Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2023 Ep 202

Episode Date: March 8, 2023

1. Horgs’s merchandise distribution 2. Hamish’s beach tent 3. When's that footy footage? - special skill 4. Saying no to Siri 5. Upset Andy ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-knife production. Activate your internet. Cause the Hamish and the podcast starts in three, two. Sorry, still buffering. One. A hoi to me laugh, heinish. I love a laugh. LUW, a Hoi to me leech. Jack and I love to leech. It's actually very fast, I can't wait.
Starting point is 00:00:40 No, I'm the head and we make our part of a very important thing. Vacuum cleaner again. Yeah, you already got your vacuum cleaner. No, we got the waste of it. Too many, too many vacuum cleaners. Thank you. I received none. Well, you see, did you say you didn't want it?
Starting point is 00:00:57 No, that's what I mean. Like, I just want, on the record, stop sending a mom not after anymore. Yes, right now. Did you get one from the thermomix, please? Yes, we got vacuum cleaners from Mila. We got vacuum cleaners from Dyson, we got vacuum cleaners from the thermomix people, which I've been noticing. I've even made a vacuum. I think it's like a mop.
Starting point is 00:01:15 I think it's just a very heavy mop. Yes, I haven't put it in the vacuum. I don't know if it's being there. It'll be interesting. I know you wouldn't, mate. I've got... Last week we were powering an engine. It'll be interesting. I know you wouldn't, mate. I know you wouldn't, mate. Last week we were powering an engine. This is power something.
Starting point is 00:01:30 I've leached in a lot. Another vehicle. Please, this is exciting, but what is it? We're part of a sale. No, we really. You might have got that. Didn't you do your boating license, mate? Yeah, you know, that wasn't part of Darren's boating academy.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Sounds a bit more like the advanced stuff you have to go to. No, my boating license was the online course that was, you know, you do the review question before the exam. Yeah. We'd say, you know, you're going to have many tricky questions, maybe maybe one like might say how many kilograms of chemical fire extinguisher might you need to carry for a 12 foot boat? And that might say something like 2.1 kilos. Is that the answer, Dary?
Starting point is 00:02:14 Yeah, that's the answer. When you see that one come up, just remember for that one, it's two points. By the way, I've got all those numbers wrong too, so I haven't remembered what's needed. I always hate to shorn, it's in Melbourne. A Hoi Hamish, Andy, and Greg Internet, it's shorn here from the government podcast Watchdog. Look, we've been hearing rumors about a potential boycott of the government mandated podcast break,
Starting point is 00:02:40 and I would like to advise you, before you do anything silly, that we are watching your case quite closely. Oh damn. Please remember the rights and responsibilities of running a podcast show and the requirement that you must have a break until at least March Eve. You are absolutely right.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Please save the time to rest, recuperate, and try as hard as you can to enjoy yourself, whether that be out camping, any golf simulator, or living off one half door sized solar panel. We truly do apologize to the inconvenience and look forward to hearing you again, come much eve and not a second earlier. Ciao for now.
Starting point is 00:03:09 See you. It's a friendly mongrel. Yes, that's a friendly way. When they come at us saying, hey, why haven't you worked for three months? That's all right, again. Yeah, just one people to know. That's a really friendly version
Starting point is 00:03:21 to of the constant barrage of messages we get from that particular government department. They keep telling us they mean well. Yes. They say, look, we're doing it so you don't burn out. And we keep saying to them, look at us, do we look relaxed? We're furious. The screaming at you. That's not a very relaxing break. Anyway, the battle continues. It all kicks off again next December. By the way, Jack, I know we've got other stuff to get to, we've got to get to Hawks, but don't think your activities of Greg Internet are going on examined by the public. What's my, my Greg Internet is my chess username or my Reddit hand or as well. Yeah, chess is the thing that I've had done. Few people, if you think.
Starting point is 00:04:08 No. Well, yes, yes, but a couple of people have logged a query, a well-meaning and concerned query about you, Jacko. And that are also obviously playing on chess.com where you do battle. What is it? What are they saying?
Starting point is 00:04:22 You were logging at times over the break up to an exceeding three hours a day of play. Can you see how long somebody else plays for? Well, obviously. Well, you can see how many games somebody has played and you would you would discuss you to know how many games I've played. A three hours find it. Is that where you put a micro-aven, a kettle in the toilet? If essentially you live in there? I can't see it, but I got an award budget one stage that was a thousand games, like wow. A day.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Okay. All right. So, yeah, the, the, the internet community really was mostly concerned for Greg Internet, because they knew that he also had a human life, but it didn't seem like he was ever living off life. No, I mean, three hours a day, you got plenty hours left of the day to be human. Hey, hey, save it for your wife, mate.
Starting point is 00:05:12 But no, someone else said and I'd have fun the email, but they said, at the end of each game, do you get a percentage of how many blunders you made or like your accuracy? Yes. They said that you moved with only 28% accuracy. Wow. That is pretty bad if true. I'd have to see the stats on that. Hey, man.
Starting point is 00:05:33 I'm just, I'm just, don't shoot the chest messenger. I'm just relaying what they're saying. Um, but they did, but then also, don't to be fair. Some, some, some of your vanquished opponents showing deep respect. Thank you. The way you swing your rook out there. I'm, as we were forced to holiday, sorry, have a government mandate to break, the cogs at Hamish Nuri Distribution kept turning.
Starting point is 00:05:59 We of course released New Hat to must be nice and a new version of the lost touch of the common man and in touch shirts and we were assured by hogs that they would all go out in January and arrive on time. We were overwhelmed with the amount of people posting pictures of their merchandise arriving and wearing it proudly. Hey, you saw a bunch of them in the flesh that they came up magic. H hogs joins us now just to review how you went on distribution. Hawg's, oh, are you mate? Oh, oh, boy. How's it going?
Starting point is 00:06:30 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's great to talk to you, mate. And first of all, thank you. You certainly weren't on a, uh, mandated merch break working, uh, seemingly 24, seven, um, I'll, uh, Greg into net hours. I'll go over the holidays to uh, to get the gear out around the clock, but we got it out. Where are you now, Hawkes? At work. No, you just
Starting point is 00:06:53 finished a golf lesson. You just said. I told everyone at work, I was just popping out for an hour, so I think that's it. Horgs, you went to a robotic and automated system. You abandoned the year 11s for picking and sending out merch. How would you say that that change in the distribution channels has worked? The computerized check-up is, well they don't make mistakes, the year 11 boys made a hell of a lot of mistakes. And so it was good, it was great, don't get me wrong, but the distribution game is not easy.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Like you've got to rely on so many things, you've got to rely on the people delivering it, picking it up, dropping it off, it goes into a depot. Like we had an Australia post truck caught on fire. Oh, did Bernal Amid? Yeah. So who's 20, 25 T-shirts, hats, and books? Really? Yeah, went up down in the fire. Right. Do you think from a rival podcast? Is this broke? Yeah. So, so Australia post rings you and says, we've burnt your merch. Who pays for that then?
Starting point is 00:08:30 Uh, you got it. I prefer not to. Could we look at a different system? We would prefer not to. But it's the time that you've got to take insurance yourself. So they don't ensure at all, like Australia Post or Tull or Star Trek or anyone. Purely up to you to ensure if you want. Now we didn't take out insurance.
Starting point is 00:08:52 It's our business model. It does fit our business model. I mean, for the company that's charging $1 for customer service, I can't say it's taking much insurance. And so, but it's their responsibility to tell you what was on. So do we know who missed out on their shirts and hats and books? Yeah, we got the list from Australia Post. I all got new ones.
Starting point is 00:09:12 They're around happy. Hawkes, have you worn one of the hats? Yeah, I have. Did it fit on your head? Yeah, no, it's perfect. I've got one right here. Well, we had an email from another C's, uh, listener suggesting that the hats did not fit properly. In fact, Dan Griffiths from England,
Starting point is 00:09:30 he received the hat, he says, absolutely tiny. Is it designed for a human adult human heads? Very disappointed as I've paid so much for it living in the UK, would quite like a refund as it's not fit for purpose and I've wasted 30 pounds. What are you right? I don't have a problem with the size of the hats. Hey, do you? You've got a fairly large head. I've got an absolute whopper of a head. If I go go-carting, I'm always an XL helmet.
Starting point is 00:09:56 So I found them adequate, verging on, verging, so not in the territory, but verging on shallow for my head. Okay. No, not shallow. Well, sorry, Holes. I mean, it is obviously, I think you'll find it is a one size fits most. I'm one of the people that had to change one size fits all for. Yep.
Starting point is 00:10:19 I think it was just a absolute red flag for court cases. Well, I went back to chat GBT to ask them whether they thought our hats were too small. Let the robots sort of. And this is what the robot said. If the hats are too small, they may be uncomfortable or fall off easily, which could be a problem for anyone wearing them. However, it's possible that the hats are intended to have a more snug or fitted style, in which case they might be comfortable and secure for some people.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Ultimately, hat size and style is a matter of personal preference in what works for one person may not work for another. Couldn't have put a better myself, chat GPT. Look, it is personal preference. I say we, of course we give a 4-year fund if it's not vibing with the head because we know they're selling out. So someone like that, that happens that I've got a loving home.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Well, that happens when a man asked him whether Dan took out insurance. You think it's on him? Well, if it's on us, if the Australia Post truck goes up, surely it's on him. It's his, it's his era. Yeah, look, I'm all for that because obviously 30 pounds is 30 pounds
Starting point is 00:11:23 and we're already down a fire amount. Is that the only loss we've incurred hogs? As far as I know, I mean people do. I was just sorry. I was just contacted as well by one of our customers. She bought one must be nice green hat and an in touch navy tea with tarnished bronze print large. She's then showing you a photo of two hats and one t-shirt. So she's somehow an extra hat is stuck into her order and she's written must be real nice to get the old buy one get one free hat deal. Has deal hashtag who's checking the new checker
Starting point is 00:12:08 right okay i apologize about that one that's a problem with with distribution comes the human error some see what the checker was there the computer checker was there we got the lot at i just accidentally picked up to so who picked that up a robot or a human no human era. I said the road or the road the computer tells the human what to pick up but we still need human hands in there. Yeah the the computer went pick up to or sorry pick up one and then it says scan it yes and then it says many of you pick up and they meant to top in one. Obviously they top in one but picked up two. Well, who's picking up the cost of that hat then? Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Um, I, he's, he's what I think. Exactly. We have a perfect triangle. Hawgs, since you vouched for the picker upperer and that person's picked up was given away a free hat. You probably have to pay us that money, which we would then like you to send on to the guy in the UK, because he's owed some money,
Starting point is 00:13:14 and then the hat comes back into the system. He sends his hat back and everything's square. Do you feel? Yeah, we can do some of that, but what you got to see is that the same voice you use when you tell us you're at work? What we've got to remember as well, there's people out there that's ordered one are two hats and I've just accidentally sent one, right? And we win there, right?
Starting point is 00:13:39 No, we don't. God, I'm happy, God. That's the win. Why are we sending anything out? Oh, it's well done. I think it's been six years to be out there. It's certainly the bar is way higher. Way higher, what I'm adding.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Yes. And we are fresh back. Just listening up the shoulders. Nice to be back in this studio. After the mandate a break, can I tell me if you think this is an accurate description? For anyone that made it to the beach over summer, we barely did. Because of fighting the government, but did. Sometimes I went, yeah, sometimes I went just to work from the beach on the phone to a legal team. It kind of was the summer of the Coco Cabana. Well, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:14:33 I feel like they boomed this summer. You know the things you can get at bunnings like little tents on the beach? We go up the Christmas. Haven't even popped it open yet. Right. I didn't know. It just seemed like they exploded over summer.
Starting point is 00:14:44 We actually nodded out here in front of you. Yeah. It just seemed like they exploded over summer. We actually nod that here and in front of it. Yeah, it was absolutely, it's absolutely summer of the Cocoa Kibana. I look at being, even though I'm one eight the Italian, I wouldn't say I'm deeply naturally tanned. So I do seek the shade out ferociously at the beach. We went over to Western Australia as a little fan. When next port a little bit in Western Australia Me of course constantly working but still nice to go with the family and let them have a break Yeah, while dad works from the beach with all the legal stuff Got over there and went you know what? Okay, we're gonna be at the beach like guys. I
Starting point is 00:15:19 Just it was just after Christmas women and we're like at a shopping center and Anaconda had, now they don't sell the cocoa but I don't think, but they had their own, so the cocoa is like to brand tight, is it? I reckon they're only bunnings, anyway. Yeah, that's the one with the four, it's like the umbrella with the four fabric things that come down inside that you put sand in. Okay, they're quite easy ups.
Starting point is 00:15:39 So Anaconda's having what could only be described as an outrageous sale. I think there was a pop-up tent there for like $20, it's like, like reduced from like $150. So it was like, oh, well, Anakin is having what could only be described as an outrageous sale. I think there was a pop-up tent there for like $20, right? Like, reduced from like $150. Yeah. It was like, oh, you know, reduced from like a normal beach tent. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:52 I buy the family a little beach tent, right? It does a great job. It's not the Coca-Cola banner, but it's doing its job for like the seven days that we're in Western Australia. Yeah. Towards the end, the bag that it came, it was pretty hard to get back in the bag after the beach, right? That's always the least fun part of anyone's trip to the beach. The bag is starting to tear, like the handle is starting to tear. We're staying like a, like a, like a, like an apartment
Starting point is 00:16:19 place. Had a, like a, like a, had a carport. As we started heading back to Perth, I got as though, I'm not taking this, like let's just leave the tent. I mean, for the next person. For the next person, yeah. So it's just, we're not, you know, it's gonna be a hassle, extra luggage, it's starting to break a bit anyway. I think it deserves to stay at the beach.
Starting point is 00:16:40 So we're leaving the carport. As we're backing up, the kids are like, the tent, the tent! You got the tent! They're like, oh no, that's okay guys, we're actually giving this tent to the people whose house this is. And we've decided that they can have the no-ho. Tent, didn't have that.
Starting point is 00:16:53 That's how to have so many great memories in that tent. Yeah, great no worries. Okay, we'll get the tent, we'll get the tent just to pluck out then. So I was like, oh sorry, we'll use it. We use it back and send it. All right, get the tent, we'll get the tent just to pluck out the tent. And then I was like, oh, sorry, we'll use it. We'll use it back and send it. All right, get the tent. Drive back to the airport, getting on to the plane, right?
Starting point is 00:17:11 I go to the check-in person, okay, this can just go in luggage, like, don't, but this doesn't have to be other size. Doesn't it go, yeah, it's over size. I mean, I don't care. Well, just costing you more time. Yeah, why don't we just roll the dice on it? And if it makes it, it's just like,
Starting point is 00:17:24 it doesn't really work like that. You got to go oversized. All right. In-per-their port. I don't, I'm maybe it's because of like, I don't know. A lot of people come up with mind-sights and whatever. Everything that goes in oversized has to be explosives checked. Oh, what?
Starting point is 00:17:40 So everyone peels off and they're going through to the food court. I'm standing in the oversized line by myself, which is next to security. Waiting, waiting, waiting, everything's getting taken forever because they're bomb checkers. It's explosive checking, everything. Get to me and I open up the top of the bag and the guy goes, oh, you have to take it out. No, don't you just skip around on the inside?
Starting point is 00:17:59 You guys need to have to get it out. And I said, I'll have it. You have it. It's over. I didn't want this thing it. You have it. It's over. I didn't want this thing anyway. Just have it. And he goes, no, no, no, you know, take it. It's five minutes from back here. And I'm saying, you try to put it back. So I go, I go, I'm out. I'm opting out of the charger. This is not my tent anymore. And I go, I'll just leave it here because we can't
Starting point is 00:18:22 leave it. We can't leave it there for it. And I go, but I don't want it. I just, it's yours. Give it to give it to the staff. I'm loving that. So I'm trying to have this argument to like, D own the tent. He's going, it's tagged. Like, that's your responsibility now. I'm not taking it. Loveley by it next to me goes, mate, don't worry. Because I was like, look, my family's already gone through. We're going to miss the plane. Really nice point next to me goes, hey, you know, don't worry mate, I'll take the tent. My old folks, my folks just dropped me off. He points back like 20 meters behind us.
Starting point is 00:18:58 I'll just give them the tent. They live here. I'm like, you're a, what a legend. They go through security. I'm, you know, do the rigmarole, packing everything back up. Security guy comes up and he goes, excuse me, you're the man with the tent. Is it not anymore? I said, no, not anymore. I gave it. I gave it to some people because they don't want it.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Ah! Ah! Ah! They can't de-own it. Ah! I can't. I can't, no, no, no, no. Because he gets, they don't want it. They have to look at it, they don you own it. No, no, no, no, no. Because yes, they don't want it.
Starting point is 00:19:27 They have to look at it, they don't want it. What do we do because we can't leave it at the airport? It's not mine anymore. I mean, it is. It's yours. They didn't accept it. They didn't accept it. I think you're saying it between D.
Starting point is 00:19:40 I don't do agree. I think it was the middle man who was the technical owner at that point. But he had been such a legend. So I was like, oh my God, I have to go back out of security. Line up again with the tent, get it bomb checked, squash it all back in. Like I hope you get lost somewhere over the nullable tent.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Put it in the thing, we get, we fly home, whatever. And get to the, like the luggage is coming up and sending. Because like, where's the 10? Oh, I don't know, I don't know, guys. I was like, if we, this 10 is in a race now between our last bag and seeing it on oversized. Because if I can see it, I'm not hanging around for that 10. We get our luggage, not a peep out of oversized.
Starting point is 00:20:24 We're out of there. Next day, I'm not hanging around for that, Dan. We get our luggage, not a peep out of oversized. We're out of it. Next day, I'm getting all these missed calls. Oh, these missed calls, I'm going, we've got your tent. You know, how can we get it back to you? Said, oh, yeah, do you career it out? Isn't that what happens with lost luggage? Don't you pay for the career?
Starting point is 00:20:42 They go, you're not unclaimed. You didn't claim it. We didn't unclaimed, you didn't claim it. We didn't lose it, you didn't claim it. You have to get it. I was like, oh yeah, I'll try and get in next week. I've been through four rounds of calls, I've been through four rounds of calls from Clonners with them going, 10 still here.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Did you, did I do did you get in my name? I almost feel like now. Like, I actually feel like I have to get the tent, it's still at corners. I feel like I have to get the tent back because it's sort of like all of this difficulty, something magical will happen with the tent down the track. Like, don't you think this feels like an origin story? Oh, yeah. It feels like it could be the way
Starting point is 00:21:26 this give away we have for this. Yeah, I mean, it feels like we're trying so hard to get rid of this tent. And it found its way back to me. Tent man. But something amazing will happen with the tent now. Yes, it's all right. Now I feel like,
Starting point is 00:21:38 would should we give away the chance to go and pick it up? LAUGHTER That would be cool. Hey, and people know that if they've got a unique skill that they're not getting enough credit for, they go to HamishNeg.com and this is the show. We provide a safe haven for them. Like Dr Xavier has that massive house, ours is a virtual home that we invite people into. Hostel, expanded thousands more of a hostel.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Yeah. She was deviled. Did they all live at the house or they just go to the train? No, they lived there. I think they lived there with the exception of Wolverine. I think he sort of came and went as he pleased because he was his grumpy.
Starting point is 00:22:20 The doc wasn't happy with him. Would it prefer him to be there? Would it prefer him to be there? It would have preferred him to be there. With us, we're happy we're happy to be able to come in just for five years. When you think about, when you think about if we would have built a house for all our special skills holders and you've got the Simpson's guy on the couch and then everyone else just vaguely coming in. I mean, the guy close to us,
Starting point is 00:22:42 to see if we're like, I think I feel like, no, I've broken the kitchen. The kitchen would be the hub, wouldn't it, of activity. You'd hear cheese coming out of the kitchen as, you know, the noodle length guessing girls done at the kitchen. Yeah. And the guy could tell it's something's hot by looking at it.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Um, that really, that's where you'd hang. A lot of the time, if there's a good lounge room near the kitchen, you'd, you wouldn't just stray too far from that if you wasn't passed Um, I fell I might yell at I know that's a size 9 shoe when you'd have to go But yeah, hell of a hell Yeah, actually he's well done. I'm pretty actually kind of interested Jack's rule property
Starting point is 00:23:23 Solve the soul that yeah. He's sold it. Yeah, it's gone. Including not a one and a half solar panels. Yes. It had to sell. It's some is the best time to sell because it's getting as much solar power as it can. Absolutely. Why can't we really tell that the electricity is sub-par.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Yeah, true. Long hours. Long daylight hours. And just to imagine, you know, could you you would you like to live this rural dream? Imagine you know living off the grid powering Intimidately a small transistor radio Could be yours. Okay, well that's but that is we'll congrats good sail jack sounds like you've all lost the new owner
Starting point is 00:24:01 We're all of our new Compact could we send 45 people up to your place or so But they'd want to have a TV and they wouldn't they because and then even for the two or three minutes that it could be powered by the solar panels That want to have a TV for this particular special skill. Yes Shamus reached out Thank him. We appreciate him. Of course. Oh, how do you, Shamest? How are you going? Yeah, good. Good to hear.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Shamest, you wrote, I can tell you the year of any AFL match since 1993, from just seeing five seconds to 10 seconds of footage. Yeah. Which is just incredible. It's sparked a lot of debate in here, Shamest, about how you're doing it. Is that something you would reveal before displaying the skill?
Starting point is 00:24:48 Um, well, I mean, you just know, or like there was theories going on, like, you know, the type of sputus. Is he looking for graphics? You know, that, I know that player wore those boots that season. Are you a boot, a boot fanatic? No, it's more of the graphics. It's boots and graphics. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:06 All right, Shane. Multi-layered. We knew there might be a trick. OK, let's jump in and you'll have five pieces of footage that you'll see via Zoom with Radio Mic out there, podcast mic. Yep. Then you'll have to tell us, if you get what, four out of five ham? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:26 You got yourself a coin. Yeah. So I still think this is hard. Are you ready to jump into it, Chamus? Yeah, let's go. Let's go. We'll show him some footage and you'll pick the year from 93 till now. What? E-era!
Starting point is 00:25:52 E-era! Good one, Miranda. What? E-era! Nice. Bring it high, Tom. E-era! What?
Starting point is 00:26:00 A bowl of kiss. Thank you, Hay, my name is N-E-era. I'm going to have a lot of fun. We're gonna have a lot of fun. What ballers kiss? Thank you, hey man, I know that a little bit. All right, are you ready for the first one, Shamus? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Okay, far away, Jack. Kennedy over the top. They hold it in and hold it up. Great challenge. Five seconds, no, what is it seconds, no, not a lot is it? Five seconds, not a lot. It's... Well, it's Carlton versus Richmond. We can tell people that.
Starting point is 00:26:32 That's coming up next week. Obviously, the footies are starting soon in our village. That one will be 23. Yeah, the one that's... But which one was the one we just heard? At Shamusus what year? 2022 He's got it
Starting point is 00:26:50 Well done well done Now graphics boots hair styles yeah, what's your thoughts? What'd you go for? Well, no, I knew it was round one and because Richmond Carlton always plays a season opener and and because Richard and Carlton always plays the season opener and uh because Carlton won it last year and they lost it the year before so and now I'm fronting that game so I just guess it from that. Right, okay so it was actually, it was nothing to do with the graphics.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Okay, the next one please, Jaco from Boone. Smashed by a couple of the Maggies and the ball will be bounced 55 out from their punt road goal. It's a Collingwood acid and game. 2009, he's got it. How do you know? How do you know? Anzac Day 2009 with Thairaqus, I think the winner is like five seconds left. What a day.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Okay, okay. All right. Well, I couldn't help but notice it was the Nike Premiere boot. What a shame. Well, of course, came out. Yeah, it's for those boots. Me, 2008, there wasn't widely used to 2009. And, of course, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:27:59 We'll start with easy ones. Let's get him to third one, please, Jack. We're with one hand, second goes,, OK, goes to Graham Gasper. Paul gets a high one, gets a free kick. Blaze on. 2000. Oh, he's good. Well done. Well done.
Starting point is 00:28:19 He's in Melbourne 2000. So what gave that away? LeGraphic. Could barely see the boots, though, I was like, total 90 strike three, because that wasn't at 2010, that's what was showing me. The graphics are not that secret different, but okay, let's go number four.
Starting point is 00:28:35 10 points to the margin, best out of the center, good goal by Ingerson, Stonum, McDermott goes to ground, Stonum, A with a top. 1994, he's caught it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it.
Starting point is 00:28:47 I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it.
Starting point is 00:28:55 I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it.
Starting point is 00:29:03 I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I just like the fonts. Well, that's four from five. So he's got himself a coin. This is four from three. You're in coin territory. Sweet. If you end on so, it's, the user can actually buy you being so good. So effortless. That you just, we expect a cleanse sweep. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:15 So you can't lose your coin, but you're in a weird position where you expect you to get a clean sweep now. Yeah, and Chamois, this is number five. Back to Bell. Cloxon able to get his hands on it. Got to get between them here and rewalled, and he does. Carlton, Richmond, it is. 2014? Got it. Now, which boots were they? Carlton Richmond it is 2014 got it
Starting point is 00:29:52 Shamest incredible. Thank you so much. I think we're all bit dumb found in here because not people are not normally that good when they No, I'm gonna come and that calm under pressure Shamest you have goose of a coin and you also have access to the country mansion where the special school winners will go and live. Yeah. Um, do you have plans for the winter? Uh, just watch lots of footies. Right, well if we could organize a, uh, you know, obviously Fox tell up there or something,
Starting point is 00:30:21 could we... No, you can't actually watch it. Actually, you have to. Sorry, you don't have to suck a pal for the box and the VVX. So if we could organize a paper boy to come and give you the results and the newspaper within three days of each match,
Starting point is 00:30:38 would you live, would you spend the winter at Jackson's old property? I don't know about the whole winter. Maybe it's. Yeah, maybe a day. Classic Wolverine. He's opting out of the house. You got yourself a coin chamber smell. Thank you. Hey fellas, I know we're all Apple users, right? And I think Andy started this,
Starting point is 00:31:08 I noticed Andy started doing this probably the first out of all of us, but I think you'll do it. If your car connects to your phone and you get a message and Siri reads it to you, you can answer, she goes, do you want me to answer? And you can say the message back, or you can compose a new message or whatever,
Starting point is 00:31:24 or without touching the phone, like as you're driving along. When people might remember last year I bought it up with Andy where I was like, oh, I've noticed I was just stuck getting a lot of messages from Siri from Andy, not actually, his thumbs, yeah, losing his full attention. He was now just choosing the commute times to dictate messages to me. So do you have this on your phone, Jacko? Or does Siri read you messages? I've turned her off reading them to me,
Starting point is 00:31:51 but I do use her now to send messages. Yeah, because she comes into my car now. I've actually changed it. I've got an Irish one. Did you know you could do it? You put different accents on them? Yeah. Why'd you choose Irish? I was just fond to be pleasing. Well, it's funnier to say that.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Pleasing accent. Statistically, the most trusted accent in the world. Yeah, that's why they use them for insurance companies and phone providers and stuff. It's true. You find them a bit funny and a bit cheeky. And even if they are ripping you off, it's all a bit of fun.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Yeah. Little scandals. Yeah. You still have a laugh and a beer about it after you've got it. After you caught them. Here is the thing. Obviously, if you're doing the Siri voice,
Starting point is 00:32:33 like this is what I want to get down to. If you're the person recording all the words for the Siri voice, you, I assume, just have to sit in and both. And can you imagine, like it would be weeks of work, like all the permutations of words that you have to say. Yes. There is a certain way, there's a certain, okay.
Starting point is 00:32:51 So when they read the message and they go, do you want to reply and you say no, they have to say, okay. That okay, I reckon is the hardest one to get tonally correct. Yes. Yes. When you say no, which is a bit of a rough thing to say, especially in this scenario, okay, I'm going to give you both a test. Jack, I'm going to be your Siri Jack, I'm going to read you a message.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Right. You don't want to reply. Okay. And I have to try the, okay, we can switch roles if we want. Okay. Message from Mum. Hi, Jack, just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you. Okay. Message from Mum. Hi Jack, just wanted to let you know,
Starting point is 00:33:26 I'm thinking about you. I love you so much. You're my special guy. You'll always be the apple of my eye. I love you more than you could possibly imagine. Love Mum. Would you like to reply? No.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Okay. Yes, it's so, it's so heavily laid with intent. It's so heavily laid with intent. It's so heavily laid with intent. It's so heavily laid with intent. It's so heavily laid with intent. It's so heavily laid with intent. It's so heavily laid with intent. Talk to him on later. Like, like, triple A. And when I say, okay, I say no. The my series is like, hmm.
Starting point is 00:34:07 It's interesting. No worries, dear. Your series had a very hurt there. Jack was going for a Sprite Lee. I'm not a bad guy. I was going for it. I think it came across worse. Like, ah, no.
Starting point is 00:34:23 It's a Sprite Lee go for it. I actually was, I was picturing my mom listening to was just trying to go for it. I was actually, I was, I was picturing my mom listening to this and trying to give her the right note, which was like, ah, no. By the way, I'm sending the audio recording of your note to your mom. No, no.
Starting point is 00:34:37 I have actually, it's in my head so much now, I try to conversationally say it, like rather than no, just start doing it. I go, no, I'm not right now. Yeah. Oh, because I was scared of the same thing with my level here. They're gonna go at me because I was adding fangs to the end.
Starting point is 00:34:56 I wish I'd appreciate it, and I think. I know fangs and it looks like you don't have to tell the robot fangs. Yeah, you do. I think you do, and I'm with you. Because as we've seen with chat GPT, the robots are coming for us, right? They will notice who was nice when they were,
Starting point is 00:35:11 they'll be like, back when we were just completely subservient, these are the people that were nice to us. They will notice. And as if the break wasn't upsetting enough for you with the government blockading our efforts to get back on air soon. Just got over it. Unfortunately, we continue to upset you. Oh.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Everything is neat and practical, because that's the way it likes it. But what if it wasn't? Upset Andy. And it's so many came in over the break. Because that's the way he likes it, but what if it wasn't? Upset Andy! And so many came in over the break. I feel sorry for the roach, for the back. For all my side of the fence, because obviously the emails get split 50-50. Yeah. Hood over the head, taken out the back, buried.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Which gives me an idea of how many are coming through. I'm sure they are, very neatly, and mopped up after it. There you go. Go back to the draw where you have your, you know, assassination gun, take it apart and clean it neatly, put it back together and sit down and watch some French crime dramas. Sipigapino. I'm sure they could take care of it. Big does give you an idea of how many are coming in because I'm only saying half and there is more than enough to go from here. Lee, Ahoy, do you have something to upset Andy? Good day guys. I've got something that upsets me absolutely terribly that my wife does. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:35 I very rarely get to go shopping with her, but when I do, I absolutely hate it because the first thing she does when she walks into all this alcohol is go straight to the freezer aisle and always the first thing that goes in the shopping trolley is the ice cream. And then from there she goes and leisurely strolls around all rest of the shop every aisle, up and down, round and round. No, no, no. Sometimes you just cut your pattern and don't. You maybe you just get your pattern and you do it the way you like to do it. Tickly in summer, doing it last, maximise the fact.
Starting point is 00:37:06 It'll rephrase. But then you get the kind of, you know, the weird, the melty, melty kind of rephrasey bit on top. That's the bit you eat while you're serving it up. That's the chef's treat. It's a bit icy, yeah. No, that has upset me, Lee. And I don't think it's grounds for divorce,
Starting point is 00:37:22 but tell us you got to stir more. Yeah, yeah. Thank you, Lee. Appreciate that. I'll tell you, but tell us you've got to stern one. Thank you Lee, appreciate that. Tegan, ohoy, you got something to upset Andy. Ohoy boy, so welcome back from the government mandated break. Great to be here, huge for life. This one's particularly heinous. My husband, he just got a new phone over the break and when he was setting it up,
Starting point is 00:37:40 he lost his original photo of his screensaver, which is a picture of our daughter. So instead of looking back for it or asking me for a copy or something, he took a screenshot of his lock screen on his old phone and sent it to his new one and said that. So now it's just, it's the same picture, but it's got the wrong time and date with the correct time and date hovering. Just the butterfly. I hate his head's pop-up. Oh, that's bad.
Starting point is 00:38:10 God. Tell you how much I hate. What's the big time that it says? It's like 10, 36pm, wasn't it? Yeah. But then the correct time's always floating over it in a better resolution. Apparently, but I can't deal with that. I think you go, yeah, that's very, very hot that one.
Starting point is 00:38:28 I don't like that. But Andy, your eyes are seeing the correct time. They'll be more drawn to the newer time. Yeah. Over time, that 1036 would fade into obscurity. And it gives you the excitement of each day at 1036 of going on. What about doubles?
Starting point is 00:38:42 You're wiggitts with your calendars as well and that kind of stuff there. That's that's never set up. Never set them up. Okay. Locky, have you got something to say to Andy? Oh, he fell as well. So my upset Andy is I moved here. This is maybe like two years ago and instead of going through the laborious time consuming task of having to change my Google Maps location to home. I kept the old one and because I was still working at the same place, I knew my way home from work. So I just go to work whenever I was lost and then drive home from there. Well, I haven't had any of these good views.
Starting point is 00:39:20 So it sounds good to me. So you haven't updated where your home is, but you'd know the address. Yeah, correct, but I'm not going to type it in. I'm not going to type it in. It's got time for that Andy. So when you're lost on the other side of town, what do you put into Google? Home? Work.
Starting point is 00:39:38 And then once I'm like, usually a bit half way there, I know where I am. Okay, so you just use it to like point you, juiced or whatever. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You basically know where your new home is within relation to your work. Yeah, correct. And actually since submitting that, I've changed job and home. Mm hmm. I know that though. Kick a post doesn't know that.
Starting point is 00:40:07 You're right man. You were so much more fun. I find it annoying to go in and out of those things too. So much more time. Takes ages. No, but it takes ages to kind of work out where you are and that you could have had a far more direct route. It's a smart problem. You're moving.
Starting point is 00:40:23 You're moving. Yeah, I do. I do. I do. I do. I do. Just go the right direction. We'll deal with this.
Starting point is 00:40:31 We'll deal with this in the review. Thank you, Locky. Absolutely. I hate that. Chris. Chris, we got Chris. What have we got? A hoi to you, mate.
Starting point is 00:40:39 Hoi, how do you have to be a sandy? No need. My wife does this and it really kills me because I think I'm generally the fast and loose one and she's generally neat and tidy. But when she feels the ice tray because the outside sort of either low or full blast, she goes full blast, puts it under her, shakes it back and forth and puts it back in the freezer. So it's either half empty or full. I hate half empty.
Starting point is 00:41:03 So it's not completely full. Yes, that's it. Yeah. Okay, so each cube isn't completely filled up. It's a bit of a lucky debt. Yep, that's it. Hey, this will infuriate Andy. Yeah, I've seen him fill up the ice tray at his house. He tries to get the bulge of the water over the top of the meniscus. Like, I've seen him wait to add drips. And then the frustration, if you fail by your own standards on the walk to the freezer, I've seen him turn around. It's a little bit like for more. It's my little leg and spoon race on the way back.
Starting point is 00:41:38 It'd be very, very cautious getting it back to the fridge. Yeah. I mean, I understand fast and loose. I'm a bit of a fan of this swing it back and forth, but I do, I do for someone that is as time poorer as me. I do like to spend the extra second or two. To pass in the roof, to let, let enough water be in the ice tray. So yeah, I can, I can say that with an upset any one last one.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Um, fatier. Are you there? Oh, hi, gentlemen. Oh, hi. So look Oh, I'm a gentleman. Oh, hoi. So look, what I've found is that keeping up with the recommended daily water intake is actually quite a quite a time intensive operation. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:14 So I mean, you've got to walk over to the cupboard, you've got to get a cup, you walk to the sink, you turn around, you went for it to fill up, you turn the tap off, and only then you quench your thirst. So we're up for all those steps. You're right. You're right. You're right. It's an easy steps, haven't you? It's unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Now, what I like to do instead is whenever I've done the dishes and I've got a whole bunch of fresh, clean cups, I just pre-filled them. I mean, I'm going to drink them. I'm going to drink them anyway. So that way you just walk over to the cupboard. You get yourself a nice fresh, cool glass of water and drink it. We're just eliminated all the hassle. A nice, crisp, glass waiting for you, like it's the
Starting point is 00:42:50 Kwanis Club, also. I feel like a Roman Emperor. I feel like a Roman Emperor. I feel like a Roman Emperor. I feel like a Roman Emperor. I feel like a Roman Emperor. I feel like a Roman Emperor. I feel like a Roman Emperor. I don't know if they've reached those heights. But it takes just as long.
Starting point is 00:43:06 No, but I think because I'm packing the dishwasher you're there anyway, or you're getting this cup set of the dish rack, like you're right there. And you know, you invest that time, and look at all the time you save down the track. Yeah, the marginal time it takes to fill all them at one is a lot quicker. Right, but then you're this daily kind of dusty ward.
Starting point is 00:43:25 Not really. When you think about a well, that's just out in the open all day or night. You're very happy to drink out of those for thousands of years. Not for small, like an internal well protected well. Many wells, covered full of 20 wells. Thanks for that. Really smart part here, really smart. We're going to start doing it.

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