Hate Watch with Devan Costa - SAG Homicide Guidelines

Episode Date: July 15, 2024

John's speed meeting people, Alec Baldwin gets away with murder, Devan and Joey are getting married https://www.patreon.com/HateWatchPodcast ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's good to be in something from the ground floor. I came too late for that. I know But lately I'm getting the feeling that I came in at the end The best is over Many Americans I think feel that way. I love eating beef. Yo, Deb's like a real eater Eat for real. That was like a real eater. Somebody called me a foodie the other day because I was like telling him about a good restaurant. I was like, you're like a foodie, right? And I'm like, no, I like appreciate good places. Jay in London, I was telling him about this Indian place
Starting point is 00:00:35 and I was like telling him what you gotta order because I had already gone there and I was like, gotta get this. He was like, you're like a, and I'm like, eh, I guess, but I fucking hate that word. Yeah. I mean, all it means is that'm like, I guess, but I fucking hate that word. Yeah. I mean, all it means is that you like, like you learn and you like kind of care about food,
Starting point is 00:00:50 I guess, but yeah, it's just, when I hear it, I go like, oh, you have a blog, you have an Instagram that's all food. You're like a massive loser. It's Jonathan Golder. It was a word created by like fat people to make it seem like they had like a job. I'm fat for work.
Starting point is 00:01:05 For being fat. I'm fat but it's like you know it's a part of the whole business. Same as like druggy. Yeah, foodie ink. Foodie druggy. Yeah. Yeah I don't know I feel like foodie is like a it's like an outdated term. It's like hipster.
Starting point is 00:01:20 I don't even know what a hipster is anymore. A hipster now is like big pants. Yeah. It's going back like big pants. Yeah. It's going back to big pants. You. Mr. Big Pants. Mr. Big Pants over here. Mr. Jinkos over here.
Starting point is 00:01:30 They wear normal sized pants. Hipsters now, they wear the big pants that they show in Bolling for Columbine, about how many guns you could hide in them. Well, we're planning something. Well, yeah. John, what is the speed meeting thing you said today? John apparently doesn't know enough people.
Starting point is 00:01:45 He's signing up to date regular people. Like it's not even a dating app. It's just you meet guys. I met an accountant, number one, who's gonna like help me out. So what was it? It's called speed meeting? I actually got in trouble at the club.
Starting point is 00:01:58 So like, I, okay. Huh? So once again. Hold on, real quick, let's just start. He's been manic since he got here. I don't mean to attack John but earlier Joey just said hey I don't think I can make it this week and we have to record another day John goes. Yeah, like I'm fucking I'm like doing like saddlebag stuff on my bike this weekend
Starting point is 00:02:17 I'm sorry. I'm a fucking himbo. You're confused. I'm sorry. I'm a fucking himbo. You're gonna manic with a retard Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm fucking hard somebody goes. I gotta I'm leaving town Tuesday. So we have to maybe pre-record John goes Yeah, I'm making fuckin' himbo, dude. I can do this. You can use a manic with retardation. Yeah, I'm sorry I'm fuckin' retarded. Somebody goes, I'm leaving town Tuesday, so we have to maybe pre-record. John goes, yeah, I'm making broccoli tomorrow night. Fuckin', my concept of time is dog shit, number one. I cannot understand time whatsoever. Like, I didn't know the months of the year until I was 27, dude.
Starting point is 00:02:37 This is all been a complete lie, a sham. This is a CIA op that you're pulling to distract everyone from genuine retardation. You don't remember deep moments between us, which really hurt me, I dreadful. That's fucking gay as shit that he's angry at our every deep moment between us. He doesn't remember anything.
Starting point is 00:02:58 He doesn't wanna suck him off, you know? Valor and I went to Lasordids earlier, there's a faux place right next to it, and Valor goes, have you ever been here? And I go, yeah, once like 10 years ago, and guess who I went with? And she was like, I was like, who? And I was like, John Knopf, actually.
Starting point is 00:03:11 What? And I go, but he doesn't remember that for some reason. Like it hurt me. I was like, I have this fond memory of me and John in this restaurant, and John has no memory. Just me and him. So little date we had. Wait, what?
Starting point is 00:03:21 Yeah, you have no memory of it. He doesn't remember saying anything. You don't remember me bringing this up two months ago. You don't remember saying anything. I don't remember, you don't remember me bringing this up two months ago. You don't remember not remembering. We've lost your fucking mind, pal. Yeah. Wait, where's Lasorto?
Starting point is 00:03:31 Lasorto is that little like a- Well, that's new. It's new, but it's- You mean the old place that used to be there, whatever. No, the place next to Lasorto. Oh, right. What was it called? What did we do?
Starting point is 00:03:40 I don't know, Thai. The Pho place. Pho place, yeah. Pho, dude, that's- Right by like the wood, that pizza place. It's nameless. I love it very much, I don't remember that at all. Yeah, well it was a long time. Was I nice?
Starting point is 00:03:48 It was great, you and I had a little date. Great. You know, I, yeah, I did a speed meeting thing, but then it like, so long. You do speed meeting to remember your name. They go, John, you go, yeah, well I guess it is John. Yeah, I'm like, I post the notes all over my body, like I'm in memento.
Starting point is 00:04:02 No, they're like, hey, what's your name? He goes, I didn't know this give me a fucking quiz Holy shit. I I go to the comp we go to the comedy night, right? Ambush was I thought to inspire you guys to be you know what inspire me for what to be good John goes John goes hey, there's a show at the LA Athletic Club, which John runs. Little do they know he's homeless, yet they think he's worn for it.
Starting point is 00:04:31 I fully admit everything. They literally, they think John is John D. Rockefeller. Yeah. He walks in, they know his name, little do they know he's changing into sweatpants in the alleyway, like Eminem and 8 Mile. My balls are rotten when I walk in there. Sleeping with alley cats and eating canned fish.
Starting point is 00:04:46 God knows what else he does. But he runs this place, right? So he's sitting up front and he texts us, he goes, there's a comedy show if you guys wanna come. Logan's coming, that's how baited he is. Logan's coming. I was like, Logan's coming. Yeah, and I was like, sure, I'll check it out.
Starting point is 00:04:59 I'm curious because I also have this thing with like, I know there's like an other world of standup in LA, and I kind of figured whoever's running the show at the country club is not gonna know people I know. So I was like, I'll check out the fucking circus, why not? And I like the LA Athletic Club. And I love going there, any excuse to go there. I didn't fucking think I'd have to take a seat.
Starting point is 00:05:16 I thought I was gonna stand in the back at the bar, look at people, go, well this sucks ass, and then talk shit, but. No, I always get my boys the best seats ever. Little do we know, we show up, John is paid for tickets. We're sitting directly in front of the comics. And it's a horrible venue. It's a comedy show basically at the hotel from The Shining.
Starting point is 00:05:37 It has a horrible vibe. Everyone in the crowd is like a lawyer, weird couples eating full meals. The worst crowd work I've ever seen in my life. Oh. It was gone all. Look, I don't want to disparage the comics because that was also my fear.
Starting point is 00:05:50 I was like, hopefully I won't know a single person here. I show up, I know every single comic in the lineup. Yeah. It was fucked up, dude. And you're like, you had to sit here. And I was like, John, I don't want to sit here. Dude, I fought for my life for the fucking. And you're like, I fought for these fucking seats.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Dude, I had to, I almost got in like three fights. Dude, I've been doing comedy for 11 years. I haven't watched a full show in maybe 11 years. I'm fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, was really just one of these whack jobs. Just this middle-aged absolute fucking whack job. Where he, like, not kidding, the type of woman that keeps, she keeps her son's head in a fish bowl and she walks it around the park. And after this show, she was just in derange, screaming, doing like weird cabaret-esque, it was just the worst type of lady that goes home
Starting point is 00:06:51 and dances with her husband's skeleton. That was good. It was killing me. Reginald, Reginald, they loved me tonight, Reginald. Reginald, I was a star tonight, Reginald. Reginald! You should've showed me! Woo hoo hoo hoo! Oh, harrowing!
Starting point is 00:07:07 Harrowing stand-up set. It was just weird and bad. And then there was a bunch of Asian gays on the show, being gay and Asian. Whatever. Yeah. I know all those people. Sure, they're good people.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Yeah. Terrible comics. Well, I felt like I was bullying them by watching that whole show. Yeah, it felt evil. Every time they start bombing, they look Yeah terrible comic well I felt like I was bullying them by watching that whole show yeah It felt evil they every time they start bombing they look over at me, and I'm like I shouldn't look at you Yes Beth kept looking over me like and I was like I'm sorry. I don't know why why am I here because you do the same thing Because it's one thing like I've done bad shows like that
Starting point is 00:07:43 Yeah, but at least the other comics have to go through the same thing you are Yeah, I'm being such a cunt by just watching it. I felt horribly uncomfortable I mean I was like having I it was so bad I was having to like fake laugh if you thought I was this Associating and then I snapped to like two minutes in and I'd like hear the end of a joke and be like and then look Over at Devon and giggle and make a cum joke or something Yeah, yeah when that crazy that crazy blonde lady was up up I texted Logan and I go she would fucking bury you, dude God on this show
Starting point is 00:08:12 Terrible experience though. I saw John texting in the group going like hey guys You gotta get here fast cuz it's like cut throat with the seats and I got your front row and I was immediately just like Oh man, that sounds like a nightmare And I was immediately just like oh man that that sounds like a nightmare So I was thinking of the fucking Titanic so I get there immediately some Jeff Bezos motherfucker comes over goes Are these seats taken and I'm sitting on a fucking couch at two other co and I said yeah, they're all taken I got buddies coming. Are you talking about the defense lawyer? He looked at every Fucking I it pissed me the fuck and then and then this fucking guy comes over
Starting point is 00:08:45 I so I had to put your names on the list So halfway there was like okay, I got because I can't leave the seats to go downstairs to grab you guys I gotta put you guys on the list so halfway and I talked to those server and I'm like, listen I gotta go downstairs real quick But my buddy's names on the list so they can get in because I can't leave these seats for too long cuz everybody's gonna fucking Take them and I go downstairs and I told Sonya the fucking woman. I love her to death I said if I go down if I go downstairs Still be here guy like John talk like a big shot. No, I said will he seats will these seats still be she looks?
Starting point is 00:09:13 Yeah, they'll still be here. Okay, so I go downstairs I put your names on list real quick and I go up back upstairs and some fuckers taking my chair and I look at him I go. Hey buddy. I got buddies coming. I need you to get that chair and he goes he's sitting with his girlfriend So he's gonna act real tough, but this guy's like a fucking twink, right? So he gets up, and then he goes, I take the chair back from him, and he goes, how many guys you got coming?
Starting point is 00:09:31 I go, I got three guys. He goes, they must be big boys. Like insinuating, they were like, yeah. Little C fucking no. I know, right? He should have said, yeah, they are fat. It's been a lifelong problem for them. They feel very uncomfortable about that.
Starting point is 00:09:44 And then like five minutes later, I realized the couch can sit three. I was like, okay. And then I was like, here, you can have the chair back. It's fine. Don't worry about it. So I give him the chair back. And then this Russian faggot comes in. And he comes in. And it was like, it was some like very... Yeah, it's fucking, so he comes in, he looks at me and he goes, he goes, I'm very, I gotta carry fucking, anyways. Are you on coke, Trump? What did you do earlier? No, I'm incensed, so I go, this guy comes up to me and he goes, how many people do you have coming tonight? And I go, I have three. And he thinks I'm including myself in that three. And he goes, oh, well we could take this chair.
Starting point is 00:10:24 I said, no, you're not taking that fucking chair, and he goes well How many I said three including me and we like he kept drilling me and like why are you asking me these fucking questions? Yeah, I wanted it was it was one second away from me going I'm going to make a scene if you asked you went through hell for absolutely no fucking Deal I love you all very much once you guys have the best It was all it was a torturous event It felt like a social experiment you were pulling on us all that work just for the worst seats possible for these guys They're comfy seats. There were comfy seats, but it was the worst possible spot in the in the room service
Starting point is 00:10:56 There's dog shit. I'm gonna be honest with you. Yeah, that was bad service. They take forever But uh, anyways at that night I learned about, my buddy Ray said there's a... Speed meeting. Speed meeting. Well anyway, real quick, just wanted everyone to know, I am doing the show next month. Come out.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Yeah. I asked her, I asked her to confirm it. I saw her during the speed meeting. I said, Connor's doing the show next month? And she was like, yeah. And I was like, amazing. I fully, when she asked me, I mean it's so funny,
Starting point is 00:11:21 because like 60 years ago, someone was like, do you want to do the show? I'm like, yeah, of course, anytime. She she goes do you want to show next month I go? Yeah, and she goes you don't have to know I'll do it. I fully do not that kid's ass actually that's super power I do not want to do the show. I'll be there. It'll be lovely I'm going you don't want to do a show to a big pillar Pillar king and queen that old couple rip apart. Please, just tear them all apart. No.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Do it, dude. Fuck them. It was one of those shows where the old couple sat in the front row and they'd be like, hey, you better be kind to my wife. And then he would dig into his salmon. It was fucking weird. That guy was raising a hubba-loo
Starting point is 00:12:03 before we fucking started the show too because he thought he could fucking. Raising what? A hubba, hubba loo? What was it? Hullabaloo. Hullabaloo. Hubba, hubba bubba.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Are you hungry? Hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey. Ha, ha, ha, ha. No, he kept fucking, because there's a restaurant attached to the bar and he kept trying to order shit off the restaurant menu but he can't, you got the bar menu.
Starting point is 00:12:23 And then like the waiter came in and was like, hey, you can't order stuff off the restaurant menu. And you can't, you got the bar menu. And then like the waiter came in and was like, hey, you can't order stuff off the restaurant menu. And he was like, it's okay, so this is massively disappointing. I'm gonna go next door, get it to go from the restaurant. And I was like, oh, these are the worst people to be in. Oh, I was wondering how they got salmon dinners at the bar.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Yeah, yeah. And they got married in that room. And then there was the defense, the personal injury lawyers that sat behind the comics and stared at them like they were gonna blow dart their neck and then sell their organs. No, it felt like a really elaborate set up to hostile. You know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Just find myself chained up in a room. It felt like a classic plot to all of these new movies now where it's a bunch of people get invited to a rich person retreat or event, and then something's afoot. It was doing standup at the Eyes Wide Shut party with like a bunch of people in masks standing there. But anyways, I fucking, so they had speed meeting
Starting point is 00:13:15 the next night. Somebody said they got speed meeting. You really got a kid alive there. Suck me, dude. How do you have the biggest life of all of us yet? He has a life, yeah. He has the best life ever. People do that that don't have lives.
Starting point is 00:13:25 They shame me. No, it was lovely. Your job is like, you speed meet every day everywhere you go. Yeah, exactly. When you have too many friends, and they're all just riddled with ailments. Every time John brings his friend around, he's like, hey, this is my friend, retard Fred. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:38 This is crippled Johnny. This is Lieutenant Dan. He's got the whack pack as his network of friends. You know, I was kind of just like, the only reason I went is because my buddy Ray would be there and then he's a very important guy. So he didn't show, so I show up to the bar. What's so important about Ray?
Starting point is 00:13:57 He handles some very important Hollywood shit. And I show up at the bar and he, He's a producer? He's a producer, he's a very important producer for aest for a massive intellectual property the Michael Clayton of like rape Cleans up is Ray Donovan. Yeah, he's boss So I I was like, oh that sounds fun. Who gives a fuck? You know, I mean sure I'll meet some people whatever the fuck so I show up there and then Yeah, it was I meet like a professional gambler
Starting point is 00:14:25 I meet an archivist for the academy. What kind of gambling? All of them all real quick. Is it the year? You're are you sitting at tables like it's like it like it's time chess like yes two minutes per person like you're playing Gary Kasparov and like I get to know him. There's two minutes per person. That is so gay. What are you doing? There's two minutes per person that is so gay and what are you doing with your life? That's for like divorcees and like freaks. Yeah, right made you do it Is that what you're saying? And then he had his show up till it fucking ended and I was pissed off Cuz he knew it was gay, he was like I convinced this man
Starting point is 00:14:53 He's like oh you actually fell for that? He's like you fell for that, I was kidding Are you kidding me? Well the thing is I found it, so I'm going in there I find a CPA I'm like okay I got tax issues That's the first thing I told him That's how you use your two minutes Everyone sits down and John goes first things first I need help I find a CPA. I'm like, okay, I got tax issues. It's the first thing I told Everyone sits down John goes first things first I need help He's like it listen sir. I only have two minutes you better fucking listen
Starting point is 00:15:18 2017 didn't pay okay. There's more Started snowballing because I started my mind just got fixed on fucking the IRS. I'm sure you were snowballing Now I so it started snowballing because I met my new CPA and he's like I'll take go to your work for the IRS for Five years. I was like fuck it. You're the guy so I but I'm like in the back of my head for some reason I get you know me I get like laser focused and then you You get the right things you like. Yeah, that's the thing. So like, it's like, I, so all of a sudden in my head, I'm getting panicked about the IRS throughout the entire. Oh yeah. You started finally actually thinking about how much you've been ignoring them.
Starting point is 00:15:53 You looked yourself up into a panic. You started having a panic attack. And Ed's like, you're like, oh fuck, I think I'm in a lot of trouble actually. Oh, there's only 10 seconds left though. Every few months for the last like five to seven years, John will mention the IRS and I'll be like, so you just like don't pay your taxes?
Starting point is 00:16:12 This is actually not good to say on a podcast. Who gives a fuck? Not kidding. They know. It'll be the funniest audit the IRS has ever seen. They're gonna be like, all right, you have a podcast and you live in an office space and you joined a country club, okay Okay They're gonna be scratching their head
Starting point is 00:16:27 It seems like I think this guy's a ghost actually So like the woman who put on the comedy show was the one who put on the speed meeting So like I'm I'm Piper focused on the IRS for some reason start snowballing in my head. I start going crazy And then like I'm at the bar afterwards. I'm talking to some people I met and then I start like, you know, you know, you know, I Real quick. It's so funny to be around the type of wealth that is at the LA Athletic Club at the bar and They're asking you why are you freaking out and you go I owe the IRS like six thousand And they're like try 1.3 million my friend dude I saw I saw five speed beats later and they're like you seem distracted. He's like ah the first guy got me with the IRS
Starting point is 00:17:11 So me and the woman put the comedy show We're like in a group and we're talking and I'm like yeah I'm at a CPA here And he's gonna help me on the RS issues and she starts drilling me on my RS issues And I'm like dude. I don't like five years of taxes a problem like 10k terrorist issues and I'm like dude I don't like five years of taxes or I'm like 10k at this point And then I'm like and she's like how you think you're gonna solve it and like I can't like fucking help myself I say the most inappropriate thing. Mm-hmm. I'm just like that and I'm like I well I told her I wasn't afraid of suicide by cop. I was gonna call them
Starting point is 00:17:38 Yeah, I was gonna call them and be like how much are two sheriff's deputies lives worth to you or we could set up a payment plan Call them and be like how much are two sheriff's deputies lives worth to you or we could set up a payment plan Oh John And uh What is she going on I could see the look on her face just like fucking like she like laughed but I was like oh shit like you know She's like this guy might be kind of I was like Have some issues
Starting point is 00:17:56 I was gonna barricade I was like I'm honestly the point now or if they don't I cuz I don't want to set up a payment plan fuck payment plans I'll just like paying what I think I'll just just I'll give you like three thousand what you think I'll give you three grand or I'm going to barricade myself in my fucking room with a shotgun and like like kill dozer 3k or you can deal with me in a killdozer I said you can accept 3k or I'm blowing with me in a killdozer Or I'm blowing away three sheriff's deputies that's what's happening and she didn't like it So you lose 3k and go to prison for the rest of your life. No, I'm gonna die. No, you're gonna you're badass, dude Blow my brains out all over the fucking wall. I love you telling her this then you go but Connors doing the show next month
Starting point is 00:18:42 That's what I did exactly You're telling her this and then you go, but Connor's doing the show next month, right? That's what I did, exactly. That's exactly what I did. She thought it was funny, she liked it. Remember when you were saying after your big settlement, you're gonna use that to pay off the IRS? Yeah, I thought you didn't do it.
Starting point is 00:18:51 No, no, I was gonna start the payment plan with the IRS. I'm never paying, I'm never ever. I don't think they allow for this like. Yeah, they do. They allow for payment plans, there's interest rates. Oh yeah, 100%. There's interest rates though. I will never pay them what I owe them.
Starting point is 00:19:04 They will never get a fucking dime from me. John's like paying for burrito bowls at Chipotle on Klarna He's fine. He still owes Chipotle like 250 burrito bowl from February Debt-maxing debt-maxing is the coolest thing you do as an American because there's no debtors prison So there is unless you want to own a house there's the IRS see there is for the I for tax that you can go to jail all the time to Wesley Snipes they're not gonna fuck me the thing is well you're also acknowledging that you know that you haven't paid and that's like that's when you're when you start becoming
Starting point is 00:19:39 culpable for a crime it's rare once you if you don't if you never admit that you know you owe tax money Then it's not criminal, but you just did on a pipe. Oh tax money, and I'll go to prison Heard it here first No, but you should just go and do as much debt as humanly possible as an American and just that is interesting I've never understood how it's that big of a deal. Who gives a shit? You can just not pay off your credit cards
Starting point is 00:20:08 and then like. Dude. I did that with a credit card. They just call and then you can like. I pretend to be retarded. Go into bankruptcy and that's bad. I guess it looks bad but. I did that for 5K and it's just like I forgot about it.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Nothing ever happened. You could then when you get money, pay to repair your credit. I just pretend to be retarded. You are insane though Joey. The amount of good jobs you've had since I've about it, nothing ever happened. You could then when you get money pay to repair your credit. I just pretend to be retarded. You are insane though Joey, the amount of good jobs you've had since I've known you, the fact that you only have a credit card
Starting point is 00:20:31 that has $300 on it is shocking to me. My credit is limit. He can't spend anything dude, Joey has no limit. It's because, well so my credit score has actually gotten decent again, but for credit cards, they don't look just at your score. It's probably, I think it's like 750-ish. Oh, that's great.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Whoa, what? You should be able to get a much better credit card. So credit cards don't really care that much about your overall score. You could have a good score, but if you didn't pay for a big amount on a credit card, they just won't give it to you. Oh, so you just closed a credit card
Starting point is 00:21:01 that you have money on? Yeah. So yeah, and that's fine. But tax debt is different. John's going to jail. Yeah, John's going to jail. They're going to throw a flashbang grenade into my fucking window one day, and I'm just going to blow my brains out.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Well, they're not going to do that over $6,000. Yeah, they're not going to care that much. That's what my new CBA told me, is like, did you have more time than you think? And I was like, okay, sick. Yeah, but it's racking up, isn't it? I don't give a shit. More interest, more interest. You know what's racking up? me racking that shotgun in my fucking room and pointing it in the shirt
Starting point is 00:21:28 That's gonna be picking his teeth off the fucking it could be about thirty thousand dollars now. No no no shot No with interest each year. He hasn't paid for like seven years What did you owe them initially? There'd be interest on him starting a payment plan, but if he just paid it all outright, the second he does taxes, he's fine. But I'm wondering if it's been going on that long, how much interest has been tacked on?
Starting point is 00:21:54 I'll go to war. I don't think they add interest per year if you not, like if he starts a payment plan, that's when the interest starts. I'm pretty sure they add interest every year you don't pay. You think so? I don't think they do. It's not interest, I think it's a fine. It's a fine.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Fine. But fines add up. They add up. Do add up though. Yeah. Who gives a fuck? I'm still here baby, I'm still breathing. Who gives a shit?
Starting point is 00:22:14 You know what I mean? Red jacket, green jacket, who gives a shit? When, God willing, this podcast starts funding all of our lives, man, you are really, you're gonna have a weird complex. Oh, I'm gonna fuck off to like the desert. What does that mean? You're not gonna do the show, you are?
Starting point is 00:22:32 The first day you get like a decent check, you just leave? The second the date you're on. You just got him, I fucking tricked him. I got eight dozen smackaroos. You just hightail it to like Slab City? What are you talking about? It's three hours away on the sun. There's a later queer if I got my flight.
Starting point is 00:22:51 He rides off in his motorcycle to a homeless compound in the desert. There is no reason I can't live in Slab City and just come here once a week, three hours away, just fucking live in a Winnebago. Why do you want this life for yourself? You have a beautiful nephew. Oh, okay, I was gonna say beautiful life.
Starting point is 00:23:08 No, no, no, your life is utter shit. That's nice. No, you guys can't handle what I can handle. That's what it comes down to. I don't care. You've just become really good at juggling turds. I'm institutionalized, baby. You're a turd juggler.
Starting point is 00:23:22 I am institutionalized. You guys, you could never juggle shit like this, guys this guy nobody dude, I'm fucking juggling like diarrhea dude I'm gonna get it all in the cup. Nobody we don't want to juggle diarrhea I just I don't mind being dirty and just like being stinky You are just a mental iron glad dude you came into today in a classic Guys can handle being stinky You're not built for it You're all manic and crazy. You're all loopy
Starting point is 00:24:00 You're back. I was excited. I was excited about today. I had a good I had a tough week I wasn't sleeping and I'm doing good. You didn't drink all week. No, I why I drank today. We recorded the podcast Yeah, I could check out my drinking chart. No, it's a drinking. I've been drinking three days Wow, man Pretty cool. Where's your chip? So the Alec Baldwin trial has been going on. Who's that? Who's Alec Baldwin?
Starting point is 00:24:30 No, this guy. It's not even on the screen. It's a guy. Sorry, I'm wasting. Jesus. You're a mess, bud. Are you actually wasted? I'm pretty drunk.
Starting point is 00:24:39 What? Stop chugging more. All right, all right. Because you're wasted from half of this? I haven't eaten anything today. You haven't eaten? Stop chugging more as you... All right, all right, I'll chug. Because you're wasted from half of this? I haven't eaten anything today. Chug a bacon sandwich. You haven't eaten?
Starting point is 00:24:48 It's also 86 proof. Yeah. Ah, dude. You guys couldn't handle my life. I was gonna hate this. God damn it. What is with you? I'll stop, I'll stop.
Starting point is 00:24:59 You don't have food to eat? No, I had a bacon sandwich with jam earlier. So you ate? Yeah, I had a high calorie meal actually. He goes, I'm all fucking starved, I haven bake I had a bacon sandwich with jam earlier Because I have I'm all fucking starved I haven't eaten today I had a huge bacon sandwich Roast beef a cheeky and a pizza kind of fried peanut butter and jelly sandwich one of the ones that Elvis used to eat But yeah, I'm starving today though. Just like just like deep-fried Oreos from the county state fair giant turkey leg from Disneyland. I did that 72 ounce steak challenge, but I haven't eaten yet today.
Starting point is 00:25:29 That's nothing for me, dude. But yeah, so Alec Baldwin's been on trial. He got off, actually. We'll play that footage. But I want to start with some of the moments, maybe. I think there's some moments. Not really sure. It could be all duds. We'll see. But it's Baldwin, baby! We've been covering Rust and Baldwin's bloodthirsty actions since day one. We broke this story. We broke the case, like we broke the Johnny Depp case. We broke Cobra.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Jesse Peters, or Waters, Jesse Waters. Yeah, from Long Crime. From Long Crime should hire us. We should all be paid by the Long Crime Network. Just be like, hey guys, do you like humor? They'd be thrilled to have us. us do like a little humor on the network Oh, I guess what I can do a straightforward crime show with no humor. Oh you have I would Excel at that. Yeah, it's so easy anybody could kind of do it if you could read and talk
Starting point is 00:26:17 We do have a radio voice. Yeah, you'd be great. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so is there horns? Is there a release date for rust yet? No, not yet. They finished filming it though, right? They should release it on a six six twenty six Also for Hollywood hate watch we're doing we're gonna start watching movies on a separate tier on page friend or something and We're going to do like commentary on it. That's on the list rust. Yes starting August We are gonna create some new tiers on the old page. There will be a Hollywood Haywatch
Starting point is 00:26:50 where we will watch a movie, what do you guys think? Once every two weeks? Sure. Yeah, so twice a month. We will then, we'll all watch it alone. We'll tell you what we're watching. We'll then do it on Patreon and we'll try to, we're gonna test it out.
Starting point is 00:27:04 It'll be like the podcast. We'll be doing try to we're gonna we're gonna test it out It'll be like yeah, it'll be like the podcast We'll be doing a new thing so we're gonna be like maybe we can play the whole movie at a low volume and I could but It's just too much switching switching back and forth We're only you know, but or or just like the whole the best clips will play the highlights things that we thought were hilarious We'll talk shit about it talk about about the movie, do that. Also wanna do some trial runs with a bar thing where we all go to a bar and we have lavaliers on. I have to just get those and we have to see if that'll even work or if people, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:37 if it'll, we'll be talking and then it'll capture John at the bar telling somebody about how much is, like how big his loads are or something. And it's like, it's like. But that's what they want. That is what they want, but it might be, you know, we might be talking at the same time. We'll figure all that out. But what we really will be doing is Jock Week.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Jock Week. Jock Week, we will record an episode a day for a week once every two or three months. We haven't jotted it down yet, but that'll be on a tier. You will get seven straight episodes. You will see us from Monday through Sunday. Just get progressively more and more beat down. More deranged, beat down, hammered,
Starting point is 00:28:15 we'll be on dialysis, we'll have fuckin', like, we'll have IV bags in the room. Who knows how it will go, but at the end of that year, even if it's once every three months, and by the way, you can fucking cancel your subscription, you know, but you know, whatever. But that's, what, that's 28 episodes or once every two months is 48 episodes.
Starting point is 00:28:40 That's crazy. Yeah. That's wild. Extra episodes. We're gonna treat you guys. And we're not gonna do some like 30 minute bullshit. It'll be an hour long. And I cannot. It'll be normal episodes. I can't wait to tell my wife once every two months. I have to go on a week-long bender for my job. Yeah, it's gonna really. I'm gonna wake up every day shaking in bed and I go I have to go to work honey. It's my job. Are we gonna do it at 5 a.m.? No. No. Come on. We should.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Well there could be a few episodes that we do. It'll be funny. Yeah, it at 5 a.m.? No. No, come on. We should. Well, there could be a few episodes that we do. Like, oh, man, Anthony, yeah, that'd be sick. But yeah, the point is to say that, like, you know, this isn't work, really. We have it easy in this new day and age. We're not real broadcasters. We wanna try and-
Starting point is 00:29:18 We wanna prove something to you guys. And dip our toes into real broadcasting. Imitate a shadow of a real broadcaster. When we recorded those, like like six episodes in a row before I went to London, we had some of our best of all time. I agree. Easily. Also, John does these really, John does this thing
Starting point is 00:29:32 that he does like privately for people, where it's like a, he does these really good JOIs. He gets naked and he sets up a little camera. He basically looks into it and acts like he's talking directly. With a countdown. It gives you a countdown and makes you eat your own come at the end of it. And it's actually really, yeah, it's a C it's a J O I P O V C I.
Starting point is 00:29:52 And you're going to like it a lot. Would you, would you do that? Comes with the tear. No, no, no. Would you do that for a 50 dollar tear? Yeah. He'll do a fur. Yeah. And split the money with him. Not naked, but I'll give you a fucking,
Starting point is 00:30:01 I'll give you a J O I. Not naked. What are you a prude? Why are you being all bashful all of a sudden? I'm gonna do a- Can you do a JOI with like a sock of your penis? CFMN. I'm gonna do a co-female, new male JOI CI, dude.
Starting point is 00:30:15 It'll be fun, dude. All right, so let's see. I mean, this could be, you know, who knows? I don't know what's going on in this trial. I know we got off today though Fucking weak pig Week what was what was it she like? She was a cinematographer Yeah, yeah the cinematographer was made of balsa wood I
Starting point is 00:30:43 Yeah, yeah the cinematographer was made of balsa wood I Would have fucking tank that boy Fucking bird bones couldn't take my bow. I'm on trial for target practice Dude he's getting no sleep. He looks Chinese. It's crazy people have any idea how many immigrants I've killed I've killed over 70. I'm a trial for light work. I've killed over 72 maids in the Hamptons. I've drowned them. I've drowned them in the East River. You guys like, all this about a maid, guys? And they're like, Mr. Baldwin, what?
Starting point is 00:31:19 Don't go sniffing around Montauk. The Long Island killer, yeah, sure, was that big fat fuck Ralph. Sure, the Atlantic is full of a lot of bones. I heard you there saying male shot in the stomach is that what you said? It's the chick from Monster. Charlize Theron from Monster. Do you recall where the other person was shot? Somewhere in the chest.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Okay. Or shoulder area. Thank you. 32, I got the, uh, just 10 to 5. Medics? Three two I got, just 10 to five, medics. Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:32:28 I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:32:36 I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:32:44 I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. Act it out because I want your love! It's a little blurry, but I believe it's this lady, right? The one that's bent over with her blondish-brown hair. Is the monitor working now? Yeah. Somebody on set, I'm assuming. This monitor's working now. Do you know how to touch it? There you go. Thank you, I appreciate you. You can go ahead and remove that. No, I know how computers work.
Starting point is 00:33:30 I used to work closely with the night growler. He goes, listen, Eileen Warnos, are you gonna, how many women in this courtroom are you gonna bludgeon after this? Can you show them how to remove it? Push on the menu button. Okay. Damn, they don't got bumps. That uh, that person, that person and somebody over here, the battalion chief,
Starting point is 00:34:04 they were wearing Santa Fe medic, county fire medic shirts, so. And they came in and the vehicle in front of me. You don't know who the other people are that are in the room? I know the other person shot and then And they go in where was mr. Baldwin at this time? He goes well He was outside shooting rounds into the air yelling he all Chains are kind of misspelled her name or pronounce it and then the other assistant director and that's about it Okay and you mentioned that there was a truck pulling in ahead of you.
Starting point is 00:34:48 It was a volunteer firefighter truck. So did the first responders that we see here in this scene, did they arrive about the same time you did? Yes. Mr. Baldwin told them to relax and just enjoy the show. He was bathing in the blood of the dead victim and he was rolling around in the blood like a pig. He kept demanding that we put a mask on the headless body. The paramedics is saying gauze is for closers, okay. Here's one of is top moments of the trial. There we go and while playing make-believe with that gun Violates the cardinal rules of firearm safety. That's what movies are live. It's so ridiculous
Starting point is 00:35:34 He was ever even tried for this. I mean Fucking cocksucker to me kind of but like it's so insane that we actually all I really don't get it Like what did he and absolutely of us would have done the same thing. Give me the gun. I'm in the scene I'm shooting the gun. They don't they told him that there are no live and there's no live ammunition Everyone everyone that hates them for being a fucking liberal retard like used to do like Trump impressions on SNL They're like he should have checked the gun on SNL, they're like, he should have checked the gun, he doesn't know safety, black rifle, coffee, blue light matter, no!
Starting point is 00:36:06 Cracker discipline. He also, you gotta be extra safe with any kind of gun, so I do think he should have checked, but also, I would never put, yeah. Who the fuck checks? You're thinking about your lot, you go, yeah, yeah, thanks! A lot, I think most actors, I think all actors that deal with guns that can shoot
Starting point is 00:36:26 live rounds do check You know You know many fucking movies there are where somebody that never holds a gun ever Has a gun in the scene and they have gra and they're told they shoot it like yeah What they're there but they're your they are supposed to check The fucking armors on this movie were like fucking chas level retards that like you know came from Portland and they have no clue How to handle it? I mean, maybe he should check technically but the onus should not be on him
Starting point is 00:36:58 I don't think he ever should have been charged with anything But also here's the crazy thing is the armorer now because of why he got off might be getting off oh that's insane but yeah there's also another video this is heads are gonna roll now that he got off whatever that means I'd be that ball is gonna go one by one and shoot like Alec is loose locked the doors danger and someone could be killed ladies and gentlemen that's what this case is about the defendant handled I'm sure. I'm sure. Danger and someone could be killed. Ladies and gentlemen, that's what this case is about. The defendant handled this firearm multiple. I think he gets up and runs out of the courtroom.
Starting point is 00:37:32 You will see video footage of the defendant firing. There was one clip where he literally just gets up and they're talking about him and he goes, I can't handle this. And he just like, I didn't even know you could leave court. Honestly, if this was you, you'd be having an outburst in the fucking court. Oh, I don't blame him whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:37:46 I've been saying this since day one. If I'm on trial for anything, I'm screaming the entire time. Yeah, it's insane. I'm going, what the fuck are you guys talking about? Yeah. If I'm on trial. What the fuck? I would be held in contempt every day of my trial.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Cause I'd be like, guys, once again, this is fucking insane. Are we going to play a game with my life? Is this really how you guys want to go about this? A big game, huh? Guys, once again, this is fucking insane. Are we gonna play a game with my life? Is this really how you guys wanna go about this? A big game, huh? What is this, a Saturday night little Monopoly game? Huh? It's my life!
Starting point is 00:38:13 I didn't do anything! What's wrong with you people? I'm walking in like Coburger if I'm on trial. Stone cold. Stone faced? White eyed? Yeah. Well that's the wrong move.
Starting point is 00:38:24 No, I think that's the right move I think they just act like a act like you killed four people and that's not how he's acting dude I would you but why don't say that about him? But no, I think that a good defense attorney like they all say like yeah Just I know this is gonna sound crazy and it's gonna seem in the humane or whatever But you have to act just like don't show any emotion for whatever reason That helps the jury or whatever The only thing I'll be looking at is the guy's emotions and when he doesn't show emotion I'd be like you're guilty
Starting point is 00:38:56 I'd be doing like a large like physical act outs. They're like they show like evidence. I just be like We look horrible we both He's working perfectly fine But you'll see evidence writing family that each time the defendant handled this firearm, he did not do a safety check with that inexperienced armorer. You like that. The stenographer is sick. Who is this fucking like beat the shit lifetime movie lawyer?
Starting point is 00:39:37 No, look at that stenographer. To prosecute Baldwin. This is a setup, she stinks. Oh wait, so is Eileen Wuernos? New Mexican Better Call Saul reject they get? a setup she stinks oh wait fucking who so is I lead where knows new Mexican better call Saul reject did they get well so is Wernos his defense attorney no this lady's not Wernos this is some other no I know but is Wernos I think so the defense okay I think and you'll hear that the reason he didn't do a safety
Starting point is 00:40:02 check is because he didn't want to offend her. Sounds like a gentleman to me. Sounds like a nice guy. Will paint a real life picture. He's like, I trust women know how to do their job, sorry. That is funny. He killed a woman because he was trying to respect a woman.
Starting point is 00:40:20 He's like, last time I'll trust one of these bitches. Never again. Never again. Never again. They hate them. They hate themselves. They hate their friends. They have no friends. They have no friends.
Starting point is 00:40:30 You know, so the women, they have no. New best friend of a cheeseburger. He's what I learned, women hate women. Yeah. Women hate women, that's what I got out of the West trial. Guys, guys, I've been friends with my best friend since I was in third grade. He's a cocksucker, I hate him.
Starting point is 00:40:41 He's raped 30 women. I'm still his friend. By the way, fuck amigans at press. Jason, gut him and we'll burn in hell. Mishandled, this gun. Is that Helena? I don't know, but the Petrani behind her, I love. That's Helena, that's Helena.
Starting point is 00:40:57 I think so, yeah. You will see him using this gun as a pointer to point at people, to point at things. Isn't that Billy Baldwin right there? Look at Billy. Oh! No! You got that, Seve?
Starting point is 00:41:09 That's amazing! Look at Billy! Look at him go! He's doing the same face. Yeah, he's doing the Billy Baldwin face. Oh, what a lovely guy. I gotta, I gotta, I gotta get out of here. I gotta get the sharknado9 after this.
Starting point is 00:41:20 That's so fucking funny. That is such a funny catch. He's like, he's like, please say guilty, please say guilty, I need his rose, keep his rose. Lock him up! Oh, that's so funny, Devin. Where's Steven? Damn. You will see him cock the hammer when he's not supposed to cock the hammer.
Starting point is 00:41:38 You will see him put his finger on the trigger when his finger's not supposed to be on the trigger. That was a fuck bitch. Yeah bitch. You will hear it. It was almost like he was playing a character in a movie that holds a gun. The entire time Alec Baldwin acted as if he wasn't who he was. It's almost as if this guy thought he had the fastest hands in the West. In his mind he was a cowboy.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Dude, they literally keep acting like it was lunch. Like he was holding a pistol at lunch to like this woman's head. They're acting like he shot her in the head on like some A2014 coming of age drama, where there's no guns involved. There's no gun in the scene. Like he blew her head off in this set of 500 days of summer. He's on the hill. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Oh, that's great. With this defendant and this use of this firearm, the defendant once again violated those set safety rules. And during this blocking, the person violated the set safety rules, the director had to load the live ammunition. She definitely did. Yeah, that's what happened. And just hold it at an angle. But you will see if the defendant takes it out quickly the first time
Starting point is 00:43:06 points it and you will hear witness testimony who will tell you how goes It's called method acting on or around the trigger a defendant didn't do a gun safety Check out this image. Oh, shit. Look at him. Look at him in his shitty outfit. By the way, this is the worst movie ever made. For sure. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:43:31 I don't care when it comes out and people go, I'm not gonna. No, every shot I've seen of it looks like the worst thing to ever exist. Yeah, absolutely. Look at him and his gay. He looks like a guy walking around Silver Lake with an Americana.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Yeah. He looks like a guy walking around Silver Lake with an Americana. Yeah. He looks like he's honestly, he looks like he's firing at a matcha hut. He's at stories right now. He should have checked the weapon, especially because, and they're all, Look at her, look at her. Look at John's new girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Yeah, seriously. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She, look at John's new girlfriend. Yeah, seriously. Yeah, yeah, yeah. If she gets off, I'm gonna end her up. Experienced armor, and the prosecution is saying, we will prove to you that Alec Baldwin pulled that trigger despite him saying he hit him. How do you think he broke his nose? And that this wasn't a case of a mechanical failure
Starting point is 00:44:21 when the gun went off. Oh, I bet he got punched for being a smarty-ole cocksucker. The evidence will show that meanwhile, a mechanical failure. I bet he got punched for being a smarty-ole cocksucker. The defendant began to claim he didn't pull the trigger. The evidence will show, ladies and gentlemen, that's not possible. You will hear from Mr. Pieta himself who will tell you that gun will not discharge without a pull of the trigger You will hear from firearms experts who will tell you
Starting point is 00:44:51 By the way, here's probably what happened So I read a comment online breaking this down because he claims it even pulled the trigger and here's how that might have been possible He grabbed the gun and was putting pressure on the trigger and then when he cocked it that triggered the shot It's a single-action revolver yeah yeah those are like the worst guns ever by the way did you guys know actually shooting people you know he's been sober for like 30 years good for Wow really no not single-action no that's not true he called he was sober when he called his daughter and called her a fat pig sober for so long and I just every time I saw a photo of him post the Russ thing I've been like this guy's been drinking like three bottles of whiskey every night. Dude his eyes look like camel humps.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Hasn't had a drink in very many years. Is he Irish? That's bull- look it up. He's Irish? These guys lie about their sober. Yeah he has to be Irish. That's complete bullshit. That's what happens.
Starting point is 00:45:41 He's either calling his daughter a fat pig or making amazing poetry on a hillside somewhere. Baldwin66 eventually stopped doing drugs, but after his drinking increased the result, he made the choice to become totally sober in 1985. The thing I miss is drinking. I don't miss drugs at all, but I do miss drinking. I like to drink. Yeah, that's cool to say.
Starting point is 00:45:56 He's lying. That's awesome, yeah. He's not sober, dude. I would honestly almost bet my life on that. Okay. Anyway, that just makes all all this more interesting about him. There is no way Alec Baldwin doesn't go back to his fuckin' mansion and pour himself a scotch
Starting point is 00:46:10 during the Russ trial where he shot a woman in the heart and the director. He has to be drinking. He's definitely drinking. I don't buy that. Okay. I don't buy that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Alec Baldwin's walking around like fuckin' Chris O'Connor with non-alcoholic white cloths. The most deranged joke I've ever heard of in my entire life. I listen to Stuffed Violet a lot and I'm like, what the fuck is he doing? What? It's a, just have a sparkling water. Have a LaCroix dumbass.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Isn't a non-alcoholic white cloth a sparkling water? No, but it still has that awful white cloth flavor to it. But he needs that weird jungle juice We're like we're like sunscreen like Kitty pool Claws it tastes like the Pirates of the Caribbean ride in a can Betty the pop gun was placed in mr. Baldwin's hands and cold gun was announced. Meaning it had been checked and double checked by those responsible to ensure the gun was safe. Here's his real defense guy.
Starting point is 00:47:12 It was just a prop. They all thought it was just a prop and could do no harm. The actor's job is to act, to rehearse, to choreograph his moves, to memorize his lines. Let's fucking go. He's Harlan Rust. He's an outlaw running for his life. Harlan Rust? What a shitty cowboy name. He's Mordecai Rust.
Starting point is 00:47:35 He's Jonah Rust. It's Morty Rust everybody. Oi Faye how does this gun work? Oh guys he's kinda heavy. Who put bullets in my gun? Oh, God, it's so dry out here. I gotta discharge this firearm. Oh, stop bleeding in front of me. Somebody, somebody put a missile in my gun.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Oh. Who in the incident in question, he's pulling a six-shooter to try to defend himself. That's why the gun has to be safe before it gets into the actor's hands. His mind is somewhere else, in the being of another, a century away, an outlaw. He must be able to take that weapon and use it as the person he's acting with. To wave it, to point it, to pull the trigger like actors do. For acting, you have to be so close to the barrier of real and imagine that the viewer feels that they're there that it's real.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Sad guidelines don't tell actors to check the gun. You will see them. That's not the actor's role. Alec? And if that's true, then throw the case away. Stop looking at the Constitution and start looking at the SAG guidelines. That's really funny. That's great. Throw the Constitution away.
Starting point is 00:48:51 What about our Constitution? The SAG guidelines. Throw the Ten Commandments away. Start looking at the SAG guidelines. Dude, SAG is so gay. I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna do that.
Starting point is 00:49:02 I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna do that. the Constitution away. What about our Constitution? The SAG guidelines. Throw the Ten Commandments away. Start looking at the SAG guidelines. Dude, SAG is so gay. I still owe them like $1,900. The boy is scam.
Starting point is 00:49:13 You're in the Union? They hit me up constantly, like I'm supposed to give them two grand so I could get a fucking DVD copy of King Richard. Like they're fucking losers, dude. I don't give a fuck. Don't you get help, you truth? I'm not going out for anything unless somebody hits me up and I have to audition and be in a thing.
Starting point is 00:49:30 I'm not paying you. Hey listen up Hollywood, he's fishing. But wait, don't you get health insurance? Eh. That's worth it isn't it? The same as, I don't think it's any better, you still pay. Oh you still pay. And you also pay union dues once you're actually in SAG.
Starting point is 00:49:46 And you pay the union dues. Oh, so. If I pay $1,900, then I get house care. I always thought they paid. With a bunch of other retards. But also, you're in a weird spot because you've done two SAG roles, right? Bust down and this full.
Starting point is 00:49:57 The next thing I'm gonna, I have to pay. Next one, you have to pay $3,000 to enter SAG. Oh my God. Which will be more than you will probably make on your next SAG. Make 100%. Yeah, because you had day rate, a thousand bucks or whatever it is. I already had to pay like $1,600 It's three thousand dollars to enter set. Oh my god, be more than you will probably make Yeah, cuz you had day rate a thousand bucks or whatever I already had to pay like sixteen hundred dollars to be in a show that I made fucking eight seven hundred bucks from insane That's crazy. So I was like, well that was annoying fuck that dude So I'm like I just I just keep ignoring their their calls
Starting point is 00:50:18 Yeah, that is such it that is a genuine scam because they're preying upon a bunch of ambitious young actors Oh, yeah, and they know that a lot of these guys are really hungry to be actors You're not serious not doing it, but all these broke guys that have dreams of being a star They're like hell. Yes, of course. Thanks for letting me know How many fucking people I met on sets that were like telling me like they couldn't be in a thing and they had to go Pay sag in the middle of the show or else they weren't gonna be allowed to be in the thing that was their dream, they finally got in. And it's like they're like a nothing role in this show or whatever.
Starting point is 00:50:49 And I'm like, oh yeah. So they would go on the phone and they would pay on a credit card. Like $2,400 to finally get into SAG. And now every year you got the dues and then SAG every fucking day emails you though you can't be in this. How dare you be in this, you're going against the union.
Starting point is 00:51:10 You're going to jail, cops. If you make a video with your friend tomorrow, we'll kill you. Like it's so weird, I have no clue what's going on. I don't give a shit. I'll only do it unless I need to or whatever. You know, some, there's a weird subset of these people, you know what I meant, it's pretty cool, are the guys, it's I need to or whatever. You know, some weird subset of these people, you know what I meant's pretty cool,
Starting point is 00:51:26 are the guys, it's also sad, sad life, but the guys who do background acting who are in SAG, these guys are cleaning the fuck up. But they are just sad husks of people. I did background acting one time on Teen Wolf when I was like 18. Holy shit. And I would meet these guys and they worked
Starting point is 00:51:44 like seven days a week on set and it could go for fucking 15 hours sometimes. when I was like 18. Holy shit. And I would meet these guys and they worked like seven days a week on set and it could go for fucking 15 hours sometimes and one of these guys lived at the W. Like he was making so much money because your sag minimum of your background actor, which it's very rare, if you're a background actor you're usually non-sag, you get a rate or whatever it is. But no matter what when you walk on set you have this
Starting point is 00:52:01 like minimum they hit and it's like $400 and then anything after eight hours You get paid double time. Yeah, so I was doing the math and I was like damn I'm making like I think I think 250 bucks today. These guys made 1700 oh shit. Yeah Yeah, they make good money, but it's like they're so close to what they want to be like the proximity to stardom, but they are dirt It's like a deal with a deal with the devil They're on set every day torture and the a-list actors won't even look you in the eye You're trash to them yet yelled at by a PA to go over there. It's very bizarre
Starting point is 00:52:34 Yeah, it's very busy set they they they they hit you up They hit me up all the time and they say like I'll be in really bad standing with them Like I don't know what that means like they're gonna like me or something It'd be funny if like every time a big blockbuster was announced, they personally contacted you. Like, Planet of the Apes is coming out. They're like, you can't be in it. That's the one thing, it's like,
Starting point is 00:52:54 if anything like that were to ever happen, which it won't, if that were to happen, I would be like, yeah, I'll pay you. Not if you're a bad setting. They're gonna say no, nevermind. Go ahead and reset it. I'll pay three grand again. Sorry, you're a bad setting. they're gonna say no, nevermind. Go ahead and reset it, I'll pay three grand again. Sorry, you're a bad setting, we don't want it anymore.
Starting point is 00:53:07 You're in bad standing, you're in really bad standing with Shag. God, the greatest joke of all time was when Matt and Tre called them fag. The film actors killed it, that's the funniest joke. God, I hate them, I hate them so much, they're in my email all the time, telling me what I can and can't do.
Starting point is 00:53:25 Asking for money, they're fucking homeless people. They're pathetic. That's what's so funny about The Strike is like, you guys are unemployed, you don't. Could you take us? And then randomly they just go on strike and then everyone goes like, hey, like, like fucking, like Ed Begley Jr. brought Domino's.
Starting point is 00:53:42 I got to meet Ed Begley Jr. today and I'm a fucking retard that works on a show that nobody watches, but I'm like a part of a thing. It's on the waterfront, man. If you were in. You idiots, you all play make believe. Go get a real job. But then if you were in, could you bring us to the club?
Starting point is 00:54:03 Like John's Athletic Club, do we have a new club that we could go to no the headquarters in like? No, it's like an office building. It's not like a movie theater I could qualify to like go see movies earlier. I guess oh, I thought they had a big club guild like it a kill But that's another thing I should write back to every email be, I will pay this if you guys start making better movies. Can I use the jacuzzi? Cause then I wanna, if the movies were still good,
Starting point is 00:54:30 I'd wanna go early, I'd wanna see them in advance. Sure, that would be fun. I go, listen Tarantino's on his last one, Scorsese's about to die, suck my cock. I don't care anymore. I'll wait for the theater, yeah. Yeah, like I literally, I thought about it, there was a moment where I'd be like,
Starting point is 00:54:44 man, oh my god, am I in bad standing with Shag? Wait, I'm in bad standing, should I pay $1,900 to not be in stuff? Like, no one's hitting me up. What am I, I've never been able to get a manager or an agent. They talk to me, they just talk to me, they're like, I heard you like the Lakers. Yeah, oh yeah, well your friend told me,
Starting point is 00:55:02 you were like, look, you're a big Colby Ryan fan. Yeah, I'd like to do this, I'd like to do that, whatever, they go, okay, I heard you a podcast. And then I go, yeah, I do, and then they look, and that's it. And then they go, well, there's nothing we can do for you. And they go, well. Well, great meeting you.
Starting point is 00:55:17 There's actually a big movie called Faggot retard coming out. We want you to be the lead. Watch Seven Pay the $900, he's selling the next season on Mandalorian or some shit. Dude, you know what's so funny about me doing background on Teen Wolf? I never watched the show, I had no clue what was going on in the show. And I play one of the background lacrosse players. And it's all taking place in a locker room, that's the whole scene we're doing all day. And I had no clue coming into this that Ornie Adams is the little cross coach.
Starting point is 00:55:47 So I was like floored starstruck by Ornie Adams. From Comedian? From Comedian. The Jerry Seinfeld doc? And I was like, holy shit, I kept going to the other guys and they're like, do you know who that is? And they're like, he fucking had her like, no. And I'm like, that's Ornie Adams.
Starting point is 00:55:59 They're like, who's that? And I go, I have no idea who that is. He's a comedian. They're like, do you like him? I'm like, no, he sucks ass, I hate that. Oh, okay, I thought you actually loved him No, but see cuz the guy I've only ever seen comedian I was him and I wasn't doing scene Ornny got better. He got he did get better. He's kind of a killer
Starting point is 00:56:14 Yeah, but I had only ever seen comedian and I had not seen that guy. He's the worst also just the worst person of all time He's deranged. He does the late-night show and he calls all his friends. He's like, yeah Well, this might be the last time we talk. I'm gonna be famous. It's fucking deranged, but I just remember being like, I can't believe I'm in the same with the worst guy of all time. I was beside myself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:36 That being said, we like you now, Ornie Adams. I like you. I only, I'm worried about Ornie listening to this. Ornie might be a listener. He's got a lot of hate desires. I've seen him do sad sins and he's good and he's he's good dude. He dominates Yeah, the health care thing jelly I don't I don't think it's any different than if I just paid for my own health
Starting point is 00:56:55 I for I don't know why they would advertise that as a perk then people have told me I'm an idiot or maybe it's like really Good health insurance. What are the only people that have told me? I'm an idiot for not doing it is people that have desperately their whole lives wanted to be in SAG. And they're upset that I'm treating it like a I don't know. Also your insurance will expire you don't keep booking roles. It's not like you buy in.
Starting point is 00:57:15 That's also another thing. I have to then keep booking roles. And if it don't work for like seven months they'll expire your healthcare. It's fucking retarded. My whole life I've always thought like the reason people mention the healthcare in SAG is because they like SAG somehow pays for it.
Starting point is 00:57:29 I was like, that seems like a really good system. That's very charitable. You're constantly working, it is great. That is why the expendables exist. Because all those guys are losing their fucking healthcare. Yeah, yeah. Joey, that actually is it. They would pay for it if I was booking roles year round. Okay, Okay, God if I'm not it's that doesn't really got you
Starting point is 00:57:49 Okay, that makes sense. Do you have health care? No. Yeah me either. Who needs it? I'm fucking Healthy as a goddamn horse. I'm gonna get it soon. It's crazy. I've been putting it off You haven't richie fucking ridge over here. I mean I was technically in poverty in New York So I got like state health care my medical ended like about seven eight months ago, and I just haven't well Then I got married. I joined Valerie's health care. Oh you get to get married you get to join Oh, yeah, I mean we could have done it I think if you're in a relationship over ten years domestic partnership you can join But uh now that we're married was really easy for me to file I guess I should do, just in case.
Starting point is 00:58:25 You should have health insurance. It's, what if something happens? I haven't seen a doctor in like 15 years. Well can't you just get health insurance once, if like let's say you get a big bad diagnosis. Say I'm like in the hospital, I got in an accident, I'm in the hospital, can I just like buy it on my phone that day?
Starting point is 00:58:41 No, then you can't I think actually. No, I don't think so. No, you just get it. They have a Hippocratic oath. They have to give you all the shit. No, then you can't, I think, actually. No, I don't think so. No, you just get it. They have a Hippocratic oath. They have to give you all the shit. No, they will still, like, fuck it. Hippocratic, they have a hepatitis C oath, but what do you say?
Starting point is 00:58:54 They gotta do it. They have to do it. The hepatitis oath, then you get, no, the doctors, they're still going to save your life. Yeah, they'll help you no matter what. You have to pay. You have to pay. And then you'll be fucked. Can't you just be like, I I'll pay just give me this. They're still gonna give you what you
Starting point is 00:59:08 need to save your life but you do have to pay. Also how you feel about the IRS I think that is true about like medical debt. That's how I feel about medical debt too. Yeah that is true. I hear it all the time everyone just ignore it and I'm like yeah that's what I do. Yeah that's what I thought too they can't really they can't put you in prison for ignoring medical debt. No, medical debt's different. Tax debt is the only kind of debt that they can put you in the prison for. They tried to hit me up for an ER visit one time,
Starting point is 00:59:31 it never affected my credit score. So Joe, you pay out of pocket every time you go get steroids and all that stuff? I don't have. I've been through a hospital. That's healthcare, isn't it? You got a doctor feel good. Yeah, I guess, no, I pay, yeah, I just pay out of pocket.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Yeah. I guess I should get it. 75 bucks a pop, it's like. Also, I don't think health insurance would cover just a doctor or something. Yeah, no, it would. I get fined anyway for not having it, I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:54 Fuck that shit. You don't get fined, well, you don't. I don't pay shit. You don't pay your taxes since eight years, so. You're gonna suck my ass. Yeah, no, I don't know. Yeah. It's just like.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Life is hell, it's so annoying. I was actually probably won't get it. I was just so used to the Medi-Cal thing, when I made no money and then out of nowhere I made money a little bit. And I'm like, that's cool, but also annoying. No, you gotta do all these things. I was collecting food stamps for a second in New York too.
Starting point is 01:00:20 That's sick, I was about to do that right now. I was on food stamps in the pandemic. Yeah, I was on food stamps. I signed up for everything in the pandemic. I was about to do that right now. I was on food stamps in the pandemic. Yeah. Yeah, I was on food stamps. Pretty sick. I signed up for everything in the pandemic. Yeah, me too. I was thinking about doing that. Yeah. Yep.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Other than PBT loans. I technically make 15 an hour. I wasn't like one of those rappers that acted like he had 30 businesses. I knew comics who had never made a dime doing standup, like take out like business loans. Business loans, like for my business, it's comedy. They're like, all right, they gave me $50,000.
Starting point is 01:00:42 I'm like, they're gonna kill you. Yeah. Joey, you wanna sign up for healthcare soon? Sure, let's do it as a team. Let's do it as a team. I'm very codependent. Domestic partnership. We've known each other for 10 years.
Starting point is 01:00:52 You guys should get married, actually. Can we say we're gay and we're in a gay world? I think for the podcast, you guys should get married. Joe, can we get married? I would totally do it. I'm not kidding. Are you serious? Yeah, I would. 100% do it. How much does it cost? Let's do a I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry type thing. Doesn't cost money to get married? Yeah, I would totally do it. Are you serious? Yeah, I was. Dude, 100% dead.
Starting point is 01:01:05 How much does it cost? Let's do like a, I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry type thing. Doesn't cost money to get married? Nothing. If we go to like Las Vegas and just pay 75 bucks or something, I think. Oh, but even if you do in LA, it's like $150 for your marriage.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Oh, sure. Go to the courthouse, yeah. You guys gotta, I fucking love you, dude. I love you, man. I love you, man. They like check your house. I'm going to propose, though, and make it official. So if we have a wedding. Yeah. Wait, wait, so it official. We have a wedding
Starting point is 01:01:29 Please have a wedding Married and one of us gets health care the other one gets to just go into that health care like you don't pay for your Health care. No, I mean you pay it's more but it's a but it's a little less we could split health care But also we're offered like really we have like incredible health care So you still have to get health care, but it'd be cheaper as a married couple. Okay, sure. I mean, how much does it cost to get divorced? I think it's free unless you want unless we know I'm like Devon you can come over to the house to do the podcast, but then you gotta go Dude we're gonna we're gonna go to Vegas we're gonna get married We should we should make like a hate watch like a show and like for the big wedding Yeah, here's the thing you guys would actually get arrested. Yeah
Starting point is 01:02:32 scam We're actually gonna be married We don't have to do we don't have to do the wedding French right now. You can't legally get married if it's it's fake They do check I love him with all my heart The wedding French right now you can't legally get married if it's it's fake It's fake I love him with all my heart The IRS can feel I mean what is evidence right now, that's the whole plot of it No, hey, we're saying right now. It's real. This is I am episode. Yeah, what am I talking? Joey's the love of yeah, what am I talking about? I'm I'm of my life. Yeah, what am I talking about? I'm neglecting true love before I be very honest. It's actually homophobic.
Starting point is 01:03:08 Because we get like tax breaks or something? You get tax breaks and stuff like that, you're stealing from the government. It's not stealing if we're actually married. What if we just tell the government, like, guys, if we're not, don't give us a break. They're like, hey, you. I mean, I guess you guys could file independently after you get married, but. Yeah, we'll just do that. We'll be like, we like, we're married, but we fucking, I guess you guys could file independently after you get married, but yeah, we'll just do that We'll be like we like we're married, but we fucking I hate that guy
Starting point is 01:03:30 I really kind of want to I want to look at it. It's really funny to me I'm gonna talk to a lawyer and make you get this all like figured out make sure it's all above board Yeah, and then we'll all right Joe you get back to me next week. I will I will all right Can we have a Ida officiate the wedding? You get back to me next week. I will I will all right can we have a Ida officiate the wedding? Me me and John are best men yeah for each of you. Hell. Yeah, I can't wait anyway. I love you man I love you, too. I love you. Joy Love my life you love my life This sucks oh
Starting point is 01:04:02 Huge case We want you to be blowing someone's brain. We want you to hang out, okay? Whatever you want to do. Yes, sir. All right. Give me just a second. If you want to pull the trigger, you want me to have him sit tight or?
Starting point is 01:04:15 All right. So try to keep him away from everybody. Look at that mole. Okay? Have him talk to anybody. Okay? So aside from the fact that you have someone at the church where this shooting happened, say to officers, that Baldwin pulled the trigger, and that of course could just be the person
Starting point is 01:04:29 assuming this happened, and aside from seeing Baldwin's immediate reaction, another important issue is that LeFleur was instructed to keep the witnesses separated, but watch what happens. LeFleur! This is one of Joey's most elaborate beefs. My God, Joey, did you infiltrate the rest? I snipped a little bullet into the thing. Whoa, watch what happens He goes Brock the holding of Brock I was like, dude, he looks tough right there. That's Alec Baldwin, this guy. What is that, a fucking leather face? Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:12 So the one that was missing, the one that was fired, we don't know, but all the other ones were proper. They had loads. Officer LaFleur, is it similar to you right now that they're talking about... You go, yeah. What's up? Word, buddy! Officer LaFleur? Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:35 It's a sis-hell thing. You'll hate them all. It's a goddamn glass house. Is it him? You like Jersey? I've seen killers. You heard of Jared Powell? I've looked death right in the eye. That guy over there is not a killer.
Starting point is 01:05:54 I've looked death right in the eye. I think it looks like Jersey. That's him? That's not Bill Ford? In Mexico. Officer, are they still talking about the incident? Yes ma'am. Is there a reason that you didn't stop them since you told them not to?
Starting point is 01:06:18 I think, uh, as time goes on I tell them to stop. Officer LaFleur, does it look like Mr. Baldwin is speaking to a potential witness? It looks like he's talking to the guy who says his name is one of the directors, yes. He's like, hey, chill. So the idea that's seemingly put forward by the prosecution is that you have witnesses talking to each other at a very important time that Baldwin is possibly coordinating his story or crafting his story with others based on what other people are saying or at the very least their stories are being contaminated and that is why in investigations you want to segregate witnesses to hear their independent recollections of what happened
Starting point is 01:07:01 especially so there's no influence from others. And the idea here put forward by the prosecution is that Baldwin was disobeying law enforcement not prosecuting. No one can cover a story like you, Jesse. I will tell you. He's just drawing like a graphic picture of a woman's heart getting blown. He's doing the super bad dick drawings. It's a dick with a cowboy hat on. It's a daughter with a 600 pound body.
Starting point is 01:07:28 Have you ever seen that in your entire career? No. He wasn't under arrest right? Not to my knowledge no. From there we move on to the testimony of Tim Benavidez, a retired lieutenant from the Santa Fe Sheriff's Office, and he too responded to the scene. And he made contact with the armor, Hannah Gutierrez Reed, on scene and actually inspected the weapon in question. Did you do anything with this gun? Open it, open the cylinder or anything at all
Starting point is 01:08:00 once you received it from Ms. Gutierrez? Yes, as soon as I got to my unit, I opened up the cylinder and I made it safe for myself and whoever else I was going to handle it. Why is he wearing gloves? And when you say you made it safe, what do you mean by that? I'm going to deal with evidence right now. Um, thank you, Connor.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Come on, John. He has the guy who opened up the cylinder on his wheel gun. Dumbass. Sorry. And I ran the wheel to make sure there was no- He's the dumbest fucking animal in town. God, you fucking Mongolian. And were there any ransom?
Starting point is 01:08:24 This is your first fucking time watching a trial. So your first trial Just your first trial bub yeah, we watched a lot of trials you've been here And that's my man Don't disrespect my man on his own fucking show. Don't disrespect my fucking husband. John, you're tearing this marriage apart. I'm just a little nervous. We just got married. Oh, on the big famous podcast.
Starting point is 01:08:52 I want you guys to get married so bad. I mean, so bad. I feel exalted. Dude, if it's not, if there's not like a ton of like hiccups and it doesn't like fuck our lives up going forward and we can easily get divorced, I'm totally fucked. Get married in like Santa Barbara. I will happily, we will drive out to Vegas next week.
Starting point is 01:09:09 Please, let's do it. I'm in, I'm actually in. I'll just do it. I mean, yeah, Ida's never coming back, so. She's busy banging the mavericks. She's having the same conversation with the big NBA stars. Like, is this marriage, how is it gonna go?
Starting point is 01:09:23 How's it go, can I divorce you you soon when do I get your money did you do anything else to the gun I did not okay to your knowledge that anybody else have access to this gun once you put it in your patrol vehicle no so he was the one who declared this crime scene retrieves the we get a jazzer evidence was collected okay weber I want that side so bad this way older are laying on a like a when does he run out yeah I want you to run out in the open covered all the running out run out. Who? Who covered a gun. Baldwin running out. Oh
Starting point is 01:10:05 Mr. Joel Susan Come on now. I observed Let me type that in. Alec Baldwin Leaves trial Leaves court. Leave court. There we go. There we go.
Starting point is 01:10:17 Oh hell yeah. Oh yeah. There we go. Same go. Crying like a bitch. Motivation to lie about pulling the trigger of the gun. I'm 63 years old with six kids. I can't rely on luck anymore. He goes, I just can't do this.
Starting point is 01:10:33 He just walks out. His lawyers are like, what? Look at Big Nose. He's like, what the hell? And that he can't rely on luck anymore. This goes exactly to his motivation. Somebody put a gun behind the urinal. Like Godfather-esque, I'm going to come in here. I'm going to blow everyone's head off. Come back with a big surprise. But yeah, I didn't even know you could do that.
Starting point is 01:10:57 I didn't know you could just leave in the middle of the trial. So here's this. Heads will roll. Heads will roll after Baldwin case dismissed Yeah, so by the way this just happened like hours before we started this hard mistrial or they they got him off This man dismissed him the sanction of dismissal is the only warranted remedy the jury He looks Japanese has attached and a mistrial would not be based upon manifest necessity
Starting point is 01:11:23 further Is that Stephen and a mistrial would not be based upon manifest necessity Further Is that Steven Say I see the lead singer Character in con air What is that thing around his neck is it a mask what's that in his hair is he have like a blonde What is Steven Baldwin doing right there? That's a part. I thought it was he had like a dyed one thing. Yeah, what's in his hair? Does he have like a blonde? What is Stephen Baldwin doing right there? That's a part. I thought it was he had like a dyed one thing. Yeah, what's on his neck? I have no idea you're full screen that
Starting point is 01:11:52 That's a mask. Yeah, it's a mask. Oh, it's a mask. Wait. What why are they wearing masks? He's only one It's very funny that he's Justin Bieber's father-in-law. That's sick. Oh, I isn't that very funny yeah that's really annoying that's really weird so funny that for your ass to hang out with Stephen Baldwin hilarious action of dismissal is warranted in this case the state of grandly made representations to defense and to the court never compliant with discovery obligations Stephen says companies like I thought you said cry was for queer to fail to disclose I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it, this Twitter video is better because you can see Helena too. Wait, is that her right there? Yeah, that's her.
Starting point is 01:12:50 She goes, She says, She says, She says, She says, She says, She says, She says, she goes,
Starting point is 01:13:05 Cuchina, Cuchina, Cuchina. Ay, ay, ay. I am a fake Mexican. No, Marty, no, Marty. Cuchina civiliza. Oh, Alec. She's like, order in the court, you were born in Phoenix, Arizona!
Starting point is 01:13:26 No! I ain't here going to a fuck of my cool-off tonight! Alec turns around and goes, Where's my Ruka? Where's my fucking Ruka? Where's my Ruka? Where's my little bitty Ruka? My little Ruka! Look at them! Now, with respect to the jury, Where's my Rooka? Where's my little baby Rooka?
Starting point is 01:13:47 Look at them. Now, with respect to the jury, I can't imagine you all want to return on Monday. I will take care of the jury. Thank you. And the Gansett bursts into the room with a camera. Well, good for Baldwin. Good for bloodthirsty Baldwin, that maniac. I am happy. Yeah, I was not rooting for him to go to jail. No. Me neither. I want Russ too. God bless them all.
Starting point is 01:14:15 Electric Boogaloo. What if it, yeah. Electric Boogaloo? Yeah, what if it becomes like the most successful trilogy in film history? It's like rivaling Lord of the Rings. Is there a trailer yet? I think there actually might be a trailer.
Starting point is 01:14:29 Can we watch the trailer? On the- I feel like I would know if there is. Right? No, that's the video game Rust. Oh, down. One down. Right there.
Starting point is 01:14:39 Never before seen. Now to our NBC News exclusive. Newly revealed footage from the Alec Baldwin movie rust Filming of a scene before the deadly shooting on set as Chloe Malas reports it comes as he is potentially facing new charges Tonight never before seen footage PA kill. Just killing different people on the set. So craft services, PA, AD. He also does not look anything like a seasoned cowboy outing. No, not at all. He's got a Jewish name. Not at all.
Starting point is 01:15:18 He's shooting so like clumsily. Yeah, it looks terrible. One more, one more, one more. Taken in the days before the fatal shooting of cinematographer Helena Hutchins. Now wait a second, if I terrible. One more, one more, one more! Now wait a second, if I'm gonna shoot right, you want one of those side of the camera? I don't want to shoot toward you. I'm gonna take a little nap and then when I get up we're doing that scene again. Now wait a second, can we get somebody's heart right in front of me? I wanna kill the transbo guy next.
Starting point is 01:15:39 Can somebody put their chest right in front of me? Where's the key grip? I wanna blow his fucking brain out. Best boy, best boy's next. I'm gonna blow his fucking skull. Best boy's gonna pay. After this whiskey nap, you're all dead. After this whiskey nap, you're going down for a dirt nap. Subtly by NBC News, show the actor preparing for scenes,
Starting point is 01:16:03 firing weapons and interacting with crew members. According to a source familiar with the matter these videos are among dozens provided to special prosecutors days before they announced plans to recharge Baldwin with involuntary manslaughter. NBC News has not seen the rest of the videos. Everyone doesn't need to be right here, like in the path of the gun. Could you please move? The inside look is just a portion of the evidence that could be presented before a New Mexico grand jury starting tomorrow. Tonight, Baldwin's legal team and the prosecution declining to comment on the videos. Since the incident, Baldwin has repeatedly denied pulling the
Starting point is 01:16:44 trigger in the fatal shooting. The movie's armorer, Hannah Gutierrez Reed, has pleaded not- Wait, how is there- is it possible to deny pulling the trigger? He obviously pulled the trigger. Well, he's saying it was a misfire. That he pulled back the hammer and had some pressure on the trigger. That could happen. Well, that's fake. I mean, he pulled it, it could happen.
Starting point is 01:17:03 Yeah. No, the gun just accidentally had a bullet in it, but he definitely was doing what he was told to do, which was shoot the gun. He's like, my Mexican wife put a hex on me. She's a bruja. She's a bruja. Valerina came in and fucking started crying,
Starting point is 01:17:18 and I pulled the fucking trigger. El Diablo was present on set that day. Guilty to involuntary manslaughter and tampering with evidence charges. Her trial is set to begin in February. The gun was supposed to be empty. I was told I was handed an empty gun. Tonight, with the possibility of new charges on the line, Alec Baldwin's legal troubles taking center stage as prosecutors bring the deadly incident back into the spotlight.
Starting point is 01:17:44 Chloe Malas, NBC News, New York. Thanks for watching. Hell yeah. Yeah. God bless. Love him. God bless Baldwin. He got off.
Starting point is 01:17:54 The guy who did it again. He got off again, man. That guy's a killer. What a fucking killer. Killer. I am a fucking killer. Let's watch the part tonight to honor him. Yeah. Oh, yeah. tonight to honor him. Yeah. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:05 Sounds good. Yeah, yeah. I've never watched it. Patriot act, patriot act. Oh man, well I think we've had a decent amount of fun here tonight. Yeah. We planned a wedding. Planned a wedding.
Starting point is 01:18:20 Celebrated a victory of our favorite actor getting off. Damn right. Watching the part with my husband, I've never done that before. Kind of always been my dream. You got, I've done, I've done with a man I've been secretly in love with for 10 years, but now that he's my husband,
Starting point is 01:18:35 it's a different movie. I've been working secretly to make this happen. And now it's finally happening as a goof, but hey, listen, I'll take, I'll take what I can get that's my man If you guys get married I'm gonna fully like refer to you guys I'm like be out with like Val I'm like, it's a cool of Devon and his husband Say Joey and his husband come on dude, it's cool Joey and his wife comes husband come on dude it's cool Joey and his wife comes tonight
Starting point is 01:19:12 that'd be great maybe hopefully we can make it work out I know your work yeah I'll do it come on oh I you meant like the actual getting married I think our marriage no our marriage will work of course you and I know how to live with each other? What if you guys are in couples counseling in a year? Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha! All right, John, any parting words? Nothing. I just love everyone that listens to this. What about your friends, do you love us?
Starting point is 01:19:34 Yeah, do you love us? Oh, I love you guys too. That goes without saying. Love you too, buddy. The best guy ever. I love you too, I guess. I love you too. I had a lot of bourbon.
Starting point is 01:19:42 I love you too, John. This isn't enough to have made you this retarded. For a god damn bacon sandwich and then this. Dude. That's not that much. You gotta slip to have, pump the brakes. Eat more. I'm gonna have a little bit more.
Starting point is 01:19:53 I'm gonna, I can't wait for that 33 taps quesadilla cause it's happening. Look at that. Switch to Miller's and then we'll go get 33. Can I have one more during the Patreon? I always feel guilty asking you for Miller's. No, you can have Miller's. Thanks man. But I'm saying you can't do whiskey. Well. I may have a little nip of whiskey in a Miller. No Miller's them
Starting point is 01:20:11 So You're acting like a real wife Joey texts me to clean the sink. I take the trash out, please do Devon He taxed me to clean the sink. Take the trash out please too, Devon. No, listen, I'm doing it for the pod. Cause I know when you get too loopy, you get off the rails and then we don't get percent of my ADD flares.
Starting point is 01:20:33 Yeah. It's okay. All right. Suck it and I'll sleep in. God bless you all. I love you all. God bless you all. Should I announce that me and Ben are doing that?
Starting point is 01:20:44 Yes. Sure. Yeah. So me and Ben are doing that. Yes, sure Yeah, so me and Ben Avery are starting a new show Ben's doing stand-up again. So we'll have a new show Can't wait. I'm so excited. We saw good. Yeah. Anyway, August 10th me and Ben Avery are hosting a show It's a lot like live life love but like a you know times two and what's the name? You guys have a name? It's called cringe. Ooh Cringe hosted by Ben Avery and Connor McNutt will be the Virgil August 10th. Oh the Virgil. I love that venue. I didn't know you guys chose it. On Verdugo? No on Verdugo No on Virgil on Virgil in Santa Monica. Yeah
Starting point is 01:21:16 You know the Virgil. I don't know. You've been there for sure Saturday August 10th 730 p.m. I'll have a ticket link soon, but please come after that. That'd be very funny. Oh, it's gonna be a bunch of people. It's gonna be amazing. It's gonna be a really fun show. Oh, golly. Yeah. So check that out. Devin hates it.
Starting point is 01:21:31 We'll all be there, we'll all be there. God bless you all. Devin hates that we're doing a show together. I just find it hilarious that that is, you know, Mr. Anti-Stand-Up getting back into it. There we go. You should do it too, Devin. It's very amusing to me. No, it'll be fun. Mr. Anti stand-up getting back into it No, it'll be it'll be fun. We'll all come it'll be fun come out
Starting point is 01:21:57 for sure we have bill burr Louis CK Dave Chappelle and Getting that's it. Yeah, maybe another spry guest, but yeah, that's that's the line up I do hope you guys try a little bit harder than the last show that I was able to hope that Don't appreciate that well, you know But yeah, that's that's the line up. I do hope you guys try a little bit harder than the last show That's I was I was hope that okay Don't appreciate that well, you know God bless you all love you. Good night

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