Hate Watch with Devan Costa - The City Is Mine

Episode Date: April 10, 2023

We watch people try to form words on the @whatever podcast, Jeremy Renner is recovering from his snow plow fight, a murderer comes back to a crime scene to brag to the police, Joey gives a TV update, ...Johns Gun Corner, Joey calls his Mom to reminisce on all the family get togethers he's drunkenly ruined. Get weekly bonus episodes: https://www.patreon.com/HateWatchPodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's good to be in something from the ground floor. I came too late for that. I know. But lately, I'm getting the feeling that I came in at the end. The best is over. Many Americans, I think, feel that way. Okay, this thing you have on your computer.
Starting point is 00:00:18 Oh, yeah, these bullshit. I don't even know if I want to watch this because it's so hack. They're all over fucking TikTok and Twitter. We're talking about the the whatever podcast where it's like yeah it's like a guy that looks like Breckenmeyer like the road trip lead
Starting point is 00:00:32 yeah like a little tiny like loser but like yeah he gets his Levi's fucking leather jacket with the hoodie he gets the yeah the hoodie sewn into the leather jacket and then he gets like a panel of like five women that are essentially like sentient sex dolls like they're not even alive and they're just like vomiting up cum and shit
Starting point is 00:00:50 and like trying to form words and then he just goes like you know like a man like built the chair you're in yeah and they're like what like such a chair what room is this am i real like that and then they look like, like smart. Yeah. You know, and everyone's like, yo,
Starting point is 00:01:07 this guy held it down. Yeah. Owned her. Owned her, dude. Whatever podcast. There's a bunch of guys with backward hats selling fucking happy dad seltzers. Well,
Starting point is 00:01:15 it's crazy how often I see these fucking people on my Instagram feed. Well, you know, I just read an article. This, I guess, is a real podcast, but a lot of these podcasts are fake.
Starting point is 00:01:24 They're designed. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They make, make they they set up a fake studio they make a and it's just for a clip to go viral on tiktok they don't actually have a podcast which makes sense because half these people i don't think know how to even really speak yeah you know so you saw that clip of that girl going around twitter like uh last week where she's like this is how you please your man like i i i before we go out i suck him off he's got a nut we go out she's like in the middle of hanging now i get his nut off that's two then he comes home he needs a nut i give him a nut then i make him lunch another nut like she like talks about like you have to like fuck him six times a day to keep him happy like yeah ladies like take notes which is deranged i mean no no man wants to have sex
Starting point is 00:02:11 six times a day their balls are dry it sucks it's terrible powdery yeah yeah at a certain point you're like probably coming like your intestines or something like shooting a paintball gun when it's out of paintball. Exactly. Should we watch a quick clip of this bullshit? Yeah, turn it on. Turn it on. The oppression of the Western woman. Oh, it's so funny. Brought to you by Complete Retards.
Starting point is 00:02:37 The big spat that you had with John was about oppression. And you said you got quite, uh, I'm just happy. Kevin has a new podcast. Very deep cut. That was for four of us. Four people.
Starting point is 00:02:54 I'm just going to tell you this now. Google. Oh, Google. But it's not my job to school you on something that you should have learned in school. Women have been oppressed and women still are oppressed because there are little child slaves there are black does that have to do anything okay first off here's another thing you're getting into an argument about the oppression of a people and the woman keeps going women are oppressed like can't even say
Starting point is 00:03:18 the plural of of of women i mean it's the confidence of this woman speaking yeah in front of the mic which is i think what annoys most people about this. And then it gets, like, all the misogynists online to, like, go off. And they're like, yeah, this guy, you know, the lead in Road Trip is my king. This is who I mean. When I keep saying the lead in Road Trip, this is who runs all these podcasts. Devin's really good at polling. So look at this guy.
Starting point is 00:03:42 I'm still shooken from Orville Redenbach. Yeah, you liked that a little too much, but it was good. It was fine. I loved it so much. Yeah, Mr. Cecil, by the way.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Johnny Malloy, I think his name is. Wonderful fan. Thank you. Mr. Cecil, another guy who apparently, I thought he said that, but I've been ignoring his gun
Starting point is 00:03:58 corners apparently, and I apologize, bud. You're a champion. I'm acknowledging you. We all remember this guy, right? Early 2000s. He was in Rat Race. He was always a little too
Starting point is 00:04:07 short to be the jock, but the hot girl in the movie was kind of into him, but he kind of sucked, too, at the same time. This guy now is running these podcasts. Look at him. These podcasts might as well be directed by Todd Phillips in 2001.
Starting point is 00:04:33 The big spat. Do this now google oh google google but it's not my job to school you on something that you should have learned in school women have been oppressed and women still are oppressed because there are little child slaves there are black women um disabled women that experience women oppression women and native american women as well let's see the comments are black women, disabled women that experience oppression. Women! And Native American women as well. Let's see the comments. This is a black dude named Lawrence Bullock. Why do we shame men for not wanting to be fathers,
Starting point is 00:04:52 but we shouldn't shame women for wanting to kill their potential babies? What a community. Bullock, gosh! Also, he gave 10 bucks. Yeah, he gives you 10 bucks to say that. This guy wrote that that and then he pressed enter and he went, brr, brr, brr. Native American women. It's also Native
Starting point is 00:05:11 American men as well. Aren't they oppressed? Hey guys, I have an idea. Let's do a podcast where we get five brain-dead whores and me and a bunch of people that look like Mac Miller's drug dealer. Oh, you're talking about women? Yeah, because the question was how...
Starting point is 00:05:29 This guy's extremely condescending. And I'm just going to say it's not my job. Because they don't have to do any work. They get to look like fucking, you know, they have a PhD in like, you know, gender studies or something. Yeah. And when these women are just doing all the work for him,
Starting point is 00:05:41 they just go, oh, really? Yeah, did you hear him go Google? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was like Google. It's a soft toss. It's a plain wiffle ball. Yeah. He's being up a bunch of time.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Whiffle ball with retarded bimbos. Hit you and school you on that. And if you don't know, if I reject your priest, your he went to the daily wire school, like arguments and debate. Like I, if I reject that, like that type of. If I reject that type of stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:06 I reject your reality. I reject your hypothesis. Talk fast and shit. Then you do need to explain to me. No, I'm telling you this. I'm telling you, it's not my job to school you. You should have learned this in school. And honestly, it's a little scary that you don't know how women
Starting point is 00:06:26 have been oppressed in the past because this country was built for men and these laws and rules are all erroneous. Dude, they're now quoting Wedding Crashers.
Starting point is 00:06:41 That's on their soundboard. Was that actually Wedding Crashers? This is exactly their soundboard. Was that actually Wedding Crashers? This is exactly what I said. These are early 2000s fucking R-rated comedy leads interviewing just wastes of space. And they're a waste of space too.
Starting point is 00:06:57 The men are worse. Everyone in that room, at least these women are attractive, I guess. Well, not really. A lot of them look kind of downsy, but, you know. Anyway. All to, like, four men, you know? Like, it was built for men.
Starting point is 00:07:13 And, like, this podcast enough is showing me that sexism is still really alive. Oh, wow. You think this podcast is sexist? I was posted on so many red pill incel accounts. Yes, it's giving incel a lot. You can't string words to that. It's giving incel. They should just be like, hey, spell whatever.
Starting point is 00:07:38 And you'll still get it wrong. It's all over the fucking room, too. Is that a sex doll? Women were oppressed. Yeah, that's a sex doll, but it wrong. It's all over the fucking room too. Is that a sex doll? Women were oppressed. Yeah, that's a sex doll, but it looks like it's having deeper thoughts than the human women there. But so were men. It's not.
Starting point is 00:07:57 It's not. Not as much as women were. Now, this is interesting because if I say how were women were oppressed you're like well it's self-evident brian i shouldn't have this should be a game show where you have to guess which one of them is a sex doll yeah they should make this a game show where you shoot them all in the head and you have to guess who has the most brain matter on the floor truly i i mean if you told if i woke up tomorrow and everyone you know you they were like but whatever Pod everyone was slaughtered I mean you know
Starting point is 00:08:27 I would love for like the sinister queer to show up in this room right now yeah exactly it's him he's the Grim Reaper but it's got the Grim Reaper's face but like a BDSM black leather bodysuit and he still has the
Starting point is 00:08:44 scythe. He has the sickle. Yeah, the sickle. And then he goes, he puts a loaded revolver with one bullet and he forces them to play Rush Roulette. This is suddenly the best show in the world. Yeah, greatest show of all time.
Starting point is 00:08:58 I'd love to see like Geppetto runs in, sneaks through the vents, falls in, and just lights him up. Like in Bad Santa with the midget? Or like he's on a wire and he's spinning in circles like in The Punisher with two machine guns.
Starting point is 00:09:16 You've just asked how were men oppressed? By the way, you know for a fact these guys are working on their own hard seltzer. Oh, for sure. They're about to come out with a company called like cunt juice or something didn't you know no because that wasn't taught in school ah so isn't that interesting male oppression was never taught in school but women females oppression was isn't that interesting jesus christ how did they get so many dumb people in one room? Isn't that interesting? Yeah, how are the lights on? Who's the real one that's oppressed?
Starting point is 00:09:51 Perhaps you don't even believe men are oppressed. This guy's so annoying. You don't. Perhaps. He thinks saying perhaps makes you seem smart. If you will. Perhaps. Because this quite begs the question then doesn't it
Starting point is 00:10:05 perhaps you don't believe men are Muslim perhaps men can you think of one give me one so many men literally been all the time over domestic violence and domestic abuse to the point that's irrelevant but but okay. Okay. That happens. There's certainly violence, sure. Yeah, there is a lot of violence against women. But when you think of oppression, what is your definition of oppression? I don't know really how to explain it, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I mean, you use the word. You ought to know how to define it if you just use the word. Yeah, I just don't know exactly how to. Like, why do you want me to explain that? That's what I'm getting. Well, I mean, you've used a word. You ought to be able to.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Yeah, you're just putting me on the spot. You just want to embarrass me. And I'm going to tell you this now. Oh, shit. It's not going to happen, Brian. Damn. Oh, shit. She's like, I sucked your dick last night.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Because we're having a polite conversation. It's a nice fucking try. But you're asking me an impossible question and you did it to stop me and make me look like a fool. What's the question? Yeah, I didn't go to Harvard. And by the way, I know that stuff that you poured all over my tits
Starting point is 00:11:17 wasn't Cinnabon glaze. I know that when that stuff comes out of the penis. She still has no gummies. Just every day, they're like, yo, let's make some more glaze, babe. No, because I already know what this is about. We talked about this last podcast,
Starting point is 00:11:34 so why do you want to bring it up again? She's coming on multiple episodes. She's come back. Last week, you did the same thing to me. Wouldn't educate you Brian And I'm not going to say anything else And I'm going to stay quiet now That's a very convenient way to
Starting point is 00:11:54 Shut down an otherwise polite conversation Really polite Brian has Ted Bundy in him Oh totally He's not smart enough to be Ted Bundy You're just not going to talk Why is this such a sensitive subject has Ted Bundy in it. Oh, totally. She's not smart enough to be Ted Bundy. You're just not going to talk? Why is this such a sensitive subject?
Starting point is 00:12:11 She starts beating her with a rubber hose. But let me ask you a question. Can we engage in this? Hold on. Stop interrupting. What? This is really awkward now. Also, who's making her do this? What's Brian doing to her? I'm sorry, Brian. I said no thanks. Also, who's making her do this? Yeah, then why is she there?
Starting point is 00:12:27 Yeah, what's Brian doing to her? She's like, I'm sorry, Brian. Like, I know you, like, picked me up at the fucking docks in a storage container and dragged me to this podcast, but... She's like, release my daughter so I can stop doing these. We made a deal. Yeah, Brian, we all know you're holding my daughter captive. And you need me to look like a retard every week on this podcast. She goes, Brian, I haven't seen proof of life in like two weeks. Brian, next week, I'm not fucking around with you.
Starting point is 00:13:02 That's when we do the exchange. Brian pulls a cell phone out. He's like, you want to talk to her? You can hear her if you want. You can hear her. Perhaps you might want to talk to your daughter. He goes, yeah, real strong woman, isn't she? She goes, I'll answer your question if you let me hear her voice.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Okay, well. And? She's dead. But why don't you want to have this conversation? Like, we can have a good... Can you stop interrupting? We can have a good-faced conversation about this. Dude. Like, I don't understand why we can't...
Starting point is 00:13:37 Alvin Sam, 50 bucks. Fuck whores. Back in the kitchen. Here's $75. 75 75 bucks make me a cake here's a hundred dollars do my laundry this is like a black mirror episode yeah this is no way see what the see what the robot voice says go back just two seconds oh it said something yeah it's like a it has like a robot 49 cents 49 You condemned domestic violence, but openly admitted to assaulting your ex-boyfriend with your purse.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Oh, God. This is a black mirror. It's totally okay to have a conversation about. They're like, do you hear that? Do you hear that? What is for you? Yeah, the Roomba didn't like that too much. They go, yeah, Alexa's going to kill you.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Chad GBT's after you. This is produced by Jigsaw. They go, yeah, Alexa's gonna kill you. Chad GBT's after you. This is produced by Jigsaw. Uncomfortable subject. But I don't see why you need to shut down the conversation. Like, I've been perfectly polite to you. Yeah, but I just don't want to answer it, Brian. Well, Sotero!
Starting point is 00:14:41 ...shutted $50. Crazy. Anytime that I see females bring up women oppression on podcast, they never give examples, but instead they just say, look it up or that you should already know. Yeah, that always happens on every... Every fucking podcast, dude. It's all the same. There's a guy out there, he's like, it's all the same.
Starting point is 00:15:03 How many goddamn podcasts are they going to grill a girl about what oppression means? Dude, podcasting is just like a female dominator I have to explain it to you, Brian Like, just be respectful I'm not gonna say anything more about it because I feel uncomfortable talking about it Why? But you weren't uncomfortable until I started pushing back on you. Yeah. Because it's coming from a place of hate.
Starting point is 00:15:31 He interrupts her for the robot to read a shitty comment. He goes, how the robot wants to call you a stupid bitch. He goes, the robot. He goes, shh. The robot's got some things to say about this. It's not coming from a place of hate.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Probably. We gotta find it. Or Miami. However, bangs, please watch the documentary, The Red Pill. Oh, absolutely. Please watch the documentary, The Red Pill. EcoChamber. Brian's like, bring out the meat.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Eat the meat, girls. Guess what the meat is this guy didn't say anything yet and he goes let me rephrase he never said a word let's let you start listen to this this is like if you go um let me rephrase that uh not hold on let me rephrase my thought. This is amazing. A lot of people in both red pill, blue pill community You're a retard. And this is again back to
Starting point is 00:16:34 Oh, is he like the middle ground guy? Yeah, he's the good cop. Let's talk about it. That's represented by the white and the black. Right. Who's the mute Asian next to him? It's the black and white world. I don't know who that is that's like some sort of like she's smuggling cocaine and her like asshole right now they're
Starting point is 00:16:50 gonna send her to bolivia or some shit i have no idea what that is that's like some fucking weird 21 gram shit people are trying to she's texting her mom under the table like i'm safe literally said let's make it let's make it spicy or whatever she's texting her mom she's like the gringo obsessed with patriarchy she's like matt a minute in the uh control pedal of the the undercover sting up just texting in her pocket like i'm alive the dots are disappearing on the radar get you heated because he knows that's going to get him good revenue and this is he knows i like her because she's bringing up shit outside the why gets so many views is because this is the problem that we're facing conversations like so yeah this that's why it's getting so many views yeah that's why it's not because people are fascinated by how
Starting point is 00:17:38 dumb you are i understand like it could come off as a bit like attacking but like attacking is like yo shorty two people are trying to understand the situation men and women so if you're for women but no matter anything i say it's still not going to change your guys's beliefs because you guys like live by this like brian okay here's another thing podcast about the inc samurai. They live by the code. The purpose of debate isn't necessarily to convince the person that you're debating with. It's to convince the audience. I don't want to convince the audience, bro. This is a bunch of incels.
Starting point is 00:18:17 I don't want to. They're not going to listen to my audience. They're not incels. She's not wrong. So far, she's smarter than him. It's kind of crazy. Yeah, it kicks ass. Number one, according to Bushido code,
Starting point is 00:18:28 being an incel is actually the most honorable thing a man can do. So now let me get back to my point. I'm a Ronin. I'm a red-pilled Ronin. I'm a platform, okay? I'm a red belt Ronin So The purpose of a debate is
Starting point is 00:18:47 Not necessarily to convince the other person It's to convince the viewer The listener But it's just interesting because You I gave you A minute two minutes to explain your Position he holds a pen Oh yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:19:03 He's doing the Asshole retard piece of shit Motherfucking asshole position. He holds a pen. Oh, yeah, yeah. He's doing the fucking asshole retard. Piece of shit, dipshit, motherfucking asshole. I hate this guy so much. Oh, he's such a fucking... I get such a rage just looking at him. I had a feeling. His stupid fucking leather
Starting point is 00:19:18 jacket hoodie combo. It's probably a Mossimo from the young adult section at Target. Fucking retard. Why don't you wear a Sriracha shirt too, you big tough guy? Dip shit. Wear a Run DMC shirt. Look at his shitty beard. You're like, no, we're done.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Yeah, because I don't have the time. Brian, it's so late. I have like a long drive back home. She kicks ass, dude. She's so cool. It's so late. I have a long drive back. She's like, I don't want to do this.
Starting point is 00:19:43 I'm kind of worn out, to be honest. Well, maybe we'll have a long drive back. She's like, I don't want to do this. I'm kind of worn out, to be honest. Maybe we'll have to do round three. I will end it on this, though. I think I will I don't expect you to respond and you don't have to respond, but I will. This is interesting. Gender roles is not oppression. It is survival. When the Titanic
Starting point is 00:19:59 was going down and they said woman and nobody knows women or boys. It's like we might as well be in the walking dead and they're just still alive somehow and children were first were they oppressing women i mean we we save i've always said we we save women and children first in uh disasters uh because we need uh people to uh consume consume bad art. Very good. Yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Like the captain of the Titanic's like, save the women and children first. Like Taylor Swift's got a concert tonight. I'm about to become Brian for a second. This Brian. I actually have thought about this. I think the real reason they say women and children first is because that was invented by a bunch of men who've been through a lot of bad
Starting point is 00:20:47 disasters and they just learned the hard way that women and children are just more likely to die yeah that's and so well okay so i'm gonna go wait i'm fuck the titanic because it doesn't really apply but like say your village is getting raided by a bunch of like fucking oh yeah get the women and other cavemen you send the women and children in the forest and like, because you'll get back to them later. Exactly. You know what I mean? Well, nobody in the middle of battle needs to be nagged. I used to address the points
Starting point is 00:21:15 that you brought up. So you said that you said that. Yeah, do a fake look to the sky like you're thinking. Men built this country for other men now i agree with you on the first part men did build this country for the benefit of other men they built it for their families their wives their sons their daughters so i agree with you that yes this this country in all countries guys like thinks he's doing the like give me you're tired give me your poor get like he he's the type of guy that like uh
Starting point is 00:21:54 he just says like he he said he he uh recites like the bill of rights and thinks he's like a genius or something fact have been built on the backs of men, but it's not for the benefit of other men. In fact, they've actually done studies on this. Men have an out-group bias. So men have an out-group bias for women, whereas women have an in-group bias for other women. In other words, the sisterhood. Notice how this guy, okay, other higher level grifters, you know, like whatever, your Ben Shapiro, I don't even know, Jordan Peterson, but he has, both those guys have some validity. They're nuts.
Starting point is 00:22:34 They go nuts. They go nuts and shit, but they do, they'll bring out historical facts and they'll mention actual things, you know, you know yeah shapiro is at least like a legitimate lawyer yeah like he would he's like i think he was an accomplished lawyer successful lawyer shapiro was or i'm sorry yeah shapiro was a lawyer sure peterson's a professor yeah at least this guy this guy's literally community called he's he hasn't brought up a single like he hasn't he could be destroying or he hasn't brought up anything like you like he hasn't, he could be destroying her. He hasn't brought up anything like, you know. Well, he doesn't want to do that because he wants to keep it going.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Right, right. There's no reason for him to actually shut her down. He wants to keep her talking. It's not actually about any of this. I don't think he can shut her down. That's what makes what he said, the guy in the white said, so fucking disgusting because he's lying to us and the audience and everyone in that fucking room. What did he say?
Starting point is 00:23:22 He was like, oh, you know, people in the red pill and the blue pill community, they need to hear things. This is a healthy debate that everyone should hear. This should be on the floor of Congress right now. Like, it's fucking retarded. Yeah. Yeah. I'm a part of the cyanide pill community. Exactly. Remember that guy who took a shot of poison
Starting point is 00:23:40 at the G8 summit? No. Like years ago? Oh, yeah, and he died right there? Yeah, that's what they should all be fucking doing. I hope all these people are cyanide-billed. There's a sisterhood amongst women. What's that, the Grape Hill? There's not a brotherhood amongst men, at least to the same degree
Starting point is 00:23:55 that there's a sisterhood amongst women. Every single thing that you see around you, the buildings you live in, the streets you drive in, the infrastructure that you rely on to survive was all built, created, and is maintained by good, honest,
Starting point is 00:24:12 hardworking men that simply want to provide. None of them are you, bro. You know what's funny is that I'm giving this guy a bunch of shit and that's exactly what I got kicked off that HBO show for saying. And a guy's wife wanted to fight me. Oh, that's sick.
Starting point is 00:24:28 I was like, I mean, let's be honest. Women didn't want to build this place. I mean, they don't want to build the city. I mean, look at that view. That's men. And they were like, that's not,
Starting point is 00:24:35 they started calling me like Ben Shapiro and shit. And I'm like, I mean, I, you know, I was like trolling a little bit. But I'm also correct. Well, the problem is it's not even a compliment. It's not, it shouldn't be... I'm saying they
Starting point is 00:24:46 shouldn't want to. No, men did it because they were horny perverts. They're pathetic and they're horny and they're like, let me build... Let me invent plumbing so my wife will... Exactly. It's sad. Let me invent plumbing so my wife can clean her pussy out and flush it. Right, exactly.
Starting point is 00:25:01 So I can fuck her. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Everything is for women. we'd live in caves if they didn't exist we wouldn't be here it's not because men are so clever smarter they're just horny and they were like we have we're like if anything women like are making men build shit for them you know exactly they should know that you know that that was their contribution yes was inspiring it they're motivators yeah Yeah. Not these ones, though. Men wanting to oppress women. It's just men that want to work and provide for their family.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Okay, but... Why can't women vote? Because men were subject to military conscription. Because women didn't want to vote either at some point. Because if they... Oh, here we go. Here we go. Here we go here we go here we go look at this fucking spy this double agent he dropped it too isn't that correct yes yeah the reason by the way throughout the vast majority of human history men didn't have the vote either
Starting point is 00:26:00 there was a small percentage of men who had power the rest of the men were also oppressed alongside all of the women that were oppressed it was like you know previously you had tyrants and kings and dictators men couldn't vote this is like a voting came around in like broadly speaking in the 1900s the late 1800s 1900s and now obviously in 19 1920 is when women got the right to vote so this voting thing is very new democracy is very new most people never had the right to vote the way men had the right to vote was because of man jesus you're blowing my mind right now drafted and sent to the magicinot Line in France and go in the trenches and get trench foot
Starting point is 00:26:47 and get chemical gas. Oh, he only uses the French example of war because it makes him seem like he really knows his shit. Yeah, he's like World War I. He's the type of guy that says Verdun. The Battle of Verdun. Somme. Can't say Normandy like a real man?
Starting point is 00:27:03 I think he's probably using responsibility i don't care women have a right without a responsibility men have a right with a responsibility that responsibility is you have to die for your country you don't need it fifty dollars thank you man it's crazy when we don't go in her direction or we put forward an argument she closes this is not a debate she uses words that she doesn't know the definition. Female oppression. This is like the Stanford prison experiment. This is insane.
Starting point is 00:27:32 This is crazy. I expect a bunch of guards to go on a nightstand. This is beating on their legs. This is one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen. I didn't know it was this creepy. Me neither. I've seen just the clips on TikTok. I didn't know it was this bad.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Yeah, Jesus. This guy's fucking jacket pisses me the fuck off. I bet, brother. That's what you wear to be a cool guy on a razor scooter. Yeah. Go do a fucking, yeah, do a little kickflip on the way to the movie theater to get a handjob. Yeah. From Jane, you acne riddled fuck.
Starting point is 00:28:01 It is like a I'm a tough guy kind of thing. It's a fake tough guy. It's what bouncers, they think bouncers wear. Hold on, let me stop by JCPenney and get my tough guy outfit. When it comes to voting, basically... This is what your mom buys you when she wants you to start going out and getting women's numbers.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Meeting girls. She found a TJ Maxx, going out and getting women's numbers. Meeting girls. Yeah, she found it like a TJ Maxx, but like the footie sewn into the pleather. Exactly. She doesn't want you to get a motorcycle. So she's like, here, have this jacket. Take this jacket. Do you go out? Go to the beach. Meet some girls.
Starting point is 00:28:38 That's sexy. This day, our subject to military conscription. I have this here. You want to talk about systematic oppression. I don't know if You want to talk about systematic oppression. I don't know if you've heard of the Selective Service System. So I don't know if you can read this. Men 18 to 25 years old. Are we out of the draft?
Starting point is 00:28:56 I think so, yeah. But I mean, there's no such thing as being out of the draft. No, I know. But like technically, like are we okay? Yeah, but I mean like i i was so afraid when i signed up for that bullshit i had i got dragged out of class to sign up for yeah they forced me to they literally forced me with peer pressure so creepy and then i like didn't sign it i was like no i'm okay i don't want to i'll figure that out later and then i got home
Starting point is 00:29:19 and my mom like pan like my mom acted like the gestapo would like break in and like make me sign it so she forced me to sign it and it's still hanging up somewhere upstairs i had to put did you just have to put your social security number in there you get a form in the mail when you turn 18 uh and you have to sign it or you'll you face charges is that new i don't think i did that no you're not eligible for like government fund like government loans and stuff they don't fuck with anybody really like unless it was like v, I guess, or whatever. Well, they got rid of it for like a few years
Starting point is 00:29:48 and then they brought it back. Oh. Yeah, so... You didn't have to sign something? If I did, I don't remember. You did. I had to go on the internet and do it. Oh.
Starting point is 00:29:56 They made me go on the internet at school. Yeah, they made me go on the internet at school and put my social security number in and then it was like... But they send you a really threatening letter that says like, you know, we can arrest you, fine. We can just basically do anything we want to you if you don't really sign
Starting point is 00:30:07 if you don't agree if i did sign i wouldn't remember anyways i would i would have just been like okay i have to read like sign i don't even know what it is right like yeah i signed like you can have my liver like what i thought you were signing up for the nba draft sorry i need i need to eat my hands are fucking shaking um Yeah, okay. Fucking pussy diabetic. Shut up. Ignore the bright colors. If you open this up. Pussy diabetic.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Take a look at that. I need to eat. My blood sugar's low. You pussy diabetic. And somebody, if we hate you, we'll make fun of literally anything that we would never make fun of. This is kind of funny.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Oh, is your cancer acting up? Queer to eat my hands were shaking shut up and read the fucking card bag this is a draft registration form it says 18 to 25 year old men only men are subject to military conscription that's why men got the right to vote before women it's so much more than that retard i think still to this day women don't want to be drafted well they it wasn't just the draft dude they literally thought like women were less smart and back then didn't get as much education as they weren't they couldn't be landowners like there's way more factors to it than anything and like it's i'm not saying like these women aren't stupid and like that a big play but it's just it's dumb more factors to it than anything and like it's i'm not saying like these
Starting point is 00:31:25 women aren't stupid and like that a big play but it's just it's dumb it's just it's so this is the most base level there's no there's nothing beyond scratching the surface of any argument happening in any of these podcasts it's just a million brilliant women throughout history absolutely absolutely the rest no but yeah and men do not even make you take an iq test to vote. Absolutely. The rest, no, but yeah. And men do. Well, not even the rest of the vote. They should make you take an IQ test to vote. I mean, he was kind of right. He was right in the fact that, like, you know, voting was only a thing in, like, you know, government systems that allowed,
Starting point is 00:31:53 in the vast majority of human history, there weren't those government systems that allowed voting. Right. Right? So it was just like, so, and those systems, you know, only a small percentage of people had power. And so it's like, it's kind of like a stupid, weird argument anyways.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Let's talk about fucking black men weren't allowed to vote. When democracy was brand new, it probably did seem crazy to be like, we're going to let the ones that are sucking our cocks, they're going to be doing the decision? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:32:24 We're all talking about the same thing, right? Well, there was probably a lot of like, well, they never even out. They don't know what's going on. Like, I'm out all the time, like figuring shit out. They don't even really know the issues. They're at home like prepping everything
Starting point is 00:32:40 and keeping my life comfortable and raising my child. It wasn't malicious. They're not out there like knowing the issues sure yeah my point is it's not malicious it was just like what we don't they don't want to vote we don't need them to vote that's how they thought it used to be just white landowners right yeah yeah so it's probably and i mean like so women who are sleeping with the white landowners the wives those guys probably had a shit ton of pull in that society. You know what I mean? I don't know. This is dumb.
Starting point is 00:33:09 It's a very simple way to look at everything. Yeah, we didn't even... Lucille Ball was the reason we decided that women had something to offer. People had real problems. They probably didn't even fucking think about voting. They were just like, yeah, we'll vote. You guys do your shit. Like, whatever. Let's move on. I don't vote.
Starting point is 00:33:24 I've never voted. Thanks for the right. Thanks, buddy., yeah, we'll vote. You guys do your shit. Like, whatever. Let's move on. I don't vote. Yeah, I don't vote. I've never voted. Thanks for the right. Yeah, thanks, buddy. I don't give a shit. It's never been a good option. There's literally never an option that I want to vote for. No. And they can't. They can't. And so they're fine with that. You don't see any women pushing back saying,
Starting point is 00:33:39 I want to be drafted. Exactly. Nobody wants to be drafted. Yeah, but if women were oppressed, they would be doing that no because in the reason why women are why women aren't drafted front line is because women aren't seen like oh as like as like intimidating to like to the enemy you know like they're putting men because why are they fighting for the right to be drafted biologically stronger biologically they don't want women there for a reason
Starting point is 00:34:06 Sure well you're You're not totally wrong Yes men generally speaking Are more suited For warfare Not you shaky hands You wanna be drafted Because now that I've just finished
Starting point is 00:34:22 Explaining how I built everything in the world Let me just my hands I can't hold a paper because my hands are shaking yeah because we're
Starting point is 00:34:31 stronger than you does anyone have a Kit Kat I'm about to pass out I got some orange juice in the fridge I think I'm close to fainting
Starting point is 00:34:39 he's like because we're stronger than you give me my insulin passing out yeah men are it's it's a biological reality men are physically stronger than women now i mean in today's modern warfare someone's physical strength is still a factor but um you know i mean the way we conduct warfare now is very different.
Starting point is 00:35:07 So women can participate much more to some degree. In combat roles, it's still, I mean. You're so boring. In any case, we don't need to get into the whole military thing. He bored himself. Yeah. The difference is, if we're talking about equality, though, disregard disregard well men maybe men make better soldiers let's say an 18 year old man who doesn't want to go to war doesn't want to go get sent take
Starting point is 00:35:32 ukraine for example all the women could leave the country all the men had to stay you could not leave the country uh you cannot leave ukraine if you were a man between the ages of 18 and like 60 or 65 while all the women in ukraine actually i matched with some girls on tinder like when the was heavy as sick when kiev was getting cool tight why is he walking i was matching with chicks on probably why he has more successful podcast and hinge and shit if you're a ukrainian woman you get to go to stockholm you get to go to Great Britain, you get to continue your hot girl summer. Yeah, all those Ukrainian women
Starting point is 00:36:08 were having hot girl summers in Stockholm. Yeah, they were really enjoying their lives having to flee their country. Fucking asshole. Yeah, they were really having a great time at the Cabbage Club. Yeah, what about the women getting gang raped and shit in Ukraine?
Starting point is 00:36:20 This fucking cheapskate, by the way, Trevino keeps like chiming in for two bucks. Oh, Trevino's a cheapskate by the way Trevino keeps like chiming in for two bucks. Oh Trevino's a cheapskate. He's like the minimum donation to get that little corner box. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. And I mean, the Ukrainian
Starting point is 00:36:48 military brass or the president, they don't want to be in war. That was something that Russia... I don't even know if I can fucking finish this hunk of share, bud. But they have to defend their country.
Starting point is 00:37:04 Yeah, it's a real war of defense we live very very privileged lives they have to defense their country there's too many Chris D'Elia of politics out there now you know what I mean there's a lot of these dipshit
Starting point is 00:37:22 fuckboy hypebeasts vaguely good lookinglooking, but not. Just huge losers that their parents gave them way too much confidence. And, yeah. They know nothing, and they're out there making a killing. I'll tell you this.
Starting point is 00:37:38 If World War III is around the corner, there's no feminists when Russia invades. There's no feminists when China invadesades there's no feminists when china invades i'll tell you that much okay they're like nobody like why would i care like i like they're like i like panda express like what's your problem but what i'm what i'm saying is is that what i'm saying is is that all these things that you often complain about. They'll be lost like tears.
Starting point is 00:38:08 When society. This guy has more zippers than brain cells. It hits the fan. We revert to our traditional gender roles. You can't have feminism when there's a military conflict. Just shut the fuck up and let my daughter go, faggot. Why don't you shut the fuck up and let my family go? Fought for equality for the longest time.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Society overcorrected. I'm like if an Appalachian incest baby was born in Santa Monica. Basically, if you need to know about me, I'm the same. I'm like a character in Soft White Underbelly from Newport Beach.
Starting point is 00:38:58 He's like, yo, if they had skateboards instead of banjos in Deliverance. Yeah. If they had skateboards instead of banjos in Deliverance. I mean, like the Deliverance mid-90s. Like you said, men are drafted first. Now, listen, I'm not... Women were absolutely...
Starting point is 00:39:15 For drafts to look thing. Hold on. Yeah. Absolutely. Look in front of you. No, I'm just asking, like genuinely asking. Because I thought like the military was so big, they didn't have to do drafts anymore.
Starting point is 00:39:25 You're right. When it comes to World War III, they're going to have to draft. There would be a draft. And also, even if the likelihood, there hasn't been a draft. You could tell that blonde chick fucks him. Yeah. She's agreeing with him on that. Yeah, for sure, for sure.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Or she's just, like, I think all of them fucked him. I bet she's just, she might be a simp, too, where she's just, like, appealing to the audience. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Long time. However, there are- And just this, god damn, this poor woman right here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Look at her. What is going on here with this Roma character? Somebody help her. Get her some fucking help. The sex dolls had more fucking signs of happiness than her in the last 20 minutes the fuck is she there for why are you there i feel so bad for her still men alive today that were drafted many of those that many of those men got sent to korea got sent to vietnam those men came back with catastrophic post-traumatic stress disorder they saw horrific things i don't know why the fuck we
Starting point is 00:40:23 were in vietnam to begin with that's a whole nother conversation yeah i bet we're all dying to know what yeah what are your thoughts on it yeah what's your thoughts on nobody for the selective service if you don't register for the draft it's technically a felony we invaded vietnam to help out the doors album sales fifty thousand dollars also if you don't register... You know, if you actually think about it, Vietnam was, like, the first drone footage. What do you mean? It was, like, the first, like, great aerial footage
Starting point is 00:40:51 in, like, cinema history. Oh, the classic firebombing? Yeah. Oh, that one real? That was the blueprint for, like, every show now where it's, like, an aerial shot of a city. You're talking about the Rescue Dawn footage. I'm just talking that that famous footage of the horrific the ho chi minh trail being bombed and bum bum bum like apocalypse now opening and shit you you can't apply for
Starting point is 00:41:15 federal student aid what i'm saying is vietnam was the initial van life video like student loans or whatever also you're barred from certain federal jobs if you don't register for the selective service as a man there's there is no equivalent requirement for women to have to register for example so i'm about to fucking kill myself women were absolutely okay timbo slice just goes i have to say that I appreciate that you still respect everyone on here, Brian. Even when you don't agree, you argue logically and show them respect. Not comment. He's not showing them respect at all.
Starting point is 00:41:54 He's like, man, you're very respectful. You're a very respectful person. It's the type of talking where they wring their hands while they talk. They go, I could tell, Brian, you're a very respectful person, if you will. Oppressed, but as were men. I don't want to make it a competition. I guess what I'm trying to say is, and I think it's a terrible kind of shifting of history. For the longest period of time time life was so incredibly difficult
Starting point is 00:42:27 for both for everyone we we live the most coddled privileged easy lives yeah modernity has do we know anything about this guy he's also i'm gonna look it up what's his modernity modernity daily wire number four let me what it's whatever podcast. Whatever podcast, Brian. You look that up. We'll be listening to that shit head. Has created, like, the comforts of modernity cannot be understated. Life was brutal even 100, 200 years ago. It was difficult.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Think about the things we take for granted. Electricity, plumbing, running water, hot water, mother, showers 200 years ago. Like imagine people get grumpy if they can't have a hot shower after a couple of days. I hope this guy gets tortured and killed. Oh yeah. So it's just what I'm trying to arrive at
Starting point is 00:43:21 is that life was incredibly difficult for both men and women. Men and women men and women fundamentally fundamentally were partners men and women cooperated throughout all human history and i think i hope somebody gives this guy the same hot shower that uh paul dano gets in prisoners disastrous retelling of history to say men oppressed women women were the oppressed it teaches women to basically have contempt for and hatred for men when in reality it was a very small very very small percentage of men and it's not necessarily because they were men that had all
Starting point is 00:43:59 the power um so he went to us women had it hard in their own unique ways he went to usc that makes sense that checks out uh i don't think brian atlas is his name's brian at i don't know if that's his real name brian atlas yeah i'm thinking i'm thinking well i'm thinking fucking anran atlas shrug right he's a big fucking libertarian look in look into him why why does he do this? What is his history? I'm trying to. There's no Wikipedia on him. He's just these weird ass... He's just one of these people that is propped up.
Starting point is 00:44:32 He's being paid off by somebody. He's a CIA op. They've had it hard in their own unique ways, but I don't like this retelling of history that men were always the oppressors and women were the oppressors. Here we go. Martin, thank you, man. Nanny, you probably don't have to explain
Starting point is 00:44:47 yourself to the kids you care for. However, in the real world, you cannot make aimless, ludicrous statements and not substantial. Yeah, that's the Bachelors in Business Administration. The oppressed nanny of Gil, God bless you. Yo, Martin, thank you, man.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Yo, thanks, man. Amazing. That was so terrible. Yeah, he has a bachelor's in business administration, which means he opened up like a hot chicken stand. Do you think it's pop-up? And then failed at that, and he's like,
Starting point is 00:45:18 I'm just going to go interview dumb whores. Yeah. He literally, the day his hot chicken pop-up closed in Glendale, he walked right across the street, went to Target, got that fucking hoodie, and he's like, I'm going to interview dumb whores. There's a million pictures of the guy
Starting point is 00:45:33 that just look like he's in a gay porno. Like, what the fuck is this? Yeah, look at that. Look at this gay porno shot. Yeah. That's gay porn straight up. Yeah. He's like the guy that's not retarded enough
Starting point is 00:45:43 to be Mark Zuckerberg. You know? he's like the guy that's not retarded enough to be mark zuckerberg you know it's the opposite spectrum of the of the harvard campus right he lost out at all like the good parts of autism the good parts of autism never got to him yeah well anyway our boy uh jeremy renner he's back. I love Ren. He survived his fight with the snow plow. He won. I saw this and I felt so bad about the goof we made about Ren because I love him, actually. I love Jeremy Renner.
Starting point is 00:46:14 I know, but we were mean. I feel bad for his homes because occasionally that second floor gets riddled with bullets. Oh, well, I hate that. I feel bad for his kids, too, because occasionally that second floor, your childhood room, riddled with bullets. Bathroom counter.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Because of a domestic dispute. He's a little angry. Should have a little friendly fire, really. A little friendly fire, yeah. But I just watched The Bourne Legacy. Maybe that's why I'm a bit biased right now, because I loved it. I forgot he was even in one of those.
Starting point is 00:46:44 He's the main Bourne in one of the new ones. In the newest one, yeah. It's very good. Got shit on by the critics, but it's actually quite good. But anyways. Does he kill terrorists with his bluegrass music? Oh, Jesus Christ. No, he starts strumming.
Starting point is 00:46:57 He's on steroids, and he's climbing mountains and fighting wolves and shit. Okay, hey, I love Jeremy Renner. That kicks ass, dude. Jeremy Renner had the greatest gangster performance since James Cagney in the town. That's the best
Starting point is 00:47:11 wild card character I've seen literally probably since like James Cagney and like Public Enemy and those old movies. Think about him in the town.
Starting point is 00:47:20 He's fucking, the town rocks the shit. I love The town kicks ass and it's rocks the shit. I love. The town kicks ass, and it's because of him. I agree. He brings something that you don't quite buy fully with Affleck.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Yep. And for, I don't know why, but for years, ever since I've seen it, when he is in the shootout with Jon Hammond, he ducks behind the mailbox. He gets the soda. He gets the soda. And then Hamm's like, just come out and drop your gun. And he goes, fuck you. Yeah, he's like, fuck you. And then he just starts spraying bullets.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Yep. I don't know why, but that's like cemented in my brain. Same. I think about it once a day. Same. Love Renner. And let's see how he recovered. Being in Diane Sawyer, our friend Diane Sawyer.
Starting point is 00:48:00 And Diane, I remember the moment we first saw that trailer with Jeremy Renner interview. It takes your breath away. Diane, I remember the moment we first saw that trailer with Jeremy Renner interview. It takes your breath away. No, it really does because as I said it's not just that he teaches about a will to live but willing yourself through pain to get back to strength. It's a lesson for every single person to turn your suffering into
Starting point is 00:48:18 your strength. She's like, we've all been attacked by our snow plows. It's a real Animaniacs fucking accident. She goes, we all have 5,000 acre ranch. And occasionally in the winter, that snowplow comes a-calling. And it crushed from his toes to his shins, his ankles, all the way up to his eyes. It was probably fake.
Starting point is 00:48:40 And I didn't know what I was going to find or see when I walked up to his home in Los Angeles and walked in the door. We arrive at Jeremy Renner's house in Los Angeles. Then we expect a fire at the sanctuary. He looks like Jim Varney and like Ernest goes to Christmas. He has the pied-a-teeth, yeah. And recovering from a brutal accident.
Starting point is 00:49:05 There's a big tire across the future. We read it today. There's a tire, a skid mark on his face. It's like something from Roger Rabbit. He's walking like a fucking airhead. He shows up out of a big black circle in the wall.
Starting point is 00:49:25 Birds flying over his head. walking like a fucking airhead. He shows up out of a big black circle in the wall. Birds flying over his head. Big stars everywhere. There's a pie on a windowsill. He's floating. Little tiny blue birds flying over his head.
Starting point is 00:49:39 But what's that? Any way you want. Oh my god. Jesus Christ. This is how he starts it But what's that? Any way you want. Oh my God. Yeah, dude. Jesus Christ. Ren's back, dude. This is how he starts it with Diane Sawyer. He plays fucking.
Starting point is 00:49:51 He dances to Any Way You Want It alone in his mansion. He goes, tell me when Sawyer's about to walk in. I'm going to play Any Way You Want It. Oh, God. Diane Sawyer's like, are you going to rape me? He's got a loaded handgun. And the patient is dancing. Oh, God. Science lawyer's like, are you going to rape me? He's got a loaded handgun. And the patient is dancing. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:50:10 Obviously, he didn't suffer any brain damage. She goes, and this was the first time my pussy's been wet in over 15 years. Feels good. Oh, fuck. Oh, he's got a walker. What's good? Where am I, he's got a locker. What's... Where am I? He's up on it.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Look at you. Look at you. Oh, I feel really bad now. I didn't know he was this fucked up. It is so great to see you. This is actually a fast recovery. He's faking. I don't want to touch anything that hurts.
Starting point is 00:50:41 Oh, everything is good. Is this new? Yeah, yeah. I just got up right yesterday. Really? I just got on my touch anything that hurts. Oh, everything's good. Is this new? Yeah, yeah. I just got up right yesterday. Really? I just got on my feet yesterday. Yeah. You know, in high school, I was such a prick.
Starting point is 00:50:51 I'd go to all the football games, and any time a player that didn't matter got injured, I'd go, faker! And then they'd want to kick my ass on Monday. That kicks ass. One time I yelled at this kid. I like him. I forget his name. Joey something.
Starting point is 00:51:09 And the star football player got injured. And it was a horrible night. And this kid who never played was on the sideline. He was looking at us. And we were like, Joey, it should have been you. Oh, that's cruel. It's only been 10 weeks since this. It's the beginning of Wind River.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Okay, snowplow. Oh, hell yeah. Someone's been run over by a snowcat. Hurry. Okay, tell meow. Oh, hell yeah. Someone's been run over by a snowcat. Hurry. Okay, tell me exactly what happened. I don't know. Someone's in front of my house on the ground. They got run over by a snowcat.
Starting point is 00:51:55 He's been crushed. Okay, we have... Send paramedics to ambulance. Everyone's on the way right now, okay? Come quick. Jeremy Renner's trying to wrestle heavy machines again. You might want to get a life flight out here immediately. Okay, are you with him right now? Yes, he is in rough shape.
Starting point is 00:52:12 He's moaning on the ground. Is he awake? Barely. Are there any obvious injuries? Oh my God, yes. I just have to ask. Oh my God, yes. He's fucked up. This is the voice on that 911 call Rich kovach who lives in a nearby house it was the blood amount of blood and then
Starting point is 00:52:33 he was he was just in such pain and the sounds that were coming out of him and there was so much blood in the snow and then when I looked at his head it appeared to me to be cracked wide open and I could see white I don't know if that was his skull if maybe it was just my imagination but that's what I thought I saw. Kovacs called for his partner Barb Fletcher to come help. I didn't know who it was I just saw somebody laying there and just a lot of blood coming from his head. He just kept yelling, uh, whose car we takin'?
Starting point is 00:53:01 He grabbed one of the towels that was still folded and just applied pressure. I could tell he was really struggling to breathe. Whose fucking snowplow are we taking? The two terrified strangers are not the only ones there. So is a young man named Alex Freeze. His name's Alex Freeze? The nephew lifts his uncle's arm. It seems to help him breathe.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Just breathe. Just breathe. That's him. And I stood over him in his crotch position, holding his arm for the entire time. From seconds after that guy came over, it was just that, and I'm just locked in on him. Man, we did not know it was this bad.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Maybe we did. We'll go back to the episode. I mean, he got crushed by a was this bad. Maybe we did. We'll go back to the episode. I mean, he got crushed by a snowplow. I think if we go back to the episode, they're probably like, the story we're watching, they're like, he might not live.
Starting point is 00:53:53 And we're like, ha ha ha ha ha. We thought it was worse than it was, actually. I remember. Right, yeah. We thought he might be, we actually did. We thought he lost his legs.
Starting point is 00:54:03 We took it seriously. Yeah, yeah, I remember that. We're good people here. I feel very bad about it. it i'm not i'm saying we're really good people yeah yeah that was a mistake that was yeah we got it wrong solid boy actually wasn't that bad and he should be made fun of yeah right yeah okay he's okay now what does he play in this he plays hawkeye god fucking suck my cock yeah he's the bone arrow avengers do you remember the pain oh all of it yeah i started to move my legs and i said oh that one that one's really messed up but it's oh yeah that thing's gonna that's gonna be a problem and then like what's my body look like am i just gonna be like a spine in a
Starting point is 00:54:43 in a brain like a science experiment? Is that my existence now? What's my existence going to be like? Am I going to be singing Leon Bridges covers outside of microbreweries in Austin? Just like in a wheelchair the rest of my life? And how did you first hear about it, Valerie? Can you come? And how did you first hear about it, Valerie?
Starting point is 00:55:04 Can you call me? Can you just stop? I don't know. This is his mom. He was intubated. He was out. He, um... Shouldn't have been operating a snowplow. He was breathing.
Starting point is 00:55:23 He was incubated. He wasn't... Not in the first place. Like, what the fuck is this guy doing? Oh, fuck. I wasn't... No, in the first place. Like, what the fuck is this guy doing? I don't like that picture. I heard that you had, in sign language, you said to your family, I'm sorry. He goes, my sister came in the room, she put this thing on the wall and said,
Starting point is 00:55:35 Ojibwe sang. Yeah. Yeah. I signed it. Because I am sorry. But the mom, he says, taught him everything about being tough and never giving up stays by his side. And your mom read to you.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Oh, Jesus. So she's reading Stephen King, some horror thing. But she just wants to read like she's reading Dr. Seuss to me, like, you know. How about his Langoliers? How now, Brown Cow? It happened to be what I was reading at the time. But I just wanted him to hear my voice.
Starting point is 00:56:21 It was thinner. It's a masterpiece, actually. He wants everyone to know that the real superpower is the ability to transform your suffering into your strength. The real superpower
Starting point is 00:56:34 is a bank account full of 500 million dollars. He wants everyone to know his real superpower is having the backing of the MCU universe. It's a shift in narrative of being victimized or making a mistake or anything else.
Starting point is 00:56:57 I refuse to be haunted by that memory that way. This is what I talk to my family about from all their perspectives, which are horrifying. That I put upon them. He goes, as long as I have my family and I'm insured by Bob Iger, nothing will stop me.
Starting point is 00:57:22 I just say that. Yeah. He goes, literally, the first thing I thought of was I hope Iger's not pissed. nothing will stop me just say that yeah he goes literally the first thing I thought of was I hope Iger's not pissed that's real love suffering but that feeds
Starting point is 00:57:35 the seeds of what love is I fucking agree let's play one of his songs really fast yeah one of the I don't know if we can do that. The Imagine Dragons songs he makes. No, he has like original music.
Starting point is 00:57:50 I think we did this the last time too, but he does, but I can't play his videos. You can't play the videos. Okay, let's not risk it, I guess. But Jesus, go listen at home. Yeah. Yeah. Pause this right now and turn on Renner. Put on Renner.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Turn us off. Put on Renner. He's in order. us turn us off put on renner he's in order for christ's sake listen to renner you guys want to see a guy uh who killed somebody come back the next day hammered and bragged to the cops about it yeah i have to piss i haven't seen this you've seen this joey god you're so good i'm good you're fucking good he's good you've seen this joey knows everything i know everything I know. Everything I know. Let's wait for him. How you doing, John? How was work today, you fuck?
Starting point is 00:58:32 That was fine. I bet it was wild. That was crazy, dude. It was nuts. It's like four days I've had a lot of weirdo homeless people, which I know sounds redundant to you, but I think this full moon's fucking everybody up or something. Well, you almost got stabbed a week ago. Oh oh i didn't even talk about i didn't almost get the video's pretty i got i got in an argument with a man who had a knife yeah he didn't pull
Starting point is 00:58:52 it out but he hated he had he hated kept calling me every time in the book he called me a fag like 300 times yep and it's all on video and then he started calling everyone he was latino but he started calling everyone in the bar like each racial epitaph he could possibly think of yeah i heard i saw it was weird he was latino but he kept saying he kept making mexican jokes to the people he kept yelling mexican jokes and then like i security wasn't they just stood like 10 feet away so now i got like beef with these security guards who they they they caught they knew this guy had a knife because i mouthed at him like he's got a knife and i was in front front of him and he kept trying to like punk me out. And they never came over and did anything?
Starting point is 00:59:28 They were standing like 15 feet away just standing there. And then it just – we confronted them because they've come into the bar before to get rid of people. But we – apparently that day they came up with a new rule where they're not allowed to come into the bar anymore. And it's very funny and so basically this guy just let this guy abuse me for 30 minutes until uh and then he he tried he spit at my feet and spit on me he almost i saw that that's in the video at one point he tried to throw a glass of water in my face but he didn't do it and then at another point he tried to like do one like these towards me or like yeah yeah i saw that he kept trying to act he
Starting point is 01:00:04 squirted out with me the part where i'm doing where i'm doing this to him i was like ready to fight him um but uh i remember there was a point where uh he started talking about my co-worker's ass and then i was like okay i'm just gonna fucking i'm just gonna grab like try to lock this guy up in some way or something because Cause this is annoying me. And, um, uh, but then I was like, I remember this video of like this guy, I watched this guy get stabbed with a screwdriver one time.
Starting point is 01:00:30 And I just like, it kept playing. Don't do that. You're not, you're a bartender. No, no, no,
Starting point is 01:00:34 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I know it's fun.
Starting point is 01:00:35 You're going to get killed like river Phoenix and stand by me, but I remember doing like a quick, I was like, I'm going to look him over. Cause he kept putting his hands in his pockets. I was like, I don't know if he has a knife in his pockets, but now I looked at him and on his hip he had
Starting point is 01:00:45 this big ass knife and i was like all right i'm not gonna fuck with him but then later on basically eventually left i just kept telling him like hey this isn't gonna go the way you want it to go like this isn't gonna go i kept being like just relax just calm down don't say this in front of kids he was saying like all these horrible things in front of kids and then i was this is gonna go the way you want to go eventually he just got fed up and left, and then the cops came, and it was just bullshit. The cops were the coolest ones about it, but they didn't do anything. I really need you to get a new job, man.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Because truly, you're putting yourself in harm's way every day. I'm not a fucking firefighter. You work at the one bar that is like that. You could work at a dive bar and deal with less shit. I'll figure it out. If something were to happen to you, you'd be ruining my life. I would be able to function. A lot of people's lives would be ruined.
Starting point is 01:01:35 Do you want to do that? Is that funny to you? No, I'm fine. I know what you mean. I'm keeping in mind. It actually might be the most dangerous bar in Los Angeles. Truly, it's figured out. I'm keeping in mind, yeah. It actually might be the most dangerous bar in Los Angeles. Yes. No, truly.
Starting point is 01:01:46 It's the only place that's a hub for constant moving traffic of insane people. Like, even the Lexington, which is in the heart of Skid Row, they didn't really have homeless people there ever. They would kick them out. No, they kick them out. What is that bar? I don't even remember. It's a terrible bar, like, literally right next to Skid Row.
Starting point is 01:02:04 I used to do open mics there. It was horrific. I saw a guy in a Ted Bundy shirt on there. I left. It scared me. You did stand up there once, I believe. I don't remember this. In Skid Row, probably what people would think is the worst possible location
Starting point is 01:02:20 for a bar, but yours is worse. I think you might be at the worst, most dangerous shitty bar because of, yeah, the metro. It's a fun place. Alright, let's watch this fucking... Who's this guy? You haven't seen this, John? No. Hell yeah. Alright, so this is
Starting point is 01:02:37 killer sentenced to 26 years after returning to murder scene to drunkenly tell the cops what happened. That's crazy crazy this kicks ass he's like a really cocky like british dude oh who are you looking for i'm looking for it i can help her what's going on uniform one night yeah i can help her why do british dudes look like this i don't know he's jacked dressed like they're all jacked and tanned like guys guy richie character yeah what happened
Starting point is 01:03:09 all right he's emerging that's not right it's right it says they've come back today cops hit him and say is it want to get on planes i'll come down off the plane talk to the bad boy talk to the good god talk to the mate. Copy the comic. I'm the... This is one of these guys. Go again. He's holding a bottle of whiskey. Thank you. What's your name? She's pretty chill about this so far. I don't give a f***.
Starting point is 01:03:38 Because I know what happened. And you need me to know, figure it out, what happened. If you don't have me, you don't know what happened. This is like Joey getting drunk and walking into the lobby of his apartment. Who knows what happened to the TV, man? Who knows about TV, man? I have a TV update, by the way.
Starting point is 01:03:59 You don't fucking know what happened, only I know what happened, man. Are you taunting them? After this, we'll get into your TV. It's very fast. I just know that some guy come here. Yeah. And he f***ed up some guy. I don't know what happened.
Starting point is 01:04:19 Right. I don't know what happened. Holding a bottle of... He's like Russian. He sounds like Romanian or something. Polish. Holding a bottle of... He's like Russian. He sounds like Romanian or something. Yeah, Polish. Holding a bottle of VSOP. Yeah, that kicks ass.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Almost fully empty. You're going to think about me, but it's not going to be me because there's no proof. It's not going to be me. It's George St. Pierre. You think something's happened to him. It's not going to be me.
Starting point is 01:04:45 There's your bitch. I know what happened. What happened then? Tell me what happened. This city is mine. I'm not going to say it. The city is mine. This city is mine.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Imagine being an immigrant to a new country and doing that. This city is mine. Just killing people and planning the city. Just a drunk Romanian guy wandering around Sunset Boulevard. You're like, this city's mine. Just killing people and planning the city. Just a drunk Romanian guy wandering around Sunset Boulevard. You're like, this city's mine. Yeah, this city's f***ing mine. There he is being arrested. Enjoy life in prison, fucko.
Starting point is 01:05:17 You've been arrested. He's going to get two weeks. We're trying not to manhandle you, but we need you to get in the van. So polite. I know. In America, they would have shot him. Would you like a biscuit? Would that calm you down?
Starting point is 01:05:31 Forgive you, little biscuit. There he is. Found guilty. Life in prison. There you go. Good job. Sorry, Heko. Terrible work.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Marik, Heko. One of the worst, worst murders we've ever seen. You're just an idiot. Joey, so what's going on with the TV sitch? For the public listeners here, Joey allegedly broke the TV of his apartment complex. It didn't happen. It never happened.
Starting point is 01:06:03 There's no evidence of it. But if you go on Patreon and you scroll. If you go on Patreon, there's maybe something we made. It's a witch hunt. It's a witch hunt, but there is something on Patreon if you want to watch that maybe tells the story, but as of now, it's an alleged
Starting point is 01:06:19 case, but Joey apparently broke about an 80-inch TV in the home theater of his apartment complex with a giant great statue of a Great Dane and he's been avoiding paying for it for about a year now and his apartment
Starting point is 01:06:36 complex got new management so the new management doesn't seem to really know about what happened but now they saw these charges and they keep thinking it's Joey's rent and that he's like not paying his rent joey pays his rent he's not paying for this false accusation and so that's about it right so yeah so they saw this amount due for the tv left over by the previous management they thought it was rent and they served me a wrong or they served me an eviction lawsuit. Yes, they're trying to evict you.
Starting point is 01:07:05 So I came back to my apartment, and there was a big stack of papers where it was essentially informing me that I'm being sued for not paying rent. So anyways, cleared it up with the team, talked to the assistant manager of the apartment building. So I'll just read the email that I just sent and that should kind of explain things she asked me to send this email so I said hi recently I was served an eviction lawsuit because we accidentally mistook
Starting point is 01:07:35 an amount of money which was previously requested of me by the former management company to be paid in order to reimburse at least apartment building for a tv as an amount of money for overdue rent i called and spoke to the assistant manager she apologized about the wrongful eviction lawsuit that i was served dropped the lawsuit and then requested that i send a summary of what I described to her to this email address.
Starting point is 01:08:07 So here, this is what it is. Okay, here we go. Sometimes several months before the change of apartment management, a group of people and I used the TV room in the shared apartment theater to watch a basketball game. A week or two after this, the old management company gave me a call and informed me that the TV had been damaged on the night that we were in there. Apparently, they noticed that my key fob was the one that had accessed the theater room nearest the time they thought the TV might have been damaged. And so they assumed that I was guilty. When they notified me, I told them I wasn't aware of any TV being damaged.
Starting point is 01:08:41 And I said I'd need to talk to a lawyer about whether or not I would be liable for something like this. And then I requested to know the amount that I would owe and if I were actually liable. They sent the amounts and apparently put it on a ledger. This is the amount that was later mistaken for rent. But then after speaking with a lawyer and requesting more information from the previous management, we seemed to agree that I was not responsible. Or at least that's what I assumed because we had stopped communications about it.
Starting point is 01:09:11 It's possible that the previous management company just got busy with other stuff while preparing to transition to the new management company and forgot about it. But sometime later, the management company changed and I assumed it was resolved until recently when the wrongful eviction
Starting point is 01:09:28 came up. I don't have anything definitive in the email correspondences between the old management company and I that would immediately resolve this issue, so I'm not quite sure what the best way to proceed on this is. But I just wanted to reach out and stand top of it and hopefully figure out a resolution
Starting point is 01:09:43 soon. Thanks, guys. Hell yeah, dude. Thanks, guys. Sorry about the confusion. I'm aware that the old management company may not have done a great job transitioning to the new building. You're a master. Master of gaslighting. So now they look like idiots,
Starting point is 01:09:57 and I think I'm fucking scot-free. You think it's over? I think they're going to forward that to a lawyer. A lawyer's going to see the words wrongful eviction in an email, and I think they're probably dealing with a bunch of fucking bullshit because it was not a good transition. Right. And I think they're probably getting sued by a bunch of different people.
Starting point is 01:10:19 Well, they were running a whorehouse out of that apartment complex too. What? They got bigger issues. Yeah. Joey and I were in the elevator one time and there was a pimp and two obvious whores and they were using one of the rooms to whatever.
Starting point is 01:10:32 It's a live slash work apartment building so you could live there or you could build a business there and people took advantage of that and they made a whorehouse out of it. And then besides that, there's like massage. It's like gay you know, like a massage like, it's like gay
Starting point is 01:10:48 guys that run a massage place. It's like a gay jack shack, basically. Joey decided to move into the Deadwood of Los Angeles. It's like a small saloon town of downtown LA. So I think I'm off scot-free.
Starting point is 01:11:03 Good job, man. Isn't that email nice? That's a great email, dude. That was great. I think anybody who reads that, they're like, you seem like a great guy. You're giving them an out. You're like, hey, listen,
Starting point is 01:11:12 I know the previous people weren't as good as you. It's also full of a bunch of boring bullshit because I was getting bored in the middle of it and I'm like, that's perfect. Even the person reading it.
Starting point is 01:11:20 I tried to read it as fast as possible, but I wanted to pack it full of here are legitimate excuses. This sounds official. This sounds like something that a real guy would say. No, but I'm saying that in a good way, because the person reading it's like,
Starting point is 01:11:32 yeah, he must be right. Like, he's boring the shit out of me. He's giving stats. He's giving info. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. You guys want to wrap this up and maybe do a little... Should we do...
Starting point is 01:11:43 We have John's Gun Corner questions Alright Alright We're going to do a little I'm going to try another Elliot Smith thing We'll try like needle in the hay this time I thought we did needle in the hay Yeah but I didn't really master it
Starting point is 01:12:02 So let's try it out Alright so here we go This is John's Gun Corner Yeah, but I didn't really master it. So let's try it out. Yeah. All right, so here we go. This is John's Gone Corner. Go, Debbie. Podcast. John's Gone Corner. Haywash Podcast.
Starting point is 01:12:18 Head on his arm. This is Elliot Smith dying. Head on his arm. this is uh elliot smith dying hand on his arm it's that charm that he really lacks you're at applebee's on a date and he keeps ordering apps he's really fat you leave, but he won't let you. He's really fat and gay. He's really fat and gay. He's really fat and gay. He's really fat and gay.
Starting point is 01:12:59 He's so fat and gay. He's so fat and gay. You're having sex back at his place. He's so fat and gay. You're having sex. Back at his place. And he tells you to flex. He can't get off until you feel like a man. He needs you to be vascular. He needs you to be vascular.
Starting point is 01:13:18 Cause he's gay. And he won't admit it. I need to fuck this. Oh yeah. That's John's gone corner. He's really fat and gay. He's really fat and gay. He's really fat and gay. He's really fat and gay.
Starting point is 01:13:35 So fat and gay. He'll make kale with a stick of butter and think it's healthy. Yeah! Very good. Did you come up with fat and gay before? Or did you come up with that on the spot? I copied a comment. Somebody wrote that in the comments and I copied it.
Starting point is 01:13:53 Sorry, I forget who you are. Thank you so much. Kind of a slam dunk. There are probably four listeners that know the original song, how good that was. Welcome to John's Gun Corner. A couple guns burning us. how good that was. Welcome to John's Gun Corner. Couple guns boiling in this. First of all, shout out to Anna Pitman
Starting point is 01:14:08 from ModernStemSugar.com Hi, Anna! Anna underscore Pit on Instagram and ModernStemSugar.com ModernStemSugar on Instagram. Shout out to Alex for donating us a bunch of beer money from Romania. Thank you so much. Whoa, what? Are you pocketing money?
Starting point is 01:14:24 No, no, no. He's subscribed to the Patreon. He's a $50 a month guy. Oh! What's his name? What's his full name? Alex. Thank you, Alex. I saw that. I was like, what the fuck is going on? He wanted to send us money directly, but I was like, you better get in the Patreon.
Starting point is 01:14:40 Very good. Very good. Okay. Annapit's sick. She is sick and she makes great cookies for the podcast. Very good. Very good. Okay. Annapit's sick. She is sick and she makes great cookies for the podcast. First question. Here's a tactical skills question. If you had a standard 22
Starting point is 01:14:56 long rifle with iron sights and had to hit a bullseye 100 yards away, could you do it? And if that bullseye was instead a man spreading his asshole open at you, would there be a better chance of your cock penetrating his ass or the bullet penetrating the target? 100 yards away from Freddice.
Starting point is 01:15:16 I don't think my cock's that long, buddy. But would you walk over it? Would I run over? Yeah. Sprint over? I'd sprint like fucking... Like Logan at the end of Wolverine. Would you?
Starting point is 01:15:28 Yeah, I would. So yes, more likely he would have sex with the man. Here's a two-part question. Okay. Part number one. What heavy machine gun would be most ideal mounted on a Toyota Prius? Or a similar hatchback from John. A man also named John Good.
Starting point is 01:15:47 I don't know. Fuck, a heavy machine gun? Like a fucking... Something with a smaller caliber, I guess. And like, you know, one of those little browning 30 cals. I think that may be a lame machine gun. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:15:59 Why is that? Because it would be... Well, you don't want a big, giant fucking machine gun on a Prius. It's a little car. They have... Don't they have good suspension? Can't get like a Gatling gun on it? Yeah, you can get like... Well, you don't want a big, giant fucking machine gun on a Prius. It's a little car. They have... Don't they have good suspension? Can't get, like, a Gatling gun on it?
Starting point is 01:16:08 Yeah, you can get, like... Well, that'd be fun, actually. You know, the Civil War ones from, like, Wild West. Like a mini... A mini... No. Old Western John Wayne, Kirk Douglas. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:16 So what was the gun? What was your answer? Oh, like a little Browning. Browning. Yeah. Okay. Now, part two of the question. Now, with that Browning machine gun mounted to your Prius, who would be driving?
Starting point is 01:16:31 Who would be shooting? And who would be doing the spotting? Would Devin be driving? Would Joey be doing the spotting? Let's assume you're fighting the LAPD. What route would you take to raid one of their HQs for weapons? And then where would you hide in the countryside? I'm talking about protracted guerrilla warfare here.
Starting point is 01:16:50 Okay, so Devin will be driving because Joey doesn't have a license. Devin's car is full of dents. I'm going to be honest. That was what I thought firstly, but I'm going to be honest with you, Joey. I'm very good at driving. I'm a much better driver than both of you. Joey, I've known you for 10 years. I don't think you've ever driven me anywhere.
Starting point is 01:17:08 I've never driven around. I've never seen you drive, literally in my life. The best drivers don't drive for free. It's a complete unknown, Joey. So it's got to be Dev. You did it again. The kid did it again. Spotting's cool.
Starting point is 01:17:23 You could be the spotter. Okay, sure sure answer the question hurry up you think you're a apartment complex I'm the shooter I just read a 45 minute email but hurry the hell up
Starting point is 01:17:31 and be in I'm the shooter of course Devin's driving you're the spotter spotting's fun and then you know protractor girl warfare we'll just go out
Starting point is 01:17:38 to the fucking Mojave and do like a goddamn we're fighting the LAPD how do we raid their HQ oh like like fucking Terminator 1, dude. Fuck yes. Fuck yes.
Starting point is 01:17:49 That's the perfect answer. That's the perfect answer. Now, I wrote a bonus question based on this John's question. What was it? Here's the bonus question. Who wins in a three-team deathmatch race? Team number one is Twinkorus on meth with a remote-controlled minigun mounted to the top of his Yaris. Oh, kind of like twisted metal?
Starting point is 01:18:11 Exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it's a race. Okay. Team number two is the Tesla Road Rager with a metal pipe. Okay. No guns. Just a metal pipe in his car.
Starting point is 01:18:23 That's tough. Okay. No guns. Just a metal pipe in his car. That's tough. Team number three is Coburger in his creamy white Hyundai Elantra with his dad sitting passenger giving pace notes. Oh, that's for sure Twinkers. He's got a fucking gun.
Starting point is 01:18:38 Well, what about Coburger? Coburger with pace notes? What do you mean? So when a man sits passenger in a car race and he's like, oh, there's a turn coming up.
Starting point is 01:18:47 Like rally. Exactly, yeah. Okay, a race. You know, I think Twinkers would fuck it up somehow because he's, he had that fucking rock.
Starting point is 01:18:54 He's crashing. He's crashing. So, and I'm going to tell you right now, I think, you know, Kohlberger had to like
Starting point is 01:18:59 sneak into somebody's apartment and kill him with a knife silently. Yeah. Dude, fucking Tesla Road Ranger is up in people's faces. That guy's aggressive as shit. Oh, that guy's silently. Yeah. Dude, fucking Tesla Road Ranger is up in people's faces. That guy's aggressive as shit. Oh, that guy's I think it may be Tesla Road Ranger. That guy's
Starting point is 01:19:10 being bludgeoned in a shower right now. He's like being raped. He's like Jeff Dahmer. I think he's the shot caller at whatever jail he's at. Oh, for sure, yeah. Yeah. But so, you say Tesla Road Ranger. I think Tesla Road Ranger. If Twinkers fucks up at the beginning and kills himself somehow. Twinkers is crashing immediately. He's crashing, yeah. So it's say Tesla Road Rager. I think Tesla Road Rager. If Twinkers fucks up at the beginning and kills himself somehow.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Twinkers is crashing immediately. He's crashing. Yeah. So it's probably Tesla Road Rager. Yeah, let's be honest. Kohlberger's not standing up to Tesla Road Rager with his pipe. Well, he has a knife. Tesla Road Rager would still take him out, dude.
Starting point is 01:19:37 Okay. Yeah. Tesla Road Rager. Next question. If John had to stuff any gun up his fat ass to sneak into prison, what would it be? What would it be, and why is it a full-size javelin launcher?
Starting point is 01:19:54 Max. Max. I think you can make little zip guns. If you can make a.22 zip gun and then somehow make it smooth enough. What is a zip gun? It's like a little gun you just make with a pipe zip gun and then somehow like make it smooth enough it's a zip gun it's like a little gun you just make with like a pipe and like a spring oh is that what uh uh uh shinzo abe uh was killed no that was a black electronically fired black powder shotgun a zip gun is what
Starting point is 01:20:16 they killed that girl with in munich where they're unscrewing it real quick and then putting bullets in it it's like a pipe and you could just like either like there's a latch it's just basically like the most basic firearm you could how does it fire the same way it has a's like a pipe and you can just like either like there's a latch. It's just basically like the most basic firearm you could possibly have. How does it fire? The same way it has a pin and a spring and there's some sort of thing that activates the spring and the pin and it fires it through the barrel but you usually load each bullet
Starting point is 01:20:35 individually. Oh they got gunpowder in their ass as well or something? Some type of... Well the bullet has gunpowder in it. Oh they have bullets. Yeah so you can go to Home Depot and make a 9mm zip gun if you want to do tonight. Sure, but they have the bullets in their ass as well.
Starting point is 01:20:52 9mm zip gun in his ass. Here's a weird one. Did you know that John Wick dies at the end of John Wick 4? Fuck off. And this is from a guy calling himself the movie spoiler. Wow.
Starting point is 01:21:08 Wow, that's really funny. Did that actually happen? I don't know. Oh, that's funny. We only got 30 minutes in. Well, it sucks. I want to see that movie. Thank you, movie spoiler.
Starting point is 01:21:17 Scumbag. What an asshole. You're an asshole. I love that. Good job. That's funny, though. Good job, dude. JP Ryder Morgan.
Starting point is 01:21:22 Love him. Love you, JP. Fan favorite, JP Ryder Morgan. Love him. Love you, JP. Fan favorite, JP Ryder Morgan. Joey's just like a natural carnival barker. Yeah, it's crazy. He goes, hello, gang. Shout out to all the Patreon hate watchers, John. Here it goes.
Starting point is 01:21:42 If you had a piece of land and you had 300 monkeys oh I like this as you wake up in the morning yeah as you wake up in the morning and stare out the window which rifle do you use
Starting point is 01:21:56 to kill your early morning monkeys oh the early morning monkeys not quite done cheers also thanks Joey for the pussy shout out last week didn't get any pussy but got a bunch of dick pics instead from JP Rotterdam.
Starting point is 01:22:08 Listen, I've been doing pussy announcements for a long time. They never work. Get dick pics. Get JP some pussy, okay? Send him titties, anything. Early morning rifle. I would get like a fucking, dude, I get like a fucking Kentucky like black powder like one from like fucking the Revolutionary War you want to kill monkeys with an old yeah like you you pull the trigger and it's like yeah yeah that'd be cool and then
Starting point is 01:22:34 like there's a there's like a six foot long puff of smoke and then a monkey like a hundred yards away just explodes I'd like to kill him like I'd like to kill him like while Jane Goodall's holding them yeah yeah I'd have it'd be that wakey wakey moment from Schindler's List but I just got done fucking Jane Goodall and then she wakes up and I blow a monkey's brains out right in front of her yeah and then she's like who have I been with
Starting point is 01:22:55 it really affects her you bring Jane you bed Jane Goodall because you're like I have a chimp sanctuary I have a chimp sanctuary come to my chimp sanctuary it's amazing and then you sell her to like a Panamanian village or something. I would just shock her with my monkey friends. I would like to kill
Starting point is 01:23:11 the gorilla that did sign language to Robin Williams. I would shoot him in the back of the head. I've wanted to kill Coco the gorilla for so long. I have so many fantasies about Coco the gorilla being like, you know, sign languaging like, you know, love is good. Love is flowers or some shit.
Starting point is 01:23:32 And I just, I'm just a shotgun. Yeah, Coco the gorilla is really like the fucking like the rupee cower of gorillas. She's a real piece of shit. The Roxanne Gay of gorillas. Coco's signing, please put the gun down. She thinks she's so fucking smart, that goddamn chimp. Is it a gorilla or a chimp? It's a gorilla.
Starting point is 01:23:51 It should be, you know, if you're so smart why are you in a fucking cage, Coco? I'm more a fan of glow-rillas. There we go. I'm sassy. Very good. I'm a bit of a ratchet. Next question. This'm a bit of a ratchet. Next question. This is a long one.
Starting point is 01:24:09 John, I am sorry people make fun of you for being a fat retard. Thank you. It is not true, and Gutter Oil is a seminal podcast. Thank you. Gutter Oil is great. One day your success will cause those who insulted you to eat their words and bow down to your greatness. Is this my subconscious sending a question? Hell yeah. Well, why do you have any doubts? Your success will cause those who insulted you to eat their words and bow down to your greatness. Is this my subconscious sending a question?
Starting point is 01:24:27 Hell yeah. Well, why do you have any doubts? You know you're great. That was what I was saying is my subconscious. I'm telling myself. No, right. But you don't need to tell yourself. Like, you're great.
Starting point is 01:24:35 You know? Thanks, Tim. I love you. I love you, too. Just believe it. Just believe it, man. Because it's true. Yeah, I know. You've got the touch.
Starting point is 01:24:43 What's going on here? Keep it going. Back it's true. Yeah, I know. You've got the touch. What's going on here? Keep it going. Back to the question. I just think about how good of a sport John is sometimes. And I'm like really proud of him. He's been an amazing, he's been, you know,
Starting point is 01:24:55 people, it's fun to, in the comments and stuff to be like, Oh, fuck John. But it's like, he's allowed himself to become a character. And you're an idiot.
Starting point is 01:25:03 If you don't think that he's like, you know, aware of this. I'm the most controversial person. He cares about comedy more than a scumbag out there. John is smart in a sleepy way that you would never see coming. He's smart kind of like, yeah, he's smart in Gilbert Grape. Leonardo DiCaprio does get down from the water tower. Devin's always telling me to get down from high places.
Starting point is 01:25:31 One time I smashed a cricket in Devin's mailbox and he comforted me while I was crying. I took John up to a water tower one time because he goes, I want to eat the flying chickens. We went up and he started catching birds.
Starting point is 01:25:48 Joey's opening a burger franchise. All right, what was the rest of the question? Very good, the rest of the question. Find my spot because it's a long one. Yeah, I got to piss. One day your success will cause those who insult you to eat their words. Lie down, you greatest. We do, however, know that you are, in fact, one of the gayest men in the history of podcasting.
Starting point is 01:26:10 Well, that's true. Yeah. And will burn in hell for allowing your asshole to be a cum dumpster. Not true. Not true. Why did he turn on a dime? He turned. Yeah, he turned quick.
Starting point is 01:26:21 Yeah. Knowing this, if you were to be hit with a massive load of cum, which method would you prefer? Assume that none of these will kill you, but rather just leave you looking incredibly gay. Number one, pull your pants down and be shot in the ass with a cum-filled bazooka at point-blank range. Okay. Number two, detonate two cum-filled grenades while you hold them tightly against your ears. That's pretty sick, yeah. Number three.
Starting point is 01:26:49 Deep throat. Abarit M82 and swallow 10 loads of.50 caliber cum bullets. Leo Miller. These all seem pretty deadly, but I'm going to just say cum grenades probably because that's just hilarious. Cum grenades, very good. Can I do it in public around a bunch of people?
Starting point is 01:27:07 He didn't specify. Well, I would do it in public. Almost done now. That's a sick way to, like, fucking. All right, last question. Cum grenades. Cum grenades. I think I said this at the hate watch account by mistake, but before I tell what to do, what
Starting point is 01:27:17 is the best gun for killing? Okay. Stop, Joey. It's the feral hogs. It's the dumb feral hogs. Mean. All right. Let's skip that one. Okay. Okay. Next. Let's go. Okay. Stop, Joey, Joey. It's the feral hogs. It's the dumb feral hogs. Mean. Let's skip that one. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:27:28 Let's go. Okay, AR. I'm not convinced that John knows how to kill an animal. He might be too much of a pussy to take the soul of another living creature. John, name every animal that you've ever personally killed and how you killed them. I can name animals I've fucked and it's your mom. Oh, and on that. On that.
Starting point is 01:27:49 Is a wrap up. Of John's Gun Corner. Oh yeah. It's John's Gun. I can't believe this has evolved to this point. I actually start feeling nervous that I don't have a song ready.
Starting point is 01:28:08 It's John's Gun Corner. It's good music either way. It's good. Way too many people sending questions to a working class cog. You shouldn't want the advice of him all my advice is professional and should be taken seriously all financial advice mental health advice and uh tactical tactical advice martial arts advice everything should be taken 100 seriously and applied to your everyday life he's one of the greatest men who's ever lived his name is john and he's on the hate watch podcast my favorite friend
Starting point is 01:28:53 even though he's got a terrible snake tattoo. It's a really fucking good tattoo. Fuck you. Fuck you. It's great. Fuck you. It's fucking cool. Did you get that at Hot Topic Fest? Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 01:29:15 Dickhead. Oh, yeah. It looks sick, Joey. Come on. He gets his tattoos at Spencer's gift shop. But what can you do? I'm going to get more now. All right.
Starting point is 01:29:26 Hey, watch podcast, folks. Wait, wait, wait. No. What? I got to piss my balls off. What's up? What's up, Joey? Hang on.
Starting point is 01:29:33 This is actually quite serious. Pause it. Pause it. What are you going to say? No, no. Let it play. Let it ride? This is perfect.
Starting point is 01:29:40 Oh, well, you know. My gosh. So I have something quite serious to talk about. What? Oh, well, you know. My gosh. So I have something quite serious to talk about. What?
Starting point is 01:29:50 I, it's, we have to call my mom. Whoa, really? Why? It's, well. Can I pee? Yeah, you pee. I have to pee too. Do I go to Patreon?
Starting point is 01:30:00 We're going to the Patreon. I told my mom. Let's go to Patreon. No, no, no. We've done an hour and 30 here. Jesus fucking Christ. We'll make this be like 10 minutes. I'm peeing. I'm peeing. I love you both. I love you both an hour and thirty here. We'll make this be like ten minutes. You pee, John ping. You pee after him. I'll handle this.
Starting point is 01:30:10 We'll do it in shifts. I didn't know you had something planned. What's going on here? I spoke to my mom. Get in. Alright. Perry Beck, cocksucker. I'm into giving the people a long episode.
Starting point is 01:30:24 Okay, do you have my mom's phone number uh yeah possibly no I yeah I do actually I think okay
Starting point is 01:30:33 so here my mom is a huge fan of bringing up a couple of my most embarrassing moments mhm
Starting point is 01:30:42 hold on let me let's see if it's connected yeah explain so most recently at Christmas most embarrassing moments. Hold on. Let me see if it's connected. Yeah, explain. So most recently at Christmas, first Christmas, my little sister's like serious boyfriend joined us and my mom couldn't help herself.
Starting point is 01:30:56 And she's done this a bunch of times. She just constantly brings up these two stories that she thinks are bad because of my behavior. And I think that I was wrongfully accused of. And what was his behavior, Joseph? So I allegedly ruined two different birthdays by being arrested. Same day? No, no.
Starting point is 01:31:18 Two different times, two different birthdays, two different arrests. Yeah, that makes sense. All both caused by booze. I got to say this tracks. And so my mom always guilts me on. This is like her favorite thing to bring up. She just always goes like, hey, yeah, right. Remember when you ruined those birthdays?
Starting point is 01:31:35 And she won't stop doing it. So I guess. She wants you to, you know, be healthier. No, she's. Did you put it on? She's mad about it still. No, you... Okay.
Starting point is 01:31:48 Why is she mad? Oh, no. Hey, Julie, how you doing? Hi. Good to hear from you. How are you guys? We're good. We're recording right now. We're about to end and Joey demanded we call you because he's
Starting point is 01:32:05 very upset about some accusations. Mom, are you... Can you talk right now? Can we go into this? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, sure. Okay, so basically I was telling Devin that you're a big fan of bringing up a couple of stories about me that I wish would just
Starting point is 01:32:21 go away. And... Me too. And so it's two different birthdays that I ruined by being arrested for drunken behavior on each one. And I want to settle this once and for all. So you tell your side of it, and then I'm going to defend myself.
Starting point is 01:32:41 Okay. Okay, which one do you want me to tell first? Do the first one. Whatever one happened first. Well, I'm going to defend myself. Okay. Okay. Which one do you want me to tell first? Do the first one. Whatever one happened first. Well, I'm not even sure. It seems like it was a little bad time. Like maybe all in the same. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:32:53 But the first one, I think, okay, I think the first one was my 50th birthday. And I had a really big party at my house. And I had high school friends here. I had a really big party at my house, and I had high school friends here. I had college friends here. I had all my Rapid City friends here. All my kids were here. Louie and his girlfriend at the time showed up to surprise me,
Starting point is 01:33:23 and you were going to college at Black Hill State at the time, and so you were going to um college at black hill state at the time and so you um were going to come that day and i think it was i don't know maybe around you were coming early that day like maybe around lunchtime that time you were going to come see everybody and be here for the party and then we got a call that you were arrested because you were driving. You were driving home from the queer fest, and you must have been around Sturgis. And you were driving, like, I don't know, 95 miles an hour. I'm not a pussy. I always drive that fest.
Starting point is 01:34:01 Go on. Miss Julie. No, Charlie, let her go. I'll explain later. Okay. So you got arrested and you smelled like alcohol and you were driving past and all that stuff. Yeah. So they gave you all that breathalyzer stuff and all that stuff and they took you to jail. And then at the third jail, maybe because that's where they have the rally and stuff,
Starting point is 01:34:27 they don't let you get out of jail until you blow zero. And so we didn't see you until the whole next day. And there was no judge available. And so basically... They don't let you out until you blow zero? So they didn't let Joey out for like seven months. I'm just amazed he can drive. Mom, that's not funny.
Starting point is 01:34:46 Mom, that's not funny. That's not funny. So basically, from my mom's point of view, it was her 50th birthday. That's a big birthday. It's a milestone. People really care about that birthday. And she had people visiting from multiple cities. And her kid, Louie's girlfriend, was there.
Starting point is 01:35:04 It's a big, big day for her. And then from her point of view, I got a DUI at like 10 a.m. That's crazy. And I ruined the birthday. Right, right. So that's quite bad. That's not great.
Starting point is 01:35:15 So, but here's... I mean, you... I was actually very sad at my party. Yeah, bad. Yeah. Now, I'm sure you still had fun. You probably pouted for a minute
Starting point is 01:35:24 and then you got hammered you're ignoring human emotions to uh in the defense of your drunken state she's always got something to pout about but so now here it is from my point of view real quick I was at a party at Black Hill State University at Tanner Quinn's college house.
Starting point is 01:35:46 We got hammered. We were up drinking until like 4 a.m. My friend Josh Brabant was there. At some point, his wife, who he was in like a big fight dispute with, came and drove from Rapid City and picked him up and took him home because they were in such a big fight. She's like, I'm fucked. Like, we have to be together and talk about this. Brabant's car is now left at the house in spearfish i wake up spearfish spearfish south dakota somebody wakes me up at about like i don't know what time it was early morning 8 a.m something like that and they say hey would you drive drive Josh Brabant's car back to Rapid City because
Starting point is 01:36:26 his wife came and picked him up. He's got an abandoned car. I'm a hero and I said, of course I'll do that. Give me the keys cocksucker. I get into the car and I listen, I'm hungover. You're still drunk.
Starting point is 01:36:42 You're not hungover. But also at the time, it's like one of those things where you don't realize that you're still drunk well you're not hung over but also at the time it's like one of those things where you don't realize that you can still like i like in my dumb brain it's like when you go to sleep yeah you're sober it's like grand theft auto when you get arrested you leave the little i know what you mean you were comparing it to you you were like i'm like forming words again properly so i can drive no yeah exactly so it's, if you sleep, you wake up and that resets all the booze in your system. If you fall asleep for 30 minutes when you're drunk,
Starting point is 01:37:10 you wake up like, I'm good! Exactly. So I'm speeding back. I'm going 90-something because I'm just hungover and in a hurry. Get pulled over. The cop comes to the window and goes like, smells me, smells booze and
Starting point is 01:37:25 goes sir i gotta be honest with you i smell alcohol that you've been drinking and i go i i'm like i'm sober so hey yeah i was drinking but it's the morning i'm not drunk anymore i said why don't we just save each other some time give me the breathalyzer you idiot you tell them yeah yeah i go let's save everybody a bunch of time give me the damn breathalyzer. You idiot. You tell them to. Let's save everybody a bunch of time. Give me the damn breathalyzer and let's get the hell, let's both go home. Because I'm sure you got a nice family and I need to get back to my mom.
Starting point is 01:37:54 My mom's 50th birthday. I'm speeding back to get to my mom's birthday because I don't want to be late to the birthday. I'm like, oh my god, 50, that's a big birthday. So anyways. The party don't want to. Yeah. Right? So, anyways.
Starting point is 01:38:07 Yeah, I mean, the party wasn't until night. But, yeah, I'm sure that's what you probably did. Well, I wanted to start getting ready and preparing stuff. Joey had to bake you a cake. I wanted to get the cake in the oven. Right. But so, then I blow, you know, 0.20 or some insane amount very average and they take me to jail they walk me in and uh i'm now trolling them i tell them they ask me
Starting point is 01:38:38 like my height in my race and stuff and i'm like i'm hispanic i 6'8 I'm in a gang like I'm just kidding I'm trolling everybody they walk me to my cell which you have to be locked in until you blow zeros and they're playing chess outside and I start going like hey yeah fuck you're lucky they're locking me in my cell cause I'd fucking destroy you guys at chess I'm trolling like the prisoners
Starting point is 01:39:01 yeah you're already like becoming Muslim yeah exactly and then as soon as they let me into my cell I'm trolling like the prisoners. Yeah, you're already like becoming Muslim. Yeah, exactly. And then as soon as they let me into my cell, one of the prisoners comes over and goes like, you play chess? You play chess? He's peeking through the little people and like talking shit to me.
Starting point is 01:39:17 And I'm like, yeah, I do play chess, but they won't let me out of my cell. Sorry. And then he kept coming back every six hours going like, you blow zeros yet? You blow zeros? And I'm realizing I'm stuck there for like the weekend
Starting point is 01:39:31 and I'm just saying, I know. I can't. They won't let me out. He finally, somehow he convinces the guard to come over with the breathalyzer like every six hours I blow zeros. He kills me in chess. But we became very fast friends. Okay, let's do the second birthday that I ruined really fast
Starting point is 01:39:50 because we're going long. Okay, sorry, sorry. So the second time was Joey's sister Logan's birthday. It was in February, so it's very cold here in February. And the night before, Joey was out drinking, partying with his friends. He never came home that night, but I wasn't too worried because I figured he was at Brock's house. Right.
Starting point is 01:40:12 Uh-oh. Yeah, I figured he was at one of his friend's houses. Chugging milk somewhere. So, then he knew we were going out to dinner for his sister's birthday the next night. So, I started calling around lunchtime. I started getting a little worried, and I all his friends many friends and they said the last time we saw joey he was out in front of the clock tower the bar really the bar really drunk and he was with this girl named alexis or something i'm like okay so So then it got to be almost time to go to dinner,
Starting point is 01:40:48 and his sister Logan was, like, pissed because he wasn't there. And so she called this Alexis girl, and she's like, no, last time I saw him, he was out in front of the clock tower. So then I totally, 100% thought he was dead. So my mom thought I was dead. He's frozen to death. Yeah. So, again, from my mom's point of view, now here's what it is.
Starting point is 01:41:08 I've ruined my little sister. I haven't finished the story. Go ahead. Go ahead. Better be fucking good. So we go to dinner at Tally's because that's where Logan wanted to go to dinner. And we all order food and I'm just sure that Joey's dead.
Starting point is 01:41:27 And so I get my food, and I didn't take one bite. I couldn't eat one bite of it because I thought Joey was dead. Logan got extremely pissed at me because I ruined her birthday because I wouldn't eat dinner. So it sounds like you ruined her birthday, not me. Yeah, that's right. I think that's what we're hearing. You don't let me in with that, Joey. I think that's what we're hearing.
Starting point is 01:41:47 You don't let me in with that, Joey. I'm on your mom's side. Joey, you're an angel, and you don't deserve to be treated this way. Your mom loves you and thought you died because you were irresponsible and drunk. Okay, very good. And disappeared. Mom, do you have more? Yeah, so then John, your dad, goes, I'm going to go out to the car
Starting point is 01:42:08 for a minute because it's too cold to be outside. So I'm going to go make a phone call out of the car. He goes to the car and he calls Detox. And he calls the Detox place. And when you call Detox in Rapid City, there aren't people that work there that answer the phone.
Starting point is 01:42:24 It's the other drunks that answer the phone. So really quick, really quick, Mom. Detox is like the drunk tank, but they have like a dedicated sort of detox facility because there's like, I think it's unique to Rapid City because there's such a big Native American population. There are so many Native Americans that they find drunk that they bring in there to sober up. That is actually true. Right. So they took me and so my dad's like maybe
Starting point is 01:42:53 they, my dad knows Native Americans. He's a lawyer. He's like, let me call this. Maybe he's there. Go on, mom. So anyway, John calls there and actually it was a Native American guy that answered the phone. And you can answer the phone after you've been there for so many hours. If you blow zeros, you can talk on the phone.
Starting point is 01:43:11 Okay. Yeah, yeah. And so Joey wasn't allowed to talk on the phone, but this nice Native American man, John gave him Joey's description. By the way, his name was Russell Crowe. Mom, I have to cut you off. The guy's name was Russell Crowe. description. By the way, his name was Russell Crowe.
Starting point is 01:43:23 Mom, I have to cut you off. The guy's name was Russell Crowe. And it was over, they had an intercom system and they would just constantly, like, they'd go like, every, like, fee, I was like, Russell Crowe, could you please come to the front desk? Yeah, I wanted to make a documentary about
Starting point is 01:43:40 the place and just have it be called, like, Rabbit City Detox starring Russell Crowe. But, uh... but so here it is from my point that's like that's being overlooked that's so crazy i thought about it and i was like well wait a minute the like the actor russell crowe he probably has a fake name because Native Americans, they are named that. Like Crowe and Baron. You're right. It probably is his fake name.
Starting point is 01:44:12 So anyways. He got hammered in Rapid City one time and got arrested. He changed his name. But my point of view on this is I was hanging out at a bar, Clock Tower. I just remember at some point having like eight drinks in front of me and I think like a group left and they're like hey we don't you guys can have these and I was like all right I guess I have to finish all eight of these next thing I remember is I am waking up in a black cell concrete. Oh, you had no memory of even getting arrested or anything?
Starting point is 01:44:48 Zero. None. None. So then when were you, yeah, let's get back to Julie. When were you allowed to speak? I mean, not until he blew a zero. So it was like, I don't even know if it was the next day. No, I believe it was technically, because there's only one time where they will let you test your breathalyzer to find out. technically because there's only one time will they where they will let you test your your
Starting point is 01:45:05 breathalyzer to find out so like you don't pass it at like let's say noon you have to wait till noon the next day to pass so so anyways i wake up i'm in a cell i hear people talking i have no idea what happened i'm like what why am i here why would they treat a person like this i must have like done something really bad. So I'm like worried and I'm pounding on the door. I'm like, Hey guys, could somebody talk to me?
Starting point is 01:45:30 Could somebody tell me what's going on? They finally let me out. And it's just me, 90% native American dudes who are happy to be there. Cause it's cold out and they get arrested on purpose and shit. And then there's like a divorced guy a divorced white guy who is just like my wife is so mad at me yeah and uh it's so i i'm there and i go like my first instinct because i know it's my sister's birthday and i'm like great man i go and i've been
Starting point is 01:46:00 wrongfully arrested by the way you're a great man who's been wrongfully arrested. I didn't do it. Because they exploit. They're like the hurricane. Yeah. It was a warm, genuine night. Just like the time before. The time before that. Here comes the story of Joseph LeFleur.
Starting point is 01:46:17 He got you drunk and distruged. Somebody better call the cops. So then old Patty calls his mom. Hey, Bob Dylan, where's my son? Asshole. But so I'm going like, hey, I need to call my family and tell them where I am. I'm sure my mom thinks I'm dead. And they said, shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 01:46:40 Oh, wow. Whoa, dude. They said, you go back into your bunk bed with the rest of the animals you piece of shit wow they said that I don't know that was like their tone they said please leave us alone
Starting point is 01:46:56 just please leave us alone like you're drunk but then so like multiple days pass I'm trying to contact my family I can't do it. Finally, my dad like has the wit about him to contact the detox place. They released me. And I think everybody at that point realizes that I was the victim of the story.
Starting point is 01:47:19 Did your sister, did you have a talk with her about sorry? No, because everybody knows my sister's like a diva. You really? Jesus Christ, dude. Man, these stories are just full of a lot of finger pointing. Mom, I think you can agree that, you know. Just everyone's wrong but Joey. Joey's in a glass house with a slingshot.
Starting point is 01:47:41 Wrong place, wrong time for me. And I think, hey, listen.hot. Wrong place, wrong time for me. And I think, hey, listen. Yeah, wrong place, wrong time. If I got a missing sibling and I'm at dinner and my mom won't eat, I'm not guilting her. I'm comforting her.
Starting point is 01:47:54 And I'm saying, I'm here for you, mom. I'm not saying, you ruined my birthday. Yeah, she wasn't comforting me. So that's what I would have been doing. But anyway, so I've defended myself properly. And I's what I would have been doing. But anyway, so I've defended myself properly,
Starting point is 01:48:07 and I think that I have successfully gotten myself out of these stories, and I think from now on you won't bring these up anymore, right? Yeah, yeah, no. Okay, that's the last time we'll hear of them. That's it, that's it. Thank God. And by the way, we didn't do a Rapid City Roundup song. Yeah, we didn't.
Starting point is 01:48:21 We'll do it now. Mom, you can listen. Do a Rapid City Roundup. I don't want anything in me right now. Jesus Christ. Keep something going. Do one Rapid City Roundup, and then Yeah, we did. We'll do it. Let's do it now. Mom, you can listen. Do a Rap City Roundup. I don't want anything in me right now. Jesus Christ. Keep something going. Do one Rap City Roundup and then we'll get it. And then we're end of the pod. Alright, alright, alright. Uh. Fuck. Mom, what are you doing?
Starting point is 01:48:36 I'll give Devin a little time. Mom, are you at Buffalo Wild Wings? No, I actually, we just got home and um, no, I'm home now. How was Brock? Brock was good. I saw Brock tonight.
Starting point is 01:48:51 I talked to Brock tonight quite a bit. Did he say anything about Rosie O'Donnell? Yeah. We did talk about that. Was he still trying to act like I was overreacting? No, not really. He kind of was acting like it was funny now. Good. Okay, anyways. I mean, no. No, not really. He kind of was acting like it was funny, you know. Good. Okay, anyways. I mean, no.
Starting point is 01:49:10 No, no. Yeah, go ahead. Oh, okay. No, no. What? I just don't want to get Brock in trouble in case he ever finds out. No, no, no. It's fine. This is... Brock did think it was mean. Brock did think it was mean. What was you? Mean. Not her. Oh.
Starting point is 01:49:25 Fuck you. The call is over. Joey needs to listen to his mom. Joey's mom is fully correct. It's the Rapid City Roundup and we have a victim. His name is Joseph LeFleur. Oh, he's a drunken gaslighter. He's a drunken gaslighter. All he does is gaslight to get away with a murderous drinking habit. Oh, yeah. He's a suicidal drunk and he's going gonna make us all sad. One day he really needs to stop.
Starting point is 01:50:07 He really, really, really needs to stop. He's ruined many birthdays, his whole family hates him. Everyone in Rapid City's really pissed off at him all the time. But what can you do? He's a big city folk folk and he lives in Hollywood. You can't stop the kid. You can't stop the kid. But seriously, in all honesty, we need to get
Starting point is 01:50:31 a hold of your drink. Mom, could you hear the guitar? I don't know. I don't know how it works. Julie, did you hear that? Can I hear it? I'm sure she heard me yelling. Could you hear the guitar or was it just Devin's voice? No, I heard all of it.
Starting point is 01:50:47 Oh, that's wonderful. Anyway, Team Julie here. I love Joey. The commenters will decide. I think everybody who listens. I'm glad you did that. You looked really bad in those stories. And that's why I wanted to do it.
Starting point is 01:51:01 Because I criticized this woman, Rosie O'Donnell, who attacked me with my mom. I told her I was very sad that she stopped talking to me, and she decided to not respond and instead find my mom, Hunter, take a picture with her and send it to me. That was mean, though. And now I am doing embarrassing stuff about myself. Well, thank you, and you're an amazing sport, and you're an incredible showman. But Julie, do you know about this girl that Joey hates? Do I know her? The one that took a picture with you and sent it to him
Starting point is 01:51:33 like it was out of some sort of weird, like Jamie Foxx, fucking Geraldo. What was that guy? The Gerard Butler movie? Yeah. The Gerard Butler, Jamie Fox. Where they're like, what? Oh. The Gerard Butler, Jamie Foxx movie,
Starting point is 01:51:49 where they're both like killing each other. Oh, I, uh, fuck, what was that called? I love that movie. Anyway, Joey got sent, like, you know, Joey takes this as like the biggest insult of his entire life, this picture that she took with you. I literally have one grudge against one person in my entire life. Yeah. You hate her for this.
Starting point is 01:52:06 One person literally ever in my life. Everyone else, every other human, every other human that I've ever met, if I see him, I'm happy to see him. There's one person I think is gross and disgusting and I don't want to see. Yeah. So what was your question for my mom? Go ahead. I just want to know, Julie, are you aware of the background of the whole situation in the story?
Starting point is 01:52:28 Because Joey talks about this a lot. Well, I talked about it when it first happened, and then it just came up again because Brock was on the round. You're right. I'm exaggerating. Yeah. For comedic effect. Yeah. Well, I don't want to look like a crazy person.
Starting point is 01:52:41 Go ahead, Mom. Yeah. You don't look crazy. No, I don't really. I don't know all of it. No, no. Okay. It's probably for the best, Julie.
Starting point is 01:52:50 It's for the best. You stay out of it, Julie. But you remember when she approached you and hunted you at a country club and tried to get a picture with you. You remember that? Yeah, I do. Yeah, yeah. So that's all there is to it.
Starting point is 01:53:00 There. Yeah, okay. All right. Last thing. Imagine if I broke a girl's heart and she texted me saying hey, I'm really sad that you won't talk to me anymore. And I just said
Starting point is 01:53:12 fuck off, stop talking to me and I ghosted her. And then later, I saw her mom somewhere and I said to my friends hey, remember that chick who I made really fucking sad? That's her mom. Hey bro, that's her mom. Hey, bro. That's her fucking mom.
Starting point is 01:53:28 Let's go take a picture with her, dude, and then send it to the girl. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. It's a deranged thing to do. It's a weirdo thing to do.
Starting point is 01:53:41 It's even more psychotic. But anyway, no, I'll hate her for the rest of my life. Don't say move. I will literally hate her until I... Oh, you're allowed to. I hate people that I've forgotten about. Yeah, yeah. You just have like a pocket of hatred in your heart.
Starting point is 01:53:52 That's what I'm saying. You don't even remember them. You got to treat them like lint. You go, oh, I forgot about you. 15 years down the line. Cocksucker. Pull them out of your pocket. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:59 Well, she's just... I remember scumbags. I remember random scumbags that I don't care about all the time. I just have a good memory. Anyways, Mom, goodbye. Hey, Julie, I love you. Thank you for letting us interrupt your night. I love you, Mom. Thank you for the call. Bye-bye, Julie.
Starting point is 01:54:14 Come visit sometime soon. We will. We're going to be up there. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Thank you. You have my... 20 minutes, I said. That was lovely. I called it. No, we've only done like the Irishman here,
Starting point is 01:54:27 but it's... That was good. No, that was good. That was good. Let's wrap it up. No, we're done. I'm done. Joey R. LaFleur on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:54:36 John Badman with two Ds on Instagram. Devin James Costa. Holy fuck, this is the main episode. We have to do a Patreon. Yes, that's why we were like, what are you doing here
Starting point is 01:54:45 you fucking retard anyway join us on the Patreon patreon.com slash hate watch pod podcast god damn it we're gonna have tons of
Starting point is 01:54:52 fucking steam for the Patreon I don't give a shit I know Joey just threw his headphones off like he was an Apollo 13 fucking guy Patreon.com slash hate watch
Starting point is 01:55:01 podcast join us over there we're going there right now or we're going to take a little break because Patreon's going to whoop ass. And we got some naughty things. We got a lot of naughty, naughty stuff.
Starting point is 01:55:10 Some stuff we can't put on YouTube that I talked about earlier. God bless you all. Good luck and good night or whatever it is. Yeah, whatever the fucking retard said.

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