Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2022 Ep 173

Episode Date: May 25, 2022

1. Andy comes out guns blazing  2. Greg Internet vs Magic Mike 3. Dan Sugar’s teeth chomping presentation – Special Skill 4. Hamish’s first golf lesson 5. Mi...nty lamb 

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-naf production. Activate your internet. Cause the Hamish and the Podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering. 1. Ahoi to me for a ja. Hamish. Oh, okay. Wait, wait, wait, those bloody nuts. One! Ahoi to me for a ja! Hi Mish! Oh, okay, where are those bloody nuts?
Starting point is 00:00:28 I gotta hear something. Ahoi to me drone! Jacko! Up here in the sky, keeping a look out on the forages. Jack, you got a visual on any of those nuts? Look how fun it is to come. Too much from up here. Too much undergrowth.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Do you know what we are? Yes, we're a forest-based team that look for trainers in the undergrowth using a mixture of technology and good old fashioned foraging. I was saying the roles of a bee colony. There's a forager. There's a forager bee. And a drone, of course. And a drone, of course.
Starting point is 00:00:57 And a drone, of course. And a drone, of course. And a drone, of course. And a drone, of course. And a drone, of course. And a drone, of course. And a drone, of course. And a drone, of course. And a drone, of course. And a drone, of course. And a drone, of course. And a drone, which will be a male, possibly...
Starting point is 00:01:06 Dickless. I might... Me, like possibly, is he a new car remember or a scientist haven't got to the bottom of it? Well, that's why so small, Mr. Pobies. You're like a big fan, not sure if it's in it. I think a drone is a male, but he certainly has no sexual prowess.
Starting point is 00:01:21 How do you think it though? He's the one out there. He's not distracted. He's got nothing else he's thinking about. All the other males are on Tinder. Ahoy to Paul as well, Ham, who uploaded his message to us in the easy system to use at HamishNandy.com. Ahoy, Hamish and Andy, it's Paul
Starting point is 00:01:38 from the government podcast, Mandation Station. Look, unfortunately, I'm going to have to commend and condemn you guys and deny the 10,769th request to finally put an end to the Mandated 3 month podcast break. Look, I'm on your side here, guys, but with my hands tied, the big wigs upstairs are saying no, to national determination to put this debacle to an end. There's something we haven't seen here in this very nation-specific bridge of the government. But once again, you will need to take that break. I'm just getting
Starting point is 00:02:10 in here early, but I know this will fall on deaf ears. I know nothing will stop you guys from pursuing this to the bitter end. But we must insist on all those multiple golf sims being used. Musta be really nice. Oh, appreciate that always nicely hearing the government. That's shame. We mean, I suppose, look, we'll take it at the end as it is at the end of the year. We'll have that three months, but we hope. We'll hate that, bro. A few people asking us when the lead up to the recent election,
Starting point is 00:02:39 people were going, oh, will this change? Would different parties have different rules about the mandate of thing, but unfortunately, it's change? It would different parties have different rules about the mandated thing, but unfortunately it's like the mint or the government general. It's like it doesn't matter who's in. Yeah. It's just the cogs of government or regardless of party. Yep.
Starting point is 00:02:56 So yeah, I hope it didn't sway anyone's vote. Who changed things on the mandated front? We'll keep fighting it, but as you hit just her there, certainly the odds are stacked well against us. Guys, I've got some big news. Hit us. What do you think the best thing we've been, we've purchased this year's been?
Starting point is 00:03:14 Well, I really want to go to those bug assaults, the gun, the assault guns that shoot flies out of the air. That's only my favourite purchase. I'm probably at over 200 kills. Oh, hit the music jack because guess what? What do you got? By the makers of Augusta. Have you found him?
Starting point is 00:03:30 Can't tell me there's a pistol. Wow. Is there one you can put in an angle holster? Have you found that the flies can see you coming from time to time? Do you know what? This isn't crazy. Because of the fluorescent nature of the order of of the rifle. I say this to Zo
Starting point is 00:03:48 From I've said this to Zo because we keep our bug us on the kitchen above the above the fridge and I'm on the one I'm look obviously the hunter. Yeah, they get so excited when there's a fly in the house and I'll I will hunt it to the death I Said to her I'm noticing that flies are adapting their behaviour, almost as if word has spread. Yeah, right. But they go as soon as you see this orange thing come out. Because usually you just have to wait till they land.
Starting point is 00:04:13 I have one out of the air before it's hard. It's like, they're inside people's air. Sonny saw it. It's very, very hard to get through out of the air. It's sort of like during, you know, like in World War II, where they're like, you know, there's like so much ant here, crowd fire going up, but the planes are just flung through. Like it's very hard to get one. I've noticed early days they would land more regularly, and that's where you're going for the kill.
Starting point is 00:04:34 And these days, they just keep flying and flying and flying. But they don't want to stop me. They do, they do. They do. And I feel like they've learnt to recognise the gun from the very few that escape, and I can never find again. Oh my god, what's this? The good folks, Bugger Salt, what it asked to be on the forefoot of their new technology. And their new technology is camouflage paint. It does have the orange bit at the end of time,
Starting point is 00:05:01 and then you have to have legally. But by and large, that is a much more... Now, it does assume that we live in the jungle jungle. I thought it was for action. A kitchen camouflage, maybe pots and pans, or like a tea cup printed on the side, would have allowed it to mold. It's still the bug us all through or for.
Starting point is 00:05:21 This is the bug us all three point. I can't have an upgrade. I'll have it upgrade. I'll have it upgrade. I'll have it upgrade. I'll have it upgrade. I'll have it upgrade. I'll have it upgrade. I'll have it upgrade.
Starting point is 00:05:30 I'll have it upgrade. I'll have it upgrade. I'll have it upgrade. I'll have it upgrade. I'll have it upgrade. I'll have it upgrade. I'll have it upgrade. I'll have it upgrade.
Starting point is 00:05:38 I'll have it upgrade. I'll have it upgrade. I'll have it upgrade. I'll have it upgrade. I'll have it upgrade. I'll have it upgrade. I'll have it upgrade. I'll have it upgrade. I'll have it upgrade. I'll have it upgrade. I'll have it upgrade. And glad you asked. Oh, don't tell me. Because another little package came in here. If they've got a scope, you can put on.
Starting point is 00:05:47 One better. Laser. Oh, very, very interesting. I've got an attachment to the top of your bug assault. The reason I haven't, absolutely lost my shit here with excitement and I am excited. Did they say anything about whether or not the laser can distract or alert the fly? No, let me have a look read here because that would be my concern that The fly gets distracted or alerted to your presence because flies are very good at seeing things
Starting point is 00:06:18 If you're shining a little bright light on it. I don't want to scare it away I want it to sit still it doesn't say we have to, I'd have to go back to the makers. It likely just fell on my side of the email fence. That's how I intercepted this. But basically it's a bug beam. So this is essentially a laser pointer. Yes, that's true. Yes, that you can clip on the top of your bug assault, camouflage or I'm camouflaged. And this then turn it on and you can clip on the top of your bug assault, camouflage or I'm camouflage, and this then turn it on and you can see where you're pointing before you fire. Hang on, I might just quickly take back
Starting point is 00:06:53 my complaint about the site. It says here it's got a pop-up. So you know I said the rear sites are too low. Yeah. You haven't been popping it out. Well, I think I just unpacked mine so fast I never read the instructions. It says here they pop up Oh, so the rear side pop up is my only complainers like this rear side is into ladies have to use the front side
Starting point is 00:07:11 There's why be using any of those sites anymore. There's a laser sight as well. Oh my god So what I was hoping for him is The your review last time of the bug assault was The review last time of the bug assault was a great bit of broadcasting history. People really enjoyed it. We just wanted to see whether the extractor his phone's using the site. It was like a cat. He's seen the laser pointer going off. I've lost.
Starting point is 00:07:37 I'll talk to you at the end of the show. No, do you know what is interesting about the site here? It's people that have used. Oh yeah, that's not too bad. I was going to say it's a little bit diffused because like you actually don't want to powerful always, especially when there's kids in the house. But that's about right. I can have done testing on that. Okay, we can look forward to a review then. See how the site goes. That's 100%.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Yep. And and Merry Christmas, Jacko. There's another one under my face. I wasn't sure, a hundred percent. A hundred percent. A hundred percent. And that one's for me. Oh, no, no. Jacko won for you as well. And obviously, it's early for Gordy to go out of these first
Starting point is 00:08:20 hardening trips with you. No, but we've been sitting in Squilla with flies everywhere, and I haven't been wanting to touch them. The old way with the fly swat up, because I've been sitting in squilla with flies everywhere and I haven't been wanting to touch them. The old way with the fly swather because I've been waiting to use the bugger salt. Unload my friend. Thank you, Ando. Ando, while you and I go about our daily life, Jack,
Starting point is 00:08:41 also has the added responsibility to being a father these days. But he continues, I have a good authority. He continues his shadow life as Greg Internet. That's true, my chest. Monica. His chest, Ilya. His chest, yeah. A lot. Have you been allowed to chest yet? So Adam Spencer last year told me in slash mathematician.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Yeah. Told me that I was playing too many games. Essentially, I was binging games and I wasn't progressing. So he banned me from games instead. I have to do the lessons and puzzles one game a week. As soon as you've been sticking to that. No, when the baby was born, that's gone out the window. Now I've been so like crazy.
Starting point is 00:09:20 Because you know, when you got a new born, you're always looking for a Greg time. You know, you're hiding in the toilet or, you know, when you got a new ball and you're always just looking for bit of Greg time. You know, you're hiding in the toilet or you know, sitting in the car for five minutes. Five minutes longer. Ten minutes longer. You come home from radio. Where's Greg? You should be over there. Greg, Greg, into the outside in this car, probably smashing games. Do you wonder how I know that you're still playing fiercely, Jack? A people dobbling me in? Or you? Not only that, but I have a screen recording of someone playing. Wonderful.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Greg Internet, he's back out of the game. He's playing. So they were playing me or because you can also watch people's games where they just they're like, oh, I think I went away, mate, you know, I'm sitting on the floor. Jesus, I can't Christian it around. Yeah, sure they, sure they hadn't flown in to state to watch one of my matches. No, mate, this was, they were playing you head-to-head and, and it was none other than Magic Mike, our friend, magician Mike. Now, now did magician Mike beat Jack?
Starting point is 00:10:26 Yeah. He sends me, he sends me, goes, oh, here we go. Finally, the day has arrived. He sends me the quick screenshot mid game of Greg Internet versus, I'm not sure what Mike's name is, just, you know, magician Mike Internet. So, since we've got him. Jack, with, can anyone request you just because knowing your name? Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:46 And you get a lot of requests? Yes, but I don't play, this is a good chance to say this, I don't play daily games. I prefer 10 minute or 15 minute games. So, I don't, too many, too many daily game requests. I'm not accepting it. Yeah, that is a good question. Why not?
Starting point is 00:11:00 I'm not. Thank God, well, that's what we started the blogcast. I mean, Andy and know, four years ago went, you know what? Wouldn't it be good to have a platform with Jack for your chat messages out there? So, but is it like, do you think that is that because a daily game could last all day? No, daily game means you can take a move per day. So you could last a year. Oh, Greg, don't have that kind of. No, no, no, no. Another question then, like a, like a boxing match, can you pick here, you know, someone you think you might be able to beat? Do you look up their credentials
Starting point is 00:11:31 and try and get it like a, okay, well, that's why you know, that's what, well, you're actually better to just calm the people they choose to verse you. It's better to play them because they're going to be a similar rating. Right. Magic, Mike, your friend, Hey, Mish, for example, he's rated a 1200, so he is better than me. What's it out? Well, not by much, I saw your ratings about 1180. Yeah. Oh, what's an all of it?
Starting point is 00:11:54 Pretty similar. No, no. Well, I actually think that now we're getting into the weeds, but I think Magic Mike is, I think he's rating should be way higher. I've never beaten it. Oh, right. Yeah. I don't think he's a 1200 player. I think he might be like an way higher. I've never beaten it. Oh, right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I don't think he's a 1200 player. I think he might be like an 18, 19. He's starting. And somehow he's trying to. 1800s. Yeah. So do you reckon maybe he's fudging with a second account or something that play me? I'll go.
Starting point is 00:12:16 So you think he's handing it out? I do think he then goes and plays other people and deliberately loses to keep he's rating down. It's possible. You do. Isn't it amazing that Jack rather just going pee, pee, pee, pee,iding down. It's possible. You didn't, isn't it amazing that Jack, rather just going, Peabee, Peabee, Ferret's great.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Jack's got this elaborate web of lies that Mike must be running. I was hooked when he, he sent the screenshot going, bad to play Jack, a bad to play Greg Internet, finally I've got him, got him for the day has come.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Okay, great, Kimi posted, not very long after, the video came in of just Mike putting Jack to the absolute saw. Really. That's why I reckon he's much better than he says he is. Was it were you on the ropes the whole game? No, but it take it doesn't take him, you know, might take him a couple of minutes to do something where if you down a piece or two,
Starting point is 00:13:01 you never coming back from that. Right. Well, I know I can only see when you play the game. It's just a very simple chessboard and you've got pieces like 2D pieces moving around. From where I was seeing it, and I'm just, this is just what it looked like to me, but it looked like he's moved to a confident in yours where he can't tell. From 2D pieces moving around the board, confident. He's great. Yeah when he's reaching out.
Starting point is 00:13:25 He's moved, right? Confidence, and I tell you, I tell you the other thing. He, Mike's smelling blind. Right, kept trying to initiate a chat, and Jack kept rejecting the chat. Yes, he tried. Yes, that's my other problem with him. He tries to chat about everyday stuff,
Starting point is 00:13:39 like, how are you going? How's Gordon going? Stop chatting, you're putting me off. It's a Jack on the ropes. It was a beauty, it was quite an amazing thing to watch. I'm just looking at it now, hand. Yeah, it does look pretty hesitant. Yeah. I'm not playing anymore, by the way, because he sends me, now he will just send me a text message outside of the chest.com app. You must have given him your number. He'll send me a chest.
Starting point is 00:14:05 I'm enjoying seeing your brain all while with these conspiracy theories. He just sends me a chest piece emoji with a question mark, and that's him ready to play chess in Beamy. He found someone who's got less time than you. He should be practicing magic, but for some reason he's a chess team. He's very good. He's very good.
Starting point is 00:14:21 I mean, he does do magic shows, only last for 15 minutes. He's got all rest He's very good. I mean, he does zoom magic shows. Only last for 15 minutes. He's got all rest of the data filling. Hey, we talked to him last week on the show, a unique special skill that he woudest with. The chomp master, Dan Schulger's. We were so interested by this idea that someone could chomp a song. We weren't going, I mean, I hope you've heard last week's episode, you know, just playing
Starting point is 00:14:49 these episodes on random because we had to do a lot of clarifying. He's jumping his teeth together to create a tune that he sort of, we assume he varies these lips and, you know, to the shape of his mouth. He kept, the problem was he kept saying chomp a song, chomp a song. I can chomp a song like it was a song, I can chomp a song. Like it was a normal thing to do. And we would just have not heard of this. Now, different notes with different chomps
Starting point is 00:15:11 is, was it pretty exciting prospect? He said you could hear it across the board, Ron. Yep. That's what gave us the boardroom setting. We caught up with him and his partner, a haily earlier today, they came down on the cheapest available flight and they'll be going back this afternoon. I think they're already back in the air. This panel. The special skill was if he chomped a song from the other side of the boardroom, would
Starting point is 00:15:33 we be able to identify that song immediately? Yep. A coin was on the line. Dan, I mean, I'm already giggling because we've all gone business. I'm giggling because I can't stop staring your teeth. Yes. You did say so. You said that. You said that.
Starting point is 00:15:47 You said that they were a good size. Yep. But it's been... No, not distractingly so. I'm only looking at them because we're here. The professional. To feature them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:57 And you said the chamber and which they sit. There's some kind of cavities in there that allow some kind of echo that is better. Well. It's something to behold. I guess there's just a combination of things in there that allow some kind of echo that is better, something to behold. I guess there's just a combination of things going on that allow the projection to ring true. I was testing it out in the bathroom a little bit as well, and I think feeling pretty good. We should point out, I mean, you hear with your partner,
Starting point is 00:16:17 Haley, and we said, where's Dan? And she said he's brushing his teeth. Does it work better with his teeth? Well, I think, well... You don't want to have any extra kind of things with locking, you know? I suppose, I mean, it's not going to win or... Damper the sound.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Yes, it won't win or lose you a Formula One race, but you must, well, race with a clean car. You know, you leave the house, when you're freshly shout and you present yourself for the day, right? So it's kind of that... You look good to jump good. Yeah, exactly. When's the first time you heard Dan do this, Haley?
Starting point is 00:16:49 I feel like you chomped. It's a weird sentence to say, but I feel like you started to say that you had this skill when we've been together for like a year or so. Really? You kept it for a year. So it's the kind of thing, like, when billionaires don't really want to tell a girl,
Starting point is 00:17:03 they own a lot of money. It's so good. So you like, you wanted Haley want to tell a girl I know a lot of money like so good So you like I want you wanted Halley to love you for you not just for your chomp like I guess some subconsciously Yeah, that's like obviously what was going on. Yes needed to wait before going listen I also have a wardrobe full of the same suit when I when I felt it was starting the teeter a bit That's when I you know This is well. And then he had to, you know, and then it gets another year sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:17:28 And why? Just in awe straight away, haven't you? Well, when he first said, I can chomp songs. I was like, we can all chomp a song. It's not very special. But then he did a bit of a chomp performance, and I was like, okay, well, that is pretty special. I can't do that.
Starting point is 00:17:48 I don't think I can do it either. I was just doing a few practice chomp saws waiting for you. And it just seems... Do you just use your best one, then? It's alright. I'm not trying them, you know. I know, it's fully amateur. But I think it's because my jaw reminded me of the not the same level. Yeah. I can't remember how we got to this, but's fully amateur, but I think it's because my jaw reminded them not at the same level. Yeah. I can't remember how we got to this, but the test is, I think you said it would be distracting enough
Starting point is 00:18:10 in a boardroom to join you. I think Dan said. Well, I always said, what distance could you hear it? You said the other end for boardroom. That's right. That's where I'm going into a boardroom. That's how we've come to today's test, which is, so if you had a job where you had to go in a boardroom and present
Starting point is 00:18:25 And any other like the investment board or whatever, where the CEOs were at down one end of the boardroom You guys are coming in the other end From memory the test is To get out of not having prepared your presentation properly. You have to chomp a song. Yeah, right And if we can tell the song. Yeah, we'll You have to chomp a song. Yeah, right. And if we can tell the song, we'll rate that as us being sufficiently distracted by the chomping performance to forget about your corporate presentation.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Yeah, okay. That's the application of the skill. So we'll sit at this end. You're walking. We'll say something online of thank you. Thank you for coming. Can you present the figures for June? I mean, that's the goal.
Starting point is 00:19:03 And that's when you try to distract us with a champ, straight into it. I'm a quick one to see you in a way. Should we confer, like, say if you jump in straight away and get it wrong, or if I jump in straight away and get it wrong, do you want to point you as the person getting wrong here? No, but I should know many, should. Should we turn to each other and go, I think it's, yeah, green or I think it's. It's gonna be two things I think we'll be judging on.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Number one, it would just be like the volume and the spectacle of seeing a man jump. That's out of ten for me, that'll be one particular score. Then the accuracy of, do I know that song? Yeah, it'll be the next kind of component. Okay. So, let's confer, and I that'll be one particular score. Then the accuracy of, do I know that song? It'll be the next kind of component. Okay. So, let's confer, and I'll give you my spectacle score.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Yes. And then the accuracy score. Okay. Hope that doesn't put more pressure on you, but Dianne does, but I love the pressure. Okay, here we go. You guys can see yourself out that door. We'll sit here, and in the most time we'll go in.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Indeed. Thank you. So, what we'd see is, you's know we'd be talking about right now? So you'd wait for them. Well, I don't, I mean, I don't like that. I don't like the disease borrowing costs. In the market looks.
Starting point is 00:20:17 The market's choppy. Do I sketch it? Is up and down. Yeah, certainly up and down. I prefer it all up. Same. I'm exactly the same. Then I like to sell at the top, let it crash.
Starting point is 00:20:26 That's where I buy. At the bottom. Yes, that's a wise move. Yes. That's how I like to do it. That's how I got to where I am. Where the hell's screw? That's how I can afford these suits.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Where the hell's sugars and these numbers. That's how I know when to buy and sell. They presentations from the underlings. Yeah. I hope he doesn't distract us. I'm going to be very interested to see these numbers. Exactly. Unless, of course, something else gets bunded in. Come on in. Come in, sugars.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Ah, sugars. And Haley. Haley. We eagerly await the report. Yes, indeed. I've been preparing for this all day. Great. All day, you know. Well, that's not even me. I hope there was a bit more work put into it.
Starting point is 00:21:12 As a powerful businessman, I do get up before the sun rises, so it has been a full day. Okay, congratulations. I too have been monitoring the NASDAQ. Okay, well, the June's figures, right? We're looking for June. Well, before I get to that, yes, there is something I'd like to present to you.
Starting point is 00:21:33 I know what the docs for. We'll allow it. We'll allow it. We'll allow it, but I should say, because I'm laser focused on business. So we have to be very good. Okay, yeah, well, to make this T2R. Yes, well, let's see, it does tie, you know, I promise.
Starting point is 00:21:52 You can put something like... Oh! Wow! Wow! That's how you should do live. Just with your teeth? Sugar's key activists have cooperated set in a bitch. That was that take on me by a hug. That's certainly what you've got a knack, I must say.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Sugar's the genjuns of us. I can't even remember what my job is. Give us another. Yeah, if we skip to maybe something of July possibly. Oh! I'm eating it! Oh, sugar's juice. Would you take that at least now? Sugar's triple promotion.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Sugar's gonna hold you company. I want you five runs. We're taking you to Turkey and we're showing you just the head office. We're on the line. We're on the line. We're on the line. We're on the line.
Starting point is 00:23:03 We're on the line. We're on the line. Have a business coin. Oh. Thank you, I did. Oh, and I thought you'd be impressed, yeah. And it's absolutely good enough to distract the top brass. Wow, sorry, I haven't laughed like that for a long time. And apologies, I meant to be professional on the radio.
Starting point is 00:23:21 The broadcast sense, but it was sensational. Of course you get a coin. It is so obvious what the song was. I know, and thank God, because it's like half excitement that you're like, oh, exactly know the song, but in half for a leaf that you don't have to tell this man, grinning and jumping at you, sorry.
Starting point is 00:23:41 I'm sorry. I think the enthusiasm in which that you chump with is... It's part of it, isn't it? I agree, Hayley. It's infectious. Dan, was there a big selection process when it came to choosing this song? Obviously, it's a big part of the voice. Sometimes you can just choose the wrong song
Starting point is 00:24:00 and you're out of the competition. That was a concern. What else did you start? Well, I've done the last three weeks of a lot of R&D with a lot of people of just kind of going, hey, what do you think about this? And that's always a good way to start R&D. But excellent choice for a heart, because it's fast. Yeah. So it matched the facial expression. But then also, am I the only person that were in the gut nervous for the Star Wars the Imperial theme started?
Starting point is 00:24:27 When the start, I went, oh, I mean, this is just, this is just, yeah, so I did troll that a lot. It's slow one, one note, but then as soon as it hits that main thing, when you Darth Vader was coming in, and when you have, like flowing, then got it, you got it. When you had a coin, you got the coin. Well done, well done, Haley,
Starting point is 00:24:44 and I had a, like, there was a coin. Well done. Well done, Haley. You know, I had a, I think there was a song that was in contention that, uh, Give it to us now, let's see. That, uh, she was like, you can't do it, but I'm like, what, this is like an 11 out of 10 this month. Well, hard one. Yeah, let's say it's hard.
Starting point is 00:24:56 What's it worth? You reckon it's worth like, it's not worth an A-Core corn. Right. I liked your enthusiasm for going for it. So I just find my starting note. Yeah, yeah. I think that's good. OK.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Three. Oh, Marry Brothers. Do do do do do do do do do do do. Geez, buddy. What is me? Oh, really? I mean, no easy, easy, we got bad. I'm making look easy. No, no, sorry, we got it easy. All right, sorry.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Well done, Heli. Thank you for coming. We know you flew yourself down because, of course, Well, as the teeth challenge manager I put it not be right it's a right move we need to get to the airport to cheapest available in there guys thank you so much no worries thank you And a two big situations on the sports fronts happened this week. Number one, I began the journey towards being a golfer. Now, Jack, you mentioned to me earlier today when we caught up, you were like, oh, my golf club should be getting here soon. You don't have clubs yet. No, but I did a nice little ambassador ship for Callaway. They didn't ask for me to do it,
Starting point is 00:26:32 but I put my hand up and said, I will swing with Callaway and hopefully they come in any day now. So hang on. And involuntary ambassador ship. So you said it or did you say? I said it on this podcast. Yeah, that's not only that's the only thing that's happened. I haven't even heard from them. and involuntary investment. Yeah. So you said it or did you say? I said it on this podcast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:45 That's the only thing that's happened. I haven't even heard from them. Yeah. But you're hoping that any days in they come in. Surely that's going to get to someone who knows someone who talks to Johnny Callaway or what if he's name is. And then he'll say, send the clubs. Jack's put his,
Starting point is 00:26:59 Jack's thrown one down a pipe, hoping the clubs fall out the other end. Yes. That's happening. Now look, I have off my own of my own free will, I chose to pursue a set of tailor-made. We struck a very generous, I thought, thank you, deal. I'm silly not what I was after. I was flabbergasted to find out. Yeah, they'd be free. They would be competitively priced. And it caused me to say thank you Taylor. To them and I don't have a deal I have to say thank you Taylor made it on here. I just said to them thank you Taylor made.
Starting point is 00:27:37 So I'm just repeating conversation. Yeah. I'm not doing any plugs. So thank you Taylor made for you know you really are the world's best precision golf brand, as well as saying on the phone. Anyway, that's just a private conversation that I had, which I've chosen to share, because I think I've, I've, transparency is the best policy on podcast. So took the clubs out for, thank you,
Starting point is 00:28:00 but also, there's people know that, they send 11 hats as well and no drivers So there still is a bit of waiting for the big sticks. Yeah, I'm what's going on So sometimes I say no think or I yeah, or I wonder where those where are those? Are you where are you? Thank you? Where are you Taylor? And they go to the half god of the powerful messages. Thank you God that's yeah Well, had it.
Starting point is 00:28:25 And 11 had it, golf and L. So I took a selection of caps to the driving range. And I had a lesson. Yes. And I sent this to Andy, Jack. And we had a lesson with beef. Yeah, yeah. Do you know?
Starting point is 00:28:36 Do you know what was he? I know I've heard of Aussie beef. You haven't met him. Great guy. Oh, yeah. So you realize you're becoming in like right on the bottom run. Like you're coming in very, you've got a long way to go. Because Jack was talking to me this morning about how excited he is to get his clubs,
Starting point is 00:28:51 but you're just jacked up on the prospect of free stuff. Yes. I didn't think until today that I'll have to put hours and upon hours of time in to actually get good at golf when the clubs come. Like tens of hours hmm hundreds of hours yeah, yeah, yeah, you realize when you get there it's sort of like You've seen a picture of it Eddie Vetter and be like oh wouldn't that be cool Now you're at your first guitar lesson going okay, right how long do take Eddie? you're at your first guitar lesson going, okay, right. How long do it take Eddie?
Starting point is 00:29:25 Is there the better patch? I wonder I could get that sort of six and done play a concert by your seventh. So you have to celebrate the small wins. Like you have to celebrate getting one in the air kind of thing. I've made my first, you know, I've taken my first step as a golfer, which is because golf is terrible for your marriage, and that's part of it.
Starting point is 00:29:48 That's part of the course, as we say. And it's a real marriage killer. So I like to think I did some good stuff with my swing at the driving range, and then I went home and begun golfs assault on the marriage. The first, I took my first swings with the club at the range and I took my first swings of the hammer to the perfect mirror of our marriage. And this is the mistake I made.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Like, I don't know if it's golf brain a thing like you're thinking about golf. Hall of time. And I made, which now looking back in the cold light of day, I'm like, what was I doing? Like, I was golf drunk. I think I, because is that a thing to you, I've hit 50 balls and I've... People, if you've come, start off a lesson.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Yep, I had. I had. And so I come home. Absolutely golf drunk. I've been on 100. 200 balls, maybe. Yeah. And I'm just, you know, I've still got like my, I've kind of got blisters on my hands
Starting point is 00:30:45 because I'm holding in a weird way and stuff. But I- And you make the mistake of thinking other people are interested. This is what I did. This is my first, this is the first ever brewing the marriage. No, only did I think so with care. I showed her a slow-mo video of my swing. I showed her a slow-mo before and after. And Ollie the coach, he'd drawn lines on me like on my spine and on the stick. And like just to go, this is where you began and this is where we've got you to.
Starting point is 00:31:14 And I guess it was so golf trunk that I wasn't even watching those face. And I was like flicking through the videos running this commentary, showing her the improvement. And it's only about the fourth video that I looked over and went, what am I doing? Yeah, what am I doing? I'm off my head here. I've never seen someone so bored. She's so bored. She was so bored. Yeah. She was so bored. She couldn't believe
Starting point is 00:31:37 that I would be saying. Yeah, exactly. It's actually, she's like, I read a book today, watch me reading the book. It's like, she's like, it was really like I'd come home. Yeah. Last. And she was like, what are you doing in the house talking about? And that's, so it's step one. Step one. Step one complete.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Do I get a stamp from you as my sponsor? Absolutely. And that'll certainly make Taylormate happy. Absolutely. No, I rang them straight afterwards though and did say thank you. That's a private conversation. Hey, something has popped up that it made me gasp. I'm a gasp. No, it's a gasp. Is it? Yeah, you can gasp as you're a gasp. Okay, well, it's like a G-H-A-S-T. Okay, I'm a gasp. Be a great word or word if there was six available. Yeah, I gasp and I was a gasp. Yep. Yeah, I I gasped and I was a gasped yep because play on
Starting point is 00:32:56 In fact it involves Hawgs made Hawgs is on the show from time Jacko if you've got the number there Of course no Hawgs is like you know he's our he's the man that bought the power most booked alive. Yes publisher hesitant t shirt third party warehouseer? And, um, obviously, uh, inventor, inventor, inventor. Beginner. The inventor. Yep. Hello.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Hawks, Andy, home here. How are you? Good boys. How are you? Very good. Good. You're on the pod. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Um, I'm a guest. Right. Yeah, we're there. I'm gasping. You're shocked or? Yeah, that's exactly. What could have just sin an M's with all of this? And I feel like it concerns you and I want to know how you feel because I'm actually a guest on your behalf almost.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Right. Yeah. I've heard I don't have any wrong. No, I think you've done everything right. You think something's been done wrong too hard? I think something's been done wrong to hold. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Already agree. Already agree. I don't know what it is, but I'm off. I generally like this pattern. I find it easier than if I've done something wrong. You know, X-A-F-L Hall of Fame, I think, Gary Lyne. Yeah. Obviously, a part of your tremendous club, Australian football, our legend played for the Ds. He's got a breakfast radio show at the moment with Tim Watson,
Starting point is 00:34:22 as another ex-football star. Yeah. I'll play back what Gary was talking about just a week or so ago. You were right, dear. I don't know. What did you term it, field marination? That's what you've called it? Yes, that's right. It's actually quite brilliant.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Thank you. If I was you, I'd be trying to sell that idea overseas. I've taken calls. Have you? Yes. And I've tried. What are you working on now? I've just got a nice three acres of mint. What so you're going to have run the sheep. I'll run the lambs through the mint. Yep. I'm going to get a nice lightly minted lamb cutler. How many laps of the mint
Starting point is 00:35:01 do they need to do before it starts to marinate them? I live in for four days. Beautiful. He's really doing it. And if you're very much a mint person, you can stretch it to six, but then you get a very heavily minted lamp. Hawks. What do you, mint lamp? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:20 You came up with this one. You reckon 2007, right? I reckon it was in the first few years of our drive radio show, Hugs, this was one of Hugs' inventions. Yeah, and I think you guys had a good old laugh at it. No, no, we were done with it. I'm like, I would have absolutely supported it. I'm, our magic man on the audio marshy has located when you talked about it originally.
Starting point is 00:35:47 I'm going to say, what do we, it's 15 years ago. If Gary Lyne thinks he's a pioneer, boy does he have another being company? Is this into the remembering project? Yeah, exactly. Okay, can we have you up a bit? This is Hall's back in the day. You know, you stand and just do your lamb, you have for dinner. You stand for the lamb?
Starting point is 00:36:06 Yeah, yeah. So you normally have put mint jelly or mint sauce on it. You do? Sure. Your lamb. Or wine version, cut out the mint sauce, cut out the jelly. Yeah. Right?
Starting point is 00:36:21 Send the lamb into the mint patty These closer means lead the lead the lambs to the mint. Yep They have a mint land, gentlemen See very supportive. It's exactly the same thing. I told you last I am reminded laughing Remember us going oh you've done it. Oh, you make never seen something like this. This one's a winner.
Starting point is 00:36:56 So what do you want to say to Gary? He's 10 and a half years late. Yeah. That's his mouth. He must have listened over the tone because no one comes up, comes up with that kind of stuff. No, exactly. It's him like Gary was actually saying he was doing this. Is he actually doing this?
Starting point is 00:37:16 Well, if he is, Hawgs, do you want us to pursue? I think, yeah, if I could have some kind of percentage, I mean, you've, that, they're the percentage would be happy. Yeah, given the fact that they're the percentage who do you happy with. Given the fact that let's assume here that Caroline has gone and got a farm, grown the mint and is running live lambs through the mint, and he's, you know, getting them processed and sold. So he's covered all of that. What percentage do you think is fair for you? Well, probably good, you'd think 10% for the idea, but normally, like the good
Starting point is 00:37:48 people of the Hawkins invention listeners, they called up and they were happy to invest. And he's just gone off and done it by himself. Hmm. Which is, look, he's probably means it's smarter, isn't it, than rather relying on fair-party investment. Do they get it? Now he's got 90 instead of 10. Well, you have the truth. Do we go back and find out who the people said that we're willing to invest in? They get some of your 10?
Starting point is 00:38:11 Probably. That's not. But do you have a message for Gary? Do you want to cease and desist? What do you want? Old one. Yeah, it's just a little bit of bit of appreciation at least. Yep.
Starting point is 00:38:24 OK. It's probably a new legal concept, wouldn't it? You've got here, it's a, it says you've got a Satan deceased or 10 letter. A 10? Yeah. So you say it to say it or 10? 10. 10.
Starting point is 00:38:37 10's also an option. You don't have to say some deceased. Thanks, old. Cheers, buddy. All right, boy. See you you man. you

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