Hidden Brain - Do Less

Episode Date: June 7, 2022

The human drive to invent new things has led to pathbreaking achievements in medicine, science and society. But  our desire for innovation can keep us from seeing one of the most powerful paths to pr...ogress: subtraction. Engineer Leidy Klotz says sometimes the best way forward involves removing, streamlining  and simplifying things.If you like this show, be sure to check out our other work, including our recent episode about the psychological traps we fall into when it comes to money. Also, check out our new podcast, My Unsung Hero! And if you'd like to support our work, you can do so at support.hiddenbrain.org. 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Hidden Brain, I'm Shankar Vedanta. Think about the last time you were part of a brainstorming session. We just need to brainstorm, five ideas. But to be safe, let's come up with 50. Let's make it 100. Maybe this was at work, or at a planning meeting for a community organization. Just when I emphasized there's no bad ideas here, we're just brainstorming. Many people probably suggested ideas,
Starting point is 00:00:24 perhaps there was some discussion about which proposal was best. At the end, maybe everyone voted on the best idea. If your meeting was like most meetings, there was probably one kind of idea that was in short supply. How to do less. I remember a brainstorming session some years ago where colleagues filled an entire wall with posted notes.
Starting point is 00:00:50 When I looked at the posted wall later on, I was struck that almost none of the notes suggested that the organization could streamline projects or stop doing things that weren't working. All the ideas were about expansion, new projects. Today we ask why we often ignore one of the most powerful paths to innovation. When less is more, this week on Hidden Brain. Humans are curious and inventive creatures.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Give us a problem and we will come up with solutions. Usually, this is a marvelous skill. Our drive to invent new things, generate new ideas, is responsible for great breakthroughs in science, technology and medicine. There are times, however, when I desire to come up with new solutions, gets in the way of coming up with the best solutions. At the University of Virginia, LIDY CLOTS has long been fascinated by the process of invention and an important component of invention that many of us overlook.
Starting point is 00:02:00 LIDY CLOTS, welcome to Hidden Brain. Thanks, Shankar. It's great to be here. Lighty, when you were an undergraduate trying to master the fundamentals of engineering, you initially adopted an approach to studying that will be familiar to many students. What was that approach? And how did it work out for you in your college course on mechanics? Yeah, so for those of listeners that have enough sense not to major in engineering mechanics is this branch of physics that deals with objects at rest and in motion. And it requires you to go from plugging numbers
Starting point is 00:02:32 into equations to actually visualizing how the concepts work in the world. And my approach to mechanics was the approach that I've been using in all my courses up to that point, which was, okay, figure out how to solve the problems that I've been assigned for homework, learn that specific problem, and try to cram as many of those into my brain as possible, so that when the exam came about,
Starting point is 00:02:54 I'd be more likely to have an exact replica of the problem that was on the exam already accessible in my brain. And how were you doing in terms of grades as the semester unfolded? I had a sea average. So I was coming and it was serious. I mean I was coming into the third exam with the sea average. And for the first time in my life I was in danger of failing the course. And if that happened I would either have to delay my degree progress and ask my parents
Starting point is 00:03:25 to pay extra tuition to take the course the following year or change my major to something that didn't require me to pass mechanics. So at one point as you were getting these bad grades, you came up with a radical and some might say risky approach for the final portion of the semester. What did you do, Lighty? I just really stripped away the extraneous things that I was trying to cram into my brain. And this first mechanics class really just boils down to applying Newton's second law of motion. So all of these scenarios can be described
Starting point is 00:03:59 by force equals mass times acceleration. And I could derive everything I needed from that equation. And so before that third exam, I stopped memorizing dozens of other equations and tangential ideas. I didn't need to know a bunch of forces and masses and accelerations. I just needed to remember that formula f equals mA. So you try this radical approach.
Starting point is 00:04:22 You do the exam. And the day comes when the professor is handing out the grades. Paint me a picture of what happens. I'll never forget it. I mean, this is Professor Viscomi, just a classic, nice engineering professor, but he had this thing where when he handed the exams back, he would write the highest and lowest score on the chalkboard to give you a sense of kind of how the rest of the class did. And so this exam he comes in and he writes on the board a 98 and a 47. And then he looked at me and smirked.
Starting point is 00:04:51 And everybody assumed that I had gotten the 47. My classmates were playfully, you know, cheering me. And I'm sitting there thinking about like, okay, now that I've failed out of engineering, what will my major be? And when I got my test back, I realized why he had smirked. thinking about like, okay, now that I've failed out of engineering, what will my major be? And when I got my test back, I realized why he had smirked and it was because I had earned the 98.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Lidy did better when he focused his mind on fewer things, on core concepts. And it was a start of a long journey to recognize the value in everyday life of removing, of reducing, of subtraction. Some years later, after lightly graduated, got married and started a family, he had another moment of insight. He was building a bridge using Legos with his son Ezra. He was three at the time and we were building a bridge out of his duplow blocks, the bigger legos, and the support towers were different heights, so we couldn't
Starting point is 00:05:51 span them, they weren't level. And as I turned back toward the soon-to-be bridge, Ezra had already removed a block from the taller tower, so whereas my impulse had been to add to the short support in that moment, I realized that it wasn't the only way to create a level bridge. So this moment captured in a concrete way for you, how many of us underestimate the power of subtraction. And I understand you showed other people a replica of Ezra's bridge to see how many of them came up
Starting point is 00:06:20 with the idea of taking away a block instead of adding a block. Yeah, students would come to talk to me about their assignments and I'd give them this bridge and see what they did and everybody added like me. And then I also took it to Gabe Adams who's a professor, colleague of mine. And I thought that I had been talking to her
Starting point is 00:06:38 about these ideas and plus she's like a genius. So I figured, okay, she's the one who's going to subtract here when I give her this. And so I give it to her and she added like me. But then when I said, hey, this is what Ezra did, she says, oh, oh, oh, so what you've been trying to say is that you're interested in why do we overlook subtraction as a way to improve things?
Starting point is 00:07:06 So, so Lidy, you became obsessed with the value of subtraction. Some might even say you became a zealot. You started collecting examples from the worlds of engineering and design, and you stumbled in the work of the early 20th century architect Anna Kijklein. Tell me her story. Oh, she's a fascinating person. She was the first female licensed architect in the state of Pennsylvania. She played basketball in college, was one was the first female licensed architect in the state of Pennsylvania. She played basketball in college,
Starting point is 00:07:27 was one of the first women to drive a car. She was also a serial inventor. And she made one of the most ingenious advances of the 20th century. And before Anna Kijklein, building blocks were solid. So if your house is more than a century old, it probably rests on solid blocks. In her patent, and I think this was 1927, Kijklein invented the K brick which started to subtract some of the mass
Starting point is 00:07:53 from building blocks. What she essentially did was create a hollow block, knowing that the load bearing could happen on the outside parts of the block. And by creating the hollow block you remove half the material compared to what was in the typical building block, which of course makes it less expensive and easier to build with and less fuel to transport. And then these hollow blocks also provide more insulation because of the air voids that are in the blocks.
Starting point is 00:08:21 So the resulting buildings are more comfortable, less nosy, less prone to fire, and the block itself is less expensive. And her subtractive insight, it's since gone through several evolutions, but it's led to this building block that's now ubiquitous. It's used to build everything
Starting point is 00:08:38 from the facades of schools and skyscrapers to the foundation walls for my two-story addition. Once we become familiar with a particular object, we tend to look for ways to add to it, rather than to subtract from it. But the act of taking away can produce remarkable results. One of LIDI's favorite examples is an invention known as the Strider bike. These are the pedal-less mini bikes that basically allow kids as soon as one and a half years old to ride a bike. And the way they work, they're small bikes, but they're not
Starting point is 00:09:13 propelled by chains and pedals, but by toddlers striding with their legs. That's why they're called strider bikes. And what happens is the toddler propels the bike forward, kind of like a Flintstone cars. And what's even more impressive is once my son is since aged out of the strider bike, and once he decided it was time for his big kid bike, we didn't have to bother with training wheels. He already knew how to balance, and he just needed to learn how to push the pedals and, of course, to break. And children's bikes were marketed as their own distinct class of bicycle for almost a century, and there were plenty of design changes over that time, right? Training wheels, fatter tires, more and more speeds, you know, those contraptions that connect a kid's bike to a grown-ups like a caboose. And it took a really long time for somebody to have the insight of, hey, will this be better if we subtract the pedals and the drivetrain?
Starting point is 00:10:08 And when they did think of it, it made these two-wheeled bikes right-able for a whole new age group and saleable to their parents. So later you began to ask yourself after seeing these examples, how you could apply the insights of subtraction to your own life. And at one point, you came up with a novel approach to a home renovation project. You threw down an unusual challenge to your students. A design contest, you called it addition by subtraction. Can you describe the challenge to me? Sure. So we moved to University of Virginia and we downsized our home when we moved here. And the home had also been a student rental.
Starting point is 00:10:47 And so we knew that we were going to have to do a renovation. Subtraction was top of mind, and I'm an engineer slash architect, I guess, by profession. And so I was like, can we put subtraction into play here? And so the name of our contest was addition by subtraction, and I have the great fortune of working with really smart students for whom I ran a design contest.
Starting point is 00:11:10 And we emphasized that our goal was to subtract. And we even said that we were willing to pay more if the renovation could make a statement through subtraction. And I offered $1,000 in cash and free cookies, and a couple of dozen architecture engineering and environmental design type majors signed up. But the, and the students came up with clever designs. There was one student who found unused vertical space
Starting point is 00:11:36 in our house and used that to add it a lofted area to Ezra's bedroom. There was a junior who changed the grading of our backyard and that provided outside access to the basement, which then turned that into a viable living space. And there is this graduate student team that kind of intricately reconfigured the entire floor plan. And all of those things would have made our house more livable. And yet no one had actually subtracted, right? Nobody had taken away square footage.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Ladi, at the end of this whole process of invention, what was the end result of your home renovation project? My wife was worried you would ask. So, because now we have a five room two-story, 900 square foot addition that extends from the rear of what had been a little Cape Cod. Lighty's design contest ultimately failed as a generator of ideas that would lead to subtraction.
Starting point is 00:12:36 He discovered that while subtraction might be a powerful driver of invention, many powerful obstacles stand in its way. Understanding those obstacles and how to overcome them became his new obsession. You're listening to Hidden Brain, I'm Shankar Vedanthan. This is Hidden Brain, I'm Shankar Vedanthan. Lidy Klotz is an engineer at the University of Virginia. He studies our automatic tendency to add things when it comes to solving problems. After a home renovation project explicitly aimed at subtraction, ended up greatly expanding the size of his Cape Cod home,
Starting point is 00:13:19 Lidy started to ask why human beings find it so hard to subtract. So Lidy, at the end of this home renovation project, Lighty started to ask why human beings find it so hard to subtract. So Lighty, at the end of this home renovation project, you were humbled by the process, but it also gave you some important insights into why it is so hard to subtract, to remove, to take away. When it comes to home renovations in particular, one barrier to subtraction was economics? Yeah, for us, I mean, this is the biggest investment our family has and the kind of rule of thumb for home's values, how Zillow calculates it, how the realtor's calculated when they're appraising it, is that the value increases with the total square footage.
Starting point is 00:13:59 So, you know, 2,000 square foot, that's one price. If you have 2,500 square feet, that's one price. If you have 2500 square feet, that's another price. And entrance in the design competition and Monika and I could just never figure out a way past this financial reality. I mean, spending money without adding square footage would have been a really risky investment and spending money to get rid of existing square footage was preposterous.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Another thing was this was just, to get rid of existing square footage was preposterous. Another thing was this was just, it's not that subtracting is always the right option. We did, it has been beneficial to have more square footage in our home, our family was growing and we did need some more square footage. So this may have been a case where subtracting wasn't the better option, even though we started out with that is our intention.
Starting point is 00:14:46 And also thinking that presumably there were people, architects and builders and contractors, and they all get paid more for doing more, not for doing less. Exactly. If we had hired a contractor to subtract space, they're getting paid based on the percentage of how much it costs them to do the renovation. And if so, a less expensive renovation that's subtract space, they get less overhead on that. I'm also thinking that, you know, expanding during a home renovation is also what sort of culturally expected, right? I mean, how many people do a renovation and end up with a smaller home? Well, I mean, it's right there in the word, right? I mean, the many people do a renovation and end up with a smaller home? Well, I mean, it's right there in the word, right? I mean, the synonym for home renovation is a home addition.
Starting point is 00:15:28 You never hear of a home subtraction. Yeah. So, as you started to think about the economic and cultural obstacles to practicing subtraction, you came to understand that such obstacles reach very far back into human history. How so, Lady? Certainly, in human history, let's start there. That's this concept of monumental architecture. And again, on my background's engineering, I like big structures. I was surprised to learn about how key a role people think, or the scientists think monumental architecture played in the development
Starting point is 00:16:02 of civilization. What do you mean by monumental architecture? It's literally defined by the fact that it adds well beyond what is necessary. So the principle defining feature of monumental architecture is that the scale and, you know, elaboration and detail exceed the requirements of any practical functions. So the Ziggarats and Mesopotamia, the pyramids of Egypt and China, these massive, but marginally useful structures kind of grew at the same time as the cities around them. And even today, you could argue that in a modern world, people are rewarded in terms of resources and status when they add as opposed to when they subtract.
Starting point is 00:16:43 We have markers and plaques for the people who build skyscrapers, not for the people who take them down. Exactly. That's a huge challenge on university campuses. For example, it's so much easier to get a donation for somebody to create a building that has their family's name on it than to a donation for removing
Starting point is 00:17:04 something or for even for something that doesn't that has their family's name on it, then to a donation for removing something or for even for something that doesn't come with this big physical reminder of the person's generosity. It makes sense that donors want to put their money behind something tangible. Politicians similarly want to be able to cut a ribbon to tout a new amenity that they're delivering for their constituents.
Starting point is 00:17:29 It's hard to cut a ribbon on an empty field. These are the sorts of cultural and political forces that subtly push us to favor addition over subtraction. Across all of these examples, I mean, the problem is that subtracting is more work. It's more mental work. It's more kind of steps as we're talking about it. And there's less to show for it. And so after you do all this extra work, you have less evidence because the thing that you've done is by definition disappeared. So I understand that your your employer, the University of Virginia, once asked for suggestions
Starting point is 00:18:07 on how the university could be improved and you ended up analyzing the recommendations that came in. What did you find, Ladi? Yeah, we had a new, latest strategic planning effort with a new president and it began as these tend to by soliciting ideas from students, faculty, staff, community, alumni members, donors, and all of them were basically offering their ideas for how to improve the university. We got our hands on the data and as expected,
Starting point is 00:18:39 the adding was rampant. I mean, people wanted more study abroad grants, more mental health services, teller to international students, more housing options. There was a request for a new ice arena, and I didn't know we had an ice hockey team here, but I'm assuming that's progress, too. But the thing is, surely there was untapped potential because out of 750 ideas for changing the university, fewer than 10% suggested taking something away. Yeah. I want to turn my attention to what happens within organizations, you know, when we're
Starting point is 00:19:12 having brainstorming sessions around a table, for example. I feel like there's often a lot of pressure to add and almost no incentive to subtract. So everyone sitting around the table wants their idea implemented, polite people don't want to shoot down ideas from their colleagues. And so the net result is a pile-up of new programs, new projects, a ton of additions. Certainly, there's politeness, and then there's also just it's kind of a good decision-making shortcut to not come in and say, oh, here's something we definitely should subtract from this organization until you understand how the organization works, right?
Starting point is 00:19:49 I mean, so it's pretty bold for somebody to say, hey, let's get rid of the ice hockey team before you understand how, you know, what they're contributing to the university, the history of the ice hockey team, and so on and so forth. To add something, you can just say, well, this would make anything better. So let's add it to our system that I don't really understand. I understand that you've also looked at how adding could even have biological roots. Tell me about the work of Stephanie Preston. Yes, Stephanie is one of my favorite researchers. She's a psychologist at the University of Michigan,
Starting point is 00:20:22 and she knows more than anybody about what she calls a quizzitiveness, which is how and why we get and keep things. So for example, one of my favorite studies of hers, participants are shown more than 100 different objects in random order and one at a time. And then as each object appears on the screen, participants are asked whether they would like to acquire it virtually. It's all imaginary. They know they won't actually get these things. And
Starting point is 00:20:49 they can acquire as many or as few as they want. And the objects vary in their usefulness. So there are things like bananas and coffee mugs and extension cords, things you might pick up, others seem less useful, but people do still pick up. Like empty two liter bottles, used sticky notes, outdated newspapers. And once they have made a choice about each of these 100 objects, participants are then shown everything that they've added. So if you've acquired 70 things, you're showing all 70 things together on the screen,
Starting point is 00:21:17 and then you're encouraged to subtract. Then they're challenged to whittle down their collection so that it can fit into a shopping cart on the computer screen. And finally, they're asked to make it even smaller so that it can fit into one virtual paper grocery bag. So the goal is very clear. Everything needs to fit into one grocery bag or else you don't complete the task. And you're getting real-time feedback displayed on the screen of whether you've subtracted enough
Starting point is 00:21:43 stuff. And a lot of participants fail to get it down to a single bag. And many don't even make it past the shopping cart. I understand there's also been research into what happens inside the brain when we engage in addition or engage in subtraction. What is that research show, Lady? One way that the neuroscientists have studies this is hooking people up to their brain imaging machines while they're acquiring things. And so food acquisition, as well as other types of acquisition, activate this same reward
Starting point is 00:22:15 system in the brain. So it's this pathway connects basically the thinking and the feeling parts of our brain. And this is what makes it pleasurable to eat. And it can also be stimulated as we know by drugs like cocaine, website designs that keep us clicking and scrolling. And then for hoarders, even the used sticky notes can kind of stimulate this reward pathway.
Starting point is 00:22:38 So that's, and so when you do find that a specific reward system like this one is playing a role, it confirms just how deep rooted some of our tendency to add might be. So you've also conducted a whole bunch of experiments and revealed what you call subtraction neglect, our tendency to ignore the power of subtraction. And one of them was inspired by a long-running debate you've had with your wife when it comes to travel? Can you give me a concrete example of this debate in action, Liddy?
Starting point is 00:23:09 Well, so yeah, we go to the outer banks sometimes, and that's the islands off of North Carolina, and so your day can look something like going to look at Kitty Hawk and see where the Wright brothers did their thing, and there's, you know, go see some sand dunes, and you can go out to eat and you could drive down and look at all the lighthouses or you could kind of just let the day come to you and you know maybe do some looking for shells on the beach and see what see what happens for lunch and you know have a less scheduled day there and so I I'm more on the prefer the latter kind of vacation. My wife, Monica, likes to pack in as many activities as possible.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Uh-huh. And I understand that you've actually run studies, perhaps based on this marital dispute you've been having when it comes to how people think about travel. Tell me about those experiments, lady. Well, it's not a dispute. I mean, she's right, right? But this is worse than even anything Monica would schedule. So we created this sitenery for a day spent in Washington, DC. So now we're back in the experimental world again. And over the course of 14 hours, this sitenery had participants visiting major tourist sites, like the White House, the National Cathedral, the old post office, and then have them paying their respects at the various memorials, like the Lincoln
Starting point is 00:24:35 and the Veterans Memorial, and then a museum visit, shopping and lunch at a five-star bistro. So just travel time between all these shops would exceed two hours, assuming optimal DC traffic, which never happens. Participants solve this original itinerary in like kind of a drag-and-drop interface on the computer screen and they could change their itinerary by rearranging adding and subtracting activities. And even with this jam packed itinerary, only one in four participants removed activities
Starting point is 00:25:09 from the packed original. Wow. And what did the rest do? They, they were some rearranged, but most added. They added to this itinerary? How is that even possible? It isn't. I mean, there's not time, but it was possible to kind of collect something,
Starting point is 00:25:27 you know, drag and drop another task. And it was enticing when they saw the other tasks sitting in there on the side. I think they were thinking, oh, look, that would be a fun thing to do. And it's kind of the same as the strategic planning. You think, okay, adding more good stuff is always good. And in this case, it was just gonna make the overall schedule
Starting point is 00:25:45 even more impossible and more crowded and less pleasant. There's another study you conducted that was inspired by a difficulty you encountered in your own writing. Tell me about the challenge that you have faced in your own writing and the study you conducted, lady. Anybody who spends time playing with words on paper on a screen has heard the advice, right?
Starting point is 00:26:10 You know, strunk and white, they're the most assigned textbook on college and high school syllabi and their classic advice is omit needless words that editing is the way to make your writing more clear. And yet that's very obviously a form of subtracting, right? You're taking something that you've created and now you're taking things away from it. So we gave people a summary of an article and said, how would you make this better? And only 17% ended up subtracting words from the original. So by and large, they added to make the summaries better. And I understand the same thing applies
Starting point is 00:26:50 when you look at how people think about recipes, for example, how they're cooking, the same idea, addition rather than subtraction. Oh, yeah, we found this in so many contexts. I mean, people improving a five ingredient recipe, two out of 90 participants subtracted when they transformed loops of musical notes, they were more likely to add notes than to take them away.
Starting point is 00:27:11 So this was, we found this across many different contexts. When we come back, techniques to battle the obstacles that stand in the way of subtraction. You're listening to Hidden Brain, I'm Shankar Vedanta. This is Hidden Brain, I'm Shankar Vedanta. Engineer Lidy Klaat is convinced that our world would be a better place if we engaged more often in subtraction instead of always choosing to add. The problem is there are many psychological obstacles to subtraction. There are times, however,
Starting point is 00:27:52 when opportunities for subtraction open up and Lidy says smart people and smart communities seize on such opportunities. Lidy, tell me the story of San Francisco's Embarcadero Freeway. Lighty, tell me the story of San Francisco's Embarcadero Freeway. Yeah, like so many other city crossing highways in the United States, the Embarcadero Freeway was built after World War II and it was made possible by federal support for highways to move the military and serve the growing number of automobiles that stretched for more than a mile along the eastern waterfront. And it blocked precious views and access to the bay. And so, you know, planners started to think,
Starting point is 00:28:30 well, is this costing more than it's adding? And finally, the planning commission said, and this is in the mid 80s, we should get rid of the Embarcadero freeway. And what was the public reaction to this? Not good. But this one actually got put to a vote, and it wasn't even close. For every voter in favor of removing it, there were two who wanted to
Starting point is 00:28:52 keep it, and whether it was for, you know, fear of traffic, fear of loss business, fear of change, voters rejected it, and the people had spoken. I mean, so the Planning Commission basically moved on and focused on other projects. So following the 1986 vote, it seemed that the possibility of tearing down the freeway and opening up the waterfront was dead. And then something happened on October 17, 1989. I'm Ted Coppel. There has been a rather strong earthquake in Northern California. So strong in fact that Ed has among other things knocked out all the power at Candlestick Park where the third game of the World Series was being played. But in the overall scheme of things, that may be the very least of things that has happened
Starting point is 00:29:32 today. Let me show you a piece of video. So this was the Loma Prieta earthquake and of course the earthquake was a terrible thing, it caused a lot of damage. But it may have had one unexpected benefit. It changed how people thought about the Embarcadero Freeway. How so? Well, a number of ways.
Starting point is 00:29:48 So the earthquake killed more than 60 people and injured thousands. A lot of the deaths actually happened on a similar double-decker highway. The Cypress street viaduct in Oakland. And so people seeing this double-decker, elevated, concrete structure just over a mile in length, it looked ominously like the Embarcadero. And then it also gave people a view of what life would be like if you didn't have the
Starting point is 00:30:17 Embarcadero, because the Embarcadero didn't collapse during the earthquake, but it was rendered unusable for a while. And so people saw that they found other ways to get around the city, and that it didn't kind of totally ruin life in San Francisco to not have the embarkadero. And then what finally came of all of this, Lighty? It was still, it wasn't like, it was by no means a unanimous choice. I mean, there's a famous Pulitzer Prize winning San Francisco Chronicle columnist and his name's Herb Kane and he's such an influential columnist. And even after
Starting point is 00:30:51 the earthquake, as people brought this discussion back up, he has this great quote, once again, there's serious talk about tearing down the Embarcadero Freeway and even worse idea than building it. And so there was still resistance. But eventually the freeway came down. And when it was removed, they got the water front back. They saw an increase in housing, increase in jobs. It didn't cause traffic nightmare. Trips were rerouted. And if you've ever visited there,
Starting point is 00:31:19 it's one of the most visited places in the world. And it's obvious why it shouldn't be covered with a freeway. So it took about 10 years, but by 2000, visited places in the world and it's obvious why it shouldn't be covered with the freeways. So it took about 10 years, but by 2000, kind of the 10-year anniversary of the demolition, the Chronicle was then reporting that it was hard to find anyone who thinks ripping down the freeway was a bad idea. So we've had a crisis of our own the last couple of years. It have forced a lot of us to think about what we do, where we work,
Starting point is 00:31:45 how we work, how might the COVID-19 pandemic serve as a potential driver of subtraction, Lady? Yeah, I mean, I think at horrific cost, it's given us this singular chance for change and forced us to subtract in ways that we never would have managed on our own. And certainly, I don't advocate subtracting family visits and friendly hugs, but we've also had to get rid of things that I don't mind if they don't come back, things like buffets and commutes and evictions and even carbon emissions. So I think that the crises interrupts this normal flow of things and shows us what a world with some of these subtractions might look like.
Starting point is 00:32:29 You know, isn't it interesting that so often we actually need the external push before we can, before we see the value and subtraction? You know, we've talked about earthquakes, we've talked about a pandemic. I mean, you can think of a forest fire the same way. It's obviously not a good thing when you have a forest fire, but, you know, the removal of all growth might be helpful for new growth
Starting point is 00:32:48 to happen in a forest. When I'm thinking about the marketplace, for example, businesses go out of business. Stores go out of business because they kind of track customers or they're selling stuff that people no longer want. And of course, it's painful if you happen to be the store owner whose business is going bankrupt. But the net effect of this is that it gives another business
Starting point is 00:33:10 a chance to sort of spring up. But in each of these cases, it's interesting that we almost need the external force in order to, for us to see the value of subtraction. It's almost, it's so emotionally difficult for us to do the subtraction ourselves that we need almost an external executioner to come in and do the hard stuff for us. Yeah, emotionally and cognitively difficult.
Starting point is 00:33:32 And even if you look at evolution as a metaphor, the way that it works is through adaptation and then selection. So adaptation is an ad, and then the selection is a a subtraction and they're working hand in hand. And I think another fundamental disadvantage that's coming into play here is that we don't get as many reminders of subtraction, right? Because when something is added, there it is right in front of you as evidence that this adding this thing was a way to make change. If something was subtracted in the rare cases that we do it and follow through with it, it's by definition gone. So as we walk around in the world, we don't have these external
Starting point is 00:34:15 reminders that, hey, here's this subtraction. It's also a good way to make things better. The things we subtract are often invisible. We don't notice them or we quickly become used to their absence. And so we fail to appreciate how these innovations, like Anna Kaiklan's building blocks, are affecting our lives. But sometimes inventors can find clever workarounds to this obstacle. a workaround to this obstacle. Back in the 1970s, an aerospace engineer named Marion Rudy came up with the idea of using air to provide cushioning and running shoes. It was a classic moment where less added up to more. But there was a problem.
Starting point is 00:35:01 You couldn't actually see this innovation in action. It was inside the shoes. Marion Rudi kept bringing the idea to shoe companies and they kept turning him down. He finally got to Nike, which at the time was kind of this boutique outfit that just served elite runners. And as the story goes, in Nike lore, Phil Knight took him out for a run, liked what he felt,
Starting point is 00:35:22 and then Error went into the Nike shoes. But for even after the air was in the shoes, nobody could see it. And so, but the Nike really started to take off, they had this kind of seminal shoe, the Air Max one. And those shoes were one of the first models that actually displayed the air.
Starting point is 00:35:44 So they have the little window on the side so you could see, hey, in fact, there's air in here. And that made the subtraction noticeable. And it was something that made Nike shoes different from any other kind of shoe and kind of helped launch them on the path that took them to where they are today. Of course, there's a guy named Michael Jordan who helped you. So we've looked at how external crises can sometimes be a driver of subtraction and how, you know, increasing the noticeability of subtraction, the value of subtraction can help us, can help us embrace subtraction. You've also thought about other systems in some ways
Starting point is 00:36:26 that can incentivize people to focus on subtraction. Tell me about your stop doing list, lady. A stop doing list is essentially the same as a to do list, except for your thinking of things that you're not going to do anymore. And what I, how I use it is whenever I do my to do's, which I try to do on a weekly basis, I also force myself to come up
Starting point is 00:36:48 with a equivalent number of stop-doings, which kind of makes sense, right? If you're gonna add new stuff to your day and assuming you're already at capacity, you need to also figure out what you're going to take away. Are there any specific things on your stop-doing list that you have? I'm curious when, in terms of your stop
Starting point is 00:37:06 doing list, what are the things that you put on? One that's been really helpful for me is it's basically a stop editing and this is I read a lot of my students writing and it can be really tempting to just go through and make all of the changes that I would want to make but of course that's not really helpful to them and so I like I'll set a limit, I'll say, okay, give this student the 10 most important comments for this piece of writing. And it works really well, I mean, it saves me time one, but it also kind of rewards students who do more, right? So if the student gives you a really polished piece of writing,
Starting point is 00:37:40 I still force myself to come up with 10 ways to make it better, whereas if somebody doesn't put as much time in and gives you this really rough first draft, I don't spend all my time getting that to the same place that the other piece of writing is. Another example is just meetings. Meetings are the classic thing where I am providing some marginal value by attending a meeting or by calling a meeting, but not considering what could be done in that time. So I think oftentimes my stop-doings are directed at meetings that I'm attending, but also the ones that I'm calling and asking other people to attend for me.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Can you talk a moment about the role of subtraction in public policy? You know, when we think about legislators, for example, we think about legislators as people who make laws. Whereas you might argue that a crucial part of what legislators ought to be doing is pruning back laws that might no longer be useful. Yeah, I did some digging into how much laws have grown over time. And by some measures, they've grown even faster than our economy. So it's just like all these things have this adding trend
Starting point is 00:38:54 and laws are no exception. And it's the same as the building of civilization. When you don't have roads, it makes sense to add them. And once you've kind of been adding roads for a while, there are more opportunities to take them away to reveal pristine water. And so the laws, we've kind of accumulated, accumulated, accumulated, and we're left with a bunch that are redundant.
Starting point is 00:39:18 And so some places have actually required legislators to, when they come with a new law, also come with two that are on the books that they want to get rid of. And that kind of rule can be really helpful, I mean it's saying, look, you're a competent legislator if you do this. Lighty has been struck by the fact that subtraction can play a surprisingly powerful role in medicine. Doctors and nurses often have so much going on that simplifying rules and reducing complexity can actually improve patient outcomes.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Yeah, my sister is a medical doctor and she was actually taught by this guy, Peter Pranovost, and what Pranovost was interested in was improving the practice of inserting central line catheters. So these are those thin plastic tubes that are used to draw blood or administer fluids and medication. Catheters are ubiquitous in American hospitals, and they're also one of the most common sources of infection. And it's not a sexy topic, certainly, but these infections were actually causing about 30,000 deaths each year in the United States, roughly as many as car accidents. And it's a complicated process.
Starting point is 00:40:38 There are dozens of steps requiring thought, enjudgment, and skill, and it's different based on the person. If you've got a 10-year-old who's dehydrated, it's a different process than inserting one on a concussed offensive lineman, for example. But to prevent the infections, Pronovost and his team considered all of this complexity, but then they proposed a very simple recipe. They gave a checklist, and it's that medical professionals would wash their hands with soap, clean the patient's skin with antiseptic, put sterile drapes over the entire patient, wear a sterile mask hat, gown and gloves, and put a sterile dressing over the catheter site. And those very simple steps have brought striking results. It's almost entirely eradicated catheter
Starting point is 00:41:23 infections and it saved thousands of lives. We've talked at some length about how edition is psychologically pleasurable and subtraction is often psychologically painful. One of your really interesting insights is that we should all try to reframe losses, subtractions as additions. And there's an author you like who preaches this message. Here's the clip of her. The important things about tidying is not choosing things to discard, but choosing things to keep. So, how do you choose what to keep? If the item sparks you, I keep it. If it does not, get rid of it.
Starting point is 00:42:16 I take it you're a fan of the Taidi In Guru, Murikondo. Yeah, a reluctant fan. I mean, as a professor, I felt like, oh, I can't be a condo Acolyte, but talking about our research, people would keep bringing her up So I said I got a figure out what she's writing about and you know Of course her tone and observations advice are very spiritual But through trial and error in this her specific context that tid, she's derived some tips that are pretty scientifically
Starting point is 00:42:46 sound. For example, her core message is sparking joy. Default home organization advice is like, get rid of the stuff you don't want that doesn't fit. And she flipped it around. She said, keep what sparks joy and get rid of everything else. And so she's kind of steering us around Mausah version there knowingly or not because she's focusing us on this, you know, this future vision of the tidy space and and sure it's a little painful to get rid of these individual things, but you're just thinking of them as one component that's going to improve the overall situation. I understand you've also looked at artists, writers, musicians, painters, who've also thought deeply
Starting point is 00:43:32 about subtraction. What have you found, lady? I mean, it's hard to find an expert who doesn't have some counterintuitive, seemingly counterintuitive advice on how to subtract, right? So Picasso defining art is the elimination of the unnecessary, and then you've got the little princes author saying, perfection's achieved, not when there's nothing more to add,
Starting point is 00:43:54 but when there's nothing left to take away. We talked about strung and white, amidst needless words. This goes way back. I mean, you've got William Ovocum of Ovocum's razor fame, and his quote is, it's in vain to do with more what can be done with less. And then a quote that gets attributed to Lao Tzu, to attain knowledge, add things every day, to attain wisdom, subtract things every day. And that's two and a half millennia back.
Starting point is 00:44:20 And I think I learned a ton from these new and old profits of subtraction, but the main takeaway is that they're the exceptions proving the rule, right? They're advice and doers because we are still neglecting subtraction. I want to play on excerpt from a song from an artist you admire. There's a darkness on the edge of town. There's a darkness on the edge of town. Lady, tell me about Bruce Springsteen's celebrated album, Darkness on the Edge of Town. He's my favorite musician and I think I love darkness on the edge of town as an example of persistent subtraction. So there are 10 songs on the album, the one you just played,
Starting point is 00:45:12 darkness on the edge of town being the title track, but he recorded more than 50 songs during this time just to get those 10. And these are not bad songs that he cut but some of the ones he cut became hits instantly for other artists so Patty Smith's because the night that got to number 13 on the charts he gave a song Gary U.S. Bond's This Little Girl that hit number 11 on the charts the pointer sisters fire which hit number two on the charts that's a Bruce Springsteen song and a thing that he didn't think was good enough to go on darkness on the edge of town and now we a Bruce Springsteen song. And a thing that he didn't think was good enough to go on darkness on the edge of town. And now we know Bruce Springsteen
Starting point is 00:45:48 is this incredibly successful musician, but the audacity at the time, he had yet to have a top 20 single of his own, and he gave away three singles off that that became top 20 hits for other artists. And what do you think he was after doing this kind of extreme culling? He has a great description of it in his autobiography, Born to Run, which is just an amazing autobiography.
Starting point is 00:46:15 He talks about this album as his samurai record, all stripped down for fighting, and those are his exact words. So he was going for this really stripped down aesthetic than he had had on any of his previous albums and that he thought would kind of revolutionize the way music was heard. I understand that one of these songs has a special meaning for you and your son.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Yes, my absolute favorite song from that album will always be racing in the street. And that's's been that was Ezra's Valla Bifur as long as he needed them. He doesn't eat them anymore and it's a very stripped-down song. The first line of it is I got a 69 Chevy with a 396 and that's illustrative of the sparse lyrics that are present all the way across, starting from the edge of town. And this is really a transformation for Springsteen because the opening line to the first song
Starting point is 00:47:14 on his debut album, Greetings from Edgesbury Park, it's the song blinded by the light, which here's the opening line. Madman drummers, bummers, and Indians in the summer with a teenage diplomat. So he's perfectly capable of this meandering, Dylan-esque pros. And now he's going to racing in the street. I got a 69 Chevy with a 396. Tonight, tonight, the strip's just right. I wanna blowom off in my first team.
Starting point is 00:47:46 Lighty Cloth is the professor of engineering at the University of Virginia. He's the author of Subtract, the untapped power of less. Lighty, thank you for joining me today on Hidden Brain. Thanks so much for having me. We take all the action we can make, and we cover all of Northeastern. When the strip sits down, we run out. Hidden Brain is produced by Hidden Brain Media. Our audio production team includes Bridget McCarthy, Ani Murphy-Paul, Laura Quarelle,
Starting point is 00:48:25 Kristen Wong, Ryan Katz, Autumn Barnes, and Andrew Chadwick. Tara Boyle is our executive producer. I'm Hidden Brain's executive editor. Today, for our unsung hero segment, we bring you a story from our sister podcast, My Unsung Hero. A few years ago, Laquista Arena's six-year-old son Jackson was diagnosed with autism. This wasn't a surprise. Ever since he was a baby, she had noticed he was overly sensitive to everyday things. Textures in his clothes, light touches, loud sounds. Haircuts were the worst. He gets so anxious that he'd start kicking and screaming.
Starting point is 00:49:07 It was really hard for Laquista to watch, so she decided to stop taking him. This is so traumatic for my son. Why am I continuing to put him through this? And so we went almost two years with no haircuts, people making comments. You need to get his hair cut. Why your hair looks like, you know, people just say all kind of rude things.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Eventually, LaQuista found a barber named Rhee. For the past few years, Rhee has been able to take things slow with Jackson and learn how to stave off his meltdowns. Until one day, in early 2022, when things went wrong. We were running late. We got caught in traffic. He left his headphones. until one day in early 2022, when things went wrong. We were running late, we got caught in traffic, he left his headphones, we hadn't had lunch, it was just like a series of unfortunate events.
Starting point is 00:49:55 And he's like, no, I don't wanna go. Like come on Jackson, stop playing. I got things to do, I'm like hungry myself. Like we usually, I have to say it like three times and this time he refused to get in the seat and he started running around the shop and read saying come on Jackson man you know you my man like she's trying to talk to her she tried to put the cape on him and he just had a fit and she was like come look in the mirror I'm gonna I'm gonna show you what I'm doing and he just had a fit. And she was like, come look in the mirror. I'm gonna show you what I'm doing. And he looked, but he still wasn't having it.
Starting point is 00:50:29 And I was like, come on Jackson, I'm getting frustrated. And she was like, no, I got it. And so I just sat on the couch and I'm like, she's not gonna be able to cut his hair. I'm gonna give it five minutes. We're gonna go get something eaten, go home. Well, next thing you know, I'm looking and she's like cutting his hair, he's standing up and I'm like, wait, she's playing a game with him.
Starting point is 00:50:55 She would shave his hair, the hair would fall, he would wipe it off. And then they would run to a different spot because he doesn't like the hair to get on him is like a whole thing. So it was a good distraction for him and she was able to kind of cut his hair. When they got finished, he was so happy. And he said, well, can we go back tomorrow and play the game?
Starting point is 00:51:16 I was like, I don't know about tomorrow, but we'll be back in a couple of weeks. Jackson and Reed, they have their own special relationship and I think most importantly he trusts her, he will not let anyone else touch his hair and that just goes to show like how she nurtured that relationship. This has been a really tough year for Jackson. The last couple years have been really challenging from starting pre-K and then now transitioning
Starting point is 00:51:44 to kindergarten and then a new school. So when Re was able to do this and just to accommodate him, it meant the absolute world for me to be able to trust her and be like, okay, I know she's going to take care of my son and make sure he's looking the best like you can't ask for anything more than that. I just want to tell Rhea that we love you, you are part of our family now and you'll never fully understand how much this meant for me as a mom. Laquistar Arena Laquistar took a video of Rida Day, calming Jackson down with the haircut in game and posted it on social media.
Starting point is 00:52:36 That clip now has millions of views. If you enjoyed today's conversation about how to innovate through subtraction, please be sure to share it with a few friends. Another way to help the show is through financial contributions to our work. You can make a donation in any amount at support.hiddenbrain.org. Again, that's support.hiddenbrain.org. I'm Shankar Vedantım. Siyusi sün.

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