Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2022 Ep 186

Episode Date: August 24, 2022

1. Where’s Doofy? 2. Spiky Toblerone 3. Name the break - surfing special skill 4. Pleasure Andy 5. Andy’s poo conundrum ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-naf production. Activate your internet. Cos the Hamish and the Podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering. 1. A hoi to me, Matador! Hey, Wish! Ah, holly! A hoi to me, Taro Dore! Jack! Oh, one step above a Matador, very good, no.
Starting point is 00:00:32 We got it, don't you? Are you the bull? No, you're not going to be the bull. And the roof has the bull. Obviously, I prefer not to be happy. It's called the Generals, but... It was talking about historical context, though. Well, I prefer not to be up there. It's called the Generals. But, um... Let's talk in a historical context though. Yes, in a historical, I would prefer to be taking you on, I think,
Starting point is 00:00:52 the home as you. Are you the ball? Yes, the ball. Because the Matador has his red mat. I know he has other things that it can be harmful to the ball, but mainly it's just me versus the red mat and you. The Torridor. Definitely, be honest, they're killing Paul.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Yes, but the Torridor I think carries a few more of the Lancers. I always thought it was the same guy. He had a cape and he'd put that in his back pocket, get out of sword. Right. Maybe not though. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Anyway. I don't say ever been to one nor a scene, but you know, you can imagine that, yeah, maybe you go through the ranks there They're not still doing it out of it. I hope not. I mean you hope not. They shouldn't be but it probably does exist in some parts Yep of the world That's something not Australia. Yeah Not that I wish harm on any human but anytime I see you
Starting point is 00:01:43 Matador fail video and the ball gets one back, I do get a little bit of a cheer. I mean, rodeos, everyone can get around to rodeo, that seems to be just a bit of fun. And you do feel sorry for the clowns when they get a goring. Yes. But at the same time, you go, well,
Starting point is 00:01:57 you were in the address, can you see the outfit with a wild animal? I don't quite know what you're expecting. Exactly. And in the realm of just rodeos, which just hang on and have a bit of man versus beast, sure, sure, good fun. But the clowns, I didn't think the clowns get,
Starting point is 00:02:13 why don't they dress as clowns at rodeos? I think it's a bit of fun. Is it just for fun? Yeah, yeah. It's, I suppose, I mean, yeah, no, no, no. They've been to distract the bill. They've been to distract the bull.
Starting point is 00:02:23 No, I understand that. I'm not, I suppose. I understand that, but Bull's hate, Michael's hate. Is the clown out here purely just to go. We'll catch their attention. I don't know if it's supposed to be. I suppose they've said Cabafash try to distract the board. Yeah, yeah, true.
Starting point is 00:02:36 But I mean, dressing red if you want to get their attention. Like, they should be more like... That's the blue man. It should be the blue man group, but the red man, completely painted if you want to get the color. That's a bit... Well, is it red divine? No, no, it's the shimmer of the matte.
Starting point is 00:02:52 It could be any color, but... The shiny man group then. Yeah, goes to Diamondys. Check it out, people in ball gowns in there. What I mean is, do you know, the probably the most effective reason that they're clowns at rodeos is to, you know, it's a busy night, no doubt for the organizers.
Starting point is 00:03:11 So you have a lot of stuff happening, a lot of animals, a lot of rodeo riders. And I think if you go right, you guys just dress as clowns for fast access to the arena. Like we don't have to check your ideas. I think there would be, there would be unlikely there would be another clown here.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Unlikely there would be another clown here not for rodeo clown duties. Just a casual clown. Probably very true. If you want it to be... You're not going anywhere, but you want to speak into that experience. Just sneaking. But yeah. So as soon as you see someone as a clown right here in here, mate, know what you're going. That saves me a bit of the time. And if the person's going, no, I'm actually...
Starting point is 00:03:44 No, no, no, no, no. I'm just a kids' party and I've come straight from work. I'm the fan of rodeo, but I'm actually not to get gas shut up, get in there, get caught up. There's been a big mistake. That actually is a million clown. In one of the James Bond's, that happens. I'm pretty sure it's Octopussy. He dresses as a clown to get into a circus.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Yeah, Roger Moore. Yeah. And then he has to go on as in a circus. Then he goes, yeah, he goes into the middle of the ring as a clan of diffuses a bomb or something. Again, and that's the beauty of making films because you see that in script form and you go, it's not grabbing it,
Starting point is 00:04:19 but an obviously ten-nigual great piece of cinema. He also shows evolution of bond because I really don't see Daniel Craig. That's not in the most recent trailer. LAUGHTER Oh, he also, to Cameron, who used the very easy to use sister with Hamish A.com, uploading what he's up to. Oh, hey, gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:04:40 One of this to be an upset, Annie, but it's actually an upset, Kami, which is me. Oh no. Hey, miss, please, it is not Zio Peno. It's Zio. Zio Peno. I will not. Zio?
Starting point is 00:04:53 No, no. It's like calling you Nunu. No, no. Nunu. Zio. Zio. Nuna. Zio.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Peno. It's two of his kind. Hey, miss. just with this. Prego, Prego, but the reason I do it, he's obviously to slow down the pronunciation people that don't speak fluent Italian and in Camarone. He said, Pizzano, eh, the por favor, uh, uh, decorum, relax, relax please. So let's go. Look, I think we're doing it because it hasn't read.
Starting point is 00:05:28 When we first saw it, it doesn't read. So, but thank you, Cameron. And obviously, touch a very deep nose. There's been a lot of pressure at www.heimishane.com and we love the emails coming in, asking what has happened to our digital horses. Something that we were passionate about last year.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Now there's a hell of a backstory to this that we're going to try and step everybody through. We were hoping for better news and I was delaying this conversation because I was hoping for better news. But we were turned. Obviously Bitcoin took a huge dive. That's what happens when you have a very volatile digital currency. We imagined that all digital kind of NFTs and stuff were getting battered as well. And I think the same thing happened to the digital horsemen. Well, we reached out to Christian Duffy, who is our trainer. And this was in May.
Starting point is 00:06:40 I can timestamp this to May 25th. In a subsequent phone call, he said he's out of the game. He has. Which came as a slight surprise to me because I was always under the impression that he'd given everything for the game. Well, I thought him and his wife quit their jobs and it was all-
Starting point is 00:06:58 Remember that. I did remember that being sort of part of the allure. The excitement back at the start of the year about digital horses, that it was so exciting that people were quitting their jobs to get in on the ground floor. And that's the floor I thought we were on. And that made me very excited for the show. And we did buy a few Ethereum coins of a couple of $80,000. And that was just a lot of excitement about being on the ground floor.
Starting point is 00:07:25 That is really one of the thrills of digital stuff, the ground floor thrill. And that's what I thought we had. So the discussion was for us, well, what do we do with all these digital horses? Do we just open the stable and let them run wild? We like that idea. You see in Western movies, like if there's a bushfire coming, they open all the stable doors, give them a whack on the barn and go off you go, you know, we can't stay in the barn. Yeah, it's a good one.
Starting point is 00:07:49 And we can't keep you, we want you to live. We want them to run free. We were hoping for a barn door slap. Yep, unfortunately. Except in cello expensive one. Yes. In the digital world, there is no open-the-gate equivalent at the moment. They are all still running racing horse digital horses.
Starting point is 00:08:07 So we thought, well, let's just sell, while the world runs away from crypto, let's just sell our most expensive one, Thunder Castle. That was the one we spent, you know, a few thousand dollars on from memory. Yeah. Let's sell that one, a recoup,
Starting point is 00:08:24 and then we'll be able to get a then we'll be a little bit back here. So I wrote to Duffy, what's our most valuable one? He said it would be found in Castel, I'll get back to you tomorrow. I said great, love it. I waited to 10 days. Then I said, how'd you go with this one, buddy? No response. Okay. Now we're the 31st of May. I said, any luck with this one, replying to a message from him that said, a whileback saying, hey, just away from the computer at the moment, I thought Thundercast will be, again, Thundercast will be the most expensive one.
Starting point is 00:09:04 I'll get the approximate value of humor. He wrote back, ah, I've missed this message. Complete. If you got, let me get onto this today. Shades of me. To catch a pro, you must think like that. I know exactly what he's doing. He didn't get onto it that day.
Starting point is 00:09:21 No, no, we don't do that. Because it was four weeks later on July 22nd where I said, any more thoughts on this one, hey mate, and tried to call and didn't get a pick-up. Yesterday, again, knowing that this day was going close, that we needed to talk about this, because people keep emailing about the digital horses. Yeah. Hey bud, how are you? So I've got to drive you down there.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Good to meet you. Like just trick him into responding on maybe how his days been. Something else. He's well-being or health, and then while I've got the fish on the hawk, maybe said, hey, did you try and sell the undercarstable when we asked for this on May 17th? Unfortunately, it's been delivered. It says it's blue. It's been delivered on my eye message. Yep. Hasn't been read. I can't see that. Maybe he's turned read receipts off. I'd imagine he would
Starting point is 00:10:17 have. Yeah. But again, no response. Yep. He's...well, I mean, we can't be too mad because he's giving us a Peter out. We do respect them. Yeah, we love a Peter out. But Peter out.
Starting point is 00:10:30 We've got some money trapped in a Peter out. Normally, we don't have money trapped. Now, it does remind me, Jack, do we have a date on what this original was? I remember, yes, I remember flagging this as a worry. Yeah. This early on, I guess I wanted to believe that we're on the ground floor and the elevators in the building only went up. Now, of course, some buildings have basement levels.
Starting point is 00:10:53 You can get in on the ground floor only to find out that it's a reverse skyscraper that might have 100 basement levels and only three above ground levels. I was hoping it wouldn't be one of those buildings. So I reckon this was about July last year when we decided, hey, let's get into the digital horse racing game and this was the discussion. Jack I rang Hamish and said, hey, we should get this guy, he knows a lot more than we do. Yeah, and then Ham's obvious question was, is this a scam and... Well, I said, look, and I said, look, is there a bit where they're going
Starting point is 00:11:28 to have to transfer our crypto somewhere else to get the horse? And I went, yeah, I think that's how it works. We handed over to Christian and I said, right, well, I used to thinking what I think I'm thinking this could be the bit where we never hear from him again. Can Andy say, no, no, I've to thinking what I think, I'm thinking this could be the bit where we never hear from him again. Can Andy, and he said, no, no, I've got that cover, Jacky goes, it's okay, I've asked him, Andy texted him and said, you're not gonna steal it,
Starting point is 00:11:54 I think. And Andy said then, and he assured me he wouldn't. He? So he still do have that assurance. Yeah, we have, so if that's not, and I have that in the back, it's still nice to have that assurance. Yeah, we have. So if that's not, and I have that in the back, it's still nice to have that assurance. I mean, even though we are waiting to hear,
Starting point is 00:12:11 there's no evidence. We should state this clearly. Certainly no evidence we've been fleeced here. No, no. I hope it just turns out to be a funny story. Yeah, we love the funny story. We love funny stories. We love funny stories.
Starting point is 00:12:22 We love it, isn't it? And then we can have a laugh about with Christian when he does resurface. We're going to have a laugh about, remember that time, where to an outsider walking past, assessing the facts and not knowing about the assurance. The funniest story. Or they might accidentally interpret, it's all gone. And then we'll laugh and we'll go, that's a funny story isn't it? Because of course we knew about the assurance.
Starting point is 00:12:44 And we all, we've got it all back now. Yes. So we're just in that funny part of the story. To funny that. Where it seems like. Yeah. Seems like some, it seems like it's gone. It's gone.
Starting point is 00:12:55 So, so obviously we've got two of our own Bitcoin loss forever. Jack's got a bit of mine and he's that's gone. So that was still holding out a little bit of hope for that. Oh gosh. The one percent chance. I think an addictive drug hunt. Now we add to the pile of crypto. God roll. Check the horses on the chapter horses on there. I said racing, I'm looking at it right now. It's still going. Oh, man, of course. It still exists. It's more just do's exited the game.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Yeah, he's out of the game, and so our stable sort of lockup. I'm sure this is, I'm sure Zed's going great. And again, I think this is just part of a funny story, but that's the funny story. We're just in the funny part of the story. It seems like we've been locked out of our stable. It just seems like it, but it's funny. It's funny.
Starting point is 00:13:47 It's funny. It's a funny story. So, it's just in case we have good word. Dinner party one day or so makes us a fun, ever funny story. So, thank you everybody for asking. And as it turns out, we'll come back. Because of the assurance, we're assured that what looks like potential financial losses
Starting point is 00:14:08 is merely just a funny story. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. only Cabri. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Yeah. Like, but only? Only. I'm like, that's nothing. I'm just simple, probably an idiot when it comes to the fun. I resist your resisting hags. I just, yeah, I just don't like anything else except for Cabri. I'll call up.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Jack, actually at M&M, which I know is not Cabri. I'll go all over the board with chocolate. Really? Pretty much, except for some of the bunnies at Easter from... The discount noodles. I don't know. I'm not interested. Yeah, no, I don't see the who-ha.
Starting point is 00:14:57 I'll divide this for Lint, since we're on it. Lint, you don't woo me with your plane chocolate with your bunny. I think it's, I mean, you, well done. The packaging's great. Great. And you certainly dominate the supermarkets. And it's a great gift. The bell's useless, but it catches our attention. So well done. Yeah. Where you do excel, Lint, is in the Gennash field where the slightly smoother inside the balls. I can't resist a ball. Also, they do a block and a thin bar that has the smoother inside.
Starting point is 00:15:29 They mark it as like a some like dove chocolate that they're like, oh, it's smooth. And so it's like a harder shell and a slightly softer inside. And that, doff get me. Hard pass for me at all. Yeah, right. Well, you don't like the liquidity chocolate inside?
Starting point is 00:15:42 Yeah. Oh, wow. What I wanted to ask you guys about specifically is Toe Blurone. Oh, pass. You love pass. Yeah. I'm not capy. I can't see. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:15:55 I don't know if it's not. I've been asking for years. For years. But here he is. Okay. It's not pepper pig. You chuck a capy chocolate. And he doesn't want it.
Starting point is 00:16:04 That's okay. Jack, do you love Toblerone? I love the taste of Toblerone. It is a bit... You love it. It is a bit too spiky for the mouth. So, I wouldn't... He's the king of hell! It's going to do you boy, you got it, man. What? The point of Toblerone is this...
Starting point is 00:16:20 He's the king of hell. He's the king of the world. He's the king of the world. He's the king of the world. He's the king of the world. He's the king who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one brother. We know posts make mistakes. Either way, once you've separated a piece of Toblerone, there's three corners that can get you. They can all get you. Yeah, that's right. That's a try. That's a good two-sparky. Two-sparky. Yeah, tasty. I also felt that it was too tough. It's hard, wasn't it, Toblerone? Or do I have an old one? I might have one in
Starting point is 00:17:00 the fridge. They are a popular fridge because, look, I, I gotta say, I've got a very, very soft spot for topper and even that can be a hard chocolate to eat. Because to me, it was like the father's day gift growing up. Like we would get data toplorine. And also, if someone came back from overseas, the some reason you're in the special location. And you're like, oh my God. To me, it is still, and I, I mean,
Starting point is 00:17:21 I've got a lot of respect for a lot of the other chocolates, pros and cons in various places. But it's the king of, like, I just think I'm got a lot of respect for a lot of the other chocolates, pros and cons in various places. But it's the king of, like, I just think I'm a big turban. It's the king of chocolate. Well, I mean, I just think they, they, to me, maybe I'm a tough guy and I can handle the, yeah, I can handle the sharp edges. Yeah, exactly. Like in summer where you walk on stones enough. Yeah, and you've become...
Starting point is 00:17:42 That was feet. That was feet. That was feet. That was feet in guitarists. Have a nice thing you've managed to work up at great endurance to Tobler Road and Henson's tour. I've done a lot of them, and now I don't even notice the sharp points of the triangle buildum.
Starting point is 00:17:56 But I'm just a big Tobler, I'm an... But I worry for them on the business side, because everyone else is innovating, right? Yeah. Everybody else is out there doing amazing stuff. They're reinventing. I mean, you look at Tobor and did this. That I...
Starting point is 00:18:13 You were a big kick-cat man too, not to burst the cabri bubble, but you do enjoy doing it in S-Lay. Yes, but you look at kick-cat and they're doing like cappuccinos and mints and dark chocolates and now single fingers, double fingers. Well, what if we did five and it was an odd number? Yeah. They're just... They haven't the think about stuff. But you know what Turboran did does in that regard that I have always admired about them. Their sizes. Size play. Yeah. They go 10 kilos. Yeah, 50 kilos.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Do you free? There's one big of a boom box. Yeah. If it wasn't a temperature issue, I've no doubt they would be selling next to the great pyramid sea of desert, pyramid size, total of the amount as a souvenir. So they do nail airports, right? I mean, I'm not saying I think they're going to go bankrupt, but you just made me think this the other day, I drove past somewhere in a sub-event Sydney that had an awning out the front of the milk bar that was a total of our own awning. Have you ever a milk bar, that was a Toblerone awning. What? Have you ever seen a toe, you know, you always have coke
Starting point is 00:19:08 or whatever, it was a Toblerone awning. And it was so faded, it made me realize, that's probably been there since the 80s. Yeah. Like, that was probably when Toblerone launched in Australia, they got a Toblerone awning. Like, it's bastard. And I just looked at it in my heart
Starting point is 00:19:23 saying a bit from Toblerone and I went, so you were, you knew, you were having a go, you were trying to get mainstream, but you've somehow remained as the special times. You're talking about, you're trying to be co-curate. Yeah, they can't crack every day, because I don't go to them for every day. Oh, you would never get a table rowing just as you stopped in the service station.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Imagine if it's looking at table total loan on Smokow. And I was just told you'd never have been get there the same weight and there is similar treat as like a Mars bar. You don't see the service station attendant going, would you like to? Two dollars. Two dollars for two dollars because it's not
Starting point is 00:19:58 at that level is it? But it would, it, but it sounds like with the awning, they wanted to be. They wanted to be, they wanted to be the everyday chocolate. And the two poigies. Here's another thing. Here's another thing. When we were in Europe, we've got a little while ago
Starting point is 00:20:10 in our protest, our holiday protest. Yeah. They have ice cream toblorons in Europe. Oh, I have never seen that in Australia. I don't know if I've missed something, but we don't, I don't, to my knowledge, there is no ice cream tobloron ice cream in Australia. Too hot.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Possibly. I mean, we have other ice cream. Yeah, a lot of ice cream. But you know what I mean? Like, for you, we go, it was like, sneakers, to keep the point,
Starting point is 00:20:35 to keep the point, to keep the point, to keep the point. Sure, that razor sharp point. But you know, like, it was like sneakers and all the ones we know and love, the ice cream bars. But it wasn't a bar. It was a magnet kind of knockoff.
Starting point is 00:20:45 It was a shape of a magnet. Yeah, I don't like them as much. And I bought it because I was like, oh my God, my favorite chocolate. Now in ice cream version, and I've got a chance to eat it. Yeah. And again, you're like, oh, Toboran, I love you to death.
Starting point is 00:21:00 I love you to death, but what is this? It doesn't, it doesn't have anything. This isn't anything. Do you know what it was? It was like, you haven't re, you It doesn't, it doesn't about the screen. This isn't anything. Do you know what it was? It was like, you haven't re, you can't recreate the bar. That's why the ice cream sneakers is such a dominant for the sneakers. It's like a great singer trying to be an actor.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Just don't worry about it. It keeps saying. And then also, I'm gonna change my sound. No, no, don't. Just keep singing the beat. Love what you do. You can celebrate. Yeah. They tried to change it. So the ice cream. Just keep seeing the feed. Love what you do. You can sell the reeners. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:26 They tried to change it. So the ice cream is just chocolate on the inside. And it's like drizzled in topor own. Oh, I thought you mean ice cream on the outside. It's really tough to do. They would change it. That would change the game. No, but it's too thin.
Starting point is 00:21:37 The outside shell, you're used to the thickness of a topor own. So they just they've blown that. They're trying, but that's the problem. I think I worry for them because they're trying different stuff and it's It's not it's not resonating. I don't have the idea for them. There are indeed team needs to shake up So he said could you do mini triangles? Like a bag of them Separate
Starting point is 00:22:01 Can you I don't know no, I don't have the answers, but send away a box. What's your favourite song? Hey, we like to think our show is the home of recognition. If you feel you're not being recognised for something that you're brilliant at, there is no competition for a special skill that you're all eaten in the world should recognize you. Come to us, hamishney.com, fill out the form,
Starting point is 00:22:29 Sam did that, and he writes, I have a special skill being able to tell you where any wave in the world is that has been served from just a photo. Like a surf break. Any surf break, any break. He joins us now, which I think on zoom But I think from a surf trip and he does look like a surfer Sam. What are you? Oh, we boys. How are you?
Starting point is 00:22:53 Where are you? I'm just in Bali at the moment Just with the family. Yeah, I got to be the business over here. So I just cruise in here for a bit and then See where we go surf home trying to get a big one and surf surf it and then see where we go. Surf home, try and get a big one and surf, surf, surf back. If I was to, we're all kind of dabbled in surfing. If you were heading out to surf this afternoon, would I say have a sick one or would I say have a mad, have a mad one?
Starting point is 00:23:17 Wow, that, you, I can't just say you don't have to choose, there's not just two options. Feel free to add a third. I was gonna say judging by you guys, so I've song a marchist flow with, let's rip in and get a couple of pits. Okay, well let's rip into this thing. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I'm trying to talk to Hip-Hop Harvest. And what we've got here is, I chatted to you off here and I said, what do you need from the photo? You said, as long as there's a person surfing the wave
Starting point is 00:23:56 and there is something in the background, you'll be able to pick it. So I think it's crazy. Yeah, this is a bit of reference, yeah. It's crazy, yeah. So do you need the person surfing the wave? So you know how big the wave is? Yeah, that and I guess the style the way the surface surfing the wave all helps to judge where the actual wave is.
Starting point is 00:24:15 No, this is so hailing into us. I mean, there's guys that have got up a few times on phone boards. We thought we were at the pinnacle at the store. So to find out there's someone further than us involved in serving just while like, how many breaks would you say? I mean, you're obviously scanning your mental database. How many breaks in that database are there in your head? Oh, gee, with, I'd have to say 50ish or reckon? Only 50, but there's a lot more breaks in the world. That's right, but I guess like,
Starting point is 00:24:50 I don't know, reading magazines and watching DVDs and that crying up and watching the competitions and all that, you just spreads across them all and you can just sort of figure it out, yeah. Okay, 50 is still in, okay, 50 is for him now, him. 50 is not a lot of breaks when he comes to the amount of breaks in the world, I don't think. But I've got five pitches here for you, Sam.
Starting point is 00:25:12 We'll say four out of five. It's sort of like wine tasting. Let's do this. If you're wrong, like if you go, oh, that's, you know, cactus left or something. Actually, wait. Actually, wait, if you have a big tongue, that's right. And tough to get to though, mate, I've really get down. But if you like that is cactus, but if we're
Starting point is 00:25:33 like, no, it's not, but we don't have a guess at the region, like a wine tasting. I didn't get the vinegared, but that does look like a South Australian wave or something. Or you know, if like, oh, that's a Hawaiian wave, we'll give you, do we got a half point for the region? Wow, that's interesting. Yeah, that's good. And you need to get four out of five to get a coin. I like it.
Starting point is 00:25:50 You ready to go, Sam? Yeah, ready to go. Let's do it. All right. Wherever you be, whatever you see, Sam can tell what wave you're on easily. Nice, and no. Whatever it takes, whatever the brave. Sam, you look pretty young. Are you familiar with Richard Marx? And, uh, no, I fear. And I'll just fly on. That's an original bias.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Not bad, you. OK, we are bringing up Hitchett number one, Sam. Can you see that one? OK. Jesus, that's a big way of visiting. Look, Ergen Bay, Sri Lanka. Hmm. Is that your final answer? I mean, God loved the variety there.
Starting point is 00:26:52 A little bit closer to home. Maybe a Tasmanian variety. A reach at Tasmanian. No. And I haven't selected these. Can I... have you put up a picture of you and Marty surfing in? No, I have not even a way, really. That's probably like some whitewash and two guys.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Like, I don't know any bad things. 100% not surfers, but yeah. That's not regular. Andy and his brother or something. It's at chicken run in Port Elliott, South Australia. Okay. Maybe not. I kind of would say that.
Starting point is 00:27:37 That barely qualifies as a wave. It's just white. Okay, okay. Rick and a very modest stream. Like, one of the guys on the wavestem and again I as a non-surfer, maybe I've got this wrong, but it looks like there's so little energy in that wave. He's standing on his board, but he's sunk down
Starting point is 00:27:55 to his knees in the water like this. Okay, I'll put his other one in his truck. They're out of the shop, it's pretty modest. All right, okay, so you're a strike that. I'll strike that on Sam's behalf, I think that's wild. Okay, do you want to go? I'm going to go. What are we doing from now on?
Starting point is 00:28:12 I'm going to use him. I'm going to use him. I'm not talking to you, Sam. No, no. Yeah, I use it. Where's Lee? That's me and the deep end of the pool and my brother's just done a bomb.
Starting point is 00:28:22 And that's the swell. Three out of four, him? Three out of four. Okay, I'll allow that. All right, here we go. The deep end of the pool and my brother's just done a bomb. And that's the swell. Three out of four, him. Three out of four. Okay, hold on around that. All right, here we go. Here is the next pitcher. We pitch number two.
Starting point is 00:28:33 I got a that's a wave. Yeah, that's a wave. That's two, two break, two sets rolling in. Nice set of two waves coming in. That's a nice set. Yep, noticeable rock formation in the background will turn out. What do you think it's him that is California I'm gonna say I'm gonna say I'm gonna have a name a bit I believe you're so close, but it's Taiwan.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Oh, you're stupid, man. Jaila's Shui Beach. Oh, right, okay, let's go. Actually, the guy does look. I'm gonna need to be in the image. Yeah. Yeah, she's a thorn. Yeah, I'll be happy with how big the waves are guys.
Starting point is 00:29:18 That's a wave, that does look like one. Yeah, I can't wriggle out of that one. Okay, the next picture, please. Mark. Okay, this is just for listeners. This is inside. This is like a bit of classic surf photography inside the barrel. And you can just warm climate because the guy is just wearing a t-shirt and boardies.
Starting point is 00:29:39 And you'd say it's a very green beach at the end with no mouth. Yeah, let's say. you'd say it's a very green beach at the end with no mountains. I would say... This is almost worth two if you get something. How can you possibly identify that beach? It's just this tiny speck of sand and some trees in the background. It looks like Indonesia. He's got Indonesia. He's got that.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Well, so... There we go. Oh my god, this wasn't sand this morning, was it? They may be in the mental eyes. It's, I have written down here because I haven't said to myself, Lance is right. Do you know that one?
Starting point is 00:30:12 Lance is right, sorry. Oh yeah, also known as hollow trees. That's in the mental eyes. Okay, he's got it. He's got it. Oh yeah. He's got it. Yeah, in the mental eyes, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:21 It's a nice, nice, nice. I can't help giving it that. That's, and that's worth two. Now he, now it's not. Now it's pretty good. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, It's a bit with a wide chart. There's a guy surfing the wave. There's two guys just sort of paddling in the foreground. In the distance, you'll notice the booties end. And hoodies, so the whole climate. Sam's onto that and can see kind of like, you know, some little coastal town in the distance. I'm gonna, again, sorry.
Starting point is 00:31:02 I'm gonna roll with California. I'm gonna, again, sorry, I'm gonna roll with California. Uh, honestly, that one's tough. That one's really tough. Yeah, it is. It's the peak in island. Ah, for Aston, California. You got one more for on it. Let's go to the last one. These are tough. That one seems one seems easy doesn't it? That's gonna classic rock formation in the background
Starting point is 00:31:31 You think if that's known that would be famous like a cliff face I think kind of finger coming a hot climate again just a girl in a dog's Mexico Yeah, let's try to find these Mexico Tox, Mexico, Australia, and Mexico. She's up cooked this in the in all terms of the sense. Yeah, I don't know what that means. I'm going to say Mexico. I didn't want to say it myself, Sam,
Starting point is 00:31:55 because I don't know what I mean. But yes, I think it's been another time cooking. Mate, you said Mexico, it's Ecuador. It's the punza and Ecuador. Yeah, so Sam never tell anyone you can do that. Thank you very much for taking a time away from what would be a laid back day there. And good luck ripping in this afternoon. Really, really hard.
Starting point is 00:32:22 That was just pick a one foot, you two foot, Tony? Are you two foot, Tony? One knee, no knee? Absolutely not. Two foot, Tony, yeah, okay, well that's, one of the best. One of the best, yeah, yeah, yeah. We'll send you a token of no value, buddy. Thanks mate.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Thanks so much, guys. And we have done many things on this show to see if they upset you. Yes. One came a special skill came across my side of the fence. I thought this isn't an upset Andy. This is actually... Please Andy. Pleasure, pleasure Andy. Pleasure Andy.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Pleasure Andy. Pleasure Andy. Pleasure Andy. Pleasure Andy. Pleasure Andy. Pleasure Andy. Pleasure Andy. Pleasure Andy. You might please him so much. He is pleasure. Yes. Okay. After you've been pleased though. Yeah. Do you end up being pleasure? No, no, pleasure. It happens to you. At the end of it, you're pleased. It's right. If I was watching you, I was pleased. I got a pleasure there. Yeah, I think so. Like, if you're watching you start going to play a little bit. I got a pleasure there. Yeah, I think so. Like, if you're saying you're going to describe something
Starting point is 00:33:27 I hear that someone's doing that would please me. Yes. So I can during the action I'm being pleasure. I know that's not a joke. It's pleasure, Andy. If we cut live to you during it, you would go, I'm finding this pleasure upon you. I'm not writing with Proud.
Starting point is 00:33:44 I could do it. Yeah, but you're right. I don't have to say it like a creep, but yeah. Well, okay, well, this could pleasure you. This comes in from Maddie. It's a special skill. And it's very simple. We talked about this not too long ago on the show talking about screen protectors. Yes.
Starting point is 00:33:57 And you're finding you surprised some listeners when you revealed you don't like a screen protector. I love them. Not because you're fast and loose, but because you dislike the lint that gathers on the years you surprised some listeners when you revealed you don't like a screen protector. I love them. Not because you're fast and loose, but because you dislike the lint that gathers on the edge of the screen.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Yes. And also, I have any potential bubbles that people don't fix up with their screen. That would annoy you too much. Yeah. So the rest not worth a whole. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Yeah. But people go, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, but it's the safety of the screen. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you would find that border of the lint annoying. And if it was one nanometer off-square every day, it'd be staring at you. Yeah, that'd be another phone through the window. However, Maddie says, I can successfully put on screen protectors on phones. Perfectly flush. Every single time. Yeah, that would play a thing.
Starting point is 00:34:46 I thought to myself, that would pleasure Andy to watch that. You're pushing him. Now quickly, he'll go, that's nice. And then he'd move on. Yes. I thought, do we organize?
Starting point is 00:34:57 Now this is, this won't be a peter out. And by the way, chump choir still work on my birthday. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Logistics, furiously behind the scenes. Sure. You, I won't bore you with the logistics. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Nor me. But we're all a main unbored. Yes. I'm just saying, would we make some space to the end of the year? Oh, this is. I don't think we should call it pleasure fest. Maybe we'll call it pleasure fest.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Please Andy, you first. Where we get, as many people as we can, I'm thinking, you know, five, six people, almost like a little school science fair to set up their stalls and you move around the room and they do the thing that would please the queen when she visits that got that flower show and yeah, and you're an aid you and Jack Raids and you would walk me around and he's a rare Brazilian orchid. Yeah, lovely. That's very, very pleasure to be able to look at. Because I just imagined we'd rate. Will you get to surprise me with them all? Oh, sorry, with the way that we're looking at it.
Starting point is 00:35:54 I'd love to see someone do that. He's an all-eliminated book perfectly. If you do it quickly, like... Okay, well, I don't think the queen requests the flower. I'm just gonna say, I think the queen is surprised when she turns up. So I'm just going to say, I think the Queen is surprised when she turns up. So I'm just thinking in these little activities, there's little things that could really,
Starting point is 00:36:10 that you would find satisfying to watch. Let's counter the upsetting behavior that happens, that's brought to the show with a small pleasure fest for you at the end of the year. You'll walk out of there on an absolute cloud. Can I just give somebody else the realm, the realm? I mean, I'm not asking. I'm just saying the realm. The good thing.
Starting point is 00:36:28 The good thing. If there was a section of wall or a cupboard on the that needed a perfectly cut, joist, and I saw someone measure it and then cut it and it slid straight into perfectly, that would be lovely. That would be nice. Have you seen that stuff on, you're flying around and Instagram a little bit. Maybe it's just in my algorithm, but you see it on
Starting point is 00:36:48 Reels a bit where it's like fast motion, like supercuts of people getting like old cars and completely. There's like an art form where they completely industrially clean. Like special chemicals. Yeah, I have, and they bubble up. And they remove, yeah, they remove like 30 years of stains and then they kind of get wiped off and they like, they pull back like a 78, you know, cold and germany into like perfect condition.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Yeah. Does that excite you? Yeah, absolutely. Dave, I've even watched the ones who were just to fork. And they're like, oh, that's a dirty fork. Oh, very cold. Very pleasant. So if someone cleans, the ones who was just a fork and they're like, oh, that's a dirty fork. Oh, very cool. Very pleasurable.
Starting point is 00:37:26 So if someone cleaned, cleaned something very, very fast in front of you, that seemed uncleanable. That's the important part for you. Seems like a lost cause. Yeah, that pens, that's the time to throw that one out. Yeah, oh, oh. Very pleasurable. Hey, I tell you what I didn't find the other day.
Starting point is 00:37:46 And this is this is an example of just how even the lightest touch can pleasure Andy. Very sensitive when it comes to pleasure. He I'd to fill out the New Zealand declaration. You have to fill out form to go. It doesn't give it to you in the day-day month month, year-year format. It gives it to day-day month, month, month. Yeah, the letters, I just thought. I thought to myself, why have they done month, month, month? Right, it's the letters. You have to write like, you know, 11th, DEC, for your birthday. Not just 11th or 12th.
Starting point is 00:38:20 And I thought, hang on a sec. They've done this because you could get that mixed around. Like, on the 11th of the 12th, people could accidentally write 12th of the 11th. You can't mix up the letters. Exactly, particularly the Americans with a switch for the day. That's for each summer. And I thought, I know who'd like this. You know what I like?
Starting point is 00:38:37 There's two parts I like to better. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. Which I like. I like it. I like it. I like that there was no mix up. You do exactly that. No chance of a mix up. Then I was putting my birthday in. I loved it. How would you want? No. I loved it. May you get the whole word. Oh! At the same cost that others would spend on the abbreviation for.
Starting point is 00:39:12 I just see you feeling that they're from going, oh it's gone. I can tell you the other thing you would have liked about that form. When you go the passport number bit, it's auto caps lock. You have no chance of putting a lowercasecase because all passport numbers are capitals. So they know the box new. New Zealand have got a few things right. They've got the box, the box just you, the capital lies it for you because I always put it in lowercase. Don't care if it comes up because you know a piece of pee. You know what I meant? You're a loved one. Please, have a shiny dot com. If you've got something you could demonstrate live to Andy,
Starting point is 00:39:48 like it happens to form. Obviously, he will find it pleasing. Send him in. Right. Hey, this is what would you do scenario, Jack? I'd be interested to see what you'd do as well. I've got a little bit of a system in the morning where I wake up and tend to need to go straight to the Lou. I don't need a coffee, but I don't need a coffee. I just have that morning number two. Yeah. A morning per situation. So I do as well, Jack. It's like clock working because I work in breakfast radio.
Starting point is 00:40:25 My body thinks that it's five a.m. we do a poo. And so even on the weekends, it's knocking on the door. Oh my gosh, that's a shame. Oh yeah. No, that's not what we do. That's not when we do it. That's not a weekend. But I mean, the body learns this.
Starting point is 00:40:38 The body, your body, I've, someone's probably done that. There's probably a magic number where it's like if you can, if you do a poo at this time for eight days in a row or something like you've set the clock. Yeah, I've tried I've tried to move it tonight. You told me. I would rather have it tonight. Colin clock. Yeah, yes, you're circadian Colin clock. Yeah, the um so my usual process is we've got a on-sweath uh at our apartment and I normally walk across to house. Yeah, what's your project? What's your project? our apartment and I normally walk across to house. Yeah, watch your foot. Watch your foot.
Starting point is 00:41:06 I'm out of town. I'm out of town. I was trying to jump into town. Well, it ain't in the bump, mate, because there's no one under you. There's no one above you. I already thought he thought on sweet sounds a bit posh, so I'm going to his bike. Yes, I was going to his bike. And just one friend bump out, you shake it very quickly. And there is another...
Starting point is 00:41:27 Just get the news paper and you grab the bucket and you think, where am I going to do this turn? Because we're squatting, so you know. So I'll go and I walk across to the other, the spare bedroom and use their ensuite or their bathroom. Yeah, we're cool down here. You're not slow. Now I'm getting a lay of the house. Very modest, too bad room house.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Anyway, and I do that nude, I sleep in a nude, I get up, I walk across, I do abuses, and come back. That's just like clockwork. That is this muscle memory, I could do it in my sleep, nearly do it. It's like they say you say in Bolt, how many steps are in the 100 meters? Like, you know, it's 33 steps, you would know that routine.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Working up, new walk straight across. I'm in the toilet over there, and that's when I realized, Pex parent sustained. Yeah. Yes, in the spare room. In the spare room, and this is their ensuite. Oh, it's kind of a kinetic bath.
Starting point is 00:42:24 It's a lot of work. It's very clearly, I know the bath of you, me and Andy. I've got it right, it's in the guest wing, not the service wing. But it's just, yeah, hallway bedroom. Yeah. Across the way there's a toilet. Very clearly there, toilet. And I am there, I'm in there nude, booing. And then I hear knock at the door.
Starting point is 00:42:45 That's me wearing shit on the window, Andy was here. What do you do? That was what I wanted to do. You're good in panic situations. What do you do? Well, you're like, I'm not, there was a knock, I mean, you wouldn't expect a knock. No, I think because the light was on.
Starting point is 00:43:03 They could back in here, things. Yeah, yeah. So I was there and I was like, oh my gosh. Not only like, I didn't mean, I didn't say anything. I didn't say so. I shouldn't be coming back. What is this? What the reason?
Starting point is 00:43:16 I can't go with nothing. Like, what did you get back at? Because I was like, they be going, why is Andy? Not, not back. What is he ever cropped in your head? I was like, they'd be going, why is Andy? Not, not fast. Why does he have a crop in your house? He's got his own and he's got others to choose from. There's a loud room one. Why?
Starting point is 00:43:33 He wasn't taking this onto a... Has he gone across to the specific guest bathroom to do this to us? And so I suppose that's why I stayed quiet, Jack. What do you... Okay, so what's the next you... Yeah, but okay. So what's the next one? They know you there.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Yeah, they know someone's in there. They know someone's in there. Someone's picking you up back. They don't know either. Yeah, they know someone's there. What time in the morning was this? 7-15. Okay, could they have gone back to bed?
Starting point is 00:43:57 Once you... Once no one responded. They did. Then you're a chance. This is where the silence could pay off. The only outcome here is only one chest move you can play. Just you go back to bed. We wipe. And you go back to bed. I just want to watch you. You use your big hands and stuff. Go back to bed. And you go to bed. You have to go over and go into your parents' room and go. I didn't tell back.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Okay. But I made sure to get a few bits of her clothing and let her stay. I made the frame her, make it like you know, some socks like, you know, top of her. I made sure to be, to sleep longer than back. So we were, top of his. I made sure to sleep longer than Bick. So we were getting out of bed. Bick got up and she went down and started and then her parents came out and they're like, oh, Bick's up.
Starting point is 00:44:52 That's what they all have thought. Oh, Bick's up. And he's not up yet. That's what I was hoping for. I mean, Would you then come downstairs and be like, oh my God. It's like like an absolute, like, just wake up.
Starting point is 00:45:03 This is the first time I've been awake. And I wasn't doing it. And I just would have a poo to have a... I'm fasting for a poo. I'm so sorry. Terrible for being a sadist for. I absolutely must have a poo. I always poo at 10 o'clock. And not a second before I had a poo.
Starting point is 00:45:16 And then what are you doing in this case in an area that they go was, who was in the bathroom this morning when we were knocking on the door? Like they didn't say that, which is nicer than I think. What? No, I think nicer than I think. What? No, I think it's like that. And look, there was just one question for you to, who the hell was it? I would, but the curiosity would kill me, I would want to know. Well, I think they would know, and I think I'm, like, I know that for a fact, and look,
Starting point is 00:45:40 it's not just back in the day. There's no way I'll be back in. It's just, it's not what it was for me. Well, as soon as she opens the door, Gabby knows it's me. They've grown up, like, you know, you won the clock back long enough. They've changed their nappy. Like, there's no secrets behind back in the parents.
Starting point is 00:45:54 She knows they're staying. She knows they know if it was her, that she knows you wouldn't knock. Right? So they know if that was back and she heard a knock, she knows it's us. And she'd reply her parents. And she would have said something to her parents because we spend the whole life, our whole life's growing up in the same house going to toilet together.
Starting point is 00:46:12 So there's only one man at Kempbert, he's sitting right there, he's smiling at me, he's just spending the night with my daughter and he's got him stunk me out here in your honour. Meanwhile I'd gone down and broken a window down the block to downstairs. I think we've had an intruder. I thought I'd fanned to pull us back in. you

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