Hate Watch with Devan Costa - Victory Lap

Episode Date: June 5, 2023

In celebration of our 100th episode we hate watch ourselves. The good, the bad and the ugly. Thank you all for listening. Couldn't do it without you idiots. Cheers to 100 years! Get weekly bonus episo...des: https://www.patreon.com/HateWatchPodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's good to be in something from the ground floor. I came too late for that. I know. But lately I'm getting the feeling that I came in at the end. The best is over. Many Americans, I think, feel that way. Fucking be up to this one.
Starting point is 00:00:17 Testing. It's the hundredth ep. Test, test, test. And by the way, guys, I never do this and I hate this, but it's episode 100. It's a big fucking thing, so I'm going to drink. We should drink.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Let's have a drink on this. Cheers, guys. We don't usually imbibe, but it's the 100th ep. Cheers, guys. You got to celebrate. Cheers, everybody. Thank you for listening for 100 episodes. Wow, I haven't had something like that in me in about
Starting point is 00:00:46 33 hours. What is that? It's going to be weird doing it drunk, but we'll try. Oh, man. 100 episodes. Kind of crazy. 100 episodes. You've done way more than 100 episodes, right? We have about
Starting point is 00:01:04 70 of the old show okay on the patreon archives um these are from like the ben's garage days yes that's when all of us were just completely uh we were just losing our minds and living off of uh one panda express combo meal a day and i was doing well you were always doing well joey's always doing well but he but he's the only guy that's doing well that will tell me I have no money in my bank account. What happens
Starting point is 00:01:32 is I spend all of the money that I have, no matter what the amount is, I always spend it down to zero and then I get the paycheck the next day. So there are days where it's just like, oh, I gotta eat. I'll get a loaf of bread just like, oh, I gotta eat. I gotta, I'll get a loaf of bread
Starting point is 00:01:46 and a bunch of peanut butter or something. Yeah, that's insane. Joey has like Great Depression meals and I'm like, but you live in a great apartment and you have a good job.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Joey's like getting breastfed by a woman in a boxcar three days. Joey's like hanging out with like low-income people and they're all like, I've been living paycheck to paycheck and Joey's like,
Starting point is 00:02:02 same brother. I make six figures a year and I just live paycheck to paycheck. Well well somebody told me like you you spend irresponsibly you should get this app it's called like rocket money or it's one of these so i downloaded it and it kind of is just like a database that tracks your spending integrates with your your fucking bank and it told me that like oh i'm spending about like eight to ten thousand dollars every single month just on rent and everything combined everything combined yeah so rent is now it's like around 2700 bucks and then uh yeah with like a lot of it was postmates and then like
Starting point is 00:02:38 ubering and so i got the app and i learned that and then i just didn't change anything you should be they should make like an alternate captain america where it's joey and it's but it's just about like just feed into like capitalism like exactly what america wants oh yeah they want you to own nothing and yeah spend all your money yes just just spend everything you have it's funny it's funny to hijack the concept of non-attachment and give it to American values. Debushito believed in non-attachment, not saving money. I think it's pathetic when anybody's like, oh, let me save. You can't take it into the grave.
Starting point is 00:03:16 There's families. They're like, we want to have a kid next year. They're saving. Joey's like, pathetic. Oh, no. You haven't heard of Postmates, buster? If you have a family it's responsible to you have to care for them and stuff but if you don't then you
Starting point is 00:03:29 shouldn't save. As a young man you should be as wild as you possibly can. Let me ask you this though. If you didn't have your mom and pop back in South Dakota and the freedom of knowing you could always go back there if shit hits the fan. Would you not? Would you start saving a little bit? Yeah because then you get to sleep on my fucking couch bro
Starting point is 00:03:45 what are you talking about joey would kill himself anytime joey has to do anything like that he'd joey would never no i would if john had a better living situation i would be honored to go like crash with him and stuff but yeah so like the only so within the last like 10 years since i moved to los angeles the only time i went back to South Dakota with my parents was during COVID-19. I got fired from my job and I was on unemployment playing poker and I was like fuck it like why wouldn't I just go
Starting point is 00:04:14 go there. But so I I'm not quite as irresponsible as you just made me sound like you're you're right uh oh uh oh alright what do we do sound. You're at... Uh-oh. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Alright, what do we do? Just tilt it on its side. You first buy some paper towels. It's one-year-old. Tilt it on its side and just let it rest. It's fine. Let it run. It's built to withstand that shit. Let me wipe some of that off. They're not built at all to withstand this. To withstand
Starting point is 00:04:45 random spills, of course. That's going to be fun. Use the Bryant jersey, dude. No. Grab something off the ground. Use your sock. But yeah. Take your sock off. Take your sock off. Use your shirt.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Use that nice shirt you're wearing to wipe it up. Yeah. Use your shirt, you fucking animal. it up yeah use your shirt you fucking animal sorry about that I think that was me you know the one episode we drank on that's why this is like a PSA
Starting point is 00:05:17 why don't we have paper towels down here this is why we don't normally drink this is why we want to be safe here that's pretty crazy. Hit the laptop first, dipshit. You used up all the good dry cloth for the fucking table instead of your precious laptop.
Starting point is 00:05:34 That thing is not absorbing. It's got to be seeping into the hard drive while we speak, dude. Devin, you're gonna lose all your gay porn, bro. You mean the stuff you sent me? Yes, Devin, yes. Very good. Very good, Debbie. You know I fucking hate you. You're off the show.
Starting point is 00:05:49 100 Fs and you're out. 101 without you. Okay? It's gonna get right in there, bud. It's gonna get right into all those content. He's got truth. Oh, look, he's playing videos again. Look at this fucking guy. Otters just are... They suck ass.
Starting point is 00:06:04 And they hate tech and now it's like the worst of both otter craze. Put your shirt back on. Put your wet shirt back on. Devin thinks he looks like Channing Tatum. Turn on ignition. First Joey fucking breaks my phone.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Look at Blame Mothers. It's like otters when they don't know how to use technology, they instantly blame somebody else. It's like they've never listened to Jocko or anything. Right. You don't know anything about extreme ownership, you fucking... If there's ever, like... Devin does have a massive trough to hair on his fucking chest.
Starting point is 00:06:37 It's really respectable. Holy shit, look how, like, gray it is. He's got some grays in there, dude. That's, like, crazy. You're like Mr. Fantastic. Yeah, you're damn right. It's called character You don't have any grays Because you don't have any
Starting point is 00:06:50 I have tons of grays In my hair dude Not on your chest That's where the character is The chest Here lift it up for a sec I want to see if there's Anything on the bottom
Starting point is 00:06:57 Why don't we just do this Whole podcast shirtless A little wet But it's fine It's a nice shell But yeah so I was saying I spent too much money You're getting the fucking Gerardo thing
Starting point is 00:07:06 in the fucking water, bud. Come on now. I mean, come on. Technology. That thing's not built to withstand water. Electronics are made to withstand liquid. Here, move this forward. Thanks for keeping it entertaining.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Yeah, I hope, I hope, I hope this makes it into the final cut. Look at one of his loose chest hairs got into the fucking water. What an animal. Oh, God. You're fucking disgusting, Devin. Yeah, you wish you had fucking chest hairs. Ew.
Starting point is 00:07:35 You want to fucking try me, bro? You know what it looks like under here? You and all your crusty chest hairs from all the cum shots you take every fucking night? Yes, yes. You have to break them with the flat of a shovel. Fucking asshole. That really got me going. Let's do this.
Starting point is 00:07:49 That was a secret order. Could you put that over there? This is actually my trick. I'm trying to gas you up, buddy. Oh, is it? Yeah, I got you, bud. You know what? It's been a slow start for you tonight.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Get it out, buddy. It's been a slow start for you tonight. I'm fucking killing it. I'm gonna need more. I'm fucking killing it right now. Fucking drinking Pedialyte yeah i felt dehydrated i gotta enter i gotta zero uh ultra and monster energy don't worry i'm gonna knock into that bad why aren't you drinking it's 100 drinking uh yeah i don't know maybe i'll have
Starting point is 00:08:18 one we'll see i'm dehydrated i didn't get like went to sleep tonight i don't know i hope you brought your awake the only reason i'm drinking drinking is because I got no sleep last night. It's the only reason. And it's the 100th ep. I never drink. Now I'll have one in a bit. You gotta drink sometimes. I have a fucking electrolyte. Everyone deserves to wind down at the end of an eight hour day. Guy works with his damn hands.
Starting point is 00:08:38 I gotta go. I'm typing away. I upload the eps. I need a damn drink. Like a fucking steel worker over here. Alright upload the apps. I need a damn drink. Like a fucking steel worker over here. Alright. Oh, man. So, what were we saying before the disaster? It was just something. I spent too much money and then it's not
Starting point is 00:08:53 that good. We're about to move right on. Yeah, we're moving on. We're moving on. Is it Pride Month? Yeah. I feel like it's literally Pride Month every other month. If they wanted it to be the way they want it to be? Yeah. Yeah. I feel like it's literally Pride Month every other month. If they wanted it to be the way they want it to be, it will be. There will be a straight month. That's what will happen.
Starting point is 00:09:11 It's like, there will be one month where things are normal. Why does there need to be a Pride Month since everything on TV is already gay? Because they want to fucking... It's year-round gay. Dude, don't get me started. We're going to get a fucking move from YouTube. You could... I celebrate Pride Month by turning on any show on HBO Max.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Yeah, it's literally just... Or Max. It's coming in each other's ass. You know how I celebrate? What'd you say? What do you celebrate? By coming over to Devin's house. Yeah, Devin's are...
Starting point is 00:09:33 What does that mean? You guys are gay. Because you're gay. You're gay, dude. Oh, right. Very good. Yeah. This is great.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Well, how would you know? Because he has sex with me. You have sex with John. Because you're the gayest man on earth I catch you guys frenching yeah we french kiss all the time at this point isn't pride month redundant I mean like
Starting point is 00:09:54 every month is gay the thing is man it's gay gay gay round the clock in this god damn country and I'm in favor of it but just fucking enough of the you don't need any more months. No more days. You guys don't need it.
Starting point is 00:10:06 No more parades. Everyone's out. Everyone's gay as shit. Chick-fil-A is gay as shit. Oh, yeah. Chick-fil-A is gay as shit. Bud Light is gay as shit. Monster trucks are now made by fucking Little Richard.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Wait, what? Wait, Richard wasn't gay. Relax. Oh, not Little Richard. Who's the workout guy? Richard Simmons. Richard Simmons. I was like, God, don't fucking talk shit about Little Richard.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Richard Simmons. Everything's gay. Spike TV is gay now. Well, in the Midwest, there's stuff that's not gay. Yeah, it's like the last vestige of fucking American society. Like what? The Buffaloes? That's it.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Everyone's gay now. You just go out there, and people still are like, whoa, you're gay? That's weird. Yeah. And you're like fucking... No one's getting dragged behind a truck or anything anymore, but there are still people still are like, whoa, you're gay? That's weird. Yeah. And you're like fucking... No one's getting dragged behind a truck or anything anymore, but there are still people...
Starting point is 00:10:49 I bet, maybe. In America? There's people getting their asses kicked for being gay in middle America, bro. Oh, yeah, they're getting their asses kicked. There's not like lynchings, though, anymore. Well, people go to nightclubs. Do they lynch gay people?
Starting point is 00:10:59 I don't know, dude. Did you ever lynch a gay guy? Matthew Shepard was lynched. What? Matthew Shepard? Who the fuck is Matthew Shepard? He got dragged behind a truck in Laramie or whatever. What'd he do?
Starting point is 00:11:09 He was gay. He was just being gay. And they were like, oh, you're... Look it up. Was he Sam Shepard's son? Wait, didn't something get released that Sam Shepard was fucking a bunch of dudes? I don't know about that. Or am I tripping?
Starting point is 00:11:19 Let's stick to one subject here. Well, you just said Sam Shepard, you fucking clueless. I don't know. What do you want me to do? Tommy Lee Jones is like confirmed gay. That's what I was thinking of. Tommy Lee Jones fucks dudes. Also, Robert De Niro's dad fucked dudes. Well, that's actually opening.
Starting point is 00:11:31 He was openly gay. Yeah, that's crazy, man. What did Matthew Shepard do? Who's Matthew Shepard? He got lynched for being gay. How old? Who is he? Who is he? Is he looking up? No, he just looked at Matthew Shepard. He was a gay American student at the University of Wyoming who was beaten, tortured. Oh, is he the inspiration for Brokeback?
Starting point is 00:11:50 I think so. Like Jake Gyllenhaal's death where he gets killed with a tire iron by those guys? I believe so. Yeah. Okay. He was left to die. He wasn't lynched. Well, did they kill him because he was gay?
Starting point is 00:12:03 Yeah, if you're beaten and then left to die That's lynching They don't have to be there for the kill Lynching doesn't mean hanging someone It means a mob A group of people getting together to kill someone It's like an unsanctioned murder That's why I keep losing at Scrabble Yes
Starting point is 00:12:21 I think he was killed Because he doesn't know what lynch means? Oh, God. Poor guy. Devin thinks lynching is just like they make an experimental film about you. Poor guy, Matthew. Also, Scrabble, you don't even need to know the definition. That's true.
Starting point is 00:12:36 It was a bad example, and let's move on from it. This 100th episode is going strong, fellas. Terrible start. But what do you want out of me, you know? What do we got here? We got some JD. Well, let's explain the premise. Should we do that later, or should we get into the playback pit stop?
Starting point is 00:12:54 Get into it. Should we just make the whole episode a playback pit stop? That'll be fun. You should do a song. Yeah, yeah. But just do it about how... Do Nirvana. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Don't do Nirvana, because it's pit stop. Do Cake, Going the Distance. It's a racing no. Don't do Nirvana. Because it's Pit Stop. Do Cake. Going the distance. It's a racing song. You know what I mean? Am I right? I don't know. If Devin thinks he can do it...
Starting point is 00:13:11 Car races. Reluctantly crouched at the starting line. Cake, the song. Okay. The distance. It's about racing. It's also about love. But it's about racing.
Starting point is 00:13:21 If Devin doesn't know this song, it's going to be really hard. I don't know much, but... You know this song. I know this song, but I have nothing planned. You can figure it's about racing. If Devin doesn't know this song, it's going to be really hard. I don't know much. You know this song. I know this song, but I have nothing planned. You can figure it out, bro. Come on. I believe in you. Reluctantly crouched at the starting line. John fucks you in the ass. Yeah, keep going, bud. I have nothing here.
Starting point is 00:13:37 No, come on. Don't get insecure. You're fucking with me. Go, go. You can do it. I got nothing. What is it even about? Look at him go, dude John, you have to let him be in his element He's the musician Yeah, go, stop yelling at him I'm not yawning, I'm supporting him
Starting point is 00:13:52 Why would this be about our 100th Because it's a pit stop It's playback pit stop Pit stop is a racing term This is a racing song And he goes, we're going the distance? Yeah, it's about a race car driver The entire song
Starting point is 00:14:03 Huh Alright, well, fuck. Play Nirvana. Actually, go Nirvana, and then there was Come As You Are, and somebody... I got it. Okay. Oh. I didn't know there was a pre-planned thing. Well, I just saw this as a comment.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Oh, yeah. John knows all about... And he's on with Come. Come. Exactly. There we go. Very good. I love our audience.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Oh, yeah. Thank you, guys. Come in John's ass. Exactly. There we go. Very good. I love our audience. Thank you, guys. Come in John's ass. Yes. Soak it in bleach. Then penetrate him again. Doused in mud. Soak him in bleach again.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Then fuck him in his bleached asshole. People are fucking my ass. Coming in my ass. Soaking me in bleach. They're soaking you in mud. They keep redoing you. is bleached asshole. People are fucking my ass, coming in my ass, soaking me in bleach, asking me in mud. They keep redoing you. They go freshen him up and then they go
Starting point is 00:14:50 soak him in bleach, get him back in the room with me. But the mud is a debasing thing. And the mud, they debase you in the mud and they go,
Starting point is 00:14:57 look at you, you're a pig. And then they throw you back in the bleach and they go, wipe him off. Bleach that fucking dirty asshole.
Starting point is 00:15:04 He's like shitting himself. I can't fuck you. You're all covered in mud. We really should have chosen a day to do that where I could have a, I'll have a great version of that next week. Yeah, he'll kill it with that. Listen, I got like no fucking sleep last night. I was at Ben's forever. We did a sketch and shit. What a hard thing you did.
Starting point is 00:15:19 And then I just couldn't go to sleep and I got fucked up. So this is a weird one. But we'll get into it. Yeah, we're into it, brother. I don't like failing at the songs. This is all I have now. You got insecure about the last one. I'm famous for the songs.
Starting point is 00:15:33 How do you think I feel? You know, there's tens of people out there that rely on me to have a song so they don't kill themselves. You see the t-shirts were getting sent in the mail. People are writing a suicide note. I forgot to bring the t-shirts were getting sent in the mail? People are writing a suicide note. I forgot to bring the t-shirts, by the way. What are they? Are they just soaked in brains?
Starting point is 00:15:50 No, they're just like cool vintage shirts. It's not even from... Oh, is that our boy from Florida? Ah, isn't it? I don't know if... He wants us to say his name. I don't know. We don't intend anything, but just, yeah, thank you. I forget which one, but thank you so much. But, uh, yeah yeah it's some of
Starting point is 00:16:06 the things you read online for being such a small show 100 episodes hopefully we keep growing punk rock podcast punk rock podcast okay we're punk rock radio pirate radio we really like we don't give a fuck you know we have an ad we have an ad now but we're still punk rock we have we have an ad they didn't hit me back for this week, so it's probably over. Because we're so fucking punk rock. Yeah, dude, we didn't sell out. They can't be associated with us. What were we talking about before that? How we didn't sell out.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Oh, the suicide notes. Yeah, so it's crazy that when you don't even feel like you're anything. I don't feel like I'm anything with this show. We're not. Of course not. We're humble. It's Bushido. Everybody like you're anything. I don't feel like I'm anything with this show. We're not. Of course not. We're humble. It's Bushido. We didn't even announce that.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Everybody knows we're not. You get 6,000 views relative to how things go these days. That ain't shit. But when you think about that, you go, that is crazy. Like 6,000 people, like that could fill a big, giant place. It's a cool, small thing. But nobody thinks in those terms anymore. Because there's mentally ill
Starting point is 00:17:07 people online with hundreds of millions of views. But the comments you get sometimes about I really don't know whether to read into them on a real level or not, where it's like are these people okay? Are you gonna
Starting point is 00:17:23 kill yourself? I've had unhinged things. I actually feel like sometimes I'm like I better get this John's Gun Corner song right or Elliot's gonna die. I don't know if there's like a YouTube metric to track like how mentally ill your audience is. You know they capture
Starting point is 00:17:40 like gender and stuff. If they captured stats on how mentally ill the audience was, I bet it would be like we're like the number one, like most mentally ill listeners. Probably. Per capita. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:52 And then it's a very polarized audience because we have some of the coolest fucking people ever. We have also amazing people. Who was that dude living on a compound up in Oregon? We all had to restrict him. It was becoming a lot. We were a little nervous about it. He just kept going at this the guy who's trying to like be like you come up here yeah come up here he's like i want you to fuck my mom like yeah it was it was it was a bit much
Starting point is 00:18:17 he's like come up here he's like my dad's primed and ready brother you fuck my family what was his name i don't remember they're all this it's it's all a bunch of different joey you know i'm i'm and ready, brother. You fuck my family. What was his name? I don't remember. They're all, it's all a bunch of different names. Joey, you know his name. I'm thinking and I don't remember it.
Starting point is 00:18:31 I don't think it's who we think it is, but the people are, you know, there's a big, there's a large amount of difference between listeners.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Has anyone ever sent you guys porn? Not porn, but. I've had dudes just send me like porno. Has anyone ever sent you guys porn? Not porn, but... I've had dudes just send me, like, porno. Oh, you mean like a link? Yeah. I'm talking about the actual mail, because people hit up Devin, and they're like, Hey, I'm a fan of the show.
Starting point is 00:18:54 I want to mail you something. And Devin's like... Nice try. We don't have a P.O. box. And then I'm like, well, just give him my address, because... Because it's not bombing. If it's a bomb, it doesn't bomb you. It bombs your, like, lobby of your apartment complex.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Unless it's triggered to explode upon opening, which is a common technique on a bomb package. Yeah, you lose your hand real quick. But listen, I'm a risk taker, so I say, Devin, just give them the address. And I've gotten a few packages now. Keep them coming, by the way. I'll keep taking the risk.
Starting point is 00:19:21 What if you test it out if it's a bomb by shaking it? Does that work? Yeah, exactly. That doesn't make the risk. What if you test it out if it's a bomb by shaking it? Does that work? Yeah, exactly. That doesn't make it explode, right? Shaking it? No. You shake a bomb, that's safe? Nah, that's totally fine. So I just got a package from, it was like five cool
Starting point is 00:19:37 t-shirts, and then it included a note, a handwritten note, and it basically just said, like, hey, if it weren't for Lemon Party and Hate Watch, I would have killed myself that's very nice yeah and i was on the lemon party live stream and i read the note i like to hear that i like to get them weak and and then uh i like to gain the fans when they're weak at their lowest standing on a bridge and they hear one joke and they go i'm gonna i'll save i'll wait till next week. But then the dude hit me up and he's like, hey man, I wasn't actually gonna kill myself.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Like, I hope you guys don't think I'm crazy. He's joking. He's just being nice. He's just saying like, man, I really love the show or whatever. But listen, I want all suicidal people, like, you know, because your money just goes to the government. Like, it'll just be taken from you anyway when you die, so you should
Starting point is 00:20:24 donate it to the Hatewatch Patreon. Patreon..com slash hate watch podcast that where is where you're you're we're heading into a massive recession your money should go and five dollars a month is is pennies compared to what and if you're planning on killing yourself come on don't be selfish don't keep it locked up and you should rob a bank account that nobody has access to you give it to your parents you hate them they wouldn't have made you be all depressed if you liked them. That's the thing that always confuses me. Like, if you're truly suicidal,
Starting point is 00:20:48 like, just rob a bank and if you get away with it, then your life's better and if you don't, just kill yourself. Yeah, I don't, I mean, I've never understood suicide because, like,
Starting point is 00:20:55 you could always just die in a fun way at least. Like, you could just go get fucked up. You could do, like, a leaving loss of age. Like, I don't understand suicide just, like, that way. Like, just go do, like, the, like, spend all your money, drink yourself to death, eat a
Starting point is 00:21:08 bunch of food, die in the street. Yeah. I suspect that they aren't in the mood to have fun. Yeah. But that's probably it. Yeah, they're not. They're not in the mood to have fun until they have a fucking Boilermaker, brother. I think a lot of these guys have tried everything.
Starting point is 00:21:24 I bet they've tried getting drunk and it didn't. Drink through the thoughts. I think a lot of these guys have tried everything. I bet they've tried getting drunk and it didn't. Drink through the thoughts. I think a lot of suicide is because they're drunk. Remember that video we watched of the guy blowing his brains out? The shotgun? Yeah, that kicked ass. I hated that so much. That was really hard to watch. We can't re-watch that on the
Starting point is 00:21:39 what is this called today? Playback Pit Stop? We should. That was amazing. You're a sick individual. You've really corrupted the show. We had like a lovely vibe here before you. And you've really just taken us down to like a hostile level, like Eli Roth path. Neo-Nazis, snuff films, murders.
Starting point is 00:22:00 And that's why I abuse you. That's why I abuse you weekly. That's why for the last three months every episode has had a song about how fat game retarded you three cucks before i came in here and gave you guys a bunch of guys blowing their brains out chinese guys getting blown up and fucking factory floors that shit kicks ass dude you wouldn't be anything without me dude you wouldn't be nothing dude if it wasn't for all those guys in Hunan getting their fucking legs ripped off
Starting point is 00:22:26 by fucking, you know, big cables and shit. Well, the problem is, John, you only have like two videos. Like, John has two examples that he brings up every, like, constantly. Well, they're the classics. He's like, dude, fucking do a Chinese industrial accident again. I'm like, we've done this.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Well, you know what's actually amazing, and I love all you audience members, is a lot of you will send me some sick-ass shit, and I'll watch it on my own and just kind of relax. By the way, I think one of the funniest things about this episode to me, because we just, I put out the idea here where we have people send us stuff, and we'll hate-watch ourselves or whatever, and kind of do a reminiscent episode,
Starting point is 00:23:00 but it's so kind of egotistical and hilarious, because we're such a nothing show, honestly, still. It's like taking a victory lap after winning. It's fun to do a whole episode like it's a Lifetime Achievement Award. Yeah, we're taking a victory lap after not winning anything. And that's the funniest time to take a victory lap, though. Yeah, exactly. So I think it's fine.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Victory lap. When you take a victory lap. That's what this is called, victory lap. And when you take a victory lap after a real victory, you're showboating. Yeah, see, this is. That's ob this is called, victory lap. And when you take a victory lap after a real victory, you're showboating. That's obnoxious. To me, 100 episodes of Hatewatch, 3,700 smackaroos a month,
Starting point is 00:23:33 little to no traction online. Home run, baby. What a life we have here. We've carved out quite a life for ourselves. So proud of you, dude. Thank you, brother. It's a failure lap. We've pioneered a failure lap. We're the first ones to ever for ourselves. So proud of you, dude. Thank you, brother. It's a failure lap. We've pioneered a failure lap.
Starting point is 00:23:47 We're the first ones to ever do it. Failure lap. No, we got it. It's all, listen, I've always been a grower. I've always been somebody that comes in at the end. I've always, I'm a late bloomer. And I imagine that that's how Hatewatch will be. So all we got to do is do a couple thousand episodes.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Maybe we'll get up to 10 grand a month on Patreon someday, guys. A couple thousand eps. Oh, for sure. Episode 1,000, by the way, let's promise that we'll do something really big on that one. Yeah. Like we fucking... We kill a chimpanzee. We blow up a chimpanzee.
Starting point is 00:24:21 We blow up a chimpanzee with an RPG. That's been an old plan. If you're a new Hatewatch listener, we've always wanted to do that here. And that's the type of people you're listening to. The chimpanzee death farm is like a secret. That's like my happy place, like Happy Gilmore. If I could do anything, that's what I would do. That's your happy place?
Starting point is 00:24:38 Yeah. When you get really afraid? Dude, if I had any revenge on society, it would be the chimpanzee death form. Right. It's the legal Unabomber. Because it's the closest thing to killing a human without committing murder. Exactly. Yeah, because they have thumbs.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Yeah, and they have these little doughy eyes. It's really just like you have a- They're like sign language. They're like sign, like don't shoot. They're like God is real, and I'm like- Don't you hit that RPG launcher trigger. You have a lust to kill somebody with an opposable thumb. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:10 You want to kill a raccoons, chimpanzees. Yeah. All kind of goes down. Yeah. You have no follow ups with it, though. You just kind of say it as usual. You just kind of say a thing. And then everyone goes, but why?
Starting point is 00:25:23 And you go, I don't know, dude, because you're fucking good. Go back to the. I don't know, dude, because you're fucking good, dude. I don't know, dude. I'm fucking, I just kind of grab my thoughts as they're flying through my head at 100 miles per hour. I grab them, and then I go, oh, this is empty. I don't have a follow, because I know Devin's just going to kill it for me. I don't like hearing that.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Alright, should we start the pit stop? We made a big thread on Reddit, and the Reddit community, by the way, kind of kicks ass. If you listen and you use Reddit, look up Hate Watch Podcast on Reddit. It's a great... There's like three people online, it says, but all three of them are really funny.
Starting point is 00:26:04 It's me, Joey, and Devin. Ooh, that's smart. Which one should we start with? I don't care. I think it doesn't matter. Dude, let's get some Depp in here. I'm fucking missing. Okay, so a little trip down memory lane. We, I don't know how many people have been
Starting point is 00:26:24 listening since this, but the Johnny Depp trial was a big trial. Was that this year, this last year? Yeah, it was. So we got really into it. It was probably the only good distraction in anyone's life for the last year. Real quick, though. Let's just talk about how we had the Johnny Depp impersonator on here right before that became big.
Starting point is 00:26:42 That is true. That was the coolest thing about that. We did an episode called geppetto yes where we we looked into the amber heard johnny depp audio stuff before we even knew there was a trial upcoming and no one was talking about no one's talking about on the news so we happened to do that episode and then like a week later johnny depp amber heard is everywhere yep and it was bizarre i was like what fuck? We did this on a whim. We were just like sitting around one day like, dude,
Starting point is 00:27:07 didn't Johnny Depp and Amber Heard have a thing? Yep. We had our fingers on the pulse of society. So then we did a really funny episode called Geppetto. Um, and, uh, then we just kind of devoted a month straight to Johnny Depp and Amber
Starting point is 00:27:19 Heard. And, uh, it got to the point where we got really into it. We, uh, we, we hired a Johnny Depp impersonator to come on the show.
Starting point is 00:27:28 We became great friends with him. Awesome guy. It was, yeah, no. So somebody had the, I think John actually was like, wouldn't it be funny to get a guy who does the pirate impression and bring him in and have him cover the trial with us as a pirate? And then so I'm like yeah that would be funny let me yeah jack sparrow so i started looking up jack sparrow impersonators in los
Starting point is 00:27:49 angeles and i ended up talking about 20 of them yeah there's a whole network of them and they all know each other they all work together and by the time i got to like the 10th johnny depp jack sparrow impersonator they like i i now started going like oh well you must know this other jack sparrow they were all talking about each other and one of them had a monkey that he could bring but it was like a fucking $5,000 monkey
Starting point is 00:28:12 for one hour you pay 5k for a monkey what a load of shit which honestly would be worth it if we could afford it because then we have Geppetto oh dude I would love if we get up to 20 grand a month we'll bring on a fucking monkey and we won't kill him And we won't kill him. And we won't kill him
Starting point is 00:28:26 because we only kill chimps. Yeah, we can get a cheaper monkey, bro. I want a little capuchin monkey. Dude, we could buy a monkey for like 300 bucks. I want a monkey that stands on an old Italian man's shoulders and bangs two symbols together.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Or like a monkey that spins the music. Or like plays an accordion. Yeah. An old man plays an accordion while the monkey just stands on his head. I love those monkeys. Yeah, monkeys kick ass. I love a good monkey.
Starting point is 00:28:50 I'll tell you. I fucking love monkeys. I'll tell you right now, like a boomer. Like, I'll tell you, I just love my barbecue and my yacht and my monkey. So we had him on. The first episode Was great actually Nobody liked it A handful of people liked it
Starting point is 00:29:10 People liked the first one we did With Depp We didn't act like he was here for the first five minutes That's always a great gag Have on somebody and you just don't ignore them That's hilarious Ignoring people, always funny Especially people that you asked to
Starting point is 00:29:26 come. Didn't we train him to only say certain things? And then we, yeah, and I think, and that was a good ep, I think, actually. I actually kind of, I was like, oh, we actually still did the hate watch thing. Then we had him on again when the trial ended. Disaster. He gave us our worst
Starting point is 00:29:42 episode ever. But it wasn't his fault. It was just, it just didn't work. We asked him to come on as Johnny Depp. Don't be a pirate. Be the real Johnny Depp. And so his impression of the real Johnny Depp is a guy who just doesn't really talk.
Starting point is 00:29:58 That was actually the problem was that when he was the pirate it was fun. Well Johnny Depp wasn't really talking in that trial. He was emulating Johnny Depp in the trial. So the real, so then when we had the real Johnny Depp on, we were like, just do coke and just keep talking about how you're gonna beat her to death and shit, and like you actually hit her
Starting point is 00:30:14 and all that and how, whatever. So, this is the clip. Let's watch it real quick. Coke. If I was going to abuse her, I would definitely hit her in the face over and over and over with my rings i definitely hit her after i pulled my fist back i had a hot iron uh just fall on her face which she was able to cover with um bruce kid i would i would be famous
Starting point is 00:30:41 johnny come on he's nodding off again. He's nodding off. Yeah, there's track marks. Jesus. It goes back to... Take the mic away. Shut the fuck up. What about Hunter S. Thompson? Do you miss him?
Starting point is 00:30:54 Do you remember him? Your friend Hunter S. Thompson? Your friend Hunter S. Thompson. Fuck Hunter S. Thompson. Fuck you guys. Yeah. To be honest, I don't even... He's having a bad dream.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Oh, boy. Oh, God. Oh, boy. He's got the yips. This might... He's having a bad dream. Oh, boy. Oh, God. Oh, boy. He's got the yips. This might be the worst podcast we've done. Oh, he's up. There he is. Johnny Depp.
Starting point is 00:31:11 He thinks he's on TV. He just really... I'm just going to take it away. I'm not going to... Don't give him the mic anymore. You're a full-blown retard, Johnny Depp. So that's a fun time. It was made for a good clip, but it's a long ep with a lot of valleys.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Honestly, just the screenshot of all the sitting next to a guy looks exactly like Johnny Depp was fucking worth it. It was great. And that's great because that guy, I love that guy. That guy's a great dude. He's a really cool guy. I don't want to say his name for fear of him, I don't know, getting fired from some Disney job. That was the other great part. When he came out as a pirate, our big goof was,
Starting point is 00:31:45 do we have a highlight of that? Where he came on as a pirate, we found out that he does Disney stuff. And so we started trolling him about like, cause he clearly was like, I can't see, I can't swear cause I do Disney stuff. So we started doing,
Starting point is 00:31:58 we started going like, we showed him Lemon Party before the Lemon Party podcast. Oh, that's right. We made him look at Lemon Party. Let me try and find that. We made a lemon party. We did do that. I don't know if it's in this, but at one point I said pirates love maps.
Starting point is 00:32:11 They love treasure maps. You should see this little treasure map and it was rub maps. That's right. Okay, hold on. This is us showing that you need to see Meetspin. Oh, the whole website changed. They don't even do it. Oh, no. Lemon party, fuck. This is us showing that you need to learn. The whole website changed.
Starting point is 00:32:27 They don't even do it. Lemon Party, quick. Captain Jack, hold on. Watch Lemon Party real quick. I forgot how classic an image that was. Oh, it's wonderful. For our generation, that was the same as the Iwo Jima picture where they're putting...
Starting point is 00:32:47 So that's a fun time. And it's hilarious. The guy literally worked for Disney and he was coming here and he was doing domestic abuse jokes for us and saying he hits Amber Heard and he's doing cocaine. What a champ. What a champ. So then there was an earlier time before that gag.
Starting point is 00:33:06 We only had really two gags here on the Hey, Lodge podcast. We had Johnny Depp on. And then, I think maybe the beginning of last year. This was like two years ago. Man, 100 Eps takes about two years. Two and a half, I guess. This was like a year and a half ago. Joey found a baby with magical powers.
Starting point is 00:33:26 A baby with the strength of the Hulk. And his name is Joshua the Super Baby. And we got obsessed with him. Joey is just a... Joey's like the king of carnival barkers. And I just like martial arts. Joey's an incredible showman.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Joey loves PT Barnum level shit. Joey got obsessed with.T. Barnum level shit. Joey got obsessed with this kid. Not the kid. The kid. His talent. But that sounds a weird sentence to say publicly. Joey's obsessed with the kid.
Starting point is 00:33:56 But you developed a relationship with his father. Yes. We found out his father is like the sweetest man of all time, even though he is forcing his baby to become a bloodthirsty maniac at a young age. But he was a very wonderful Brazilian man, and Joey developed a big relationship with him. And why don't you explain how you kept telling this
Starting point is 00:34:15 dad that we actually wanted Joshua the super baby, who's like one years old, two years old? You actually made a video of the origin, Tim. Maybe we find that. I'll try to explain it. This was right before me. I up and i'll explain i have it i have it but just like why don't you explain what we were uh what what we were doing how it led led to this yeah your relationship with the father right so somebody at some point just sent me a link of this little
Starting point is 00:34:37 super baby who had it was like it had like a hundred million views on tiktok or something and this little one-year-old baby had learned taekwondo from a former brazilian taekwondo master to and he could break boards and he could do these really technical taekwondo kicks and then i noticed that like at some point the i looked up the dad and he had a thing in his profile where it was like if you want to work with us just call me and here's my number and it was like a public number or something. So I just called the number, and he answered. And I'm like, well, hey, listen. I happen to represent Hasbulla, the little dwarf. And he's got a big fight coming up.
Starting point is 00:35:15 But we're thinking about just throwing that fight out. And it's a much bigger fight to have him fight a little baby. He fully believed it, too. Exactly, yeah. So I'm like, okay, they're the same height, they're similar weight probably. I think this is going to be the biggest pay-per-view of all time. And this Brazilian
Starting point is 00:35:31 sweetheart, he's like, oh yes, brother. Like, Joshua will kill that little Jesus fucking Christ. And I kept saying like, I kept making him call Haspilla a fake baby. He didn't know
Starting point is 00:35:47 who Haspilla was. The way I explained it to him was like here's this grown man pretending to be a little baby. He's not pretending to be a baby. He's just a little dwarf. He's just a dwarf. Yeah. So now I've got them all fired up. So we convinced the dad that there's another baby out there taking all the fame. And I said I found a venue in Mexico
Starting point is 00:36:03 where they would let us do the fight and it's going to be like millions of dollars for you guys. And he was, the dad was completely in. To the point where Joey and I were getting nervous. We were like, dude, what do we tell this dad that there's no real fight in Mexico? Like, we don't got a fight set up. It's illegal.
Starting point is 00:36:20 You can't, we didn't know how to tell him like, it's illegal for your infant to fight. I remember Joey was feverishly, weren't you feverishly trying to find an actual venue to have this fight at for a minute? Yeah, so I looked up, like, first of all, I started checking the big gyms, MMA gyms. And then I found Higin Meshada's gym, which is a celebrity. Meshada's gym? Higin Meshada, he trains, like, action culture and a bunch of big celebrity jiu-jitsu guys. And they agreed to let us have the Super Baby fight Joshua in their gym.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Like the gym that Ashton Kutcher trains at was going to let this happen. And they agreed to it. Everybody agreed. And the dad wanted it to happen. And then we didn't have Haspelit involved. But that's what they thought. So this is the start of us kind of finding out and trying to do the fight promo stuff, and then later on, we ended up having Joshua on the show with his father.
Starting point is 00:37:13 We'll show that after this, so check this out. Joshua is one years old. This baby's doing this amazing stuff. He's got tremendous power. I go to his page, and I find out that his dad runs the page. Joshua, the super baby. He's trying to monetize this sensation, the super baby. He is a sensation.
Starting point is 00:37:30 It's an unbelievable baby. It's remarkable. So I call the dad. I can't believe how good he is, how powerful his kicks are, and his form is incredible. I've never seen anything like it at that age. Thank you so much. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:37:44 It's amazing. It's kind of like, it's incredible. Like, the masters, like the martial arts masters, they call me all the time. They say, how, how that happened? That kid, like... One other question. Do you really, by the way, do you really think, are martial arts masters calling his dad and being like, who is this baby? Probably.
Starting point is 00:38:03 You think so? Really? Yeah, I think you probably got a few, yeah. Because a lot of these martial arts masters they're not rich. They're people who now make a living training at gyms and a lot of them make most of their money training kids. So they're probably just being like how did you get the kids to be that good? If you could show me how to do that
Starting point is 00:38:18 my gym's going to be amazing. I kind of worry about baby Joshua though because you got to let kids decide what they want to do and what they like. Oh, yeah. He hasn't had a chance. He's always going to feel like he has to be a kicking machine his whole life. I would say that to them, too, where they get into a private conversation with his dad and his mom.
Starting point is 00:38:38 And I would just be kind of in a roundabout way, just be like, does he ever fuck up any kids at daycare? No, I know. Should he know these moves? Yeah. And they'd be like, oh, no, brother. Joshua has a great discipline. Joshua cutting weight, actually, right now. He's shredded.
Starting point is 00:38:58 He's cutting down to 14 pounds. I'd let you go. So I don't know what the legality of this is, but would you guys be open to putting Joshua the Super Baby up against Hasbulla, the Dagestani dwarf, who is popular online right now? He's like two feet tall, and he's not that strong. I think Joshua would probably destroy him.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Man, that's no problem, Josh. Look at that baby go. Look at those leg kicks on that baby. Holy shit. So this is the dad. Joshua is only one in six months. We'll be on the news. Things around will call attention all over the world.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Look at these hidden bottle caps of bottles. Amazing, baby. Yeah, it's pretty crazy. Whoo, look at that. Yeah, hit that bucket water jug, kid. Goddamn right. Uh-oh. Hey, hey, hey.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Look at that. Celebration. 100 eps. 100 eps? 100 eps apps Get in there Take a seat We're rehashing the Joshua Super Baby days God you smell good
Starting point is 00:40:10 What's up everybody We've forgotten about all the ridiculous gags we've spent money on And everything we've ever spent money on for this show is completely tanked That's awesome What's up five people I managed to keep as fans That's awesome everybody Let's re-watch me. Everybody.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Let's re-watch all my worst memories. You had a bit of an addiction, Richie. How has rehab been, by the way? Yeah, what's it up? You learn a lot about yourself. Parents weekend was rough. How is Passages Malibu going for you?
Starting point is 00:40:47 I mean, it's expensive, man. I spent a lot of money to be sober. Are you still sad about Tom Sizemore passing away? Your friend? Your close friend? Your sensei? Yeah. Sizemore passed away?
Starting point is 00:40:57 You didn't know? I'm sorry you had to find out. I've been coming out of a bottom, man. What's been going on? I don't have phones. I don't have had to find out. I'm coming out of a bottom, man. What's been going on? I'm on phones. I don't have any access to anything. Okay, Richie.
Starting point is 00:41:14 How's Bam Margera doing? Oh, my God. My God, he's fatter than ever. Listen, because I know you're still consumed by addiction but like I know you're doing a little better than Bam Margera like have you ever have you tried to stray him the right way well no I'll tell you I tried I mean are you in his ear at all because like he's really a problem people think he's
Starting point is 00:41:36 gonna die soon I try you know everybody tries with him Devin there's therapists there's fucking AA sponsors there's people older than me I don't I'm a newbie. I'm new. People have years in recovery, and they're more fit to take care of Bam. But I just want to say-
Starting point is 00:41:53 Bam needs to want to do it himself. Yeah. He does. You can't force anyone into therapy. Exactly. Bam, unless he wants to get sober, he's not going to get sober. Richie can do whatever he wants. Richie could talk to him.
Starting point is 00:42:06 He could come up with the wheatgrass shots. Let him stay on his couch again. Well, Richie's fine. Bam is running out of money, but Richie's still living off of that. You were on that MTV show 11 years ago for like seven seconds, and the royalties are still helping you, right? That's right, Devin. That's 100% right.
Starting point is 00:42:24 And I managed to thank God for them, those royalties was able to go to Malibu Passages. And I spent a lot of money to get sober. But I would like a White Claw, though. Do you actually? Oh, shit. Can you film yourself doing this? I love feeding an addiction.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Have at it, pal. Have at it. Drink up. How many days do you have before you do that? Yeah, how many days? When was the last time I was on the podcast? Give me your coin, pal. Have at it. Drink up. How many days do you have before you do that? Yeah, how many days? When was the last time I was on the podcast? Give me your coin, then. Give me your coin.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Oh, man. I mean, should I? Yeah, you should have one. You should have one. It's episode 100. It's episode 100. 100 calories. It's episode 100.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Anything for the AWATS podcast. Cheers. To 100 years. To 100 years. Haywatch podcast. To 100 years! To 100 years! To 100 years! Oh, cuz. Alright. So let's get back to little Joshua the Superhero. So these are the text messages.
Starting point is 00:43:15 This is Joshua's dad. Yes, I think we can do a great execution of both them skills and babies don't get hurt more like a cute demo fight for all the Orions. Understand that this is just a big motivation for all babies and kids that everything is possible. I see. He was trying to be like, it's just a demo fight. It's not going to be a
Starting point is 00:43:31 real fight. And then I quickly correct him. Look at that beautiful baby. It's like growing up in front of us. You know what I mean? Yeah. Let's get to the text. Do you still see anything on Instagram?
Starting point is 00:43:52 Yeah, I do. I was on the phone all morning with the... This is Joey. I was on the phone all morning with reps from Florida's Athletic Commission. I talked them down in the age requirement, but they wouldn't go under three years old for full contact. Sad. And yes, I agree
Starting point is 00:44:05 with you. This is going to inspire babies around the world. I love how you went to Florida. You're like, I'm thinking America top team. The only state that would let this happen. Okay, yup. And so we will probably have to do it in Mexico or another lawless place. And also, yes, technically it will be a demo fight, according to the paperwork. But in reality, we will have to let them loose in the cage, or else we'll get a lot of backlash online for doing a fake fight.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Hasbulla has pillow hands and won't be able to do any serious damage to the super baby. If he can even survive one of those kicks, LOL. But, yup, pain is temporary, and we'll have the Ring staff bull veterinarian on site who is actually probably better or as good as a real doctor. Yup,
Starting point is 00:44:57 I'm projecting huge worldwide news attention and big money. Great job, Joey. I love you so much. A bowl veterinarian. And then Joshua's dad goes, yes, prayer hands. Like, woo, we need to get
Starting point is 00:45:16 lots of sponsors for three months for me to be able to concentrate on Joshua's training and also we can film. The whole training can even generate more drama to the fight. Oh, yeah. Starry eyes. Hell yeah, Joshua's dad and also we can film the whole training can even generate more drama to the fight. Starry eyes. Hell yeah Joshua's dad. He sings stars.
Starting point is 00:45:29 God bless this man. Oh somebody made this. Then we set up a November 27th and we all saw that happen at the Plaza de Monumental de Tijuana Mexico. It is hilarious seeing a Dagestani name and a Brazilian name versus each other. It's just two babies. It's a perfect matchup, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:53 So then here's, why don't we explain. So then we kept going with this bit that was generating little to no traction for us, but that's what we like to do here. We like to just stay ourselves. We capitalize on stuff that never yields any views or profit. We love to capitalize on stuff
Starting point is 00:46:11 that has no profit. So why don't we explain what happened this next time? So then, at the end of the conversations that I was having with Joshua's dad and his mom, they told me they're about to move to Los Angeles because they're trying to get the baby famous and rich.
Starting point is 00:46:28 And they're like, well, we must take Super Baby to LA for him to be famous. Famous action baby. His dad's blasting the Entourage theme song. And so I'm like, well, this is perfect. Let's promote the fight on a podcast. I have access to this great podcast that these guys do in LA
Starting point is 00:46:44 called the Hate Watch Podcast. It's going to be huge for you guys. You said you have access. You didn't even act like you're on a podcast. I have access to this great podcast that these guys do in LA. It's called the Hate Watch Podcast. It's going to be huge for you guys. You said you have access? You didn't even act like you're on the show. No, yeah, I was acting like I was just a fight promoter that knew the podcast. And then so I'm like, here's what we'll do. That's so manipulative and awesome. That's so fucking good. And then to still come out of
Starting point is 00:47:00 this with a great relationship with the father. We're all copacetic. We still like each other's shit on Instagram. Little did this guy know that Joey was completely manipulating him and using his lack of knowing the language against him. Also, he's actively
Starting point is 00:47:15 trying to exploit his own baby. I'm like, who am I? He took the baby on Steve Harvey's show after this. The baby blew up after us. I'm not kidding. We literally, we're kingmakers here. We, the baby was on, we talked about the baby after he was on
Starting point is 00:47:32 Hate Watch, like two weeks later. He's on like Steve Harvey. He's on like Oprah. He's on like all these shows. ESPN, the Sports Center. But so, then I was like, and so on this podcast, I'm going to get us on this podcast. I think I can get us on. And I got Hasbro is going to be on.
Starting point is 00:47:48 I said Hasbro is going to be there too. And then so what we did is we found like a Dagestani actor on like some LA actor. You could look up actors and just like filter it by guy has a Russian accent. I did that. So I'm like, nobody had a Dagestani accent. Yeah. So I found this actor and I talked to him on the phone and I'm like, what could you do Dagestani? And he
Starting point is 00:48:07 lied and said that he could. He just did a Russian accent. This guy was an oaf. We found a complete Russian oaf that just makes a little extra cash. It's like an Uber driver just being a Russian oaf in weird movies and TV shows. He's a semi out of work actor who's
Starting point is 00:48:23 been a background guy in John Wick and shit like that, where it's just like they need a Russian-looking goon. So I said, okay, your name, I gave him a Dagestani name, which I can't remember, and I said, come in, your character is you, represent Hasbulla as his fight promoter, and you're trying
Starting point is 00:48:40 to hype up this fight. And then so I told, so we got to this podcast studio that we rented for this one thing and uh the super baby and his dad his mom showed up first and i said okay so we don't know if hasbro is gonna show or it's a rep might show we don't know for sure but so let's just do this show you know if they show they show but not, we'll just kind of do a show together. Yeah. And then the fucking Russian guy is now, and he's just such a classic Russian. On the way there, he's like, brother, I need another $200 for my driver. For my driver.
Starting point is 00:49:19 He said he had a driver, and then I remember as Joey tells me that, Joey walks out of the studio that we rented. We rented a fucking studio for this bullshit we pay we did all these things for nothing and so i walk out of the studio we rented and joey's like what is his name bogdan bogdan he goes bogdan wants 200 more dollars for his driver and i go he think i doesn't have a fucking driver i look over i see bogdan driving a like jal over. I see Bogdan driving a, like, jalopy. I see him driving, like, an old Toyota Camry down the alleyway. He was looking for parking.
Starting point is 00:49:52 He was looking for parking. And I go, that's him. He's a fucking driver. One of his windows is Epoch Times. Yeah, yeah. Or whatever that fucking paper is. Did you pay him? We didn't give him the extra money.
Starting point is 00:50:04 No, I did. Yes, I did. You did? What a con in this guy's hole. I had no idea. It wasn't give him the extra money. No, I did. Yes, I did. You did? What a con, this guy. I had no idea. It wasn't like $200. It was like $40 or something. For his driver.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Yeah, for his driver. But so, then anyways, we start doing it. The baby is there. And I guess just play it. It kind of worked out, I think. It was a fun moment. Nobody cares. But it doesn't even have a thousand views on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:50:21 That's great. The funniest thing is... What a life I live. In my... Here's our clueless... Great victory lap we're doing. That's our victory lap. Yeah, we really shouldn't walk Devin down memory lane.
Starting point is 00:50:34 It's not a good... It's not fun. This 10 years of nothing but fun. This just shows you how out of the loop i am when it comes to marketing and podcasting and stuff too is because when this happened like as i'm like well this we're gonna be famous now i'm like are you guys i'm like is everybody okay with being famous i was i literally was like well fuck this is gonna do like millions of views yeah yeah we were looking at vacations it was our least viewed i think maybe our least literally of views. Yeah, we were looking at vacations and Barbados and shit. Joey was very bullish on the
Starting point is 00:51:06 Super Bowl. It was our least viewed I think maybe our least viewed. Literally our most hated episode. And everybody hated it. Everyone hated it. Not hated, there was people that loved the gag. But they're like, why aren't you guys watching stuff? Because there's always wrestling fan people out there that get what we were trying to do. But
Starting point is 00:51:21 for the most part, people are like, yeah, I like the show, but I don't know what, because it's not us. This is my favorite thing we've ever done and the most fun I've ever had, but everybody else hated it. Let's do it. Who do we have? Is here, folks. What is this?
Starting point is 00:51:37 Oh my god! Oh my god! So we had Joshua come in. He did some practice kicks on us. He has had his curbs today. Joshua's antsy though. He wants to bring something. He's got a bloodlust, this baby. Look at him.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Oh my gosh! Joshua! Joshua! The strongest baby in the world! Oh my goodness. I could watch this all day this is I mean this is domestic abuse oh you knocked him out Joshua I hate has blow he's a fake baby do you agree Johnny Cage over here. We suck so much ass. Look at Joey.
Starting point is 00:52:29 Look at Joey. He's got the polo. He's got the black power polo on with the Ray-Bans. Dude, the next big thing is going to kick a pencil out of my mouth. The next big thing. I'm going viral. It's fraud. That's fraud. His manager, by the way, is supposed to be here, but I don't know if he's going to show up or not. I'm sure viral. It's fraud. That's fraud. His manager, by the way, is supposed to be here,
Starting point is 00:52:46 but I don't know if he's going to show up or not. I'm sure he's late. Oh, shit. Oh, my God, sir. I don't have microphones in Dagestan. Come on, I'm sorry we don't have any cabbage soup for you, but here's a mic. I will kill your super baby in one minute,
Starting point is 00:53:03 and we don't want fucking dead babies. You want your kid get killed. We don't kill the fucking babies, don't you understand that? First of all, if anyone dies, it's going to be Hasbulla. Your fake baby, he sucks. And don't even talk about death, because the athletic commission is going to be on me about that. You kill babies, you fuck babies, you all this shit. Oh my God. Oh my God. Universal remote. commission's gonna be on me about that oh my god oh my god universal remote this guy fucking sucks
Starting point is 00:53:30 so remote on docking station don't you know that daghestani now are the old champions of the world okay what are you bringing here okay joshua watch out there's a there's a creepy dagastani man behind you this guy right there yeah Yeah. Very good. Look at him. That is fantastic. Play to the crowd. That is just more showmanship than Hasbulla.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Oh, absolutely. This is not the baby. What? Here. What do you mean that's not a baby? The baby starts like wailing. This is the fucking dwarf baby. Do not curse around the baby.
Starting point is 00:54:03 Hang on. He broke it fair and square! He broke the board! You made him cry! You are a fucking chicken! I will see you in court! Hey, take that info off! We know you don't have technology like that!
Starting point is 00:54:18 This is a lawsuit! This guy's trying to sue us! Hey, here's what I think about that! Get out of here! That's what we think about your fake lawsuit? Get the fuck out of here. That's what we think about your fake lawsuit. Get out of here, bitch. Get the fuck out of here. Get the fuck out of here. Get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Get the fuck out. Get the fuck out of here, pussy. I'll kick your ass, bitch. Touch a baby? Fucking pussy. Fuck you. The promoter guy, you see, the promoter guy run away when he said Josh is not a baby.
Starting point is 00:54:44 He's not a baby. He's not a baby. He saw Joshua kick the board. His dad really thought the guy thought that he was claiming that Joshua was a fake baby. That's a thing that we made the guy say. Can you believe that guy thinks he's dwarf? Yeah, afterward we had to like calm him down. Yeah, we did. He was like wanting to pee that guy's ass. We were like,
Starting point is 00:55:07 we paid him. It's okay. No, we never told him. Oh, we never told him? Oh, to this day. Still thinks that all happened. We're just like, he's trying to promote the fight. He's just doing what he can do to promote the fight. Don't take it personally. He said Josh is not a baby. He thought Joshua was an adult.
Starting point is 00:55:23 He's got the Brazilian toxoplasmosis. He's freaking out right now. Oh my God! Joshua! Joshua! Joshua! Joshua! Joshua! Joshua! Joshua! That's probably the most
Starting point is 00:55:39 traumatic experience of that baby's life. Standing at a table looking at a bunch of strangers chanting at him. It looks like a human sacrifice. A Dagestani man was just saying that he's going to get killed by a midget.
Starting point is 00:55:53 There's a giant Dagestani oaf in the room going, we fucking killed babies! We all did it for a gag and just traumatizing a thug and infant. Well, that's what we do
Starting point is 00:56:04 here with Punk Rock. By the way, somebody on the internet, I saw a comment said, why do they have to piss so much? The answer is I guess because we're drinking beers all the time. I don't know what to tell you. I bet they're constantly hydrating. That's the answer. I just can't believe that
Starting point is 00:56:20 guy couldn't have worn a shirt or a tie or he came in like a fucking tank top. He looked homeless, man. So been going through some stuff. There's a couple things. I don't want to start some of these without Joey here. But Judge Joe Brown is he's in the news.
Starting point is 00:56:39 Apparently he was on a show with Kwame Brown. Really? And he what did he do? He said something where he hates, Talking about Michelle Baum? Kamala Harris. Yeah, he's going off
Starting point is 00:56:50 on Kamala Harris. Yeah. And, we'll play that another time, but like, we had a big Judge Joe Brown period of the show.
Starting point is 00:56:58 This is kind of when John first got out, I think. And so apparently, somebody told me to go to this episode. Why didn't you tug it, son? on the Devon Costa channel when we were we used to have our hate watch episodes and I don't remember what this is but
Starting point is 00:57:14 somebody said it was funny so we'll see let's go and gets away with anything in my court I will find you $25 if you don't have a collar on your shirt it's $50 $50 on life I think this is when you started with the light chilling at my house we were supposed to go hook up with some girls it was me him and his cousin and basically Michael he got upset well he wasn't even upset but but he just was playing too much. He still got that puffer jacket on. All of a sudden, he ended up pouring out. Oh, you know I got that jacket, pal. So, I guess nobody that listens to the show doesn't know what the Tuggett guy is by now, right? I think there are people who are out of the Tuggett loop.
Starting point is 00:57:59 They're out of the Tuggett loop? Yeah. Let me explain it real quick, John, for a second. Because this is like, this is, we're just doing jokes. This is the period of time we were doing tug-of-the-guy jokes. Yeah, cum jokes.
Starting point is 00:58:09 So the tug-of-the-guy was like, John and I went on a road trip. We drove out. I drove him back from Atlanta. We went to a Cracker Barrel. We were sleep-deprived, hungover, wacky.
Starting point is 00:58:20 Came up with this big bit where, like, there's a crazy man. We had the worst meal ever at a Cracker Barrel. We were thinking about ways it could be worse. And the way we thought we could be worse is if devon got a country fried steak and instead of just eating the country fried steak an old man came out from the kitchen pulled his cock out asked if you wanted extra gravy then came on the steak and then shot you in the head and then he goes time to die
Starting point is 00:58:41 he comes out he goes you want some gravy and his cock is rock hard and he comes on your steak and then he goes time to die and he blows your brains out
Starting point is 00:58:51 for like a 30 day that's what we thought of that cracker this is the type of stuff that we do here and this is the
Starting point is 00:58:56 type of this is why we fucking are killing it because the consumption of alcoholic beverages
Starting point is 00:59:02 that was going on right I had some liquor in my refrigerator. But you're over 21, so what? You're entitled to. Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:59:10 He's not, but go ahead. And basically, he got my lotion off my kitchen table and he just started pouring it on the floor. As you can tell, we were really concerned about the listeners at this period of time. I'm literally playing I'm just like playing with a can. We don't even have the video on the screen.
Starting point is 00:59:29 Dead homies. Then he got my liquor. This feels like it's somehow community service. This looks like detention for podcasters. A judge sentenced you to do 100 podcasts. That's your point.
Starting point is 00:59:53 You have to do 100 podcasts. This episode kind of feels like we're getting a big release. We're finally done. Yeah, like we walk out, there's going to be a bunch of other white losers that are like, you popped your cherry. At the end of this, we're all taking our ankle bracelets But little do these people know we've become institutionalized Stop
Starting point is 01:00:21 Tommy act like it was not important. So I felt disrespected. There's a reason for everything, dude. Devin, fucking pause the video. Make a joke. There's a reason for everything. And Judge Joe Brown, basically, he poured the liquor and the lotion on my floor. Said it was for his dead homies. So basically, he put the lotion in the bucket.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Yeah, that was great, Devin. You suck. I told him that I was... I'm like nodding off in the fucking corner. I wasn't even on it no more. Yeah, that was great, Devin. You suck. I'm like nodding off in the fucking corner. How come you look like a gay lumberjack? Look at you. You look like you fuck logs. Look at my fucking hairline, dude. You look like you shove logs up your ass.
Starting point is 01:00:59 It looks like I got brain surgery. This dude came out with an apron on. No pants. He pulled his apron up so he said you want some more lotion on your carpet you want some more lotion on your carpet so i was there in the living room and he was pouring out liquor for his dead home is this when he came out with tugget-It-Cut? Or Tug-It-Cut. Tug-It-Cut. Okay, lovely. The Crip Tug-It guy. He's defending himself. So I said, do your dead homies want some gravy?
Starting point is 01:01:34 I'm at my establishment, right, Judge? I'm at the crib, Judge. This fella right here. I'm at the crib. So I look at him and I say, I'm at the crib, Ma. I'm at the crib, right, ma? And my partner over here says he wants to give me some gravy. My co-defendant says he wants some gravy on the carpet.
Starting point is 01:02:09 And this other feller to my right says he porned it out for his dead homies or whatnot. And I say, you know what you would do? I'd dunk my pecker for our dead homies. I'm so happy that our fan base has put up with this bullshit. I can't believe the people. Devin and I have thought that was the height of comedy for like three months. Was an idea of an old man. I'm not kidding. John and I were like, yeah, life sucks, but the tugget guy guy kicks ass weird joint just literally only to stop
Starting point is 01:02:33 i mean people seem to like it i guess i don't know shorts on this guy's socks real high he goes he pulls up he pulls up one of those bicycles big handlebars. With the high handlebars. But he still has snow pants on. He has an apron and snow pants and he has a giant erection.
Starting point is 01:03:01 He rides in his car room. He's got Air Force Ones on. I saw it. And no pants. But he's got pigtails. He's got Snoop Dogg pigtails. Oh, no. The evolution of the Tughead.
Starting point is 01:03:17 This is when John was running the show. You got to get back to this level, buddy. I'm going to make this an uncomfortable moment for you. I know you're having a good time watching yourself. You need to be better like this. Listen, bud. Maybe it's a Native American thing where they said if you cut their hair,
Starting point is 01:03:34 they could no longer navigate the woods. Did you lose your powers with the hair? I think that was Samson. When you shave a dog. Maybe he lost his hair. Go back to the chemo hair. Yeah, go back to this. Grow my hair out again Yeah. Go back to the chemo hair. Yeah. Go back to this.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Grow my hair out again? You have enough hair to grow it out, dude. You kind of... Well, no, I think that's... You overdo the... I'm balding. No, I think that you should buzz your head
Starting point is 01:03:54 for looks, but for the show, it might be better if you bring back the late-stage... I legitimately don't think John looks better with a shaved head.
Starting point is 01:04:05 Well, I have an oddly shaped head. He looks better with his hair. No, cut to him where you can see the balls. He's not like hip hop. He goes, I told this. I told this. I'm constantly self-soothing. That's the thing about it.
Starting point is 01:04:17 I'm constantly rubbing my head. I do that too. It's insane. Well, does that have anything to do with growing your hair back out? He self-soothes all the hair out. I? He self-soothed all the hair out. I'm fucking self-soothing the hair out. I'm rubbing my fucking hair out, bro. So then you don't want to be bald.
Starting point is 01:04:30 No, that's not why. I'm bald because of genetics. My father's bald. But actually, no. John looks way better right now, obviously. I disagree. ...to tug it for his homie. You know what else is w for his homie. You know what else is?
Starting point is 01:04:46 Gravy. You know, we need to have another like week or a couple of days where we just go off and we howl at the moon and fucking come up with some other unhinged fucking fantasy. Yeah, let's do it. We haven't had anything like that in a while. It's going to fucking road trip. Yeah, we'll go on a road. I mean, we're going to come up with one in South Dakota for sure. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:06 By the way, if this isn't a satisfactory 100th episode to you fucking maniacs that are judging a nothing show like we're the Sopranos, we're trying to do a trip somewhere for maybe July 4th or something. We don't really know. I've got one of the days secured. I'll be good. We were thinking Rapid City, but Joey kind of is like at odds with everybody in that town. Yeah, Joey's got a...
Starting point is 01:05:30 I'm at odds with all my friends from South Dakota. Brock from the show who's been on the podcast. He's called in on Bone Crusher. I said, hey, July 4th, plan something fun. We're all going to come. And then like two weeks later, he's like, oh, dude, we're going to Denver
Starting point is 01:05:49 to drink in Denver on that time instead. That's like what the equivalent of people in South Dakota, that's their version of backpacking through Europe. I'm driving to Denver to see what the denver bars are like and now they all it sucks denver fucking sucks denver's terrible everyone there looks like they
Starting point is 01:06:12 cut their own hair it's yeah it's probably fine but uh it's not a vacation and it's not nearly a good enough excuse to to ditch fucking devon john anyone on earth ever said I'm going to vacation in Denver? It's, they just, they're six hours away. Snowboarders. You go to Aspen. It's really,
Starting point is 01:06:30 you go to Aspen. Yeah, you go to vacation in Denver. Yeah, nobody goes, you go to Denver, you stay there and then you drive
Starting point is 01:06:35 into like Breckenridge. vacation in Denver, everybody. Come on. Vail, Colorado. We're doing so well. We're all,
Starting point is 01:06:42 so I can't tell if this gets funnier, but we'll play for like, like 15, 20 more seconds. Earlier today, I felt disrespected. When he made me tuck it. He goes, tuck it. I was like, I don't know what this dude up to.
Starting point is 01:06:59 We all were supposed to see some girls. You know what I'm saying? All right. I've had enough of this. Next clip. I did it. I saw your thing on Reddit and to see some girls. You know what I'm saying? All right, I've had enough of this. Next clip. I did it. I saw your thing on Reddit, and I went to it. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:07:11 Show biz party. I think in this clip, Joey threatens to kill the president. Or the mayor or something. And now, because it's on Patreon, I'm wondering if we should put it, if we should listen to it. We're protected by 1A, as we all know. Okay, 1A. I don't know how to tell her that it would be over for us if anyone were to try something.
Starting point is 01:07:33 Oh, no, no. This is about me telling my girlfriend that if somebody were to break in, she would be raped and killed. I would be killed in front of her, and then she would be raped, and then I would have nothing to do. There's no point in waking you up to go do something or look for something. What do you think I would be killed in front of her and then she would be raped and that I would have nothing to do. There's no point in waking you up to go. Yeah. When she's like,
Starting point is 01:07:47 somebody's there. I'm like, what do you think I would do? So this is like a big joke about that. And that like event, like the, the guy would eventually just like start like embarrassing me in front of her. I think she,
Starting point is 01:07:58 you know, it's hard. It's, it's tough to deal with the fact that you're not a real man. That's a tough thing. I don't know what to tell her. I'm like, what do you think?
Starting point is 01:08:04 I'm going to fucking go learn something. It's like, I get tell. I don't know what to tell her. I'm like, what do you think? I'm going to fucking go learn something? It's like, I get a gun. And even if I get a gun, it's like if somebody, if something were to really happen suddenly, you don't have time to like run in and grab the gun box and undo the code and then load it.
Starting point is 01:08:18 Like you'd be dead by then anyway. You know what I mean? Even though I'm pro-gun. So I don't know. I don't know what to tell her. When she asked me that question, I really wanted to just look at her and be like, listen, I will be killed in front of you. You'll be
Starting point is 01:08:31 raped and then killed. And I don't know what else to say. I have no plan here. Well, you'll live. You know, it almost happened to Kim Kardashian. You know, it could happen to you. Maybe we'll live. Maybe they'll let us live. Those fucking hooligans. Let's hope they just come in, you know, it could happen to you. Maybe we'll live. Maybe they'll let us live. Those fucking hooligans. Let's hope they just come in, box you
Starting point is 01:08:48 in, slap you around. Yeah. Rape everybody. Knowing me, they'll come in, they won't steal anything, they'll just give me a wedgie and like low bridge me. And then just be like, they'll just like fuck me in the ass in front of my girlfriend, like deliverance.
Starting point is 01:09:03 They'll just be like, squeal! squeal like a piggy and i'll be like like looking like my eyes are locked in with my with with with my girlfriend's eyes i'm staring right into her soul as i squeal as i get fucked in the ass by home invaders and then they'll they'll leave nothing happens to her they compliment her looks and they go like, you should really find a new boyfriend. And then they leave. That's probably how it's going to go, knowing my luck. I won't even get killed knowing my luck.
Starting point is 01:09:34 Like, please kill me. Yeah, I'll be, after they rape me, I'll be like, okay! I'm ready! Do it! And they'll be like, we're not killing you, fag. And then they leave. We, we're not killing you, fag. And then they leave. We're just gonna rape you, freak.
Starting point is 01:09:48 And then they leave and then the rest of my life is even worse because I'm now, my girlfriend, like she packs her bags the next day. She's like, I couldn't.
Starting point is 01:09:55 That was just too hard to witness. You're not a provider. They raped you. Yeah, she'd have to leave you. You did nothing. You looked right into my eyes as they raped you. I mean, I'll-
Starting point is 01:10:03 I have to leave. And then the rest of my life, I'd have that on my conscience. I'd be like, yeah, I mean, I wish I was killed. This is the laziest thing. This is the laziest part. I like how we're acting like we're doing a big special 100th episode. So we've put all this work
Starting point is 01:10:17 in. Joey, do you not understand the concept? We put it out there and they sent us these things to watch. Yeah, but we asked them to send us stuff. It was our idea. And they were like, okay, we'll play along. What else are you supposed to do for some bullshit like this? This is fine.
Starting point is 01:10:31 You didn't like Devin's rant? I love the rant, but I don't love us listening to the rant and just going like, yeah, that was a funny little goof. So you want to change the narrative? We've already shitted ourselves throughout this. We've done this like three times and it's been fine. This is just one where... It's funny when we're making fun of ourselves.
Starting point is 01:10:50 Alright, why don't we get into it? You remember when you had a terrible COVID opinion? False argument, episode 14. You and Richie, you were proven wrong. Time has passed and I was correct. I feel like my opinion got muddled a little bit. Before you play. Can't wait for this shit. Mine got tied in with Joey's, and at a certain point, I veered from Joey.
Starting point is 01:11:07 And then even Richie was against Joey. And then Joey still brings this up to this day. He's like, I was talking about business rights. I wanted to save people. Or private companies having rights, and they can do whatever they want. If I could save a life, I would save a life. Because you actually were a libtard cock in this clip. You a libtard cock? L this clip. You broke the blue wall.
Starting point is 01:11:27 No, so not true at all. And what you're about to hear, and Devin's such a fucking brain dead moron. The reason this episode is called False Argument is because I introduced a hypothetical situation. Oh, you're playing devil's advocate. But it had nothing to do with what we're talking about. I'm playing devil's advocate. No, and I'm trying to explore just how crazy Devin is because he kind of became like one of these alt-right Trump dudes that was just
Starting point is 01:11:51 I'm not crazy. I was completely correct and I've been deemed correct now. I was completely right and you guys were wrong. It's out now. It's over. I was right. You were wrong. No, but you keep pretending like I was on the side of Fauci. I spoke truth to power. You guys went with the sheep. Bah! Bah! That's my friends here. No, but you keep pretending like I was on the side of Fauci. I spoke truth to power. You guys went with the sheep. Bah.
Starting point is 01:12:06 Bah. That's my friends here. No, you were like an 8chan retard. I wasn't. I was correct. We were going to agree with you. I literally was correct. We were going to agree with you on January 6th, but you were nowhere to be found.
Starting point is 01:12:15 I ended up being correct. Where are we now? Jamie Foxx is in the hospital because of the COVID booster. Oh, fuck off. Jamie Foxx is like dying right now. Really? They're killing Foxx? I saw an MSN.com article saying it's after the COVID vaccine. He has a brain clot and he like dying right now. Really? They're killing Foxx? I saw an MSN.com article saying
Starting point is 01:12:25 after the COVID vaccine he has a brain clot and he's paralyzed right now. They killed Jamie Foxx. Here's what happens in this episode. Devin keeps trying to do a retarded straw man thing where he's pinning all of Fauci's opinions on me. All I say, and the reason this episode's titled
Starting point is 01:12:41 False Argument is because I introduced this scenario. It's a funny joke. I made a funny thing. It was funny. No, it wasn't. But you're retarded. Like, logically, it makes no sense. Devin, don't give in. No, I'm just, I'm satisfying him. Okay. Oh, his ODD's flaring.
Starting point is 01:12:55 He's upset about being wrong, and he's got to get more comments when we listen to this, more than he got on when we originally did it. Because there were less listeners. Right, so he's doubling down on his bad opinion on this. I'm correcting Devin's imagination about how this actually went down by introducing
Starting point is 01:13:14 reality to people and telling them an accurate account of what actually happens here because Devin's going to keep trying to spin it. Why don't we fucking play this thing? We got it right here. So Devin's allowed to weave a narrative about how this goes. And I'm going to do that too really fast.
Starting point is 01:13:29 So I introduced this. I go, okay, listen, I think the vaccine's stupid as fuck. I agree with you. It's similar to just being a regular cold. I was also not saying that. I'm saying it shouldn't be mandated, and it shouldn't be a thing where businesses care whether you're unvaccinated or not because we had there was no difference in spreading covid it made no sense this is fucking america and i totally agree
Starting point is 01:13:53 well in america private businesses should have the right to make decisions on their own like not hiring black people or something no it's not a private decision uh decision they can make you could do whatever you want that's like a stupid thing well no it's not a private decision uh decision they could make that's bad business like yeah you could do whatever you want that's like a stupid thing well no like uh discriminated against groups do have right discriminating against unvaccinated people yeah discriminating and and pretending that they're gonna kill people yeah when we went on to find out that it has no effect if you're unvaccinated that's that person's decision. They're allowed to go have a fucking drink, and you turned it into a thing where it's like,
Starting point is 01:14:27 we need to be afraid. Like, we can kill that guy, so we should leave the bar because he's unvaccinated if he's in there. Like, that matters. People decide to do things all the time. Well, there are protected classes. Like, for sure, people who are minorities
Starting point is 01:14:41 that are getting discriminated against, they should have protection and they do so there are like there are new laws that have been introduced that say like you're allowed to kick people out of your business if they are you know they don't have a shirt on but you can't do it if they're black right so there's a reasonable standard for who you're allowed to kick out of your business based on hey you own a private business if this is going to hurt your business then don't do it. So in America at this point in time, especially in Los Angeles, there was a huge population
Starting point is 01:15:11 that was saying, we don't want to go to places that aren't taking these certain precautions to avoid this disease, which is maybe dangerous, maybe not. In my opinion, I thought it was, I always stood by similar to like a common cold, but I said they definitely should still have the right to open a business, own a building, a private business, and make rules like this. No matter how retarded these rules are. That's what it turned into after you knew you lost the original point. No, it was always this. Why don't we play the argument?
Starting point is 01:15:40 I wasn't arguing private businesses being able to have their own laws or whatever. I was saying this thing where all of a sudden in the country at this time, they were pretending like, well, we're vaccinated. We get to go into the bar, but no unvaccinated people because unvaccinated people kill you. But it doesn't make sense because if we're vaccinated, we're protected. It made no fucking sense. Why would the business care if you're unvaccinated and you want to come in? It makes no sense.
Starting point is 01:16:10 It was all bullshit. My point was, it doesn't have to make sense. They should be allowed to not make sense. As long as it's not discriminatory against disenfranchised... No, as long as it's not discriminatory... It was discriminatory against half the population.
Starting point is 01:16:25 That's not a disenfranchised group of people. I think the argument here now is It is. A lot of people that maybe didn't want to have blood clots and didn't want to get a vaccine that was forced on them.
Starting point is 01:16:33 They have the freedom to not go to private businesses just the way that private businesses have the freedom to not allow them in. Since when do you, if you know, if you,
Starting point is 01:16:40 if you're drunk and you're not allowed in a bar, you throw a fit. You guys could do a whole episode on this. Yeah, this is pretty crazy. I think the argument is what happens when there's a new protected class being born, essentially. I haven't listened to this since we did it,
Starting point is 01:16:59 so I don't remember, but I remember feeling like Joey pivoted the argument to a private business thing, and even Richie then turned and was like, well, I, you were actually kind of, you were a libtard too,
Starting point is 01:17:09 but like, don't say two. I was saying the virus is dumb the whole time. There's nothing wrong with being liberal or conservative. You know, I don't know why. I think you're both. That's very weird.
Starting point is 01:17:20 I love both. I love both. It seems like you're not in the middle. Devin's not in the middle. That's fine. I'm okay with that. I love both. I'm just like a fan of politics and like people's opinions. And I just love both. It seems like you're not in the middle. Devin's not in the middle. I'm just a fan of politics and people's opinions. I love them all.
Starting point is 01:17:30 I'm like a guy that loves the NBA. I love every team. I watch it all the time. I'm pro-freedom. I don't want the government telling me what to do in any circumstance. I wear politics.
Starting point is 01:17:39 I got Republican, Democrat. I got a big back-to-back championship jersey. Republicans, Democrats. I love the government and politics, Democrat. I got like a big back-to-back championship jersey. Like Republicans, Democrats. I love the government and politics, baby. Hey, if it's a crime to not want the government to tell me what to do, take me to jail. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:17:54 You were in favor of that in this argument. No, I was saying the government shouldn't be allowed to tell private businesses what they're allowed to do for their policies about letting people live. You had some whole thing about killing people or saving lives. This was a policy enacted by a government. No, the government didn't. That was never enforced by the government. Private businesses, federally. There was a period of time where every single
Starting point is 01:18:13 place had to abide by you have to be vaxxed. It was never federally enforced. I didn't go to a single place where I didn't have to show my vax card throughout that period. It was never federally enforced. I could have gone into fucking Bubba, the Love Spes fucking rib fuck shack fucking we fuck hookers all night and do coke on a pool table they made you show your vax card i was in the deep south they made you show your fucking back we had to show our back that's well in south
Starting point is 01:18:44 dakota there was never any required for an ass-fixing. You live in a lawless land. You might as well live in international waters. You live in a bullet farm in Mad Max. It's a completely different place. And so I'm defending places without those requirements, and now it's kind of like a foggy, murky argument. All right, let's listen to this, then.
Starting point is 01:19:03 Relax. I'm just saying you're trying to spin this into a thing that I wasn't arguing. We can listen to it. Because it was the first place I've been. I went to a place in San Francisco with Brian. All my brothers who support freedom, sound off in the comments. They wouldn't let me walk to the bathroom. Or they wouldn't let my friend walk to the bathroom.
Starting point is 01:19:23 Because Brian was vaxxed but he didn't have it on his phone and we walked up to just go into this place and they, I had it but they wouldn't let him in. They wouldn't let Brian go use the bathroom, like walk down these stairs. Shame on you for giving them your business. You should not have done it.
Starting point is 01:19:39 We went to an old bar. It was the only way to do anything. Take a shit. If you're sitting in your private bathroom at home, stop supporting a goddamn private business with crazy policies. San Francisco's covered in shit. These places have crazy policies
Starting point is 01:19:55 and you're supporting them. Have a backbone. Don't support businesses with crazy policies. Joey's ODD is kicking in. This is wonderful to watch. It's like Irish coffees. This's called the Buena Vista. This is like the ODD watching the ODD. This is like the Terminator watching the Terminator.
Starting point is 01:20:12 It's the C-1000 and the T-2000. Who's this fucking drunk idiot? Oh, what a... Shut up! False argument. What the fuck is a hypothetical situation, you fucking idiot? And they have this outdoor seating, but the inside's great. And we go up to the front, and this little fucking twerp
Starting point is 01:20:31 comes up to us, and he goes, proof of vaccination. Oh, jeez. And I was like, whoa, this is happening? This was already, I was getting real stop the steely. I was just revving up. I took my shirt off like Superman, and I had a stop Stop the Steely. I was just revving up. I took my shirt off like Superman.
Starting point is 01:20:47 I had a Stop the Steal shirt on. It made me a little upset. But I did have my proof. My friend didn't. Because it's like, what the fuck? It is. We're now being asked to show our papers. This is Nazi Germany, folks.
Starting point is 01:21:00 I was waiting for that. I was waiting for that. What's the difference between that and Nazi Germany? Tell me! I went to a bar, they pulled out my fillings! It was insane! It's crazy! That bar,
Starting point is 01:21:15 I had my grandfather in a wheelchair there, they took him to the top floor, they threw him right out of his wheelchair. Nazi Germany, I tell you. No, it was just kind of creepy, you know? And then I asked if I can go to the bathroom, and the guy, like, made a point to say, like, multiple times, like, mask on, over mouth, and nose.
Starting point is 01:21:35 And I was like, this is fucking... I know you hate what we're doing here. Not this clip, but just, like, the watching. This is interesting. This one is. Because this is... but just the watching. This is interesting. It's crazy to even remember a time like this. This is interesting. I didn't like us just being like, hey, remember Tug of Game?
Starting point is 01:21:54 I like that. Well, it's a celebration, folks. Didn't the fans send the clips? They sent me that clip. Yeah, that's the thing. Yeah, let's go on one commenter. Let's base the show on that. No DD kicks in again.
Starting point is 01:22:05 I was going to say, no matter who says anything to him or what it is, you're wrong. All right. A little gross. It's just annoying. I don't like that. With a mask? No, I don't like the mandate thing. The attitude.
Starting point is 01:22:21 I don't like the attitude. Also, who the fuck are they protecting? The attitude. I don't like the attitude. Also, who the fuck are they protecting? If you're unvaccinated and you're going out to bars, what the fuck does a bar care if you get sick? Right. Why do they care?
Starting point is 01:22:33 Like, literally, if my friend wasn't vaccinated, why do they care if he comes inside and gets COVID? Are they saying he can spread it more? Well, now you're generating the urge. Well, they don't want him to die. Who gives a shit about him? Now you're generating the urge. They serve they don't want him to die. Yeah, now you're generating Who gives a shit about him? Now you're generating the argument.
Starting point is 01:22:45 They serve alcohol. They care about people's health. I mean, they might not want somebody to die a horrible death. Yeah, now you're generating the argument for the vaccination. They'll never know.
Starting point is 01:22:55 This whole idea about knowing where people get it, nobody knows where they get it. Who cares? It's a free-for-all. Well, they have it. I don't know, Devin. You lost me there.
Starting point is 01:23:04 No, I didn't lose anybody how am i wrong so far i don't disagree it was completely well no i make a point at that time saying that being honest deemed you completely fucking insane so what i say is like i'm being completely honest that's a fucking fact all all anything in this country is if enough Mondays go by, we just forget what we fucking fake cared about. Everyone tries to start acting like they were never a part of this cult.
Starting point is 01:23:33 Joey, are you the ones going up against the grain? Everything. Thank you, John. I'm loving you tonight. Love you, buddy. Devin, you're a real bipolar with me tonight. It's pretty enhanced. I'm kidding. The point that I actually make is not that, oh, this is a deadly virus. What I introduce is if it is possibly, let's just pretend.
Starting point is 01:23:53 It is a deadly virus. I knew that at the time. I wasn't unaware of it. If it's as deadly as some people, as these hysterical people think, if it is, why take the risk? But go ahead. Because they were virtue signaling. These are liberal virtue signals and they like control. They like the risk? But go ahead. Because they were virtue signaling. These are liberal virtue signals, and they like control. They like the government.
Starting point is 01:24:07 They like mandates. They like forcing things on people now. They've completely flipped. Liberals now are like early 2000s fucking Republicans. They're into war. They're into government. It's nonstop. They just want, you know.
Starting point is 01:24:21 It's a practice run for fascism. That's what the fucking COVID is. I'm heavily against all government sanctions in this whole podcast whole podcast listen to it at home by the way if you don't get this but listen to the whole thing the whole my biggest point throughout the whole thing is uh being against government control so whether that means the government's allowed to uh you know not let people test if they want to at a bar or see a card. I said, okay, listen, that's crazy. Let them do it if they want to ruin their business.
Starting point is 01:24:50 I lose you. Listen to what I am saying. If you're vaccinated, Tim got it. He's vaccinated, but he didn't get super sick. He's not in the hospital. And they say the vaccination is keeping you from having it, you know, the old COVID where it really fucking almost kills you. Is that about Tim Robbins? We all got vaccinated, right? Tim Robbins. say the vaccination is keeping you from having it you know the old covid where it really fucking
Starting point is 01:25:05 almost kills you was that about tim robbins we all got vaccinated right tim robbins so this is an indoor bar and they're asking for proof of vaccination so everyone in there's vaccinated so what do they care if an unvaccinated person is in there they don't want them to die a horrible death what are you talking about what that's exactly why they care because they got vaccinated yeah they don't want... Just because somebody's, you know, irresponsible and they didn't get the vax, that doesn't mean they want them to die. But everyone can spread it
Starting point is 01:25:32 the same way. If you're vaccinated, you could spread... Yeah, it's pointless. You guys are... You guys are wrong here. Keep playing. You're just simply wrong. Just as easily as an unvaccinated... No, not wrong because my... The subtext here is... Vaccinated people, the subtext here is vaccinated people. I think it came out
Starting point is 01:25:46 vaccinated people are dying more than unvaccinated. It came out, but their immune systems were. But at the time, with the info that we had, it's saying like, hey, if this is deadly,
Starting point is 01:25:55 then they don't want that. At this time, we had the info that it spreads just as easily. If you're vaccinated, it spreads. If you're unvaccinated, it spreads.
Starting point is 01:26:02 Being vaccinated doesn't stop it from spreading. We had that info at the time and that's why I was like, well, then what do we care? If a you're unvaccinated it spreads being vaccinated doesn't stop it from spreading we had that info at the time and that's why i was like well then what do we care if a guy if a guy's unvaccinated and at this time we did this episode if somebody was unvaccinated they made the decision to not be vaccinated they don't want it but they should they want to go out because they're living their life which a ton of it's everyone's doing now so there's no fucking difference you're wrong no the implication here was that if it is a very deadly virus which i don't know that's what i'm saying i don't know if it is but if it is
Starting point is 01:26:28 perhaps we should prevent people from you know killing themselves by irresponsibly hitting no it i okay there was an info war going on at the time ultimately it had nothing to do with that it was about looking at unvaccinated people they want them to die all vaccinated people at that time that were on to this type of shit making you show your papers really proud of turning people away that weren't vaccinated they they laugh at you dying they loved it they took glee in it it was sick and we've moved right on from it but that's the same fucking mentality that that these people running this place have yeah it made It had no logic put into it.
Starting point is 01:27:06 It was just a us versus them thing. And you guys are right wing assholes if you don't want to shove something that was made in nine months into your fucking arm twice in a month. The actual logic that was going into it put forth by these businesses. I agree with you. It wasn't some altruistic. I want to protect people from dying. What it actually was is I want to make the decision
Starting point is 01:27:29 that is best for my business. Is there a liability issue? It was a political thing. It was that we're better than you. If you're unvaccinated at our door, you're a right-wing lunatic. You're a fucking hick, piece of shit, retard, and you don't deserve to come into our bar because
Starting point is 01:27:45 you're gonna kill we're gonna make up we're gonna we're gonna redefine the facts we have we're gonna make up that you're gonna make us sick even though we have the shield yeah that absolutely no you're gonna kill my grandma it was a political fucking like it was just a show of like virtue and bullshit and it was a it was liberal nonsense it was i'm better than you you're lower than me you can't come in that's not true at all so that is 100 there was a lot of virtue signaling happening but the the reason virtue signaling is bad is because it's people practicing what they didn't actually preach in this scenario with these private businesses if you know anyone with the private business and and all these guys are like, oh, they're already probably not making that much money on these businesses.
Starting point is 01:28:30 They're choosing. So they're not making money, but they can afford to lose business off of a political stance? From their point of view. They can afford to turn people away from their bar, but they're doing badly, and it's hard. From their point of view, they're basically saying right now in Los Angeles, where everybody's all,
Starting point is 01:28:51 San Francisco, even better for my point, these ultra-liberal places, they, our customer base wants precautions. So we're going to lose business. They would never know if they ask for your Vax card, they show it. And if they're not vaxed, they let them in.
Starting point is 01:29:07 Who's at the bar standing around going, who was asked? Who was vaxed next to me while I get hammered on poison? This is nonsense, Joey. You're just defending something for no reason at this point. No, no, no, that's not true at all. So the people who are saying that are yuppies from San Francisco, these super liberal, sensitive guys, where they get together to plan their weekend with each other,
Starting point is 01:29:28 and they go like, well, what's the bar? Is there any bars that are being safe about this? And they go, okay, that bar is. And so that's where they all go. If they were still allowed to do this to this day, they'd do the same fucking thing. They would literally be putting unvaccinated people in fucking cars. They ended the fucking, like, it's not a national emergency anymore.
Starting point is 01:29:47 They ended, they repealed all the things. And they also ended it with all the... They would just be, like, literally killing their business as they do now. At this time, they were riding the wave of momentum. Exactly. At that time, it was the most, it was the profitable decision. You're acting like it's for the reason you're saying it's not. It was to feel better than people.
Starting point is 01:30:04 I don't think you know enough business owners. You don't know enough business owners. When it comes down to making money, everyone's politics go out the fucking window. They go like, okay, we're deciding our politics based on what's going to make our lives the most comfortable. And that's why if you go out into like Brentwood, in the heart of the most liberal fucking city in America, everyone's a Republican. Because they're all rich people, and they're all protecting their own interests. Yeah, no rich people live in San Francisco. They're making the same decisions.
Starting point is 01:30:34 That's what I'm saying. They're doing the exact same thing. They're like, we own a business. We know it's fake. It has nothing to do with the actual reason that you started with. Right, yeah, but they're just... But that's my point. No, they're making decisions based on this is the most profitable decision right now no
Starting point is 01:30:48 small businesses in america vaccine mandates almost eliminated businesses they're not making a business decision they're making a political decision to look good and look like they're virtuous and they actually don't care that they're hurting themselves because they'd rather look good in the eyes of the people at this time when you were looked at by the majority as like, I'm better than you. No, so the way this unfolded... John, shut the fuck up. I'm trying to make a point.
Starting point is 01:31:17 So the way this unfolded is that this worldwide crisis came out, and because of that, everyone is now... it's a fear-mongering tactic. You know, not tactic, but it was a definite fear-mongering happening with the media. So because of that, all of the businesses that have, like, street traffic instantly got fucked. And there was a government mandate to shut them all down. So that's what killed small businesses. When they opened back up, now these businesses... They made it even harder on them. No, no.
Starting point is 01:31:47 Put the knee on the neck a little more. Oh, that's an odd... That used to be a saying before fucking George Floyd. Oh, my bad. Okay, my bad. Can we stop? My bad. I didn't know. I know you love porn stars that tried to kill pregnant women. What?
Starting point is 01:32:03 I'm kidding. Oh, whoa, Debbie. Whoa? I'm kidding. Oh, oh, oh. Whoa, Debbie. Whoa. I'm kidding. I actually like George Floyd. Okay, but it's... Actually, I really like George Floyd. You check off to his porn.
Starting point is 01:32:13 I did look at it once. He checked off to it. It was rough to watch because I knew he was dead. It's hard to watch dead people. At this moment, soundboards are cheap, but it'd be great to have, like, he died crying like a little bitch. Yeah. I was just –
Starting point is 01:32:26 Yeah, watching George Floyd's porn is like watching a – I just said that for the sake of saying it, but, like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, so, again, like, I'm being very – Love Floyd. I'm the only one being consistent with my arguments here, but so when the government made these mandates to shut down businesses, that's what killed businesses. Let me finish. Okay. And then when they reopened them and they had these recommended sanctions, now in these liberal cities, these private businesses had to make a decision about the best way to open
Starting point is 01:32:51 back up. They didn't have to make a decision. They loved that. They had to make this decision. They loved it. They were all miserable. Not these places, not in San Francisco,
Starting point is 01:32:59 not in LA. They loved it. They felt like they were like, like getting a personality out of it. Maybe there was a couple of guys that were so rich they were like, hey, let's flex our politics. We're so rich that we don't care about our business. Let's flex
Starting point is 01:33:11 our politics. If they didn't repeal this shit, these people would still be wearing masks. They'd be fucking loving it. They cared about moral equity more than actual fucking money. It was insane. Can I throw a curveball your way? Yeah, sure. Hang on. No, no, no. They did it. Well, no, because i'm in the
Starting point is 01:33:26 middle that was confident i'm on fucking trial here go for it i'm not putting on trial i'm putting my opinion i wasn't here for this fucking argument right but so i think that you couldn't find me one example of somebody who had a private business with they were they were struggling with money and they decided to make a decision that would hurt them more? Yeah, dude, what are you kidding me, dude? Yes, half these bars are owned by trust fund kids that, like, don't care. Half these businesses are open from 3 to 5 p.m. It's, like, fake. They're owned by, like, rich kids that, like, don't know what to do with their life,
Starting point is 01:33:58 so they're like, oh, I'm opening up a fucking Jewish deli that serves one sandwich and a pickle, and we're open for two hours a day. What are you talking about? None of these places are owned by these struggling, some Korean family that's like, we need to make rent. You think those Korean places were turning away on vaccinated people? No, they go, come in.
Starting point is 01:34:17 Exactly. So that's what they did. That's what I was saying. They go, come in. What did they say after that, buddy? The small business. They go, hajima. Hajima.
Starting point is 01:34:24 So that's your paro, white bitch. Devin keeps agreeing with me, What do they say after that, buddy? The small piece. Don't do that. Don't do that. Don't do that. Why are you itching? Devin keeps agreeing with me, but he does it in a cadence where he's like arguing. So that's exactly what I just said. It's the guys that were trust fund kids. They were the ones who were virtue signaling and being like, I'm so proud. Yeah, but it was wrong and stupid. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:41 Of course. You didn't say that. Yes, I did. That's my whole fucking point. We get pretty heated here. Listen, that's what they've said. It's like it doesn't stop you from spreading it. Yeah. Of course. You didn't say that. Yes, I did. That's my whole fucking point. We get pretty heated here. Listen, that's what they've said. It's like it doesn't stop you from spreading it. Right.
Starting point is 01:34:48 So they don't want you to come in if you're not vaccinated. This is like bizarre. This is the same exact thing we digested. I keep looking around. It's an argument within an argument. How is Devin talking to me right now? This is like Inception. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:03 From the people that have it. And you could die a horrible death. That are vaccinated? Yes. But people were allowed to do things before there was a vaccine. Like, people were going and doing things. And they weren't asking for proof of anything. You just replaced Richie's worst argument of all time right now.
Starting point is 01:35:20 But back to back. I can't even believe it. The two worst arguments I've ever heard in my life just happened back to back i can't even believe it the two worst arguments i've ever heard in my life just happened back to back are they afraid to get sued there's been a million people that have died and who knows the last place they were who fucking cares at this point like i don't understand what is this like fake you just said a guy infantile like tim dylan got it right and he's vaccinated so what so if they asked him he got it right And he's vaccinated. So if they asked him for... He got it.
Starting point is 01:35:46 Right, because he's in Texas and going on tour. He's not a regular person. He's not just somebody in San Francisco going to bars. That's a qualifier, Richie. You're wrong there. You want to make sure you're vaccinated if you're going to go in. Why? Rich, what's been going on with you lately?
Starting point is 01:36:01 That sounds like a big problem. Troubling. Troubling to hear. Well, what happened? I don't know. You said something that I thought was stupid for a second. Devin, stop looking at it. I'm trying to save Devin.
Starting point is 01:36:11 What's been going on with me? I got EBT. That's been big. So good. Is that it? How much? A lot. Skip ahead a little bit.
Starting point is 01:36:21 That can't be it. Maybe compassionate. Maybe compassionate. Maybe compassionate. Maybe scared to get sued. Either way, great reasons. At the beginning of all this, they signed something. See, so even right there, I was just saying like their motivations are possibly being afraid of getting sued. At no point ever in this whole podcast do I ever go like I think that the deadly virus
Starting point is 01:36:45 is dangerous I'm just saying like I'm trying to describe how private businesses they're not afraid of getting sued that's wrong so let me just end don't waste your breath
Starting point is 01:36:52 I'm saying if that's why that's not why no you don't know how do you what are you in their way mind you if they were gonna
Starting point is 01:36:59 early on into COVID when they opened businesses back up they signed a thing that said you can't sue places for getting sick there. So that has no value. No, that's not true at all. It is true. They said you can't sue businesses and say you got sick there.
Starting point is 01:37:14 I never claimed that they did. I just said if people are afraid of that irrationally, then that's a fine reason. It's not. That's wrong. You're wrong right now. That's not a fine reason it's not and that's wrong and you're wrong right now so then that's not a fine reason so they're making no sense why are you defending dumb people that own businesses i'm saying people should are dumb they're irrational and that's they make dumb
Starting point is 01:37:34 irrational decisions jimmy mcgill it's like saul goodman right here it's like what is what do you what about what you think we can't this is right is right. What are you arguing exactly? What are you arguing for? What are you arguing? You can't operate under the assumption that all human beings are going to constantly behave in a rational way. But the majority of these types of people
Starting point is 01:37:58 did this as a show. As a show of virtue. And it was bullshit and fake. That's the point. You're acting like they have their own personal issue with it and they hey they're making their own personal decision no they're going with a wave they're going with the dominant wave at the time which was this type of thinking and i was looked at like a psychopath for having any fucking thought about it no like all private businesses they're going with the wave that they
Starting point is 01:38:23 think is the best for their business there's, there was a ton that weren't doing this that were fine. And jobs did that too. So they're like the greatest of all time. You're like the greatest bar of all time. What is this compassion thing? Why do you hate compassion so much? Who cares? It's a personal choice.
Starting point is 01:38:39 Because if everyone's vaccinated, then the chances are so much lower instead of having to deal with the like, I got vaccinated, so I'm slightly less much lower instead of having to deal with the like, I got vaccinated but I'm slightly less sick, but I'm still got it. Why even deal with that? I actually kind of like that. I got vaccinated. I went through the whole
Starting point is 01:38:53 process and I don't want to deal with people who are still playing bullshit politics. At that time, they were also bad. No, but in retrospect, you were consumed by the fear. The fear got to you. It did. It didn't get to me, but the retrospect, you were consumed by the fear. The fear got to you. It did, it did. It didn't get to me, but the reason I'm ashamed is because...
Starting point is 01:39:10 Oh, you're ashamed, fucking asshole. What I'm doing is I'm playing such a devil's advocate. That you do, bro. I'm like, here's how logically you're wrong. Yeah, but to the point where you get angry at me. I'm getting angry now. That's why it's a good party. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:39:29 I got vaccinated, so I'll show my proof. I'm pro-vaccination. Would you be afraid to be around an unvaccinated person? Oh, Richie sucks ass. I was trying to bait you at that point. I know. That's still funny to have on you. That's like you saying the N-word.
Starting point is 01:39:47 I'm pro-vaccination. You have his N-word tape. Yeah, that's my N-word tape. I'm going to release that on Twitter in like seven years. Cancel you. I guess I'll have to stand by it and I'll pull some sick person I know out of thin air to be like, oh, you can't say that now
Starting point is 01:40:02 because I was taking care of someone and you're a piece of shit. And by thin air, was taking care of someone and you're a piece of shit. And by thin air, I mean my girlfriend and you're a piece of shit. You know what? I don't know. She's healthy now. She's a strong person and I think you...
Starting point is 01:40:17 I don't think she needed that. Just press the fucking space button. I don't think she needed that. I don't think she needed the Jamie Foxx paralysis shot. Care about them? If they made the choice to be unvaccinated, who cares? I would. Yeah, actually, yeah. You still care for them. You still think
Starting point is 01:40:32 their choice doesn't matter. I'm going to be honest with you real quick, though. You're the most neurotic, sickness-avoiding guy on earth. I'm extremely surprised you had such a strong opinion at the time. He got political about it. This is a year and a half in. I thought about it logically. I'm like, are you kidding? a strong opinion. He got political about it. This is a year and a half in. I thought about it logically.
Starting point is 01:40:47 I'm like, are you kidding? This is absurd. This is what I wanted to ask you. Do you think, looking back, bartenders and bouncers and those people who got to enforce it were having a lot of fun with it? And the owners, maybe, a lot of them were like, oh, I have to do this. It was an abuse of power. But that's where the feeling's coming from.
Starting point is 01:41:04 So you're like, going to the owners. De this. It was an abuse of power. But that's where the feeling's coming from. So you're like going to the owners. Devin has worse ODD than me. Why would the owners love it? They all had those chalk signs out on the front. Everyone was really proud of themselves. Wear a mask on your mandate to vaccine day. If you think you're going to come in here and get
Starting point is 01:41:19 an Allagash white for $13 without being vaccinated, you got something else coming to you, brother. That's this time. That's this time. And they should be fucking killed. Because they're responsible for a lot of fucking lost lives and businesses. They were playing to the majority.
Starting point is 01:41:35 They were playing to the consumer. We should open with this. They probably hated it, honestly. They probably were like, God, I have to write this. The blue shirt consumer. Yeah, in San Francisco Francisco Not half the other countries Not the other 83 million that voted for another retard Right but I'm saying in Alabama That's not a country
Starting point is 01:41:51 That's like coastal thinking I'm asking in Alabama at that time If they were catering to the consumer You cater to 100% of the population Well it wasn't federal, as Joey said. So it was like the customers in San Francisco. Just between you guys, don't bring me into this. So these business owners are politically radicalized retards. Right, but the owners just are trying to make money.
Starting point is 01:42:15 I mean, that's all they're worth. No, they're not. They're trying to make a point. In San Francisco? If they wanted to make money, they'd let everyone in. This is what I'm asking you. The bouncers got to have fun with it, and they got to enforce. The bouncers were told, though, by a guy.
Starting point is 01:42:27 Yeah, but you don't know service industry workers like I do. And they like the opportunity to tell you no. I know, and they wouldn't have that opportunity if their boss that owns the place goes, yeah, everyone can have wings tonight. I don't care what their profits are on things. Because if they don't enforce it at that time in San Francisco, nobody comes. We're acting like, by the way, this is not six months in. This is not a month after the vaccine.
Starting point is 01:42:49 I know there was a few months after the vaccine came out where we still didn't know. We thought, I'm good now. There was a whole period of time where the news said that you will never get it. And then they just hit all that once everyone started still getting it. This is a year and a half in. We were done with this shit. It was like you either get the vaccine or you don't. And it doesn't matter either fucking
Starting point is 01:43:14 way. It's a personal decision. If you think it'll give you an easier time with COVID, you get the vaccine. If you don't want to put something in you that you don't know about, you don't. And that's it. And it's everyone's decision. I wish I disagre that's it. And it's everyone's decision. I agree. It's everyone's decision. The private businesses
Starting point is 01:43:30 have a decision too. And they're allowed to make it. I guess you don't want it. I don't care. All these businesses didn't have the decision. They're vaccine mandates. They were forced by the fucking city. They had no decision. All their employees were
Starting point is 01:43:44 forced to get it. They would be fired. All their employees were forced to get their fires. They would be fired, Rick Joey. I had fucking chairs thrown at me because I was enforcing vaccines. I got no money for like six fucking months. It was horrific. It is a miracle the place I work at is still around today. It is a fucking miracle. It's a miracle that it's around
Starting point is 01:43:59 without the virus. It's the worst bar in the fucking city. But no, so the federal mandate was that when they closed businesses down, your bar, if they would have had balls, they could have kept it fucking open with no restrictions. What are you talking about? But they didn't. There was no federal restrictions.
Starting point is 01:44:14 If your bar had any balls, they would say, fuck it, we don't care. You guys can come with no masks. But they didn't do it because they're fucking cuffs. There were LA County people coming in, checking that we were enforcing vaccine mandates. Fight them in the fucking courtroom. You're right County people coming in, checking that we were enforcing vaccine mandates. Yeah, fight them in the fucking courtroom. You're right. No, no. There were restrictions.
Starting point is 01:44:30 There were mandates. There were mandates. Yeah, there were mandates. City-wide mandates. City mandates? You have a fucking choice. Take people to the Supreme Court, you cocksuckers. Okay, Joey. You fucking cowards. Every single
Starting point is 01:44:45 big freedom case that's ever been won in the history of freedom has happened at the Supreme Court level. And you guys are like, oh no. Who's the guy in the Chicago Five? The trial of the Chicago Five. What's the guy's name?
Starting point is 01:45:01 Which one? The main guy. With the curly hair. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I support Fredo. What do you mean? He obviously, the person has some weird reason they don't want to get it. Also, you had a very low chance
Starting point is 01:45:15 of dying from it before there was a vaccine. So, go ahead. Roll the dice. I don't care. I got it so I can feel more comfortable and go do things. But if you're hanging out unvaccinated, all right, whatever. So you're willing to let somebody die just simply because they don't like, you know. I'm not doing it. They have their person.
Starting point is 01:45:35 They have Joey. Yeah, fucking. That's what? What does that mean? John, what does that mean? That's a big that's a big cock opinion. That's a terrible opinion. That's a big cock.
Starting point is 01:45:44 No, it's a hero opinion. I'm saying if a virus could kill somebody, if it could, I don't think it could, but if it could, I'm going to be a hero and let them live their lives. It didn't go. COVID. Look at this dirty, sweaty eye tie. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:46:07 Hold on. Don't. Don't. Let people live. I'm a hero. Hold on. Let people live. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:46:12 Freedom. COVID didn't go away, Joey. Freedom for the country. Let's save as many lives as we can while keeping this country free. COVID. Hey, listen. Is that crazy? Think about the list.
Starting point is 01:46:24 Hold on. Let me say my point. COVID didn't go away. We just decided we knew people were fed up with it and we had to let it go. We realized it's not that deadly. There is not much different now than then. You're at a bar going,
Starting point is 01:46:39 hold on before I have this drink. Is anyone unvaccinated around me? When you're hanging out with a group of strangers, you go, are you unvaccinated? Because I don't want to kill you. This is a bullshit faggot opinion to have at the time. Like I was saying in this, it's probably not deadly. But if it is, hypothetically, in this scenario, I would probably try to avoid. But we don't care.
Starting point is 01:47:01 We just added it to the list of things you got to fucking watch out for. But we don't care. We just added it to the list of things you gotta fucking watch out for. If it were as deadly as some people are implying, perhaps then I would make this decision to not infect people. There's no difference between then and now. Over their life and choices. You don't give a shit about anybody around you now. The only difference now is that we have the information available to us. Or now we know.
Starting point is 01:47:20 That you were wrong. I suspect, no, not that I was wrong. At the time I was just proposing this idea. The New York Times released a statement. They go, Joey LaF That you were wrong. I suspect, no, not that I was wrong. At the time, I was just proposing this idea. The New York Times released a statement. They go, Joey LaFleur is wrong. I go, what if there's a 5% chance that this is a virus that is deadlier than we think? Well, there still is now, and it doesn't matter
Starting point is 01:47:37 because it's not a political issue. We have a lot more data. And again, listen, I'm a hero. We have more data that there's no way of beating this. And you still don't care. You don't have that same opinion. If you did, you wouldn't go out. No, I'm saying if there's a 95% chance still that this is a...
Starting point is 01:47:53 If you actually thought that you'd never leave your apartment. This virus is comparable to a flu. If you actually thought that you'd never leave your apartment. No, I'm saying 95% chance that this is a... Like, it's not much more deadly than the common cold or flu or whatever. Well, it is, but, like, that's still... It's, like, relative, and it's, like, at the end of the day, it's, like, we than the common cold or flu or whatever. Well, it is, but still, it's relative. At the end of the day, it's like, we have to just move on. So the reason this episode is called
Starting point is 01:48:10 False Argument is because I'm proposing a hypothetical situation where if it is deadly, would you then avoid doing it? And you didn't understand the concept of a hypothetical situation. Let's go through the room. We'll finish this and then we'll go through the room.
Starting point is 01:48:26 We'll grade this. Something that everyone knows about and is readily available. I'm saying if you knew they were unvaccinated. Yeah. You don't care still? I don't care. What am I not supposed to hang out with them? No, I don't give a shit.
Starting point is 01:48:37 Yeah, that's insane. The whole reason I got the vaccine. To this day, we've hung out. We've been hanging out with people and they say they never got it. it and i don't go oh no i'm gonna kill you instead what devin bullshit argument devin sits around nothing has changed devin kovac still kills 2 000 people a day probably devin goes i can't wait till they activate the clot i've been anti-vax. Devin's like, me and my mom have been anti-vax way before COVID. I'm vaccinated. They're like, hey, listen, we thought.
Starting point is 01:49:09 They got a button. I'm vaccinated. Activate the clock. Activate the clock. They turn a key and they hit a button. If they were up to Devin, polio would still be around. Damn it, Joey. I think the person...
Starting point is 01:49:27 Take the shirt again. Use my shirt. This is like the worst violation of personal liberties. Guys, we need him. This whole thing is the worst violation of personal liberties.
Starting point is 01:49:39 It's like the fucking Patriot Act and the precedent set by the COVID vaccine mandates is going to cause more... It could potentially cause way more loss of life in a way more dramatic violent way in the future. I have consistently bet against mandates
Starting point is 01:49:51 the entire time. Freedom. That's what I am. I never cared. In fact, I'm pretty sure that I had the virus. My toes turned all fucked up. I had COVID toes. So I had a cough and I'm like, I don't know, maybe it's COVID. I was in South Dakota.
Starting point is 01:50:08 I was at a titty bar. It was a biker bar. It's a strip club, and there's pregnant strippers. And I was basically a super spreader, by the way. I go to this place, and the next day, like, the next couple days, I got a cough and stuff. I'm like, I don't give a shit. Like, whatever.
Starting point is 01:50:24 I really never at one point was ever scared., got to cough and stuff. I'm like, I don't give a shit. Like, whatever. It's not, I really, never at one point was I ever scared. My toes turned purple and red. You don't care about yourself, but with other people, you think you're like Mother Teresa. Well, so this is evidence that I clearly didn't have the hysterical beliefs that you're trying to pretend that I had on the podcast for the people. Go ahead, Blake. Well, we'll see. Purple and red. That fucks you up.
Starting point is 01:50:44 Yeah, you know, but I up. I look it up online. The point that I'm making here is that never once was I concerned about my own health. The reason I got the vaccine is because I was scared of giving it, you know, affecting some old lady. And now it's been five months. That old
Starting point is 01:51:01 lady has gotten it. If anyone hasn't gotten it, they just don't want it. There are a massive amount of people that... And by the way, I don't want to kill somebody that doesn't want it. We were hanging out with unvaccinated people long before the vaccine. We were going to bars in the middle of COVID. There's no difference. No, but if I knew, if somebody came up and somebody said... What's wrong about that?
Starting point is 01:51:21 I was going to bars in that... I just left a titty bar where I was super spreading. And that was my point. Super spreading. At that point in time, you were acting like it's different now. But before they had the vaccine, we were going to bars. We never cared if we were getting somebody sick. I never cared ever at any point.
Starting point is 01:51:37 You did only when this argument came up. I'm giving you a hypothetical scenario. This is a false argument, according to you. You don't understand. This is wild. Logical principles. Hey, Joey, by the way, that person has... We should literally listen to this
Starting point is 01:51:48 argument every episode. Because Joey and I would just become... This is like the route. This is like how we become famous. We gotta argue more. We gotta argue a lot more. He's like someone who takes acid to have a bad trip on purpose. You could kill them.
Starting point is 01:52:06 They're at risk. I would say, oh, let me get away from them. I definitely would not. Why would that person be in a crowded bar? Because they're dumb. Why is Stephen Hawking
Starting point is 01:52:16 at the nightclub? I don't want to kill dumb people just because they're dumb. I don't want to kill them. This whole thing, like, I'm killing them. You're not making any points here.
Starting point is 01:52:26 No, it's like I'm hanging out with unvaccinated people all the time. You don't hit my shoulder like you got something on me. I continue to break down. You don't get to do that. You're like, see that, bub? I continue to break down your false argument about how I am this conscientious objector because out of morality. I'm saying, listen, these fucking people are dumb. It's not a political stance.
Starting point is 01:52:49 I'm saying they're dumb, and the virus, anyone who's scared of it is dumb. You do say that, and then you say the polar opposite five minutes later. You're like a guy in basketball that just can't stop traveling. No, it's because you can't understand what a hypothetical scenario is.
Starting point is 01:53:02 And you can't understand just being wrong and relenting to being wrong about something because you have a mental illness. No, I'm exploring logical techniques. To win an argument like a scumbag lawyer. Scumbag lawyer? I think lawyers are great.
Starting point is 01:53:20 And I think... Devon's an enemy of logic, is what we're finding out. No, you are. He's like, I go by feel, dude. And I don't care. He's like, fuck all that stuff, man. I don't care about your logic. He's like, in my gut, I think Fauci's a queer.
Starting point is 01:53:37 You know logic? Okay, what's logical? We should kill half the population so we could have a better future. Would you go with that? Oh, look at Oz. Ozzy Mandia. population so we could have a better future. Would you go with that? Like an Ozymandias scenario? Do you think we should kill most people so we can have great lives? Because that's logical. There's overpopulation.
Starting point is 01:53:54 Is that logical to you? You think we should start killing people? So now he understands hypothetical scenarios. That's what I was like. Let's give you one. This is your first tour I love these so
Starting point is 01:54:06 your first tour down a distracting hypothetical that goes nowhere just because you can't like lose something that you know you're wrong
Starting point is 01:54:13 I'm not an anti-intellectual psychopath dirty Italian psychopath anti-intellectual so I can I can answer this question you act like you have a big bookshelf
Starting point is 01:54:23 at your apartment are you kidding me I I have a big bookshelf at your apartment. Are you kidding me? I study. You study. You study. Just in general. I study a lot. I study.
Starting point is 01:54:32 He studies the blade. All right, let's finish this up. Hey, I kill 500,000 people and then a million. That's not half the population. No, 1.5 million. What was your hypothetical? You start putting half the world in camp. So we stop global warming, we stop everything
Starting point is 01:54:46 and we all can have a good time. Because that's logical. Should we do that? It doesn't save anything. It saves you personally. It's selfish. It's selfish. I wouldn't do it. I take it back. He doesn't understand.
Starting point is 01:55:04 We say we have an overpopulation issue. What's the solution to that? Killing people against their will, right? And then how does that save? That's logical, technically, but it's wrong. So you'd have to say like overpopulation. But Joey loves logic. You'll say overpopulation.
Starting point is 01:55:18 Not feeling. Doesn't your feeling tell you that's wrong? Don't do that. Overpopulation would have to kill like X amount. You'd have to give me that. And then I could make... But you would have no feeling come into play for that one. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:55:28 It'd be a tragic... If there was a button where it's like, hey, you hit this button, 150 million people die. But it will save 200 million. In the future that haven't even been born yet? Sure. So then I would have like a really difficult decision. No, you wouldn't. You wouldn't press a button to kill half the world.
Starting point is 01:55:49 If it saves humanity from being eradicated. Sure. Yeah, that's a better hypothetical. And you know what? It's an Ozymandias and thank you John for understanding, you know, false arguments. Joey's trying to get me back on his side. I love Ozymandias. I just... I love Ozymandias. I love Ozymandias.
Starting point is 01:56:08 That poem we all got forced to read when I was a junior high. Oh, it's a poem. I thought it was a Breaking Bad episode. It's in the air. I don't know what you want out of me. You were here, I guess, and you don't want the vaccine. This whole idea now that it's like,
Starting point is 01:56:23 I'm personally killing somebody is like, I just feel like it's nonsense. It's not the same as shooting somebody in the head, but you definitely have to be responsible for the consequences of your actions, for sure. Wow. Who is this guy? Who's this genius on your podcast?
Starting point is 01:56:36 You're not doing that now. Nothing's changed. You're not being responsible. Who's your genius on the podcast? This is flavor of the week politics. Was that Lex Friedman? Yeah, that was Lex Friedman. ...to conspiracy theorists that don't want a vaccine.
Starting point is 01:56:54 I'm supposed to give a shit? Why am I supposed to give a shit? Why am I supposed to hold up my life anymore because some person is a conspiracy theorist and doesn't want a vaccine? Okay, more power to you. I respect that. Why were you asking about AI stuff?
Starting point is 01:57:07 I don't think that I should still be harassed with this shit if I went and did it. I don't understand why I'm supposed to care about somebody that's unvaccinated hanging out. It's a private business. They can make their own rules. It went from caring about the person, you lost that, so you go, oh, let me talk about my private business. You lost, lost, lost. Gay, gay, gay.
Starting point is 01:57:30 I'm going to go pee, and you guys run the show. Oh, perfect. No, yeah, this is good. Run the stage, Joe. I can attack Devin without any defense. So what I just said very simply was like, hey, it's a private business, which is what I was echoing. I've been so consistent.
Starting point is 01:57:45 There's going to be a lot of dumb political idiots out there that go into the comments and they go like, Joey, how dare he was a cuck like he believed in the virus? At no point did I ever believe in the virus. I thought it was... I knew it was a virus. I was aware that it's a virus.
Starting point is 01:58:02 But the entire time, I thought this was a heavy overreaction to what is just essentially a slightly more deadly version of the current viruses that we face all the time. Then why are you so pro like this kind of like these mandatory, you know, these vaccine mandates where it's like you had to force and go and see and you had to show a vaccine card to get into a business and it and you had to show a vaccine card to get into a business and it wasn't up to the private business it was up to like usually like the city
Starting point is 01:58:28 or the county or so again i was fully against any kind of government mandate and oh so you're saying like this is like it would be like an nap violation libertarian you'd be more pro it if it was like a libertarian like each business had its decision to make. Which is what. So, yeah, the city coming in and giving sanctions and pretending like they had authority over private businesses. That fucking drove me nuts. Yeah. And so and that's why I was saying, you know, if the city did that, you should have fought it in court because it's fucking bullshit. Yeah. But, you know, these people are already their businesses are already suffering.
Starting point is 01:59:04 And like, imagine how like imagine how much more they would suffer if they had to hire a fucking constitutional lawyer to go to the fucking Supreme Court or something. And they could have banded together for like a class action. Yeah, you could have made like, yeah, you could have done a class action. But the ACLU is not going to help them. You know what I mean? Like these companies,
Starting point is 01:59:19 like, you know, these. There are a lot of conservative lawyers that would have been happy to help. But my point is, I've ever, from the beginning of this i've been against government mandates and it's easy to hear the argument and then try to put it into a slot or a box where it's like oh this semi aligns with the point that they're making on cnn so now i'm just going to lump it in with that yeah but if you take a little bit of a deeper look, the entire fucking thing, it was an ODD freedom thing where I'm basically saying everybody should be allowed to do what they want to do.
Starting point is 01:59:50 I've always been against every single government. I think, Devin, Devin, you might be... Except in that clip. You don't care what people say. Chug them. I think, Devin, like Joey's saying in like a hypothetical... Joey was saying it should be up to the private business to decide whether they want to let someone in or out as opposed to like a vaccine mandate.
Starting point is 02:00:07 But I think you guys like spinning in circles and arguing in retarded ways. But it's good. I mean, if you should be up to it, I mean, I mean, in my opinion, this made the episode. Why don't you shut the fuck up? No, no, no, no, no. Mediating piece of shit. No, no, no. What I'm what I'm what I'm what's fucking bothering me this whole time.
Starting point is 02:00:24 Do you see what a cocky is, the way you stepped out for one fucking second so easily shut the fuck up i wouldn't be question this is the fucking question your brain is your filthy gay otter there's a uh fucking question this is the fucking question your brain is your filthy gay otter there's a uh filthy gay on what i'm what i'm trying to what i'm trying to figure out though is you obviously can as a private business even in like libertarian world where everything's up to you know anybody which we're never going to reach but the thing is is like this is a like vaccinated non-vaccine people it's such a polarizing group now like it is essentially we're now trying to enforce a brand new protected class out of nowhere imagine if like african-americans sprang from the ground
Starting point is 02:01:08 you know what i mean that's the question i think that we're all having right now is like how do we no i'm saying like i just i just said yeah humbling in like a pre-packaged way cruise control and then i was like wait what african-americans spring from the ground no no imagine imagine imagine like all of a sudden you have a new class of people in the United States out of nowhere in a year. All of a sudden, half the huge chunk of people in the United States can now be considered a protected class.
Starting point is 02:01:34 I don't think that's ever happened before. So it's like, obviously, it should be up to private businesses what they want to do inside their business, but the thing is should it be up to private businesses? If they can't deny service to certain ethnicities, certain religious groups,
Starting point is 02:01:48 then what are we going to do when a brand new protective class comes out of nowhere and all of a sudden they have to make a decision to, oh, they can't. It wouldn't be right. If they were all of a sudden
Starting point is 02:01:56 to say, no, we can't let vaccinated or unvaccinated people in this business because it's a brand new protected class. That's actually a good point. So John was a cuck
Starting point is 02:02:03 and he instantly flipped as soon as he walked out. Fucking losers. God, you guys can't talk. Keep going. We've been carrying the whole episode. Real quick, let me just get this out. What? Maybe it wasn't mandated, but it was zeitgeist mandated.
Starting point is 02:02:20 It was culturally mandated. You were an evil person if you didn't do this. And that was bullshit, and I didn't understand why Joey was defending that. It's not a private business decision. It's not like no flip-flops, no shirts, no servers. It's not some basic fucking thing.
Starting point is 02:02:38 It's turning down people based on whether they shot their arm up with a fucking experimental vaccine. Look how fast you got it back. He's such a fucking experimental vaccine. Whether their DNA is different now, yeah. Look how fast you got it back. He's such a fucking malleable... I have my own fucking opinions, Kosh. You know what? I can fucking think. He's got no back bone.
Starting point is 02:02:53 John should be called the bisexual juror. I'll go both ways. Who knows what I believe. I'm flip-flopping over here. I think he's a murderer. Naturally. I can comprehend fucking concepts like, you know, concepts better than either of you,
Starting point is 02:03:08 and it's like watching two fucking... Yeah, keep going. 1.7 GPA. Very broad definition of reasonable down. 1.8 GPA, cocksucker. Well, too bad none of that gets used in your life. In the pedophile ward of the dorms, because he's such a simpleton from his GPA.
Starting point is 02:03:24 The pedophile ward. Did you say the pedophile ward? the dorms because he's such a simpleton from his GPA. The pedophile ward. Did you say the pedophile ward? Yeah, I saw this story. It's a burn victim ward, the pedophile ward. They're going to put him with the other pedophiles with 1.7s. That's cancer, that's burn, and that's
Starting point is 02:03:39 the pedophiles over there. But last point on this that we can get off this is human beings should have the freedom to be sheep if they want to be sheep. And that's it. I would rather they
Starting point is 02:03:53 don't make that decision. But if you want to be a dirty little sheep cuck, then do it. But so last point, I guess let's go to Goof Thread. I feel like we kind of hammered it. Let's move on to Goof Thread and then we'll like, then we should, I mean we have a lot more we didn't get to feel like we kind of move on to goof thread and then we'll like,
Starting point is 02:04:05 then we should, I mean, we have a lot more we didn't get to, but we should go to goof thread and then we'll get out of here. Cause like, yeah, we've done two hours and we still have to do a Patreon. Do we have a video? No, we have no video of goof thread. Oh no, we do. We do. We do.
Starting point is 02:04:19 Actually I got to it. Okay, here we go. Oh, do you want to explain Joey? How about you explain because so we uh goof threat was an episode we did um that we put out on patreon because we did a public episode at this time and it was a it was good and then at the end we called a famous law office in, I won't tell you. Maybe one day you'll get the full thing. But we called a famous law office. Joey gets in an argument with the lady on the phone,
Starting point is 02:04:55 and he keeps being like, send me to the big man. Like, send me to the lawyer. The famous lawyer. So what it was at the time, we just started talking about Brian Koberger, and we were saying he's obviously innocent, which he is. Now it's kind of similar to the fucking... It's the COVID vaccine.
Starting point is 02:05:14 It's like people are starting to realize how right we are about Koberger. He's a scared little puppy dog, and the whole world's framing him. When the news first came out about Koberger, a lot of people thought he was guilty. A lot of people thought he was guilty. A lot of people thought he did it. A lot of people thought he was guilty, but now you walk around,
Starting point is 02:05:28 you go to places, and everyone's like, man, we gotta free this guy. And you're like, oh, your only evidence is this DNA. DNA is such bullshit, by the way. His DNA's fucking retarded. His DNA.
Starting point is 02:05:40 Oh, your finger prints were found at the scene of the crime. Oh, were they, bitch? Some fucking nerd. If that's so true, why don't you explain to me what DNA is? That's so true. How about you fucking sit down and you tell me, oh, you know
Starting point is 02:05:58 what DNA is? Retard. It's the guy that you gave a swirly to in high school and now he's blind. I got a microscope now. retard. It's the guy that you gave a swirly to in high school. And now he's blind. I got a microscope now. Mr. Prosecutor pushing your glasses up.
Starting point is 02:06:13 Nerd. Actually, we're prosecuting you. We have DNA evidence. Oh, hooey. That's what I say. Hooey. Enough of that rhubarb. Enough of that bullshit. And then he sees... That's what I say. Hooey. Yeah, right. Enough of that rhubarb. Enough of that bullshit. Sure, guys.
Starting point is 02:06:26 And then he sees... Horse manure. And now he's looking at Koberger, who's the fucking prom king. And he's... Trying to take down a prom king. Koberger was like the most popular kid at his school, okay? Yeah. Let's be honest about that.
Starting point is 02:06:40 Take one look at him. You look at that guy, you go, wow, jock. Like, fucking just strapped. Tall drink of water. Radiating charisma. Yep. Yeah. Super, you go, wow, jock. Just strapped. Radiating charisma. Beautiful gaze. Compassionate eyes. Very compassionate. There's a fucking reason why he's getting
Starting point is 02:06:54 10,000 love letters in the mail. There's a fucking reason for that, folks. God damn you. Yeah. But so... So we decided to call Like one of the best Most infamous defense attorneys He's represented like a lot of famous
Starting point is 02:07:11 Can't say who Devin thinks we're going to get sued by him If we say the name It's Johnny Cock I care about your freedom retard You committed a federal crime In public On a publicly broadcasted show.
Starting point is 02:07:25 It was very funny. It was hilarious. He still gives me shit about not uploading. I'm like, Joey, I'd like to keep seeing you. Yeah. That's a federal crime. And I know it's an off chance that anything happens, but it's still. I'll tell you what.
Starting point is 02:07:37 Yeah, it's a federal crime. He can't make bomb threats. He made a bomb threat to a famous law office. What about the whole it was a joke coverage settled you know what i mean so i don't want to do another argument no i don't want to do another argument about this stuff but yes i might bleep i might bleep it out to the best of my abilities and release it and then if anything happens i could just like deem it like it was parody it was fake but it's it's it was real but yeah so right before But yeah, so right before this. They did do it. Right before this started being recorded,
Starting point is 02:08:05 we called like a Johnny Cochran level infamous law firm, got a secretary. It's such a big law firm now. They're famous now. It's like Cochran level. So they have 24-7 secretaries. Sweet lady answers the phone and she's like, okay, hi, this is X law firm.
Starting point is 02:08:23 Like what, you know, how can I help? And I said, well, our friend Brian Koberger has been wrongfully accused of a crime. And we need your big lawyer, the most famous lawyer in the world, to get him out of this. And she was, she was like, well. She was difficult. Well, no, she was like, well, he's not in the office right now because it was 9 p.m. PST or whatever. It was late.
Starting point is 02:08:48 And so she tried to hang up on me and be like, well, just call back during business hours. And then I said, no, no, no. Whoa. Our friend is behind bars. Yeah. GoBurger. Our friend, Brian GoBurger. He's behind bars. I said, he's cold right now.
Starting point is 02:09:07 He has such OGG. We've got upset at her for not believing in your face. You're lying. That's insane. He doesn't have a blanket. He can't see his family. And then she goes. And then so lawyers have a thing where it's like doctors.
Starting point is 02:09:26 If it's an emergency, you could patch it right into their personal phone. Right. So she goes, well, is this one of those? Is this like an emergency? Do you need to talk to him right now? And I said, yes, of course. And so she did it. And the phone started ringing, and he didn't answer.
Starting point is 02:09:46 He was just like, what? It was late. Why would he answer? So then it goes back to her, and I start, like, I go, what's he doing? You go, what's he so busy with? And she goes, like, sir, like this and that. And then she calls you a loser. Before that happened, so this is a hint.
Starting point is 02:10:03 I think we explained it in this clip. We could just play it. So the guy this is a hint. I think we explained it in this clip. We could just play it. So the guy dresses like a cowboy. And so in the prank call, I said, what's he doing? What is this fake cowboy doing? Fly fishing? Brian Kober. He's executed.
Starting point is 02:10:19 Yeah. And then so, yeah, play there. You're asking for it. You want something to happen. You want some threats, Joey. Who do you want to call? No big deal. Tell her.
Starting point is 02:10:30 Okay. This is Joey. I'm a fucking retailer. I just realized, then after she said that, I said, there's a bomb in your house. Yes, that was the whole point. No, I didn't. I meant to say that. She gave you a little pushback, and you go, oh, really?
Starting point is 02:10:41 Well, there's a bomb in your office. Right, so now, like, yeah, everyone's... Kevin and John are freaking out because I said a bomb. This is the redo episode we did where we then berated Joey by like, dude, what the fuck? Like, that was hilarious, but what are we supposed to do? So then Joey calls a lawyer he knows, and then he calls another
Starting point is 02:10:57 his sister who's a lawyer and asks like, if he's okay. Calling, but ain't nothing happening. Are you sure, like, the audio's... Patreon.com slash hatewatchpodcast. This is where you can get this there. Even if it's, like...
Starting point is 02:11:14 This is bullshit. Is this even a real number? It's working on mine. No, that's mine. Why is it working on mine? All my lawyers... Much like your fucking... I'm protected by the First Amendment because of, like, parody law and stuff like that. Also tell them we're not allowed to prank call people
Starting point is 02:11:33 outside of California. No, yeah, so... Let her speak. So recording a prank phone call is illegal, but it's probably, like, a $500 fine or something. But Devin's concerned that he's going to get sued for his entire house about this. Because we don't have a teller.
Starting point is 02:11:49 We don't have an LLC. I think she knows. There's no LLC. Logan, do you have any insight? I mean, you said this on his podcast. For sure, you're going to be, you're exposed to liability.
Starting point is 02:12:06 Me? Yes, exactly. That's what I've been trying to say. For sure. Thank you. So I'm liable. I'm obnoxious. You hate yourself watching yourself?
Starting point is 02:12:17 Now that I've heard like three of my own arguments back to back, I'm like, how do you fucking deal with it? This ODD is obnoxious. Joey, if you weren't so charismatic, you would be dead by now. I'm running off with pure love. Joey, you would have been hog-tied and thrown in a shuttle. I love you guys. You're the most charismatic man on earth. Happy to hear you say that.
Starting point is 02:12:33 It's all pure love. But yeah, you really make me suicidal sometimes. Thank you for putting up with this. This is so funny. This is such a funny realization. Joey realized he has a problem. Yeah, this is like a... Good for you, buddy. Thank problem yeah this is it's like thank you guys
Starting point is 02:12:47 it's like immersion therapy this is hilarious you guys have been dealing with a lot oh my god Joey it's all the time I can record every night
Starting point is 02:12:55 we hang out to the point where you get drunk and if I showed you what you did that night you'd be like well when I get too drunk a lot of time
Starting point is 02:13:02 I just get tired but like this is a dangerous medium where I just start getting argumentative and annoying yeah you got more energy than you think pal yeah you got more yeah you're a little duracell battery sometimes that's what i'm white claws you know joey believe it or not i'd rather have this version of you than the other guy that you know you'd rather have somebody owning you logically the other guy that, you know. You'd rather have somebody owning you logically.
Starting point is 02:13:28 Very good. Even back to it, he goes, God, I hate myself. I'm wrong. And he goes, well, I'm right and you're wrong. Worst case scenario, could anyone ever be sued? Are there damages that could ever be imagined that would take a house
Starting point is 02:13:44 from a person on this? I would imagine there are no damages. Thank you. Thank you. By the way, what law does your sister practice? She does a lot of different kinds of stuff. She knows about this stuff. Did anything bad happen?
Starting point is 02:13:58 No, I just... He threatened violence against a famous lawyer. So... Did the lawyer... Was he harmed in any way because of that? He threatened violence against a famous lawyer. So, Devin's saying that there might be psychological harm. Like, I'm scared. That doesn't count. That doesn't count. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:14:16 I mean, okay, so it depends. Sometimes you can get some kind of damages. There might be per se defamation but it would be a very small amount. Also tell her that you named the podcast to them. I said the name of the podcast.
Starting point is 02:14:35 And if we post it publicly, it's already illegal. That's like committing a crime. You break in, you tie people up, you commit a horrific crime and then you go and you can find me at the Hate Watch Podcast! It's like when Jeremy Leonard takes his hockey mask off because you see my face.
Starting point is 02:14:54 Legal to call somebody. I think that settles it. Thank you. Ma'am. Ma'am. We have more questions. Wait. What can happen to Joey? Small fine. Joey, there's probably some to Joey? Small fine. Joey, there's probably some criminal liability.
Starting point is 02:15:08 Small fine. They said a minimum six months in prison. Now, yeah, John looked something up on the internet. He thinks everyone's a lawyer. He looked something up on Google. Logan, you probably know about these kinds of people. Let her speak. Honestly, John, he sounds like a reputable source, honestly. He's a good guy. I love him,
Starting point is 02:15:28 but he's going on the internet. Joey acts like getting some FBI just knocking on his door. What is she fucking hearing? How does that ever make sense? And it makes you question her legal abilities. I hate to say it, but that was not a good look for her
Starting point is 02:15:43 when she just said that. Yeah, your sister. Yeah. A bomb threat to a law office. One of the most famous law offices in America is like a no big deal. Tell her it's an extremely famous law office. Thank you so much. I'm going to hang up. Thank you
Starting point is 02:16:00 so much. No, no, I want more info. Nope. She said what she said. We're safe to post it. That's your own flesh and blood. She always sides against me, to be honest. We argue. Our good friend we met at the bar the other night, he just... I'm just thinking about right now, Matty Rat in the comments.
Starting point is 02:16:18 How gay is he going to get for Devin with no shirt on? Oh. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Who knows? He's going to be licking his chops. It's going to be the gayest message ever about your chest hair and your arms.
Starting point is 02:16:31 I'm into it. Matty Rat's hot. I love Matty Rat. I think he's one of the funniest commenters ever. He probably belongs in a facility or something. Yeah, he should be on Shutter Island. He's been a Pakistani friend. I don't know who that is. Who the fuck are you talking about?
Starting point is 02:16:50 Who does John call? This is going to be like your friend. Who do you call him? Don't say his name. Oh, right. It's going to be our friend. It's going to be like Richie or something. Yeah, it's going to be Richie. I thought going to be like Richie or something. Yeah, it's going to be Richie. I thought John was going to call Richie.
Starting point is 02:17:08 Can you hear this? Welcome. Legal advice. It's the name of this episode. I don't think he picks up. Back when those vapes were still legal. He still picks up. Yeah, man, what a time.
Starting point is 02:17:23 He's a reclusive man. Puffin man-thal. Oh, I guess we did drink before this episode. The one other episode we drank on. Gives you back. Pushback. Oh. Alright. There's a funny line.
Starting point is 02:17:37 John's lawyers don't even answer his calls. John's lawyers don't even answer his calls. She called a family member. She's a lawyer. For what? Go back to the 1A part. When do I start doing 1A? Go to the beginning.
Starting point is 02:17:50 People told me to go to 15 minutes, so I'm just going off of the people. I don't know. The thing I just said to Joey, I go, Joey, you called in a bomb threat to a massively famous legal company. Law office.
Starting point is 02:18:06 Law office. There's a fat Midwestern secretary. And Joey has his fingers like this. He goes, no. He's a defense man. He goes, I'm the only one liable. He goes, you don't understand bomb threats these days. Nobody will be.
Starting point is 02:18:18 Nothing will happen. Bomb threats are pretty simple. Bomb threats, no one gets in trouble for a bomb threat no no no so what what they didn't hear the listeners is that before we started this devin and john were both saying like oh we could get sued for everything i'm gonna give a play by play as to what happened just don't say the people person i'm gonna i'm gonna give a play by play as to what happened we call very famous everybody's suit go ahead We call very famous law... Why everybody's suit... Go ahead. We call very famous law office. You know what, Joey?
Starting point is 02:18:46 You really are. You might be the first person in America to fight for his... I thought it was that. You might be the first person in America to fight for his right to have a possible federal crime on his hands. Yeah, it's pretty wild.
Starting point is 02:18:56 I've never seen anything like this. You're actually... You're such a fucking... You're like a unicorn. Pro-freedom. Like, watching you fight us. Like, all John and I are doing is like, yeah, but we care about our friend, right? Unicorns care about freedomedom. Like, watching you, like, fight us. Like, all John and I are doing is like, yeah, but, like, we care about our friend, right?
Starting point is 02:19:06 Unicorns care about freedom. And Joey's like, you fucking assholes! Send me to prison, please! I want to die! Because I was willing to challenge them in Supreme Court, like I was my fucking point earlier. Jesus Christ. The court offers to pay a significant amount of money to represent Kohlberger. pay a significant amount of money to represent Kohlberger.
Starting point is 02:19:24 And they want to talk to a very famous, probably one of the most insane, insanely famous defense attorneys in the United States. It involves a huge... Because, well, it's not like Post-it that we gave out. First Amendment. We're not NRLC. They could take everything from me.
Starting point is 02:19:43 My name's on the show. Private citizens are protected by the First Amendment. It's satire. Joey, the First Amendment doesn't cover bomb threats. We already committed a... It doesn't cover bomb threats. The First Amendment does not cover bomb threats. If you make a bomb threat as a goof...
Starting point is 02:19:57 Okay, Joey, I'm playing devil's advocate. I'm playing devil's advocate. Joseph is correct. We have a long history of satire and goofing on this show. But we don't have a long history of satire and goofing Thank you But we don't have A long history Of making joke bombs We haven't done that
Starting point is 02:20:09 I'm literally I'm here to keep The peace between you God damn Flapjack If it wasn't for me You guys would Have a spine
Starting point is 02:20:16 If it wasn't for me You guys would be Taking pot shots At each other With a sniper rifle Fucking flip flop And piece of shit I'm capable
Starting point is 02:20:23 Of complex thought Unbelievable Capable of complex thought. Run away, Jerry. Unbelievable. Capable of complex thought. Unbelievable. Anyway, let's wrap this up. I'm going to look at things from different angles. Wait, wait.
Starting point is 02:20:30 There's like... You want more? There's like a minute left of this where it gets kind of funny. Prank phone calls are an established part of talk radio. It doesn't matter. It's illegal in the state of California to call somebody and record them. It's illegal to make a podcast.
Starting point is 02:20:42 Let alone a massively famous law office. What's the punishment? What's the punishment? 500 bucks or something? 500 bucks. A prank phone call. Take me to jail. I got a ducked up go. You're acting like I'm going to get a life sentence for a prank phone call. It's not
Starting point is 02:20:59 that. Financially crippled? Yeah, probably. What? Bomb threat legal. Financially crippled? What do you mean? It's like we called the people that do the thing we're afraid of. They're not going to. We weren't even pranking some regular guy.
Starting point is 02:21:15 We were pranking a law office. They're not going to go to court to hopefully win some insane trial for damages. Hey, our secretary is scared because somebody said there's a bomb in her house. You act like it's so silly. They're getting paid. My dumb secretary, oh, there's a bomb in my home. Okay, well,
Starting point is 02:21:36 no. Come on. It's a little scary. If you are considering making a bomb threat, do not. You will be caught and will spend a considerable portion of your life in prison. Where did you find this? If, on the other hand, you have been accused of making a bomb threat, you should seek immediate assistance of a qualified and experienced attorney
Starting point is 02:21:55 familiar with both state and federal law. Let's do it. Let's seek it. Let's call them. I'll say I've been making... By the way, I've been making bomb threats for like years now. Joey, do you know they have averages? Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 02:22:10 One day something's going to happen, bud. I don't think so. Joey, you're making silly Billy. Joey, you're not fucking catch me if you can. You get drunk and you make bomb threats. You're not Frank Abagnale Jr., okay? You're a drunk that makes insane threats over the phone to people. First of all, he's scared about getting sued.
Starting point is 02:22:29 That's slander. What if we all start suing each other? We can get in there. All right. Okay. All right, folks. Patreon.com slash hatewatchpodcast. That was our 100th episode.
Starting point is 02:22:46 I apologize. We just put the lowest effort possible in. That was great. That was fun. I don't know what you're talking about. No, we argued. I think it was good. It was a fun time.
Starting point is 02:22:55 We did that the best of our abilities, and now it's time to sell. 100 episodes, baby. Yay, we did it. It's a meaningless achievement. Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo. Yay, we did it. It's a meaningless achievement. Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, yahoo. Celebrate
Starting point is 02:23:12 gay times, come on. Four retards in a room, making fun of people, hoping they don't get sued. Yahoo, yeah. You got a drug addict who's taking time off. You got John who's fat and gay.
Starting point is 02:23:32 I got Joey who's a drunk criminal. You got me. I suck off truckers at the shops. Yeah. And that's who you're dealing with every week. You listen to the Hatewatch pod every Monday. And then whenever I release the Patreon, I don't tell the day. Because I don't like the responsibility, yeah, of owing you a specific day.
Starting point is 02:24:01 When we release the bonus episode, celebrate good times. Come on! Uh, uh, uh, hell, yeah, yeah. Tell your friends, tell your girlfriend, tell your wife, tell your auntie, tell your grandma, tell your family. Tell everyone you've ever met about the Hatewatch pod and then get excited when they come back to you and tell you, I don't want to talk to you again. I don't know what you recommended to me. That's the worst show I've ever heard. Don't come to Christmas. You're not invited to Christmas now.
Starting point is 02:24:35 You can't come to Thanksgiving. In fact, you can't come to my child's baptism. You can't come to my wedding. You can't come to anything anymore. Because I heard they watch pod. Come on. Yay, 100 episodes. I wedding. Can't come to anything anymore. Because I heard the A-Watch pod. Come on. Yay. 100 episodes. I love you guys. I love you all. I love you. I love you.
Starting point is 02:24:51 Cheers to 100 years. Yahoo. We're retards. Retards. This is meaningless. We know that we're being goofing. We're goofing.

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