Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2021 Ep 152

Episode Date: October 6, 2021

1. The stud barn 2. Dictionary skill – Frame of Shame? 3. Free pies with Jonathan Brown 4. Chit Chat Champion 5. Concrete Davidson ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-knife production. Activate your internet. Cause the Haymission and the Podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering. 1. A hoi-demy neck, hey, wish. A hoi to me, Derek and Jack. Oh, I can't position. No, I don't have a guess of what position is.
Starting point is 00:00:36 A rough neck and a Derek hand. Like, if the yield's old time, getting close, it's actually not that close, but oil rigors. Yeah, that makes sense. That's not the oil derrick. The derrick, yeah. So, Jack, you are at the top of the rough neck, dude. You're the tough guy. You're the guy that pulls in the big drill.
Starting point is 00:00:54 You might have seen them on YouTube and stuff where they actually have to connect the parts as they, the huge parts that come in. You're rough, now I'm a rough neck because you often loop like cable or rope around the back of your neck. No, it's probably not the reason. I think it is. You've rough now, I'm a rough neck because you often loop it like cable or rope around the back of your neck. No, it's probably not the reason. I think it is, you've been up in a callus there. And what's Derek doing? You know, you've been, Derek's the guy,
Starting point is 00:01:14 Derek's the guy in the rig that has the switch to start pumping, but he often goes wandering. So you need someone to look after Derek, and that's you. I didn't know this until I looked at that, but that scaffolding that looks kind of like the Eiffel Tower. That's the Derek. That is called a Derek around any oil rig. So you're the Derek Hand.
Starting point is 00:01:34 You sit at the top of the rig and make sure that the Derek's doing his thing. Everyone's rigging. Oh, I also ham to Reese from New Zealand. Ohoy to the SP man himself, Hamish, the birthday boy Andy and the Tesla sponsored Jack. This is race coming in loud and clear from Pangaea in the year 240 million BC. I have, of course, had to teleport back to this time so I can start the very long and difficult task of uploading this file to the Hamish
Starting point is 00:02:03 and Andy website. I expect 240 million years should be long enough as long as there are no unexpected teething issues. Have a gusto filled podcast boys. He timed it to perfection. You filled us with gusto. I'm a thank you racing. We've got a movie into this. We haven't shared it to him for a while, but for people who don't know, we on this show are into digital horse racing. If you knew the show, welcome, of course. But essentially, you can buy digital horses online and race them and breed them. And it's a market unto its own.
Starting point is 00:02:40 These some horses are worth over half a million dollars US days. We bought a few Ethereum, blue a few Ethereum on our horses Yes, and we've got Duffy who runs the stable for us and is dinner to be available as it hasn't stolen any of our money Which we appreciate. Let's jump into it Jacko It's been a few weeks since we've talked to our trainer, Duffy Ham, and he joins us now. Duffy, oh, hi, do you? Digital, hi, how you going, lad? Digital, hi, Duffy.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Now we got a lot going on in our Z-Racing, Z-Horse Racing world. Digital Horses, the stable's growing. Oh, yeah. You know, we should tell everybody that we actually now have another horse in the H&A stables. Can we please call to the front of the stable chicken fest, named after the world's most popular chicken festival, one off chicken shop festivals? Do chicken fest was bred?
Starting point is 00:03:41 Who's chicken fest parents again? Yeah, so chicken fest is one that was really excited. We needed to really sort of spend some time on this because chicken fest is a offspring of two for Tony who's been racing really well since we last spoke as picked up a couple of wins and just doing its thing. And I managed to get a breed with one of the best stallions in the game. It's called Y2K2K. And it's a V2 Nakamoto legendary. So it's up there in terms of rarity. It's one over
Starting point is 00:04:14 11, 12 Ethereum when we bred with this horse. So that's like 50 grand, isn't it? Yeah, that's right. So this horse has one 50 grand US actual money on digital horse racing So we've got right. So it's a massive sugar daddy Big old rich stallion to come and and yeah get throw one into Tony and now we've got chicken fest Tony with the Stud farm I was this one in the stud farm. I was like, look, we need, we need to buy it.
Starting point is 00:04:48 I'm so happy to have a little bit of money. How much did it cost for a night with a- It cost us $1,200 for a night. Wow. U.S.? U.S. Jeep is wow. Well, did Tony look satisfied? She would have been very pleased. Well, I've been obviously we've been running
Starting point is 00:05:08 chicken fest in the background. I mean, I'll let everyone go and have a look at that horse and see how it's been running because I've got a few other things to talk about and what's been going on in the last few weeks as well. So yes, yeah. What are the point out that if people wanted to get into digital horse racing and he's confusing, but you're helping people, do if you racing.com. That's so many people ask. Yeah, so you're so you're hit to do for racing.com and you can help them out I understand. Yeah, so they can get in touch with me on that website. I also am available on Discord and Twitter obviously but the main thing on that website is Discord.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Of course, the first one. Discord, is that a you? Discord? Disco- Disco- Oh, right, rally. Is that what it is? That's what it is. I've never heard of it. I? I'll give it a listen. I forget I live in a different world.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Discord is just like the communications Apple preference for gamers and the online world. So pretty much every, I live in their 24-7. It's just the communications app. Now it's just mucking around. I'm well across it. Am I the adapter? I'm a bit of a cool dad.
Starting point is 00:06:03 No. Yeah. What's your handle on Discord? You don't call them handles, mate. That I the adaptant? I'm a bit of a cool dad. No. Yeah. What's your handle on this? We don't call them handles, mate. That's the first mistake you've made. Do we call them handles, do you fee? Yeah, no, no, you can call it that. It doesn't have a link through to my channel.
Starting point is 00:06:15 We'll call it a channel, what it's originally called. OK. Now, do you fee we were talked last time about opening up our own stud barn, where essentially, we're going to put our fillies in there. But also our stallions in there. There's an opportunity for people to breathe with them. Yeah. Jack Post, we've got a digital horse called Jack Post.
Starting point is 00:06:35 He's one of our only news by Jack Post. Jack named a horse after himself. Is Jack Post the stud ready, the stallion? Is he ready to breed? Yeah, we've got a few of them. I've been, I've been sort of waiting for this day to have a, I guess, a marathon. Well, we'll put a few horses in there and let people come in. What, what kind of price are we putting on Jack post? Well, he got point one Ethereum taken a couple of times last time he was in. So I did a bit of a test a few weeks ago and he had a couple of studs taken.
Starting point is 00:07:09 So I'll probably keep him about that price again. So point one Ethereum. So I've already been active, or Jack Post has already been active in breeding. Yeah, yeah. What we wanted to do, what we wanted to do if he and Jack, I put three hundred bucks to say,
Starting point is 00:07:22 yeah, Jack, you don't know about this. I've written up, I think it'd be nice if we put his price up to get maybe, you know, double that. But you're not gonna do that without advertising. That's true. Now, I want the owners of all the mayors out there. And I know we've got a lot of the digital horse racing fans to listen to this show.
Starting point is 00:07:39 I thought Jack, you should do an ad for your digital horse. Can you find some sexy music, Jack? I've written up a script, Liza is bringing it in now. I'd like you to play some sexy music and please read the script for beta, okay? I don't leave anything in. No editing on the fly, but I want owners of the mayors
Starting point is 00:07:57 to hear this and go, okay, let's get our girl in the stud barn with digital horse, Jack Post. Okay, I've been having a script. Do you want me to do a voice or in my voice? Your voice is fine, I think, for the amusement of listeners. Where's the music? Oh, here it is. That's a good one.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Hey, all you fine fillies, it's me. Hang on, that's not that sexy. I'm telling you about you trying to lose your virginity. Not that thing, the music at all. That's okay. Your voice, me, isn't it? Don't have to sound like a the rung sail. I'm in the stud barn right now and I'm red-hot and ready to have some powerful digital horse sex with you with my very impressive digital horse, Johnson. I feel uncomfortable reading this.
Starting point is 00:08:53 It's fun. It's a good course. In human form, I am married and monogamous, but in horse form, I'm horny as hell and ready to mount those mayairs with zero cares. So come on in to the b- So come on in to the stud barn and roll in the hay with me. All those in favour say NAY! That is so funny man to get this to me.
Starting point is 00:09:22 What are you reckon? That's fantastic. Oh, I reckon that's $1,000 star right there. Yeah. That's fantastic. Well, let's, we're putting him in for a thousand bucks. For people,
Starting point is 00:09:36 the people in the digital horse racing were opened our starboard. We'll catch up with you in future weeks. Yeah, I'll wait for it. It's stampede, Jack, look out. Catch you guys. The Game of Thrones Hey, and we started this up on the show.
Starting point is 00:09:53 It probably stemmed from the Simpsons guy originally, a fellow who came to the show. He said he nominated a special skill saying he knows a lot of Simpsons quotes. He didn't know any in the end. And then when we asked him just to give us one, he froze and didn't even say K the end and then when we asked him just to give us one he froze and didn't even say cow-bunger or doe. I think we said any word. It used on the Simpsons.
Starting point is 00:10:11 That we couldn't have made it more of a layup. The frame of shame, you get your photo in a frame that sits in our studio at the moment it's occupied by a fellow called Ryan who said, if you give him initials he he could think of any celebrity. I put him up against you. He lost every single one of those. Another one particularly good. I was probably just the good snapshot of a man on the straight. And that's that's the point.
Starting point is 00:10:35 I mean, you've obviously got to be better than the man on the straight. Yeah. Well, we're after the top 1% of performers in the event you're putting forward. And that's what I'm worried about with Will, who sent his in. Okay. I'm going to tell you the special skill.
Starting point is 00:10:49 And if you guys immediately think, oh, I could do that. I've got problems for Will and he may be nominated for the Great Day for Ryan. Yeah, the Great Day for Ryan. This is the day Ryan's been looking forward to he's out of the frame. Yes. Will writes, I can find a word in the dictionary in under 15 seconds. That's quite a lot.
Starting point is 00:11:10 I mean, I was anticipating it. We're gonna be two seconds. Now, I didn't know, I mean, we all know, we can count the dictionary in 15 seconds. We can, obviously people can count to 15, et cetera, but I thought I will play you a sound effect here. I just got crickets. So long, 15 seconds. We can obviously, people can count to 15, etc. But I thought I will play you a sound effect here. I just got crickets. So long.
Starting point is 00:11:27 15 seconds. So let me play this for you now and everyone can just take him. I don't know, this is boring, but just take him a how long, 15 seconds is, and just try to imagine yourself flipping through a dictionary in that time, take it away away Jacko. BELL RINGS What the long time? It's a long time. So I'm handing you over Dictionary now. Yeah. I mean, I've, I was actually just remembering that the last time I used a dictionary, let's see how we go here because with the traditional
Starting point is 00:12:14 dictionary, let's just say, you know, nuisance is the word. You go account, it's about halfway through. So you open up and go, and of course, then you start flicking through, you get a new looking for the end you, there's a bit of flicking. There is a bit of flicking in the dictionary. I know, and that's why that's why we're laughing. So maybe it's not, maybe it's not outrageous. I would hope that I can come in at around about the 10 second mark. I'm going to start a timer for, I mean under 15 is the, if it's exactly.
Starting point is 00:12:44 So I'm going to start a timer from when I mean under 15 is the... Yes, exactly. So I'm gonna start a timer from when I give you the go. Yeah. Do you want me to pick the word or you to pick the word? I'm gonna pick the word. You can't be linked to this. I want you to start with... I'm gonna say, do you want to do uterus? No, because it seems like you're on that page.
Starting point is 00:12:58 I'd like you to close the dictionary now. You do, okay. So you do any word like mannerism? No. No. Close the dictionary please. Closed. Hain? Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:10 The word is trombone. No, that's a T word. Hmm. All right. All right. Draw, draw. It's like a hint. Sticking. How long have you got? Right. Draw. Draw. It's like him.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Sticking. How long have you got? Got it. That was 18 seconds. Sorry, I thought you were going to give me a can down, though. I was just going to have to talk to him. I thought you were going to give us updates on the talk. That's what I was like.
Starting point is 00:13:43 I didn't want to panic you. No, I thought of Jesus.. That's what I was like. I didn't wanna panic you. I didn't wanna panic you. No, I thought of Jesus. I was walking because I was like, oh my God, He hasn't even said 10 seconds. Yeah, okay, let me go again then. You know, this is okay. We laugh. We may have unfairly laughed.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Maybe in this world of searching stuff online, Google's always telling you that it's a billionth of a second to search anything in this world of searching stuff online, you know, Google's always telling you that it's a billionth of a second to search anything in the world. And we're laughing at a 15 second human. Maybe this is more of us turning our backs on humans. Hey, are you ready? Yep. The word is, I'll give you a count down. I'll tell you the, I'm telling you the word that I'm'm saying three two one go book closed please That gives you an extra time, but what he can't have all it all it does is you know
Starting point is 00:14:33 What I can just double check that trombones us with the tea Then you can go to the next letter and the next letter in your head It doesn't I've been out on a break here, but I am able to crunch that fairly fast. The word is podcast three, two, one, go. He's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, Looks like it's being closed. You need to hurry up. There's a lot of elves.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Got it. 17 seconds. It's up to Adam before potty. So maybe... Both. Okay, 17. Will may have found the line. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:15:23 Like in backing magic. Is the annoying thing, right? Now I don't want to get to nitpick, but prepare for this. Pod, the PO, the PO sound comes after a lot of PL. More than you think. You think you're one page off when you're back at placebo and you're actually two to three pages away. Same with Trombone, came after a lot of TRA words. You think in the T's, you think it's like changing the second letter every page, but TRA went for, what seemed like forever?
Starting point is 00:15:55 Well, shall we see if you can get what we're doing? It's not very exciting. I actually prefer Mandarin content. But, let's see. He's not, he can't be in the frame of show. He's not in the frame of show. He's not in the frame of show. It's not impressive enough.
Starting point is 00:16:09 It's not impressive enough. You saw me do this two seconds faster. Would that be the difference for falling off chairs and going, you're the king? I think I actually need to see someone, you know, a real special skill is we say podcast, and they go, okay, what dictionary have you got? You've got the budget, McCquarry,
Starting point is 00:16:24 and they go, yeah, pretty sure that you got? You got the budget, McCquarry and they go, yeah, pretty sure that's on page 339. That. That's a special skill. Fair enough. Let's see how close I go. It is. I don't want to make a habit of us seeing an ad that we have agrived with and then having
Starting point is 00:16:49 to pull it up. We don't want another Shane Jacobs incident. And we stand by our comments. Yes. We stand by our comments and our retractions too. Which is standing by, that kind of makes sound like we're braver than we are. It makes sound like I'm braver than I am to go, I stand by what I said. But half of what I said was a retraction.
Starting point is 00:17:06 I don't know how to pull it. Well, actually, 10% was a retraction. It was an apology to Shane for not recognizing him. Yes. In fairness, I don't think he would have recognized himself if he didn't remember doing the ad. It didn't look a lot like him. It didn't look like him.
Starting point is 00:17:19 And, but I absolutely stand by roasting the ad for the steam smoke. Confusion insult to the fire department. Some people have come, again, this is women to be putting that behind us, but some people have come to the defense of the steam setting off a smoke alarm in some small apartments.
Starting point is 00:17:38 What? I know. Steam does. Apparently, but look, let's leave it. That is hot. Yes. That should be setting off liar alarms. I know. If there's one thing we're good at on this show, it's raising something to put behind us and
Starting point is 00:17:55 then completely dismantling it, giving it a full overhaul. Let's try. Let's put that behind us because there's another one. Got another one. And it's another well-known Australian friend of ours as well. Yeah. I'm not sure if you've seen the four and four and twenty pie ad Jack and happening on the 40 finals. Heading into it. You're all strong presence through the AFL 40 finals. Yeah. Jonathan Brown, he's kind of the voice of football at the moment. Well, he was obviously he's analysis even got a job in podcast Jonathan Brown, he's kind of the voice of football at the moment. Well, he was obviously
Starting point is 00:18:26 he's analysis even got he done in podcast Brown. He's podcast where he talks just all things I have failed Jonathan Brown X, a Brisbane Lions champion. The form 20 pie ad a song singing he doesn't speak at all. I don't know whether that was choice from probably a choice to say. He and Brown he wouldn't mind the saying that. Yeah, but it was he would have probably said to the director, I don't think you need me to say anything you do. Yeah. Yeah. And you just have an easier day on set. So a the set, I'll set the scene for everybody before we hear it.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Yeah. Who's seen the jackets where it's where the everyone's singing about, how great the pies are. And I saw as in the meat pies. And the gist is meant to be like, we've been there for everything. Like the meat pie, like the 420 pies, been there for all the classic moments of the game. Yes, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:12 And Jonathan Brown's sitting in the stadium, which looks like a live game, I think that's the setting that they're trying to create, that he's watching a game live. And the person in the aisles with the food, four and 20 food basket comes past and is wondering whether people want to purchase a pie. Yeah, a pie. A pie, a pie, a pie. Brownie takes five, I think. Does he?
Starting point is 00:19:34 So it's with three. Well, he takes a lot. Yeah, but one, it's more than one. And in the song, I think they're saying, and he's, but Brownie's going before his mates, et cetera. I think the reference is he takes another one for the team. You know, like, you know, referencing his career. Jack at this point, he doesn't pay.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Ah. T-Wonnie's hands, he's hands to certainly working there, you know, over drive, taking pies. But then suddenly when it's time to put your hands in your pocket, his hands can't feel anything anymore. So hands have nothing to do. So try and picture that as this plays. Oh, we've been there for every game of 4 and 25.
Starting point is 00:20:12 We're Brownie Tech's one for the team, he's one for the country guy. Oh, and a lovely party made some 4 and 25, buddy. So there's Brownie taking the pies. The lady takes one for the team. The piloty clearly walks off. I think I detect a little bit of, are you going to pay? From her, but we are reading into it.
Starting point is 00:20:32 I did too. I actually detected a slight hint of, I made, it's a franchise situation, and I actually have to buy the pies also. So... But, you know, as again with Branny, he's playing games. It's not a manual argument. So as soon as he turns his attention away from the pies, that pie person instantly does
Starting point is 00:20:52 the maths and goes, I'm now down the wholesale cost of three pies. Let's call it three. I'm not going to recoup that at all because he's turned away. I could stand here arguing, but if I stand here arguing, the inventory of my pies, the hotness of the remaining pies goes down and then it becomes harder to sell. Yes. So it makes a snap really impressive. And it was probably a break, a goal break.
Starting point is 00:21:13 I mean, that's the chief. In the key point, you need to sell pies. So it's really interesting for those that have studied game theory. I haven't, but you wonder if this comes up in the mathematical branch game theory where they've instantly gone, I could argue this, but it's going to cost me long term in the game. Love, I'd love actually a mathematician to write in and tell us the decision that this person faced to push forward,
Starting point is 00:21:39 take the law, Adam Spencer definitely will know this. Push forward, take the law, I'm sure it's got something called like, you know, the meat lovers canundra or something like it's toilet university. The pymons canundra. You push forward, you take the cost of three wholesale parts.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Take it. But you keep the heat in your remaining pies, higher, which gives you a higher chance of selling out the rest of your pies, did we cope? The brownie lost. Now, maybe iny's defense, he went to the toilet, saw the girl and said, Hey, here's 10 bucks. Keep a change. Yeah. Come find me. Come find me. Find me the next goal. I'm on the aisle. The counter that it doesn't look like she's, she knows him. She would have winked. She would have winked. She would have winked.
Starting point is 00:22:25 She would have, because she would have, it would have been the closing of the loop. I mean, unusual transaction. And there's no, oh, there you are. Oh, you've come back. So anyway, I feel like we should call Jonathan Brown now. Just to see if he has any answers. And it feels about it it because he's essentially signed up to a national campaign, a football state.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Oh, I don't want to talk to some like the gliding about his football tone. That's one of Premio's ship in 57 years Because I'll be a big move for me to call you and start gloting about winning brand new ships as a supporter Can you chop that brownie? I was on the couch doing back flips Well, I once ran three years. Why did you take 37 years to do it? Yeah, I know, I keep saying the guys, you know, can we get our act together here? But, um, no, 22 23, we've got a mere mark as well. So we're talking to you. Brownie, it's not about AFL football as such on the ground. It's about what
Starting point is 00:23:39 happens off the ground we need to ask you about. There's a new 420 pie ad that was been going around. the ground we need to ask you about. There's a new 420 pie-ed that was been going around. Oh, shit. Do you remember doing the pie-ed Brownie? I mean, you'd remember that day. I think it was a Victoria Park, the old college football club. Yeah, did you see that? Now, would you agree that it's designed to make it look like you're watching a live game. That's exactly right. Until I real, until I looked at the Pyman, you know the Pyman was Nick Kappa. Nick Kappa is one of the Pyman's, there's a Py lady that comes down for you in this particular ad, I think.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Yes. Yes. Now, the lady you purchase, and we use the term loosely your pies off Yeah, we believe to be a lady. We don't have the vision in front of us We're basically going off Many a few nights ago and I know watching soft TV and noticing some things. However Do you I mean the transaction? How many pies do you take in that ad? We're so much free I think I'd go to three and then one for the
Starting point is 00:24:47 like sitting beside me. So I can't remember the transaction, I can't remember the hand going into the pocket. That's our problem. That's how you use the term loosely. Now do you think you're better than everybody else? Like do you think because or is it written into your deal? We need to clarify. Is it in your deal with foreign 20 that if you do go to a positive life?
Starting point is 00:25:12 Like is that contracted? Or are you just assuming that? Now, I think anytime that you're, when you drive through the city and you see your head on a billboard for foreign 20, I just presume that gives you free pies for life. So, you're not a football player. That's how worried because as Amy wanted it out.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Because it didn't look like the pie vendor was aware of the deal. And we got the hint that actually it is a bit like a franchise model where they have to buy the pies themselves and it's on them to recoup the cost of the pies. Did that ever cross your mind as you were going in for one more acting generous
Starting point is 00:25:48 for the guy sitting next to you pretending you were shouting him a pie? When really, you were stealing him and it's a pie. Well, I don't know whether the hard part is, it's our special, she was gonna go to me. Now, I wouldn't have looked that great in the ad. You see, look, then she asked me for the cash. And then I would have been honest though.
Starting point is 00:26:05 I don't think it works as well when the subject actually has to turn to the poivander and say, don't you know who I am? That's true. That is true. How about that contract on you at all times? Yeah, it entitles you to free pies. At least just worry for four and twenty now that people are going to turn up to the footy and go three pies, thanks. Oh, I'm afraid.
Starting point is 00:26:28 They're free. There is no, no, no, no, have you seen the ad? These are the ones you can just have for free at the footy. I think it's a vibe thing. So you've actually done 4 and 20 to serve us here by advertising as Australia's most beloved free part. And I wouldn't be surprised, Brownie, if 420 contact you and they have to do a make-good ad, a clarification ad. I think being in trouble with the 850C. Where they show you going to the toilet beforehand and paying the girl in advance and say come
Starting point is 00:27:01 fine. Come and find me. Or if you have to do a PSA where you're looking down the camera going, hi, Jonathan Brown here. Look, you might have seen me recently on an ad taking three pies without paying for them. Now, we have a lot of fun in the advertising world, but that wasn't the right thing to do.
Starting point is 00:27:16 That lady operates on a franchise wholesale purchase system of pies, and I was actually putting her deep in debt. It wasn't the right thing to do. And I'm making a donation to Pyevendor's Australia to make sure his behaviour is not the PVA. This is not a true portrayal because we're not expecting all customers to have a five-year lifetime or a lifetime contact with 420. Browdy, thank you very much for joining us, buddy. Love you, boys. Thank you, guys.
Starting point is 00:27:47 See you, buddy. Cheers, mate. Hey, we haven't played this for a while, so it is time. Shit me with your best shot. Not a roway. Shit, chat, champion. Who is the best at small talk? A lot of people put their hand up and say,
Starting point is 00:28:11 pick me, pick me, I am very good at small talk. We all know the rules by now. And I will have a brief, two-handed conversation. You must then use your instinct and your cunning and your timing to join the conversation, not asking a question, but adding an interesting piece of the conversation to progress it down the field. We like people to picture themselves at a party where they don't really know you one, but
Starting point is 00:28:36 they've sauntered up to a conversation. That's where you need the skills the most. At this exact moment, and how good are you at endearing yourself to your new colleagues or friends? Yeah, you basically want the group that you've joined to go. Oh, oh, oh, glad this person came along. It's a level of chat has increased. Arman joins us. Oh, who are you, Arman? Oh, my boys. Arman, what line of work you're in, are you in and does it require a good chat? So I used to be, I used to work at the airport for Singapore Airlines. This is pre-COVID.
Starting point is 00:29:08 But now in the transport industry and hospitality industry as well. Jacqueline, you were taking on Arman today. Hoy do you Jacqueline? Hoy boys, Hoy Beth Andy. No need. What makes you feel that you have good chat? I used to be a two-a-guide and the two is were two weeks, so two weeks worth of non-repeating.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Two a week, two a week, and a long time. In minutes ages. Like it's a contiki type setup, is that what we're talking about? Yeah, Amazon tour. So when people are walking in, they hated it. So it's got to be upbeat. Yeah, it's walking time. And also, if you're having a fun time on the tour, like if you're an extrovert, you've got good chat as a guest on the the tour you've probably made friends and you're not talking to the guy
Starting point is 00:29:49 So you're probably left with the Strugglers conversation or the group. Yes, you happy talk to them Alright, let's put Jacqueline on hold. Let's start with arm and arm and are you ready to go? Yeah, good to go boys. Jacqueline kind of hear you and home. Are you ready to go? Yep, good to go boys. Jacqueline, can I hear you and home? Are you ready? I'm ready. Hey, ham, did you get those ASICs you ordered? Oh, they're actually out of ASIC, but yeah, got them two days ago.
Starting point is 00:30:15 ASICs are actually perfect. A couple of years ago, I used to do wrestling, Greg Oroman, and my preferred shoes were ASICs. Definitely the group on the AStecs are very good, but they look really sexy. Oh wow! Oh I actually got out of that. Well, Armin.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Back storm though. And absolute storm. Yeah. Armin, in retrospect you came off a bit strong. Possibly as a secret a secret asset salesman. You've just joined the group and you finished with the house sexy they look. But how'd you rate the chat? I mean it did feel fairly forced to me at some points. Um well I could have gone deep up but then you know it would have just
Starting point is 00:31:02 spiraled to a different, a whole different conversation. But I think I did pretty good. I could have gone more in deep into wrestling, but I would just leave it at that. But again, we weren't talking about wrestling at all. I mean, I suppose it's meant keeping the ball in there like team effort. Yeah, but I think it, I, to me, if I was chatting to you,
Starting point is 00:31:19 I would have gone, we weren't talking about wrestling. But those were my preferred shoes for wrestling. No. That's true. That's true. Yeah, okay. Conversal decision to argue a back, but you've got it. Armin, roll that back.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Okay. We're putting Armin on hold and we're going to Jacqueline. Jacqueline, you there? Ready. You will be putting the exact same conversational situation is almond just faced good luck Good day, hey, how about you get those s6 you wanted. I was actually out of that, but yeah, got them two days ago Wow, I heard Michael Jordan sometimes, but I guess them. Oh no! I hadn't heard that. I didn't see it.
Starting point is 00:32:15 Make, like, he's a long-term, largest, multi-million dollar contract. Right, like, I either, he's got a new contract. It's actually, now it's a good conversational tool to a bit of I heard. Might not be true. We don't know. Jacqueline, how do you feel you went? Look, not very well. Yeah, I think the giveaway was when you went, oh no.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Yeah, it's really drinking your own face. Well, Jacqueline, we love the confidence and it was actually a good trick, I think for anyone looking to play when they're back out there. And I heard it's always a good conversation or tactic, but... I didn't think you were spectacular, but you've won this week, congratulations mate. Thank you. And keep up the creek, I'll run and rest. Keep up the rest, and don't you dare let anyone tell you what your favourite
Starting point is 00:33:08 shoes are or aren't. Unless that's true. Thank you boys. I'm talking to no value going your way. Hey, we like to cover niche passionate areas. Pokemon being one of them. Obviously. Don't say it's niche to my biggest entertainment franchise in the world. Another one of those is wrestling people.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Some people, if you like wrestling, you really like wrestling. It's one of those things that you don't have, not too many people dabble in. I think the enjoyment goes way up if you get deeper in. Yes. You know what I mean? Like it's not like a dabble in it. Yeah, you have to commit. If you go twice as deep, you enjoy it 10 times more.
Starting point is 00:33:55 A great. Rather than just twice as much. Yeah. Our show has been displayed on, I would say the biggest scale when it comes to wrestling in the WWE. It came to our attention from an old friend of the show called Concrete Davidson. He's a wrestler in his own right. And we, you might remember the name Concrete Davidson. If you are a very long term listener.
Starting point is 00:34:20 In 2011, when you were trying to lose weight to become tramp legal, you had to go to a hundred kilos so you could be a pisser or trampoline. Light enough to bounce on a trampoline. That was what tramp legal man's. Yes. Yes. Concrete Davidson, he rang up and he offered you a gift. It was his leotard. My leotard, he's leopard print letter. Oh, yes. Now, why did I have a tail? Did I bring my own tail?
Starting point is 00:34:51 I think he stuck your own tail in there. Because I remember having a leopard's tail as well, but I don't think a wrestler would have a leopard's tail because it's grabbable by the other guy. This is that audio when we first met concrete Davidson back in 2011. Oh, great. Oh, shhh. Hello? Is that concrete? This is that audio when we first met concrete Davidson back in 20 years Okay Hello, is that concrete is that concrete Davidson? Yes
Starting point is 00:35:12 I know exactly who this is Conco we got your email about the leopard skin outfit. Yeah, it looks fantastic And we were just wondering if we could officially ask, could we have the suit? Yeah, perhaps, look, you might be a bit taller then, but I could probably maybe send you all measurements to the guys that made it if it doesn't fit, like I can definitely send it to you.
Starting point is 00:35:34 And how many of them you can make? And I'll make you, sorry. I've got two. That one that I see in a picture with has like a bit of a gold trim, that's sort of my special occasion one with a with a with a cape on the out the back of it. You've flinched, Stoen. You've got a number of different
Starting point is 00:35:51 Leipziget suits. He joins us in now. I'm not sure what capy's wearing for our he's wearing for the cross but concrete, Davison, oh, how do you? Oh, how do you? I'm so nervous. Wow, what long-term callback this year. It's 10th year. concrete is so great to have you back on the show. I mean, first of all, that day was a blur that I did the, I mean, it was, I think it was our last show of the year.
Starting point is 00:36:15 I had lost enough weight to be allowed on the trampoline and then to celebrate I did a back flip. You did. We had a lot of people down to watch the show and I think, I think, you know, it's a big, it's exciting to watch someone do a backflip. We had a lot of people down to watch the show, and I think it's exciting to watch someone do a backflip. I wouldn't say it completely covers the cost of admission. To do all the way out of your way. But they all came in the hope for a big mistake.
Starting point is 00:36:38 I did, didn't I? It was a very weird feeling for me to be so triumphant and the people would be going, well done. We were hoping, we were basically hoping to see a guy too fat to get on the tramp. And then if he did, for him to like, you know, not complete the backflip and land on his neck, it was a terrible day. But hey, we need to move past this. I just want to say, I didn't feel like I've thanked you significantly enough for the suit. I really appreciated it on the day. And I do remember wearing a Leopard's tail, but you don't have a tail in the suit, do you?
Starting point is 00:37:08 No, that was your creative addition that you added. But I mean, I mean, you didn't send it back or anything. So I mean, the outfit you did, but you didn't send it along with the tail. So I assume you still probably got the tail at your end though. Might be in the storage room. You're in the room, baby. Yeah, alongside half a chicken outfit. Concrete, I want you to explain this. It WWE, you send us some vision. It's WWE NXT, which you understand is next generation WWE.
Starting point is 00:37:39 So it's not like the rock level, but it's the guys just beneath that are vying for those positions to be upgraded. It's still getting seconds. It's still getting huge amount of viewing across the whole world. What did you see? Yeah, so essentially what I sent you was
Starting point is 00:37:57 one of my, I suppose, ex colleagues as is now in the WWE as Grayson Waller and he went out and challenged the, Chris always championed the world, wearing a shirt that pretty much told everybody that he's lost touch and he's better make a statement. The first we saw it, we see a guy wearing a lost touch with the common man T-shirt, calling out some guy in the middle of the ring in that like 10 minute conversation that you guys do about who's fighting who next.
Starting point is 00:38:29 What you're about to hear here is Grayson, and up and coming wrestling, coming out live on WWE NXT in a lost touch with the common man shirt about to lay it down for his chance the title. I'm starting to realize that NXT 2.0 is a straight up jungle. But if anyone was built to survive in the jungle, it's Grayson Waller. So instead of sitting in the back waiting for an opportunity, I'm out here to take one. So what do you say, champ? How dare you interrupt the champ celebration? Next week, Diamond Mine shows you why we run in X-T! I got no idea!
Starting point is 00:39:14 Yeah, well it's nice to see that we finally got ourselves made fighting. Crews away, champ. You hear this? Unbelievable. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. I mean, just, just shocking stuff there from grace and interrupting
Starting point is 00:39:30 the champs celebration. That's it. That's it. Well, I mean, the audio guy partly to blame, ding, given the mic. Did, did, did have his fader up? Yeah. Um, and so, next week I imagine, so you're refollowing this, co-graders. Next week is he going to be to go for the title?
Starting point is 00:39:52 So he's debuting in a championship match actually as we speak. So I could have even concluded by now. So, yeah, so he's over there right now and people are having the biggest match of his life. Did you send him the lost touch for the common man shirt or is that the kind of thing that we can assume all wrestlers are sitting there at HamishDee.com trying to purchase? No, it wasn't me, it was another one of the PWA wrestlers. Jimmy the perfect senator. He's always doing the right thing Jimmy the perfect. Yeah. He's always doing the right thing to me, the previous year. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:25 He said I would do him and obviously he's got no humiliation about losing touch. So yeah, he just went out. I mean, for the people that have lost touch, you've got to embrace it. I mean, and could we return the favour? Because concrete, you were kind enough to give me my very own, you know, to loan me a leotard of wrestling ones either, leopard print onesie, all those years ago, love to make a loss touch
Starting point is 00:40:53 with the common wrestler. Um, wrestling outfit. Yeah, absolutely. And we'll send that back to concrete, David. Is that you're asking? Yeah, or do we send it across to... Right, to Grace. To grace it. I mean, if he has one now,
Starting point is 00:41:06 I'm sure Grayson would absolutely embrace a lost touch to come and rest with ring it tight. Concrete, you guys all rest together. So you got concrete Davidson, Jimmy the perfect. But then you've got Grayson Wallart, which just sounds like first name last name. How come he doesn't have a core name like concrete Davidson and Jimmy the perfect?
Starting point is 00:41:26 That's because WWE want to, they basically want to own the name and they pretty much, as soon as you're in the door, they go, right, well, we gotta come up with something else. So they gave him Grayson Waller. I don't know where Grayson Waller came from. I think actually he was known as Maddie Warwick here and Survivor fans may remember him because he's on Survivor 2 years ago actually and just as Maddie on the
Starting point is 00:41:50 show. I mean, he's a new name is Grace. So he didn't wrestle under a cool name in Australia. It was Maddie Warburg in Australia. Not even Maddie the War. I mean, this is why I would probably not do great in WWE. I want to be Sucks Wigglesworth or Rubik the Pugodot. I'm looking up at a thing in this town. Well, we're not leaving for our z-horse knows.
Starting point is 00:42:14 Thank you very much, Kongo. Good to chat again, buddy. Come on, you're right. Thanks for listening. The Hamish Nandy podcast will return next week. Catch up or contribute at Hamish Nandy.com. We'll see you in the next episode. Please guys.

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