of like $70 a race category. Right. But if he's doing it, if he's winning 100 races a day, very soon you'll pay for it. LAUGHTER
Starting point is 00:11:23 Great. I just, can we call the horse as an idea of it? Would it be nice, be a nice name? If we can call the horse, it must be nice. If I find a thoroughbred, if I find a champion that is maybe going for a bit more than the point three of any, maybe we'd pay top dollar for a champion horse. And we call it must be nice. Yeah. Great. More.
Starting point is 00:11:49 And the good thing is though, once if we own, if we get a mayor, we can, she can have falls. Right. So over time that mayor will start producing other digital horses. Did you, with regard to what the, what was the unit of currency we have to buy? Ethereum. Never heard of that. It's like the second biggest to Bitcoin.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Right, okay. So what's the call again? Ethereum. Ethereum. Okay. Yeah, we'll get us one of those. Okay, did you think that's the thing they mine in Avatar? Yeah, it sounds like that. Brilliant. All right. Well, when can we expect, do we want to get someone who understands Zeds up? I think I've done a pretty good job from reading this one. Be right. It'd be good to get someone up. Why don't we get someone up that we can call our train
Starting point is 00:12:38 the next week? Yeah, and help us buy a champion Stagg. No, race horse. Yes, it's a tier. and help us buy a champion stag. Love it. No, race horse. You have to tear. Yeah. If we buy $5,000 worth of Ethereum and they come back with a deer, we'll know we've been placed. Trapped for rookies.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Okay, great. That's the next one. Yeah, great. Hey, me. You said you've got a special skill lined up for us today. Give us a detail as what was written in Jacob busy's name. This is Jacob and a very interesting he writes in and he says, hey boys at number six. You've heard of voice actors. Of course we've heard of voices. These are the incredibly talented people in the 18 community that can assume any voice. Be it Mike Myers, of course. Yep, very famous.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Thank you, Zarya. Hank Zarya, of course, the Simpson's actors, some of the lesser-known superstars of the voice acting world, the guy that does pyro from Ralph breaks the internet, the sequel to Rick at Ralph. And you hate him at all, but he's quite an interesting voice that he manages to do. And so we love and respect those people in the acting community.
Starting point is 00:13:52 You know, if they can nominate. Faro, not so much Hank. Gold globe nominated. We'll come not to get it. Not him, since my friends were. Well, we made the movie together. And I heard. We meet in Galgadon, John C. Rother, we made the film together and we were nominated for a globe. When I
Starting point is 00:14:07 chatted, why we do it? It's not why we do it. We did care about not winning the globe. And when I chatted to the committee, they said they're going to give it to, but Piro just just let it pass. And that was. And that was. And that was. And that was. Which committee? I knew we should not. I knew we shouldn't have had Hamish Blake in the film. She was. And then thank you for talking to you, mate. You're not work friends with her. Which community did you talk to? That's why she was happy to talk to me.
Starting point is 00:14:29 She didn't want to... It's not a work colleague, it was a work friend. Which community did you talk to? The Golden Globes community. Wrong. Hollywood Foreign Press. I knew you didn't talk to the community. I knew this was a... I knew what they did.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Sometimes call themselves a Hollywood Foreign Press. It's a bit of a... Anyway, we're all great in the voice actually, community. And we love and respect each other. But Jacob comes to us with a different skill. It's still produced by the head and it can be adapted. But he thinks he could be a sneeze actor. He thinks like a sneeze.
Starting point is 00:15:04 He climbs and we've, we've got him up. So let's ask him, ask him, now a hoi, Jacob, how you going, sir? A hoi boys. You're a good, happy birthday, Andy. No need. Ah, Jacob, talk us through this. You can do any type of sneeze? The way I understand this, you're saying that we give you the person or we give you the situation and you could do a sneeze that replicates that situation. Yeah, pretty much. I just think I'm a good sneezer.
Starting point is 00:15:30 I developed the skill in high school to get out of class if I hadn't done my homework. Yeah. You just thought I'd be sneezing fit just. Well, I'm happy to the sick bag. How many sneezes were required for the teacher to go, I don't think I'll be able to talk to you for the next 50 minutes, you need to get out of here. Oh, you know, four or five, they're like, oh, do you must be sick or you know, must be having some hay fever or something.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Right. I always go get this guy out of here. I don't think these are going to stop. So, hey, what have you set up then? Okay, here's what I want to do. We're interested in this. We're very interested in this Jacob. I've got a series of characters that I will give you. And scenarios. You'll get the type of person.
Starting point is 00:16:14 And you might even get the scenario that they're in and the type of sneeze that they're going to, that I will require you to do. Okay. You will then sneeze. Yep. Then the committee, not to be confused with the Hollywood horror press association, the committee of sneeze judges here consisting of myself, Andy and Jack, we will gauge if we think that that accurately
Starting point is 00:16:34 represents the sneeze we requested. Okay. And if you, I've got, how many have I got here on the list? I've actually got six. I'm looking for, knock it down to five, and we'll go, I'll keep it six. Okay. looking for... Look at the end of five, and we'll go... I'll keep it six. Okay. Because there's four.
Starting point is 00:16:48 There's one that plays on from another. Okay. Four from six then? Four from six. It has to be a solid four. I don't want to weak four. Yeah, okay. Has to be actually a strong four from six. We'll get you a Hamish n' Annie coin.
Starting point is 00:16:59 All right. Good luck. Good luck, Jacob. Now, we've prepared this short song. LAUGHTER I know it sounds funny, not all sneezes are the same. You got high ones, you got some lower. Seems crazy they can all be done by just one man But that's why Jacob's come on the show Yeah, chill. You sneeze you with a little warning.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Yeah, chill. Did it again. Yeah. Yeah. There we go. Be sure to open it for you. Got it in under a minute. Got it in under a minute.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Hexler. But those looking at the runtime of this episode of the podcast going, she's a going, he's a juicy one. Wonder if there's any fatness. No fat detected yet. We'll see. I mean, some might come up later on. Three.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Just the leanest cut this episode. All right, Jacob, as I refused to cull the sneezes from six to five, on this fat free episode. Hang your scenario one. Jacob's scenario one. from 6 to 5? Are this fat for your episode? Hey, you're a scenario one. Jacob, scenario one. 75-year-old grandma. Cooking a casserole. The family is gathered around talking to her in the kitchen.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Okay? So, you got that? Yep. She's chatting, but she's at the stove. She feels the sneeze coming on. What does she sound like? Ah! That seemed too aggressive.
Starting point is 00:18:53 It's not me having the five-year-old. Remember, she's over in open. She's cooking a casserole here. She's cooking. Yeah, only people sneeze with their whole bodies. That's what the grunt for after was she threw out her back. Oh, okay. Right, okay.
Starting point is 00:19:09 I mean, it's not exactly what I was looking for, but I didn't see much too strong for me. I actually was meek-a. I mean, I thought I was meek-a-snake. I wanted to see some evidence of attempting to hide the sneeze just because you were at a food preparation surface. Yes. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Curator. It's probably it's a I'm probably Jack you're the deciding But I think it's a no yeah, it's a no. Unless you were very firmly for it. No. I mean, I don't think Jack was the side vote because you were not in like it. No, yeah, I mean we had to you had to really put forward some sort of amazing argument I agree. Just swing his foot. OK, 45-year-old woman, bad hay fever. H-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h. H-h-h-h-h-h-h. That's good.
Starting point is 00:19:50 That's good. That's good. That's really good. And I'd like that you put three in there. First I thought you were stuttering, and then I went, I think I know what he's doing here. Yeah. That's an involuntary response to hay fever.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Yep. That's a pass from me. That's a pass from me. That's a pass for me. Jack? Yep. Yep. Okay. Alright, Jacob.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Yep. 25-year-old bride. Need wedding ceremony. Oh. Okay, she's at the altar. The guy or girl, the celebrant, whoever it is, is doing the stuff. She feels the sneeze coming on.
Starting point is 00:20:19 What does she sound like? Very good. Very good. Very's very good. That's very good. That's very good. That's very good. That's very good. That's very good. That's so good. That's so good. I was worried about him early, but he's just thought he might have had one sneeze that he was going to try and reel out all of them.
Starting point is 00:20:37 He fumbled early in the quarter and now he's out there. I just wasn't feeling the motivation of that first character. I think that they could. Do you know what? I'm not taking any more than 10% responsibility here, but I will take 10% responsibility here, because I did right cooking a casserole, which is actually an inside the oven dish. That's a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:20:58 And I think in my head I wanted to hear someone try and protect a sneeze that there was over an open saucepan, which of course you wouldn't be with a casserole so in the oven. 10% only responsibility there you still didn't get a pass of the first one but I might have read your straight. Okay here we go. Here we go. He's two from three. Fifty-five-year-old man at a cubicle in an open plan office. Okay. I'll pass it. It wasn't your best. I will pass that.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Can I hear it again? Yeah. Yeah. The other practice doing the same needs twice. Open plan office. Open plan office. So there are people around. Is what you're getting at there. Yeah, okay
Starting point is 00:21:48 Um Sorry, guys Sorry guys. I know we had a deal Sorry guys. Oh great. It's possible and we'll win. Okay, this is good, this is good. Okay, number five. The same 55 year old man, but now he's alone. Everyone's gone out for lunch and he's alone in the office. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Perfect. Perfect. And no, sorry guys, he doesn't need to. Yeah, don't be.
Starting point is 00:22:23 You're not going. You can't stop. Not to. You're not sorry. You're kidnapped. Not sometimes, you're not sorry. Yeah, sometimes you throw out a sorry guys because you feel like, you've been taking that in, you caught up in the moment, but you did well just to hold back. Oh, well, Jaime's one, he's one at point. You've won it, let's just go for it.
Starting point is 00:22:39 So let's just go for it. And let's make sure it's an absolute lock. Five-year-old girl walking into a dusty, all-purpose room at school. Hmm. Uh. Yeah. Yeah. I wasn't as best, but he didn't need it to be.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Exactly. He just needed some score on the board. It needed, again, if you get a... If you get to reach a new level and you're very good, work on your meekness. Yeah, I'm going to reach a new level and you're very good, work on your meekness. I would like you to explore the subtler ranges of the spectrum. Because I think a lot of them are full force. And I'd love to just see softer wrists and practice those gentler shots.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Jacob, well done. You've got a coin. You've all got to be used. Sneeze you into the coin holders records. Congratulations to you. You will be sent out the coin. Do not show anyone you're UCN. You need coin numbers, especially this day.
Starting point is 00:23:35 I'll be with Crypto Birmingham. But that's, you know, everyone wants to get their hands on your UCNs. So keep that tight. And praise for your family. Well done, mate. Thanks, mate. I mean, we offer a service, it's a bit of a harsh one. Yes, it is. Like Hitman. Yeah. Quite a beast like that. Famously. You know, we are in the customer service. If you're a Hitman, you very much, you're
Starting point is 00:24:02 in the customer service game. And it comes out the cost of the target not having the best day. It's called rattle your rivals. It's uneasy. It's uneasy with us sometimes. But it's often, I think the way we open to everyone. That's true. And I think the way we rationalize it with ourselves ethically is we blame the friend, don't we? We hide behind that. And the person who, you look at the friend, you know, we hide behind that.
Starting point is 00:24:25 And the person, you look at the friend, you'll barely see the outline of man and you hiding behind him. And the friend we're going to hide behind today is Jordan. If we can pull this off, Jordan, why do you? Oh, boys, how are we? Very well. Good. Jordan, now, people they haven't heard about your rivals. The point of this is people come to us with a, with sporting or competitive rivalries they have with a friend and they unless down to help. Jordan, you've done that.
Starting point is 00:24:52 You've got a friend that you believe you're playing golf against one of your mates. Certainly, I'm in a little rivalry with my best mate, Bailey. And he's actually starting to get better than me, so I think it's time I get under his skin, hey? And that's what we can do. We can provide a psychological warfare. The tactic we like to use is calling the target, giving them some wonderful news. I'm almost out of this world news.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Basically, setting them on the trajectory for the day of the greatest day of their life before yanking the rug as hard as we can. Telling them that they suck at their selected sport at which point the penny will also drop that the preceding conversation is also false. Then it gets in their head then when they're out on the field hopefully they associate that horrible feeling that had on the phone with the sport and it throws them on the day. It's the least we could do for you and as Andy said we do offer for everyone had Bailey called us. You're Jordan.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Yeah. That's it. Jordan, I understand you mentioned you're in a bit Bailey recently gone for a job at Samsung. Yep. But it missed out. Yeah. Yeah. He recently went for a job there and unfortunately he didn't get it, but maybe we can get under his skin that way. Yeah. I bet I thought I thought I'm going to try and be a sales executive for Samsung, calling him back to say we reviewed the application.
Starting point is 00:26:09 We think he would be great. Yeah, we seem terrible to have. It was the, it was the, was it Samsung, the shop or the, like, head office? It was the shop. Okay, great, okay. We've got Baile's number. Jordan, you'll sit tight until hopefully we deploy the,
Starting point is 00:26:23 and it's you suck it. So I say I say Bailey, Stevenson sucks at golf. Would that be the perfect way to end it? I think that could be perfect. Yes, definitely. Anything more specific, like a certain part of golf, you want him to know that he, to really rattle him on, like, you know, is it his putting or... It's more his driving, actually.
Starting point is 00:26:42 He's been using the three wood off the tee recently. Can't get the driver the fairway so Andy you're a golf man do you think you could weave that into the bit where we get rid of it no problem there you've come for the right spot all right okay Jordan sit tight good luck everybody and we'll give Bailey a call good luck to you Andy you end up. Hello, Bailey speaking. Why is that Bailey Stevenson? Yes. Hi there. It's David Thomas calling.
Starting point is 00:27:14 I'm a sales executive for regional and New South Wales for Samsung. Sorry to call you out of blue, but I understand you applied for a job with us recently. Yes, I did. And I understand, and this is embarrassing, but I understand that we let you know that there wasn't a position available at the time. And you know, correct. We feel terrible about this, but I've reviewed the application and I do think you'd be perfect for the role. I know that might come as some surprise, and I hope you haven't moved on to greener pastures, but we just want to call and see whether that's an option for you.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Look, would I be able to sleep on that? Absolutely, absolutely. Sorry, I've just finally enough actually taken promotion of my current job after getting knocked back from you guys. So, yeah, it would be a little bit of a move around. So, yeah, would you mind if I maybe go for 24 hours and got in contact with you? I could totally understand that but if I can support my best foot forward then. Yeah. Obviously we feel terrible about this. So I wanted to
Starting point is 00:28:11 present a package that would be good and we're trying to get through this today. So we'd happily add $15,000 and whatever you're getting in the new promotion role for you. Okay. And plus some other benefits. Will that get you there or would you need some more? I think it's definitely, definitely helping. Like I said, though, it's just very out of blue. So I just need a little bit of time to think about it. I'm just actually at work at the moment.
Starting point is 00:28:39 So. All right. So it's a bit hard. Yeah. Would you have a contact number I could get just a contact you back on sure Well, let's let's call 20 20 K plus some benefits Two free phones we can give you You can have two free phones for friends or family members
Starting point is 00:28:58 A tablet and we'd be happy to take care of your phone bills for the length of your stay or employment with us at Samsung. Okay, well, I just can't give an answer right this second about the R. But you'd be pretty interested. Definitely interested. Okay. One other thing before that you go, because I know it's a hard bit because you're at work, but I just also would want to add that you suck at golf and you're driving stinks and you push the hat and you use three word all the time. How do you know all this?
Starting point is 00:29:33 Well it's just everyone does. Oh Bailey Jordan here Hello, hello Hey, matey. Oh It's same as an Eddie here Bailey Hey Bailey some Well first of all you some bad news you've been ratt You've been rattled. You've been officially rattled. Do you feel rattled?
Starting point is 00:30:05 Absolutely rattled, mate. Yeah, you feel rattled? Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Jordan reached out and said that you slightly getting better at him than golf. And he needed something to rattle you before your next match.
Starting point is 00:30:17 Would you consider yourself rattled before the next game? Mate, I'm going to be fishing balled out of the water for the next three months. Yeah, for the servant. It does work. Yes, there is no doubt about the effectiveness of the service. The great news is you don't have to go and quit your job that you just got a promotion at.
Starting point is 00:30:32 So that's good. Yeah, absolutely. The downside is that there is no, the juicy carrot offered by Sam. Well, you're going to say that carrot was looking mighty fine. That was one of the world's biggest carrots. That big had win any Easter show. I was going to say that carrot was looking mighty fine. That was one of the world's biggest carrots. That thing had went in any east to show. Oh, look, I'm also shaking it, but I feel bad for you, Balli.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Well done. Well done for you, the loyalty to your carrot job. Even in the face of just an avale, it was almost like you were in the audience at Ellen, like the avaleant of proleto Young's The Waking. That was coming your way. And you still have the loyalty to the current company. I think everyone's one of there. Bailey will send you a token of no value from the show.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Not sure if you listen, but it's a token. Absolutely, I do. Yeah. It's a dream, eh? It's a little upset. LAUGHTER Oh, thank you, Colin Boyve. Thanks matey, J.K.
Starting point is 00:31:27 No worries, back like on the upcoming triple burger. On your Jordan, you happy with the service? Oh mate, I couldn't be more happy. Thanks so much, just give us a good review and tell your friends. Thank you. No worries, no worries. Hey, I'm so many fighting it at HamishNety.com and we love them, so let's do this. What do you got? This one comes in from Campbell, conversation power move.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Works better in a group. When telling a story about a local criminal, or along the line, or along the lines of, on Fidget's Wilson, turn to a member of the group and say, oh, actually, you might know him. You're giving me impression that that individual is of a lowest, so true. Who doesn't love a good yarn about a local crook? I've got two today and they're both fiercely A-hole moves. Real ass hole moves. But good, very goodies, very, very good ones.
Starting point is 00:32:43 It comes in from Mitchell Copass. When driving or, sorry, when driving and stationary in your car. So let's say you're at a pedestrian crossing. Make eye contact with a pedestrian, you do not know. Hold up your hand in a stationary wave. So a bit of a, how's it going? Yeah. Right. When they wave back, obviously confused as to who is waving
Starting point is 00:33:05 of them, continue your hand movement and reach up a little more and pull down the sun, though. That's what I'm saying. It's the wave, and waving in a stranger in a car and looking like a weirdo. Yeah. I like it. Tommy Grimm.
Starting point is 00:33:24 From Hong Kong. Where Boy. Tommy Boy. Tommy Boy. Pound for you. When you're watching movie with your parents and a 6-seeing comes on, wait a few seconds, then turn to your parents and say, is this the kind of feel for you to or into? Absolutely disgusting. It's a good fun for it. The people will change the power balance for it.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Oh, yeah, it's a good front foot. Okay, if you're on the phone, it's when you're on the phone, to someone that comes in from Timothy Ball, he goes, here's a power move, whenever you're on the phone to someone, and the moment arises, and this one does rely on some good timing here. Give the person a compliment. Now, the choice of compliment would be interesting here, such as, you know, like, you're great
Starting point is 00:34:12 looking. Something like that. When the person on the phone says, thank you. Immediately say, oh, I wasn't talking to you. This not only gives the person a false sense that being complimented, but also makes them feel like you've got someone else there that's more important to talk to than them. It's really good. I think it's really good.
Starting point is 00:34:29 I think it's really good. I think it's really good. I think it's really good. I think it's really good. I think it's really good. I think it's really good. I think it's really good. I think it's really good.
Starting point is 00:34:39 I think it's really good. I think it's really good. I think it's really good. I think it's really good. I think it's really good. I think it's really good. I think it's really good. I think it's really good. I think it's really good. I think it's really good. thick and fast. He says, if you see a workmate pull up in their vehicle, ask them, oh, is your car in the shop? It insinuates that they'd only be driving that vehicle because they couldn't drive their regular part. When they respond that their car is in the shop great mileage. We're all good, we're all solid.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Hame, just two weeks away from our emergency slide party where Rex Airlines, they're the guys that are getting out of the biggies. They are giving us the opportunity to jump down the emergency slide. To deploy the big yellow slide on the 737. The big 10,000 people have registered to go down. There's a lot of 9,000. Yeah, 9,960 have their hopes dashed last week, but a lucky 40. Yes. And their plus ones will be joining us.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Slide H8254. If that's you, when you got sent your ticket, when you're registered, H8254, you got to make your way to Melbourne. But are you in a covering that? No, not covering that. But on the 16th, we'll be going down as slide as part of it. Emergency. Slide. We'll be going down as slide as part of it. The emergency.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Slide. Yeah, that works. And our main man back for Rex. Mark joins us again. Mark, how are you, buddy? Good, how are you? Really, really well. We're you as standard that over 10,000 people
Starting point is 00:36:26 wanted to have a go at... Oh, hell. Yeah, that's amazing. Yes. People want to go down the slide. Mate, you were sitting on an absolute goldmine there. Yeah, exactly. Forget mystery flight buddy.
Starting point is 00:36:38 That's great. Yeah. So, yeah. Well, glad we could break that news to you. A couple of the things before we go any further, Mark. First of all, the slogan Rex now doing Biggies has taken off. Has that taken off? Yes, I've always noticed an ad come out recently.
Starting point is 00:36:59 You can talk about servicing, you know, 60 destinations within Australia and, you know, obviously the competitive fairs doing sending mail, but there was no sign of Rex now doing biggies in your official marketing. Okay, I'll have to have a look into that. Thank you. Good to be back. Do that. Do smallies too, smallies where there's gaps. Yeah, not always.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Not get a smallies, great friends with smallies, but also very comfortable with bikers now. Mark, we went pretty hard on ankle safety in recent weeks of the podcast. Do you think we're scared too much, scared people too much with regards to how vulnerable their ankles may be at the bottom of the slide? No, not really. But I mean, it's always a possibility. But nonetheless, something that we should probably talk about is that it should probably have pants, long pants on, closed in shoes, and long sleeve shirts,
Starting point is 00:37:59 because you can, highly unlikely, but you can get some friction burns if you've got skin against the slide. Robb of the earth. Yep. So it goes, you go at pace, don't you? Oh, yeah, you're new.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Yeah. Yeah. My word, my word. You'll be moving. That's how it's happened so many angles. I wasn't. And you might be snapping. And what's the best tactic to have to keep your ankles unsnapped if that is your preferred
Starting point is 00:38:26 state for your ankles to be in? And we were assume for all our guest it is. Do you keep a soft knee at the bottom or what's your tactic? Well, it's a good question. So I think I mentioned last time that you're sort of when you're sliding, you keep your body upright from the waist because I mentioned last time when you're leaning back, you your body upright from the waist because I mentioned last time when you lean back, you actually go faster. So to control the speed, you lean forward and put your hands on your knees. And then you actually tuck your toes back so that they're sort of 90 degrees to your foot. So as if you're stretching your Achilles, you feed a flat and together, and then when you hit the bottom
Starting point is 00:39:06 of the slide, it just gives your kick up into the standing position. And you sort of hit the ground running. We're so excited that you guys are doing this for us. Melbourne airports, Salise elute them for our Philatias go out there as well. They've been quite good. They've been helping out with the logistics. Right. So it's been great.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Questions. Yeah. We brought up a couple of weeks ago that there's going to be two pilots on board. Do we need two pilots? Do we need any pilots? Yes, you do actually need pilots because when we tow the aircraft, the aircraft, I don't know if you're aware, weighs about 70 tonnes. And when we're towing it, you've got to have on the ground either a qualified grand engineer or a pilot for the brakes when you're towing the aircraft. So given that we're having the party and
Starting point is 00:39:59 doing the evacuation, it's going to be better for us to have the pilots on board and the flight attendants of course. Fantastic. OK, let's go. Plane snacks. Are you guys happy to hand out some snacks? What kind of snacks are available on the Rex flights? Well, we have in business class meals of course.
Starting point is 00:40:17 That's been a sandwiches and drinks. But what would you be interested in? Oh, I can actually draw something. Can I put a request in for what it did? Yes, please. The sausage roll sounds great. Can I put a request in for what I don't want it to be? Now, I know that you're probably reticent to slag off
Starting point is 00:40:35 a competitor here, but I was on a flight recently. I think it was from Tasmania to Sydney. Yeah. So what they came around, they said, we just, you just have an a snack, okay? You get a snack for this flight. Right, right, yeah. They landed, if you're familiar with a lavosh cracker,
Starting point is 00:40:53 like a square, hard press, wee to cracker. Not a biscuit, it's a cracker, a very tasteless cracker. You put cheese on it. You know which it is, don't you? Youer. You put cheese on it. You know what I'm saying. Do, you do. That's a great point. That's what I thought a lavosh was for. Or alums. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:12 They pop the snack down and I went and so there's the lavosh and some chutney. And so I said, okay, I think I know what's going on here. High end cheese should be somewhere in this equation and digging around, looking in the snack box and they said, I'm sorry, I don't think I know what's going on here. High end cheese should be somewhere in this equation. And digging around, looking in the snack box, and they said, I'm sorry, I don't think I got new cheese. I think they left the cheese out. And they went, no, there is no cheese. It's the chutneys for the lavosh.
Starting point is 00:41:36 What? I said, sorry, you said, you said chutney is a dip. And they said, yeah, just chutney on lavosh. I said, no, no, no, you're missing the, like chat needs an accessory. Yeah, it's not a full meal. Chat needs that would happen on a regular chat. Chat me, Chat me goes on something. Yes, it goes on something. Yeah, exactly. And not, and not, not on a biscuit. No, not on a biscuit. You, you've sort of sold me a hat. But no suit. Like, it's the thing that goes with something or say, my request is, can we not have lavosh
Starting point is 00:42:10 and just chutney? Because I think it's a bit of an outrage. There'll be no lavosh. We can have pie, sausage rolls, sandwiches. That's good. Well, that is awesome, man. That's good food. We'll have some good food on board.
Starting point is 00:42:22 This is a tougher one for you, Mark. Yeah. Is there an tougher one for you, Mark. Yeah. Is there an auxiliary cord that you can plug straight into the PA system for someone to play their own music? Except we had a DJ with a very slim line set. Right. No, no, we've got no, there's no way that you can plug it in. We've got the normal speakers where they're
Starting point is 00:42:42 boarding music sort of played as you're getting on. Yeah, how do you get into that system? Well, that's got a control panel at the front of the cabin, but it's not really, you can't plug into it and try your own. So we play this, but are we positive? Because when usually when there's a control panel, there could be an orc scene. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'm pretty sure.
Starting point is 00:43:06 I'll have a look. I'm pretty sure. I'll have a look. I'm pretty sure. I'll have a look. I'm pretty sure. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look.
Starting point is 00:43:14 I'm pretty sure. I'll have a look. I'm pretty sure. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'm pretty sure. I'll have a look. I'm pretty sure. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look.
Starting point is 00:43:18 I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. I'll have a look. We bring two large Bluetooth speakers on his carry-on. Well, we could put it in the overhead locker and then when we get towed around and we arrive where we're going to do the slide, we can take it out then and get started. I'm just wondering if we have the music for the taxiing though, I think you want the vibe up on the taxiing. Yeah, we can have a look at that. It's not as if anything's going to fall around. We'll be going a maximum of 10 kilometers an hour. So, can someone open the door or is that just to set it off?
Starting point is 00:43:55 Or is that the flight attendance roll? No, that'll have to be the flight attendant because... Don't risk it. We've got one. Well, for the other thing too, you've got to be careful when you open the door, there's a technique of opening it and there's a handle that you hold onto because before the slide actually inflates, the door is actually open. If you fall out, you can like seriously hurt yourself.
Starting point is 00:44:21 No, that makes perfect sense to me. Can one of us, is it possible for someone, a designated person, to also set off a life fest and blow whistle once they're done? Yeah, life fest, no problems. Yeah, we can do a life fest. Brilliant mate, fantastic mate. We can't thank you enough. We are pumped for this.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Well, I mean, that's what we're doing we're, this is, that's all we need. Um, people can bring their duty free. And do we talk about, do we just have that last time? Or, I mean, we haven't asked, we're, we'll organize, we'll organize drinks, but we'll have them in duty free bags. Yeah, we wanted to get someone an opportunity to, to open a duty free bag on a file. You feel like you're drinking duty free and we'll just serve all the drinks in duty free bags. Yeah, perfect.
Starting point is 00:45:07 And all good. Thanks, mate. Thanks, mate. Thanks. Thanks. Good day, guys. Mike here, and unfortunately, we're at the end of another episode.
Starting point is 00:45:20 But fortunately, you can catch all of Hey Mission Andy's Remembring Project season two every Monday, and season one is all there for you to binge as well. Here's a grub from this week's episode where Hamish, the ultimate wingman, takes a little too much credit for bringing together Andy and Lily Allen. You've wanted to be ultimate wingman for me, many, many times.
Starting point is 00:45:39 Wanted to and have succeeded. 2006, Lily Allen was on our show. The Lielster. Yeah. The strange thing was, you couldn't come to the gig with me, because I think you had something, you had something on and sitting at the back of this gig, like it's in a lane way, 300 people deep, no one could see. And then Lily, on the stage said, I met someone who I thought I fancy today. Does anyone know? Hey, Miss Shnandy. And there was, and I was like, hey, man. The Pudgey one. But it was a kind of a thrill moment because they said, well, this song's for Andy. And then this person was on a big box of crates next to me and said, look down
Starting point is 00:46:23 and said, that's you. And I said, yeah, and they said, let's swap. So I got to stand on this huge box of crates in the middle of our own way, as Lily said the song. And then we, yeah, we did sneak a kiss later on and then then obviously she went on to Hollywood. Fine, but you consider yourself wingman, my friend. I think you get wingman. And when I hang you.
Starting point is 00:46:41 And Andy, wingman mentioned first, hang me to the pathway to Andy. I wouldn't take credit for that unless I felt it was due, and I do, and I will, and I shall, and you will. Go and check that one out wherever you podcast. Amish and Andy's remembering Project Season 2. Every Monday, thank you so much for listening. We'll catch you for the main pod next week.
Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for listening. We'll catch you for the main pod next week. you

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