Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2023 Ep 204

Episode Date: March 22, 2023

1. Negative headlines 2. Flake Luxury backflip 3. Chit Chat Champions 4. Hamish’s face blindness 5. Lucia and James special skills vetting ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A least-knife production. Activate your internet. Cause the Hamish and the Podcast starts in three, two. Sorry, still buffering. One. A hoi to mi handler, Hamish. Yes, I will handle you fairly, Hammy. But if it's time for attack, and I say the word, you go.
Starting point is 00:00:32 A hoi to me, Cutter. I will cut you fairly. Thank you. You won't get a single cut, you don't deserve. I'm the dump. Yes, dumps its pronounce. No. We are. We are a man of a circle.
Starting point is 00:00:47 There are three other positions in this team. The swing, the popper and the cup. What team are we making up? Sporting team. Okay, this is a good one. I know it's not exciting. La Croix on casting the here. I was going to say it's not quidditch, is it Jack?
Starting point is 00:01:04 Just a little bit about that. I think it's worse than like, sorry, worse done for here. I think it's more niche. More niche than Quidditch. Yes. Handlers, cutters, poppers, grinders, the dump. And they actually need to put a light.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Is it magician up there? No, it's a sport. No, is that sorry, magic the gathering? Is it like a live action, rob playing? No, it's a sport. No, is that sorry, magic the gathering. Is it like a live action, or a playing? No, not laughing, but it's, they need to put a superlative at the front of it to make it sound exciting.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Ultimate Frisbee. He's got it. I don't know, I, I got some respect for Ultimate Frisbee. Oh my God, the Frisbee, the Frisbee can look cool going up and down the floor. Yeah. Because the Ultimate Frisbee's the one
Starting point is 00:01:44 on the gridiron field, isn't it? I don't. Like some of the throws and catch up. Maybe it's because they're bad or heavy Frisk be summer. Frisk be quite a lot over summer. And so I came out of summer with a bit of a newfound respect. Not interest, I don't think I'm going to play the sport. But certainly respect for some of those huge, you know, huge struts.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Frisk be golf still sits at the bottom of the pile of sports, but ultimate Frisbee's, I think you actually enjoyed Frisbee if we went out and played some ultimate. I think he would too. I think it's an ultimate. It is an ultimate. Ultimate Frisbee.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Well, it's the most ultimate version I've found of the sport. Yeah, but I'll say if you go to the safe, you go to the ultimate fighting like UFC, you'll. Wow. If you, it just means it's the pin you'll... Yeah. Whoa. If you... It just means it's the pinnacle of its genre. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:02:28 There is no better frisbee. It doesn't mean you have to punch someone in it. I mean, no one's getting choked out in ultimate frisbee. No, that shouldn't be happening. I am cutting. Yes, you are cutting. But I think you would have... That would be the type of throws.
Starting point is 00:02:41 I don't know why I'm the dump, whether that's where you... I think, don't you know, it's ultimate fr frisbee you have to put it in like a bin at the far end like that's a big off that's pretty golf right I was a frisbee basically American football yeah with a frisbee you would like it you would let's be really here frisbee golf and ultimate frisbee very different there okay good can't say I didn't enjoy frisbee golf when I play because it's really a walk through a park. Chuck and Frisbee. It is nice.
Starting point is 00:03:08 I would probably enjoy that. I would help you. I mean, we had a backpack of beers and you just throw a Frisbee and try and get it, you know, through a park in the least amount of pros, essentially. Yeah. Yeah. Not doing it every week.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Yeah. Yeah. The only thing you really have to worry about is, yeah, like it's a long walk and then the dump would be a difference in our area there, as long as there's facilities in the park. If you throw one more hand up for Frisbee, love throwing the Frisbee with the dog as well. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:37 So, if you're listening to us for the first time, this is probably the most pro-frresely podcast you've never heard. Yeah. A hoiler sort of Kiranham in England who used the EZT system hamishnelly.com to upload some audio on what he's up to. Hi Hamish and number six this is Kiran Connond from Wigan in England. Just dropped my daughter off at Athletics and thought, I'd gone get myself a coffee from a local costa,
Starting point is 00:04:06 you know, as a reward for being a parent and all that. Watching and I usually get my hazelnut latte medium was spotted that they were selling a tohoblerone infused hot chocolate after all the talk of the first past few podcasts about tohoblerones I thought, let's get stuck into this. Number six, this is a
Starting point is 00:04:25 revelation for your pal. Absolutely no jagged edges in this one. No damage to the gums. A health and safety dream. Get yourself on board one number six if they do them over in Australia. Peace out boys, speak soon. That would be right up my alley. A lot of hot chocolate. What a legend. And Jack, that does solve the sharp total of any shiit for you. It's been smelted down. Like, I will say my favorite type of total of it, and I've had so far is the cocktail we had
Starting point is 00:04:52 at the pancake color, which is named after the total of it, because no sharp edges. No, but it contains no total right. Exactly, he gave me. He was just like T.M. Maria. It's like a random look he was. He got his mouth on the straw, but that was a different issue altogether. I'm a handle a little heavy.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Small fun game we play on this pod is these days online, all news has to be negative and salacious. Has to be clickbait, that is the news, that the rules of new media. So what we thought, I mean, obviously, we're new to the pod for this year, and we haven't really shared so many news between the previous.
Starting point is 00:05:29 We haven't, and in this game though, we'd like to turn news, evil news. But I just like to say, it was just pleasant news. But it's not like to say as a, to highlight that this isn't who we are. Mayor reference, a recent incident on the Hamishani podcast, where we were talking about Frisbee's now initially That was designed to perhaps to put the Frisbee, but I several members of the team found some positives in
Starting point is 00:05:52 Frisbee, I say in fact, and the most reluctant member of the team in the original end was coming around Exactly. So we do possess within us the ability to be positive Mm-hmm. That is not what we're exercising in this game. No, each of us have to have a little bit of positive news. We've had over the break, but it's our job for the others to create a salacious headline in a negative manner.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Let's jump into it. Oh, that's lovely. Nothing wrong with that. That's perfect. No, it's not. Wait a second, there is something wrong with that. Salacious headline. Do you want me to start, guys?
Starting point is 00:06:27 Yeah, what's happening in your life? My big fun news for the family is my brother Kim, and he's partner Bianca, had a baby boy. Thank you, congratulations. Congratulations, you. So that's the news. That's fun. It should be fun.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Let's see if either of you can turn that into a headline. So Lace's headline in three, two, one. I would go for Andy Lee, a proofs of new child under controversial no girls allowed rules to babies in the leaf family. LAUGHTER Because it is too much of a boy. It is a lot of boys, isn't it? Only boys in the late family.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Only boys to have a girl again. And Andy supports it. Let it in. Let it in to the gang. That's very good. All right, I'll go. I'll go. The 100 stars brother puts extra strain on already clogged hospital system.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Good. Good. Very good. Channel 9 good. Both of them would be very good. Australian on already clogged hospital system. Good. Very good. Very good. Channel nine. Both of them would be A plus. If I was the editor, I'd go, thank you both.
Starting point is 00:07:33 That's great. Back to what we need. That is what we need here. Hey, Mjornis. Okay. What have I got? Okay, here's something. Here's something I think is just this can't affect the world in a bad way.
Starting point is 00:07:45 I have been having golf lessons over summer as I promised you I would Andy, been having golf lessons over summer and I am pleased with the progress. Okay. So Lace's headline in three, two, one. Could I ask a quick question? Have you had a game of golf while having a beer? I've had a minute played then I had a beer. My head was... Sorry I'd take it back and I'm a par three yet. Walk around a few times.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Hamish pleased with his own drink driving. Oh clever! That's a huge... That one gets and clicks. That's very clickable. I went for simply Hamish Blake pleases himself on public golf course. Oh. Oh. Oh. Do you drunk?
Starting point is 00:08:35 Drunkenly pleases himself. Oh. Oh. Oh. Very good. Jack, you would definitely win when that one, the editor would go, yes, that's what we want.
Starting point is 00:08:45 And I guess I am out there, please. I place myself on the goal for every single weekend. And it's a two-and-a-week. Is it too much to say you're even pleasureing yourself? Because it is a pleasure. What is pleasure? You're bringing a pleased feeling to yourself. That is it. If you make that drive and make the sound that you've been trying to make it make for weeks, that's an absolute pleasure. And who provided that pleasure? Yes, self. Good game of golf. All right. Very good, Jack. What's your bit of positive news? Over summer, well, my mom actually retired at the end of 2022, which means conveniently for us she is available now to babysit gaudy moron a love it how he's good news for jacked for me
Starting point is 00:09:32 i'm very good for like okay here we go so lacia's headline in three two one gauden's demands force Jill out of a job for her that's good um force Jill out of a job. That's good. Gold FM breakfast Jack post leaves baby with unemployed old woman to continue to feed chess habit. I don't know mum is a big fan of the podcast. I don't know if she's my unemployed old woman, and she just scripted her. You wait long, you wait long, you wait long. Soon as you had that baby, she was a grandma, so that's,
Starting point is 00:10:10 she knows what happened. LAUGHTER MUSIC Hey, the controversy has come across my desk. Huh? And it involves you. And... Innocent. I was trying to sweep it under the carpet. You know, you and I always help each other out. We do have a sweep first
Starting point is 00:10:31 policy. But then, then if people do begin noticing a lumpy carpet, sweep first, deny the lumps. But if people start lifting up the carpet and having a look under there, then we can talk about them, then confusion is the best tactic. Yes. You never noticed those before. At the moment, I mean, I'm in the confusion stage,
Starting point is 00:10:51 but I can only hold out so long. So I thought, let's try and get ahead of it. I'll bring it up with you now and see if we can get your stance on it straight away. Look, before I even hear it, can I just say, it's been taken over context and it's actually not that big a deal. hear it, can I just say it's been taken over context and it's actually not that big a deal. Well, if I could just just get that on the records straight up. Just recently, second half of last year on the pod, this came up and this is what was said Hamish you were talking about, a certain chocolate bar.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Twelve is the flag with the wrapping. Yes, right? So they obviously make the flag first, send it over to the 12 station. They case it. There was a new variant of the flag out. It's the flag luxury. And it is flag cased in chocolate, which is 12. What they've done is they've wrapped it in chocolate
Starting point is 00:11:45 and pretending it's a new bar. The fingerprint of the chocolate on the inside is exactly the same pattern. Flake luxury is a twirl. Twirl is a flake luxury. They're the same thing. The finger was on on. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:11:59 And we all agreed and we thought we'd taken them down. We even had both the wrappers in here. What I didn't maybe even explain that well, I remember the day, was the graphic they've used on the front. You did, you could find it. The planet is literally the same photo. Okay, thank you.
Starting point is 00:12:15 So they know it. That, I went home and slept well because I thought that we've put that to bed. But then an alert listener has said to us, have a quick listen back to 2013 where a similar topic came up. This is us going at it almost 10 years ago. I got texted a picture of a the new flake chocolate bar. So you know a flake. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it's called a flake luxury. And it is your regular flake, but then it's got a layer of covering chocolate.
Starting point is 00:12:47 That's a 12. That's a 12. I mean, you look at the cross section, it's a 12. I don't, I mean, that was Jack's accusation, but I don't know if that's a 12, because a 12. I know a 12, 12's was laid on the top. And flake is bark. I get that hand, but it's too close.
Starting point is 00:13:01 The old thing about a flake. When you're in the chocolate bar game, that's all you've got. Okay, you can't just go wall and arrow bars a solid block because apart from some bubbles, it's the same thing. No, it's a completely different thing. So you think the chocolate is important. I don't think a flight covered in chocolate is a twirl and I'll say that I'll stand by that statement, how am I going to be caught? I can't hear this. I'm going to need to saying a few things here.
Starting point is 00:13:26 First of all, as I suspected, it's not a big deal. As I did suspect, it has been taken out of context and it's not a big deal. So that's great to know. First of all, that's a relief, that a bit. Isn't it interesting that you listen to that, that me old me and that. That's really people are entitled to change.
Starting point is 00:13:43 People can change. And I go, what a foolish young man. I hear it, and old me, you know, it was probably back in radio days. And it's late in the day, and you're just looking to get home. And it's been, it's been sprung on you. And that foolish young man started talking about things
Starting point is 00:13:58 he didn't understand. Well, that's what I wanted to say. Don't cancel. Don't cancel Hamish because he's changed his opinion. Back when we can't change, if we can't change, what's the point of cancel culture? So I can't go, I changed my mind, I was educated properly.
Starting point is 00:14:12 And I was, if I remember last year when we were doing the flake luxury, that came in from some of the word in a survey. Now, I've never seen a flake luxury before. I'm obviously, we've obviously talked about the big red thing. I mean, I had the photo often, I thought I'd never heard a flight luxury before. I love to see. We've obviously talked about the big red scene. I mean, I had the photo often. I thought I'd never heard of it before. We never ever remember talking about this,
Starting point is 00:14:30 which I love because people don't understand that when we say this like on radio, you can't remember what you've seen. No, I can't. There are people that we've had on and I never remember talking to and you know, that's just the way of the game. So, I look back at you.
Starting point is 00:14:44 So this is one quick listen to the two, the two point in bits. This is last, this is last year. Oh, we know I've changed. Flake luxury is a twirl. Twirl is a flake luxury. They're the same thing. And this is my, by the way, this is me, Hamish live in 2023. That is my current stance. I've evolved, I've learnt, I've been educated, I did a chocolate acceptance course. Okay, and then this is here, 2013.
Starting point is 00:15:09 I don't think a flight covered in chocolate is a 12 and I'll say that I'll stand by that statement how it makes big calls silly. Big call. And a big call and sometimes big calls and we don't. No risk, no reward. Huge risk making that call, huge punishment by getting it wrong. That's what makes me an exciting broadcaster. I will make big goals. I will get them wrong. I'll be front up when I've done so.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Yeah, Dan. You'll admit. Ten years on, you go, that's a really uneducated kid. Just trying to impress his mates. Yeah. And that's a dumb thing to do. I should have sat down and said, I won't speak any further on the topic. Yeah, I'd like to see both bars please. I think if I'd seen both bars, it would have been out of it. It would have been out of it because in my mind, I was thinking of a flaky flake,
Starting point is 00:15:56 but you forget that it's not that's not that's not how it works. Well, no, I'm very proud for you. Extremely brave. You may be how it works. Well done. I'm very proud for your extremely brave you made me think you're exciting big. Yeah, thank you. Thank you. A fair trial. Pain for the first time this year, a lot of people at Hamishini.com ask whether they can participate in this game. It's basically designed to decide whether you're good at small talk, whether at the party are you the perfect plus one
Starting point is 00:16:28 because you can come into a room and you can chat with anyone, keep the ball in the air and conversation. This is by far our most requested participation. I think it's because people hear it and then they go, you know, it's been years now. No one's stood up as a champion, yeah, true champion, everyone's like, get me in there. We might have to have like a World Cup at some stage of champion, which I guess
Starting point is 00:16:51 would be, I mean, you could just do it as a cocktail party. Couldn't you just have everyone like, well, no, because I think that's too relaxing. I think with everyone's, but he's, sorry, he's, he's the element I was going to, he's the element I was going to add. You do it as a cocktail party, right? Everyone's chatting and you instead of having a drink, you have a red flag and a grain flag. If you're talking to someone and it's self-nominated, so if you think they're stumbling or they're not very good, you hold up the red flag and the red flag comes and gets them.
Starting point is 00:17:22 So it's been harsh. But then you're just circulating through the party. Okay. So RIF circulates through the party and just... And then you move on to the next person. If you're reading green flags and then if you start talking to someone and during the conversation, if they think you're struggling, they reflect you. Another suggestion. Yeah. Party going on. At a singular moment
Starting point is 00:17:52 Spotlight just comes on to people talking and the rest is dark and then everyone else has to stop but their mics come live to the room So suddenly you hear two people having to chat and that's what they know they're on You haven't they've got to continue their conversation then there this is great that happens that that spotlight moment happens for 30 seconds then There's a pause. Yeah, and we'd find that we know their name. Okay. That was Karen and Jim. Yeah, the room then votes The room votes. Who did they like? Carried or Jim or the loser of the loser of that conversation must leave the room Then it's a competition with the person you're having a conversation with, which is meant to be friendly. I like the way you, just to refine it one more, I think a ref then walks through and just
Starting point is 00:18:30 taps one person on the shoulder, which means we say a conversation before you started on the fact about Africa. You have to leave. And then, and I just got it, I just got to break out and start unlike survivor. You don't get your 10 seconds to say goodbye You just have to leave straightaway quietly. You don't always get that in survivor I mean you walk out, but um sometimes it's good like everyone I've had the best time. Yeah other times I was you know watch can he's a dog
Starting point is 00:18:58 Which different people do take it in different ways And I actually think we leave that open because it would provide good chat for the rest of the party. Like, gee, how was it when Jim left? He wasn't happy. Well, watch Kenny's a dog. All right, let's play. Chitney with your best chat. Not a rowage.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Chit chat champion. Brent joins us, oh, he had a Brent. Oh, he was. Would you participate in World Cup style game where everybody's there and there's a spotlight and a ref tattoo on the show? Well actually you've got me nervous now I thought I could but now I'm thinking I might get all tongue-tied with the pressure. Yeah it's a pretty intense cocktail party. That's too many cocktail parties. Do you rock up and they go just a word of
Starting point is 00:19:46 warning? There's a conversational referee rolling around. That's true. Brent, you were unknowingly nominated by your son Ethan, your witness to the podcast, but thank you very much for stepping up and not probably knowing much about this. What's business. Whatever. Brent, are you going to be against Ashley today? Ashley, or who are you? Oh, who are you? Ashley, Ashley, are you, which is your veteran listener of Chit Chat Champion? I say so, yes. Okay, and what are you great at?
Starting point is 00:20:17 A great chit chatter. I worked as a brist of four years, and now I'm working as a counselor at Kids Help Line. Oh my God. I'm a co-founder. Good on you for the work that you do. Both in coffee, but probably more importantly, kids help one two. Okay, so you know that pauses, you know, into leave and when to fill them. That really is the game here of Chichachampin. We should run it through for you, Brad, if you haven't earned any, we'll...
Starting point is 00:20:40 Right, sorry. Sorry, Brent, we'll put Ash on on hold and then I will start a conversation and he will say something. You don't get any cues about when you should start. That's half the game is being able to sense the moment when you then come in with your part of the conversation. You cannot ask a question. Yes, questions are stalling. Your job is to move the conversation along in a natural manner, hopefully, elevating it and making all-present, interested and happy. Not awkward, not awkward, and wondering what you're doing at the party, keeping that ref off your back. I'm ready to keep walking, baby.. Alright, Brent, are you ready?
Starting point is 00:21:26 I'm ready. Alright, good luck. Oh, hey, and a... Hey, question. Have you ever got it a fish? And was it hard? Uh, yeah, I have, and it depends on the fish. Well, I've got an interesting story about getting a fish. I've never actually done it.
Starting point is 00:21:51 I'm not gonna be here. I'm not gonna be here. That over to my wife. Look now. There is a referee race taking his wife's movement. I've got so much more to talk about. I know, but it's about that entrance. It's about the dive. And a dive lad makes a huge splash. He's not letting get out of the pool. And the judges don't care about you. Doing synchronized swimming once you're in the water at the bottom of the tent meet a platform. It really is about the doctor
Starting point is 00:22:30 You can do it any handstands. He wants to win the pool, but I won't go on the school I thought for a second when you said I've got an interesting story about a fish. I'm like, oh here we go I've never done it Definitely wouldn't qualify as interesting But when that's one of the game you may still win. There's always a chance I've never done it. Definitely wouldn't qualify. Interesting. But, but that's still a win. You may still win. There's always a chance of it.
Starting point is 00:22:48 It is like penalty kicks. It's not like penalty kicks, because you did kick it over the post. But if someone comes along and trips after the ball and eats it, then I guess the one that goes over the post is the less embarrassing. No, okay.
Starting point is 00:23:00 The fighter's going to have to go pretty bad. Yes. No, you never know. You never know. We put the gusto. we did like the gusto. We'll put you on hold. Ashley, you there, Ashley. Brentland pretty well, so are you ready?
Starting point is 00:23:13 Okay, yeah. All right. Good luck. Hey, Andy. Hi. Hey, have you ever got it a fish? And if so, was it tricky? I have, but it depends on the fish.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Ah, really? I've never got a fish, but I wondered what that would be like. Yeah! How do you, actually? How do you think, how do you think it went? Um, I don't know. All right. Yeah, solid. I think solid.
Starting point is 00:23:49 I always get a good laugh out of when the really doesn't match the contents of what comes next. Really? I haven't. Actually, I don't think I'd walk away and go, hey hey Jack, you've got to go and catch it with Ashley. I don't know if she'd walk away and go, you've got to catch it with these guys. I wouldn't walk up to Jack and go, avoid Ashley. So, I think you're blind.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Do you think that could be the cause of the friend? Well, I think we have to give it to Ashley. I think we do. Ashley is the winner today. Thank you very much. Not for a while. No, you just, I mean, it could have gone either way there for a moment, outstanding work from both of you.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Yes. We'll say the token of no value to both of you. Brent, we're going to send you a token, but we attribute no value to it. Yeah, it's going to come. Roy to value, but you're absolutely allowed to attach your own in your own time. Oh, very good.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Thank you guys. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. mentioned that they're, you know, they're in sort of a new school year. This year for both my kids, both standing at the same school. So brand new school for everyone. The kids, mom and dad. Brand new car button for you. And dad, they're all new car button for me. Operation Mayfair is still in operation. It's a lot of pressure like, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:15 it's big things for the kids that are doing great for a part of them. Big for dad, because as you know, I suffer from face blindness. Yes. And names and face issues. You remember everyone's face, you just don't remember the accompanying name. Love to put a name to it.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Love to remember it. Although even with the faces sometimes, I do struggle to put it together. There's, I mean, and it is, I don't know what's going on in my brain. We've talked about many times before on the show. Famously, you show, you want to put my brother who's bald. You showed me a picture of him with red hair to see if I recognize that person. I did not. You did not. Because I was just seeing the red hair going, no, no, I'd remember someone with that. I was like, really, outrageous, bright red hair. And then you're like, it's your brother.
Starting point is 00:26:06 I mean, okay, well, it was a good distraction with the hair, but I did not recognize the face. Now I see it, now I realize it was him. That's what I'm dealing with all the time. So imagine walking into it, so you walk into a brand new school, two-year levels of faces that I now have to remember. The parents, your log.
Starting point is 00:26:25 The parents, yeah, yeah. I mean, the parents is tough. And unfortunately, they start the school year, you often go and have like a barbecue and everyone wears a name tag. And I got into this crazy full sense of security because you're in a function. You're in a function with name tags.
Starting point is 00:26:40 So my brain is going, oh, you're reading the order if you're not remembering the lines. 100%. Like I've done Shakespeare. You did it with an auto cue. I think it was my heart. I think I remember the whole point. So I, because going into this year, I was like, right, packed. I'm going to get better at names. I'm going to remember Pills Amps. I'm going to be known as the guy that would drop off and pick up that can because I failed last year I got like four down and they were your buddies and I just Flamed out with everyone else. I also feel sorry sorry to jump in here, but I also feel sorry For the person that you actually want to be friends with but you don't know their name. I heard this before
Starting point is 00:27:19 Where I'm a friend could go friend friend. I'll go soon Get rid of the friend like we'll give up the opportunity for new friendships. Just to afford conversation. Yeah. So now, this time of the year, we're entering to a really interesting stage. The first few weeks, it's fine to be like, oh, sorry. I know we saw you last year at orientation.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Sorry. We're now deep enough into the year where the phrase, sorry, what was your name again? He's off the table So now I'm now I'm in I'm left with my skills alone my survival skills alone One of which is a trick I use I open up a note section in my phone and I write down a physical description Of the person even if my brain's going you'll remember them you'll remember them I write down who they are who their their partner is, who their kid is. So before I do pick up, I can just do a quick refresher.
Starting point is 00:28:09 This thing is like admin. And this is how this is how this is how this is how this is how, honestly, I would like to remember names, right? You must feel this all the time when you walk up to someone and you say, hi, and you say their name. Yeah. What does that feel like? It's great.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Because outside of you guys, you guys, a few people out on the other side of the glass and the people I live with, not everyone. Very rarely. The people are immediately on the other side of the glass. Anyone in a room pass that. It's just back to pistol fingers and how are your champs. So I was like, I would love to have that feeling as I walked through the school grounds. So here's where I'm at. It's been going well. Okay, it's been going really well. And here's the best scenario.
Starting point is 00:28:56 This is where it was really paying off because I was like, okay, there's one day, like we sort of dropping off at about the same time, man's got Paul. And we're dropping off similar times the day. And I think we both have pretty loosey goosey jobs because he's also often in shorts and farms like I am. But he, maybe it's for driving or whatever, because sometimes he has glasses on and sometimes he doesn't.
Starting point is 00:29:21 And for me, that is a huge degree of difficulty. I mean, ideally I'd like everyone wearing name tags, but if you can't wear name tags, don't go changing one of the key features that I use. Thank you. Because in my last client was superman-fake. So I'm just trying to get them out. So in my list, if Paul's got glasses on,
Starting point is 00:29:42 mate, you're lucky that I noticed your prominent Adam's apple and like the, you know, the fact that you're in shorts and a T-shirt and you have a, and I know, like I noticed your hair cut, because glasses usually be enough to go off. So I've been really proud of myself that this system has worked
Starting point is 00:30:01 and it has enabled me to confidently even do something difficult like identify Paul, whether he's glasses, just use them for driving Paul, or maybe he's no glasses, because we've walked enough. You're improving without the system. You know, you're practicing it. You know, so one day it might not need the system. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:19 I would have stayed normally, yes, but no, because guess what I found out this week. It's two different guys. Both name Paul. Paul always has glasses. I don't know who the other guy is. I've been calling him Paul. I thought he was glassesless, Paul.
Starting point is 00:30:35 He looked a bit different with glasses off, but he looks different because he's not Paul. He's a different guy. It looks different because he's not Paul. He's a different guy. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, when there's a special skill that's come in at HamishNerry.com, and we appreciate all the correspondence, but there's, if there's one that requires for us to see it in person,
Starting point is 00:30:57 to be thrilled in person, to give it the go ahead, often we have to fly the mean on the cheapest available flight. No, I can't. Well, it comes out of our pocket, and it comes out of our pocket, and therefore, really, and may I just say, you know, reiterate this, really so we can have as many as we can. Yes. We must look to cut costs. It's not a personal thing. It's not me and Andy trying to go, good God, no.
Starting point is 00:31:22 No. It's really to, you know, the cheaper we, the cheaper the cost per flight gets, the more we can have. And that's a win for the listeners. So I think the listeners really support this cost cutting, absolute rock bottom, grind them down. Same day.
Starting point is 00:31:39 You up in a, pick you up in a rickshaw from the airport kind of situation because it flows into more content for the listeners and happier listeners. Hey, that's why rather than just bring them straight on the show, often we have people come up and say, it present their case for their special skill and the three of us decide whether we'll fly them
Starting point is 00:31:56 or not, two people came on my side of the fence of the emails because the emails get split 50-50 that I want to present today. Vowing for a ticket on Rex or I noticed Bonzeria line of Bonzer is the new low-cost carrier. I don't know if they're flying yet. They are flying, but I think they only fly regional. So instead of going to Tolmarine in Melbourne, they'll go to Avalon. So they can still get technically they can still get here if the Rikshaw can make you from July. So they can still get technically they can still get here if the Rickshaw can make you belong up to South moment.
Starting point is 00:32:27 I think what a wonderful how far is it walking up the John freeway there? That's about 60 cases here. You're a wonderful distance for charity. If you get on the first year first flight in the morning, you should be able to make it here or even what I'm saying is do the day before and say I'm walking 60k's for charity and make it a fun raise. You get something, charity gets a bit of something and we get some good we save on the cab. Yep, yep. All good for the questions. But I like it when this happens.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Lucia is nominated by her boyfriend Andrew and she joins us now. Oh, hi Lucia. Oh, hi. Lucia, first stop before you tell us the skill, would you be prepared to walk from Avalon to Melbourne here for this skill? Do I have to see it? I famously hate walking, so that's absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Famous in the corner of you. Of course. I watched your docko on not a single step. We're really half a docko. You're not famous, she hops everywhere. You won't happy about this. She hopped everywhere. You won't get really hated. That's fine. Yes, for charity, it's bad news for Amy's family.
Starting point is 00:33:31 But it would be great to fly you in, just might be a bit more of an ungodly hour than the original. Can you explain to everybody what you can do? Well, I'm a singing teacher. And often, like, I have to go over a certain section of a song and I found that I would scroll back like we looked for a particular particular part and I would scroll back and learn exactly that and just like blind scrolling and I thought it was a fluket first but it happens a lot so. How many songs? I mean I've been a teacher for like 60 years, so a lot of songs, but just anything I know really.
Starting point is 00:34:06 So we can... Alright, so if it's a song, you... So you do have to know the song to be able to go, okay, here's the last chorus and zip to it. I would say, yeah. Yes. Yeah, okay. And it writes here that you will land the scrolling little button to within plus or minus one bar of the song Max. He said one bar, okay, that's my boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Yeah, I can do one bar. Yep, that's your boyfriend talking you up. If it's a quick song, that's really half a second probably. So we said between two seconds, two, three seconds, is that fairer? Yeah, okay. What's an example of a song you love? Oh, natural woman, very frankly. It's a great song.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Oh, really? So if we say, does that have a bridge? Does every song have a bridge? What every song? Yeah, it does have a bridge. It does. Where would that be? At what time in the song with the bridge B?
Starting point is 00:35:02 Or do you have to see the bridge B? I feel like it's a visual thing. It's a visual thing. I don't have a time for the gut feeling yet. Okay. How many songs could we select from? Would you give us could we have a list of a hundred songs? Yeah Now we're talking wow Wow, and so we can randomly pick a song we can be like okay, we've got Talking about sex by salt and pepper here. Yeah Second be like, okay, we've got talking about sex by Salt and Pepper here. Yeah. Um, second verse. That's not the time for that. Let's talk about sex here.
Starting point is 00:35:29 We'll prove a current song. So see if you know it. Yeah. But we can go second verse and you could, you could hit it. Yeah. I would say so. At least he has stand by. We've got James also on the, it's pretty exciting.
Starting point is 00:35:42 He's no good. James also standing by here to tell us talk through his special skill. James, how do you? Oh, gentlemen, how do you about Andy? No need. James, tell us your special skill. Well, I'd say it's more of a gift that's been bestowed on me, but also I can taste any cordial, brand, no sugar, sugar. And yeah, I guess tell you the flavor the the brand and sugar index. Wow wow and that is a gift that you've been given there. Do you like the humility? Sometimes you know you don't pick the skill the skill picks you. So throw a few of the like let's say you know Coddies is obviously probably the king of the cordials Yeah, yeah, definitely. I haven't bought cordial for a while
Starting point is 00:36:28 I haven't given it too much attention to a lot of the Rangers come in at sugar and no sugar variant now Yeah, well, I was a bit of a chunky monkey back at school and I had smashed a bunch of cordial back in the day So there's also the sugar variance and then there's the diet rights and the the golden circles So yeah, I jumped all over the place really, but yeah. Do you remember what was like when you found out that you needed to mix it with water? And you went, oh my God. They're doing two liters of this a day.
Starting point is 00:36:53 This, I can't show it to you. That was so. Yeah. James, when you take the sip, are you taking it mixed with water? Is that what you can just detect? Or are you taking a straight one and you can know the brand of flavor?
Starting point is 00:37:08 Well, there's a few variables, but the volume of water does kind of come into it a little bit. But yeah, I'm able to do it with a good 25% or 75% for ratio of water to the cordial. So one part are a cordial, three parts of water, and then you'll be able to identify what flavor cordial, what brand of cordial and whether it's sugar free or not sugar. Yeah, that's the, that's the juice.
Starting point is 00:37:31 What's the most impressive one you've done in front of people and they've said, wow. Well, it was, it was big foods actually. I'd like to think a bit more in touch than to drink a lot of big foods, but I haven't drank a lot of it. Obviously in the big glass bottles, I don't usually get around to that much, but I did manage to, yeah, pick up on a big fizz lemon line as opposed to a standard lemon line from the Codys of Golden Circle variety. That's impressed me. We'll put them both on hold. I mean, I'll be shelling out for two flights. Jackie, so Bonza has started flying,
Starting point is 00:38:05 but they can't fly. It's time to Dullabarine. That's right. Could you get them on the same flight, then the same transfer from the airport saves you money? What about this? What state are we talking about? Where are they guys?
Starting point is 00:38:19 Sydney? And both in Sydney? I feel like we did do it. Yeah, it's hard to do. One is not better than the other. You're right. Let's just do it. Come on. Lucia, and James. Yes. We'd love you both to come to Melbourne. Oh, I'm ready.
Starting point is 00:38:34 And guess what? We aren't going to make either of you walk from the airport. It's going to be transfers included. But we'll be organizing a time that suits all of us, but we can't wait to see them the flesh We have here James you prefer to fly at 5 a.m. Is that correct? That's what we call in your form great. I don't mind the old foot falcons, but I'll have you So it could be something like that so we'll see what we can do to facilitate that request
Starting point is 00:39:01 So you guys do thanks guys good, see you guys soon. Thanks guys, good luck, see you soon. Thank you. See you soon, thanks guys. Thank you.

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