History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - 134 - Spanish Flu is WILD!

Episode Date: April 1, 2020

The Cuzzies give an update on their quarantine and cover the Spanish Flu!Want more Hyena content? Check out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: 🙆🏼‍�...��️🐕🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏼‍♂️Chris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, website🙆🏻‍♂️Yannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, website🐕History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, cuzzy wuzzies? You're listening to the Bay Ridge Boys the History of Hyenas podcast. We just had Giannis. I don't know where the hell he went. But I just want to start this podcast off by saying, first of all, I just had to take my temperature real quick because I'm checking every 15 minutes if I got the crown. If you got the crown. OK, great. Yeah, I've been doing forceful expulsions of air and saying to all my doctor's friends because it's a little gargle at the end of my exhale. So I've just been sent it to my doctor friends because I have a G joe figure completely submerged in my asshole i don't know scientifically if it works but it i i treat the symptoms and i got no symptoms so i'm sticking with it i got one message to the coronavirus you're not going to get through this t-shirt
Starting point is 00:01:15 yes no way you've been through that because the american flag, the Star Spangled Banner, or the rainbow flag is Corona antidote. It's what it is. Now, listen, let me ask you, let me, I was saying when you're taking your temperature, what I'm most excited about, what I'm really most excited and mostly thankful about is our sponsors. Wow.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Yeah. Wow. I'm talking about Sandra Azizi. The great work that he does. I'm a gastroenterologist. He has a podcast about sneakers, comedy and medicine, which I think in times like this is what the people really want is for a guy to show all his different talents and not just focus on gastroenterology. I want to see what else can you do? And I think this guy's doing it. You can find him on Instagram and YouTube at DrSouls11. Also, Dr. Harvey Spencer Jr., a happy, healthy smile. I mean, in times like, and he also DJs. In times like this, you want a guy cracking open and
Starting point is 00:02:16 cleaning your teeth and also showing their other talents they have, like DJing. And you can follow him on Instagram at healthy smile, Rock Hill and go to a healthy smile. I'm sorry. It's Instagram healthy smile, Rock Hill. And the website is a healthy, happy smile.com. Also during this time, nutrition is key. They say you got to eat to survive and you got to eat to kill the coronavirus. So who better do that than Matt Koch? Nutrition ain't fun.
Starting point is 00:02:47 I just want to say thank you so much. You helped build a sustainable fundamental meals. Also, it's a time for anxiety. Time, you know, anxious. You can sit there. Do I have it? Do I not have it? No better way to calm your anxiety than CBD script.
Starting point is 00:03:00 So follow them on Instagram at CBD script. That's C-B-D- S-C-R-I-P that's great and you can go to CBD script dot com that's CBD S-C-R-I-P dot com and use the promo code Hyena H-Y-E-N-A S-1-5
Starting point is 00:03:18 so Hyena's 15 H-Y-E N-A-S 1-5 Hyena's 15 of course no better time than for comedy right now. Go follow James Altucher at James Altucher. Go to his comedy class in New York. And also, if you want to just have a little fun, you know, that you're trying to mix up, you know, breakfast foods and whatever with your kids.
Starting point is 00:03:36 You're trying to come up with all these new ideas. No better way to spice up an oatmeal or yogurt than Lakeside Maple, which is a trail mix, not like any other trail mix. It's incredible. Just as a snack by itself and a great addition to your yogurt in the morning in oatmeal or yogurt than Lakeside Maple, which is a trail mix, not like any other trail mix. It's incredible, just as a snack by itself and a great addition to your yogurt in the morning or after moving a few vegetables. Go to lakesidemaple.com and use promo code WILD, W-I-L-D, to get 15% off your order. So I just want to say thank you to those guys and also to his feta cheese for just being a stand-up guy and getting his feta cheese which is not from
Starting point is 00:04:07 a sheep, it's from a cow and he's got all his stores and you can go find him on Amazon. Actually not right now on Amazon, they're only doing essential products but I think Theo's Feta Cheese is so good, it should be essential. Theosfeta.com T-H-E-O-S-F-E-T-A dot com. Theosfeta.com
Starting point is 00:04:24 We really appreciate it. We also appreciate you getting us your checks on time. So thank you very much. Yeah. Wow. Chrissy, you're so enthusiastic about, especially our inaugural sponsors who are still around. What's up?
Starting point is 00:04:36 Why is that? Yeah, what's up? I just wanted to say hi to everyone. And also just because I'm in the mood because I just love sponsors so much. And it's something we do here on The History of the News. I just want to give a shout out to livefromthesandbox.com, to that kid, whatever the fuck his name was, but I want to give him a shout out.
Starting point is 00:04:54 I don't know if he's in quarantine right now. Vidal Sassoon, livefromthesandbox.com. I just want to say shout out to anyone who's been a sponsor, 9th Street Auto Collision, shout out, even though I know you, I know you had to downgrade, but I still just want to give you a shout out. So anybody who just wants to hear their name on the podcast, I'll do it for $500. Yeah. What we're basically saying is when times were good, we're sorry for taking you for granted because we need you now. Yeah, I need you now more than ever. So thank you guys so much.
Starting point is 00:05:25 We appreciate it. I can't believe you guys are still around. We appreciate it so much. We do this podcast for you. We're going strictly digital. I mean, I don't even know if we're ever going to be outside of the house again, Chrissy. I mean, it's a pandemic.
Starting point is 00:05:38 I know it's a pandemic. And I don't know if you've noticed because the last few episodes I've been doing from behind enemy lines. But now if you can see, I'm in a new few episodes I've been doing from behind enemy lines. But now if you can see I'm in a new location, I've been thrown out. So welcome back. Now, we've been picked out. We've been, you know what, what can you do? It's what happens when your text messages are MacBook that your child's using to do her homework. So we're back. I got a candle.
Starting point is 00:06:11 I got it from a man who was straight. Yeah. I mean, I don't know what's, I don't know what's causes more chaos. The modern global pandemic of Corona Coronavirus or Chrissy Chaos. Chrissy Chaos, baby. It's what it is.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Packed my bags up, got here this morning. And it's nice to just have a little change of scenery. It's nice to say hello to the roaches in my apartment. What can you do, you know? I think I got a new nickname for you. You know what it is? What? Chrissy Ping Pongs. Chrissy Ping Pongs.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Yeah, you wanna know why? Why, because? Chrissy ping pongs. Chrissy ping pongs. Yeah. You want to know why? Why? Because I'm a ping pong player? Yeah, no, because you're constantly ping ponging between this life and back with your baby's mom. It's what it is. It's been fun, but make no mistake, it has come to an end. So what happened?
Starting point is 00:06:59 Yeah, some text came through on that when you're helping your daughter with the homework. Yeah, what can you do? You know, but now we're back and it's fun. And you know, modern technology is as much of a burden as it is a help sometimes. No. Yeah. Yeah. It's like Jesus Christ, you know, but what can you do? Listen, we're going to be all right. Okay. Things are fine. I'm trying to find out what fucking God forsaken toots were texting you during a goddamn pandemic.
Starting point is 00:07:23 I gotta be honest with you. I mean, some of these tootsots it's like they're still sending texts that i'm not responding to there's one girl texting me two weeks ago she goes hey she goes can i come over i was like i have a cough she said i'll suck the cough out of you i was like jesus christ i mean did i get it i mean it's people are really stupid um one of the things that I hope happens because this is all the charlatans that are preying on those stupid people, that perpetuate stupid people, just get overwhelmed by the tidal wave of reality. Because like Ann Coulter just tweeted, you know, she's just a charlatan who capitalizes on... Yeah, what is she saying about all this? She's just a charlatan who capitalizes on. Yeah, what is she saying about all this?
Starting point is 00:08:10 She just said you have a better chance of catching the flu if you're over 60 than you do corona. And then she posted a chart which actually said the exact opposite. So that's how stupid she is. So all these scientists were retweeting her going like your chart, your chart actually says the opposite. This is how stupid you are. Because, you know, in times like this, people like that who have been making their living, because for her, it's all theater. You know, it's all theater.
Starting point is 00:08:30 She's just preying on the ignorance of people. And it's like, those people need to just shut the fuck up now and let the doctors fucking handle what's going on. Because this is fucking serious. In New York City, yesterday yesterday we had a 40 increase in 24 hours you gotta die you gotta your your kid's godfather's on the fucking front lines he's got the crown we all got the fucking crown we all got the crown the thing is though what they're starting to rethink now is it's definitely going to peak and we got it but so many of us have
Starting point is 00:09:01 probably already been exposed to it we don't't even realize it. Yeah. And we already ran through our system potentially. Yeah. You're just home now. Yeah. So now I'm home. So we'll see what happens here over the next few days. But, you know, this is where it was nice broadcasting from the front lines. I think I did it for my country. I did it for our Patreon members. But, you know, unfortunately, you know, when you're in front lines, you have a very high chance of getting hit. And I got hit. So, yeah. Yeah. There's a lot. First one is Marines. You took a little artillery. You took a little artillery fire. Yeah, it's what it is. And I got hit.
Starting point is 00:09:39 But listen, I did my you know, I did the duty for my service. And it's what it is. Now, how have you been today? What's going on? Is your wife still making you sandwiches? Yeah. Well, today I woke up and I decided that I, because we've just been eating like we're at an all inclusive vacation. Right. I mean, it's just like frozen. Frozen, you know, popcorn, shrimp, chicken fingers, chicken nuggets, bagels all day. We're just eating. So I woke up today and I said, you know what? Enough of this. I'm enough of this. The kid is going to do a little
Starting point is 00:10:10 Pilates and the kid's going to do a little Yogi. So what I did is I put on my spandex and I went to the TV and I did a little Suzanne Somers fucking workout. Yeah. I tie those next. I'm getting to all those little home workouts. I always wanted to get to. Yeah. Tybo's next. I'm getting to all those little home workouts I always wanted to get to. Yeah. Because Schultz said this is the time to be creative and do everything you ever wanted to. So I'm going to fucking learn Greek and I'm going to do fucking Tybo. It's what it is. Yeah. Well, Schultz
Starting point is 00:10:35 said to get creative, so I'm going to get creative and steal his business models. Yeah. Yeah, that's what we're going to do. We're going to fucking... I'm going to catch the fucking coronavirus and then I'm going to walk around and try to give it back to animals because you know what? This is an attack on our country. I'm hiding in the woods.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Come get me. Can Paulie smell or taste today or still no? Paul cannot smell or taste. He's got the crown. Is he panicking a little bit? He's a little nervous, yeah. He's a little nervous. It would be nice if we could call him up. Guys we try to call paulie on here or what or should we do that as a patreon guest
Starting point is 00:11:11 bonus i mean we can invite him can we try to invite him uh yeah just text me his email all right we'll maybe do that later in the episode but make no mistake, History Hyenas, we are pioneers of the fucking quarantine Skype podcast. And we are back to normal. We are back to business. As you can tell, Chrissy's back in his apartment. Everything's back to normal. This episode today, we're only talking about it because it's absolutely the elephant in the room before we start moving on to other topics. Because we got to get back to normal because you know what?
Starting point is 00:11:49 Otherwise the terrorists win. And the terrorists is that little fucking squeak Asian virus that's trying to get to us. Yeah. Well, you know, it's a cute little thing because today's episode is going to be about the Spanish flu. It's the 1918. And I didn't know that actually the Spanish flu was H1N1. And H1N1 has been out there for some time know that, that actually the Spanish flu was H1N1 and H1N1 has been out there for some time. Did you know that the Spanish flu was H1N1? Cause I'm not a fucking doctor like you, me and it, me, not me and Ann Eileen. Look at you when
Starting point is 00:12:15 you talk like that. And we're just fucking stunned at how big the brain is. Explain it to me. So it's H1N1. So what the cute news about that is, or the weird news is, isn't like 50 years from now, COVID-19 is going to come back out and it's going to be something like, oh yeah, like nobody even cares because we're all going to be immune to it. So in other words, we're living through a time where like a pandemic is coming through that we, the ones who survive, will remain immune to and our children's children will be like, that's not even a thing. So it's kind of like we're living through the modern day bubonic plague. Wow. Yeah. I mean, the 1918. How many people do you think the 1918 Spanish flu killed worldwide? Take a guess.
Starting point is 00:12:56 I didn't, it didn't, it got 600, 600, 700,000 Americans. And I think worldwide we're talking 50 million people. It got 50 mil and it confirmed cases of 500 million and it caught 50 mil when it was all said and done. Yeah. But at the end of the day, it only got 675,000 of the boys with American passports. So look, my sympathies stop at the borders and laws of this great country. It's what it is. People keep saying that this virus doesn't have any borders, and I firmly disagree. I mean, for me, guys, I mean, just look at the number of Americans. I mean, look at where it's really hitting hard.
Starting point is 00:13:35 I know New York City. First of all, I think New York City, I don't even know if it's really the – I don't even know if people are really even getting sick right now in New York City because of the coronavirus. I think it's because spring training's been delayed and we can't see our new New York Yankees. I mean, opening day's been delayed. And all of a sudden, as soon as they announce opening day in the New York Yankees season has been delayed, all of a sudden everyone's getting sick and you're going to tell me it's coronavirus? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:14:00 I think Paulie V can't smell or taste because he's not going to be able to see Aaron Judge in pinstripes on when he's supposed to come first week of April. Absolutely not having baseball come at the time it's supposed to come is definitely going to lower your immune system 100 percent and leave you vulnerable for a squeak fucking Asian virus to try to get in there and ruin your life. Yeah, because, I mean, make no mistake, the coronavirus is the definition of a squeak. I mean, you can only see it under a microscope. I mean, that thing's a fucking squeak. It's a fucking squeak. Yeah. It's just a squeaky little fucking squeak.
Starting point is 00:14:35 It's just a squeak. What can you do? It's actually as big of a squeak as you can get a virus. Yeah. And Philadelphia caught it bad because we did it. Philadelphia, they keep bringing up Philadelphia versus St. Louis and Philadelphia did it. Has always been fucking stupid.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Yeah, Philadelphia, they just, yeah, they were like, instead of sheltering in, they had a parade and they were like, listen, if you get the Spanish flu, all you gotta do is drink some water. If you have a glass of water, that washes down the Spanish flu. If you just to do is drink some water. If you have a glass of water that washes down the Spanish flu, if you just have the water and eat a hee-hee, and then you give him,
Starting point is 00:15:11 you'll be fine. And then they die. Yeah. I mean, you know, that's such a typical Philly thing to be like, we're going outside. I'm going to go home. I'm going to get a glass of water. And we're going to, we're going to continue this parade, no matter what's coming. Cause what really causes it is being inside so let's go outside and be with other people because we're in south cures and we're fucking stupid we're stupid kids yeah and um and now more what is that so philly philly lost like 14 000 to the spanish blue no they got hit the kids
Starting point is 00:15:41 got hit the the philly philly got hit st Louis. So it's interesting. So what happens is, wow, look at the crowns on. Oh, he's connected to the audio. Let's get the crowns on. You can't see him? No. Paulie V is about to connect to audio. There he is. Paulie, can you hear us? I can't hear.? I can't. I can't hear. He's not on. I see him. Here we go. Real quick, before Paulie comes on, I just want to say, so what happened in the 1918
Starting point is 00:16:12 Spanish flu, Philadelphia, they had parades and didn't shelter in or do any of the things that we're doing. And the spike went way up. It went way up and killed a lot of people. But then it kind of disappeared, where St. Louis flattened the curve and had the disease for longer with less deaths. So that's what this whole thing is about is that's what they keep saying with the medical system is you don't want to get a hundred thousand people that are going to get it at once because you could have saved them. But the byproduct of that is the disease will be around
Starting point is 00:16:42 longer, but that's ultimately better. Yeah. Can you guys hear me? Yo, what up? What's up, man? You could hear me good or no? Yeah. How you feeling? I'm good.
Starting point is 00:16:59 You know, I'm tired. I'm tired and, you know, I can't smell anything. Can you taste? Like, no, not no not really no it's real vague so it's it's uh you know but no congestion though none interesting no congestion well the good news about that is they say that people that if that is coronavirus people that get that part of it if that's usually the worst it's going to get and that goes away yeah you're going to make a full recovery i'm hurt your immune system's low because the yankees got postponed that could be i mean that could definitely that could definitely be but i think uh yeah i think my immune system got a little you
Starting point is 00:17:40 know heartbroken when judge got hurt again kid can't stay on the field but here's what i really think they're saying that it a lot of people i'm finding out are getting walking pneumonia now during this and not this so but either way if you're not smelling or tasting you have some sort of virus so right but no fever um you know no fever just a little bit of coughing here and there but now i'm on i've been having like symptoms of a cold now for going on eight, nine days. So I'm hopefully, you know, I mean, I'm not leaving the house. I'm hopefully, excuse me, six or seven, six or seven days away from this. Hopefully. I mean, who knows? Wife and kids, they're good, perfectly healthy. Wife and kids are perfectly healthy. My wife is no, you know, no symptoms. And I was really no
Starting point is 00:18:24 symptoms until the no smelling and tasting thing. And that's no, you know, no symptoms. And I was really no symptoms until the no smelling and tasting thing. And that's actually- Came out of nowhere. What's that? Came out of nowhere, the no smelling and no tasting. No, he had- Yeah, so what happened? He had symptoms before. He had cough and everything like that right before.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Yeah, so what was happening was I had a cough. I had a cough. And I would like one day I had the aches and I'd have the chills. And then it went away. And then for two days I was back. Good. Working in the yard. Everything good. No fever. Nothing. Then one night me and Stace are eating and I'm going like, does the wine taste funny to you? Or does that, you know, and we were eating pasta sauce that was spicy and I was really not getting the taste of the sauce. I just felt the heat of the spice. And that's when I was like, something's off. And then Rudy Gobert, the center of the Utah Jazz, is actually actually the reason why I tested it, because he's like, hey, you know, he's had it for days. And he's like, I lost my sense of smell. Anybody else? So I started like, you know, shooting Febreze in my face and shit. Like I was smelling all kinds.
Starting point is 00:19:27 I swear to God, dude, I took a, I, you know, I'm a hypochondriac too. I took funny, funny Italian guy. Oh, I do. I took Febreze and shot it up in my face. Nothing. I'm smelling whiskeys. Nothing. Spices, nothing.
Starting point is 00:19:41 So I'm going, all right, that's something, but basically a systematic. Let me ask you this now. I know you can't taste food. I know you can't taste or smell food, but can you smell minorities coming onto your property still or no? That's a scent that'll never go. It's just what it is. Yeah. When you're going to make a full recovery, I mean, look, this virus can't hurt you. You're an American kid. You're a full recovery, I mean, look, this virus can't hurt you. You're an American kid. You're an Italian Greek kid.
Starting point is 00:20:08 This virus is not going to get very far with you. Yeah, and you're a Yankees fan. It's not hurting Yankees fans. Yeah, you're going to survive. I'm a Yankees fan. You know, are you the first comedian to admit that he's got the crown? I mean, I don't know if I have the crown. If you can't smell and taste, I think you definitely got the crown. I can't. Like, that's the crown. You can't smell and taste. I think you definitely got, you definitely got the crown.
Starting point is 00:20:25 I can't like, that's the thing. Like, I don't want to definitely say that I have it. Um, but the smelling and the thing is definitely something. And I'm hearing that more and more. So I don't know. I really, you know, I don't want to definitely say something and then find out, I get my sense back tomorrow. And it was like, Oh, you had a bad cold and an infection, but I definitely with everything that they're saying, here's the one saving grace silver lining is they're saying that the people, 30% of the people that can't smell or anything like that, that's really their only symptom. Right. I'm hoping,
Starting point is 00:20:55 I'm hoping to be immune to it. Then once it clears your body, you'll have immunities to it and your family. Because the truth is like, you don't, I painted my nails. The truth is you don't know. The truth is like you don't I painted my nails The truth is you don't know The truth is even if the symptoms look like it There's still so many diseases going around Like Kevin Kevin Clancy KFC from Barstool I know you know KFC right Paul
Starting point is 00:21:16 Yes If you look on his thing He had coughing Coughing, wheezing Every symptom Fever Had went to China, all that shit, gets a test, no corona, just bronchitis. Yeah, and somebody else, I just recently saw somebody else posted, wow, I got all these
Starting point is 00:21:36 tests and it came out that it was walking pneumonia, which does kind of the same thing to your nasal stuff. And I heard you can lose taste that way. So there's definitely a chance that I don't have it. But when I really lost all my sense of smell and taste, there was definitely a chance, especially with a slight cough and not feeling great last week, that again, like you said, though, there's a lot of viruses, there's walking pneumonia, who knows. But I got to tell you, man, when you smell a whiskey that you know is potent, and you can't smell it, and you're not stuffed up that was why
Starting point is 00:22:05 i was like some twilight zone shit is it coming back at all it's still 100 blocked you know it's only been like a little bit so i'm gonna find out like i was in the shower and i got excited because i was like oh is that soap do i smell the soap and then i didn't so so i don't know but i'm gonna give it a couple more days and see what's going on the good you want to do comedy tonight, you could do an hour set. You're not feeling sick at all. Just the smell is gone. If I had to do comedy tonight, I can definitely do a 15 minute set. But if I had to do an hour, I would probably be just because I'm cooped up a little tired and I'll be
Starting point is 00:22:37 honest with you, man, like stressed out, making sure my kids, I got two little ones at home. So making sure that my kids are all right. Stacey's downstairs. She's ready to kill all three of us so it's a shit storm over here yeah chris what's it can kids can kids get it from an adult so my thing is i know we said we weren't going to talk about this but we got we got paulie the crown on right now so might as well quickly talk about it um i my daughter's pediatrician told me because my daughter has strep throat, she's doing a lot better, but she has strep throat. We had, I had to take her to the doctor three days ago.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Like just, I had no choice. I mean, this kid was coughing through the night. Her fever was going up. I had no choice. We just had to go. And the doctor was like, you know, in a fucking hazmat suit, of course. And was like, look, she has strep throat.
Starting point is 00:23:21 That's positive. He said, she was like, we're seeing people come in with strep throat that also have coronavirus she said your daughter could very well have it she's got all the symptoms she has wheezing coughing all the symptoms she was like but there's nothing we can really do it's interesting it's kind of wild to hear in 2020 united states hear a doctor say hey there's nothing we can really do except give her over-the over the counter stuff and just keep an eye on her. It's a little bit like what? And they said, the doctor was like,
Starting point is 00:23:49 we don't have enough tests to even test her. So just bring her home. And she's feeling so much better. And now, you know, her godfather's an ER doctor who also has, and he was saying, dude, she's fine. Just, you know, keep her home. I think the amount of people that have this, if people really knew the amount of people that have, it would be staggering how many people actually have it. Probably in the millions.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Yeah. Yeah, I think, and there's a lot of people, I would say there's a lot of people from mid-January who had it in January till now. I mean, I was telling Giannis, the front page when Kobe Bryant got killed in the helicopter, rest his soul. The front page of that, there was an article about the coronavirus there. And that was January 26th. So now you're talking almost 30 days ago. So there are people that have
Starting point is 00:24:35 said they were sick, coughing, and then they had things that they didn't normally know they had. And then they shook it in two, three weeks. So who knows, man? Who knows how long this is out there? But I'll tell you what, this is a plan to take us out this is the plan a hundred percent plan hundred percent now let me ask you a question let me ask you a question do you guys think that uh muzzy women uh are looking like geniuses right now because they've been wearing masks for years with the hijibi and so they can't catch it supply you think this was a plot between eastern hemi's and the hijibis because like they know that they're like hey let the let it go get america get europe and we'll be covered up because we got full hijabs on uh you know could be i think so i
Starting point is 00:25:19 think i think it's um i think yeah you't, you know what is interesting about the disease is for me, when this thing is over, anybody that hurts anybody or thinks that their religion is superior to somebody else's now is so fucking stupid because as you can see, it's not. I mean, the disease is not picking and choosing what fucking hat your priests wear. They're just getting everybody.
Starting point is 00:25:41 So it's a little bit like, if this doesn't prove it, what do you want to, you know? Yeah, yeah. But I mean, look, this is a good time to get a hijibi. And if we run out of masks, you know, I don't know why they haven't, nobody on the TV has said, you know, it's a good idea to just put a full hijibi on because you've got a hijab on, it's covering your face. Exactly. Now, Paul, real quick, I want to know, is the 4th of July party canceled or are we still on schedule as of now? No of right now we're a go bigger and better than ever big big fireworks I'm blowing up the sky again big fireworks yeah all right yeah all right thank you Paul you feel better man we appreciate you stopping and checking I'll give you guys an update if I get anything in
Starting point is 00:26:19 definitive I really don't know but I will always keep you guys updated. Thanks for your concern. Thanks, brother. All right. See you in a few weeks. Yeah, in a few weeks. In a few weeks. Yeah, I'm saying that to all my friends. I love you guys. How do I get out of here? Oh, police, come on.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Yeah. I mean, how do I get out of this thing? I think you just got to hang up. I think you just got to hang it up. We should do a thing. Ginzo is trying to learn technology during the pandemic. Yeah, we got to get him off here because i don't want to fucking catch the crown from him i don't want to catch it would be funny if like he thought he was off and he just yelled something at his wife that he shouldn't have said and then we all heard look i love you
Starting point is 00:26:57 you're one of my closest friends but i don't want to fucking see you for a couple weeks it's what it is yeah because it's funny because the truth is, the way you're laying right now on your stomach is I'm just getting this urge to crawl under your bed and come out the other side and start tickling your feet a little bit with my nails. Resi looks like a human testicle. It's what it is. It's what it is.
Starting point is 00:27:19 When I do Skype and podcasts, I lay like a teenage girl on the telephone and it's just what it is. It's just what it is. Yeah, I'm face first on the bed. And here we go, Corona. What it is! Yeah, I mean, if Verzi was still on the phone, he wouldn't even smell it.
Starting point is 00:27:39 So it's no big deal. It's what it is. Cuz, do you think this is a good time for people to start Eating pussy because there's no fumare If you got the corona I think 100% especially for him I mean he's got no fumes Yeah I mean look if you're a girl or a boy It's time to go down on your husband or your wife
Starting point is 00:27:55 If you got the crown Cuz it don't matter You can't smell fumes Everything's got no fumare No fumare Now let me ask you this because since you've been home what what everyone's talking about this tiger documentary have you watched the tiger tiger king i have been balls deep in mad men yeah i am i am watching mad men and getting fat and that's
Starting point is 00:28:24 why today i was like, no. And I went and I hiked six miles with my dog, walking around. Did you get lost? I went into the woods. I'm trying to hide from the crowd. Let me ask you a question. How do I, how does my hair look? And do you like this new long look?
Starting point is 00:28:39 Look, you're a cute, cute, cute, cute, cute, cute, cute, cute, cute, cute, cute, cute, cute, cute, cute fucking cat. I mean, you're a cutie with a fucking beauty. Yeah. You're a cutie who's all alone. What are you thinking about? No, that's not what we wanted to do, guys. What do you think of that? That's a little improvement, too.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Venetian is going to quit. I I mean what are you doing I mean Venetia's gonna quit Venetia's not here What do you think of that There's been some changes That's really why I got kicked out She found Captain Winky You went and got the mandatory sex change operation
Starting point is 00:29:21 What it is cuz They said you have to do it before Because it's considered elective. So I said, fuck that, I'm getting a pussy. And cuz, make no mistake, now the statistics have changed because I got less chance of dying from the crown because I am fully a woman. You can't take it away from me.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Yas! Yes, for all our trans fans who have gone male to female, congratulations, esloqueyas. You got half of the chance to get the crown. Good for you. Good for you. Can I come over tonight? Yeah, you can come over whenever you want if you want to sleep outside
Starting point is 00:29:53 because you're not coming in my house. I'll fucking you come up to my door. I'm opening the door with a shotgun. It's what it is because now listen, what else do you know about the Spanish flu? The Spanish flu, so if you don't know what the Spanish flu? Do you want me to read some facts? The Spanish flu. So if you don't know what the Spanish flu is, Spanish flu is 1918.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Basically, the bubonic plague and then the Spanish flu. The bubonic plague was like, I mean, that was like the first iPhone. And then the fucking Spanish flu was like the iPhone. It was another nickname I have for my baby's mama. Yeah. And then the Spanish flu was like the iPhone 10. It was the real fucking deal.
Starting point is 00:30:29 And the reason why they called it the Spanish flu was not because it originated in Spain. All right? They called it the Spanish flu because Spain was the only country that was openly reporting on the pandemic. Every other country, including the United States, because of the Sedition Act at that time, it was World War I, they didn't want anything that sounded anti-American to go into the press. So they didn't want to feel vulnerable or sound vulnerable. So they suppressed all the information and they wouldn't report on it. But Spain was openly reporting on it. And hence, that's why they called the Spanish flu. So we pulled a little bit, we pulled kind of a Chinese,
Starting point is 00:31:04 Russian kind of communist move a little bit. We did. We pulled what you call a little dirtbag move. So really, it really should be called the American flu. I mean, as Sergio Chacon would say, we were moving around kind of dirtbag at that time. But where did it kill the most people, though? Do we know that? Do we have that? Venetia, do we have that do we have that venetia do we have that answer where to kill the most people woke joe um it doesn't say it was really affected more in america and um europe and in uh asia that was when it was uh most it mostly impacted wow and how about this how about this you know what's very interesting too i see only 90 years, only in 2008, did researchers actually find out what it was. How fucking wild is that? Yeah, it's fucking wild. They did at the time. They didn't even know really what a virus was.
Starting point is 00:31:55 They didn't. People didn't know that it was it was contagious because of saliva or germs. of saliva or germs. Virologists weren't around yet. The main thinking of the day was that actually being outside was good for you. That fresh air was good for you. But that's interesting because in the bubonic plague in the 1500s and 1600s, they knew there were, they found orders to isolate. So they knew even back then, like, hey, don't come out of your house. Well, they were still trying to isolate and stay away from each other, but they just thought fresh air was the thing. They thought dirty air was good. They didn't know how, they didn't know what viruses were and they didn't know how they were exactly transmitted. It's very interesting too. It's very interesting too, because the viruses we've been talking about, viruses are
Starting point is 00:32:41 selective. So the main difference between H1N1, the Spanish flu, and this is although people of any age can get really sick and die of what we're going through right now, the H1N1 flu was actually killing and targeting more young people than old people. Yeah, if you were in your 20s, you were susceptible. And the Spanish flu fucking was brutal. You would bleed out of your eyes, your ears, and your mouth. All your orifices you would bleed out of
Starting point is 00:33:07 and it would give you some sort of respiratory pneumonia where you couldn't breathe. Fucking your skin turned like purple and black. It was 100% a brute. Brute. More U.S. soldiers died from the 1918 Spanish flu than were killed in battle during World War I. How wild is that?
Starting point is 00:33:25 It's wild. And that's why it's called the forgotten flu, because it was so overshadowed by World War I. And because the United States press didn't really report on it, it's called the forgotten pandemic or whatever. Because, yeah, it actually killed more people than the actual fucking World War I. than the actual fucking World War I. Just like in the civil world, when you say like a lot of people, more people died of infection than they did from actual combat, which is wild.
Starting point is 00:33:50 At the end of the day, germs and viruses are squeaks that are fucking trying to kill us all. Yeah, because make no mistake, if you can kill more people than the Nazis, you got a pretty good product. Yeah, I mean, let's be honest. Napoleon was onto something. He was trying to take over the world as a squeak
Starting point is 00:34:06 because at the end of the day, the squeaks are really in charge. What kills more? You know what the number one biggest murderer of human beings is? It's not Ted Bundy. It's not Mariah Carey. It's fucking a squeak mosquito.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Kills more humans than anything. The squeaks are in control. The squeaks moving back in. Yeah, it's what it is. You can live in my shoe. Yeah, I mean, to put it in perspective, 50 million people in 1918 would be the equivalent, my peoples, of 450 million people today. That's how many people died from the spanish flu and also hey birch back in vegas i'm concerned about them it's what it is that's a lot of fucking people i mean when this thing is all said and done i mean you know people are going to die and i i really believe
Starting point is 00:35:00 almost all of us are going to get it they do say i will say though say, though, again, not that it matters, especially if you're sick, if you've already lost a loved one, you know, of course, condolences. But it's like the H1N1 flu is more deadly than this. Yes, it is more deadly. But I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that we are so much more advanced now. We know how to quarantine. We know how people get the virus. We know how to isolate the genes. We know how to quarantine. We know how people get the virus. We know how to isolate the genes.
Starting point is 00:35:27 We know how it's transmitted. We have respirators. We have ICU. We have antiretroviral drugs. We're so far advanced in the medical field, thanks to Western civilization, Western science, thank you to reason and logic. And you know what? I hope after this that people have a newfound respect for scientists, nurses.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Those are the real fucking heroes. You fucking actors fucking singing We Are the World. Your time is over. I hope celebrity dies. I hope the cult of personality is over after this. And I hope we start really understanding that nurses and doctors like your boy, Lukasz, that's what a hero is. Because when you're a kid, when you're a kid, you remember you look at a fireman. You remember you look at a fireman, you look at even a fucking doorman. When you're a kid, you're like, I want to be a doorman. I want to be a fireman. Those are fucking, I want to be a cop. I want to be a fucking nurse or a doctor. Women should want to be a fireman. Those are fucking, I want to be a cop. I want to be a fucking nurse or a doctor. You know, women should want to be nurses. So they, so they,
Starting point is 00:36:28 so they have less opinions and they get the sauce ready. Let's get society back. I want to go back to the fifties. Women should be allowed to vote. Yeah. And you only need an associate's degree. Listen, I think doctors and nurses and physicians assistants and anybody in the healthcare field, it's kind of like the way they're walking into this thing is like in D-Day, when you see those soldiers getting off the boat and the fuck jumping into the
Starting point is 00:36:52 water in the book, that's exactly how they're walking into an invisible enemy. I mean, almost every doctor or nurse is going to come in contact with this and a large percentage of them are going to get it. And it's one of those things where a doctor seeing 10 patients that have this is a lot different. They get a lot higher of a viral load than someone on the street, you know? So it's like, it's really, really, really dangerous. Yeah. I mean, they truly are heroes and anyone who's been through anything in the healthcare system and has had to deal with nurses, nurse practitioners, RNs, physical therapists,
Starting point is 00:37:27 all the people who rehabilitate and cure us and provide that service for humanity. I mean, how can you not extol them and put them on the highest pedestal? Those are your heroes. I mean, those are your real fucking heroes. So that's what it is. There's no shame in having them as a guest on fucking Letterman or whatever. I'm dating, you know, whatever show's big now. I don't know who's watching TV, but fucking have one of those people on Colbert.
Starting point is 00:37:54 I'd rather hear from them than I would from fucking, you know, from Julia Roberts. Why should I want to care about what Julia Roberts says? But Bubala, listen to this. Here's another thing. Baby monkey. I think one of the byproducts of this is you think TV could come back now because so many hear about what Julia Roberts says. But Boobala, listen to this. Here's another baby monkey. I think one of the byproducts of this is you think TV could come back now because so many people are home again? It could. I don't know what the other side of this is going to look like. I do know for
Starting point is 00:38:16 sure that it's going to be a changed landscape. I don't know what industries are going to be left standing because we were living in a time that was propped up by so much bullshit and bullshit that required the momentum behind it, you know, of progressive innovation to get to that point. And now that that rug has been swept up from under them, I don't see people going back to those bullshit jobs. Because we're all dealing with our core necessities now. We're coming back going like, hey, I can't give you this percent. I don't need this. I need my core essentials here to build my business again. And then people are going to get used to that. So a lot of those bullshit professions are going to be pushed out. So we may fall into a depression where we're seeing like, you know, some people projecting 20, 30 percent unemployment. And a lot of that is going to be because people aren't going to be doing the things right away. because people aren't going to be doing the things right away. It's not just going to be a clean cut, like when you take a shit and it's a good day and you don't got to wipe. That's not going to happen. There's going to be fumes from this. It's going to take a little while for people to want to go out to a theater again, want to go out to a comedy show again, to want to be around other people again, to want to fly again. So all these industries are going to continue to be slow for a
Starting point is 00:39:43 while. And then, of course, people need to earn some money again to get that expendable income back and that security. So a lot of people are going to be fucked for a long time. Well, I'm hoping that the stimulus package that comes out will help everybody. But you never fucking know, you know, you never know. But, you know, that's why we're so thankful to our Patreon members, our producers, because you guys are you guys are the backbone. You're the reason why we're able to do this show in the uncensored way i mean chris just la pushed you this is entertainment in 2020 patreon.com slash bay ridge boys if you want to see the full la puss because mike's gonna have to blur it out because we're also trying to get money on youtube we're screwed and we got our yarmulkes on during
Starting point is 00:40:22 the pandemic yeah we are uh because of this podcast and because of you, you know, we're hopefully going to remain kind of employed. But make no mistake, for this time, this is really the only way we can earn a living during this time is is online doing our podcast, which is both of our favorite thing to do anyway. So, again, I just want to thank you guys. I know a lot of you are fucking suffering. I know a lot of you don't know where your next paycheck's coming from. And if you have to cut your, you got to become a toot again.
Starting point is 00:40:54 You know we're going to still have free content for you. But if you can afford to remain a non-toot, I just want to fucking salute you. I think you're doing a service to your country, to be honest with you. Yeah, because we're American patriots, and cuz, make no mistake, we're coming I mean, this is the podcast you want to
Starting point is 00:41:11 be a part of and listen to, because we're going to keep going. We're going to keep pushing out content. We're going to keep doing this, and this is only going to grow us. So you might as well, if you have the money, again, I agree with everything Yann has said. If you need to go back to being a toot, go ahead. No harm, no foul. We totally understand. But if you have the money to be a non-toot, you might as well stay because cuz after this thing is over,
Starting point is 00:41:28 we're only going to climb and the price is going up. But make no mistake, right now, the prices are not going up. Yeah, make no mistake, right now, if you want to do yourself a favor and go check out Dr. Sandra Zizi. That's even a loyal customer. Give us a hug. Right now, we want to just yourself a favor and go check out Dr. Sandra Zizi. That's even loyal customer. Give me a hug.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Right now we want to just give a shout out to nutrition made fun, Matt Coke. I mean, the kid is screwed in. He's a nutritionist. Go get in shape with him because God knows that's an expense that you can't spare right now. Yeah. James, I'll teach you. Thank you. Thanks. And after you're welcome back anytime. All right. listen, also, I just want to give a shout out to our new listeners and the new schedule.
Starting point is 00:42:09 I want to, we've got a new kind of quarantine schedule. Wednesdays and Thursdays, new episodes are going to drop. And every Friday, we're going to be on YouTube Live. So just want to let all the babies know, YouTube Live, we're going to be doing a super chat every day, 12 noon Eastern, I'm sorry, 3 p.m. Eastern time, every Friday, YouTube Live. And also I want to give a shout out to Brian Stefanik, comedy at Comedy Photoshop, follow him on Instagram for doing all his artwork. And Jeffrey Miles at Jeffrey Miles,
Starting point is 00:42:37 J-E-F-F-R-E-Y-M-Y-L-E-S on all social medias and JeffreyMiles.com for all his artwork. And of course, Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge boys are cause community. I mean, we really not only it's one of those times, let me tell you, be honest with you guys. Now, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:52 we're trying to do the best we can here to help you guys out and do what we do. What we feel like we've been born to do is, you know, do comedy and use our, cause really what, you know, we're expressing our anxiety and our,
Starting point is 00:43:03 you know, negative feelings through comedy. That's what we're expressing our anxiety and our you know negative feelings through comedy that's what we've done our whole lives and what you guys are doing on the patreon community board saying some of the funniest things we've ever heard thinking some of the funniest nicknames we've ever heard it helps us too i mean it helps us so much it's like it can't be i can't state it enough where it's like i find joy going to the Patreon board to see you guys, to see what you guys are up to, because I'm just laughing hysterical. And now I'll have a lot more time to do it because I am back home alone.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Yeah. We are a community guys. Make no mistake. You are a member of the major. I know we are all fucking hyenas. We do what we got to do. And truth be told whenever someone posts something funny on the Patreon community or there is a funny Patreon name, Chris will text me. I'll text him. We'll call each other and we will absolutely laugh about it. Yeah. Like I just want to give a quick shout out. I'm sure we'll read him. But just one of the funniest names we've heard that made us laugh out loud. Laugh out loud. I want to give a shout out to Yanni Quarantini Tiny Peeny. laugh out loud. I want to give a shout out to Yanni Quarantini Tiny Peeny.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Yeah. I mean, we have just as much fun with you guys as you seem to have with us. So just really want to give a shout out to you, man. And everyone who's been there since the beginning, we're going to get through this together. You're going to get through this. Stay inside 14 days, build an immunity, and then you become a superhero to this fucking thing after it's done, and this little squeak virus can't hurt you, and then you're back to eating peets and banging people out. But if you do lose your sense of smell and taste, and you have the crown, and then you're
Starting point is 00:44:36 living with someone who also has the crown, then you might as well just go down on each other every single night, because you both got no fumes for a week or two. That's what it is. We're going to read the Patreon names week or two. It's what it is. All right. It's what it is. Are we going to read the Patreon names next, Mike? Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Yeah, sorry. Before we do, I just want to say one more fact about Corona that people may want to know. It started, Corona started from birds. I'm sorry. Spanish flu started from birds, and they think that it jumped from birds. All these pandemics have jumped from animals to humans. And the most recent one, Corona, they theorize, you know, we keep from the wet, wet markets in into these habitats and we don't have the immunities that these animals have that carry these fucking viruses but for some reason uh the flu comes from birds and i don't know why because i'm not a virologist yeah i have no idea why i have no
Starting point is 00:45:36 idea why it comes from uh comes from birds yeah yeah so hopefully after this is all done i mean the wet markets close for good because if the government doesn't close them, the boys will, unfortunately. Unfortunately, that's what we do. The boys may have to go over there and say, listen, guys, unfortunately, you can't eat fucking bats and snakes and bear dick anymore. We're closing down. You can't do it. You can't fucking do it.
Starting point is 00:45:57 All right, baby gorgeous. Can we read the Patreon names, Mikey? Absolutely. Yeah, I emailed them to you. OK, I'm looking for them. Oh, Patreon names. Got it, got it, got it. We got a few, honey. Yeah, we're not going to do all emailed them to you. Okay, I'm looking for them. Oh, Patreon names. Got it, got it, got it. We got a few, honey.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Yeah, we're not going to do all of them right now. We're going to do a big chunk of them. Also, what do you want me to cover your lapus with on the YouTube? Should we do, what do you want to cover it with? What's a pussy? You want to cover it with a cat? A cat with the hard eyes? i'll picture i'll cover it with gay anime okay cool that's perfect yeah that's perfect i'm gonna stop there's a line in here
Starting point is 00:46:34 i think a natural did you put that line in mikey uh no it's just kind of a natural break there's so many of them all right so i'm gonna'm going to stop at that line. Okay, we have like 400-something total, so. Holy shit. I think we'll just do this in daily chunks, so. Yeah, let's do them in chunks. All right, so what do you think's a good, what do you think, maybe I'll do 50? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Yeah, be 50 and see how we feel about that. All right, here we go. Here are the Patreon names. Welcome to the party. Thank you so much for going to patreon.com slash Bray Ridge Boys. We encourage you to make funny names up, and we really. Here are the Patreon names. Welcome to the party. Thank you so much for going to patreon.com slash Bay Ridge boys. We encourage you to make funny names up and we really, really, really appreciate it. So thank you so much. First up, Max Long.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Second, Jake, not a sauce monkey, Alari. Sucked my first pseudo penis, parentheses, not gay though. Oh, and by the way, we will give a pseudo penis of the week for the best name of PW. And if you don't want to have that, well, the by the way, we will give a pseudo penis of the week for the best name of PW. And if you don't want to have that. Well, the thing is now, if you don't want to make up a name, you're kind of just being an asshole because nobody has jobs. So we can understand before if you didn't want to have your name be crazy because you don't want your boss to hear it. So we would say you just go straight to the back.
Starting point is 00:47:39 You're here for the content, which is fine. But now it's like make up a name because you're just working from home. fine. But now it's like, make up a name because you're just working from home. Okay. Richard for Kovic, Brooke, Nick, not an FF, but my wife's getting suspicious. It's what it is. Mark them down. Riley, big lips, bitch, hips, and puffy nips. Smith goody Dalton bean flicker, weaned liquor, queen sticker and in cop real good squeak, looking to get, queen sticker, Ending Cop. Real good. Squeak looking to get cracked open for stage time in Boston.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Good. Rana, Travis O'Neal, Chrissy Chuletas, Daniel Sibbert, Coffee Leroy, but the last name is Walsh. Genetics plus no fumes. Adam P, 5'7", Squeak, but will climb a tall piece like a ladder. Make it known of him.
Starting point is 00:48:26 Scotty Blue Eyes Thunder Thighs Father Bill makes me cry. Clyde Drexler. Anuj Ramesh. Mrs. Chrissy Boot Scoot Trail Mix in the Poop Shoot Pappas. Put her on the list. Make no mistake, I cancel my flagrant two pledge for this. It's what it is. Yeah, well, you're a winner.
Starting point is 00:48:47 We might just make you the winner on principle. Shelly, turn your belly and... Hold on. Shelly, turn your belly into a gluey, dewy koozie and blow a lakeside maple out your koozie, okay? Yeah, she tried to, you know, she tried to do a triple black clip. A for effort.
Starting point is 00:49:07 There's nothing we can do. Yeah, A for effort. Timmy Tuckitback Turner. Simple and nice. Rick, one bad chromosome away from being born a hobbit, LaVange. Good one, Clyde Drexler. Nick Powell. Courtney broke us a joke but want to be a non-tude Shaw, thank you.
Starting point is 00:49:25 Thank you for your service. Tim will eat a Pokeball but want to be a non too short. Thank you. Thank you for your service. Tim will eat a pokeball out of a twinks ass. Dylan. Got me good. Put them on the list. Suffolk sock face sauce monkey. Good. Great.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Grant Bobby Lee's 100% Franken beans, child molestation stone. Good one. Drexler. Josh Dimas, uh, sticky Dick McGee. Asher Chrissy's Aryan fleshlight is not a character piece. Reese. Michael J tattoos, Brian. I'll give you honest something besides light to blow Babcock. Put him on the list.
Starting point is 00:50:06 He's on the list. Adam Lardo, Tyler Shaw, Dan, Juan, the six lucky lady, Diaz. It's a goodie. Cutie with a smoothie who needs a screwed in cutie. Nice. Nice, simple.
Starting point is 00:50:19 I like it. Alex Talby, Scott Belmont, Pat Sullivan, Suzuki Jew, the squeak of the week. Put him on the week. Sauce Monkey, Honey Here for the Funny. JT Cross, AD, CJ, Bertie Martin, Joseph Benedicto, Chrissy. Okay, maybe it did happen,
Starting point is 00:50:41 but it was in six million. No, we're not going with that one. It's not. You know, what are you going to do? Oh, yeah. No, no, no, no, no, no. Keep going. Sorry about that. Chastity Ramsey, Peter Killeen, Todd Echobus, Matthew Silva, director of Oscar winning hip hop, Calif, 8 Mile, a Zach story. winning hip hop Calif eight mile is Zach story. Goodie. Mikey gaggles. Oh,
Starting point is 00:51:09 cackles Logan O'Hara brick flare, Ben Carl, upper West side, dead inside, but not as dead as Zach. Eric Wendell, leaky droop, non-toots slurping soup out of Chrissy's poop shoot.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Real good. I mean, the poop shoots and the skin flutes are, there's a lot of them want to sit on the mutual staircase with Yanni, Gyro, and Chrissy Kraut? Put her on the list! On the list. J.O., Nate, Bug Chasin' with Magic Johnson, Baxter. Terry, no tooth, bitch, Smith, nice.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Matt, sack tuck back, feeling like an FF because now I'm plant-based cold. Vegetable moving addict, now I'm frankenbeans. A plant-based priest pulsed in my cheeks with his piece repeatedly. Okay, some people are just telling us what they went through. Connor Johnson, Father Bill's Caribbean relocation. Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a second. That's originality points right there. Father Bill's Caribbean relocation.
Starting point is 00:52:08 Let's put them on the list. Put them on the list. Robert, fuckboy Fritz, John, Alex, my yaya makes me too much. Kulo Kadi, but I'm not too thick. Kulurakia. Kulurakia, but I'm not too thick. Okay. Matthew Tavares. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:25 Matthew Tavares. Alex Plant Bay Zionist. True Blue Midtown Jew. Suckin' Toes Rose. Big time. Big time. Put him on the list. On the list.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Kathy Strauss. Kristen with no fumes. Eddie, when I move the vegetables, it's to the right. Scortelli. Put him on the list. Okay. Chris Perry. Mac's on the list. Okay. Chris Perry. Mac's here for a good time, not a long time.
Starting point is 00:52:48 It's just what it is. Avni. Frank. Kia Strakan. Wani, throw me on my back and unzip my front antihistamines. Put him on the list. Marilena, monkey-sauced and garlic-minced Italian non-tut. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Good. Stevie, quick to crack open a two while wearing a Jita jersey. Nice. Maralena monkey Sauced and garlic Minced Italian Nantout Thank you Good Stevie quick to Crack open a two While wearing a Jeter jersey Nice I like that for Simplicity
Starting point is 00:53:11 Put him on a List On the list Logan Schneider Elizabeth Noga Anthony Slob Chrissy's knob While Yanni
Starting point is 00:53:18 Stuff's me Full of those Oh hold on Anthony Slob Chrissy's knob While Yanni Stuff's me Full of Theo's
Starting point is 00:53:24 Feta Buongiorno Drexler What a good laugh Oh, hold on. Anthony Slob, Chrissy's knob, while Yanni stuffs me full of Theo's feta. Bonjour. No. Drexler. What a good laugh. Scott TFA TK. Oh, Scott, the fighter and the kid has been eaten by a hyena. K nice. Shout out the fighter and the kid, Christopher Pellegrino, Alan Xavier Silva, Tori with a real sauce monkey last name, but also a good job. so can put it on Patreon. He went for it. It was a good try.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Tony was conceived in Banco Popular Pacheco. Nick, Sean Benjamin. And then last but not least, Chrissy Forthreich reads the baby a story, a.k.a. Horton hears a Jew. No good. Can't put him on the list, I'm pretty sure. Put him on the list. I'm on the list. OK, that's a damn good list. Did anyone take note of that? Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Give me one sec. All right. All right, Mikey. It's good to hear your voice all the way from Almodillo, Texas or wherever the fuck you live. Benetia, are you OK? Cool. Yeah, I'm good How was the episode?
Starting point is 00:54:26 Did we miss anything on the Spanish flu? Because there's a lot of interesting cool history Hyena facts of the day we threw in there no? Yeah I thought that the coolest part About I mean this is obviously Horrible it's very similar to what's going on Right now but one of the Interesting facts about this is how like
Starting point is 00:54:43 People started to rely on science i mean people that back then were still pretty religious all across the world and so they weren't really paying attention to science and like they gave it a chance and really trusted it so that's how you know people you know started trusting the methods of doctors yeah that's like i was saying like things like this really shake the Charlton's out of the mainstream. And because, you know, when it becomes a life and death situation, people get very self-interested right now. People, I mean, you know, they don't care about issues. They don't care about political opinions. They care about survival. When things get real,
Starting point is 00:55:20 you got to deal with things that are based in truth and science is based in truth so hopefully uh from this you know there's a comeback uh for science in the public eye because truth has kind of been up for grabs you know as people saying the earth is flat there's people saying global global warming the scientists are just shills for for corporate interests i mean not here in any of them yeah yeah I mean, hopefully research and the scientific method, people have a little bit more respect for what these people fucking do, because you're doing a service for us.
Starting point is 00:55:54 They're the ones who keep up. They're the propeller. They're the propeller. The wheels of history are greased with blood, but the propeller is the fucking doctors and scientists. Yeah! That's what it is! I got the crown! You ready?
Starting point is 00:56:09 Yeah. Stevie, quick to crack open a toot while wearing a Jeter jersey. Wally, throw me on my back and unzip your front at the histamine fiend. Eddie, when I move the vegetables, it's to the right. Scortelli?
Starting point is 00:56:25 Anytime anyone's got an Italian name, they gotta... Like, unfair disadvantage It's an unfair advantage Alex, plant-based Zionist, true blue, midtown Jew, sucking toes, rose Good one Father builds Caribbean relocation The originality, that's maybe, okay Wanna sit on the mutual staircase with Yanni Jairo and Chrissy Kraut Relocation. The Originality. That's maybe. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:48 Wanna Sit on the Mutual Staircase with Yanni Jairo and Chrissy Kraut. Good one. Tzatziki Jew, The Squeak of the Week. Simple and good. Cutie with a Smoothie Who Needs a Screwed-In Cutie. Brian, I'll give Yannis something besides Light to Blow,
Starting point is 00:57:03 Babcock. I mean, the Originality on that one's tough to overlook, right? That's my favorite one, honestly. And Babcock. Yeah. Who else is on the list? Tim will eat a Pokeball out of a Twink's ass Dylan. I mean, I'm always good. Whatever Timmy Dylan in a Pokeball comes up, I got a weakness for that.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Make no mistake i canceled my flagrant two pledge for this it's what it is i mean that's another goodie yeah mrs chrissy boot scoot trail mix and the poop treat papas adam p five seven squeak but will climb a tall piece like a ladder and nick not an ff but my wife's getting suspicious. It's what it is. I mean, not an FF, but my wife is getting suspicious. I think might be the funniest. I think the most creative is I'll give Yanni something else to blow about. Something else to blow. What do you guys like?
Starting point is 00:57:56 Something to blow. All right, that's the winner. That's the winner. Congratulations. Also, watch my special Blowing the Light on YouTube if you haven't. You're quarantined. Watch it. Where? I think everyone who's left comments on
Starting point is 00:58:07 that. And everyone, when you're watching the live stream and stuff, when you give the thumbs up, really appreciate it. It really helps the numbers on that. Their algorithm, all that bullshit. But thank you guys for spreading the news about us to everybody. Absolutely. God bless you during this tough time, everybody. We got
Starting point is 00:58:23 your back. Content is coming Check everything Be on the Patreon More Patreon content coming Go watch Chrissy's 9-11 story Share it with all your friends Go watch Go follow Chrissy on Instagram
Starting point is 00:58:37 We got no dates coming up Because we're living through the apocalypse But we're going to survive It's what it is Yeah our dates hopefully going to start again in the summer We'll see see. But for right now, this is where you catch us, historyhyenas.com. Oh, go get, we got t-shirts. We got all our merch up, historyhyenas.com. Hit the merch button. We got all t-shirts, cuties and smoothies, baby gorgeous, everything you want up there. So go get it. Yeah. If you want to just get involved in the hashtag as well, what is it? Is it
Starting point is 00:59:04 post your quarantine hair? People have been putting different hashtags. So it's quarantine hair or post your quarantine hair. You can post that up. Yeah. And you know what would be real cute is if you guys went and bought a shirt, especially the females. Yeah. Just because it's fun.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Get yourself a nice shirt and just post your quarantine hair and tag it so then you can be a commercial for our merch as well yeah and then you can also dm the females can dm their shirts to me if you're wearing them yeah because christy's back open for business what it is the economy slowed down but christy's dm is open no i'm not taking requests all right i gotta go bye everyone we love you see you next time goodbye The app is open. No, I'm not taking requests. All right, I got to go. Bye, everyone. We love you. See you next time.
Starting point is 00:00:00 Goodbye. Thank you. Bye.

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