Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2023 Ep 211

Episode Date: May 10, 2023

1. Toothpaste experiment 2. Chit Chat Champions 3. Greek yogurt health stars 4. Spectacular Croc Jumping 5. Sonny’s Rubik’s cube cake ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A least-knife production. Activate your internet. Cause the Hamish and the Podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering. 1. Ahoi to me Aka-chir, Hamish Err, good bless you Ahoi to me second, Jack Ahoi? Err, it's not thirds, I'll take it
Starting point is 00:00:34 It's not thirds, it's not thirds And it's not thirds, we know who might be first No, I'm the partner Ah, okay Okay, you got the partner. Okay. Okay. So you got a partner, a second in an Accature. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:49 What workplace are we in? I thought you guys would never be said. I think you guys would know, but I wouldn't. No. Right. We'd almost never be said by anyone in a workplace. You never go, right. So we've got the Gibrocker, the Carbender, and the Sparky.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Who are we? And what workplace are we?, the carboner, and the Sparky. Who are we? And what, what are both of you? I don't know what I'm not here is. Like, is it a business thing? Do you mean actuary? No, no. Do you mean acupuncture? Yes, are you bad at reading today?
Starting point is 00:01:19 No, no, I hope I pronounced it correctly, but it's the... Was it boxing? No, it's something that you guys have both... You've gone through twice him, required this. You've only required one. Yeah, right, okay, childbirth. And it's a test? Oh, is it something in the delivery room?
Starting point is 00:01:36 Well, the midwife directly catching the baby is referred to as the Akatur apparently. Yeah, right, we just called out Sharon. the Accature apparently yeah right we just called out Sharon I've pointed my Sharon sorry we couldn't afford a French bird and so I was the partner as in like yeah the second is just in case there was paternity questions the second the second is also welcome in the suite, but they're the less likely father. Well, I believe.
Starting point is 00:02:08 I didn't have a second in mind. Thank God. Did you have a second for yours, Jack? No, I was the only one in there, but it was COVID times. So maybe there'll be a trick. You're serious. You're going to have to pick one because it's not allowed seconds in. The second midwife that comes into scribe and gather things in case of emergency,
Starting point is 00:02:24 but maybe you guys had some smooth sailing. Don't even remember the scribe, really. Someone take a minute. You're not like a son of a father. I think so. See me. Type your way. Grunting, grunting, grunting, breathing, swearing, grunting, being helpful.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Holding hands, out, out, out, out, shooting my hand to heart tight from the husband. No, you, you know, these are all legitimate names. The problem is, they end up like, when you're in the birthings, we, they don't tell us anything. The husbands are like, we are, we barely outrank the lamp. It's like you are, you are useless in there. Yeah, I was trying to feed so scroggin' that I'd made it.
Starting point is 00:03:01 What, you made it, man? Try all me. I, we bought in try all me, see, because I'm like, honey, you're about to undergo the hardest endurance event of your life. I had electrolyte, Scroggen, I was on snacks and mood. I had mood lighting, songs and snacks. Headlies.
Starting point is 00:03:16 But honestly, there's nothing else. You're not part of it as far, like you're welcome to be there, but you have no medical importance. So they wouldn't even go, oh hi, I'm the Aka Choo, this is the second, that's wasted in time. Talking to the dad is just wasted time when you're in the process of bringing a baby out.
Starting point is 00:03:34 So we definitely met him. Yep. But we were actually in need. We were actually in need relevant enough to give their titles. Understood. Oh, oh, also to Tom from Cambridge over in the UK. Tommy Boy. Ahoy boys, happy birthday Andy.
Starting point is 00:03:48 This is Tom from Cambridge, a strong H&A ambassador. Having managed to get a few overseas listeners over here for you. One of whom I'd be a miss not to shout out, Poker Tips Mitch, I bet you thought you'd never hear me on here. Power move achieved. Anyway, outrageous that you guys ask us via a piece to essentially leave your voice note for every episode and then sting us with that song
Starting point is 00:04:11 about how we're all twats. But don't worry, not upset, just disappointed. Have a great show, Lads. Catch us. You just make a point. Good point. A few weeks ago, we did say that we did it on voice notes. And it is something that we've asked everyone to do.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Look at Vanschnety.com, easy to use upload system. Tell me, come on there and burn to us a beauty and manage to get a jab into Poki Chips Mitch. I mean, he is walking away with a kill count of four from four. Very, very good take from Tom. I wanted to kick off today with an experiment. We're all about science on this, yeah. I'm about to give you guys something. You have. You've given me a sealed up tote bag.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Two things you'll get. I'll do it now. Jack, I'm passing you. I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm passing you. The toothpaste and toothbrush. Okay. Guys, I've been accused by Beck I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm getting some toothpaste.
Starting point is 00:05:05 I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm getting some toothpaste.
Starting point is 00:05:13 I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm getting some toothpaste.
Starting point is 00:05:21 I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm getting some toothpaste. I'm getting some toothpaste. I don't want the details. Which I've never successfully achieved. But I would be surprised if you got it. So what I want for us all to do now, we can keep these toothbrushes? Yes. Free toothbrushes.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Yeah, I always need a change over. You have to do that. That's a joke. Why don't you tend to find out about this? Probably doing a sounds for you right now. Now what happens when I, when my toothbrush goes too long, and I'm like, I gotta keep,
Starting point is 00:05:44 I gotta change that, but I always forget, now I go, all right, I'm throwing it out, which will force me to go to the shops and get a new one. But sometimes, I've got to go to the night time, I go, well, I'm not going to go to the shops now, it's dark. Hey, Jack, I've got a tree for you. Change your toothbrush.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Mead toothbrush. Mead brush. Mead brush. All right, so start with the old one, and then halfway through to a pit stop on new time. Mead toothbrush. Mead brush. Mead brush. Oh, right, so start with the old one and then halfway through to a pit stop on new time. Yeah, yeah, okay. Oh, the pace and the fear.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Like, you get the direct comparison. Oh, it's a real great point. It's a great way to feel grateful and appreciate the new brush. So you're turning it into a treat. Yep. Guys, I'd like you all to put what you would the amount of toothpaste you'd normally put on And then we'll show each other is this before I Mean usually I put toothpaste on then I'm either talking to Zoa the kids or something
Starting point is 00:06:35 I put the toothbrush down it drops it boils on the band. So this is before the drop. Yes, before the No, I would say more than half the time I'm brushing with toothpaste that's hit the bench or the sink. No, this is your anticipated once you put it on what you're going for. And will you always go toothpaste straight to mouth when you add a little bit of water? Add a little bit of water. Actually, I'm more than I would do normally here, because I was trying to get the curl. I got distracted.
Starting point is 00:06:59 That wasn't the experiment. I know, I know. Okay. Okay. So, how do you show yours? Um, look, okay. I think, I think more than I would normally do. When you think about it, because I was actually trying to mimic a toothpaste, dad, you don't need that. That is too much. It's way too much.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Yeah. The end face, you don't actually need that much. I've actually never thought about that. There's way too much. It's way too much on the ads. And of course, they're going to say that because they want you to buy new, happy if it was one squirt purchase. I don't think they had to show those on the back of a tour. It's a really common thing on companies where they're like, you know, have this drink, you know, vitamin C drink or whatever, like an electrolyte drink, you know, try and have three or four servings a day. Um, it's really get you burning for like wheat bicks. Yeah, try to 12 or 15, um,
Starting point is 00:07:47 in possession. Try to try it. Don't eat it for one three meals a day, but that that that that would suit us. If you would, if you were eating that much, Hamish looks, hold up yours Jack. Hamish and Jacks look very similar. There's no mind.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Reminds only half cool. I would say, I would say, you're so beautiful. You're beautiful. Come on, you can't even see it. It's just mate, you're not camping. I think it's like, how I will describe that is,
Starting point is 00:08:12 you know how a toothbrush naturally has like little mountains on it for the brushes. It doesn't even get above the tallest mountain. If that was a ski field, you wouldn't go out that way, but we didn't get enough coverage last night. That's a dusting, that's like a late, late season dusting. I don't think you need more. Have you tried this? What?
Starting point is 00:08:34 This is, it wouldn't even be minty in the mail. Yeah, there is enough mint. In an old toothbrush, you'd be tasting more oldness than vigninus. It's like it's enough to clean the bristles, let it like your teeth. I was looking at your stacks so high. I'm shocked. Mine is self-made. You're doing alright.
Starting point is 00:08:51 I'm doing alright. You're doing okay. Mine did three millimeter line across the top. That's all I think that's all you need. And you're stacking yours. I reckon most of that just travels straight into your gowns as soon as you go. No, no, it makes a lather. Yeah, it's like in Spain with their phone parties.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Like, that's a dance floor in there. Yeah. This true. You've got the amount, you know, the two, you know, the dentist, sorry, Jack, regular dentists that have been to medical school. Yeah. When you go to a medical school, not Holistica. He's a doctor.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Not Holistica, not Holistica ones who were taught by a dream catcher, they should become a dentist. But when they do that, when a normal dentist, they do a little polish at the end, they should become a dentist. But when they do that, when a normal dentist, they do a little polish at the end, they sort of smudge a tiny, that's what you've got that amount as the cream. We've got the polish amount. I think that's all you need.
Starting point is 00:09:33 You must see the ads then, because that is one one hundredth of what they put on the ad. Yeah, you're treating it like food dye and icing. We do like one drop to make pink icing. Try it. Start just peeling it. No, no.
Starting point is 00:09:48 I don't have time to be so sad tonight. I don't have time to go in and re-clean after it. Far out. I mean, maybe you're like, what do you think? Well, I mean, you must look at this and go, that's a weak's worth. I feel like you're wasting it. I feel like I said it to the back. I said back. It gets in the mouth. It's not a waste. But well, you could ration it better because I think the same job's being done.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Are you ranting it for me? You're doing it. It's actually the depression. It's kind of impressive the dexterity that it would have had you had to get such a little amount out from one square. Have you ever tried to have you ever, if you put this much on mine, would you scrape some back to the... Back into the chin. No, but I would say, Becca, you ready? Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Come here and have my drinks. But the other part that I do like about my technique is look at my top of my lid. Yeah, there's nothing else. So I wipe off the top of my lid, clean lid, snap back. Yeah, there's nothing else. So I wipe off the top of the lead, clean lead, snap back. Yeah, it's like a brand YouTube. I'm actually not losing too much sleep at night worrying about the state of my lead back in the bathroom. But I mean, Andy, do we take this further? Because like you obviously, you open mouth kiss back, right? So you've got
Starting point is 00:11:02 no problems sharing saliva. I've done that. Would you, like, obviously the toothpaste isn't going anywhere. Would you brush your teeth and spit that into her mouth? So, well, we're not far off. Or could she take a normal amount and then you get... She spit it into your mouth. No, no. It's still doing its job.
Starting point is 00:11:22 I'm just spitting her. Just spitting her face. Both things you've admitted you love. Hey, I haven't played this for a while. I've missed it, so let's get into it. If you think you're the best at Smalltalk, we've got an arena for you to show your skills. And boyably, don't a lot of people think they're the best at Small Talk. And we put it down to the fact that when you listen to this, it's got to be the most
Starting point is 00:11:53 commonly thought. I could do that. Yep, I could do that. Like some of the special skills, you're not going, I could name every Oscar winner, no, every category. That's not one that you often go, I could do that. But with Chichachampians, there's a real element guy I could name every Oscar winner. No, every category. Yeah, exactly. That's not one that you often go, I could do that. But with Chichachampians, there's a real element guy I could do that.
Starting point is 00:12:08 But as we know, on the big stage, it can, the pressure can be immense. If you're a new listener, welcome by all means. We always suggest you go back to the start. But the way this works is we will start a conversation between Hamish and I. And then it's the job of the contender to jump in with the next line of conversation.
Starting point is 00:12:30 They cannot ask a question. They just have to keep the conversation ball in the air. It's the hardest kind of chat. This is probably what we don't highlight on now, because we do, obviously, and our United, to make it fair between both contestants, we know what we're about to say.
Starting point is 00:12:46 And we have the exact same conversation. So, yeah, so they have the exact same data. We do make it, you know, it's a high pressure conversation to enter because you can't help but feel like. It's actually not even chitchat, it's coming into a conversation to try and make a good impression with your first move. That is a hard thing to do, especially when we take away the advantage of questioning exactly.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Phoebe joins us. Phoebe, ahoy do you? Ahoy boys, how are you? Phoebe, well you reached out to us at www.sameastering.com and said that you would like to participate in Chech-Chech-Chech. And what makes you a good small talker? Well, I am the youngest of four girls, So a lot to chat to had to make my presence known as the fourth child. And I'm also an OT student, an occupational therapy student.
Starting point is 00:13:34 So lots of chat going on. Yeah, that's true. So a lot of you, and then when you get into occupation with everyone, you know, you, um, patients all the time. So a lot of small talk, yeah. And a variety of patients, I'd say, so you can go old, you can go young, males, females. Exactly. Yeah. Gotta play the full screen. For many training, really. When you're the youngest sibling though, do you, is that chat or are you asking a lot
Starting point is 00:13:57 of questions and trying to weasel into a lot of situations? That's right. Like Jack and a bit of a weasel when it comes to a lot of things. I've got to like fight for, it's really like fighting to, you know, have the first shower. I mean, you have the front seat of the car. Fight for every corn chip sponsorship. Exactly. I think a weasel is a fighter, well pointed out pretty good.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Phoebe, thank you. Against Phoebe today is M- M. Hoy Do You? Hoy boys. M. What makes you great at small talk? Well, funnily enough, I'm actually a healthcare worker as well. I'm a midwife, so I think that, yeah, Phoebe and I have a lot in common and I'm the youngest of five, but I have four older brothers. You're an Aka-Ture.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Yes, an accruesure, that's correct. That's how you say it. I'm a little bit of a player in the pronunciation there, but yeah, an accruciation. Yeah, accruciation was tough. I looked at it and I was trying to go phonetically. Yeah, okay. I'm going to give that shot back on there. Jack or home, if I'd said accruciation, would you know what I'm saying? I don't know what that is. Yeah, I don't know what an accruciation is. All right, we're going to put M on hold and we'll start with Phoebe. You both get the exact same conversation.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Your job is to feel it out. See when you jump in. Can't ask a question, but continue the conversation. You ready to go Phoebe? Yep. Good luck. Hey, Matt. Hey, Matt.
Starting point is 00:15:20 I just wanted to do end up buying that compound bow. Not yet. Want to make sure I get the right one, the right brand. Yeah, brands are always a iffy thing because like you don't want, so I'm always a bit of a cheap state and I want to get something that's not going to be as expensive, but like I still want it to be good. So I really get that because you don't really want to buy a bad branch. I've got it.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Maybe, do you feel like you went good? No, probably. Yeah, not the greatest. Well, I mean, Phoebe, when I ask you a question, you can jump straight in and you get you back to talking normally, but it seems like you were answering and a misuniverse conversation about a question or a world piece that you have nothing to know what you're about. I did not, I had to figure out what a compound was. Yes, that is not right.
Starting point is 00:16:17 I know that Hamlack's camping, so it was probably a bit like that. Yeah, hunting camping. I suppose it's that thing where you go, we all know saying nothing is bad. So the, the, the opposite of those getting a lot of words in the air, just start getting them out there and then maybe assemble them into a thread. And I think that's what you're trying to do. And I think you did great. It would probably just sort of seem like a long sentence to me. Covered off you in a long sentence, you basically communicated the idea that good brands are
Starting point is 00:16:46 good, bad brands are bad, wasting money is bad, getting good, getting good. Am I wrong? No, you're not wrong, you're not actually not wrong. So you do get points for that. Well done. Phoebe, there's always two competitors. You've registered your go. Let's put her in hold and bring back M, M you there?
Starting point is 00:17:02 I am, yeah. You ready to go? I'm ready. Okay, good luck. Hey, M you there? I am, yeah. You ready to go? I'm ready. Okay, good luck. Hey, Maui. Hi, I am, do it. Mate, Twini, did you end up buying that compound bow? Not yet.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Still shopping around, I want to get the right one. The right brand. Guys, I know that we just met, but I've got a confession for you. I actually don't know anything about compound bowies, but I'm eager to learn, I know that we just met, but I've got a confession for you. I actually don't know anything about compound boys, but I'm eager to learn. You know, do you have anything you want to share? We know what it is. That's all we're doing.
Starting point is 00:17:35 This is interesting. I think, the question, brave to acknowledge you and nothing about it. I think that's when people sometimes get stuck. They feel like they have to add where you can It's okay in a conversation go. I don't know what you're just talking about Honesty hey guys got it got to put it out there. Hey, no, it can only be honest to no one can ever go at you for being honest Certainly, Bob Lee certainly, but I mean right until I'm to the question the questions the only thing that there's a bit of a flag on the plan now the refs are looking at it. Jack we'll bring you always a question a question you can't I think we have to disqualify and I think it's better that Phoebe
Starting point is 00:18:18 Miraculously you have taken out This is the best Steven Bradbury talk we're in a vault This is the best Steven Bradbury type win of all. Oh, I can't wait to listen to Phoebe. I can't wait to listen to it back. I hope you've got some time. Put aside an arvo. Thank you guys so much for playing Phoebe. We're going to send you a token of no value, of course,
Starting point is 00:18:41 for taking away the win. We don't attribute any value to it at all, but you're welcome to it. Wow. Thanks, guys. Thank you. Thank you. Hey, another health start ratings, bombshell. Oh, man. Now, for people, again, new to the show, welcome, but we've been following the health star rating you see in supermarket foods that meant to indicate which food might be healthy
Starting point is 00:19:10 if you'd appear to purchase or foods you might want to avoid. Who does the stars? Who does the stars? Yeah, it was the initial cry from us because we can't figure out some things that aren't healthy, get a lot, some things that are kind of healthy. Don't score very highly at all. What have you got to end it? Well, we've tackled a lot of these.
Starting point is 00:19:28 And so it's hard to bring something back to the group that you think is going to wow them. Because as time goes on, the burden of impressiveness is really through that. Like a paramedic. You rock up to your first accent, you probably get a little bit overwhelmed. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Now we've seen everything. You'd think, I reckon this one is going to be unusual for you. You're going to your first accent, you probably go a little bit overwhelmed. Oh, right. Now we're seeing everything, you know, you'd think, but I reckon this one is gonna be unusual for you. You're gonna be going, wow. You're gonna just another person lying there with their famous sticking out of there, they're going impressive for you. And you go, nah, Veneer for five years, mate.
Starting point is 00:19:56 And then they go, fine, go then. Yeah, good, I will. I'm impressed. Here we go. This is from Will Horner. This morning, my friend Jess was picking up Cole's branded Greek style natural yogurt. Yep. He purchased one kilo of the creamy goodness and on her walk home discovered something outrageous. What she discovered was that the lid on the package displays a hell star rating of 2.5 stars. See image below, I've got the image.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Upon further inspection, she discovered the actual bucket-shaped packaging of the yogurt presented a hell star rating of three stars on the lid. Amazing. Healthy of the further you go. I'll skim the top, nice and healthy. Don't eat the drags, that's where all the fats are. This changes everything. The same item, displaying two different ratings. That's the same goddamn packaging. That is new. We've had the same, many, many cases of the same item. Sometimes on the shelf next to each other having different health stuffs, but never merged into the one package. One package with two different, I hope. I'd like to do something about the fat, sorry, to fats to nothing wrong with fats,
Starting point is 00:21:13 particularly in Gregio. She said that's where all the process sugars are. Should there be any there? That's what you're going to kill you. I hope that similar to the final scene in the usual suspects, she dropped the yogurt and it fell, the package just fell through in slow motion, through midair and then exploded and there was a close up on three stars
Starting point is 00:21:36 and a close up on two and a half stars. But how can they possibly defend that? They've had a lot of answers for us. Yeah. But how can they possibly defend that one? They'll try. They'll try and we won't listen. I mean, remember we were told that there's going to be a big announcement coming.
Starting point is 00:21:52 That's right. Yeah. So fine, nothing that we'll get at that all would be revealed. We'll always get told in the future from the Elf Star's people that, oh, don't only have to be an answer for all of this. The conspiracies are raging so hard and fast that this mythical day when all is explained is getting harder and harder for them to pull off. I had some on contact to Sando and Apogia's don't have the email in front of me, but they're some of the work in packaging for like, you know, for supermarket food.
Starting point is 00:22:17 I'm like, oh, we work for a company that does all the packaging. I say, look, the kind of the kind of, you don't officially say this, but when you're designing the packaging, anything, because we've talked about how if you sometimes you have everyone in the whole range gets the hellstice, if you want to have your five star players, you have to kind of cop a few one stars. If you're a brand, as total brand has to play, do an all play. You can't just select your heroes to go, we'll get them rated. So it's a bit of an unwritten rule that if you've got what they're saying to do now is if you've got low stars,
Starting point is 00:22:51 you tuck it on the back, really. Sort of chuck it amongst the ingredients. If you've got high stars, put that review right out front. So the surprise me. It doesn't, nothing, nothing surprises me in this arena. Hey, in a couple of weeks back now, I went to visit Bex's sister in Darwin for our own reasons, the top end of Australia. And we decided to go on a crocodile jumping to a Yes, you get dirt bikes and you jump over No, no, you're in a boat.
Starting point is 00:23:25 That's right. And the crocs do the jumping. There were two tours to choose from. A company called the original croc jumping tour. Okay. A lot of chickens. A lot more original. Croc jumping tour.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Or it's direct competitor, spectacular crock jumping tour. So the choice, I think, right? The marketing rule. Really good marketing decision there, isn't it? Do you market on heritage? Or do you market on really new and improved? For the spectacular? I went with the original.
Starting point is 00:23:58 I thought you would have. I only could spectacular was folding. Ah! But I also feel like there'd be a part of you that wanted to reward loyalty to the art of crocodile jumping. But when we got on the tour, boy, were they emphasizing the original, the guy that started it to a hello,
Starting point is 00:24:16 welcome to the original crop jumping tour being here, stated the years and months. Right. It's a pretty original city that someone come along and gone. Yes. Hey, you know the crook jumping tour that it booked out every single day?
Starting point is 00:24:29 Hmm. I don't know, anyone can do that. Like, they don't have a license or anything like that. Would it just been someone else realizing that this is a free-for-all? So I haven't done the investigation, but I will keep get Delv Debra into it. But we can only assume that they
Starting point is 00:24:45 didn't open the first one calling it the original. Yeah, what was it originally? It would have just been Darwin's crop jumping. Yeah. Yeah. Until because then because they don't own the crocs, they're wild crocs. Yeah. It's like you can't you don't own the river, you don't own the crocs. It's basically your overheads are a boat and chicken on a stick. So if anyone can come up with that and someone to take the bookings, you've got yourself a tour. So, another mob's come along and gone, let's just call out spectacular. Now, might I add, it is spectacular. Even at the original one, it was spectacular seeing these crocs come so far out of the
Starting point is 00:25:19 water because their tails, tails are half a length of a crocodile, do you know? I do now. So their tails are so powerful that they can get their whole body out to come up for the chicken on a stick. I'm not sure how often they need that in the wild. It isn't just using it because they've got the power, but I guess they usually use it for like horizontal acceleration. Yes.
Starting point is 00:25:38 And now, you know, in, I mean, the crocodile's been around for like 80 million years. Yep. It's really. I saw one that was over a hundred years old. Yeah, Jesus. And their biggest predator is themselves. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:49 And other male Crocs here. And mom's face off. Mom's eat their kids at 20 weeks old. If you got to stay away from your mom at 20 weeks. No matter what, at 20 weeks is like, fan for yourself. Really? And if, because they assume another predator's going to eat
Starting point is 00:26:03 their, their young, so may as well be there. May as well get the calories. I love traditions, but yeah. I don't know. I have feelings about that. If I was a kid. So back to the task at hand from my investigation. I don't know how many years after the original crock jumping
Starting point is 00:26:20 tool was made when spectacular came along. But they're clearly, they're probably driving a work, because they're like 600 metres away from each other as the turn off. My favourite kind of business rivalry. So they're driving to work one day, and they see a sign saying spectacular jumping crock to a starting stage.
Starting point is 00:26:35 You're going to the first they heard of. What's this? Because it's a small town. You would think like if Sally's running the original and then Paul decides, I think I'm gonna do is big take a Paul would know Sally. Yes, he probably should let it go You know, you can put your calls come to tell you just you know we're gonna start just quietly mention over a forex gold Hey, how's business? Oh my god, it's amazing. Yeah, too much like
Starting point is 00:27:01 Oh my god, it's amazing. Yeah, too much. Like, it's just more than you possibly ever. Yeah, it's like, head out. So then, the guys at the Darwin's Crock jumping tour, they ever had to go, G, spectacular starting up, they would have thrown around a lot of different names. Because they, I mean, they could have gone with more spectacular, even more spectacular. That does make you sound like second-comer. So if you want to keep heritage, you've got to go,
Starting point is 00:27:26 that's what they would have. Absolutely. Just go, let's go hard on these kinds of thieves. Ah, because obviously bad bloods happened. Yeah. Let's just go hard on absolutely the original and the best. I could have thrown that in there. And the proud of them for not trying,
Starting point is 00:27:38 you do often see people that are particularly upset trying to make original and the best. Because he never said the best. He could have. They could have gone for something like original and still spectacular, crock jumping to us. Oh yeah, tough because if you know,
Starting point is 00:27:53 big big big, then if you go, okay, we're going to call ourselves the original spectacular. That is dishonest now. He's officially not the original spectacular jumping to it. Is there any use for that? That's where we named ourselves original.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Yeah, okay. But you can't own, no, we're just saying we are happened to be spectacular. That's not our name. Yeah. I would have probably gone with that. I wouldn't go the main side to be like, right, these guys, if it's war, it's war.
Starting point is 00:28:21 We're going to call ourselves the original crock jumping to as brackets, who also happened to be expected. Oh, to go extra to like to remove your hands completely of any wrongdoing, you just include quotes from customers that all include the words spectacular. The most spectacular thing I've ever seen, boy or boy, now this is spectacular. I never seen anything so spectacular. That's true. So then you're killing on both fun,
Starting point is 00:28:47 spectrogacularity and originality. If anyone has more details that lives up north, what was the original name of the original? Please hit us up at habishane.com. I'd love to know a bit more about it. Okay. The Ando, this is a time-specific one. Usually, it doesn't matter when you're listening to the podcast, but I feel like I have to
Starting point is 00:29:11 time stamp this because today's Thursday, right? Hitting into this weekend. It's a drop day. A podcast drop day. Hitting into this Friday, which is tomorrow, is, I've got to make Sonny's birthday cake. And this is cake week. He's there at the end. Thinking about it, or have you done anything?
Starting point is 00:29:32 No, no, no. This is, say, have you done anything? This year is a little bit different. Yes, I have. I've run a test. Right. I mean, for Neil listeners, welcome.
Starting point is 00:29:40 But Hamish has a broad history now of trying to make oil. This is my sixth year. Actually, it doesnish has a broad history now of trying to make oil. This is my sixth year. Actually, it doesn't bake a cake. He constructs it out of it. This is my seventh year of making. Well, your blood sweat and tears, and some times Lego. Constructing a cake from delivered pieces of bakery.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Well, you don't. The builder does not need to make his shovel for the whole to count. You are allowed to use tools, some things that have been, pre-assembled to put together a finished product. Would you agree though, Jack? Magistikakes are so much better. Like, there's this so good. But let us not forget how much we celebrated when I made what is
Starting point is 00:30:19 essentially an old, a red oblong. Yeah. We were the original cakes and he's third birthday. We're now, this is the seventh year. This is the ninth birthday. He's still into it. Yeah, the original cake. So he's a third birthday. We're now, this is the seventh year. This is the ninth birthday. He's still into it. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:29 But now he's obviously the mood changes from a three year old to, you don't think about who's making a cake. To now he's aware, you know, like that's become a fun tradition in the house. But now it's become, because the challenge is, hey, whatever you say, and now it always has a moving part. Whatever you say, dad has to always has a moving part. Yes.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Whatever you say, dad has to make it. So now, of course, the original was of course the car's trailer with an edible hinge. Yep. The back of the semi-trailer opened up and there was a matchbox car in the back. What's been, which at the time we thought was getting it? Technology. What's this year? Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Here's where the, here's where I'm at. Usually a day or two out, I'll get the breath. This time, it's been a week. He's coming in a week out. Come to a week out and it just was clear what it was gonna be. Because for the last two to three months, he's been heavily into Rubik's Cubing.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Okay, he's been, he's been Cubing. It's big at his school. When we're away on the holidays, we're just cubin. I learn how to do the cube with him. I'm cubin, you're cubin. I'm terrible. I'm basically cubin as just a sacrificial lamb, so the he can laugh at me and feel good about his time.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Is he better at the Cuban than you? He's smoking me. Right. Jack, you can cube, can't you, Jack? I'm a slow cuber as well, but still your complete cube is a complete cube. That's true. I remember back in the day, and that's where I tried and tell us that, hey, hey, we're all on the cube team here.
Starting point is 00:31:47 We don't need, we're not all speed cube. Yep. Anyway, Rubiz Cube has become huge. So it was probably clear from a month out, you know, because it generally the cake represents like what fad is happening at the time. Mm-hmm. It was going to be cube based.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Yep. So, it sounded like doubt of anything, what about a Rubiz cube cake? And I go, yeah, okay, I thought this could be coming up. This was about a week or two weeks ago. Then he went, but it moved. It was fully working, is it? And I went, geez.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Three Laisers, you know, all the pieces move. Solvable cake. Me, boss. Well, not all that are both like that. Well, that can't be, I mean, easy as possible, but also it's very much impossible if you're going for all edible. I'm not even close. No, I'm not even close. I gave up on all edible years and years ago. Just, I mean, once Lego started sneaking in, yes. Then you started, okay. How do you make a fully articulating Rubik's Cube?
Starting point is 00:32:45 So the first thing I did, we have a little Rubik's Cube key ring at home that are broken. And so I started looking on the inside of the cube and I go, okay, this is how they make them. It's quite complicated in there. There's 27 pieces plus the core piece of the cube. Here's my thinking. We find the design for a Rubik's Cube, a 3D printable Rubik's Cube.
Starting point is 00:33:07 We then hollow out, like if you just essentially make the skeleton of the Cube, so the plastic bits move around, then I will make each cube out of cake or edible material. So the cube, my vision for the cube aesthetically is it's on a stick with a base plate, so it's sort of like a foot off the ground, behold the Rubik's cube cake. It might be space underneath for a nine made out of actual cake if we want to do some cutting up, just for ease.
Starting point is 00:33:32 But that's what you know, you'd like vision wise, it's a cube floating in the air on a stick. Now of course, when you start rotating the pieces, you're gonna take a piece of cake that was on the top and rotate it upside down, and that's gonna slide off, like that's how it falls out. rotating the pieces. You're gonna take a piece of cake that was on the top and rotate it upside down, and that's gonna slide off, like that's how it falls out.
Starting point is 00:33:47 So every, and every face of it could end up being underneath the cake during the solving of the cake. So every face has to resist gravity, has to be able to hang in there. This is where it gets tricky. Anyway, I was like, let's start with the skeleton first, right? We sit down, we come up with the design. He's like, yeah, this should work, and I'm like, remember, we've got to try and find a
Starting point is 00:34:14 way for this not to all fall apart. He's like, well, let's just print the cube first and we'll just see if it works. It quickly becomes apparent that it's like, are you going to take way too long and we don't really have the skills. So we go on YouTube. So how long just quickly? So you obviously do this for a small piece. Remember there's 27 of these. It was going to be like six hours per piece. Right. So you press go crack to beer and you're seeing there and he's going, why are you standing around?
Starting point is 00:34:40 Yeah. So I in my head, it was like the Jetsons where you press and go and it like, and there's a cloud and the smoke dissipates and it's made. It is not that. So then we go on YouTube and we find Australia's greatest 3D printing genius. His name's Angusine's from a website called Makers Muse. He's got a YouTube channel. So I start harassing him online
Starting point is 00:35:03 and I can't get in contact with him. So they've now the clock is ticking down. Luckily, like last Friday, he's like, oh man, I never checked these emails. Yeah, because I was like begging within, please man, my brother and more, this is what I try to do, we really need to help. He goes, sounds really weird, but I'm,
Starting point is 00:35:21 I'm used. Yes, I think I know what you're saying. And because he'd made a group excuse before, but he'd never put the design online. Anyway, he shares his state secrets with us, right. Juz and him sort of get together and they're colluding. And I was like, let's blow it up though. Like we want to make it big. Yesterday I got the pieces, right. They're massive. Happy.
Starting point is 00:35:40 I thought I'd have these a week ago to run a test, because what I'm actually going to do is it's not going gonna be cake in there. It's gonna be the marshmallow and rice bubble mixture, right? Like a rice crispy, which is very legal in the baking world. That counts as cake. So it's fully edible, the cube, except for the plastic shell. But... So hang on, the plastic shell's on the outside.
Starting point is 00:36:00 The plastic shell's on the inside, then the cake's on the outside. So the plastic shell is sort of like a... It a hard to describe, but it's the interior of the cube, and then I'm packing the exterior with rice bubbles and marshmallow. I get you. You know, and then on the outside of the cube, yeah. So that whole cube volume is made of rice bubbles and marshmallow, which I put in as a lump, then when it sets, my plan is to shave it perfectly on the outside into the shape of the key.
Starting point is 00:36:27 I then ice those. I've got to make 27 individual ones with the correct colors, click it all together. That's your cake, that's the theory. Here's the really tricky bit. I, because I'm doing this all on WhatsApp and the kind of the printing geniuses I left them to kind of do it.
Starting point is 00:36:43 I'm not really needed in that, Ciao. They've nailed the printing geniuses I left them to kind of do it. I'm not really needed in that chart. They have nailed the printing part. Like Makers, Muse, my brother and law, they're very good 3D printers. The tricky part is this is a big cube. And I did a test last night with a corner piece because I was like, I've got to do a test before cake night. If this doesn't stick, do you know what I mean? Like if this this makes you, if you turn this upside down, it just slips out. Yeah. Like, honestly, full disclosure, I'm also in my mind, I'm like, this easily, like, there are several parts of this where it's like,
Starting point is 00:37:15 it's just all over. I'm, I'm, I've got another cake, good to, standing by that could just be a sorry cake. Like, it's literally just a round cake that says, happy birthday. I'm so sorry. And's just literally just a round cake that says, having birthday. I'm so sorry, and I tried. So I did test last night, have a guess how much weight,
Starting point is 00:37:30 how much volume of marshmallow and rice bubbles needs to go in each one of the 27 cubes. Well, you're trying to make the size of a, so bigger than a normal Rubik's cube, obviously. Each component, each little cube, is bigger than a normal Rubik cube. Obviously. Each component, each little cube is bigger than a normal Rubik's cube. That's way too big. I know. That's why I know. Well, I didn't get a chance to see it, Jack, because I just said to them, seems awesome,
Starting point is 00:37:53 guys. And they show me footage of it being printed. I was like, man, look at it go. And I actually didn't see it till it was printed out yesterday. And I went, this is a big cube. And this is going to be full of cake. Each one, by my estimates, there's gonna be over five kilograms of marshmallow. In each cube? No, no, in the whole pack. There's 250 grams of marshmallow and rice balls in each cube.
Starting point is 00:38:15 That's wild. It's too much. Yeah, it's way too much. Cause in your head you go, yeah, rice balls, very light. But it all kind of melts down and it's pretty dense. So that's where I'm at. Well, the plan is, I make them, you make them first. Like, I'll have to create the cubes first, put them in the freezer.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Then I was actually speaking to Scotty Cameo, he hasn't got back to me yet, but I texted him before. Because I was like, mate, I'm going to have these, like, globular, rice bubble marshmallow things. What tool exists where I could shave it this away? I said like I have an electric chainsaw like from my key this part. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it feels like it's just gonna get clogged and jammed up with marshmallow and rice bubbles. And I also just I'm not a massive nerd about
Starting point is 00:39:00 safety, but it just doesn't feel right for using a chainsaw in the kitchen. Yeah. Like if Zoe walks in and I'm using a chainsaw in the kitchen, that's going to be on me if an accident happens. There's heated rods for the fog. Yeah, I'm thinking of a heated rod or a heated hacksaw blade. So I freeze them down and I just, anyway, depends what Scott, he comes back with, but he's working on it for me at the moment. I would have, now that I realize the undertaking of this,
Starting point is 00:39:25 I would have loved to be at this stage one week ago. Just to understand the basic physics work, as it stands, and we're still four pieces short for the queue, but I've got it, I'm good authority, they'll arrive this afternoon or tomorrow morning. So tomorrow night, I'll have, I will be ready to attempt this, but even last night's test with one like lumpy corner. It took nearly an hour.
Starting point is 00:39:47 This morning I went to the fridge, it holds upside down. How long will it last for? We don't know. So you've got potentially 27 hours. I've got to sharpen that up though. I've got to think of a faster way to do it. The other thing is, in my head it was so clean, when you're working with this marshmallow rice ball stuff, it is everywhere. And the cube only rotates, like the cube operates on smoothness.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Are you doing this in your kitchen at home? Yes. So I would be hating it. Yeah. Yeah. So you got that against you as well. Yeah. And she saw me doing the test last night and she said, oh, you're not doing them that not again, like the marshmallow. marshmallow, I don't want this one, because I've used it before. How does it not a fan favorite? No, with the marshmallow rice mix, how often is that finished with people eating it? All the time, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Big like one of the more and more famous, I was looking at someone on YouTube, I said, made a big sponge bomb, square pants cake with it. I mean, that's the thing, yeah, people love it. Absolutely. Love it. It's a delicious treat, especially five kilograms of it for the eight children. You know, I have to tell them to really, yeah, okay, guys, there's only 400 grams of marshmallow siege. And if you're hungry, you know, have a banana because there's only, year, hey, three half a kilo each for you
Starting point is 00:41:06 If this is good luck then mate, we're here for you In the words of Jack, it does feel impossible at this stage But the joy on his face when you know, he's trying to rotate this thing around. It's all falling apart and it's on his 20th birthday when you finally It's going to be 20 first mate 2020, a ty oni f***li fiłyś. To jest 21.

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