#254: The Birds and the Beasts
Episode Date: May 31, 2023Order up! Your riddles are hot and ready! This week we have some outdoorsy riddles from one of mollie’s riddle book. We always act like animals-so fin...
Riddles! Puzzles! WhoDunnits! Adal Rifai, Erin Keif and John Patrick Coan, three of Chicago's most overrated improvisers, are on the case to solve every riddle, puzzle, brain-teaser, and head-scratcher known to humanity. Some riddles are almost impossible, some are absolutely improbable, and some simply have not aged well. And if you don't like riddles, don't worry! This podcast is barely about them! Like what you hear? Join the Clue Crew for weekly bonus episodes at Patreon.com/heyriddleriddle
412 episodes transcribedOrder up! Your riddles are hot and ready! This week we have some outdoorsy riddles from one of mollie’s riddle book. We always act like animals-so fin...
4th host of the show Janet Varney drops by to wow us all with her excellent impressions. And you can check her out starting today on Platonic on Apple...
You'll find out why.... Starring: Adal Rifai John Patrick Coan Erin Keif Editing by: Casey Toney Theme by: Arne Parrott Logo by: Emily Kardamis &am...
Hey Riddle Riddle expresses solidarity with all of the WGA writers on strike right now. We hope that their work is recognized, respected, and that the...
Happy 250 and Congratulations to Maria Menounos! Starring: Adal Rifai John Patrick Coan Erin Keif Editing by: Casey Toney Theme by: Arne Parrott Log...
Hear ye! Hear ye! The Lord of Beeps is dead! Shall we solve his murder? Starring: Adal Rifai John Patrick Coan Erin Keif Editing by: Casey Toney Them...
This week has everything you could possibly dream of-corn talking to other corn, a dad teaching you to shave, and the introduction to the Lord of Beep...
Say goodbye to Gloof the Mouse and say hello to our special guest Michael Hitchcock! It's the return of Hollywood Nights. That's right, this ep was re...
Sweet excitement the cast lists are up! See who plays what role in a new animal parade, buckle in for some bungee jumping, play along and see if you r...
This week, we ask the worlds most important question. What is better- outterspace or a cake shake? We also have ingredients talking about what they co...
Old Man Puzzles and his Menace Twins have another humdinger for all the good little Sprint-fish out there! This episode has everything: a new voice-ch...
Gather round humans AND ghosts for a brand new episode! We got it all baybee! SuperHorses, a cave of wonders.....I guess mostly those two things. #Wid...
Happy Wednesday! This week, we get to hear about Jasper Cartwright’s upcoming wedding and dive into more of Mollie’s Riddle books. We also have a gran...
This episode has a little bit of something for everyone. Jokes, getting swoll, holograms, milkshakes. We're covering all of our bases. Plus we make an...
We're lucky to have the hosts of the podcast Review Revue joining us on this one; Reilly Anspaugh and Alfred Bardwell-Evans! We introduce them to some...
This week we have a new segment so you know what that means-everyone needs to submit their theme for a segment jingle. Let us know who had your favori...
We are so, so, so sorry for this one. We didn't want to bring it back: it just came back. What could we possibly be talking about? This is what they c...
We're Funny HOW?! This week we chat about our recent trip to San Francisco, try and enter a Canadian mindset, get into all the coolest clubs and try t...
The wonderful Thomas Sanders joins us this week and we are obsessed with him! He brought us some riddles formats to solve from HRR past and the four o...
Another Classic episode of Hey Riddle Riddle. And yes, that means we get derailed almost immediately. But, hey, we also get to some riddles this week!...