Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2023 Ep 205

Episode Date: March 29, 2023

1. Was the Fish Guy cheating? 2. Who did Andy see in L.A.? 3. Hamish has the golfing look 4. Can you answer three questions at the same time? 5. MalTESERS update ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A least-knife production. Activate your internet. Because the Hamish and the podcast starts in three, two. Sorry, still buffering. One. A hoi to me, Goshy, Hamish. Gosh, good golly, Gosh, I'll do you a good goshing this morning. A Hoi to me, Gokkonen.
Starting point is 00:00:32 I am not. I am not. What? A Gokkonen. Why not? Sounds bad. Well, I feel like, are we just making these up at this point? No.
Starting point is 00:00:43 I'm a Hattie Motto. I'm a Hattie Motto. You're a Hattie Motto. OK, feels Japanese? Yeah. Are we in the ballpark? Yeah. Are we types of samurai? We are.
Starting point is 00:00:52 We are all types of samurai today, him. And if I was to guess more, I'd just piece in this together, like a good pub trivia answer, what you just start wide and get specific, are you at the top of the hierarchy? Just turns out I am. am. That's a lot of you mean? I mean that's Wikipedia's font, not yours, Andrew. Yes, I'm the highest rank. You're actually more of a rustic warrior ham. She doesn't really answer the ranks, goes around, summarises where we're at. Oh that's very frowned upon in Japanese culture. No, not in samurai culture actually, Jack. Very respected.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Because we were outlaws, and especially the more rustic amongst us, we would just pick up any, pick up a broomstick, go use that as a sword, we wouldn't care. Jack, as it turns out, the lowest. Oh, Jack. What am I? Uh, basically it came down to...
Starting point is 00:01:40 Daddy. More of a sword, Daddy. LAUGHTER Oh, you're also to Tom. I think I'll take the samurai for this one. Excellent choice, sir. And you're often picked one of your most used swords. LAUGHTER
Starting point is 00:01:56 Oh, you're also to Tom, who use the very easy to use system. Hameeshore.com, this helps what he's up to. Hi, Hameeshore, Andy, and Giggling Bin. I hope your boys are doing well well and I love your radio show. And boys, if I could just have one wish, it's that we could actually hear more of Giggling Ben on the show. And tell you what, I'd be devastated if you ever got replaced by some two-bobb cackler. Anyway boys, love your work.
Starting point is 00:02:19 He's hoping this message doesn't take too long to upload. Well, I'm going to semi-ribe you, Tom, next time I see. Obviously. Teddy on Jack, we don't know if you have, if your rank had sword rise. You might have still been on training sticks. Tom, a hark back to our initial button pusher, a giggling bin, we got replaced by a cacling jack. Lawless button pusher.
Starting point is 00:02:42 I have to say, though, him, I do prefer Jack. I love Ben. Well of course we love Ben, but I mean, you know, Jack's got a family. Yeah. But it's okay, like any family. Ben didn't treat it as a hobby. He took it very seriously. It's okay, like any family to notice differences
Starting point is 00:02:57 amongst the children. And to go, you know, before we had you darling, we had a flawless job. Now we of course adore you and we're take a bullet for you. But yeah, we can't stress how era-free this previous job was. Anyway, trying to think about it, you found it the family. But Ben did teach me everything I know.
Starting point is 00:03:16 So, is it, if any of my errors don't they really fall on back on Ben as my teacher? Yeah. He's an English tea-night tea. The old, the old, hey, I didn't get a 61-80. My teachers did. That's, that's on Ben. Hey, you wanted to investigate something off the head today. Guys, early in the year to be doing this, but we may have, may have, because I know we're all in partial, but we may have our
Starting point is 00:03:48 first cheating scandal of the year. And it comes from the most unlikely of places. A couple of weeks ago. A special skill. Yeah. Now again, can't stress this enough. This is not the spirit of special skills, I know. The door seems to be open. And it is fun, of course, when you have a system for people to want to stress test it, get and see if they can beat the system. There's some suspicion that Joel, our fish gesser from a few weeks ago. So it's episode one.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Yeah, he may have, now none of us smelt rotting fish at the time. No. But he might have been using something called the fish identification app. This is an app which now that you think about it makes great sense. Yes. Of course it's the kind of thing that you'd have if you were a fisherman to put in the key
Starting point is 00:04:37 features of a fish and it can tell you what you've caught. Brendan was listening to this episode and he certainly thought there were some areas that might be giving away that this is exactly what Joel was doing because Brendan obviously being a fisherman probably uses this app. Okay. He was listening going, guys, you've just got a guy on that's using an app and you failed anyway. It's like if we'd never heard of Shazam, he's on the other of the phone going, hey guys, you're not going to believe this, that's, you know, that's, that's wake me up before we could go and you can buy it for 99 cents. Yeah, I mean, that was the old Shazam
Starting point is 00:05:13 when you used to buy songs. So let's start with getting Brent up. This is the man that's bringing the case against Joel. Brendan, oh, how do you? Oh, boy, here you go. Ah Ahoy, Brendan. So you suspect that was someone was trying to cheat in this special skill and we've stated very clearly that we don't want people or accept people cheating when it comes to even straws. I was going to say we'd prefer not to, but it's even stronger than that. It is very strong. We so, Brendan, firmly ask not to be cheated. Yeah. Brendan, talk us through what makes you think this? I just, I used to print up because, yeah, I am a fisherman and I used to spend hours reading fish identification books on the Lou, the four phones and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Wow. It would have been an exciting one. And then, yeah, it was a bit fishy at the start. I thought, hey, Mishmata, Smolta, right a bit there. When he asked him, what were you having a look at this morning? And then he said, I can grow the species or something like that. Well you actually you highlight that in your email Brendan and I've got that bit of audio from the episode and for everyone here. Now of course we don't want to poison the jury's mind since we're talking about it. So you know I want everyone
Starting point is 00:06:22 to have a listen to this thinking is this a man that has got an app? I've got it there. It's like poisoning, it's like poisoning. There's lots of fish, so I hope you haven't gone tube skewer. I mean, I think I had a look at it this morning, but I think there's like 160 grouper, which are like, they all look super similar. When you say you had a look at it this morning, what are we talking about there? The book of fish, the ocean?
Starting point is 00:06:47 What did you have a look at? Oh, I just searched up and had and grow the species that works. I knew that'd be a lot. Okay. Mm. Ooh, did he let it slip there when he said, I had a look at it.
Starting point is 00:06:58 It's a thing that I'm gonna cheat off. For getting that we weren't all mates who had agreed to use the app. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So what's the next part that you think that might give it away that Joel was using an app? I think when he was trying to get you guys to describe the defining features, and that's
Starting point is 00:07:18 how the app works. You've got to make a book, tail, and very specific things. Yep. And so he was really hoping that we would use the exact linger. Yeah, that's true, actually. I know that it you mean. I've got the audio here and again, no poisoning the jury, but what's this?
Starting point is 00:07:33 I will say this, it's please appendant on your descriptions. So, hey, yeah, I think I've got some descriptions that will help you. This is for all. Try and do the most defining featuresining features, not this slide. Don't worry. Yeah, don't worry.
Starting point is 00:07:48 I'm just smiling. I'm happy. Not that it's smiling. So that really sounds like a man that's pleading for you to give him what he needs for the app, doesn't it? To put him in an app. Yeah, I agree. I mean, this is, there's some compelling arguments here,
Starting point is 00:08:03 but if I was the ADA on Lauren Autos for you, I'd be saying, guys, there's some compelling arguments here, but if I was the ADA on law and order, I'd be saying, guys, there's not enough media to warrant here. There's not enough media to take, you go find me. You're a two-circum-santial, you're a character. Absolutely. All right. Okay. Brendan, is there anything else that grabs your interest?
Starting point is 00:08:18 One of the things when I think was it, the all-in realm was the Spanish macro. He cheered like he went, oh yes, when Andy described the chainsaw tale, and in the that's a specific thing that's like, does it have finlets? And there's not many fish that have it. And when you said that, he was like, oh yes. And then he knew Spanish Macro,
Starting point is 00:08:38 and it's like, what was it about to say, or as well after that? Spanish Macro, or and then list the other species, but. Oh, oh, okay. Okay, that's what that was. And then at the back end of its tail, it looks like it's got little chainsaws all the way down both sides.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Oh, yeah, from the tail. I love you describing. What do we got? Well, okay, it's gotta be a Spanish macro. Yeah! Yeah! Mm. And I mean, I know you can on Lauren Order.
Starting point is 00:09:05 I do. I do. Well, no, but remember, it's not Lauren Order. It's true, we're not putting someone in jail. I remember, we have a witch hunt. Yeah, we only have the burden of proof needed for a witch hunt, and that's all circumstantial. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:09:19 That's the fun of these cheating investigations. If he's found guilty, what do you propose we do? I mean, we can't talk about calling with a meeting get one. We could challenge him to a fish off. Yes. Maybe you guys put up 10 pictures of fish and we shout out what they are and I'll show him who a real fishman is. I felt it was. And this is the sort of thing that happens in the fishing community.
Starting point is 00:09:47 It's quite competitive. Yeah, it is. Okay. I felt it was just not boring enough the first time round. So I'd be worried about us going back into fish description. It's kind of... That's true. This is episode five of the year.
Starting point is 00:10:04 And if we were to do the fish off next week, that would mean fully one third of the shows this year. Actually half of the shows this year would have featured fish content, which is not something we had we been allowed to have a pre-season meeting during the government mandate break. I don't think any of us would have flagged that 50% of the shows would have fished here on them.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Do we get Joel up hand us? We speak to Joel. Yeah, you guys are kidding me. Would you be happy to gently ask Joel to explain? Yeah, yeah, that'd be fine. OK, that's right. I think they're locating him now. Joel, you there?
Starting point is 00:10:39 Are Hoey boys having birthday Andy? I know, Nate. Hoey, Joel. Joel, what do the producers tell you you're coming on for? I'm not sure. They just said it was something about my special skill. I assume it's to do with the TV format we're discussing, but I'm not sure. Well, prepare to quickly downshift gears and grab the handbrake because we are going in a different direction.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Yeah. Ah, TV format. Jolt, we've had a member of the Hamish A.E. listener community come forward and query as to whether or not you were perhaps interested to get your thoughts on this, certainly. Perhaps using the app, fish identifier. Wow, okay, so you think I'm cheating. I don't. More brand-in-repeat for you. Perhaps app assisted rather than brain assisted. Any truth to the rumor? No, not at all. That's infantic.
Starting point is 00:11:47 I am aware of the app though. I haven't used it, but not in the last, I'd say, two years. So you weren't using it on the day? Definitely not. Definitely not. There was a couple of moments where it felt to Brendan that without the use of the apple would have been very hard to give the ends that you gave.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Was there any other assistance going on? No, I know a lot. I'm pretty complemented by that, to be honest. Oh, he's taking it as a compliment. Thank you. Thank you. I got Brendan standing by here. Brendan and say hello to Ahoy to Joel.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Ahoy, Joel here, Garn. You're Brendan, how are you mate? Good thanks mate. Two less friends, you know. Brendan was more the fish he didn't get that kind of show he was using the app. As Andy said, it was a great yellow, the Mahi Mahi. So you would have clicked yellow on the app and then it would have ruled out the Mahi Mahi. And you say you have the app already on your phone. It's a little bit fishy.
Starting point is 00:12:55 No, sorry, I don't have the app. I have used it before. My dad's fun. Two years ago, even more fishy. Or even longer than that. Story's changing. So, two years ago. Even more fishy. Or even longer than that. Story's changing. So, hey, where do we sit on this?
Starting point is 00:13:10 To me, I think Joel, we love a witch hunt, and we certainly love it when we catch someone out, but it doesn't seem like enough. Now, you do seem like a slippery witch. In this case, we can't quite get a hold of you. God, it's a real 50, 50, isn't it? So here's the other thing, Joel. I mean, Brendan suggested a fish off, which I presume means coming back on and sort of in full view
Starting point is 00:13:33 of everyone having you both identify fish as fast as possible. Andy then flagged that might not be entertaining, which I think has merit as well. And we are worried that there's an absurd amount of fish content already on this year. That's certainly a concern. We have a responsibility to the listeners too. Can I propose this?
Starting point is 00:13:51 An offline fish-off. Yes. Where could I propose a time that's mutually convenient for both Brendan and Joel to zoom each other over the phone, have a chat, get to know each other's fishing skills and fish identification skills, looking in each other's eyes over zoom, and then report back to us next week to know if there's suspicion or if the hatchet's buried. We'll get Mike to share.
Starting point is 00:14:19 He could want a ride over there. Mike could share the fish off. Mike will share the fish off, but it doesn't have to happen while everyone's listening. Is that a fair situation? Yeah, I think that's fair. Yeah, I'm happy to do that. The only thing is, you guys actually haven't asked me how I got this skill.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Okay, Joel, how'd you get this skill? Well, I come from a family of spear fisherman slash fishermen. We're all super mad team doing it. And in our house, and it's you with my relative's house, houses we have lots of magazines. Obviously. Sorry, sorry, good to not interrupt you, Joe. This is great. This is the kind of thing that you could save for the fish. As you and Brendan get to know each other better and share fish facts. So I think that's great. And that's a little taster of some of the stuff
Starting point is 00:15:09 that I'll be going on the Zoom chair by my mic. Yeah, I'm just a friend of the buddy allegations, that's all. Yeah, that's a bit. And what a wonderful turn into now is more of an informal getting to know you situation where you're in both report back and hopefully there's no hunt involved. Two firm fishermen friends. No, you know what, it There's no hunt too. Two firm fish and a French.
Starting point is 00:15:25 No, you know what? It wasn't a hunt Andy. It was literally a fishing expedition. Yes. And I think we've sort of put it all because no clear answer, but there's no reason for the fishing to not continue in an offline version. Well, the only reason would be if Joel says he doesn't want to do that because he's having a little bit tested.
Starting point is 00:15:43 It doesn't the moment. But I think you've got to, I mean, take a little time to cool off, but do you think you've all- I think it'd be in the spirit of fun, wouldn't it, Andrew? Yeah, absolutely. Offline fun fish off. Yeah, look, I'm happy to just try to blend and just to get to knowing. Yep, I think that'll be fun, but-
Starting point is 00:15:57 Let's start there and then to see. Again, this is designed to take up less time on air, so you might have noticed we're sort of trying to land the plane a few times here. I think we should have just got a quick, I'll just get the thumbs up from everyone. That's a good plan. Good on you guys. We'll hear about it next week. Hey, I've just returned for a quick trip to the USA, mainly to talk to their government
Starting point is 00:16:28 about talking to our government, about the mandated break. A lot of people... Drinking, there could be some sort of bubble setup or an embassy established. Yes, a lot of people accused me of going away within a week of a study, the pot again, and it was certainly wasn't for a break. It would have been all business. I didn't even bother asking. No, if he's not here, since we're in, finally, we've been cleared for business, it will all be business.
Starting point is 00:16:52 It was business. I'm having the thank you. But when I was there, which often happens, I saw a few celebs, which means it's time for another round of who did I see? Contestant Hamish, contestant Jack, good luck today. Thank you. What the heck is a celebrity doing at a caravan park in Mississippi? No, I was in Los Angeles.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Oh, where are at? With the motel? Yeah, motel. What's the name of the motel? Who can remember? Um... Look at your credit card statement, we'll have it on there. Can I ask something?
Starting point is 00:17:33 Will it ruin the game if you posted a picture, Instagram, of a celebrity you bumped into in Los Angeles? Will that ruin the game if I'm not there? No, that's not ruin the game, because it's not that person. Extra celebrity? Well, so whoever was posted wasn't big enough no well the game we can say who it is if you want to record the game as fans joy fun people over there are we only doing American celebs we are only doing American celebs here's the first one who Who did I see? I saw a person that loves singing.
Starting point is 00:18:07 I know this one. Who's the woman again that... Oh, she's one of the awards. It's a male who is known for being rude to wait staff in restaurant. Oh, James Gordon. He's gone. He's been phoned for it. But it was just a echo. You get the points for that one. I saw him filming Kayo Paul Karaoke.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Really? Who was his guest? Quincy, Ben's Troy. But that was disappointing. He might have been rehearsing. Guess what? Not driving. I mean, you probably guessed it. It's on a trailer.
Starting point is 00:18:39 It's on a trailer. Oh, no. See, I'm still suckered for that stuff. I thought they were really driving. That is a shame because I think I thought that too, Jack, and now that I think about it, it makes so much sense on a low loader because... I thought it was a word. Imagine the accident.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Exactly. So, you got Beyonce. Right, I can't be on that. And a lot of the time. I'm rich. Like, he's turning to the guest and singing into their face. Yeah, I think that's not very driving. He does a bit of what I call nobleic driving.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Anytime we drove through the country, Dad who worked in farming for a long time, loved cows. Like Dad still loves cows. Yeah. Often, you know, I've witnessed this. People make a foster with you. Yeah, we would, when he will drive a different way to see special cows, if there's room, it'd be some in the area. As we would drive through the country anywhere, dad was so keen on the cattle check that he would drive for what felt like to me as a 10-year-old, for minutes when he's had pointing
Starting point is 00:19:33 out, but looking out the window, still negotiating the curves of the road somehow, just with his peripheral. And I feel like James Corden does that a few times a caro. Okay. He's looking at cows, he's looking at stars. Low load of trucks, so he's being towed as he goes around, with a supporting vehicles and police that give him even more like a brigade. How, what do they call it?
Starting point is 00:19:56 Like a police brigade? Like an escort, a escort. Yeah, so, okay, so it's not that low-key. No. It's not just James picking up Beyonce with a GoPro in the car, isn't it? No, no. That's a full highway's blockoff.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Hence, how to just get to them and see who he was singing with this time. But he is rungy out of it. I know, that's the big part. It's back to the game. Who did I see? I saw a man who may have been seen in a phone booth. Colin Farrell.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Oh, I think I've got to think we go to the replay. Stop it. Well done. Got nominated for best actor this year's Oscars. He was. It's a good film. Have you seen it? Banshee's a venture.
Starting point is 00:20:36 I haven't seen it yet. I mean, I really also don't know how pronounced it. I felt sorry for those. And in the movie, they say it completely differently. So it's not how you say it. Um, was I was waiting outside of a hotel. He pulled in an aston Martin, quite an old one. And so he's on hard times, he's fallen on hard times.
Starting point is 00:20:55 And it's really scraped the bottom of his car. Yeah. So he, to give you an example of how long the scrape went for, because he tried to go slowly, it went for this long. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr just prolong the scrape. Also, thinning a little bit at the top. Well, he is very, that was the thing about watching him in the movie. I was like, you know, he's been a heartthrob for a long time, still hot, still hot and farrell.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Still got it. But he's gonna be 50. I mean, no, yeah. Easily no shame in thinning at 50. In fact, anything over 28, your sweet, sweet oberido, I would have thought. Back to the go. No. Who did I see?
Starting point is 00:21:48 I saw a girl who famously danced in a film clip that Hamish watched a lot when it came out. You saw... Rada Chowski? Yes, Emily Rada Chowski. He didn't watch that video. I was interested in the cinematography. LAUGHTER He didn't watch that video. I was interested in the cinema talker.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Ah! If I remember correctly, you sent me a... No, I'm not sure. I was in the market for some power tools at the time. And if you're not familiar with the film clip, it is some young women and they were auditioning different. No, there's a different film clip that the pair are told. Benny Benessi.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Was it, do you know, do they have Jack Hammers? No, bloodlines. the pair of tools. What, Benny Benassi. Wasn't it, do they have, they have Jack Hammers? No, bloodlines. Bloodlines, yeah. You can just give it away. You have two favorite video clips. I have no time for anything else. How's she going? It, short.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Really? Very short. Okay. Didn't expect it to be so short. But she would rival, you know how we were surprised when we met Kim Kardashian, how short she was?
Starting point is 00:22:49 Yes she was, and she was not that tall. Slightly taller than Kim Kardashian. This is why you go on business trips. You tell. When we get this valuable intelligence for us, it's really good. Oh, that's it.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Okay, we'll finish with Ellie. Let me just look at that phone, probably. It's really good. Oh, that's it. OK, we'll finish it early. Let me just look at that phone copy. OK. Gentlemen, time for another. I want to give you an update on a couple of fronts. OK. It's personal, it's sporting, it's professional.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Is it golf? It's golf related, and oh, it's golf related. Now, as you know, last year was heralded as my year of golf. I put it off for a year. Just didn't, wasn't finding the vibe, wasn't finding the time. This year I've started again with gusto. Started the year and I went, I'm going to get a golf, do lessons, like once a week lessons and I'm going to give myself a shot.
Starting point is 00:23:43 I'm going to give myself seven, do six months. Could I, could I do a shot. I'm gonna give myself six months. Could I, could I do a beer a year? Jack, Hayme called me, Rod. Then he said, can I ask you something about etiquette, the golf range? And the golf range, not the golf course, the golf range. And I've got lots of people. What you're gonna,
Starting point is 00:23:59 No, no, no, no, this is just where you whack the balls off. Yeah, you know. It's where you spend a lot of your time when you're starting out. Yeah, yeah. And that's where I get lessons. Hey, I'm sitting so someone who was just terrible. Which is rare for me because I'm a bottom figure. So imagine that. Imagine a rat
Starting point is 00:24:15 seeing someone going, even lesser, lower on the food chain than I. And he's an eagle by the way. He's swooping around high well away from the rats. Hayes is three. Am I allowed to tell him that he needs a lesson? No, you can do that. I was four lessons in by this stage, so I'd experience some of the benefit of it. So, Eric and though. No, not for me. You don't need a lesson for me. He is a lesson from a teacher because he's not going to, because here's the thing, I'm at the stage of golf now, Jack.
Starting point is 00:24:49 And you could get there to, I know this was sound crazy to you. I'm at the stage where you're like, oh, I wonder if I could squeeze in a range session today. Where you begin to want to do it, right? You're looking at me. I know it. No, because I only over some, I tried, I went to the driving range and I said, to be like, maybe this will be a new me, I know it. No, because I only oversum I tried, I went to the driving range,
Starting point is 00:25:05 and I said, Rebecca, maybe this will be a new hobby that I take up, and I just never, after that, after 15 minutes, I had enough fun, I have never thought about going back. But that's the thing, because you don't know what you're doing. It'd be like getting a bike, and then just, just getting your hand and spinning the wheel around, like with your hand and going,
Starting point is 00:25:24 yeah, that seems pretty fun. Yeah, I'm wondering what it all is. Okay, and then just doing twists and stuff with the hand of ours to go, yeah, all right, well maybe it's just not for me because it's like, there is some benefit to learning to having someone that knows what they're doing, like explain it to you.
Starting point is 00:25:38 And when you do learn, and I think I'm just spot on, it's like when you do learn and you click, you're like, oh my gosh, this is incredible. I know, something happened to me, they never thought oh my gosh, this is incredible. I know. Something happened to me, they never thought would happen before. The drive which is the big club jack that made you know, but you go big whack a stick. Yeah. Big whack a, south of Tiger Woods on PlayStation, you know, that's, that's where I had
Starting point is 00:25:56 a lot of my driving experience from. When it makes the noise that it's meant to make and it makes the noise that like the golf was like the, and like it, there's a ding and it like is hit the ball. You can't believe it. You can't believe you've done it. Anyway, I'm in that zone. I'm just maybe I should all just for the sake of the podcasts as well. And people listening who aren't into golf, it's good to have one person outside of golf so that we don't tumble into a full golf podcast. We're not going to be coming off podcasts. I'm just slagging a bit of stuff here, just letting
Starting point is 00:26:22 you guys know where I'm at, full transparency. The reason I said to that, could I say to that guy, get a lesson? Was because I was him, and this is like, he's just turned up like mid 20s, and I reckon it's like, and he seemed sad, too, he wasn't having a good time. I agree with you.
Starting point is 00:26:38 I just don't think anyone can tell us. I didn't, that didn't tell it again, I said, but ando, he hit the root. Which he's been on the other side for four times. Really, yeah said, but ando, he hit the root. Which he's been on for four times. So hard to do. And he was confused why he kept beating the roof. And I was like, I'm like, you know, the guy that I'm going from who's become a main mind Ollie, I'm like, all
Starting point is 00:26:54 these downstairs. Yeah. Go and see the guy at the big gingerbread. Yeah. His name's Aussie beef. Go and say, I have a lesson. Like, you will enjoy something more happen, right? Yes. Like, you'll get to know, I didn't tell him, but that was my question.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Look, so this is where I'm at. I'm six weeks into my golf. Let's call it what it is. Korea. And at the same time, I think this is this will come out in the next month or two, right? I have done a TV commercial for Hertz. Renta Kuz. Renta Kuz, which is also a passion of mine. Yes. a TV commercial for Hertz. Rent a cars. Right, which is also a passion of mine.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Yes. You do often tell cars. Rent a cars. I've been a lot of job. I came to me, we're going away at a rental car weekend. And I'm like, oh cool, man. And just get all the guys together. Doesn't matter where we go.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Yeah. Just matters what we rent. Yeah. And so I've shut this Hertz. I've shut this Hertz TV commercial. This is the bit I've got to admit to you, Andy, because I don't know how you're gonna feel about it. Okay. So the ad, like with a 30 second ad,
Starting point is 00:27:52 you know, TV ads when you make him, you sort of shoot him over a few days, and each shot really only lasts like one or two seconds. Like you have a lot of stuff to get in, very rare, like a lot of cuts in the ad. So there's this one scene where they just needed me doing something like pleasant, whatever. And the agency and the director, whatever, they're like,
Starting point is 00:28:09 this scene, you'll just be sitting against one of the cars that we're showcasing, just having a nice cream and you say something, like on the Great Ocean Road or something, like something beautiful. Couple of days before the ad, they go, actually we've changed that scene, you're now on a golf course, right? So like, you're on a golf course, right? So like, you're on a, the cars sort of parked up, you can see golfers in the background. You're in golf gear. Now like, because we've just sort of changed this quickly, do you have golf
Starting point is 00:28:34 gears? As it so happens, yes, I've only played two rounds, but I have over 10 outfits already, because I've been really enjoying the whole gear. I've got 11 hats. Anyway, they look at this shot, the golf shot, and they like the look. Right? They go, well, actually, part of this, there's like the TV component, but then there's going to be like signage and stuff at the airport, like billboards and things. You're going to be in a golf room. So they go, hold up.
Starting point is 00:29:00 So they go, we'll keep the golf gear. That's a good look. And we're going to do that. That's going to be the main look. So then the next day is in a studio where it was just going to be me and coach will close. And it turns out, I would say for a significant amount of this campaign, I am a golfer. And I have my first professional golf campaign that's been logged to the point
Starting point is 00:29:29 where at first it's just sort of doing silly stuff like with a golf club and like, you know, like a thumbs up, I got the car keys, whatever. And it's just like, let's just see you do some shots. And it's just after this danger where I'm like, like just chipping of all in the studio and all these people take a sandwich and I was like, guys, I mean, do you think this makes it look like I'm a pro golf? Like people who don't know who I am will go, who's this golf that's doing this ad campaign? And I'm like, I don't know, we just,
Starting point is 00:29:58 the look is good, the colors are good. So I know you've played golf, and I've lived 30 years. I just, and I know you've never officially done a golf camp. I just wanted to flag it that I'm six weeks in, and I'm sorry if that was a bit of like the you're waiting for the special moment, but I'm probably going to be now known, certainly to airport customers as a professional golfer. Yeah, and lean more of a golfer than Andy. Yeah, that's going to be the perception.
Starting point is 00:30:27 I think that's fine. I think that the fact that you had, you've run me from the range, if this had come about four weeks ago, I think you've just been in the sweets, but we've been playing enough that it's acceptable and you feel like it's going to be your new life. This, he said, it's very rare.
Starting point is 00:30:43 I think this actually locks me in. It locks you in. Is it very rare on the PGA tour for someone to do a campaign, a professional campaign before they can play? And then go, all right, I've committed now. It's like Michael Jordan doing the Gatorade ad and going, well, I'm in all this basketball gear. I'm going to look like an idiot if this is.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Like, I should follow through and I should learn how to play this game. If they'd asked you to do surfing, I wouldn't have put a pass on through. I would have kind of happened. That would have been more dangerous for you because I think it's hard to get into surfing and commit to that.
Starting point is 00:31:20 And also, there's a look, you know. I luckily I have the golf look. Yeah. Oh, pasty white guy in his 40s. LAUGHTER MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC
Starting point is 00:31:33 MUSIC MUSIC Hey, you're better at me than this, but any time I look at my phone and beck asks me a question or if I'm doing anything else, apparently I'm very one way focused and I just tune everything out. Yep, which I think is a bad way to be. I am able to monitor many fronts at once.
Starting point is 00:31:56 That's incredible. But probably at a lower brain power. That's what I would agree with that, yes, love. But I am everything everywhere at once. That's my brain. And do it all. Alert, listener, Alexander, John. He emailed in and said, got a game for you guys.
Starting point is 00:32:14 If three people ask three different questions or at the same time, do you think you can answer all three questions? So we've brought Mike into the studio here to join us. Mike, I heard you. All the best. All the best, yeah. All the best, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:29 And the way this is going to work is we'll test Jack, self, and you, whether we ask three questions or at the same time, people will be able to play along of course in their cars wherever they're listening. Can you answer all three questions? You've probably got to close your eyes to if you're the target. Because otherwise you're going to get some information from the face. And I think to put ourselves in the same position
Starting point is 00:32:50 as the listeners, it's got to be a nice cause. Okay, okay. Probably not a bad idea because I think if I was looking at you and I probably- Because I'd watch while I listen to the others. Really? If I was looking at you, I'd probably only hear your- I'd probably just go for a kiss.
Starting point is 00:33:04 I think that'd be it for me. Sorry, mate, I just sensed hear yours. I'm going to try to get this. I think that'll be it for me. Sorry, mate. I just sensed a kiss. I don't know what we were saying. All right, Jack, are you ready to go first? All right, eyes closed. Hey, do you have a question for Jack? I do.
Starting point is 00:33:17 And Mike, you got one locked and loaded. Shall I count it down? And we all go up the same time? 3, 2, 1, go on. How about I count for you? OK. 3, two, one, go on. How about I count for you? Okay. Okay. Three, two, one.
Starting point is 00:33:28 What would you have been in any of these years? Gordy if he was a girl. Yes. Hamish, pepperoni, mic. Something about Gordy, my son. What was his, maybe what was his other name, like a possible other name for him? We'll need an answer. At one stage we were going to call him
Starting point is 00:33:53 Wally. Andy, I have no idea. I have absolutely no idea. Mine was what was your favorite pizza? So you must have just heard that, and they go, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum. Because I felt like the other guys finished so much after me. Well, you know what? Particularly, Mike, like, Mike's was gaudy if he was a girl. Well, you've called Gaudy if he was a girl, but I think we clearly heard of the back of him
Starting point is 00:34:20 if he was a girl right after we had finished. And Jack, mine was, please name a Britney Spears song I met a completely missed that no. I actually do remember hearing pizza loud and clear and I thought I'm off to a good start here And then the others merged together. Okay one from three. Yeah, okay, I'm ready. My eyes are getting closed. Okay. Three, two, one. How would you rather be a flower? How would you be a sick? Oh my god. You got it. I started listening to Jack's went, I'll be starting, he's all going across the street. LAUGHTER OK, OK. I think Hamish's was, how many A.F.L. teams are there? I said there's 18. Yeah. Well done. That's it.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Yeah. Mike's was something to do with music. Yeah. Do you like music? Yeah. Wasn't do you like music? Yeah. It wasn't, do you like music? I found many songs in music, I think. I...
Starting point is 00:35:31 Six, Mike. No, I asked, would you rather give up golf or music? All right. And what would it be? Six or six or one half a dozen of them? I think it's what I'm just trying to say. Which one? Yeah. If it doesn't, I think it's what everyone is trying to say. Which one? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Oh, do you... Playing music or... Just music in general. I can't even listen to music. I can't listen to music. No, I can't. You have to give up golf. I can't even keep music amazing.
Starting point is 00:35:56 That's amazing. That's... Anyway, and Jacko. You said you listened to the first half, so if I give you the first half, say if it jogged your memory. How often... How often...
Starting point is 00:36:06 How often... Maybe that was the same. No idea. No idea. How often do you floss? Okay, one. It is... it's... it's... it's going to be hard to beat one. Hamey, you ready?
Starting point is 00:36:20 All right, I'm ready. Can I see him? Three, two, one. Do you have any feelings for any of the options? I think I haven't heard Andy talk. Jack I think yours was, who's your favourite character in oceans 11? Yes, favourite actor, but yes. Oh yep, Danny Ocean. But again, I think I heard the word octaves in your mic.
Starting point is 00:36:48 No. But there was an eaves in one of the words. That's the rule. Do you want to take a wild guess? Eaves, eaves. It ended with eaves. Yeah, I thought it was an octaves and there was going... No, it ended in taves, actually, so you did hear that right. It's still pretty hard to construct the rest of the sentence, isn't it? Yeah, no, I probably do try and avoid drinks with additives.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Oh, yeah, yeah. No, I asked, can I say? I said, do you have any famous relatives? Just out of interest, yeah. No, I asked, can I say? I said, do you have any famous relatives? Just out of interest, really. Oh my, just out of interest. Really, what is it? Well, I can't say any. He wants to have a conversation.
Starting point is 00:37:33 I mean, like a powerful Zoe. Do you have any like, like was your grandpa like an Olympic runner or something? He actually was. Oh my. He was. He carried the flame at the 1956 Melbourne Olympics. Like in the real in the relay, not into the stadium, but he had a medal.
Starting point is 00:37:50 You got a medal for doing that because you were Don Collins because he was an athletics like a local athletics champ. And so if you weren't, he wasn't like, if you were in the team, you got to still be part of the relay. So this is exactly why I asked the question because I just thought thought it would be interesting. That's a great thing about questions. You can find interesting facts out. What made it? Mine really hard for you, Hem, was it started exactly
Starting point is 00:38:14 the same way as Mark's and finished at the exact same time as Jack's, like for some reason, the way at times I think you get lucky if one time question. Yeah, but mine was who to Australia play in the ashes. Yeah, honestly didn't even hear you talk. Yeah, I didn't even hear you talk. He was just so small. I know, I was looking forward to going back to hearing you just go,
Starting point is 00:38:35 how we might. Just a real fast one. Are you going to do a good experiment? See how it's hard to get. Yeah, it's hard to beat one. It's hard to beat one. Mike, have you done it yet? I can do it if you want. We actually didn't bring Mike into play, but we can do it for him. Do you want to do it? What's the time like? How long have we been going for, Jack?
Starting point is 00:38:55 This is seven and a half minutes. Yeah, now. I really wanted to. Off air, we could maybe. That would zoom off air for Mark. Half the sidebar. No, I'll just stop. Mike the critical off air member. And a little while on the show, I dropped what I turned at the time to be a bombshell. A little while ago, yes. On you guys. Yes. In regards to spelling of a chocolate that's very fondly, I think we all are fans of this
Starting point is 00:39:28 and silly not as divisive as a topalaron, a pleasant guess because it comes in a ball shape. I guess the multise is really the anti topalaron, isn't it? No edges, no edges. No, anti, but it does have a crunchy inside which I worry for for you. I'm fine with it, but you might have a very soft crunch, isn't it? Because I mean, you compare the crunch of a peanut M&M that could be jagged. Can you handle those, Jack? I will do a peanut M&M. Well, okay.
Starting point is 00:39:53 But you can't handle the top or own two sharp on the edges. But yes, you realized that there was no A in teasers. It struck me over the government mandate to break. I just happened to be eating a bag, looked at it. And for a second, I thought I had, I thought I'd purchased a uni I have like got a misprinted stamp or something. I'd be sitting on an absolute goal by me. But realize there is no Ian maltese.
Starting point is 00:40:16 It's spelt like it should be pronounced maltese. It's maltese. There's no AA either. Yeah. It's an MALT ERS. ES. ESR-S. So I stood by that as a bombshell, and I think your reaction wanted it to. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:36 You'll be interested then, maybe as shocked as I was, then to look at some of the mail that's come in. Most of the mail I should point out has been backing us up saying thank you for hiding in plain sight. This was an amazing treat. Someone's written in going, hi, I love bombshells. I love bombshells and my ego prepped up a bit here going, here we go, another satisfied bombshell fan. No. But regarding the spelling of Maltese's, did he even actually read the packet?
Starting point is 00:41:09 I've never gotten the concept it should have the word T's in it. I hope this isn't the bombshell lane we're going down. We're having a poor memory is considered shocking. Keep it up, Lads. I always have you back. That's why I'm not jumping on the social pipes, but a big swing and a miss from AIMDog on this one. They've been spelt the same since conception. Yeah, but it's a big, it's a big...
Starting point is 00:41:32 Yeah, I get it. So I'm seeing you're going, well, have I miss read this? Have I been in the game too long? Yeah. Well, you'd always planned to do the show for 40 years, but here... Yeah, 40 years. ...for you shows for 40 years. ...wearing years, six now. 40 years. We're in year six now.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Is that it? Am I out? I thought my finger was on the pulse and it was on the kneecap, it was miles off. Then I had a man, I was like, oh, I'm doing, who is this person? Anyway, look out. Fake name, fake email address.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Right. Phone number, 1111111111. I look at me, go, yeah, multi-susat notreal.address. Okay, okay. So you'll be the keyboard warrior here. Someone, having a girl, me, for incorrect bombshells, won't put a name to it.
Starting point is 00:42:18 And yet, and then I start going, like, wake up. I've rattled a severe cage with the health staff to the point where we, you know, there are quite serious circumstantial evidence that they're trying to shut me down on that front. And then I go, yeah, okay, you get the sense that in the background, in the background for Jack knows, in the background, forces are moving to silence me. You've got this person who obviously works within Mars or something like this. Trying to shut me down, trying to flood the system with your wrong stop looking here, stop sniffing and I think there was a boy, why are they
Starting point is 00:42:55 trying to throw me off the scent? What else is out there? Then I look at another one of the emails that comes in and I go, we're under something. That first email definitely is from within Mars. Check this out. Sammy Crawford Smith brings up a very good point. Sins in a screenshot. You might be familiar with the smaller bars. You can get it servos and two being stuff like it's a bar of malt teasers. Oh, you see that they're all stuck together. Do you know what they're called? Do you know what that pack is called? Jesus. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Jesus. Do you know what that pack is called? Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. building. And that's why I'll never stop boys.

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