Hate Watch with Devan Costa - Wipe It Up

Episode Date: July 24, 2023

We recap our meeting with the great Wheelchair Pat, find the identity of Cart Narc, a man is accused of being a cat pervert, break down classic video of Mark McGrath (Sugar Ray) yelling at a teenager,... Vincent Gallo fights critics Get weekly bonus episodes: https://www.patreon.com/HateWatchPodcast Support the show & get 50% off delicious Factor meals at https://factormeals.com/Hatewatch50 and use code Hatewatch50

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's good to be in something from the ground floor. I came too late for that. I know. But lately I'm getting the feeling that I came in at the end. The best is over. Many Americans, I think, feel that way. Repeat that, Joey.
Starting point is 00:00:17 So we had a time with this... Did we talk about this? We don't really talk about wheelchair pad. No, we talked about on the way there. Going on the way there. So we ended up hanging out with't really talk about wheelchair pads. No, we talked about on the way there. Going on the way there. So we ended up hanging out with this lovely fan, wheelchair pad. And we went to the Beverly Hills
Starting point is 00:00:31 Hotel with him. The polo room. And we got there and it's like packed full of very wealthy people eating dinner and wheelchair pads there with his sister. His sister and wheelchair Pat's there with his sister. His sister and his sister's
Starting point is 00:00:47 boyfriend or husband. His sister's husband or whatever who looked like the mayor of San Diego. He looked like the mayor of Ojai. Just the type of guy that looks like he's never put on shoes. It's always flip flops. He looks like he has two kids named Quicksilver and Billabong.
Starting point is 00:01:05 wheelchair Pat's there and he's wheelchair Pat's getting hammered. He looks like he has two kids named Quicksilver and Billabong. And wheelchair Pat's there, and wheelchair Pat's getting hammered. He's already fucked up. I was pretty fucking hammered too by the time I showed up. You were drinking your big gulp. He was hauling ass through the fucking restaurant, and his tubes
Starting point is 00:01:20 were smacking over drinks. Which is pretty sick to do that to the people of the beverly hills hotel and he's got like immunity because uh he was gonna kick out a guy in a wheelchair the people of the beverly hills hotel they need they need to deal with more breathing tubes hitting their drinks off their table yeah okay it's not a reality they understand and it's about time somebody fucking showed them. It humbles them and also it double humbled them because we had immunity second hand
Starting point is 00:01:47 because they couldn't kick us out because we're caring for a guy in a wheelchair. I felt like wheelchair Pat was like the waiters there were like catering to his every need and I was just waiting for one of them to start jerking him off or something. There was this head waiter there like he likes this specific cup and he was like likes the
Starting point is 00:02:03 and then he just starts going like and then he also likes this. He like this. He really like it when you. He really like this. He like being mute. He like when you put your hand on his pants and you jerk it back and forth. He like had the pinky up his ass. So I really, Wheelchair Pat was a fantastic person, but it was a very hilarious night because he had a Dre Beats thing.
Starting point is 00:02:27 He had a speaker. For a computer voice. For his computer voice to speak because he can't really speak. You can barely understand him. He talks like this. Yeah, yeah, but it's even harder. And he was fucked up.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Yeah, he just kept saying, I'm so fucked up. I'm so fucked up. It was really kind of disturbing because he meant he was drunk, but also he's physically fucked up. But I was also like, man, this is so, it's very meta.
Starting point is 00:02:48 He looked like a character from Seven. I was like, you are fucked up, wheelchair Pat. But so the first thing he says in this crowded dining room, I'm not kidding. There's like, you know, there's probably like, you know, fucking Bob Iger's family sitting next to us eating dinner. The room was packed with extremely rich looking older white people. And then there were like a handful of tables that were clearly young girls on vacation. And they were like, oh, let's go to the Beverly.
Starting point is 00:03:16 There was one family there. I swear to God, I'm not making this up. When you guys, I don't know if you guys are talking, you didn't hear this, but there was a son talking to his father. And I heard this. It was like he was probably like 12 years old i heard him go haha daddy that's exactly what warren buffett would say it was wow i want to blow my fucking brain wow yeah so it was that type of environment we were sitting at a table in the middle like the deranged rat pack like if the rat pack got like nails shot into their head yeah and uh wheelchair
Starting point is 00:03:43 pat the first thing that he says on his speaker as his sister and step brother or whatever, brother, brother-in-law are sitting down. He goes, my, my brother-in-law's gay as shit. He goes,
Starting point is 00:03:58 my brother-in-law is a gay retard. And then at one point he started having grabbed the, beats by dre thing he goes oh and devin's like hey how do we fucking turn this thing off and i'm and i i grab it away from down like you can't do that you can't mute him i wasn't trying to mute him fucking episode of black mirror you're gonna mute wheelchair bat i was i go i'm like, he can say what he wants to say. He's a grown man. He's a free person. Yes, but it was just insanely loud. It was way too loud.
Starting point is 00:04:29 It needed to be turned down a little bit. He maxed it out. So then every time he said something, because you refused to let it be turned down, it was like insane. It was making me laugh. At one point he goes, get off your phone, faggot. In the middle of the dining room. There was a great part where Joey was fucking with his chair.
Starting point is 00:04:46 And it was a little empty at that time, but the family was still there. And he just, over the speaker, he goes, suck my cock, faggot. I hijacked his chair. I was sitting right by where the controls of the chair were, so I would just be like, whoop. What are you going to do, Pat?
Starting point is 00:05:02 What are you going to do? And I'm kind of just toying with him. But he's such a great sport that we would say it was fun. He couldn't do anything. He's got the best sense of humor. He also couldn't do anything, so maybe it was inappropriate. He's got the best. Everyone could learn a thing or two from Wheelchair Pat.
Starting point is 00:05:15 He's got the greatest sense of humor for a guy in his position that I've ever met. I mean, he was making jokes to me, and I told him I wouldn't give him a push, and he better relax, or we'll throw him down a flight of stairs and shit. And he was like, he gets it. His arms and shoulders atrophied because he can't move. And so I said that I go, hey, Wheel Trip Pet, how do you steal Devin's arms and shoulders? It was very good.
Starting point is 00:05:44 He had the same wrists as Devin. I don't understand how. Yeah, all in all, it was a fun night. It was a little bizarre. Not even because of him. Mostly because the family there was just odd. I could tell they wanted him to just... They were just like, you guys handle him.
Starting point is 00:05:59 They kept doing smoke breaks and stuff. For a minute, I was like, are we going to end up taking this guy home? Is wheelchair pack going to move in with me? I want to take him out on the town. They wouldn't let us. It was bullshit. We wanted to take him to the Viper room. We had to get a van.
Starting point is 00:06:12 We had to get his van. You got to get all the stuff. That was a fun time. We also walked the entire room. I don't know if you guys noticed that. When we went into the room it was full and when we left we were the only ones in the room. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Yeah. That had to be because of us. Everyone left. Yeah, because of us. It was definitely because of us. Yeah, they were like, you know, these guys are obviously doing a make-a-wish. But yeah, fuck them. Fuck them if they can't fucking handle that.
Starting point is 00:06:38 You guys don't like disabled people. Yeah. It was also hilarious how he chose the Beverly Hills Hotel. Like, he chose, like chose a really nice place. Fine dining, big shot place. And then his family, they tried to leave us with the bill. That was very funny. Oh, that was fucked.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Dude, they literally left us with their bill. That was crazy. We were paying for pats like champagne and everything. The bill was huge. And I was looking at them like, what the fuck? What do you think this is? We're not famous. We're just doing a nice thing. This isn't a make-a-wish. We're not famous. We're just doing a nice thing.
Starting point is 00:07:06 This isn't a make-a-wish. We're not Joe Rogan. This isn't Schwarzenegger walking through the fucking children's hospital. Okay, we're not paying for your drinks, you maniacs. I didn't assume that they were going to pay for ours, but there was a very funny moment at the end of the night where... We all tried to walk. No, Devin.
Starting point is 00:07:24 I tried to act like, all right, all tried to walk. No, Devin. I tried to act like, alright, so we were here. Thank you guys. Thank you for paying. No, Devin, you even literally said your parents are paying for this, right, Pat? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And Pat was already driving his wheelchair out of the fucking... He goes like this. He goes, no. No.
Starting point is 00:07:41 He already said it while he was spitting out. I don't think i could be a millionaire and i would still like get like i would get uh i get anxiety when it's a big group of people and i'm like who's paying for all this like one of those i'm like am i like i i people i go well he's had seven you'd be a larry david miller i go i'm not fucking paying for those four yeah you know when you have you ever gone out to to to dinner with a group of people and it's like there's eight to ten people and who you had to go because it's like an event and you had to be supportive or something and you order like a fucking caesar salad like when you when you really can't spend you order like a caesar salad maybe one drink right and then at
Starting point is 00:08:21 the end everyone goes we're just splitting it yeah we got bottles of wine it's fine yeah and you're like what this is you're a fucking you're a yuppie con man you're a wannabe fucking you're you're a wannabe middle class con man fuck you you really can't do that if if everybody in the group if they're not all like very successful professionals you simply just can't do it if somebody's struggling even a little bit, that's so rude, actually, to just assume that there's an even split. I remember my sister did that to me at fucking Little Dom's. Because it's a classy yuppie move where it's just like, hey, we're all adults. We're all taking care of stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Let's just split it. Let's not bicker over these small amounts. But if you're kind of broke, it can really fuck you. When I had literally no money, that happened a lot, especially with Jack and the Hollywood hot shots that I used to hang out with. Oh, yeah. And I'd be like, dude, this is fucking crazy. But you feel bad about saying anything because everyone just makes fun of you,
Starting point is 00:09:18 especially black people. Tables of turncracker. You can never have a stain on your shirt around black people this is everything's very like nervous jack better have died with like a million dollars by the way because he never paid for anything yeah he was such a cheapskate he better have been saving money he actually there was a lot i mean there was probably hundreds of times he paid for like all my drinks but that was because he needed me to be there with him because he was uncomfortable around about what he was having to like who he was having to hang out with so he would
Starting point is 00:09:48 like tell me to come with him and i'd be like all right but you know so he'd handle it but yeah there was a lot of times where also i was like he'd ask me to venmo him and shit and i'm like you're fucking you're writing on like five shows right now what now i would see times where he would literally just like take booze from the party he stole your he stole he stole your tito's vodka that time yeah on my birthday well he was on shows yeah no he was he was like on tv like a $20 bottle of vodka right yeah and he stole it but honestly he did it more for the for the love of the game it was more funny to him that he just kind of liked everyone waking up and being like angry at him and he just like laugh. He's a menace.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Well, he knew. I guess he knew he would never have to pay anyone back at some point. He also owes me hundreds of dollars from that bet. He lost the bet about Tekashi69. No, he's a pedophile? No, no. We were betting on the amount of time he would serve in jail. Like, none.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Right. So Jack was like, oh, no, dude. they hit him with Rico, he's gonna fucking... Rico's been watered down the past 20 years. I want to know what Jack thought. He watched the end of Goodfellas, probably for, like, the first time, and he was like, man, yeah, I'm an expert. I'm an expert on Rico cases. They thought he was gonna hit Tekashi69 with, like, a 1985 Rico charge. No, they were going to hit Tekashi69 with like a 1985 Rico charge. No, that's not going to happen. I sit around watching
Starting point is 00:11:07 Michael Friend's AZ videos all day, so I'm like, okay, Rico is bad, but the biggest way to get out of Rico is by cooperating with the authorities. I'm like, of course that's what he's going to do. He's going to snitch his ass off. And also, if you cooperate on a Rico, it goes from like 100 years
Starting point is 00:11:23 to like no years. If Sammy the Bull was sentenced to multiple life sentences, he cooperated. He's a free man. They let him off after a few years. He admitted to killing a lot of people. These dudes are on podcasts yelling at each other about who killed more people. Exactly. They served three years because they were all just being informant or whatever the fuck.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Whitey Bulger was an informant. Exactly. The guy was an informant. Exactly. It was like a mass murder. Yeah. And he was still going. He was hanging out in Santa Monica. He was drinking red wine. He was a fugitive.
Starting point is 00:11:53 He was a fugitive. But he let him. No, but for a while, he was fine. For a while, they refused to press charges. They wouldn't pursue a serious investigation because he's giving us enough information. He's better on the street as an informant. But then when he was in Santa Monica, he was a huge hit.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Which is such a crazy fact of whatever, the police system and the justice system, that they will at some point, if you're so powerful, they'll be like, all right, you can keep killing people, you can keep running drugs, you can keep gambling. You just gotta tell us about other people. Well, the other part of the Whitey Bulger thing was that the guy, his
Starting point is 00:12:33 contact in the FBI was his childhood friend who was corrupted, who was also doing life in jail. So it's not like, it was just like the FBI was collectively working with Whitey. Yeah, that was in that Black Mass movie. It's almost the Catch-22, though, because when you start ratting, right, like Whitey
Starting point is 00:12:51 Bolger was doing, it's like the cops own you so hard because if you fuck up a little bit, if you go to jail, you're getting killed, no matter what. And that's what they called Whitey. Dude, you know what they did to him? Did they smash his brains? They cut his tongue out and stabbed his eyeballs out and then beat him to death with a fucking lock and a sock. He was in a wheelchair.
Starting point is 00:13:09 They cut his tongue out because he's a rat. He was an 80-year-old man in a fucking wheelchair. I love how performative the deaths get within mafia culture. They're like the toughest guys ever, but they're still pretty gay. They're still into theater. That's how you speak. They're like, alright, you pretend we're not suspicious.
Starting point is 00:13:29 We're going to take them out for a nice dinner. We're going to have a lot of memories. We're going to share thoughts and we're going to act tonight. It's a lot of acting. Everyone, they're like, we're going to take them out now. It's an improv kind of troupe.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Yeah. Yeah. Italians, just that whole Italians and Irish, they're so gay no matter how tough they are. Italian guys are the gayest guys alive. Like, they'll do, you know, in the old days, they'll be on the street like, you know, you owe me some fucking money. I'm going to fucking smash your fucking face in. You understand that?
Starting point is 00:14:04 Okay. I'll be back here tomorrow. I'm'm gonna fucking kill your whole fucking family and then they go to a street corner they're like like singing like girls you're getting they're super gay you're getting yes and it on the way to like a shallow grave yeah that's that fucking, God, what's that play? The Jersey Boys or whatever? Walk like a man. Talk like, I'm gonna beat your fucking face
Starting point is 00:14:30 in with a fucking brick. Listen, I'm gonna fucking make your face into hamburger, all right? Ooh, ooh. Big girls don't cry. Big girls, I'm not gay. They also kiss each other a lot.
Starting point is 00:14:45 You ever notice that? They love kissing each other. They're like, you're gay if you eat pussy. Now here, get me a big French kiss. Oh, fuck. Yeah. Oh, is this more Karnark? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:58 So anyway, folks, we're kind of pre-recording. It's a first for us. This is just a simple Monday. But I was supposed to go to New York yesterday, and I woke up, and JetBlue just canceled my flight. No reason. They said, we'll get back to you with an update. No updates for hours and hours and hours. So I'm like, am I leaving today?
Starting point is 00:15:20 Can I get a new flight? JetBlue is, I think, the most corrupt airline on the planet at this point they seem to be they're kind of like the blockbuster of airlines you're not even sure of any if they exist it's a no-show job it's a no-show job they're the equivalent of like if blockbuster had uh like they came out with a streaming app today and you go all right 1099 i get like more movies than netflix and you sign up for it and then it's just a blank page and you go, alright, $10.99, I get more movies than Netflix and you sign up for it and then it's just a blank page and you call them and they're like, we're fucking Blockbuster. We went out of business 20 years
Starting point is 00:15:50 ago. What are you talking about? And you can't get your money back. I don't want to critique you too much, but what they were doing by telling you, we'll get back to you with updates, is they wanted to keep you from going to the airport. If you went to the airport, you would have gotten on flight that day. No, I wouldn't have. You definitely would have gotten on flight that day no i wouldn't have
Starting point is 00:16:05 you definitely would have every if you were a total karen and started screaming and shit every jet blue flight was canceled what happened to the planes whether he's drowning the fucking happens all the time they stop with the planes they're lying they're lying they lied about weather they said it's weather i looked it up there's a million a million other airlines are flying to new york day. It was, it was, uh, they,
Starting point is 00:16:26 they're understaffed. There's nobody working for these places now. It's all volunteers. And it's like fucking, it's like going to a summer camp. It's like probably like a 16 year old that's flying the plane. I'm terrified of my flight tomorrow, but no,
Starting point is 00:16:38 it's literally, this happened. I got stranded in New York two years ago because of jet blue. And then a dude came out, a jaded guy came out and just told everybody, he's like, listen, we ain't doing nothing for y'all. Leave. I'm not kidding.
Starting point is 00:16:51 That's word for word what he said. We ain't doing nothing for y'all. He goes, so listen, and people were screaming at him like, yeah, yeah. He goes, do it a weather. And the guy was like, that's fucking bullshit. People were like trying to fight him. It was crazy. It was absolute chaos.
Starting point is 00:17:06 I love black people. They're an obviously family company, but I grew up. I thought JetBlue was a gold standard, bub. It used to be considered one of the best. When I was a kid, I flew on JetBlue like once or twice, and I thought it was the coolest airline ever. It was all blue. They had great TVs and the seats.
Starting point is 00:17:20 It felt like a better airline than everyone else I ever flew. It was, and it might still be. Maybe this was bad luck. No, they're failing rapidly. Oh, really? Well, because I got the ticket for JetBlue because I was like, man, okay, they're the only place offering a nonstop flight. I got a round trip for like $350. Every other place was like $600.
Starting point is 00:17:39 So I was like, fuck it. Well, it might be cheaper just because they have so many flights doing that route. Yeah, that is it. But I think they're also, it used to not be that cheap, I feel like. I think now, because they know you're just taking a gamble. JetBlue's crazy. They tell you, like, listen, you can't take anything on the plane. But then, when you get there, 70% of the time, nobody cares.
Starting point is 00:18:00 You can bring all your shit on the plane. What do you mean? They say no carry-on bags. Oh, sure, sure. No carry-on bags other than a small personal item. That's fucking insane. And so they make you, when you pay for it, That's spirit shit.
Starting point is 00:18:13 they try and get you to pay $35, and I'm like, well, last time I paid the $35 for both my flights, and every time I got on with my stuff, and people were like, everyone had bags. So I was like, okay, so it's fake. So I'm not going to pay for it this time. You should never pay for that. I never pay for that. But now I'm afraid they're going to stop me at the end. It's going to be all embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Well, if it's too big at the gate, they just check it for free. That's what I realized. Yeah, exactly. They don't check it for free. They charge you $65. At the gate? At the gate. Also, JetBlue, yesterday I couldn't get through to anybody. Couldn't get anything on the website. There were no flights for the next day, the day after. I couldn't get a single anybody. Couldn't get anything on the website. There was no flights for the next day, the day after. I couldn't get a single thing.
Starting point is 00:18:47 And finally it loaded and I was like, oh, there's another flight tomorrow I can take. $4,000 they were trying to charge me to change my own flight. That's a lot. What if my mom was dying out there and I needed to see her at that moment? Fucking scumbags. And this is the weirdest part, folks. And I am not fucking around here okay this is not a lie it's still it's still going on people literally thought this was fake i
Starting point is 00:19:11 think the first 10 times i went on their website to try and change my flight sounds of a horrific terrorist attack started playing on only on their website. I went to other websites. Nothing happened. But on my phone, horrific sounds like this. This happened 10 times in a row, folks. Check this out. That's not the best Customer experience
Starting point is 00:19:47 Apparently Fucking Muhammad Atta Is the CEO of JetBlue now I'm their new IT admin I'm just surfing Live week all day I also There is part of me though
Starting point is 00:19:55 And a lot Actually not part of me All of me Is kind of going like What did this otter do Yeah To make that happen I feel like you're playing
Starting point is 00:20:02 An Instagram video In the background Right Exactly It got to the point Where I exited Every single thing And I just kept And it kept doing it Otter do to make that happen. I feel like you were playing an Instagram video in the background. Right. Exactly. It got to the point where I exited every single thing and it kept doing it. If that were happening across any significant
Starting point is 00:20:13 amount of people visiting the website, it'd be a huge news story. I don't know. I don't think so. Of course it would. Really? A major airline's website is hacked with terrorist sounds? You nuts. Why was that happening?
Starting point is 00:20:28 I think it was probably a glitch on your phone. Whatever. It's still funny. It's still funny. It's funnier when you realize it's an otter making a mistake on his phone. Technical difficulties. Every page was closed. Every page was closed.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I can't wait for the comments. Maybe the comments will know, but I suspect Oh, they're all going to be like, it's an otter. They're going to say some shit about me. By the way, so we had Shua on, our lovely pedophile hunter on last week. Wonderful person. Funny guy. Love Shua. I miss you. The comments were rolling in
Starting point is 00:21:02 this morning, and it's funny how there were people that loved him, and then the last hour, and then the last 20 minutes, people are like, people are really angry at him just because he said Chris D'Elia's funny. I knew. Right when he said it, I'm like, ooh, buddy. I was like, man, you do not.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Have you seen what we do here? You're also, people love you because you hunt pedophiles, and D'Elia's accused of being sort of a pedophile. Oh, I didn't even put that connection together. And now, so it's like you're a hypocrite, and also you have bad taste in comedy, but it's just like kind of, if you know Shu like I know him now, he's like my, I consider him my best friend.
Starting point is 00:21:38 It's sort of just like one of those lovable things where it's like I love Con Air or whatever. D'Elia's his air it was it was a very it was adorable because later that night he was he was dead set on showing us chris d'alia clips on podcasts where he's funny so bad idea so we wound up back at joey's at like 2 3 a.m and he's going through compilations chris d'alia's best moments and joey and i are sitting there stone faced just like it felt like watching paint dry we were like what is the joke what's funny about this and he he was like man maybe i was just young i don't know
Starting point is 00:22:11 uh he does have that generational gap though where he's like three years younger than us and those are the guys who chris talia you know it's not enough of a gap there's still shit shu kept not knowing stuff like Woodward and Bernstein. I didn't know who that was. That's bad. What? Really? I know, which is crazy, because it's the Watergate.
Starting point is 00:22:32 But you know that. Shu also graduated college and was an engineer, and he worked on nukes and shit. Yeah, that's pretty crazy. So Shu thinks Watergate's an alkaline company. He didn't know any reference. That was the big problem. No, I think he was leaning into like, hey, listen. I think he was just trying to be like,
Starting point is 00:22:50 he was also doing this really funny thing at the end of the night where he'd have like the worst opinion of all time. And I could tell it was sincere. And then later on, he would pretend he was just being an agent of chaos. And he's like, that's what he was like. That's what I do. He's like, that's just what I like to do. He was like, I was trolling you.
Starting point is 00:23:05 And we're like, oh, so you don't think Chris D'Elia is funny. He's like, no, I do. He's like, no, I do. He's like, that's just what I like to do. He was like, I was trolling you. I was trolling you. And we're like, oh, so you don't think Chris D'Elia is funny. He's like, no, I do. He's like, no, I do. And we're like, well, I'm unsure of this agent of chaos thing. He is an agent of chaos, though. He's a hilarious person. I mean, look at him in that fucking suit. It's unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:23:19 He's crazy in that suit. He's a hilarious person. I love you. He kept trying to get us to go do a podcast with the pedophile the next day, but none of us could do it. And it was just, we'll have to fly out to Salt Lake at some point. Or actually, why don't we just rent a car and drive to Salt Lake and do a podcast on the go with him or something.
Starting point is 00:23:36 I mean, we could do it all the way to fucking South Dakota. We should do a stakeout podcast where we get there like an hour or two before the pedo comes and we record before. We just watch. We watch Shu. We watch. Wait for the pedo. And then we can move the camera to the window because I'm not trying to get in shot or anything.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Nah. So we just watch. We watch Shu put himself in harm's way. Yeah. Yeah. That could be good. I think that could be good. So yeah, I found.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Somebody sent me this. I found who Cartnark is So, yeah, I found, somebody sent me this. I found who Cartnark is. Okay. This is what Cartnark looks like to the listeners, I'm sure. We've talked about Cartnark publicly, right? It's not just a Patreon thing, I believe. Yeah, yeah, for sure. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:18 I think we've done one Cartnark publicly. So this is who this maniac is. And he's, like, jacked, which kind of makes it even more annoying what do you think he looks like joey i've seen this somebody sent this to me too i am a sebastian davis 42 years old my title is chief i like how the music playing it's like it's like he's uh he's on like chef's table or something like he runs a rib shack in austin's old my title is we politely and gently urge people to return their carts to he's not jacked i don't know what you're getting in the middle of spots he's just bigger than i thought big dude yeah arcs has been sort of a hobby slash interest that has kind of blossomed into what could be
Starting point is 00:25:01 i love his bulletproof vest your cart blocking the spot behind you. When the cart returned, it's right there. She's getting a big old magnet for that one. Oh, dude. God, that's annoying. Throwing things onto his car. I hope one day he gets... God, that's annoying.
Starting point is 00:25:15 He has to use that bulletproof vest. Oh, God. I would love to see that thing get tested. Yeah. I know that level of body armor doesn't protect against a 5.56. Shoot him right in the knee. That too. His big knee.
Starting point is 00:25:31 How come people act like the head doesn't have a thing on it? I hope somebody shoots him in the head. Just kidding. Setting my friends up to say stuff like that. We do comedy. I looked at Joey like, Joey, and go. Say you want to shoot a guy in the head.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Should we do any Carton Arc stuff or should we watch some other stuff? I mean, let's see what else we got going on. All right. So we... There's some hysterical women. Well, there was a crazy video I saw where it's some guy being accused of being a... He's accused of filming this couple's cat, and the couple thinks he's a cat.
Starting point is 00:26:14 They call him a cat pervert. Okay. So he's filming a cat, and they think he's sexually attracted. And they come out, like, angry at him. And it turns into a big thing. Okay. Weird cat pervert.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Check this out. You're keeping it in your yard and it's our cat. You understand? Our cat. I'm not even in my yard. What am I doing? The gate's open. It's a cat audit.
Starting point is 00:26:36 It's a cat audit. A cat audit. Yeah, he's auditing cats now. This is what... It's a failing country. At this point, it's like people will a failing country, you know? Yeah. At this point, it's like people will do anything. They're auditing dogs, you know?
Starting point is 00:26:48 They're like, the dog, it's not, it's a little hot. The dog's a little hot today. You're abusing it. Do you think that guy actually gives a shit, the dude with the gray shirt? Or do you think he's just doing that thing where you have to stick up for your wife when she's angry? He might just be, no, but he gets really into it. He also looks like Eric Stoltz, so he might just be angry his career's on the out.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Reasonable people, you're holding our cat. How? I'm not even in there. I want you to explain how. If you would go in your yard and say, Mercury, go home. Don't come in our yard anymore. They want you to... She's a cat. She doesn't speak English. Oh, really? This...
Starting point is 00:27:23 He goes, oh, really? He goes, well, I've got something to tell you, Bob. Does it mean go home? No. Since when does a cat listen to that? Cats don't listen, actually. Cats don't listen to you moving your hands. Cats literally don't care about a single thing
Starting point is 00:27:38 anyone is saying to them. No. I'm so sick of cat owners acting like a cat. They only respect strength. They don't give a shit about you at all. They're using you. They need a cultural punishment. They're sluts.
Starting point is 00:27:49 They're the neighborhood slut. Yeah, they are. They go around town getting food from anybody. They have face blindness. They don't know who you are. They'll get pet by anybody. They don't give a shit about you.
Starting point is 00:28:00 The minute you die, they'll be eating your eyeballs. They'll be making shakshuka out of your eyes. They don't give a fuck about any of these people. Cats are psychopaths. Cats are mini psychopaths that are cute and purr.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Yeah, it's a bunch of Ted Bundys. Hand signals don't mean anything. It's a cat, dude. Really? Okay. Alright. By the way, where do you think these people are? Midwest. Midwest? Yeah, the guy was like, you can hear it in his voice. No, no, he did a hard Midwest.
Starting point is 00:28:26 That does not look like a Midwestern yard. It doesn't seem like a Midwest yard. The palm tree, the fern thing in the back. Maybe like Arizona. Maybe Arizona or... New Mexico kind of place. Could be like a Huntington Beach. Sure, could be.
Starting point is 00:28:39 They seem like they go out every night and they yell at people that wear masks. He said yard with a hard A. He was a yard yard so we're ready to pronounce it but that doesn't look like the midwest no no i don't think this is the midwest i think he's figuring it out absolutely great idea no so the cat doesn't eat and drink anything over there right no oh no never right no never no look at his catatonic wife look at that lady she looks like she she has like a like vietnam war memories like ptsd like like when she's like cooking bacon she's that little naked girl running away from the exploding village the oil the oil starts popping and she acts like she's in like jar head no never never yeah never yeah you cat pervert
Starting point is 00:29:23 that's actually dope that's a good line that's dope cat pervert's a great line to pullvert that's actually dope that's a good line that's dope cat pervert's a great line to pull out that's sick right I mean that's pretty good that's good
Starting point is 00:29:30 he's good I've done nothing to bring the cat I've done nothing to bring the cat cat pervert he's lost he's doing like
Starting point is 00:29:39 sixth grade level bullying strategies where if you just start yelling like a name at somebody loud enough. Yeah. Now they're going to be known as a cat pervert.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Yeah. He thinks it's going to work. No, he acts like he's got the senior lawn behind him. Yeah, you're a cat pervert. He's lost it. He's lost it. He's lost it. By the way, guys, I want everyone out there that owns a cat. It It's our cat. He's lost it. He's lost it. By the way, guys, I want everyone out there that owns a cat, it ain't your cat.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Unless you trap it inside like a prison. Unless you keep that cat in your little fulsome prison inside your house and you go, he's a domesticated cat. It doesn't care. It would be in anyone's home. It doesn't give a shit. They're psychopaths. it doesn't give a shit. They're psychopaths.
Starting point is 00:30:25 I've never owned a cat and I've hung out with a couple of cats that my friends have that I start to think like, oh, you know, it's kind of, it's kind of like a dog. I start to say
Starting point is 00:30:33 about the nice ones because you could almost play fetch with some of them and stuff like that. But I don't have enough experience to. They're trapped there. We domesticated dogs.
Starting point is 00:30:41 We never domesticated cats. Cats just moved in and started like demanding yeah and they just got lazier and lazier yeah they're just lazy and then there's a lot of these people out there they think their cat loves them but they're just feeding their cat too much and they're they're making their cat disabled anything that wakes you up in the middle of the night by fucking smacking you in the face i i that's like my line with animals and i i at one point i had an ex-girlfriend that had a cat and we lived together
Starting point is 00:31:05 and at one point it did that happened to me and i swear to god there was like a half second window where i was literally a chimpanzee when it happened and i picked the cat up and i threw it across the room and while the cat was mid-air i realized what i had done thank god it can land on its fucking feet. That's the best thing about cats. They're really unkillable. No, you could throw them around. But yeah, I was like, I could have just easily thrown that cat into the fucking brick wall. Did the girlfriend see this?
Starting point is 00:31:32 No. I woke up the next morning and was like, hey, babe, I threw the cat. Why would you confess? Why'd you confess to it? Because it's like, I don't know if they had a fucked up tail or something. I don't know. That's why you shouldn't confess. True.
Starting point is 00:31:44 I'm just a transparent guy, you know? Yeah, you hate holding on to lies. Yeah. I get it. But no, fuck cats. All these cat owners, that's why they always go, don't let it outside. Want to know why? Because it'll run away from you because it doesn't give a fuck about you.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Yeah, it'll be fine out in the wild. It'll be, no, I mean, it'll die probably. If there's no coyotes around, that thing's fine. No coyotes, no hawks, it's fine. It's just going to eat wild. It'll be, no, I mean, it'll die probably. If there's no coyotes around, that thing's fine. No coyotes, no hawks, it's fine. It's just going to eat mice, the thing will live. Dude, there's like cats that live in the fucking garage at Union Station. They just, they're fine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:12 A moderately healthy cat is very good at surviving. Yeah, that's true. I just fucking, I just, I can't stand them. I can't, I'm allergic to them. They're just, they look, they just, they're evil. They're pure evil to me. They look evil and sinister. they're evil. They're pure evil to me. They look evil and sinister. They look evil.
Starting point is 00:32:27 They suck your soul from you. You know, they fucking, they look at Christopher's fucking picture at the bank. It's the abstract shapes. Mm-hmm. Oh, no. What type of name is Walden anyway? Come on, let's have. On my property.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Okay, that's why you're horny. Because you're harboring our cat. Harboring a cat. Harboring a cat. What a a cat this guy's a comedian you're harboring a cat what's something else I'm a cat pervert what crime is that what crime is that
Starting point is 00:32:56 what crime is that what crime is that so is this guy keeping that dude's cat in his house and the guy's pissed off about it? I don't understand the issue. It seems like the cat keeps escaping and the neighbor's not doing a good enough job at returning the cat or something.
Starting point is 00:33:12 And so now the neighbor is now accusing, he's accusing the guy of fucking his cat. He's saying, well, my cat's obviously got something. You guys have some sort of thing together. What a crazy... It's crazy how dumb you get when you get older. Maybe this guy was like an engineer, like a smart guy,
Starting point is 00:33:32 had respect. No, this guy's been dumb his entire life. You sure? I don't know. I'm very sure. I think a lot of people, they go to a couple fish concerts and they break their brain. Oh, yeah. If he gained dementia or something from drug abuse, then maybe, but no,
Starting point is 00:33:46 this is not like a common thing from aging. You don't get this dumb. He's been accusing people of being cat perverts for a while now. Or something equally idiotic. He's been a dumb idiot for a very long time. Yeah, yeah. I love pet owners that have unrealistic demands,
Starting point is 00:34:04 you know, like crazy people with pets. Like I've always wanted to be the guy in my neighborhood where instead of yelling at people to pick up after their dog, when they take a shit, I see their dog pee and I go, you better wipe it up. I go, wipe it up.
Starting point is 00:34:18 I blow a whistle. You're like Cartnard. Yeah. I go, wipe it. And I want to see them get on their, on all fours. And they try and wipe up piss from grass. Not even on the sidewalk.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Like, oh, do we have to wipe now? I don't know. They go, is that a thing? I go, you know, this neighborhood has turned to shit because you people are not wiping up after your dogs. I love that. Wiping up after your dogs. Wipe up!
Starting point is 00:34:45 You're an animal. I can understand being angry if myiping up after your dog. Wipe up! You're an animal. I can understand being angry if my cat was in your yard. You're angry because your cat is in my yard. You're making things a lot worse. You could just send my cat home. No, I can't. Just send my cat home. I would just say next time it's in my yard, I'm going to light it on fire. I'm going to pour gasoline on your cat.
Starting point is 00:35:05 I'm calling the pound. Yeah. If you have a cat that's like a neighborhood slut, like just, you know, be prepared for it to have a couple M80s shoved up its ass by the local teenagers in town and, you know. It is crazy baby boomers used to do that. I know. Like that's insane. Dude, I know a guy in high school, they were like bragging about getting hammered that
Starting point is 00:35:23 weekend. There was a Timmy that drove into a cat and it exploded. I was like, oh my God. That's funny. I hate cats, but not that much. I would never hurt any animal. That's serial killer. There was a guy.
Starting point is 00:35:37 My dad always told this story when he was a kid in the 60s. There was a retard in his neighborhood there. He called Catman Ray because he would literally just pick up cats by the tail and just swing them around his head and throw them in the 60s there was like a retard in his neighborhood there he called cat man ray because he would like literally just pick up cats by the tail and just swing them around his head and throw them in the yard he said his mom would just put a bull on his head shave his head just give him a was he in gummo was this like a deleted scene it was crazy very cold cat man ray yeah well it's because i think a lot of guys get off to those noises the cat make the cats make yeah it's like a japanese porn they kind of turn into a kazoo when you sweat when you when you when you when Well, it's because I think a lot of guys get off to those noises the cats make. Yeah, it's like a Japanese porno. They kind of turn into a kazoo when you disrupt them.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Sure. And there are people who love that sound. Yeah, exactly. Or harmonica. Bob Dylan should have just had a cat around his neck, and he just hits it occasionally, and it just goes like... So dumb. I know. I'm trying.
Starting point is 00:36:27 You ever hear a cat in the neighborhood fucking in a fight? It's disgusting. Oh my god. Jesus Christ. You have to pop its glands. What the fuck is that? I know. You have to shove a fucking ear cleaner up your cat's ass
Starting point is 00:36:42 once a year. It's fucking insane. I wouldn't do a single thing for my cat. I'd let it live off the land. I like feral cats. Cats that come to your backyard occasionally and you feed it milk and shit. You feel like an old guy in a movie where he's repenting for his sins
Starting point is 00:36:58 and he's finally getting in tune with humanity and he always gets a cat at the end. It's like a trope. There's always a trope of an old guy who nobody in his life has ever fucking liked him. He's in a wheelchair. But then all of a sudden the neighborhood cat starts coming around
Starting point is 00:37:13 and he starts giving it milk and he realizes oh, I guess I shouldn't have stabbed all those zipper heads. The old famous trope. The old famous racist cat pipeline. Thatpe The old famous racist to cat pipeline That's a thing That's a thing There's a whole lot of old guys out there
Starting point is 00:37:29 That they think they can repent for a lifetime of sin Just because they started feeding a cat It's also sinister though Because a lot of bad guys have cats The Bond guy He had a big cat And that's what Dr. Evil turned into Hairless cats
Starting point is 00:37:41 Anyone that enjoys a hairless cat They should be fried on the electric chair i think they're kind of cute i've seen a couple of cute hairless cats there's a couple of hairless and they've got like big fat bellies on them and well it's like it's like a dick it's like a dick with four legs just walking around that's all fucking time that's a really gay way to you know it looks like a cat it's all wrinkly and shit Looks like an uncircumcised penis. You like those cats because they look like dicks. No, I don't like them because they look, god damn it, Joey.
Starting point is 00:38:09 I really teed myself up for this. That was crazy. They look like fucking all wrinkly and shit. John likes them because they're easier to lube up. Shot of cats on my ass. Yeah, hell yeah. Hell yeah. Hell yeah, buddy. Because you got to get that gerbil out of there.
Starting point is 00:38:27 You know, the cat's the only thing that'll handle it. He goes to a doctor and he's like, Hey, get somebody. He's like, just get a cat. It's like the scene in jackass when he shoves the little toy car up his ass.
Starting point is 00:38:39 He goes to the doctor, he gets the x-rays. The doctor's like, there's a, there's a gerbil and a cat in your ass. Yeah. Yeah. That's great. All right. The doctor's like, there's a gerbil and a cat in your ass. That's great.
Starting point is 00:38:49 What's this? I gotta piss my nuts off. Let's see one of these hysterical... Oh, dude, this is the best. When Mark McGrath flips out on the team. Yeah, this was great. Does anyone remember this? Okay, for those young listeners out there... There was a guy named Mark McGrath. There was a guy named Sugar Ray.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Yeah. And Sugar Ray made some corny-ass music in the 90s. I kind of like him nostalgically. Some of it kind of slapped. Yeah, I mean, it does slap. It sucks, but it was like... I just want to fly. Yeah, yeah, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Fire's so high. And then somebody... His name's Sugar Ray. Stage him and then play it. You'll find out. This is the best video. One of the best TMZ videos of all time. This is a great video because it's like kind of one of the gayest men alive at the time a little bit but i guess at the time he was just seeing his music for like fucking retarded
Starting point is 00:39:34 surfers i guess yeah i guess but he's more for girls wasn't he because he was i don't know though because that's what k-rock 24 7 who was into Ray? I feel like there was a Sugar Ray Sublime Venn diagram. Really? Yeah. White reggae was huge back then. You had like fucking Slightly Stupid, fucking Sugar Ray, Sublime, which if you look at Sublime from a corny standpoint, because Sublime is like the corniest band of all time.
Starting point is 00:39:59 Like I sucked ass at playing guitar. I don't care. Any of you Sublime heads out there can suck me off. It's not a good band. Sublime's good. You're being a hack. I know a lot of people think it's like, you're a hack if you like Sublime.
Starting point is 00:40:13 You're doing the hack hack. You're hack hack. You're hack hack. Sublime made good music. Remember the fucking... If you die for your music... I'll give him points for dying of a heroin overdose.
Starting point is 00:40:28 But also, you like... That's always cool. You just don't like it because... I don't like white reggae. You just don't like it because every fish taco shop you walk into is playing Sublime. I mean, that plays into it, bro. But they play it because it's fucking good. And also, the people who like Sublime fucking suck. Like, I don't like the Grateful Dead because the people who like the Grateful
Starting point is 00:40:43 Dead fucking suck. You can never hold that against. At some point, we might be disgusted by every single person that likes us. It doesn't mean we suck, even though we do. That'll never happen. Listeners. That happens to everybody that gets anything. Everyone starts hating
Starting point is 00:41:00 it because of the people that like it. I make tweets and shit all the time, and then the first three people are clan members, and I'm like, oh, God. You know what I mean? I'm like, what have I done? Three people are clan members.
Starting point is 00:41:18 I'm kidding, but... It took like three seconds. You make like a random joke, and then the first two people are like, that's right, 1488. get extra meat on your chipotle ball like remember wisconsin brother so that's this is the classic thing it's a great people hate good things because ultimately they get too big, and then the fan base becomes really annoying.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Yeah, and also there is a special kind of like, I think there might be a special hatred for Sublime just because I'm from Southern California, and it's just so oversaturated. That's another thing you need to take into account. But I love Blink-182, and they're San Diego boys. And they have a big... The beach was a big deal back then.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Everybody was wearing puka shells and board shorts. I think we also like Blink-182 more, though, because it also reminds us more of, like, young relationships and, you know, young dating. They're also very musically talented. They were very musically talented, but it also reminds you of those days, the early 2000s.
Starting point is 00:42:23 It reminds you of, like, you know, you would listen to Blink-182 and you'd feel like, yeah, that's my high school experience. Yeah, they go hard. That's my middle school experience. You know, like, I saw her at the fair. I listen to Josie and it's like, yeah, my girlfriend. I'm just fucking headbanging the entire time. It gives you this nostalgia. you you for for a split second you actually convince yourself that you were busting out of your back window while your parents were asleep and you were taking your surfboard to the shore
Starting point is 00:42:50 and you were like hanging out with chicks and you were you know what i mean it was and also splink 182 had a like self-awareness as a band and a sense of humor as a band that like if you watch their music videos yeah they were like very like jackass adjacent kind of like we're gonna run that was i remember when that music video came out they're running naked that was like crazy and uh that was they're just great yeah but sublime you don't like sublime because too many sunburned like sunburned older guys like some yeah that's the other thing gen x surfers are like the worst dudes on earth if If you go to like a fucking... If you go to like... Honestly, I'll take worst dudes on earth.
Starting point is 00:43:30 I would rather hang out with like fucking members of the Islamic Caliphate than like Gen X surfers. I swear to God, I've never had it personally happen to me, but I'll hear stories about guys who grew up in Oxnard and they'll walk down the street and some 45- old guy i'll be like hey where you from bro
Starting point is 00:43:48 and it's like wait what the fuck are you doing and like that's the one thing that's puka shell necklace guys it's not even that they're just they're just fucking used to being gangs in the 90s or whatever like surf gangs it was just the gayest fucking thing on planet earth like and i and it's there's a part of me i grew up i grew up in a republican california family and they just fucking hated hippies with like a yeah but again i i do like some hippies and like i just i watched like dog town and z boys and shit and you watch the early scenes in that documentary and you're just like dude i would hate to hang out with these fucking guys seem like the biggest dickheads yeah i i i i get that i get that i mean i don't know sublime makes objectively
Starting point is 00:44:29 good sounding music it's just that you've seen them there's too many people doing doing uh renditions of their songs at like wine mixers in huntington beach i think they were you go to a margaritaville and there's some guy doing karaoke of it and you just hate it. I'll say what I'm going to say is that I'll think Sublime musically was good, but I don't think their music justified the cult following that they have. As opposed to other bands of the time. Everyone gets that if a guy dies. Yeah. No, that's another thing.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Of the time, of the music that was coming out at the time, they were just good. You know what I mean? Like there was so much good music coming out in that era. And they just kind of like... They just caught a vibe. They caught a wave. One might say. Alright, we gotta watch this Sugar Ray vid.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Alright, so here's Sugar Ray. Have you seen this, Joe? One of the best videos of all time. Of course. This is a great video. Make a hole, gentlemen! Make a hole! So he starts off the video acting like he's Brad Pitt in Inglourious Bastards.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Yeah. He's yelling at paparazzi to make a hole. He's acting like he's storming Omaha Beach. He's like, we gotta get to the bunker, boys! Yeah, he's... We're storming... We're storming kookaroo chicken! Wow, what a callback. Move it.
Starting point is 00:45:46 Sugar Gay. Who said Sugar Gay? I'm beating your fucking ass. Who said that? What did somebody say? Sugar Gay. He just goes, Sugar Gay. I like that he also says what the teen said.
Starting point is 00:45:56 He's like, who the fuck just called me Sugar Gay? That's sick as fuck. I'm going to beat their ass. Isn't it like a 16-year-old kid or some shit? Yeah, it's like a child. It's amazing. It's john in his high school sugar gay dude sugar gay sugar ray more like sugar gay dude
Starting point is 00:46:14 oh i didn't say anything you want to be smart by the way the teen wants that smoke the team oh he wants the team put his head like he was like they're doing like a head butt thing like like, really? They're putting their heads together and shit? He works with the paparazzi, and they're coaching him. They're like, please antagonize him. If you get your ass kicked, you're going to make a lot of money. This is Nightcrawler. Mark, what's his fucking name?
Starting point is 00:46:36 McGrath? McGrath. McGrath realized he fucked up when he saw how young this kid is, but the only way out is through at this point, so he's going to get in a 16-year-old's face. He's also probably coked up. Oh, God, yeah. when he saw how young this kid is, but the only way out is through at this point, so he's going to get in a 16-year-old's face. The only way out is through. Well, he's also probably, like, coked up. Oh, God, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Also, this kid could be 25, this kid. Could be a twink. True. He is a twink. He's a 25-year-old twink. I mean, yeah, he's a twink. This kid's probably his guitarist. Say anything? Did you say something?
Starting point is 00:46:58 No, I did not say anything. Choke your fucking head. Hey, Mark, can I get your autograph, man? Oh, man. No, you can't, you can't. All right, cool. You beat the fuck out of that guy right there. Which one? Tomorrow. The one that mini driver is gonna do. I'll choke your fucking face.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Why is his voice so rat like? He's been screaming all night doing code. He's been screaming, yeah. Yes, you did. Hold on, he didn't finish his autograph. You know, back in the 2000s, late 90s, early 2000s, like, it was, like, this was a common thing. You were allowed to, like, flip out on teenagers. It should be bad.
Starting point is 00:47:41 It was a common trope of, of like flipping the fuck out on teenagers as opposed to now where you can just like you can let them break and enter into your home and like make a tiktok video like while your family's there and you can't shoot them or do anything no like not like back then it was very it was a thing i remember i just feel like i don't i don't have an example well no i know exactly what you're talking about. Movies because it was like at the advent of the internet. This is probably before YouTube. The kids are skateboarding. They're having
Starting point is 00:48:12 unprotected sex now. They're grinding on my fence. Celebrities also know hey, I can talk shit to this little fucker. At the very worst, it's going to be some story in page six or whatever. Whatever tabloid shit was going on back then but it's not going to be every single person with their phone is watching it tomorrow and it would
Starting point is 00:48:34 be kind of sick people would kind of be like yeah like hell yeah like we just be like kind of a like a moment like russell crowe fighting around the world like the south park i believe we're just kind of you were allowed to just like violently uh handle fans back then and now you have to be really aware you have to like respect the kids mental health that's like you know like he's lighting a bag of shit on fire on your front porch only because you're gonna get attacked in the comments that's the only reason true because of uh of of more eyes on it but also because of we we have more of a a pussified view of of like handling people that are fucking i would walk down you have to be like afraid of like of like really handling you know well people have just gotten more creative at like in ways of fucking with celebrities so they're like hey you know what if the celebrity fucks up
Starting point is 00:49:24 the collective is going to get together and be like, well, okay, well, this was wrong. Here's how we can make fun of them and make them feel the worst and here's like the best story.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Here's the best angle on why they were assholes. They were like, you know, gay bashing or victim, you know, blaming or like whatever.
Starting point is 00:49:40 No, exactly. We added all these new categories. This is before punk too. This is before punk, before Borat, before celebrities were like just... After that shit came out, it was open season on celebrities. This probably came out around the same time Punk was out.
Starting point is 00:49:52 What time? When was this? I have no idea. I'm gonna guess 93. What? 99. When was Sugar Ray even big? 95, I'm gonna guess. If you walk down the street with your buddies like you get yelled at by like four different people 97 max i'm gonna i'm gonna be
Starting point is 00:50:09 shocked see when uh what what fucking uh i mean you know he was he was they were doing stuff into the into sugar ray himself the album sugar ray 2001 2002 yeah, okay. When did he break onto the scene? What was I Wanna Fly? What was that one? Fly was 97, 98. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is Fly. But I bet this is 2001, 2002
Starting point is 00:50:33 because it looks like a weathered Sugar Ray. The frosted tips. It's a weathered Sugar Ray. He looks like Ethan Hawke to me. They have a similar look, but I get what Devin's saying. Yeah. I wanna fly fresh.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Or like Ethan sucks cock. Who fucking said that? Ethan sucks cock. Who said that? Who fucking said that? Which one said Ethan sucks cock? Who said Ethan sucks cock? Just Ethan cock.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Ethan cock. Who's the smart ass Ethan cock? Because I'm fucking brilliant, by the way. I don't fuck you up. Smartass Ethan Koch. That's fucking brilliant, by the way. I don't want to fuck you up. I don't think I've ever seen the director's cut of this.
Starting point is 00:51:12 This is long as fuck. Yeah, no, this is Francis Ford Coppola released this. It's the redux. Mark McGrath flips out on teen who calls him sugar gay redux. Smart. Little bitch ass fucking shit. I'll fucking choke your fucking face. Still pissed. I'll choke your fucking face he's also getting like body parts wrong white american guys don't know how to play he's like i'm fucking pissed i'll fucking choke your fucking cock i'll suck
Starting point is 00:51:35 your dick i'll suck your fucking ass dude i love when guys are angry they can't think of how does be mean yeah so they end up just saying weird things. They look like psychopaths. Hey, fuck! Why don't you fuck my mom, bro? How about you fuck me in the ass in front of my mom, motherfucker? Are you done? Yeah, you're done.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Bitch. Pussy, aren't you? Just these guys got some status. These guys are gonna be really choke-ass bitch. He'll never make it in this business. He'll never make it. That kid's trying to make it in rock and roll. I can tell you're trying to make it.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Huh? Are you done? I'm standing right here. Did he insult his nipples? That's always very good when you insult a man's nipples. At this point, the kid is smart. Dude, when Trump insults him...
Starting point is 00:52:28 Go into that. If you ever insult somebody's nipples, they can't come back from it. Yeah. Fucking Bernie, what's the guy? Trump, when he said the... What's his face? Look at his nipples protruding.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Yeah, you can never come back from fucking insulting somebody's nipples. Chris Christie had the fucking craziest body I've ever seen. No, Barney Frank. Barney Frank with his nipples protruding. You can't know where you can come back from fucking insulting somebody's nipples. Chris Christie had the fucking craziest body I've ever seen. No, Barney Frank. Barney Frank with his nipples protruding. You know where you can come back from that. Chris Christie ended up becoming his friend, and I know it was always about Barney Frank.
Starting point is 00:52:53 But Chris Christie's body was fucking like an alien body. That picture of him on the beach looked insane. At the baseball game. Can we just go to Chris Christie? Chris Christie's insane looking. He looks like he, Chris Christie looks like he bounces everywhere he goes. If you're ever in a verbal altercation
Starting point is 00:53:10 with somebody and it's a man and their nipples are even slightly you can see them. It's a checkmate. Easily. Go Chris Christie baseball game pants. Oh, he looked like those pictures of the fattest man on earth in the 1920s. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:53:27 He pulls his pants up so far. He looks like he was made to be, he looks like he was created to be made fun of by black teenagers. Look at that. Look at that camel toe. Put the pants at the bottom of that. Unbelievable. And then put the belt lower.
Starting point is 00:53:42 It's just so fucked up looking. You know what I mean? Put the belt lower. Yeah then put the belt lower. It's just so fucked up looking. You know what I mean? Put the belt lower? Yeah, put your pants lower. Sag your pants. You have to sag your pants. Look at that disgusting male camel toe. Put the belt under that. This was on purpose and they fucked him. Somebody didn't
Starting point is 00:53:57 like him in the uniform. No, he always dresses like this. No, he always dresses like a complete buffoon. He's a total buffoon. Look at Chris Christie on the beach with his big fat legs. Well, look at him throwing, too. I mean, this is wild. Look at that. Look at his face.
Starting point is 00:54:12 I mean, it looks like it's out of a fucking comedy. Dude, look at how big fat ass he's got. Oh, yeah. He's packing. What a betonk, dude. He's built. Man, it's so sick. Look at that, man.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Jesus fucking Christ Oh my god Is that Serena Williams Or Chris Christie He literally looks like An egg with legs Yeah Crazy
Starting point is 00:54:32 Crazy What a fat fuck Anyway Back to Sugar Ray Back to Sugar Ray Mark McGrath is punking this kid, dude See, right now Sugar Ray thinks he's having like a Tupac moment But he doesn't understand he's yelling at a 14 year old
Starting point is 00:55:03 Yeah, a 90 pound twink The kid just needs to keep saying Sugar sugar gay, sugar gay, sugar gay. Just keep saying it. Because the kid knows what he's doing. He can get a fucking lawsuit out of this. He's like, yeah, fucking punch me, sugar gay. Yeah. But I guess there would, in court, there would be, like, an antagonizing thing.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Oh, no, no, no. Fighting words. Fighting words is a thing. You guys told me about that. Because I used to tell people, yeah, I'll sue you. I used to, like, call people horrible things and be like, yes, I'll sue you. Hit me. Sure.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Fighting. If you antagonize to a certain level, the Supreme Court has ruled that they can qualify certain words as fighting words. Where you've been so aggressive that somebody was forced to punch you in the face. Or somebody, if he said something so outrageous, like if you're hanging out with your mom and some guy went up to you and was like, I'm gonna fuck your mom in the ass, like, you could probably punch him in the face. Sugar Gay would not qualify for that. Really? Oh, yeah. So the Supreme Court's
Starting point is 00:55:50 kind of like, they're like a fan of, they're like, they're like, you know. Keeping it real. Keeping it real. Yeah. Thank you for that. That's what exactly I was trying to think of. Yeah, yeah, you nailed that, John. This guy's the biggest punk bitch you've ever seen. Shit, why are you saying that on camera, man?
Starting point is 00:56:09 Come on. Shit. This guy right here. Almost homeless. Over here. Over here. Right here. This guy needs to pay the bills.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Show me the present rate. What is it? Not just rates. Present rate. Fuck you. You could also probably sue him just for touching him, right? He's bullying this kid. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:26 He touched him a few times. You could press charges. Oh, dude, the next day I'd show up fucking in a neck brace. Straight to court. Don't say that. Don't say that. You're done. You're done.
Starting point is 00:56:39 You're nothing. See this? Yeah. You're nothing. Oh, man. They're all pretending he's being funny. This kid's getting owned by Sugar Ray, dude. Not really.
Starting point is 00:56:48 The kid's kind of winning. Well, he's got a... Sugar Ray's got people that are sucking his dick, so of course they're going to laugh at him. Imagine, like, seeing that Dodge Durango in the back, like, at that time, being like, man, what a sick car. Yeah, look.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Is that his car? I don't know, but he's so awesome. At the time, it was, like, new. That was a sick car. Hey, Mark. All right. All right, thanks a lot. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. That was a sick car. Hey, Mark. Hi. Hey, Jill. All right, thanks a lot.
Starting point is 00:57:07 I appreciate you. Mark, come here. This guy's badass. I'm still here. Look at you. You got some new fans over here, Mark. I love Sugar right now. You got it.
Starting point is 00:57:19 See this? Oh, yeah. See this? Mark, I'm going to go get in. I'm going to go get in. I'm going to go get in. I'm going to go buy me a Sugar. You just made a Dr. Evil reference. You know, give it up for Sugar Gay.
Starting point is 00:57:34 We should find that kid and get him jacked and then have him attack Mark McGrath now. Like put him in a training camp at Big Bear. He's on an episode of Bully Beatdown. Like Dando Cormier is training this kid how to beat up his bully, Mark McGrath. I put him in a training camp at Big Bear. He's on an episode of Bully Beatdown. Dando Cormier is training this kid how to beat up his bully, Mark McGrath. Yeah, Mark McGrath was really bullying that kid. It was kind of ugly towards the end.
Starting point is 00:57:54 But back then, that was fine. Yeah, he called him a faggot. It was crazy. He was on coke and he was hammered. That happened now, career suicide. Oh, yeah, easily. Of course. You can't do any of that stuff now. Unless you're the most talented person ever,
Starting point is 00:58:08 and then you could do that. Yeah, I guess. I mean... Kanye level. Yeah. Kanye would never even say you're a fat. No, no, no, but he would get away with that. Well, Kanye could get away with it.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Vincent Gallo gets away with it, but nobody cares. Nobody cares about Vincent Gallo. Vincent Gallo? I'm literally trying to think. I'm going with it. Vincent Gallo gets away with it, but nobody cares. Nobody cares about Vincent Gallo. I'm literally trying to think. I'm literally from Kanye to Vincent Gallo. I'm literally just thinking who calls people fags and gets away with it publicly. What is Vincent Gallo up to? Just being a fucking old hot guy. What are his latest things?
Starting point is 00:58:38 What has he said? He's been a huge Republican, basically. He honestly is one of the best interviewees of all time. He used to be really funny. Vincent Gallo destroys critics to their face. Oh, it's fantastic. That's old, but it's very good. Should we watch it?
Starting point is 00:58:51 Oh, yeah, sure. To wrap up. I mean, you kind of look like him, which is the best part about it. I know. People always say I look like Vincent Gallo. The first thing I'd like to say is I'm not an actor turned filmmaker. I'm not Tim Robbins or Sean Penn. I haven't used the mainstream
Starting point is 00:59:05 success that I've had as a movie star, which is none, to finance a film based on my own name as an actor turned director. Oh, he's going to destroy this woman. I was very successful in the 80s as an artist. So, to be classified because you didn't
Starting point is 00:59:22 do your research. Why can't he dress like a sailor? That's like an old tracksuit. Hollywood actor turned filmmaker is an irresponsible comment. And I sense a little bit of your own personal hang-ups as a woman. Oh, it's an Olympics tracksuit.
Starting point is 00:59:37 You're capable of transcending them and enjoying the love story. Can we just stop it there? He's literally just looking at this woman and going, you may not understand my love story because you're a dumb bitch. Also, to put this into perspective, I believe this was
Starting point is 00:59:53 after he released Brown Bunny. So he made Buffalo 66, which everybody loved. And they were like, oh, who is this young new filmmaker? This is a really great movie. I love Buffalo 66. And then he made Brown Bunny, who is this young new filmmaker? Yeah. This is a really great movie. I love Buffalo 66. And then he made Brown Bunny. Which is incredibly dark.
Starting point is 01:00:09 It's just a very bad movie. I actually liked Brown Bunny. Well, that's an odd take. Because I like just watching. It reminded me of just watching. You like seeing his cock. No, no. Remember all the cool scenes where fucking Brad Pitt's.
Starting point is 01:00:24 I never saw Brown Bunny. I barely like Buffalo 66. Half the movie is... I thought it was interesting and good enough, but I didn't love it. Vincent Gallo is just a cool guy, and you know you watch Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and Brad Pitt's just driving around the valley, and you're like, oh, this kicks ass.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Half of Brown Bunny is just Vincent Gallo riding his motorcycle around the East Coast, and you're like, oh, this is kind of cool. That is what half of Once Upon a Time... No, I'm saying half of Brown Bunny is just Vincent Gallo riding his motorcycle around the East Coast. And you're like, oh, this is kind of cool. That is what half of Once Upon a Time. No, I'm saying half of Brown Bunny is just Vincent Gallo being a cool guy. That's why it sucks. Yeah. Hey, I like it. I like things that look cool.
Starting point is 01:00:53 John will tell you it's the greatest movie of all time if he's like, dude. You go like, why? He goes, dude, the fucking tank was fucking sick. It's true, though. Some movies are just sick because it's their sick shit. No, everybody hated that movie. But so anyways, this it's their sick shit No Everybody hated that movie But so anyways This
Starting point is 01:01:06 Brown Bunny just came out Everybody hated it And then He's Vincent Gallo Who I love He used to be like Very talented and funny In my opinion
Starting point is 01:01:15 He He claims that he gave Roger Ebert cancer Yeah He Like after Roger Ebert Gave Brown Bunny A bad review He wished cancer upon ebert
Starting point is 01:01:27 then he got cancer and vincent gallo ran around just going like yeah i gave him cancer that's he said it proudly oh he's the man yeah yeah but anyways critics he's out of his mind he's crazy but so this is him on his um kind of run that's also defending Brown Bunny and fighting back against all the critics. He hates women, too. That's also funny that he thought everyone's probably wished cancer on critics. He did it publicly. He said it out loud before.
Starting point is 01:01:56 He has power. He said it on Howard Stern. He's like, I wish cancer upon Roger Deaver. Howard Stern's interview with Vincent Gall is legendary. It's one of my favorite things. It's one of my favorites. It's one of the best. It's great.
Starting point is 01:02:08 It evolved in quite modern. You, I don't know what to say because your comments were so convoluted. I wasn't quite sure what you meant. I guess you just didn't like the film because maybe you're a little bored with cinema or something like that. I don't know. But the biggest problem I have with critics right now. Where is he now, Gallo? because maybe you're a little bored with cinema or something like that. I don't know. But the biggest problem I have with critics right now. Where is he now, Gallo?
Starting point is 01:02:32 He's living in probably multiple houses around the world because he was a very successful artist in the 80s, and he probably just has fuck you money and doesn't care. You think we can get him on the show? No. Not any chance. He doesn't do anything like that? Not any chance, no. If we approach him in the right way, I think he'd come on.
Starting point is 01:02:47 We tell him we're indie. I used to email him. You should claim that you're his long lost son. I go, my mom told me she had a fling with you at some point. Yeah. Yeah. All right, we can try that. There are a few filmmakers that I'm attributed to over and over,
Starting point is 01:03:04 like David Lynch or John Cassavetes. Two filmmakers I don't really like very much, and I certainly wouldn't. You don't like John Cassavetes? He's the man, dude. What a cocksucker. Why is he saying that? He learned all his shit from John Cassavetes, probably. He was one of the first trolls ever.
Starting point is 01:03:21 He's a massive troll. Okay. An influence by. But because journalists like to package things and categorize things, they need to use these names. But it's very lazy. I mean, you know, cinema existed a long time before David Lynch, and there were many films that had unusual families and unusual characters. And in what's called independent cinema, which I don't have quite the great impact that I had hoped them to have, I can learn from that.
Starting point is 01:04:10 This must be Buffalo 66. They're not attributing Brown Bunny to it. Buffalo 66 on the screen. They're talking about Buffalo 66. That movie was loved by critics, though. Yeah, I thought that put them on the fucking map. It did. I think maybe that's on the screen, but I think...
Starting point is 01:04:27 Oh, this is just one long same video. Okay, let's go to another Vincent Gallo model. Try to find the Stern one. Because Ebert comes on Stern with Vincent Gallo. Can we do Stern? No, but I can do Roger Ebert. You want to watch Roger Ebert review Brown Bunny? No.
Starting point is 01:04:45 Yeah, why not? Because this gives him cancer and kills him. Well, yeah, these things haven't been online too long. Maybe do Vincent Gallo. We'd get in trouble for this. Let's see. Destroyed Ice-T. When did he destroy Ice-T?
Starting point is 01:05:07 Alright, let's watch that. And your sneakers meant more to you than anything? Cleaning your sneakers was a daily task. It was like brushing your teeth. Oh, remember fucking Remember the 80s? By Babe Ruth. That album was in my record collection. And to be in New York, and here it spun
Starting point is 01:05:41 FRIEND OF THE ALBUM. I WAS A LITTLE BIT OF A FRIEND OF THE ALBUM. I WAS A LITTLE BIT OF A FRIEND OF THE ALBUM. I WAS A LITTLE BIT OF A FRIEND OF THE ALBUM. I WAS A LITTLE BIT OF A on sports aesthetics. And like, you know, yeah, using the absurdity of like black kids who were never going to go skiing wearing like ski goggles, you know. That was funny. And tennis shorts. Tennis shorts.
Starting point is 01:05:51 No one played tennis, guys. My hair was straight when it's short, but I wanted it to feel like it was straight. So I had it first permed and then relaxed. He's the man. He was like a New York hit guy in the 80s, basically. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 01:06:07 I went through a lot of searching for what my... He'd have like a huge podcast now. Oh, yeah. He'd be hanging out with like the Red Scare Girls.
Starting point is 01:06:14 He probably does hang out with the Red Scare Girls. They're dressing like him right now. Yeah. Oh, I had a bunch of rap names. I couldn't become
Starting point is 01:06:22 Icy Ice, you know? I settled on Prince Vince vince my name's prince vince because i lived on prince street the last time i did this was 20 years ago prince vince gets when does he destroy ice tea what is this ice tea a young ice tea at the time and i destroyed him remember the time we were at that hip-hop night at Under Indochine, and that guy was gonna fight you? Two guys are standing next to me,
Starting point is 01:06:49 and I'm hearing them going, yo, that guy's dancing with so-and-so's girlfriend. I hear the other guy, yo, that f***ing kid, who the f*** is he? Then all of a sudden, they're, like, spreading around on the dance floor. All right, so he's obviously,
Starting point is 01:07:01 I think he's, like, making up a thing here, kind of. You know, like this, and Mike's like, yo, what? You know you know like this yeah you you saved me that day gallo i think he pulled out a knife pulled out a knife with my homeboy you want to put my homeboy with me or something and the next thing we knew we just sort of got out of there this is great god another vince ago used to pull knives on dudes in the 80s. Like, that kicks ass. Yeah, it's just. Whatever.
Starting point is 01:07:28 He didn't really do it. It was just like on a dance floor. Basically, his Howard Stern interview, all of you should look it up. He just gets super unhinged. He talks about getting prostate massages and how he's the best thing on planet Earth and how he wishes cancer on Roger Ebert. It's good. It's great.
Starting point is 01:07:43 And then the next day, Roger Ebert was chopping off his jaw. God, what a mess he looked like. That was the most sad, scary thing I'd ever seen when I was a kid, when I saw Roger Ebert with no jaw. That documentary about him made by the Hoop Dreams guy. I never saw it. Oh, it's
Starting point is 01:08:00 fucking, it's haunting. It'll like you won't sleep for about three nights. Okay, cool. And it's horrifying, but it's it's haunting it'll like you won't sleep for about three nights okay cool um and it's horrifying but it's amazing but so the hoop dreams guy who was roger ebert's favorite director of documentaries uh uh he agreed like hey yeah come make one about me and they started coming to the hospital with him and then like the disease kept progressing and then pretty soon he didn't have a jaw and now he's in the the hospital with Ebert with no jaw. And at some point, Ebert was like,
Starting point is 01:08:27 he's got a computer voice now, and he's like, I can't do this anymore. Like, this is too fucked up. And then, like, the guy's just like, okay, I'm gonna go, and like, this is fucked. It's just haunting. Top to bottom. And I loved Ebert.
Starting point is 01:08:40 Did Vincent Gallo put a curse on... Well, they made up. Did he put a curse on Val Kilmer? Any famous person with cancer was killed by Vincent Gallo put a curse on... Well, they made up. Did he put a curse on Val Kilmer? Any famous person with cancer was killed by Vincent Gallo. We should look into that. Swayze. So before we wrap up, I just want to talk a little bit about John and he's had a big issue with a moped.
Starting point is 01:09:00 Oh, God. John, why don't you explain what's going on with the moped? I, uh... So I basically... John was about to not be able to show up today moped oh god lately john why don't you explain what's going on with this i uh so i basically john was about was about to not be able to show up today because he had to fix a moped that he broke like i got a fucking repair moped i'm not gonna explain it to you because you won't even understand what the fuck's wrong with it your sister's moped i get it you try try to explain tell me what okay so i want to know what i wanted the carburetor you want to know what i said i flooded the
Starting point is 01:09:23 carburetor devon well i think you popped the tires because you're fat okay and you were going up a hill and you were right i don't even know why i'm riding on rims i don't even know why i could fucking it's okay so i'm going down i'm trying i was i was accelerating it on a slant and it flooded the carburetor which i didn't even think it had a fucking i just could just smell gas. It won't idle. It was your first time using it? Yeah, it fucking sucked, dude. I knew I shouldn't have tried to park it on a fucking hill.
Starting point is 01:09:51 You're fucking riding around town like Larry Crown. Dude, honestly, it's fun as fuck. It's so fun. It kicks ass, dude. It's not a motorcycle, but it kicks ass. Until it breaks on you, then you gotta go get it fixed. Yeah, then I gotta roll it up a fucking hill, but the problem is, is like... You just get electric.
Starting point is 01:10:07 They have these electric bikes now and shit. John's also been posting videos on Instagram of him riding a moped, like by his pre-setup camera, where he's playing like... That was funny. He's playing like bad to the boat. No, but you thought you looked badass. No. I played a Creed song.
Starting point is 01:10:22 It was obviously comedic. No, it was was obviously comedic. No, it was like half comedic and half ladies in Thailand. I thought that was real cool. It's 50%. This is funny. Here, I'll airdrop you the video. Because he's like, hey, I want people to see how cool I fucking look. I look fucking sick, dude.
Starting point is 01:10:36 See, it's... Hey, Debbie. No, it's not even worth it. John's like, he's just trying to get pussy off this thing. See, this is John right now. This was John. Yeah, that's me, dude. Look how sick Tom Hanks looks.
Starting point is 01:10:52 John's Larry Crouch. Look at that. Forget that video, Devin. I airdropped it to you. They're both on their way to go get pancakes. Is the Creed thing going to get us banned? No, there's no Creed in this one. This is the straight up.
Starting point is 01:11:05 Play this. Yeah, I... It's just... So how are you going to get it fixed? Are you taking it to a moped guy tomorrow? Yeah, I don't want to take it apart because I know if I fuck it up, my sister will kill me.
Starting point is 01:11:17 So I'm just going to have a guy come by. So it's theirs. And then the first time you used it, you immediately broke it? Well, it's honestly... I wasn't doing anything crazy on it. I just fucking hit the throttle a little too hard on a hill, which I didn't know would turn the engine off.
Starting point is 01:11:32 All right. Okay. Who took this? Oh, you set your camera up. Yeah. This is hilarious. Did I look? Look at that fucking evil knievel dude i want to jump that bitch dude i was right it's just so it was so fun like going down the hill i'm like i'm in i'm in fucking woodland hill
Starting point is 01:11:56 they're fun i'm sure they're fun yeah it was great you know but now my my my neighbor has basically a 200 poundpound lawn ornament, and they don't have much real estate, so I got to walk it up a hill, and it's just going to be a big pain in the ass. Can you fit that in the back seat of your car? Do you put the seats there? No.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Fuck no, dude. No. It's huge. It's a big thing. It's like the size of this table. So you have to walk it. It is? Yeah, it would probably.
Starting point is 01:12:22 No, it's not. It can't be. Yes, it's the size of this table you're fucking crazy that's can't be possible the rear wheel would be here and the front wheel would be there it's the size that's like bigger than any motorcycle there's two people can sit on it it's about the size of a very small motorcycle hmm yeah well shame on you for breaking it it wasn't yours you shouldn't have been treating it like that. Well, my sister shouldn't have given me a faulty moped, so. I'm going to use the Joey ODD defense on this, which is what you would have said.
Starting point is 01:12:51 That's fine. Fine. Well, I guess there's no real corner this week. No song, I guess. Yeah. No, no. Check out the Patreon. We're going to do a big corner.
Starting point is 01:12:59 We're going to do a huge corner. We have a corner on the Patreon? Yes. Big old corner. Okay. All right. Oh, oh, oh. Oh, sorry, sorry. You knew an ad read, right? Oh,? Yes. Big old corner. Okay. All right. Oh, oh, oh. Oh, sorry, sorry.
Starting point is 01:13:06 You knew an ad read, right? Oh, fuck yeah, the ad read. Do you guys have the Dagestani one? We're just going to do the old one because we were supposed to get a new one. Do your old Dagestani one and then I got mine. Okay. Do you think they'd like it if we played another Dragon Drink video? Like if we looked one up on YouTube or something to mix it up?
Starting point is 01:13:24 It's kind of their fault because they didn't get back to us but also they didn't know we're going to be recording today so i don't even know can you just text me the the old one yeah one sec i have to find it devin do yours real quick well i gotta find it too all right hold on Well, I gotta find it too. Alright, hold on. Where the hell is it? Fuck.
Starting point is 01:13:52 Should I sing a song real quick? Yeah. Fuck. I don't even know what to do. Well, it's gotta be about John being fat and gay. Yeah. Well, don't do that. Too bad to the bone, but just be me about being fat and gay. I have something in mind for a second.
Starting point is 01:14:13 Damn it. Do they not have an instrumental? Well, we don't have questions. What's the point of doing a corner? I know, you're right. What are you being fucking out of your mind? Let's just do a corner next week. We literally said we need to take a break from fucking corners
Starting point is 01:14:23 because we're getting corner exhaustion. Yes, you're right. John, I sent you the ad. Oh, thank you, buddy. Devin, could you play the video? The dragon drink video? Maybe we can find a new YouTube one or do you just want to play? Let's play the old one. Auntie Mama. Auntie Mama. Dragon drink, folks.
Starting point is 01:14:39 Alright. Jesus Christ. God, they're retarded. Oh, sorry. No, no, they kick ass. They're not stupid. Devin, actually, please. We're not going to say bad stuff about yours.
Starting point is 01:14:57 I'm not going to do anything. Yeah, okay. AdWords. You already did. Open season. Anyways, yeah, open season. Okay. Okay. As-salam. Anyways, yeah, open season. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:06 As-salamu alaykum, dear listeners. Today we have a special treat for you. An advertisement for Dragon Drink. Salaam, my friends. Dragon Drink is the powerful elixir from Dagestan endorsed by the mighty Dagestani fighters. Let's dive into the blessings it brings. Dragon Drink is infused with caffeine, B vitamins, and taurine. The ingredients that make you soar like an eagle on the mountaintops. brings. Dragon Drink is infused with caffeine, B vitamins, and taurine, the ingredients
Starting point is 01:15:25 that make you soar like an eagle on the mountaintops. Let's explore their blessings one by one. Caffeine. Oh, the blessings it brings. It awakens the spirit, boosts focus and energy, just like the call to prayer at dawn. You know that feeling. With Dragon Drink, you'll feel alive and ready to conquer
Starting point is 01:15:41 the day. B vitamins, my friends, are the blessings that nurture your body's strength they're like the mountain breeze revitalizing your cells supporting energy levels and keeping you resilient in the face of challenges and let's not forget about the wondrous twerian it is the secret of the strong mountain men of the caucasus it fortifies your inner warrior enhancing endurance and unleashing your hidden strength. With Dragon Drink, you'll be a force to be reckoned with. Allahu Akbar, brothers and sisters.
Starting point is 01:16:10 Dragon Drink has been the source of energy and vitality for generations in the Caucasus. Now it's time for America to experience the blessings of Dragon Drink and rise to new heights. Indeed, my friends. Let Dragon Drink be the beacon of strength
Starting point is 01:16:25 that guides you on your path to greatness. Embrace the blessings of the Caucasus and let your spirit soar like an eagle in flight. So, my dear listeners, don't miss this opportunity to taste the power of Dragon Drink. It's time to unlock your inner strength and join the ranks of the mighty mountain men.
Starting point is 01:16:41 Inshallah. Energize your soul, embrace the blessings, and let Dragon Drink be your companion on the journey to greatness. Disclaimer. Dragon Drink is an energy drink designed to provide a boost of energy. Please consume responsibly and follow all
Starting point is 01:16:55 dietary guidelines. Dragon Drink does not guarantee strength or transformations, but it can certainly inspire you to unleash your inner power. Thank you, Dragon Drink. Thank you,. Yeah. Thank you, Dragon Dream. Thank you, Dragon Dream. Thank you, Cosmot. All right.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Hate watch. I'm not supposed to say that. When I'm feeling overwhelmed, the first thing to go on the back burner is cooking a nutritious meal. Before I even know what's happening, I'll find myself mindlessly heading towards the nearest McDonald's. I mean, John knows all about that. John has a cot in the back of a McDonald's. John sleeps in the
Starting point is 01:17:30 frying machine. If you're trying to break the stress to drive through cycle, Factor has you covered. They're America's number one ready-to-eat meal kit. I've never seen Devin eat Factor. Go on. Wow, I never did that to you. You were saying shit. Well, that's true. I Devin eat Factor. Go on. Wow, I never did that to you.
Starting point is 01:17:45 You were saying shit. Well, that's true. I haven't gotten Factor yet because it's on its way, and I'm excited. Okay. And we all are going to have some nice keto meals. We're going to share them around. So I expect some dragon energy from you. I'll give you a dragon energy.
Starting point is 01:17:57 Oh, we're going to get a pallet of that shit. Factor has you covered. They're America's number one ready-to-eat meal kit. Everything is delivered right to your door so you can stay on top of your health goals and your busy schedule. We all have Factor meal kits on their way. We're very excited about it. We all don't like, nobody likes to cook.
Starting point is 01:18:15 Cooking sucks. I love to cook. I love to cook. I actually think it's a fun hobby. Meal prep sucks. You know, you got to do all this work. It's a pain in the ass. Your food goes bad. I've been trying to learn how to cook.
Starting point is 01:18:27 Don only likes prepping his Sibian. Cooking is actually a really fun hobby. Keyword try. Keyword trying to cook. They can't cook. I've eaten their food. It's a great hobby. It tastes like sand. I've made multiple meals that you've been like, it's the best thing I've ever eaten. I love learning about cooking.
Starting point is 01:18:43 I'm not great at it, but it's just a fun thing to do. It's like I don't want to rely on some weird company to send me food from a prepackaged thing. And you won't have to wait for two degenerates to cook you a tasteless meal if you
Starting point is 01:19:00 get factor meal kits. Cook your own food, guys. Factors fresh, never frozen meals take just two minutes to prepare, so meal times are quick, easy, and delicious. With over 34 weekly restaurant quality options, there's always something new to try, and Factor's flavor-packed meals fit a variety of lifestyles,
Starting point is 01:19:15 from keto and calorie-conscious to vegan and vegetarian. Head to factormeals.com slash hatewatch50 and use code hatewatch50 to get 50% off. That's code hatewatch50, 5-0, at factormeals.com slash hatewatch50 to get 50% off. Thank you. Wash that with a dragon drink. And then you can wash that down with a dragon drink and you're good to go.
Starting point is 01:19:41 So we both, let's start loving each other now in our ads, you know? I think we're the only podcast that has an ad competition within the people doing the show. It's endearing. Dragon drink also is a thing
Starting point is 01:19:54 that you can just buy and it doesn't, it doesn't replace a hobby like cooking. It's something you can just have and it makes your life better. It's a supplement.
Starting point is 01:20:02 It's like the call to prayer in the morning. You wake up, you have a dragon drink. Factor meal kits are very necessary, and they should be ordered by people because it'll clean up your life. You'll be more efficient.
Starting point is 01:20:13 You can do more things because you're not thinking about having to cook. And then you get the dragon energy right after the factor meal, and you're good to go. The only problem with you guys and the dragon drink is there's no code. Are you guys giving people...
Starting point is 01:20:24 They were supposed to give us one for this time. It's brand recognition. They're a fan of us, and they trust us to spread the word. They want a couple of white people to endorse it, I think. We're from the caucuses, bro. Let's relax. We're the whitest guys on earth. People without big, dandy beards.
Starting point is 01:20:42 Anyway. Sure. All right. Well, let's wrap this up. Dragon Drink. Dragon Drink. Factor Milk. Factor. Well, let's wrap this up. Dragon Drink. Dragon Drink. Factor meal kits. Factor.
Starting point is 01:20:47 Inshallah. Inshallah, brothers. Go get factor meal kits. Dragon Drink. And Dragon Drink. Is that it? We good? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:56 God bless you all. We hope, I think we did some good work here. That's all. Join us on the Patreon. Patreon.com slash hatewatchpodcast. Thank you for listening, and good night. Energydragond. Join us on the Patreon. Patreon.com slash hatewatchpodcast. Thank you for listening and good night. Energydragondrink.com. Yes.
Starting point is 01:21:11 Factory meal kits.

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