Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2022 Ep 189

Episode Date: September 14, 2022

1. The Pancake Manor 2. Andy’s upside-down fish 3. Upset Andy 4. Segment Sleuth - closer to home 5. Hamish’s golf update - Bagger Vance ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-naf production. Activate your internet. Cos the Hamish and the podcast starts in three, two. Sorry, still buffering. One. A hoi-dimi slip cast a hamish. I would never, I'd never cast in the traditional way. I'd always just slip it out the side.
Starting point is 00:00:31 When no one was looking. I don't like eyes on me when I cast. Ahoi to me turn a jack. Yep, can't keep him still. I can only mean, well like you got to keep him moving. Can't keep him moving too much. Sure, and I'd be the thrower in this. I think we're commercial fishermen.
Starting point is 00:00:47 No. I thought we were, are we bakers? No. Hang on, slip can I sing turning throwing? What is the, what is the bagel? What is the bagel? What is the thing? Like the dough in the air, like they do with pizza.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Big bread. And you're just turning it over while it's wet. Yeah. Give it to me. What do we got? We are clay production ceramics or pottery. Yeah, you're on the wheel. So slip cast, you make shapes that are unable to be made by a machine hands.
Starting point is 00:01:17 I'll be one of the last to go in the revolution. Yes, that's tonight, impervious to robots at this stage. The Turner Jacko, you operate the patent wheels to trim to desired shells. Oh, I was happy to be a repeatable. Perfect job for a machine. And the throw on myself? I throw the clay on a potter's wheel. Again, very hard to replace me.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Very, very... Quite a human skill. Well done, Andrew. Thank you. Very close. Very close. Very close. Very close. Very close. Very close. Very close. Very close.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Very close. Very close. Very close. Very close. Very close. Very close. Very close. Very close.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Very close. Very close. Very close. Very close. Very close. Very close. Very close. Very close. Very close. Very close. Very close. I'm lightly declined it because it's too menial. LAUGHTER A hoi also to Eve, who went to Hamish and he comes to upload what she's been up to.
Starting point is 00:02:10 She'll be exhausted. Ohoi boys, Eve here. I'd like to thicken the pancake mix of the pancake boys saga and throw in the fact that there is a thriving pancake kitchen residing in ballerat. And I can say with confidence, because I'm a past employee, that we have the same ice cream, the same pancake mix, the same maple syrup, the same menu and marketing as the pancake parlance. Well, when we're told the pancake pilots. Well, when we're told as new employees,
Starting point is 00:02:45 what to say when we get the dreaded question of whether or not we're the same franchise, we were told to always respond with a story. And this is that story. I'll be quick, please, please. Two brothers got into business together, had a falling out over a female lover, they separated from the business, all creating two separate ones going at solo, one pancake kitchen,
Starting point is 00:03:12 which only has a few shops scattered across the country. And the other thriving pancake parlour, I hope this helps in the research into the pancake wars. Certainly does. It certainly does. The round is really nice, isn't it? To have someone come out, like, and that's, like, you know, going clear or something, to come, someone come out of the, because we haven't had any employees come out and go, I'll listen, we know.
Starting point is 00:03:36 It's amazing. It's like when someone of the Scientology Church came out, we had a reveal, we've actually got someone on the inside of the ceiling. This is the phone called Louis Thoreau Dreams of. I mean, that's employee. Yes, you know, stay where you are, yeah, like reveal, we've actually got someone on the inside of you. This is the phone call Louis Thoreau dreams of. I mean, that's employees. You know, stay where you are. Yes, I'm coming to you. So, okay, just to recap for people, we have pancake, colour and Melbourne. That's the chain I obviously was first familiar with being a Melbourne boy.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Yes. Many locations. And the point of difference, if you can call that, is they're heavily pancake themed? Then we know about pancakes on the rocks. That's in Sydney. That's in Sydney. Same font, though. Same for Saloon font. And the suspiciously similar menu.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Menu, or the couple of crossovers. But I mean, it's the same font. We discovered that was the original couple. Yeah, and they, but they have other foods that aren't. In the 90s, according to their website, they made a bold play at ribs chicken. Yeah, pizza, non-pancake specific foods. Had an email coming that said that they only go there for the ribs and chicken. It never tried the pancakes, which shocked me
Starting point is 00:04:38 because I thought that right. I just feel like you got a foot in, you know, you, you try these, everyone, you please, no one, but they seem to be in business. So believe for them. But it's like an old saying. We'll be. Okay, great. So there on the pancakes on the rocks, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:04:55 There's also many other pancakes on the rocks. Now, you must feel if you're a franchise owner of say, Pancakes. Are they heaps of pancakes on the rocks? They have a few throughout New South Wales. If you're an owner of pancakes on the rocks in like, let's say the blue mountains. Yes. Must be like, we're not at the rocks.
Starting point is 00:05:09 No. We don't even do Pank. Exactly. What are we doing? We'd be called mountain chickens. What's that? Yeah. Pants are in the bush.
Starting point is 00:05:17 The Pankakes are the most bad ones in the suburb of the rock. Yeah. We now lost all relevance to the title. Anyway, that's their own business canundrum to solve, and I wish them luck with chicken now. So now we've got the pancake kitchen. Yeah, coming to play. That's a country Victoria.
Starting point is 00:05:33 So this is claiming totally different as well. It's such a strange. So we did, but we didn't get from her whether that is an offspring or does sound like that's an off-shoes. I thought pancake kitchen was at a late. Remember, and then the, I'm sorry, yeah, that was the original. sound like that's an off-shoes. I thought Pancake Kitchen was Adelaide. Remember, and then... I'm sorry, yeah, that was the original.
Starting point is 00:05:47 And so that's gone into country of Victoria. Yeah, before the split. They began in Adelaide. They were on the website, if I'm now on... That's para-faising, because if I remember it quickly, it was like, we always dreamed of opening a Pancake restaurant in Melbourne. So we began in that corner.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Yeah, yeah. But then we moved to Melbourne for the real dream. This is the real dream history starts now. That was like the same thing the rest of it was, wasn't it? Well, the Melbourne for the real dream. This is the real dream history starts now. That was like the same thing that was wasn't it? Well, I was with practice dreams. This is the real dream. So what's the first thing else that you've got? So what must have happened, just for me,
Starting point is 00:06:13 at Toronto, obviously, they've got pancake kitchen, still planning of Melbourne. This is the other way. The couples split up. So they've started pancake kitchen in Ballarat as well, hoping to get to Melbourne one day, getting that would be almost half way. So I would say pancake kitchen in Ballarat is quite, hoping to get to Melbourne one day, getting that going to be like almost halfway. So I would say pancake kitchen in Belarat is quite because that's a country-term
Starting point is 00:06:29 Victoria. That's quite old. Then they've split the Adelaide one dissolves. Yes. Kitchen stays open in country Victoria. Couple of countries, country restaurants, you never close. You don't muck around with that. Yeah. And it would be a jewel of this town. Yeah. But then pancake pile opens up in Melbourne, starts spreading.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Mm-hmm. Pancakes on the rocks, new South Wales gets a foothold and the rocks start spreading. Changes deviate slightly away from pancakes but not all the way. That's all right. No, the pancake might... What? The pancake? The pancake. I told you this should be its own podcast. I was like, do more of you at the start, the pancake was, should be its own podcast. And I'm not just saying this because whether it's today or another show, there might be evidence
Starting point is 00:07:06 of other Peter outs. Can I just say this has been a big non-Peter out? Yes. I'd like a big point to our show for Peter and for Peter and for all his staying on this. Yes. Pancake Manor. A lot of Queen's land. Pancake Manor.
Starting point is 00:07:19 A lot of Queen's land. Pancake Manor. You're a glossing over to this is another. Mm-hmm. This is an extra. So, what is a power? What is a mana? I feel like a mana outdoes a power.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Absolutely. What God does. Yeah. I think wasn't the power just part of the house? Where you'd play games? Yes, I think you did. Seems like is it in the Clude Oboard? A power.
Starting point is 00:07:39 No. Oh, it's thinking. Powerless games, I guess. Yeah, you're the powerless. Yes, okay. So it's a fan room. It's probably an old timey, rumpus room. Yep.
Starting point is 00:07:49 So, you might have a bit of a kitchen. You'd prefer to spend time in a parlor than a kitchen. And you'd prefer to spend time in a manner. And pancake manner makes it sound like there's 500 rooms. Yes. And you wake up in the morning, there's a steaming pot's short stack. Yep. So, the pancake manner is in Brisbane.
Starting point is 00:08:07 People love the pancake manner in Brisbane. Same font. Not just the same font, exactly the same font. And Lewis Carroll's Alice from Alice in Wonderland. Same. Same. Alice in Wonderland people. They are not connected by any central,
Starting point is 00:08:22 yeah, as the public. Because the pancake parlors heavily Alice in Wonderland. Well, that's fun. That's in a room that's fun. Thank you. Yes. That makes sense with Pancake Par was. And the manner is, I mean, it's just unbelievable, but it's like the end of this thinking we
Starting point is 00:08:38 would never travel state lines. We'll get the internet because the Pancake Manor is. I'll show you here. This is studio. Oh wow It's her and she's yelling perfect instead of lovely the pancake She yells lovely. Yeah, the pancake manna she yells perfect pancake on the rocks. Do they have a character? I don't have an Alice in Wonderland character They have the same font so one of them got that in the divorce. I think one of the rivals, I reckon I reckon they would have had a nut. I mean, now we're just imagining, but
Starting point is 00:09:08 you know, it's a podcast series. You have to we have to flash out six episodes here. This is where we throw to the reenactment of a supposed fight between the couples where one of them was passionate about the Lewis Carroll theme. And the rabbit and the Alice in Wonderland and the you know, the pocket watch. Yes. And then the other one was like, anything anyone cares about that? Yes, it had a brief, had its moment as a Disney film, but we're not pegging a whole business to it. Have it, please, we'll keep the saloon font, and then we'll know we're having both.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Okay, well, we're breaking up. So that's, that's, we're just waiting now. Basically Northern Territory WA, ACT in Tasmania, are the only territories not to get dragged into this. And if they do, it will be a all-out civil war. I would say Pancake Civil War across Australia. Northern Territory I find unlikely. Is it too hot for Pancakes up there?
Starting point is 00:10:00 Andy doesn't get pancakes, does he? He really does. Doesn't understand what they are. We've been through this with your fear. You doesn't get, he does. He really does. He doesn't understand what they are. We've been through this with your fear. You don't quite understand. I don't really, I don't really, I never really eat that. It's never too hot for pancakes. Okay, sorry.
Starting point is 00:10:14 The farmer's breakfast mate is hash browns, bacon, eggs, all on a pancake. Of course, on a pancake. I like Darcy. My eyes get confused seeing, seeing, this way in the savory. I saw, apparently there's a pancake was on you or something. Yeah. That's bizarre.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Well, I'm just telling you, I mean, up in the NT, if you're like, mustering cattle or something of a morning, you want pancakes when you wake up. That's a good breakfast. Okay. Well, and you might want a night with ice cream. So, it can't be, it's never too hot for pancakes. It's never too cold for pancakes That's why they're the perfect food and that's why the wars have started over them
Starting point is 00:10:50 I don't know where this goes from here. Well, we never do what I find Fascinating about the pancake man as website is They also haven't about the pancake restaurants like to include a history of what are they saying about it? Which seems suspicious to me. Is that just me? Because not to, they all have it. And they're all kind of painting their own history. The one thing the pancake manna has, the Brisbane one,
Starting point is 00:11:15 is it's clear that it was formed since 1979. Now, the other two talked about this road trip in America that they're inspired by pancakes. These guys don't. These guys, it states they're founder as a guy called Roger Meadmore. And he essentially leased a church and refurbished it into a pancake manner.
Starting point is 00:11:35 In 1979. Is that before or after power? That's about 15 years after the original pancake kitchen in Adelaide. So it's some point. And I think by then the parlor waselaide. So at some point, and I think by vendor parlour was underway. I think at some point, maybe they're all like Mormons. There's a bunch of them. They spread out. They're missions. They went off in the mission to try and set up a pancake place in colonise as well. And look, you're trying to colonise
Starting point is 00:12:00 the world with pancakes. Normally I'd be a bit skeptical about colonization, but I'll take, if that's what you're coming with, if it's basically just about pancakes, you've got my attention. That's all we've got there. They don't really go into, they're just going to about how they wanted to serve Brisbaneites. And they're all 24 hours, too.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Wow. I don't know how we tie a list together. I don't know, we tie a list together, but I know I'll keep trying Guys a pet update at my household I hope this involves a shattered ceiling and a rain of plaster down as the dog finally grew to their Advertised and I did say promised high I'm gonna shock you. It's about the not so popular pet in the house. The fish.
Starting point is 00:12:52 I'm still ran. Good on you. Wolf still going strong. Yeah. What was Fido? Was that Fido got replaced by a back sister and then you called as the ghost of life. That's right. Good fun. Why'd you do this as we pranked Bixby?
Starting point is 00:13:11 No, it's an important part of the morning process. It's to have calls from the grave, be on the grave, done in a sensitive and joking manner. To help people process the loss of a goldfish. These, the golden years as they're known, Andy, when you had a fish as a dog surrogate, will always be fondly remembered when Beck was asking for a dog and instead you got a goldfish. Many years ago, now you have a real dog, the favourite pet of the house.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Yes. And I said to Beck, he's neglected. How do the fish is being neglected? Any way, get home and wolf is upside down at the top. Try to get your attention. They'll do anything for love, Goldfish. They sense it. Big and media panic mode, very upset that hangar she's like something's wrong with Wolf. I said, no, no, it's one of the worst things. One of the biggest rongs that can happen. I said, no, no. That's one of the worst things.
Starting point is 00:14:03 One of the biggest rungs that can happen. And then he's gone to massaging a rump. And I hear we're right. Yeah. And so I'm doing some Googling. It's late at night. And then my fish is stuck half way through a battle roll. What could be wrong with him?
Starting point is 00:14:20 Next morning, still upside down, but at the bottom. Yeah. Right. And there's a big, right? Yeah. No, no, no. Next morning still upside down but at the bottom now And No, no Still moving still moving. What do you mean? Like he's inverted. He's just inverted but he's he's mouth is moving Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's not dead. He's not dead. Just still he's still rolling around He's still making his way around the tank. He's just upside down. So it is a ballast problem. It's a ballast problem.
Starting point is 00:14:46 I've got a bubble coordinate, maybe. You spot on? Is that what it is? He needs to fart. Right. So he's going to air traffic. He needs underbelly. He's gone on, he's floating up. Imagine if we needed to fart, we floated to the roof. I would have. I might well move the couch up there.
Starting point is 00:15:07 I blew the couch to the roof. So, just kept the chase and nail everything to the roof. Hey, you know, Beckwell, she's not great in these situations. She gets very overwhelmed, and she won't go into the kitchen because that's where it is. Bring her to her side, sorrow. So she's quencing, she's upset that Wolf is upside down. And there's nothing you can do.
Starting point is 00:15:27 You can't push on it, Valley. He's squeezing, yeah, can you squeeze it? So here's the thing. I'm chatting to different, we're getting the water tested. I'm chatting to different vets. Lotmost vets hang up on you. They are like, we don't do fish.
Starting point is 00:15:40 I would do that, yeah. I would go, I do do fish, but I only have a $50. Yeah, yeah. My fish needs to part do do fish, but I only have a $50. Yeah. My fish needs to part is not a huge priority. I do a Nemo, I do like a, I do the tropical stuff, I do one of the Mexican fighting fish. Like, do you, I do your A list fish? Yeah, but I'm not doing a goal fish.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Yeah, so they said you have to chat to a fish vet, but the fish vet got on onto his A.O. was only start at 5pm, so I don't think it's his primary job. He must do something else and then he got cocked on his five feet. You just say you're a fish vet. Is there anyone fell for it? It was a mobile number. It's always a premier. He's like a landscape or a choral through fish. So I talked to him, I've also talked to an aquarium and they said you've got to feed it peas. That's a lot of food for beans. They'll
Starting point is 00:16:36 be like us eating watermelon. Yeah. So the boil peas then make sure you take the skin off the peas. And then... See, well, I've got... ...cada-landed quarters and try and feed the fish these peas. So I've done that. To make them fun. I've gotten fun. Yeah, apparently a high protein or fiber, whatever, for the peas, we'll help it work through. So I've got the role of the sleaze up and I'm lowering these
Starting point is 00:17:05 peas in and getting wolf to eat the peas out of my hand and he's done that. He's done for me. Yeah, because he's not really moving around that much. He said he was moving before when we claimed he was done. He was a lot to my mind. If you're upside down, try to reach for the cheeseburger. He's a little bit disorientated, okay? So it was definitely, they were saying, if you can, I think you did this to make backpink. No, no, the guy said,
Starting point is 00:17:29 make sure you get the fish to eat the peas, right? Okay. So we did that. Very hard thing to do, as well. And any, any, any, any, any, ate the peas and they said, wait 24 hours, work up,
Starting point is 00:17:41 still upside down, still going fine, still upside down. So I've run back there querium, he said you're gonna have to give it a stomach massage. So I was like, okay, I was out for work, a back kept ringing me, I ain't, when are you getting home to give me the fish a massage?
Starting point is 00:17:56 I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I tell you what, good gig being a cat in the Lee House, I'll be those days. Not before bed, before bed, you would have been ticked out. And you might not have lived. But now the begs on the scene. Every animal gets mud wraps, face cleansers, tummy rubs, massages, Japanese, Japanese thermal.
Starting point is 00:18:17 More spoiled than Henry's second. Currently in the house is just a shock to me. So I'm rushing back from work to getting, she's like, come on, he's still up to me. So I'm in there and I'm giving this fish a massage. And he gets a reaction to either a different radio, though, the oldest story in the book. Come on, every breakfast shows dumb this story. And he gets a little bone and it's a bit awkward between you and now we won't look you in the eye. I've managed to kind of not push too hard, I can push the poo out of them, but I've encouraged – Sorry, so this is still on the tummy – Yeah, a poo.
Starting point is 00:18:56 I've encouraged one out, but it didn't seem like a full whack, and then he's gone back to being upside down. So, I was another who were teaching him. So, I love Skullfish. So, current state of affairs, still upside down. Becks still requesting that I give him a massage every night. But still alive. And if you try to turn him around massage every night. But still alive. And if you try to turn him around,
Starting point is 00:19:27 yes, upright, and he'll just spin back. He's for a while, he's like, this seems like the right way to be, and then unfortunately the gas takes over. And he's not as it takes him. Not as a joke. My initial thought here is to get a water bomb slightly inflated, right, put it at the top and using fishing wire or something like that harness him, so it writes him, you know, like thread the fishing,
Starting point is 00:19:51 so he's got like a little harness and the bubble like he's floating in. Oh, I see. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm like, I'm a little blue. I'm like, I'm an alien, I'm an alien. I'm like, I'm an alien. I'm like, I'm an alien. I'm like, I'm an alien.
Starting point is 00:20:02 I'm like, I'm an alien. I'm like, I'm an alien. I'm like, I'm an alien. I'm like, I'm an alien. I'm like, I'm an alien. I'm like, I'm an alien. I'm like, short-term solution. Yeah, but that'll make that gas bubble. He's got float back to where it's meant to be at the time. Yeah, it'll sort it out. Hey, Mish, could you start knitting him a harness? I'm knitting again, mate. Don't touch the helmet on the knitting tool.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Oh, yeah. I'm just kidding. What is Jack? Jack's where we are, as most work I've done all year. My hands still cramp from that knitting. Wolf will have evolved eyes on the butt. He's back by the time he's run by the time I finish. No, only for very, very close friends, not their fish.
Starting point is 00:20:33 LAUGHTER MUSIC And you are a tough man to please. They're more than they're easy man. Two opposite here at Jack. Oh, no, they don't talk about it. Everything is neat and practical. Because that's the way he likes it.
Starting point is 00:20:56 But what if it wasn't? Obscenity. And fresh list. Every time I get him in, because we really don't ever repeat an upset Andy No, which I'm surprised they keep pouring you like they'd be running out by now I keep pouring when they learn am I to be honest when they learn am I side of things? I apologize people because I as soon as I because the people are upset and I have to leave them Do let them straight away so there's don't want to be upset 50% of them are probably right
Starting point is 00:21:21 So there you go not make it it. Which I apologize for that. That's good. We're not overfishing it. Yeah. So many great months. Bring them back in the ocean. Hopefully. If you haven't heard from us and you really thought it was a cracker.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Yeah. Go again. Go again. You might have gone Andy side. Try and jump back in the boat. Sebastian. Sebastian joins us. Sebastian, you got something to upset Andy.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Yeah. Oh, hi, gentlemen. Oh, hi, man. When I go into the supermarket, it's time to meet a crack out my rewards card. Instead of going to the nice, simple app that's on the phone there, I go into my girlfriend's messages, go through into the photo section, scroll all the way down to the screenshot she sent me
Starting point is 00:21:57 of the barcode from about three years ago. So sometimes one big scroll gets me all the way there, and other times it's a couple small scrolls that I might land on. I do this a lot. I do this with a Medicare card. I know my wife has sent it to me. It's a way to, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:11 But you can go just to media, you don't have to scroll. You can just tap on and then media and that's who's got time to go to media. But the rewards card real life, like you've got to have some fun while the lady asks you for your rewards card. Yeah, I mean, it's not terrible because I take photos of all those things and have it in save them in photos in a favourites like yeah, like I can't see going back through all
Starting point is 00:22:35 your selfies with back to try and find that would have that would have this can't card or whatever. That would have annoying me. But it's not red hot for me. So I'll be in the next question. That's a question. K, K, have you guys owned up said Andy? Hi, yes, I do. I'm from my mum sent me a photo of something that my stepdad did. So day one was just the six pack of yoghits in the fridge.
Starting point is 00:23:02 And one of them was open and empty. He didn't want it, but he had none snapped it. But yeah, it was still attached. Hey, he didn't want an attached to the six bags. I've done that before, I think. He's standing at the fridge. He wants a fridge snack. That is awful.
Starting point is 00:23:18 That's very, very hot as a bad one for me. So instead of snapping off the singular one, he'll just peel back one lead, eat it, still attached with five other ones hanging off it. You did say K, it was day one. What did you do one day two? A day two, she sent me the photo and it was two in these, still attached to the fact. That's gathering more. I'll do. Do you ever scoop anything out of the jar and eat it?
Starting point is 00:23:44 At a straight off in, like, an infiltrate for Andy, a teller or a bit of peanut butter? I used to do it with mylo. Dip it, it's fingering. Like a finger, never do a finger in my mind. No, because you don't, people don't want, your fingers in their fingers. No, never know. You're in the house together. Okay, thank you for that.
Starting point is 00:24:03 But that is awful. Penelope, Penelope, what have you got? So in my kitchen on the counter, we have like a notebook for writing shopping lists and stuff and then a cup full of pens next to it. If anyone in my family discovers that one of the pens doesn't work, like it's out of ink or something, instead of throwing it in the bin, we'll just put it back into the cup. I just remember. And so at this point it takes like four or five tries to get a pen that works instead of throwing it in the bin, we'll just put it back into the car. I hate your charger. I'm in trouble. I'm in trouble. And so at this point, it takes like four or five tries
Starting point is 00:24:28 to get a pen that works, because we've been doing it for years. Like only a couple of them work, you're a whole cup full of pens. Awful, yeah. Awful, and you throw pens out. I like throwing the bin. Absolutely throw a pen out. This is exactly what Beck would do.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Beck would totally just leave it there. And she just wonders what. Because sometimes you go, oh, it might be a bad day. The ink might be feeling not up to it today, but sometimes. Exactly. You've got to give it a chance. Sometimes pens come back to life. You do one lick on the nib and give it a scribble.
Starting point is 00:24:54 I'm coming from there. You thought, what, out? It's rough. You can tell. But yeah, that's all full panel. I'll be a half-hand life. Handlife. Christina. Christina. What have you got to upset Andy? A Hoi Boys.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Hoi. Okay, so in the laundry room, we had the carton of washing powder on the top shelf, and next to it was a carton of bird seed. So normally I just grab a carton and free pour it straight into the machine as you do. But a few times I do this without realizing I'd grab the birds.
Starting point is 00:25:18 I'd be staring in the washing machine thinking, oh no, what are we gonna do here, sort of thing? But then was like, oh well, that's definitely not a problem for right now. Close the lid, hit start and go about my day. Hey, what's your wish with birdseed? 100%. So what does most of the cleaning anyway? So you like an exfoliation for the pants.
Starting point is 00:25:38 You're not even liking these pants. I would have thought you'd been, I would, my next move would be, I'd understand you'd be like, oh well, boxes of boxes, but I do know there's a difference being so powder and bird seed. I would put in more than I would normally put in of the powder on top of the bird seed and give it a bird seed and detergent wash. No, so I've got a bit on no time for that. I understand. My partner, Lisa David, I understand that you've got a busy day, we've all got stuff to do. Let you go, Chris, let me get back to your jobs. Michael. Michael, um, upset ending.
Starting point is 00:26:12 G'day, Chaps. Um, so two parts of my fiance and I like a healthy variety of director cereals. Uh, but those boxes are mostly filled with air and take up lots of space. Um, so we just been the boxes and sorry to the bags on a shelf in the pantry. And then the throne bag. And then the throne bag is already scrunchy, he's facing up at a throne bag. He was with you for bending the boxes, but then the next bit he wanted to hear, I'm guessing, was put in a sealed, tupperware container.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Yeah, serial ones. Oh, yeah, no, yeah, no container here. That comes with a container and it comes with a bag. What is strange about this is I love the fact that it's saving space in the company. I don't like that you can't readily identify. Oh, they can. What serial is this? It's just misty bags.
Starting point is 00:27:02 How do you identify serial? I just go hunting and see what you grab for that day. That's disappointing. Do you look in the top hole to see what's in there? So yeah, top hole. Well, sometimes if I grab the bag out, there's already a hole on the side. So that's not going to go up. You know, you're not taking the flange on the corner and sometimes I'll pour it out and you've got two holes of cereal going up into the bowl with the other hole come from Oh, if my fiance jumps in and like pokes a hole on the side and she Is very puzzledly chic. I'd be bothered to do the top flaps on the bag Comey bothered and then I jumped in I see the
Starting point is 00:27:42 The closed tops. I'm like well, this is an ocean, so go and open it and suddenly I've got cereal on the floor. You got a double holer. I hate it. And I get to see Andy and Puea, just believe he's going. You go to the supermarket and you bought the cereal, you're bringing him, you've done everything right, and you get home, you're double holing the bag, you're throwing out the box, you're pouring it all over the floor, you're so close.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Yeah, Michael, at our place, oh yeah, here we go. The flower comes out obviously, and it can be poured into a tupperware thing for extra food, so you can seal it again. Yep. And then I'll cut out the box. I've seen this in my house,
Starting point is 00:28:19 this is so bad. This is so bad. So it's the, so you have like the title card, and then you slide that in the container so you know exactly what flower it is or sugar or whatever. I'm saying that, Mike. That's so many different cereals and stuff. You can't have your variety.
Starting point is 00:28:36 You wouldn't do a viss cereal and he would trust himself to identify a sold-tarner brand over sustain. But yes, I've seen him do it and for pastors too. Other things that are sealed, he will get the scissors, get all the effort of cutting out like the panel. It doesn't take long. Just little panel to say, I don't, I honestly don't know how you have time to come in here. Little bit extra stuff that you do. Thanks for like.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Hey, I did this last week and it pains me, but I have to do it again. No, well, I think I know what this is. Yeah. We segment slew thing. Yeah, we are. And if you have to, you have to. Yes. This sounds like this, sounds like this, sounds like this. If this sounds like that I'm your man
Starting point is 00:29:27 Andy Lee, segment sleuth We had one from New Zealand where we suspected a little bit of segment Steel Yeah, that's a bit of a complete inspired by Yeah, one from England and I That was inspired by us Last week one from England
Starting point is 00:29:43 Really all corners of the Commonwealth in full trees and mode. Just absolutely milking the colony of Australia for all that's were thinking, no one will find out. This one's close to the home. So, obviously, I'll place a more audio from a podcast that I particularly love. You don't need to put something up into it, but try it. I'd recommend trying. Stop for everyone, but I like these guys. Yeah, this is something from their podcast while they're... How are you changing the game? Because what I want to focus on is those parts of life
Starting point is 00:30:12 where we're all just doing the thing we think we're meant to be doing. Yes. But really, the game could be changed for the better, for all of us and we should share the message. Ben joins us now. Ben, we've had our producers go to find a selection of people that are changing the game. Please tell us how are you changing the game? And so my little game page is the Taka Reito as I call it. The what, sorry? It's Taka Reito. Taka Reito. Okay, Taka Reito. You stand it, yeah exactly. You stand
Starting point is 00:30:40 it Taka, and all you're feeling is what not. But out of five, you add a shell to Taco. You put a burrito. So when you take it by the Taco, it doesn't let no, you're feeling full at. Oh, Jesus, a really good idea. That is a game changer. So you've got a hard shell taco surrounded by a big soft shell tortilla.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Exactly right. Yeah, that's changing the game. That is changing the game. Some time ago, and we know that there has been updated work with tacos and burritos. We haven't done a full up that of that, but old El Paso is something we follow closely, but not today. Not today.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Not today. Not today. Not today. That was the segment. And this one comes in from a show in Melbourne. Actually, let's have a listen. We want to talk about game changes now. What do you think for you is a definite game changer,
Starting point is 00:31:25 where it's something you do routinely. And from the moment you do it, this is a game changer for me. I'll always do it. It makes things and life go easier. Dan, what's your game changer? It's wrapping a hard taco in a soft taco. No mess. You get all the goodness from every taco.
Starting point is 00:31:43 That is good because hard taco is always so messy. You're always breaking. Flemzy structure. Jack, who does come in there? I do. Now the question here is Jack. Again, again, it's another British person that thinks they can steal from the holidays.
Starting point is 00:32:01 But, Jack, the question here is, did you take this to question? I did not. I was looking for segments, my lord, I think I have one. I promised you I did not take game changes in. And not only that, we know as listening to the guy, tell about the talk I was like, this sounds familiar. The guy rang out with me.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Yeah, same. Just like how, just like Mrs. Doubtfire was at the wrong table in the wrong outfit going, hang on, I've said something from when I'm the guy version and I'm the nanny. You're always good to have a rehearsal, Jack. You crossed worlds. You crossed worlds and you didn't even flinch. So when that comes up, in your head, in the outbreak, do you go, oh, by the way, Christian,
Starting point is 00:32:45 we've done that? I honestly didn't, it felt familiar, but I didn't know we did as a segment on which I was there. I do believe for Jack, because he barely listens to us. Like, but, it'd be barely listening to Christian. Yeah. That's right. Actually, it's more like, it felt familiar, more like somewhere in my subconscious, this
Starting point is 00:33:02 feels like it existed, but I don't really know where it's from. And you heard it as back ground noise once and then twos. And the same way that someone that might have poker as a hobby, that might, something might come up in their life that the guys have been chatting about over cars. I can't remember every conversation that happens with my hobby. If you go fishing on the weekend, you don, remember everything that, you know, Larry said fishing. He says a lot of stuff.
Starting point is 00:33:29 It's just my hobby. That's not like I met my job paying attention. So can I ask, is there the same caller or different caller? The same. It's the same. Well, it's not the same caller. I think he's got a different name. I think it's got into society enough now.
Starting point is 00:33:45 I've seen a few times before, floating around on Twitter too. So it's in society enough now this, I'm thinking of life. Well, I guess my question is, is the call or more to blame here? Well, you got started a segment called Jack, which is Jack,
Starting point is 00:33:58 which I'm doing. So that is a show called the Christiano Connell show. His sidekick is Jack, Hey, are we burning them at the stake? Yeah, unfortunately, Jack. That is a show called the Christianer Connell show. His sidekick is Jack Hame. Are we burning them at the stake? Yeah, unfortunately, Jack. Can I beg not to? Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:13 That's how we went there. I know, I would enjoy a begging. I'm just like one free pass as friends. Okay. And I won't get you next time. All right. Jack, that's not begging. You have to beg. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:28 No, I don't want to beg. I don't want to beg. Okay. But I need a better. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay And Jack, but mostly friend, no offense Jack, is tradition.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Could be this like it with a show. No offense Jack. Just wondering, I started bringing up personal business of the show, but just wondering what you were doing Friday. This Friday, coming up, if've got your Ikele out. Just want to see if I've never got a few things to chat about. We won't do it here, but I want to schedule in perhaps a Zoom call a bit of a catch up, maybe a beer over Zoom. Okay. Two o'clock-ish, perhaps in the afternoon Friday. Yeah, I can do that.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Oh, I can't. Sorry. I'll be on the course. Oh, sorry, man. Body golf. Yeah, golf again. Got a full. Got a full. Yeah, shit. Sorry, mate. Full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, gang, full, all the beetles. Going round with a full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full,
Starting point is 00:35:42 full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, full, So we're gonna stick when you get when you're chipping Where do you like to put the ball? I know Backestance backestance backestance Yeah really okay I almost had a chance Oh backestance of coming into See Jack this is what you see on a
Starting point is 00:35:58 This is all funny No this one About where you would put the ball for a chip And he goes front of snacks No, I really Classic it's an absolute classic ball position in joke buddy. You didn't get it The weird ring you know you even you were joking was happening. I don't think you even you were joking Actually, you say back advanced like I do know that is something to do with golf
Starting point is 00:36:23 You were saying back advance, and I was like, well, I do know that is something to do with golf. Back advance was a golfer wasn't it? Back advance was a real Smith film. He was a golfer, wasn't he? He was a golfer. He was on the golf course. So he's probably golfer of a golfer of yesterday. Yeah, he was on the golf course. So he probably got a golfer of a golfer of yes to you. Yeah, yeah, he would follow around Matt Damon as a go as a ghost of a like basically giving him tips. Matt Damon played golf. Which is illegal. Unfortunately, under course rules is yeah, because Jimmy Comp that would not have been
Starting point is 00:37:01 allowed. Yeah, because I think Matt had his own caddy you're really loud white. I know that's how to help. Bag of ants is giving you raids of puts and stuff and so yeah unfortunately anyone who was playing in the comp with that's seen that film they could have got him kicked off the course. It's a film probably because he's membership cancelled. We'll win the Oscar for it. No he didn't.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Wasn't that film was it. No, he didn't. He wasn't there for you. All right, no, wasn't there. No, with legendary bag of ants, always one of the bridesmaids when it came to oscars. Not even nominated, actually, I'm just looking up now. Not even nominated. So, Jack, you thought when I go to Andy, where do you put the ball for a chip? And then, just say, you thought that it's exchangeable, Andy, where do you put the ball for a chip? Bag of ants? All bag of ants? Bag of ants? And then Andy goes you thought that the exchange was Andy where do you put the ball for a tip bag of hands all back and then it goes front of
Starting point is 00:37:49 the hands and then now back and that's what I said it might be something different but it's not too weird to yes that's golf that's golf band that's a back of dance might be a shot that was named after a legendary old golfer who not it sounds like you think that you just, the golfer just say bag of ants. I don't know if it's a good laugh. What I was gonna say in the car park. I made bag of ants.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Oh, bag of ants. Oh, bag of ants. It's like, I was just say, Rubar, I've been in the back of the dine or I'm home in a way to make a look like they're talking. Bag of ants. Oh, bag of ants, John.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Yeah, bag of ants, yeah. Bag of ants. I'm not, bag of ants. I'm not bag of ants. You're in the club talking. Back of hands. Oh, back of hands, John. Back of hands, John. Back of hands. Back of hands. Back of hands, you're in the club house. Back of hands. I was honestly this close to being in the golf group because a golf sponsor reached out to me wanting to know if I wanted clubs.
Starting point is 00:38:37 Wow. You were in the club. Back of hands. I was noodling for this. I was noodling for Callaway, never heard from a, Mizuno came forward and message me, said, we'd love to sit you up with clubs. And Mizuno is good? They're okay, never Mizuno is good.
Starting point is 00:38:52 They're a slow club. Well, this is what happened. Funny I should say. You swing through, you're swiffer in the club head, will be some minutes behind you. Yeah, for some reason, just, any moment now.
Starting point is 00:39:03 So it goes, I've done the swing, but the head should be here in a moment, the completely shot funny you should say, because I said, just as a warning, I have taken on a sponsor, big sponsor before, Yamaha, and now people think their guitars are slow. Yeah. They withdrew the offer. Hey, it's truly offer. I'm not going to Aussie Jake for being such an honest world. Yeah, yeah, because you could be seeing they're going, look, you know, you're exposed around the show, I can say it many, many times. I'll absolutely get the name out there. But you've been done the right thing
Starting point is 00:39:42 on. I cannot always promise that it will be received. One new slow clubs were coming. If I was going to part or swing with those, Mizuno's, I knew that they would be called slow. So I thought it was only fair to mention that upfront. And I thought with my honesty, they might go, you know what, you've been honest, we're still going to deliver the club.
Starting point is 00:39:58 You're sure it's not true. Absolutely. So I'm going to do a shot. Now, the only way that you can really go forward here, Jack, is Annie and I, Annie has a sort of, I think, a formal deal with the one of people at Taylor made. I independently chose them. Yes. Judge them to be the leading golf equipment specialist.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Yes, we do with the contacts that we had in place. Certainly. After I'd made the choice, it was nice to then get the number off. We came to quite an advantageous decision. The only chance you've got here, Jack, is to for him to pick a non-shummed golf brand. He's to follow, soon, and get into Taylormate. Yes. And so what I was meaning to say after I said, no thanks to Mizuno, when they would prove that they were through the office. Sorry, Mizuno, do you know anyone who telemedicates? Was, that's fine, Mizuno, because I'm actually a tailor-made man and always was.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Interesting, so you were quite open to the idea of Mizuno's, which any of them I never would be. No, no, I actually told them I couldn't do it, essentially. No, they were just through the office. Who'd you say no thanks to? I thought we would draw it up. No thanks. No, they were just through the road. Who just said no thanks to? I thought we were drawing our own. No thanks.
Starting point is 00:41:09 What? No, I'd love to hear some talk about it in all honesty. Okay, if that number is still floating around. Hey, hey, hey, hey, are you playing Friday? Yeah, that was the idea. Been trying to get out of here a bit. Yes, done three driving the idea. Yeah. Been trying to get out of here a bit. Yes. Done a three driving range sessions. Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Very positive. Jenny, very positive. How are you feeling? Do you feel this is a pain? I was going in my coach, mate. Is it a peter out or is it a... No, I'm petering in. It's a slow peter in because it's certainly haven't...
Starting point is 00:41:38 It takes quite a lot of time, doesn't it? You're going to get to the course and... Yeah. I've just got quite a full plate as it stands. No, you don to the course and I've just got quite a full plate as it stands. I had to get a side plate for this. But the heading out for it, it did go out last week, went out, headed out last week. And this is when I did the chipping practice because the course was shut because of weather, but I still managed to practice some chipping. That's where I did the back of stance and then heading out
Starting point is 00:42:07 Friday looking like we're a swing-y old stick on Friday. Nice. Where you play? Go for it. You have to go to the course and you can't just play. You need the full set-up mate. You need the fairway, you can't just go to an oval. That's not good enough. Just when it's normally in golf chat, you'll go, I'm playing front of them, you'll say, where are you playing? And you won't say back offense as an answer. You'll say the course.
Starting point is 00:42:35 You'll say the course, yeah. Haven't decided yet. Okay. And then we'll go, that's when people, oh gee, the 12th, what a beautiful hole. Oh, right. I'm looking forward to saying some of that.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Because that's, yeah, this is beautiful whole. Oh, great. I'm looking forward to saying some of that Because that's This is the world I'm learning about. Yeah, yeah, but I've been out and I'll send you some of my videoed swings I like that again, so he's not interested. Yep, but I would be very interested. Thank you because gosh It's a phenomenal how uninterested a wife can be It's like you've just never seen levels of interest this low in an awake person. Yeah, and we work with that. It's quite so we work with that. But in Jackson, if you're on your money mate,
Starting point is 00:43:17 I reckon we bring you guys here on the side to side. You pretend you're paying attention to the show. She pretends she's interested in golf. You pretend you're paying attention to the show, she pretends she's interested in golf. LAUGHTER

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