History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - 104 - Jeremiah Watkins is WILD!

Episode Date: December 21, 2019

Jeremiah Watkins is a hilarious comedian who resides in Los Angeles. He’s part of the Kill Tony Podcast and has his own podcast called Jeremiah wonders. Kid knew a lot about Thomas Edison so the boy...s chop it up kinda about how much of a dick Tommy was. The boys also find the MyPillow commercial hilarious and joke about how F&B it is!!! WILD! Want more Hyena content? Check out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: 🙆🏼‍♂️🐕🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏼‍♂️Chris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, website🙆🏻‍♂️Yannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, website🐕History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:32 ប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប្រូវប� What's up, everybody? Welcome to another episode of the History of Hyenas. I'm Chris Stefano, a.k.a. Chrissy Clambuts. Giannis Pompous, a.k.a. Yanni Olmos. Yanni Olmos. I knew it. And then we got a new guest. We got a guest on our new episode. We love him. A good friend of mine, Jeremiah Watkins, a.k.a. And then we got a new guest. We got a guest on our new episode. We love him.
Starting point is 00:00:45 A good friend of mine, Jeremiah Watkins, a.k.a. Jerry the Fishstick. Whoa. Whoa. That's a new one. What's up, Jeremiah? How you guys doing? Yeah, we were at the same wedding this weekend. We can't say who.
Starting point is 00:00:59 We signed an NDA. We can't. We're not allowed to, right? Yeah. I think we're just supposed to post about it. We're supposed to post. No, I don't think you're supposed to even mention it But here's all the juicy deets right here Yeah! Luis Gomez was on ketamine
Starting point is 00:01:11 You know what I liked about that? He was the first person who came in here during the song and just went with it and danced Everyone else just has a confused look on their face and they go like, what am I listening to? The kid's got a musical background You know Jeremiah Walken's from, of course fucking wildly popular kill tony and then he's got um his other podcast jeremiah wonders and then what's the album uh it's called reagan
Starting point is 00:01:32 walkins that's a music comedy album get that shit baby if you look on his uh website it's it's the picture yeah well you look like you're on it's there it looks like his grinder profile straight up and uh reagan walker's man straight up sex dude yeah dude you uh yeah man you're you're just a kansas cutie yeah it's just what why couldn't that have been my name yeah rather than the jerry fish stick yeah well dude it's this podcast here's one thing you'll know about this podcast uh reality is just a suggestion for the next 45 minutes to an hour so whatever you want it to be it'll be i'm gonna say things about my life and your life that just aren't true okay and i'm just gonna stand by them but it's hour. So whatever you want it to be, it'll be. I'm going to say things about my life and your life that just aren't true. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:06 And I'm just going to stand by them. But it's just, reality is whatever you want it to be. So it's kind of just the fucking fun zone. I love it. Fish stick just means skinny kid. Okay. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:14 We're beef cakes. Yeah. He's just a cake. Yeah. We figured out. Yeah. He's not an American citizen. So he doesn't count.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Yeah. Veneti is just a piece. She's just a piece. She's a Greek piece. You're a fish stick. And you're a fish stick. You will get banged in the ass like it's deliverance though. Okay. doesn't count. Veneti is just a piece. She's just a piece. She's a Greek piece. You're a fish stick. You will get banged in the ass like it's deliverance, though. Yeah. Punch through is what we also say.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Punch through means get banged out, too. Jeremiah's a religious kid. You don't drink alcohol. Because of the background. Because of the Kansas background, right? Yeah, that and family stuff. But yeah, yeah. Also, it's because you had a couple of people get drunk and kill some people. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:49 It's just what it is. Yeah, yeah, that's what it is. It's just what it is. You boil it down. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. You had just a couple of fucking DUIs that resulted in homicides. And it's just that's when you just stay away from a coerced life.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Yeah, that's at the heart of the story, it sounds like. Yeah, it's like, yeah, my dad gambled. Sounds like you got straight to the nucleus of why he doesn't drink. Yeah, because my dad gambled away my mother's Sounds like you got straight to the nucleus of why he doesn't drink. Yeah, because like, you know, my dad gambled away my mother's life savings and we had to live in a shack in Lancaster, Pennsylvania for six months. So now I just don't bet on the games.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Right. Because it's a family problem. Wait, so can we talk about this? What happened? What? The homicides. Oh. I was just, I was going, is that true?
Starting point is 00:03:19 Oh, just mass murders, yeah. No, I'm saying, did anyone in your family ever drive drunk and kill somebody? Oh, you just made it up. I made it up. Okay. I just, yeah. Yeah. He just said reality was a suggestion. is for him yeah for me i was leaning into i was like oh yeah people started dying left it right well you never know kansas you almost have a sense that like you know i you feel like kansas people still settle things
Starting point is 00:03:37 with like hey you take 10 steps back and we'll figure this out like man yeah because i feel like kansas just became part of america a couple years. You guys were wild for a long time. Man, we were wild. Yeah. Bleeding Kansas. What town are you from in Kansas? I'm from Kansas City, that area,
Starting point is 00:03:51 but Overland Park and Olathe, which are like suburbs of Kansas City. Overland Park, home of the BTK killer. Whoa. Little factor right there.
Starting point is 00:03:58 You know your facts. Yeah, bind, torture, kill. Yeah, he was a wild one too. Yeah, the thing is with me, if he would have bind, torture, and tried to come, I just would have come and that would have thrown him off. I'm getting bound to torture. Yeah. Can you imagine he was a wild one too. Yeah, the thing is with me, if he would have bind tortured and tried to come, I just would have come and that would have thrown him off. I'm getting bound to torture.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Yeah. Can you imagine he was- Trying to do that to Jim Norton and he just gets a load on his face? You guys know about the BTK? He worked for the, he worked for, like that's the perfect job for a guy who's trying to get into your home is to work for like- The parks department or something like that. No, he worked for a security company. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:04:25 So he would come in and like he would put he would lay out your security system and at the same time figure out exactly how he's going to get in there. Yeah. And kill you. Yeah. And look at that guy. Big time narcissist. This fucking guy.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Yeah. He just looks like somebody's dad. Yeah. Well, that's what it was. I mean, there's an interview of there's a news footage of him dressed in his security outfit. They were interviewing him on – does he hope they find the BTK killer? He was like, yeah, I hope they do, like 10 years before he got caught, but it was him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:53 So like the local news interviewed him saying if they – they want him to get caught. Yeah. He looks like if Dr. Phil chose the wrong path. Yeah. Yeah, he looks like – Listen, I just like killing people, okay? Yeah, he looks like this. Listen, I just like killing people, okay? It does look like, yeah, he had an alcohol problem and he went down a different road.
Starting point is 00:05:10 It didn't work out for Dr. Phil. That's what it would look like, PTK. Yeah. Kid's got a sweet goatee, though, at his trial. Yeah. He's got a real relief pitcher's goatee. Yeah. You're a screwed-in kid, too, Jeremiah, because you're just doing things right.
Starting point is 00:05:24 You're out in L.A. You're on the big podcasts. You know Rogan. kid too, Jeremiah, because you're just, you're just doing things right. You're out in LA, you're on the big podcast, you know Rogan. It's just about, basically success comes down to now, do you know Rogan or don't know Rogan? And it's just one of those. I like how that was like one of the credits.
Starting point is 00:05:34 It's like, you know him. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I should have said at the beginning. Kid knows Rogan and Rogan knows him. He's screwed in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:38 And you were twirling your nipples while you were asking for some strange reason. I'm horned up from the BTK killer. It's what it is. And screwed in means, uh, you're smart kid. You're smart kid. Yeah. Plugged in. Dialed some strange reason. Yeah, well, I'm horned up from the BTK killer. It's what it is. And screwed in means you're smart kid. Plugged in. Smart kid. Dialed in. Dialed in, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Screwed in. Yeah, screwed in, dialed in. Because, yeah, and only non-Jews can be screwed in because Jews, you're just born screwed in. You're just born that way. That's what the yami is. It's just the top of the screw. Okay, all right.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Why did you choose L.A. instead of New York to do comedy? I felt, well, I wanted to do some acting stuff, so I just felt like that was, it had a little bit more to offer me. But I mean, the goal is to be bi-coastal because I love coming out to New York. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:13 We should go out to LA more. Well, we have to go to LA. We're like- He said we could come on Kill Tony. Oh, yeah. I'll talk to Tony about it. You guys would be literally perfect for that show. Yeah, we'll come on there and go.
Starting point is 00:06:22 I think what you said being bi-coastal, it's just a necessity of today. You have to go to LA. We have to go there because the podcasts are so big and that's where the, you know, kids buy the tickets from. And you guys have to come here. I guess you really don't have to come here. No, they don't have to come.
Starting point is 00:06:39 We don't have to go there either necessarily, but we should. Well, we should go there because the, like if we go on, like if Tom Segura invites you on the podcast, like we should. Well, we should go there because if we go on, like if Tom Segura invites you on the podcast, you should go there because you're going to come back with ticket sales back here. But it's like Jeremiah's making time to come for
Starting point is 00:06:54 us, which is nice for him, but all he could do is lose his career. That's it. That's it. That's the only thing that could happen. The stakes are high on history. You're going to get a couple of our followers to follow you and it's going to be great, but also you could just be swooped up in a storm where I'm just being pro-Nazi and your face is on the camera.
Starting point is 00:07:08 It's just, that's always a possibility. Yeah. That's no gas. So, it's really the only thing, but we go and kill Tony and our lives will change.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Yeah, they invited me on Fighter and the Kid, but then my dad's dying. So, I have a note. Yeah, his dad's been dying for the last year,
Starting point is 00:07:24 but now he's really close. Yeah, he's getting close. So you see Jeremiah get serious because he's from Kansas, but it's just the truth is he's a lot more. He's doing so much better on the podcast when he keeps thinking his dad's dying and his dad just won't die. It's like motivation.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Yeah, it's like motivation. And we got big live shows coming up this weekend, so I'm about two minutes away from just putting a pillow over his dad's face and just ending it all so we can slam these shows because i can't have yanni one foot in one foot out and uh he's one foot yanni just one more thing yeah his dad's almost at the finish line we just got to give him a little notch yeah he's on the runway yeah i may just yeah shoot him with a t-shirt gun we'll see what happens yeah he's clear for takeoff
Starting point is 00:08:01 yeah chrissy wilde yeah i'm just wild i mean yeah yeah it's just what it is i mean yeah yanni and i He's clear for takeoff. Yeah. Chrissy Wilde. Yeah, I'm just wild. Yeah. It's just what it is. I mean, yeah, Yanni and I, we're close. And then Giannis is moving out of his apartment, so Joe DeRosa is going to move in,
Starting point is 00:08:15 who looks enough like Giannis that I'm just going to make Joe DeRosa become Giannis. Because I can physically overpower DeRosa. He can definitely get away with my gym. If I just gave him my gym membership, I think I could keep it there, and they would go and they would- Nobody knows. Yeah, it's just we look like it's the same.
Starting point is 00:08:26 You guys both look like you're on estrogen therapy. Like you said. Yeah, we look like we're both campaigning for a hot shot Democratic candidate. Yeah, you both look like KD Lang with testosterone. I had a room with DeRosa and Lewis over the weekend at my wedding. And they both had just gotten out of the shower. And Lewis was like, hey, doggy, who has the better body? And I'm like, they're're literally trying to flex and stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:48 And Lewis had his boxers pulled up so it was hiding his love handles. And I'm like, dude, you got to drop the boxers below the belly button line. You can't have them hiked all the way up and acting all tough and stuff. And then he pulled them down. I'm like, yeah, your bodies are both terrible. They're horrible. And DeRozan just doesn't have a man's body. No, got tits he's got no show he's got tits and he's got no shoulders yeah yeah so it's wild but i've got conversation yeah yeah but the kid the kid
Starting point is 00:09:15 fucking he pulls girls that kid oh he does he does i've seen it yeah he was he was he was working on something at the wedding i was like wow this guy's to bang this girl in the woods. He's even surprised by it. He told me that he's like, why did you do that? Like after he hooks up with him. He's adopted, so he was raised by an Italian family. Yeah, because his blood is really, it's got some Sandra Dee in it. Oh, he's full Sandra. What is he, Egyptian?
Starting point is 00:09:39 He's Egyptian, yeah. Gross! Ew! He's got those skills where they know how to work a deal. They get in there like, bro, bro, let me talk to you, bro. He's got a deal. He gets in there. He knows how to swindle.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Yeah, he's a fucking swindler. He's a swindler, yeah. He knows how to swivel and swindle. He's a Sandra. He's full Sandra. He's full Sandra. Full Sandra. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:58 He's a Sandra. Sandra Day. He's a Sandra adopted by Italians. He's a Sandra adopted by Italians. He lived in some suburb of Philadelphia. He lives in Philly, yeah. And he's going to be moving into Giannis' apartment. And he was asking me all these questions about Giannis' apartment.
Starting point is 00:10:12 I said, Joe, the thing you need is only one reason and one reason alone to move into Giannis' apartment. It's got a view of the Freedom Tower. And if that's not good enough for you, get fucking over the wall. Okay, go back to your Egyptian roots. You got really close to rolling the catapult. Yeah. Yeah. I was like, God, you can see the Freedom Tower. I mean, what else do you want? Yeah, now Jeremiah gets to stay within the wall. Yeah. Okay, go back to Egyptian roots. You got really close to rolling the catapult. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was like, God, you can see the Freedom Tower.
Starting point is 00:10:27 I mean, what else do you want? Yeah, now Jeremiah gets to stay within the walls, right? Well, Jeremiah's from Kansas. Yeah, so you wouldn't even consider putting him in a catapult. No, I... No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:10:35 To get him over the wall. No, he'd be on the night's watch out the wall. He's one of us. Yeah, he's one of us, yeah. Yeah, no, he's Jon Snow. Yeah. He's making sure
Starting point is 00:10:40 if these fucking fucks don't try to climb back over because they're White Walkers. Now, you look like you've been American for many generations. Yeah. That's an American. He's got a very American look, but if he was European, he's one of the first to go.
Starting point is 00:10:54 It's true. You'd be rolled over by a fucking Nazi tank immediately. People ask me all the time. I mean, we'd use your fucking skull as cannon fodder. Yeah. Okay, sorry. Was that too much? You're basically saying he's got a little bit of a Polish look? A little bit, but it's way shot she in, way shot she in. Way shot she in. Sorry, sorry. Was that too much? You're basically saying he's got a little bit of a Polish look?
Starting point is 00:11:05 A little bit, but it's way shot she in, way shot she in. Way shot she in. Sorry, yeah. One of the pictures this kid's sending me, I'm like, dude, I know you got an ACL surgery, but you also look like you're pumping estrogen into your veins. So I don't know what they did when you were out, but I think you got some estro in you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, but with a name like Jeremiah.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Jeremiah Watkins? Yeah, that's it. Yeah. No, but with a name like Jeremiah. Jeremiah Watkins. Yeah, that's it. Yeah. You're either a number one draft pick, if you know what I mean, or you're you. Or you come from a family that cleared out some Indians. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Yeah, you definitely made way for the white man. He's a nice guy. He's religious, and he's like, I don't drink, I don't do anything, but if you want to come out here to Tonka, I'll fucking scalp you.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Yeah, because the kids that walked west, those kids were tough kids. They were tough. Well, yeah, but I mean, you're walking in, that's the thing, you're cut from a cloth of like just tough, strong people because they had to have the courage to walk west and they don't know what they're going to face.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Yeah, man. I was in the NRA as a kid. Were you really? Yeah, six years old, NRA hat. Yeah. Yeah, man. That's what it is, dude. What's up?
Starting point is 00:12:02 I get it, man. We sound so fucking stupid to people from other places in this country. Yeah. Like, I've already said to them, like, what's going on? I felt like Kansas just joined the union three minutes ago. Yeah. You go to Kansas City, it's a regular city. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:13 But when you're from New York, we're just surprised other places exist. We're fucking stupid kids. We're stupid kids. Yeah. No, Kansas City's a nice city. I mean, it's a boring city, but it's a nice city. I mean, I never want to go there. I could fly over it and, like, I'll close, but yeah. That's why they call them
Starting point is 00:12:25 flyover states. Exactly. I'm just going to keep on going. Yeah, no, no, no. Kansas City's not a boring city. I actually was there for a Royals game, and I've done the comedy club there, and both times I've had a lot of fun. Yeah, no, it's a good city. How's the barbecue? Where did you have barbecue at? I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:12:41 I also don't think I had barbecue. I'm just trying to be positive. Okay. That's like literally one of the main things. Like, hey, we got barbecue. Yeah, because I'm just a real New York kid. The truth is, no matter how good your city is, I just don't want to go. I want to stay in New York City. I'm a New York City kid, but I will say publicly that I like this city or that city because I'm in an entertainment field.
Starting point is 00:13:03 And you want to sell tickets here. But the truth is, is I really just don't want to leave New York ever again. I just want to be here. Yeah. Okay. That's just what I don't want to go anywhere. Let me ask you this question. Joe Pesci in Casino.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Was that a real Kansas City accident? Was that like, what was that? I haven't seen Casino. Oh, you haven't seen that? No. I've only seen it once. It's not my favorite movie. Pull it out.
Starting point is 00:13:24 He like has this overdone accent. Is he from Chicago? No, but he does kind of... He talks more like... And it's weird? Oh, it's really overdone. I mean, he's funny. So they claim that he has a Kansas City accent.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Yeah, because they're from Kansas City. They're gangsters from Kansas City. Do they have gangsters in Kansas City still, Jeremiah? No. That you've never seen? No. Not that I'm aware of. There's some parts where you can drive around
Starting point is 00:13:53 where I was driving around with a buddy and he's like, oh, the Mafia and gangs used to be around this area, parts of town, but nothing now that I know of. Yeah, yeah. It's been years since there's been anything. Any of that shit there.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Yeah. We're about to watch a little Joe Pesci video and the ad is for Little Mermaid Live yeah oh yeah no dude I have that in my phone to watch for tomorrow
Starting point is 00:14:13 because my daughter like it's counting down these kids are counting down to Little Mermaid Live tomorrow night 8 o'clock oh that's why it's doing that ABC
Starting point is 00:14:20 shout out ready yeah they said no to my pilot okay that's fucking jag off ABC, shout out. Ready? Yeah. They said no to my pilot. I don't know if you picked the talking scene. He's just sticking a pen in his throat.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Yeah. Oh, wow. Yeah, that's not a Kansas City accent. Kansas City would never stick the pen in the throat. Wow. Yeah, that's not a Kansas City act. Kansas City would never stick the pen in the throat. There's no more. Thanks, hon.
Starting point is 00:14:47 You sure? I'm positive. I'm a little confused. You're a little confused? Maybe if I stick your fucking face to this window over here, you'll get unconfused. Give me the fucking money. It's funny, but we got to find it.
Starting point is 00:15:02 You got to find one of the voiceovers. Did you gamble huh fucking degenerate you fucking kids at home here get the fuck out of here motherfucker you
Starting point is 00:15:21 huh he just sounds like Joe Pesci yeah yeah that's he's kinda hard to tell. Yeah, you got to find one of those long speech, you know when he does those voiceovers.
Starting point is 00:15:28 You know what I'm talking about, like that Kansas City accent he did, or the quote unquote Kansas City accent. Yeah. He tried to really, it was kind of like, you know. All right. Whatever. It's all right.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Just have the angry scenes on. Every time I watch Goodfellas at Casino, it's like funny to me now. I only watch Goodfellas at Casino, it's funny to me now. I only watch Goodfellas. I've seen Casino once. I didn't love it. Should I watch it again? It's too long, but it's good.
Starting point is 00:15:52 It's too long, though. Should watch it again. Jeremiah, that's the history hyenas. And you, you want to talk about Thomas Edison. Now, I love Thomas Edison. Giannis thinks that it's all about Tesla, and Thomas Edison's a piece of shit. I never said that. But yeah, a little bit.
Starting point is 00:16:10 You said he stole Tesla's work. Well, Tesla was like a screwed-in kind of business guy. Yeah, I'm just trying to cause controversy on the podcast. Yeah, let's do it. Yeah. Let's do it. It's a new screwed-in idea I have. Why do you be for Edison, man?
Starting point is 00:16:22 Yeah, what's up? Come on. You said that Thomas Edison, you said Tesla's better, and you said Jeremiah's drumming sucks. That's what I have. Why are you a B for Edison? Yeah, what's up? You said that Thomas Edison, you said Tesla's better, and you said Jeremiah's drumming sucks. That's what I said. Defend yourself. No one's driving Edison's out here. Yeah, but yeah, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:35 Elon Musk really made Tesla famous to the layman. Did you know General Electric is from Edison's company? No. I didn't. That's why. Yeah. So what do you like about Thomas Edison?
Starting point is 00:16:50 What fascinates you about him? What's there not to like about Thomas Edison? Yeah, he's fucking cute. I mean, come on. Where do I even begin? Yeah. He is a straight white man from history, so be careful. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Be careful. He's sinister. We'll put a disclaimer on this episode. Yeah. I'm sorry that we talked nicely about a famous white man in history. Sorry, guys, we have a straight white male guest, and we're talking about a straight white man. Thomas Edison, uncut.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Yeah. Live on History Hyenas. Parental guidance advised. Yeah. And if it's two dads, that's okay. That's okay. That's fine. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:17:20 That's fine. So you say, oh, initially when you're looking up Thomas Edison, he was born in Milan. Oh, that's cool. Ohio. Yeah. I love it. Milan, Ohio. We got a few of those.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Athens, Georgia. Let's just be careful. Yeah. Milan, Ohio. Yeah, there's a Rome, New York. Yeah. It's a little different. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:37 It's a little different. Honey, I'm going to take you to Rome someday. Yeah. You're just in the car six hours upstate. There's also a Troy, New York, and that's a little different. It's a little different than that. One of the highest crime rates in the car six hours upstate. There's also a Troy, New York, and that's a little different. It's a little different than, yeah. One of the highest crime rates in the country. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Okay, so what do you love about him? I just like how he kept trying to invent his entire life. And it's one of those just ruthless mindsets. He was definitely out of his mind crazy and socially socially like had a lot of issues with like ego and stuff like that sure but i mean that's sometimes what takes you to well that's the level that's the only way to get there and it's like sometimes you got to just keep trying stuff like yannis this podcast is finally working because he tried a few one with nate bargotty and it didn't work yeah if nate here is what it is yeah it is. Yeah. Nate's the type of guy.
Starting point is 00:18:25 He's like Thomas Edison. Yeah. If he heard that, he's going to put a bullseye on both of us. Yeah. And he's going to say, I'm going to sell more tickets than both of us. Yeah. I shared a cabin with Nate this weekend, and he busted out his ticket sales on his laptop and was selling us all these tickets he sold.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Yeah. I mean, the kid's out of his fucking mind. He's a fucking egomaniac. You're an egomaniac. He can't help himself. Good friend of mine. One of my best friends. Love Nate.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Yeah. Dad's a clown. And yeah, no. The podcast would have never worked, Nate. This one's good. Yeah. I know it burns you up, but it's just what it is. It's just S-L-O-K-S. Okay?
Starting point is 00:18:51 Yeah. All right. S-L-O-K-S. Anyway. So, okay. So, yeah, with Thomas Edison, I mean, first of all, the thing about the history of hyenas is sometimes we stand by facts that may or may not be true. Thomas Edison, did he invent the telephone? I'm going to say yes. It's a no. No. the history of hyenas is sometimes we stand by facts that may or may not be true thomas edison
Starting point is 00:19:05 did he invent the telephone i'm gonna say yes it's a no no okay alexander graham bell yeah and he's actually one of his main competitors like okay like that was like have you have you seen any of that stuff on uh do you know the backstory between sylvester stallone and arnold schwarzenegger no tell us okay uh let me try to break this down quickly basically uh sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger? No, tell us. Okay. Let me try to break this down quickly. Basically, Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger hated each other for years because basically they were both the same type. Right.
Starting point is 00:19:36 But Arnold was a bigger version of what Sylvester Stallone was. And one of Sylvester Stallone's movies, it won an award for the worst, like a Razzie or something like that, like the worst of all time. Yeah. And it put him into this pit, but that's what drove him.
Starting point is 00:19:59 His hate for Arnold drove him to write all the Rocky movies and everything. Wow. And then years later, Arnold, and they would trash talk each other on different like, like, uh, talk shows to each other. I mean,
Starting point is 00:20:10 there's no Twitter. Yeah. Yeah. That's like, it's like, so they would talk beef on like, like the late night shows and stuff like that. Wow.
Starting point is 00:20:15 And then Arnold years later, the same thing happened with one of his movies is he want, like he was in the exact same place. And that's when they actually became friends because they're like, Oh, we're the same freaking person. actually became friends because they're like, oh, we're the same freaking person. Wow. So now they literally had a colonoscopy together
Starting point is 00:20:30 at the same time. They go and do manly stuff together. Yeah, so we did. Well, we did it as fictionally. So you're saying Alexander Graham Bell is that to Edison? Yeah, he kind of drove him. And I mean, later on, like Tesla and stuff like that, there's different people who eventually you realize that Edison saw any competition as a huge threat.
Starting point is 00:20:52 So that's what drove him to buy up people's IP, intellectual property and different ideas and stuff like that. And then he'd put it out under his name. That's what the egomaniac comes in, where he would buy people's ideas and write it off as his own inventions well he did that to tesla yeah essentially with the current with the um not the dc alternating alternating current yeah yeah so he kind of just like yeah but you know you got to blame tesla a little bit too because like tesla had no business acumen he was like this fucking guy who was just like, yeah, I just want to give this to the world. And it's like, hey, guy, be an adult.
Starting point is 00:21:30 You want to make a little money. Yeah, it's like when comedians and it comes out beautifully in Dan Soder's special, which comes out on HBO very soon. He talks about it, but it's like, yeah, we're not artists here. Stop saying you could be an artist all you want as a comedian, but it's like, are you making money? Because you got four roommates and you're telling me that you did the Tonight Show nobody cares guy what do you do
Starting point is 00:21:48 you're taking the bus here no so go be an artist but I need to make money yeah this isn't an art there'll never be a museum of comedy
Starting point is 00:21:56 where you can just go look at you know somebody fucking somebody's dick joke it's not gonna happen it's not gonna happen yeah we're entertainers
Starting point is 00:22:04 we're full of shit yeah you posted a video we have. Yeah. You posted a video. We have personality disorders. Yeah. You posted a video of you at that Lucille Ball Museum where you can do other people's things like Sebastian Maniscalco's jokes. It got 10. Nobody cares.
Starting point is 00:22:15 Nobody cares. Nobody cares. No, but it's nice though. It's nice out there. Yeah. Bring us up for the Lucille Ball Festival. Yeah. Bring us up.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Yeah. Sorry. Yeah. I just wanted to give you a caveat. Yeah. Yeah. It's great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:22 I had a great time. It was fun. It's going to cost you about 5G. That's what it is. That's just what the new price is. Yeah. The price may go up though. So get ready. Yeah. sorry. I just wanted to give a caveat. Yeah, it's great. I had a great time. It was fun. It's going to cost you about 5G. That's what it is. That's just what the new price is. Yeah, the price may go up, too. So get ready. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Depending on if Jeremiah can introduce us to Rogan or not. It's going to go up. The price is going up. Well, Rogan did say on his podcast that you have to always have, even if everything's going great in your life, something has to internally motivate. You have to be mad at someone and in competition with someone. Even if you create it in your mind. I listened to
Starting point is 00:22:45 one of the podcast episodes he said do that he said because that's the only way that you can ever like get forward in this and it's true it's like anybody in history who's been great they had somebody right on their tail even richard pryor and george carlin they would try to outdo each other because they were both on each other's tails yeah you know so it's like and people would always be trading names back and forth like who's the the greatest? It's like, oh, is it Carlin? Is it Pryor? Yeah, they're right behind each other. Who was Jordan's main competition? Was it Barkley? He had a bunch. He just had a bunch of guys
Starting point is 00:23:12 at that time. Have you ever seen that? Do you know what Jordan did with his coach from high school? Have you ever seen that footage? No. It's saddening. So many years later later the guy who cut jordan from his high school team years later like i think like he's accepting the hall of fame speech
Starting point is 00:23:32 yeah his hall of fame oh my god brought that guy back out and just is like kind of like yeah kind of flexing on him being like you you like you know what you did wrong have you ever seen michael you know what you did wrong it's dude ever seen Michael Jordan's Hall of Fame? You know what you did wrong? It's dude. It's uncomfortable. It's so uncomfortable. Yeah, yeah. His whole speech is just saying, thank you guys for giving me the motivation. This is who I beat.
Starting point is 00:23:54 I'm glad that you guys thought you could beat me. I beat you. Thank you, John Stockton. I whipped your ass. Thank you, Carmelo. I whipped your ass. It's like in Game of Thrones, Arya's kill list. He's just reading down the list of people
Starting point is 00:24:06 who he's annihilated over the years. And by the way, hey, coach who cut me, get up here. I'm going to make an example out of you. Yeah, but you don't become Michael Jordan unless you have that in you. Yeah, but you got to admit, the guy's a tough hang. He's a tough hang. Yeah, he's a tough hang. Just like Bill Burr. Just like Bill Burr.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Bill Burr's a tough hang. He's a fucking genius guy. He's a tough hang. He just yells at you about arguments you had six years ago. That's not bad. I mean. But the kid's fucking the best. He's the best comic. In my opinion, Bill Burr's the best to ever do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:33 He's one of the best. By the way, every time I watch clips of you, I think you're going to pass out. Yeah. You're out like. Yeah. Because here's the thing. You get really worked up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:42 He's about to hit a wall soon. Yeah. No. I'm going to hit the wall soon. Yeah. Well, no. But today we're only. We're not going too long. So it's good. And I've been eating healthy. I had a good a wall soon. Yeah, no, I'm going to hit the wall soon. Yeah, well, no, but today we're not going too long, so it's good. And I've been eating healthy. I had a good shit this morning. Yeah, that's good.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Nice. So what else about Thomas Edison? You said you watch a documentary on him, which is fascinating. We love to learn. We like to go back in history. Yeah. Yeah. Why did he electrocute the elephant?
Starting point is 00:25:00 What's that? Why did he electrocute the elephant? Okay, so I looked at multiple videos about that because it was in one documentary, and then there's some other videos saying that he didn't actually electrocute the elephant. One of the videos said that one of the infamous things with Edison is that some people claim that he killed an elephant as propaganda to use against the alternating current. Okay. as propaganda to use against the uh the alternating current okay because it was like uh he he did a lot of things where he used propaganda to try to make alternating current not the hip thing right
Starting point is 00:25:33 so he promoted it as like uh like for the death penalty he goes you know what like uh i think that we should use alternating current for something i think that we should use it for the death penalty basically scaring people to be like trying to associate alternating current for something. I think that we should use it for the death penalty. Basically scaring people to be like trying to associate alternating current with death because they had some accidents where they're working on the power lines where people died up on the power lines with alternating current because it
Starting point is 00:25:55 was way better obviously because they could cover it over way more cities and like run power lines through miles and miles of cities but his direct current the why it was more of a primitive technology was you had to build little individual hubs for only a mile area so it looked way uglier and it's just a worse technology but he's trying to slam the other guys because he's so egotistical and like no mine is better right even though even
Starting point is 00:26:23 he probably knew deep down it wasn't. So the elephant thing, the elephant controversy, is they had to put down an elephant, and this elephant had killed a couple people in the circus or whatever that it was involved with, like a couple police officers, like three people. So they're like, we got to put this down. So it was suggested that they use alternating current
Starting point is 00:26:41 because it is a more powerful current. So they killed it with electrocution, but he sent his film crew there to film it and he sold it as part of his one of his little motion pictures that they could that somebody could go to and the the little theaters uh i forget what they're called um uh to view it on like like an individual yeah like like individual screens so he's a complete fucking psychopath. He's a psychopath. He's a psychopath.
Starting point is 00:27:07 But he's a marketing genius in the same way like- He makes money off of everything. Same thing like Steve Jobs. It's like the iPhone is not as good as the Samsung. It's not as good, but the iPhone is such a better marketer. Obviously, Steve Jobs is a fucking genius, but I'm just saying- No, but you make a good point. Apple products are just about the marketing because the Samsung product, things that the Apple can do.
Starting point is 00:27:27 There was face technology that could open up the Samsung phone in like 2007. Yeah. So it's like – but it wasn't marketed well. Right. And people want their text messages to turn blue because iPhone – they change – Steve Jobs is like, I think if we change – everybody's text used to be green. Even initial iPhone text used to be green. They're like, let me separate myself. We'll make them blue blue is a better color people like blue yeah and then it's all marketing you're you're right and also he was a notorious dick who stevie jobs yeah that's
Starting point is 00:27:54 what everyone says i mean that's truly and like but you need it but at some reason it's really like if you say that people like he's become such an icon because even he built that reputation about himself yeah then when you hear the first hand, you're like, the guy was a dick. Sure. He was a dick to everybody. He was a dick to his daughter. That's why I say they don't meet your heroes because probably your hero's a dick. Tough hangs.
Starting point is 00:28:14 They only got that way because they fucking were able to black everything out. Yeah. I mean, Ric Flair didn't see his family for 20 years, but that guy sells tickets. Woo! Yeah. Yeah. No, there's some truth to that. Oh, it was called a kinetoscope.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Okay. That's how he was filming and showing them back. It was like these basic series of images that were the first kind of moving picture kind of thing. Now, do you like this guy? Do you like him because he was such a competitive psychopath? Because you seem like the opposite. You don't have that energy. I like you immediately.
Starting point is 00:28:47 You have that type of energy where you're liked immediately. I feel like a tough hang when you first meet me. You are a tough hang. Yeah, I'm a tough hang. But it's okay. Yeah, as you can see in our group chats. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:03 It's no chaos. It's no chaos. I think it's kind of... I kind of like that about him, even though I think I have elements of that inside of me. I don't really show that side of it, but I'm a very competitive person by nature. I don't think I would go out of the way.
Starting point is 00:29:18 I'm a very collaborative person, so I'm the opposite in that way, where if somebody has a good idea, whether it be like a writing room or whatever idea for whatever like that's what goes not like no it needs to come out of my head and my mouth right that's the only thing that i didn't like about him was that he would go to like such an extent to discredit other people yeah to be like no no it has to come from me and that's all wasted energy and j Jeremiah is a very brave person because at the wedding that we did, it was like 40 degrees.
Starting point is 00:29:48 The lake is freezing and they had this blob out there where you could jump off like a diving board that was, what, 15, 20 feet in the air? It was high. And then it hits a blob and it shoots you into the lake. And Jeremiah did it. And he did it. Where everybody else, I mean, we're literally in overcoats. You could blow smoke out of your mouth. That's how cold it was it was and he fucking did it and he got by far the most air i was i was pretty happy in my air they kept telling me to go to farther to the end of it i'm
Starting point is 00:30:12 like no yeah the way this bows if i go farther back it's gonna launch me like dude i got some yeah crazy hang time dog yeah no it was fucking amazing wild yeah and then he kept his shirt off and he just was like yeah i mean i was a little bitch i was like i'm not like, I'm not going to do it. I'm going to get a strapped throat. I'm not going to do it. And he was just out there doing it. So there's a fearlessness that he has that also equates to success. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Do you know anything about your family history? Like, will your stock come from you? Do you guys vote right? What do you do? Kansas goes. Is Kansas a swing state? What does Kansas do most of the time? Kansas goes right.
Starting point is 00:30:43 They go right. But more recently, they've become way more liberal. Like a lot, like Texas too. I mean, it's become drastically more liberal compared to how it used to be. It used to be so far right back in the day. Well, yeah, Kansas is right. So you're definitely from, if your old school family's been there, then you're like, Jeremiah, they're proud of you,
Starting point is 00:30:59 but they're like, oh yeah, my son went to the Watkins. They had a kid that went to L.A. to pursue comedy. He's gay. That's what they say. They say he's a gay kid now. He's going to prance around out there. He know, the Watkins. They had a kid that went to L.A. to pursue comedy. He's gay. Yeah. They say he's a gay kid. He's going to prance around. He goes to prance around. They don't even know what it is.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Like, oh, he's gay. Let's just say I was to put into scope. And like my family has changed like political views and stuff like even since like this. But I was peer pressured to vote for Dick Cheney. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Peer pressure. By vote for Dick Cheney. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Peer pressure. By your family. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, as long as you do the right thing in 2020,
Starting point is 00:31:32 you'll be alright. Yeah. Your candidate's first name also begins with a D. Yeah. 2020. Yeah. Yeah. Do you know that she got pissed? She was like, no. Donny T. Formar. It's a character piece. It's a character piece. It's just a character piece. It's a character piece.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Donny T. Donny T. joined the Patriots. Yeah, he's doing a character piece. Yeah. That's my friend Patrick Mulroney. I just do a character piece. Yeah, he just got to see. Yeah, Veneti is waving his stuff off.
Starting point is 00:31:57 She's getting hot over there. Yeah, that's Patrick Mulroney. Yeah. He just cares about local issues. It's a union thing. It's just what it is. It's what it is. He's one of the guys. He's just one of the guys. He's not really that political. Yeah. Yeah. He just cares about local issues, and it's a union thing. It's just what it is. It's what it is. He's one of the guys, okay?
Starting point is 00:32:05 He's just one of the guys. He's just one of the guys. He's not really that political. Yeah. Yeah. He's one of us, really. Yeah. You know, we cook and pot roast on Thursday night.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Oh, yeah. Yeah. We're a couple firefighters. Yeah. Love the crumble your wife makes, by the way. Thank you. I appreciate that. Beautiful crumble.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. Elizabeth Warren should get back in the kitchen. It's a character piece. It's a character piece the kitchen. It's a character piece. It's a character piece. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:27 A lot of 14s. You're wild. So do you know any of the backstory, like where they came from? Oh, my family, not so much. So my dad's side, his parents, so my grandparents, were missionaries, actually. So they lived in Mississippi and also the Cayman Islands. So my dad grew up in the Cayman Islands as a kid. Wow.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Wow. That's pretty dope. Is the U.S. owned, the Cayman Islands? Who owns the Cayman Islands? Yeah. Or they're British owned? No, they're like, yeah, there's some sort of commonwealth, right? Do they speak with an accent?, like, like an accent?
Starting point is 00:33:05 I wonder if your dad's like white, but he talks like Bob Marley. That's not how Bob Marley talks. Hey, Jeremiah, how are you? Yeah. Does he have an accent or does he speak like normal accent? Yeah. My first, my first words were. Bumba clack.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Bumba clack. Yeah. They, I know that there's a lot of offshore banks in the Cayman Islands. Oh, yeah. That's where a lot of people tax evade. Say it again? That's where a lot of people tax evade. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Cayman Breck and the Cayman Islands, there's a lot of offshore banking. Have you been out there to where your dad grew up and stuff? No, my brother just went there, and I was a little bit jealous. He went with his wife there, and he got to see where my dad grew up. That's dope. My dad's old buddy from back in the day, he still lives there. Wow. And he showed my brother like where
Starting point is 00:33:45 my dad like grew up it was pretty was your dad like one of the only white families on the oh yeah oh yeah that's awesome yeah they were literally like the white family so like they were like anywhere they went obviously they stuck out like sure and and also my dad said it was kind of uh i talked to my aunt about this she said that it was kind of high pressure a little bit to live there because they were also supposed to be an example for the entire island. So they're trying to come up as teenagers and kids and stuff, and they're wanting to get into trouble, but they also have the pressure of being like to set the Christian example
Starting point is 00:34:18 for the entire island. I thought you meant to set the white example. No, set the white example. No, but they made a big deal out of it when my aunt tried to date a black guy on the island. They're like, we don't know if we... Really? Because this was in the 50s or whatever. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:34:34 So when did your dad come to Kansas then? Did he go right to Kansas from the Cayman Islands? No. So then I think he was in Mississippi for a while and then he moved to Kansas City years later in his 20s. I think he started going to school here in Kansas City. Yeah. I think he went to MU for a little bit and started living in Kansas City.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Did you grow up in a church? Oh, yeah. Fiery sermons? Protestant? Yeah. Yeah. I grew up going to church like three times a week. Wow.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Wow. Yeah, it was intense. That's Linda Stefano numbers. Yeah, that's child abuse numbers. To me, that's, I think, I grew up in a church. But he's not Catholic. No, but I mean, no matter, I just think that much religion is a little child abuse. Hey, it's not child abuse.
Starting point is 00:35:16 You know what I'm doing. If you didn't get fucking out. I don't want to get into that, but the Catholic church is going to bust a thing into it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like, yeah. I mean, come on. Yeah, come on. There's levels.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Let's go from spade to spade. Yeah, there's levels to everything. Father Bill, shout out. Yeah, there on. There's levels. Let's go from spade to spade. Yeah, there's levels to everything. Father Bill, shout out. Yeah, there's levels to everything in the Catholic child abuse. Father Billy boy, how you doing? Father Bill, he got me. He got him. He got me nice in third grade.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Stung, yeah. Wow. What are you going to do? Yeah, he hunted you down. Sometimes you get hit. No matter how much you bob and weave, sometimes you just take a fucking left to the chin. And it stings. It stings.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Oh, yeah. It stings and it's sticky. And it also, you can't remember it. Yeah. The memory's just black just black Yeah just kind of black out I black out a lot of times in this podcast When you see me like you said Oh sometimes you think I'm going to pass out That's because I'm in a blackout
Starting point is 00:35:53 My brain is actually off and I'm just spewing words I just think hammering that stuff into your kids head That much is child abuse And in the Catholic church it's actual child abuse Is child abuse So what are you going to do Was Thomas Edison religious I don't think so child abuse, and then the Catholic Church, it's actual child abuse is child abuse. Yeah, so what are you going to do? Yeah, there's levels to it. Was Thomas Edison religious?
Starting point is 00:36:07 Did you find that? I don't think so. I think he spent so much. I don't think he had anything to do with religion. He literally had 80-hour work weeks, and he would go and live off-site from his family. His first wife died, then he remarried later on, but it was one of those things where he would spend
Starting point is 00:36:23 so much time at his lab or whatever a workspace like he would build houses upon the sites wherever he was working on and he'd stay there and he would go home on sundays to see his family that's it he would work the entire week and then go home on sunday so he was a kid he was famous and rich in his life yeah like he wasn't it wasn't after they're like so was tesla though those guys were like all died alone in the New Yorker hotel. I know, but he was famous before that. He was famous.
Starting point is 00:36:48 That stuff was in the paper. These guys were like, cause this was the era of like new inventions. So they would have these world fairs. He was like Elon Musk. These guys were rock stars. Yeah. He's one of the only people like,
Starting point is 00:36:57 he's one of the only people of like of this century where you asked him what he did for a living. And he's like, well, I'm an inventor. Everybody else like had day jobs and like, they would like maybe maybe at night like try to work on stuff at home alone but this was his career like this is all he did like every single week yeah one of my my favorite facts that that uh that i learned about him was uh his son after like the edison name was super established and he's like a celebrity among everybody and his face is on the side of like signs and billboards and products and his signature if like it had a signature on it then it
Starting point is 00:37:29 was like endorsed by him where you should buy that uh his son tried to make money off of the family name as thomas edison jr and he sold it to some homeopathic medicine company, and his dad's like, whoa. And he's like, I'm going to buy your name off you. Wow. He bought his name off his son, and his son had to change his name to Burton Ward or something like that. Do you know who this guy sounds a lot like? Who?
Starting point is 00:37:55 He sounds... Hey, Bert. Not hey, Bert. He sounds a lot like... Joseph Goebbels? No. Not that extreme. Okay. But similar anatomy
Starting point is 00:38:07 And a little Wait let me guess No it's from a movie Oh He sounds exactly like Henry Roan Garner Rookie of the Year No
Starting point is 00:38:14 He sounds like the guy From There Will Be Blood That character I was gonna say Daniel Plainview Yeah Like Daniel Plainview You ever see There Will Be Blood? No uh uh
Starting point is 00:38:20 Daniel Day-Lewis Right? I drink your milkshake Yeah I drink your milkshake. I. Yeah. So he's a, that guy was a fucking psychopath. Thomas Edison has
Starting point is 00:38:31 fumes to me. Yeah, oh really? Yeah, I don't like his fumes. And he totally, he fucking kind of tricked Tesla. He like, because he kind of took him under his wing a little bit, right? Like they were collaborating and then he kind of tricked him at the end. He stole his shit, he took advantage of his kindness and he knew what he was doing.
Starting point is 00:38:46 He was a premeditated asshole. The guy did, he did move us forward, but with other people's shit a lot of ways. He had to step on a lot of people. Whoa! Yeah, no,
Starting point is 00:38:58 we're going to cackle that. We're going to cackle that. And we're back. That was not a Chris DiStefano cackle. That was a Giannis Pappas cackle Hashtag triggered Wow
Starting point is 00:39:08 Yeah yeah whatever I just I pulled a Chrissy Holy shit But we'll uncackle We'll leave it uncackled On the Patreon or no? We'll think
Starting point is 00:39:16 We'll make Venetia Make the decision Venetia said we're dope She says we're cackling right? No she says we can uncackle it On the Patreon On the Patreon It's a joke
Starting point is 00:39:23 It was a character piece Yeah What if How about if we When I'm saying it's a character piece and I really don't mean it, I just say it without the accent. It was a character piece. I was just joking.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Yeah, no, she's a monster. That's one of the products that Edison Jr. put his name on. He's fucking ripped up. What is this product now? I'm glad you told us that story. I didn't know that. It's a Magno electric vitalizer.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Basically, it was like fake kinesio tape. Okay. Dude, he went after his own son. Yep. And so he paid him a weekly allowance of like $25 a week or something. So be like, yeah, you're going by a different name now. And he's like, wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:01 I guess I'll do it. Yeah, I guess I'll do it. That's what some people, you know, I mean, it's like, listen, family is family until you get in the way of the money. Then it's like, you know okay, I guess I'll do it. Yeah. I guess what some people, I mean, some people, you know, I mean, it's like, listen, family is family until you get in the way of the money. Then it's like, you know what guy you got to go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:09 I mean, I mean, it's going after your own son's wild. It's kind of wild. It's actually exactly what he did in the movie. So I wonder if Tom, that movie was based on Thomas Edison. It could have been.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Yeah, probably. And actually probably was. Remember that? He was like, you're not my son anymore. His son starts his, uh,
Starting point is 00:40:23 his own oil company. And he tells him that it's just, it just makes him a competitor. Yeah. And, you're not my son anymore. His son starts his own oil company, and he tells him that it just makes him a competitor. Yeah. Now you're a competitor. Wow. Yeah. I mean, but if people are calling him while he's alive, if people are telling you you are the greatest person who's alive
Starting point is 00:40:43 over and over and over, it's got to take a toll on your psyche. Of course. You are the greatest person who's alive over and over and over it's got to take a toll on your on your psyche be like of course you're the great they called him the wizard of menlo park wow wizard because we're coming up with all these amazing inventions and stuff like that did he but so he he's not one of these guys that died penniless he died rich as fuck god yeah like a probably a modern day billionaire yeah but so the General Electric thing that I mentioned earlier it was because of his boneheadedness and his stubbornness he was also an alcoholic
Starting point is 00:41:10 oh his kid died of substance abuse oh Thomas Jr. died in 1935 due in part to his substance abuse because his fucking dad is a psycho so I'm sorry what were you saying so the General Electric thing was where was I going with that he was boneheaded oh so he kept So the General Electric thing was, where was I going with that?
Starting point is 00:41:25 He was boneheaded. Oh, so he kept, like they had him on the board of General Electric and they wanted to go with the alternating current. And he basically got outvoted. And it probably would have been called like Edison light bulbs to this day had he not put up such a fight about like, no, I'm right, I'm right. So that's why they went with a different company name and they voted him out of his shares. Really? Yeah. He got voted out of it.
Starting point is 00:41:51 So in the end, being that egotistical maniac, you really don't really win in the end. I think you kind of, at the end, you don't. At the end of the day, I don't think you do. I mean, look at Mike Ovitz. Who's Mike Ovitz? Oh, head of CIA, right? Yeah, big agent, like just blackball at the end.
Starting point is 00:42:04 I mean, you made your money Michael Jordan is the greatest But nobody likes him Everyone hates him He's kind of notoriously a piece of shit He says, hey, Republicans buy sneakers too He don't give a fuck about his community He don't give a fuck about anybody
Starting point is 00:42:19 He gambles We do So I don't know But he did Patrick Maroney buys Jordans It's a, but you know, he did. Character. Patrick Maroney by Stordons. All right. Yeah, it's not Chris DiStefano, but Patrick Maroney coincidentally, both our mom's names
Starting point is 00:42:31 are Lynn. Didn't he do a lot of coke too, Thomas Edison? I mean, kids coked out. So did Sigmund Freud. I mean, you just did a little blow back then. You just did a little blow back then. Yeah, just a little blow. So did Justin Silver this weekend.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Okay. That's okay. Yeah. What are you going to do? You do a little blow. It's a little blow. It's blow is blow. It's a little blow. Okay. Just a little gas. Yeah. What are you going to do? You do a little blow. It's a little blow. It's blow is blow. It's a little blow.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Take a little sniff, you know? Yeah. What are you going to do? And then you take like little naps. He's like famous for his cat naps. He would have like a little single bed like wherever he was at like so he could literally nap, wake up, and go right back to inventing. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:43:02 All the research now is saying that napping is, you need to nap. There should be naps all the way through every part of school, including college. To make kids try to sit there. I feel a thousand percent better. After I take a 20 minute nap, I feel so much better. All the research is saying naps are important for the human brain.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Those things always go back and forth though. Coffee's bad. The last one is like three to five cups is good. It's not even a lot. Well, I would trust the more recent research. Red meat's good. It's bad. But all this new recent research, because the way they can map neural activity now in your brain is like it's second to none.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Right. It's like they just know how much it enhances after you nap. Right. How much more you can retain. All right. It all comes down to who is funding the research. Oh, sure. Of course.
Starting point is 00:43:49 Sugar industry would say, sure, it's not that bad. If the pillow industry is telling you, take naps. Yeah. Unless it's my pillow, which I'll buy because it's American. It's like sleeping on a cinder block. Yeah, you think the pillow industry is really campaigning like, we gotta sell more pillows. what's going on
Starting point is 00:44:05 pillows aren't as popular as they used to be we gotta get some pro pillow studies out there speaking of marketing though i don't know if we mentioned that that my pillow did we mention this the my pillow that you know i even know the name my pillow have you ever put your head on a my pillow no it's like a cinder block it's like the it's it's so uncomfortable it's it's hilarious but you know it's like that i'm an american guy we made him here this episode of history hyena is brought to you by my pillow yeah we have our factory it's the worst thing you gotta try it's the sponsor of today's episode it's still an old dictionary it's actually like the example for why everything went overseas.
Starting point is 00:44:45 When you buy it, you're going like, I get it. Same thing with Casper mattress. Everyone buys a Casper. It's like, oh, those are good. Oh, are they?
Starting point is 00:44:50 Oh, yeah. And they also might sponsor. Can I just say that guy looks like he's never held anything in his life. It's the most awkward like mannequin hands. Like, no,
Starting point is 00:44:59 this is comfort in your hand. It's very tasty when you lie on. Good for you. My pillow. Can be yours as well. My pillow. Good for wife.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Good for life. My pillow. He looks like he... But he's an American kid. Have you seen those infomercials? No. You've never seen a MyPillow? I've never seen a MyPillow! In LA, it's probably different infomercials. I mean, no. MyPillow's everywhere've never seen a MyPillow! Jesus Christ! Well, in L.A., it's probably different infomercials. Wild! I mean, no, MyPillow's everywhere, man.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Yeah, it's like hipster commercials in L.A. It's like, hey, do you have a pillow of the past? Check out MyPillow. No, MyPillows are everywhere, man. Yeah, let him see it. I mean, this guy fucks. Here, you get the right. I love this guy.
Starting point is 00:45:52 Just pause it for a second. I guarantee you that this guy doesn't make those pillows. I guarantee you it's some huge company that's like, let's find the most normal American guy who you would meet at like a bar in the middle of Wisconsin. Yeah, I mean, Mulrooney pillows. Yeah, I mean, he's just like, he doesn't even know what he's talking about. Yeah, he's like, I got these pillows. He's like, do you have problems with your vertebrae? Okay, then slap this three times, lie on it on a Tuesday,
Starting point is 00:46:17 and you'll figure it out by Friday. Yeah, he also- The pillows are soft. The pillows are soft. I don't want firm or I want soft. They're all soft. They're all soft. So all we need to get is the right size for you.
Starting point is 00:46:31 That's his best take. I'm going to simplify it. Every pillow has a color-corded tag. He called it color-corded, by the way. Yeah, he sounds hammered. He's hammered. Five colors, four pillows. We're going to start with the yellow level.
Starting point is 00:46:44 The yellow level is for you. One of the colors is women. It's also for stomach sleeping. True, that's true. And it's white. White women. And it's also for very petite women. Five foot, you know, five foot one, five foot low.
Starting point is 00:46:59 This is all bullshit. Yeah. It's hilarious. That'll give him enough room in your shoulders. Yeah, yeah. That's perfect for people like that. Yellow is a Tim and Eric sketch. Yeah, yeah. That's perfect for people like that. Child stomach sleeper. That's the last thing you want so your child
Starting point is 00:47:09 chokes on its vomit. I've never seen this. This guy was as popular as the Shamwell guy. How have you guys not seen The My Pillow? I haven't seen it. Because they're watching shit like they're not watching TV at night, like when they're drunk
Starting point is 00:47:27 eating. We watch TV. We're from that generation. This was hard to avoid for a little while. It was every channel.
Starting point is 00:47:33 It was everywhere. It's also for smaller men, I would say. I mean, he's making it up as he's going along. This one's a dwarf
Starting point is 00:47:41 pillow over here. Small women and smaller guys. Yeah, smaller guys. Three level is for most guys. This one's a dwarf pillow over here. Small women and smaller guys. Yeah, smaller guys, yeah. Three level is for most guys. This one is for your crotch over here when you're alone in the middle of the night and you don't have another woman in your bed. You put it between your legs, and here we go.
Starting point is 00:47:57 And this next pillow over here. Yeah, this one over here is when you don't have that much money and you're split in a hotel room with your buddy, but you don't want to feel like a homosexual. So you put this one between the other guy. It's a good wall. It's a straight wall. He's just making it up as he's fucking talking.
Starting point is 00:48:11 He's dead now. I think he dropped dead of a heart attack, right? No, he's still alive. The Shamgo guy. Oh, Billy Mays. Okay. Yeah. Almost all guys up to us.
Starting point is 00:48:19 Maybe six. I love how that pillow's for almost all guys. Yeah, this guy should. Yeah. It's all the way up to an XL shirt. It's also for larger women. Can you pause it for a second? He's got Jesus on his chest.
Starting point is 00:48:30 When have you ever walked into a hotel and seen a pillow and been like, that one's not my size? Never. That's for extra large guys. Never. My lady. Yeah, that pillow over there. I could call front desk.
Starting point is 00:48:43 I'm sorry. You don't have the right size pillow for me. I'm a medium-sized guy. You got extra large guys. Every guy, when they go to a hotel, let's do this, need to call down and go, you gave me lady pillows. You gave me a lady pillow. I mean, this guy couldn't be more full of shit.
Starting point is 00:48:56 But is that a little Jesus cross he's got in the middle? Yeah, he's got Jesus with him. I mean, this is straight out of Central Casting. Now, here's the thing about this pillow. You will fall asleep for three days and rise three days later. You will get the best sleep of your life. We call this one,
Starting point is 00:49:10 this is the Savior pillow. This is the Savior pillow. I mean, it's... Maybe a woman that just sleeps on her side that has broader shoulders because you need more height for your side sleep
Starting point is 00:49:20 than for your back or your stomach. You know, if you're a wildebeest of a woman and you weigh 400 pounds, this pillow is for you and all your back issues. Now, if you want to kill someone, this one's really going to fucking hold over someone's face.
Starting point is 00:49:33 You want to kill Giannis's father? This is the pillow for you. You want to smother him? Beefcakes Women, this is not for you I'm trying to remember how we went from Edison to this right now Yeah Damn Yeah, true, inventions
Starting point is 00:50:03 Yeah Yeah Yeah, true inventions. It's got a lot of loft. Please do not buy this one because it's not going to go flat. None of my pillows do. They're going to stay. What you get is what it is. So don't buy up thinking it's going to be like a conventional pillow that goes flat. It's going to be the same on day one as it is on year two. You are so full of shit.
Starting point is 00:50:21 All pillows go down when you put your head on them. And that red pillow is for one person and one person only. Me. It's a guy that has huge shoulders that only sleeps on his side. Ah, okay. He needs the height for his side sleeping to take the pressure off his shoulders. Yeah, yeah. And this pillow is for him.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Imagine you're born and this is your life to be this guy. Oh, my God. Imagine you look back at your life. You're already a death pick. I was like, I was bullshitting about pillows. I was the MyPillow guy. I was the MyPillow guy. Don't bear me with MyPillow.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Well, there it is. So this pillow is only for one person. That's a large, very large hand that only sleeps on this side. I've been looking for him. Another thing, too, these colors all go for the same for king-size pillows. It works exactly the same. You've got your thinnest lop being your yellow, white, green, blue, and then the red. And I can't say enough.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Can you pause it for a second? He's got four pillows on that table. I cannot tell a difference between any of those pillows. No. If I went to his demonstration, I would be like, dude, I don't see a difference. They all are the same pillow. He could have, those could be four of the same pillows, and he's saying, this one's a woman pillow, this one's a man pillow.
Starting point is 00:51:34 He's just moving them up and down on the table. Yeah. Well, he fucked all four of them. Yeah. I am thinking they're going to go flat at night. This is what my pillow is all about. It's going to stay where you put it, and it's going to hold there. He sounds like he's actively having a stroke.
Starting point is 00:51:47 It's so important that you listen to what I just said on the video here. We do have the 60-day money-back guarantee, but you're not going to want to ever return this pillow if you get fitted right. Obviously, if you bought this blue pillow and it bent your neck on the upright, you're not going to like it. This is why fitting is so important. bought this blue pillow. That's why I return it. It bent your neck on the upright. You're not going to like it. Yeah. This way fitting is so important. And if you follow what I just told you, it's going to be an amazing sleep.
Starting point is 00:52:14 So you got to watch that drunk instructional video to make sure you get your pillow right. Yeah. Look at that. Yeah. Look, Nate Bargatze did a my pillow reveal. The third one down. I don't think there could be a less complicated process than buying a pillow. I don't think you need an instruction. What did Joe Rogan say about my pillow?
Starting point is 00:52:31 He's in there. Oh, no. He said something else. All right. Yeah. Anyway, we just got on a real tangent about the MyPillow guy. Yeah. And Vanity tried to get us back on, and she couldn't.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Yeah. But now we're back. You know what? I'm really curious. You got us on it because you just yelled something that had to get us back on, and she couldn't. Yeah. But now we're back. You know what? I'm really curious. You got us on it, because you just yelled something that had to be cackled out. That's true. Yeah. But it was funny, though.
Starting point is 00:52:50 It was worth it. But it is an invention. Mike said My Pillow is an invention, so it kind of does fit with the theme. Yeah, it does kind of fit with the theme. He invented some bullshit. He did. But Thomas Edison invented bullshit, too. But, I mean, we always remember the kid's name.
Starting point is 00:53:00 What was his biggest invention? No, but I'm saying, marketing aspect the marketing aspect is fascinating because you're right it's kind of like that's what put him over the top and that's what put everything
Starting point is 00:53:11 that's what puts everything over the top it's just marketing even religions even anything it's like if you got a good religion it's got to be marketed right
Starting point is 00:53:19 hell yeah you can't just you got to get your shit together you got to get a government involved say what you will about Scientology their marketing is great. It's great.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Hey, come in here. They market everything. Let's take a test. Did you see the Scientology commercial? They've been doing it on the Super Bowls lately. Yeah. Last year, they had a Scientology. It was like these people walking.
Starting point is 00:53:38 It was like this nice scenery. And then at the end, it was like, Church of Scientology. Find out more here. It was just like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Yeah, maybe. I didn't know you're cracking the mainstream, whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Yeah, maybe. I didn't know you were cracking the mainstream ads now. This is wild. It's what it is.
Starting point is 00:53:49 I mean, they'll probably start doing ads on podcasts. I mean. Would you do an ad read? For Scientology? Yeah. I mean, if they fucking, if they gave you enough money. Yeah. Dude, I would do an ad for, I mean, yeah, guy, I'm trying to put a kid through fucking
Starting point is 00:53:59 college. Yeah. What do you need me to do? I'll be pro anything for the money. Yeah. Even left? Would you do an Elizabeth? Okay. Would you do an elizabeth would you do an elizabeth warren read ad read yeah yeah i'd do an elizabeth warren ad read if it was fucking dropping her to a barrel of acid
Starting point is 00:54:12 no i'm kidding i fucking think elizabeth warren's great yeah she's great no seriously i i'm more democrat i'm more left than right yeah i am i am. I've always voted left. I've never voted right ever in one election. It's going to change big time in 2020. But no, I'm serious. I do like Elizabeth Warren. Yeah. She's got the same haircut as my mom. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:34 What do you think his worst invention was? Ooh. That's an interesting question. If you asked him, he'd say my son, the good for nothing who tried to steal my idea. Yeah. The worst invention that came out of my dick. I'm an interesting question. If you asked him, he'd say, my son, the good for nothing who tried to steal my idea. Yeah. The worst invention that came out of my dick. I'm an oil man. One quote that I like a lot that he's famous for is that he said he's never failed.
Starting point is 00:54:57 He's just figured out how to create things wrong thousands of times. Something like that. I like that. That mentality was like no no i no i'm just i'm figuring things out like i'm interesting you know like the opposite defeat yeah i mean yeah it is kind of true because it's like six kids he had but he had but but oh so this is one of the coolest things because edison was such a bully in the film industry, in the motion picture industry at the very beginning, like when it was in its infancy, I find this really cool. And this goes back on, you need somebody to motivate you to go out and do something.
Starting point is 00:55:36 They were doing everything from New Jersey because that's where he was living and that's where the motion pictures and stuff that they were creating and shooting were all in Jersey. He basically wanted to have a monopoly on the entire film industry to the point where if there was anybody who made any kind of motion picture, he was going to get residuals and a percentage and own it. Like very Mafioso. Like Lorne Michaels. That's kind of what he does now. I mean, yeah. You sign for SNL, he gets a percentage of your whole shit. He makes you sign a contract before you audition.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Yeah. If he likes you, you're already signed. So basically, he tried to bully out a couple other guys and they're like, you know what? He took them to court. He tried to get them hundreds of times
Starting point is 00:56:25 into court. He was trying to drain their bank accounts and basically make them obsolete so he could still own the monopoly. And those two guys, they actually were like, why are we staying in Jersey? They moved out to Los Angeles and they started 20th Century Fox and they started Paramount and
Starting point is 00:56:41 I think Universal. They started those three studios. Wow. That's interesting. There you go. I didn't know that was tied to Thomas Edison at all. That was all because of Edison was a dick and he was trying to shut them down and they were trying to show their own movies in movie theaters because they were like, Edison's films suck. There are all these things where it's just
Starting point is 00:56:58 like puppets fighting each other and stuff. It's very not entertaining. They're like, we want to make actual real motion pictures, real cinema and real movies. It's very not entertaining. They're like, we want to make actual real motion pictures, real cinema and real movies. So that's what gave them the drive to move west. So the whole movie industry could have been in New Jersey if Edison wasn't a dick. Which would have been a way
Starting point is 00:57:13 different industry. Way different. A lot more porn. There would be more guys going like, he got fucking five minutes to get to set. What the fuck's going on with this fucking prima donna? Yeah. He's asking for all these fucking smoothies. Like that Christian Bale video we reference sometimes when he's like screaming at the fucking... It's like New Jersey guy.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Bale would have just got punched in the face. He would have broke his arm. Yeah. And then he would just have to finish Batman with a broken fucking arm. Yeah. All right. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:39 So it's just what it is. Wow. That's really interesting. That's really interesting. But you see? You never fucking know. I mean, he had his hands in everything. I mean, he's kind of like the... Wow, that's really interesting. That's really interesting. But you see, you never fucking know. I mean, he had his hands in everything. He's kind of like the...
Starting point is 00:57:48 Well, he got so rich to a point... Kind of like Kevin Hart. Or no, not Kevin Hart, but he's kind of like, what's his... Jeff Bezos a little bit. Yeah, a little bit. He's got his hands in everything. Yeah, because he got to that level, he has money to throw around. So any ideas and any upcoming inventions, that's why he started buying them out and being like,
Starting point is 00:58:04 Hey, I'll pay you for this. But it's going out under my name. Yeah. Yeah. And the thing that's like my buddy Jesse Scaturo always said, there's no end to up. It's like a guy like Bezos, a guy like Edison. When you're wired that way, it's like you conquer one mountain. You're like, you want to invest.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Let me get into this. Let me get into that. Stagnation is like death for capitalists to this degree. You know, they're kind of like growth. If you're not growing, you're dying, which is good. So when did he actually build the light bulb then? Like, when did he invent that? I think that was around 1880, I think, somewhere around there.
Starting point is 00:58:35 That was his biggest thing, and that was the thing. Somewhere around there? Yeah, because that's like what you know him from, Con Edison. And also, like, the big thing, like the war that was going on with Alexander Graham Bell is, and one of Edison's biggest accomplishments is,
Starting point is 00:58:50 before like he even was influenced by other people or anything, he invented the first recording, like the first audio recording that you could actually play back, which was like the, like he made a bunch of different versions of the phonograph,
Starting point is 00:59:03 but it was basically what came out before like vinyl and stuff like that. It had its own little film reel or some kind of wax or something. That whenever you cranked it, you could play back a recording. And that was the first audio recording. Can we listen to that? I wonder if they have that. It's Mary Had a Little Lamb. Mary Had a Little Lamb.
Starting point is 00:59:24 Have it somewhere. Let's put it on. But it's kind of like, you can't really hear it, right? Mary Had a Little Lamb. Is it Edison's voice, though? Yeah, it's right here. It might be.
Starting point is 00:59:33 Let's hear it. The first words I spoke in the original phonograph. A little piece of practical poetry. Mary had a little lamb, it speaks with quite a flow. Sounds like Bane from Batman. It does. Everywhere that Mary went.
Starting point is 00:59:50 He does. That's really how people used to talk. Yeah, they had that sort of... Yeah. Accents change. Yeah, it's a different cadence for sure. Our cadence and accents will sound so weird a hundred years from now.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Nobody will speak like this. Yeah, well, everyone's going to speak like this. Everyone's going to speak like this in the future. It's going to kind of just be, there'll be no more genders. Everyone will just go make sounds. Yeah. What is his gender? No, it's.
Starting point is 01:00:13 Yeah. Yeah. Everyone's going to just be sounds. Do you remember when you called people by gender? Yeah. Yeah, we say it in our minds. And when people get competitive, they're going to talk just like this too. Like, yo, man, I'm going to take you down today.
Starting point is 01:00:24 It's going to be me versus you one-on-one, game to 21. Well, competition doesn't exist in the future either. That's true. That's true. It's more of just like, that's kind of a path day kind of thing. Yeah. Okay? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Like, people used to, can you believe trophies were a thing? Yeah. You know, I didn't get first place. We all got first place and last place together. Yeah. There's no places. There is no losing. There's no winning.
Starting point is 01:00:50 There's just being. Yeah, we're just being. Just being. We're just being. We played this game for the experience. Yeah. We took turns winning and losing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:00 It's 12 o'clock. It's time to pray to Saint Ocasio-Cortez. Yeah. Yeah, she's going to be the next one. Saint AOC. Oh, God. I can't wait for'clock. It's time to pray to St. Ocasio-Cortez. Yes. Yeah, she's going to be the next one. St. AOC. Oh, God. I can't wait for her dictatorship. It's happening.
Starting point is 01:01:09 It's coming. I can't fucking wait. It's going to be Donnie for another four and then her. That's what it's going to be. And then it's over. And then it's truly over. Because those are the only two candidates that can capture the attention span of modern people. They're performers.
Starting point is 01:01:24 They have, you know, they're stars. Yeah. You know what I mean? Absolutely. That's no gas. Elizabeth Warren just looks like someone's mom cooking fucking pumpkin bread in the kitchen. It's not going to work. I want you to be bright orange like Donny T or just a raving fucking Latina lunatic like Ocasio-Cortez.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Yeah, it's a character piece. Yeah, it's a character piece. Ocasio-Cortez has that same look As, you know, the women in my life That push the air conditioners Out my window on the ninth floor Yeah, she does have a look in her eyes She's fucking She's got a crazy look
Starting point is 01:01:51 She hates white men And people are like Oh, she's got a white boyfriend It's like, yeah You always hate fuck That's what you do I know you're fucking M.O. I don't know about that
Starting point is 01:02:00 But she definitely No, she hates white guys I guarantee she blames whites for everything I don't know But I do know she has a look Listen, sister she has that kind of like she has that look in her eyes like i got the answer though people like that scare me who figure like i got it figured out yeah socialism is gonna work whatever you say it's never been tried before go for it yeah go for it yeah go for it i don't give a fuck what you do go run in the marathon
Starting point is 01:02:20 whatever the fuck you want to do just stay out of politics okay i don't give a fuck what you got to say anymore yeah Yeah, well, we warned you. He's from LA, so he's freaked out right now. Yeah. Because in LA, we would have been arrested by now. I'm just watching these creatures in their natural habitat right now. I've never seen anything like this before. It's beautiful. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:37 It's like, I don't know what you want me to say to this fucking lady. You know? I mean, voting her in and then the other one with the... Oh my God, that fucking... I think he had two steel pipes, one in each hand. Jesus Christ. Yeah, just give him the wave check. She had rained them down. I mean, wow.
Starting point is 01:03:21 I'm sorry, I was just kidding. We have Moe and Mare coming up on the show very soon. He's just joking. We're pro-Muslim. I was just kidding around. I was just honestly coming up on the show very soon. He's just joking. We're promoting him. I was just kidding around. I was just honestly joking. It was a character piece, truly.
Starting point is 01:03:32 It's a character piece called Patrick Mulroney. Those are the opinions of a firefighter named Patrick Mulroney. He's from Corona Queens, and he's in ladder 14. I'm just joking around, but let's just not play stupid. I mean, those women, it's kind of wild that they're in Congress. Lata 14. Lata 14. Let's just fucking stick to what works, and that's old white.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Yeah, Lata 14. Yeah, he's reading from a script. It's from a little character piece I wrote called Lata 14. Yeah, it's just Lata 14. Yeah, we'll work it out later. We have a guest here. Yeah, it's just what it is. I mean, yeah, we would have won World War I and World War II without Castro Cortez, okay, lady?
Starting point is 01:04:07 I mean, go teach them Zumba toots. A lot of 14. Now we see these two creatures, what is called peacocking in the male community. They're trying to one-up each other. One crazy thing by the next. It's a beautiful thing to see here in New York City. I wasn't trying to one-up them.
Starting point is 01:04:23 I was trying to get out of the conversation somehow. I'm just kidding around. Obviously, I'm just joking. No, it's a character piece. No, it's just a character piece. Kidding around. Vote for whoever you want to vote for. We're just happy.
Starting point is 01:04:33 We actually support AOC. That's what we're going for. No, we do. We support AOC. Yeah, I support everything's got to do. Yeah, you don't. AOC, you know me. I'm a citizen of the world.
Starting point is 01:04:40 I just, you know, countries are a construct. Everything's a construct. I just love people. I love people first. Yeah,, you know, countries are a construct. Everything's a construct. I just love people. I love people first. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah, especially AOC.
Starting point is 01:04:50 She's a good person. She's a good person. Incandescent light bulb was invented in 1878. Yeah, I'll stick that thing right in my ass. I mean, I'll fucking, it looks like that light bulb
Starting point is 01:05:04 is going poing. Yeah, it does look a little bit. But you know what I really want to talk about? I want to, because I got curious. We got to go soon. I know, but I'm,
Starting point is 01:05:11 Jeremiah's got to get on the bonfire. Yeah, but I got to talk. We got a meeting and Vinny T is pissed. Yeah, I know, but we got to talk about this before he leaves
Starting point is 01:05:15 because I'm curious. I want a burger. Because anyone who comes up like strictly religious, I'm curious, like how do your parents feel about the comedy? Are they cool with it?
Starting point is 01:05:25 Yeah, everything is so different from when I grew up. How do your parents feel about the comedy? Are they cool with it? Yeah. Everything is so different from when I grew up. Their viewpoints are way different. So they've changed? Oh, yeah. It's like night and day difference. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:35 That's interesting. What happened? How did they change? Different families. He's a preacher, though, right? No, no. My brother is actually in school he's in school like to become a minister though yeah so yeah but uh so my like my brother's is still goes to church every week
Starting point is 01:05:53 but my mom doesn't and then my dad like goes occasionally so they're like not it's way different yeah oh yeah yeah yeah they got divorced when divorced when I was in high school, and there was a big flop on views. Wow. Yeah. Completely. So I've seen both sides. Yeah. Everyone started reflecting on their lives and stuff, huh?
Starting point is 01:06:13 After the divorce, it woke everybody up a little bit. Yeah. Let's figure this out. Why do I believe this stuff? I mean, I think so. Yeah. Are you religious still, Jeremiah? I'm like a spiritual person, but I do not enjoy going to church anymore.
Starting point is 01:06:27 I think it's probably because I was forced to go so much as a kid. Yeah, same with me. But, you know, I still pray and stuff like that. Yeah, yeah. But, yeah, organized religion is not my thing anymore. Right, right, right. Yeah. Spiritual.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Yeah. That's good. I like that. Yeah. Yeah. Makes sense. I think so. All right.
Starting point is 01:06:43 This is a fucking great episode. This was. I mean, this kid fucking knows shit about Tommy E Yeah he knew a lot And I Yeah And not only did he know a lot The facts that he brought were interesting facts Hell yeah
Starting point is 01:06:53 I mean the one about his son That's a pyoing fact It's pyoing The documentary that I watch on YouTube Only had like 18,000 views I'm like This is the one No seriously
Starting point is 01:07:01 Those are always the ones Yeah So Jeremiah Watkins Check him out You get him on Kill Tony His his album Reagan and Watkins. Jeremiah Wonders, his podcast is great. What's your website? JeremiahWatkins.com?
Starting point is 01:07:11 Yeah, JeremiahWatkins.com, and I've got tour dates on there. Coming up, I'll be headlining in St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City. So, yeah, I'll be coming to the city near you. San Diego, Huntington Beach. So there you go. Beautiful. And then check me out, christycomedy.com. I also have a bunch of dates coming up.
Starting point is 01:07:29 They're all on my website. New York, Denver, Phoenix. Then Giannis. Giannis Pappas, comedy.com. Go to the website. I got a couple dates up there now. And of course, historyhyenas.com. I mean, get there.
Starting point is 01:07:41 Get the merch. Go to our Instagram, historyhyenas. Yeah, that's Summer Rae. Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. Go get that stuff. Yeah, she's not a fan of the show anymore. But it's just that's what KS. Is she wearing your merch?
Starting point is 01:07:56 Yeah, it was just a situation. And, you know, those are the good old days. Chrissy D got a little out of control. That's just kind of over. So it's nice that she's allowing us to keep the pictures up. Does she still listen or no? I would say that's a hard no. Let's just say she bought the wrong MyPillow, all right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:11 It's just, but yeah, if you're listening by some chance, I'm sorry. Patreon.com slash payrichboys. Follow Zach at? Oh, Z the Dropout. And follow me at Mike B. Sorens. That's it. Okay. Word.

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