Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2021 Ep 141

Episode Date: July 21, 2021

1. T-shirt update with Horgs 2. Zio Pino’s pizza menu special skill 3. Chit Chat Champion 4. Thunder Castle’s big weekend race 5. Small Business Names ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-knife production. Activate your internet. Cos the Hamish and the podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering. 1. Ahoi to the fellow who's lost touch on my right there, Hamish Blake. Ahoj there. And ahoj to the fellow who's lost touch on my left there, Jacko. For ahoj, I still feel like I am in touch very much in touch with the common man.
Starting point is 00:00:35 I've just put my common man T-shirt in the wash, so I have to go with the lost touch version today. I've been asked to have so many free t-shirts that you can just wear a select one at will. Wow that's been very nice. I acknowledge the fact I have a rich assurface of t-shirts hence I wear my lost touch with pride. Yes there will be a moment. I think there's a moment to pull it out. You can get both t-shirts and Tuesday days. I'm certainly aware that the times I've been seeing in public with my in touch with the common man T-shirt have spawned more George from the general public. No, the public know.
Starting point is 00:01:18 If the king puts his crown on backwards and walks amongst them saying, I'm just one of you dudes. Check out the old backwards hat. Just a regular skater boys. Here at the skate park on my hoverboard. It's tough to put a crown on backwards. It is, it is. It is only a king nose. The fancy jules are at the back.
Starting point is 00:01:42 I'm a Hoy of David, who reached out the very easy system of uploading, what he's been up to at Hema Shandy. He's skeleton and he's computer right now. Hi boys, this is Dave from Ipswich in England. I absolutely love the podcast, I tend you a little message to be meaning to, for a while now, just didn't know how to navigate
Starting point is 00:02:01 the system of uploading, downloading, downloading, it's just getting onto the website, it's complicated, but I'm going to give it my best, hopefully I manage it. In other news, I'm just off to celebrate, it's the end of the second world world, fantastic, 1945, everything, fighting's come to an end, so I'm just going to go and celebrate and enjoy this moment. Hopefully this makes it to you in time and love it. Keep up with good work. Thank you. All right, it's David from my favorite newbie
Starting point is 00:02:33 on the podcast. It did make us to eventually. Commiserations know that that's a wonderful devil, it's passed away now. It's blocked out of the coach. He was celebrating some 80, almost 80 years ago that was the upload process began. But joyful times for his family as they would have
Starting point is 00:02:55 walked into the room where he used to do his computing or at the end of the... We'll end it the second one. We'll end it the second one. One of the touring machine that he obviously bought is surplus because the military didn't need it anymore. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second.
Starting point is 00:03:08 We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second.
Starting point is 00:03:16 We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second.
Starting point is 00:03:24 We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. We'll end it for second. beers were held up for grandpa. No, very easy to use. And thank you for everybody who continues to love life. The mess just... I hope it was like that in 1945. What are you doing this afternoon? Well, I don't know if you heard, but the world was endent. So I thought about golf and celebrate that. Oh, yeah, great, great.
Starting point is 00:03:40 We were going to go and catch the tennis. No, okay. Well, lots of things on. Hey, quick merch update. I mean, it's bigger than merch this. It's a way of life. The in touch or lost touch common man teas. Yeah, available at homestead.com.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Exclusively. Yes, still believe. We do. We haven't had our problems in the past with online pirates. Yes. But they seem to not yet have scaled the side of our ship yet how we our online store has not been taken over the tanker yep the moment still has as I said the helm as we sit here right now only a day from the show being uploaded. We're about two thirds sold through the entire stock.
Starting point is 00:04:28 In touch, teas are more commonly purchased, but not by as big a margin you'd think. I've been fiercely surprised by the amount of people that have put their hand up. I have lost touch. And I need people to know. I need people to know I'm okay with it. Maxie Gorn of the brilliant Gus and Gornie podcast, but also the November 40 Club, captain of the November 40 Club. He informed me he bought a lost touch. He said, sums me up perfectly.
Starting point is 00:04:58 I said humble beginnings. Now a life member of the MCC. And of Ke Young's headless club. And listen to a few other clubs. Yeah, well, and truly lost touch. So he's where I get with pride. I think it's popular amongst footballs. Those that have had a career that spends over two to three years,
Starting point is 00:05:17 they've all lost touch. They've all lost touch and they're fine. And they know it. Hawks obviously had a distribution for us. He rang me the next day and told me, because he was looking at the auto forms that Luke Bruce, yeah, famous Hawthorne player had bought one of each, which surprised me.
Starting point is 00:05:34 The other thing that Horg said was, Luke Bruce did not purchase insurance. But he understands. He's a premiership player, understands the risk reward matrix. Yes, he's obviously you know in three premierships. You don't win four premierships by taking an insurance. You win him by putting it all on the line. That's what Max is doing too. For those who bought insurance and obviously we recommend it. We did submit a card,
Starting point is 00:06:03 but very few. Most people are fast and loose, which are respect as well, have you seen? I would say, the last year, I would never buy insurance, but I buy stuff online from websites that from other clothing websites, that as we've discussed earlier, when we were talking about our returns policy, can you actually charge people for customer service? My haul is very came to because it's not something you can't offer. our returns policy and can you actually charge people for customer service? My hogs is very keen to, because that's something he's keen on offering. But you know we're talking about the fact that most, in fact, any that you can think of, any store you can buy clothes from online as an absolute minimum. They're entry
Starting point is 00:06:37 into the game is the promise that you can return this as many times as you want. You get the wrong size to be the thing that puts you off the purchase. Where a lot more of the you get when you get you don't. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You get the right size. You I mean, I'm rolling with no insurance anywhere. I could return. I could return. No, not last touch. Just wears a big jumper for a few months. Hey, people get a card, though,
Starting point is 00:07:11 that denotes that they have bought insurance. The card reads as follows. Congratulations. You've opted to purchase customer service. We realize that customer service is something that most businesses strive for and tend to include in the purchase price of a product. But due to an overwhelmed distribution manager, we've been forced to take this approach. We think you've made the right decision
Starting point is 00:07:34 in purchasing customer service and we want to distress. If this doesn't mean the service will be good, it just means it exists. In plain terms card holders are entitled to return their t-shirt for a full refund. There is no swapping of t's in capitals down the bottom. Your friend's name is Shanani. Our customer service manager and our distribution manager at Guru joins us now. Hogs, how are things at t-shirt central? Look, they're definitely going out the door. It was a tough first date, obviously. We've got a... We're getting used to the...
Starting point is 00:08:13 But we're into a good rhythm now. We're probably getting used to it. You promised distribution. Why are you getting used to it? We're just not used to the T-shirts games. I'm not used to it. I'm not used to it. Much softer than a book. Yeah, yeah. Is it like, did you have to tell you guys, guys, when you pick up the T, you're going to be shocked at first by how malleable it is. And how wise you are, you are used to doing books.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Think of it as a very big soft one page book. So, no, we're wrapped with how everything is going. Okay. What's been the biggest hurdle then? What's the problem? How many did you get out of the door Friday? 300. That's a whole day. That's a lot. It was just a lot of setup time. What are you setting up?
Starting point is 00:09:00 What are you setting up? Just a box is in, because there's 20 different options. You've got two different colors. You've got two different wording on the size four. Then you've got five different sizes. There's 20. I mean, when I'm telling the guys to pick a book, let's just one.
Starting point is 00:09:19 That's it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We've significantly increased the difficulty level. Well, this worries me, Hawkes, what have you got in place? So the right order is going in it because, you know, we've had people that got two books from their order one before. We've got people that, yeah. Got some other got a coffee table book about bridges instead of the power. No, you know, what could have happened?
Starting point is 00:09:42 We'll put the checking place. We've actually got a full time checker. Oh, right. So there's checking the checker. Checking the order. No, checking the checker. We're checking. So there's four.
Starting point is 00:09:55 That's why insurance is so cheap, really. Like it's pretty rare that we're going to make a mistake with the checker. And also, what people should understand is that the t-shirts should have been, you know, other retailers would have put their retail at $50 knowing that, you know, people are going to return them, it's going to be painful, but they put that in the cost. We don't put that in the cost. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Because we're bearbonding this. We're bearbonding no returns, so you're bare bones in this. We're bare bones in no returns. So you're actually getting a bargain. So what happens, Hawks? We haven't had a yes, but what happens when someone goes, I've got my receipt here. A bottle large. You sent me a small. What do we do there?
Starting point is 00:10:37 And I don't have insurance. No insurance, okay. No, we're going to allow for the return. Can't guarantee you that we'll, you can have to buy again though. Hang on now, now, No, we're going to allow for the return. Can't guarantee you that we'll you can have to buy again though. Hang on now, that makes sense. So you get refunded. Would you like to try again? It's interesting that's failed. You're ready. So it shouldn't strike twice. Yeah, best of luck again. So basically, you're basically like a guy that's cheater and is good and you go get back with me and I've got out of my system.
Starting point is 00:11:06 I've got out of this as a promise I'll be doing right by you this time around. Yeah, fully refund. Just go with those funds, go back to the website and buy again. Okay. Okay. But that's a mistake. That's a package. That's a package mistake.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Yeah, but that's, I don't know if that's going to, that's gone through. You've got two people's hands. Gone through the checker. Yeah. I don't know if that's gonna that's gone through you've got two people's hands gone through the checker. Yeah I don't know what if what if God forbid it happened. What is the policy there? Would we you know Do you in that very rare circumstance where someone can show you a receipt? Yeah, I bought an extra large you sent me a small in that situation Would a handwritten handwritten letter from the distribution manager? Yeah, wouldn't mind that, Horsey. We're actually not even in that situation,
Starting point is 00:11:48 and you get the checker to do a video. Yes. To do go, I try so hard as a checker, but I admit that I am human and all humans are felvel, and that this must have been one of the rare mistakes the checker made. How do you audition the checker? Yeah, who's the checker?
Starting point is 00:12:02 You got your Smarter Skies, are you an IQ test? Does it look like, you know, Mensa? Look, we haven't put them through any tests. No, okay. Well, how do you know you've got a great checker? I just had a chat to him and he said you do all of it. So you didn't do it like a bit of like, okay, welcome down. Now, when you walked in the car,
Starting point is 00:12:21 then through the door, how many blue cars were in the car park? Like anything like that, like they do in the FBI to see how aware they are of stuff? No, just as a girl. Yep, right. And what did he say that impressed you so much there in response to how's it going? That you've made it as a checker? Not bad, mate. All good. Oh, you can't see.
Starting point is 00:12:39 It's just a general conversation. Yeah, I think you're fine with it. But you don't need an honest time to check, you know? It would help. Well, he's the check. He's the one line of defense for any defects. I just would have thought there would be a simple test or like, have you got experience checking things before?
Starting point is 00:12:56 Hey, Hawks, I'll be honest with this. At what point did the decision to have a checker come up? Was it like a last minute decision? No, it was just the customer service, through the books, the customer service was going, you know. Paul was working through the roof, you know, like 24 or 7 kind of our customer service. So we thought if we double check,
Starting point is 00:13:19 it's like what I said last time. Measure twice, cut once. By now. So that's check, check, check twice refund none. Yeah, okay. So is the hope that we're going for here? Okay. So does the checker rotate around? Is that is that is it like a fielding position in cricket where it's not like, oh, yeah, you know, you might, you might have your favorite checker, but sometimes that checker could also get under the long line. Yeah, there is. So we've got a, we've got a picker. Okay. Yep. We've got a packer. We've got a checker. And we've got a computer scanner to get the
Starting point is 00:13:50 label. Okay. What are you? What are you? I see the operation. Roaming and nodding. Well, no complaints thus far. Glad to good luck, Hawks. Thanks very much, buddy. We encourage everybody to go to Habershadek.com to get your hands on the last of them. Well done, bud. Keep on blowing, ensuring it's worth it. Keep on blowing, ensuring it's worth it.
Starting point is 00:14:14 The End The End Hey, time for another special skill. This one is fantastic. Came in from Peter saying that he has memorized the entirety, every little detail of Pino's Pizza Rear, our favorite pizza shop. The O'Pennos menu. Do you join us now, Peter? I'll hold you.
Starting point is 00:14:38 I'll hold you, boys. Now, mate, were you previous to Pino becoming such a celebrity on the show? Were you a fan of the O'Pino's? I wasn't, no, I don't actually live in the area, but I was training for a round of pizza lotto and my girlfriend made a comment that I may as well just memorise the thing, so that's what I did. I saw you were training. So you were the high-altitude camp, just in the woods, whispering,
Starting point is 00:15:28 like, I don't know, I'm like, I don't know, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I have to say the menu doesn't have any sort of rhyme or reason, so I thought, you know, anything could be coming out at any time. That's true. It's true. It's one of its terms. Yes. What's the next pizza wrap? Tour of Mizzou. Oh my god. You never know. Okay, so I want to be really clear though Peter here. You know everything about that menu, so we're talking prices and ingredients, et cetera. The under the tacos.
Starting point is 00:15:48 The under the tacos. Yeah. I love this. Hey, this won't be on the test. What's your favorite typo? I think the Bolognaise pasta has some monster meat in it. Monster meat. That's fantastic.
Starting point is 00:16:10 has some monster meat in it? Monster meat, that's fantastic. We're so excited to look. We're obviously, we were worried that you might have some kind of spreadsheet available to you where you've listed all the items. We've been burnt before, so we actually currently have you, you are on the phone to us, but you're also being zoomed by producing Mike. He's outside outside the studio. He's watching you on Zoom. You have been blind folded. You've selected a blind fold, Mike will be watching the blind fold. So it's blindfolded to his satisfaction. And so you haven't got posted, no, it's written all over the room with different hints
Starting point is 00:16:40 about the menu. What have you chosen to blindfold yourself with, Pete? I've actually got a branded Voletysher, my new start-up, so it's pretty comfortable, where we're doing groceries, deliveries here in Sydney. Oh, good mid. Good mid. Yeah, all right.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Well, guess what, wow the plug. We were, wow the plug. Thank you very much. We just have a bit of fun, because we're like a bit of fun on this show. We are going to organize the game with the scenario that Hamish and I are dining at ZO Peno's and you come up and we've forgotten our glasses and we're going to ask you questions about the menu. If you get them right, five out of
Starting point is 00:17:17 five, you sir. Should we have five out of five hand, we're going to give you four out of five for a coin. Yeah, we've got no glasses and the, all the menus being cleaned that night. So, just, only the waiters can give us the information from the menu. 4 out of 5. We can do it. A COVID safe reading from 1.5 meters.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Exactly. 4 out of 5 is a coin, 5 out of 5. Well, we go and 8 coin coins. So, I like the word. These are kind of these. Ah, tough. I think the monster meet Joe Kodas on board. And I think these are tough questions. If you get five or five, we are looking at an eight.
Starting point is 00:17:52 A rare eight coin coin. Let's jump into it. Just tell me, is it all there in your head? Can you tell me the price of Gallic bread? Is it true? Peter can you? Remember, Peter can you? I don't remember Brian Adam's going up like that. He doesn't, he does live.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Okay, hey Michelin, I see him down. Hey, we can't see the menu. What do you, what do you, oh, here comes Peter, our waiter. Oh, thank goodness. And did you have a question first? Did I? I will go first. Peter, what's the price of the Greek salad?
Starting point is 00:18:47 The Greek salad is $14. You got it. He's a way to a course. Where on? Where on? I can play. Yes, I'm interested in ordering the Mexican pizza, but I have a severe artichoke allergy.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Does it have artichokes, the Mexican pizza? No. No! That's right. I've eaten here before. Does it have arbohcher, so the Mexican pizza? No. Aaaaah! That's right, I've eaten here before. I remember has anchovies, pepperoni, olives, capsicum, and onions. Now I have a chance. That's right. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:19:14 What could a company of the Mexican at an eye-to-eye, tell you what, ask about that pasta you're interested in? That's right, the spaghetti marinara is something that was kind of wetting my appetite. I just wanted a cream base sauce or a potterna base sauce. The spaghetti marinara and mine the typo with the combination, the combination. The leaves is in the philotanous sauce. It cuts quite of course the more traditional tomato base.
Starting point is 00:19:44 It's a bit thick. Thank you He's got a lot of sauce. He's got a lot of sauce. He's got a lot of sauce. He's got a lot of sauce. He's got a lot of sauce. He's got a lot of sauce. He's got a lot of sauce. He's got a lot of sauce. He's got a lot of sauce. He's got a lot of sauce. He's got a lot of sauce.
Starting point is 00:19:52 He's got a lot of sauce. He's got a lot of sauce. He's got a lot of sauce. He's got a lot of sauce. He's got a lot of sauce. He's got a lot of sauce. He's got a lot of sauce. He's got a lot of sauce.
Starting point is 00:20:00 He's got a lot of sauce. He's got a lot of sauce. He's got a lot of sauce. He's got a lot of sauce. He's got a lot of sauce. He's got a lot of sauce. He's got a lot of sauce. He's got a lot of sauce. He's got a lot of sauce. Sorry if I'm keeping you from any other tables. Yeah, thank you. The vegetarian nightmare keeps it. But now I understand that it's a nightmare due to its high meat levels. That's fine, I'm not vegetarian.
Starting point is 00:20:15 But I have a two-part question. How big is the vegetarian nightmare pizza? If I ordered and gluten-free, and how expensive would that be? The price is 11 inches. That's right. And the price? Gluten free. $17.
Starting point is 00:20:36 He's got it! He's got it! He's got it! He's got it! He's got it! Well, for you, the gluten free range, all we thought we would get you with, you've got yourself a coin, but for the eight coin coin, I was just very... Very huge. We were just like, I mean, to do the maths on the extra gluten free, that's fair.
Starting point is 00:20:54 We're just wondering whether I could describe a Pepsi Max, please. Any problems with that? There is. We have Kyrgyz Kyrgyz Zero, unfortunately. He's got your note, you know. He's got the coke range of something. They are not affiliated, nor do they have a deal with the Pepsi Corporation. If I'm not trying to play favourites,
Starting point is 00:21:14 but I prefer the coke range of things, so that's another tip for me, the ZO-Tino. Peter, it's probably the best we've seen anyone ever go at a special skill. It really is. We should point out it's probably the best we've seen anyone ever go at a special skill. It really is. We should point out it's not easy. There are a lot of items and a lot of combinations. This is a man that knows that menu.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Inside out, you are the king of knowing the menu at Zip. I think you would have beaten Pino himself easily. I think he wrote that one after Pino's, though. You receive, I think, one of only three eight coin coins that have ever been given out. I think this is number three. This is absolutely huge and well deserved. Congratulations, mate. Well done.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Amazing. Thank you, guys. Thank you. It's for a wider. Ham, we haven't done this for a while, but a couple of people have put their hand up for it, which is very exciting. Let's jump into it. Chitney with your best shot.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Not a row way. Chit chat champion. How good are you keeping the ball in the air during conversation? Olli wrote in him and he said, the game chitchat champions, people always proclaiming how good they are due to their places of work and previous experience. However, they end up being pretty shit at the game. I propose selecting me a night-fill worker at Coles,
Starting point is 00:22:47 where I don't have any interaction with anyone. Oh, so he saves up his chat. Yes, that's what he's saying. Being an inexperienced chit-chatter, could be an experiment to send me in. So we're going to do that today. He's so excited to talk to people. We won't be able to stop him.
Starting point is 00:23:02 We think that might be the case. Oliah, how do you? I'm always had to be able to say anything. No need. Good stuff. I have to apply. I haven't followed up well. It's okay. Resting on his laurels. That's all right. The race is a long one. You'll get back in the peloton You're gonna be up against Maddie today Maddie a hoi to you a hoi boy Maddie you say you'll be so good at chit chat champions You're a midwife usually stuck in the room for 12 hours of the club I have to make them like me because it's the most important day they like
Starting point is 00:23:43 Trace absolutely the hard yards in. Aside from a hole in one. For golfers. This is a hole out of one out of a hole. Yes, exactly. So, holes in ones and it's ones out of holes and they're both special days. Yeah, absolutely. All right, this is great.
Starting point is 00:24:01 So, Maddie, you're equipped. Yeah. Oli, you're coming in just broad, unbridled energy because you don't get to see anyone on your night shift at Coles. Now, the way, you guys know the way this works, but for people stumbling across this for the first time, we, Annie and I will simply have a conversation.
Starting point is 00:24:20 We all have part of a conversation. We will not tell you when it's your turn to talk. We believe being the expert, an expert at the out of small talk is about timing and sensing the right window to jump in with your piece of the conversation. It cannot be a question. It simply puts, that's when we buyers you time. It has to add meaningful structure and advance the topic of conversation. Some distance down the field. They'll both... They'll both... They'll both reverse the game.
Starting point is 00:24:47 We'll be doing the chit-chat winner. They both get the exact same conversation. We're going to put Oli on hold first, send in Maddie. Oli won't be able to hear the questions. Are you ready to go, Maddie? I am ready, boy. Let's play. There we go.
Starting point is 00:25:00 All right. Good, Andy. Come here. Hey, um, you know what? Thinking of taking up swimming again. I want to swim a kilometer by the end of the year. Wow. I've got a coach in mind if you need it.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Oh, boys, I'm the worst swimmer in the world, but I can't surf. You made a surfing song about wanting to learn how to surf. I could teach her. Go back! Go back! Go back! Go back! Go back! You've been through a couple of days. Good, good. Good, good.
Starting point is 00:25:25 You didn't feel good for the day. I felt it. You were good. I think if I was at the party, I would... Yeah, because I didn't come up on light yet. Oh, good. Okay. If I was at the party, Mety, I'd go,
Starting point is 00:25:35 gee, excited. You're like, there was an exuberance to your chat, which I think was, would be maybe, ever so slightly off putting in a party situation, but certainly a great foot forward. And I suppose you've got to sort of weigh up, you know, how much of a big deal was that for me to open up about swimming and want to share that and it was shut down quite quickly and switched.
Starting point is 00:25:56 The topic was switched. Yeah. But the good news for you is that I was bad at swimming, so that might make you better about it. That is a nice piece of sharing. Yeah. No, I'm happy with that. It was good. It was good effort. Well sharing. Yeah, now I'm happy with that. It was good.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Well, I know you'll put you on a hold. We'll be tough to beat, I reckon, but you can count on something. Olli now. Olli, you there? Yep, I'm here. Let's do it. Okay, Olli. Good idea.
Starting point is 00:26:18 We got it. Hey, I'm thinking you're taking up swimming again. I'm going to swim a kilometer by the end of the year. I can put you in touch with the coach, if you need. Yeah, swimming is a pretty good sport. They just had the Olympic trials, actually. I don't know if you guys saw that. There was a singer who just missed out. Coach Simpson was in the game. Oh, you were all so good. This is a tough one. I mean, do we send down another topic, him? A tie.
Starting point is 00:26:51 A tie. We've never had a tie before. They're both pretty good chabbers. Yeah, yeah. Let's, let's, let's, Let's get another topic. I'll just, let's, we'll fire it away. Okay, only you get,
Starting point is 00:27:00 you get to go first this time for any back on hold. Sounds good. Yeah, that's a good, I can't handle it. Yeah, you get to go first this time first. You get to go any back on hold. Sounds good. I can't handle it, can I mate? How often are you using the brush in the toilet when you do a poo? Never. I never use it. Yeah, I'm the same and I never use the brush in the toilet. Just let someone else do it, I think.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh, not my job. No, I don't think that's what I mean. I think he's more sangues of clean pool. I'm not leaving things. Do it on the floor.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Easy for them to pick up. That, I'll leave it. Okay. That is interesting, Ollie. We learned a bit about you, the chat. Ollie. Can't look with content, maybe not, so much. Yeah, you're certainly memorable.
Starting point is 00:27:52 We'll leave the party, Joey. Okay, Ollie. Let's, let's, let's, let someone else, must be nice. Okay, we're going to put Ollie back on hold. Maddie, are you ready to go? I'm ready, boys. I could do this all day, I reckon. Okay, we're gonna put the back on hold. Maddie, are you ready to go? I'm ready, boy. I could do this all day, I reckon.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Okay, great, Maddie. Yes, you probably heard by now, I'll say that there was a tie break situation. Okay, good idea. Good idea, Harry. Hey, how often are you using the brush in the toilet when you do a poo? Never, never have to.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Oh, never. I've gone two today, haven't used it one. Good flex. Thanks. Let's have diarrhea. Which goes, how are you diarrering and not using the brush? More, probably more interesting. Probably, I think you might have the win for me there, Maddie, because it sparks more. I'm fascinated by how you've done too. So, there obviously have a good consistency. You didn't need the brush. Whereas, with Oli, if he's coming back online now with Oli, it was more of just a high eyebrows than everyone take
Starting point is 00:28:59 a sip of their drink, which is... Ah, we've got a comfortable in the pitot. It was a little uncomfortable with Oli, but yours, I don't know why, I have, but it was, it had more intrigue to it. It was a tough tie break out. You were both sensational. A token of no value goes out to you, Maddie, and Oli, thanks very much for coming on the show. No problem, thank you. Thank you. You're outstanding stuff. Pass on my salt. I'm saying that you can stand these stuff past them loose.
Starting point is 00:29:23 What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? Hey, Metsyu, Tchuj weekend. For all digital horse racing enthusiasts, it was... Okay, everyone.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Okay, everyone. It was our first big race. If people had just joined the podcast, I feel like we should try and bring them up to speed. Because we're... I always feel like we don't need to, because you know, you'd think so many people listen. Of course, like who would join in episode 100 and something.
Starting point is 00:29:51 But I know now from my own experience, sometimes I will start a podcast. I go, I've heard of this podcast. I'll listen to the most recent episode. Yep. And if it wins me over, I'll go back. Yep. So if you're currently trialling us right now on a win over basis,
Starting point is 00:30:07 allow Andy to bring everyone up the space. We've been looking to have a play in the digital space. We've had some failures with Bitcoin currency. Sure. Purchasing losing passwords, tens of thousands of dollars, close to $100,000, it lost forever. But we thought we have a laugh. The next, the next, chapter sampling the show where the kind of show that loves a laugh. The next chapter was buying digital horses to race them. The digital horse race called Z racing and we used a trainer,
Starting point is 00:30:44 Christian, better known as Duffy. And Duffy was going to buy us a horse. He did exactly that. And the horse was called Thunder Castle. We put Thunder Castle in its first big race. Big money. Big money race.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Christian joins on the line with Duffy. Duffy, are you made? Did you do the hoi, how you going, boys? Yes. Digital Hoi, Duffy. Now, you've been running Thundercastle, the bit of a digital horse, of course, as you can run it absolutely, Raga,
Starting point is 00:31:13 but never minds, it turns around, and it says, please, sir, can I have another? It's, they love to run. They love to. They can run one second after they finish their last race with no drop in performance. Now, we'll, so we'd run Thundercastle in a few races, but this on the last weekend, it was the money race. And the stakes literally go up, the excitement changes.
Starting point is 00:31:37 And is there a feeling that, do you know, Duffy, do you go right now? I know we're playing against some well-known trainers in the game because I assume once you start racing for money, it's a different kettle of fish. Yeah, I mean, obviously the horse is continuing to place. Yeah, really? It doesn't come outside the top three very often. And this can actually make your horse quite profitable without hardly ever winning a race. And it's actually quite desired when it comes to breeding from the horse as well because
Starting point is 00:32:10 it's what we call a consistent horse. And so when that happens, it just goes up and up and up in class and it starts to race better competition. And it's starting to play with some of the really good horses. And it's performing okay, which is really good. For people who didn't get a tune on our Instagram to find out exactly when the race was run, it was 506 Eastern Standard,
Starting point is 00:32:35 time Australian Eastern Standard time where it had its first big race, $50 US entry fee. We asked for the race to be around five o'clock because Hamish and I both wanted to be here in hand when we joined each other on Zoom. Concentred. My daughter's birthday. Yes.
Starting point is 00:32:50 So he's needed to make sure all the birthday duties were taken care of by that stage and like any good father we were actually in the middle of watching a family movie. Great. And I jumped up and said, oh no, daddy's got all sorts of racing. He's got to watch it. That's taking a guess. I'm running out of stats. So doofy, because we gave you the time,
Starting point is 00:33:07 you couldn't necessarily pick the conditions that you thought might have been best for Thundercastle our horse. It was racing on a 1,400 meter track, was it? 1,400 meters, yep. And where do you think she's best? She's running better around the 1 definitely at the moment. That's what the odds are suggesting. What was her pre-race odds? Pre-race odds for Saturday's race. She
Starting point is 00:33:35 was 22.9 to 1, which gives her about a 4 and percent chance of winning the race. But the plan and placing is a much higher percentage because yeah, that's just the chance to win. This is what we talk about a consistent horse where it doesn't have necessarily that little edge to take the win every time. But it's always up there. It's always performing quite well. It's an exciting consistent bridesmaid.
Starting point is 00:34:04 It will. It's never going to consistent bridesmaid. It brings... It's never going to be the big day for Thundercastle, perhaps, but you always book her as a bridesmaid because she's very funny and does some great dancing and fun to watch her up there. One of the pussycat dolls that isn't Nicole's is a singer. Still great that you're a pussycat doll. You've had one in the dancing and stuff, but you're never going to be front and centre.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Rachel Fence, son. Yeah. Who ones. Well done. No, that goes to show it really could be anyone. Doofy, it's with great pleasure that I announce that our horse ran second on the weekend. It was third. It was third end. Yeah, I know what you think, because I thought second as well. And just before you said second, I remembered that it was fourth and it just snuck third. But the way you and I like to remember things is for them to get more and more glamorous over time. And already... I was 24 hours off it being first.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Already a few days on, it's elevated. And soon we're going to be telling people it took out the digital Melbourne car. I really have. I don't have on the day and said, what's our horse's name again? And I've been saying, Gee, you don't get this, you don't get this in real horse racing where the owners of a champion mayor on the day of the race go. But excited about the race today, me too.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Now what's our horse's name again? Oh, which is great pleasure then, then I can announce that our horse rang third. Sure did. How did you enjoy the race, do you? As you as you may know, I am, I enjoyed it on a replay because I got the time zone mixed up. I was so focused on five or six, but I forgot I was in Adelaide. Yeah, we did know that.
Starting point is 00:35:48 So two of the owners, one of the owners didn't know the author's name, the trainer missed the run. I'm surprised the horse turned up. If it wasn't so digitally built into the algorithm that the horse had to turn up, luckily no one had to take it to the racetrack. Well good news though, good news would you say. Our horse is growing in value. Yeah look it definitely is. So we've got a genesis horse. We've got a genesis z5 and it's a meh which is which is where all the value is at the moment.
Starting point is 00:36:18 As I said it's really consistent. It's got a 62% place rate and it has got its first race win as well. Who beat us? Who beat us in the weekend? Running plank. Running plank, beat us. Yes, he's a question. Would we consider trying to buy running plank? Should we? It wasn't our business model by one champion, one, one hopeful champion, and then six shitbirds and miss fits. And we haven't even run any of the shitbirds. No, have we purchased any shitbirds yet?
Starting point is 00:36:52 Not purchased any, in that sense. Okay, but we want to start breeding as well. So what about, can you breed this week, and we might get our first couple of missfits? I mean, how many, how many know come out and they, uh, in a litter? So we have an opportunity to, to pick up a couple in breeding. Right. And as I said, I'm excited to see her breed because three people.
Starting point is 00:37:19 You really do love it. Okay. Okay. So you're going to're gonna, she will breed this week. You and arms leg. Was there a digital PayPal in the wall of her digital stable? And you're a confront that will have two extra horses next week. Yeah, well they call it falls, they're with a girl. Yeah, two falls. Yeah, unnamed, unnamed falls. Unnamed falls of next week. Yeah, well they call it falls, they're with a girl. Yeah, yeah, two falls.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Yeah, unnamed, unnamed falls. Unnamed falls of next week. And then we get to name those, because we didn't get to name Thundercastle, she came with her name. We can name the falls. Yes. Fantastic.
Starting point is 00:37:56 All right, Christian, well done. Keep up the good work, and we'll see you next week. We'll catch you then. Yes. Thanks, ladies and gentlemen. Back. And a... We'll check you then. Thanks, legend. Bye. And, uh, you are involved in a small business, Rift Carrier system. Rift Carrier system. Yes.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Um, and, um, sister and brother-in-law, sister and brother-in-law, family business. Um, is, well, I mean, they run it, but it wasn't a family they bought the business off of different families. It's a family business, which is a good little hack. You can do. Because they bought a guy called Rich didn't they. You worked there as a teenager and that's why you're for Rich. So Andy, you were able to offer consulting advice on how things were back in the good old
Starting point is 00:38:43 days. But did Rich invent the story? Did he buy it off a different family? He invented the story. Because I'm just, you know, for marketing purposes, you could say a family owned and operated for 100 years. If it was just, obviously, there were several coupes in there where different families took over.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Really slow early on with a lack of cars. That was more wagon carriers. More the top of wagon carrier systems. And a lot of the early cars had soft tops, which are very difficult to see. Yeah, that's a very good one as well, but that is true. Well, the technology advanced with the cars in lockstep. And you know, what, sorry, the reason I bring it up is
Starting point is 00:39:22 you're that business, where we've carry systems carry systems, that's an example, I think, of a company just doing what it says and saying what it does. You know, like a good lane. Stay in a state of your sleep. You know, you got a roof. You know, a lot of people realize they have roofs that are just completely along for the ride. Really, with the cabin, what do you do?
Starting point is 00:39:43 Stop some rain from time to time? A lot of people expect more from their roof, and they realise that it should be carrying more of a load. And you know, that's where you get a system to do the carrying that you can put on your roof. And Paul sells snowchains, but you'd say that's still in the car realm, it's not like when we went to the shoe shop across the road, yeah, and they were trying to sell the guitar in the front.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Where to, where to, like, like an eight-person dolly guitar or something. And we were like, hang on, hang on, what's happening? You're gonna struggle for that, Burgess. I've come, E guys, I've come across it, and I've come into it now. I thought I could sell it in the shop. It's like, what?
Starting point is 00:40:22 It's like, it's not a trusted guitar. It's a trussy the aftercare. Yeah, aftercare too. Yeah. With that guitar, like if you broke a string, right, I could give you a lace. LAUGHTER That's great. You know, do cell straps?
Starting point is 00:40:39 Hmm, I could tie a bunch of laces, thicker laces together, and it could be a guitar strap. Right, well, I want more for my $8,000. Yes, we're getting a bunch of laces thicker laces together and it could be a guitar strap Right, well I want more for my $8,000. Yes, we're getting a lot of that Sorry, the reason I bring this up completely unrelated to refrax is I think small business owners Trades that start you know that start their own business I live at the moment in an area where there's like three houses around us being renovated. So the streets just full of yutes,
Starting point is 00:41:08 and it's obviously like, Jack, you didn't exploit this, which surprises me when you were renovating your house. But often I think the movie is, if you do the company name on the side of the yut, I'm assuming you write it off as a company car, you probably can buy twice as good a yut because it's a tax deduction. I didn't mean so.
Starting point is 00:41:25 If you're running a river, now you've got like an awesome Raptor, like the like a four-range Raptor, whereas beforehand, you might have just been buying like your second hand, a second hand, you know, not even a wild track, just an entry level range. Might have been unacceptable to you. So I think the temptation is like, if I put the company name on the side, I can go big. So many, like, what do you,
Starting point is 00:41:52 I mean, obviously you have to think of a name, and if you're doing roofing or painting and something, like you're obviously not, you're good at your trade, you didn't really major in marketing. And so I get the feeling that a lot of them just pick a name, probably at the count's office. Just like, well, yeah, sure. office. We're going to call this something. So many trading, small, like one truck companies, seem to name their company after what you would expect to just be the bare minimum of what you
Starting point is 00:42:19 are hoping for. Like all the companies are like precision- know, like precision concreting or like, you know, integrity builders. And you're like, but that's the base, that's the bare minimum or like full coverage painting. I mean, like that's that's the minimum we expected of you. Like Mr. Spot painting, like, you know, just have the same group. A lot of us are just like, you know, like, you know, full spectrum professional glazias. Yeah, but that we wouldn't have hired you if you were just like,
Starting point is 00:42:52 sometimes we got it, sometimes we don't. Just like cracks a more a glazias. Like, yeah, we could have bought one of those trucks that has like the big afro thing, but it seemed clunky, so we really, we just wrap it in which is better. And we put it in the year and then we try to drive to your house through the street that doesn't have speed bumps, but sometimes we do hit them. So it's the shortest rate.
Starting point is 00:43:17 For running late, there will be cracks in more, so unfortunately that's what you get. And chips of plenty. That's a company. If you wanted to glass, get full coverage. Hey guys, Mike here from the Hey Mission Andy team. Just letting you know at the end of the show that Hey Mission Andy's remembering project is still coming out every Monday for season two, and as always season one is their FUTA binge. Go and check that out wherever you podcast, just type in. Hey Mission Andy's remembering project. Here is a little grab from this week's episode, where
Starting point is 00:43:57 the guys talk about the time leading up to the Beijing Olympics back in 2008. We weren't allowed to say the word Olympics. No. Because we were non-right-tolders. No. I believe 3AW was the right-tolders. Yeah. So we were able to say we were there for all the action
Starting point is 00:44:13 and international tabloid sports. Yes, all we were there for the fun and the games happening. We had a, there was a contribution where they were allowed to say the games even. That's true. We couldn't say the games in Beijing. So we were just there for all the excitement of Beijing and anything that might be happening in Beijing at that time. It was the legal letter was so fascinating as to. And then even with the guards, the sponsor we had
Starting point is 00:44:37 in the show, we couldn't align some of those sponsors with going to the games in Beijing because they were official sponsors as well as it was a peculiar brief. Correct me if I'm wrong but weren't we going totally nuts in Beijing for Cabri Boost Totally Nuts? I think we were. I think we were. I think we were. They're going totally nuts for Cabri Boost Totally Nuts. And we had winners come across go totally nuts and we took them to hooters. I'm a traditional Chinese experience. Go and take a listen to the whole episode, Hey Mission Andy's Rembering Project, wherever you podcast, we will catch you next week for the main part and every Monday for the Rembering Project.
Starting point is 00:45:19 Thanks for listening. The Hamish Nandy podcast will return next week. Catch up or contribute at hamishanandie.com.

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